tv The Five FOX News August 2, 2011 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT
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call this number or go to selectquote dot com. selectquote. we shop. you save. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> andrea: hello, everyone. 5:00 on the east coast. this is "the five." i'm andrea tantaros with bob beckel, eric bolling, monica crowley and greg gutfeld. we have a lot to cover tonight. first, never before heard details of the raid that killed usama bin laden. chilling accounts of what actually happened leading up to the mission and that very night. plus, airport security lines well, they might get longer. this will be at boston's logan airport. we'll tell you about the new screening techniques tsa is trying out. you won't believe this. leftist early childhood educator is slaughtering the story of three little pigs saying it's bigoted. we'll explain. "the five" starts right now.
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♪ ♪ >> andrea: it's official. president obama signed the debt deal into law. here is what it entails. the debt deal will increase the debt ceiling by as much as $2.4 trillion. cuts of more than $900 billion over ten years. and a 12-person committee that is already referred to as the dirty dozen. the committee is tasked to find $1.5 trillion more in savings. that is $1.2 trillion in automatic cuts if the committee fails to do its job. let's take a listen this morning to harry reid, after he had success on the senate floor by passing the bill. >> today we made sure that america will pay the bills. now it's time to make sure that all miles per hours can pay theirs. >> andrea: the president signed the bill in law and here is what he said afterwards, not wasting time
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to inject more politics. >> since you can't close the deficit with just spending cuts, it also means reforming the tax code so the wealthiest americans and the biggest corporations pay their fair share. everyone has to chip in. >> andrea: there it is. there it is. shared sacrifice. bob, don't you think now that this is an opportunity for the democrats to make their case for revenue raisers? this is what republicans are fearing, that because of the defense cuts that will automatically be triggered, they might have to exchange the defense cuts in exchange for tax revenue? >> bob: i certainly hope so. this thing is amisball piece of legislation. i said it yesterday and i will say it again. it was done with a gun to obama's head. he went through it. i wish he hadn't. if you notice yesterday, the progressive and the black caucus voted against this bill. i'm glad they did. if i could have voted i would have voted against it, too. from a liberal stand point,
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this is a massively unfair bill. simply because it cuts out programs for kids, and allows millionaires and billionaires like eric to continue keeping his money. >> greg: bob, we are talking about trifling amount of money. nothing. i said yesterday it's the olive from the pizza. you have people on the right that are mad it didn't cut enough. >> bob: it's not trifling when you talk of iner city programs of -- >> greg: you will never be happy about a cut. never happy. >> bob: i'll be happy about it. >> andrea: you can't vit both ways. you can't take credit saying that it limits the size and scope of government like the president is doing and then lambaste the tea party. >> monica: the evidence we have to support the point, andrea, today, president obama came out with a post debt crisis deal speech that sounded exactly like his predebt crisis speech. nothing has changed here except it made the situation much worse. >> greg: one thing changed. before he often said, "i" but
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now it's sabt sacrifice he says, "we." >> eric: what changed, the dow continued to go down. now you can't blame lack of debt deal on dow sliding. for last two weeks we heard the republicans, the tea party in fact holding up the process. they're keeping, they're called terrorist and been called hezbollah. holding hostage the american people. holding the markets hostage. the market was going down, blaming the tea party. guess what? you got your deal and the tea party said we don't want any part of it. the market went down because -- let me finish. because the market was going down anyway. it had nothing to do with the tea party or the debt ceiling. >> monica: you are absolutely right. this deal is a giant stink bob bubomb butdifferent for -- stinb but different for why bob lays out. you had member of congress today slapping each other on the back to approve the largest debt hike in history of the united states. you have tax hike coming down the pike, which is what obama
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talked about today. you have taking the entire debt crisis off the table until after the 2012 election. you have non-existent cuts that don't solve anything. >> andrea: one person that came back to the house floor last night to vote on this, with a smile on their face, though bob did not, gabrielle giffords. she voted in favor of the vote, i guess probable angered the left, bob. >> bob: it didn't. i was happy to see her. i was worried about her being in the crowd but she got to see her colleagues. wonderful to see her in there. one thing you mention about this committee, the select committee, this is important, because what you are hearing, all the screaming and yelling from the committee chairs on both sides saying oh, that is my territory. you guys are going to -- this committee can take away my power. they can. it is a very sweeping mandate for them to do things that go in territory of other people. if they do something it will cause a real ruckus. these guys could have got
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whatever they want out of all the committees. >> greg: the panel, this is the -- >> bob: a committee. >> greg: committee. if they call it a panel, whatever. like a palace false ending to a movie in "fatal attraction" you thought glen close was dead and she comes out of the tub. this is the panel. we think we're going to be cutting but she is not dead. >> andrea: why set up the triggers. it's like it is already assuming they won't do their job. they're set up to fail anyway. why have the programs? >> monica: wave had 17 debt commissions in the last 30 years. they deadlocked or have not produced anything which is why we have $14.3 trillion national debt. the same people who are complaining about this is going to erode our authority in congress, i wonder if they worried about the mcconnell plan which would have ceded all of their authority to the president. or even the obama threat -- >> bob: you can argue where were they? that is the problem when they were chairs.
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the glen close thing, did you not think the bunny was the worst part of that? boiling that bunny bothered me. >> greg: too close to home, wasn't it, bob? >> bob: it did. this is interesting with the select committee, only one other base committee has authority to put bill on the floor with no amendment or filibuster, up-and-down vote. this is like the other 15. >> andrea: you are not the only up with upset about this. we have a pew poll out today. when asked of the respondents to name the words that best describe the entire debt fight in d.c. ridiculous, 66%. disgusting, 42%. 36%, stupid. 26% frustrated. it sounds like greg gutfeld, poll of up with. >> greg: poll of my past five girlfriends about me. >> bob: aren't you happy today? it's over. >> greg: it's not over. we're still kicking the corpse. >> bob: there you go. >> greg: hardly over. >> andrea: whatever.
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the condition. >> bob: the biden issue? >> andrea: we can talk about biden issue. >> bob: we're on the air. sorry. i to wait for. that >> greg: i love technology. it's charming that you don't. >> andrea: go ahead. biden called -- put it out there. in a closed door meeting calling the tea party terrorists and now he is trying to back off the statement. >> bob: let me say i tend to believe joe biden, but i want to say something besides that. yesterday, greg got jr. upset with me for my using that word as well in the heat of the motion and passion for the hatred of the bill and my belief that tea party sent us in the wrong direction i should not have used the term. they didn't tell me to say this, because i would haven't said it. but if i offend anybody i apologize. i'll stop using the word. >> andrea: on a democratic sheet of talking points? >> bob: no. i don't read the talking points. i don't let me read them. >> eric: i brought something every day to in honor of the tea party. here is one we made for you. this is an obama, because really, the tea party
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flourished because of obama. >> bob: i just got through making an apology. >> eric: how fitting is that? >> andrea: let's pour salt in the would. listen to sarah palin who reacted as most tea partiers would when they heard they were called terrorists. with greta van susteren. >> i'm used to being called racist and insighter of violence and things we have nothing to do with, but to be called terrorists because of our beliefs because of the vice president is appalling, vile. >> andrea: monica? >> monica: the president of the united states, we just mentioned gabrielle giffords, right after she was shot, president gave a well received speech in which he imploreed people to have a new civility and use new tone. now we have the vice president of the united states calling the majority of americans terrorists. >> greg: he didn't call them
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terrorists. >> bob: give him the benefit of the doubt. we'll talk about the tea party more, right? >> andrea: the tea party growth -- >> eric: not only the growth, but do we have to understand what the tea party has done. they have changed politics in america. forever. forever. >> bob: you are stoked. >> eric: no, no. the tea party is here for real. drink tea and you'll learn something. >> bob: making an apology. >> eric: he's now about small government, not bigger government. >> bob: have you looked at the tea party numbers? >> eric: absolutely, bob. >> bob: negatives are higher by two to one now. >> andrea: we'll continue this fight in the break. we'll pick it up on the other side. i promise. we'll argue in the commercial break and pick it up. we'll be right back. coming up on "the five," the inside story of the raid on bin laden's compound. new details about the night that the u.s. special forces killed the world's most powerful terrorist. dent forget, we'd like to hear what you like to say. e-mail us at
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heartache ♪ ♪ i am the warrior >> eric: welcome back to "the five." picking up where we left off. tea party movement, you were taking me to task. it's growing, i say it's a win. they should take their victory lap and go. listen to the name who are now tea partiers also, very, very influential in american politics. bachmann. palin. steve king from iowa. louie gomert from texas. chafitz, giving orrin hatch run for his money in the senate they're for real. >> bob: that is your list of powerful -- >> eric: it is. >> bob: we may disagree with that. i look at it from a national -- look, i gave them credit for bringing this issue up to the forefront. it worked. although most of them voted against it. keep that in mind yesterday in the house. tea party people. in the off-career election. >> because it changed. >> eric: in the mid-term election, what the tea party did, it scared republicans. >> bob: they left you with three empty senate seats. we would never have won nevada, delaware or colorado
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if it hadn't been for the fact they nominated tea party candidates. the polling shows one thing. people believe the tea party is off to the way far right but they are getting the identity of the republican party. that is the danger. >> eric: changing miles per hour politics, moving it to the right. yes or no? >> monica: of course. the tea party didn't grow out of a reaction to obama and the democrats, although it's become that. tea party grew out of of a reaction to the fact that the republican establishment has been such big government, big spenders for so long that this organic movement grew up to say enough. remember, the tea party is not a political party. it's a set of ideas. limited government -- >> andrea: you don't see them ever putting a leader, figurehead? >> monica: no, in fact it would destroy them. the name that eric bolling raised, none of them want to be the active leader. leader. >> greg: why bob is right, though, in a way, tea party has flaky characters in there there was no overreaching leader. but old school politicians are learning one important thing. principle is scary.
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a revelation. playing poker against the terminator. people will not compromise. because they won. monobut they don't think they won. they don't believe they won. >> greg: to win the war, it has to happen in -- metropolitan i agree, but they don't think they won. >> andrea: they don't think it's a winning thing though mitch mcconnell said this is a game-changer. eric, let me finish. he came out and said we're never going to have a clean vote on the debt ceiling again because of the tea party. that means cuts every time. >> eric: the tea party problem is the debt ceiling part of the deal. go ahead, bob. jump in? >> bob: you have to separate tea party influence in washington and country in a general election, presidential year when the turn-out will be 40% higher. they already, you didn't answer the question. set of principles, not politics. they did support the three candidates for the senate and nominated people out of the mainstream. it happened in the house. >> eric: let me point out something important, though? >> bob: sure.
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>> eric: if you are going to stack the important 12-member committee or panel, whatever you call it on the left side with the extreme left, i am hearing will be the case. we better be sure there is at least one or two tea partys on the right side. >> monica: you need fiscal conservatives there. the tea party, i can understand lefties like bob think the prescription approximatelies are radical. be this is limited government, fiscal responsibility and free market. >> bob: answer my question about what they do politically. they nominated three unacceptable candidates. >> monica: who is they? who is they? >> andrea: the left nominated real wackados, too. >> bob: for sure. >> eric: move on now. this is important. we talk about this. no question about it. we will never forget the night we all heard that the u.s. special forces killed usama bin laden. this week "new yorker" magazine has the amazing story of three years of planning the historic night, incredibly detailed timeline, the raid, all there in the atlantic. 23 navy seals, 18 minutes and
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two very precise rounds, one to the chest and one to the head of the man hiding behind two women. usama bin laden was killed, dead, ending america's decade-long nightmare. monca, you follow this stuff. this is obama's shining moment, in my opinion. >> monica: absolutely. look, he made the call. he got actionable intelligence that we now know can be traced back many, many years through the bush administration when they sanctioned interrogation, black site, warrantless wiretapping and tough interrogation including waterboarding. the details were pieced together over many years and corroborated to the point we could get a warm trail on usama bin laden and take him out. president obama owes president bush. >> bob: i feel i'm waterboarded now. >> eric: that's where a lot came from. >> andrea: it's true. he should have thanked the president more than he did.
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i will say, i agree with monica. this story really does make the president look great. he was very focused on this. funny, i didn't know after reading the story, i now know there was a dog involved. cairo, who helped i guess close off the perimeters of the house that night. when the president found out that the dog was waiting, i guess, to meet him, he said i want to meet the dog. >> bob: a chihuahua? >> andrea: a big dog. isn't that nice? >> eric: people always wonder do you have to shoot to kill? >> bob: are you kidding? wake up. that was the idea from the beginning. >> greg: but the point is -- where do they put him if they took him alive? they took him to gitmo they would have been in trouble. >> andrea: think how far the administration has come. terror trials in downtown manhattan to kill teams in pakistan. a huge -- >> greg: a grown-up moment. >> eric: before we run out of time, guys, monica, then there is a very politically correct muslim approved burial at sea for the corpse.
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>> monica: what you get out of the new yorker piece is the military -- sorry, the cia called the counterpart in saudi arabia, and said we have your countryman, usama bin laden. he is now dead. would you like the body? the saudis said no. the saudis, remember they preside over mecca and medina. they said we think what you are doing the burial at sea is appropriate and cop analysis tent with islamic law. >> andrea: give seals a shout-out for what they did. the finest team. >> monica: amazing. >> bob: shut out to the president. you gave him credit. thank you. then you dumped all over him. do you have something to something set up at burial when you go? >> eric: there is no blood on my hands. >> bob: thank the seals, bob. >> eric: coming up, only in obama land the department of justice is suing another u.s. state. just try to keep the orders secure. we have the details. next on "the five." ♪ nationde insurance. what's up ?
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♪ ♪ >> bob: that's great. i'm up here. welcome back to "the five." five. i want to talk about a story that drives me up a wall. we have another state, alabama, after falling on arizona, that decided to write its own immigration law and not let the united states of america which does do immigration law implement their own laws. now in alabama -- in arizona, they decided to allow the police to stop and check people, to see if they were illegal. now, alabama, which of course is a state that has a long history of dealing with minorities and i'm -- i want to call this the bull connors law they have in alabama foul
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the department of justice is challenging alabama as they have arizona to say wait, this is not a state issue. this is a national issue. one thing i notice like alabama and arizona, they didn't put in there that people who hire the people should be sent to the slammer. >> they shouldn't. part of it or e-verify that solves the problem completely. no one wants to do that. what happened in arizona and are going in alabama are two states saying we're supposed to rely on you to secure the borders. you're not doing so it we'll do it on our own. the laws aren't that crazy. you're not allowed to hire an illegal or transport an illegal. what is wrong with that? >> bob: first, the more deportations in this year than ever in the history of immigration. >> eric: more illegals comes. >> monica: talk about what the state laws say. arizona and alabama enlisted the top flight attorneys to look at the federal law. they drafted state law to run con currently with the federal law. not like there are 50 states
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running out making their own immigration law. they say we instituted the state law, running parallel to the federal law. it doesn't encroach on the federal powers at all. but since the feds aren't doing their job we have to do it ourselves. why isn't holder enforcing current federal law instead of suing states -- >> andrea: the democrats are opposed to states to try to keep the citizens safe so why not repeal, bob, the current law on the books to make ital legal to come to this country? >> bob: the current law on the books is ronald reagan's law, amnesty passed in 1986. i applaud reagan for that then and i applaud him now. he had more sense than republicans do now who want to use it as political issue. the fact of the matter is -- >> andrea: that's why they're doing it. >> eric: i don't mean to cut you off. >> bob: yes, you do. it's okay. i accept it. accept my job here. >> eric: 14.2 million people out of work in the country,
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friday we probably find out 15 million people is out of work here. this is a jobs issue. the states can bring jobs back to americans by sending illegals out or making it seem more difficult to hire illegal. >> andrea: how do unions feel about this? >> bob: well, they are a mixed bag depending which union do you know the jobs that the people take are jobs that even when we had good employment, that the americans didn't want them. >> that is not true. >> bob: do you want to do land scaping? >> monica: yes, and i in the past. >> bob: god help the lawn. >> monica: this is not a politicallish. the democrats had a ball politicizing this. the president talked to lorasa last week. this is a rule of law issue. are we a country of laws or not? >> bob: you are right. we have to change topic. if we get the law, arrest guys that hire the people. >> andrea: do you think this is the best visual to have
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justice department suing a state? >> bob: let's move on to something else. the t.s.a. now is -- the israelis haver for a long time done screening when you go into the country. i been through that. you have been through it, right? a long list of questions and they stare at you. look to see if you have done any drugs when you came in. >> andrea: no wonder they're staring at you. >> bob: it's a way they go through a series of psychological fraud questions in a way to see if there is something about you that doesn't fit. israelis have done that with three decades of doing it, but now we do it in boston. how would you feel about the tas that we love so much here in boston doing a dr. freud test. >> i'd rather have them ask me questions than touch my junk, if that is what you are asking. >> bob: they do both. they ask you junk.
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>> andrea: i applaud it. >> monica: if you are not an islamic terrorist, you have nothing to worry about. >> andrea: stop touching my junk. >> bob: you don't have to worry about that. it's the screener. >> andrea: looking at my funk. >> greg: i'm really going to miss the intimacy, times i felt wanted. i love this. this is called spots. the screening passengers by observing techniques. don't you love it when they actually find abacronym that work with the -- acronym that works with the thing. they spent days coming up with that. it's fine. i anticipate longer line because a lot of conversation. but important to look at behavior and not blindly feeling up granny. >> bob: how many terrorists will be picked up by this? >> greg: more than you think. >> bob: a lot of people don't deserve to be picked up and asked the questions. >> greg: nothing wrong with being asked kes.
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>> eric: are we getting this right that you are against this? >> bob: absolutely. >> eric: what grounds? >> bob: profiling and intruding on -- i don't want the amateur psychiatrist asking me questions. >> greg: hopefully they will be trained, bob. you have might enjoy it. you might enjoy the therapy. >> bob: i had more therapy than i can handle. >> greg: i can see you taking tsa back to the room and explain every issue you have. ja israelis staring at you, they said they were asking you questions and worried you were on drugs. they might have been right. >> bob: then i wasn't. i wasn't then. that's what bothered me. that's what they thought. >> monica: but remember over the last several decades the israeli has not had a single center rorrist event happen in the sky. they do it right way. cameras posted the tel aviv airport. you land and they watch you from the curb to see if you display any nervous or any kind of behavior to set them off. >> bob: also, the women immigration people -- >> greg: think about all the women you get to meet.
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>> bob: you should see some of them. >> greg: they're beautiful. >> bob: beautiful. yeah. coming up, new fundraising. and then we follow that with the latest poll numbers through 2012, by our round -- i can't read the thing. i don't like to read. next on "the five." come on back, i can't read. so this is enzo, the artiste behind my wardrobe. you know, when i got him on e-trade he was all like "oh no, i cannot do investing." that's actually a perfect enzo. but after a couple educational videos, and a little hand holding from customer support... next thing you know he's got a stunning portfolio.
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i'm bret baier in washington. this should be the last day. we are consumed with the debt ceiling extension. at least for a while. but the late-breaking story today is what happened on wall street. tonight on "special report," rich edson tells us what was behind a huge downturn in the stock market today. the dow dropped 266 points. we'll try to get to the bottom of the slide. we have details behind the senate approval of the compromise debt limit bill and the president signing it. president obama made comments after signing it saying tax incentive will be part of future talks includin includinge joint committee it sets up. we cover the crackdown in syria, where the city of where the holy month of ramadan begins. dozens have been killed since sunday. we have the latest. "special report" tarts in
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washington. now back to new york and "the five." ♪ ♪ ♪ >> monica: welcome back to "the five." time for your 2012 round up. first up, andrea, michele bachmann running for president. running for the republican nomination for president sends out an e-mail yesterday to supporters citing vice president's biden comment about the tea party being terrorists, or not disagreeing with the characterization of the tea party as terrorists and is now fundraising off of that. >> andrea: wake up, bob. >> bob: i thought you were talking about republican presidential candidate. time for a break. >> andrea: she should -- >> monica: go ahead. bob is asleep. >> andrea: go back to bed. the viewers would prefer. >> bob: i'm sure they would. i read e-mail, too. >> andrea: if i were her, i'd raise money on this.
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i'd say footage of him saying we're in recovery summer and say the day after election in 2008 to the unions we owe you. i would string together a litany of stuff and raise ton of money off of it. >> monica: more controversial the comments made on the other side or policies the better. right? >> eric: remember joe wilson stood up and said, "you lied." it was so controversial. both sides raised millions of dollars. those who thought he was crazy. >> bob: he is crazy. >> eric: to his competitor. those who agreed with him. a controversial mark. they say they believe he did but wouldn't -- even more of a problem is they didn't say it. they didn't show the except owner ror. >> greg: he has a lot to pick on, too. there was crazy stuff about him being born in kenya. more power to her. if she wants to use crazy stuff. use it. >> monica: if biden were dumb enough to sit there and let the comment go unchecked and not say hey, let's have a new tone here, why not.
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why not? >> bob: he said he didn't say it and i trust he didn't say it. the republicans are jumping all over obama about $38,000 rundraiser for his birthday and bachmann is out there taking a line from joe biden that he didn't say and raising money. this week what says going on? everybody is out raising mup. up with thing about washington you count on. hurricane, weapon go off, they're fundraising. >> all about the benjamins. >> monica: let eag move on to another g.o.p. candidate. and newt gingrich. gingrich has been on twiter for a while. 1.3 million followers which sounds impressive until you fine out he's hired firms to hire people to follow him on twiter to boost his number of followers. i follow newt gingrich for free. i guess that means -- >> greg: that is sad that you follow him for free.
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this is really common. i see people with massive following on twiter but there is no activity on the account. you look at who is following them and weird names, no profile. the companies are -- i don't know why twiter allows it to happen. >> bob: i don't have any people following me on twiter. >> greg: you're not on it. people follow you on the street. >> bob: one thing about newt. i took a train ride with newt last week and it was sad. he sat down and started to talk about he wanted one-on-one debate for two hours with mitt romney, like mitt is going to do that. he wanted to debate bachmann. you know, i tell you the sad part is one of the smartest men i know. a lot of policy ideas. give him credit for that. but in this case, the time has come. get out gracefully. >> greg: that was just a guy that told you he was newt. >> eric: great point. he's brilliant, right on. but he stumbled in it to it
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with paul ryan distancing himself and debt crisis and his why wanted to away on vacation in middle of an important week of the campaign. now this. >> bob: bottom line on newt gingrich he has never had an unspoken thought. >> andrea: he needs to go. close his tiffany account and close the twiter account. >> monica: he got greedy. have a million followers no one could have questioned this. but he got greedy and went for over a million. people are saying what is up? a new poll shows that mitt romney is leading barack obama by a significant amount right there. two points. i know it's early in this. but you have romney pulling ahead of obama in critical states. bob? >> bob: that is a resounding figure there. i'll say this. in 1984 when i managed mondale, '83 before the
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election we were ahead in 27 states. i rest my case. >> monica: unemployment number in pennsylvania picked up from 7.4 to 7.6. >> andrea: all trends show it's going in that direction. >> monica: jobs, jobs, jobs. >> greg: romney is the generic republican. >> bob: hair is je meric. >> monica: we have to leave it there. coming up, attack on a beloved childhood fairy tales of all time. why the "three little pigs" may soon be extinct. say it ain't so. ♪ ♪ ♪ ooh baby, looks like you need a little help there ♪
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she asks is there any coincidence that brick homes tend to be built by people in western countrys, often by those with more money? i thought the moral of the three little pigs was that planning and hardwork paid off. but through the eyes of children essential kateor brainwashed by multiculturalism it's about rich versus poor. sensitized to phoneny gree venss she can find this in every nook and cranny written by every granny. she also helped to expose bias among preschooler because we know your toddler is a future: klansman. despite her love for straw and stick, there is still houses she is okay with
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pigs to obama. just let it go! >> andrea: i love stuff like this. it makes the left look so insane! >> bob: why? >> andrea: they totally lost their mind. i love the point where he says maybe in the end we should revise the story and have the pigs welcome the wolf in and maybe convince him to be a vegan. [ laughter ] >> greg: isn't this kind of harmful? it is teaching separatism at a young age, that you're not alike, you're all different. brainwashing. >> monica: corrupting a child's story is nothing sacred? the left has to corrupt everything, including the fairytales but the message is one of wealth redistribution. they are trying to get to the kids, not just college kids but going after them really young. >> eric: that is the message. wealth redistribution. the number is 43% of americans don't pay anything. american households don't pay any federal income tax. >> bob: how did you get that from "the three little pigs"? >> eric: that is what it is.
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the bad big house. >> bob: can we get the red book. good for you to read. >> greg: it is on the assumption that your kid is racist. that it knows more than your belief. >> bob: don't think for a minute that the texbook in elementary schools do not promote racism. they do! they do! when you have something that shows no people of color in a book, and in a community that is all white, those kids are not being exposed to a real -- >> greg: the seven dwarfs is an attack on little people. >> bob: i don't attack little people. i love you and i want you to have this house. >> greg: a nice hat. >> andrea: that got us in this mess. that is what got us in this mess. liberals like you saying everybody deserves a house. >> bob: that is right. they do. >> monica: a great point. >> andrea: everybody needs a house. >> bob: i think you need a house. a lot of people -- >> andrea: you can't afford it but you get it anyway. >> greg: are we going to
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talk about wine? are we saving that? okay. small business owner calls out the president in congress. >> bob: move on. >> greg: we have a video. do you want to say something? >> bob: no. get to another about obama antia story. eric would have gotten anti-obama warning. >> greg: can i finish the piece? >> bob: no. >> greg: okay. i won't finish it then. stick around. we have more next on "the five." ♪
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i ate breakfast and got heartburn, third day this week. so i took my heartburn pill and some antacids. we're having mexican tonight, so another pill then? unless we eat later, then pill later? if i get a snack now, pill now? skip the snack, pill later... late dinner, pl w? aghh i've got heartburn in my head. [ male announcer ] stop the madness of treating frequent heartburn. it's simple with prilosec otc. one ll a day. twenty-four hos. zero heartburn. no heartburn in the first place. great. ♪ ♪ >> andrea: welcome back to "the five." jim garvin your average small business owner, mad as hell about taxes and said something about it. we love this. this is a great representation of what so many of you at home
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think and feel about the government these days. listen to what he says to the congressional leaders. >> i don't see any of you taking a pay cut. i don't see any of you contributing to the benefits package. i don't see any of you backing down from all the things that we as taxpayers pay for, for you guys. john boehner, you need to get off your stupid dead -- i can't begin to say the words and show some leadership. you can pick the fight. but can you pick a solution? mr. president, for you to have the unmitigated gal to sit there and say i've been here, you haven't been there. you've been out in the white house playing golf. you've been taken trips and doing 1,000 things. we don't need a president who knows how to speak in sound bytes which you are good at. we need a president who knows how to lead. we need congressmen and senators who know how to lead. >> andrea: i love you, too. now he didn't even expect guys that this would get out. now it's become internet sensation isn't this how
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everybody is feeling? >> bob: i volunteer, because i do an intervention on the gentleman because he needs it. that was a rant -- >> andrea: i'm sure you'll talk sense to him. >> bob: you think that is a funny rant? the guy was -- >> andrea: i think it's serious. >> monica: it's raw and real. >> bob: how do we know it's real? >> monica: where most of the american people are. this guy was the equivalent of the guy that revolted against the tsa and said, "don't touch my junk." a guy holding a flag saying enough. >> bob: it's always nice to sit in the middle of manhattan and talk about the rest of the country. >> eric: or the guy embodied the tea party sentiment there. >> bob: oh, god. >> eric: i don't like the right or left, make government smaller. >> greg: or he wasn't wearing pants and that ruins the whole thing for me. metropolitan or maybe he needs a drink. >> bob: he had plenty of those. believe me. >> andrea: now according to a new study wine can prevent sun burn. according to the university of barcelona. wine can help prevent sunburn and skin cancer. i can tell you if you look at
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my back right now from last weekend that is not true. not true of all. not true of vodka, tequila or gin. >> greg: drink wine, pass out and get sunburn. >> bob: that is what you had before breakfast the other day. you got sun burn because you passed out. serious note. every time i see one of these things that say it's good and healthy to drink wine, we lose a few members in our a.a. meeting because they are looking for any excuse to get out and drink. i'm serious. >> greg: just because you can't handle booze doesn't mean we can't. >> andrea: right. [ laughter ] >> bob: the question is can you really? >> greg: good question. give me five more years. >> monica: this blows the movie "the hangover" out of water, because remember the guy that they lost, the friend that they lost was drunk, right? they lost him on a rooftop. when they found him, he was totally sun burn. >> andrea: no offense to spaniards but i'm not buying the study. sorry.
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you heard of "snakes on a plane" but how about snakes on your car? family from memphis found out as soon as they hit the highway there was a snake hiding underneath their car. it creeped up. look at this. it creeped up on the wind shield. what would you do? you can hear the -- >> bob: get that thing off of there. >> andrea: what would you do? >> bob: i hate snakes wor than republicans. >> greg: isn't this a metaphor for government? >> bob: let me taker rick's line. that's barack obama. inside your car and will steal everything. >> greg: that is the tea party, bob. the tea party. >> bob: no, no. >> bob: drive the car off the road. >> eric: tea party is driving. you're afraid of snakes in >> bob: i can't stand snakes. >> eric: what happened? >> bob: i use to imagine a lot of them number one now that i see real ones they look like the ones i imagined. >> monica: the garden of eden thing, too. right? >> bob: more than that. take it off.
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get it off. >> monica: the woman driving is freaking out, screaming, three young kids who are screaming. >> bob: if you had a snake in here, would there be screaming? i'd be on top of the table. >> andrea: there are snakes in your brain. >> bob: that has been a given for years, all right? go ahead. are we out of here yet? no, we have more time. go ahead. you want to say something? [ laughter ] let's get more obama stuff out here. >> eric: tea. talk about that. >> bob: you started with it. end with it. >> eric: i love this. we made it for you, bob. >> bob: were you up all night doing this? >> eric: up and coming. we're selling more of it. >> bob: you know what i'll do? i'm going to get a big obama sign and light it up outside your house. >> eric: i don't dislike barack obama. >> bob: yes, you do. that is a lie. ow. metropolitan i can't believe you said you like -- >> monica: i can't believe you said snakes better th
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