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tv   Maria Bartiromos Wall Street  FOX Business  December 7, 2024 9:00am-9:30am EST

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>> from the fox studio in new york city this is "maria bartiromo wall street". >> happy we get to all happy
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weekend depositions you for the week ahead. i am maria bartiromo, president-elect donald trump audit as a patron of the year at the fox nation patriot awards this thursday where he let the omega people know that he is ready to get to work. >> working to be proud of our country, right now were not so proud of our country we will be very proud of our country again it will be more successful than ever before. >> i think you seen what happened in the last two weeks that you've seen in the last four years and were not even there yet. maria: the heads of trump's department government efficiency took the fight to capitol hill this week. elon musk and vivek ramaswamy laying out a framework for cutting wasteful government spending republican lawmakers are voicing support. >> government is too big and too many things it does nothing will. >> making government work better for the taxpayers that the ultimate objective a lot of good ideas we talked about.
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>> you can focus into a people's money that we have to do the job on capitol hill authorizing agencies. maria: their skeptics on the left, watch. >> impoundment of funds that have been appropriate by the congress is unconstitutional and illegal. there is no such department of government efficiency it is made up. >> this is a scam unless they're going to/social security and medicare and veterans affairs, they are never going to get to $2 trillion. maria: joining us from the house judiciary and oversight committee arizona congressman andy biggs, good to see you, thank you for joining us, you are in the meeting with elon musk and vivek ramaswamy on capitol hill, what can you tell us we have not heard about the details. >> briefly elon musk and vivek ramaswamy made their case briefly i thought they came up very well about then we had a
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basic line of people going to the microphone talking about programs they felt they should be trimmed, cut, eliminated and that is good, the most, was when mr. roy of texas said the problem was us in congress and i think is right, we've got to take the lead on it in the executive branch to president trump will help us bully pulpit i introduced over 500 bills that would reduce 100 plus billion dollars and i cannot get anybody in a conference to look at it. we have to take the charge and that was made abundantly clear as we met with the new doge leadership. maria: i would get your take on the agenda of republicans are mapping out the 2025 agenda ahead of the new session beginning next month, sources are telling me john thune in the senate is planning to prioritize border security legislation and energy production within the
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first 30 days, that means trump's tax cuts are taking a backseat until later in the year on 2025. we have the details he said he put together a nontax bill to be passed before april 30 that include 60 - $85 billion for the border wall, ice deportation and energy permitting the tax bill is dealing with the tax extensions not until later on in 2025, why wait so long is that with voters waiting for. >> i agree that mandy is clear and jason smith who is our ways and means is not a fan of the approach we want to see the tax cuts extended into more in the tax code than just that. i think the house is ready to put an expansive reconciliation bill dealing with the budget. i think that is necessary
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because it keeps the momentum that we have with the mandates of the voters gave us. if we don't do that i don't think were keeping pace with the voters and left a message that i give to my colleagues as often as i can. maria: how well with the work you need reconciliation to do a budget deal, that's what voters voted for dear colleagues believe that they want to support that or not. >> are definitely going to land on the border are problem if you doing outside of the budget you're going to need 60 votes and you don't have that in the senate when you get to 53 my pickup order two democrats but you are still short that's what they're talking about putting in the reconciliation but if that's all they put in the reconciliation it'll be a marked failure in my opinion. maria: that is what i'm talking about how are the democrats against this do they not understand what took place in the selection why do you need reconciliation for a border bi
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bill. >> we just had a hearing yesterday and they are in denial they don't see the real problem i think there might be more in the house admit that they blew it on the border the question is the senate which is a very isolated club they are not seen it. until we get another 5 - 7 democrats in the senate who say we really screwed up on the border which they did and they should know that they did. then the fear that you lay something out there and you get 55 votes and you cannot get it across the finish line we don't want that we want the victory. it has to be done because the board remains a crisis to this moment. maria: unbelievable let me ask about the reporting around the administration political says the biden administration is considering with an unprecedented preemptive pardoning spree based on the fear of potential retribution
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should president trump pick to have the fbi catch patel get confirmed. these pardons include adam schiff, liz cheney, doctor anthony fauci, some on the left are openly advocating for the preemptive pardons, watch this. >> he wrote a book and he had an enemies list and it so we know exactly who he has threatened to go after without cause. maria: i want to know what do you think about this. i will give you my opinion first i think this is a lot of smoke and beers at the biden administration is trying to throw a lot of names that us pardon here part of their they're trying to muddy up the fact that he needs to pardon his brother jim biden to further insulate him from the money laundering and influence peddling schemes that the oversight committee told us about, do you believe they want to pardon people like liz
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cheney. >> it's hard to believe that they would. i agree the real thing he has departed is all members of his family defecated in the money-laundering and sale of access to multiple countries. the liz cheney stuff, the issue there did she support and that's a question, dr. fauci lied to congress he is a perjury problem and you look adam schiff, healing from the intelligence community committee meetings. classified information. but this is really bizarre and working part of the massive group of people. maria: for throwing parties that people doesn't this completely fly in the face of the law for against president trump, now i
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don't believe anything. edit this came up from the left-wing media or the white house. if adam schiff is leaking classified information that is a crime. if liz cheney was subordinate injury that is a crime. that's the issue that we are hearing around here anyway. maria: we will watch that for sure, good to see you. thank you so much. maria: congressman andy bi to go further, you need to be ready for what's down the road. as energy demand continues to rise, we're harnessing breakthrough innovations
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maria: welcome back look at where markets ended the week of new record highs with jobs bouncing back the november jobs report showing more jobs added to the economy last month that expected 227,000 jobs added to the economy versus the 20000 expected but that employment
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rate ticked up to 4.2% from 4.1% in october. joy to be natural economic advisor anomalies prosperity cofounder steve moore and former ck restaurant andy puzder, jeremy great to see you both, thank you for being here let's talk about the jobs numbers for the month of november, steve moore kick us off, your reaction. >> is a healthy job market no question about it these were decent numbers not great but good, what are the things that we talked about on your show for the last year we continue to see government jobs expanding even that were ready to tutoring another deficit government and private sector especially manufacturing continues to lose jobs, that is a worry in other words were creating jobs in the sector of the economy we want to see reduced and were losing jobs and some of the area of the blue-collar jobs that americans want to see come back. maria: what do you think andy. >> i think steve is right i
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think with president trump in office we will see that turned around and will see the government jobs and private sector begin to increase. over the past year we've lost 720,000 people employed under the household survey and that's a result, loss of 1.1 million private sector jobs but the edition of 384,000 government jobs that's a trend we need to see reverse. i would also like to see more full-time jobs we have 100 full-time jobs are 100,000 in this november report, that is not a good sign want to see people getting better jobs and we want to see incomes increasing based not only on wages go without more hours of people work. i would see better jobs and were private sector jobs and more full-time jobs but all in all an okay report i don't think it indicates that president trump is inheriting a strong divided
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economy i think there is a lot of weakness but it wasn't a bad report. maria: the national debt at a record high, the country has 20 years to fix it and after that no amount of tax increases and spending cuts can avoid the risk of default doge and trump's economic team are in place getting ready to be in place to meet in washington and cam's incoming administration turn this around? >> of course they can and they will the problem with the penn wharton predicts working a 1.8% economic growth and we went up . half% growth if you get that you bend the curve down pretty quickly and trump get that i had many conversations that i don't andy as well with president trump he knows if you grow the denominator in other words you make the economy bigger a lot of the debt problems go away but if you meant to the other part of the equation which i was super excited about is the doge efficiency commission which i
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really believe i don't know if we can find trillions but i think we can find hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars that we could cut and i would say most americans would not know it's missing because it doesn't have any impact on our lives. >> i would ask about paul atkins the nomination which president trump announced this past week. atkins is real positive for the digital assets in crypto space but probably most important he comes in to replace gary gensler who is been putting rules and regulation of business from day one and there is a real upset about that and paul atkins has been repeatedly arguing that excessive sec enforcement is causing leading-edge crypto after crypto developers to look at asia and europe rather than the united states. paul atkins is a new incoming security exchange commission chairman, impact waiting. >> nobody better than paul atkins, he understands these
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markets better than anyone. we need more ipos in this country it's a record low, why is that, regulation or corporations nobody knows that better than andy puzder he ran a major corporation. >> go ahead. >> i think one of the reasons business optimism has been surging since president trump selection one of the contributive factors is that paul atkins was appointed to this position at the sec and gary gensler will be gone really think this is a huge move. maria: i totally agree, gentlemen it's great to talk to you. steve moore and andy puzder, walmart is rolling back dei programs pulling controversial items from the inventory will target his order to face the music over the pride backlash former target vice
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maria: welcome back retailers rolling back eei. walmart the largest private employer cutting back on the diversity policies forget the company removing controversial items from the website including items marketed for transgender children, retail giant target losing his bid this week to shut down a shareholder lawsuit which claims executive misled investors with a woke agenda was not prepared for the massive backlash over its pride mortgage under merchandise last year the farmer vice chairman of target toys are a ceo gerald storch, good to see you. thank you so much for being here give us his reaction to the rollback and eei and target what is it facing, your thoughts. >> you're dealing with two things that are close what is dei policies instead of companies in the other what goes
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on inside of the store and what's happening there, both cases what they have in common is not the role of the companies get embroiled, politics and controversy inside they want to do the right thing after george floyd this is what everyone else was doing and everyone else and they went too far and got involved in areas that are not appropriate for a company and they should be focused on what does it take to run a business and give customers what they want every day. inside of the store she saw customers saying i did not come here for a lecture i don't want to come here to talk politics i don't want to come here to talk about things that are controversial i came here to buy my laundry detergent. why is this going on but i'm trying to have a wonderful time and take my hard-earned money and by step. companies lost their way, your employees, minority of employees encouraging to take an active
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stance, whatever you believe you have to tell them know a small segment of customers always told you to push one thing or another boycott this or don't do this or do to tell them is the ceo it is not our we thing, have together do not get in the middle it's not what we do for a living. maria: very good advice, let's get your take on the macro story retail experts are sharing a record surgeon online holiday sales from thanksgiving to cyber monday up 8% from a year ago, i know you have concerns about the strength of the consumer how do you see things. >> i think it's going to be tough at holiday at best. the only hope there is enthusiasm around the presidential election and maybe they'll pull forward help that taxes will go down for the growth will recover in the economy because of president trump. half the people don't think that they did not vote for him. again the country is put on the
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what i see is the consumer who is heavily in debt. consumer who is spending all their money on inflated cost for housing and inflated cost for healthcare in inflated cost for food they don't have a lot of money left to buy fun things. we do here goes my numbers like 8% growth on the internet. big deal is been growing all along all year long the internet is thinking share for brick-and-mortar, the best reporter i've had a brick-and-mortar at best were flat over the same weekend giving you the total growth when you take the brick-and-mortar and the internet in a 3% range which is something that you are yawning about as a retelling. maria: it's worth noting much of the business was put on credit cards. people are in debt right now. >> between credit cards and buy now pay later, consumers are in debt from last christmas will
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with a hired upward ease of increase in the buy now pay later balances for transaction of her back friday we can. some consumers act like it's not spending or not debt. it is both it is that, trust me you add that on top of the card a balances and you have a very stretch consumer particularly in the lower income strata. maria: let me ask about tariffs, a lot of debate and upset over president trump's leveraging tariffs, how do you see it? >> i think it's ridiculous unnecessary panic, classic overreaction to what president trump said overblown, premature, not good to be a big issue i'm so tired of hearing about it. maria: i totally agree the argument is if he puts tariffs on things prices are going to go up no mention of the fact that all the reckless spending and the last administration sent prices up.
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>> we talked about this during the first trump administration with taxes on chinese goods i said it was not would be a problem for consumers and it was not. guess what the best study showed that in fact, like you said the way of the tariffs were borne by the chinese manufacturers. maria: great to see you, thank you so much. customize and save with liberty mutual. customize and sa— (balloon doug pops & deflates) and then i wake up. is limu with you in all your dreams? oh, yeah. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪
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what took you so long? i'm sorry, there was a long line at the thai place. you get the sauce i like? of course! you're the man! i wish. the future isn't scary. not investing in it is. nasdaq-100 innovators. one etf. before investing, carefully read and consider fund investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses and more in prospectus at maria: welcome back one thing you need to know ahead of next week if your dream is to own football greatness, here's your chance legendary nfl quarterback tom brady sports memorabilia and part of the luxury watch collection or upper auction did you work next week items include the seven-time verbal champs
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morning the final game of the new england patriots along with his university of michigan jersey the watch from the netflix roast and celebrated the 2021 super bowl victory is estimated to go collection will bring in millions with the watches alone ranging in value from $12000 to $800,000 you can watch brady himself on fox calling the rams versus bills on sunday. i hope you'll join me on "sunday morning futures" on the fox news channel on 10:00 a.m. eastern lifers in liberty futures. ibex was of interviews with tennessee's editor bill hagerty, house speaker kevin mccarthy and income reporters czar tom homan. that will do it for us on fox business. thank you for joining us. have a great rest of the i will see you next time. ♪ >> "barron's roundtable" sponsored by global x etf'


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