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tv   Cashin In  FOX News  July 16, 2011 8:30am-9:00am PDT

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go for a drug play. and that's it for forbes on fox. keep it right here, number one business block continues with cheryl and cashin' in. ♪ >> stop whining and start hiring? maul business owners heard this from the ceo of general electric this week. >> we have to stop complaining about government and get action under way. there is just no excuse for lack of leadership and so let's get with it. >> but small biz owners say he should get with it. because the government is the main reason why they can't create jobs. who is right here? i am cheryl cason e and welcome to cashin in. wane roger johnon of honic and tracey burns and john layfield . fox news contributor jim
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green. tracey, i want to start with you. do business owners have a right to complain. >> lack of leadership in washington. that's part of the problem. i don't know what he is talking about. between financial regulations and health care costs coming down the pike and threts of increased taxes. no one knows what to do. that's why they do nothing. maul businesses are not hire they are strangled by all of the nonsense coming out of washington. >> he's been cutting jobs and they got stimulus and many say the small businesses are getting stim tim and getting assistance and who is right and wrong here, johnathon? >> my maul business didn't get 180 billion back stop that the ge got in the financial crises >> mike: i didn't get the government contracts. point out his own record. it is atrocious on jobs
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despite sitting on the job's committee. he closed 25,000 jobs in the u.s., roughly to put it over seas. he's part of the administration. i discount what he said. he's got his own page on the white, website. you have to take it with the grain of salt. >> he's not totally wrong with general electric. they took 128 million in government contracts and so they have a good relationship i would say with the u.s. government. >> well, there is a long history of ceo advising the president. but this is not about ge or jimry immel. it is 17 small business tax cuts that the obama shepherd and 16 of which republican leadership fought him on. johnathon, i hope your small business has benefited from that and at least own up to it. >> i am paying more taxes
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because of the president. >> corporations are sitting on 1.6 trillion in profits. it is absolutely way past time for them to step up . we sit here on the show and complain all of the time about stim tim and what the government is not doing. >> let me bring this up. the president was in dur ram north carolina . listen to what the president said and react on the other side. >> shovel ready was not shovel ready as we expected. >> john, didn't we spend a lot of money on shovel ready process. wasn't that the job creator. >> we spent 700 billion saying that the unemployment rate would never go up. it is at nine.2 percent and going higher. is your own job plan to tell
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corporations because of cash imbalances and your own -- hire workers that you don't need. we are the only developed country in the world. they were lost by small businesses and you have the housing crisis that exac brated less money coming out of small home equity loans and credit lines are with drawn and credit cards . the government does have a lot of responsibility here. they are not doing anything. period, zero to create jobs. >> what about lobbbying in washington. the small business association is a powerful group in washington and so is the company like general electric that lobbies the government. they are not powerful at all when you compair them. they spent 187 million in 10 years .
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that is higher than the next person on the list. they lobbied for everything in the world. jeffrey is a fraud and on the government pay roll. this goes back to the sery this isas facist economy and you have big business and labor and government in cahoots with each other. he is a prime example of it . you are going to indict the system indict jeffrey and ge. they are not doing what they should be doing. >> they are getting a lot of assistance in subsidies and that is in from the government and he's got a lot of breaks because of that . a tax break. >> but to say that small businesses have gotten 17 different tax breaks is disingeniuses . that is why the republicans fought them on you want to help the small business, put the pay roll tax holiday on the business side and not the employee side. forget and help our businesses
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and put it on the businesses . balance sheet and we did not do that. i think it is pretty audacious for the president and gu as well to say businesses have all of that cash. they want to have a value . the president doesn't like self interest. he likes self sacrifice. that is why it is in a intregal role you don't have political pull you are screwed. >> that means they came out this week and supported boeing. in the fight in south carolina and he came out in support of beaing. i will not defend big corporate ceo's. that's not the point. i think we have to look at the reality of our 1.6 trillion
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dollars that is sitting and not sent at all. if we can't have more stim tim and not going to increase revenue by raising taxes, how are we going to start to turn the economy around it is not just small businesses corporations it is 9x -- 981 billion that banks are sitting on. (talking all at once.) >> it is not a matter of stop complaining, it is hiring. where does the math work. a trillion of that is overseas and it is a 35 percent corporate tax rate. it is disingenius talking about 1.6 trillion and your only job plan to hire workers that we don't need. we have no job plan in this country whatsoever. >> johnathon. johnathon you were talking about small businesses and small business owners say they don't have the demand to hire.
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they need demand to create jobs. >> they need freedom and economic freedom. businesses are small and large, they want to profit. the president, jewel talks about spending this or that. that's where the government comes in and when government gets involved and business big and small is totally fed up with. >> there is no credit for the small business. you have over 50 percent of the credit lines taken out of the economy because these guys don't think they can price with the government regulations . >> wayne, 10 seconds, last word. >> you didn't give me time. there is something more fundmental here. the economics. this is a failure of the theory where you say more and more spening will create jobs. it doesn't work. go back to the reagan administration and take what happened in the chicago school
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i am talking from freed man and those guys that worked. this is an indictment of the economics and big spend big government group. >> if you like wayne rogers he's coming back after a commercial blake and bailed out and about to go bust. is it time to stop the hand outs and focus on our own debt first. >> we know cities are cash strapped but are there new plans to boost revenue hair brained. nothing is safe. having theight real estate agent on your side is more important than ever. at, you can find the experts you need,
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still on the brink. greece may be days away from needing a hand out and using your tax dollars. john, you say that is it. not another dime. >> what are the morons in dc doing? nfl and bunch of football
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players will work out their problems before the leaders in dc. we could be on at hook for 108 billion through the ims for greece. i am not for bail outs. if you are going to bail out somebody bail out california. which is more important to our country. >> wayne, 157 billion to greece . a big chunk coming from the united states. >> folks in america could do manage better than the money. >> i think we have to support the ims. it is what is left over, and by the way which is never accounted for. tiny tim, secretary of the treasury is supposed to account. he never made a report or told us where the money is going . he is a moron of sorts. i agree with john. >> tine i tim?
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>> and wise words from wane. we have to support the imf. and clearly with the global economic crisis and all of our economic interest that are tied up. we can't say we pulled out. to say that we are going to pretend that the united states is an island and not absolutely tied to the global market is ridiculous.
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ireland and portugal, have already gotten billions. >> cheryl. you are not listening to jamu. we are all in it together. that's the whole premise. that is the same philosophy that pushed the housing bail out. we are all in it. your neighbor is foreclosed your house is screwed. more hazard exist and a waste of money. if they want to support greece and portug algo buy the bonds but to send taxpayer money over seas for them is unconscoinable. >> it is unknown. wayne is right. we need transparency. you want to be a global world. we need to be. but we need to know where our money is spent. properly on greece, portugal and ireland. i want it back if not. that is entirely different
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story. >> what could it be possibly doing that is okay for you to spend money to a socialist back water. >> we all go down together whether you like it or not. >> there it is. >> i didn't build the boat johnathon. >> it is a matter of priorits. who is going to bail us out. syria and 40 thousand drug related murders in mexico. camden, new jersey is laying off policemen and who will bail us out. no one is big enough. we need to take care of yourself . we are taking care of the world. >> thatthere is no one here to bail us out. people, they take care of themselves and tracey, to your point. i don't have investments on portugal and greece. we are sending money over to
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terrible socialist states and cooked their own bed. let them sleepp in that. >> you can say the same story here at home. we need to understand where and how the money is spent. you can say it here in the united states or overseas. we need transparency and tiny tim or moron, we need to get our act together and let us know how the money is desiminated. >> hold owithout the colorful language in a moment in the end of the day. do you think that the state has a good and should take that argument to washington to stop funding the ims. >> no, you can't. we are living in a world economy now. you cannot isolate yourself. there is a complaint about the china is underselling yus this person is doing that. you have to be part of the world economy. if you are isolating yourself. >> you do it by trading with them. >> johnathon; can you, have a
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break here would you. lin, you cannot, you have got to deal with other countries and they have to participate. we have jobs overseas and a lot of our production over seas and all of those things in the country and we need to support them in the same way they support us. but we are arguing about the excess that is not accounted for. >> wayne rogers ladies and gentlemen. coming up. hide your pets, uncle sam is digging for more of your money. latest government cash grab to invade your life property.
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>> government push to tax your pet can put you in the dog house. and shocking reason why you may have to work
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news the world phone hacking investigation claimed another top corporate executive. les hinton teped down. he was chairman of the news international in the year that phone hacking took place. he oversaw four british newspapers including news world. hinton resignation came after rebecca brooks announced her resignation . news corp ceo rupert murdoch apologized for wrongdoing. he and his son james will testify before the uk parliment on tuesday. here in the u.s. the f.b.i. launched an investigation to find out if reporters tried to hack the phones of 9/11 victims i am uma, back in the
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top of the hour. stay with us. >> local government digging deep are in your personal love to get cash. a woman in michigan planting a vegetable garden in her front yard . san diego wants to tax pet owners 25 per cat. and right now they don't pay anything. uncle sam is scratching up. >> land of the free. remember that old chest nut. it is a money grab and property grab. the couple is planting tomatoes on their own private property. she wants her own cat it is not infringing on other people's right. why the government has to tax you in every exercise of your freedom i just don't understand. >> in san diego they want to tax each cat and the fear it will end up in shelter and it is a horrible idea. >> we have too many cat in
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shelters. i would pay $25 for my cat. the reality it has nothing to do with the struggle that is local governments are having. whether you pate your mailbox pink. homeowners tell you how you can deck crate your lawn. in texas you can't milk another person's cow and. come on, this is not the boogie man money grab government going after the people's money. whether it is homeowners association or local ordinances. >> wayne, you don't think this is going too far or do you? >> no, you have to have locall ordinances. but in the case of your private yard or whatever it is. you know, this argument occurred over the word suitable. the ordinance is talking about what is suitable. who is to make the decision of what is suitable .
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federal government it is fair. we have fair housing act and taxings whompt defines the word fair and defines the word suitable. >> tracey? >> nothing is fair and suitable when the states are broke. they will tax my gum soon enough. you can't do anything write as far as the state is concerned. >> john 25 dollars for a cat? >> i have funded the texas towns through a speed trap. over the last 10 years. get ready for b. they will write you tickets for parking and tax your animals. they will not have money and not make good decision. they will us in way or the other. >> thank you for joining us. great to having you. going from costly pets and kids. more and more adults are
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>> time for what i need to know next week. tracey burns. >> thanks the recent recession. half of the people over 55 will have to support their family basically through retirement and that means no money for retirement for them. crack out the refrigerator boxings. >> look what the nfl lock out has done. i am watching soccer or fish for perch. nothing about her playing goalie by the way . you can pick it up on line. they have a five plus yield. >> i think the recovery is for real. i don't think we will have a double i dip and everyone should look at iwm. that is the russell twoin. >>im a stanch advocate for environmental rights and green causes you as you know.


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