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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  November 11, 2024 9:00am-10:00am EST

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maria: 30 minutes before the opening bell for monday we have a rally under the weight in the premarket, dow industrials off the highs nonetheless triple digit 166, quick final thought michael lee. >> i told you trump was going to win popular vote by 2 - 3 points half a dozen times before that people looked at me like i had four heads but i was right. >> check out the new york times editorial awake for woke some democrats are waking up and realizing woke is broke. maria: we will leave it there, tricia, cheryl, mike have a great day, "varney & company" picks it up. >> morning everyone welcome to the show we are all about politics and money and we have big news on both let's start
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with the money. the trump rally continues but the top money headline is this, breakout for bitcoin it is priced at $81900 it briefly top for record highs same with stocks new highs across-the-board the dow will open with another gain of 150 points s&p 16 and nasdaq at 62 let there be no doubt that this is a trump rally aided and assisted by elon musk that's why tesla is doing so well again, up sharply, elon musk worth one third of the trading dollars and tesla stock up 6%, 342 and tesla. gaskets and politics trump appoints tom homan the borders are he's been a frequent and valued guest on this program and also going to be in charge of deportation, all speak with tom homan and the 11:00 o'clock hour this morning, separately the president-elect has asked elise stefanik to be in the ambassador to the united nations and your
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congresswoman. the new york times report blockbuster news trump's aides are working on executive orders that would take america out of the paris climate accord, that gets the big climate conference 29 that started today and back route and which ironically is based on oil drilling. trump has spoken three times with benjamin netanyahu and with putin as well trump is taking control of foreign-policy a week after the election. in the resistance to trump's begins. a bizarre suggestion that biden should resign as a vice president harris for a short time could become the first female president. i tell you morgan covered all monday november 11, it is veterans day 2024, "varney & company" is about to begin ♪
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♪ >> lucy is not about lsd, get that out of your head it's just a wonderful song. there is sixth avenue new york, it's been raining for the first it. president-elect trump will visit the white house wednesday of this week. we have an invitation from president biden. what we know about this visit. >> it's 11:00 o'clock eastern in the oval office and president biden extended the invitation is tradition for the outgoing president to host the incoming one and mark the start of a peaceful transition of power. the meeting coulward, trump is proposed to undo much of biden's agenda and then there's the issue of ukraine, national security adviser jake sullivan told cbs that president biden will urge president-elect trump to not abandon ukraine
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after all did he have the phone call with hooton or not. >> i looked to be a fly on the wall in the beating because i believe president biden loves trump, how's he going to say. >> when i use the word awkward that was being generous and understatement. now this listen to what here is communication director had to say after her loss, you have to see this. >> joe biden has been a phenomenal president he's lived up to so many of the promises one promise he could fulfill being a transitional figure, he could resigned the presidency in the next 30 days and make kamala harris the president of the united states. he would dissolve him having to oversee the january 6 transition of her own defeat it would make sure it would dominate the news at a point where democrats have to learn drama and transparency in doing things that the public wants to see, this is the moment to change the entire perspective of how democrats are.
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>> i don't how serious one should take this but we will do anyway. guy benson is with us is this a desperate hail mary or what. >> levels of cope that we never seen before what a ridiculous harebrained scheme. i guess this is an idea that you can make for the first female president which would really stick it to who, exactly, she lost the election decisively. this is someone spent balling ideas to try to get attention when gas has succeeded. were talking about the democrats need more drama in more chaos. i'm not sure that's necessarily wise counsel. the other thing this is maybe a petty notion because trump has all the merchandise that says 45 and 47 and if she technically became the 47th president he would then be the 48th president and all the merge would be no good but all that
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would do is give an opportunity for trump and to make a lot more money on a lot of new merge, i'm not sure this is been fully baked let's put it that way i don't think it's going to happen. >> i agree entirely. listen to what the dnc official had to say about the harris campaign. role. >> this is an epic disaster, 20 million or $18 million in debt it's incredible and i raise millions of that, i have friends that i have to be accountable to and to explain what happened. i told them moves a margin of error, i was promised that harris would win, shiva put videos out saying harris would win, i believed her, my donors believed her and there was massive checks. i feel like a lot of us were misled. stuart: the campaign is reportedly $20 million in debt and some of the debt is from the last minute concerts, oprah winfrey can enter production company got a million dollars
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for her help of the campaign. i don't think that looks good when a campaign pays stars to support them. >> they raised a billion dollars, a billion dollars and apparently they spent more than that. i read they were $116 million in the black in mid-october and somehow all the money blew out the door in the final couple of the weeks that they're raising money to retire campaign debt in the losing campaign that spends a billion dollars. it's really incredible to spend that about of money, they're bragging how much money, we were hand over fist somebody donors, used as billion dollars plus to go into debt to lose the donald trump and now you're asking people for more money to pay off the debt how is the money spent i think some of the postmortem on the campaign are to be
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fascinating. i usually don't recap at this time i'm reading it is going to be really enjoyable to take a look at. i saw donald trump flooding a idea of retiring the debt which seems magnanimous for master level trolling or both. having too much fun, we will see you later. we really have to get to the money, that is the other side of the political coin, that is a rally on monday morning following record highs for stocks last week, ryan payne is here and he called it you've known for a long time. outrageous stuff you are saying that were headed for the euphoric stage of the bull market, where we melt up? >> sir john templeton famous investor that said bull markets are born on pessimistic and born on skepticism, one of the few bulls in the room optimistic on the economy in the market and
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they mature on optimism and all the sudden everyone seems optimistic now on the stock market and a lot of people that were the last couple of years we won't mention names but they die on euphoria. i think we see the transition from where markets have been optimistic heading to euphoria and that's where the bubbles tend to burst if you look at historically. stuart: looking for coin $82000, do you think that is a bubble. >> i think that's indicative that speculation fever is alive and well and if you look at 70% of grown adults ever use bitcoin that is the same as 2021 and has not changed at all, six out of ten people in america don't trust bitcoin or crypto currency so i think it's indicative that the casino is getting bigger, money is still pretty easy out there which also speaks to why is it that cutting interest rates when you have a hot hot financial conditions. stuart: your little worried stock is straight up, bitcoin straight up a little anxious.
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>> i'm always a little anxious. >> your anxiety is growing. >> is a fair assessment. bottom line markets can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent and i think the bull market has legs in earnings will continue to go higher i would diversify the daylight i would not concentrate in the s&p 500, dogecoin, bitcoin, whatever you want to pick. ryan payne you got it right, thank you for being on the show, senator rick scott is throwing his hat into the ring to be the next senate majority leader. >> he is closely aligned with donald trump and will fight to push through his agenda. >> they did let me go through orientation. me and chuck schumer blocked it in our league and the time didn't help. it is exact same thing. chuck schumer is going to do everything that he can to block the trump agenda. we gotta have a leader that is willing to stand up and say no
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way we are going to do the right thing and we will stand up for our rights. here's what i bring to the table, i clearly believe in the trump agenda number one. i need a business that has the success to do exactly what we need to do in the senate. >> he is the wealthiest sitting senator and the governor of florida for eight years and trump's chief of staff susie wiles ran his gubernatorial campaign you can call that an alliance, senator scott pitching himself to replace mitch mcconnell as senate majority leader is in a three-way race with senator john thune and john cornyn, rick scott has elon musk's endorsement which could help sense scott was once considered a maybe still is the underdog, the senate will vote by secret ballot on wednesday which is also the oval office meeting between trump and biden. >> but we don't know who trump is endorsing.
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>> he is not endorsed that i'm aware of. trump is not an office but is taking over foreign policy previous spoke to israel benjamin netanyahu three times and called putin, morgan ortega sincere on what that means for america standing on the world stage. trump to set to follow through to withdraw from the paris climate agreement, watch this. >> a sound so nice the paris climate. it basically said that this country is screwed. it said this country is going to pay billions and billions of dollars and other countries will pay nothing. as part of his plan to put america first and drill baby drill, pete hegseth on that next. ♪ harlem has everything. but i couldn't find pilates anywhere. so i started my own studio. and with the right help, i can make this place
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stuart: you're looking at a monday morning rally following the big valley last week all-time highs probably coming up in the dow, the s&p invaded the nasdaq to were getting a clear picture of who will join the trump administration, lucas tomlinson from west palm beach, florida, tell me who is in and who is out. >> tom homan is in and nikki haley and mike pompeo are out. homan will be the borders are that is not a cabinet pick butter audience on fox business is very familiar with tom homan and here he was on 60 minutes. >> we seen one estimate that says it would cost $88 billion to deport a million people a year. >> i don't know if that's accurate or not.
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>> is not what american taxpayers should expect. >> what price you put on national security is it worth it. >> is there a way to carry out mass deportation without separating families. >> of course there is and we can be deported together. here's the post from trump around 1130. there is nobody better at policing and patrolling our borders tom homan would be in charge of all deportation of illegal aliens back to their country of origin expecting executive action to fix the southern border on day one of the new trump administration. trump announcing the new ambassador to the united nations your congresswoman elise stefanik who is questioning on capitol hill led to ivy league presidents this means the narrow gop house majority will be smaller, don't take months for special election in new york to fill sulfonic seat. trump saying i am moderate to nominate chairwoman elise
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stefanik to serve in the cabin as u.s. ambassador to the united nations. she's a strong tough and smart america first fighter. two people who will not be joining the new administration, nikki haley and mike pompeo trump saying over the week and he will not be inviting them to join his administration in the service cabinet he wants those posted quickly and immediately and calling of the u.s. senate and the new leadership to appoint these cabinet pics during recess time. recess appointments, the vetting will continue here in palm beach, candidates are already on the plane flying down to mar-a-lago to meet with the president-elect. >> thank you very much, tom homan will be on this program at 11:00 o'clock or in the 11:00 o'clock hour. now this the new york times reports that trump plans to withdraw from the 2015 paris climate accords, pete hegseth joins me now. i get the impression that these climate guys are in retreat and they see your smiling nothing. good think of the exact opposite
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of what the woke left has been advancing and that's what donald trump is about to do we are awake to the utopian zines of what they're trying to peddle. the paris climate record came around in 2016 and it took trump a few years to pull out of it. when you realize what it actually is he's going to get rid of it right away which gets rid of the burdensome regulation requirements and mandates on what america can do while allowing china in developing countries to admit at different levels is a total sham meant to take on countries like ours and hold us back in the name of climate science which is proven to not be true which is a religion to the left and the son unleashes real american-led american first foreign policy that is not tethered to the thermostat which is ultimately what the biden administration was all about. i want to draw a parallel in 1980 we went through the iran hostage crisis.
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the day ronald reagan was inaugurated, generally 1981 iran released the hostages. i think the same thing is happening now, countries are not backing hamas because trump is been elected. do you think that we return to a point where it is peace through strength? >> absolutely we have. peace is brought when your enemies believe you will bring destruction upon them by your mere presence, he is not even there yet and hamas is crying uncle in europe is saying we bought a buyer natural gas from the united states so we can avoid your tariffs there is a living reality of the adults coming back into the room and if i do want to get about the middle east and a complicated place, in the middle east strength is rewarded, the lead dog is respected and that was united states under donald trump especially after the fall of afghanistan and what happened in ukraine in october 7 the biden
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administration was a joke, the adults are back in our enemies are taking notice. stuart: you're a bitcoin guy $82000 this morning, are you selling? >> look at trump taking bitcoin great again also. all it took was signaling to the market that they were going to be overregulated which trump embraced them and as a result i did sell some pretty high but i'm holding a bunch as well. veterans day avenue veterans day special tonight seven eastern vaccination. what can we expect. >> happy veterans day to all the bets it could be a great event john rich's bar alive modern warriors show from 7 - 8:00 p.m. eastern time and i'm joined by other that's, jason beardsley, black rifle coffee, trump won is a new commander-in-chief what does that mean for the defense department and our vets in recruiting, what does it mean
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for our military, candid conversation over whiskey or beer and you can see it on vaccination. stuart: thank you, we respect your service. a quick check of futures, this is monday morning i see green across the screen, the opening bell is next. are we talking soda may or, there is the market. what we got on the. >> she's a liberal justice, 70 usual and just type 1 diabetes. the big question should president biden make a move to replace her right now while he can get a younger liberal justice and potentially or did they wait and risk it if she retires to the trump presidency will he get a younger conservative justice likely. she says she is not retiring according to the wall street journal. >> she's resisting the pressure. i got it, thank you so much
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let's check futures, dow up 170 points with a few minutes to go to the opening bell, the nasdaq of 62, you're looking at new highs later this morning and we will be back with that. ♪ (cheerful music) (phone ringing) [narrator] not all multi-millionaires built their wealth the same way, you have... the fearless investor. the type a cpa. the bootstrapper. the bootmaker. yeehaw [narrator] but many do have something in common. we all trust schwab with our wealth. [narrator] thanks to our award-winning service, low costs and transparent advice. every day, over a million multi-millionares trust schwab with more than two trillion dollars of their wealth. ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well ♪
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needed. plus, you can get medical care anywhere in the country, even when you're traveling! with humana, you get a competitive monthly premium, and personalized service, from a healthcare partner working to make healthcare simpler and easier for you. you can choose from a wide range of standardized plans. each one is designed to work seamlessly with medicare and help save you money! so how do you find the plan that's right for you. one that fits your needs and your budget? call humana now at the number on your screen for this free guide. it's just one of the ways that humana is making healthcare simpler. and when you call, a knowledgeable, licensed agent-producer can answer any questions you have and help you choose the plan that's right for you. the call is free. and there's no obligation. you know medicare won't cover all your medical costs. so, call now and see why a medicare supplement plan from a company like humana just might be the answer.
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stuart: three minutes to the opening bell, i see green double 170, nasdaq of 50, jacob sonenshine joins me to cover the market. you say consistently the best way to play the big rally is to go for small caps, give me options on investing in small caps. >> first of all the gap between price or new multiples being small caps and large-cap in the s&p 500 is historically wide, s&p 600 and the etf for the sp, i don't remember the ticker s&p 600 exchanged. >> as psm s&p 600 small-cap. >> you can do iw number russell 2000 i like the s&p 600 better you're talking about quality companies have to be profitable to be in the index we are a later cycle and rates going up a little bit i don't like those unprofitable companies. >> your preference for small-cap is as psm. >> or k re: regional banking up
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a lot but the small-cap group, there get a benefit from fiscal stimulus and a better m&a environment you may get higher evaluation otherwise would've been with investors expecting some deals to happen in banking land. >> this is based on trump we need the election a growing dichotomy next year end the years after, this is a trump small-cap rally. >> i like small-cap better to play it because s&p 500 is 22 times earnings and the reason it is not 22 times earnings with rates above 4% is because the reasons i'm talking about but you already had the lag with small caps not catching up, there's more relative performance for small caps to come. stuart: there beginning to catch up. >> they are and i think you want to take that as a cue that the market started to turn positive. >> the bond market is closed so we don't have interest-rate news but they open up again tomorrow.
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interest-rate not a problem for the rally. >> they are, less than for small caps because they're so cheap, my issue with my starting point for the s&p 500 if i take a 22 times price-earnings multiple and i flip it around my earnings yield is 4.5% think about fixed income that is not so attractive on s&p 500. that's fascinating you got it right so far. moving on with the opening bell coming up in 20 seconds, 18, 15 seconds. working opening the green i don't know how we close out this afternoon you don't know what you're going to get on here. veterans day on the left-hand side banging the bell look like a navy ship. press the button on the other side, the overall market is now open we are up and running, look at that the dow is up 233 points
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right from the get-go, good lord that is a high percentage point gain it follows new highs last week and i guarantee that is a new high intraday high as of now. look at the division of the dow 30 almost all of them at the green on the upside continuing last week's rally something else again s&p 500 up over one third of 1%. 6000 is a level that is reached. the nasdaq composite, what is the percentage gain .36% about the same as s&p and is up 69 points. 19356. big tech all higher except for meta and apple apple is down 1.67. microsoft is up for 23. we have to start financial news coverage with a massive rally in bitcoin. 81600 all about trump. >> i was hoping to see 82 and
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change, this is the trump train, trump has promised to ease regulation, mine bitcoin right here in the usa asked gary gansler who does not like the crypto industry if you look at they're down ballot races, the big one that everyone's talking about in the space is ohio race senator sherrod brown lost to the copter currency enthusiast bernie marino $40 million in crypto funding went into the campaign to help him, he won and it's important because editor brown is chair of the senate banking committee. he will give that up and is widely expected that tim scott will step in and fill the role and tim scott says i'm going to cut the red tape that hurts the crypto industry. look at the crypto place. 13% for a marathon. a big percentage but you can tell that is a rally, trump media it is up again.
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>> if you're counting from election day this is a 37 or 38% increase in the past not even week, this is a company with $1 million in revenue in their pushing a market capitalization of $7 billion. it's a trump used of trump trades if you will this is been a mood ride like bitcoin since trump was elected. here's another mood ride tesla is up again they became intrigued about the company friday and up again now of 21-point to 342, 6% again it is more trump. >> tesla has government contracts for the ev chargers under government probe for the self driving of fsd but their ceo elon musk is a friend and advisor of president electra and thus largely considered good for business your 341 and wedbush says is going to 400. stuart: i don't have the numbers i'll be but i believe elon musk is worth a third of a trillion dollars. >> is over 300 billion.
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stuart: is he getting close to $333 billion. we will check i think he is. palantir, how many times people on this program set this thing is going to the moon and it's up 60 bucks. >> is up to a 40% this year. the news is and the reason is up another 2% they have a deal with anthropic a.i. which is backed by amazon so palantir and anthropic apartment to provide defense access to provide the defense industry with the big data. basically it is a.i. assisted and chat about is called claude and they will process the secret government data through the deal. >> i see we have amazon on the screen what is this about the company developing smart eyeglasses for the drivers. >> are working on the smart glasses that drivers can used to give them turn by turn direction
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and tell them where they need to go to shave seconds off their outcome is that important. when you're delivering so much every single day, amazon is using artificial intelligence in the band itself level like the screen disagreeing.and it will shine on the package of the driver is expected to pick up to deliver first. if they have the glasses on to can you imagine how much faster they're going to be. in the end this would save seconds in the green dot shaves a half an hour after day. if you have an eight hour shift that becomes evident half hours and you get paid for the extra half-hour of time you put the glasses on it if that's what they're working for you shave another half an hour after time now you're doing a lot more with less you free workers up to do more. >> what fascinates me is the innovation the amazon is prepared to get into green dots, eyeglasses that is fantastic. >> i feel like people are
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becoming robots you responded to stimulus telling you to look certain directions and pick up items but is 2024. >> amazon stock is up the government has ordered a halt on taiwan semi shipments to china and the stock is down. stuart: do remember one of taiwan semi chips the most advanced chips recently found in a while a processor a big deal huawei is on the u.s. restricted list and reuters is reporting the commerce department sends a letter to taiwan semi ordering that the halt shipments of advanced chips you're looking at huge declines in intel is down a little bit was supermicro down 10% they have their own problems but this could be we've been talking about the trump trade what about the biden trade being unwound a lot of the companies that chips act funding and maybe that doesn't go through maybe it's taken back. >> that would be a shock. >> there was speculation between health and insurance but i
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believe that is not what happened. >> the stocks are trading accordingly, cigna has said it's not seeking to buy humana anymore so that stock is up 6%, humana is down in trump is considered more favorable to mna and general but they might not believe that this humana deal is strategically aligned for them they're already selling off their medicare business. it looks like the deal is not going to happen. were often running on a monday morning the dow is up 386 points. coming up a fema employee has been fired for instructing hurricane relief workers to avoid homes with trump flags on them. house oversight james comer demands answers, he joins us in the 10:00 o'clock hour, trump tapping tom homan to serve as the borders are. >> i know exactly what i'm doing, this is the second time i came out of retirement for this president. the border security is national security and we should all be on the same side of that. stuart: 's first order of business follow-through on trump
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deportation promise. tom homan joins us in the 11:00 o'clock hour bernie sanders doubling down the democrats abandon the working class. >> the working class of this country is angry and they have a reason to be angry, 60% of our people are living paycheck to paycheck and what donald trump did as provided in expo nation. stuart: nancy pelosi is firing back at disagrees we will get into it with economist even more after this. ♪
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(♪) (♪) voltaren... for long lasting arthritis pain relief. (♪)
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stuart: check the market 11 minutes in, the dow was up 443.01% gain, your back at another all-time high, take a
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look at the retailers including walmart, reuters reports that these cavities are importing fewer holiday products and a smaller sales increase all the retailers are down except for best buy which is down 78 cents republicans first legislative order of business will be extend trump tax cuts and increasing working families hillary vaughn on capitol hill, how do republicans plan on getting this done. >> house republicans have been preparing for what they're calling the super bowl of tax policy to make the 2017 tax cuts permanent not delivered lower taxes for millions of americans and they expire at the end of 2025, republicans are also tasked with other ideas that trump pitched during his campaign like no taxes on tips, overtime or social security. the committee for responsible federal budget warns that the trump tax cut which this could come with hefty price tag adding 7.5 trillion to the debt over a
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decade. but congressman byron donalds says their prediction doesn't take into account all the economic growth that will come from putting money back into people's pockets. >> it doesn't cost of entry in dollars and the reason why we notice because under the first policy which is the current lot today the democrats and all the outside groups said it would cost $5 trillion, the truth is the federal government raised more tax revenue that was ever modeled or contemplated by any of the organizations. >> there are some disparities between what republicans want, hauser republicans want to move on overall tax border and energy package within the first 100 days of the new congress but said it republicans have signaled they want to take the time to do it right forecasting this could be a year-long ef effort, there's a lot up in the air, house republicans are several seats shy of gaining control of the house and set it republicans do not have the majority leader picked, the contest between senator john thune, john cornyn and senator rick scott. >> i'm optimistic i believe i'm
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going to win and soon and cornyn are friends, here's a bring to the table. i clearly believe in the trump agenda number one any business guy that has a success doing exactly what we need to do in the senate. >> there is likely to be disagreement among republicans about how much to add to the deficit some are not going to want to add much to the debt so that was significant handcuff what republicans are able to do. >> we shall see, the spring and stephen were i need to talk to you can trump extend the tax cuts, cut corporate taxes, eliminate taxes on tip overtime social security, can he do all of that in his first year? >> it to be with you and by the way thank you for med to be the fact that i predicted on your show a month ago that if trump won the election we would see huge trump rally and have weak. were excited about that. this is good to be one of the
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top two or three issues for trump getting the tax bill through the congress. as you know morgan have to do something called reconciliation which means it would only require 51 votes in the united states senate to get this done and guess what the republicans we don't know exactly the number and looks like it's going to be 53 senate seats and of course they have a majority in the house. this will get done and i think the big question is whether or not tariffs are used as a way to offset some of the revenue loss. i agree with the clip that you just played by byron donalds, this is a fantasy to say this would cost $7 trillion and i'm not saying the tax cut will pay but it would be a lot less than that and perhaps you could use the tariffs on china, what do you think to pay for the tax cuts for american workers. >> i think that is trump's plan he will negotiate the relationship with china using
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tariffs as is bludgeon so to speak. another subject, senator sanders has doubled down on the criticism of the democrats and their treatment to the working class. >> the working class of this country is angry and they have a reason to be angry. were limited to the economy today with the people on top are doing phenomenally well while 60% of our people are living paycheck to paycheck and what donald trump did is provided an explanation he went around and said i know you're angry. >> nancy pelosi disagrees she responded to bernie sanders over the weekend with this. >> of a great deal of respect for him and what he stands for but i don't respect them say the democratic party has abandoned the working class that is where we are, for example, for example under president biden you see the rescue package, money in the pockets of people, shots in the
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arm, children in school safely, working people back to work, what is his name, what did trump do when he was president, one bill that gave it tax cut to the richest people in america. stuart: i don't think it matters this is a foolish argument. the democrats of the party of tax-and-spend and always will be in stock when you change. >> that's exactly right, it's important for people to understand because i'm with bernie sanders on this i think american middle class is pissed off, they are angry and feeling financially stressed out, here's the problem the democrats had. trying to explain the anger that middle-class americans are feeling, who's been in charge of washington for the last 16 years, it's been the democrats. in the middle class made much progress was when donald trump was in office. when we saw $6000 gain during
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biden's presidency. in a 1500-dollar loss in income is started with middle-class workers and minorities in the ftr coalition that are not part of the trump coalition. >> trump is a new coalition a wonderful thing. thank you for being with us we will see you again real soon. there will be marches, there will be angry demonstrations tearful outburst and the resistance is getting itself together. the country on distraught democrats trying to destroy trump second presidency. that will be my take at the top of the hour. ♪
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doctor marc siegel joined this can you explain this. >> i think your headlining list under no ache america healthy again meaning let's get all the chemicals out of our food and lose weight to begin with and let's not need the drugs. now if we need the drugs we need to know they're not necessarily a free lunch and what were talking about and why the fda is doing this because all the drugs ozempic, will go v, mounjaro, that bound all of them can cause delayed gastric to him entering into the meaning your stomach delays more slowly makes you feel full, what it can do when you go under in esthesia leisure stomach contents could backup and end up in your lungs. we don't know exactly how to deal with do stop the drug a couple of weeks before do we have you fast it's not entirely clear from an anesthesia point
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of view how to handle this and that's why the wording does not mean everyone watching should say oh it means you need to be aware when you're facing surgery. stuart: a new op-ed in the los angeles times says too many older americans are getting tested for alzheimer's they argue because very little treatment is doing more harm than good by fueling needless anxiety what do you think. >> i think this is a weekly alzheimer's segment you're talking about keith also at ucla that pinned the op-ed who i interviewed multiple times i think he is a brilliant clinician and i think what he saying why test something we can't do anything about except spread anxiety if we know you have a blood test that shows you may get alzheimer's down the line that we don't feel comfortable giving you the new drugs because they too many side effects why should we do that
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and he saying let's put blood test together with clinical response. i agree with the caution that were heading toward the period of time a few years from now where we will have a cocktail of treatments something to stop information something to fight against beta proteins, when we have it all together it may make more sense to screen with the blood test he saying don't do the blood test unless you the neurologist sees a sign of alzheimer's happening, don't do it in less sugar. >> doctor siegel always a pleasure. morgan ortagus will react to the violence of jewish people attack in amsterdam a fema official told workers in florida avoid homes with trump side house oversight james comer wants answers about the pre-he is on the show and will ask kt mcfarland about the foreign policy which is taking shape, he is speaking to putin and
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