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tv   The Five  FOX News  August 3, 2011 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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most power full name in news, o'reilly factor is we'll see you at 10:00 p.m. eastern tomorrow. doe tonight, e hour from now on fbn. if you don't get it? >> demand it! captioned by closed captioning services, inc >> greg: hello, everyone. 5:00 on the east coast, this is "the five." i'm greg gutfeld with kimberly guilfoyle, bob beckel, eric bolling, monica crowley. we have so much to yell about today so let's get started. first, sarah palin has started wailing. here ar the harsh words for tea party critics. >> if we were domestic terrorists, shoot, wouldn't president obama want to pal around with us, wouldn't e? >> greg: interesting question. then a mom aits to keep child killer. and chavez wok-out video. you'll lovethat.
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gaddafi publicity makeover and there is always putin doing something with a pan. he really is adorable. "the five" starts right now! ♪ ♪ >> greg: okay. the debt drama is over. at least until the next one. do we want to start off with the most important thing happening in the world today? or perhaps ever. one day after the united states averted a nar multitrillion dollar disaster, it's president obama's birthday party tonight. to celebrate, he travels to chicago. to attend a fundraising concert and shindig includes performance from jennifer hudson, herbie hancock and okay go. and later biden tries to dance with a coat rack. he confuses easily. check out the cake. a real cake. >> kimberly: $14 $14,568,000,000,000, baby! you know what we said? let them eat cake.
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>> greg: by the way, bob, that is frosting. i know it's why but it's frosting. >> bob: happy birthday, mr. president. >> eric: make a wish. >> bob: my wish is you would go away. i love you. >> monica: did he spit on that? >> eric: >> bob: i didn't. happy birthday to one of the great presidents in the history of the country. >> monica: more hot air. >> greg: monica, should the president be impeached for aging? >> monica: yeah, no, not for that. >> greg: is it a big deal? everybody is talking about the birthday, why is he celebrating? it costs like i don't know, $38,000 per person. this is the wrong time to be doing it? >> monica: my invitation apparent got lost in the mail, which is a bummer because i bought a new dress. kilall of ours did. >> monica: obama is great at one thing. great at fundraising which is what tonight is. a massive presidenti re-elect rundraiser, thatis the only thing economically he
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is good at. >> greg: what kind of a birthday should a president have? how should he cut loose? >> eric: today, he shouldn't celebrate. he is flying to chicago on rundraiser one. look, the economy is in shambling. stock market is rolling over. it's crashing. today we find out manufacturerring data is off the charts. low. standstill dead. unemployment comes out friday. we'll create a handful of jobs. it could cost us 9.5%. what is he celebrating? $40,000 to sit next to the president and have dinner? c'mon. millionaires and billionaires -- >> greg:c'mon. attacking him over having a birthday. i'm sorry. >> kimberly: he can celebrate his birthday but they were worried because a couple of fundraisers were on hold because he was having withdrawals. the last was june 30. the biggest one. look how much money he raised. $86 millon in the quarter ending june 30.
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surpassing the millionaires he's running against. >> bob: if you don't mind me saying so, those who don't know much about politics. >> eric: why do you look at me? >> bob: the fact is i don't know of a single politician that doesn't use their birthday party as an excuse to raise money. there are more of those enviations going around washington. they could celebrate birthday at some lobbyist place so what is the big deal? so what? >> greg: what else will he use, eric? fly southwest? >> bob: who cares what the president flies on? jet blue. >> greg: take the greyhound. >> bob: of course they pay it back. >> eric: sure. >> greg: i sympathize with the president over this. once you're president you can't have a normal birthday. he can't go to friday's and get body shots. tragic. >> monica: nobody begrudges him a birthday party. >> bob: you can't tell that around this table. >> monica: because his ethic narcissism comes to play when people don't care -- i'm a
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doctor on tv. >> greg: do you think he enjoys the birthday? i don't think so. i think he would like to smoke a cigarette and have a beer in the woods. >> kimberly: with his cash register, cha-ching. i find this deal distasteful. i get it, everybody does t. raise money on your birthday bash. why not? 50 is a really good one. people who -- there are people for low-income, too. $50 and bring 50 people back to the campaign. but americans are suffering. people have a job. i don't think it's a good look. if this was bush one or two and he did something like that, you would be upset about it. >> bob: bush was on his ranch. i don't begrudge him the total number of days, a year. but leaving that aside, leave this alone. the guy has a birthday. he's not able to tell his -- he is going to raise money. that's good. >> greg: do you remember your 50th?
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>> bob: no. i don't remember it. not because i'm -- i'm not that much older. i do remember it. i don'tdy machine problem is i don't remember my 40th. >> greg: who bailed you out? >> bob: on my 40th? my friend bill. >> monica: one other point about tonight, the obama white house, they brought in the nonunion crews to run this birthday. >> kimberly: how hypocritical. >> monica: amazing. it's in chicago. and they brought in a nonunion crew. >> eric: the uniqueness of the 50th birthday in illinois, chicago, illinois happens to rank 50th as far as bad deficit numbers. the most in deficit state in the union. leave ero up there for mr. obama and keep the five for ourselves. >> bob: you foe what will happen? >> eric: hold the five. >> bob: that will end up in your face. keep going. move on. >> greg: let's move on. good point. talk about the faa shutdown. government will lose $1 billion in airline ticket
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taxes because the lawmakers left town for a month without resolving the bill. supposed to end a schultdown of the aviation administration. 4,000 employees were furloughed. this is great. anytime the government is shutdown anywhere makes me happy. am i wrong? >> eric: no, you're 100% right. air traffic controller are working. >> kimberly: or sleeping. >> eric: or sleeping. auto mechanics are working. this is construction jobs at the airport. subsidiaries given to small airports that happen to be very near larger airports. at some point, up to $4,000 per passenger subsidy doesn't keep the airports open. republicans are saying no mas, we're broke. >> monica: this is another genius move by harry reid. harry reid is holding this whole thing up for two reasons. one is the airport subsidy. the rockefeller after j. rockefeller. rockefeller air subsidy. subsidizing passengers to the tune of $4,000 per ticket.
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which is absolutely outrageous. >> greg: only in nevada. >> monica: he has a couple. the other thing is unions, because the house republicans, longer range faa bill tried to put in a provision there. so that people would not be forced to unionize. the democrats -- >> kimberly: here is the problem, the average folks, like to fly and get a good deal. they think this is a happy story because you'd not have to pay the extra taxes on it. but instead, the airline have used this, opportunity to say oh, no, we are losing taxes. guess who will pay? you, you, you. you are paying double. they will add on $400. >> bob: if i could make a point, the airlines keep the fees. the people deserve the get it back. number one. another example of corporate welfare at its best. >> greg: i would rath ver the airline than the government. >> bob: a lot of people with the airports out there, the republican red states at the airport. some of those people depend on
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airports. you are so quick to say, you have laguardia and jfk, whatever that is over there. they don't work but you can fly out of here all the time. >> eric: it's only affecting the airports more than 90 miles away from the larger metropolitan airports. before we go further. listen to what mr. obama said about this topic earlier today. >> this is a lose-lose, lose situation. that can be easily solved if congress gets back in to town and does its job. they don't even have to come back into town. the house and the senate through procedural agreement do this through the unanimous concept and they can have the fights they want to have when they get back. don't put the livelihood of thousands of people at risk. don't put projects at risk. don't let $1 billion at a time when we're scrambling for every dollar we can, get left off the table because congress did not act.
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>> bob: another one you can thank eric and the tea party for, for slowing down -- because at the time they were going to use to debate the bill sucked up by the tea party and the ridiculous effort of the american people. >> eric: what a bunch of garbage. >> kimberly: you're crazy. >> greg: this is great. they have three choices goes to the government, airlines or the people. at least it went to the airlines. number two, there is no lives at risk. i hate that when they say there are lives at risk. whose lives at risk? >> kimberly: exactly. jon kyl, my favorite quote of the day. democrats decided they will be the hand maiden of the labor unions in every policy. he said every now and then you have to put the american people first instead -- >> bob: jon kyl has to decide if he be a permanent right winger or get some since. >> monica: they're at $100 million already with taxes. obama is saying you shouldn't have gone on vacation and you should have done it. >> bob: we could getter rick's corporate friends to give money to the people. >> eric: why don't we ask congress why they need four
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weeks and the senate gets five weeks recess. why don't we do this -- >> greg: let's take a break. we have a lot more for you on "the five." stay with us. also, don't forget we like to hear what you have to say. e-mail us. oh, dear. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> monica: welcome back to "the five." quiet on the set. quiet on the se welcome back to "the five." last night, former alaska governor sarah palin joined our own sean hannity and she was like a momma grizzly defending the tea party. check it out. >> let's call them out on their hypocrisy. enough is enough. i'm not going to roll over with a sticker on my farehead that says hit me baby one more time. call me a terrorist again. call me a racist, the thing that the tea party patriots are called over the months.
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it's unfair and hypocritical of the other side doing that. enough is enough. i'm going to stand up for those fiscally conservative patriotic independent americans who want the best for this country. mann >> monica: i say amen, sister. >> greg: the more they hate you, the better you're doing. she's doing well when people go after her. the only problem talking about sarah palin, she works here. like a coworker. >> monica: awkward. >> greg: if i say something bad and see her in the hallway i feel awkward and wrong. so i say that was a good job. >> bob: it has nothing to do with that, it has to do with your paycheck. that's why you feel awkward. i know what you mean. many times i pull my punches on her. not today but i generally -- >> eric: i haven't -- >> bob: i can say to sarah palin after listening to that thing about terrorists i remember in her campaign in 2008 when she stood up there with a sheriff on duty, on taxpayer money saying that the democrats were unpatriotic. i didn't hear apologies out of
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her. you can be a big grizzly bear momma, baby, and see what you are going to do about it. we don't care less. >> kimberly: tell us how you really feel. i like her. >> monica: we have another story that could dramatically change the political land scape as we know it. federal judge in ohio ruled that former democrat congressman steve dryhouse can proceed with defamation lawsuit against pro-life group that was going to run negative political ads against him. the group was preparing to run the huge billboards, calling the guy out on his abortion record. he claims to be pro-life, which is a weird twist to the whole story. as soon as he threatened the lawsuit, the group pulled the ads. they never went up on the billboard. now a judge said you can go ahead. kimberly, you are the attorney here. i to ask you, this seems so bizarre to me. >> kimberly: is it really, though? >> monica: it's rough and tumble sports. listen, your opponent will lie about you no matter what. you should noah you are getting into, eyes wide open
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if you are going to run. >> kimberly: nevertheless, ads publicized by the media and they got play and he can say he was damaged. proof in the pudding, he lost. countersued by the organization saying you damaged us and we had to send money defending your frivolous lawsuit there is public outcry about ads. what happened with rand paul. that is what is happening, if you say all this stuff, you damage the reputation. metropolitan haven't we come since the beginning of the republic, founding fathers smearing each other in untrue ways. >> bob: not really. when i start in the campaign business, positive ads were 25/75. now it's 95/5. it's one thing if it costs you vote but another thing if it costs you your reputation. it's difficult if you lose to get jobs. one thing if it's votes but another thing, pro-life and then say he is not and in an area that's heavily pro-life he could have a har time getting work. >> eric: there is a problem here f one of the biggest billionaires on the planet.
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george soros. let me tell you how it goes down. americans united for change who fund attack ads. attacking steve king, attacking paul ryan. the problem they are funded by move two-and-a-half million of george soros money goes to they develop the tactics -- >> bob: what does karl rove do? >> eric: this is an issue and if they are guilty for attacking someone who doesn't deserve to be attacked, he better hire you. >> kimberly: i don't see this as a frivolous suit. there is merit to the claim. it doesn't matter they get here. the media put it out here. we talk about people and they know about it. the guy lost the election. there are more of the lawsuits going forward. >> monica: don't both sides use negative ads because they work, greg and they're
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effective? remember bob dole once said stop lying about my record. isn't it up to the candidate to fight back? >> greg: i wonder, bob will probably yell at me. i don't think they work. i've never been influenced by campaign ad. they're boring and amateurish and silly, hand fisted and full of p.c. >> bob: i won't yell at you but the ads cross the boundary from your record which were legitimate to take on with the personal attacks and in the end it may cost you the opportunity to pursue another job. >> eric: you foe who is doing a good job, attacking the record, mitt romney. he has a new one out. this guy is getting it done on the attack ads. >> bob: but those are different than going after somebody personally.
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>> kimberly: there is an appropriate way to do it and not lying and defaming somebody, which is illegal. >> monica: going down the road of lawsuits you will clear out the field. we have a group of people willing to run for public office. >> greg: that's why i'm not running. america is missing out. >> kimberly: i'd vote for you. >> monica: coming up, controversial documentary about the ground zero mosque banned in new york city. but one congressman is fighting for the rescreen. that's next. ♪ ♪ let me tell you about a very important phone call i made.
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called "sacrifice survivors: the untold story of the ground zero mosque" have been denied permits to screen the film in new york. new york city mayor michael bloomberg citing content concerns. i doubt rudy would have an issue with that film. but former army colonel west is saying bring it to d.c., i'll host the darn screening. good for you, colonel. i agree, we need to tell the muslim world, extremists that want to build victory mosque on the sacred burial ground need to move that mosque. kimberly, they have a right to do it constitutionally but it's not right for them to build it right there. >> kimberly: we talked about it and covered it on your show many times. this is a situation where i think it will cause far more problems than the gain it will give, for individuals involved and people who are passionate about this. i admire allen west for coming forward to educate people. i don't foe why new york is not allowing him. what about the right to be able to show a film like this. it's infringing on first
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amendment rights. >> greg: i was one of the first people last year saying they have a right to build it, but it's not nice. if you believe that, you have to let them build it. that's what america is. you have to put your money where your mouth is. even if it's bad taste. you're saying they have a right to do it. and you think it's terrible, i agree but if they want to be jerks, my solution is buy a billboard across the street and say thank you, jerks. love america. snoop sorry. can we take a peek at what the film is all about? >> this is not a mosque. this is a cultural center. >> as if they are dancing on the grave of those who are killed. >> he wants to put a complaint mosque cultural center two blocks away from where shariah complaint muslims murdered
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almost 3,000 people. >> eric: that summed it up. shariah complaint -- metropolitan first, allen west is an american hero who fought extremists in iraq and afghanistan. he knows something about the threat we're facing. there is thought that this is muslim brotherhood. they have been here and they put in writing that the objective is infiltrate the united states building the culture centers and mosque to undermine the united states. >> eric: why is bob so quiet? >> kimberly: why not move it? >> bob: i was asked to be quiet. let me get through a sentence, three. one, you declared this a victory mosque. that is not what it is. one. two, allen west is doing this
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because allen west is a politician who knows a good story and can get in front of the camera. he's good at doing this. let's not forget the hero stuff here. this is for allen west to get more publicity. the last thing i say is this mosque, you have to get -- we all understand 9/11. but you've got to get over this. the rest of rus being affected by it. >> monica: you don't understand islam as it's practiced today. >> bob: i understand islam very well. for you to suggest that -- >> monica: no, you don't. in islam, as it's practiced today and interpreted by muslims around the world, once territory is conquered for islam it's to be retained for islam. that's what this mosque is about. >> bob: we'll have a long discussion about the muslim brotherhood. they're to the behind every closet and shariah law -- >> monica: wake up. you're out of it. >> bob: you are raising a --
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this does nothing to it. >> eric: bring up shariah law. there are communities and states governed by shariah law. to say it's just about religion is inaccurate. >> bob: it's not here. >> kimberly: with all due respect it's naive to assume something that we're making too big of a deal by it because there is a concerted effort to indoctrinate with shariah law. for shariah law to be the rule of law in this country. we have already had this in a number of states where they there were over two dozen states enacting specific laws to prevent shariah law used in the courtroom. >> bob: this reminds me of when we put japanese americans in internment camp in the second world war because there was fear there would be sells in the united states. you're obsessed with this. >> greg: i never opened up the bar but the best way to
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deal with this is always with a good natureed mockery. when they planned the mosque i told them i'd open a gay bar next door. because islam, they don't like gays. i thought that was the best way to deal with. this don't come at them like they're evil. mock them for someing. >> kimberly: i don't think we should get over 9/11. i would never say that to the family, people two suffered and lost lives this is something we need to own as part of our history and what has happened to us. >> eric: we have to leave it here. more "the five" after this. five. five. ♪ ♪
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back new york and five "the five." ♪ ♪ >> eric: what is that? >> bob: i'm stretching. >> kimberly: that's odd and cute like richard simmons move. bob is stretching out. welcome back to "the five." we have interesting and compelling story. for parents out there and mothers this is one that will get your blood boiling. outrage story. we have trisha, that went to court after learning that the custody agreement with respect to her ex-husband was going to
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involve her ex-husband's first wife. now the first wife is a woman by the name of christine cushioning. she used .38 caliber handgun in death of four and 8-year-old little girl in the home in orange county in 1991. what happened is the killer mom went to remarry her first husband, which is retired marine fighter. he has two boys from the second marriage. killer mom comes back and reunites with the first husband and is parenting his two sons. the mother finds out and she doesn't want her son with this woman. this woman fled not guilty for reason of insanity and served time four years in mental institution. the judge says she ha been seeing the kids and taking care of them, unbeknownst to the biological mom. custody planned parenthood and the plan stays intact. anybody think thisis a good
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idea? >> terrible and disgraceful but who i blame is the -- >> eric: the tea party. >> bob: i would blame them but i'd blame you before them. seriously, this marine guy who is married to the woman, do you not find it amazi -- i can't believe he'd invite this -- first, remarry the woman. he knows what she is about. >> monica: this is jerry springer on steroids. i feel for the kids. now they are in a position where the mther doesn't want them with the biological father. >> kimberly: she doesn't have an objection. she will remarry. the killer mom will be around the boys. the boys are older but how do you split it up? for the judge to say it's fine because he has been around since 2008.
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the commissioner is dead wrong. >> greg: point out that the worst part of the story, the worst part is the woman shot her children and they blamed it on a bad reaction to prozac. a bad reaction is hives. killing your kids is not a bad reaction. >> you had a bad reaction to prozac since i've known you. >> eric: this was in california, right? >> kimberly: yes, the homicide was. oregon is where they live now. >> eric: you know where this wouldn't happen? texas. governor perry wouldn't let it happen. >> bob: only you could have gotten that in. that was the worst segue of the entire show. >> eric: accurate, though. >> monica: let me ask you here, isn't it true in most cases that when a parent kills their children it's usually out of anger or reaction to
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the spouse or former spouse? i'll punish the ex-husband killing the kids. why didn't the judge take that in consideration? >> kimberly: she didn't kill these kids yet. i guess it's fine. she was relieved serving four years with no condition. not on probation. >> bob: she did get off and done by reason of insanity, right? she did serve her time and they found her competent. >> greg: who is going to play the main characters in the lifetime movie? valley berteneli. >> monica: i vote for tori spelling. >> kimberly: central casting. on a serious note this is the case that nobody good will come out of the decision. you imagine what the woman must feel and what she wants to do to the woman and somehow she must worry.
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>> bob: imagine the kids will hear it in school. >> kimberly: another story. this is interesting. the drunk driver billboard. digital billboard in san antonio area and clear channel is donating this as a public service, okay? this is also supported by mothers against drunk driving. there are 12 billboards and they will feature the names and photos of the suspected drunk drivers who are sought, people who have cases pending. this will be flashing in the community because they have one of the highest rate of dwi. 3,500 this year. this is out of control. they want to bring them in. >> bob: i reluctantly because i don't like government getting in this, but i support this, because i tell you that you can be sure
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of one thing, if they are going to dwi hearing they probably have a drinking problem and probably driving so someone will end up dead here. if the billboard brings one of the people to justice, and gets them off the road it's better. we deal with this all the time. give them credit. they worked hard on this. if you live in the community i hear the stories of people run over by drunks. >> if you look at the example of those flashing on the billboard, wanted for dwi, third dui. also you have people charged with the intoxication, assault and vel lar man slaught they're are out on bail. they're still driving. >> eric: these people have done something wrong and they haven't shown up for court date, right? >> kimberly: correct. >> eric: like deadbeat dads. this isn't bad. >> monica: on the lam.
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>> kimberly: i hear you. get on this. >> monica: what happened to sense of shame in america. it used to be if you were arrested for prostitution or being a john the local newspaper would run your picture. your name and your address. >> i don't agree to that. >> that's close to bob's life. >> bob: i don't agree with that but there are no more dangerous criminals out there. take armed robbers apt these people affect an entire community. armed robber could affect a bank. >> kimberly: mothers against drunked driving amazing organization and changed dialogue about drunk driving and saved lives. want want"america's most wantedd amber alert. i'm happy for justice. coming up, this time over the outrageous healthcare cost. the details are coming up next on "the five." ♪
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♪ ♪ >> bob: that is a good song. >> greg: what was that? >> bob: quiet.
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you know what this is? this is kimberly's lip gloss. dire time for dire measure. a rhode island city is living that now. they're declaring bankruptcy. the city has cut contract with the police, firefighters and municipal workers. the city said they had no other choice but to file chapter 9. let me put context about this. five in this economic downturn that filed bankruptcy and this is not new. generally when this happens a state moves in to take over a city. this is not unusual and it's sad. somebody has to pay bills. >> eric: point this out, ronald reagan bad economy, you mean when carter gave him horrendous economy? and double digit unemployment and he turned it in to
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prosperous economy the country has seen? this is what the city had to do. they declared bankruptcy to break union contracts renegotiate them later. at some point when they get back on their feet, they'll be okay. but they will be okay in much more -- >> greg: this is $80 million in unfunded pension. this is what happens. this is all about the pension. they ask them for a cut. they had no choice. >> city and state unlike the federal government can't print money. when the backs are up against the wall they have no alternative. you can't get blood from a stone. the fiscal year ended june 30. $5.6 deficit no way to make it up. this is about the government sector union employees in the city or the state. and the pension is blowing hole in finances. >> kimberly: this isn't the
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first and won't be the last city it happens to. a sweet place. c'mon, not bigger barely than one square mile. it has 19,000 people. they've got expenses projected at $22 million in expenses, $16.4 million right now in what they expect to take in revenue. do the math. they're not being responsible. the states should be responsible in the cities and municipalities because people are losing jobs. >> bob: most of the small towns don't have the pension problems, i know you want to work it in, fine. these people negotiated a contract in good faith. this is a contract. >> greg: contracts are killing us. >> bob: then don't sign them. >> greg: i didn't. >> eric: the sign contracts -- no, they are not in office. >> bob: let's move on to another union bashing place. the absurd governor friend of
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yours -- what is his name? >> eric: 49 minutes before we got to this. >> bob: the guy will be absent in january and recall petition. scott, is that his name? >> eric: scott walker. >> bob: yeah, walker baby. they have saved a bunch of money they say, changing the contract with healthcare, from union to giving it to one of the great ripoff healthcare companies in america who are now ro viding much worse medical care and save a lot of money doing it. >> kimberly: what are you talking about, bob? >> bob: they took away from a good medical plan to a lousy medical plan. >> kimberly: you know that is wrong. >> bob: no. >> kimberly: it is. >> bob: listen, deductibles went up and the services that were covered went down. >> kimberly: can i blow you out of the water? >> bob: no, you can't. >> kimberly: do you understand they were paying more and getting less? if you look at the wea trust,
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part of the collective bargaining agreement and when it expired they were able to get the money back. and two, united healthcare. which is what we have here at fox. >> bob: i don't have it at fox. i wouldn't take it. united healthcare is a company that raises their rates indiscrim nantly, they don't care about people and rip off the system. that's why we have a medical problem. >> kimberly: wea trust, union affiliateed and nea affiliate. read the bottom line. was charging more. bob they were getting more. you said something that was collective bargaining agreement. last time i checked collective bargaining agreement were signed by two parties in a contract. a right to what they agree to. take it back from the union people and make sure the contract isn't signed. >> eric: monica, jump in here, but scott walker busted the unions broke collective bargaining went from $3.5 billion budget deficit to
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profit. they're going to be in the black within a year. this one, bob. 9,500 jobs created in month of july. 9,500 created in wisconsin alone after 18,000 created in the country. they must be skyrocketing. >> bob: they are low and he will be recalled in january. >> kimberly: bob, teachers in union wanted to switch to the united healthcare. these are the facts, bob. >> bob: according to you and the producers who wrote this crap. >> monica: the union contract was up a couple of weeks ago. the teachers were able to go out on the open market and see -- they were able to find a cost effective plan. saving $700,000 over the next educational year they can take the money, hire new teachers and get great teachers a serve kids.
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>> kimberly: crayons for kids. >> bob: i'm afraid of this segment because i'm doing it. coming up, it seems as if the world leaders have gone mad. work-out video to bizarre display of strength. we can't forget embarrassing photos. of eric. that's next on "the five."
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♪ ♪ >> greg: welcome back to "the five." you missed so much in the break. bob put on kimberly's lip gloss. >> kimberly: walled wonderstruck. >> greg: not pretty. last week we had amazing and fascinating video of the world dictators. three in particular, four. hosni mubarak was a spectacle
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in a metal cage to go to court to defend charges against corruption. then the brady bunch of weird people in the midding, hugo chavez is proving he is not dead by doing some exercise. to the left is trying to find p.r. firm to rehabilitate his reputation. bob, i go to you first for no particular reason. >> bob: good. >> greg: chavez released a video do you think this is going to help him? >> bob: no, he is going to die. ferdinand marcos, all the adds, stuff of pumping iron. but he died. then they put him under wax and you can still see him. chavez is a bum. sorry, communist so i to love him. right?
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>> eric: this is not in the oprah book club. >> greg: we have five seconds to obama to see how quickly you get the topic to obama. >> monica: did you see michael vick, the versesy she has on? what is that about? >> greg: where is the outrage? >> an irony that struck me, that was silence of the lam. irony in mubarak in the dictator agogo, we're at war with muammar gaddafi and the only one not dying. >> they will sign up anybody. p.r. firms are the worst. they will take anybody. >> greg: we have a picture of another great leader doing something with a pan, i believe. vladimir putin.
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he is always doing something really manly. usually without his shirt on. reminds me at the guy at a picnic. a guy wants to take off his third and do something. everybody runs away. that is putin. >> bob: the guy is bisexual to begin with. >> greg: breaking news here! >> bob: he is. this guy was complaining the united states is out of control economically. he didn't say that when we bailed him out in the '90s, did he? a fascist dictator. i wish he would fall in the creek. i'm serious he has a sexual hang up. i hear this. >> greg: you keep saying you don't have respect on the show but you sound like someone we know. >> bob: who is that? >> story of my life. no respect. >> bob:


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