tv Kudlow FOX Business January 24, 2025 4:00pm-5:00pm EST
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dollar and policies and interest of the united states, but for companies that sell overseas and you're right, it's not the best thing. we want a steady dollar and stable dollar. taylor: yeah, scott ladner, love doing this with you. it was fun and great way to end the week and glad we can do a little wanky sometimes. it's ending the day and section and week or the day at least a bit lore. for the week. larrey: hello, folks, welcome to kudlow. i'm larry kudlow. president trump is on his way to california. perhaps ready to fix gavin newsom's wild fire disaster caused by newsom's climate socialism. we'll see about all that. plus, mr. trump puts america
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first back on the world stage and ends 60 years of racial preferences and dei. we'll have senator schmidt joining us in just a moment. newt gingrich and great congresswoman claudia tenney in the wings and we have fox news peter doocy live at the white house. peter, what's cooking? reporter: thanks, larry. president trump is telling us he thinks the key to lowering inflation is lowering the cost of oil, and he's telling us that is something he plans to press opec about. >> when the oil comes down, it'll bring down prices and won't have inflation and n interest rate wills come down. reporter: the president thinks he can end the war in ukraine in 24 ho ho hours and now does soue a first 100 days goal and keith kellogg will be in charge and they'll threaten putin with economic pain. >> approach to warfare is differently and look at putin and can't say stop the killing
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because candidly that's not their mentality. that's not how they do things. you have to approach it in a different way and the president fits into that. >> where'll have to take it back and china is running the pan that canal right now, that wasn't the deal. should have never been given -- the deal was not that china is going to run the panama canal. secretary of state marco rubio is going to be dispatched down to panama in the next couple of dais. reporter: we don't know how much flexibility or leeway trump is giving him to start the negotiations. larry. larry: peter, what happened to gulf of america? reporter: they have instructed the interior department to
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change that on u.s. maps and on regulations so that one is happening and for the time being, it is just going to be within the united states and a lot of our neighbors are gnat changing the name yet. they're hesitating. what has to happen is all the maps are going to have to get printed in the u.s. and sent out everywhere else. i don't know how many countries print their own maps and the u.s. would have to print all the maps for the hemisphere. lauren: yes, absolutely. that'll do it. larry: all right, folks, president trump is saving america's culture and that's the subject of the riff. today's day five of donald trump's new presidency and he's completely transformed american economics, bureaucracy and energy and one that shouldn't be left out: the culture. smack in the middle of mr. trump's transformation of the culture is his spade of
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executive orders that have ended 60 years of racial preferences, affirmative action, and dei, diversity, equity and inclusion. this is an enormous cultural change for the better. instead of racial or gender identification, tram subpoena moving the united states back to its historic value of merit. fittingly as president trump was inaugurated on martin luther king day, we can recall king's famous line: i have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. for six decades the democratic party has told americans in schools and colleges, processer places, federal and state bureaucracies and elsewhere that the color of our skin or our gender is more important than
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the godly virtues of work and achievement. america was founded on work and achievement. democrats increasingly dominant socialist and left wing have tried to erase the founding values and instead insert their own woke version of both history and daily life. mr. trump has erased the socialist vision, and restored the vision of our founders and in so doing, he will unleash more prosperity and strength throughout the country than these far left status and socialists could ever dream possible. by the way, as racial preferences and affirmative action morphed their way into dei which then became the progenitor of the new left wing sponsor anti-semitism, president trump's signatures on executive orders on his very first day in office includes provisions that
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elite universities have failed to rid themselves of scourge of de and i recollects will lose all federal -- dei and lose all federal grants. ivy league, beware. why do i suspect the elite schools try to hang onto dei under whatever sob subragaini father they can create and no progress by the schools to eliminate the scourge of anti-semitism. while i'm oturu a one more area of culture that mr. trammed subpoena transforming and that's re--- mr. trump was transforming is religion. he said i was saved by god to make america great again. he had more clerky during his inauguration than -- clergy during his inauguration than any i can acall even if one was nutty enough to attack him in the prayer service. but trump talked about god before. not only in the context of surviving an assassin's bullet,
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but in you go back and look at his speeches down through the years, you'll see the word god quite a bit and you'll see a related word righteous. the contrast with the far left couldn't be greater, socialists, communists and always godless. their higher power is the state or government, but what mr. tram subpoena doing while he's bringing back america's founding fathers and so far his merit and life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. he harper lanes kins back to the earlier fraise -- harkens back to the earlier phrase of the declaration of independence, "we are endowed by our creator". that's the subject of the riff. joining us to talk about all this and more, missouri senator eric schmitt. wonderful to see you sir. happy new year. just one word, i don't want to
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draw on this with california, but it just occurs to me that while gavin newsom is spending $50 million to trump-proof california, this is happening in the legislature white wild fires are going on and the state of california asking the federal government from lard knows how many hundreds of billions of damages from the fires. it strikes me that they're not playing their cards too well because donald trump doesn't think much of water management or forest management or any of their socialist policies out there. i mean, you'd think they'd wise up, senator schmidt. doesn't seem that way. >> i don't think so. california has the double whammy of being radical left policies, still suffering from trump derangement syndrome and a competency problem. whether it's the cities or the management report water or forest management, they've been so obsessed with this sort of
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woke ideology over the last couple of decades that the things people should expect over the government is coming to arrive when somebody is in trouble or the police or fire department showing up and they've neglected all this stuff. i don't think you can understate or overstate outrebounded important it is that the very first thing president trump is doing outside of the white house and all the stuff he's done this week after the inaugural is to go to the places where people have been impacted, americans are hurting and he stood there in north carolina earlier today with those families affected, asked them to tell their stories and nape the insurance companies that are stiffing them. i mean, i just -- this guy obviously is connecting with the american people all the time and why his approval numbers are through the roof. larry: okay, let's move on and talk about a couple of other things. mr. trump on the world stage giving a dynamite speech to what's left of davos globalist crowd and it's a ghost town, metaphorically and the good guys
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went to mar-a-lago. there they were in switzerland and he spoke to them. he spoke to them about many things by-but one thing speaking for them and here it alone. playing tape on trump and davos on tariffs and here's what he said. >> my message to every business in the world is very simple, come make your product in america and we'll give you've you among the lowest taxes of any nation on earth. if you don't make your product in america, which is your prerogative, then very simply you'll have to pay a tariff. larry: all right, now, i think that was probably rattling some teeth in the crowd out this. i mean, he's saying basically it's your prerogative and don't have to come invest in america and if you don't put out the tariff, he hasn't defined a 10% tar there are or more. the european union senator has roafly 50% higher tariff rates
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than the united states and that's a important statistic and other countries are even worse. so what do you make of that? saying come to america and reward them with the lowest taxes possible and one big beautiful bill or something that gets us to a 15% corporate tax rate. what do you make of what he's saying? >> i love it. i watch it had and actually talked to president trump yesterday after the speech and congratulate him because it's about time we had a president who's on that world stage whose primary interest is the american people and it's about america first. and he's telling them, look, america's tired of being ripped off and whether it's in europe or china, we're tired of being ripped off and we'll use every tool at our disposal to be fair trade and it's free trade but fair trade. we're being treated equally and if we have a reciprocal tax or some calling it a tariff, so be it. we'll level the playing field. i think he delivered a message larry that the european folks need to hear, which is we're
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tired of subsidize l your social welfare states in europe and time to pay up in nato and hit the 5% number at a minimum. and the united states of america, the taxpayers not their piggy bank. we've got nato but tired of being taken advantage of. and he's delivering this message. in his second term, larry, they're listening and the first term, i'm not sure what they thought of it, but he came in and dot changes and nato to understand america's position on this and they're taking them seriously and it's a good thing for america and it's a good thing for the fremantle world. larry: i just remarked and mr. tram subpoena vastly more popular in his country in the usa then they are in their countries. if anyone noticed, those european leaders have going for tram's approval rating and it's in the mid 50s.
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>> having illegal immigration and just going with their leaders are liberal and president trump going to speak up about it and you're seeing sort of a populist movement in europe saying people are tired of being taken advantage of it. and spoke to some of the woke weakness defined in the last four years. getting rid of cultural marxism and dei and across the federal government and across the universities and even in the elementary schools and critical race theory and teach kids to hate america or they pit people to classroom, every classroom by race and doe instructive and undermine the core tenants of the country and mail tear and government and do it in our schools and it took leadership to go get there. and i'm glad president trump did it right away.
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larry: how mr. tram subpoena bringing back the founding fathers values. for that matter, god endowed by our creator and remember that, our creator and our creator was not to state. it was not the government, in the past declaration and independence revolting against the monarchs and that's an important point. i might even spiv you have the riff and going to put in some adjectives there. >> the american people are tired of being divided by the toxic ideologiology and those are the core ten tenants that hold us together and the left wants to untether us from the important anchors so essentially the state becomes the supreme and all mightily thing and we all know there's a lot more important things than government. government can't love you, that's for sure.
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larry: yes, that's for sure. talk about trump on the global stage and the new gulf of america, which i think may appear in maps and various geography books, that would be fun. then the question is getting down to rights about the panama canal, which if it didn't run by the chinese, it's awfully influenced by the chinese. extending through the western hemisphere and right through the central, right through the panama canal ask through central america and right into south america. i mean, joe biden has been looking the other way and something has to be done about this it seems to me, sir. >> i filed a resolution with the senate and going to get bipartisan support and calling on the up and down main indians to expel -- pandamainians and monroe doctrine and western
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hemisphere and our navy going through the panama canal and no reason at all like china and going for them on world domination and should have control of important structure and support pets and the one conditions we gave that wind and disastrous deal going for that and had to remain neutral. the panama canal is part of china that's belt road initiative and one belt and one road and controlling this instrategies truckture -- infrastructure and going for them and critical of the ccp and say if you're critical and the construction stops and going for that no way that china should control the panama canal. larry: one more thing and i want to move north a little bit into mexico, so far i have not heard
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president shane sheinbaum of mexico -- president sheinbaum of mexico be particularly cooperative with mr. trump's closing of the boarder and asking for help. you recall, sir, romaine in mexico in the first term, which was an enormous success was helped enormously by then president obrador and put 25,000 troops on the boarder and that story is worse because the cartels are even stronger and the fentanyl is even more free flowing, and i have not heard her saying a thing about -- helping us out in a substantial way. i wonder if you have a thought on that? >> well, it needs to happen. perhaps the single most important thing trump did with the most secure burdener 45 years was the remain in mexico policy. joe biden wanted to undo that on day one and it meant that it took away the incentive that obama and biden wanted and if you came here and you claimed
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asylum and by the way the cartels is part of the payment they've got to traffic people here and gave them the no car and claiming asylum and going to be bogus and going for the united states and remain in mexico and we have to get back in place with medical examiner san government and it's the waiting room that . takes away the financial incentive because the cartels that aren't really delivering people into the interior of the united states. so this is perhaps a lot of important things happening relating to the border to get operation that will control and we got that done and it'll get done, that will stem the tide. you'll see an immediate reversal of these cartel and distribution patterns and not just of fentanyl and people. they have to cooperate or i have a feeling that you'll get a targeted tariff coming your way. larry: there's a problem with the tariffs and stakes are high along the border. give them all the things we talked about: cartels, drug smuggling. by the way, china, you know,
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assembling manufacturing and things of that in mexico. and then slipping it into the united states to get it under the radar of usmca and there they go again. chinese don't miss a trick. >> that's part of the plan and they subsidize and unfair situation in china and steal the ip in china and then they subsidize something, overproduce t they dumb 27 and drive the cost down and dump it in the place in mexico and get here cheaply and going narrow angle and not aware of the dynamic and we'll see into it. larry: well done and said. thank you, senator schmidt, appreciate it very, very much. >> take care. larry: coming up, president trump has it absolutely right: keep abundant energy, drive down prices and inflation and interest rates. that's his model and has a lot of economic merit. we'll talk about it with art laffer and ej antoni next up on
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the way i approach work post fatherhood, has really trying to understand the generation that we're building devices for. here in the comcast family, we're building an integrated in-home wifi solution for millions of families like my own. in the average household, there are dozens of connected devices. connectivity is a big part of my boys' lives. it brings people together in meaningful ways. >> everybody oil preisz come down, everything will be cheaper for the american people and actually for the world, but for the american people so i'd like to see oil prices come down.
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when the energy comes down, that's going to knock out a lot of inflation that's going to automatically brings interest rates down. >> are you going to talk to powell about this and bringing rates down? >> at the right time i will. larry: very interesting and very important to know, we said this last night and i see in the papers today, a lot of media misunderstood. mr. tram subpoena saying that if and when oil prices come down, i will have an enormously beneficial impact on inflation and permeating and then interest rates can and should come down. it's not just saying interest rates will come downright away. it's conditioned on a decline in oil price. i want to make that point again and now we bring in our guests ej antoni from the unleash prosperity hot line and heritage foundation and art laffer, former reagan economist and coauthor of the trump economic
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miracle. welcome back to both of you. arthur, i mean, mr. trump has a very oil-centured view of prices and inflation. and i won't say he's 100% right, but i'd say he has an important case because we've been through this many times on this show. i've read lists of, you know, tens and tens of several hundred items that are dependent on petroleum and the price of oil. and if that's -- those costs come down, that has a major impact across the board on inflation. it's not the only thing, it's not a monitorrous view but a oil centered view and meet the do and inflation, thences come interest rates can come down. that's how i understood and he clarify it had today and exactly the way i tried to explain last evening. >> you're exactly correct. the interesting thing about oil,
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larry, the demand for oil is inelastotick and slight increase in -- inelastic and going to take time from will the new drill, baby, drill and all that to get the oil on to the market that . should be coming on to the market in the next year, year and a half. pretty evenly i would say. when that happens you're going to see the price of oil drop substantially because of that inelasticity of demand and it'll have a magnifioed effect on the aggregate price level and obviously on interest rates as well. i'm really looking forward to the oil being a major contributor to the drop in inflation and also to the drop of interest rates. you're right. larry: by the way, speaking of elasticity of supply, sorry, but there's two sides to it, you always taught me, saudi arabia could help. they could and opec. they've been holding back on production. and that has helped russia. and the ukraine war. that's what trump said at the
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davos speech and put them on audis and going to invest 600 billion or a trillion and you know, ej, trump's kind of put ago little heat on the saudis saying -- he actually said you are helping continue that war. and he is right. even with crude at $80, $78, $80, ej, that's higher than 60 or higher than 55. and the saudis could help bring it down and help end the war and inflation and bring interest rates down. what do you think of that? >> larry, absolutely. i was so happy to see president trump not only bring heat to the saudis and no one is safe under the president and doing wrong by the american people and he'll come after you and i want to add one thing to the discussion we forget that just a state like pennsylvania is the saudi arabia
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of natural gas and we have so much of that particular energy and we don't use oil anymore for a lot of blend stocks and engine oil you put in your car today doesn't come from oil and it's it's cheap to get inputs from nat gas than oil and both will do what you're describing and help bring down prices and allow the fed room to cut interest rates. larry: make theclimate cleaner and it's the best way. i have to read this stuff. oil impact on consumer goods and bandages, beach umm umbrellas, cortisone, computer keyboards, detergent, i glasses, golf bags,
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i pads, laptops, shampoo, shaving cream, shoe polish and tenuis rackets and several hundred items and mr. trump's tariff diplomacy and foreign diplomacy and mr. trump loves president william mckinnley and mr. mckinnley and the power tariffs and ordered by president trump to read mckinnley's biography and robert mary wrote it and 6 0* pages long and instrumental and it was a great president. nee anyway, having establish it had we know william mckinnley and you worked for him. i came in later and worked with harding and coolidge.
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but you approve ovthe tariff diplomacy basically? >> his negotiation stat jim jordan is rate on and -- strategy is right on and the capital transfers across country. those are the gains from trade and in trade wars, there's no winner, but the losers are not equal by any means. if you get a little tiny country and a great big country and our market is 90% of their business, literally you have a lot of leverage over these countries like panama, like mexico, like canada, these countries if they negotiate that using as leverage and getting all he wants, they should have a maintain or stay in mexico policy. he's using trade as a leverage point and that's exactly the right way to do it. i see no problems with that, i would hate to ever have to have him actually raise the tariffs on the countries but if you're going to make threats and if you're going to do that, you have to be willing to carry
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those threats out. as a negotiation strategy, larra i i'm backing him 100%. it's good on russia, saudi arabia and the other countries and it's a great negotiation strategies to lore the tariff barriers and they're nontariffs. larry: great steve forbes and one of the best economic thinkers is pushing for a capital gains tax and bringing down from 24% to 15% and more growth and more investment and more revenues to cut the deficit, ej. 10 seconds. jowski we need it because capital gains aren't indexed to inflation and keeping the rates as high as now and people are taking an absolute bath and not increasing real wealth. larry: boom, got it. ej antoni, art laffer, thank you so both of you. appreciate it. newt gingrich coming up will explain the coming several war in the democratic party.
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very interesting. civil war. is it the left versus the far left? maybe not. newt gingrich up next, i'm stile kudlow, be right here. ♪ we're letting curiosity light the way. asking smart questions about opportunities like advances in healthcare. and how these innovations will create a healthier world tomorrow. better questions. better outcomes. progressive makes it easy to see if you can save money with a commercial auto quote online so you can get back to your monster to-do list. super helpful. see if you can save money at thank you. louis! okay everybody, that's lunch! (♪)
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larry: newt gingrich said there's a coming civil war in the democratic party. he joins us now. newt, did coming -- if i were a glib guy, i'd say between the left and far left. i'm not sure that's the point you're making. >> no, first of all, as you know the america new majority project tracking them since 2018 and there's issues that are just overwhimming and 83% of the american people for example want to see that if somebody is picked up and they're held if they're an illegal immigrant and
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till the federal government should ketanji them and they're 83% and some democrats voted against them. on the laken riley bill. which will do just that. there's only 46 democrats that voted yet and over 150 voted 2340. on the issue of men being in women sports. the country is -- according to new york times. crown triple-demic is 79% -- country is 79% against men in women sports and only two democrats voted for the bill that would block men from women sports. all the rest voted with the left and what was going to happen was simple. they're going to go home. public will speak out and have a survivalist wing and hard line wing. is and they're going to fight each other. hard line wing going to say how data committee you vote for these ideas. and the survivalist wing saying i'd like to survive and vote the way the people back home feel. remember all the cultural issues and a 15-20% minority and the
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rest of us. preparing it fight a civil war and primaries against the people that vote to survive. larry: getting into the bread and butter and economic issues and one big beautiful bill, tax cuts, spending cuts going to be very hard. undoing climate change, okay, no more mandates for electric vehicles and so fourth. you think that split between surveillance rivallists and the traditional lefties will continue? >> sure. look, first of all, it was the president that said bluntly, you don't have to be stupid about climate change to do things that are smart. you said this in the last segment. moving fromcoal and natural gas has been enormous net advantage and going to modular nuclear power and that'll be key to all of the -- we have to have a huge
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amount of electricity for artificial intelligence, which requires enormous amount of computing power. well, modular nuclear energy is the future and has no car gone footprint and it is dramatically more rational economically than any of the things the left favors and you'll see a fight coming down the road and on the taxes it's pretty simple. if you do not pass extending the trump tax cuts, you create the largest tax increase in american history. now, how many democrats in marginal districts, remember, there were 13 elected in districts that trump carried and another 21 elected in districts within 5% and how many of them want to go home vascularizing voted for the largest tax increase in history? that's what a no vote on the trump bill is going to be. it'll be a vote for the largest tax increase in history. i think you're going to see a surprising number of democrats vote with the president when we get around to that big beautiful bill. larry: and what about the
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spending cuts and right now house members, committee chairs are talking about 2-3 trillion of spending cuts in the reconciliation bill. here too, do you think many democrats voting for spending cuts like that? jowski >> i think they're going to have a real challenge and first of all, if that number is over ten years, it's sustain and will doable. if you go to a work requirement, you'll save hundreds of billions of dollars. i mean, there's a lot of steps to take that aren't stupid. so i think you can in fact save a huge amount of money and easily a trillion over ten years and probably close to 2 trillion over ten years and remember, i say proudly, we were the only congress in your lifetime to pass four consecutive balanced budgets. i have some sense of this. but again, you wrap the spending cuts with the tax cuts and now people have to go back home and explain i just voted for the largest tax increase in history
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and i was protecting the teacher's union or protecting it or that. larry: this is mike johnson's coalition argument. you just hit it and nail it had. newt gingrich, thank you very much. i'm rooting for it. civil war and democrats. thank you, newt. appreciate it very, very much. moving along, mark sigh moan, wlor hall of fame radio host and i want to talk about that scanned list story about politico media or whatever they call themselves. two reporters mark caputo and tara is now with puck news, caputo with axios. they're tell ago story and they're interviewed and telling a story and top people have prevented them from writing accurately about hunter biden's laptop and joe biden variouscone
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remarkable and literally top editor said do not write about this. what you make of this. larry: key point. putting up on the full screen and i will read it and going to politico's entire credibility as a publication, all right. i can't see that. somebody has got to put it up so i can see it. >> basically they viremently denied to stand by the republic. i have to read the wholeling. our editors uphold rigorous standards and every story is thoroughly vetted and buttoned up before publishing and un-waiverring commitment to accuracy and accountability, principles that have guided and yous continue to do so. those principles didn't seem to guide them when they're talking
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about hunter biden's laptop or/and or joe bide obanya especially corrupt escapades with the rest of his family. sorry, joe. go ahead. >> look at reporting from the time, three head libraries, october 19, 2020 and hunter biden's story russian disinformation and dozens of intel say they treated them like cardinals and bishops. not the anti-trump people that they were on the record including some an life-threatenings from cnn and msnbc that i canning that very well known. headline october 2, 2020. hunter biden, rudy giuliani and hard drive from hell. october 24, 2020, the maga verse trying to summen another clinton and fbi moment. in other words, they didn't vet anything. they didn't look into this and say we can't determine anything. they didn't even look at laptop. they didn't try to do this because they were a week away from election and they reflexively defended joe biden is the biden family getting over the finish line. larry: they bought biden hook,
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line and sinker. that's what they d. that begs the question and them denies and this is not a mea culpa and didn't say other publications have had little mea culpas and this business -- ensuring every story is thoroughly vetted and why should they believe that and politico rights. that's a fair question right now. >> i got to be honest and never believe anything for this. >> never trusted them. it's so slanted and lie down to read it. it's so slanted. i never trusted them and can't button it down and button down the 2025 project or every fake story about trump and no problem buttoning that down. there's so many things getting corrupt over the years and nobel prize and peace preisz and strictly partisan and great new york times and same thing and i don't know why anybody takes them seriously anymore. larry: this is very important and goes to politico's day-to-day credibility. they'll always put stuff out and
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always putting something out, okay. they do stuff on the economy, politics and so forth. why should anybody believe anything politico rights after this? i mean, they're defending, they're defending their boys. >> they have the trust of gas station sushi at this point. i don't know if you've had that but again, look at reporting and the way they went about their business and politico play book and going out in the morning with the newsletter. they allowed ben shapiro and podcaster and smart guy and guest editor and there was a verne volt in politico, how would you allow him to do this. larry: i got to get out. >> never allow it had again. larry: never read politico, as simple as that. president trump going after banks and de-banking christians and conservatives. talk about it with the great new york congresswoman claudia tenney next up on kudlow. ♪
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4:52 pm
the way i approach work post fatherhood, has really trying to understand the generation that we're building devices for. here in the comcast family, we're building an integrated in-home wifi solution for millions of families like my own. in the average household, there are dozens of connected devices. connectivity is a big part of my boys' lives. it brings people together in meaningful ways. larry: we have the great new york congresswoman claudia tenney. mr. trump called out jp morgan and bank of america yesterday for de-banking conservatives we
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did homework, the chase part of jp morgan along with b of a and de-banking conservative activists and crypto activists, firearm manufacturers, fossil fuel makers, people, contractors for deportation. there's a long list of de-banking for heaven's sakes. how do they get dispost sits in the banks? bank -- deposits in the banks. >> yeah, i love that trump did that and politically exposed persons. mark andressen pointed this out on joe rogan show and all kinds of things going on cpi conservatives going on and left out of the financial game because of this bias. it's great that trump did it on a huge forum in front of them, and they're clapping back saying no, no, no, we didn't do that. now they won, i hope. larry: i haven't even heard like a non-denial denial. i haven't heard that and
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statement from bank of america is we welcome conservatives and not saying what they d. it's like politico story. they didn't apologize for shooing for joe bide anne donovan blatant forms. bank of america -- chase bank is inside of jp morgan. did they issue a statement? look, republicans have the house, my pal shills rung the banking or financial services committee. can't y'all do anything about this de-banking stuff? >> well, you (&.k the comment is we didn't can dell banking but you need to get loans and see state controllers like new york and making non--merit based decisions and political decisions on people they're not going to invest in and really lucrative areas like fossil fuels and energy stocks because they could be really good for pensioners and people in new york but it's for political reasons and it should be neutral and what i should have said is merit-based. this is the problem.
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larry: i think they were both guilty of esg and climate -- don't help fossil fuel or climate companies and woke and dei. this thing is woke written all over it. trump will change this i hope, but i think this has woke written all over it. >> trump is doing it and throwing it all out the window and it's amaizing. it's the most incredible first week of a presidency i've witnessed and incredible just ripping the band-aid off and i'm home and my constituents love it and they're thrilled there's a bold strong president that just tell it is like it is. it really is great. it's really tremendous. larry: all right, so are you, claudia tenney, thank you for coming on. >> thank you, larry. larry: folks, be right back with my last word. ♪
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larra rhode islander yes, president trump is transforming the boarder and policy and energy. he's transforming and restoring the cultural and religious values of our founding fathers. that's just as important as all the rest. and always important, my great pal, liz macdonald. liz: thank you, larry. he's reforming the democrat party and we have that story too. good to see you, larry. great show. have a good weekend. welcome to the evening edit. i'm elizabeth macdonald. >> fema has really let
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