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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  December 3, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EST

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is shaking a bit over this situation with the marshal law and do you see them catching up in they've been done for quite some time? >> the normal cycle of the dollar is eight years and we're in about year 18 right now. at some point, that would reverse and all the momentum you have behind the new presidency and all the things that will happen with the trump presidency, it could take a bit of time, but we believe in having that strategic portfolio. liz: momentum for you, record close for s&p and the nasdaq. how about that. good to see you. thank you so much. russell, dow jones industrials in the transports in the red tomorrow, a huge day and you've got to join us. ♪ larry: hello, folks, welcome to kudlow. i'm larry kudlow. so will the republican senate
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grow a backbone and support president trump's' cabinet nominees and tax cut s? we have senator cruz and all that coming up later in the show. we have senators rand paul, ron johnson, congressman wesley hunt all waiting in the wings. first up, aishah hasnie live on capitol hill. what did president trump say to the senators? there's a lot of weird stuff coming out in the media. reporter: yeah, he called into a close door policy meeting that senate republicans were having with house speaker mike johnson and wanted to fire them up and remind them of his mandate all the battleground states he won and he wants to get his work, his i'm told they came out with a two part, two pronged reconciliation plan to tackle the border and energy in the first 30 days and here's senator
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talking about what trump told the republicans. >> he's ready to go and wants us ready to go and thinks we are and he celebrated some of the wins and difficult states like pennsylvania and ohio and so we were excited to hear from him. he gave us a few chuckles across the way too. reporter: elon musk and vivek ramaswamy are expected on the hill this thursday, larry, to meet with senator joni ernst talking about how to cut a trillion from the federal government in two years and pam bondi is back on the hill today and doing some meetings today as is defense secretary nominee pete hegseth and he's been getting so much attention, larry. listen to this, the media scrums following him have gotten so big on the hill because of the allegations of sexual assault that he's facing that he denies that the sergeant in arms now has basically limited the number of press that can follow him
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around because it's gotten so chaotic and surface-like on the hill. larry. larry: aishah, talk about tax cuts. i'm very interested and hearing things that i don't want to hear. i'm going to riff on it in just a minute. they're going to put the tax cuts off till the back end of the year, which could be a big problem and he won on the economy and we're hoping for a repeat of the blue collar boom, et cetera, et cetera. what do you know about that, if anything? reporter: they want to put off what they can and tackle first what they can. when it comes to tax cuts, they think they can get to it later and not something they need to tackle immediately where something like taxes or no taxes on tips and could tackle in the first 30 days, but it sounds like they're joust trying to focus on whatever they can get across the finish line as quickly as possible just to give him some victories right out of
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the gate. larry: thank you,'hawaii trump tax cuts 2.0 can't wait and that's the subject of the riff. during the trump ye years and ft presidential term, real average weekly wages. aka take home pay rose over 9%. during biden, it plunged 3.7%. median household income during the trump years rose $7,700. that's pre-covid. adjusted for inflation also. during mr. biden's term, median income rose only $1,000. now, those two numbers take home pay and median income have a lot to do with mr. trump's landslide election victory.
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these are the kitchen table issues for mr. trump's working class majority and span all races and cut so heavily into the democrat's former coalition and the economy ranked first in every poll and now in working folks are losing money and can't afford gasoline or groceries or electricities or new cars or new homes, color plays no role. it's about the economy. more than enough people remember how good they had it during the trump years and how poorly it was during the biden years. the sooner president elect trump can restore the blue collar boom and the stronger his political position will be in congress and all across the country. that's why i'm concerned that the new administration may not start their legislative agenda with tax cuts. we're hearing two reconciliation bills and tackling energy
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defense and the border. the second would be authorized expiring tax cuts later in the year. i don't think tracks cuts should wait and i don't think mr. trump's working class collation thinks tax cuts should way. they want better take home pay and lower inflation and now in favor of whatever it takes to produce 3 more billion and bring down gasoline to $2 a gallon. i'm totally in favor of building the wall in order to close the border and if we shift from wisen'peasment to a trump polict we need a stronger and more efficient pentagon. leaving tax cuts in the dust for a later date did not strike me as a good idea in economic or political terms. i mean, look, why not where you know large scale reconciliation bill which was being promoted by steve scalise and others and it
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would only require a majority of 51 votes. why not push the boundaries of all the previously discussed issues? remember treasury secretary scott bessent's 3-3-3 formula. it's very, very good. 3% or better growth reduced deficit to 3% or less of gdp. and add 3 million more battles a day. all good. smart guy. tax cuts helping enormously above the 3% growth and reignite the blue collar boom and people listening to senator mike krepo expected to lead the senate finance exit tee and measured against current policy and that's assumed the popular trump tax cuts will be extended forever. mike crepo noted on this show that in terms of the budget
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office and letting spending going on forever, thereby increasing every year and nobody scores that as higher deficit. for some reason, if you let tax cut goes on forever, they want to score that as a huge deficit increaser and maybe with the static score card and tax hike of $4 trillion. that that is nonsense and spending is current policy and tax cuts should be current policy as well. here's what he told me a couple weeks ago on the show. take a listen. >> another interesting thing, larry, usual the spending protocols that we use and the scoring protocols, extending current spending does not score as a deficit. but extending current tax increases scores as a deficit. it's ridiculous. larry: that's unbelievable. larry: one very smart fellow.
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tax cuts from trump # 1.0 and economist larry lindsey in a report last summer note that had the corporate income tax alone has produced better than 30% higher revenues than predicted in 2016 the year before the trump tax cuts were passed and top 1% of taxpayers continue to pay more and more and coming to 46% and it's a good reason to cut the individual tax rates as much as possible. importance of 1099 small tax reduction and going for them and they pay the individual income tax. steve forbes is right, reducing capital gains tax will not only power economic investment and productivity and growth. it'll also generate a massive revenue wind fall just as it has
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in the past. the 2.0 trump tax cuts moving in congress and happier those working class trump voters are going to be. the faster it'll reignite and that's the riff. we have joining us, great texas 123459 torr mr. ted cruz, senator cruz. thank you. i was never worried about that. producers get so nervous. i knew you were going to come around. we have a bunch of things to talk about. you're the right guy. i just want to start with this issue. it's now surfacing and i heard rumors about this a week or two ago. we'll have two reconciliation bills and energy and defense and tax cuts later on and i don't know your view and we can debate
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this and people can disagree and agree and i don't like it. tax cuts 2.0 on the table right away and legislatively and by the way, i don't know if you heard the clip from senator mike crapo but permanent tax cuts are. there's a current policy baseline that we -- the current policy tax cuts should not be scored as a revenue loser. they shouldn't be scored as any darn thing because it's permanent policy. senator cruz, those are my beefs and i'm very overheated on it. >> larry, you always are and a man of strong opinions and almost always right. that's a good thing. larry: thank you. >> listen, in terms of how congress proceeds, i think it's likely going to be the way you laid out with a series of different reconciliation bills, and really the decision is coming for president trump and the trump team.
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we had a policy retreat spending five hours together talking about how to deliver on our promises, how to really take the mandate from this election and deliver. we have a republican senate and house and roll up our sleeves and go to work. the view of most senate republicans is if the president wants to first secure the boarder and then want tax cuts, we'll follow the president's guidance in terms of order of priority. the thinking is when it cops to securing the border, we'll see on january o 20th, the president issuing a series of executive orders reversing the disastrous unilateral executive action joe biden took that caused this crisis and the feeling is that we can pass legislation providing the funding to secure the border and goal a clear
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mandate on the election. with the tax cuts, we've got to extend the tax cuts and i want to see them bigger and bolder. i think the h part of the reason the trump campaign wants to have the order the way it is is you know well having been through the 2017 tax cuts that negotiating the exact terms is going to take time. it's give and take and back and forth and it'll take a number of months so i would not think about it as delaying the tax cuts but rather the negotiation will take long tore get there. i expect we'll pass the tax cut bill probably in the summer and it'll take that long to negotiate the details. i'll tell you from my end, i'm going to be pushing to make them bigger and bolder and asked about what mike crapo said, he's absolutely right it should be current policy that's the
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current baseline and maintaining the tax level where they are is somehow going to increase the deficit. that's an artificial washington construct and it doesn't make any sense. larry: the crapo point and going for them to be a smart guy and it's a terribly smart guy and you and i know him well and new tax cuts and going to score dynamically on the growth and that doesn't qualify it and thanksgiving the existing tax cuts and going for them is permanent. the individual tax cuts and the alternative going for them and that should be scored again and that'll be current policy law forever and ever. just like spending and welfare and food stamps and medicare and self-secure and going for them and mike crapo is going
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absolutely brilliant. should stand up for him and there's too many republicans tower on them and going for them with phony scoring of the congressional budget office and then the gop makes decisions in the senate that we come to regret later on and that you all come to regret later on. don't have to do it that way. >> something else he said, larry, look at scoring historically is the way to congressional budget office in the past going for static scoring and does not take into account tax cuts wildly off. we cut taxes in 2017 and the result was the next year and each year federal revenue went
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up and cutting taxes increased revenue and you're ab chutely right and it takes into account the effect of policies you're putting in place, and i don't think we should be constrained and i think we should think big and bold and i'd like to see you mention the treasury secretary nominee's 3-3-3 plan and i'd like to see 4% or 5% gdp growth. in reagan's fourth year in office, 1984, the gdp grew 7.2%. we can do that we've got a mandate. larry: scot bessent is a cool headed guy and smart guy, and he's on the right track. he's a believer in dynamic scoring and i fret a bit. i'll tell you the record and i
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fret, you think you're going to get two reconciliation bills? good luck on that, senator. it's not that easy and it's not that easy and i remember back in 2017, the first half of that year was spent trying to end obama care and that did not end well. better policy and i'm just saying people out there want to see take home pay go up. there's two ways to improve -- i mean three. one is better wages for growth, two is lower prices from less inflation, and three is more take home from lower taxes and they want to hear about tax cuts just as much. i'm not diminishing the border. i get that. but i think they want to hear about tax cuts and i don't know, you have to think about that. one last one. >> larry, one thing i'm urging
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to my colleagues is two of the first bills we should take up in january when we come back are number one, my legislation, justice for jocelyn act, named after jocelyn nungaray that illegal immigrants be detained and can't be released and threaten our family. we should take that up and vote on it and the second one is the point you raised is my legislation, no taxes on tips. that's something donald trump campaigned on. i've introduced the legislation and my legislation is bipartisan. there's two democrat senators who are cosponsors and i'd like to see us vote on no taxes on tips, and i think we could pass it without meeting reconciliation to do it. i think we could get 60 votes on the floor of the senate, and that would be really powerful because no taxes on tips. larry: how about overtime? overtime? >> i don't know if we have the votes on overtime. no taxes on tips because we've got two democrats on the bill because kamala harris supported the idea. i think if we put it on the
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floor of the senate, it's very hard for senate democrats to vote against it. it would be great to pass a tax cut and force the deputies to vote for it and put it on trump's desk to sign on jan january 20th. larry: thank you for reminding us of that, senator cruz. i only have 30 seconds now. how's my pal hegseth doing? there's a front page headline in "the wall street journal" website and he's in trouble and this and that. this guy is a patriot, highly decorated warrior. you know him very well. we all know him here and rooting for him and he'd be on the show i don't know how many times i've been on his show. how is he going to do, senator cruz. and did trump single him out and say we're sticking with hegseth? >> look, i think pete hegseth will be confirmed. i think every one of trump's cabinet nominees will be con if i wered. i sat down with pete yesterday and he came to capitol hill and sat with a number of senators. as you know, he's a decorated
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combat veteran and a serious guy. he spent his lifetime fighting for the military, fighting for veterans, and i'll tell you, he is clear eyed about the need to reform the department of defense to get back to its core mission and supporting the war fighter and enhancing that to be prepared to defeat our enemies and putting the woke politicized agenda of the last four years behind us. we need that clear report. larry: did president trump single him out in this -- when he made his phone call today to you all? >> look, i think president trump is going to stick with pete hegseth and he'll get confirmed. the reason the democrats are -- they want to make the confirmation hearing into a circus and they're throwing mud at him, but they don't want to address the core mission of the secretary of of defense and military recruiting numbers will skyrocket because people are not
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wanting to enlist because of the woke nonsense under the biden dod. larry: that's a great point. thank you, senator cruz. as always thank you ever so much. coming up, can vivek ramaswamy and elon musk doge defeat the woke state? when kudlow returns, remember please, catch kudlow monday through friday at 4:00 p.m. and right here on fabulous fox business. for some reason you can't get us at 4:00, please just text your favorite #-year-old and she'll show you -- 9-year-old and she'll show you how to dvr the show, and you'll never miss a single tax cut. i promise you that. we'll be right back. ♪ where ya headed? susan: where am i headed?
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wouldn't it be easier if you could find what you want, all in one place? my favorites. get xfinity streamsaver with netflix, apple tv+, and peacock included, for only $15 a month. >> i think we have a lot of allies in congress with their heart in the right place. what we learned over the last 40 years and even conservatives, we've talked a big game for 40 years about cutting the federal government and reducing the scope of the federal government. politicians haven't been able to do it. elon and i we're not politicians, we're businessmen. larry: all right. talk more about this. it's really become ago big deal. , elon musk and vivek ramaswamy. and then they're government efficiency department. we have governor rand paul. thank you for joining us.
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have you met with those guys and you're a great budget cutter and one of the fiercest in the senate? have you been talking to them and what are you think something ooi have and i'm excited about the possibility of getting allies in the administration and talked with vivek ramaswamy several types about this. i think there's great ideas coming out. there's no reason we shouldn't completely quit hiring new people. just a hiring freeze through attrition and you'll lose probably a million workers over four years, but we can do better than that. there's so many that can be told to come back to work. if they have to work five days, my goodness, how many will quit. those that won't do their job or not doing their job could be fired for cause. i've requested records from hhs from dozens of employees refusing to give me paperwork and most of them should be fired for cause. the ability to think outside of the box and finish reading elon
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musk's bog fio. i know he knows when he looks at something and the rocket and it'll cost a million dollars and nasa does it and he does it for 20,000 by telling his engineers no make it, make it lighter and make it out of steel. this is what we need. we don't have anybody like that in government. most people in government are too timid and we need risk takers and people who say we've got to do something about the trillion in interest we're paying. larry: senator, i talked to vivek quite a lot privately on this show and so forth. he frequently legal scholar that he can be talking about how the supreme court decisions e, pa versus west virginia and more and helping him on the regulatory front, is there a chance of him cutting back on the regulatory bureaucrat and
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getting rid of some regulatory agencies that we do not need in the 21st century. >> without question. most of what the epa does should be at the state level and getting the trump administration to reissue all major regulations that would be eligible for a simple majority repeal. there's a special technique called congressional repeal act and a simple majority and time whether i wanted and only things issued in the last # 0 days. 90 days and reissue them all and we'll put them all up for repeal and reigns leading peel the detrimental ones and repealed if the trump administration reissue and we repeal them through the repeal act. larry: does congressional appeal act trump rescissions?
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some said if you knock out regulations and rescinding regulations and you'll have to get a majority vote in the house and senate. >> depends. if it was enacted by a law and the government interpreted there was a power to do it, you have to issue a regulation and no reason why you can't issue a regulation that undoes a previous regulation and we're not aggressive enough in doing this in the last trump administration and it can be done. you can change the regulation enough that we can repeal through an act or repeal without act of congress as well and there's a lot to be done on the regulatory front and spending front there's decision also. if the president says we don't need the extra money and sending it back to congress, it's a simple majority vote and simple majorities of republicans in the house and senate and could vote to repeal money and we tried this once in the previous trump
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administration for only $15 billion and it failed and several republicans voted with the democrats. if all the republicans vote to cut spending, we could cut hundreds of billions of spending but requires most of the republicans to vote to actually cut spending. larry: in some sense that's the so-called low hanging fruit. >> absolutely and biden is shoveling that money out the door and it's unknown what will be left in a month. yes, there'll be money. they're going to hire 87,000 irs agents to harass us. why don't we stop that as part of reconciliation. there's a lot of stuff that can be done. there's a lot of -- for example, this would be tough for reconciliation and ought to be done anyway.
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there's crazy stuff throughout government that ought to be repealed. larry: i didn't know that . that's a new one for me. learn something new. senator rand paul, thank you, sir. appreciate it very, very much. >> thank you. larry: all right, folks. coming up on kudlow. is trump making the republicans the party of tariffs? well, we're going to ask breitbart's john carney that wrote that piece. we have nancy tengler here onset. very exciting and we'll go back to william mckinnley, the power of 1 1890. i was there. a young legislative assistance. i'm kudlow, we'll be right back. shaving subscription . and i'll stop ordering everything. that's trending on instagram. and i will no longer agree to the add-ons at the oil change place just because the mechanic called me "ma'am." it really is a top-of-the-line filter, ma'am. and of course, we'll downgrade our insurance -to get a lower rate. -well, you know, you don't
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lyric so interesting thought is donald trump once again making republicans the party of tariffs. whoa. joining me now john carney, breitbart finance economics editor and coauthor of the must read breitbart business digest
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daily. john wrote the piece and my dear friend nancy tengler ceo, cio of tengler investmements and wall street journal editorial sometimes get it right and going for the policy boot and i love this and today's editorial with the guy and gelfa gelsinger whoa complete hash of intel and made $10 billion, $20 billion and nobody knows for sure and going with the boot was this stuff going to switch and going for the chrysler fiat and all together. and grants and climate change and nobody want that stuff anymore going for them and it's going for them in that industrial policy particularly industrial policy targeted grants don't seem to work. >> don't work.
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just ask solindra. that's the crime here is that you instead of coming in and innovating, pat gelsinger went matt hand to washington and didn't turn to innovation and the money is contingent on keeping money losing foundries and so -- larry: they should give the money back. they should claw it back somehow. that would be a nice place to start. >> it's going to be a takeout candidate but i think it's stead money for a very long time. larry: now, john carney, gop and back to tariff issue and we've seen mr. trump blasted canada and mexico and looks like they're playing ball. but he's using non-trade use of tariff negotiation to close the border. that's important. looks like it worked. i don't know if it worked, but looks like it worked. what do you think? >> looks like it's working and look, mexico doesn't want to be the launch pad for the world's illegal immigrants coming
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through mexico into the united states and trump didn't have tousiest their arm that hard to get them -- to twist their arm to get them coming along and canada has their own immigration problem withs their boarders and trump said i'm going to put a cost on this. this will provide political cover for you back home and blame me. trudeau and the leader of mexico are doing the same thing. yeah, bad guy trump is making me do the things and it's going to want to do anyway. they're going to come along and he's using tariffs as policy tool. by the way, the republican party used to use tariffs and they grew up as the tariff partim and it was part of the republican platform up till the cold war and only went away because we wanted to enrich europe and japan. larry: after the war. after world war ii and the cold war. it's true from hamilton through lincoln through william
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mckinnley and trump told me during the past year to read the mckinnley line and it was 550 pages. interesting guy, mckinnley for a lot of reasons and not just tariffs. what do you make of that, nancy? as investor and very successful investor, what do you make of this? >> i think, we know a bit about tariffs from his first administration. my hero that you mentioned, alexander hamilton, started the whole thing. there was no state income tax. what we're hear asking this is -- or federal income tax. we're hearing that will be inflationary, but it's static scoring so when you take into account that we may see tax cuts, that there may not be taxes on social security and tips or overtime, this creates a whole new dynamic if oil prices come down, there's a environment where inflation can remain in check. we saw that in the first administration and i think some is rhetoric and we contested
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expect to see 100% tariffs. larry: i should have put it up on the full screen, but joe, the chinese tar tariffs and 300 biln plus on tariffs and u.s. imports from china fell. they came down. now they went up and -- when covid recovered and then came back down again and it's very interesting, john, going on tariffs and i think the world trading system is broken and i think the reciprocity going to have raising taxes and going for them and it's perfectly acceptable. >> world trade organization was set up to be originally a capitalist organization. it has been captured by the chinese communist and going today with world trade is broken and absolutely right and then going to say to the rest of the world and we're play ago new game. we're resetting the rules and old game was broken and we need to do it in a new way and then i
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don't think we're going to get tariffs on mexico or canada at all because i think they're going to come along. i think we're going to have to put very high tariffs on china and i think europe is actually going to join the united states club and they're going to wind up putting tariffs on china and not going to fight a trade war with china or the u.s.. larry: so bad. >> very bad but they want to come along with us. larry: on that point, i would agree. between us and eu, i was involved in that and it's gigantic and going ten times and it's going for them. we're joined by wisconsin senator ron johnson and wesley hunt. gentlemen, thank you very much. i'm sure you were totally illuminated by the last discussion. senator johnson, can i ask you. i won't go to this again and i'm sorry. i just got a, you know, i've just got a burr under my saddle if you will.
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i don't really think it's a fabulous idea to wait for the second half of the year or later for individual tax cuts or corporate tax cuts or depreciation tax cuts or whatever. i don't like the sound of that and i want to restart the blue collar boom and it looks like the strategy will have a couple of reconciliation bills this year and i like the sound of that and you're the senator and going to have president trump making a decision there and going to be pushing for that internally and it's our top priority must be to prevent the tax -- massive tax increase from starting in 2026. we have to stall that. we're talking about how to do that. listen, i'm happy to put up quick wins and address the border and going for them and
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i'm with you, larry. i would rather move fast than delay this. larry: wesley hunt, i'm open to the whole thing. i wanted one big reconciliation bill, and that's what i thought steve scalise was putting together. one big fiscal bill and including a lot of things not normally going into reconciliation and fundamentally cutting spending and using regulatory tools and then make the tax cuts and by the way, as you may know, mike crapo will be the finance committee senate head and he's saying current policy with those tax cuts done need to be rescored and those taxes are having existing tax scores going to have spending increases are never rescored and deficit increases and nobody touches them and going for them and senator cruz earlier and do you have a thought on that, sir? >> we need to get the tax cuts
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done immediately and senate majority leader talking about doing it in the first 30 days and we've been crushed by inflation in this country. we've been crushed by energy prices in the country and we've got to stimulate the economy by putting money back in the pockets of the tax paying american, and i mean every day tax paying american. so if we want to get out of this inflationary state we've been in for the last four years and restimulate the economy, we have to reinvest the president trump and most importantly codify the cgta and get the tax cuts done well before the midterm sos we can get him enough time for the policies to kick in for the american public. larry: one thing, wesley, i'll come back to you in a minute, senator johnson. one thing take home pay went up under president trump 1.0 and down under joe biden. that's blue collar workers of all colors. i don't care what
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color, black, brown, asian, white. doesn't matter. working class coalition expects a blue collar boom. they expect take home pay to go back up. it's not going to go up if we don't help with taxes. >> you are correct. and no tax on tips and no taxes on social security. those are the kinds of policies that we have got to help the blue collar workers and that's going to get the boom and quite frankly, larry, this is why president trump got elected to do exactly what he's talking about now. making sure every day american has more money in their pockets to reinvest back in their fighting and going for the economy and growing the economy out of the rut and we're having a $2 trillion annual budget deficit that's got to come to an end. that's why doge will play a huge part in doing that. not only that, we have to grow our way out and make americans make their own decision to reinvest in the economy in the u.s.. larry: talking about hegseth and
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worried about senator cruz and i want to ask you, kash patel. kash patel, my humble opinion, would make a very good fbi director and i don't know what you're thinking and what the chances are his nomination would go through. what are you thinking senator johnson? >> i'm fully supportive of what senator crapo is talking about and the first budget we passed and based on tcga and come back later and going with them finding on rationalize tax code and going for them and we need to extend those tax cuts and we can do it without any budget scores and it's a idea to use and other trump nominees and he's a fighter. that's what trump will need and going for them broke and going to be fixed and taking them to do that and i'm supportive of cash and the other nominees
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going for them and going to reform them and more. larry: thank you, gentlemen. we're a little short and coming up, here is the question for you and the protesters and tammy bruce. we'll have monica crowley next up on kudlow. ♪ after careful review of medical guidance and research on pain relief, my recommendation is simple: every home should have salonpas. powerful yet non-addictive. targeted and long-lasting. i recommend salonpas. it's good medicine. ♪ hisamitsu ♪ since 2019, john deere has invested more than $2 billion in our american factories.
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larry: joining by monica crowley and monica crowley podcast and tammy bruce, fox news contributor author of fear itself. real simple, dershowitz, allen dershowitz, friend of ours said they should pardon the january 6 protesters since he pardoned hunter. >> he'll be busy pardoning the rest of his family. he's going to be busy but if it was a normal situation, of course the j6 protesters should be pardoned and that will likely be left to president trump. president trump's election is directedly linked to the fact that the american people were sick and tired of the abuse of the system and the use of the law, which is supposed to make everyone fair and equal. she's supposed to be blind
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folded and using against every american and every different kind of level and this was simply an example of it. this is why he was elected, this is why he should do it. it's just the beginning of re-conoiderring the justice system in the country. larry: he says about biden but it's going to apply to trump. these people were prosecuted for what they did -- not what they did but who they are. if they were black lives matter people, they won't have been prosecuted doing the same thing. but they're not, they're trump people and maga people and they were prosecuted for doing exactly the same thing. >> exactly right. this is one of the major reasons why president trump saw a landslide victory with a mandate because the american people are fed up with this two-tiered system of jus why you're persecuted and prosecuted if you're pro trump and don't engage in left wing group think and it's an absolute disgrace
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and president trump with pam bondi and kash patel will cleang up theet system. larry: love that kash f larry: love that kash f .. with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicine directly at the source. voltaren, the joy of movement.
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