tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News July 19, 2011 2:00am-3:00am PDT
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captions by closed captioning services rest here's mr. bill. >> bill: "the o'reilly factor" is on. tonight: >> he proposed a budget that was so ludacris that not even the democrats in the senate would vote for it a budget thane ceased the debt, not solved it. >> bill: republican senator marco rubio takes on president obama and outwits bob schieffer. will he be the g.o.p.'s v.p. nominee? bernie goldberg, brit hume and i will analyze. >> the current administration campaigned on a pledge of hope and change. they delivered economic misery. >> texas governor rick perry looks like he will run for president. how will that shake up the republican ranks? juan and mary katharine are investigating. >> president obama, you have been a big supporter. >> i'm going to vote for him for his re-election in 2012. >> a bevy of hold stars once
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again funneling big money at the president's campaign. we will run down the list. caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone, the factor begins right now. captions by closed captioning services >> bill: hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. the future of the country hangs on the debt debate. that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. on paper, the debt thing is boring. and many americans aren't paying attention. but the controversy will define the future of the u.s.a. on one side, president obama, the democratic party, want america to become an entitlement state that compels social justice. financially supporting americans who can't o. won't support themselves. >> on the other side, republicans want a lean mean economic machine. the g.o.p. doesn't much care about providing money to those who have not. the party wants to drastically cut government spending and promote private business to bolster the economy.
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a new cbs poll says that democrats are winning the p.r. war. when asked how the debt negotiations are being handled, 43% approve of the way president obama is going about it. 31% say the democrats in are doing okay. but just 21% believe the republicans have the correct position. that either means the g.o.p. is not getting its message out or the vast majority of americans want a western-europe pine style entitlement state. talking points does not believe that most americans want that so the message seems to be the problem. enter florida republican senator marco rubio who absolutely destroyed cbs news man bob schieffer yesterday. rubio began by hammering mr. obama. >> every president has to be judged by the times in which he lives. this president has now been in charge for two and a half years, okay? he has increased federal spending by 28%. washington went along with his prescription for joblessness which was the stemless package and unemployment is higher when
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he took over. significantly higher. we have not had unemployment this high for this long since the great depression with no signs of it getting better. >> bill: that's true. the presidents had s. having a very hard time moving the economy forward. why? senator rubio thinks he knows. >> he proposed a budget that was so ludacris not even the democrats in the senate would vote for it budget that increased the debt, not solved it there was a strategy to leave this to the last possible moment so there would be a take it or leave it scenario like what some are painting right now. >> bill: with economic chaos facing the country, you have to do more than just criticize. you have to put forth a plan. so mr. rubio did. >> i think a credible solution to our debt problem has to have two components it has to have budgetary reforms, in essence a decrease in spending of at least $4 trillion or more and it has to come with some sort of growth enhancers, something that helps grow our economy. by the way, i don't trust washington because they have shown time and again that any time they get their hands on
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more money they don't use it to pay or avoid debt they use it to grow the government. >> bill: senator rubio believes that debt will rise because more people will be paying taxes. he went on to say that he does believe in closing some tax loopholes corporations and wealthy people use. now, this isn't a partisan analysis here. this is the truth. senator rubio put forth his party's position clearly and efficiently. if the republicans want to win the vital debate, they need to follow rubio's lead. and that's the memo. bernie goldberg will have more on this coming up including bob schieffer's question about blaming the bush administration for the current bad economy. first, the top story tonight. let's bring in senior political analyst bright human from washington. are you surprised by the doing a good job in the g.o.p. debt debate. >> no i'm not. i'm surprised at that un. in the republicans are losing the p.r. war on this.
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i don't think the number is probably that bad. this is a poll of all adults. not registered voters. not even -- certainly not likely voters. so there is a limit to how much it can tell you. it only had only a small number of republicans in the sample, about 25%, perhaps. so the poll is probably skewed. none the less, republicans. >> bill: why would they do that? why bother taking a poll with only 25% of republicans in the sample. >> why bother -- well, in a political issue, i never have understood the value of polls of all adults. i just don't think they tell you very much. >> bill: the 25% republicans, of course, you are going to skew it down if you don't -- the rest of the poll is 75% non-republican. >> still, the poll son the right track to the extent that i think the republicans are losing. if the poll were better it would probably shoat republicans maybe 6 or 7 percentage points higher. this isn't going well for republicans just as it didn't go well for republicans when they were in a strikingly similar fight 16 years ago. >> bill: i don't think it's going well for anybody. i think the liberal base in this
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country has alienated people. president obama at 43%. majority over 50% think he is doing a bad job in this. >> right. >> bill: okay. now, the reason that many people and i think you, too, feel that the republicans are booth it as far as p.r. is concerned is the intransjent, the unwillingness to compromise from the tea party elements. that's really the republican party at this point, correct? >> certainly john boehner and the house leaders who are involved in these negotiations would have a stronger hand if they knew that they could do something like, for example, what marco rubio proposed that you just showed, which is to take a debt ceiling increase, combine it with a large package of meaningful spending cuts, pass it through the house and senate over to the senate. you look at what the republicans are going to do this week. they are going to do something they think they might be able to get a majority for. it's pie in the sky. it's cut spending, cap percentage g.d.p. smaller than it is now.
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add into it a requirement that there be a constitutional amendment passed by both houses and sent to the state for ratification before the debt limit increase goes up. i'm not sure that can pass the house. even if it can, there is no way it goes through the senate. it's clearly not going anywhere. it's north going to be looked upon by the media, which are not on the republican side anyway, and probably therefore not by the public as any kind of a responsible proposal at this point. >> bill: do you really think the media has that much power to shape public perception in this debated? you are right, the media in general is on president obama's side. >> oh, yeah. look, i have lived through this 16 years ago and it was strikingly similar. now, the media, the mainstream media are not nearly as powerful as they were then. they remain powerful none the less. i see everywhere references to how there is a possibility that the government will default on its debt obligations if the debt ceiling isn't raised. that simply is almost certainly false. if we were to default on our debt obligations.
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it would be because the president and his treasury secretary decided with the money that they would have, which amounts to -- not to pay the bond holders. it's hard to imagine they would do that but that's still part of the coverage you see it every day. even here on our channel sometimes. >> bill: but how much of a problem is michele bachmann? tea party, basically sending the message to people they helped elect. you better no not compromise at all. you better not have any, any give to the democratic party. how much of a problem is that for independent americans and in polls like these? >> what it means is that there is a subset of the republican caucus in the house, which is a majority but it's not that big of a majority that will not vote for any kind of increase in the debt limit, which means that anything that john boehner passes has to be some unbelievably conservative plan that can't clear the senate and certainly won't pass muster with
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the president. or it has to be something that if he is going to get a majority for, significant majority for in the house, he will have to -- if it's moderate in -- more moderate than conservative's want, it would have to be something that would have democratic votes. is he not in in as strong position he would be if the michele bachmanns of the world and those who think like her were with him and more flexible on this. >> bill: do you think there are some in the tea party that want this to blow up because they despise the federal government so much. >> i don't think they want it to blow up. i think there is a failure of these newcomers who haven't been around this track before, who don't fully recognize how severe the consequences could be. let's remember, bill, that 16 years ago we were at a similar pass on-know a very similar issue new republican majority, new republican speaker, a lot of freshman republicans with conservative visions of how things were going to go and
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revolutionizing everything and the -- they actually passed spending bill and a debt ceiling increase with a lot of spending cuts attached to it that president clinton didn't want. they sent it to him and he vetoed it and he still won the day in public opinion. so, republicans need to recognize that warning signs are up and stormy seas may lie ahead for them if this comes down to that. >> bill: brit hume, everyone. thanks very much. here are the results of the bill o' poll. we asked you if do you believe the economy will be harmed if a debt deal is not reached? 40,000 voted. 40% say it will be hurt. 60% say no, the economy will be fine. rick perry looks like he will run for president. does very a chance? and, later, jane fonda says the gvc network booted her for political reasons. coming right back.
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>> bill: impact segment tonight, texas governor rick perry told the des moines register, quote: i'm getting more and more comfortable every day that this is what i have been called to do. this is what america needs. governor referring to his possible run for the presidency. now perry does get in. how does it effect the other republican candidates? joining us from washington fox news analyst mary katharine ham and juan williams. keep it pithy, what do you think
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of perry? >> high energy. i think he is a winner. i think this is the kind of person who bridges the gap right now, the divide within the republican ranks as they look for a nominee to take on president obama because he has the tea party appeal component to his speaking -- he is a good speaker. and the second thing is, as head of the republican governor's association, a three-time governor, he has raised a lot of money and has a pretty good reputation as a politician. so, he actually is a bridge between tea party and establishment republican and could go a long way. and if you want to just break it down very quickly, he hurts romney in this regard because romney has no tea party sparkle to him. rick perry does. he hurt someone like a tim pawlenty who has failed to gain traction in general but really, if you have rick perry, what are you doing at tim pawlenty for. michele bachmann. >> bill: i was going to say have you got to assume michele bachmann lock up tea party vote
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in iowa and new hampshire as well. >> what happens if rick perry is in. i think rick perry could drain support for him as well. >> i think is he a interesting candidate. there have been people who feel like there has been a gap there does bridging the gam between the more traditional republican group such as business interest and that sort of thing. business establishment and the tea party. he has got a message about jobs. fairly short in texas about nine months bolstered by energy privacies of course but also bolstered by the fact that a bunch of jobs were coming there from other states where things were back such as california. they have been adding jobs 30 to 40% of the jobs added in the last year and a half. that is the most powerful message a politician can have. >> bill: 36% of the jobs added in the nation are in texas. but as juan pointed out, many of those jobs, let me get the percentage here, 37% of those were below minimum wage.
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>> they are low wage jobs. in fact, texas is tied with mississippi for the most low wage jobs in america. >> bill: isn't it better to have any job in this climate are you beefing about -- wait, mary katharine. are you beefing about -- listen, they create the jobs. the jobs give people an opportunity to enter the workforce and move their way up, right? >> yeah. so what you have in texas is you have a strong inflow of immigrants, people coming in who will take low income, low wage jobs and you have employers who go there because they want low wage workers. that's not a model for america. >> bill: wait a minute, juan. i started at minimum wage at carville, i worked my way up. what are you talking about immigrants come to this country, start at minimum wage. they work their way up like herman cain did and they become successful. i don't know what the beef is in other words what we are looking for is better paying jobs.
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peoplen unemployment for 9 the weeks. >> a minimum wage job or no wage job better than no job. african-american community precincts you are up to around 40% now. young african-americans -- come on. go ahead mary katharine. >> juan is exactly right. we want some high paying jobs. you want some really good i don't know high tech jobs like facebook. in texas i'm sure nobody is complaining about those. i love when liberals try to make conservative utopia where severing going wrong and they are adding jobs. look we have terrible unemployment but texas is really in bad shape. come on. you have a strong argument shep. >> bill: texas is in good shape. there is a desscrep city between white collar and blue collar. >> health technology jobs. important point. coming from places like california that's losing them because they are not being competitive. >> bill: much cheap tore live in texas, particularly south texas than it is up here in the north and california. you both agree once perry gets,
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in romney's numbers are going to come down and is he going to hurt romney. that's the guy that's going to get hurt. >> remember, at this point, bill, money counts big time and rick perry has demonstrated the ability to raise money. >> bill: i mean, he can get texas money, no doubt. >> the crazy part about him is he is a guy who once said let texas accede from the rest of the country. >> bill: he wasn't serious about it. come on. >> he has also run a really competent campaign many times in a giant state which proves can he do it. very tech savvy. very smart stuff. do it on a. >> when i say juan and mary katharine thank you. that means the segment so ever. >> i didn't hear you. >> bill: directly ahead, as you may know, there is a split in the republican party. the tea party against the old guard. can there be detente between the two sides? and then another scandal in detroit. more union auto workers caught
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>> personal story segment tonight, one of the president obama has is that the republican party is split between the tea party people and the traditional g.o.p. supporters. with us is margaret hoover brand new book american individualism how a brand new generation of conservatives can save the republican party. there is hoover. she is going to save it right? she is going to save it? >> we're going to safety republican party by connecting to the next generation. >> bill: forgive me if i am skeptical because i don't think, based on my reporting for the last two years, that tea party people are going to give at all in any of this debate and if they don't, president obama will
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win re-election. >> well, what my book is about is about connecting to the next generation. >> bill: there is a young lot of tea party people. >> 5 a and older. next generation is 30 and under. voted two to one for barack obama. they are 80 million strong. their partisan identification solidifies after three presidential election cycles. they voted for john kerr i can't understand barack obama. if we don't make inroads in the next 16 months we are going to lose the next generation. >> you are talking about all voters not just republicans. you have to woo the younger people. now you are not a tea party person, correct? >> i think the tea party has brought enormous strunt to the republican party. i absolutely support its fiscal responsibility message, yes. >> bill: you like that they are very adamant about balancing the budget, about living within the government means. >> permanently cutting spending and growing the economy. >> bill: but, when you have a platform like that and you don't compromise at all, which michele bachmann said she wouldn't vote
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for the rising of the debt ceiling no matter what. >> okay. >> bill: but when you have that, then the majority of people that you are talking about the 80 million potential voters under the age of 30. and independent voters of any page they get frightened away. >> you are absolutely right. their generation pragmatic not ideological. michele bachmann and new freshman who are buckling down and harboring purism over any sort of pragmatism that turns them on. >> bill: why would michele bachmann who has now catapulted herself into national prominence buy a very simple message fiscal responsibility, why would she compromise? why? >> it's not -- everybody -- all republicans want fiscal responsibility. here is what republicans need to keep their eye on the ball. the only reason we are having debt and deficit debates at all in washington is because republicans came to town. if this had been barack obama and the democratic congress, we wouldn't even be having these conversations. >> bill: we never heard a republican beef when george w.
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bush raised the debt. >> yes, we did. why do you think that we got kicked out of town in 2006 that was ha huge partisan. >> bill: who got kicked out of town. >> nancy pelosi came to town and started running the congress in 2006 republicans lost the congress. >> bill: what i'm saying was when president bush was in office, and i understand why he was spending because he had to fight the war on terror. i think we made mistakes in iraq and places like that, it's hindsight and it's not fair because i supported the iraq war. but, anyway, while president bush was in office, republicans weren't screaming about the big debt. >> he lost a huge amount of his conservative base and there was a lot of rumblings out of him. >> bill: we never heard it publicly. >> this isn't just about republicans and this isn't about republicans being inconsistent about fiscal conservatism. there is a massive movement thanks to the tea party movement for fiscal conservatism energized republicans in washington. just because the establishment and the tea party seem to not be seeing eye to eye in this very moment, at the end of the day, republicans know that we do better when we are -- not --
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>> bill: i absolutely -- i don't know. >> i think they are going to reach a deal. i think the country cut spending and the economy is going to -- >> you have to take into account the polls show and we talk at the top of the program bully pulpit of the presidency. >> i know. if president obama is going to go in there and say look i'm winning the pr. i'm going to be reelected let the republicans take the country over the cliff. >> republicans need to start talking to the elected barack obama. the youth that reagan won by 20%. this is generational. these policies are fiscal future. >> bill: here is your problem. >> i don't have a problem. >> you support gay marriage, correct. >> yes. >> traditional republicans don't. they don't. >> but a majority. >> bill: you don't want roe v. wade revoked. >> nor do majority of americans, bill. >> bill: i'm telling you the
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traditional core of the republican party opposes you on almost every social issue. >> let me tell you what the traditional core of the republican party wants this time. jobs, low gas prices, national security they want it in 2004 and that's what they want would in 2008. people like you who try to divide our party on social issues, that is not the way forward for the republican party. we need to be united 80%. >> bill: did you say people like me. >> reagan said 80% ally is not my 20% enemy. people like you. >> bill: stop it i'm telling you the truth and you can't handle the truth. >> you can't handle the truth. >> bill: you can't handle that truth. american individualism and hoover is going to win it she is going to unite everybody. let me know when that happens and can you come right back in. plenty more as the factor moves along this evening. another undercover investigation showing union members in detroit getting high on the job. not off the job. on the job thin bernie goldberg on senator rubio pretty much smacking down bob schieffer. we hope you stay tuned
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>> bill: factor follow up segment tonight, the fox tv affiliate in detroit has done a number of undercover investigations on union auto workers in that town. seems some of them like to get high before they go to work or even on their lunch hour. >> 11:00 a.m., lunchtime at chrysler's trenton engine plant. these guys have been working hard. safety goggles, check, eye visibility work vests check. lighter and pipe? check. but not everyone is smoking at this park. just a mile from the plant. this guy is having a healthy lunch of chips and beer. and while this behavior during your break is against chrysler's policy. these guys aren't so reckless as to do it in a public park. dude. this is private property. a private lot. and, get this. it's maintained by their union. the united auto workers.
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>> bill: joining us now from detroit investigative reporter rob wolchek. i guess you got more people suspended, nine in your report this time and then last time -- how many times have you done this? we have used you twice. have you done it other times as well? >> as far as auto workers, this is it. we got the chrysler guys last year. same thing. got tips from inside, different plant this time. workers saying we're concerned about these guys come back from lunch. >> bill: yeah, they are buzzed. >> yeah. we went out and caught them again. >> bill: okay. now, when the union is confronted with the tape, chrysler has suspended pretty much everybody that you caught on camera getting high. they are all suspended. and some of them were fired last time as well. >> right. >> but the union, they don't -- how do they react? >> well, you know, we went into the union hall right after we kind of let everybody know what we were doing, that guy, the
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vice president of that union chapter there, he was a pretty nice guy. of course he said he didn't see anything. he was very cordial. seemed like he was concerned. we actually planned to show him and some other union people the video that we had gotten, just like we did with the chrysler people. but, for whatever reason, that meeting just never happened. he called me up and said it wax knicksed, so, i don't know. >> bill: what happened when you confronted gabe? >> gabe is vice president of vice president of local 372. we go outside and i show him exactly where his members are partying during their lunch breaks. >> so you guys don't know anything about it? no honestly we don't see anybody out here. >> he assures me if he did they would do something about it? >> when that information broke on us at jefferson, you know, all the locals were put on notice that, hey, if you have got any members doing this type of activity let them know it's not going to be condoned. >> bill: last time did the union
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try to get the jobs for the guys that got fired for getting high? >> you know, the union does not talk with me much so i don't know if that happened. i would imagine that they did because they are a union. they represent the workers. however, i did ask chrysler. they said the 13 that were firsd last year still do not work for chrysler. >> bill: they wouldn't tell you -- >> -- any didn't get their jobs back. >> bill: they wouldn't tell if you litigationunderway. i would be very interested to know ohio proactive the united auto workers union -- very powerful union. these guys get paid a lot of money for making these american cars. look, the bottom line on this union labor in america sunday seeinged right now. you know, mostly in the public unions. this is a private union. have you captured the fact that these guys are getting high, using inel talks can't and they have to go back in a plant that requires very, very surgical abilities. and, plus, there is danger in the workplace. there is a lot of stuff going
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on. you can't have this. >> absolutely. >> bill: i would love to know and union, as far as i know, has never issued a statement about what you found out. never said anything publicly about it, correct? >> well, they did issue a statement after the first story saying that they did not cob don't the use -- condone the use of drugs and alcohol in the workplace. >> bill: was that a statement. >> that's all we got. >> bill: that's all i'm say -- here's a statement. here is what we are going to do to stop it here a memo we went sent out to all our members. not we don't condone it doesn't seem they are proactive in this regard. i will give you the last word. >> well, yeah. it's a mystery to me. they don't communicate with me. the other guys got fired. chrysler, i know, doesn't like this. >> bill: no, they don't like it. what do you mean they don't like it? all right mr. wolchek i am a member of a union. >> so am i. >> bill: a lot of our union members are stoned pretty much
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all the time but we never see them get that way. all right. >> i will catch them. if you know where they are at i will catch them, bill? >> bill: give you the home address. you hang right in. >> all right. >> marco rubio's cbs appearance yesterday was smashing in more ways than one. you go next if you had a hoveround power chair? the statue of liberty? the grand canyon? it's all possible with a hoveround. tom: hi i'm tom kruse, inventor and founder of hoveround. when we say you're free to see the world, we mean it. call today and get a free hoveround information kit that includes a video and full color brochure. dennis celorie: "it's by far the best chair i've ever owned." terri: "last year, 9 out of 10 people got their hoveround for little or no money." jim plunkitt: "no cost. absolutely no cost to me." breaking news...when you call today, we'll include a free hoveround collapsible grabber with the purchase of your power chair. it reaches, it grabs, it's collapsible and it's portable.
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>> thanks for staying with us. i'm bill o'reilly in the weekdays with bernie segment tonight, as we told you in the talking points memo marco rubio did very well yesterday on the cbs program face the nation. >> aren't you going to have to concede though senator, that maybe the previous administration might have had a little something to do with bad economy that the president inherited when he came into office? >> where is the president's plan? i never seen a piece of paper with the president's name on it that's his plan to solve this problem. i have seen press conferences. i have seen lectures that he has
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given to the congress. i have seen these press avails where the camera comes in and take as bunch of pictures. i haven't seen a plan. where is the president's plan. >> bill: with us now is bernard goldberg. bob schieffer had to ask that question but because, you know, is he kind of a texas liberal guy in the vein of dan rather. when people hear it they kind of flinch what was your impression. >> just on the question. president bush wasn't the president of sweden. he was the president of the united states. fair question going after marco rubio. two points. if the republicans don't put marco rubio on the ticket, they need to get their heads examined. here is a guy to ho presents the public position better and is more capable of swaying public opinion, i think than anybody in
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the republican leadership. that's my political statement. the media statement is this. a narrative, a story line has developed and it goes why, way beyond my friend bob schieffer. the story line is simply this. barack obama is the reasonable one. he is the one who is responsible. fiscally responsible. the republicans, on the other hand, not responsible and the only two words they know are no taxes. okay in this narrative. this story line was created by the media barack obama painted that picture of himself and is pouncing the media picked it up and just ran with it never mind that in the past two years barack obama has spent money like amel go marcos at a shoe store. the least sophisticated voters is that barack obama is the responsible one. that's why, bill, that's why bob
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schieffer could ask marco rubio is this. the president has made concessions. this is what schieffer said but i don't hear any concessions from people on the other side. they just say no taxes and that's their negotiating position. bill, that is word for word barack obama's position. word for word. >> bill: rubio was able to, and i think he is the only republican that i have seen lately, he was able to take the leading questions that the media is formulating and the perception they are trying to and destroy it. all right. even if narrative bob schieffer is true even if bush did it and the republicans don't give in on taxes. even if that's true, what's he doing? what's he doing? >> right. that's why i think and i think
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brit hume was absolutely correct and i'm glad you mentioned that poll in the talking point and that's why i think when this story plays out the republicans may very well lose the republican relations war. they are coming across as intransjent and barack obama, i me it's a great irony. barack obama who has been spending us into the poor house is coming across as the one who is fiscally responsible. >> bill: only if you are not paying attention though. >> exactly. the voters and the viewers who are paying attention like the viewers that are watching us now, absolutely know that marco rubio is right on. and i'm not saying this from partisan point of view tomorrow. the president waited until the last moment to get this thing going. armageddon that his budget proposal was voted down by the
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democrats. it was so wild. and rubio just pounded it home and pounded it home and pounded it home. >> bill, each unsophisticated voters, even people who don't -- they don't know what a debt ceiling is even people who are not following this. they are allowed to vote in this country. >> and when those people hear it, i think it could hurt the republicans. now, i think the republicans, i want to be fair about this. i think they have hurt themselves in this. barack obama comes out with this really class warfare cheap argument about well, the republicans are letting the corporate jet owners get off with these tax loopholes. why don't the republicans at that point say, you know what? let's eliminate -- fine, eliminate that loophole. they don't do that they do cough off as entrance jent. >> that's why i picked rubio today. put him up as the example this is the argument. this is it. very few republicans have been
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able to articulate it the way the senator has. he will, i think, unless he turns it down be the v.p. nominee is because is he from florida. republicans have to take that state if they want to defeat the president and because is he hispanic. he is cuban. >> i would put him on the ticket if he was from guam. he is the future. he is beyond articulate. convey the message to unsophisticated voters the way they would understand it and sway their public opinion which i think is going to be very important. >> bill: he also said that he would close some of those loopholes that bernie just mentioned. >> right. exactly. >> bill: thanks very much as always. reality check on deck tonight say jane fonda saying she was fired by qvc. bunch of hollywood stars giving barack obama a bunch of money for big upcoming
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>> bill: back of the book segment tonight, reality check, let's get things underway with check one. jane fonda saying she was booted from qvc. the day before she was set to appear on shopping channel she was cancelled. a book on getting older. qvc said they cancelled. politics vietnam 40 years ago. some viewers throned boycott qvc if she and. jane fonda may be right about something. qvc most likely did not want the heat. check 2. the web site politico is reporting that hollywood is once again stepping up to fund president obama's re-election campaign. here is a marshall list, giving 5,000 bucks george clooney, tom hanks, will ferrell, steven spielberg, jennifer garner,
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gwyneth paltrow and jane lynch. alec baldwin gave $2,000. cheryl stone 1,000 and karl reiner 500 bucks. president obama's campaign took in $47 million in just the last quarter alone. check three, there are unconfirmed reports that some media outlet has offered casey anthony $1 million to tell her story. check fervently hopes that's not true. geraldo asked anthony's attorney about it. >> what's making everybody crazy jose and you know this is the feeling that she is going to cash in now, make millions off this terrible tragedy. what's your response to that? i can respond to this. she has certain rights as an individual in this country and we will labor hard labor hard to make sure she has the ability to exercise those rights. what she is going to do, no one knows. >> bill: well, whatever that means. mr. baez is likely to
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broker any deal that comes ms. anthony's way and benefit from it. check four sheila jackson lee why president obama is having trouble getting a debt deal done. >> i am particularly sensitive to it's fact that only this president, only this one, only this one has received the kind of attacks greementd and inability to work, only this one read between the lines. what is different about this president that should put him in a position that he should not receive the same kind of respectful treatment of when it is necessary to raise the debt limit in order to pay our bills. something required by both statute and the 14th amendment. >> bill: so apparently ms. lee believes it's president's skin
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color that is holding up a debt agreement. check five our pal gary sinise dedicated his rendition of take me out to the ballgame -- ♪ for it's root, root, root for the -- if they don't win it's a shame for it's 1, 2, 3 strikes you are out at the old ballgame. let's get some runs. >> bill: mr. sinise from the area is a patriot. finally check six the final harry potter movie is a smash. [screams] >> set the bloody place on fire. >> young harry broke the box
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office opening record 168 bucks in sale. total gross worldwide for harry potter $476 billion in less than a week. oh, man. that makes more than 6.8 billion at the box office worldwide for the 8th harry potter films. that is reality check. pinheads and patriots on deck starring two guys who made more money than harry potter. p and p on the way.
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>> bill: pinheads and patriots in a moment. tonight starring two men worth 50 billion dollars each. eat your heart out harry potter. >> but first the mail: >> bill: president bush was trashed by nbc news everyday. did he exclude them? in the commentary area there are detractors and supporters and everybody knows it. >> bill: i feel that way. >> bill: that might be because of the lock-out.
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i'm sure they will be invited. >> bill: that already happens. malnurished children can be removed. just so whether' clear if a child has a severe medical condition caused by obesity and the parents don't do anything about it, the state should move in. >> bill: way to go alice. i did not know that. >> bill: let me get this straight. you want me to ask miller about herman's hermits. if i did that will freddie and the dreamers be next? remember do the freddie?
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if anybody did the freddie in my neighborhood, beaten to a pulp. >> bill: we receive hundreds of nice letters like these. let's see how the long island show, the first one goes on august 20th and the one in connecticut on october 29th. by the way, the theater on long island just put 300 more tickets on sale. this could be the biggest crowd ever at that theater, if everybody shows up. there's one premium ticket left in westbury. that's where you get to meet me and miller, which is a scary proposition. details;5oñ on we appreciate the invitations.
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>> bill: maybe i'll win for best special effect. i looked human among all the robots. i think i looked human. >> finally pinheads and patriots. warren buffet worth 50 billion dollars. bill gates about 56 billion. both men are urging wealthy americans to take the giving pledge. whereby they promise to donate much of their wealth to charity, after they die. today the president met with buffet and gates. the meeting was closed to the press. but there was a photo release. there's buffet he's telling how much money he has. obviously, private fill throp i is good, especially if it -- can bring down the debt. we believe each american should decide who gets his or her money upon death. if you give your money to charity after you die you are a patriot. that's it for us check out the fox news website. spot off about the factor.
2:59 am word of the day, do not be >> good morning, everyone. he was way too drunk to drive but not too drunk to work directing your flight. an air traffic controller drunk in the tower for hours. >> mystery at the millionaire's mansion, his son and girlfriend both dead within a matter of days. is it murder or two tragic accidents? what investigators are saying this morning. >> and he's just a few pounds of fur and muscle but these two robbers didn't stand around to see if this chihuahua's bite was as bad as his bark. "fox & friends" starts right now.
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