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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  January 14, 2025 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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ter, together! my work here is done. excuse me, which way back? uh, follow him. larry: the e ragaini of american appeasement is over. donald trump brings strength and toughness and resistance and resilience and no more appeasement because appeasement always fails. always fails. anyway, speaking of deterrence, liz macdonald is up next. liz: we will be doing our hardest to deter everything, larry. what you just said is so spot on. strength, absolutely. right on, larry. larry: thank you, lizy. liz: welcome to the evening edit. i'm elizabeth macdonald. >> president trump chose me for this position and the primary
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charge he gave me was to brings warrior cul culture back to the department of defense. he want as pentagon, laser focused on lethality, meritocracy, war fighting, accountability, and readiness. a small handful of anonymous sources were allowed to drive a smear campaign and agenda about me because our left wing media in america today sadly doesn't care about the truth. all they were out to do, mr. chairman, was to destroy me. why? because i'm a change act and a threat to them and donald trump was willing to choose me and empower me to bring the defense department back to what it should be, which is war fighting. liz: tonight the wildest moments of democrat senators mott talking about how to make america safer or how biden botched afghanistan, appeased iran and said personally
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attacking pete hegseth and trying for their own got ya moments at his senate confirmation hearing to be pentagon chief. critics didn't land a glove on hegseth and we debate what went down including this. >> yes or no, did you get an audit? yes or no? what are you afraid of? you can't answer this question. did you lead an audit. yes or no? >> my leadership of this organization is misrepresented. >> i'll take that as a no. system of articulation liz: that was senator tammy duckworth going after pete hegseth and retired u.s. army special forces veteran jim hanson and we're excited to talk to jim. we'll break it down. there's a brand new recall effort just launched to remove far left governor gavin newsom from office in california. plus the push is broking to enforce la mayor karen bass to resign. beth accused of botching it and
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negligence in la wild fires and those fires right now at this hour are getting even bigger and going for them and antonio sabato jr. going with all that. >> passage of time to see what's possible. to see what can be unburdened by what has been. liz: that was vice president kamala harris and well known for so-called word salads and tonight we'll show you the new one she added to her list, this time insulting her on constituents in california and being slammed by la fires. outkick's tomi lahren is here to react and excited to talk to tomi too, she's so smart. but first, this story. >> would you carry out an order to shoot protesters in the legs? would you use our military to take over greenland or an ally of denmark?
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sounds to me you'd con temporal integration place carrying out such an order to basically invade greenland and take over the panama canal. >> we have hundreds, hundreds of women who are currently in the infantry. lethal members of our military serving in the infan industry, but you degrade them. >> i've never dec disparaged won in the military and respect every single woman putting on the uniform. gwendolyn hope hegseth. >> you cheated on the mother of that child. >> those were false charges and it was investigated and i was fully cleared. >> yes or no, an audit? >> it's part of the, [ talking over each other ]->> some of the people in power over the last four years, priorities other than standards --
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liz. the democrat senators attempted fireworks at pete hegseth confirmation hearing to run the pentagon today and chuck schumer promised that and how it all went down. he served in u.s. army special forces and national security expert and veteran jim hanson and your reaction to today's hearing ands democrat senators blumenthal and warren and say hegseth is unqualified and 200 military vets showed up to support him including over 100 navy seals. did it look like they were trying to get their got ya viral moment and looks like it fell flat. >> they lost so badly that i feel bad for them. that's hard to do because i'm not in any way respectful of any of the deputies attacking pete. it was a shameful circus and they did that because they'll afraid of what he'll do when he gets to the pentagon. they have in substantive attacks on him and they stuck to their personal arguments and what's going to happen when he goes into that office, president trump has tasked him from
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changing it from a woke social engineering laboratory back into a war fighting operation. i couldn't be happier than that. liz: jim, there's dangerous situatuations and there's fear t china is building barges to possibly land in taiwan and lighting up now social media and ukraine, russia, there's hamas attacking israel and there's biden appeasing iran and no talk of how he botched afghanistan and no talk about today at hearing and hegseth prosperitied to appoint a senior level official dedicated to sexual assault prevention and response of the military and he said we will have access to ground rules and he testified that dei policies that you mentioned, they're dividing the troops and causing u.s. commanders to walk on egg shells and they're not putting meritocracy first. >> pete is a guy that will put our enemies back in the position of fearing american retaliation
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and being deterred by that. the best use of the u.s. military is to deter our enemies for bad actions and you can't do that if they're busy marching around in pride parades and at pronoun practice and they have to be practicing to go to war so they don't have to fight in a war. and i think they completely ignored that as you mentioned and went with baseless attacks on him by anonymous sources while the media ignored many people who know him personally including myself and i've known him since 2007, and he's a quality hu human being. the situation is we'll have a military that has a mission of fighting wars or deterring wars, and pete hegseth is the guy that can lead that. liz and you remember the protecting freedom and democracy around the world. get your reaction to this exchange between gom montana senator tim sheehy and pete hegseth. watch this. >> what is the diameter of rifle round fired out of m4 a1 rifle?
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>> a 556. >> what is our most important strategic base in the pacific? >> gaum is threatty significant. >> how many rounds of 556 can you fit in magazine of m4 rifle? >> depends on the magazine but standard issue is 30. >> what kind of batteries in your night vision goggle? >> duracell. [ laughter ] >> right there you represent qualifications that show you understand what the war fighter deals with every single day on the battlefield. liz: he's been in the trenches anden oturu front line and knows what it means to put your life on the line for america and you've done that; right, jim. you've worked with military veterans and we have military veterans in our world here with fox. hegseth knew all the answers and now we have the senate slated to hold more than a dozen hearings for trump's cabinet pi picks and
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get them confirmed and trump wants them confirmed and he's inaugurate and the wrap it up for us. final take on what's happening? >> the deputies hoped they were going to peel pete off from the herd with the anonymous tracks and they failed miserably and set the stage for the confirmation hearings and that's going to give donald trump the wartime cabinet he needs as opposed to peacetime cabinet last time. they'll do those things, america first. liz: come back soon, jim. terrific talk. thank you so much and thanks for your service to america. this story coming up, pam bondi's senate confirmation as trump's attorney general nominee scheduled for tomorrow and this news too coming in and special council on hunter biden criminal charges david wise, david weiss did undermine the justice system and people's confidence in the america system of justice was
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"politically motivated of attacks on career prosecutors. this is after joe biden pardoned his own son hunter biden is hit with criminal tax evasion among other things and joining us is fox news legal analyst terrific book and constitution of the united states and the legal documents and he's g gregg jarrt and your reaction to biden undermined the u.s. justice system? >> well, i think weiss confirms what we already know, liz, that hunter and his family made millions of dollars from foreign sources by monetizing the vice presidency. but the thing, weiss conspicuously omits how he ran this five-yearlong protection racket for the biden's as culminated in the notorious sweet heart deal and only blew up because a federal judge put a stop to it. irs agents and you'll recall
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blew the whistle on how david weiss ignored larger crimes of influence peddling and statutes expire and tipped off defense attorneys and scuttle raids and he halted any investigation about joe's involvement and incredibly weiss now insists oh, gee, there was no preferential treatment and yet as a report outlines many of the corrupt foreign deals, china, ukraine, list goes on and on and these were obvious crimes but never charged so the weiss coverup continues. this is a whitewash report. liz: gregg, do you think president trump should just release, unlock all the records that national archives and unleash -- unlock everything and you're right, special council weiss at this time he did agree with allegations of biden family corruption and weiss said hunter biden cashed in on the government job by selling and using biden last name to get the lucrative deals in china and
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advocating for trump just to open the bobs on everything? >> i absolutely would. by the way, don't forget that russia hoax. i wrote two books about it and a lot of those documents are still concealed and hidden and i think all of that should be open and most certainly the biden family corruption schemes. i think we only know the tip of the iceberg and congress looked at it and found 27 million made by hunter biden and distributed by his family and i think frankly more accurate figure would double that. liz gregg, deepened cynicism in u.s. government and people don't want to see them and going in good faith to work in dc and coming out millionaires with mansions. i mean, you have now the biden justice department refusing to release special council robert
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hur's audio light and conclude that had biden cannot stand trial for taking u.s. secrets and classified documents and he's too senile and then president trump going after jack smith and jack smith did get his final report on 2020 released and jack smith saying the evidence would have been efficient to convict mr. trump in a trial had he not won reelection and what's your take on this? jack smith's report reads like a defense of jack smith's divisions and this is a "nothing more than a prosecution on paper. what do you make of this? >> well, smith's report was entirely self-serving and one sided narrative unprovable accusations and it was a partisan hit job and we've always known that but that's what jack smith does, liz, he's made a career out of prosecutions only to either fail unanimously going to because the
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law and i read all 174 pages and nothing new here and smith leaked most of it days before the election and that was attempt by him to subvert the election. ironically exactly what he accused z trump of. liz: interesting and after he spent $50 million, 5-0 million of taxpayer money on this. thank you, gregg jarrett, pleasure having you on. you're so smart. appreciate you. >> reservoirs are full, state reservoirs here in california. that's disinformation and manage or aids any of us and knowing from reporting here and that one reservoir serving the palisades was not helpful. liz: that was embattled far left governor gavin newsom accused of falsely claiming the water reservoirs were full when the palisades one was empty. now we have a new push to again
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recall gavin newsom, remove him from office in california. also, this news, the la fires today broke out in ventura county. dangerously high 72 miles per hour winds now baring down. now this news, california democrats today postpone their special legislative session where they'll spend 50 million to attack trump. next up, actor antonio savalo jr. here to break down the action in california. also tonight, this story. >> what we see is so hard to see that we lose faith or a vision of those things we cannot see but must know. liz: we have another well known word salads and this time she's accused of insulting people in her home state of california. the white house presser on the la wild fires and outkick tomi lahren here to break that down and we have breaking news, biden's approval rating plummeted to another record low
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of just around 35%. also, new details on florida governor ron desantis now saying florida will be ready to enact trump's deportations of illegal aliens starting on day one. look who's here, jason chaffetz, we're excited to talk to him and details on that . plus this story, -- >> we're approaching america's dawn opportunistic golden age and over the next four years, united states will take off like a rocket ship. liz: kristi noem for dhs, pam bondi for u.s. attorney general and john ratcliffe for cia and confirmation hearings ticked off with pete hegseth and more about that and a preview of what's coming up along with a bare knuckle fighting from democrats looking for viral got you moments and stick with us a lot more after the break. we'll be back in two. >> did you lead an audit to
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shoot protesters in the leg? yes or no? yes or no? [coughing] hi susan, honey? yea. i respect that, but that cough looks pretty bad. try this robitussin honey. the real honey you love, plus the powerful cough relief you need. mind if i root through your trash? robitussin, with real honey & elderberry.
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california, and i challenge you to prove my wrong, california has been under unmitigated democrat 100% power control. democrat. super majority. what does that mean? it means nobody can oppose their decision making. and now you've got it. you've got a situation where a kansacatastrophe came in billios that we gave to other woke, stupid, democrat projects that's not hyperbole and it's affect. bad management, horrific politicians that took your money and it's time to replace the leadership in california. liz: that was southern california pastor jack hibbs hammering california democrats saying they have to go for their negligence, mishandling the la fires. he's talking about governor gavin newsom and la mayor karen
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bass and it's a take down that's gone viral on social media and there's breaking news and extreme weather alert for la for the next two days and high winds have spread the fires today into ventura county. let's welcome to the show conservative actor and california resident antonio savato. always great to have you on. we appreciate you taking the time to talk to us. what's your reaction to what the pastor said because now there's a new effort to again recall gavin newsom out of office in california. jot pastor is absolutely correct and that's been going on for quite some time and getting gavin newsom out of office for wahoos done and not done and i mean, he's destroyed city of san francisco and now he's definitely destroying the state of california and the city of los angeles burning down to the ground. it's a disgrace what he's done and the whole team and all the democrats have done, sacramento, and for the rest of the state,
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and i hope the american people, i hope californians are going to wake up this time once and for all. both for the individual and the policy, not the party or the celebrity behind it, you know, and i just feel so bad for the neighborhoods and palisades, i went to school there and i love california very much and what the democrats have done to the state is horrible and i hope the future of california is a lot better and the people who live there deserve so much better. liz: watching it independently and looks like there's always upping and increasing their own profile in the media and how they looked in terms of appeasing and appealing to the dc new york media beltway to have their look like so woke and they swore an oath and didn't they, to protect, residents of california now people are talking criminal negligence and they've known about wild fires in california and i looked at it
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since 1960. 1960 and there's reservoirs empty and policies for the eaton fire and not bigger than paris or san francisco and there's talk and elect bill transmission and maybe sparks blew that up, what do you think? >> i think i ewed to live in california for almost 30 years and we dealt with fires and that was in ventura county and running for congress in venture are county and i know how the whole thing works and every year we deal with fires and california, venture are, malibu had three mayor ones in 12 months and this in palisades being the biggest and they though it's coming. in florida what we do here is we know that hurricanes are coming and the govern r governor and the whole team gets together and they protect the american people. they get things ready so in a couple of weeks, not even that actually. last time we had two hurricanes down in tampa and one month we
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took care of it in less than a week and everything was back in order and these people of california took billions of dollars and give billions of dollars to other people and other thins and other things have nothing to do with the american people and american people need the federal government and the government, they need the people to help, they're not there. they lost everything. i know how it feels losing your house to a fire and my family and i i we lost everything and then what year there, in the middle of the road going what am i going to do? liz: it's awful. where's my governor now, this guy. water reservoir left to stand empty for a year for repairs and they're spending $50 million to
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hire more attorneys to do that and not on mitigating disasters like the wild fires. watch this. >> deputies run everything out there. mistakes were obviously made in water resource management, mistakes made in forest management. mistakes were made in maybe budget cuts on the fire department and so there is a question about did we vote for people that know what they're doing so it's not about making it partisan, it's about making it competent, and i do think if i lived out there, i'd be asking myself, are competent people in charge right now? liz: final word, antonio. >> they know what they're doing and in the past, they know what they're doing and as long as they have voters vote for them and they rig the elections like they always do, they're going to continue getting these states and blue states in turmoil and that's what they're doing and i hope and pray to god that the future of states like california will be much better, especially
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this year. that's since trump was getting back in office and i mean after this, i hope that this wakes everybody up in california saying no more democrats and we'll vote for the people, we'll take care of us. this never happens again. ever. liz: we hear you, antonio sabato, thank you for being with us. appreciate it. >> i think culture is a reflection of a moment in our time. present culture is how we express ourselves. liz: this time critics say she insulting victims of la fires in her own home state of california. tomi lahren here to break it down. president biden's approval rating hit a new record low of just about 35%. also tonight, this. >> we need to act and we need to act quickly.
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we don't have time to waste, the american people spoke very clearly, state and local officials in florida must help the trump administration enforce our nation's immigration law. liz: governor desantis said yes, it is full speed ahead. florida will move rapidly to enact trump's deportation agenda to start on day one. tonight, jason chaffetz will react to the details. if you thought today's hearing with pete hegseth was wild. senate ton cut rates in fission hearings underway for trump's cabinet and roger marshal joining us to preview what's ahead. we'll be back after the break. >> yes or no, did you lead an audit? yes or no, did you lead an audit? yes or no? what are you afraid of? you can't absolutely this question? yes or no, did you lead an audit? do you know know the answer? yes or no?
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liz: we've got a real serious problem happening in dc right now. lawmakers today in house ways and means and talking about making trump's tax cuts permanent and warning that if they go away, if they're going to expire at end of the year, we're going to be hit with a new 5 trillion tax hike and for all americans and that could push the u.s. into recession. hillary vaughn live on capitol hill with more. reporter: good evening, liz. republicans may be on their own trying to avert this crisis by reviewing trump's tax cuts set to expire at the end of the year and democrats today made the case that the government imply cannot afford to let americans keep more of their own money. >> would you advise your client to ignore credit card debt or mortgage debt or property debt and take on more debt if they couldn't sustain it and complain
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about the debt they already have? would you tell your compliant to egg northe dead they have -- ignore the debt they have? >> no. reporter: the same democrats concerned about the national debt today not concerned when they supported $6 trillion in new spending under president biden and house ways and means committee heard from small business owners and stay at home moms and trump tax cuts critical to livelihood and cannot afford for taxes to go up. >> having sound tax policy that allows us to bring in revenue and grow our country is critical. it grew our economy, grew people out of poverty and helped in every single demographic possible. guess what companies and businesses do? they employ people. imagine that. what a novel concept. we -- what does some folks want? they want more money for the government to employ people. reporter: trump's tax agenda part of broader reconciliation budget package and congress is
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putting together and speaker mike johnson saying today that the goal is to have the house vote on that legislation by easter and have the overall reconciliation package put on president elect trump's desk before bemill day. liz: we've have a time line. hillary vaughn, thank you so much. that's news there. appreciate you. great journalism. now to this. >> impacted by the fires will receive one time payments of $770 and one time payment. >> it's critically important that to the extent you can find anything that gives you an ability to be patience in this extremely dangerous and unprecedented crisis that you do -- >> so a week from now, it's all over. >> yes. >> between next monday and 2028, who's the leader of the democrat party? >> oh my goodness, wow. that is honestly, that is for
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people much smarter than i to make that assessment, that decision. i do not have a -- i cannot predict the future and that's not something i'll do from here. liz: she doesn't know who the leader of the democrat party is right now? president biden is kamala harris on press conference on la wild fires and president announced a tiny one time payment to of $770 of people that lost their home and not covering one night at a hotel and patience for people of lives who are destroyed in california. who is the leader of the democratic party? fox news contributor and outkick host tomi lahren. what you heard all that, what was your reaction? >> well, liz, i don't think kamala harris is the leader of the democrat party and democrats don't want her to be quiet frankly. every time she opens her mouth, it's that much more obvious to
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republicans and democrats. i tell you what i find most curious about this situation, kamala harris is not only the current vice president if even for a few more days awe also a californian and has a residence in southern california in los angeles. the fact that she is not taking the opportunity to lead in this crisis and in this situation just shows me that she's got no interest being leader for her party or leader for america. whatever that looks like. heading into 2026 and 2028 rumblings she'd maybe run for governor of california. when i watch her ineptitude and inaction and really what appears to be her lack of care far what's going on in her home state, i'm stunned she's not even feigning leadership in this instance. it's nothing new but rather perplexing for someone that wants to be a leader of the party or atlas others would assume she would want to be. liz: we're not hearing that kamala harris is going to the fires or showing up this. i mean, critics are pointing out that president biden just gave
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$2.5 billion more money to ukraine in military aid and on top of that, $3.4 billion to pay salaries of ukrainian schoolteachers and government bureaucrats and don't see the people that were hit by hurricane helene in north carolina getting that kind of money. you don't see that right now for what really needed to happen with california doing it right and preventing wild fires from hitting homes and democrat leadership failed and what do you make of it? >> it's going to become increasingly difficult for politicians to explain why there's a finite amount of money to take care of americans in the aftermath in the face of disasser and going for california and florida and elsewhere and going on unlimited funds to take care of immigrants in the country and send billions upon billions to foreign nations like ukraine to prop up their governments and pay for their defense and it's really going to be increasingly hard for politicians to explain to the american people as it should.
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i'm talking republicans and democrats here. this is simply unacceptable, liz. liz: tomi lahren, you're terrific. please come back. great to see you. >> thanks so much. >> we have a responsibility to be in this fight. state and local officials in florida must help the trump administration enforce our nation's immigration law. liz: enforce the law, stop breaking the law. stop illegal crossings and that's florida governor ron desantis and he says his state of florida stands ready to help the trump white house in any way necessary. u.s. states and the nation gear up for a mass deportation because people broke the law by crossing illegally. next, oversight chair jason chaffetz taking it on and breaking it down. plus it story -- >> a small handful of anonymous sources were allowed to drive a smear campaign and agenda about me because our left wing media
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in america today sadly doesn't care about the truth. all they were out to do, almost, was destroy me. mr. chairman was destroy me. liz: that's trump's nominee for defense secretary pete hegseth hitting back at smear campaigns during his tense senate confirmation hearing today and senator roger marshall giving us his preview of what he expects from the rest of this week's hearings from the cabinet. but first talking to david and david webb on your fabulous show, the bottom line. >> yeah, emac, talk a guy that's qualified and former prosecutor jim jordan and house judiciary going to join and yous we have all the allegations and false allegations against pete hegseth and tim kennedy knows about fighting and what needs to be done and we need to get that take from inside the room. >> 47 takes office as president next week and the external
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>> we have a responsible to be in this fight. state and local officials in florida must help the trump administration enforce our nation's immigration law. there also needs to be measures to hold people accountable who are violating the anti-sanctuary policies and then florida needs to make sure we don't have any lingering incentives for people to come into our state illegally. we need to tact, and we need to act quickly. we don't have time to waste, the american people spoke very clearly on authority with respect to certain officials and suspending them from office. if they're nerve nucleus going to objecting their duties. liz: major crack down by ron desantis telling the florida state legislature that local cities and towns across florida must enforce president trump's deportation plans to deport illegal aliens that broke the law by crossing. former utah congressman and fox
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news contributor jason chaffetz. jason, we love talking to you. thanks for joining us. you're a very smart person hawaii do you make of this, ron desantis, the governor, is saying he might even fire public officials if they don't go along with this. what do you think? >> isn't it refreshing to have a governor like ron desantis saying we're going to support this and it's putting americans first and that's what the country wants. he's right. donald trump has a mandate to enforce the current law to help ice and make sure there's no incentives to bypass the idea that if you're here illegally, festivus for those exciting the crimes and that ought to be the priority and coming across a local sheriff or local city policeman and committed a crime or allegation of a crime and detained and de-prioritizizationed to be here illegally, they should be committed to work with ice and
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not against them. liz: countries in south america, you see russia and china and indonesia and italy and countries arnold the world saying no to illegal crossings. it's against the law. so now we've got new reports coming in. what do you make of this, a colorado judge ordered the infamous, shut down of infamous colorado apartment complex overrun by vicious venezuelan tren de aragua gang and the judge ordered it all shut down because of public safety threats and all the reports of violence, brutal kidnappings and torture and democrats are trying to claim this is not real. these violent crimes aren't happening. >> yeah, they all sort of mocked donald trump and tom homan and this never happened. it obvious did happen and you're going to watch on the video for goodness sake. there are people, like i livid overseas just for a year in
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australia with my wife and family on expat deal and their stringenten forcement of visas and visa overststays is admirab. why can't we do that here? here is a case of gang activity coming into the united states and the democrats are just in denial instead of saying, hey, we're going to enforce the law. liz: yeah, that's it. who's better than jason chaffetz? nobody. jason, love having you on. great to see you. come back soon. >> thank you. liz: still ahead, republican lawmakers moving rapidly to enact president trump's agenda and media and voters pointing out how the trump nominees had a hard time just like everybody else under the biden white house and trump's nominees were repeatedly cancelled and censored. senate roger marshall talking to us about a preview of what happens with the senate confirmation hearing for trump's cabinet. don't go away, we'll be having
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>> i hope this last 10 years will feel like a bad dream, i can't believe we tolerated level of oppression and anger and cancellation
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campaign. elizabeth: mark a marc andreessen talking to joe rogan about how painful the last 10 years were with democrat cancel culture, bring in senator roger marshall, it is an interesting set up to democrat senators performance at pete hegseth hearing, did schumer's game plan of attacking fall flat. >> i thought it did, they couldn't get anywhere on process of substance of pete hegseth and his policies they went after character assassination, america saw a person donald trump that has chosen, a modern day patriot, he was solid as a rock today much i think we saw the first glimpse of
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what trump's nominees will look like. elizabeth: thanks for joining us, we appreciate you taking time, you can tell us, what you expect from senate confirmation hearings, pam bondi coming up and kristi noem and also john ratcliffe, we'll we see more of democrats trying to get that gotcha viral moment. >> this is their political theater, their moment to get on legacy news. i think the 77 million people that voted for donald trump will like the people that president trump has set forth. these people are the calgary, this is mod modern day patriots, they will share their heart and compassion, they are accomplished people they love this country, i think you will see this theme over and over again, they are committed to prsm's priorities as -- president trump's priorities as well.
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fulfilling president trump's agenda. elizabeth: do moderate democrats privately tell you, that yes things derailed under the biden white house? >> i think they do, more important, across america we're seeing this momentum, this excitement that something bigger is happening this country is staged to go to places we've never ben before, and con ddonald trump will lead us there a new day in america. there is a lot of hope, i'm excited to be a part of it. elizabeth: the thank you senator, really interesting what is going on city journal reports trump chose people who were also face threat of government coercion. they experienced it first hand, tulsi gabbard, elon musk, the u.s. surgeon general nominee was also canceled for -- because he said he was against covid
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lockdowns. >> job of these folks to trust in government, they are had fit, when people say, you don't understand, they do understand, they have been there. elizabeth: we're excited to have you on, senator marshall come back soon, i am elizabeth macdonald thank you for watching "the evening edit" on fox business, dvr us, tomorrow we have a lot of news coming in. time for "the bottom line," dagen and david are ready. dagen: thank you emac. elizabeth: sure. dagen: i am dagen mcdowell. david: i am david webb welcome to "the bottom line." now busy doesn't begin to describe the weekend. it is only tuesday. dagen: first up, one down, 11 to go. is team maga gets into
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