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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  December 4, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EST

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and not even a no landing, so 2025 is looking pretty promising, and that's what the market looks like it's looking out to as it just keeps on going up in the month of december. liz: well, keeps on going up is what we at least are seeing for the moment. tom great to see you thank you very much. thomas martin here we go folks. dow 45,000. we are at 45, 013. i don't know, is it too close to call? 45, 017 is bouncing around here. >> [closing bell ringing] liz: here it goes in the history books it looks like it may very well make it s&p and nasdaq at records, alex karp of palantir tomorrow. larry: hello folks welcome to kudlow i'm larry kudlow. so, pete hegseth fighting hard and winning, i think, for his confirmation battle.
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trump tax cuts 2.0 cannot wait and for the love of god joe biden must go. we've got senator mike lee plus we'll hear from house ways and means jason smith, senate finance committee chair mike crap ox and senators marshall blah burn and katie bit but first up our very own hillary vaughn trolling capitol hill as she always does, striking fear into the hearts of whomever. hillary what's cooking? what's cooking? reporter: larry, well, president-elect trump gave pete hegseth advice when he picked him as secretary of defense. according to hegseth, trump told him "you have to be tough as blanket something i can't say on tv so pete hegseth is not back down from this fight despite so far unproven accusations swirling related to his drinking and treatment of women which hegseth denies and points out are from anonymous sources. he's here on capitol hill to
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make the case face-to-face to every senator he is qualified for the job. >> i spoke to the president-elect this morning. he said keep going, keep fighting. >> so you're in this all the way? >> why would i back down? i've always been a fighter and i'm here for fighting. reporter: but while hegseth fights on, there are reports indicating that trump might be mulling a possible plan b, if hegseth can't win enough support to bring his nomination off life support. sources telling fox that trump is considering florida governor ron desantis as a backup. trump and desantis spoke in person about this idea yesterday, according to sources. that chatter has some republican senators today wondering who does trump want? >> i just, the president isn't 100% clear who he wants for the secretary of defense right now. reporter: trump's pick for treasury secretary scott bessent is also here on the hill
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for meetings today with senators. he is expected to face questions about trump's economic plans from tariffs to bessent's controversial idea of creating a shadow fed chair that bessent says could make jerome powell basically irrelevant without trump having to fire powell but some republicans are a little skeptical about that idea, but jerome powell is not skeptical about it. he was asked about it today and he brushed it off saying that's not on the table. larry? larry: well jerome powell brushed it off but you know he doesn't really brush it off. what do you think, hillary, stir the pot. a ghost chairman of the fed? a ghost chairman of the fed or a shadow chairman of the fed? what do you think? for all i know it's shadow chairwoman of the fed. reporter: yeah, we don't know. i mean listen. i'm waiting for scott bessent to show up because i'd like to ask his thoughts and i want to know if senators on board with this idea too but what's interesting about powell brushing it off is he doesn't have a say in the matter if trump wanteds to bring in a shadow chair, then not much
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powell can do about it but he could resign which would make the whole process a little easier. larry: no, no, you're the smartest one in the room and exactly right. it's not up to powell but trump. hillary vaughn thank you ever so much for great reporting. all right folks. in the name of god, biden must go. and that's the subject of the rif. so, want to hear a truly scary thought? joe biden has six weeks left in his presidency. there's no telling what kind of crazy schemes he might embark on or who else he's going to pardon. he's already brought us closer to world war iii, by greeting long range missiles by ukraine deep into russian territory and then putin responded by lobbying his newest missiles right back deep into ukraine. kind of like mine is bigger than yours but it's a very dangerous game. biden keeps nagging israel
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for cease-fires which are not in israel's interest and actually would wind up helping hamas. of course biden never talks about the american hostages still in prison by hamas of whom three are reportedly still alive, plus israeli hostages where no one really knows the actual head count or who might still be alive. then at home, biden's trying to spend hundreds of billions of dollars on his green new deal climate quackery before contract officially comes into office. all those boone-doggle slush fund biden spending grants and schemes appropriated but not yet spent, they will be wiped out by mr. trump so biden thinks he's got to pony up to help his cronies and donors before it's too late. one of those , by the way, he had another proposal for a student loan forgiveness. another one. blatantly illegal. the latest scam would wipe out loans for individuals at the education department thinks have
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an 80% chance of defaulting. really? trouble is, there isn't anybody in the education department that knows a thing about an income statement or a balance sheet or a creditworthiness as they created $1.7 trillion of loans down through the years. house education chair virginia fox believes this latest violation of the supreme court's decisions could cost, get this , nearly $1 trillion. that's right. and ms. fox says about 87% of americans who either never attended college or paid off their loans would still be on the hook for this massive spending scheme. 87%. then, rest assured mr. biden and his gang would love to see another million illegal immigrants come across the border in the next month and a half. they are do everything they can to promote that. then the biden white house is
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cheering on sanctuary cities mayors and blue state governors plotting to stop president trump's promise to deport criminals. they are going to lose that battle big time when trump takes office, bet on that. right now, these crazy democrats are trying to ferment their own insurrection even though crime rates are soaring in the very sanctuary cities and states that the so-called democratic resistance is trying to defend, and the doge boys are estimating so far that all of the free room, board, food, healthcare, cell phones, debit cards and lord knows what else, all of that has cost taxpayers $150 billion so far, and a number probably taken from the center for immigration studies. 150 billion. the very big number. all of world war i was 334 billion. if biden-harris were re-elected believe me, illegal immigration would have easily topped that.
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and 150 billion is a lot bigger than the manhattan project that produced the atopic weapons to end world war ii. bigger than the 15 billion for teddy roosevelt's panama canal and a whole lot bigger than the hoover dam in nevada that powers so much of the american west. that only cost 1 billion. so, another six weeks of joe biden brings to mind the great phrase of 17th century british politician oliver cromwell. in 1653 he told the parliament, "it is not fit that you should sit here any longer. you have sat here too long for any good you have been doing lately, in the name of god, go." sound advice for joe biden right now. and that's my rif. all right, on that note we will return to that subject later in
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the show with joe concha and mark simone. meanwhile, just a few moments ago, i spoke to utah senator mike lee about president trump's nominees and the biden failures and the number of other things too. please, take a listen. >> we welcome back to the show great pleasure senator mike lee of the great state of utah. senator lee, thank you, sir. happy holidays and all of the rest of it. i just want to start. i'm very concerned, maybe i shouldn't be, kash patel as the fbi director. i think the fbi needs major major house cleaning, we've got to clean these stables of corruption and i just want to get your thinking about how kash patel looks for confirmation. >> look, i think he's in good shape. in my view, larry, there is not a good reason for any senator, democrat or republican, to oppose kash patel. he's prosecuted more cases than
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kamala harris ever did. now the media obsessively trashes kash patel while ignoring the entire biden family enterprise and outsider like kash, with his unique blend of experience represents an intriguing candidate for spearheading reform that's badly needed inside the fbi so i look forward to voting for him enthusiastically. i encourage all of my colleague, republicans and democrats alike, to do the same. larry: yeah, you know, i personally, i'm not in this process this year, but personally, i didn't even want the fbi to do any vetting. i mean, i've lost confidence in the leadership of the fbi but apparently the senate will led the fbi do some vetting, but kash patel is the guy i agree with you. he's had so many positions. he's a strong guy, a knowledgeable guy and i can't imagine voting against him. now the other one, senator lee, i want to ask you about. >> before we leave kash, one of
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the reasons they hate him is because of his involvement with uncovering the russia-gate. that positions him uniquely to address the political biases within the fbi and i think that's exactly why they hate him. now, a lot of the hate directed toward him is sort of broad but what they are really getting at is they don't like the fact that he's on to them and that's exactly why we need him. larry: that's a great point. he blew the whistle on the russian hoax and the whistle on the fbi informants deal you're 100% right, sir, thank you for that. the other one, pete hegseth. according to the news this morning, president trump has said to hegseth, fight back fight back. he's not dumping him for anybody. you know pete very well. i know him very well. what do you think about this story? how is it looking? >> look, i had a great meeting with him the other night. i had him come and speak to me and a dozen of my colleagues in the senate. he outlined a pretty broad, bold
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vision for reform, within the department of defense and get this , larry. he wants to take the department of defense and make it about defense again. to make it about projecting a lethal intimidating powerful military force, rather than a woke enterprise engaged in a grand social experiment to placate the left most base of a democratic party. that's why they are fighting him so hard. that's why we need him and i expect him to be confirmed and do a great job as the secretary of defense. larry: as you know, i mean, just one last one here. pete hegseth is a highly decorated combat veteran, serving in two theaters. for some reason, these left wing media reports don't seem to include that. he has a couple of bronze stars if i'm not mistaking. he may have other decorations as well. i mean he's a total patriot and given and put his life on the line for the country. >> as he explained to us the other night when we met with
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pete hegseth, he, as a war fighter, is going to be focused on the war fighter because that's what the department of defense ultimately is about. it's not about creating more flag officer positions, which there's been a gross proliferation over many decades. not about this social engineering experiment. now he's about the war fighter and making sure that we've got the most intimidating lethal force out there. larry: senator i know you're going to be involved in the doge movement in the senate and i guess you'll meet with the vivek and elon tomorrow. expectations are running pretty high but i don't know elon very well. i know vivek rather well. they are very serious people. they are going to come up with some very strong recommendations and save a lot of money and cut a lot of regulations. what are you thinking here? >> look i'm really excited to be part of the doge caucus in the senate. i'm excited for these meetings tomorrow and as i see it, larry, we've got to keep doge focused
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on how it is we can reverse the dangerous modern trend in which congress number one recognizes no substantive limits on federal authority, something sharply is at odds with the constitution itself and two, congress that delegates most of its law making power to unelected bureaucrats. none of this would happen if we stuck to the constitution. especially if we stuck to the structural constitution. federalism and separation of powers. we've got to restore those two so doge is a great opportunity to restore those and with it are fiscal stability in this country. larry: you know, senator. on that point, i know you're a constitutional scholar and the issue of federalism, just for a second. i don't know if you saw. my old friend, we worked together in the reagan omb a long time ago, john kogan, from the hoover institute, wrote a piece in the "wall street journal" showing how the proliferation, the unbelievable proliferation
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of federal money given to states and localities has wrecked the budget for decades. i don't mean, i mean 30 years, 40 years, and this is something that federalism, these are things, functions, the states and localities should do if the voters wanted to. this is not something the federal government should be financing and running, i mean, with startling numbers. i don't know if you saw the piece. he's an old pal, a smart guy, but you know, you're talking about, why can't we apply federalism? let's push all of these socaled grants and welfare spending, push it down. get it off the federal books. let the states and localities and if the voters down there want it fine. they may not want it as it turns out. what do you think about all of that? >> you know, larry, i just left moments ago a meeting with all my senate republican colleagues talking about this very thing. not the article itself. i need to read that but it sounds like he and i view the world the same way. but in that meeting, i made
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the point that if we followed federalism, if we focused on the powers of congress, primarily at the 18 clauses of article 1 section 8 we wouldn't have a $36 trillion debt in part because we wouldn't be doling out all of these welfare benefits to the states with the idea in some cases they match them and other cases we pay for the whole thing or otherwise. there's a reason that happens. and it happens this way because we print money. they do not. they cannot. that's why so many people have asked that all of these things, which fundamentally, should have been state programs, not federal, because they aren't really within the enumerated powers in most cases, that they ought to be done by states but they want them federal because the federal government prints money the states don't, and that's part of why we've gotten into so much trouble here. larry: yeah, well, somebody ought to put their foot down on that one. last one, senator.
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this is popping up left and right. i know that you've commented down through the years on the federal reserve. you mentioned printing money. the fed of course is the other printing press that nobody has any control over. there's talk that it's possible that president trump might suggest a shadow federal reserve chairman or a ghost federal reserve chairman until mr. trump can appoint his own person in 2016. do you have a quick thought on that? i shadow fed chairman, sir? >> you know, it's an interesting thought and i'm not sure how that would work to have a shadow fed chairman if that person's purpose were to advise the president. i don't see any reason why anybody could object to that unless that person is actually running the federal reserve bank. doesn't have the authority of that person, but this gets back to my central grievance with the federal reserve bank. we have to remember that this is a private, for profit corporation. its been given immense
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government regulatory authority and immense control over the economy and that once its leadership is installed, appointed by the president with senate confirmation, that it's like self-running. this is a problem and it's the way our constitution was setup. you're not supposed to take these things that have such a profound impact on public policy and our entire economy and render them beyond the reach of the voters, of the electoral process and that's consistent with why president trump is so frustrated. larry: absolutely. nobody ever said nobody ever gave the fed any mandate or legislative mandate to be the nation's central planner, in the economy. at least i don't see it. anyway, senator mike lee i can't thank you enough, sir, for your time. hope you have a great holiday season. thanks for coming back on the show, sir. >> my pleasure, thank you, larry. larry: all right good stuff from senator lee. anyway coming up here on kudlow,
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what if, what if, what if the trump tax cuts cost nothing? wow. and one reconciliation bill, we're going to talk to house ways and means chair jason smith and then we'll talk to the incoming senate finance chair mike crapo, and folks catch kudlow monday through friday 4:00 p.m. everyday on fabulous fox business. if you can't catch us at 4:00, please just text your favorite 9-year-old and she will show you how to dvr the show and you'll never miss a supply side cost-free tax cut that grows the economy at 4% or better. i'm kudlow. if you have wet amd, you never want to lose sight of the things you love. some things should stand the test of time.
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he used to be a competitive gamer but with the higher lag, he can't keep up with his squad. so now we're his “squad”. what are kevin's plans for the fall? he's going to college. out of state, yeah. -yeah in the fall. change of plans, i've decided to stay local. oh excellent! oh that's great! why would i ever leave this? -aw! we will do anything to get him gaming again. you and kevin need to fix this internet situation. heard my name! i swear to god, kevin! -we told you to wait in the car. everyone in my old squad has xfinity. less lag, better gaming! i'm gonna need to charge you for three people. larry: all right, house ways and means chair jason smith not happy with delaying trump tax cuts. and doing a second reconciliation bill and boy do i agree with that. anyway he's kind enough to join us now. jason smith thank you ever so much. i don't get this. you tell me. going back decades and decades first of all. has there ever been two reconciliation bills in the same year? >> well i can tell you in the last 25 years, larry, there
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have not been two reconciliation bills that have been signed into law in the same year. back in 1997, you had two reconciliation bills signed into law when newt gingrich was there but it was also a point when they had a majority of 30-40 republicans in the house of representatives we have a 219 to 215 majority. larry: right so it's obviously not there. the other thing that i would say to you, jason. i don't think it's desirable to postpone the trump tax cuts. i mean, his working class coalition, blacks, browns, asian, whites, kids, you know? those folks want a big raise in take home pay. they lost 4% of it during the biden years. trump delivered 9% when he was president. they want that, and one way to get it is to cut their taxes,
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and i think we should be talking about that and we should be launching what i call the blue collar boom right away, this year. i don't quant to wait on that boom. >> that's exactly right, larry. you see working class americans, small business owners, and family farmers that have been struggling over the four years of the biden administration. they have seen inflation go up 20.5%. they have seen the cost of just to put food on their table, clothes on their backs and gasoline in their cars go up. the last thing, the last thing that congress should even consider is kicking the can down the road. unfortunately in washington d.c. you see a lot of politicians they don't want to address the real problems at hand and kick the can down the road. i'll tell you right now, president trump campaigned on lowering taxes for working class americans, and small businesses. congress needs to deliver. don't give the excuse that we
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need to wait six months, because, larry, the president was specific about what he wanted to deliver and that is an extension of his successful 2017 trump tax cuts and also, no tax on tips, overtime pay, senior citizens, social security tax cuts. i could go on. we know what president trump wants and what 76 million americans voted for. larry: so you're playing with fire. look, i'm sure you agree with me. you're for the closing the border, and improving the energy. we want to bring down energy costs, drill, baby drill, you're up for that. better defense, sure but it should all go into one reconciliation package. that's the part i didn't understand. last i looked before this story broke yesterday, senator thune wants this and i don't know maybe the white house does. scalise, steve scalise was talking about one very big reconciliation bill. you were talking about a big reconciliation bill.
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a number of senators republican senators were. now all of a sudden we're going to have two bills. you're playing with fire, right? because then it'll all expire at the end of 2025 and you'll start january 1, 2026 and guess what? it's a $5 trillion tax hike from a republican congress and a republican senate. republican white house. >> larry it's completely unacceptable. let me tell you, if you talked to my democrat colleagues, here in the halls of the capitol, they will tell you that they would love for us to attempt one, two, three reconciliation bills. they would love for us to do tax towards the end, because they can see that that will be very difficult and i'll tell you, if we don't hit out the gates running, we're going to be in trouble and i'll tell you the house republicans, we're ready to pass the president's economic package. we've been working on this since april with the hopes that we would have a unified republican government.
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we've been to over 20 different states, 120 different meetings with small business owners, stakeholders, hearings throughout the country. we can deliver, give us the opportunity and let's deliver what donald trump campaigned and asked for for working class americans, small business owners and family farmers. larry: it's not going to cost a fortune. all these estimates it's going to cost four, five, six trillion. first of all we'll have senator crapo on once again. he's talking about this current policy baseline. if you already have existing policy, it's going to last forever. why does that have to be recalculated and repriced if on the other hand, if you want tax cuts? because i know a lot of people in the cbo that don't like tax cuts. >> i agree with senator crapo. he's exactly right. if you look at just history, history shows that when we extended the bush tax cuts, that we used the policy baseline. this is current policy, if
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congress does not act at the end of next year, every single american will face a tax increase, so its current policy. now any new tax policy, i think, that that's where the discussion is of making sure that you're balancing it for the appropriate pay but this is current policy. if congress does nothing every single american will face a tax increase. larry: that's the risk. it's an unacceptable risk. anyway, jason smith, thank you for giving us the warning bell. we appreciate it very very much. talk soon, sir. >> good to be with you larry. larry: now let's continue this whole conversation, joining us now is the incoming senate finance committee chair, mike crapo, of the great state of idaho. as always, sir, welcome. i assume you heard the chairman of the house ways and means committee. so what, he agrees with you, right? there is a current policy
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baseline. there is precedent for it, and there's no reason why this stuff has to be priced out all over again. >> well that's absolutely correct, larry. i agree with jason that we must pass this tax bill through reconciliation this year. there is a discussion going on about whether to go to some of president trump's other priorities, like the border, energy, and defense strengthening our national defense, and whether to put it into two bills rather than one bill. my issue is whether we do two bills or one bill, the sequencing, that decision will be made by president trump in consultation with the senate and house leadership. my focus is to be sure that whenever that vote happens and that it happens this year, that we do it as soon as possible, and that we get a good bill put into place that will strengthen the economy once again, like you mentioned in the previous section, and grow jobs. grow wages, and give people in
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america an opportunity to see increased wealth rather than to give them a $2,000 per median family household tax increase. larry: but senator, your point is, there's two issues here. first issue i'll come back to this. you're saying they don't score spending the current services spending baseline as a brand new deficit increasing bill. they just let that go on, but they will score a current services or current policy tax cut baseline all over again as a big deficit. now there's something wrong with that. you could either have one or the other but you can't have both. it seems to me there's hypocrisy here. >> yeah, that's right larry. there's over $2.5 trillion of spending in our budgetary system that has a current policy baseline. it's just assumed it will grow and grow and grow. larry: right. >> and yet taxes, no. they say you pay for them every year. this is common sense.
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ask americans if keeping their tax policy exactly what it is today instead of telling them that the average median to low income family has to pay another $2,000 a year, ask them if they think that that's the way we should try to address our national debt. no. it's current law and we should not have to pay various taxes or do something for $4.5 trillion in the next year. larry: all right, so other thing. you've said this el o keptly. you made a lot of news. even the new york times gave you a favorable write up, so you have to have some magic, senator, whatever it is you've got some magic but i want to say on this tax cut. the entire, look, trump won the election economy. border yes, 100%. energy yes, 100% i'm all for that stuff so you are but he won because the economy. people want their take home pay, kitchen table take home pay to
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go up. now you can't not do something about taxes. and you can't wait, because it's going to take, whatever you think will happen with reconciliation, i guarantee you, you'll not get it in 30 days. i'm reading about what senator thune is saying you'll get a reconciliation bill in 30 days. do you seriously, senator mike crapo, have you ever seen in your lifetime a reconciliation bill that was done in 30 days and that means the tax cut conversations not going to happen and that means that the blue collar boom is not going to happen and that means that those voters in trump's working class coalition will be very unhappy, sir. >> well i agree with you completely that we cannot tolerate failure to pass the tax reconciliation bill. if the president chooses to say i want to do it in steps, then that's the decision he gets to make but really that's the decision maker here.
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the question is what is the right strategy? i think that the issues that you and jason raise are very legitimate issues. larry: high risk, senator, high, high risk of las vegas gamble that you could get two recon bills including a big tax hike in the second bill. >> well, larry, i understand your concern and i hope we don't face that but the bottom line is i'm working to make sure whenever that vote happens we have a great bill and that we stop the $4.5 trillion tax increase and actually give people a boosted economy to grow their available income. larry: well i'm for that and i think your current policy scorecard is right. you've got a lot of support for that. anyway, senator mike crapo, great state of idaho. folks coming up next senator marsha blackburn whose a very strong supporter of our friend pete hegseth. i hope to hear, i want to see good news. hegseth had by the way a great op-ed piece on the "wall street
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journal." it's running right now on the website. i'm kudlow, we'll have marsha blackburn right away. when a tough cough finds you on the go, a syrup would be... silly! woo! hey! try new robitussin soft chews. packed with the power of robitussin... in every bite.
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larry: senator marsha blackburn coming on the show, a strong supporter of pete hegseth. senator blackburn, i'm truly sincerely hope that that is the case, and you know, president trump, i think gave him a vote of confidence to keep going, keep fighting and ma'am, you may have seen pete filed an op-ed piece this afternoon, 12:12 this afternoon in the "wall street journal." how do you read it, senator, right now? >> i think pete hegseth is doing a terrific job. he met with some of us on monday night and larry, he was able to lay out what he would do to modernize the u.s. department of defense. what he would do for 21st century warfare. what he would do to put equipment and artillery in the hands of war fighter.
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it is pete hegseth gets it. and of course, he is what you would call a nontraditional choice because people in d.c., people that are in the swamp, they want somebody that's in the swamp to be the secretary of every kept. president donald trump has made wise choices. he is having them come to the hill to meet with members, and they are doing that. they are making their rounds and you know what? they are winning people over and it is going to be up to the u.s. senate to approve the nominees for appointment for president donald trump and i hope we're doing it on january 20. i have said, we should leave the inaugural platform. senators should go immediately to the chamber and we should stay there until we get this cabinet confirmed. larry: i like that.
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you know, you say nontraditional, ma'am. i say that it's cool to be nontraditional. this is the year. >> of course. larry: this is the political cycle to be nontraditional. >> you've got it. absolutely it is. we need people that are entrepreneurial in their thought process. people who realize that the government structure is about we the people, and it is here to serve the people. not to serve the employee unions. not to serve the bureaucrats, but to be of service to the people, but larry, as you well know, we've got a lot of swamp creatures in this town, and they don't appreciate that language. larry: well you know, this is going to be some disturbances. one thing in this op-ed piece, senator. it's really very well-done. pete hegseth served in iraq. then he went and volunteered to go back in and went to
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afghanistan. i'm not sure people know that. he volunteered to go back into afghanistan and he was highly decorated in both war theaters. now they are impugning his reputation like nobody in life ever made a mistake in their history for heaven sakes? it's utter nonsense and he says to me, he says look, he writes and he says my lord and save your jesus christ renewed and restored my life. i am saved by his grace. okay, that's it. i've made mistakes, ma'am, god knows i've made mistakes and i might add my lord saved me too. people shouldn't be harping on that. it's his service and his knowledge of the military that counts. >> that's right. and how the military should best be organized, and pete appreciates the fact that we need to have people that not only understand the pentagon and the war fighter, but also business processes, so that this can be modernized.
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pete is a tennesseen. we are so proud of him and we are looking forward to standing with him and voting for him for his confirmation. larry: terrific stuff. thank you, senator blackburn. we appreciate it. you've got it. larry: appreciate you very much. all right, joining me now on the set in the name of god, go. mark simone, wor radio show host hall of famer, joe concha fox news contributor. in the name of god, go. oliver cromwell said that to the parliament in the 18th century. i was out to lunch that day. i don't think he was a great guy, just a great line because i think americans would say to joe biden in the name of god, go. we don't even know who he's going to pardon next. he's trying to spend a fortune and he may be lobbying bombs into world war iii. >> well whose he going to pardon? probably the other family members, the two brothers and sister. >> jim biden. >> frank biden and i'm sure
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hunter is out right now scouting who needs a pardon. larry: [laughter] brother. >> one thing we don't have to worry about is him slowing down. that's not possible. larry: [laughter] no because he's so terribly slow now. i just wanted to, that joke needed expansion. that's all. please continue. >> we also have a january 6 coming up day where donald trump will need to be certified. he's got to make sure to protect that proceeding and make sure the democrats let it go smoothly and that happens. i think he's going to have a garbage sale like you've never seen. who knows what he's going to sell-off at the end. he left the vice presidency taking hundreds of classified documents. larry: yes, he did, illegally i might add. illegally. >> he left the senate taking classified documents. who knows what he will be packing up this time around. larry: joe concha, if unleash joe biden, he might just make canada the 51st state. oh, wait a minute that was trump we're talking about that. you want canada to be the 51st state? >> only because we could call it trumpsylvania, or new mexico
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so we could call this new michigan or the new area 51 for the 51st state. larry: this is torture us. i'll tell you though, kudlow suggests to president trump first term, greenland. buy greenland. >> that was you? larry: he loved it. >> what's the benefit of greenland? larry: strategic minerals, china and russia want to get it. it's a beautiful place. >> is it for sale? can you get water front property? larry: you could lease the whole thing. it's very complicated. the danish prime minister was a left wing trump hater however it's a denmark run operation and the queen of denmark wanted to vote on it and then we ran out of time just like we are now running out of time. >> do you want to, what biden will do next? larry: next. >> he just gave a billion dollars to rebuild hopes in africa while people are struggling in north carolina and georgia. he gave another billion almost in weaponry to ukraine because
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he wants the war to continue because trump will end it and he's at 36% approval now by the time he leaves you'll be looking at 32% the lowest since nixon. larry: the worst thing i've seen. he's a dangerous guy. i've got to get out now, please. okay. greenland, mark simone and in the name of god go, joe concha, and mark simone in the name of god go. next up, folk, alabama senator katie britt. we don't want her to go we want her to stay. i'm kudlow, we'll be right back. that work better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. voya helps you choose the right amounts without over or under investing. across all your benefits and savings options. so you can feel confident in your financial choices. they really know how to put two and two together. voya, well planned, well invested, well protected.
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get xfinity streamsaver with netflix, apple tv+, and peacock included, for only $15 a month. larry: all right we welcome back alabama senator katie britt. thank you, ma'am, cromwell said it, in the name of god, go. that's my montra with joe biden and one reason is i don't know who else he's going to pardon now. his brothers? his in-laws? and i know you've been very hostile to this story. what you think? >> yeah, also, let's make sure you add in there blanket pardon. first off, this is just yet another broken promise by joe biden. he promised the american people he was going to govern as a moderate. we saw him govern and let the far left write his agenda. he promised the american people he was going to "make sure we were in a position of strength." we have never been weaker and
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more vulnerable than under his leadership. so, yet again, he tells the american people one thing and then does another. this is why we need president donald trump back in the white house. january 20 cannot come soon enough. we're ready to get to work and to actually keep promises to the american people by securing our border, making their dollar go further, creating opportunity for the american dream and actually returning to peace through strength. i believe when president trump walks back in that oval office and we've already seen it occur from november 5 on, world leaders respect him and they know he means business and he will make sure americans have opportunities to thrive. larry: senator, speaking of peace and strength are you backing pete hegseth for defense secretary? >> i am looking forward to meeting with pete. look president trump had a mandate on november 5. the american people said we want change. they see his vision. they want his agenda enacted. president trump is selecting individuals that will help him enact that agenda.
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so i am meeting with pete next week. i look forward to sitting down hearing his vision for the department. how he's going to get the department back to instead of being focused on liberal ideology, actually being focused on making sure our men and women in uniform are the best trained equipped an ready across the planet and i'm excited about being able to move forward and get the defense department back on track. larry: but you haven't made up your mind yet? >> well i'm sitting down with him. i have obviously looking forward to that and looking forward to a chance to talk with him. i was the very first one to sit down with elise stefanik that went incredibly well. ggot to sit down with doug collins and excited about that and excited to sit down with all of the nominees, lee zeldin yesterday, and so certainly, know that president trump give him that deference and moving forward and look forward to supporting and doing my job. larry: senator katie britt, thank you, ma'am. folks, i will be right back with my last word. ere ya headed? susan: where am i headed? am i just gonna take what the markets gives me?
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investment opportunities are everywhere you turn. but at t. rowe price, we're letting curiosity light the way. asking smart questions about opportunities like advances in healthcare. and how these innovations will create a healthier world tomorrow. better questions. better outcomes. larry: so, for the love of god, please confirm pete hegseth. for the love of god please confirm kash patel. confirm scott bessent. he was up on the hill today also. and finally, confirm elizabeth macdonald. liz: we hope so. we confirm you too. thank you, larry. oh, beautiful holiday moment with my beloved larry kudlow. thank you so much. welcome to the evening edit i'm elizabeth macdonald. >> i'm


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