tv Kudlow FOX Business January 23, 2025 4:00pm-5:00pm EST
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they still have a due won ally, they till have half a trillion back lock, so we like boeing -- backlog. and trump has said he wants the rest of the world spending massively on defense spending. boeing is going to be a beneficiary. we like that story continuing. taylor: okay. thomas hayes, thank you so much. a penny for your thoughts as well. we're firmly in record territory. the s&p 500 closing at an all-time high. it is the first record of 20 the that the -- 2025. the nasdaq also just turning positive in the last hour so tech, again, leading the way. that's it for "claman." "kudlow" is next. larry: hello, folks, welcome to "kudlow," i'm a larry kudlow. deportation rates across the country, meanwhile -- raids across the country, mean meanwhile president trump laying out his economic prosper ity man. dei is dead and, i'm sorry,
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democrats, elon musk is no nazi. we're going to have senators mike lee, cynthia lummis and tim sheehy all a on all these subjects. first up though, fox news' bill melugin live in boston on the trump i.c.e. raids. will -- bill, this is some story. what's cooking? >> reporter: hey, larry, good afternoon to you with. well, in the early days of this new trump administration, i.c.e. officials tell me they're taking what they call a worst first approach, and that means they're going after the worst of the worst criminal alien offenders first. and we were granted exclusive access the join i.c.e. here in the sanctuary city of boston as they went out onto the streets and enforced immigration law. take a look. >> good morning, everyone. >> reporter: it's a frigid 5 degrees in the predawn hours just outside of boston where this team of elite i.c.e. officers is briefing on their targets for the day. >> we're going to be the targeting some extremely viability offenders today. >> reporter: within moments
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the officers are on the move with eyes on their first target. >> looks like we've got movement, target coming out. >> reporter: they quickly take him into custody. he's an ms-13 gang member wanted in el salvador for aggravated murder and has an interpol red notice out for his arrest. >> we are targeting very violent threats to our community. >> i'm not going back the haiti. >> reporter: one of those threats is this illegal alien from haiti. i.c.e. says he's a gang member with 17 criminal convictions in recent years. [bleep] trump you feel me? biden forever, bro. thank obama for everything that that he did for me, bro. >> reporter: i.c.e. boston quickly takes down next targets including this illegal alien from brazil who has an interpol red notice for armed robbery, this salvadoran illegal alien charged locally with rape and released by a sanctuary distinction the. and this dominican illegal alien
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charged with assault with a deadly weapon and heroin trafficking. officers also arrested this guatemalan ms-13 gang member facing gun charges. i.c.e. says he was released from if local custody just the day before. their detainer request was ignored because of sanctuary policies x. in a sign of shifting priorities with the new trump administration, this man who was in the same apartment as the target was also arrested after i.c.e. determined he's also in the u.s. illegally. this is what i.c.e. calls collateral. so you guys got your main target just now, but what just happened? >> our main target was released by a sanctuary jurisdiction, not honoring the detainer. that person was are released back into the community, and when we went to go find him, he's with somebody else who was previously removed from the united states. so he's going to go today too. reporter and that is border czas warned would happen. >> when we find the bad guys, he's probably with others in the
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united states illegally. they may not be a criminal priority, but we're not walking away from them. >> reporter: i.c.e. boston says they will continue to go into sanctuary jurisdictions and do their job. >> today was a good day. today we took several significant public safety threats out of our communities. unfortunately, a a lot were released by sanctuary policies, but we're here the tell the commonwealth and the rest of the country that we're going to find them whether they're released or not. >> reporter: and,, larry, it didn't end there. shortly after our embed with i.c.e. boston was over, they told us they made two more arrests of two more targets, one of which was a honduran illegal alien previously deported but is now charged with raping a woman while holding a gun in her mouth. the second target hay a got was a haitian man who first flew into the united states in 2023 as part of president biden's controversial migrant mass flights parole program. he is charged locally with sexual assault. those are the kind of people
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that i.c.e. is picking up out here in the sanctuary city of boston. larry, back to you. larry: you know, bill, this is a dynamite story, and thank you for that. so what i gather listening to you and listening to the others in the clip, tear cutting right through -- they're cutting right through the sanctuary city. they're cutting right through to get these criminals. now, are they getting any resistance if? are local, you know, i'm going to say democratic, blue state politicians trying to stop them? any of that stuff? >> reporter: no. i think they're finding out that virtue signaling and press conferences only go so far. i.c.e., when push comes to shove, they're going to do their job. sanctuary areas can make it more difficult and dangerous by not cooperating, but they cannot stop i.c.e. from coming into these areas. i.c.e. has a job to enforce federal immigration law. state officials, local officials, they can't do anything about that. they don't have to help i.c.e., but they cannot physically stop them from doing it. larry: got it. great story. dynamite story. bill melugin, thank you so much.
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>> reporter: thank you, larry. larry: trump talks america first to the davos globalists, and that's the subject of tonight's riff. ♪ larry: president trump spoke to the davos poobahs today, or what's left of them. think of it as america first verse -- versus the last remaining globalists. metaphorically, davos is really kind of a ghost town. the people left there a are the ones that didn't get the memo; that is, the trump memo. the smart ceos are the sill condition valley are techie crowd who have come over to mr. trump's side. they're the ones you saw at the inaugural swearing-in ceremony led by elon musk, naturally. they've got the trump, america first memo, and and they read it carefully. now, davos phantoms, especially the e.u. and the nato cabal, well, they believe it's time to keep rearming ukraine so they can defeat russia in this endless and stalemated war with.
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thankfully, mr. trump has an entirely different vision. he wants to end the war: he wants peace talks with putin and zelenskyy. he doesn't want to spend any more american taxpayer dollars on ukraine. in fact, he's mocking the nato countries, because most of them won't pony if up 5% of gkdp if for their -- gdp for their defense budgets. president trump argues that saudi arabia and opec should increase oil production in order to get prices down. and, of course, his drill, baby, drill policy at home also geared towards more production and lower oil prices. instead of $80 a barrel, something like $60 would be a good target. that was roughly the average during mr. trump's first term and, frankly, for many of those years oil was well below $60. and mr. trump correctly argues cheaper oil will damage russia because putin and company have a
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one-horse economy, oil. drop it $20 or more, and they're in even bigger trouble. and going even beyond that, low oil prices will bring down the biden-flation rate which continues to plague america and mr. trump's working class constituents who could never afford the live in the biden economy with over 20% inflation beating out blue collar wage rates. and then with lower oil driving down inflation, it's time for interest rates to come down. mr. trump's view in the u.s. and europe. the president has an oil of centric -- oil-centric vie inflation. he does have a very important point. oil and all manner of petroleum products pervade the person economy. they spread into hundreds of everyday consumer and business items, and i'll bet it's true in europe as well as the u.s. and finally, president trump told the davos europeans it's
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time the buy american or else they're going the get stuck with higher tariffs. to get stuck with. now, mind you, european union tariffs are roughly 50% higher than u.s. tariff rates. that is patently are unfair if trading. by the way, china's tariffs are twice as high as ours, india's almost five times as ours, and the and the world trade organization never does a thing about this. so trump's speech to what may very well be the last gasp of davos was tough. but, frankly, it was realistic. and most importantly, an america first speech. trump's economic logic will lead to an era of abun cannes -- abun dance if only people would just listen to him. and if the ghosts of davos would come back to life for just a moment, they'd be imitating
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trump economics of low taxes and deregulation and fossil energy production and, yes, peace through strength. and that's the riff. all right. we're going to talk about immigration and many things with the great utah senator, mike lee. senator lee, great friend of the show. a thanks for coming on. let me start -- can i start with bill melugin's report on the immigration, you know, promises made, promises kept. tough on the border, and the deportation of criminals has started right away, senator lee. right away. going through the sanctuary city barriers, so so-called. what you make of it, sir? >> look, what i make of this is that donald trump has a shown that he's willing to deliver on campaign promises, promises the american people have been relying on him to deliver and promises that really are long overdue. this also shows, larry, just how inexexcusable the biden
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administration's inaction was with. they claimed over and over again, oh, we can't do it for this reason, that reason or any other reason. this was a willful subversion of america's border security. an intentional weakening of our national security. he left this thing wide open for four years. he did so, moreover, after service receiving the most secure border any incoming president has mad in -- had in modern history, and he ruined it. donald trump is having to go back almost to the drawing board, as it were, tart from square one, and he's making significant progress. i applaud him for that. looking forward to what comes after this. no nation can survive as long as it doesn't have defense, borders, and america is no exception. larry: no, absolutely right on target. it's interesting to me, bill me lieu i gin, he's such a great reporter and such a great reporter on the immigration story in recent years. phenomenal stuff. but it's interesting, his point was that tom that hohmann and i.c.e. and so forth -- tom homan
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and i.c.e. are going after what melugin called the worst of the worst. they've gone into boston, denver, philly, atlanta, seattle, miami. tough cities. cutting through the sanctuary city part. and let me just add, senator lee, as you with probably know, the plan is 10,000 troops will gather at the border, 1500 american troops already down there to close the border. so what you make of all that? i mean, they're not -- the worst of the worst get hit the hardest right away. >> yes. the worst of the worst. he's going about this exactly the right way. you triage this. biden created so many problems with his open borders, problems of that have resulted in death, destruction, suffering and theft among other problems for the american people. is so president trump's right to start where he's starting x. i suspect that the folks from tren de aragua, the awful, notorious venezuelan gang, are going to be the at the receiving end of in this in addition to so many
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others. so this is going to continue, our hope and expectation is that in some cases some of these folks will have enough presence of mind to realize it might make sense for them to leave on their own. for those that don't, they will find out the hard way. they're at the find-out end of the mess around -- larry: right. i like that very much. another point, another headline, senator lee, front page "wall street journal" today, an anxious federal work force bids good-bye to job with stability and remote work. it's almost tragic that a we're going to ask federal employees to come to work. that's a tragedy. a second tragedy is there's too many of them. and a third tragedy is dei is dead, senator lee. now, i know you've worked on all these issues. looks like this too, you know, promises made, promises kept from mr. trump. this too is happening. >> yeah. you know, it's interesting, larry, we worked a lot of this out in the 1860s, fought a
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civil war and thereafter adopted the the civil war amendments including the 14th amendment which prohibits the federal government from treating people differently on the basis of race. roughly a century later, we adopted the civil rights act of 1964 which prohibits, among other things, racial discrimination and sex discrimination in the workplace. and here we find ourselves many decades later having go back to those massive victories and till fight them again. better late than never. but not a moment too soon for donald trump to come onboard and for his administration to say, you know,st the immoral, it's illegal, and when government does it, it's unconstitutional, to gym a discriminate on -- discriminate on the basis of race. i'm so glad president trump is to fix it, but the american people are better off as a result of it. there just is not a good reason not legally, constitutionally or morally to discriminate on the basis of race. larry: hang on a second. i've got some trump tape, what
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he said at davos. let's see, roll this that tape. senator, take a listen to what he said today. >> my administration has also begun the largest deregulation campaign in history, far exceeding even the record-setting efforts of my last term. many total, the biden administration -- in total, the biden administration opposed -- imposed $50,000 regulatory costs on the average american house household in the last four years. we'll soon put many thousands of collars back in the pockets of american families. a. larry: you know, senator lee -- of course, music to your ears, music to my ears. but between mr. trump and omb director-to-be russ vought, very dear friend of mine, and the doge brothers, elon musk and so forth, if i read it right, sir, they want to disempower the
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regulatory state, really the socialist -- they want to undermine it. and you know about this, constitutional expert. two decisions, right? chevron deference and epa v. west virginia. the supreme court basically has said, go ahead, because the regulators, the alphabet agencies have gotten way too big for their britches. so this is the all a part of that follow-through, it seems to me. >> it's all part of the follow-through, and it's leading to someplace if even better, even greaterment we have to remember as great as west virginia v. epa and the case undoing chevron deference are, we're still not it should until we end the barbaric and untoolsal -- unconstitutional practice of law making by executive fiat. i keep two stacks in washington, the laws passed by congress last year. the other tends to be about 13 feet tall every year, it's the
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federal register. the federal regulations as they're promulgate add up to this 100,000-page-per-year behemoth of a document with. those are laws. they can throw you in jail, they can result in millions of dollars many fines, they can shut down your business if you don't comply with them, and yet they're not passed by recollected representatives. -- elected representatives. that contravenes both the spirit and the letter of article i, section seven which says you cannot make a law except by passing it first true the house and the senate and submitting it to the president. we need to reinstate the constitution. we can do that by enacting reforms like the raines act which would require congress to have the final say before those can be reinforced. not only does natural law, not only does the spirit of the constitution and the declaration of independence call on us to do this, but the constitution itself, i believe, requires it. and the american people, certainly, deserve it. they're drowning under $4 the
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trillion of compliance costs every year. of this is unacceptable. larry: yeah. and all these regs essentially provide the cover for more government spending, more federal spending and even more federal regulating. last one, senator lee, have some fun here, but it's a very important topic. i know -- i want to ask you about one big, beautiful bill. but, but my friend and yours, steve forbes, the great steve forbes, okay, who's a fabulous economics thinker, he's really campaigning for a capital gains tax cut. in whatever form the tax issue is, one big, beautiful bill or a second bill or maybe extend the tax cuts mt. first bill and then move on to 2. 0 in the second bill. the capital gains tax which would boost investment and always pays for itself with higher revenues, let's see, it's 20% plus.if 8 -- 3.8, so that's
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23.8%. why not knock to it down to 15% and put that alongside a 15 corporate tax rate for domestic production is in you know, forbes likes the flatness of those tax rates. what do you think, senator? i'm just putting this out there. i know you could socialize this among your colleagues. why -- capital gains tax. more growth, more investment, more revenues, lower deficits. >> yes. hook, i strongly -- look, i strongly suspect, and you can probably confirm this, if we were to do that, we would have more revenue -- larry: yes. >> -- not less of. larry: yes. >> we've got to go back to a practical task, namely funding the government. if that is our goal which it is and must be ors first and foremost rather than social engineering, we would do exactly this kind -- kind of thing. when back in the late '20s when calvin cool age wanted to overall the federal tax
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system -- calvin coolidge. the traditional skeptics from the news media, liberal then as they are now. not quite as much then probably. they all said doom and gloom would befall if us. you know what happened? we had more revenue than ever, more revenue than we knew what to do with. we paid off the debt. not only was the budget balanced, but we paid off the existing debt. this is the kind of thing that can happen when we look functionally at the tax code as a means by which to fund the government rather than social engineering to try to redistribute wealth. when you do that, it's better for everyone, rich and poor, old and young. everyone benefits from this, and i hope we move in that direction. larry: 100%. music to my ears. by the way, i was there for the coolidge tax cuts. i helped secretary treasury mellon draft the original copy. no, i'm just kidding, of course. >> that was good of you, of course, as you did with grover cleveland. [laughter] larry: cleveland was one of my favorite presidents. [laughter] okay. senator mike lee, you're wonderful, sir.
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ing thank you very much for giving us all that time. we appreciate it. >> thanks, larry. larry: all right. all right, folks, coming up here on "kudlow," president trump tells davos, invest in america or get smacked with tariffs. we're going to talk about that with steve moore and david malpass next up. and remember, you can catch "kudlow" monday through friday, 4 p.m. every i day, right here on fabulous fox business. and if for some reason really you can't get us at four, for the heaven sakes, text your favorite 9-year-old, and she will show you how to dvr the show, and you will never miss calvin coolidge's tax cuts. i'm kudlow. be right back. ♪ when you're a small-business owner, your to-do list can be...a lot. ♪♪ super helpful. ♪♪
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here in the comcast family, we're building an integrated in-home wifi solution for millions of families like my own. in the average household, there are dozens of connected devices. connectivity is a big part of my boys' lives. it brings people together in meaningful ways. >> come make your product in america, and we will give you among the lowest taxes of any nation on earth. but if you don't make your product in america -- which is your prerogative -- then very simply, you will have to pay a tariff, differing amount, but a tariff which will direct hundreds of billions and even trillions of dollars into our treasury to strengthen our economy and pay down debt. larry: there you have it. tough talk. let's talk to david malpass, former president of the world bank, former undersecretary of
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the u.s. treasury and steve moore, host of moore money, wabc radio, co-hour of "the trump economic miracle "with art laffer. he laid down the law, steve moore, i'm just saying. and i want to add one thing that i had in the riff. the european union's tariffs are, on average, 50% higher than american tariffs. you know, with bumping your head against a brick wall, i tried in the first term along with lighthizer and many others, and so mr. trump laid down the law. you come here, invest in us, we'll give you 15% tax rate, but if you don't, we're going to fight back. what can do you make of it? >> yeah. that that speech was an economic miracle, dave -- i mean, larry. it was an amazing speech. i've been waiting 30 years for a president the make that speech and, you know, to look at the impressions on the faces of these euro bureaucrats was a sight to behold. [laughter] they were gasping for air. but it was right -- look, i didn't agree with everything in
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the speech, but i did love the tone of it, that i'm going to do everything i can to make the american economy great. i love the idea, he said, look, we're not doing the green new deal anymore, we're not doing the paris climate accord anymore, we're not going to do -- what was janet yellen's thing, the global minimum tax? larry: yeah. these foreign oecd countries would be able to tax american companies, okay? >> yes. larry: and trump always said this, david malpass, you know, you're in the oval, he always said only the american legislature, meaning congress, can tax american businesses. >> right. lauren march foreign countries cannot tax the american business. and he said it again today. david, hang on one second. i have more tape on tax cuts to the davos. hang on one second, here it comes. roll tape, please. >> -- majorities in the house and senate, which we also took along with the presidency, are going to pass the largest tax cut in american history including a massive tax cuts for
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workers and families and big tax cuts for domestic producers and manufacturers. we're bringing them down very substantially even from the if original trump tax cuts. larry: all right. david malpass, what's interesting is he didn't really mention tax cuts much -- the inauguration peach was a very, very good speech. upbeat, optimistic. it wasn't much of an economic speech. but here, as steve moore said, this is strong economic stuff and tax cuts. what do you make of it, mr. malpass? >> really strong. he's laying the the groundwork for lower interest rates and lower oil prices. how do you do that? you have tax cuts, you have a stable dollar, you have more production. you do that through regulation that's changing, also through doge. you find a way to cut spending of government and have it work more efficiently. you have financial regulation that's not anti-business. and he said powerful words
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today. think of all the things, he's cutting a deal with saudi arabia, get this deal. you produce more oil and invest if more in the u.s. a. larry: right. you get it! you get it, david malpass, you get it. >> you get it. [laughter] larry: you get it. no, no, that's fabulous. [laughter] wait, hold on real quick, i want to roll some more tape about interest rates. here it comes. boom, roll it. >> -- and i'll demand that interest rates drop immediately and, likewise, they should be dropping all over the world. interest rates should follow us. larry: steve moore, as malpass, i mean, this is the most brilliant five paragraphs from david malpass in many, many years. is here's the plan. it's a very oil-sent trick view of inflation -- oil-centric. it's very powerful, okay? get them to produce more, saudi, so forth, burgum wants to to go to 15-16 million barrels a day,
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our new interior. get the oil prices down, inflation comes down and interest rates can come down. and if these e.u., davos globalists would just listen for a minute, they could be coordinating with us for better world prosperity, steve. >> yeah. i think you put it well. i mean, the way trump put it was a little confusing because he said we're going to to have -- we're going to force countries to bring their interest rates down. as we all know, it's markets that determine what the interest rate is, but i think david put it very well. if we produce if more oil, the reason they call us supply-siders is we want to increase the supply of goods and service, the productive capacity of the country, and that is going the lead to to lower inflation and lower interest rates. and that that will be -- that's another tax cut, by the way. larry: yes, yes. >> -- for the economy, when you bring those interest rates down. larry: absolutely fabulous stuff. look, we interpret mr. trump. it's what we do. david malpass, i gotta jump. thank you very much for the best five paragraphs -- [laughter] steve mere, thanks -- steve
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moore, thanks very much too. trump says cheaper oil will end the russian-ukraine war, okay? not about interest rates, but end the war. we're going to talk about that with wyoming senator cynthia lummis next up on "kudlow." ♪ ♪ advil liqui-gels are faster and stronger than tylenol rapid release gels. ♪ also from advil, advil targeted relief, the only topical with 4 powerful pain fighting ingredients that start working on contact and lasts up to 8 hours.
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>> i'm also going to ask saudi arabia and opec to bring down the cost of oil. if the price came down, the russia-ukraine war would end immediately are. right now the price is high enough that that war will continue. you've got to bring down the oil price, you're going to end that war. they should are done it long ago. larry: all right. very interesting, going to bring down that oil price, and you can end the war. joining us to talk about it, wyoming senator cynthia lummis. senator lumbar miss -- lummis, thank you for coming on, ma'am. what do you think? that's a sr. interesting hypothesis. bring down to oil price, damage
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russia. it's a one-crop, one-stop, one-horse economy. so you've knocked down prices. you could end the war. what do you think about that? >> oh, i think he's right, larry. so the definition of inflation is too much money chasing too few goods. so the price of oil's up. if we produce more oil, then we'd have more goods, and the price would go down. if if the price goes down, our oil is more attractive, our natural algas is more attractivs more attractive, and if we can get it over to europe, we can create more opportunities to compete against russia. countries that are buying their oil and gas from russia are then funding the war against ukraine. and is we've got to cut off the money that that's going to russia by selling their dirty oil and gas and thereby starve
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out the russian economy if funding the war against ukraine with. larry: so if you had, just for arguments sake, brent crude is about $80 a barrel, more or less. i'm going to call it $ing 80 a barrel. west texas is a little less than that. whatever it is, $76, 77. let's say you with produce more. let's say the saw eties and opec if open the spigots a little bit. and we're going the produce more, right many doug burgum wants to produce, i don't know, 15-16 million if barrels a day. point is, if we cooperate, we bring down oil prices to $60 or 55, that'll have a crippling effect on russia. i don't think russia will be in the war business because they won't have any money because their product's not going to be yielding as much. that's essentially what i think from many trump is saying. >> that is what he's saying -- mr. trump. and we need to make sure the countries in europe that would be buying from us or from opec
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know that this is going to be a long lasting source of cleaner oil and gas. so they get two things. they get cleaner oil and gas as opposed to the dirty the russian oil and gas, and they're not paying russia for a product if that then is going to to be used to fund the war in ukraine. so the president's absolutely right. there are only 11 rigs operating in the powder river basin in wyoming this week, larry. we should have is two or three times that. and so should texas and north dakota. i'm so glad doug burgum has really highlighted this and is going the take the bull by the horns. larry: you know, one other thing, ma'am, is that that we need to be -- i mean, joe biden stopped the exporting of hng, and he wouldn't let you build any new, you know, installations or anything which, to me, was one of the stupidest things. he did many dumb things. that was one of the dumbest
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things he ever did. if we produce an -- and export lng, clean burning fuel, to okay? even the green energy crowd in europe acknowledges it's clean burning. we start selling them tons and tons of hng -- lng, liquid natural gas, that puts russia off the business also. it's another blow. >> it absolutely is. and then it create -- it absolutely does. and it creates jobs and revenue in the united states. so it's building us up while thwarting russia's economy and improving air quality in the process. larry: right. >> it's a win-win-win, larry. the president's absolutely right on this one. larry: yeah. terrific stuff. senator lummis, i think you're win-win-win. we appreciate your time of9 great to see you, ma'am. >> thanks, larry. larry: you bet. all right. we'll have some fun right here onset, cassie smedley, vice
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president of communications at coin -- have i got that right? >> you got it. larry: and crush shah -- independent women's forum. that's heather's group, right? god bless heather higgins. with all that, trump has ended dei, krysia. no government agencies, no money, no nothing. if you're in that business, you're out of a job if you're in the federal government. and if even a lot of corporations are starting to follow suit. what you think about that? >> i think it's great. everyone keeps saying it, dei is doa, of course. it's not only unfair, but it's also wasteful. we saw this in the biden-harris administration where the department of education spent over $1 billion on dei grants. this is just, again, another part of biden-harris that we no longer want to see because trump wants a meritocracy for everyone. he should be competent -- larry: right. >> -- and, ultimately, dei is
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also dangerous because we saw with pilots who are hired to meet quotas, it never resulted in anything good. larry: you know, there's a story in the daily caller about this, and i think it was the national institutes of health sponsoring all this dei stuff. but it was basically transgender stuff, kids, you know, making their own decisions, getting acclimateed, walking out of classes in school. i mean, this stuff, it's funny, it's a civil rights issue, but a kids' issue, and it's a health issue, and i'm glad it's gong -- gone. >> i agree with you. and if just that exampling they were using a little known program. larry: that's right. >> so it's opaque. and if it's done purposefully behind closed doors. just look at the first three days of this administration. how many times have we seen president trump talk august in front of the cameras to the american people in by effectively getting rid of dei programs immediately and saying you've got to state your
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purpose, it's a promise made and a promise kept to so many moms, families, americans who are saying, what's going on with our taxpayer dollars? what are you doing in secrecy with our kids? the example that you just cited. but also this is really, truly the president of people and for the people beginning to work for the people and getting rid of that waste, fraud and abuse that so many of us have been raging about for years. larry: i know. five different levels of good things are happening because of that. [laughter] finish krysia, bulletin for democrats or other left-wing people, elon musk is not a nazi, okay? [laughter] it's so interesting to me how the fringe starts this, and today started on social media and everybody picks it up. even the august "wall street journal" editorial page came to elon musk's dependence if today. he may be overexuberant sometimes. nazi, hitler? you know, democrats -- it didn't
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work for them in the last election are, and it's not working for them during the confirmation hearings. it's not going to work for them at all. the public is sick of that. >> it especially didn't work for them when they called donald trump a nazi at madison square garden -- larry: yes with. >> and even the agl said elon musk, he's a little socially awkward, he made an awkward gesture, so be it. they use this line, they call everyone a nazi city. they use name-calling when they have -- larry: they a had pictures, by the way, elon, somebody posted pictures of lots of prominent democrats including hillary clinton who with wave their arms straight out. i mean, for heaven sakes, that's all they have. st just the silliest, stupidest thing in the world. even -- what can did i see, benjamin netanyahu today defended elon musk and, you know, the the israeli prime minister's been running that place for about 20 years. i don't have too much time. cassie, tulsi gabbard. is she in trouble? >> i mean, the democrats are --
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another thing that they are working so hard to try and make something of because i do think that they are fearful of herful she's another woman who says what he means, means what she says and isn't afraid to call people out even if they don't like it. we saw that on the debate stage. i think that's why they're trying to cut her off before she has a chance, because they know once he goes through the nomination process and has a hearing and makes it through committee, that's it. they're trying to use their levers now. i really do think she should be okay barring some sort of surprise or blunder -- larry: i gotta -- we don't really have any if time. i'm sorry we don't, but i don't mind her going to syria. that's fine -- >> nancy pelosi went to to syria. [laughter] larry: of course she did. that's' e what you do, you're on foreign relations or intel. i didn't understand why she wanted to make a hero out of edward snowedden. i -- he released a lot of very sensitive information of that doesn't disqualify her and, by the way, it was several years
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ago. you two are terrific. next time we're going to have to give you a bigger block. >> larry and the ladies. [laughter] larry: ladies' night if out is my favorite stuff. cassie, krysia, thanks to both of you. coming up, what's next in donald trump's energy renaissance. we're going to talk to montana senator tim she hi about that and some other things as well. i'm kudlow. be right back. ♪ ave sensitive teeth but also want whiter teeth they have to make a choice one versus the other. sensodyne clinical white provides two shades whiter teeth as well as providing 24/7 sensitivity protection. patients are going to love to see sensodyne on the shelf.
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larry: all right. let's talk about new news on these trump trump nominations, cabinet nominations. joining us, montana senator tim sheehy. senator sheehy, welcome, sir. so cloture vote, pete hegseth passeded it 51-49. procedural vote cuts off debate, there'll be, i guess, full confirmation vote tomorrow. mitch mcconnell stayed with him. he lost suzie collins and lisa murkowski. you think hegseth will make pit on the floor vote -- make it on the floor vote, sir? >> yes, i do. he'll make it through. larry: what's the issue? he's been up and down, and they tried to smear him. he's got the guy he was 10 or 12 years ago. i know him very well. he's a brilliant guy. i mean, what's the issues left
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here? >> well, i mean, you've seen this movie before, larry, we all have. if you're a prominent conservative for any office in the land, the democrats have a coordinated smear campaign with their friends in the press. of course, they've been holding on to these new special memos that i was able to read yesterday behind closed doors in the armed services room. and they've been holding those for a last minute ambush that's been planned all along. they did it to clarence thomas, brett kavanaugh, pete, they do it to all of us. they don't have policy issues to run on, is they resort to this. he's going to make it through. it's going to be tough, but we're going to get it done. larry: you know, you're so right. we were just talking with our political panel about this, how the left are and the social media left are all calling elon musk a nazi, you know, because he exuberantly was waving his arms just like normal people do. i mean, there were pictures of hillary clinton doing it. you know, throughout these nomination, throughout the hearings of the committee, senator shely, i mean, i watched
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a lot of it. i watched pete's, bessent's, others. the democrats, you know, sex smears or alcohol smears or you're a hitler, you're a -- wait, no issues, no policy issues. they've learned nothing from november 5th. they are in such a weak position, it seems to me. identify had friends of mine say, you know, i watched the nomination hearings, and the democrats had nothing to say, you know? nothing. >> that's exactly right. and that's why they lost on november 5th, larry. that is why. they have no message. and their message is if you disagree with them, you're a racist, you're a transphobe, you're a home forbe xenophobe, whatever it is. pick your phobia. that's what they call you when you have constructive policy disagreements, and the american people said i'm sick of name calling. i want cheaper grocery, gas, secure border, safe streets. so let's get to work with common sense policies, and that's exactly what the trump administration's doing with our support. lauer hr. couple other quickly, john ratcliffe passed bipartisan
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vote, cia. i think that's terrific. how's scott bessent going to do, senator sheehy? >> i think he'll be fine as well. you know, of course we're seeing every last minute procedural objection that can possibly be conjured up to slow this down. i think he's going to make it. i think, for the most part, everyone's going to make it through. there's going to be some fights, we know. they're gearing up the fight us on tulsi, i think we're going to get her across the line. it's going to to be a fight, but the next three weeks are going to be interesting, but we have a lot of worked to do k and we've got to get these people in the office of carrying out our agenda as soon as possible. larry: yes, sir. i don't have much time. tulsi gabbard, she's going to make it. i i know supporter. he going to make it? >> i hope so. she's got my support. we're pushing for her. larry: all right. senator sheehy, terrific. thank you for giving us your time, we appreciate it. folks, i'll be right back with my last word.
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