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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  November 5, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EST

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and we need cheep energy if we want to bring jobs back from china and europe and elsewhere. we need cheep energy to do that and so he has the specific plan he's let everybody know and his team knows exactly what the plan is and how to do it with his leadership. you're going to get inflation down, you're going to get oil prices and inflation downings i think pretty dramatically. and hopefully put out these fires in the world that have ignited over the last three and a half years that are unnecessary really. liz: am bos dorman, you're also the own -- ambassador, you're the owner of the jets and the deadline is soon and the closing bell and lots of green on the screen. who knows what tomorrow brings, we'll be here. larry: hello, folks. welcome to kudlow. i'm larry kudlow.
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will donald trump's working coalition score a populous surprise tonight and we see perhaps the greatest political comeback in history. we have katie pavlich, charlie hurt and david webb onset and congressman byron daniels waiting in the wings and first up our very own grady trimble. live in michigan. i left you in michigan last night, you're still there. reporter: larry, good evening. yes, we're up till about 2:00 last night. that's when former president trump wrapped up his big rally in grand rapids. that's where he closed out his campaign back in 2016 and 2020, and he did it yet again maybe showing us not only how superstitious. former president might be but also how important michigan is. from grand rapids, the former president headed straight back to palm beach and mar-a-lago and
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he'll hold his watch party there tonight and former president sounding optimistic when he cast his ballot in south florida this morning. >> i feel very confident and we went in with a very big lead today and looks like republicans have shown up in force so we'll see how it turns out, but it seems that they have really shown up in force. reporter: vice president harris for her part said she voted by mail so no stops to a polling place for her. she did do interviews with radio stations though in each of the battleground states. harris at her rallies closing out her campaign refrained from mentioning trump and the campaign saying she wanted to focus on positivity and today she is talking about him. >> you got somebody that spends full-time talking about himself, his grievances, his plan for retribution. he would go into the oval office
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with his enemies list. i will go into the office with my to do list working on behalf of the american people. reporter: we've heard that message from her before and got all the call with the michigan secretary of state office and turnout has been strong today and was strong in early voting and it's possible there's a turnout record here in michigan and good news for folks who like getting sleep. she also says she expects results to come in quickly before midnight. larry. larry: i'm in favor of sleep i suppose. grady trimble, thank as million. februaries, tonight could deliver a populous surprise for part two. that's the subject of the riff. as we talked about it last night, all the pollsters could be missing a number of build in advantages to perform president
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trump. and big republicans in more than 30 states and big gop early voting turnout. both completely unlike 2020. here's a quick example in the crucial swing state in pennsylvania. in 2020, democrat hads a 1.1 million advantage in early voting and this year that margin was cut down to only 400,000. staying in pennsylvania. party registration favored democrats by 1.2 million during the obama years. by 686,000 in 2020. but here in 20 this, thanksgiving that registration margin was cut down to only 281,000. what's more, the gop is basically keeping its gains and recent years 203,000 democrats switched to the republican column but only 97,000 republicans switched to the democratic column. i want to give a big hat tip to
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my friend james freeman and his great wall street journal column. so, have pollsters picked up on this? i kind of don't think so. the democrat slump in early voting covers all the swing states. republican advantage and registration covers over 30 states throughout the country. not only are the trends a function of better gop political management of the election machinery, but also they reflect how much mr. trump widened his working class coalition. it's a poult racial populous coalition is including whites and hispanics, black, young people, union members and others. one key reason for this broader populous coalition in particular is the economy. average annual inflation under president trump is 1.9%.
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under biden and harris: 6.4% annually with a 9% peak. thinking the key metric is always take home pay, ronald reagan made this famous 40 years ago. including covid. median comes under trump and take home pay increased seven times under biden and harris and asian families saw take home pay go up ten times more than under biden and harris. overall, median income surged $7,699 under trump and seven times more than the meager $1,050 they saw under biden harris. hat tip to art laffer for the op ed piece in the new york post.
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he'll be here in a moment. three years under president trump, 1.6 million hispanic americans. 1.1 million black americans and 450,000 asian americans were lifted out of poverty. overall, 6.6 million americans were lifted out of poverty. the total for biden and harris 760,000. in other words, trump not only significantly increased take home pay. they reduced poverty by nearly 9 fold. this is one key reason why minority groups have moved into the trump working folks coalition. i don't think even the best pollster has taken account of this and mr. trump on the campaign with a new golden age for all americans on the economy and he's got a track record on this and are you better off than you were four years ago?
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i haven't even mentioned the border catastrophe or related crime wave, revolt against woke or collapse in the foreign policy and all of it, he says mr. trump says where kamala broke it and he's going to fix it. if you haven't already, everybody should go out and vote and go out and vote and everybody should vote several times. heading down to the last couple of hours and personally personally, i'd rather be in president trump's shoes but that's just me. katie pavlich and david webb, host of the david webb show on sirius xm. david, thank you for coming on. katie, what did you think? i did the first half last night
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and the first part in 2016 one could say. >> very similar. hard to imagine with all the data that donald trump would not win. he's in a better position going into tonight and polls closing in terms of beating his opponent, kamala harris, in every swing state according to the best pollsters from 2020. he's in a better position and hard to reconcile this idea that 70% of the country says we're on the wrong track economically. and where the direction of the country going and not to have trump win given that kamala harris is part of the past four years is driving that sentiment and saying it's 50/50 and super close. obviously we'll see tonight if those polls are wrong. but given the data in the undercounting of trump voters in the past, his overperformance in the polls consistently he's in a better position. larry: you don't believe it or the pollsters? i don't believe the pollsters. because you don't -- i love the pollsters and i don't believe them but i look for all the
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obscure data points to believe them. >> i believe them when they say he's ahead. hard to say she would come back in a surge at the very end given which kind of voters will she be able to get in the end? urban voters, vo voters and whee are they going to come from. larry: i get it wrong and where is she going to get and kamala getting it right and taking your numbers and these are real numbers and lifting out of poverty and going to be successful based on tax data by the way for all the lefties watching and going for the point. who's left to draw from. kamala harris bringing back into the fold and that's out will making up their mind and has to be there and hate trump more than you love america itself. given away and i'm going to give black men $20,000 a forgivable
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loan. there's no such thing. it's a taxpayer give away and start of business and no per spectous needed and doing all these things they're due to the abortion clinic on a weekly basis and looking at what money is worth if incomes come across all groups and coming to the trump economy and kamala harris and biden and thousand extra and where are you going to spend that money and thanksgivinged a valuation and value of the dollar and pennsylvania, 19+ percent inflation across the board in the things that we need. when they count food and fuel, add those necessities in, the pce numbers and you look at all of this, they lose and look at dismal 12,000 jobs that were added this last time around but in the addition to that, 7.1 million americans not in the work force, those people looking
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for what they need not what she promises to someone else if you vote for her. larry: charlie, you know, isn't just the economy. i'm not making that case. last night we talked at some length about the working class coalition and the culture issues around woke, which is o terribly important among middle class people. they just don't like that almost as much as they don't like the high inflation rate. but then again you hear kamala, i heard her last night in what she saying down the home stretch and vitriol attacks on trump and i don't hear policy and just here this vitriol attack and better politics than i am and sounds like she's trying to rev up and get the right base out and vote like crazy on election day because they're coming into election day and disadvantage. is that possible? >> quite frankly sounds desperate too. i don't hear policy because
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there's no policy. even on the issue of abortion, which is the only policy that she's kind of talking about. she has to lie about it in order to talk about it. but otherwise the only thing that she's running on is hatred of donald trump. i think that the volume of that, the screechiness of it has increase over the past week whee numbers and we've all seen the only numbers to look at right now and say for certain are the early vote numbers and where they come from. every single set of the numbers are really, really terrible for her and really, really good for donald trump and obviously if you've not gone out and vote and how far west you are and go out and vote. larry: this is new york. excuse me. >> but, you're right. you're right. i expect he will win, this is going to be the greatest comeback in american history. this is a guy who will not only
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revolution nice all of 308 tigerses -- revolutionize all of politics and the republican party. they're never going back and if he sees the way they're changing the vote, and blowing out the early voting numbers, republicans and conservatives don't like to vote early. if he breaks that and teaches republicans that actually early voting are going to be used far greater than democrat advantage, it's a whole new game and when i look at numbers in places like florida, obviously florida is not a place where we're looking at being a close election or anything, but those early numbers there, they're astonishing and if that holds that alone, you have to make them with a lot of credit. larry: i want to give credit to this and trump in grand rapids
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talking about this golden age and he's talking policy and take a listen, please. roll tape. >> your paychecks will be higher, your streets saferrer and cleaner and community richer and your future as an american will be much better than it ever has been when i get in. the golden age of america. that's what i'm calling it. larry: i love that, the golden age of america. i love that he's talking policy. so oprah actually says if he wins this election, this will be the last election in america? now come on. really? >> that's a lie. larry: how much is she worth? how many billions? >> yeah. larry: really relates to this working class coition will. >> that's -- coalition. >> that's really the point. you have a san francisco
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progressive, most liberal member of the senate kamala harris current vice president, democratic nominee trying to relate to working class voters in michigan, pennsylvania, and wisconsin. and then she brings in oprah winfrey as one of her closers in addition to barack obama and all these other celebrities. they're clearly trying to get the base out. that's not working but you have donald trump who went from the golden arches, a week and a half ago to the golden age and he's talking to america. larry: to the garbage truck. >> to the golden age in closing remarks last night and the point is for four years, democrats have told americans, yeah, infellation is transitory, we told you it didn't exist but really it's not that bad and you just have to deal with the despair and the decay that you're seeing inside your cities, seeing inside your own budget. something to deal with because we're not going to make it better. his closing argument about fixes what they've broken and they keep -- told americans what's happening to them as a result of the federal government and democratic spending alone is not
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happening. people are saying yeah, i'm looking for something different. larry: low propensity voters and going for truck drivers and they have their routes and favorite one never saw the harris and movie about the amish in lancaster, pennsylvania. it's one of the great movies and it's a great, great movie. you can critique them and these groups are going to vote today. >> i have a lot of truckers in my audience and 3.5 million going for them with them telling you those truckers are out there voting absentee in certain ways and making routes home.
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they reflect us. hunters and hunters and the environment and republicans are finally showing that we care about properly showing that we care about the land and about the air and water. why? we want clean energy policy in america and we want to use all the things including nuclear and we want people to have better quality of life and they can make better decisions for themselves and add it all back together and more ask you look at pennsylvania voter, the upper peninsula in michigan and the line in wisconsin and they want to be left at home and going to be take and that's going to get to someone else and hunters and anybody remember peanut the squirrel and remember what
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happens when government goes out of control and a katie hochul's liberal progressive government comes in your house and takes your pet. those that used to raise money for nonprofits rescue horses and more. and euthanizes them. if there was every an example of government. larry: the venezuela gang. she did that all the time. >> groups like gun owners of america and look at another
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thing, daniel penny on trial for defending people in a subway car in new york. larry: he's a hero. katie hochul doesn't see that. >> people see that and see government out of control. larry: one last question, we're going to talk about the senate with senator tuberville in just a moment. we're obviously talking about the presidential. what's going to win the -- who's going to win the house, charlie hurt? >> my hunch is that republicans will hold the house. and take the senate. i feel very confident. by the way, if donald trump wins by a larger margin, which i've kind of all along i've believed that he's going to win by a larger margin in the pollsters tell you, because they're all lying. they all lie. and they're lying for somebody and if you don't know who they're lying for, that's worse. then you don't know how to handle their poll.
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but if trump wins by a larger margin, we could be talking about a lot of race races and >> mentionings pennsylvania, there's a lot of opportunity. larry: cavalry is coming and help is on the way. larry: coming up here on kudlow, are the pendants -- pundits underestimating and the special election night coverage at
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5:30 p.m. eastern and sean duffy and charles payne and dagen mcdowell and appearances by yours truly. i'm kudlow, rock and roll. you guys are fabulous. ♪ (speaking to self) about our honeymoon. what about africa? safari? hot air balloon ride? swim with elephants? wait, can we afford a safari? great question. like everything, it takes a little planning. or, put the money towards a down-payment... ...on a ranch montana ...with horses let's take a look at those scenarios. j.p. morgan wealth management has advisors in chase branches and tools, like wealth plan to keep you on track. when you're planning for it all... the answer is j.p. morgan wealth management. [coughing] hi susan, honey? yea. i respect that, but that cough looks pretty bad. try this robitussin honey. the real honey you love, plus the powerful cough relief you need. mind if i root through your trash? robitussin, with real honey & elderberry.
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senator tommy tuberville from the great state of alabama. a couple things for you first of all, we've been talking about working class coalition. tremendous gop preelection turnout and registration advantages and almost looks too good for mr. trump and i want to get your take on it. is this coalition going to hold together for the duration of this evening and what do you think, senator? >> the american people are hungry to get their country back. if you're a republican or democrat, you're a american. i don't care the party, i'm voting to get the country back. they're scared to death, larry, of the border. that's the main objective. that and obviously inflation. i've talked to a lot of people in the last week, the ground swell for president trump and they want leadership. they don't want a shy government
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like we've had for the last four years and someone from behind the scenes making all the calls. at least joe biden made a few calls, but when it came down to the pavement hits the road, i don't know whether kamala harris is going to make any decisions in the next four year if she took office. larry: think basically one of the underlying things is it would be another four years of biden harris and the country doesn't want that. the country want as different direction. >> you're exactly right, larry. and again, i've been in ohio the last few days and i've seen a ground swell with americans and we're going to be able to vote early and don't wait for
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election day, vote now and get it over with. sure enough, people have been doing that and going for democrat and people are going for the reason of they want their country back. larry: let's say we stay with ohio. bernie moreno, can he beat senator sharrod brown. sorry, can bernie moreno beat sharrod brown? >> yeah, he's going to win there. i think he'll win by three or our points, larry. it's important that he does that and it's going to get us off to a god run because they close their polls pretty early but i think 60-70% of the people that voted, larry, up till sunday, they didn't have voting yesterday but early voting off the charts and it looked really good for republicans. larry: let's lean back into the senate story.
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i know you're bullish on the republicans taking back the senate. going to win west virginia and governor justice going to win. mr. sheehy looks very good in montana to beat senator tester, but what about the other races? what about michigan? you've got rogers in michigan and mentioned bernie moreno and my pal in pennsylvania and going for them helping them and what do you think of the story? >> you've got jim justice that's going to win, tim sheehy is going to win montana and beat tester up there. american people want their country back and mike rogers looks good and i think the
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senator running in wisconsin might be the biggest surprise of the night going against tammy baldwin and neck and neck and he's hopefully able to pull across the finish line and we'll get 51 and have a chance to get 53, 54 and maybe even 55, larry. larry: thinking about that, i mean, this is a turning point. this is the best election, best election arithmetic and it gets worse in the next two years and the next four years and some credit to steve danes for pulling this thing together. a lot of -- a bunch of candidates. where do you start? you win this thing. if trump wins and carry the senate and by more than 51 votes and where to begin. >> the tax cut bills redone and got to be done the right way. the democrats want to have 50,
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60 billion in child tax credits and couldn't do that and going for them and get it across the finish line and obviously the border getting it done and get to pumping oil again, larry. that's the main thing to get inflation down and prices down. larry: one more 30 seconds. last night. president trump said if mexico doesn't cooperate and new remain in mexico and they gave us 25,000 troop as few years back and slap 25% tariff on all of mexican exports to the that hides threat to outlow the
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earlier president and that worked and i don't know if you followed that story or not. he's negotiating right now. >> oh, yeah, what's happened, larry, they've got a new president there in the far left as the first -- as the previous president. something's got to be done and only can be done by putting pressure on mexico in terms of what was going on with tariffs and things down at the boarder and they've got to help president trump, president trump got help out of mexican government with their military back when he was president so we have to have help at the border with mexico and going to pressure with tariffs and maybe stop the flow of trade through the border. larry: coming up, we'll ask art laffer and john carney next up and catch kudlow monday through
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friday at 4:00 p.m. here on fabulous fox business. for some reason you can't get us at 4:00, just text your favorite 9-year-old and she will show you how to dvr the show. you'll never miss a thing. i'm kudlow. be right back.the ♪ will turn and challenge us. but when emotions run high, we stay grounded. with the hcm buyline, we work to empower investors, in navigating market volatility and complex conditions. we provide a diverse portfolio with proprietary mutual funds and etfs aimed at growth and preservation. so you can invest with confidence. visit howard c.m. funds dot com.
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>> under my leadership, we're going to take this economic nightmare into a economic miracle. we'll make america healthy and affordable again. larry: bold names. scott bessin and art laffer former reagan economist and coauthor of the trump economic miracle and john carney. gentlemen, welcome. scott bessin, a golden age. he kept saying it yesterday. so we might have won one.
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going for blacks or hispanics or young people going with scott bessin and the economic message clear enough? >> that black income was up 6.5% and latino up 4.5% and bottom 50% saw their household net worth go up 14% as opposed to the top 10% that went up less than one so elon musk is part of
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the coalition and mark andressen signed up and works class and patriots and it's status quo. larry: yeah, art laffer, talking about op ed piece in the new york post today and income numbers and some of them and inflation numbers and trump had less than 2% inflation on average. biden harris had 6% and some odd and peak over 9%. here to challenge despite all the wall street people and trump is the inflationist, why is he not the inflationist?
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but the really big thing going for him is the disastrous economy of biden harris. starting with a lowe low base and going to that happening for the next administration and going very, very excited about the golden age with trump making miracles and going for the biggest issue and going for them and polls god forbid polls are beating up on polls tonight and what were you telling me about going back to 1960 and going for them and it was turning out and saying the working man coming out for the evening. >> that was a bunch of time and
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we vote afterwards and guess who those guys are voting for this time, larry. they're voting for donald trump and if we're going to be in the polls right now and see ago surge of donald trump and going in pennsylvania going for them and coming for them and panic through the democrats and just like in 1960 they knew they were going to win and trump campaign right now. larry: autoworkers and teamsters and small business owners and small business and shopkeepers. >> all of the people that have been on strike over the last few years was going to strike about and nay went on strike because their incomes fell all the polls
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show number one issue has been their economy and donald trump is the top of the economy and that's going to be as much as it used to be. he's up by 15 points by joe biden is he's up by eight points in every larry: you know the story. scott, you are a close trump adviser. what will you sense of aloha say to the financial markets? tell us right this evening. what can you say would calm those markets?
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americans want to see what they're getting for government spending. look at the way elon musk runs spacex versus the way boeing and nasa going bond markets going for that and inflation rates stay down. the system of articulation the yield getting numbers upwards of
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4% and going by the growth period and it was like it was from 86 it's only and going from all of you guys making sure that trump will win from your lips to god's ears and if that happens, that's going for a glorious age in the economy and i'm excited to be part of it. larry: golden age. larry: we'll talk to florida congressman byron donalds when kudlow continues.
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so now we're his “squad”. what are kevin's plans for the fall? he's going to college. out of state, yeah. -yeah in the fall. change of plans, i've decided to stay local. oh excellent! oh that's great! why would i ever leave this? -aw! we will do anything to get him gaming again. you and kevin need to fix this internet situation. heard my name! i swear to god, kevin! -we told you to wait in the car. everyone in my old squad has xfinity. less lag, better gaming! i'm gonna need to charge you for three people. larry: byron daniels, thank you for coming on. i know you're busy. one question, last few hours before the final votes are tied, will this new trump working man's working woman's coalition blacks, whites, hispanics, asians, young, will it hold together tonight, byron? what are you thinking about this? that's one of the big questions. >> that's going to hold, larry.
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the reason why is because donald trump's economy when he was president was way better than this one with kamala harris. these voters know that. i was all over pennsylvania, wisconsin, michigan, georgia, north carolina, i'm telling you, larry, these voters, they're out there, they need a change from kamala harris, donald trump will fix this economy and they're going to turn out for donald trump. larry: what's the biggest narrative. you're talking to these folks and the grassroots folks and probably covered more ground and what's their narrative. what do you hear the most? >> number one has been inflation followed by immigration. they're wondering why kamala harris let prices rise so massively. then at the same time let millions of illegals into the country and gave them benefits on a veterans that are homeless all across the country ahead of people that are working hard every single day trying to get ahead. they're going to get really
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missed off about it and there's no problem. >> yeah, they don't. >> some of them want to get it for them with the opportunity to present or new vision or new way of doing things and like she said on the view, larry, there's nothing she would change and nothing comes to mind. would be the same old story and that's what they're voting for donald trump and larry: if trump wins the election, oprah said that would be the last election in history. what kind of nonsense is that? honestly, byron, that's so unhelpful. >> it's simply not true and it's gaslighting from the left and the truth of the matter is donald trump is protecting free speech rights of americans and even the press and press didn't even like them and he kept us out of war and peace through strength and his economy was
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great. those are the facts and that's why he's going to win tonight. larry: byron, one of the late breaking political stories here in philadelphia with president trump and barber shop and whatever, the turnout in philly so far has been terrible but what do you think? >> listen, my >> i thought kamala harris would struggling until urban areas and high inflation hurt them and illegal immigration has hurt them and why give her four years to fix something they should have unleashed in the first lace and going for the struggling and will turning on members of this and part of the reason why donald trump will be the 47th president. larry: think mr. trump can get the black males and hispanic males and going for this part of
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the strategy. >> couple that with obviously the white working class stuff voters and going for them and it's really a opportunity not just for coalition in this campaign but to really build a durable coalition of fighting for working families all across our country. having a america first set of policies and provision america can get behind. larry: last 20, 25 seconds. byron donalds, will you all keep the house and build a majority in the house and give me a bit on the house. what do you think? be honest, let me know what you think. >> a donald trump victory is a victory for house republicans and he wins tonight, we keep the house. larry: that's pretty straight guard and your logic is very good and you've never let us down. byron donalds, thank you ever so much. good luck tonight. the best of the best.
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we'll be right back with my last word. at harbor freight, we do business differently from the other guys. we design and test our own tools and sell them directly to you. no middleman. just quality tools you can trust at prices you'll love. we all know that words have power. they set things in motion and make us happy or sad. but there's one word that stands out, because when people say it, lives are changed. it's not a big word. it's itsy bitsy. it's only three little letters. but when you say it, the life of a kid like me can be changed. so what is this special word?
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4:59 pm
5:00 pm
larry: so is there going to be a populist election surprise tonight? dial up fox business. special election night coverage with starts right now. ♪


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