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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  October 17, 2024 9:00am-10:00am EDT

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maria: 30 minutes before "the opening bell" sounds, mark tepper, final thoughts. >> only thing i'm concerned about is the cleveland guardians bring, w tonight against the yankees, don't throw anything at me, new york. maria: the nasdaq up 207 points. 19 days until the election. every day counts. every vote counts, get out and vote. c both candidates going out and doing these interviews. harris coming on fox news, good for her. >> no foreign policy discussion in this campaign. maria: see you again tomorrow. "varney and company" picks it up. stuart: good morning. it was intense. bret baer's 27 minute interview with kamala harris broken new ground for this campaign. brett pressed hard on all the
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big issues, followed up with every question demanding straight answers. he didn't always get straight answers can we still don't know where harris stands but what did emerge is a candidate focusing on just one thing, how bad a second trump presidency would be. that's now her campaign. fear of donald trump. this morning the betting market still give trump a 60 one% chance of winning the election, 39% for harris, the performance last night did not move the needle in her favor in the betting markets. on your screens a new poll taken before the interview shows trump has are two point lead nationally. he's got the momentum still. to the markets more buying this morning. i wonder if this has to do with harris's performance in the fox news interview, the dow up 90, s&p up 31, look at the nasdaq up 200 points premarket. check this out. blackstone giant private equity firm very strong profit and revenue report, stock is up 4%,
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no, it is up a fraction. it was up nearly 4%. interest rates moving up this morning, strong retail sales report pushed the interest rate yield on a 10 year treasury well above 4%. 407 now and the 2-year right at 4%. rates up this morning, bitcoin $66,000 last time we checked. oil $70 a barrel. gasoline $3.19 for regular, $3.60, gold around the 2,700 mark, 2693. on the show today sophisticated american bombers attacked houthi weapons stores in yemen. that sends a warning to iran they are deeply buried nuclear facilities are vulnerable. donald trump appears at a univision event with an audience of undecided hispanic voters, he won some over.
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hispanic support for democrats is dropped 20 points since 2016 and the al smith dinner is tonight, trump will be there. harris will not. the last candidate to skip the event was walter mondale in 1984. he lost in a landslide to ronald reagan. thursday, october 17, 2024. "varney and company" is about to begin. ♪ stuart: they are playing my favorite song, almost my favorite, the rolling stones. lauren: cheating on the beatles. stuart: the rolling stones are good way to start today. a new fox poll out this morning, trump ahead of harris by two points, this is a national poll. he has the momentum. welcome back. lauren: good to see you.
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it's been a few days. stuart: are these trump's best numbers and tears took the nomination? lauren: sure are. he is up not only in every issue but also the national pulling up two points, he has 50% of registered voters telling fox news they would vote for him versus 48% for harris. let remind your month ago it was the opposite with the numbers. the economy remains the number one issue by far, 40% say it is their top concern, 7 in 10 view the economy negatively. that's a referendum on kamala hurst. stuart: thanks. kamala harris sat down with bret baer for her first formal fox interview. watch this. >> you've been vice president for 3.5 years. what are you turning the page from? >> first of all, turning the page from the last decade in which we've been burdened with the kind of rhetoric coming
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from donald trump that has been designed and implemented to divide our country and have americans point fingers at each other. >> joe biden was on his game. >> joe biden is not on the ballot. donald trump is. and donald trump is. stuart: there's a lot more like of that. former governor mike huckabee, seems like she used to the interview just to attack trump. is that how you saw it? >> pretty much. let me begin by telling you i came from a middle-class family and i want to talk about what can be unburdened by what will be. this is an interesting time. i will give her credit for showing up. that was to her credit that she went and sat down with bret baer and fox news. she was well prepared. she wasn't prepared to answer questions. she was prepared to attack
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donald trump but i don't blame her for that. that are only game. she cannot defend the record of the last four years, she cannot defend immigration, inflation, the issue on every issue she is underwater so she has no choice but to pretend she hasn't been vice president and we are still litigating donald trump's presidency which if she was honest about his record would be a wipeout but she did what she had to do. i thought bret baer handled it well. he's being criticized for interrupting her but if he hadn't she would have given one single answer about donald trump, bad man. can't reelect him. that's what the whole thing would have been. stuart: the media very quick to praise harris after the interview. watch this. >> harris even ventured into the hostile television territory, for the first interview she's had thus far on fox. the vice president managed to
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wrestle away from migrant crisis fear mongering to address the stakes of the selection. >> the most adversarial interview kamala hearst is probably ever done. a lot will come away saying she's willing to do that. that's a sign of toughness and strength. >> hung in there and kept her calm and didn't attack the network or the interviewer or wine that things were unfair. she talked about policy and gave answers to tough questions. stuart: if there are any undecided voters left how do you think they saw the interview? >> i don't know what they are undecided about. if they look at their own pocketbook at what it is costing to put groceries on the table and gas in the car, they are still undecided i would say they got some mental issues and needs some serious couch counseling. this is an election that ought to be fairly simple. dealing with an avalanche of lies and a great example of that was in that interview where she continued to say that donald trump would go after his political enemies. he would put them in jail and
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i'm thinking he didn't put a single person in jail who was a political enemy but joe biden has, kamala harris and this administration have taken 75-year-old grandmothers and put them in prison for protesting at an abortion clinic, put peter navarro and steve bannon in prison, they've gone after the people that were there political opponents and called them a threat to democracy. she continued to call donald trump through the whole interview unfit, unstable, dangerous. this is the kind of stuff that is disgusting and it is not about issues because she doesn't have anything on the issues. stuart: it is now the main theme of the harris campaign. thanks for being with us this morning, appreciate you being here. we received the latest read on the economy came out an hour ago, september retail sales report. i think it was strong. stuart: lauren: the consumer remains willing to spend car retails last month rose by 0.4% and one. 7% from a year ago.
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we spent more money online, online sales up 7. one%, they rose at restaurants, places where you buy drinks, they fell for gasoline, they fell for electronics down 4. 6%, that is an expensive big-ticket item. i would say that suggests consumers are pulling back a little bit but if you look at market reaction rates are up. was that 50 basis point cuts necessary and what does the fed do from here when they meet two days after the election? 90% chance of a 20 basis point cut. stuart: i will reconsider my judgment that there was a strong report, 1.7% retail sales in the last year, not that strong. two in august it was 2. one. stuart: thanks. we've got to get back to politics. oddmakers favoring trump to when the white house, he leads 60 one% to harris's 39% on the betting market. look who is here. do you think the betting odds
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paint a better picture than the polls? >> hard to know. i don't trust either. what i believe in now is election night, watching state-by-state go red or blue. i learned that the last election cycles, to make bets from an investment point of view, if i believed it would nail it the way betting odds looked i would go along the energy which i haven't done yet because we know the trump administration will be more accommodative for drilling and less regulation. many colleagues are not willing to pull the trigger yet either. people want to see the real deal. polls have been all over the map. we have to put real money to work, not just saying we will hit $5 on this outcome. we may put collectively 5 billion into it. energy is a big deal. stuart: stay with me for the our. listen to harris try to explain why voters prefer trump on the economy. >> what you think more people
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say they trust him on the economy than they trust you? >> when you look at an analysis of our plans for what we would do as president of the united states, it has been clear to those who study and understand how economic policy works that moving forward because i do believe the american people are ready to turn the page on the divisiveness and the type of rhetoric that has come out of donald trump, people are ready to chart a way forward and they want a president who has a plan for the future, a plan that is sound and will strengthen our country. my plan for the economy does exactly that. stuart: didn't really answer the question and she managed to turn it around to attack trump. >> there was a magic moment an interview, 6 minutes. i was watching with my daughter who's a harris supporter, imagine thanks giving dinner at my place. here was the moment. she was questioned about immigration for the first time
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with a timeline, when the bills came so clearly the biden administration which is a part of that a lot of people in before any bills were contemplated and then she played that video of the mother who lost a child. it was a very powerful moment. that is when i said to savannah, my daughter, she's going to do it, she's going to apologize to america right now for that mistake and own it and she will be a huge winner out of this and we paused and we waited and she didn't do it. it was a hugeness and you think of the history of these interviews, those incredible moments where she could have had that catharsis and said we made that mistake, but i will be a new president and not do that again. could have been her moment, she misted in a big way but she got is anger in on trump, they both have ads coming out of this, for trump it will be when she says look, you have to own everything you do in your administration. that will be in philadelphia today. for her it was basically trump,
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her saying to trump at the end of the day i think i will be different than biden. i will not be an extension of his administration. stuart: as kevin is talking they are, harris faced questions on the devastating impact of migrant crime under her watch including the murder of rachel, rachel f mother joint fox and friends this morning. >> i want to feel happy again and i don't know how to do that. if they had secured the borders and american people should come first. >> reporter: marsha blackburn joins us to discuss that next. ♪
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stuart: look at this. i see some green. the dow is up hundred and the nasdaq shooting ahead better than one%, 232 points at this stage, $70 a barrel oil, $70.25 to be precise, not much movement in the oil companies, don't have much movement in the price of oil itself, they are not all unchanged. trump and harris promised a flurry of tax cuts and handouts in their economic proposals. how much would each of these plans cost? please start with harris. >> reporter: the nonpartisan committee for a response will budget says harris's plan which includes social policy spending, middle-class tax cuts and tax hikes on corporations and high earners would increase the deficit by 3. $5 trillion. in the latest addition to her
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opportunity agenda vice president, harris also won one million dollars in forgivable loans of $20,000 to black entrepreneurs. harris said that would be done through the small business administration in partnership with community banks and other lenders. she also through her support behind reparations. that cost is unknown but democrats in congress of already asked for $14 trillion on that issue. when pressed on her expensive plan for the economy last night harris has her plan will strengthen the economy while criticizing her opponent. let's look at her opponent. the nonpartisan committee says trump's plans would widen budget deficits by 7. $5 trillion over the next decade. donald trump in particular making a flurry of pledges from tariff increases to tax cuts which would include illuminating federal taxes on tips, overtime, social security, auto loans, generators and more.
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the former president said his economy will decrease inflation and his tariffs would support the economy by encouraging american manufacturing, both adding to the deficit according to the nonpartisan group. stuart: thanks very much indeed. now this. the mother of rachel moran was on fox and friends this morning, her daughter was killed allegedly by an illegal migrant, she spoke on fox and friends. watch this. >> i talked to people who lost children and they said the pain never goes away. i'm going to walk with it the rest of my life. that is an unbearable thing. i want to feel happy again and i don't know how to do that. if they had secured the borders and american people should come first, that's why we elect to these officials to protect our country, not to open the border and allow all these sworn enemies of our country into our country and then give them aid and comfort above the american
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people. that's not right. stuart: i want to bring in republican senator marsha blackburn. tears from the mother of a murdered child, your response? >> it is heartbreaking. it breaks your heart. we saw this last night in the kamala harris interview with bret baer, she's an angry candidate she's losing, she has no answers, takes no response ability. she cannot even tell you the number of people who have come across the border on her watch. she can't give you the number of got aways, the number of gangs, the number of chinese nationals, the number of terrorists. the reason she can't give those numbers is because she really does not care. she doesn't do the drill down because they like having an open border, open border is the
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biden harris administration policy. stuart: my colleague kevin o'leary who is with me now thinks harris missed an opportunity where she could have responded to the grieving mother and won part of the debate. you agree with that? missed opportunity? >> absolutely. where's the empathy and the compassion? when i talk to these angel parents who have lost a child or a spouse, someone, to an accident or some type crime that involved in illegal alien it is just so heartbreaking. where's the empathy? i had the clear act which would require the deportation of these criminal illegal aliens and kamala harris could have supported that. we could have done something
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with that legislation but she and president biden chose not to because an open border is their policy. this is just the way they like it, they intend to keep it that way and they will continue to prioritize services for illegal aliens over services for the american people. stuart: thanks for being with us this morning. appreciate it. quick check of futures please, you'll see a lot of green on the screen this morning especially the nasdaq up 1%, 100 points for the dell. "the opening bell" is next. ♪
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stuart: look at that, the dow up about one hundred, nasdaq up 220, that's premarket action, plenty of green. ken fisher with me this morning, welcome back to the show. good to see you. why are you so bullish on big tech? >> let me make the point that in the last month big tech has reemerged into leadership. people don't generally recognize that. the other point is if you take days the market moves big one direction or the other, tech goes the same direction. it is directional. when the market wants to take off tech leads. in the late stages of a will marco the middle stages of a bull market when you get past the early part you don't want
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to get too cute and tricky, you just want to play it easy, tech is doing well. stuart: do you limit to the magnificent seven? >> not exactly but you want liquidity in the second half of a bull market so you can get out of you have to come you don't want to be in a tiny little stuff so things in the 300 million market and upper range covering that and more. stuart: is the impact of the election on the market? right now? >> trump is going to win the election. when you get -- stuart: dramatic statement. >> when you get to the first half of october in a presidential election year if there's a trend in place it stays in place. the history of that is stunningly clear. with the momentum going trump's away and him now ahead as of this morning if you look at hundred 70,, that's the best place for seeing polling, better than realclear
9:29 am and the fact is as of yesterday trump took the lead in wisconsin for the first time. he is now ahead and all swing states in polls. momentum is moving his way, you will keep moving his way, that is why the betting markets are where they are, people get excited about the notion of a republican president, and high regulation, big on capitalism, for the market but the fact of the matter is the problem is in the inaugural year that tends to be more ify because he's going to have a hard time getting much through. a very thin congressional margin no matter what and it is going to be hard to be exuberant and stampedey but i will say we haven't had a bull market that peaked in the inaugural year of a republican president since richard nixon in 1973. blue when you are big on history aren't you? the history of the market and how it ramps various things. >> i even pay attention to the history of kevin. stuart: careful, don't get carried away.
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but you are saying trump wins. that is it. that's a history of the trend early in october, carried through, trump wins. >> mind you, connect ordinary things happen? i'm going to be untoward. could somebody still assassinate donald trump? yes. if that happened to i have a clue what would happen after that? that would be the weirdest thing in the world, you follow that. my point is could something else very low probability happen of course. the odds are overwhelming at this point in time, the momentum is going trump's way, momentum the president shall election your continues. once you get to the middle of october. stuart: always a pleasure. what you built with your company is astonishing. open the market, has she pressed the button? the market is open and the dow is up one hundred 13 points. fast predominance of buying
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among the dow 30. they are almost all of them in the green. s&p 500 similar story. the market opening higher. for the s&p. nasdaq composite, the big gain up close to 1%, 167 points to the upside, check big tech, most of them will be in the green. they are all in the green. microsoft up 5 points, meta 5 bucks, amazon one hundred 88, alphabet a few cents higher, apple $0.82 higher, 232. more earnings out this morning, the stand out is the giant private equity company blackstone. got to be a stellar report up 3%. >> it is similar on the heels of the the did well in the capital markets that are opening dealmaking. black rock seeing similar greater earnings. investment activities picking up, fund appreciation with some of the strongest they haven't had in three years and a big
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rise in credit for the first time is overtaking the real estate portfolio. struggles in commercial real estate not a secret. stuart: what do you say about that? >> i own this because sovereign wealth uses it to mine alternative asset classes. look at saudi arabia the guys are there. this firm what they achieved in the last decade is extraordinary. they are a country to themselves. stuart: you they have 9 trillion? >> if you are managing $15 billion there's only one place to go. it is these guys. you got to congratulate them on what they have done. stuart: taiwan semi updated revenue guidance. a i is not dead. >> 24 hours ago we were sitting there and the dutch chipmakers did not have a good quarter. there were concerns.
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is the chipmaking a i boom over? ai demand is strong. one of the biggest chipmakers for nvidia, apple raising guidance 30% from the originally expected growth of 20%. %. stuart: a are still powering ahead. >> the index am talking about, looking at west virginia of north dakota, south dakota, oklahoma, every single demand element's data centers for them. they are being asked for gigawatts of power they don't have. these market of chips requires electricity and we don't have enough in america. stuart: the bottom of the screen, doubt one hundred 96 points, new high for the dow, 49,261. i'm interested in uber. i got a thin slice of that. what's that about talks to purchase expedia? lauren: expedia shares were jumping after the closing bell and today up 5%, talks are very early. we don't have a lot of detail.
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we are hearing from the some reports that uber is looking maybe at acquiring expedia. fun fact for you, the ceo came from expedia from 2005-2017, he was the ceo. this is a company he knows very well. could the talks be friendly? we have to see how it plays out. stuart: good flip between uber and expedia. >> start your shipping and uber on the way to the airport. he is a smart dude. he thinks in a linear basis how to extend the value of my business by owning more of the travel. it make sense to me. stuart: it is a global product too. innovative global product. huge. there are reports that meta-has begun some layoffs. this is important to find out which divisions they are. lauren: what's apps and instagram. a couple hundred people, couple dozen people trying to confirm
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full details, they laid off 20 one thousand employees in 2,022. this has been the year of efficiency. last hear mark zuckerberg trying to turn that around. these are small layoffs notable because this is a big tech company trying to right size itself after the pandemic. stuart: used to be if you got a job in big tech you were doing well. >> hoping ai is allowing him to do this because i like trimming the fat. trimming the fat always. and that is what i think he's doing and i own the stock too. stuart: you know everything, don't you? we've got a report that apple reportedly working with the chinese ev maker be why do you. anything more on this? lauren: they were working with it until they deleted their apple car but this gives us a glimpse that while apple was thinking about the apple car, how serious they were, how serious they were taking these efforts to work with bid on a
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long-range ev battery so much so they were going to china and trying to figure this out. i think the plans have been scrapped. apple said we are not doing the apple car anymore. this gives us thinking about how that company was trying to visualize the big apple car. stuart: are you interested in the ev market? >> i am. more on the war with china on lithium and batteries but this apple thing is they want to control the operating system of the car, they don't care about the hardware anymore and doesn't make sense to throw your phone in the key to your ev but talk about batteries, lithium, i want to talk china for an hour. stuart: save that for another day. that's a look at bitcoin holding at $67,000. it has had a rally recently, down a bit this morning. is that because of trump looking good? >> generally when trump does well in the polls he has been lately more coming out and saying he's more of a crypto from the president. this week he came out with
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liberty financial platform that the trump family back, a platform that allows liquidity on stable coin. it has been something that generally has been tied to how well he's doing in the polls. stuart: got it. thanks for joining us this money, appreciate it. harris getting tripped up when giving her message to voters who think america is on the wrong track. >> you been in office for 31/2 years. >> donald trump has been running for office. stuart: that was a very we cancer. she could not explain how she would be different from biden. kennedy is going to come along and that. trump attended a univision event with undecided hispanic voters. we are told he won some over. hispanic support for democrats is dropped 20 points since 2016. more on that too. biden harris had been a straight announcing more student debt bailouts, 60,000 public service workers, 4. $5 billion worth of debt
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stuart: we are three weeks to the election now. the economy remains the top issue. edward lawrence joins us. 's trump still leading on the economy? >> and he is. vice president kamala harris dodged questions about why so many americans are struggling economically when she's been in office for the last four years, this is what she told bret baer when pressed? >> you are not joe biden, you are not donald trump but nothing comes to mind that you would do differently? >> let me be clear. my presidency will not be a continuation of joe biden's presidency and like every new
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president that comes into office i will bring my life experiences, my professional experiences and fresh and new ideas. i represent a new generation of leadership. >> specific selling voters on uncertified new ideas, latest polling showing 79% of people in this country say it's moving in the wrong direction. part of that the economy were prices increased 20% from the month vice president harris came into office, latest fox news polling showing donald trump doing a better job on the economy by 8 points and four points better on taxes. the treasury's cheating on gpr told me in an exclusive interview this morning inflation is gone thanks to this administration. >> is it mission accomplished on inflation? >> no question we made tremendous progress on inflation. this economy right now is marked by a combination of a few years no one thought possible which is a plummet to this historic low with
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inflation, lowest level since 2020 one with inflation essentially back to pre-pandemic levels. >> but prices still up and vice president harris believes if you raise taxes on corporations and allow the trump tax cuts to expire which raises taxes on every american more government spending will bring prosperity and help some be able to afford the higher costs because of the program she wants to spend the money on. stuart: now this. the administration just unveiled more bailouts for student debt forgiving 4. $5 billion worth worth to 60,000 public service workers. peter morici joined me now. i thought they said you can't do that. >> there are some provisions that permit him to do it for public service. unfortunately, he's abusing those. whether this will hold up in court remains to be seen but more fundamentally this administration values people, doesn't value who work in the
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private sector. that's a message here. why should we give debt over and over again to public servants but not people who serve investment banking industry or making shoes. he's enabling bankrupt institutions, harvard, columbia, these places are morally bankrupt, pressure was put on alumni at the university of pennsylvania to get rid, to reward conservatives by suspending a conservative professor her positions she took six years ago. this is an absurd situation. these places are out of control, shouldn't receive tax support, they do, shouldn't receive student loan support and they do. i believe wall street for this as well. because they show a preference for them and hiring. stuart: back to fox paul, 40% of voters say the economy is the top issue in the election, 53% trust donald trump to do a
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better job on the economy. that a higher proportion of people who say he's doing a good job than when he was in office. we've seen their plans for the economy, who do you think is better equipped specifically to bring down inflation? >> i think it will be the same with both. my feeling is with trump we will have lower business taxes and that will be very beneficial. i don't think he is going to get this grand increase in the deficit from these proposals, he's going to have to make choices just like kamala harris will. the difference is what choices will they make. harris will raise corporate taxes, she will continue to harass corporations through antitrust and so forth. these things, harassing kroger's doing nothing to lower food prices at all. stuart: we get it. peter morici on your screens, the economy, what's the top issue?
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issues trump not exactly running away with it but the economy is the top issue. thank you. elon musk says he's going to hit the campaign trail in pennsylvania for donald trump. musk has a huge impact in the space industry, the car industry, is he going to have the same impact on politics? >> can i say something about elon musk, there are people in life that are able to differentiate noise from the signal and if you do this 85% of the time, dissolution noise in your daily day versus signal, elon musk is 100% signal so his day is the most productive of any man on earth. that causes social issues for him but nobody has ever achieved what he has done in 20 years. think about all the different mandates he's done, he would be very effective in looking for
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synergy, reducing cost and i highly endorse that idea. stuart: $80 million or $90 million into a ground operation, knocking on doors. >> he's entitled to do that and raising money but to understand what he is is important, fewer signal. you would want someone like that on your team, give him a mandate he gets it done. one hundred% of the time. stuart: i wouldn't want to work for him. >> you probably wouldn't but does he get it done? yes. stuart: thank you. coming up three weeks to go until the election kamala harris sat down to a real interview, she's down in the polls, lost momentum. i watch to the interview twice. i don't think it worked for her. that's "my take" top of the our. trump is said to speak at the al smith dinner tonight, harris is skipping the event, breaking a long-standing tradition that the president will candidates get together to poke fun at each other, she's not going to be there. we have the full story next.
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stuart: donald trump will take the stage at the al smith catholic charities dinner, a long-standing tradition for presidential candidates. brian, harris will not be there. do you know why? >> harris will not be attending the annual our smith dinner tonight in manhattan that is expected to raise $9 million for catholic charities, she instead will be showing prepared remarks that harris left on video. we don't know how long her what she will say, the campaign tells fox the reason she's not showing up is because she's going to be campaigning in battleground states. she's in battleground state wisconsin today but this marks the first time in 40 years, since 1984, the presidential candidate has chosen not to attend this dinner. the al smith dinner is hosted by cardinal timothy dolan in the archdiocese of new york, cardinal dolan said on his
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podcast he is disappointed harris is not coming tonight particularly because this is supposed to be about civility, patriotism and unity. >> we are upset that she didn't come because we missed an evening to accent something sorely needed now that even she articulates rather eloquently the we've got to turn the page on bitterness, the house was dinner traditionally tries to do that. >> reporter: the dinner everyone remembers is 2016, donald trump and hillary clinton showed up and delivered roasts against one another, there were plenty of laughs that night but boos during trump's or marks, catholic church is against abortion and ivf which are top campaign issues. by not showing up tonight harris avoids any awkwardness. as for trump he takes credit for overturning roe versus wade but at the same time calls some state abortion laws too restrictive and refers to himself as the father of ivf.
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this all comes as brand-new fox news poll shows likely voters nationally prefer trump. he is ahead by two points in this paul ahead of harris. harris was ahead by the same margin in this poll in september though this poll shows that harris is ahead by 6 points in all seven key battleground states. as for tonight's dinner, trump says it is sad harris won't be here, we can expect the former president not to hold back. blue when he won't hold back. what do you think of harris breaking the tradition here? >> i'm irish catholic. when i went to church it was a latin service which i would never mess with the catholics or cardinal. you just don't do that. there's a lot of reasons you don't do that. some are from above. that's a big mistake. stuart: thank you very much, good to see you.
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charles payne will react to trump's lead in the election betting markets which harris says america is on the wrong track because of trump. what about her last four years in the white house? kennedy on that. us long-range stealth bombers targeted who the rebels in yemen. that's an escalation in america's involvement in the war. lieutenant general keith kellogg has that. a violent venezuelan gang taking over apartments not just in aurora, colorado. cities in texas report same thing. texas and cleveland has more on that coming up. the 10:00 hours coming up next. ♪ ♪
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until you find a new family. we can talk about our struggles and the things that we did overseas and not everybody can do that. adam! how's it going, brother? we live pretty close to each other. so he's always coming over. when i go to jack's house, we watch a lot of football, hang out. we go outside the friendship has kind of grown into a family i was overseas on a deployment. i got separated from my marines and i got hit in the neck, and it broke my neck and paralyzed me. 14 years ago, i was on a training mission. did a military freefall, and i had some faulty equipment. .. i hit the ground. going, 30 to 40 knots and was instantly paralyzed. i met jack fanning when he invited us to park city, utah, through his foundation.
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i was able to actually get on the mountain and ski with my family, i can't put into words what that meant. i got paid in the military to do crazy fun stuff. and after my accident, i'm still that same guy. and when i was able to jump out of a perfectly good, helicopter, at 10,000 feet, i did it. i was talking to some vets last week amazing how we have these houses where they can come over because they■re in chairs too. carpet and wheelchairs don't mix very well. tunnel to towers, they got rid of all that. they redid my whole bathroom. that's probably the favorite part of my house. i thought they were just going to do the upgrades. but the surprise to me was they paid off the entire mortgage. when they told me they're going to pay off my mortgage, i cried. please contribute $11 a month by visiting now
10:00 am
stuart: good morning


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