tv Kudlow FOX Business February 27, 2025 4:00pm-5:00pm EST
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you said hello to somebody doesn't mean you're a pedophile or did something -- as a matter of fact, i bet -- i don't want to be blanket, but everybody i know, they met him. they weren't involved with him in the sexual stuff. liz: everybody's innocent. okay, well, we'll see. charlie, thank you very much. as the closing bell comes up, about 30 seconds away, we're not at session is lows, but as a pretty grim picture for the s&p 500 which is now in negative territory for 2025. the dow has lost all its gains. we're looking at a loss are of about 197. nasdaq down 587. the s&p down 97. tomorrow we get the federal reserve's closely-watched inflation indicator, the pce. and last day of trade in february might be a big day. hope you're here. ♪ larry: hello, folks. welcome to "kudlow."
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i'm larry kudlow. full period ahead on the trump tax cuts. -- full speed ahead. save us from the lousy biden economy. treasury secretary scott bessent on that coming up when he can get free, right here on set with me is kellyanne conway. we're going to talk about the new media culture and democratic lies exposed. i just love in this. books being written about the lies that they made. senate judiciary chair chuck grassley on his doge meeting, art lover and wesley hunt -- art laffer and wesley hunt on the trumpian economic growth, and that's the subject of the riff. no, the subject of the riff is let's get those tax cuts in place as soon as possible to stop the terrible biden economy. let's hope the republican congress keeps pushing the accelerator down to the floor in order to get the tax cuts passed. as soon as possible. because joe biden left donald trump a really lousy economy p. for a moment there, i was worried that the trump tax cuts were going to be on the back
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burner and falling off the stove. but that was solved brilliantly by speaker mike johnson and his house rescue mission. he even gave the stock market a temporary second wind. but new numbers from last year's fourth quarter just came out essentially showing a collapse of business and business investment including a large drop in machinely and equipment which is really the heart and soul of the economy. even consumer spending was soft. retail sales fell sharply in january. but without business investment, you're not going to get product if it or higher real wages or fatter working class wallets. actually, biden manufacturing had been in recession for over two years. housing this in recession for even longer. the only thing joe biden gave us was massive government spending that drove up inflation and interest rates. and even now the biden-flation
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legacy is back again through 4% -- grew 4% in the past three month toes after rising over 20% over four years as working folks couldn't afford to live in the biden economy x. that legacy has left mr. trump with $2 trillion plus budget deficits as far as the eye can see. which is why he's so keen on helping elon's doge to curb fraudulent and corrupt spending wherever it is found including new efforts to retire bloated federal bureaucracy in the d.c. swamp. none of this is a pretty picture. mr. trump has a plan. now, in that a plan to cut taxes and deregulate and curb spending and drill, baby, drill, that plan's gathering momentum after the house gop victory two nights ago. i love reading in "the new york times" and elsewhere how the soggy economy is really mr. trump's to fault. no, it's not. he was just in january 20th, for
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heaven sakes. it won't be mr. trump's economy until after his program is fully in place. hopefully, that comes by late spring when the tax cuts get finished. now, expectations of policy success will wax and wane with the vagaries of congress, but trump is on track right now with a fully balanced pro-growth plan that will produce more goods at lower prices. just what the doctor ordered, just what joe biden could never achieve. and don't listen to the ultra-left economists. we're going to tell you that a little bit of trim thing of the bloated federal work -- trimming of the bloated federal work force is going to sink the economy. complete nonsense. with a total civilian work force of roughly 160 million people, chopping off 50-70,000 in washington not impactful. plus, they'll get severance. they're mostly well educated. they can get good private sector
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jobs which will be are great for the economy. indeed, the biden economy became a governmental economy. robbing the private sector of its strength and vitality. the whole point of the new trump economy is to revitalize the private sector or reprivatize the business sector, clear away the federal fat if that has blocked the free market arteries of success, and that will be a major trumpian achievement. just consider this for a moment. getting federal spending as a share of gdp back down from roughly 24% now to its historic 20% in the next bunch of years could get economic growth back up from if its paltry. 1.8% trend to it historic 3% plus trend. that is worth roughly $3 trillion of private sector
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stimulus. which will more than finance the lowest business tax rates in the world. so congressional republicans, open the throttle just as pennsylvania far as it will go and take us to the new trump economy faster than anyone thought possible. move with due speed, and that's the riff. and here we go. things are always shuffling around here, and kellyanne conway, fox news contributor, host of "here's the deal" on fox nation if going to rescue me one more time after all these years. >> got your own american rescue plan, larry? [laughter] that's an exciting opening, because that's what the house and senate have to do, extend, expand these tax cuts from 2017 that you were so so help helpful with, larry. why? i mean, it just exploded investment and savings. these companies did not stick it in the pockets of the c suite. they invested in research rain
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innovation, inventory and wages and benefits for their workers. they did that by themselves. because when the government spends less money, we have more money for us to spend. and it reverses, corporate incursions, it brought that wealth parked legally overseas back to this country. and as president trump has incentivized folks and said, look, if you make more here in the usa a, we will help accelerate the permitting and approval processes. you may get down to a 10% corporate tax -- 15% corporate tax rate. it was 35% when he got there in 2017, it could be 15% if you just invest more in the usa. if you do away with these dumb acronyms, dei, esg, and your amri anymore is usa. [laughter] larry: i love that. well done. i mean, really, it's a long journey, but you're right. from 35 to 15, and he's going to take down a lot of other taxes as well. i mean, the whole percentage is just chock full of stuff -- package the is just chock full
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of stuff which'll help the private sector. we've got to stop that, get it out of the way. scott bessent's going to come on, you're pitching it right now while we're waiting finish. >> i'll be scott bessent's warm-up band any if day. i'm glad he's there with the p.m. of the u.k. for a very important meeting. larry: yes, indeed. i want the talk about -- let's stay on this subject for a minute, free markets and liberty. very interesting, jeff bezos, who is the proprietor, own owner of "the washington post" newspaper, a far-left organ, as you'll say. so he sent this out today. i'm just going to read a little bit of it, but it's very beautifully written, and i want to get your take. because i think this is a sign of the times, okay? writing to let you know about a change coming to our opinion page. this is mr. bezos of "the washington post".
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we are going to be writing every day in support and defense of two pillars, personal liberties and free markets. we'll cover other topics too, but viewpoints opposing those pillars will be left to be published by others. i am of america and for america and proud to be so. our country did not get here by being typical, and a big part of america's success has been freedom in the economic realm and everywhere else. freedom is ethical, it minimizes coercion, and it's practical, and it drives creativity, invention and prosperity. i mean, i would have thought it was milton friedman -- [laughter] or arkansas a thursday laugher or something like that or kellyanne conway with -- arkansas you are thursday laugher. this is really quite remarkable. we'll have to see how he executes this. trust but verify. this is one hell of a statement which would be a major reversal a for a newspaper which has gone
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left for, i don't know finish. >> it's incredible. and this follows on jeff bezos' pre-election note to everyone that that they were no to longer going to enforce presidential candidates. that led to resignations and protests and people canceling their subscriptions. why? because people who are associated with that paper believe that it was always going to carry, it was always a going to reflect its point of view rather than report the news or reflect if diverse points of view. this country loves diversity, but that also a includes diversity of viewpoints. and for jeff bezos to say i'm of america, for america and our twin pillars, personal liberty and free markets, must be expressed. he also said two other things that were so important here, harry. he said, look, we have the internet -- larry -- you want to read anybody's opinion about anything, just click online. the other thing he said was years ago a local paper like "the washington post" had -- it would want to have a broad section of opinion on different
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things, but that's long before we only had broad sheets. before we had -- before al gore invented the internet. i think what bezos is trying to say is that this country has a certain enduring principles regardless of your political affiliation. and do you know what the response was from many people? oh, my god, he's compromising an independent and free press. by telling the press cover free markets and personal liberty? this also a follows our vice president, j.d. vance, going to the a.i. summit in paris9 and the munich security conference two days later and same message. free speech is important. and if you suppress it among your people, you are not democratic, you don't love -- you're not, you're not helping the folks to be part of -- larry: doesn't have the democratic values. >> i was there. the american delegation when the vice president delivered that in munich, and you could audibly hear some of these folks grunting. larry: bezos after all, you know, i'll tell you a quick story.
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way back when on another network, jimmy kramer and i interviewed jeff bezos on if set the first quarter he made a profit -- >> wow, at amazon. larry: amazon books, okay? amazon books. i'm just saying, he was a businessman -- >> yes. larry: -- a pragmatic, common sense businessman. i'm just going to say returning to his roots. i also think this is part of the new trumpian culture. it's like it's okay to be for business. it's okay to be for liberty. it's okay to be for free markets. it's okay to be for free peach p. do you follow where i'm going here? >> it's not just okay, it's coroner canna. it's not political. -- corps americana. what happened with twitter under mix, now called x. larry: yes. >> all day long the never trumpers just tweeted each other about how terrible donald trump was. they're all but gone, they're at blue sky or red pillar -- larry: bye-bye.
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>> i say this because elon musk bought it and allowed voices back on there. no longer do the right feel shadow banned and silenced just because of different points of view or or their support of president trump. president trump himself owns truth social. this is the democratization of information. trump won in part because of alternative media, podcasts, karoline leavitt -- larry: i was just going to say. right. caroline -- >> just opens up a great, diverse country to more diverse viewpoints and channels. if you don't want to pay for a subscription, if you don't a want to read the same stuff in the newspaper, tune in to a podcast, go on radio, you can sit in silence. that's your right. larry: stop taking dictation for the -- >> the only people who don't like it are those middlemen that a donald trump is cutting out. he commune candidates directly with the american people. you know who doesn't like that?
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the people who have the listen to the answers to his questions and no longer can get to listen to themselves talk. larry: kellyanne conway, bailing me out once again. [laughter] we think we have treasury secretary scott bessent up next. yes, we do, i'm told. it's the always a tricky when you get these administration people, they have obligations, reporting to the president. i was there once. so was kellyanne. anyway, treasury man scott bessent next up. we'll talk about the trump economic plan. i'm kudlow. thank you, kellyanne. ♪ chocolate fundraiser. ♪ with the chase mobile app, things move a little more smoothly. ♪ deposit checks easily and send money quickly. [coins clinking] ♪ that's convenience from chase.
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larry: all right. great pleasure to welcome back to the show u.s. treasury secretary, mr. scott intense. treasury secretary bessent -- scott intense. thank you for doing this, we appreciate it. one of the themes of the riff of this evening is you've got to keep the accelerator down, get the tax cuts done as fast as possible, scott, because the -- you could see the biden economy is sinking lower and lore. trump is -- lower. trump is inheriting a biden economic mess, a biden inflation if mess. i don't care9 if the new york times says it's donald trump's fault. he's been in office a month p. it is absolutely a hangover from biden. investment is crashing, housing is crashing, machinery and
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equipment is crashing, inflation is still high. so i can't wait for the tax cuts and hoping you'd give us a report on this big six group that you're working on. >> good -- larry, good to see you. i couldn't agree with you more on so many fronts the biden administration ruinedded the economy over the past four years whether it's this out of control government spending that pushed the private sector into near recession, to be affordability crisis for the american people, the high levels of credit card debt for low income consumers and the -- as i've said many times on your show, we're going to have to reprivatize the economy. and that's not going to happen on day one, but it is a process over the next few months. and if as you rightly said, a big part of reprivatizing the economy is making 12017 -- the
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2017 tax cuts and jobs act, renewing it, making it permanent and then adding many of the programs that president trump talked about on the campaign trail; no tax on tips, no tax on social security. and maybe some more incentives for domestic manufacturing. larry: so, secretary bessent, by the way, i love the sound of that, how -- which way is the wind blowing in this group? the house wasn't quite there with the with the so-called permanent tax cut. the senate, at least some of the senators, seem to be there. i'm opting for a permanent tax cut. i would throw it all in and make it permanent, even score its own baseline as a current policy baseline. but you're in the driver's seat here for the administering. what -- for the administration. what do you think and where do you think the house and senate will come out? >> well, larry, the president put out on a truth message two days ago that he wants
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permanence, is and and i am in favor of current policy which aligns much more with economic reality, accounting reality. so i think that we are going to be able to get there. i'm going to be spending a lot of time with house members, with senate members to talk about why we think that this is the best outcome for the american economy and for working americans. and, you know, larry, i don't have to tell you that, you know, it's certain certainty, but we may have to bring you down here, bring in the big, bring in the big names like you to be able to explain this to some of the house members, to some of the american people. and my message to these house members is i'm a deficit hawk. but we are not going to be able to do this all at once. we were left with a terrible situation is, 6.7%, 6.9% deficits to gdp, and we're going
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to bring this down slowly, reprivatize the american economy, reinvigorate the regulated banking system and private, the private sector. larry: well, i'm happy to help out, as i think you know. because i think it's good policy. i think it's good for the country. we can't keep growing at these subpar rates. we can't have a government-bloated economy, okay, which is so lopsided. as you say, reprivatize. we have the have a resurgence of free market. i mean, just reading jeff bezos in "the washington post," on "the washington post" today, he is going free market. we need to have the whole country go back the free market. and trump is a free market guy, ooh he's a business guy. you're a successful business guy. the sooner we get there, the better off we're going to be. and that growth will cover at least in the short run, i mean, i reckon, scott, if you could get 3% growth if the next couple years, let's just assume that for a second is, that's worth, i
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don't know, several trillion dollars minimum. several trillion dollars to finance everything else that we need. >> and, larry, and you and i have talked about a changing the growth are that swrebtly of a nation -- that correctly of a nation if changes -- trajectory changes the debt dynamic. as i always say, i am america's leading bond salesman, and i have a great story to tell. we're going to get this tax bill done, and that will increase growth that we are going to -- we are committed to common sense in government, more efficiency, rooting out waste, fraud and inefficiency. and so we're going to bring costs down, revenues up, and that's a fantastic growth scenario. so we'll make the tax cuts permanent, we'll bring energy costs down and, larry, as you know better than anyone, one of the biggest costs on the american people the past few years have just been these out of control regulations that the previous administration put in.
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so if in president trump's first term the goal was to eliminate if three regulations for every one that was added. i believe it worked out to seven were cut for every one that was added, and the goal for this administration is to cut ten regulations for every one that is added. and, you know, i think we can end up with a lot less friction if costs. and that ends up in consumers' pockets. larry: secretary bessent, you talked about being a bond salesman. so you've had pretty good luck so far, i'd say. in the last four or five weeks, bond prices have gone up on the so 10-year and yields are come down. i don't know, they've come down 50, 60, maybe 70 basis points. when we last spoke on the air in washington, you made a lot of news by saying that you and, i think, the president like to look at the 10-year. you can see we have a full screen, it shows how much it's come down. what do you think about that? how do you explain the drop in
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the 10-year? >> well, larry, i'd like to think that some of it's not luck, some of it is the policy and it's the bond market starting to understand the power of what we are doing here if terms of cutting waste, fraud and abuse in the government. you know, if you think that, you know, the government equals spending minus taxes that for probably the past hundred years, you know, our side wanted to raise spending less, the other i'd wanted to raise spending a lot, and then their side wanted to raise taxes a lot, we wanted to cut taxes. larry, what if spending actually went down? i think that's what the bond market's starting to sniff out. i was in the investment business for 35 years, and the bond market is really the ultimate voting machine. that's why when i did my first interview with you as treasury secretary, i really wanted the
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flag the 10-year. because that's what we're laser focused on. and more importantly than the 10-year rate is since president trump won in november, the spread between the 10-year and mortgages a has come down. larry: yeah. >> so mortgage rates are down more than the 10-year. we've seen the housing market stall out here, and i think if we can get that down a little more and then convince americans that that they're going to have real wage increases, then the housing market could come, could come back to life again. larry: you know, you mentioned spending rates coming down and bond rates coming down. it is possible that this reciprocal trade policy that mrt that's going to go into place soon, you know, tariff rates could come down, secretary scott bessent. i think a lot of people on wall street have forgotten that option exists. the president is a good
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negotiator, but he's putting the heat on it. mexico, canada, china and so forth. i mean p how to we -- tariff rates, reciprocally, ifs there is such a word, could welcome down. i don't know why people won't think about that. >> yeah, larry, because it doesn't fit the narrative. and, look, i can tell you president trump has said that reciprocal -- i mean, excuse me, the tariff is his favorite word, i think reciprocal's his second favorite word. we're putting it in the hands of our trading partners. so if you have a big tax on u.s.. -imported cars and we have -- u.s.-imported cars and we have no tax on your cars or a small one, if you come down to our level, then there is no tariff increase. it's going to be totally dependent on the behavior, the attitude of our trading partners to to engage with this administration. and, you know, i'm very open to the idea that you said that tariffs could go away or if
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someone wants can -- if a nation if wants to be recalcitrant, they should not doubt donald trump's resolve, as you just said. larry: i know. because if they want to do business here, they're going to have to play ball on this. and if they want to get the lower tax rate, heir going to have to play ball. and i just want to put that on the table again, because i think wall street is wrong in not -- in always assuming the worst. last one, scott bessent. i guess you were the first to talk to zelenskyy in ukraine about this rare earth minerals deal. i guess he's coming to washington tomorrow perhaps to sign this deal. you were the lead on this for the president. can you tell us a little bit about it? do you still expect the deal to be signed, and what's, in general, what's in it? >> sure, larry. so i went to kyiv two weeks ago and met with president zelenskyy. since then we have struck a
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deal. their governing council approved the deal haas unite. so i -- last night. so i have an agreement from their economics minister. so the deal is done. president zelenskyy is coming here to sign the deal tomorrow. so there is no more negotiation. there is nothing else. i'm sure president zelenskyy and president trump will have a wide-ranging discussion. but as far as the deal, it is complete, it is on paper, and the ukrainian government has approved it. it is just awaiting the signature of the two heads of state tomorrow. and if it is a deal -- it is a deal on strategic minerals, oil and gas and if infrastructure assets. and it's really a win-win because it brings the ukrainian people and the american business community closer together. it shows the american people that there is upside here for
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them, that we have not squandered the money because the american people are always a concerned about overseas interventions. there's a lot of corruption. so this deal takes out the possibility of any corruption using americans' best practices. i think it's very exciting. president trump is going to be the first president ever to create assets for the american people rather than the debt. larry: terrific stuff. anyway, congratulations on that, secretary scott bessent. thank you for joining us. we always appreciate it very much. >> good -- larry, always good to see you. larry: take care. coming up here on "kudlow," full steam ahead on the trump tax cuts. we need growth. we got art laffer and congressman wesley hunt. we're going to talk growth some more. growth solves so many problem. that's the key point i want to make. and remember, please, "kudlow" available as a podcast. episodes every weekday right after of the show on spotify and apple and
4:32 pm correct that, fabulous i'm kudlow. be right back. ♪ action! louis, louis! cut mud on her face! louis! okay everybody, that's lunch! (♪) (♪) mud mask? no, no, no! compare hotels in the app join thousands of advertisers who have built their businesses,
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larry: i want to today with the growth theme. trumpian growth is so important right now. and biden has left us with a very poor economy. let's talk some more about this. there are different angles to it. we welcome back texas congressman wesley hunt and art laffer, co-author of "the trump economic miracle." congressman hunt, wesley hunt, i just want to start with you. something that's not part of the reconciliation package -- or actually, it might be at the end. the methane tax on natural gas, apparently, has been lifted in the senate. i think you all took it out of the house. you sunk it in the house last week or something. that's a big plus for economic growth. that's a big plus for the production of oil and natural
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gas, isn't it? >> yes, it is. the keyword here is growth, growth, growth. if you think about it, we produce oil and natural gas safer and better than anywhere in the entire world, and why in god's name we continue to empower our adversaries when we can literally export our lng and our oil and gas to countries and also supply this country with clean energy. we shouldn't be restricting these oil and gas companies as to what they can do and how they produce. we have got to roll back all these restrictions, roll back the biden policies that were killing our oil and gas industry and unleash american energy on the entire world. and i love what president trump is doing in terms of making other people pay their fair share. i love the tariffs. and, again, supply-side economics works, you know betterren than anybody else, and unleashing american energy is a big part of that recipe. larry: well, arthur laffer knows it better than the anybody else.
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i think he taught the rest of us down through the years. [laughter] arthur, i was just talking at the top of the show with kellyanne and then with scott bessent about this. if you could grow the economy, historically since world war ii, the historic rate has been better than 3%. now, the cbo plugs in 1.8% and, actually, 1.8% is close to what we've had for nearly to 20 years, which is very unfortunate. but the differential between 3 plus, art, and less than 2, that differential in themes of resources -- in terms of resources is about a $3 trillion over a period of time, 5-10 years. that will pay for tax cuts and deficit reduction and a whole lot of other things that everybody needs. that's how important economic growth is. it makes america richer, makes our businesses more prosperous. and i mean, that's what's at a stake here. i sometimes don't think people understand the significance of growth, arthur.
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>> well, growth is the key. as wesley said, the three words, growth, growth, growth is the right answer. what trump has done and what i think the house did and i think we're going to be successful in keeping the tax cuts ask jobs act together, all that together how old lead to a sister-in-law increase in -- a substantial increase in growth for the u.s. let me just go back to the tax cuts and jobs act a, larry, if i can for a second. when that was passed in the fourth quarter of 2017 is, growth in the u.s. had been matching the rest of the world, especially europe. and all of a sudden, it took off a relative to the european growth rates. and by the end of two years, our growth had exceeded europe's growth by 2.5%. that type of growth differential is enough to pay for all the bills, the tax cuts and jobs act paid for itself. it reduced poverty. it brought in all sorts of prosperity. that is the type of thing we need again. and what wesley said about energy prices being low, there's
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nothing more pro-growth and pro-prosperity than very low cost energy because energy goes into every as aspect of gdp growth and employment. i'm really very excited about the prospects for this economy. if. larry: wesley, let's stay with this, you know? left-wing economists, the congressional budget office a, various left-wing newspapers are all going to try to talk everybody out of these tax cuts, and they're going to say the tax cuts are going to be increasing budget deficits. just look at what the cbo is saying. even though the evidence is absolutely to the contrary. you know that fight is coming. and you have a right to make your own baseline, and i think speaker mike johnson is going to go in that direction, and i think senator john thune may go in that direction too. but they're going to try and talk you all a out of it. so the question is, what will you say? the question is, how you fight back? >> my answer's going to be very simple, larry. it worked before when president
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trump was in office the first time. and i'll never forget when barack obama said you went wave a -- can't wave a magic wand and have over 2% growth. well, he waved his wand and he did. the supply-side economics piece of this and, again, growth, growth, growth, we can actually do this again. and we already know the outcome. the only thing we have to do in congress and as a body is enact what we already know. and, again, president trump's agenda was given to him by the american public. we must act on this know. we already know the outcome. we just have to have the stones to do right by the american people and stick9 with the trump agenda. larry: that's right, the stones, the chops. you got it. you can't let go. >> the stones -- [laughter] larry: i love that. you can't let go for one minute. [laughter] and, arthur, you've got to do it all at once, right? extend the 2017, but put the new stuff in too. get it done all at once, arkansas enough. -- arthur. >> yeah, you should do it all at
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once. the lower energy will help growth. the tax cuts and jobs act reinstatement will absolutely help growth. inflation will be coming down which i really do expect it to come down. and that means that interest rates will come down because of expected inflation. now, there will be an offset because the tips yield, the real return on capital, will be increasing. but we've got a whole package here that will lead to a lot higher growth. and if then, because we're going to control spending, larry, all of that a spending, you won't have the income effect on these people. and you'll find that the participation rate and the employment rate in the labor force will increase and i think increase quite substantially. i think we could have are growth at 3% or higher even in the next 2-3 years -- larry: how long will it take in. >> it should -- larry: how long? >> well, it, we should get the growth rates up to that level within a year. i mean, clearly within a year. larry: all right. >> we've got the tailwind of biden coming in, but once those
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things start hitting, we should have growth rates at the end of this year being in the 3 plus percent basis at quarterly and annual rates. larry: congressman hunt, if you had this growth dividend and it's in the cards and it's been done before like you're saying, a lot of that resource increase can go to defense. national defense. which we are going to have to have. once hegseth takes out the froth and the fraud and chops some things down, what we really need in terms of actual investments to make us number one in the world and peace through strength and so forth, that's part of the growth dividend also, sir. >> it most certainly is. and pete hegseth actually wanting an audit of the defense department is absolutely fantastic. imagine that, we're going to have an audit. [laughter] but what i love about that is getting rid of of fraud, waste and abuse. again, focusing on growth, focusing on low regulation and, again, unleashing american
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energy make, making sure we have a lethal force, not dei. the strength is not our diversity. our strength is our lethality. but we can to this without wasting a -- do this without wasting a ton of money. and as a member of congress, i do want to say this too, larry, let the cake bake. let president trump cook. it's going to take some time to get the stuff through. he is negotiating, he is a negotiating master. have some patience. but i do think arthur is right, many in about a year from now we're going to see a very different country than we have right now once these policies start to set into place. larry: all right. terrific stuff. is gentlemen, i appreciate it. art laffer, thank you ever so much. congressman if wesley hunt, appreciate it. coming up here on "kudlow," the supremes to the rescue for doge plus president trump's constitutional cleanup. what i'm saying is activist judges should stop messing around with president trump's executive powers. he's doing right by the country.
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we'll talk about all that with counselor to the president alina habba next up on "kudlow." ♪ ahhhh... with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary spraying flonase daily gives you long-lasting, non-drowsy relief. (psst psst) flonase. all good. it's odd how in an instant things can transform. slipping out of balance into freefall.
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alina, thank you for doing this. i know you're awful busy. listen, i just want to -- it's almost a rant, but met me pare it down. so the supreme court finally lets the doge go through, shut down usaid or most of usaid, okay, fine. i don't understand though how these activist judges with with axes to grind against trump can keep going against his constitutional authority that's called, what is it, it's article ii, all right or? it's executive branch presidential authority. and how can they continue to wart what he is trying to do and in even the "wall street journal" with, which is often critical, they're behind him on this. i want to get to the regulatory agencies in a second. this has to stop. the supreme court if supremes or somebody has to step in and say, no more. specific judges cannot derail presidential authority, alina. somebody's got to stop this. >> yeah. i think that once we get a
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couple supreme court decisions like we have been repeatedly saying we win, you lose, your restraining order is a temporary restraining orders are constantly falling apart once the activist judges and -- no longer have it and we elevate it. last night, the supreme court, they're going to become exhausted and irritated with this behavior. i think, more importantly, america is exhausted and irritated with this behavior. we have bigger fish to fry right now. them trying to stop us from, what, saving money in not wasting it? not spending $2 billion that are cheerily going to ngos that might have been lining bureaucrats' projects? that's what we a want to take up the time of the supreme court of this country doing? i don't think so. this is the lawfare we've seen and spoken about add a nauseam for how many years now have i been coming on and talking about? i thought it would stop weapon we won on november 5th, but they haven't gotten the memo yet.
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larry: presidential policy here, we talked about this a month if back or longer. presidential policy wants to pause certain funding programs for review. for review. and then come back and have a look at it. and you've got judges saying you can't even do that. now, that is absolutely within the president's domain. he has absolutely every authority in the world to pause and if review stuff that hasn't even been sent out yet. >> that's right. and what they tried to do and the supreme court stopped last night in another victory for us was shove down our throats that we had to spend $2 billion immediately because of prior contracts that the prior administration, there was no question about it, tried to rush deals, tried to spend money very request quickly like we saw9 with the hotels in new york and thought we wouldn't catch it and we wouldn't claw it back. so we're not going to be held to the same frivolous, careless, reckless disregard standards that the last administration had. and the courts are siding with us. unfortunately, this is crazy. i think we're at 65 now lawsuits
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with them trying to stop doge from doing exactly what the president has asked, exactly what he is constitutionally allowed to do which is run this country and make us better, our economy stronger. larry: you know, the other thing is even more generally, iowa lean narc okay, trump's executive power restoration, okay, all these agencies, they're not independent of the planet earth, okay? if they exist -- [laughter] the president appoints the chairs, the president appoints the members of the commission. i'm just going to read you -- sec, f if cc, ftc, if fec, cftc, cfpb, ferc, fdic, the federal reserve. look, there are so many of these agencies, nobody even knows how many there are. people who ran the oversight committee don't know how many there are. >> yeah. [laughter] larry: they should be under review, point number one, and they should be subjected to presidential policy.
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this idea that they're a fourth branch of government is crazy. and, again, alina, i appeal to your legal scholarness because this also a is about executive authority. this is article ii as a well. >> yeah. it's very simple. if we do not have an executive country running this country under that executive authority granted by the constitution that you mentioned, then we do not have coordination with hundreds of thousands of individuals, thousands of people, cabinet members would have no coordination. it would be nonsensical. the president is supposed to run this country, and he because. and he is. -- he does, and he is. and that's the truth of the matter. and, by the way, this is acronym mayhem in d.c., something i did not foresee. larry: yes. >> every meeting i go in, i go no acronyms, tell me who we're talking about. and i can list a ton more, dhi, dhs, it goes on and on and on. the president is well versed and ready to to coordinate -- larry: yeah. >> he's not ordering things that are not being coordinated.
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yes, he makes an order, he files an executive order, but we all have to do that. larry: he's the president. he's the president. he was elected. >> yes. larry: alina a habba, appreciate it very much. see you soon is. folks, i'll be right back with my last word. congratulations. here are the keys. congratulations. here's the water heater .. som. here's progressive's homequote explorer. -uh-oh. -you're good. you can quickly compare insurance options and find the right coverage even if it's not with us. what's the bad news? [ indistinct conversations ] i skipped the line.
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