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tv   The O Reilly Factor  FOX News  July 27, 2011 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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and now you know the news for this wednesday, july the 27th, 2011. i'm shepard smith. nice to be with you tonight. mr. o'reilly is next. >> bill: "the o'reilly factor" is on. tonight. >> he has this reputation as a guy who is always caving into the republicans. >> there are millions of americans who are deeply disappointed in the president. >> bill: the far left stepping up its attacks on barack obama. even as the country's economic profile is getting worse. will the radical left bring down the president? >> they killed malcolm x. they killed dr. martin luther king jr. they killed. >> they were killed by the authorities. >> yes. this is all documented. >> bill: a former georgia congressman woman rooming around the muslim world saying vial things about our country. we have a factor investigation. >> o for oil, i for israel. l is for logistics.
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>> acaviar? >> i hope so. >> bill: also tonight jesse watters goes to the hamptons, tally who he. and dennis miller on the proposed junk food tax. >> it's a fakeout. it's a fakeout. >> bill: caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. captions by closed captioning services >> bill: hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. why a debt deal can't get done. that is the subject of this evening's talking points memos. first of all, we taped this program earlier today because right now at this very moment i'm on a plane to california. if anything happens this hour shepard smith will magically appear before your eyes. do not be horrified. if anything happens, our hard news people will be on the case. now, the reason the debt deal can't get done is because of pressure on both president obama and speaker of the house john
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boehner. last thursday, we went over the tea party objections to any debt compromise and some of you were angry with that analysis. as dhak reiterated charles krauthammer reiterated last night the tea party is a problem when compromise becomes necessary. president obama has the same kind of problem from the far left. the insidious move on organization is actually threatening any democrat who doesn't toe the far left line that is raise taxes. president obama is also being intimidated by the far left. >> i just don't get this giving away the store. never thought he would be caving on the revenue side of it i thought that was his line in the sand. and he has this reputation as a guy who is always caving into the republicans. >> they want to destroy food safety, a clean air, clean water, the department of education. they want to destroy your rights. they do not like government. >> there are millions of americans who are deeply
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disappointed in the president. who cannot believe how we -- been for whatever reason in negotiating with republicans. there is deep disappointment. >> bill: there may be deep disappointment in the world of bernie sanders. two thirds of the american public want president obama to get a deal done. the president is taking enormous hit. not only are his poll numbers falling with the dow. the national journal reports today states like ohio, michigan and new hampshire all won by president obama last time around are now turning. karl rove says there are just 14 battleground states where the next presidential vote is up for grabs. those are in yellow. most of those states are now leaning against barack obama. in fact, mr. o predicts republicans will win indiana, virginia, north carolina, ohio, and florida. then will need just one more battleground state to defeat the
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president. if mr. rove is correct, barack obama's future in the white house is shaky to say the least. the president must know that he must walk away from the far left just as speaker boehner has to put the far right on the shelf. independent americans will decide the next presidential election. not move on, not the tea party. the independents want the debt chaos to stop. in the end, it is mr. obama who has the most to lose if compromise is not reached. unless he wants to move on, from the oval office, he better get a deal done. and that's the memo. now for the top story tonight. purveyor of the legendary web site dick you know about it, you love him. dick morris. how much influence does the far left really have? i mean, the rhetoric, the bomb throwers, the cable tv aside. >> when it comes right down to it, how much influence do these people have? >> vast. can't imagine how much influence because barack obama's entire
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presidency his entire political career maximizing turnout on the left. not just persuading independent voters. obama got the same percentage of the white vote as al gore got. the only dinners is within the white vote he lost older whites and picked out more turnout among younger whites. the reason he won the election black turnouts was 3 points higher latino is a appoint and and a half margin higher. so, turnout is the absolute the barack obama's strategy. if the left turns on obama or turns off obama. they vote with their feet and they stay home. >> bill: why though? if most people aren't idealogues, as all the polls show they are not. only 2 o% define themselves as liberals. 41% define themselves as
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conservative. under the liberal banner you would only say maybe 8%, 7% would be far left, really bernie sanders left. okay? but, yet, it seems they have an inordinate amount of power when it comes to barack obama. is that because of the web site situation? your stat ignores race. 10 to 14% of the vote is cast by african-americans who are clearly going to be for obama whatever they say their ideology is. another 8% or by latinos who he hopes to win. >> bill: that should diminish the far left though. if it's an ethnic vote or a racial vote, that should diminish the far left power. >> the clear ingredient of that is 30% of the electorate or white liberals. you end up with about 35% of the elector raft that's clearly democratic. and the issue for obama is maximizing that turnout. so, instead of casting 35% of the vote, they cast 38% or 40%.
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therefore, any rumbling on the left scares obama to death. that's why he had a deal for debt limit in his pocket on sunday night. >> bill: that killed me. i couldn't believe it. >> conceded the revenue issue. agreed not to raise taxes. then obama blew up the deal, put taxes back on the table. >> bill: $400 billion more. , because of the stuff you just played on tv. >> bill: you are firmly convinced and i'm not 100% convinced of this. i'm like 90% convinced that the president walked away from a deal that would have been good for the country, no doubt, right? >> yes. >> >> bill: okay. because he is afraid. he is afraid of the "new york times," the paul krugmans, the move-ons, the what's his name, funding all this stuff. >> soros. >> he is afraid of them. i think he is and with good reason. i think that the -- that there is one other factor that's
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really important to understand. when bill clinton went through the debt limit fight of '95. >> bill: let me stop you one more time. was bill clinton frightened of the far left. >> only if jessie jackson won in the primary and he bought him off by making no change in affirmative action. >> bill: it wasn't the country it is now. you didn't have that web site craziness and all of that. did you have 24 hour cable and talk radio. bill clinton himself when he was sitting in the oval office, he didn't fear george soros? >> no. he feared jesse jackson. he cut a deal with jackson and then he was relaxed. >> bill: so the others didn't matter. >> yeah. >> bill: have the others risen in pawfer. >> of course. they elected obama. >> bill: why have they risen in power? >> mobilization that began with impeachment that gave rise to continued with the iraq war. continued with the gay rights movement. >> all about the web site? all about the technology that has given them the power? >> technology has been important for both sides. >> bill: look, msnbc hals no
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ratings. they are the cable news outfit of the far left. >> it's all web site. >> bill: there are no far left talk radio successes, none. >> no. it's all web site. >> bill: that has changed the political web site of this country web sites, oval office saying you better not do what's good for the country, you better do what we say. >> yep. that's absolutely true. let me finish the point i was making. when clinton fought the republicans in '95 and '96. it was zero game between clinton and congress because the republican nominee was the leader of congress, bob dole. and was going to run against clinton. dole was the senate majority leader. now, obama is fighting john boehner, who isn't going to run for anything except re-election in ohio. so, whereas obama may occasionally move up and obama down in the game against each other. both of them move down if they don't make a deal. >> bill: it doesn't matter to boehner. >> outside republicans don't get
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hurt at all. >> bill: i said from the jump the big loser in this whole thing if they get a deal done his image is going to take it. >> is he now streaming himself on dick didn't get enough of him tonight. >> every day at lunch get a video. >> bill: fabulous. lawyer range gram on -- laura ingraham on the possibility of a compromise and the branding of norway killer a christian. laura is next. aughter's part fish. but when she got asthma, all i could do was worry ! specialists, lots of doctors, lots of advice... and my hands were full. i couldn't sort through it all. with unitedhealthcare, it's different. we have cess to great specialists, and our pediatrician gets all the information. everyone works as a team. and i only need to talk to one person about her care. we're more than 78,000 people
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great. call or click-- we'll send you strips and a meter, free. free is good. freestyle lite test strips. call or click today. . >> bill: in the week in review from the ingraham angle segment tent, loss to talk about ms. laura celebrating the success of brand new best seller of thee i zing. muffin tops to body shops. what did you think of the discussion with morris. right on that the far left is intimidating the president of the united states. >> all going to be about turn-out bill as dick pointed out in 2012. y it was the president earlier this week leaning on and appealing to la raza or whether it's president obama being dictated to by the far left web sites, i think it's going to be a push poll thing until november. he has got to motivate the troops because he can't run on his record. he has got to run on all these other kind of side issues to whip up people into a frenzy on any given number of left wing issues. that's the menu in front of him. he is going to do the best he
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can. >> is there any comparison to the tea party pressure on the republican party? >> well, i don't think so. because i think as surveys have shown, you know, when you go down the list of just stick to economic topics, the tea party seems to be much more in line with where most americans are on a variety of points. whether it's the growth of government or responsibility in spending. and the far left is very active and as you have pointed out, they are very, very much funded by people like soros and others. they are targeting whether it's fox news or other conservative web sites or talk radio, but we have the people, i think more with us. and people just want more responsibility, personal responsibility. government responsibility so they can scream and yell as much as they want. >> aren't any shadowy figures that we know about anyway behind the tea party pulling those chains. it disturbs me a guy like soros and move on people and all of that have so much power beyond the scenes it's disturbing. all right. you saw the debate we had with sally quinn from from "the washn post last night and the "new
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york times" playing up the angle of norwegian mass killer being a christian. the "times" has stopped that. i don't know whether you noticed that or not. they stopped doing that since we did our report on monday. but what say you? i mean, i think it was pretty obvious why the liberal media was playing up the christian angle. >> look, you know, bill, you and i can go around and butt heads on a lot of issues. watching your talking points memo last night i was up cheering. you laid it out perfectly. there are a lot of people, again, very well funded on the secular left who don't much like traditional christianity, don't much like traditional catholics or evangelical christians. have no problems smearing them. regardless of what the issue is. remember when they thought, bill, that the holocaust shooter might have been motivated by talk radio or the gabby giffords shooter might have had ties to legitimate conservative frowps and rumblings of that in the earlier reporting.
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it turned out none of that was true. a lot of the these people have waited for an event like this that they could pounce on and say ah-ha moral equivalent between islamic jihadist and christian groups. there is nothing to it. if you really think that christian conservatives in the united states and elsewhere are a bigger threat to your freedoms and your security, then jihadists then i guess we just live on different planets. i think that's where sally quinn is coming from. >> bill: i don't know about that i don't think sally quinn is in the same category as the "new york times." i think sally quinn says basically if the guy calls himself a christian, then is he a christian. if everybody -- whoa, wait. if everybody went by ms. quinn's rules, then i could say i'm turkish, okay. hey, i'm turkish. you know? >> one thing we didn't know about you. >> i like the city so i'm turkish. >> i went back and watched one of your debates with sally or
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interviews with sally about a year and a half ago when you were talking about the fort hood killing. and finally she did say okay, he is a muslim terrorist. >> she never forgot it. >> no. but initially, bill, she said well, it's very complicated. it's complicated. >> it wasn't complicated. muslim terrorist. >> come on. we know where sally is coming from. >> perfect segway. peter king congressman from new york is holding another round of muslim hearings in washington today. roll the tape. finally let me know certain elements of the politically correct media, most egregiously the vacuous idealogues, the "new york times" shamelessly attempting to exploit the horrific tragedy in norway past friday to cause me to refocus these hearings away from muslim radicalization. if they even in a semblance of -- times and others would know and admit there was no equivalency and threat to our homelands from deranged gunman and international terror
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apparatus of al qaeda and affiliates such as al think bob recruiting people in this country and murdered thousands of americans in the attack. >> said pretty much like you said was insane to make the equivalency. my question to the congressman if he were here would be if you are not going to get any coverage of this. mainstream media is ignoring these hearings. do we really need to continue to do them. and you say? >> i say, yes. he is doing something because it's the right thing to do. i mean, obviously we now know that i think there are 21 people from the united states who have gone to the fight the jihad in somalia. bill, what he is saying ties in perfectly with what's happening. so tragically and brutally now in africa where somali refugees are being prevented from being prevented from international food rations because of islamic jihadist within the somali military that have targeted any type of relief effort. >> bill: let me ask you something. are there any christians
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blocking that or any norwegians? >> no. exactly. no again, with all due respect to sally quinn, it would be nice if those -- the articles and the columns and the highlight and the spotlight was put on those acts that are being carried out in the name of islamic if fidely against innocent people many of whom are muslims. hundreds of thousands of children. they are dying there because of the efforts of islamist in africa. it is horrific what's happening to those children. it's heart-breaking. the photos are heart-breaking. we have to confront this in the homeland because, look, peter king has gotten lacerated for what he has done. no one as far as i can tell has proven what he said to be untrue or unworthy of coverage. >> bill: all right, laura. thanks very much. directly ahead, congressman arrested outside the white house. we will tell you why and the man in question louise gutierrez will be here. and, later, former congresswoman traveling the muslim world bashing america. an outrageous situation upcoming. so this is enzo, the artiste behind my wardrobe.
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bill bhilt personal story segment tonight, c ment lieu ease was arrested while protesting outside the white house. it all has to do with immigration. he joins us from washington. what exactly were you protesting and why did you feel you needed to be arrested? >> i met with the president last september. he said we there is no way we are going to make any progress on the immigration reform until after the next presidential election. we won't be able to advance that cause. it's time for you, mr. president to use prosecutorial discretion and at least help groups of immigrants that you can, starting with the dream kids, young kids that have come here to this country, american
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soldiers whose wives are under orders of deportation, american citizens and their wives and their families. i said, you know, maybe it's only a million, a million and a half of the 12 million it's a good start and he simply said i will not use the prosecutorial that i have to help those people. he made a pretty big promise when i was campaigning with him in order to get the votes of a lot of people who care immensely about this issue. >> bill: you feel betrayed he wouldn't use his power to give a blanket pardon to people involved in situations where you believe they should be allowed to stay in the united states. but the president spoke to la raza this week. pretty radicalized group. i think they are further left than you are. they don't like any kind of border security. they want amnesty for all the people here. they object to almost every kind of measure to control illegal immigration. and, yet, the president feels comfortable there. do you think he is just posturing? >> yeah. i think we missed. i'm very happy, thank you, bill for bringing that you mean.
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when he was at national counselor sill of la raza. he said there are those that want me to simply skip the congress of the united states and use powers and the chant was overwhelming. the people began to chant at the president yes, you can yes, you can yes you can. they have taken my position. it's a position that this community understands very well. the president has -- you know what, o'reilly. let's just settle this argue. whether he has the power or not. lamar smith has legislation introducing congress called -- to take the discretionary power away from the president. that's how much he has it. >> bill: let's be realistic luis, the reason i like you as a congressman, you and i disagree on a lot of things, but your beliefs are heart-felt. you really believe them. you don't have any political -- you are not pandering. this is what you believe. i respect that but, president obama knows if he takes your view, if he tries to circumvent
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the congress. even in a cause that you feel is just, is he going to lose votes. it's going to hurt him. and he is all about getting reelected. >> okay. so, national council of la raza three years ago, right? three years ago he comes and mccain is there, too. and he says there are children who arrive home to find their parents missing. there are children that are torn from their mother's arms. there are ice agents committing raids and they have no access to legal council. all these things are wrong and it's time for a change. that's president barack obama candidate. all i'm trying to do is have some consistency between the candidate and his description of our community and what he said he would do. it's time for a change then, it's full-time for a change now. >> bill: you know this guy, you are from the same state. are you surprised he hasn't stepped up? i have got 30 seconds. are you surprised? >> you know what? i am. i have to till, you know, o'reilly. i sent him a letter with three other congressman on friday.
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he wrote us back on monday. he made public those letters, both the letters we sent them to the media i got to tell you, i was saddened at the response at the lack of empathy, that was in those letters back to us. so, i got to say yes, it hurt. it did. >> all right, congressman. we appreciate it we hope they don't send to you jail. thanks for coming on in. plenty more ahead as the factor moves along this evening. plenty of americans suffering because of the recession. you wouldn't know it because at the hamptons. dennis miller on the obama boehner back and forth and proposed junk food tax. hope you stay tuned to those reports. as my mercedes collision system automatically kicked in. the next thing i know, the mercedes stopped itself. ♪ watching what mercedes has done in bringing together these sensors in a car with software that has the ability to save your life. that's magical software.
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>> bill: in the waters world. gap between rich in america is staggering. has to deal with the lack of education. if you have a college degree you are likely oto-to-prosper in this country. if you don't you are likely to suffer. here on the eastern part of
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island of new york the area known as the hamptons, we sent jesse watters out there to gauge the mood. ♪ ♪ >> what brings people to an event like this? >> i think their ego. everything you think about the hamptons, exactly right. >> what are you talking about, willis? >> you got to hold on to these ridiculously expensive traditions. >> this is the most pretentious type of events you could possibly go to. >> do you think that this has a bad reputation as being elitist event. >> no. everybody looks like they are having a good time. >> stepping in horse dong for nothing other than to have their pictures taken and be interviewed by fox news. >> so much fun. a lot of beautiful good looking people here. >> am i ugly? >> are those real pearls and diamonds. >> of course. >> are you competitive about the size of other women's hats. >> i'm sure there is. >> don't waste your time or women with hats they tend to be
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very proper. >> your hat is quite exquisite. >> yeah, the bigger the better. >> so you surprise the factor is out here. >> i didn't expect to see you guys here. >> here is johnny. >> would you consider this an elite sport? >> i think it's definitely elite. >> what? [ laughter ] >> this afternoon we are swerving a puff pastry. >> like regular creamy. >> any caviar? >> i hope so. >> i know this little out of the way place that serves great viking food. >> obama is probably going to raise taxes on a lot of the these people here what do you think of that. >> i can't wait to pay. >> are you okay with your taxes getting raised. >> ouch. no taxes. >> how much would you want them to be raised 50%. >> no like 5%. >> i prefer to give it directly to my charities because i do. i can't make everybody else do the same. >> tax the super rich that make over 20 million. that will leave me out. >> i prefer not to give it to the war machine. giving the money to corporations. the money greashes put on this country. money out here's their taxes
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raised. only thing they want to do is have a cocktail and stomp the difficult vets. >> what's the best technique? >> chicken swivel. don't do that again. >> you can name any players. >> nacho. >> i keep hearing about this guy named macho. >> is he mine tonight. >> who is winning? >> that's a good question. >> i have been coming here for seven years, i have never seen polo played. >> got to be joking. >> how does it feel riding around on a horse during a bad economy. >> i'm happy to be playing polo and doing what i love. >> it's ridiculous. >> i thought you wanted to kill the loophole. >> it says blue star jets on your head. that's a corporate jet. >> it's hot. >> stuck between a rock and hard place. ♪ ♪ >> are you guys factor fans? >> you could say that. >> i did say that. would you say that? >> i love bill. tell him i said hello. >> i'm not a factor fan. >> what are you, on dope? >> are you a fox fan? >> absolute fox fan.
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>> i love you, bill. >> anybody with conviction, i totally totally respect. >> now the guy you were interviewing with the corporate jet hat that was russell simmons the music mogul and you got him. you caught him. whole event sponsored by corporate jet company. he is wearing the hat. >> fun by with the corporate jet. the polo match in hampton was sponsored by corporate jet company. my question is, do they -- is there any wealthy liberal guilt out there that they all these people obviously well healed, they have a lot of money. they go to these swell events. the rest of america do they feel bad? >> it was microcosm of liberal hypocrisy. sponsored by a corporate -- $10,000 a pot to get into the v.i.p. tent. sponsors some of these organizers, there was flaw gras.
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champagne. >> the atmosphere is wealthy and just having fun. relax and watch. >> capitalism you hit it and you get to play with russell simmons. nice guy. >> he is a decent guy. thanks very much. in a moment, dennis miller decent guy on back and forth and proposed new tax on junk food. miller is next. our pipes just don't work as well as they should. sometimes, i worry my pipes might leak. but i learned there's something more i can do. now, i take care with vesicare. once-daily vesicare can help control your bladder muscle and is proven to treat overactive bladder with symptoms of frequent urges and leaks day and night. if you have certain stomach or glaucoma problems,
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>> thanks for staying with us. i'm bill o'reilly. in the miller time segment tonight, three hot topics so let's get to the sage of southern california who joins us now from los angeles. i just want to reiterate what you do with the little hand thing is the johnny carson car knack. i always get mail, younger viewers don't remember mr. carson, it's a classic bit
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he did. are you a hamptons kind of guy, miller. >> lionel hampton, i dig him. if you are asking me on friday afternoon if i'm going to get in that death match traffic to play croquet with sean colmes, no, i have got some paint to ogul. >> bill: you live in affluent place in southern california where a lot of people are very similar to the people that watters talked to. do you mingle freely with them? how do you see the very wealthy? >> i dig the really wealthy. but i dig poor people, too. i dig people in the middle. i dig people and then i don't like some people. and i don't judge it on the what they earn. >> bill: so people who like people are the luckiest people in the world? >> you are going to make me cry. you are going to make me cry. listen, what i don't dig is
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polo. what -- it's like miniature golf meets the kentucky derby. what's happening there? >> bill: wind millwright in the middle horses get smacked right into it big dinosaur at the end. >> what about jesse standing next to nacho. was there a discrepancy in physical appearance there that guy's name nacho. the woman were calling him na nacho much. >> bill: i like the answer. i like to play the game. it's great. he had no idea what watters was asking him feel guilty about playing this game for $10,000 a pop while a lot of the country doesn't have a job. i love to play. >> you know, jesse wasn't paying attention anyway because he was thinking of going back and trying to close that chicken orange dress again. >> bill: you know him, straight, straight arrow. >> all right. obama, boehner back and forth. are you tired of it yet? >> well, listen, the other night when i watched barack obama i was reminded, bill, that he has led a rich man's life, he just
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never had to do any of the messy earning. he has always been on other people's dimes. he has led a much richer life than me. i like boehner. tammy faye comes n the green lantern sign. i like him coming on the trump card there. if i was boehner i would get real authentic and start smoking like lloyd bridges in airplane. we are screwed here. we are in trouble here. we have got to do something here. he was too cool for me. boehner should have a reverse debt telethon where we start the telethon with 14.5 trillion up on the board and then through the 24 hours we work back from there. the simple fact is we are spending too much. the president makes a nice speech but at the end of the day, we still got to stop spending. he is smooth at it i think we ought to have a prompter tax. maybe we could get out of the hole. >> bill: i think president obama is taking a massive hit here. i'm looking at all the poll numbers roll in. it's about leadership. it really isn't about the issue anymore. it's about the people saying you
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got -- you just can't get it done. >> i have got to give you credit, you are one of the most open-minded guys on him. you held out for a long time because i think you believe in giving the guy honest bounce. you think he is bright. i'm not getting it off him anymore. is he too on stan nant. he has got to change the tempo of the game. he is not going to. is he not going to bunk. mark him in history as the guy who was not with the situation. if the situation starts ebbing and flowing, you have got to roll with it he is too intractable and it's going to bite him in the tail. >> bill: as we talked about up top he i think he is afraid of the soros people because they won't support him and get the vote out for him and all of that. >> 50% of the people out here like he who would be right on his bandwagon if he just put his foot down and say i tried my way. it's not working. i'm here to serve the country. soros, shut up. i'm going this way now. >> bill: i agree. i think that's his only chance right now. okay, now miller and i had
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dinner a few weeks ago. we were trying to figure out this bolder fresher tour thing. we ate this she she restaurant. of course, i picked up the tab. you know, i forget what you had to eat but it was very reasonable. you were eating in a reasonable fashion. >> i think we had scallops. >> some of that stuff. we had blowny, i think it was. but i don't know what that is. supposedly on there. >> it's a drink from chip from venice a great drink. >> bill: is that right? >> stay with me. i will educate you i'm david nibit. >> bill: do you eat junk food and if so do you want it tasked? >> i don't usually like junk food but when i watch a person like meme roth on your show last night makes me want to go out and get a blooming onion and shove it down. i'm sorry you have a fat grandma and but take the bag of out of her meaty paw and get out of my life. i don't want to know you. i find you totally urksome.
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who is going to pay for that in the medicare program. what's the sense of all these people lecturing me so i can stay alive another four years and have idiot strangers telling me how they would like me to navigate my day-to-day life. leaf me alone. she is having a coke and steak a week. when do they eventually come to her sand saying we don't you having a coke and steak a week. she will get p.o.d. i dig fat kids. i like watching sumo babies on youtube. you leave me alone. >> bill: point meme is making you are going to get sick and topple over and meme is going to have to pay for it? >> half the people who are health food addicts look sickly to me. somebody force a burger down some of these people's jaw because they look pale to me. >> bill: dennis miller everybody laying it on the line. both miller and i would like to you check out a brand new web site bolder
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>> back of the book sellingment tonight, did you see that? we have been watching former georgia congressman woman cynthia mckinney because she is traveling in the muslim world saying awful things, awful things about her own country. we believe ms. mckinney is being paid to do this but we can't confirm that we have asked her office to explain. we get nothing from them. so what is the former
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congresswoman really doing? here is her latest from iran. >> those who have worked very hard for peace, there was a time when we almost won. we almost won in the 1960's. but, unfortunately, because we were so close to winning, the authorities fought back. we were so close to winning and then they killed john kennedy, our president. they killed malcolm x. they killed dr. martin luther king jr. >> they were killed by the authorities? >> yes. >> okay. >> yes. this is all documented. >> bill: outrageous. here now to analyze fox news business anchor dagen mcdowell. that was iran. >> right. >> bill: she has been to other muslim countries as well. >> she was. at a conference around the same
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time a few days after she made these comments, she was also on libyan state television criticizing a number of things about the united states, including president obama's own policies, the state of this country, the state of the people in this country. >> bill: sticking um for qaddafi, right? >> it was a pro-qaddafi television network, television station and while she was speaking, apparently they were airing like pro-qaddafi forces and rallies behind it. >> bill: we can't find out who is behind this. she is obviously not paying her air fare to these countries. to get into them is not an easy deal. to get to tripoli is not easy. to get to tehran is not easy. somebody is behind this but we don't know yet. >> potentially nongovernment organizations. this conference in tehran, for example, was sponsored by the islamic world peace forum. the university of tehran and other. >> bill: islamic world peace forum. >> the irony of a country that is a state that sponsors terrorism. >> somebody paid her to come in. they would have to. she is not doing this for free.
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>> absurd, outrageous. by the way, this is not anything new. >> bill: she has always been a radical kook. >> she suggested president bush knew about 9/11 before it happened. that the -- >> bill: she is giving aid and comfort to the worst elements in the world and it's disgraceful. we will stay on that case. now, another very controversial guy louis farrakhan being investigated by the bureau of prisons that comes under the department of justice, interestingly enough, the prisons is worried about farrakhan inciting convicts, roll the tape. >> zionist dominates the government of the united states of america and the system. >> the white right is trying to set barack up to be assassinated. >> that's why in the name jewelry is the name jew because they run the industry. >> god said that the white race is the race of devils. i didn't say it.
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i just believe it because of their actions. and heir history. >> bill: why are the bureau of prisons worried about this guy. >> you had congressman peter king and also congressman frank wolf thatted the bureau of prisons to look into these sermons because they could radicalize prisoners and basically foment prison in our prison system because many of these sermons are available they could be in print. they could be on video. now we don't know. >> bill: aren't they on facebook and union? stuff like that that's how the prisoners get them. >> actually, they are within the prisons, i believe. certainly have access to them. we don't know -- these clips are from the actual sermons. some of the sermons are titled bible truth or altered by the white man, which one will you choose in the flag of islam or the flag of america? >> bill: seems to me that the bureau of prisons can flag people that they think are fomenting unrest and that might be the way to do this. it is a dicey constitutional issue though. >> absolutely. >> bill: dagen, thanks so much as always.
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>> bill: thank you. this reinforces my analysis the norwegian killer is not a christian. >> bill: end of september. it is called "killing lincoln." the inside story of what happened to our greatest president. you will be amazed by what really happened. nobody knows. i didn't know and i'm a history guy. >> bill: you're a good wife.
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>> bill: no one went overboard, did they charlie? ship of fools. >> bill: i've been there it is a great place. i like the american virgin islands better. >> finally pinheads and patriots. last night the pirates played the braves in atlanta. the game lasted more than 6 1/2 hours, 19 innings. finally, the home plate umpire apparently had enough. >> ground to third the throw and they got him. no he called him safe! he called him safe! unbelievable! he call him safe, the throw
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beat him by a mile! that is incredible! how can you -- he called him safe. you've got to be kidding me! >> announcer: that is unbelievable. >> bill: the guy wanted to go home it was 1:30 in the morning. you maybe the call. looks like the umpire is a pinhead. >> check out the fox news factor website different from spout off about the factor from anywhere in the world. we want to know where you are watching, those letters are fun. name and town if you wish to opine. word of the day, do not be could have news. -- cacophonous when writing to the factor.


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