tv Kudlow FOX Business January 22, 2025 7:00pm-8:00pm EST
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transferring our entire government at warp speed. it's like bidenomics but in reverse. we'll break it all down in just a moment with steve forbes and very own taylor riggs and if that's not enough, our very own charles payne. plus, folks, a sweeping change in american foreign policy and talking to new house foreign affairs chair mr. brian mast and chump's war on sanctuary cities with senate judiciary chair chuck grassley and first up, edward lawrence live at the white house. edward, so what do you make up today, edward? what's happening down here? reporter: boy, can we try ask keep up is the issue here. two full days in the trump administration and companies are starting to flock and want to invest in the united states and latest announcement is star gate and data centers that will be based in texas and dealing with artificial intelligence on the first investment to this is $100 billion and that investment
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is today to expand to $500 billion and this commitment by softbank, open a and i recollects oracle to expand that and 500 billion and ceos with the white house and the reaction is positive. >> we're in a race against communist china and ai and best ai. i think it's my time that we pour money into it. it's the way that it'll -- it's the wave of the future and look, it's the way that battles will be fourth quartering in the future. >> president trump also expressing intent to renegotiate usmca early and it's an agreement that he ratified in the first term and could start after july 1, 2026. canada's minister of intergovernmental affairs says we look forward to working with president trump's administration to further strengthen collaboration between our two countries to benefit the citizens of both our nations. when asked about this, president
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trump respond that had we have more immediate concerns. listen. >> the fentanyl coming through canada is massive. the fentanyl through mexico is massive and people are getting filled and families are being destroyed. reporter: the president says tariffs of 25% imposed unless something changes and now we're into, again, starting his third day in office and the president just finished signing another executive order making it illegal officially to cross the southern boarder and president trump closing dei offices in the federal government and reassigning the staff to paid leave. all government website haves been ordered to take down dei-related materials on them. the president saying this government, the hiring is going to be based on merit so that's what it should be going forward. back to you. larry: edward, one quick question and regarding the february 1 possible deadline.
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he's always put in possible. with canada and mexico and potentially a 25% tariff if they don't play ball with us on closing the boarders. it's been confused with a renegotiation of u.s. mca. which by february 1 would be an impossibility. i'm trying to separate out the two or not. i don't know what you're hearing down there. reporter: yeah, those are two separate issues here and one issue the president wants to deal with the fentanyl issue and people coming across the northern border from canada as well as southern board fertilizer mexico and that's one issue and if they don't fix that, those two countries seeing 25% tariffs and another issue the president would like to renegotiate usmca because he believes there needs to be adjustment withs some of the items in that specifically. i've heard even talking about the steel and aluminum with quotas and whatnot and in terms of pass through and china trying to build investments in mexico
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to utilize usmca to funnel things into the u.s. and two separate issues, you're right, larry. larry: edward lawrence, thank you always for your great report. folks, with a stroke-over the pen, a stroke of mr. trump's pen, four years of biden big government socialism gone. that's the subject of the riff. so with a few strokes of the pen, 118 to be exact just on day one, president trump's executive orders rolled back virtually all of the biden administrations policies. calling it bidenomics in reverse. that's my buddy steve moore putting. these executive orders kicking in fast and mr. trump's appointees will see to that. for the economy, american business back in the saddle. here's this from famed investor stanley and i will quote, stan, i've been doing this for 49 years, we're probably going from the most andy business
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administration to the opposite. we do a lot of talking to ceos and companies on the ground and i'd say ceos are somewheres between rel relieved and giddy. this here is davos week. but metaphorically, i'd say this week davos is really a ghost town. all the action has moved from davos to mar-a-lago. speaking at conference, historian walter russell mead said the davos class needs to understand, which is trump, but who lost, which is us. professor mead went onto say davos climate with woke human rights and globalism all failed. no one understands these failures better than president trump. and like the good businessman he once was before becoming president, mr. trump's transformational policies won't wait a month or year and he
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wants them imphlegmed at once. implemented at once. no one used executive orders the way trump has and biden's war against fossil fuels, gone. open boarders and a wave of illegal immigration, gone. excessive government spending, about to be gone. disempowering the socialist regulatory state. they're about to be g.o.a.t. gone. using tariffs to counter unfair trade or mountain promote america first foreign policy, about to be put in place. allowing foreign governments to tax american companies, gone. far out woke and dei diversity, equity and inclusion, gone. pride and blm flags flying over the embassies, gone. government censorship, gone. and endless number of genders, gone. back to tomter so-called bureaucrats with left wing policies. gone. gulf of mexico of mexico, on it is way out.
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panama canal. looking for new management. greenland crying out for new ownership. you get the idea, folks. president trump is not only changing policies but changing the very nature and mission of government and felt he's resuscitating private business entrepreneurship all with a few strokes of a pen. that's the riff tonight. all right, joining nerve nucleus is taylor riggs, cohost of the big money show. charles payne host of making money right here on fabulous fox business and steve forbes, forbes media chairman and editor in chief. they're all here. i can't say gone. there was a lot of gones though. chars, oregon, what do you think? by the way, just on the point, davos is a metaphorical ghost town and all moved to mar-a-lago and that's a important point. walter russell mead said that. and stan miller, stan was not a big trump guy ever.
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in fact i say more never tramper than anything and old friend of ours and yours too, probably. this is a renaissance for american business, not. state socialism and the rest and american business. charles: absolutely right. i read somewhere this davos meeting is really similar to the last meeting of ussr. [ laughter ] charles: like 1991, that was the last one. lauren: go on. charles: not a moment too soon. and all those private jets want to fly over this. i saw the thing with miller and i mentioned on the show and went onto complain and it's hard not to be really honest vector-borne chilly honest and noted a -- intellectually honest and not admit what's happening. they go on and say jaire data committee ya data committee ya data committee and not --
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yada yada yada and noted a submit what's in the hair and look at -- admit what's in the air. leaving the last few weeks before the inauguration and mainstream media and financial media not on trump's side. they're boogie man became tariffs and any time there was breaking news on tariffs, the market went down. we hear it may be this tomorrow and may this yesterday morning. charles: huge tariff stuff still coming and going to be huge. market explodes. listen, i think more people, there's two things. in the market to make money. in this world to better your life and for prosperity, then you try and take advantage of the moment. if not, it'll be a tough long four years. it's been a tough long two days if not. larry: steve forbes, we've never seen this kind of change so rapidly. through the use of executive orders and through the use of -- or the appointment of or nomination of people who will
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carry these orders out. and some of these orders include, i want to make this point, bureaucrats who are not cabinet level or even under cabinet level but down the food chain a little bit and those bureaucrats involved in 308 seizure disorders and disagreed with mr. trump given their pink slips and they're gone too. that's incredit card and will that changes the whole game. >> trump learns he and his team, if you don't get rid of these people, they're going to thwa rt you and the policy not going to get it and learn that you'll sweep it away and win most of the court cases and paying close attention to things people don't pay close attention to. sea schedule appointments and all those people, if your people
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on your side and this. they can thwart policy and slow things down and they've learned and make sure they're removing all the natural impediments to get things down and big challenge ahead in addition to the tax bill getting a big beautiful tax bill is co-defdefying in law wht he's done by executive orders and don't want a time coming when a democrat comes in and does 500 orders undoing everything you've done. you have to codify so you embed it in law, which make it is harder and also people get used to the new order of things. larry: speaking of one big beautiful bill. taylor, come on in for a second. we have sound from speaker johnson and president trump. here it comes. >> the reason the president talked about one big beautiful bill and talking as well, that's the most efficient and effective way to get it done. we get it done by end of april or by memorial day. >> it's in some ways made simpler by los angeles and they'll need a lot of money and
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generally speaking, you find a lot of democrats welcome asking for help. larry: now, a very new and interesting political wrinkle in support of one big beautiful bill, wild fire assistance. they'll need a lot. i don't know how much, a couple hundred billion and more than that and much of it is deserved and i hope they put strings on it so california changes policy. >> can we talk about that? larraly: talk about strings and one big beautiful bill. >> do strings because i'm from california and where are we the only state where insurers don't want to insure. we're the only state where weave priced people out of the market and told actuaries the way you've priced risk isn't good enough and we have to cap prices and can't do business in the state. you can get insurance in 49 other states. what is california doing that the insurers have had to pull out because they can't make the numbers work? i feel for the people in california that i'd love to see strings attached and can we give
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aid if we prosperity we change the way we do controlled burns? can we give aid if we promise to change the way we talk about insurers and the actuaries and price controls? i don't know if that's politically feasible. if we don't do that, you'll get wild fires every five years because guess what, every couple years you get massive rainfall, every couple years massive overvegetation growth and then every couple years that turn into a big tinderbox. i'd like to see something change so we don't keep seeing the wild fires. larry: trump will be saying it's easier to get deputies on board with one big beautiful bill that will have the tax extensions and the tax cuts and it'll have the border, it'll have the defense, it'll have some of the energy codifying some of the new energy regulations to steve's point-blank layups. but the need for assistance may bring some democratic folks they might not have and consequencely
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you might have a whole big beautiful bill including tax cuts by memorial day, who know s? easter. charles: i agree with taylor and here's the thing, one of the big impediments were going to be blue state republicans and salt. this kind of supersedes that, particularly for any republicans in california and the urgency factor is immense. immense. yeah, they capped the premiums and you get so cal and get a $20 million house and $3 million worth of insurance. there's a major rip there and they're in trouble economically, politically. there's a sense of urgency that does work in president trump's favor, and i think it pushes back against a bit of some of these republicans and ier and viewed mike lawler. larry: what did mike say? >> i asked him point-blank. charles: are you going to hold the whole thing up, whole agenda american public p ifs you don't
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get your way on salt. he tried to kick it back to friend in texas on the other side. you know, on the real tough -- not spending at all. larry: yeah, yeah. charles: chip roy. well, you know, it was almost like having two kids. bobby did it first. i didn't let him off the hook and moved away from it. the bottom line s listen, you're running into the -- this is a unique opportunity, and i think everyone understands you cannot take for fanted the numbers or momentum. you have to seize the moment. i see now to your point and with the conversation going that some democrats will have to see that as well. larry. the moment is now. this is a strike while the iron is hot politically. mr. tram subpoena enjoy ago fantastic honeymoon, he's making great use of, as i said, these executive orders, many of them will need to be codified, but he's sending out statements and messaging each time he does this. he's not let -- you know, he's
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not going to wait. he's not going to let the grass grow if you l. he's moving right away. an action president. he's not deatherring around. that separates him -- dithering around and that separates him from every other with the exception of ronald reagan. >> that underscores the need for tax cuts including capital gains and revenue comes back right away anyway. to your point, taylor, in california, how many know that california takes half of the rainfall each year and flushes it into the pacific ocean? only less than 10% of the rainfall in california is actually used for commercial and residential uses. so there's a monumental waste of water, people know what happened to the fire hydrants and those kind of things will ring in a way they didn't do before. you can make changes there and as for our friends that are concerned about salt in this big new bold bill. throw in some rate cuts. that matters more than adding a few thousand for salt.
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larry: yeah, senator marsha blackburn mentioned capitol gains. may have -- capital gains and may have briefed her on that . first time an elected politician talked about capital gains. >> being once in politic, i'lltail take credit. larry: you were both on the same radio show but different segments and i separated you both. she mentioned cutting capital gains tax. taylor, something that trump said and i heard him say a million times in the oval office, i tried to communicate it so some of my friends in the european union. listen the u.s. legislature, aka the congress, can tax american companies. foreigner cspan not tax american businesses. period. full stop. come to an end. and that is one of the executive orders he signed. all the oecd, janet yell and minimum taxes and tax the technology companies. gone, immediately.
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gone. >> because tram subpoena unapologetically america first. larry: right. >> hi a great statistic. meta's head of global business said that europe has created zero billion dollar companies in the time that the u.s. has created six trillion dollar companies. you know why? because we like business. we believe in capitalism and we like underregulation. we like the market, free market to fix itself. stop being the big european guys. these big think tanks and oecd and who and nato or whatever. get out of that and focus on being unapologetically america first. if that's what it takes to sign an executive order say no oecd, you don't get to do that, that's what it takes because that's what the american people voted for. lauren: chars, what's your take on the star gate business, ai revolution ponying up all the money? c love it. lauren: why not.
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charles: my son was at investor conference and said we have to take a step in the right direction. two, three weeks ago and china came out with deep seek. ai product. it was pretty good. >> they're like light years ahead of and yous that's scary. charles: we have the data sentedder lead and all that stuff, we cannot -- this is tortoise and hare stuff and can't fall asleep at the switch. larry: give them 15% tax rate down from 21. charles: that would help. larry: not the worst and less governmental regulations. >> deep state expenses. permanent. larry: steve forbes, if mr. trump is forced to take tough action with mexico, cause they're not going to help us on the border, not going to help us on the border. no tangible help on fentanyl with the cartels. suppose he slap as 25% tariff on mexico. just suppose. >> it's gob that hurt us as well as them and that again gets to
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why i'm so happy the speaker is saying you can get a big fat tax bill by memorial day or sooner because we need something to juice up the economy in case this happens. behind the scenes and i'm sure our diplomats are saying it now, the cartels are about to make mexico a narco state. they already control much of the country and a way to cut them back. pure tone average the onus on us but it'll stave your country. larry: should they use the u.s. military to bomb the drug factory s? >> little more southerly. drones appear out of nowhere it seems. drones appear over mexico. where do they come from? who knows. larry: drones over mexico, sounds like a woody allen move seizure disorders. i hope something is done. whether it's hard or softer, i think they know it needs done. cartels are getting away literally with bloody murder and one wonders who's running mexico. president sheinbaum said she's
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running mexico. i don't know if that's true. does anyone know? charles: de facto split it up. split the country up. it's a de facto. the narco state exists and coexist withs the elective state. larry: last round. charles, stock market with all this going on, and essentially tram subpoena resuscitating american private sector-on entrepreneurial business. resuscitating it. stock market, bullish? charles: bullish, very, very bullish. i'm a rose colored glasses guy anyway, i got on two pair now. larry: i'm talking about it and buying. we had 10,000 on by the decade. charles: not a big call ask think about where we are now and where it is. it's not too farfetched at all. jaire animal spirits are back and feels like that.
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it's based on a few executive orders. this is based on growth in the future. optimism of ceos giddy with excite.understand interest, capitalizing versus expensive a lower corporate tax rate. larry: trump is reopening old fashioned opportunity here in america. he's making it accessible i think to every part of our population. which i love. making it accessible, okay. we're moving government barriers and dictates and government regulations whether they're social regs or economic. i got to get out. that's what he's doing at end of the day. steve forbes, taylor riggs, charles payne, you're all fabulous. charles payne at 2:00 p.m. eastern and big money show expanding to two hours and don't miss taylor along with cohost
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brian brenberg, jackie deangeles and delaware day began mcdowell and here on fabulous fox business. there's a cool cohost next one. >> just at 1:00. 000 i won't name names. larry: i got to get up early that day. it's the crack of dawn for me. sweeping change in american foreign policy and secretary of state. new house foreign affairs chair brian mast when kudlow returns. thank you, kids. great to have you. to your monstt . super helpful. . see if you can save money at thank you.
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it brings people together in meaningful ways. >> president trump made it very clear everything we do and this is true in government but especially at the department of state. everything we do. must be justified i did the answer to one of three questions, does it make us stronger, does it make us safer, and does state queens make us more prosperous. if it doesn't do one of those three things, we won't do it. larry: stronger, safer, more prosperous mr. brian mast of florida. thank you for coming on. we appreciate it. what do you make of what secretary said, what do withdrew make about what -- stronger, safer, and more prosperous from secretary of state rubio.
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>> it's a question they stopped asking at state department and they became more focused on dei than diplomacy and asking the question, hey, what does america need from the country or region? what does that country or region want from america and does the transaction in there in the relationship in there, does it get america what it needs? they stopped asking that question and they just focused literally from top to bottom on promoting dei. larry: chairman, marco rubio talked about a one flag policy. only the stars and stripes flying over our era embassies. no blm flags, no other type flags. >> the flag policy needed to be done and it's the tip of the ice burg and they're flying pride flags over the embassy or uganda or other places and that was the tip of the iceburg and dei section of the department and chief testified to me that the
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bucket of applicants for state looking a certain way before taking merit into account and advancement for people in the state department and had to prove how they were advancing dei and wonder how they would decide they would do $47,000 to support a transgender opera in columbia. or 20,000 drag shows and ecuador and $50,000 transgender comic book and those were people trying to justify how to advance de and i recollects getting promoted in the state department. larry: one thing i came across doing reservice connected and have you coauthored 2023 with marco rubio this is -- i didn't know this. this is incredible. the french embassy showing paintings, instead of paintings
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of american founding fathers instead of that, those pains were replaced with pictures of transgender activist, violent protesters, socialist leereds and name of diversity. it's french elmore baseball games dorman that was an obama fundraiser and showing those kinds of pictures and got half a minute, brian. we want to talk about this and such a thing is possible in american embassy. >> there's a chilling affect across the state department and one of the 10, 15, 20 people signing off on programs like that. understand that secretary rubio and entire trump administration and congress looking for you and not going to be a diplomat for america any longer. larry: chairman, talking more to you about foreign policy. we got to get out now, but we appreciate you coming on. congrats on your new position. appreciate it very much. >> thank you. larry: coming up, rich lowry,,
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larry: all right, on the eve of what looks like his confi confirmation, that is pete hegseth with the department of defense, all the sudden new rounds of smear tactics and the question is is are democrats trying to cavanaugh pete hegseth. joining us is rich low and i editor of national review and carine hajjar and board member of boston cloak. carine, did i get both names pronounced properly? >> you d. larry: i've been working on it. are they trying to cavanaugh him and getting through this commit thee and everybody saying he'll pass the floor and coming a little smear from various former family members. what do you make of it? >> look, i think all the timing is treky and less scrutiny --
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tricky and less scrutiny on the process and scrutiny nonetheless and the timing of fbi investigation and the fact that that only went to the ranking members on the senate armed services excite tee right ahead of confirmation hea hearing and threw a wrench in all this and got up and said i'm a changed man and addressed all their concerns that day, but maybe could have gotten this out of the way too. i wonder about the transparency of this going into the investigation. larry: i wonder the accuracy and former sister-in-law and the former wife disagrees and the former sister-in-law is represented by democratic law. i mean, i don't like to get into this stuff. it's kind of off my beat. but it strikes me as a lot of phony bologna. if the two sisters are in disagreement with each other. huh, really? what's the point of it. >> if you want a true and correct picture of family dynamics, don't usually go to ex-sister-in-law. that's what they've done here. she said and it's very interesting in her statement,
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she said she was assured if she went public and enough votes changed to go down. she's speaking to the quiet part out loud. clearly democrats went to her and convinced her to do this because it would take him down and it's not. it's not. republican haves decided they're for him and has to be something explosive and totally locked down if you're going to change any republican votes and this is not that. larry: carine, i'd say this and makes no secret that pete hegseth is a friend of mine and impact on hearing with him in the confirmation. going threw the combination zone and he served in iraq and he served in afghanistan. so he comes home. so okay, he drinks too much. is that the worst sin in the world? i mean some of these people come back and they suffer much worse than that, and maybe we cut him some slack. it was 10-12 years ago and felt he has said that, you know, he
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looks to good and looks to jesus and as a forgiving him. i mean, is that the worst thing in the world? veterans, you know, maybe we should cut them a little slack. >> this is an issue that a lot of veterans face and it's a humanizing topic that again, if we had more time to get into it, he had that one confirmation hearing and said i'm redeemed and credited his wife in all that . i think had we had more time and more questions, he would have gotten into that more deeply and service members would appreciate he's talking about it at all. because like you said, it's something that people face and it's a challenge that i think the armed services are going to have to address and under his leadership that will be a priority. larry: i think it's why so many vets support him to be honest. tremendous support. not every vet, but most vets supported him including veterans groups, and i don't nerve nucleus. i think he'll get through and republicans have made up their minds. this last minute stuff is not going to affect us.
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>> in terms of rank and file, a guy that's in combat, recently who drank too much afterwards and has tattoos that people don't like. a lot of them are like yeah, we're on board. that's our kind of guy. that's the whole point of this nomination to be different than four, five star general that's a bipartisan teddy bear in washington. tram deputy a lot the first time around and didn't work out well. larry: so did elon musk kick vivek ramaswamy out of doge? you following it story at all? sort of a late breaking story. vivek going to run for governor, before that it was senator. all of a sudden people are saying elon booted him out. i don't flow if this is the too could be more kavannojing and seems to be in the =ture now. >> we're hear ago lot of different stories that vivek was involved till the last moment and imagining executive orders for doge. but i think he did ruffle
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feathers over the holiday with comments about the american work ethic during the whole h1b visa debate. he's a compelling candidate for the governor's mansion. it's not a clear cut race by any means. he's going up in a competitive primary. the ag there, agiest is well liked, salt of the earth ohio kind of guy. i think this will be a really fascinating race to watch play out and vivek has been in a national sort of anti-woke mode. his messages has been a national one. now he's got to come home to ohio and running against people that have been working exclusively on ohio and make his case to those people. larry: i noticed elon musk also took public wraps at the star gate billionaires saying they don't have enough money. at what point does elon get into trouble for his public political, shall we say discussions. >> needs to be a little cautious and a billion mare rivalry and
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starting long before donald trump was in the picture, but prosecuting it publicly, and that manner when trump is touting this deal and wants to be a big symbol of forward progress on ai and other stuff. x is a shoot by the hip medium and shooting by the hip can be great, but occasionally you can misfire and elon has to be a little cautious. larry: yeah, sometimes mr. trump doesn't like staff to weigh in publicly on stuff or ahead of their skis. >> certainly not critically. larry: or head of his skis. that's something we all learn. pardons for the j6 defendants? what do you think? >> i surprised by the scope of pardons. i think two can be true at once. question whether some of the prosecutions were politically motivated and question whether they went too far. but look, president trump and his inaugural address had a great line about police being part of some of the patriots that built this great country.
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i think there's some mixed messaging here with a third of the prosecutions after j6 having to do with the assault on law enforcement. and look, the republican party ran as the tough -- as champions for law enforcement and have been more than the left and helping the president to address that in particular and, you know, address the concerns from the law enforcement communities. larry: tell me what they did wrong, j6 people. >> some did assault police officers. i would have preferred a case by case review and their calculation would have taken forever and this will play as turning the page. politically they're probably right about that. larry: yeah, carine, last one, joe biden wrote a lovely fair well letter to donald trump. it took peter doocy to find it in his top drawer of the desk. >> any letters over there sitting around for years, lay reigns leading. larry: doocy gets credit for
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that. it was a humane and kind letter. >> it was. and more than that, he continued a reagan tradition that we can all appreciate. it was a gracious letter and president trump himself said he appreciate it had. larry: it was the only really good thing joe biden did in four years. don't answer that question. rich lowry, carine hajjar, we appreciate it very much. coming up, president trump taking an sanctuary cities. we're going to talk about it with senate judiciary committee chair mr. chuck grassley coming up next on kudlow. before the spotlight— we struggled to keep the lights on. i saw more for myself. and sofi gives members the financial tools to see more for themselves. join the official bank of the nba. sofi. get your money right. when winter season hits emergen-c supports your immune system with so much more than vitamin c. be ready to fight back with emergen-c and for on-the-go immune support try emergen-c crystals. no water needed.
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larry: all right, president trump's going to be taking on sanctuary cities and starting right away. so joining us now is the chair of the senate judiciary committee, senator chuck grassley of iowa. senator grassley, welcome as always, sir. let's tackle this thing blue state mayor and governors saying they're sanctuary cities and states and therefore neither ice nor anybody from the federal government did come in and each and take out anybody and deport them. doesn't apply because of sanctuary cities and incoming chair and chair of the judiciary, what do you say, senator grassley? >> san antonio tear cities are
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un--- sanctuary cities are unconstitutional and one of the 18 powers of congress is passing laws dealing with immigration. they'd be violating another federal statute. if those local people interfered with the enforcement of immigration law. so the trump administration is doing exactly the right thing. people that enter the country illegally in violation of the laws and can't come here without our permission. they have a right to go get them and particularly people that are on the terrorist watch list and people that have criminal records. larry: so federal -- essentially federal laws override these local laws; is that fair? >> yes, it is. it is. larry: i mean, we've cited a lot of them and one of them, senator grassley, 287g, part of immigration and naturalization act.
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i don't understand how the blew state ma mayors and governors dt understand that in plain english. they don't have a leg to stand on i'm saying. >> is that the section of the code that encourages local law enforcement to work with immigration enforcement? larry: yes, sir, that's exactly what it is. that's exactly what it is. >> i goat that section passed in 1996 immigration law. but it rests upon an agreement being made between state and local government. going for them not to give them a opportunity to cooperate with enforcement of law. larry: schedule f and mr. trump
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involved in policy and may not be schedule seas and may not be under secretaries going, them. if you're involved in policy. going to be pushing people out of these. going to make of that. >> going to abide by the rules and. president was acting in the law and or establishes this or going for them in the first term and going for them and he hasn't been trump trying to do with 2020 or 2019. the president was going within the law and i haven't read the
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law and going lately and i don't know how far down the ladder he can go and people that are involved with policy and working for the commander in chief and working with the chief executive officer and unit government and that right now is trump and going to take that and take the initiative and going for them on the position. going for force and this is the president of him and going to make sure that and had people buried in the brock seizure disorderses and going for them along the policy and trying to make and he's trying to make sure he delivers the mandate.
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thank you, grassley, we d appreciate tol sir. hoarding the financial advantages for far too long. (auctioneer) 7.5 at the back. (man) look at them — unaware that robinhood gold members now enjoy the vip treatment — a 3% ira match on retirement contributions. (auctioneer) 11 million sir. (man) once they discover their privileges are no longer exclusive... their fragile reality will plunge into disarray. ♪
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