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tv   The O Reilly Factor  FOX News  August 4, 2011 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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>> bret: that's it for "special report." fair, balanced, and unafraid. "special report" online. he doeh day just ask him is this guy. >> bill: the o'reilly factor is on. tonight: >> i have respect for mitt romney but i do not have respect for what he has done through this debt increase debate. >> bill: sarah palin goes after mitt romney signaling more division within the republican party. rudy giuliani and i will analyze. >> i think the senate deserves to be able to go home as soon as we can my palm that granted trees i'm told are blossoming ♪ i like the flowers ♪ i like the daffodils. >> bill: dennis miller absolutely outraged over senator reid's lament. >> you are going to make me cry. >> not every regulation is bad.
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not every regulation is burdensome on business. >> bill: also, are you worried about the economy? you should be. the obama administration is strangling it. we will present a rock solid case. caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. captions by closed captioning services >> bill: hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. why america is losing power. that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. the united states remains the most powerful nation in the world. but we are losing steam. our power is not based on the military, which is the best in the world. our economic prosperity makes us strong. but here we are in decline. the debt deal this week accomplished one big thing. it kept u.s. bonds from being downgraded and that's huge. as we predicted here, moody's and other agencies now say they
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will keep america's a.a.a. rating intact at least for the moment. but there is little else good about the debt deal and the stock market knows it. it has almost 700 points in nine days. that's because wall street has little confidence that the obama administration and congress will do what's necessary to improve the economy. let me restate that. there is no confidence in american leadership on the economy. none. and here are some the reasons. last december, the national commission on fiscal responsibility and reform issued its report calling for deep spending cuts and entitlement reform. president obama thanked the commission, thank you, thank you. headed by alan simpson and bowls. and then he ignored most of their recommendations. thank you, guys. a few months later, mr. obama proposed his budget for 2012. it was defeated in the senate 97-o. to let's review. president sets up ainancial
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commission. then ignores it. the president puts forth his budget and no one, not even members of his own party votes for it. would you have confidence in a guy like that? and then there is congress. extremists on both sides, the left and the right, are scaring investors. the far left loons want even more government spending. a 14.5 trillion-dollar debt, not enough for them. let's borrow more. and spread it around. sure. that's the ticket to prosperity. and i truly mean. this that view is self-destructive and insane. on the far right, there are people who say let's blow up the entire economic system and start all over again. extreme points of view are heard loudly on radio and talk radio. they are spooking the investment community. now, back to president obama. his economic vision is driven by the liberal tenet of social justice. that's where the government takes taxpayer revenue and money
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the capitalistic system generates and gives it to people who don't have very much. liberal pundits are whaling this week that the tea party is damaging america's compassion. but, let me ask you a question. what's compassionate about destroying the entire economy? because that's where we are headed. all of us will be effected if the wild spending doesn't stop. many liberals refuse to acknowledge that here is a more microexample. president obama's health care vision now includes free health care for women. beginning on january 1st, 2013, private health insurance companies will be forced, forced to pay for female birth control, breast feeding support, wellness, doctor visits for women, and a variety of counseling. that will cost the health insurance companies billions of dollars every year. so what do they do? they are going to raise premiums. individual americans will pay
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more and companies will pay more. that, in turn will mean companies will hire fewer employees because the health insurance costs are so expensive. the employees who do get hired are going to make less money because obama care will cut into corporate profits. do we all see what's going on here? the president is hurting the private sector because he wants to provide medical services free. and other entitlements. on the women's health front, there is no co-pay. no deductibles. the insurance companies pay it all. now, talking points is not a big fan of the insurance industry. but i am a big fan of employment. how on earth, how on earth does president obama think jobs are going to be created in america if he continues to take profits away from the private sector. and then there are the federal regulations on business. here is mr. obama last february.
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>> america's businesses have a responsibility as well to recognize that there are some basic safeguards, some basic standards that are necessary to protect the american people from harm or exploitation. not every regulation is bad. not every regulation is burdensome on business. a lot of the regulations that are out there are things that all of us welcome in our lives. >> bill: okay. there has to be some federal oversight on polluters and corporate gangsters, sane people know that but under mr. obama, the annua cost of regulating the private sector has risen to almost $2 trillion a year. that's twice as much as the government collects in income taxes. twice as much. the world's financial community doesn't want the u.s.a. to become sweden. they don't want the most powerful economic engine on earth to become a nanny state or be held hostage to snail
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darters. financial people understand you can't grow an economy by strangling it with high government mandated expenses and regulations that choke off expansion. i mean, come on. we are either going to be a capitalist nation or we are not. and it seems the democratic party is voting not. the u.s.a. simply cannot sustain much moref the economic chaos that has unfolded over the past two and a half years. i'm not giving the bush administration a pass here because they contributed to the chaos big time. you can't blame our current problems on a former in the. mr. obama had plenty of time to move the economy forward. it has not happened. now, the motto of this program is the spin stops here. the motto of the obama administration should be the madness stops now. get back to helping business expand, mr. president, knock off the nanny state lunancy. because grave damage is being done and the worldwide
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marketplace knows it. and that's the memo. in a moment, lou dobbs is going to way in on all of this. then, is the split in the republican party getting worse? sarah palin went after mitt romney last night. coming right back.
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>> bill: continuing now with our lead story why the american economy is in such disarray. here with us now fox business
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anchor lou dobbs. i ought to be taking over the fox business channel with that. >> come on over. >> bill: this really annoys me. if president obama would come out tomorrow and say you know what? we tried government stimulus to create jobs. we tried all this massive spending. yeah, we did some good he put propaganda points on. see if supply side works. we will lower tax sides a little bit. lower some of the regulations. $2 trillion worth of regulations. business have. stock market go um a thousand points in five days. am i right? >> i think you are. if he acknowledged two things. one, that the democrats and by the way you are exactly right on regulation and the burden, this the is secret tax overwhelming america. $2 trillion overburdensome regulation. if we would just physical we had a strong positive leader in the white house that would just say you know the republicans have
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said for eight years we have got to have low taxes and we have had historically low taxes and we still have 25 million pokes unemployed, underemployed or giving up being employed. the democrats have been saying we have got to simulate the economy for eight years and guess what, we have the historic lie levels of stimulation and it hasn't done a thing. we have got to start thinking about what drives a free enterprise capitalist economy that's what we have. it's worked more than 200 years to create millions of jobs and wealth across not only this nation but around the world. if we had a president who said that, bill, you are right. >> bill: i'm not saying that president obama has to abandon all his liberal tenets and philosophy. >> it would be nice. >> bill: okay, for you and me would be nice because we're more free marketeers and -- >> yep. >> look, i sympathize with mr. obama in the sense that wall street hosed everybody, lou. >> absolutely. >> wall street hosed everybody, because the bush administration
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chris cox and all these guys supposed to be overseeing, let them go crazy with bogus mortgages and barney frank. barney frank. i know you are watching out there. he let fannie mae and freddie mac and lend money to anybody who wanted it and all of this. so that now when the president got elected he went overboard. he overcompensated and he slapped on handcuffs on the whole capitalistic industry. so nobody is investing and nobody is hiring. >> at the very time that would need this free enterprise. capitalists absolutely energize and explode. >> bill: the money is -- they printed all this money sitting in boxes. >> what about the health care deal for the ladies? did you know when they signed obama care that all of this stuff was going to be free? >> pelosi continues to demonstrate how -- pass the
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thing we keep learning things every day. this is coming out of the white house. >> bill: state farm insurance is new motto like a good neighbor state farm is broke. the insurance company we have to pay for all of this? you? me? everybody is going to be paying for it. >> by the way, the cost for that, all of this women's wellness is not anywhere in the cbo mark up and score. >> they didn't count it in. >> no. because it isn't a direct payment by the government. it's forcing the insurance company insurance companies to pay it who in turn will premium on business and private guys like me. you and me and 90% of my viewers understand because i put it in simpler terms in talking points memo. i don't like economics. it's boring. we understand. president obama doesn't understand? he doesn't get it? >> i think implicitly he does
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get it ideologically there is a divide. bill, what you are laying out is what would drive the market? what would drive a resurgence in our economy. he has to understand that. but is he so wedded to if you will, a community organizer's perspective and view of the world that he will not let go. because. >> bill: intellectually you are saying that lou dobbs believes he does understand his policies have hurt the economy. because he is so wedded to his policies, they are so engrained in his image he will not change? >> it is the essence of him. it is the essence of his claim and hold on power. he will never ever. >> bill: going to try to tough it out and hope he can squeak in to be reelected? >> and grin as much as he can between now and november 2nd, 2012. >> bill: he will grin but he will also say he saved us from a depression and did he this and did that. all right, lou. thanks as. as always we appreciate it directly ahead.
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sarah palin slams mitt romney. is that a bad thing for the republican party. rudy giuliani will weigh in on it. dennis miller is going to hammer senator reid tonight over some of the debt comments reid made. miller has some thoughts on the president's
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>> bill: while all the polls show president obama falling has it at 42% lowest in that poll ever. the republican party has its own problems. here is sarah palin on mitt romney. >> i have respect for mitt romney but i do not have respect for what he has done through this debt increase debate. he did this. he waited until it was a done deal that we would increase the debt ceiling and more money would be spent, more money borrowed and then spent on bigger government and then he came out and he made a statement
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that oh he didn't like the deal after all. >> bill: with us now possible republican contender rudy giuliani. there is no doubt there is a split in the republican party between -- i am not going to say conservative and moderates. i think that's too simple. it's the new wave tea party people, fundamentalists. >> right. >> bill: conservative republicans and the more moderate republicans like mitt romney and perhaps yourself. >> right. >> bill: now, how much is that going to hurt the party because you are going up against annual obama machine who is going to have a billion dollars to run. >> it will hurt if it continues. i mean, the reality is i'm going back to 2007 when i ran. tim we had all devastated each other and it was much more bitter. the republican primary was than it has been so far. so, i mean, if there is a certain amount of debate about how far to go. presidency nominate somebody too far out independents.
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then we will lose. the election as you know point out often who gets the independents. the independent bump. the hard core republican right is very angry and they are the ones that you hear. those are the activists people who are on, as i pointed out, talk radio and cable tv. when you hear the tea party, when you see the tea party and the tea party, by the way, you can't generalize about it there is extreme tea party people and moderate tea party people. is the tea party a good thing? >> yes. tea party overall so far has been excellent thing. if it wasn't for the tea party, we would have had no reduction in spending. if obama had had his way, he would have added to the debt ceiling. he would have added to spending. he would probably be doing another stimulus program right now. >> bill: yet, some in the tea party would never vote for you because of your social positions, gay marriage and things like that. they say you are just not a conservative guy and they don't want you. >> but i think i'm objective enough to realize even if you
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don't vote for me you may have very good ideas for the country. it depends how far do you go with it? the reality is you saw a split in the tea party. half the tea party new congressman voted for the deal. half of them voted against the deal. it's it's it's not a monolith deal here. have you been running up to new hampshire a few times. you haven't counted out running. you are still thinking about it? >> right. >> bill: really almost impossible climb for you because of the money aspect of it. >> impossible climb maybe because of what you said earlier because of where the position of the party is how does the party look at somebody who has views that are more socially moderate. i think my views on the economy are as conservative as anyone's. >> bill: would have you voted for that debt deal. >> i would have voted for it reluctantly. i would have been much more in favor of massive cut in spending, which i did as mayor. i cut spending by 3%, 4%, 5%. we could have done a 1% cut in real spending over the five or six years without any problem at
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all, bill. >> bill: i asked lou dobbs this exact question. do you believe president obama knows in his heart that he is booted it in the economy? he knows big government spending hasn't worked? do you believe that he knows that? >> i believe he knows he has booted the economy. i don't know that he can locate the reason the way you just did it he knows from unemployment being where it is. >> bill: i'm a simple manual. you have known me for many years. do we get more simpler than me? i don't think it does. all right? >> i would call it common sense. >> bill: even i understand if you are going to give free health care to american women and force the insurance companies to pay for all of these things. >> right. >> bill: the insurance company is going to pass it on to business and individuals. >> absolutely right. >> bill: therefore, businesses aren't going to hire because they have to pay all this enormous health care cost for each new employee. are you telling me barack obama doesn't know that. >> i think maybe he doesn't calculate all of that. i can't tell, bill.
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he has had so little experience in practical matters. here is a man who got to the presidency without balancing a business budget, government budget, never had leadership responsibilities. never had to see the practical consequences and now we put him in the most difficult executive job in the country with no executive experience. his own spin could spin him. >> bill: let's shift gears for a minute. in about a month, we're going to have the big ten year anniversary of 9/11. all right? now, you were one of the three men, you, president bush, and george pa tacky, the former governor of new york. who intimately involved from the second it happened. all right. i'm a little worried about this 10th year anniversary. i'm worried we're such a divided country. president obama is going to be there. president bush is going to be there. you are going to be there. pataki is going to be there. there is going to be a lot of different people there who really don't get along too well.
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i'm not sure what the tonal of this is going to be. what do you think? >> i think it will be fine. remember the days after september 11th? all this partisan politics was gone? >> bill: we were a united country. just maybe it will give us a little reminder we should get back to that on some other issues and not just when the country is under the most severe attack. our national security is as affected, if not more by our handling of the economy as it is by our handling of terrorism. >> bill: we're diverted away now, aren't we now, because the economy is the overriding issue. >> it is. >> bill: president obama did a good job getting bin laden and the drones and all of that good job. >> a plus for that when he invited me to go to ground zero with him. i immediately accepted. i went to ground zero with president obama. we had an excellent discussion. there are many things we could find to agree about on how to deal with terrorism. >> bill: what should be the headline of that day coming up september 11th? >> republican and democrats are united in their understanding of the implications of september 11th how people are still suffering from it.
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maybe the president could do something to reverse this issue about whether illnesses, cancer are connected to september 11th. that's going to hurt an awful lot of people. that would help. and i think if we could only realize that our security is affected long-term, just as much by our mishandling of the economy and some of these -- >> bill: shut the defense department down and all of that. >> the president needs more practical advisors. he needs people who have common sense like you advising him. >> bill: get a call tonight. there we go. all right, mr. mayor, good to see you. >> great job by the way. >> bill: i appreciate that plenty more as the factor moves along this evening. body language looks at the far left trying to defend more spending. lady gaga on "the view." dennis miller on the president's 50th birthday. putin calling out the militia to help them out. there they are. we hope you stay tuned to those
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[ gnome ] ahh... [ male announcer ] this is what it's like getting an amazing discount on a hotel with travelocity's top secret hotels. the easy way to get unpublished discounts of up to 55% off top hotels. harpist not included. ♪ >> bill: body language segment. any federal spending constraints. instead, they continue to call for more government spending to create jobs. >> we have to get to work putting people back. we're stuck. that we weren't doing everything in our power to create jobs. >> congressman cleaver said this is a satan sandwich. >> it probably is with some
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satan fries on the side. but nonetheless, it's something that we have to do. >> bill: here now body language maven tonya reiman. i don't know why you selected that clip. that was one of the few clips that i have seen where mrs. pelosi looks fairly under control. >> she was great, actually. she did really well. >> bill: she is just not getting it that the government can't create the jobs. and no matter what we do, she is never going to understand that but she looks relaxed. >> i think she has not looked this well in a long time. i like this clip because you will see is this slicing motion, when she is talking about everybody we were struck with this. slices through the air. that's annual aggressive motion. see this slicing, yet, she is doing the palms up finger. she is uncoordinated. at the end she finishes off very powerful with palms down. here the reasonable i chose it because watch see how she covers
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up her movements? she is covering herself. blocking herself. then as she finishes off and talks about. trying to sound positive like make a little sarcastic joke it doesn't work. >> bill: palms up means? >> trying to get people to listen to you. >> bill: persuade. >> palms down is when you are the aggressor and you are saying i'm the one who knows what i'm talking about. >> bill: you are an i had yoted i'm keeping my palms up as much as i can. >> sometimes you are palms down. >> bl: another far left guy paul krugman, roll the tape. >> from the perspective of a rational person progressive on the stuff. we shouldn't be talking about spending cuts at all now. we have 9% unemployment. the spending cuts are going to to worsen unemployment. it's even going to hurt the long run fiscal picture. we have a situation where more and more people are becoming permanent long-term unemployed. >> bill: he frightens me that guy. he scares me. >> i like this one because as is he speaking he does a punk yart with his head. he bobs his head up and down
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emphatically. he doesn't use hand gestures here. his punctuations are with his head which is kind of strong minded. at the end of this clip can you see his lips pull in. pill about bill look at his eyes move back and forth. >> is he trying to make eye contact with different people. a lot of times when we look off to the side we are trying to collect our thoughts as well. depending whether somebody is visual, audio, touchy feeley. look in different directions to gather their thoughts. bill women he reminds me when i was a little kid i saw a horror movie "not of this earth." that really really frightened me. i think i was on 6. double bill with attack of the crab monsters which i thinkas nominated for academy award. krugman is not of this earth. that that's what he reminds me of. >> i'm sticking with enroll lip move. >> bill: lady gaga on "the view," go.
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>> i'm just so devastated and so sad. and i really couldn't speak for like 48 hours straight i was in such shock and, you know, i just think the most unfortunate thing about it all is the way that the media spins things like here we can learn from amy's death. i don't feel that amy needed to learn any lessons. i felt that the lesson was for the world to be kinder to the super star. everybody was so hard on her. everything that i knew about her was that she was the most lovely and nice and kind woman. >> bill: talking about the death of amy winehouse. all right? and what did you pick up? >> just one thing. she is kind of always the same. she is smooth. but the hands are kind of connected to everything we do. they are part of the nervous system. when you use them, what you are doing is conveying your message. as she talks about how the media was up against amy wine house, she interweaves her fingers, that says to me she feels they do the same thing to her. she relates to her on a different level. >> bill: does the cricket on her
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cheek mean anything? is that a cricket? >> i know she had the same thing on her panty hose. >> bill: same kind of little logo. >> same little logo, yes. >> so you think that she is sincere but she personalized the death of amy winehouse because she sees herself being in the same that the people are mean to her. >> yes. they astor size her or pull her apart for everything she does. they watch and follow everything she does. i think that's what this interweaving of the fingers is. >> bill: all right. tonya reiman, everybody. thank you. when we come right back, miller time. the d man mad at harry reid and has some thoughts on the occasion of president obama's 50th birthday. miller is next.
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>> bill: thanks for staying with us. i'm bill o'reilly in the miller time segment tonight. you might have seen a very strange statement made by senate majority leader harry reid while the debt debate was going on. >> i think the senate deserves to be able to go home as soon as we can and for me personally, i have been here for a long time. i have a home in nevada. that i haven't seen in months. my pomegranate trees blossoming, i have fig trees and roses and stuff that i just haven't seen. >> here now to react the sage of
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southern california, dennis miller joins from us l.a. the rumor is you wrote that for reid so he would say it and then you can mock him afterward. is that true? palm granate trees is that at this point at least intellectually existing in a vegetative state. those aren't plants those are his friends. that's his piers, okay? he acts like he is maximus coming back to his vineyard after roman wars or something. adults who presided over a wiley cota, bill, where we have gone off the cliff. it's just the cartoon script dictates we don't fall right now. that's exactly where we spin. he was a boxer when he was young. i swear to god he was dropping his left. because he sounds absolutely adult. he makes mr. owe pate toe head come off like steven hocking at this point. >> yeah. i have to agree with you, miller. why anybody in the middle of
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this intense debate would talk about pam grant that the plants got to get back there when the country has a $14.5 trillion debt. i think we should go to his house and rip up the pomegranate. >> at this point half the pomegranates think he is an idiot, okay? they asked for a balanced thing and the republicans say okay we want a balanced budget amendment and they say anything balanced except that anything but that. we want balanced. not that balanced. >> bill: i don't know. the stuff looks, you know, if somebody were coming here from mars, they would say oh reilly you didn't make that president obama turning 50 tomorrow. and going up to chicago big fundraiser. top picket 335800 to hang with the president in a little birthday celebration and you say, miller? that's the very definition of
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the innate hollowness of a political life when you moments most personal evenings with donors. that should tell you all you need to know about the ramble that is politics. 50th birthday and start hanging out with donors. i'm hoping somebody gives him a tea cake for his birthday. think he would appreciate that. probably not after this week. i would remind the president he is in illinois. it's a democratic state. and they have a candle extinguishment sir charge tax. something like 15 k. the good thing about turning 50 barack obama, is that now the money that you donate to aarp will go right back into your pocket. you will be greased by yourself. okay? >> so you pay your duce can't get back in the campaign donation. 50 years away from me. you have been -- but you, you
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have experienced that a number of times. but you can't set there and tell me, miller, because i know you, that if on your birthday somebody wants to pay you 35,800 bucks. you ain't hang out with you because you are. >> you are probably right, billy, what they don't tell you is that your from the macy's parade is that so? >> don't worry obama care will take that's how specific that bill is. >> okay. you know this guy putin? the guy. >> i know putin. i don't recognize him without his shirt off. but he has a brigade, kind of -- there -- whoa.
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there is putin. there he is again. it's cold in russia but putin doesn't seem to know that anyway, he has got poor horse. got a brigade of ladies who love him in russia. and go around washing cars for putin. we're not kidding. this is true will. >> i believe it. look at those headlights. billy, look, it's that linguist chick from the show two weeks ago who became a citizen. >> bill: that's not maria. that's not her. >> i'm sorry. listen, it's nice to know that the warrior people that were the russians that were able to hold off in len grand for 900 days against the hun are now depending on baked good sales and car washes to fund the military. >> bill: kgb send those ladies to siberia and now they are raising money because they don't
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have any money. think our economy is bad. look what's going on over there. putin can't afford a shirt and these women are whole country. miller, look, this is right in your we'll house man. you knew the headlight lines were coming. >> putin's army. what did he say? >> scaring the living hell out of me. you and jay are buddy's. you are pals. >> does he ever ask you about this segment, the miller time segment and how this thing goes or does very no idea that it's on? >> i think he has an idea, listen, i will be honest, billy. i'm about good for 8 minutes of tv a week on any given calendar month. and i found the perfect place for me to do it. you and i are simpatico
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comedically. we have a good time. i love jay. i don't see him as much as i used to since i started doing the factor. who would have thought that the factor would turn out to be the cat bird seat for me comedically. >> bill: can you combine your whit with public affairs. do you a radio show for westward 1. you are talking about things people are interested. in they want to be entertained but also want your opinion. i'm not sure jay wants your opinion or not. i don't know whether he does or not. >> jay is like me when i host the show. want the guy to come on, even letterman says the same thing. jon stewart has told me the same thing. bring the funny. come on, tell a couple stories, smile, make the people feel like they are seeing a show. that's what hosts want at some point. >> miller will be on leno and a couple of footnotes. he is going to be plugging, miller is, i hope. the bolder fresher tour which begins at the west bury theater on long island august 20th. continues in connecticut.
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richmond, virginia, and atlanta city, new jersey. details on bolder or bill o' i apologize for that it got away from me that miller segment. i don't know what happened. mitt romney goes after president obama. teacher under fire for criticizing her students' bad behavior on the net. did you see that? moments away.
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>> bill: back of book sellingment. did you see that. mitt romney has been laying low this summer. but now is he beginning to open up on the president. >> change has come to america, america, america. ♪ ♪
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>> yes, we can. thank you. >> if i don't have this did you know don in three years, then there is going to be a one-term proposition. >> bill: all right. here now to analyze fox news correspondent juliet huddy. 48%. >> up from 7% to 10%. yeah. >> bill: the employment rate -- the unemployment went up 48%? >> in the last three years since obama gave his speech there at grant park. >> bill: if you look at it objectively, not a party one way or the other, pretty effective ad. >> it's a beautiful ad, very slick ad. takes obama's words and uses them against him and his passion, as you see there, that victory party in grant park there and uses it against him because this is essentially based, called the obama isn't working campaign.
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and it's called of romney sort of for ray out into the public life now. he has been behind the scenes as he has been getting criticized for. he has had since april 11th when he announced. he has had 34 events but most of them have been private fundraisers. he is getting out there now. a little over 18 million. >> bill: and that's not nearly enough so, something is going to have to happen. mitt romney is going to have to get more visible. >> he was silent and now is he speaking out. now you are going to see this campaign. >> bill: kind of ramp it up a little. >> he will be having seven town halls in new hampshire in the month of august. going to iowa to campaign for two days. new york, california. >> bill: i don't think. but new hampshire he has to win in new hampshire. dominantly for him to be -- to get the nomination. has to. >> if this campaign -- this sort of campaign tactic is effective, it will be hopefully for him as effective as the thatcher campaign back in '79, the labor
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party. the labor party isn't working campaign. >> bill: 30 year english high school teacher. natalie monroe in pennsylvania, buck's county. does a blog. on the blog she says, quote: my students are out of control. they are rude, disengaged, lazy whiners. so she gets suspended. didn't say. [ applause ] >> bill: you agree with that. >> um-huh. >> bill: then her job is in jeopardy. she goes on good morning america and says this. >> i was writing it not about anyone specific. they were caricatures of students that i had had over the years, things that i would say. if we weren't limited in comments that we weren't allowed to write and things like that. partially meant tongue in cheek obviously for myself and my friends. it was not for mass consumption. i'm sorry it was taken out of context but i stand by what i said. >> she is so full of it. >> bill: she is an american.
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she has a right to that opinion as long as she didn't single out a kid. >> let me jump on that. first amendment i understand. big supporter of the first amendment. >> bill: thank you. >> she has to have good judgement. >> bill: maybe her students are whiners. >> it doesn't matter there are a lot of kids out there whiners. >> bill: i didn't have that many whiners but i had some. >> would you have gone into cyberspace and ranted about them thinking no one is ever going to find out about them. >> bill: i ran on tv. proportion of my students are whiners and lazy. i don't think there is anything wrong with saying that unless you single out a kid. you can't do that. >> she knew what she was doing. she knew this would get out eventually. she has an attitude about her. she shouldn't be let back in the classroom. >> bill: she is being you are wrong and i'm write. >> 60 of these parents are not letting their kids back in the classroom. >> bill: those parents are whiners. >> she is a whiner. >> bill: central bucks east high school she is coming back to teach. >> they don't want her back. put her in administrative
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position. don't let her around children. she can't handle herself. >> bill: tell teachers they can't have an opinion. that's great. juliet huddy and i disagree. that's what this segment is all about. >> that's why we love you, bill. >> bill: pinheads and patriots on deck tonight starring jon stewart again. p and p moments away.
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>> bill: the mail, lively batch this evening. roger purcell, bill, what's the
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difference between a left wing bomb thrower and a tea party terrorist? from new mexico, bill, you condemn the left for calling the tea party terrorists. then five minutes later you call the left bomb throwers. you must know by now, i'm looking out for you. you must know that. here's a memo. you got that from media matters, the far left propaganda website. you emailed me, hoping to diminish my point. now, if you want to waste your time on a propaganda site, that's your right as an american, but it's tedious. darren lee, indianapolis. last week, you called the tea party extremist. this week you're upset because the party is being called terrorists. hypocrisy? only if you believe in taking things out of context, which apparently you do. i clearly said, some members of
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the tea party are extreme, and they are. but i would never brand an entire party anything unless we're talking about the communist party. they're communists. terry sullivan, kansas city, missouri. you told charles krauthammer that it was not the tea party that brought about the debt deal. who do you think the tea party is? according to the polls, about 19% of the folks, terry, not nearly enough to pressure congress, and many tea party people opposed the deal. it was pressure across the board from the folks that stopped the madness. gene, cape coral, florida. you think it was a good deal. who's right? can't speak for charles, but i never said it was a good deal. i said it was necessary, the best you could get with a divided government. the markets are reacting. and steve in maryland.
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charles, krauthammer is wrong and you are right, bill. sorry about butchering your name. gary from illinois. just received my shirt for becoming a premium member. my son wants a pinheads and patriots shirt. this is fun. for us, gary, because you and thousands of others become premium members and buy stuff, we are able to give close to a million dollars to charity this year. david, san antonio, texas, bill we watch "the factor" in the galapagos islands. i want to know go there. brian neal, vacaville, california, saw "the factor" at the golden tulip inn in amsterdam, holland. another, watch you from a small town in northern thailand. appreciate all of you writing to us from all over the world. finally tonight, jon stewart traveled to afghanistan to meet the troops over there. stewart well understands the sacrifice of our military people
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overseas. >> the patience they display, the tenacity they display and competence they splay are astonishing, and they're doing it on a surface that at times resembles what i assume to be venus. so i cannot thank you all enough. you're amazing people. >> traveling to afghanistan is not easy, so mr. stewart is a patriot for taking the time. i'd like to get back over there myself. we're working on that. and that is for us tonight. please check out the fox news "factor" website, which is different from billo' in a talk points memo on the economy, check it out there. you'd enjoy it if you came in late. spout off from anywhere in the world about "the factor." name and town if you wish to apply. do not be choleraic when writing
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"the factor." the spin stops right here, because we're definitely looking out for you. >> top of the morning to you. it's thursday and it's august 4th. i'm gretchen carlson. thanks so much for sharing your time with us today. president obama's 50th birthday present to himself, i want to know. $3,580,000 in cold, hard campaign cash but if his focus is on creating jobs, should he be out raising re-election money? that's a question for you this morning. we report, you decide. >> meanwhile, if you thought the finger pointing was over on capitol hill after the debt crisis, think again. >> unfortunately, republicans continued to practice the politics of confrontation and hostage taking. >> oh, boy. this time, the blame game is all over the f.a.a. shutdown costing taxpayers nearly 4 grand per pass


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