tv FOX and Friends FOX News July 21, 2011 3:00am-6:00am PDT
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flights, the two major disasters that we all went through and then the picture perfect final landing which makes you wonder in many respects why we're actually stopping when we don't have another way to get up. >> we just heard from the pilot, doug hurley, talk about how america will continue to explore but how and where because while george w. bush had envisioned us going back to the moon and mars and beyond, this administration has decided to end manned space flight. going forward from now on if we want to ride up to the international space station, we're going to have to write a $65 million to the country of russia. >> and have 55 astronauts learn to speak russian. rejoining us tom jones and phil keating and welcome everybody else who just got up. we just witnessed the end of the space shuttle program and of course, on our couch, wide to the right, dr. manning. >> yeah,>> tom, let's start with you. you've been on the space shuttle. it sounded to me like the voice
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of nasa himself, his voice actually cracked a little bit when he said the mission at its end. this is a tough day. >> it is. and i don't think i've still gotten my head around the fact that we're not going to see these wonderful ships fly again. in order to free up funds for what comes next at nasa, they've decided to retire the space shuttle, space station complete in terms of its assembly so now it's moving on to the experimental phase of the station and nasa is trying to reprogram those into the commercial taxi service that will take over from the russians very quickly. that's still four or five years away and maybe deep space beyond. that's where the big questions are, whether we're going to follow through on that promise. >> you just described to us earlier how this is a record breaking crowd there at the kennedy space center. tell us what happened when the shuttle landed. >> for the first time in my coverage of the space shuttle landings, there was a huge round of applause as it landed. a lot of excitement. and there certainly is the sense
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of wow, this is really it. this is the very final time we're going to see this down. it's a little bit of a drag that it was predawn. it's really hard to see. usually see the shuttle approaching the runway because the lighting change on the runway lights being obscured by the shuttle coming in but then come flying behind us on the runway with a big parachute out dragging it down to a slower speed but certainly there was a lot of pride, i think, here watching this end of an era and, of course, you know, we had the big private commercial taxi service you mentioned, tom, in october, i believe, the big falcon launch and we'll start with cargo and eventually get it certified for humans. >> unmanned test flights, cargo to the space station. that's needed urgently in the near term. we'll get astronauts up about 2015 on the commercial rides and i think, you know, we had a difficult view of atlantis this morning. we've got a difficult view of
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what comes after those commercial taxis. whether anybody is going to follow through with americans on the frontier. chinese say they're going to be on the moon in 2020. whether we'll be here at the cape to watch a matching achievement is a big question. >> if folks are just getting up, your alarm clock went off at 6:00 eastern time, about five minutes ago, the space shuttle atlantis touched down for the final time. and with that, the conclusion of what we know of for right now, manned space flight by the united states of america. tom jones, as you look at the space shuttle right there live down at the space place, cape canaveral, going forward, you know, this is the first time in our lives when there hasn't been a mercury or a gemini for an apollo for a space shuttle program but the space shuttle itself was designed back in the 1960's and 1970's. it's probably a little antiquated. we're probably ready for something new. it's just too bad we don't have a plan. >> steve, you make a good
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point. 1970's technology, you know, i was driving a dodge dart sport when the first space shuttle started flying and now, we got new technology. we can make the ship safer for the crew. give them a better escape system which the shuttles do lack so, you know, i agree with the decision to retire them but we don't have the follow-on successor right in place and that was the original plan but the last two presidents moved that date off into the indeterminant future. >> i thought astronauts were required to have corvettes auto. auto yeah, they didn't issue me one. i came in too late. >> we understand they're about to open the door and let the four man crew out. we'll see and keep an eye on that. tom, in the big picture, as we know the technology has moved forward. why do you think it is that with everything else we do other kun countries are right on our butts but when it comes to space, there's no one close. >> well, the point that no one on the planet has built a space ship over the last 30 years that can match what the space shuttle
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can do and even our commercial taxis that are going to come on from various providers here in america, won't have the robot arm, won't have the air lock until you get to the space station so it's really a tribute to the space shuttle's designers 35 years ago about how they encapsulated so many capabilities in one flexible, adaptable ship. we're not going to see it like for a long time to come. >> going to be dependent now in the near term, four or five years, the russian space agency, the european space agency and the japanese space agency to send up supplies and just in case there was going to be an issue with one of those ferrying services like the soyuz over the next year, that's why this past mission they just completed was so important, they took up a full year of supplies and food and all those great -- one of those prefrozen dehydrated packets of delicious pasta. >> yeah. and tang and don't forget tang. >> sorry to interrupt. we're told the astronauts are
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about to open the door and walk out on to terra firma and earth for the first time in several days. what's going on inside that shuttle right now? >> well, before they get the hatch open, alisyn, they run through checklists that start to shut down the orbiter's systems. make sure, for example, the rocket powered hydraulic pumps have terminated their operations safely and to be able to power down the vehicle and once that's complete at the same time, they're opening the hatch, medical personnel come on board, two technicians to unstrap you and help the astronauts out of the hatch. about 45 minutes after landing is typically when the first crew member emerges. >> come on, you've been on the space shuttle a couple of times. you know those guys are high fiving each other but at the same time, it's like they're giving each other a bear hug. it's like we did it. it's over. >> there's lots of handshakes and lots of back slapping, you're right. lots of grins inside the cabin and then you try to understand
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how you can feel so heavy when u used to live on this program and you have to get used to that again. >> we'll talk to dr. manny alvarez in just a moment. as we look at the atlantis live screen right at the space place, tell us where -- we understand that atlantis is going to stay there at the kennedy space center for the rest of time. where are the other shuttles going? >> the enterprise, which preceded all of the other shuttles, it didn't actually orbit the earth. it basically just proved that it could actually land and glide to a final stop, that will go on to the intrepid on the southwest side of manhattan. that would open up to the public to view up close and personal and sometime next year 2012. the atlantis will stay here and the enterprise will go to los angeles to the california science center. >> endeavor. >> i'm sorry. the discovery goes to the smithsonian and it's so big, it doesn't go out there on the mall by the washington monument, it's
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out there at the smithsonian's museum at dulles airport. that's where the four shuttles will go and in varying forms. you have to build all these exhibition centers, multiple millions of dollars. $28 million price tag to decommission and detoxify each of these shuttles and make them safe and then you have to transport them. and tom and i were discussing, los angeles may not exactly have a clear set plan on how they're going to get from lax this massive shuttle where you cannot detach the wings, how they're going to get it up wilshire boulevard out to the science center, i don't know. >> a lot of honking ahead of time and a lot of tape. i got to ask you, nasa keeps telling everybody, tom, that they're going to go to an asteroid and then to mars. how real is that? what's good about landing on evan asteroid? is that showing off or are we going to benefit from that? >> there's good reasons to go to nearby asteroids. they're not nearly as far as mars.
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those are good literal steppingstones on the way to mars in terms of our experience in deep space. now we're exploring an object that dates back to the origins of the solar system. we'll find out information that prevents them from running into the earth again. most important for the economy and the industry that we're going to try to build in space are the resources we can find on those objects. water most important but strategic metals and lots of construction materials for building factories, outposts in space. maybe that's the key to long term exploration of the solar system. >> tom, it sounds like you are hopeful that nasa will have its heyday ahead of it. >> i think that's the future is out on the frontier and one way to expand our economy, to keep us competitive on earth but also bring in new wealth is to tap into those resources. and nasa should demonstrate the processes to mine resources on the moon and the asteroids but then turn it over to private industry and this should be an industrial park in space in the next 25 years. >> the economic leaders here, sorry, brian, the economic leaders who are facing 9,000
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layoffs here, high paying jobs, and there's a big wave of 3200 layoffs happening first thing in the morning, bulk of those are in this area around orlando, coco beach but what they really want to start doing, cape canaveral has always been a launching location, rocket launches and space shuttle launches, mercury program, apollo program. but they want to transition, try to get these production facilities here so you get all of those jobs as they're building -- >> manufacturing. >> building these private commercialized space taxi, if you will, programs to get those all here as well. that's something they're trying to do. >> here's my worry. since they get rid of the apollo mission but they have the shuttle mission that's in development. what are all these scientists and these high level engineers going to do in the interim? what makes you think they're going to stay in the space business when we don't have a blueprint for them? >> that's exactly the worry that nasa and, and i think the country should face. that's this brain trust is going to be dissipated over the next five years.
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there's nothing to allow nasa to transition these people into the next program because that deadline has kept slipping out, 2015 or 2017 for the new spacecraft called the multipurpose crew vehicle to fly. so the commercial guys are not going to hire as many folks as the shuttle nor should they. the object is to save money for the taxpayers but we have to have something to shoot for to drop people into the aerospace industry. that's the highest of high-tech to keep us competitive in the global economy. >> tom jones, let me ask you this. as we look at space shuttle atlantis and we are waiting for the fwiguys to come off. we have to see them triumphantly leave the craft. we were looking at a shot from the back of the craft and there's a puff of something coming out and we don't know what that is. first, it kind of looked like a little, i don't know, there it is right there, screen left. what is coming out? because we understand they just pulled the plug on the auxiliary power. >> that's exactly what seeing,
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there's three of them, the hot rocket exhaust gets vented out of the base of the tail in a puff like fashion and those are going full bore on the landing approach and on the runway, they shut those down. you don't need the hydraulic system anymore. >> this just landed 5:56 a.m. it's typically 45 minutes to an hour after landing before the crew comes out. >> we won't see them walk around for more than an hour. >> ok. so we're going to head to a break, because we certainly want to see them when they do emerge. your final thoughts, tom, as you just watched all this? >> well, i think nasa deserves a tremendous amount of credit for making a perfect end to the shuttle program with this atlantis mission. the four crew members did a 100% successful job. let's hope that the example they set won't be forgotten by the country and the leaders who will make the decisions about where we go next. >> all right, tom jones and phil keating live at kennedy. we thank you very much.
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excellent coverage, historic coverage right here on fox news. >> we'll be back with you when they come out. meanwhile, dr. manning will tell us in a second what these astronauts are going through right now. meanwhile, we have much more news coming up including these big, beautiful war ships cost you about $300 million but we never use them. so they're going in the garbage? >> yep. >> and a scout leader headed home from a trip when he was thrown in jail? winds up that he had a stray bullet in his bag but he didn't realize it. did airport security go too far? or was that just right? >> and as we go to break, one more look at the shuttle atlantis touching down. [ dave ] take any surface
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>> two unfinished navy oil tankers costing a whopping $300 million are set to be destroyed this month after sitting idle for years in the navy's fleet. is it any wonder the united states is going broke? fox news contributor tucker carlson is the founder of the daily hi, tucker. >> good morning. >> the government spent $300 million to built these ships and then what? >> then they're being recycled. recycling suggests something has been used but these ships have never been used. they were for 1986, 25 years ago and they were never completed. keep in mind that we won an entire world war in less than
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four years. we built the entire state building was built in a little over a year. 25 years these ships, which are enormous. more than 600 feet long have not been finished. they've been sitting mothballed in virginia for a quarter century. >> right. so they've been sitting idle. was it something about the exxon valdez oil spill that changed their fate? >> that's exactly right. these are -- these were designed as fuel ships to carry jet fuel and diesel for navy fleet and after the exxon valdez spill, it was determined that single hulled ships were not appropriate for that use and so they were sent into -- into storage. no one could exactly figure out what to do. too much to retrofit them. no one can make a decision. so these ships just kind of sat there. look, the lesson is and anybody who has served in the military or covered the military can tell you this. as vital as it is, there is some waste. i mean, let's be honest about it. the government is not good at all about anticipating new technologies unlike the private
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sector. private sector is not always good at it either but congress is terrible at it and they made a massive mistake in this case. >> that's the lesson here. what's the fix? this is just we chalk this up to government lack of foresight or bad timing? >> well, let's just put it this way. there's got to be a better use for two enormous, more than 600 foot long ships. these ships drop 35 feet a piece. they're huge. there has to be a better use than recycling the steel. nobody could come up with something better to do with these ships over 25 years? be creative. i guess that would be one of the many lessons and, too, don't be surprised when you find out that even departments that you like like the pentagon may not be spending all your tax money wisely. >> we'll take suggestions here at our e-mail address, friends at fox news for what to do with these ships rather than recycling them. tucker carlson, always great to see you. >> thanks, alisyn. >> boys will be boys. no longer an excuse in america. a judge making teens register as sex offenders for mooning their
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program comes to an end. our next guest first went into space in 1993 on a shuttle and completed four different missions. >> he knows we're limited from here on in until we get another program up and flying. joining us, former nasa astronaut carl walls. what are your thoughts for someone who has actually been on that vessel as the program comes to a close? >> well, i remember when atlantis was born, when it came from the plant in california and made its way to edwards air force base to make its first trip to kennedy to get ready to fly so, you know, it's a very poignant moment and that was back in the 1980's but it's sad to see the shuttle program be retired but, you know, i think, you know, programs start and then, you know, it's had a great run of 30 years and done some tremendous things. >> absolutely, but going forward, the united states will not have manned flight space missions anymore, carl and if we
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need to fix one of our communications satellites which a lot of people are watching us right now on satellite and we need it for national security reasons and stuff like that, we're going to have to have another country flying us up there. it would seem to me there would be a national security component involved here. >> well, i think, you know, it's an important -- nasa provides an important development, push for technology and i think that -- i think you're exactly right, you know, we -- nasa needs to be able to provide that technology pull. so that industries develop the new technology so i think you're right. we don't have the ability now to do repair missions on, for example, the hubble telescope. and, you know, we're -- we're developing autonomous spacecraft, my company orbital sciences is developing one of the cargo carriers to keep the space station resupplied but, you know, there's a question
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mark about human space flight right now. >> carl, what do we do in terms -- does it have to be a government program? the government program got us into space but from here on in, do you think the private sector can step up? >> well, i think the private sector is willing to work in partnership with the government and we're doing that for commercial cargo, our company is putting in a lot of its own capital to develop this capability and, of course, the government is working with us so this is something very different than what's happened in the past where the government foots the entire bill but there has to be a market, you know, so there's a return on the investment. >> yeah, and going forward, carl, you're talking about getting stuff up to the space station. but george w. bush wanted us to go to the moon and mars and beyond. do we really need to do that? would that be helpful going forward? >> well, i think -- i think it's an important role for nasa to continue that exploration, and so we have the space station
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which gives us that long duration opportunity, you know, i spent 6 1/2 months up there and that's important if we want to extend human kind's presence beyond earth, you know, going to mars, it's going to take about six months. that's about the amount of time i spent on the space station. so that's the kind of thing that we need to have the government focus on and then have commercial providers help to provide services. >> carl walz, has a former astronaut with first hand view of this shuttle program, you've been up and back. now you're in private industry. thanks so much for joining us. we'll be going out as soon as the astronauts step out and we'll be going back with our experts as well. >> we will. straight ahead, brand new information from the bin laden compound. terrorists working inside our nuclear power plant. huh? and that's not all, details ahead. >> then scouts make it their mission to be prepared but a
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scout leader caught off guard and thrown in jail? it winds up he accidentally left a stray bullet in his bag. did airport security go too far? >> first, happy birthday to josh harnett. the actor is 33. happy birthday, josh. ♪ [ female announcer ] erybody loves that cushiony feeling. uh oh. i gotta go. [ female announcer ] and with charmin ultra soft, you can get that same cushiony feeling you love while still using less. charmin ultra ft has extra cushions that are soft and more absorbent. so you can use four times less versus the leading value brand. ah. [ femalennouncer ] using less never felt so good. we all go... why not enjoy the go with charmin ultra soft. like many chefs today,
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>> jennifer lopez made a lot of money last night. fresh off the announcement that she and her husband marc anthony are ending their seven year marriage, she traveled to the ukraine to sing at a wedding. which what a wonderful way for a young couple to start their lives together. for the first dance together at the start of your life, three time divorcee jennifer lopez. > > >> we examined their breakup and we foregot one item that was dividing those two. >> cheating. >> that's two elements. what's the other element, steve?
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>> you said that marc anthony was a control freak. that's what you said. there's a different element i could throw in there, jealousy. jealous of j. low's stardom when she went back to "idol" she became this icon and everybody is lovering her again. >> you've made this your specialty. >> i let the viewers down by not bringing up that as speculation. >> you've corrected the record. let me bring this up, according to "the new york daily news", he was a little jealous that she had an association, she worked with a guy in one of the videos referred to as the cuban brad pitt. by the way, i call that -- >> that's even better than brad pitt. >> the cuban brad pitt around fox news is dr. manny. >> and dr. manny will be with us -- >> talk about the astronauts. we have to tell but this story out of missouri. this boy scout leader took his troupe on a scuba diving trip to the bahamas and something went terribly wrong on their return. as they were going through customs and through airport security to come home, back to
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missouri, he was detained because airport security found a stray random bullet in his backpack and he was thrown in jail for four days. >> wait a minute, it wasn't a backpack. it was a fannie pack. his wife couldn't believe what happened. watch. >> it was so surreal. i couldn't believe it was true. the officer at the american embassy said she never had seen anything like it. things are different from one island to the next. there's no consistency. >> one of the extraordinary things is here this guy goes through with his fannie pack at kansas city international airport. they never caught it. apparently, he says he probably left it in there from a hunting trip but they caught it in the bahamas. >> is anybody else relieved about this? i'm just happy they found a little .32 caliber bullet when they let stun guns go through accidentally. the idea that in the bahamas,
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airport security has done their job thoroughly that they found the bullet is comforting this morning. four day jail sentence. >> that seems a little severe. especially in the bahamas which i understand that the accommodations aren't like they are at gitmo, i heard their sterling. it's good to hear that somebody is wearing a fannie pack. i wish they would come back. they're evidently not cool to wear anymore. >> here's another case, we want you to weigh in on this as well. in 2008, a couple -- 12-year-old boy -- 14-year-old boys were involved in, was this horseplay? well, one of the kids pulled down his pants. and put his bare bottom on the faces of a couple of 12-year-old boys. >> right. >> he has been -- >> because he thought it was funny. he was mooning them and then it went too far and he thought it was funny. >> he was trying to make his friends laugh and he thought the best way to do that was sit on the face of two 12-year-olds. >> well, he has been now ordered by state appellate court to
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register as a sex offender. >> so is his friend. >> for life. for life. he is now branded with this scarlet letter of sex offender for life even though he's 14 years old and obviously, we all remember what 14-year-old boys do, they do some offensive things when they're, you know, joking around like mooning and sitting on their friends and things like that and the idea that these two boys are now considered sex offenders, i mean, this is so -- isn't there common sense among this appellate court to say, all right, obviously, they weren't -- this wasn't a sexual act. >> they found him guilty of criminal sexual contact and then the other teen who didn't -- doesn't look like he even did it, admitted to it. pled guilty. >> the way the statute is defined, it is criminal sexual conduct if it is done for sexual gratification. >> which it was not. >> absolutely not. >> done for humiliation. >> exactly right. if it's to degrade or humiliate somebody, that would apply as
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well. and, you know, the defense attorneys said, look, you know what you're doing to these kids for the rest of your lives? do you understand that? they go, we do. but the law is the law. what do you think? over the line or just fine? friends at >> let's get to the rest of the stories making headlines right now. a prayer service was held last night for that murdered 8-year-old brooklyn boy a week after he was found dead. this is just the saddest story we've heard in such a long time. an autopsy showed that leiby kletzky was given a lethal cocktail of prescription drugs before he was smothered and then dismembered. they say aron abducted him and bound him in his apartment. he was officially hit with an eight count indictment including first degree murder. >> new terror warning here at home. department of homeland security
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issuing a bulletin that al-qaida operatives could hold insider positions at chemical and nuclear utility facilities. the alarming report compiled from the information inside of bin laden's compound. bin laden, of course, talked about an attack between now and the 10th anniversary or marking the 10th year since the 9/11 attacks, department of homeland security, however, says there's no specific threat. >> meanwhile, later this morning, the u.s. senate will consider the house's cut, cap and balance act. that's good news. measure calls for deep cuts and makes it difficult to raise taxes. president obama is signalling he's willing to accept a short-term increase to the debt deal if it gives lawmakers time to craft a broader deal. he likes the gang of six deal. the country has until august 2nd before defaulting on our obligations. >> a group of soldiers return home after spending nearly a year in afghanistan. they arrived at colorado's fort carson to their overjoyed families. >> it was great.
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after being out there for a little while away from family and friends, finally see them again, it's pretty ecstatic. >> the 40 man company provided support for bomb disposal operations while overseas completing 850 missions. all right. we hope that you were watching just about an hour and a half ago, this historic moment that we brought you live when the space shuttle atlantis landed in cape canaveral marking the final space mission for nasa and now astronauts are about to come out of the shuttle. >> those are live pictures right now, back with us now, we've got fox news phil keating down at the space place and joining us is senior medical credibilitior, dr. manny alvarez. and tom jones, not the singer many we weren't able to book him. he's with us as well. >> what are they going to be going through? four guys in space for four or five days. >> look, 30 years of learning astro biology which, i think, if it wasn't for the united states
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would be no space program in any country of the world. so take that to the bank. but basically, the effects of microgravity are huge on the human body because the human body is predicated on gravity making our cells function correctly so they'll go through the vital signs looking for radiation exposure and things like that which are key. after a couple of days in space, that's exactly what happens. >> funny, we heard tom jones who will join us in a moment describe how when you land physically you can't believe how heavy you are. >> that's right. well, you know, because when we're here on earth, you know, the gravity of the earth really creates a pressure gradient. that's how our circulatory system works. when you're in microgravity, that's lost and that's why, you know, it's very important as they come down and they come out -- down so hard that the doctors check for major shifts in fluids and abnormalities at the
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cardiovascular system. there's a lot of studies that look at rayation exposure in space, and there's a direct effect on the cardiovascular system. >> two of the four crew members are already off and you're exactly right. apparently they're having some ekg's and some cardio tests right now. tom jones, you've gotten off a craft like that in the past a couple of times. ali remembered that you did in the last hour describe it as being really heavy. how else did you feel? >> really clumsy. i dropped a couple of checklists in the cabin, they went falling below my feet and after that, i was out of check lists. i had to borrow one from the crew coming on board. you're very uncoordinated. all you can do to get yourself out of the seat, down the ladder and out the hatch usually with a couple of people helping you on, carrying your shoulders out and you start to get your wobbly feet under you. you're running a quart low on fluids before you re-enter the
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atmosphere and you drink a lot more to balance what you feel down here. >> you were talking about the deep vein thrombosis, it's always a problem even for people taking airplane flights. what do they do? >> any signs and symptoms they may say do you feel any kind of discomfort especially in your lower legs. they aren't able to move freely in these cabins. any kind of signs that we'll check the back of the legs to make sure there's no tenderness and shortage of breath and they'll monitor these guys for a long period of time. >> sure. phil keating, where are they going to take the astronauts next? >> well, they will soon be released from the cabin and things are crazy down here right now, hopefully the astronauts won't be attacked by mosquitos down here. either alligators around the launch pad or mosquitos down here in florida. they'll be able to walk around
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in short order probably in the next 30, 45 minutes. they'll go underneath the shuttle atlantis and take a look at the tiles and heat shield and have that one bit of emotional closure of wow, this is the ship we spent 13 days in orbit on. 200 orbits around planet earth and this is the 133rd landing of the space shuttle, 135 launches, two landings unaccounted for were challenger and columbia and commander ferguson did make a nice point on his posts-landing speech, commenting on, you know, including columbia and the challenger crews as part of the big team overall that really got us to where we are today. >> phil keating, tom jones, great job. appreciate you bringing us through this entire process and the final landing of the space shuttle program. thanks, guys. >> thank you. >> thank you, dr. manny. >> you bet. >> just call him jihad joe. al-qaida teaching children all about terror through cartoons. how effective is this? a terror expert who has seen this work next. >> then the g.o.p. fighting for
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>> house republicans have now passed their cut, cap and balance deficit reduction plan but senate democrats are still pushing for tax increases as a way to solve the debt crisis. >> congresswoman renee elmers is a former nurse who ran for office to fight big government's takeover of health care which has happened and she's joining us from washington, d.c. so where do you think we stand right now on this entire process? do you think the house has sent the right message to the senate? >> oh, it is the correct message. and it's a strong message.
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and we worked very hard in the house and we passed on cut, cap and balance and now we're waiting for the senate to do the same. there would be no tax increases. that will be a job killer and the individuals who will lose their jobs will be our middle and lower income individuals. our business owners are asking us every day, cut taxes. cut all the excessive regulations, take away the uncertainty and we can get hiring again. >> of course, the debate is if you cut spending too much, some important government programs may be killed and go away. fitting actually today on this day that we end the space shuttle program. this is a program that we can no longer afford. you had an exchange with treasury secretary tim geithner about this. let's watch this and have you respond. >> we're living with unsustainable deficits au. >> yes. >> if we do not reduce them, they will hurt growth.
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>> only 3% of small businesses will be affected. how can that increase in taxation be that significant to turn that around? >> we're not doing it because we want to do it, we're doing it because we see no alternative. if you don't touch revenues you have to shrink the overall size of government programs. >> i would like to close by saying that on behalf of the business owners in north carolina and across this country, you are wrong. >> he was saying you have to shrink government. is he wrong? >> no, he is absolutely correct about that. we do need to cut programs in washington. we have excessive redundant programs that are duplicative in addressing the same issues. it was a very telling moment. what he said is we obviously have to increase taxes on our business owners in order to continue to keep this large size of government. that is exactly what is the problem. when you have that attitude. >> and you just don't agree and now as illustrated perfectly in that exchange in the small business hearing that took place on the 22nd of june.
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well, thank you so much for joining us, congresswoman renee ellmers. this will be the debate that's happening. maybe we'll get a vote in the senate on the program that the house passed on saturday. >> thank you so much. >> call him jihad joe terrorists now teaching kids how to kill with cartoons. our next guest says this works. >> sadly. and then it's a sign of the times. firefighters and cops told, can you give back half of your pension or lose the entire thing? what would you would do? they're two of a kd. and, just like toddlers, ppies need food made for them. that's why there's purina puppy chow... with all the essential nutrients your growing puppy needs. purina puppy chow.
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for foreign policy studies, what's your take on this cartoon? do you believe it's real? >> it might be. we have seen lots of groups, hamas, for example, uses cartoons all the time. there's certainly plenty of precedence for this. on the other hand, we've seen a lot of messing with al-qaida wannabes, look-alikes, we saw the taliban's twitter account get hacked so it might be real. it might not be real. >> but the thing is in the big picture, does that really work? can a cartoon shape a child? >> well, there's an awful lot of -- this is what al-qaida has been doing most of since we had the bin laden compound, we've been focusing on all the schemes you talked about. where al-qaida has been most influential in the fact they've been the last couple of years is pr propagandizing. >> and the other thing, al-qaida's new focus, going to our assets overseas, not at home. james, this means 1998 embassy bombing type stuff. correct?
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>> yeah, and actually, if you look really since 1989, there have been many more terrorist attacks against u.s. targets overseas than at home so we tend to focus on the things here but to target american assets overseas either private sector or military bases have always been, you know, pretty high up on the list of targets for transnational terrorists. >> james, the fact that they're looking overseas again, does that show that we've effectively hardened the target here at home? >> you bet. there's been at least 40 terrorist plots that have been thwarted. even with all the stupid stuff that we do at tsa with strip searching grandma and all that stuff, we've made a pretty hard job to get the target. >> knowing how much they'd like to do it, we'll all be aware. thanks very much. >> thanks for having me. >> coming up straight ahead, we move into the third hour of "fox & friends." is it a sign of the times? cops and firefighters told to give back half their pension or
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lose their entire pension. what would you do? michelle malkin is here with the story. then, an end of an era. all four astronauts now off the space shuttle atlantis. we're about to hear from them so we will go live to florida top of the hour. [ male announcer ] at nissan, we test the altima's durability
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the atlantis has landed safely. >> nose gear touchdown, having inspired the generation, a ship like no other, place in history secured, the space shuttle pulls into port for the last time. its voyage at an end. >> it was quite a moment this morning when nasa's space shuttle program came to a close and we're live with the very latest for you. >> meanwhile, remember when the president said no short term debt deal. well, now he's looking for some wiggling room. why a short term debt deal may be just what the doctor ordered. >> yes, then they've come from across the entire country right here. live on our plaza. our nation's wounded warriors are ready to kick off their soldier ride right here on "fox & friends" which, by the way, this hour starts right now.
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>> ♪ i'm going home to the place where i belong and where your love as always been enough for me ♪ ♪ i'm running from you got me all wrong don't regret this life you chose for me in these places ♪ >> a ship like no other, its place in history secured. the space shuttle pulls into port for the last time. its voyage at an end. >> boy, we sure hope you were up early and joined us live for that poignant moment when everyone there congratulating each other, patting each other on the back at the space shuttle safely landed. >> those are live images inside
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of the space control center. everybody is giving each other a handshake because we understand that the astronauts are off, they're getting checked out and we're going to be hearing from them very, very shortly and, of course, they're not only talking about what they've accomplished. they're also maybe talking about what's next in their lives. some of them got to line up new jobs. >> today marks the last day at work for a lot of the people who are involved in the space shuttle program. and as we looked at -- you know, we did it live in the 5:00 hour. as the space shuttle came down, you know, you can say that politically, this country is kind of at loggerheads right now over this debt deal but one thing the united states does well, space. we really did space great. >> such an accomplishment. let's get right to phil keating. he watched the shuttle come down live from cape canaveral and he's been bringing us all of the feeling and ambiance from there. phil, tell us what it's like now and what it was like the moment it touched down. >> well, the moment it touched down, you heard a big applause
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from the u.s., the 2,000 people that were lined up here, the grassy area where we are, just about a quarter mile from the landing strip. and you saw those pictures from houston's mission control at the johnson space center. there's certainly that same sense here of accomplishment and pride in a very historic and successful 30-year program. that being the space shuttle program. 135 launches. two tragedies, columbia and challenger, 135 successful landings and that happened this morning just right before 6:00 a.m. and that was before sunrise as well. it was the 26th dark landing of a space shuttle orbiter here on planet earth. chris ferguson, the commander has moments ago, he was the last astronaut on board atlantis. he has now left. he is in the orbital processing vehicle and that's where the crew transport vehicle and all four astronauts who were on this
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13-day mission with 200 orbits around planet earth. they are now on board that, getting some ekg's, they're getting some medical checkups just to make sure they're all fine and fit, of course, they will be succumbing to a little bit of the old earth legs having been at near zero gravity for the past 13 days. they may need a little assistance but within maybe an hour or two, they should be pretty good to walk around and then sometime in this hour, we expect they will get off of the astronaut vehicle, transport vehicle and then on to the ground itself, walk around the tarmac underneath the big space shuttle atlantis, take a look at it. take a look, you know, the first thing they'll want to see, did any of the heat shields break off the carbon tiles? and then, you know, there's a sense of wow, this is it. this was it. and it was incredible life memory that they'll never, ever forget for sure and then there's going to be nasa administrator will walk out on to the tarmac
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with commander ferguson and then there's a big post mission which, of course, because this is the final mission and the entire 30-year program. it's a news conference for the end of the era and the space shuttle program as a whole. that happens at 10:00 a.m. there's a lot of festivities and a lot of nasa alumni are here. i just ran into steve ferguson, remember that return to flight mission and he pulled that space tile out in that dramatic space walk. a lot of pride, everybody is very excited and they look to the future as you guys were mentioning, nasa still has a lot of work to do. we're still sending astronauts to the international space station at kennedy space center. there are regular rocket launches in the future. >> i mean, you got -- i understand 55 astronauts have been selected to learn russian and go over there and start training to go out back and forth to the space station, correct? >> some have, not all 55 have gone that far but the fleet of
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astronauts is roughly 55 people. some of them i talked with, they decided they're not going to go to russian study school because they're like looking at this will be like a six year investment to do all of this and then finally get their turn flying up in the russian suyoz that will only take three people at a time. you only will have in the near term, the japanese space agency, the european space agency that will send up cargo, resupplies food and water up to the space station which is going to be fully staffed and it is right now with six people on board, until at least the year 2020. >> phil keating live at kennedy space center as we look at him and we looked at the big wrap party under way at mission control in houston. thank you. >> thanks, phil. >> well, that's a cool shot we're just getting from nasa. very nice. >> talk about cool, michelle malkin is here. not to talk about the space program but michelle, i'm sure you're taking in all those images. it's a program that we're not continuing, that the president
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might pay a political price for for florida voters and, perhaps, in texas that said we lost a lot of jobs. michelle, great to see you. this gang of six, was it heartening for you to see their proposals come forward? >> heartening? i think you forgot the d-i-s in front of that for me, obviously. disheartening? but no surprise. i think it's the washington times emily miller who coined a far better nickname for this particular group. the gang of squish or the rat pack as i would call that. >> what don't you like about it? this is the long awaited possible answer, the compromise, what do you not like about it? >> well, i don't consider it manna from heaven when in the end, bottom line is still massive increases in government spending and more delays and kicking the can down the road on what everybody pays lip service to which is the need for fundamental entitlement reform. >> sure. michelle, how quickly they
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forget, it was just last november when you look at the election results, it was a landslide! america clearly sent a message to capitol hill. just cut it. and that's why with the cut, cap and balance program that was passed by the house a couple of nights ago, you know, there are a lot of house republicans say either it's that or nothing. >> yeah. great point, steve. you know, we hear a lot of cliched reference to a mandate for change and yet, this white house, the democrat leadership and a lot of republicans who would like to capitulate on this core issue continue to ignore the mandate for change that was clearly sent in those november midterms to more power to the house republican majority, a gang of 200 or 400 or so or whatever it is who -- who have stuck to their principles here and i think the coming capitulation on the part of the white house that appears to be on the horizon is a credit to
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that house republican majority for sticking to its guns and it does show the effectiveness and the power of principle. >> it looks like the gang of six compromise or deal is gaining some momentum this week after, of course, it had been back in may, you know, dead on arrival. so you'll remember, though, that the president had said he's not going to look at any sort of short term fix. that's reportedly why he left the room when eric cantor proposed it last week. now it looks like he may be coming around to it because they don't have time between now and august 2nd to get the legislative language of this gang of six plan. let's listen to what jay carney, the white house spokesman said about an extension. >> would not support a short-term extension absent an agreement to a larger deal. that's not acceptable. if both sides agree to something significant, we'll support the things needed to finalize the details of that. >> last week, the message from the white house was you eat your
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peas and based on what jay carney said right there, i think the message from the president is i'll eat my words. it's -- it's quite interesting because, you know, here is commander in chief who said everyone else needed to talk turkey, but it seems more like turkey lurkey because this is a guy who had been invoking this chicken little imagery of the sky falling and now, all of a sudden, it appears there is enough time to do a short term deal to buy time for a larger deficit reduction. >> michelle, i got to bring you to something else that could be happening in many cities arnold the country. that is in rhode island, we understand a city has called up 141 retired firefighters and cops and said, i got to ask you, we need some of your money back that we set aside for pensions and for your payouts for your retirement because ear bankruwe bankrupt and they're asking for that money. >> half of it back. >> tough, these are the
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austerity measures that everybody pays lip service to and it's interesting, i was reading a press release from hillary clinton and the state department last week where they were expressing sympathy for grief, knowing that they have to take this kind of austerity measures to dig itself out of the hole. closer to home, the states are undergoing these tough decisions that so many in government at the federal level have been delaying and everybody has got to give. i mean, this is the kind of shared sacrifice that the big labor, enamored white house won't even pay lip service to and in many cases, it's states that are run by democrat governors that are accepting this as well so i'm always -- to me, it's interesting the double standards because you have big labor targeting republican governors who in some cases are not even making as tough decisions as some of these democrat governors are. >> and the problem is in this particular town of central falls, rhode island, if they --
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if the firefighters and the retired cops don't say yes to taking half, the whole town will go bankrupt and that would mean nobody gets anything. declared bankruptcy just completely falling down the stairs. all right. >> yeah, and another thing about the states is, of course, so many of them have balanced budget amendments and requirements and that's why you're seeing so many of these decisions and i mean, that's the argument that a lot of the amendments in d.c. are making as well now. >> by the way, we should mention that these guys were relying on their pensions, obviously, because they did not take social security so to give back half which would be something like $1,000 a month is making a real impact. >> right. they're facing $80 million unfunded pension benefits and they've already shut down the library and the rec center so they probably have no choice. essentially breaking in the news rather than asking for the money back. >> all right. michelle malkin, it's always a pleasure to have you join us on thursday. thank you very much. she's out there today.
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>> my pleasure. take care, guys. >> it's the end of an era this morning with the shuttle coming to a close and it also means the end to a lot of american jobs. we're going to go live to mission control in houston next. a lot of people looking for work there. >> and the majority of americans unhappy with the president's handling of the economy. so why are his approval ratings still holding? well, juan williams and andrea tantaros on deck with that. >> border bookstores announced they are going out of business by the end of september which is sad. you know what's even sadder? the country is going out of business august 2nd. ok. borders is in better shape than we are. at least they get another month. we only get until the 2nd. [ female announcer ] ever wish vegetables
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>> such a historic day and the end of an era, space shuttle atlantis landing in florida this morning. you're looking at some shots of the crew members now back on earth hugging loved ones there. just coming down out of the shuttle. but, of course, especially for people at nasa, this is a poignant day and those who work at mission control at the johnson space center in houston, texas where john donnelly joins us live with more on what the future is for them. hi, john. >> good morning. let me tell you what's going on behind me. normally when they watch the shuttle land here. it's still an event even though it's a routine event. they get together and watch it.
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a couple of people usually go in an auditorium. now, they have the jumbo tron out here, so many people wanted to see this shuttle come down. they wanted to see atlantis land for the last time. and the last shuttle landing period. we had thousands of people out here and you can see people are now lined up, they're getting little bags that are mementos, there's some posters and what not. when atlantis put their wheels down, a lot of people became instantly unemployed. the numbers between several hundreds of thousands of people who are out of work. it's hard to get a precise web count because people move back and forth between working for nasa and working for a lot of the private contractors that support and nasa started laying people off. they were anticipating these cutbacks. there has been an ongoing process. nasa is he have important to the economy, it is built around nasa. everybody has some direct or indirect connection to nasa. a lot of people are bittersweet
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about this. they've completed a mission. that's a good feeling. now there are no more missions for a lot of them. that's not such a good feeling. i talked to one astronaut and he said right now, he wants to savor the moment. >> i think right now i'm enjoying my friends got back to earth safely and enjoying the moment here with all the folks at the johnson space center. it's been kind of fun to have everybody here together. >> and right now, mike is over signing autographs even though the shuttle program is over, these astronauts are still rock stars down here. john donnelly, fox news. >> thank you very much, john. great report. >> straight ahead on this thursday, bloated benefits claiming their next victim. drastic changes ahead for our nation's post office. >> then most americans are panning president obama's performance on the economy. yet his approval ratings are still fairly high considering that. does this make sense?
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next, it's the new 50 for screening purposes. doctors want women to be tested for breast cancer 10 years earlier now at 40. finally $50. that's how much a mccallan, texas, grandma was fined for a lemonade stand. the city said they needed a permit to sell food and drink. let's talk politics. akorccording to the latest fox s poll, 49% of americans believe obama and his administration are making the economy worse. only 34% say better. yet, despite those numbers, the president's approval rating still hovers around 50%. you can see there, disapprove 46%. approve 45%. considering the high rate of unemployment, should that number somehow be lowered? joining us now for a fair and balanced debate on this are juan williams and andrea tantaros. andrea also a co-host of the show "the five" here on fox which we've been watching and enjoying.
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welcome to both of you. juan, let me start with you. people don't like how he's handling the economy. yet, they still like the president. how do you explain that? >> well, you know, it's also in that poll, alisyn, is that if the country was to default, americans are much more likely to blame republicans than they are the president. i think that gives you a clue as to americans see this as a much bigger problem than just this president's tenure as -- in the oval office as the head of our economic system. >> ok. >> they think there are lots of bigger problems here. >> andrea, how do you parse these numbers? >> the president still remains very personally likable to the american electorate. but when you look at it, i think, the president has stayed really above the fray. he's not submitted two budgets and he's stayed above the fray when it comes to the budget debate as juan has mentioned and he's gone largely unchallenged by the media or by any kind of republican candidate. look at this, the media has
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ridden shotgun on anything he has done and no pun intended but they haven't covered some of the most controversial things or i should say scandals of the administration, one being the fast and furious gun scandal. so he's got the media on his side. he hasn't been challenged by republican candidate yet. and again, when it comes to leadership as jay carney his press secretary said, they believe that leadership is not submitting a proposal on this deficit so he's really been able to dodge a lot of bullets politically and that has kept him above the fray when you pair that with his likeability. >> yet, let's talk about the future, though, for the president and his re-election. we have an illustrative poll that we can show. if we look back at what george h.w. bush was going through with the economy. let's look back to 1991. these are interesting polls because then, same question was asked, do you approve of how president bush is handling the economy? 60% there disapproved, ok, that's higher than the number of people who disapprove at the moment of how the president obama is handling it. but look at his approval
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ratings. this asks how you feel basically about president bush. his approval rating was 71%, again, much higher than president obama's, yet he lost the election. juan, what do you think this spells for president obama? >> well, in the case of president george h.w. bush, i think there was a sense that he wasn't paying attention to the economy. if you remember, the man who defeated him, bill clinton, ran basically with the line, it's the economy, stupid. pay attention to the economy. less to world affairs and everything else. pay attention to the fact that americans had great discontent over the economy and were desiring jobs. i don't think that claim can be made against president obama but again, what it does indicate, alisyn, is that the american people can separate things out. if they see a candidate coming along who demonstrates economic acumen and the ability to manage the government and economy in specific is clearly more intent on jobs, they're willing to go
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that way but i don't think just to respond to andrea tantaros' point, i don't think the american people are stupid. i think that no media can distract from what people see the president doing or not doing and i think they're making a judgment when they give him those pretty high approval numbers. >> and andrea, that's a cautionary tale, right? that people can give you a high approval rating and not vote you back in. >> that's right. george h.w. bush's highest approval got to 90% after he liberated the kuwaitis and it fell to 35%. juan's right, domestic issues dragged him down. obama's approval rating on the economy is a very measly 38%. so look, that's going to be the number one issue. his approval rating is still 48% overall job approval. they still aren't incredible numbers. people are going to be voting with their wallets and i think at the end of the day, you'll see a similar thing happen. as h.w. was painted as being disconnected, remember, he went to the supermarket and they showed him that checker and he said what's this? they painted him as out of touch.
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if obama continues to focus on other issues, similar thing. >> compared to what? you know, i mean, what does the other side have to offer? what republicans can offer. >> indeed we will. thanks so much for coming in for the debate. >> you bet. >> next on the rundown, john stossel says everything you know about u.s. history is wrong! and he created this political ad to prove it. you have to see this one. plus they've arrived here from cities all across the entire country. the wounded warrior soldiers ride about to kick off from "fox & friends" plaza. we'll bring that to you momentarily. you gotta try honey bunches of oats with almonds! it's got real, sliced california almonds with a third less sugar per serving than honey nut cheerios. wow! delicious! try honey bunches of oats with almonds!
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4:32 am
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that is a dodge durango. looks like american performance is doing just fine. ♪ carry on. ♪ >> all right. >> this is our shot of the morning because people are always asking me, where can i get some fox news stuff? where can i get a fox news baseball cap or a shirt and i have the answer this morning. >> yes indeed. you can get it at the fox news shop, right, brian? >> i was told to come back. >> ok. wandering around the set. >> i just stormed out. >> that's right. ali was talking about this weekend, she's going to go on a bender and she needed something to keep it full. this is one of the insulated cooler things. you can get stadium blankets. >> steve is talking about how he's going to run around pantless but wants to wear a shirt all weekend and you can get a fantastic fox news shirt.
4:34 am
>> might want an extra large, steve. >> i'm not going to open the umbrella but you can get all this -- >> if you would like some of this stuff. >> it's all available at the fox news shop. go to >> fantastic. >> all right. meanwhile at 27 minutes before the top of the hour, it's a very exciting time. >> listen, you have probably heard and you probably even say all the time that politics are getting dirtier. this is the most partisan time we've ever lived in, politicians are sinking lower and lower when it comes to personal attacks against their opponents but is that actually true? >> take a look at an ad our founding fathers might have aired if they had television back then. >> john adams is a blind, bald crippled toothless man who wants to start a war with france. while he's not busy importing mistresses from europe, he's trying to marry one of his sons to a daughter of king george. haven't we had enough monarchy in america?
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>> i'm thomas jefferson and i approved this message. >> and they were at loggerheads, right, john stossel? >> and i keep hearing it's the worst ever now but it's always been bad. >> those are quotes that he actually said at the time. >> fake ad, real quotes. >> adams called jefferson blind, bald, crippled, toothless man that wants to start a war with france. this stuff has always been going on and in a way, negative ads have more information in them so they're good for democracy because it's better than morning in america, we'll all love this person. >> silver lining this morning. >> john, it also helps us, too, it worked for jefferson. he ended up beating him. so that goes to show you success -- >> and they do work and we in the media say it's going to kill voter turnout. people don't like this. and people say they don't like
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it. after there's been a lot of specific negative ad campaigns, voter turnout is higher. we're wrong about everything. >> people say what is going on in washington, it's never been this bad as it is right now. wrong, it's been worse. >> there are so many history myth and yeah, they whacked each other with canes and they've done all kinds of things to each other. >> and another myth you're busting is you say that we have this impression that unions really helped the needy, the poor, people who are, you know, disenfranchised. wha what's the truth? >> and minorities. we're going to debunk that myth, too. i can't tell you how many union heads who have told me we unions, we built the middle class but the middle class was happening without unions and the eight hour work day happened before unions and the 40-hour work week was not created by unions. unions came afterwards and many of the unions kept blacks out of the work force. >> right. so you're looking at this on
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your program "stossel" on how we got so much of history wrong. how did it get so contorted? >> i think that the people who write the good stories and tell people things people want to believe, it just spreads. we want to think that people like bipartisanship. they don't like the negative ads. the union members want to think all the stuff we're doing and dues we're paying is accomplishing something good. people don't want the bad news. >> i think you're right. >> you'll give them that news on your show, on "stossel." >> we will. we have a bunch of other myths. i don't think we have time for those. >> no. >> a lot of sex in history and bruce springsteen. did he bring the wall down? >> bruce springsteen? >> yeah. >> i heard it was reagan and the arms build-up but maybe it was bruce springsteen and rock 'n' roll. >> we'll be watching tonight at 10:00 on the fox business network. >> thank you, john. >> news right now and other headlines because a texas inmate has been executed for a shooting
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rampage that he claims was revenge for 9/11. the 41-year-old said there was too much hate in the world and asked for god's grace before his execution. two people died in the shooting spree and a third was injured. >> meanwhile, florida teenager pleads not guilty to murdering his parents with a hammer. as cops released chilling new details about their killings. according to a police report, tyler hadley told a friend he took his parents' cell phone so they couldn't call for help. then he says he stood behind his mother for five minutes before attacking her. her last word, why? hadley reportedly said he locked eyes with his father before killing him. hours later, he threw a party at their house. >> how grisly! this next troubling story, a new terror warning here in the u.s. the department of homeland security issuing a bulletin that al-qaida operatives could hold insider positions at chemical nuclear and utility facilities. the alarming report compiled
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from information found during the raid on bin laden's compound, bin laden, of course, talked about an attack between now and the 10th anniversary of september 11th but the department of homeland security says that there is no specific threat. >> meanwhile, sarah palin's new daughter-in-law is reportedly pregnant. the evidence, new facebook photos show britta at what appears to be her baby shower surrounded by gifts. britta and palin's 22-year-old son were married last spring. there you go. all right. off to the plaza we go and brian kilmeade has very special guests today. >> real heroes this morning. today, wounded warriors from around the country have gathered around our plaza and we're prif le -- privileged to have them, an event called soldier ride and they'll bike from here all the way to the end of long island which is montauk point, new
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york. joining us now, mary taluzzi who is a speaker for this and a caregiver and your son fought in iraq, right? >> yes, my son fought in iraq in -- from 2005 to 2006 and he was injured september 25th. >> now, this whole program got started and it was a stevens house on long island, a group of guys saying i wish i served. how can i help? >> a group of guys that decided to put some backpacks together and take these to local hospitals as far as the military hospital and distribute these bags and were asked do you have anymore? >> right. and i remember we began with this, with the soldier ride and then tony snow did a lot of great work with this very program. >> yeah. >> got a lot of publicity as well. so soldier ride really does what for those who serve? >> it brings them out and gives them a chance to honor and empower them. that's the mission to honor and empower the wounded warriors. we're taking them out of the hospitals, out of their bedrooms and putting them on bikes and
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putting them out there for the public to bring awareness to them and get them out for a day of fun. >> you know what is happening here, mary? at 9:30, there will be a massive launch and everybody will start biking through and through the bridges and when people start seeing the soldiers, many of which are rehabilitating right now and may have lost limbs, what's the reaction been? >> to the soldiers? oh, my god. i am so proud and honored because this is a group of young people who are looking for a better life after their injury. they're looking for a new fonorl and that needs to look like a semblance of what their life was before. >> right, as able bodied fighting for the country, they're looking to get back a vital part of that process, right? >> that's correct. >> what about your son? >> my son, when i initially saw him, he was in a coma and then we transitioned, you know, walter reed, richmond trauma, rehab in new jersey and then home. i was with him 2 1/2 years and it was a 2 1/2 year journey that
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just taught me so much about not only the system and our government but also our young warriors and their needs. >> right. >> that's what wounded warrior project is focused on is the injuries of today's war. and what they need to do to meet those needs. >> right. and a lot of times there's adapt active bikes to be able to work out. >> adaptive bikes is one of the processes of getting these young men and women together. getting them on a bicycle and sending them out on the streets of new york today and this is a collection of young men and women that have not met each other before and it's their opportunity to share a little bit about themselves with each other. it's the beginning of the healing and the process that wounded warrior has in place for them. >> ok. and we'll be telling you more about it throughout the show and just take a look. there's already some interaction there. andrea tantaros has come out and met a lot of men and women that have served and wounded in battle and biking for us and for the wounded warrior project. thanks so much. and thanks to the service of your son and everything else. thanks to all of you for coming down today.
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looking forward to seeing you out and biking over to montauk, long island. back to you guys inside. >> such a good program. >> kicks off at 9:30, 48th and sixth avenue. if you're in the neighborhood, stop by and send them off in style. >> that would be great. meanwhile, the final shuttle mission is complete but a lot of our national security and surveillance comes from satellites in space. so how does the end of the shuttle program affect our safety? >> plus, remember those bailed out chrysler workers caught smoking and drinking before work? now, we know what happened to them. and no, they weren't fired. [ dave ] take any surface and place it between the earth's crust and my feet and i will bring floor care justice down upon it. oh.
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>> 47 minutes past the hour. time for quick headlines. update on the latest party bust at a chrysler union parking lot. fox news again catching workers smoking pot and drinking beer before heading to the factory to build cars. the company says all nine workers have now been identified and suspended indefinitely without pay. and the new exhibit for the september 11th memorial in new york. a crushed fire truck from ladder company 3 was lowered into the ground zero pit. all 11 firefighters on that rig died when the world trade center fell. >> meanwhile, the landing of nasa's space shuttle atlantis closes the door on decades of training and research and now without a unified space exploration program, will our national security suffer at all? jim mazer is the president of pratt and whitney rockette dyne and he's the former president of space x, the company working on
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future shuttle launches. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> there aren't going to be any future shuttle launches. that's coming to an end. we showed the landing two hours ago. bittersweet. i mean we did space so well and now we're done? >> yeah, it really was. we have mixed emotions. it was bittersweet. the shuttle accomplished so much in its 30 year history. you know, we put the hubble telescope up and learned so much from it. did four servicing missions and we put a lot of science up, a lot of satellites but what we really did was build the international space station. that's how complete. >> right. and jim, going forward now, you know, we have a lot of communications satellites up there. we'll have to rely on the kindness of other governments to get us up there to fix them. that poses, i would imagine, a national security issue. >> certainly for human space flight, we have to rely on the russians to take our humans into orbit. we have the ability to launch defense satellites. >> can't put anybody on them. >> no, no, we can't. i think we can convert them eventually to put them on them because they're extremely reliable.
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>> right. one of the other problems, we had a live reporter from down in houston is you got this gigantic brain drain now and all these rocket scientists who have nothing to do. >> that's right. this is the first time in our history where we've ended an era like apollo era and transferred the shuttle and we've ended the shuttle era and we don't know what we're doing next. we don't have actual work. we know we're going to work on something in the future but in the meantime, we're putting rocket scientists on the street. >> do you envision the day when the government, we have limited resources now, works hand in hand with the commercial entities like yours to develop something? >> yeah, i think there's a model where commercial entities or private ventures could take supplies and crew to space station because that should be easy but nasa still has to do the hard stuff. i saw the kennedy speech you played earlier and he said we do these things not because they're easy, because they're hard. that's nasa's job to do the hard things. >> hard times with a lot of people getting laid off. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> all right. straight ahead, ready for the outrage of the year?
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new evidence that we are paying china to teach people there about global warming. don't we already owe china millions of dollars? back on this in date in 1983, the police had the number one hit "every breath you take." everybody sing along. [ female announcer ] ever wish vegetables didn't taste so vegetably? well, v8 v-fusion juice gives you a full serving of vegetables, plus a full serving of fruit. but it just tastes like fruit. and try our deliciously refreshing v8 v-fusion + tea. an accident doesn't have to slow you down. withetter car replacement, your car is totaled, we give you the money for a car one model year newer.
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gave out 65 grants to foreign nations totalling $27 million. outrageous, right? that's what the oklahoma senator james inhofe is here to talk about, he's the ranking member on the public works committee and joins us right now. senator, how did you find out about this? >> we put together a process four years ago that we could track what the bureaucrats are doing, where they're sending the money and we found out about these, the thing about this is, brian, that people know about spending and the problems and we're addressing that now. they don't know the cost of overregulation and of all the overregulation that this administration, they're driving jobs overseas and the most outrageous one, though, is they're trying to do cap and trade which they couldn't do legislatively through administration. and then that would end up costing the american people between $300 and $400 billion a year. now to make it even worse, you mentioned they're loaning china, not loaning, they're giving china, actually giving china money for their climate program
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that they can't sell here in the united states. it is the outrage of the year. >> we owe china $1.2 trillion put in the meantime, we're writing a check for -- to get them to be more responsible for global climate change and giving them a check to do so. they have to be giggling about this. >> oh, they have to be! it's not just china, it's thailand, i could name. it adds up to about $27 million going to influence other people to do all these -- pass all these climate change things that are costly and don't accomplish anything. but china, that is the last straw. >> senator, where do we go from here? you expose it. you get the hourly wage up, what could you couldo? >> i introduced the care, c-a-r-e act, i got about 30 co-sponsors. we'll try to get it passed and get it passed quick. what that does, it traces exactly how much all these regulations are costing in terms of dollars and in terms of jobs and if people who know that,
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then we can stop before regulation goes through, we can use -- we can have a motion of disapproval for that regulation. that's the answer for this. you know, if you -- people used to talk about earmarks, if the bureaucratic earmarks that are the problem. the ones that are coming from unelected bureaucrats going to countries to fortify some kind of liberal philosophy they have. we can stop it. >> you can stop a lot of it. you have people outraged enough to take action and now you have a plan to do it. >> we have a plan to do it. we have to make sure people understand that the cost of regulation in terms of jobs and money is just as bad as the deficit we've gotten. >> you got it. senator james inhofe, have a great day. thanks so much. >> thank you. >> moving straight ahead, we forge ahead. boys will be boys. no longer than excuse in america. you got a judge making teens register as sex offenders for mooning their friends. will that ruling really stand? then a bombshell in the casey anthony trial. geraldo rivera here to explain.
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dad, why are you getting that? is there a prize in there? oh, there's a prize, all right. [ male announcer ] inside every box of cheerios are those great-tting little o's made from carefully selected oats that can help lower cholester. is it a superhero? kinda. ♪ energy is being produced to power our lives. while energy developement comes with some risk, north america's natural gas producers are committed to safely and responsibly providing decades of cleaner burning energy for our country, drilling thousands of feet below fresh water sources within self contained well systems and using state of the art monitoring technologies,
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see accidents and service reported to carfax and a price based on the car's history. free, at thousands of reputable dealers. just say, show me the carfax. >> alisyn: good morning. it's nursers july 21. i'm alisyn camerota in for gretchen. it was the mother of all countdowns. the time shuttle landing. >> nose gear touchdown. having fired the imagination of a generation, the ship like no other, its place in history secured, the space shuttle deport for the last time. its voyage at an end. >> alisyn: the astronauts just speaking out. we're taking you to the microphone live at cape canaveral. >> steve: meanwhile, reports this morning that casey anthony is hiding out on geraldo's yacht. is that true? we have gotten the skipper himself on the couch in about two minutes to find the answer.
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>> brian: wow. why don't we just yell to him? he's right over there. teens talking moons some friends. don't call them pranksters. now you got to call them sex offenders. is that the new american standard? is that really legal? those are three great questions and i'll answer one when fox and "friends" starts, which is now. ♪ >> main gear touchdown. now deploying the drag chute. rotating the nose gear down to the deck. nose gear touchtown.
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having fired the imagination of a generation, the ship like no other, its place in history secured, the space shuttle pulls into port for the last time. its voyage at an end. >> steve: you saw it live right here on the fox news channel just about two hours and five minutes ago. it was this picture perfect as it could be in the dark. let's go right now to phil keating. you watched the shuttle come down live. good morning to you on this historic day, phil. >> good morning. yeah. the biggest event for us here, the 2,000 or so spectators, a record size crowd, the biggest highlight of the landing because it was pre-sunrise was the sonic booms, three minutes before the final touchdown of the space shuttle atlantis. but this is all she wrote. the 30-year space shuttle program, nasa's historic program is now over, complete. there are no more shuttle
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launches or landings. this is so important because it was the last shuttle mission to deliver a year's worth of food and supplies up to the astronauts and cosmonauts on board the international space station. there are currently six people living up there orbiting the earth 220 miles up above us. and they got a year's worth of supplies, four tons of gear because that's important because the u.s. can no longer deliver those supplies because our replacement, the constellation program and the future orion space capsule is years down the road from happening. so it's the russian space agency, european space agency and japanese space agency which will carry the burden of carrying up all of those supplies as well as the humans, the men and women who will staff the international space station from now until the year 2020 at a minimum. that's for budget. nasa budget is transferred to
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the constellation program. for workers, 9,000 people in total with the shuttle program retiring, are going to be losing their jobs. some of those have already lost their jobs in waves earlier this year. big wave happens first thing in the morning. 3200 more people. these are highly educated, well paid employees, are suddenly going to be out of a job. the good news is they've had a lot of forewarning of this. there is another wave that the united space alliance is going to do in august as well. then the kennedy space center is not going to be moth balls up. the visitor center gets several million visitors a year. there are multiple rocket launches that will continue to happen and then we have the transfer to the private commercial taxi service. they have a big launch planned for october.
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melon collie as this -- melancholy as this comes to an end. >> alisyn: think about mission control. think about the influence that it has had not just on the space program, on culture, on the movies that we've seen, on the songs. i mean, it's become part of our vernacular. >> steve: houston, we have a problem. >> alisyn: let's go to our meeting in mission control. what will happen to mission control? the a.p. has written an article this morning about how its taken on this cathedral-like quality in our minds and the minds of the space program. >> brian: they also talk about the relationships that have been built among the controllers and astronauts, where their families go to school together, they pull together, that's going to be broken up forever and they'll use that as basically an educational center. >> steve: mission control will be a training venue for astronauts going to the international space station over the next couple of weeks and months. as well, hundreds of people will be laid off who had worked there
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for many, many years. >> brian: here is what some of you are saying through twitter. sandman writes, most poignant was reagan addressing the nation after challenger disaster, still gives me chills. >> steve: as we wrap up the space program, we asked you if your favorite memories and these are some. >> alisyn: another says, in elementary school when we used to take time out of the school day to watch lift off in awe and discuss the mission afterwards. >> steve: kate rights, watching the first moon landing with my dad. i think if you were alive and old enough to remember stuff like that, that's one of the things you will never forget. >> alisyn: so here is a moment from mission commander chris ferguson. let's listen. >> i want that picture of a young six-year-old boy looking up at a space shut until a museum and -- shuttle in a museum and say, daddy, i want to do that when i grow up or i want
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our country to do this in the future. >> steve: when president kennedy launched the space race to catch up to the russians, that was, what, 50 years ago? now it's over. the united states no longer in the manned space flight. >> brian: for a while there will be a gap. hopefully not for long. tell me what else is happening and we'll get geraldo here. >> alisyn: the rest of the news, asking for god's grace as poison ran through his veins. 41-year-old texas inmate put to death by lethal injection. he was accused of killing two people and wounding one in a shooting spree. he said it was revenge for 9-11. the man he wounded argued against execution on religious grounds. another seven months before army psychiatrist nidal malik hasan stands trial for the murder of 13 people, including a pregnant woman at fort hood, texas, back in 2009. he announced he fired his civilian lawyer in favor of a military defense team and elected to have a jury of army
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officers decide his fate. an air force squadron finally home after a six-month tour in afghanistan. [ cheers and applause ] 150 members of the utah air control squadron flew in. some seeing their chirp for the first time in months. some of them ever. >> so big. she really has. this one has done wonderful with the pictures pictures and every. she's gotten really big. >> first time seeing your baby? >> yes, sir. >> how does it feel? >> feels great. >> alisyn: oh, my gosh. first time seeing his baby. the group provided radar surveillance while in afghanistan. those are your headlines. >> brian: eight minutes past the top of the hour. first she beat the rap and then the press. where is casey anthony now? who is keeping her safe? geraldo, you're safely here to
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tell us, is she on your yacht? >> brian, you've been on my vessel, it's not a yacht. it's a sailing vessel. vintage 40-year-old, i sailed around the world in it. let me back into it. so i talked to jose baez yesterday and i said i think it's time i met your client. i said, go out on your boat. isn't she there? for the record, i have never met her or spoken to her. she's not on my boat. she's not on my island. she's not in my home. a funner story, my wife comes home yesterday. on july 30, we'll have our daughter's 6th birthday. she said three of the moms at camp said they'll have difficulty coming over if she's here. [ laughter ] are you buying into this ridiculous rumor? it's preposterous. as i said, i never met her and have no plans to. >> steve: apparently one of the reports was on radar on-line and
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it suggested she might be somewhere in your sphere because you would wind up -- >> i haven't checked my office upstairs yet. but i think this is all part of a feeding frenzy. we are desperate for more information. we lived with this case for three long years. >> steve: you've got new information. >> we have new information and it will constantly trickle out and like the o. j. simpson case, i believe this one will be part of pop culture in our history of this era for many years to come. the information is as follows: one of the reasons we hate casey anthony, aside from the probability that she was solely or in concert responsible for the death, whether by murder or by accident, of her beloved child, caylee marie anthony, one of the reasons we hate her is the prosecution contention that she used chloroform to drug the child, render the child unconscious so she could then suffocate the child with the duct tape.
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84 computer searches the prosecution has been saying that for three years, she searched, casey anthony searched, google 84 times to learn everything she could about chloroform. that was the testimony the prosecution presented. that was the leaks they've been giving for three years. it's despicable. it's clear evidence of intent to murder. guess what? before the trial was over, the prosecution computer expert who testified to the 84 searches notified the prosecution -- this is key -- notified the prosecution that he was wrong. there were never 84 searches. there was one search for several minutes and if you remember, that was when tony lazaro, the boyfriend of hers was running the clubs and chloroform was a club drug. they were even saying on the poster, chloroform. there was up with computer search for chloroform and it only lasted several minutes. it's all a lie. but the worst part is that the prosecution knew it because he
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e-mailed them and telephoned them, the expert -- they are required by law to present evidence, the bottom line is this: even if she had been convicted, it was a slam dunk absolute automatic reversal, the fact that they withheld that vital information that they presented to the jury and to the world that there were 84 computer searches. ladies and gentlemen, there was one search. how do you feel now about the prosecution case? >> brian: how about this? you mean reversal or retrial? >> probably both. probably both. but the intensity of this -- i want you to read the first line of that. >> alisyn: but there was still chloroform found in the trunk. >> that's very questionable. >> steve: i'm writing to inform you i will no longer be watching geraldo at large. >> read the next one.
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that was dawn. this is katy. read that. >> alisyn: can we trade during the break? >> brian: no. >> my point is that there is an organized boycott, people have been living this -- i'm being spammed. relax, let justice take its course. they didn't convict her. >> alisyn: thank you for the information. >> brian: we will never boycott your show. >> you're invited on my sailing vessel. i don't have a yacht. >> alisyn: don't call them pranksters. a judge said that moons is the same as a sex offense. should teens be labeled sex offenders for life after mooning. >> steve: the white house says the senate's gang of six deal is picking up steam. is that true? michael crapo joins us live in a moment. >> alisyn: good stuff. using there kevin?
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>> alisyn: boys will be boys. is that a good excuse in america? a judge makes teens register as sex offenders for life for mooning their friends. fox news legal analyst peter johnson, jr. joins us now. we were talking about this earlier. this used to be considered horseplay. boys sometimes pull down their pants when they're 14 and do things to their friends. >> let's dig deep into this case. the case is, and i read the entire case. in some ways it's a shocking case and not what it would seem. the allegation in this case is that the boys were chased, that they were dunked in the river, they were made to do pushup, that they were slapped and that there was contact between the private parts of at least one of the assailants and one of the boys in terms of the face. there was also the allegation
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that was made that one of the boys was made to say something that was very humiliating about what he liked in terms of sex. >> alisyn: this is more like a hazing. this isn't just horseplay. >> i've got to tell you, in reading this 40 something page decision, i think the judge is right and the judge said listen, i've looked at this. this is not horseplay. the whole panel judges said this is not horseplay. this appears to be within the definition of a sexual attack under new jersey law. >> alisyn: okay. you make a great point. this is beyond horseplay. this is more vile and humiliating. however, they are 14 years old. >> what the court said is, listen, i'm not the legislature, i didn't write the law. people responded to a horrific, horrific occasion and said, we need to register people. they need to give dna and we need to know in the community who these people are. and they're saying, that may not
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be the result that we should be having here. they held out a life line to those boys and i believe in redemption and forgiveness and i believe in second starts. they said, i'm sending it back to the superior court, to the lower court for them to look at whether they had the proper assistance of counsel, whether they should have pled guilty or not. so i believe in the end that these boys will not wind up on that watch list in the state of new jersey. we need to look at, is meghan's law effective in the united states? there is one study in the state of new jersey that says it has no effect in terms of sex crimes here in united states. we have public outcries and public outcries about this now. perhaps the punishment doesn't fit the crime. we need to look at proportionality and the crime. crime, probably. punishment, too great? probably. let's make it real. >> alisyn: after reading more into it, thank you. finally, both sides starting to agree on something in washington. the deal by the gang of six, but
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senate's gang of six. their plan would reduce the nation's debt by an estimated $3.7 trillion over the next decade. but is there enough time to come to consensus? joining us from washington, d.c. is one member of the gang of six, senator michael crapo. good morning to you, sir. >> good morning. >> steve: are you surprised? i know when you guys started working on this, it was going to be a definite sit reducer, not a debt limit fixer. >> yeah, that's true. in fact, this was never conceived to be a part of the debt ceiling battle we are in right now, although it could possibly be utilized by some who want to use it in its entirety or in piece, a part of the solution. but what we are focused on is the debt crisis. this is a comprehensive change of american fiscal policy that puts everything on the table and provides a pathway for america to rebuild our economy. >> steve: senator, the "wall street journal" on their editorial page writes that this gang of six proposal may be a good one, but there are too few details.
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they've only seen a seven page outline. >> that's true. there are a lot of details. we've been negotiating this over six months. really getting down into the woods and working things out. but they were working off of a seven-page outline and the details, frankly, have not been put out yet. we've put out the basic outline. i think when they see the details, they'll see that there is plenty there to put forward, the kind of approach that i think america needs to deal with our debt crisis. >> steve: okay. people will be fascinated to see the details. however, paul ryan, one of your counterparts on the republican side in the house, has looked at what he can get his hands on and he sees $2 trillion worth of new taxes. >> well, that's just not accurate. the way this comes about is that depending on the baseline you use and how you start analyzing and what assumptions you make, you can pretty much do whatever you want with numbers. the bottom line here is that we will have more in rate reduction than in tax expenditure
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elimination, if you understand what i'm talking about there, and the bottom line is we will be reducing taxes dramatically. we are going to bring down the income tax rates from the highest rates now going up to 39%, down to a range of 23 to 29%. the middle rate will be 12 to 18%, and the bottom rate will be 8 to 12%. that's a phenomenal tax cut for americans across the board. >> steve: i think senator, a lot of americans will be happy that the tax system is reformed if this comes to pass. meanwhile, out of the house, they have passed the cut, cap and balance and you on the senate side will start looking at that and debating it and could vote by saturday, i understand. do you like that idea, because there are a lot of freshmen republicans who say we simply cannot go for anything less than cut, cap and balance? >> i really do like that bill. i'm a co-sponsor of it in the senate. it cuts spending, it caps spending in the future. and it requires that we adopt a balanced budget amendment. frankly, i think we ought to do the cut, cap and balance bill.
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we ought to do the gang of six bill, which changes our fiscal policy and reforms our tax code, and further starts reducing spending, and then we ought to do it again, frankly. we have a 14 1/2 trillion dollars debt. ours is a $3.7 trillion solution, which makes major changes. but we still need to do much more than even the cut, cap and balance bill or the gang of six bill. >> steve: senator, i know the white house, through the person of jay carney yesterday, mentioned that we might have to have a little stop-gap measure in the interim because they just started thinking about the gang -- your proposal. what have you heard about a stop gap? >> i have heard the white house is basically reversing its position and taking a positive look at a stop gap temporary move. i personally don't think that's likely to work because we'll just move up toward the new deadline if we do that. bottom line is, i think we need to get a solution to the debt ceiling crisis and move forward and then evaluate the detail and move into aggressive
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consideration of the gang of six proposal. if the gang of six proposal, as i said, can be a part of the debt ceiling solution, that's fine. but it wasn't intended as that. it was intended as a solution to our debt crisis. >> steve: now there you are in the midst of all of it. senator crapo from idaho, thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> steve: 28 minutes after the top of the hour. brand-new unemployment numbers expected in two minutes. eric bolling here live to break them down. then, one government agency so wasteful, the employees might face prosecution. the $557 million blunder that is costing everybody. and hbo's "entourage" is back and one of the show's big stars, emmanuel shreaky is here with a peek a boo at the new episodes.
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desperate for nighttime heartburn relief? for many, nexium helps relieve heartburn symptoms caused by acid reflux disease. talk to your doctor about your risk for osteoporosis-related bone fractures if you take multiple daily doses of nexium for a long time. possible side effects include headache, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. other serious stomach conditions may still exist. talk to your doctor about nexium. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. >> alisyn: we have a fox business alert. the labor department just releasing the latest weekly jobless numbers. that number is 418,000 first time unemployment claims were filed last week. they were expecting 410,000 claims. it's more than predicted.
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>> brian: joining us, eric bolling to react to that. >> i almost reacted prematurely. that's a bad number. 405 to 410,000 is what economists were hoping for. we got 418,000. remember, these are jobless claims, first time. so the number goes up, that's a bad thing. that means unemployment. we look at these numbers on a week to week basis. we're here every week and you want to see that trend turn down, get under 400,000, get towards 350,000 where you might actually be creating jobs in the economy. 300 would be great. but again, it hovers at that 415, 420 week after week after week, which tells you if you go another couple of weeks like this, that magical monthly unemployment number, 9.2% probably won't be coming down any time soon. >> steve: in the next week, you'll have the thousands of nasa people who were involved in space shuttle, they're out of work. >> that was a great line there. the u.s. great. that was a fantastic ending to a great program. we should keep it open.
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>> alisyn: let's talk about this next story. that is that 557 million-dollar lease for downtown washington, d.c. offices by the sec investigating. what -- >> here is what happened. let me explain what happened. the sec said we expect to hire a bunch of new people, so they went out and leased ten years forward, # hundred thousand square feet of space -- 900,000 square feet of space. they didn't need it, but they signed the lease and they were on the hook for # $557 million of taxpayer money. now there is a congressional panel that wants to look into it. there is an inspector general playing around. but here is the problem. when they started looking into it, they were getting documents back. they were getting lease agreements back, to the investigators. but they were whited out. numbers were changed. dates were changed. so now they're going to go a little deeper and find out what was underneath some of the redacted numbers. not even redacted. they were literally whited out.
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someone is covering something. bottom line is, right now, we're still on the hook for hundreds of millions of dollars unless they can figure out a way. again, waste, fraud and abuse in washington is rampant. so as government grows, so does the waste, fraud and abuse. crapo it had right. turn it down. go the other way. make government smaller and you'll probably close up some of these loopholes. >> steve: ali had a story earlier about two ships that we spent $300 million on and they've never been used. they've been sitting in dry dock since they built them and now they're going to take them apart for scrap. >> brian: coming up on the 5 at 5 today, we're going to go through the top stories of the day across the area. i really like the story you guys talked about a little earlier about the department of homeland security finding indications that there could be terrorists working at some of our nuclear plants. we go through a lot of things.
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>> alisyn: you really do. you talk about everything. >> we talk about the things that you can talk about at your next cocktail party. >> steve: although i think gutfilled must have a flask and he's not normal. >> he may use one. >> brian: we'll see you at 5:00 o'clock. straight ahead, this morning we witnessed the end of an era and i hope you were with us. the shuttle atlantis touching down safely in florida. this landing, the final for the shuttle program, after 135 missions that spans 30 years. it will remain on display at cape canaveral while the other shuttles will be moved o other museums around the country. chris ferguson says he hopes they are an inspiration. >> i want that picture of a young six-year-old boy looking up at a space shuttle in a museum and say, daddy, i want to do something like that when i grow up.
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or i want our country to do fantastic things like this for the continued future. >> brian: like he did. thousands of highly skilled nasa and contract workers need some inspiration when they find out they could be out of work. many of them will leave work tomorrow and leave with pink slips. >> alisyn: a prayer service in new york city last night for the eight-year-old boy found murdered last week. obviously from this deeply religious community, you can see this prayer service. an autopsy shows that he was given a lethal cocktail of prescription drugs before he was smothered and then dismembered. police say 35-year-old levy aaron abducted him and killed him. it was an eight count indictment including first-degree murder. >> steve: he called debbie
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wasserman schultz, vile, despicable and cowardly. now congressman alan west of florida is denying reports that he apologized for the remarks even though he's heard kind of apologizing on tape. listen to this. you be the judge. >> what does that mean? >> i just apologized. >> west's office says that the congressman was absolutely not apologizing. to the contrary, they say the congressman wants wasserman schultz to apologize to him first for calling him a sexist last year and then for criticizing him on the house floor just two days ago. coming up at 1:00 o'clock this afternoon, congressman west live right here on fox news channel's america live program. >> brian: and you've got to see this. giants against the dodgers. a foul ball popped to the stands and someone catches it. but take a look at the little kid in the background.
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wearing the gray sweatshirt. he's not happy about missing the catch. i don't like that body language, young man. little guy products and products. but don't worry. the announcers felt so bad, they arranged for a giants' representative to bring him a ball of his own and that turned his frown upside down. maybe i will save that ticket stub, dad. it might be a day to remember. >> alisyn: i get that all the time from my four-year-old son, that huff, that body language. >> brian: you walk in and you say, let me tell but my day at work and they don't care. >> steve: give them a cookie. >> alisyn: the tsa heard your complaints and they say they're making some changes. get ready for brand-new body scanners. are these really any better? >> steve: do we wind up looking naked? "entourage" kicks off this sunday on hbo. we have a sneak peek and there is a big chance for sloan.
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emmanuelle chriqui here with the scoop on the curvy couch. come over here next. >> alisyn: great to see you again. ooo whatcha got there? uh oh, sesame stir fry from lucky dynasty. oh, me too! but mine's lean cuisine, so no preservatives. [ female announcer ] lean cuisine has 90 dishes with no preservatives and quality ingredients like farm-picked broccoli and tender white meat chicken. lean cuisine. we get double miles on every purchase, so me and my lads earned arip to san francisco twice as fast we get double miles every time we use our card... i'll take these two... matter what we're buying.
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i don't know. the usual? [ blower whirring ] sometimes it pays to switch things up. my - what, my hair? no. car insurance. i switched to progressive and they gave me discounts r the time i spent with my old compan saved a nch. that's a reason to switch. big savings -- it's a good look for you. [ blower whirring ] [blower stops] the safety was off. out there with a better way. now, that's progressive. yup... it's our annual deal-o-rama! show me the carfax. yeah... show me the carfax. but it's deal-o-rama.
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just show me the carfax. [ sighs ] before you buy a used car, get a carfax vehicle history report. see accidents and service reported to carfax and a price based on the car's history. free, at thousands of reputable dealers. just say, show me the carfax. >> brian: quick headlines. because of privacy concerns, the tsa is upgrading their full body scanners and so a new software called automated target recognition. it only shows the generic outline of a person. not a naked body. 41 airports will have the new scanners with the new software by the end of the year. it happened again. two kids are forced to shut down their lemonade stand in mcallen, texas. they were told they needed a permit. the kids' grandma was slapped with a 50-dollar fine. those kids were raising money for something really important.
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now they can't. >> alisyn: oh meanwhile, it's the show that brought a behind the scenes look at the glamorous life. "entourage" will be ending. >> steve: last season, sloan and e were engaged and now it looks like things haven't exactly gone as planned. >> sometime. >> really? >> hey. i don't want to get in another fight. >> okay. >> i just want to know when you're going to get your stuff out of here. >> i'm sorry. i've been a little crazy. >> e, i don't need to discuss it. i need your stuff out of my space. >> okay. >> okay, bye. >> brian: that doesn't sound like happily ever after. what happened? here to tell us, "entourage "superstar emmanuelle chriqui is here. great to see you on the couch. i know off special present for alisyn. is this about a parent getting
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involved in a relationship that could have been perfect? >> i mean, perfect? i don't know. i don't know that it would be perfect. it's true love, but it's in a ping-pong relationship. >> steve: what's gone wrong since we last checked in and you were engaged? >> steve: you were going to ride off on a horse together in the sunset. >> exactly. my dad decided unbeknownst to me, to get e to -- well, try to get him to sign a prenup and that didn't go over well. >> steve: because your family is loaded. >> loaded. >> steve: he didn't want e to wind up with any of the family dough. >> yeah, totally. and it didn't go well. so we start season 8 not together. >> steve: on the rocks. >> alisyn: there were a few cliff hangers on the end of season 7. you guys had a very, very successful run. why is it time to wrap it up now? >> why is it time? i guess there is a multitude of reasons. the good thing is that it's the last season and we're relieving
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while we're at the top. we're leaving when people still want more, which is always a good way to leave. >> steve: you're in a position where there are a lot of rumors that the tv show could become a movie. >> yes. >> steve: in talks. what else could you tell us? >> i mean, nothing is definitive, but it is -- it's not just a rumor anymore. the producers and the creators and the actors, it is something we talk about. >> brian: would you use someone on the set to negotiate your deal, being that they've an agents really for eight seasons? >> our goal is to get me a deal. >> steve: his response, we couldn't play on cable. >> alisyn: it's so dirty. yeah, you guys have become family. we've heard there was the premiere party and everybody came out and you grew up together after eight years. >> for the boys, it's been eight years and for me, it's been six.
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and no question, i mean, that the boys and the girls, perry reeves, i met some of my best friends on the show. we've become family. >> brian: the longer we're together, the more we want to be apart. >> i don't believe that. >> brian: so that's going to start sunday. correct? >> yes. >> brian: sunday night on the 24th. now, you got a new movie "five days of war." any good? >> yeah. totally -- i mean, yeah. [ laughter ] it's "five days of war." it's about when russia invaded georgia a few years ago. it's kind of -- >> steve: based on fact. >> based on fact, and it's something not a lot of people know about. it's an eye opening experience to film as well, on location. >> steve: that starts in a couple of weeks. >> yeah. august 19. >> steve: meanwhile, brian, let the cat out of the bag, you've got a special present for the girl in the middle. >> i do. here you go.
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this is what is in the box. >> alisyn: that's beautiful! >> thank you. you're designing this? >> no, i didn't design this. i'm a curator with kate bosworth. >> steve: that's beautiful. >> thank you. so i'm a curator of their line. >> alisyn: it goes to a great cause? >> a charity close to my heart that i've been doing a lot of work for, raising awareness for the women and girls of the congo, 'cause i'm not sure if you know this, it's the most dangerous place in the world for a woman or girl to be. they use rape as a weapon of warfare and we find of need to stop that and give them a voice. so 50% of the proceeds go to that. >> alisyn: it's beautiful. >> it looks fantastic on you. >> alisyn: i love it. you can curate more jewelry for me any time. i really love it. thank you. >> steve: if people would like to find out more about the julie
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how to help, go to our web site in an our or two and we'll have it on the site. >> excellent, thank you. >> alisyn: great to have you here. best of luck with the final season. we'll be watching. >> thanks. appreciate it. >> brian: good luck with your movie. straight ahead, next on the rundown, a man who committed himself to putting a man on the moon. >> we choose to go to the moon and do the other things not because they are easy, but because they are hard. >> brian: our next guest says the final shuttle landing is a giant step backward for mankind. but first, let's step forward and check in with bill hemmer for what's happening on your show? >> great coverage. i was with you there at 5:30 a.m. with atlantis. nicely done. >> brian: good job. >> there you go. crunch time in washington. the senate takes up that cut, cap and balance act passed by the republicans and the house. speaker john boehner is going for the microphone, so is nancy pelosi. there was a lot to cover on this again today.
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>> brian: today's final shuttle landing is closing the door on its space exploration mission. you're listening to what we saw and brought to you live a short time ago. revealing 50 -- it was nearly 50 years ago, when president john f. kennedy said this. >> we choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things not because they are easy, but because they are hard.
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because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills because that challenge is one that we're willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one we intend to win. >> brian: would jfk have approved of president obama's current plans for outer space exploration or lack thereof? joining us right now, former astronaut, jerry, thank you for joining us. it's a day to salute those who brought us the space shuttle. why are you somewhat disenchanted today? >> very disenchanted because we just canceled our follow-up program, you know, doing hard things -- every time i hear that speech, it gives me chills. that's what we should be doing today. we should be number one in the world. we should be building advanced spacecraft. nasa had a plan. we transitioned the shuttle out. we used that budget to build the next generation spacecraft. it's ready to go. it's about a year away.
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it can get us to the moon. it can get us to mars. and instead, we're taking one giant leap backwards, giving part of nasa's budget to five private companies, space tourism companies, and i'm all for them, but i am not for them taking advanced program money in order to build something we built in 1965. >> brian: does it tear you up when you see jfk talking with all that hope and knowing what we accomplished and seeing where we're at right now? >> we're the leaders! where are the leaders? kennedy was bold and he was exactly right. you got to do hard things. if you don't do hard things, you go backwards. it challenges us and it's the last point that they made, we intend to win. you know, we're not going to be a second rate space fairing nation. we are not going to go to russia, which we have to do for the next five years, can you please take us to the international space station?
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>> brian: it's a travesty. did they kill a program on track? >> it was good enough on track and that's made a very tough budgetary decision to phase out the shuttle, use that money. we've got the prototype ready and we can go to mars, we can use advanced computer systems, and we can keep that work force together, all those years of brain power, life experience. we're just throwing it away. 5,000 thank you. >> brian: more "fox & friends" in two. aren't getting enough whole grain.
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