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tv   Hannity  FOX News  July 20, 2011 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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thanks for watching us tonight. i am bill o'reilly. remember that the spin stops here because we are definitely captioned by closed captioning services, inc. >> 161600 pennsylvania avenue w a busy place today as president barack obama held two meetings with congressional leaders on the debt ceiling deadline. moments after that discussion concluded john boehner and eric cantor sat down with the president. there are conflicting reports of whether the by partisan deal with the so-called gang of 6 could be reached. the mixed messages and flip flops coming out of this white house and piling up. the president in no uncertain terms declared he would oppose some short term increase to america's debt limit.
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remember this. >> the things i will not consider are a 30-day or 60 day or 90-day or 180 day temporary stopgap resolution to this problem. >> that was then when is now. >> we would not sport a short term action. obviously if both sides agree to something significant we will support the measures need to do finalize the details of that. >> this is not the first time barack obama changed his mind when it comes to the debt ceiling. in 2006 he declared raising the limit signals a failure in leadership and quote it is a sign we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finances our government's reckless fiscal policies. now that he is in charge there is no alternative to increasing the ceiling and raising taxes. joe biden his side kick said in
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94 i must protest against increasing the debt without taking positive steps to slow its growth. fast forward 30 years he is the man tasked by the president to orchestrate another massive increase in america's borrowing limit. here to help sort through all of this is the author of the number one new york times best seller encouraging consequence the architect. karl rove is back. how are you? >> fine, sean, how are you? >> let me start with the president. he says in no uncertain terms i will not consider 30, 60, 180 day stopgap. in the end i think it may come to that. he will have to eat a lot of his words here, no? >> absolutely. i think the republicans ought to make him eat those words. cap, cut and balance was good. it got him on the offense. it is the only measure that passed congress either house and passed with a by partisan vote. we can't stay there.
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as you and i talked last week the next step ought to be to try to push it through the senate and when harry reid says no and democrats refuse to take it up then plan b. take a chunk of the $1.5 trillion in cuts by partisan negotiations talked about put them into a bill make certain they are real, make certain they happen sooner rather than later, take things that are popular and things that are tough to vote for put them in one package and pair it with a smaller increase in the debt ceiling and pass that through the house. by 5, 6, 7 months depending how big the package is the bigger, the better. send it to the senate. the senate has to take it up they will have to pass it and the president will have to sign it. this will give us more time to work the problem and give a revenue neutral tax reform that lowers rates and cleans out a lot of the trash in the code. >> i am angry with republicans in this sense.
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we don't appear to have their act together. the president is putting his plan in writing on the table. this is frustrating to me. on the very day the house is voting on real substantive kutsz dealing with the foundational issues of our debt problem that would help bring recovery into play why did they give the president the ability to run out with a gang of 6? haehn hang on a second we have a plan and distract the country with what i thought they were focused on democrats were opposing it and we have to stop the measure with the o'connell issue. it's like they are negotiating with themselves and the president hasn't put up a plan. >> one of the members of the gang of 6 the senator went out of its way to say wait aut help deficit problem of the united states. it is not here to solve the debt
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ceiling problem. he was saying this thing has broader longer term ramifications and cannot and should not be used as an excuse to put the debt ceiling issue to the side even temporarily. the gang of six we don't even know what the proposal is. it's vague they haven't put out a piece of paper per on it. what they talked about has good points and bad points. it is complex and it has a lot of legislation and legislative drafting. there is no way in the 12 days before the august 2nd debt ceiling deadline this kind of complex legislation can be written let alone discussed debated refined and brought up for a vote. >> i have to give the house members a lot of credit. this is the second time they passed a bill dealing with the nation's problems. both times it has been demonized scaring seniors using class warfare games. now that it is passed in the house how about the senate deal with it how about they go on a
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pr offensive telling everybody we took care of the debt ceiling issue took care of social security medicare medicaid and we are dealing with the debt problem so future generations are not hurt before they go to a better alternative. would that work? >> senator broso and others are attempting to bring it up. we don't know whether it will be brought up. we need to prepare the next round. cut company and balance requires the congress to approve a balanced budget amendment. highly unlikely 50 democrats in the house are going to join with republicans and 90 democrats join with republicans to cut cap and balance into effect bypassing a budget amend. i don't think we should sit here until monday, tuesday, wednesday or thursday before we say well what are we going to do next? we beg need to begin working to
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figure out the complex pieces that might go into that puzzle. >> you are saying more -- >> wait until after vaet. >> you are saying more short term dollar per dollar cuts. there are problems there are a number of house republicans that signed a pledge made a promise they won't vote to increase the debt ceiling without the balanced budget amendment. how do they over come that pledge to their constituents? >> they have voted for such an action and the question they are going to have to ask themselves now having done that and taking it to the senate not brought up but certainly not passed, passed certainly not accompanied the two-thirds vote for the balanced budget amendment are they willing to let the country go into default? you and i talked about these numbers before. the immediate problem is going to be this. in august we have $172 billion in revenues 306 programmed expenditures $134 billion in
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deficit between august third and august 31st. if we don't raise the debt ceiling we have interest on the debt medicaid, medicare active duty military pay cost of combat operations irs refunds and one-third of the unemployment checks. nothing else says the government can be paid for faa food inspectors you name it border patrol, fbi, dea you name it. federal retiree. members find it difficult to say i wasn't able to vote for something that cut a trillion dollars out of the budget and give the. $980 billion increase in the debt ceiling. so we can avoid the debt ceiling. >> i want to make sure the country is aware. we have every media outlet in this country as press secretaries for this president here. i want to make sure the country
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knows republicans did their job twice. >> the president didn't do it at all. >> that friday news conference there was a reporter and you could guess what news organization he represented. mr. president have you detected any sign this last week republicans are coming in to conformity with the majority of the american people who want tax increases. blamed his predecessor and democrats in congress for having spent money. he was doing what he told them to do. that news conference i put this in my wall street journal column tomorrow was a performance by the president. i use botho in ironic tone because i think he was embarrassing ham had in the news conference saying one thing in deep contradiction with what he was doing. >> always reesh proo 88 your insight. going to be an interesting couple days here. >> what does the tea party think about the gang 6's solution to the debt mess?
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rand paul joins me. we have his take next. coming up it is the sunshine state showdown. find out who congressman allen west is calling quote the most vile unprofessional despicable member in the entire u.s. house of representatives. wait until you see the representative's heated response, next. only one calcium supplement does that in one daily dose. new citracal slow release... continuously releases calcium plus d for the efficient absorption my body needs. citracal.
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>> the company had a so-called compromise to end the debate in washington. for that to happen conservative republicans must sign onto the trillion dollar tax increase that is contained in this compromise. they also have to abandon cut, cap and balance to build the bill that passed the house yesterday. here to answer that is the one and only republican senator signed on for cut and balance. senator paul good to see you. >> good to be with you, sean. >> as i was saying to karl rove i am angry on the day this bill the country ought to be focused on the answer or best answer out there for our problems or preventeding long-term damage we have senators announcing giving the president an opportunity to divert the attention they have no specifics and go against the very things that republicans
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were not elect to do happen. >> the interesting thing is there is not any legislation, will not be any legislation for the gang before the debt ceiling. it's a complete distraction. we had something out there pass the house cap cut and balance. we would have the debt ceiling go up if we have a balanced budget amendment. the gang of six plan never ends. i wait 7, 8 years to balance the budget. i can't support a plan that never balances. >> first of all there's no legislation not going to be any written legislation. no cbo scoring of this, and even the broad outlines that i have read say these cuts will come from this department and that department but they are unnamed. the actual spending cuts come
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later. >> it's false. it's cuts against the baseline. the baseline is going up $9 trillion in debt ore the next ten years. if they cut 3 trillion that means they are still going to add $6 trillion in debt over the next ten years. it is not a balanced budget. it is not something that i think our country can live with. we cannot add $6 trillion more over the next ten years and sustain that kind of debt. >> we are at 100 percent of gdp at that particular point. the political point here is this, you know the house did its job twice. they have taken a lot of political heat for house republicans. they deserve a lot of credit. their bills are responsible. it deals with the short term problem, seniors will get taken care of, the debt ceiling is taken care of, the debt is paid -- we begin with the process of dealing funds fundamentally with the problems. on the day they are voting we
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have undermining by some of your colleagues. why are we negotiating against ourselves or conservatives be undermine as well. >> here's the interesting thing. we are proposing to raise the debt ceiling. we hate that fact. we don't want the government to borrow more money. the only reason we have come to this is because it is a compromise if we get a balanced budget. here's the president on the other side. i think he's acting ir responsibly because he's going to default not pay social security checks won't pay our soldiers. we have $200 billion a month that comes in. we have plenty of money to pay our interests to pay our soldiers to pay our social security checks. if those don't go out or if we default it's all on the president's shoulders because we have legislation that would say you have to by law you have to send out social security checks. >> is that the law now? >> some of those people it is
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already the law. it has a valid obligation they should always pay their checks. really he would be breaking the law. we want to go one step further we want to pass more legislation that says explicit to him pay the debt pay the interest on the debt pay social security checks and pay for the soldier's salaries. we don't want him using that as a political football to emotionally charge people. he's the one that wants to fault because he wants to continue unlimited borrowing without budgetary reform. >> if the president didn't get a chance yesterday to divert the country's attention from cut, cap and balance because republicans are negotiating their own little private deals he says we even have a super fall back decision the mcconnell plan, it seems to me the shoe would be on the other foot. donald trump says the republicans have to learn to play better chess. i agree with them. if they pass cut cap and balance
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like yesterday why don't we sit back and wait? the money is there. congress did its job now let it fall on the president's shoulders. >> exactly. what i am proposing is no matter what happens on saturday i would like to see the house pass the bill that directs him to pay interest pay social security and pay the soldier's salary. direct him to do that and say look we want to compromise with you but we want a balanced budget 75 percent of the american people want a balanced budget amendment. he needs to compromise on this because the people are with us and they are not with him. >> i agree. last question if they don't take it up in the senate would you support a short term dollar per dollar raising the debt ceiling short term dollar for dollar with a cut just so the republicans quote wouldn't get the blame even if they don't deserve it? >> i won't support a short term increase in the debt ceiling. the only increase i will support
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and it's be grudging to tell you the truth. the only debt ceiling i will report is with the balanced budget amendment. i will support telling the people the president has a choice here and he's choosing not to send your social security checks out. he's the one using your check and your livelihood as a political football he should be ashamed frankly. >> that's the thing. the president is the one that won't move here. he's standing firm and if the republicans got in a room and said we are standing firm it's all on his shoulders. i agree with you. senator. thank you for being with us. >> congressman allen west calls his colleague schultz vile unprofessional and despicable. tell you what caused those fighting words. a quick programming note this friday july 22nd, 9 eastern my exclusive interview with former florida governor jeb bush, a show you don't want to miss. one of his rare interviews priet here on hannity.
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>> the debate over cap and balance has become highly personal. it started with congressman debbie schultz singled out west on the floor. take a look.
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>> incredulously the gentlemen from florida who represents thousands of medicare beneficiaries as do i is spo supportive of the plan that would increase costs for medicare beneficiaries unbelievable for a member from south florida. >> colonel west didn't take that sitting down. he wrote quote you are the most vile unprofessional and despicable member of the u.s. house of representatives. you have proven repet petedly you are not a lady and therefore will not afford due respect from me. >> there is widespread confusion over west has issued an apology to schultz. some are denying that report. scare tactics are par for the course for the democratic party. it was months ago a liberal group ran this add doe pekting a paul ryan look alike running poor old grandma off a cliff. joining me with reaction is the author of the number one new york times best seller michelle
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malkin is here. you know, i am just comparing this, the deafening silence about bill maher and what he has aid said over the last two weeks never mind the last 6 months about michelle batch badge man sara pal lan. he said it directly to her. he said it in an e-mail to her. you know as far as i know ep didn't release it publicly. >> yeah. >> is there a double standard? >> it is a nast yea self serving circus in the beltway. it has double standards particularly when it comes to the tone, the tenor and the lack of quality of arguments of debbie wasserman schultz herself. she is nothing more than allen grace sen in heels. when it comes to the tone of her
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rhetoric she is nothing more than anthony weiner only an ok tive higher. this is a whom who was recently accusing the republican party sending america back to the jim crow era. you didn't see all of the civility police demanding she ratchet down her rhetoric and make america's children proud. it was mere months ago president obama was wagging his finger at all of us and asking us to make sure that we were making future generations proud with the quality and tone of our debate. so look everybody is raising money off of this now. honestly, sean, i don't care who apologized to who and what and how this all came out. because ultimately what this is just another convenient distraction from the lack of any democratic plan on how to solve these intractable entitlement problems. >> i think it goes a little
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bit -- my flag just got messed up. i think it goes deeper than that in this sense. the president in front of paul ryan the republicans want all people kids with downed syndrome that was a lie. he is scaring seniors about the debt ceiling deadline is not true. what the democrats are saying it's not true it's a lie. i guess there comes a point when people are telling bold face lies. >> nobody in the media calls them out on it. republicans react. maybe colonel west. being lied about is just as bad. a lot of people in the country know that. >> here is where i salute colonel west. it's in his instinctual desire to push back when so few have
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pushed back before. that is why he has garnered the respect of so many in the tea party movement. that's why he earned public office in this last sweep because he embodies this sense of disgust among ordinary average grass-roots americans not just conservative that you are not just going to stand for being lied and lied and lied about incessantly. it's the demagogue ry particularly with this very important issue. >> i am running out of time. i want you to respond to something. we mentioned earlier joe biden, barack obama both on record in 2006 saying no we can't raise the debt ceiling we can't do that. i got another tape. this shows the hypocrisy of the left. nobody else is pointing this out. this is in fact harry reid saying the same thing as obama and biden.
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>> these deficits result in an unprecedented and dangerous luring spree. the total debt has grown by trillions of dollars. how can the republican majority and this congress explain to constituents the trillions of dollars of new debt is good for our economy. how can they explain that they think it is fair to force our children and grandchildren to pay down this debt through higher taxes. why is it right to force nation's dependence on foreign creditors. they should explain that. maybe they can convince the public they are right. i doubt it. >> calling them hypocrites accurate? >> that's classic. throw it right back in their faces keep calling their bluff reminding the american people about their hypocrisy their selective concern about deficits
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and the debt limit and hopefully people -- more people will expose the democrats empty rhetoric on this. clearly the american people are on the side of the republican entitlement reform proposals. they are on the side of opposing, continuing to raise the debt limit ceiling, and you know with regard to debbie wassarman schultz you have the black caucus and women's groups crying being a victim here. they cried wolf once too many times. it's done it's over. >> michelle always good to see you. thank you for being with us. >> coming up the higher she climbs in the polls the more the mainstream media attacks michelle bachman as he is for ss forced to defends her husband headache she has foul shots fair game that's coming up next.
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bachmann is surging in the polls as a presidential candidate. she is in second place 'n against gop primary voters trailing only former massachusetts governor mitt romney. the mainstream media is responding by criticizing her husband questioning her ability to leave because she sometimes suffers from migraine headaches a charge she swiftly refuted. >> i have prescribed medication that i take on occasion whenever symptoms arise and they keep michigan grains under control. i would like to make it abundantly clear my ability to function effectively will not affect my ability to serve as commander-in-chief. >> after yesterday's rally brian
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ross ambushed the congresswoman trying to ask if her headaches ever affected her work in the house. when he was report to go the mainstream media roughed up by bachmann's body guards a claim which he admit is far over blown. joining me is author of brand new book right there. america individualism and i got my signed copy right here. >> yes, you do. >> margaret hoover. right there. former senator mccain advisors author of the book it's a sex thriller 18 acres now out in paper back. >> i can't believe you said that on television. >> we will call it a sex thriller. >> he wrote about the first president in the country who is married to a guy who cheats on her. >> i can stick to the topic of the night. impersonally obsessed with the special indignity suffered by
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women in c politics. i wrea write about it in a fict context i think michelle bachmann is experiencing it in a very real way. i think that it is certainly an appropriate hurdle for any one running for president to prove their fitness for office. a doctor has released a letter. she has addressed and answered the question the real test now is what happens next. >> this may shock everybody. i have headaches. i take excedrin migraine. >> magical stuff by the way. >> anybody else get a headache? i get a headache. >> women can't show up with a headache. it remind me of the old jokes. >> can you image a male candidate running for office and a salon dar rouse notion comes out he's too weak he gets
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headaches? this never happens to a male candidate. i smell a rat, too. the republican primary a getting tight. there are some candidates not doing as well as they hope. i wonder if it's not mud slinging on the republican side. this is unseeming. >> you did not write a sex thriller. your father is going to kill me, right? >> actually read it. >> all right. >> and you. >> here is the point. you talk about this new feminism you talk about the vote in the book. young people aren't getting jobs minorities aren't getting jobs. obama's policy is hurting everybody. >> how to connect conservatism to the next generation. there's a gap between republican voting and mel lenial votings.
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we have about 16 months to make inroads with them if we are going to get them back. part of an -- >> won't the failure of obama get them back? if you can't get a job are you going to vote for the guy who promised hope change and 8 percent unemployment. >> they are disappointed and there's an opening because of the economy. if they didn't turnout in 2011 in nearly the numbers they did the last off year election cycle. we have a real opportunity. now is a sweet spot we should communicate this in over spending we are sealing the future. >> senator mccain said that a lot on the campaign trail taking a sledge ma'amer to the piggy banks of our kids. >> he did. he lost the youth vote by -- >> 32 points. >> he's so young. >> reagan wasn't young either he won the youth vote in 84. >> what was the difference? >> loo let's go back to where w started. i think he is surging in part
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because she is an anti politician. the youth is more sceptical than any other group saying washington isn't rooted in the same thing it's a disz dane older people are feeling. that's a history of walking scandals like watergate and whatnot. the youth are disinterested in washington because they look impotent. they can't get along. they haven't delivered anything for them. they are simply write riding these programs into the ground. >> he is right. i think john mccain suffered from republican brand damage. if you have to characterize them they are not part of an id ideo. he delivered a promise of improving beyond partisanshpart. >> now he has a record to run. >> thriller 18 acres and american individualism which talks about everything else. >> how a new generation conservative can saver the republican party.
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>> congratulations. your new book is coming out. >> september 27th. >> what's coming up in 18 short minutes on "the record. >> we are doing a whole hour on a sex thriller to try to beat what you have. >> good luck. >> we are not doing that. we have governor pawlenty and rick klein who was a terrible trader he wept out with bret baier last night when i wanted him as a guest. he's back tonight anyway. the feud on capitol hill the most ridiculous rotten feud between two members of congress. then much more. back to you. >> let not your heart be troubled our great, great, great american panel is next. the na,
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has trusted nationwide for more than 30 years. nationwide is on your side.
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>> joining us tonight on the great, great american panel author of the book god wajs you happy. fox news contributor jonathan morris is here. he's the former pollster for clinton i assume bloomberg
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bernard witman is here. he's a great american god bless him here with a full report nationally syndicated radio talk show woes wlw cincinnati soon to be a nationally syndicated tv talk show star it starts september 19th through shawn compton productions a tribune the one and only bill cunningham. how are you? >> sean hannity it's a great night to be an american. i feel awesome to be with a priest and almost a rabbi. i am not sure. no one is to the right of me and look at these guys. >> we disagree on redistribution of wealth. >> i am an inpen department voice. >> did the republicans screw up, cunningham, by undermining each other with conflicting plans? >> this is the 30th year after ronald reagan took the presidency in 1981. we are seeing a theatrical act taken three decades. this is the moment. the next week or two the reagan
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revolution will succeed or fail in the next 13 days. >> i agree with you. >> you were a pollster for bill clinton. i am a strong critic of clinton. in the end republicans want 94 went kicking and screaming balanced budget deal 7 years cbo numbers and the country was better off because he made that deal. i don't see that sized barack obama. >> with the da gang of 6 proposal -- >> you don't know what the propose isal is. >> the republicans can never resist being swept into office misreading the election taking liberties and being pounded against the polls. 94 they shut down the government. bill clinton was elected. if the same thing happens now and they and they cut cap and bell. >> thank you. >> it is clear the american public has said they would blame the republicans.
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>> no not with the polls. >> that's exactly what the polls say. >> they want the debt dealt with far more than they want taxes raised. the american people feel these skound drels have spent too much money and it's like crack cocaine cane to them and they are tired of it. >> one thing we know about this gang of 6 proposal they want to raise $1 trillion in revenue. where is that going to come from. it's not raising taxes. this is what i believe is going to happen. i think we should be fruitful of it. one way they are going to raise the revenue is they are going to get rid of the ability to make charitable donations in such a way that is helpful to your own bottom line. what does that mean? >> what it means is individual families, businesses have less choice of building up charitable things than the government does. the government will get that
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money and it is up to them to decide how to help the poorest in society. that is a big deal, sean. we have to be careful of that happening. >> talking about a trillion dollars in new revenue. here's the new fuzzy dc math the way it works. >> if 94 was such a terrible failure republicans control the congress for the next 12 years bush for 8 a dismal failure and pals in 2008 won the congress for two years then it quickly switched back again to the republicans. that wasn't a failure that was a great success. the failure is going to happen. in the next 13 days if the republicans buckle. look what happened in minnesota? a friends of mine. >> friend of yours? >> golfing friends of yours. >> yeah. >> so far the house has been great. are they going to hold the line? i don't think they can do it. >> john boehner's backbone is
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the tea party. he is a chromian backbone with the tea party. he knows if he compromises he is out of the speaker ship next year and paul rhines will be the speaker. >> if there's no compromise he will be out of office. if they want the government to work -- >> republicans for years have said simplify the tax dollars lower the rates. we have an opportunity to do that you say you are going to save a fortune. constitutional amendment the country was craving a constitutional amendment. >> let him read it. >> the country is crave ago country that works. they are claiming a government that stops robbing from their kids and grand kikids. right now at this moment. bill cunningham am i right or wrong? >> listen to reason bernard. you sounds like nancy pelosi on her worst day. >> i sounds like americans.
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uh, it's okay. i've played a pilot before.
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>> one last political question. you worked for clinton. would we be better off with hilly clinton as president?
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>> did i ask that question? >> i am waiting for an answer from this guy. i was a big supporter of hillary clinton. i think she would do an amazing job in office. >> would we be better off with her than obama? >> history unfortunately will not be able to answer that question. >> i am asking for your perspective. >> i think she would be a good president. >> would she be a better president than obama. >> it's possible. >> that's a typical democrat. the obvious truth doesn't apply so you confuse viewers into thinking something that's not true. >> i didn't know what he just said. >> father does he need to go to confession this guy? >> we talked just before the show. i asked for a preconfession. there's no such thing as pre -- >> you have to at least have some sort of sorrow before asking forgiveness. >> you voted for obama in the end i am asking you if you have a change of heart if you think he's failed.
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>> to answer your question explicitly i voted for hillary clinton over barack obama in the primary. -- i forgot my own question. would hillary have been a better president than obama gentlemen yes or no? >> it's possible? >> as good as we are going to get. only attacks of governor palin and michelle bamman. this is bill maher as vicious as it gets. quintessential getting i think greer by the day. >> i don't want to be crass. i hope marcus bachmann takes all of that rage that comes from repression and denial and brings it in the bedroom with her. i hope he (bleep) her angrily. that's how i would. i have thought about it. >> don't get charged with sexism? i sometimes think about (bleep) rick santorum. >> he said a lot worse. we played it the last couple nights. we called on the national organization for women to see if
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they would step up. bill maher's show is known for crass humor including sexist slurs but this time it was the guests that over stepped boundaries veering into hateful violence commentaries. he was the one the week before. >> senator tapped a female staffer on the behind. the democratic women marched up the steps of the senate to haul bob out of office when clinton had his difficulties you couldn't find a member with a search warrant. this kinds of stuff is going on with female anatomy parts. >> bill maher does make some -- he isn't a president he is a comedian a saturday tirist. >> if ronald reagan had done in the oval office what bill clinton had done in the oval office what would a have happen. >> the american people are better off because bill clinton
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was president. >> what would have happened if ronald reagan did exactly the same thing to an intern. what would now have done to ronald reagan? >> i suspect the same thing you did to bill clinton. >> they didn't do anything about bill clinton they voted for him endorsed him when he ran for reelection. >> you have a priest moral perspective on -- >> be honest bill maher is a comedian but he does talk and propose and carry forth an agenda that is serious. it is an anti religion anti judeo christian value's agenda. he is clear about it. he hates this stuff. >> he uses the comic mural in order to carry out such an agenda. he himself would say it. he would say it in a serious agenda now should stand up and recognize that and say we are not going to let him hide hyphened satire


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