tv Cavuto Coast to Coast FOX Business December 16, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm EST
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know, europe doesn't use pesticides and yet they have a better mortality rate than we do. they don't use pesticides and use it as an excuse not to take our we spent billions and billions of dollars on pesticides and something bad is happening. if you take a look at autism today versus 25 years ago and is not even believable. we are going to have reports. nothing would happen quickly you will find bobby is very rational guy. i find him to be very rational you not to lose the polio vaccine that's not going to happen. i saw what happened with polio and i have friends that were very much affected by that. i have friends for many years ago and they've obviously are not in good shape because of it, many people died. the moment that they took the
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vaccine it ended, doctor jonas soul did a good job i don't anticipate that at all but we're going to look into finding why is autism rate so much higher than 25 or 30 years ago. at times higher there is something wrong, were also going to find out why are we paying more than other countries and we were in the process of doing that through transparency and we were doing a good job in the first term and we brought it down we got to 35, all of the different things we were the ones i got all of that done every one of those we got it done. i hope we win because otherwise somebody's going to take a lot of credit for what we did morgan have a big conversation on price why is it germany and the uk and other countries are paying so much more for the same box of
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medicine made in the same plant why is it were paid many times, i know the answer our government did not do what they were supposed to do. what i put in place was terminated unexpectedly by the biden administration and they shouldn't have terminated it. >> on ukraine you mentioned some of the areas are already decimated do you believe that ukraine should seem territory to russia? >> i'm going to let you know that after i have my first meeting. a lot of the territory when you look at what happened there are cities there is not a building standing it is a demolition site there is not a building standing. people cannot go back to the cities there is nothing there it is just rubble. when they knocked on a building in manhattan which this is worse because we do it step-by-step.
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this has been demolished. and the buildings are many people many people were in the buildings. the number and ukraine is going to be a much higher number of death, much higher number than your hearing. the big building this is what i did very well these are very long buildings, 15 - 20 stories high massive buildings i was surprised in the flat like a pancake. one or two bombs hit them and they collapsed. nobody was hurt, nobody knows who was in the buildings. they will find that when they do the removal. many more people are being killed in the ukraine war with russia that is being reported. that includes soldiers, the soldiers, this is a carnage we haven't seen since the second world war it's gotta be stopped. i'm doing my best to stop it. >> you had a meeting yesterday
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the japanese prime minister. >> the japanese pride minister is hoping to have a meeting. >> i sent him a memento, i sent him a book, the prime minister. but mrs. abe was very close with milana you she loved her book and i was very close to the prime minister, he was great, he was a great man. and his wife wanted to know if that would be possible to have dinner. it was out of respect to shinzo abe. i actually sent him a book and some other things for him through mrs. abe. >> will happen before inauguration day. >> it could if they would like to do that. >> i have great respect for the
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position and if he would like to do that i would be here. >> the ambassador to japan will be george glass, is that your final description. >> a highly respected man. he has been an ambassador before, he did a fantastic job we consider japan very important, he is highly respected. >> which other world leaders have you invited to the inauguration. >> the world leaders are calling me and some would really like to meet. literally they are calling me and i will be seeing some of them, i think it's rude to say i'm not going to see you. i have spoken away over 100 were they called to congratulate on not only the election but the size of the election but the extent of the victory, they were great i spoke to over 100
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countries, you would not believe have any countries there are. i am trying for the best i can to get back to everybody but there are a lot of countries literally everyone called and was very nice. i would see some if they felt was an emergency. as you know i've seen president zelenskyy he came to france when i was there for the cathedral opening, they had 70 presidents and prime ministers. in one case a king and we saw great people. i also met with william and i was very impressed with william i think william is terrific. i was very impressed with william i met with him to. >> did you invite zelenskyy to the inauguration? >> no but if you'd like to come, i'd like to have him. i did not invite him no.
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>> are you disappointed that president xi won't be at the inauguration. >> i don't know that he won't be there, i have not spoke to them about it. i don't know that actually. i would say if he would like to come i would love to have him. but there's been nothing much discussed. i have had discussions and letters et cetera et cetera. at a very high level, we had a really good relationship until covid. covid did not end the relationship but it was a bridge too far for me but if you would like to come. >> just so you understand he hasn't said one way or another. a lot of people say he won't, a lot of people think he will come but he won't come it's something we barely discussed we just about did not discuss but i've had especially through letters some very good conversations.
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>> china and the united states together can solve all of the problems of the world if you think about it. it's very important. he was a friend of mine he was here for a long time right in that spot except sitting at a comfortable chair he was not standing like you are but we spent hours and hours talking and he's an amazing guy. >> the press hates when i say that but he's an amazing person. >> if i ask you on the border. >> the united healthcare shooting. >> the united healthcare shooting. can you give us your thoughts. >> i think it's terrible. >> i think it's a terrible thing i think it's really terrible that some people seem to admire him, like him and i was happy to see it wasn't specific to this gentleman that was killed. it's an overall sickness as
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opposed to a specific sickness. that was a terrible thing, it was cold-blooded. a cold-blooded horrible killing. how people can like this guy, that is the sickness actually. it's very bad especially the way that it was done it was so bad right in the back. , thing like that you cannot believe, maybe it's fake news i don't know it's hard to believe that could even be thought of. it seems there's a certain appetite for him. i don't get it. >> i want to expand on the defamation lawsuit. could you see moving that to other people with individual platforms, social media influencers. >> or newspapers. >> i do, i think you have to do it because they're very dishonest. we need a great media and affair media and it's very important
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and we need borders and we need walls and we need fair elections. if you look at california millions and millions of ballots were sent out there still counting the vote in california with the machines they are counting the vote. if you have paper ballots the votes would've been counting for weeks ago, three weeks ago, you need fair election, you need border and you need affair press. i see others with a few others doing it. as an example i'm not doing this because i want to i feel i have an obligation i'm going to be bringing one against the people in iowa, their newspaper which had a very good pollster who got me right all the time and just before the election she said i was going to lose by three or four points and become the biggest story all over the world because i was going to win iowa by 20 points the farmers love me and i love the farmers.
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it was interesting the way she did it she brought it down to weeks before and said i would only win by four but that was good she brought it down from 22-point to four points, whatever the number was, way up never even thought to go there. i respect them, i love them and they understand there's no reason to go there, she brought it from way up, she walked away which it was and it turned out to be in the election a win by many, many points, then she brought it down very smartly 24 a couple of weeks before and everyone said that's amazing he's only up by four points then she brought it down by three or four whatever the number she used and that was the des moines register and it was their parent, in my opinion it was fraud in election interference. she's got me right always she's a very good pollster she knows what she was doing, then she
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quit before and will probably file a major lawsuit against them today or tomorrow. refiling 160 minutes you know about that where they took, let harris answer, they took the whole answer out and they replaced it with something else she said later on in the interview which was not a great answer but it was not like the first time. the first one was grossly incompetent, it was weird, that was fraud in election interference by their newsmagazine, big part of cbs news. as you know were involved in that and one that's been going on for a while and very successfully against bob woodward where he did not quote me properly from the tapes and on top of everything else he sold the tapes which he wasn't allowed to do he could only use them for reporting purposes not just sale purposes, he admits that and i think will be successful on that one, we have
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one interestingly, reporters at the new york times and washington post got poet surprises for their wonderful accurate and highly professional reporting on the russia, russia, russia hoax. it turned out to be a hoax and they were exactly wrong. people like many people john solomon, sean hannity got it right. many people got it right, tucker got it right, jesse got a right, laura got it right, a lot of people got it right, they did not get anything they gave it to reporters and got absolutely wrong everybody admits it was a hoax. take back the poet surprise and pay big damages and i think were doing well on that. they have no excuse they give a poet surprise to writers that got russia, russia, russia wrong. i feel i have to do this. i should not be the one to do it
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should've been the justice department or somebody else but i have to do it, cost a lot of money to do it but we have to straighten out the press is very corrupt almost as corrupt as our election. >> are you worried about venezuela. >> regenerate six defendants you had said in the first few minutes of your administration you one issue pardons for january 6 defendants will that be a blanket pardon. >> you will find out what is going to go quickly. >> in terms of your mass deportation plan if you had any preliminary discussion like venezuela from where the tren de aragua gang is now popping up. >> they will take them back. >> they're all taken aback. if they don't all be met harshly economically they will all take them back. venezuela and other countries
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were not behaving very well with us during my administration and then within 24 hours they were behaving well. >> nice to see you jeff, this is like the old days. you look much better than 48 hours ago. what you doing. >> the first you mentioned you're an officer of executive orders to go through. >> we will have a lot. >> i bet you could say as well as i we will have many executive orders and other things we will be signing on the first day. >> going back to my initial question you said your conversation with benjamin netanyahu was review. >> we had a very good conversation in the real conversations will start on the 20th. but we had a really good conversation and i think will be a good place in the middle east
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i think the middle east will be a good place, more difficult is going to be the russia ukraine situation. i see that is more difficult. i don't think they should've allowed missiles to be shot 200 miles into russia i think that was a bad thing. that brought the koreans and, north korea. another man i get along with them the only one that does. that did a lot of bad things, i don't think that should've been allowed. not when there's a possibility. not just weeks before a takeover why would they do that without asking me what i thought i would not have them do that i think that was a big mistake. >> would you reverse that decision. >> i might i thought it was a stupid thing to do. >> when you say there will be hell to pay if the hostages were generally 20th, what does that mean. >> they're going to have to determine what that means it means it won't be pleasant. >> is awkward to be pleasant.
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>> how was your meeting with the ceo tim cook did you talk about tariffs in that meeting with apple ceo tim cook. >> i did have dinner with tim cook and almost all of them and the rest are coming and this is what are the big differences we were talking about it before the one in the big differences between the first-term, everybody was fighting me and this term everybody wants to be my friend, my personality changed or something. as you know i had sungard and sergei is the owner the primary owner with his friend as you know and sergei was here also. i cannot believe he did not pick that one up nobody picked that one up. the big differences the first time everybody was fighting me
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on all fronts and we had a great administration with the biggest tax cut in history, we revoked the military too much given away to afghanistan, stupidly give it away horribly given away, one of the reasons that hooton went into ukraine when he saw the stupidity of the humility of these guys, stupid people very stupid people. if they did not do, we were pulling out of afghanistan but i would've pulled out with dignity and strength they would not be having parades showing our equipment that they left behind we would not have left equipment behind not 10 cents we would've taken every screw and every bolt. the biggest differences people want to get along with me this time, they've gone through four years and it wasn't easy for me but it wasn't easy for them either. that's a great thing, getting along is a great thing, tim cook was here. he has done an incredible job at
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apple. he talked about the future of apple's would be a bright future but we have many others also and not in that business and we do have jeff bezos amazon coming in sometime during the week. i look forward to that. a lot of great executives coming in, the top executives is the complete opposite in the process cover that fairly for change. the first one they were very hostile and maybe it was my fault but i don't think so they were right from the beginning and this is much less hostile it's opposite of hostile. >> i know that you had some involvement 18 years ago with the students at duke accused of rape and lacrosse. >> i thought it was a hoax when it happened the duke situation.
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i did not believe the woman as you know, they destroyed the lives of these kids. i don't care what they got their lives have been destroyed and shorten by what took place. now the woman admitted it never happened. that is horrible. as you know i took a lot of heat when i said this did not happen and those kids were beautiful kids with beautiful families and in some cases they will never be the same. have you talked to them by chance questioning. >> what your thoughts on the postal service you mentioned i was thought jeff bezos would be a key partisan to streamline the logistics and the post office but they lose billions. >> there is talk about the postal service being taken private you do know that not the worst idea i've ever heard. it really is it is a lot
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different today between amazon and the ups and fedex and all the things that you didn't have but there is talk about that. an idea that a lot of people like them are looking at it, any questions for howard by the way. >> i'll ask one do you see another trade deal with china coming. >> i think the president. it's easy for me you're sitting next to me, it's okay, the president has very clear agenda and i think reciprocity is something that is going to be a key topic for us how you tweet us is how you should expect to be treated. >> reciprocal if they tax us we tax them the same amount. >> they tax us, we tax them on a
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pullback. almost in all cases they are taxing us and we have not been taxing them. >> is there a deal underway? with respect to that. >> were going to make great deals and we have all the cards and until i came along, don't forget howard was going over the numbers we took in $600 billion and more in taxes and tariffs in china know whether president took in 10 cents not 10 cents and were you to be treating people very fairly but the word receptacles important if somebody charges us, india if they charges one 100% and we charge them nothing and they ascended a bicycle and we send them a bicycle they charges 10200 and india charges a lot in brazil charges a lot.
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if they wanted charges that's fine but we want to charge them the same thing. >> we want the senator some of them aren't necessarily business people when i give that to them they say that sounds fair to me. >> are you concerned the tariffs might hurt the stock market rise in the economy more broadly. >> a maker country more rich. tariffs will make our country more rich properly used. >> i didn't have any inflation and i had massive tariffs on a lot of things we put tariffs on steel. if i did not put tariffs on steel 50% and more, they were dumping stealing in china and others i put tariffs on in it stopped and we made a fortune on it tariffs properly used which we will do ambien reciprocal with other nations but it will make our country rich.
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our country right now loses to everybody almost nobody do we have a surplus with, a couple of countries and their numbers by but almost nobody. i always said tariffs is the most beautiful word in the dictionary it'll maker country rich if you look at the 1890s and 1880s of mckinley and you take a look at tariffs that's when we were at her proportionately richest. >> did you get to a good spot back into ukraine, what should zelenskyy prepare to give up. >> he will be prepared to make a deal, that is all, it's gotta be a deal too many people being killed that is a war, too many you gotta make a deal and putin has to make a deal to, putin has to make a deal and putin never would've gotten and if i was president. if i was president we would not of had inflation, oil prices would've been lower, had a good relationship with putin despite the russia hoax which made it more difficult if we had that
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election if it were an honorable election we would not have had any of the problems are talking about right now. >> you said you can make that deal before you can take office do you think you will still make that deal. >> i'm going to try. >> were you asked to give up asad. >> i have not thought of it, i think we have to get on with their lives, we'll see what happens but right now syria has a lot of indefinite nobody knows is going to happen in syria. i think turkey will hold the key to syria i don't think you heard that from anybody else. i want to thank you all and we're going to make america great again. thank you very much. >> president-elect donald trump making a lot of news the
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mar-a-lago press conference accompanied by his choice to be the next commerce secretary united states howard lightning at cantor fitz-gerald. a couple of clarification on ukraine for example they have to make a deal referring to president zelenskyy to make a deal. one clarification the president-elect mentioned again it again tariffs are a friend they're good for the american people and tariffs will make us rich. of course there is a y division on that. that the tariffs ultimately are going to be borne by american it 80s and pass along to american consumers that president-elect feels otherwise and they were magical for him in his first term and the tariffs copied on the chinese were not inflationary and his administration were very low inflation. of course his administration ended with covid the economy stopped entirely, there's not a chance of prices to go up in that environment. having said all of that he was going through a lot going on in
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this country right now particularly with robert f kennedy junior on capitol hill trying to win him support controversial figure to head up to health and human services but one of the things that the president-elect was saying he might've telegraphed exactly how he will go about looking at healthcare in this country into the real culprit is he seems to favor unlike the drug companies but not so much the middle man in the arena. the middleman, pay attention he did not cite them by name but he did cite them for this. take a look. >> we have laws that make it impossible to reduce and we have a thing called the middleman, the horrible middleman that makes more money frankly then the drug companies and they don't do anything but there middleman we're going to knock out the middleman and i'm going to be very unpopular after this. >> the middleman insurance companies, the exchanges dealing in getting in improving and not
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approving of any of the claims that, from the doctors that bill you paying the bills and that's weighing on a couple of key players including united health like premier remember the dow jones industrial selling off right now that's where host of other big names cigna, cvs, healthcare the first and the president-elect cited a big reason for the problem are those insurance companies and those decide whether to pay the bills that you have to take. that did not go well with people looking at the investment ramifications of all that. david nicholas is following knock i'm wondering what you made of that in the quick impact that this man has not assumed office yet but he can move markets sincerely has since his election in the comments on insurance companies exchanges if you will that was immediate within seconds of him saying that they were taking.
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>> the power that president trump holds when he says something markets move there's a lot of anger on health insurance and profit and there needs to be a real discussion what role do we want health insurance to play in our lives this is a for-profit model these companies have to make a profit and wall street want to see the make a profit but there's a misunderstanding that health insurers are there to cover every single health event that we have not the original intent of the insurers and consumers say they understand that maybe there is a better model health insurers create a profit and whatever trump says to regulate them or make changes it will impact their stock price. >> i wonder in this environment if he's going to let robert f kennedy junior to do what he has to do he took exception that the polio vaccine was a mistake and
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rfk junior has mentioned in the past she tried to dial the back but he did wonder about the other issues that kennedy has raised particularly striking rise in autism and that has to be explored. what did you make on the. >> there's a lot of fear about rfk and what that means for vaccines. i want to be clear i feel like president trump's view is certainly not to the extreme the rfk view is. but ultimately i think the market where the populace has moved beyond where the vaccine regulations are today. why you see rfk gain momentum many families are already there, we have three young kids in many of our friends having young kids this is a real conversation is a vaccine schedule is not really the appropriate schedule i
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actually have confidence that president trump can balance out rfk i feel this area needs to be looked at there's adverse consequences that a lot of families are concerned about when you have a child the greatest moment you want them to be safe and healthy when you want to make sure the vaccines will cause anything that could have -- the benefits for vaccines are proven there is science no question that when you compare it to 20 or 30 years ago we've come a long way and are some of the drug companies profiting off the backs of our young kids, that the area that we attack health insurance copies but pharmaceutical free ride with vaccines for children that something that needs to be looked at. neil: nothing wrong to take a look at it. while i have you here all the other breaking news. i wanted to get your take on the president-elect liaison tariffs
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arguing we don't pay them in the chinese will and this often chinese goods as the president proposes to do again and a host of other countries many fear in the financial community they're going to lead to higher prices and that will be borne largely by americans do you share the view or think this but the president-elect is using to extract concessions out of china and all these other countries. >> i would be very clear on tariffs their major used templates behavior. i don't buy the argument that consumers don't pay. consumers pay for tariffs the point consumers will shift their buying activity to corporations or u.s. comedies and a half tariffs. if you want to buy a foreign good, the challenge is so much of your products and services come from other countries but i tell my clients it may be as
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american as we come together i may be spending more to buy america, i will fully agree it's going to cost me more to buy the clothing for my kids school and the goods and services i need and i may say i'm willing to make that deal if it means long-term bringing manufacturing at home. for honest tariffs will drive cost and will be more expensive for the consumer but as americans we may have to say i'll be okay with that if it means long-term security for a nation. it's more expensive than the short-term and were behavior and change behavior services that are made your home. neil: that is open maybe that's what the president-elect was getting out. and your sense of the market, they're worried about the tariffs and the federal reserve no matter what it does this week. they could get out of hand trade words ultimately lead to sometimes things that are worse.
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>> across-the-board tariffs not good for the u.s. economy there's been a lot of arguing, is trump talking about across the borders and isolated if you isolate china a lot of goods coming from china. if it's isolated to certain regions it's going to cost the market more. i don't think it's going to cost to the degree of impact earnings dramatically could we see a dip that can be offset by tax cuts you take the court rate under corporate tax rate to 15% to be neutral or beneficial but i don't think you can do it without tax cuts you need boost to offset tariffs. that's a good point as tax rates go down in the price of goods go up it could be an evening out will watch it closely and a long way from the details. thank you so much of your patience. let's go to congers man mark greene of tennessee. and if i flip on that and talk about ukraine and our commitment to ukraine president-elect was
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asked about president zelenskyy should be looking at entertaining a deal. outright yes, he should, what did you think? >> i think that is the right answer, what we have to do is shape zelenskyy's expectation for the outcome here and there is no way crimea welcome back to ukraine. i don't see that happening and if you want to get to peace we have to come up with a negotiated settlement and trump has to make that happen is already indicated that and talk to zelenskyy. i think removing them in that direction. >> the president-elect touched on the whole drum controversy that is going on he wasn't quite clear what is going on he said maybe it's not safe to be at his golf course in bedminster new jersey where they also popped up. but he has his doubts that there's nothing to worry about
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here there opposite of joe biden and a lot of the talk that we've been hearing from the administration. he readily said a lot of this doesn't add up and paraphrasing, do you concur that. >> when they say there's no evidence to suggest asked or why and what they're really saying we don't know. that's not good enough for the american people. there is a significant amount of fear and is justifiable we had drones invade airspace over the military installation and germany in california and new jersey, this is a concern and if this were a dod exercise they would admit it to make people feel better if this was manned aircraft that's what they would say there is a subset of this we don't know what it is they haven't reported it and they haven't told us in congress which is egregious they've known
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since the beginning of november and the chinese by pulling they did not contact us until somebody saw flying over montana this is inappropriate behavior from this administration we need to get to the bottom of this the only way you get to the bottom is capture one of the drones and i have a bill to do that that will give the local authorities the right to shoot them down and we need to pass the bill will put the authorities in the state and local police and let them get one and get an analysis on it. >> the president-elect touched on about including what is going on in the middle east right now. i know he echoed the warning to hamas. if you don't release whatever hostages you have left, there will be help to pay. he did not outline what the hell to pay would be but many indicated it would be to unleash israel to do whatever it has to do you agree. >> president trump should not
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show his cards on what is willing to do but unleashing hell on hamas for holding americans should have happened the day after october the seventh. there is no reason why the organization has held american citizens for as long as they have, fecklessness from the current administration. president trump is telling them we are coming and you better let the americans go, that's what he needs to communicate, they are holding americans hostage that should be unacceptable to all of us we all ought to be upset about this, trump said there will be hell to pay you better let them go and i'm glad he's done it. >> thank you very much and for your patience we had a lot of breaking news with the next president of the united states, congressman mark greene on all of that, take a look at your screen you see the dow dropping if not for united health might have a stab of positive
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territory but this health insurers are under considerable pressure after donald trump made it very clear they are the middleman and targets and they are the problem in the meantime we've been keeping an eye on bitcoin. although the volatility is easy to forget right now that is an all-time high for bitcoin north of $100,007 a coin we have someone coming on later the said this could go to georgia $50000 according before you dismiss this is the same guy biden up at $10000 and talked about going to 50000 did 100,000 and as a situated 50000. stay with us. ♪
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a great negotiator. neil: with president trump a little earlier today and mar-a-lago he is committed to invest $100 billion in u.s. investments over the next four years good deal of them likely will be in the artificial intelligence and technology arena that is soft thanks life blood is a funder of such activities, he did make a similar promise about eight years ago, half of that a lot of those did not. now and a lot of those did not pan out he came back to do so a man of his words, that would be obviously very, very big four technology and the nasdaq and a lot of the firms that would stand to benefit for a while and a good part of today it was in remains. but there is another issue as to whether some of this could be a little bit of a strain and might not materialize as quickly, enter bitcoin in this vacuum and
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were debating where the economy goes from here it's been soaring again a single bitcoin going north of $100,000 david towle is the guy who solid coming at much lower numbers, the capital president. , first on the 107,000 figure we are at right now last time you were with us he did not pooh-pooh the possibility you're one of the earliest to talk about bitcoin at 100,000 you raise it to twitter 50000 at a possibility but at the end of next year, where are you now. >> i'm still on the prediction path, we get to 250 by the end of next year. what will drive it? >> the entire administration is going to make it about face from the existing administration in terms of the sentiment towards bitcoin encrypted currency, you now have a treasury secretary, and fcc head, and a.i. and
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crypto czar who have all been named an pro crypto in addition to commerce secretary who we just saw in the first conference with trump, howard lutnick who is entrenched in crypto and donald trump himself and his family via way of world liberty financial and also through trump media djt are also involved heavily in social networking and crypto and payments and so forth. we are going to have a lot of momentum and i don't see any challenges to the crypto universe in the united states going forward it's a question how quickly can congress work in order to frame the regulatory infrastructure that we've asked for and needed for a number of years to allow this to go forward. everybody inside of the white house in the leadership in congress as well in the senate and the house and in addition to that you have concerns as was
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laid out during the discussion with trump and regarding tariffs in inflation and so forth. bitcoin in particular is seen as a deflationary asset and hedge against inflation therefore there is another reason to go ahead for the individuals and now are starting to talk about larger institutions and nationstates and states going ahead and investing in bitcoin as a treasury asset. neil: you know what's weird we touched on it last time but if you're worried about inflation and east terrorists and the federal reserve is good to be worried about all of that, then the dollar is a great investment, bitcoin is. and i wonder given that and what people's views are if it's bad for the dollar, is it good for bitcoin? does the dollar have to take for bitcoin to soar? >> not necessarily.
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until now in the infancy years, bitcoin, it has its duality on the one hand the technology component and seen at times as a proxy for tech stocks and people correlated it with the nasdaq. on the other hand to your point it's a safe haven investment as well, digital gold by many trees until now we've either seen one of the 2 newtons and go ahead and propel bitcoin higher in at times during crypto winters that we've seen where crypto fell off the map and people pronounce bitcoin dead and so forth both of those were used against bitcoin. we now may have both of the narratives converging to the upside and the positive at once. that may turbocharge, that's why i don't think a price target of one and half times where we are
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or two and half times, where we are today is a big stretch because bitcoin has exceeded under such a challenging regime in the united states, now that is going to go ahead and get a friendly regime support. i think the skies the limit. neil: you been pressing on all of this. i would love to get you back. david tawil the prochain capital president. i was mentioning how much news donald trump is making left and right, some of the more intriguing comments are concerns of the drones and what he makes of them and the government knows what is happening. add him to the growing list of doubters. he is a little different because he is the next president of the united states.
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since 2019, john deere has invested more than $2 billion in our american factories. today, we're nearly 30,000 u.s. employees strong. in more than 60 u.s. based facilities, across 16 states, so neil: something strange is going on coming from president-elect donald trump a few minutes ago commenting on the drone stuff in the conspiracy that have cropped
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up since. edward lawrence with more on that. >> is interesting president-elect donald trump said he canceled her trip to bedminster because of activities of the drones going forward. a reporter asked do you have an intelligence briefing on the drones in the president-elect that he would not comment, he went on to say president i did knows what's going on. listen to the president-elect a few minutes ago. >> for some reason they want to keep people in suspense i cannot imagine the enemy is the enemy that blasted out even if they were late, something strange is going on and for some reason they do what it told the people they should they happen to be over bedminster. >> are very close to bedminster maybe i won't spend a week in a bedminster. >> something strange is going on the way the president-elect described he wants to get to the bottom as much as everyone else and he believes the american
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public has a right to know. neil: great job. edward lawrence lutz could've placed the founder and ceo, he knows drones very well what do you think what are these and what is going on. >> is a complete fair question. i think there are drones flying around and a lot of the video clips that i have seen look to me to be commercial aircraft. mostly because of the navigation lights that are included in a lot of those clips. if you see red and green flashing lights on the aircraft. in general 737 have a doctors that kind of thing i broadly get more interested when you don't see those lights on whatever your scene. >> interesting i've had some say just the opposite, you make this you know the stuff. i'm wondering whether there should be a crackdown on drones
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and the referring to the fact that there flying over the club and bedminster new jersey and a lot of other airports on the bike. the crackdown is warranted, that's definitely a reasonable thing for the government to put in place in some areas. we predominantly build drones for a public safety use case and police and fire department. i think it's pretty important that they are able to fly the aircraft around in whatever is necessary for public safety. if you talk about civilian drones and drones potentially operated by foreign military power. obviously wearing aircraft can fly in those cases. in your told your bigger than your standard drone and other people the size of an suv, you're the expert what do you think? >> it really depends on the clip
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quad copters tend to be small, when you say drone and general that the people are thinking of. it's rare that you see a quad copter more than a couple feet. fixed wing drones can one 100% scale up but i would be really intentional about the things that were talking about. i do think even what's on screen to me that looks like a commercial plane. >> it's a scene out of the outer limits. i'm kidding. can i get your take on some thane shoot them down. >> you have to make sure to drown. it be pretty bad to shoot down a manned aircraft. listen a lot of the planes that fly around the united states are transmitting the location over a dsp there shouting audio radio
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first enter frequency saying this is my location. what's critical yet to verify what this thing is and you could do that by looking at the radio emissions that are coming out of the aircraft you can listen for characteristic signatures that would be another thing. and order to determine what exactly we are looking at you can look at radar cross sections of the above and if you determine it is the drone and a lot of cases you're able to find the pilot of the drone in sophisticated rf techniques but those are becoming common. or you could even send that drone incorrect gps information seeking guidance back to a thomas landed in a desired location. neil: thank you for that. i want to go to jackie deangelis, "the big money show" is right now
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