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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  November 8, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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so, what are you thinking? i'm thinking... (speaking to self) about our honeymoon. what about africa? safari? hot air balloon ride? swim with elephants? wait, can we afford a safari? great question. like everything, it takes a little planning. or, put the money towards a down-payment... ...on a ranch montana ...with horses let's take a look at those scenarios. j.p. morgan wealth management has advisors in chase branches and tools, like wealth plan to keep you on track. when you're planning for it all... the answer is j.p. morgan wealth management. david: thank you all for watching this special edition of kudlow. have a wonderful weekend, but don't go anywhere. before your weekend begins or maybe as it begins, watch liz macdonald who's upright now. liz: yeah, david, give my best to your wife. david: thank you so much.
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>> we overcame obstacles and des now clear that we've achieved the most incredible political -- look what happened. liz: plus, a market eight points new record highs again today and former home depot ceo bob narrow
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nardeli will take it on. >> donald trump proven to be unstable and unfit. fascism to his core and he wanted generals like adolf hitler had. liz: senior aids to kamala harris and joe biden now admit everything they said there that pushed there was wrong. that yes, their economic policies were wrong. that they did not listen to voters and also this story, the media is not reporting that, yes, obama, biden and kamala harris let the democrat party get too extreme, too far left and it hurt the nation. tonight, larry elder will react to a big new come to jesus moment. plus this story. >> now the guardrail is gone, is this elmore boldening the president? >> the president doesn't like the guardrail. >> the president lost some of these guardrails. we should start with the assumption that there are few if any guardrails around the new
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trump presidency. >> trump's second term may be one with fewer guardrails. liz: happening now, the media getting slammed and ridiculed and trying to bring back their old attack lines from eight years ago against trump. about guardrails. tonight our panel reacts. what's the real back story to democrat governors in california, new york, illinois, and now new jersey trying to do this resist trump push? tonight, attorney julian epstein says this is exactly what voters did not want and is this really about them wanting to run for the white house? 2028? first, this story. lizs reacting to president trump's historic victory and red wave of the nation and washington. it was a sweeping electoral college and popular vote victory.
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businesses now rapidly resetting their old plans and agendas. edward lawrence is live all over this story. he's standing by live at the white house with more. edward, great to see you tonight. reporter: yeah, good to see you, liz, and companies are making adjustments now for president elect donald trump. large corporations are moving investments away from china. for example, steve madden is speeding up accelerating its move of production and source materials from china. the company originally moving 10% of its items but now plans to move 40% to avoid tariffs that trump promised. former treasury secretary steve saying they worked with different areas. >> certain areas that president trump and president xi agreed on and cooperated and areas they didn't. they were very helpful with north korea and sanctions on
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north korea and relating to the trade deal, the only thing that got them to the table to negotiate the trade deal were tariffs and were very effective. reporter: michael pillsbury worked on targeting the tariffss and boiled down to a toil and used be president elect trump. tariffs work if you want to protect your beginning of your own industries. that was not the kind of tariffs mr. trump was using and he was using targeted focused tariffs reporter: 10% tariff and 60% tariff on goods which is what president trump said in the past he wants to do, could push inflation. the first time around the tariffs that the trump administration imposed did not push inflation. we'll have to see what happens this next time around.
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liz: reuters reports a new caravan of illegals broken up in mexico and bringing back manufacturing jobs to avoid the trump tariffs and putin talking about ending the war in ukraine and hamas talking a ceasefire after inauguration. we're joined by former home depot ceo and chair bob nardelli. good to see you. manufacturing jobs, the border, foreign wars. this is an issue and the media is not covering. have you seen anything like this? >> well, liz, thanks for having me on tonight. i'm not surprised at all that president trump is having the impact that he is on such a broad range of issues. you know, i didn't get the memo about the guardrail. sorry, i'm not going to use that term.
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i think it's proof positive evidence that they love what he was talking about and in fact have tremendous confidence that he's going to execute. the fellows and people coming across cut from 3,000 to 1500 and smart move and cross over and you'll be pushed back and the fact that putin has already reached out to him and zelensky reached out and i think his suggestions about what to do with iran not -- i think he'll use tariffs to really put a strangle hold on the economy over there like he did before. again, it's another very solid proof evidence that he's going to implement what he said he would do during this long campaign. liz: we've got -- remember the new york times report in 2016, a record $2 trillion cash pile was stranded overseas and it was going to be brought back home after trump won.
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jack smith is about to be gone and doj focusing on iranian assassination plot and he broke that up. back to iran. trump will do a maximum pressure campaign on iran and ratchet up the sanctions and the support of mideast terrorism and attacks on israel. think that's going to get peace in the middle east? >> i think it l. drill, baby drill and get rid of restrictions and policies and brings back the pipeline and allow us to ship lng to europe to help germy versus being tied to russia. so i think his policies and his tactics will have a positive impact here at home and abroad.
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liz: great. thank you, bob nardelli, and your insights and being here. have a good week. >> you too. >> i don't like the fact that a small portion of our party is pretty much dictating where we are. they are pretty much being brand z as most extreme. we need to take stock of why we're being held hostage to the tar left. a lot of people and a lot of democrats looked at those big media events and big political events thinking that would smudge over the reality of inflation and how much groceries cost and how much gas costs and how hard it was to get into a home. they were looking at their wallet. >> president elect trump successfully harnessed anoer and frustration going to be feeling by millions of americans.
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liz: phillip saying we are alienating new voters and obama and harris getting the hill too far to the left and joe scarborough and harris campaigning with the lead hollywood celebrities didn't work and they're in a deep affordability crisis and inflation rocketing higher and this bomb shell report from axios top aids from harris and biden admit their economic policies were wrong and bad for america. joining us now, former presidential candidate and political commentator larry elder. sit tight for a second. i want to react to this. this is from axios. a former biden harris clear we got it wrong and economic policy and feeling them and biden leadership never bothered to actually listen to voters and under what was appealing to them for trump and going why the biden is harris economy wasn't working for them. never coming back from this. >> elizabeth, i think these people couldn't spell duh if you
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gave them the d and u. joe scarborough has a lot of nerve. the other day he thought butter cost $3 and he was informed it cost $7. the bottom line is people feel worse off than they felt three years ago and average family of four spending $1200 a month for same goods and services as that family bought three and a half years ago. the real question is are you better off now than three and a half years ago. unless you're an illegal alien, the answer is absolutely not. for whatever reason, kamala harris didn't seem to understand that. liz: democrats are in shock and voters are in shock why did trump win and kamala harris lose? now it's because of that, the affordability crisis. the swing states and housing is up like 40% since biden and harris. van jones said we were the idiots, the media. the voters nationwide gave a rebuke nationwide to out of touch far left to obama, to
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harris, to biden. but, you know, voters said no to the smearing, no to using lawfare attacks. instead they want serious debate to fix america. minority and poor communities really got hurt under this white house. >> yeah and did doesn't matter your race or religion or gay, straight, doesn't matter. it bites and they did not understand that. donald trump, despite the fact he's a multibillionaire has a touch unlike that i've seen of any politician in my lifetime. liz: larry, let's get your action to steven a smith. listen to this. >> he won and won in absolutely convincing fashion so much so that i think
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in light of the results, we have to look at this election as referendum on democratic party. biden comes into office and first thing he does day one executive order, he opens the boarders, and obviously that created so much tension and then you look at culture wars and the identity politics and america said we're primarily concerned about the economy and concerned about our boarders. >> it depends on the day and i appreciate it whenever i hear common sense out of either of these gentlemen. liz: we love common sense. larry elder, you bring it every time. thanks for joining us tonight, larry. appreciate it. >> my pleasure. >> any attack on the garden state or on any of the communities from washington, i will fight back with every fiber of my being. liz: democrat governors not
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getting resounding message from voters and trump won electoral college with the vote and blue states like new jersey and california and new york and attorney general julie nerve nucleus seen and governors from new jersey, new york and illinois and california and their resist trump push. is it really about them just wanting to run for the white house? tonight, this story. >> the guardrail. >> the prepared to rule sort of lost these guardrails. >> think she's going to be an enabler or bring guardrail s? >> not going to have people around him that are committed to kind of keeping him within the guardrails. liz: a preview of what's coming, it's 2016 all over again for the media. they're trying to bring back the eight-year-old narrative about guardrails for the trump white house. coming up, my panel will react and voters out there say enough. ethic trump govern. you blocked him the first time. we want his agenda. also tonight, this story. >> how can latinos support a
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nominee whose language about immigrants and latino immigrants is so vile and often racist explain that disconnect for us? >> well, it turns out, jonathan, that latinos at least those who vote, apparently don't have as high a tolerance for illegal immigration as democrats assume. liz: there you go. msnbc, been trying to figure out why latino voters went for trump. coming up, journalist julio rosa here to give them the up sate. half of hispanics already gave trump the victory. plus, we have the latest news on whether republicans will keep control of the house, the news is coming in now. stay with us, don't go away. >> we were making fun of donald trump for having thrown away his ground game and doing weird stuff online. we thought they were idiots. it turned out we were the idiots. we woke up in a body bag because while we were knocking on doors, they were making these phones into 24 hour a day political
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weapons for themselves. we got outflanked, outplayed, outbeat by people that told us the whole time they knew what they were doing. ♪ hey, get your head in the game, son. the scout from football college is up in the stands. maybe i'd rather go to school for insurance. i didn't raise no insurance man. but you did, dad. football's your passion. but mine is providing around-the-clock protection to progressive customers who bundle home and auto. jamie, we need you out here for football. you're giving up on your dream, james. no, dad. i'm giving up on yours. no, james, wait! oh, that's not the exit. so, what are you thinking? i'm thinking... (speaking to self) about our honeymoon. what about africa? safari? hot air balloon ride? swim with elephants? wait, can we afford a safari? great question. like everything, it takes a little planning. or, put the money towards a down-payment... ...on a ranch
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newsom lead ago group of democrat governor us out of illinois, new york and new mexico pushing to spend state taxpayer money ore cyst trump and not -- to resist trump and not fixing their own home state. >> gavin newsom aworking to go for that and newsom calling for state legislature to move to a special session next month. he says it's california faced this before and know how to respond. this news is not sitting well with the president elect today on truth special trump wrote he as newsom going to prove a way of stopping all the great things to be done and making california great again but i just
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overwhelmingly won the election. >> anyone to take away the freedom and opportunity and dignity of illinoisens and i would remind you that a happy warrior is still a warrior. you come for my people, you come through me. p reporter: liz, we heard from gretchen whitmer out of michigan and wishing trump the best of luck. we all can agree though, at least it's friday. liz: thank you so much. democrat governors of california, illinois, and new york, new jersey and spending state taxpayer money to resist trump not fixing their own state's numerous problems. we're joined by julian epstein.
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>> you've got to have purpose to it and none of the governors can identify what is the specific threat they're mobilizing to fight. for example, trump and the republicans made clear they don't intend to do anything at the federal level on abortion and feels like the same old trolling tear down the other side resist 2 2.0 poll politics more about the self-ex-illation of politics and look at republicans in every demographic
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and with working class voters and channeled anxiety about things like unfair trade, automation, immigration, opioids, crime in the streets, voters aren't buying that and feels like democrats are doubling down on dumb. liz: this comes off as critics are saying useless elitism and senator marco rubio asked about this and resistance, resistance to what? resistance to the american voter? why are they focusing on this inflation crime at record levels in their states and reportedly more than 150,000 gang members in chicago, illinois. shooters through the roof and children being shot and
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meanwhile no president has tried to break the law and flap the law more than joe biden and on the border, he'd sue texas and arizona and collapse the boarder and he broke the law with his illegal unconstitutional student loan bailout and that's what the supreme court ruled. and, you know, his family, they made $34 million selling government influence under the obama white house. >> just feels like the democrats are not getting the message of the last election. which you and i have talked about and voters in very strong majorities reject what the democratic party has been about on the economy, and on all the cultural issues of crime and immigration, and just feels like they're not getting that message and they're still beholden to a very small activist intersectional left group that wants to protest and moralize rather than wants to build. it's a lot easier to tear things down than to build, but that's the lesson that democrats just don't seem to be learning. liz: thank you, julian. the latest on whether
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republicans will take back control of the house. we have an update from capitol hill. also tonight this: >> now the guardrail is gone. does this elmore bolden present? >> the president doesn't like the guardrails. >> the president has lost some of these guardrails that we should start with the assumption that there are few in any guardrails around the trump presidency. >> trump's second term may be one with fewer guardrails. liz: okay, you're not having deja vu. it's happening again. the media back on the trump needs guardrails train. never mind the americans that think he should just govern far left democrats they're in the minority. coming up, my panel is here to react. but first, this story. >> how can latino support a republican nominee whose rang about immigrants and usually latino language is vile and racist. explain that disconnect. >> democrats have to think about
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addressing latinos as equals and not as this different subgroup of the population that needs it is own kind of policy agenda. liz: msnbc getting a big dose of reality and they're bewildered on how they should appear to latinos. do are democrats. it's not about pronouns or victim hood. it's about crime. it's about safety. next up, journalist julio rosas is here to point them in the right direction and excited to talk to julio, sit right there, don't go away. >> the man loved this country. i no e he's not perfect. i know he's not like a pope. we believe in teaching our kids about god or christian values or family values. but the democratic party is embracing all the woke leaning ideas that doesn't go with our values. i think more democrats are pushing latinos to trump.
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liz: voting still being counted in key balta ground districts and get right to senior congressional correspondent chad pergram live on capitol hill. he's been tracking this closely. good to see you. reporter: good afternoon, liz. congress is all about the math and this is the break down of races in the house. 211 gop seats, 199 democratic seats, and 2025 seats uncalled -- 25 seats uncalled. winning seats in california was essential if democrats were to flip the house. republicans appear to have held their own in the golden state. >> areas that have been democrat strongholds and we're within that fraction of a percentage of taking two more. so the voter shift was significant in a deep blue
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state. let's not kid ourselves, we are a deep blue state, but the shift is significant. reporter: republicans on track to have a majority next year, that's similar to the size of narrow majority today. that could be a challenge when it comes to governing and advancing the agenda of president elect trump. >> the narrow majority is not what it means but it's our job to utilize this process. process to generate discussion, more information, share ideas and ultimately to give the american people a sense of security. reporter: the senate holding at 53 gop seats, two uncalled races remain in nevada and arizona. liz. liz: great reporting, chad. thank you so much. good to see you. >> latinos, those who vote don't
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have as high a tolerance for illegal immigrant as democrats assume and for three years, they just sat back and watched that chaotic situation at the southwest border and again, i think democrats have made a lot of assumptions about latinos and latinos are like most americans if you look at polling. most americans disapproved of the handling of the border; right. and latinos are no different. liz: that was the media getting a wakeup call on hispanic voters for president elect trump. trump was backed by 46% of latino voters surpassing ronald reagan and george h w. bush and joined by journal and author fiery and mostly peaceful the smart man and julio rosas. hue owe, when you hear this analysis, what's your reaction? on the view, they're insisting that latino voters are sexist and misogynies for voting for trump, and we heard that from
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ms nbc pundits. what do young mare of that? >> it's a political weapon to wield against the gop any time there's an election. once the election is over, they say thank you for the support. then go back to the fields and pick our fruits and vegetables. go back to the kitchens and bathrooms and finish cleaning up after us. go back to your work sites and finish building our ho houses ad our department stores. see you at the next election. that's what the democratic party said for years to latinos and this time, latino community said no, that doesn't work for us. we have a border crisis in our doorstep. that sunny comment, i've been to stark county and zapata, maverick because there was a massive border crisis that unleashed these latino majorities by the biden harris
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administration and this isn't to denigrate the latinos that i mentioned earlier and one of my first jobs was a grounds keeper at my local park district and i worked as a busboy in the restaurant in high school and i'm an example of how latinos can be so much more than that. can be so much more than just being a servant under class for the democratic party to siphon votes from. as frustrating as it's bye bye r the hate the latino community got since the election, i'm happy that progressive left and democrats have shown their true colors and they see the disdain and disgust that the democrats have for us when we actually make decisions that's best for us and not what's best for democratic party. liz: julio, the hispanic community and hispanic immigrant built america. they're the backbone of america. what -- america owes a debt of gratitude to hispanic voters and hispanic community. they're solid as a rock. they have worked so hard to build america and keep it
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strong. so seeing the new york times report "earthquake at the border" that trump flipped democrat hispanic south texas and when you see that biden harris took so long to go to the border, physically visit it with them suing and winning in court and stopping an illegal program that the judge said was illegal and circumventing in congress and going to allow illegals indefinitely and see stories like that and stories about the media saying that trump wants mass deportations and talking about this 118,000 criminal illegal aliens crossing the border. that's -- they're attacking hispanic communities and minority and poor communities and focusing on mass deportations and what's your reaction? >> again, it's this ignorance and exactly a good reason why latinos said we're not going to vote for democrats this election
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psychoand will when you have migrant gangs like tren de aragua, that wasn't a thing under the trump administration but became a massive problem because the democratic party opened the border under biden is harris, guess who the primary victims of tren de aragua was? the latino community and they're not going to vote for a party again that unleashed the world into their doorstep and not only that but then they ignored them for years and maybe it's not a surprise that the gop cannot ignore the voters because they can think for themselves in the next election. liz: julio, come back on the show. wonderful to see you. thank you for joining us. smart insights. thank you very much. >> can we stop with that? i'd appreciate it. i don't like the stupid turkeys. let's just knock that stupid [bleep] off please. all right. i did. i said i was leaving and then the following day, get that through your dumb heads. the following day i turned around and i said that there's
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no chance in the world that i'm leaving my country. liz: okay, that's your friday moment of levity and fun. professional trump hater michael cohen getting mocked by his own live stream viewers and he said yeah, i'm going to leave the u.s. if trump won. he didn't. his live stream viewers putting turkey heads around michael cohen's face and he got really angry. former trump deputy press secretary going to answer the full sound tonight. now this. >> now the guardrail is gone and there's this elmore boldment. >> the president doesn't like the guardrails. >> the president lost some of the guardrails and we should start with the assumption that there's few if any guardrails around it for the new trump presidency. trump second presidency and tuning forker guardrails. liz: here they go again. 2016 all over again. the media bringing back the guardrail criticism of trump. they don't trust the majority of the american voters who said let
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him govern? my panel is here to react but first, we want to talk with dagen and sean. what's coming up on the bottom line? >> here, em ac. it's a real thing. thank you. it's in full swing and we have david hanson to discuss and breakdown as well and what you may consider replacing russian lng import withs those from the u.s.. >> michael shellenberger on how can trump dismantle the censorship and complex and claudia tenney on democrats now stepping up to say that biological men souled not be allowed to compete against -- should not be allowed to compete against women in their own sport. top of the hour. dreams? oh, yeah. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ confident. measured. ready.
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>> thank you both for joining us. liz they bring this back, stephanie, after voters already endured woke in the media and democrats from the media lectlectlectlectlectlecturescols today, stephanie is axios reporting opportunistic harry and biden aids were wrong and wrong on economic policies and ignored voters speaking out. >> the people didn't vote for harris because she's one of the worst candidates that the democrats put forward and the american people simply are just tired of hearing this from the people in the legacy media and the legacy media is now irrelevant and this election was the final nail on the coffin for them and that's why so many
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people are turning to alternative media. they want to here the candidates not filtered by those and media that despise them. liz: voters put the leng wing media and too far left democrats in the minority and they're in the minority right now, caroline. top strategist said the party went too far left under obama, harris and biden. what do you make of all this? >> yeah, liz, they recycled that same rhetoric that trump would be a dangerous demagogue and ignored all the kitchen table issues that were crushing americans such as border crisis, such as rampant inflation, and it's the same old tired trump is hitler, trump is an existential threat to democracy. this is the play book of 2016 like you mentioned, and it didn't work the first time. so why are they doing it again? why did they continue to try it. it failed all over again and it's time for media mea culpa
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and one pundit on a network said it's time to acknowledge that trump knows our country better than we co. that was on a legacy network and he did prioritize those concerns of average americans while democrats were stuck in fear mongering. liz: that was democrat saying that on msnbc. if he was hitler, stephanie, how come they're still here? people fled europe under hitler. it's so absurd. listening to the media, by the way, he was elected to fix things he promised to fix. the voters in the majority want that and watch the latest from the media. it's about self-indulging every opinion and acting like thoughts are facts and listen to that and then you'll hear reality check to the media. watch this. >> finally, we talk a lot about the different demographics and assumptions and latinos in texas, a district that's 97% latino went 75 per sen tesla and meta points for donald trump. why? misogyny. that's why. >> it's the border. the border crisis. >> is jay powell like the new
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anthony fauci. the guy with an extraordinarily hard job got it done but is still the target of so much ire. >> voters told the democratic party over and over and over again that their main issues were their pocketbooks, inflation, and immigration. and that was what they told them and the closing message of the democratic party was democracy and donald trump is a bad man. liz: yeah, right. behave to show it again. the media is going to show the inflation full screen and the border collapse under biden and harris. stephanie, your reaction to what you just heard? >> my reaction is i'm just tired of hearing the name calling against trump supporters. look, my mother is from mexico, she's an immigrant to this country, and i can promise you she's not a racist or bigot and that's not the reason why she didn't support kamala harris in this election. again, it's not going to work. by just saying these horrible
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things about the voters isn't going to change anyone's minds. it's going to make them run the opposite direction and you think that these people would do soul searching and really want to understand what happened in this election, but unfortunately many of them are trickling down on the vi vitriol and rhetoric andw do we move forward as a country trying to do this? liz: that's right. caroline, your final word. >> it was rendered irrelevant overnight and instead of focusing on top two issues that we knew all along, economy and immigration, made mountains out of things that turned out to be mole hills. puerto rico joke and many more. liz: thank you for being with us. good to see you. >> thank you. >> thanks. >> can we stop with that? i appreciate it. i don't like the stupid turkeys. all right. let's just knock that stupid [bleep] off please. all right. i did. i said i was leaving, and then the following day, get that through your dumb heads, the
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following day i turned around and said that there's no chance in the world that i'm leaving my country. liz: okay, professional trump hater michael cohen getting really angry on his own live stream when his viewers said why aren't you leaving? you said you would. and they put up turkey filters around his head. his own viewers started trolling him. he'll have hogan gilly taking on this friday night. why not a little fun. stay right there. ♪
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>> can we stop with that, i appreciate it i don't like the stupid turkeys. let's just knock that off. i said i was leaving and then the following day get it through your dumb heads, the following day i turned around and said that there's no chance in the world that i'm leaving my country, thank you very much. i'm not leaving anyway, you leave, this is my country. >> you leave is my country, professional trump later michael cohen getting really mad as his lifestream viewers they totally
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mocked him they put turkey hat on and when he tried to explain why he broke his promise, he's going to stay and not leave if he got reelected look who's here trump deputy secretary, hogan gidley, this is fun stuff, it is friday. >> the only person unlikable that michael cohen's kamala harris, both of the folks did not have a poll and the american people are thinking and what they want from their politicians, cohen tried to take down donald trump he was discredited many times he's admitted liar this is poetic justice to watching the one and try to explain why he's not couldn't keep another promise he made and gets trolled by the folks on the internet, priceless stuff. >> we also tim walz getting his concession speech say is going to resist trump, his own home district of minnesota did not go for, here's, what you make of tim walz. >> he is the embodiment the
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everything that kamala harris wants to do from the federal level that tim walz put in his state and yes we know about the tampon the boys bathrooms but he wanted taxpayer dollars to be used to fund illegal aliens going to college and illegal aliens getting free healthcare the whole flannel stick about how he was part of the midwest and americana was not going to fly because no one in americana wants the policies that is put in place he was a radical the speech was bad in american people rejected him and the same with kamala harris stephen do you think will be back on the national stage the mikado how he could be i think he embarrassed himself a bunch, a lot of stories because he wouldn't but not much and if he ever raises his head again i would imagine a lot of folks will go after him hard in the media he is a pretty checkered past, a lot of questions about why he was in china so many times in the communist chinese daughters and other things it didn't get
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adjudicated out on public. it was rush and shoved into a face. >> will you join the new trump administration. >> anytime you're asked to dance it's always flattering and i would do anything for donald trump to make this country great again if i can play a small part it'll be a blessing beyond measure. maria: final word, the resist by democrat governors what do you think. >> again i don't think it goes anywhere this was a mandate by donald trump for a republican in 20 years and crushing the swing states very impressive for him, donald trump has a mandate, those governors need to get on board and get out of the way. >> a pleasure to see you, think of her spending friday with us. >> i am elizabeth macdonald, think of her watching tv that it don't forget to dvr us. we appreciate you so much we hope you had a good weekend it's time to send it over to my dear friend dagen and sean they have been hitting out of the park


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