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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  August 4, 2011 3:00am-6:00am PDT

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airports. we're going to tell you all about it. >> and she refused to back down from defending the pledge of allegiance even though she faced jail time for it. today, natalie nichols is presid. birthday because you brought us coffee. the investigation into the death of 11-year-old celina cass focusing on the pickup truck owned by her stepfather. the truck was hauled away from his new hampshire home, police haven't made a suspect. more attention has been made to
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the stepfather in recent days. he was diagnosed with schizophrenia and arrested for threatening an ex-girlfriend in 2003. he was also rushed to the hospital the day that her body was found. a bomb strapped to a girl's neck turns out to be a hoax. australian police needed 10 hours to remove the device from 18-year-old madeleine pulver. it looked like a real bomb. they're investigating whether extortion against the girl's parents may have been the motive. a man broke into their home and strapped the bomb to her neck. the guy wearing the disguise is still on the run. americans bracing for another day of scorching at. as the temperatus climb, so does the death toll. the latest victims, not one but two high school football players. a 15-year-old passed out at a football camp in northern florida while another 16-year-old died hours later in atlanta. heat putting a major strain on our nation's power grids especially in texas.
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the state is having to borrow energy from mexico. at the stroke of midnight, oregon congressman david wu became a civilian, the embattled democrat forced to resign after allegedly forcing himself on a teenage daughter of a campaign donor. he made headlinesarlier this year posing for photos in a tiger costume. there he is. special primary election to replace him scheduled for november 8th followed by a general election on january 31st and those are your headlines. >> he's free to wear the tiger suit at will now. he could be wearing it right now. >> let's talk about what's going on. we'll start with some economic news, of course, we have solved the debt crisis temporarily, right? there's a horrifying headline on drudge right now. morning after, borrowing tops 100% of gdp. the government of the united states is borrowing the equal amount of the gross domestic product of this nation. larry summers, the president's former top advisor when it comes to all things economic says
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there is now a 1 in 3 chance of falling back to a cession, the white house jay carney says that's not going to happen. nonetheless, the warning signs are flashing on the dashboard at the white house. things are not looking good. >> it's clear if there's a lan on the left, the president wants to blame the republicans for the mess. we're going to get these jobs numbers again tomorrow morning, they're expected to be about 50,000 jobs created. the unemployment level staying flat. >> is that all? >> that's what the expectations are and the president, it appears, is going to blame that on republicans. here's his take on the latest impasse. >> the debt ceiling crisis over the last month, i think, has had an unnecessary negative impact on the economy here as well. i'm meeting with my cabinet here to make sure that even as they have been throughout these last several weeks, they are redoubling their efforts to focus on what matters most to the american people and that is how are we going t put people
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back to work. >> it's all mixed in together. i mean, just to talk about what steve was saying there. in the first day after they solved the debt ceiling crisis, they spent -- the u.s. government spent $239 billion. that's 60% of what they're supposed to spend in a week. which is $400 billion. is that scary? the u.s. government is spending $400 billion a week and in the first day, they spent 630%. if you think this debt ceiling debate is going away, it ain't. because that's how much dough they're spending in one day and yet, they're going to talk and get together to cut $1.5 trillion which would kind of be a drop in the bucket. >> before he was elected president of the united states, he was a law professor, does he have the experience to run the bigst economy in the world? fast forward now. here we are. he's the president, we're in economic trouble. eric cantor told "the wall street journal", the president
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is in over his head. >> when you ask what kind of negotiator he is, to me, it is -- it is not someone who has a grounding in what business is about in this country. i don't think he's ever run a business. i don't think he's ever really created a job. and i think frankly, he's in over his head as to what to do about this economy. >> and the problem was here's a guy who is now president of the united states, had no executive experience before. he surrounded himself with economic advisors who he was told would be really great and really gonna help you. they're all gone. they have all quit. they were all wrong. and now we are trying to put the pieces back together. >> it goes back to ideology again. we talked about this yesterday. theemocrats believe that spending and putting more stimulus money into the economy is what will create jobs and the republicans disagree. it's all about ideology so i guess we'll have to find out which one works. so far, nothing is working with the economy. >> doesn't work for us.
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>> in the meantime, some people are asking whether or not the president should have gone to chicago last night for his 50th birthday celebration, his real birthday is actually today. they were wondering if that was sending the right message when so much of the focus should be on jobs. well, i guess fundraising is important, too, because he wants to be the first billion dollar president. >> he's raking in a lot of money at this 50th birthday bash. easy tickets for 50 bucks but the big spenders had to pay $35,800 a ticket for this 50th birthday celebration in chicago. the entertainment, top notch. jennifer hudson was there to sing happy birthday to the president. here is our commander in chief at his birthday bash. >> you did not elect me president to duck the tough issues. you elected me president to do the tough things. to do the big things. even if it took time. precisely because the challenges were so daunting, precisely
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because we were inheriting so many challenges that we're not even halfway there yet. and when i said change we can believe in, i didn't say change we can believe in tomorrow. >> he means he needs another term. if you notice, the president is in shirt sleeves there because something had happened, apparently, to the air conditioning there at the historic ballroom. it was 92 degrees on the stage at the time. we're not talking about the fact that it was a little hot outside because there were apparently a number of latino demonstrators outside holding up signs protesting the president's appearance that said hey, hey obama, don't deport my mama. also, apparently -- >> good rhyming. >> according to a web source as well, you know, the president is a big supporter of union labor for that event. nonunion labor hired. >> that's what happened to the heat, steve. >> i hadn't thought about that, dave. in chicago -- >> maybe they sabotaged the
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heat. >> you're exactly right. according to the official sources, they say you know what? the president of the united states might have been running late and in that case, there could have been huge overtime bills and so that's why we went with nonunion workers. >> big picture for a minute of whether or not this was a good idea when we are looking at 9.2% unemployment. the former white house spokesperson for president bush, dana perino had these thoughts. >> if i had been advising the white house, i don't think i would have done this type of fundraising. now, remember, this one is special. it is his birthday. i'm all for it. now, for people out there who have been out of work for two years, who are making the connection that the stimulus bill failed, has made our economy worse, i think that this strikes a very discord note but he has every right to do it. >> let's take a look at history and the re-election events that have happened once the president was elected and they're looking to be re-elected. so far, obama has 37 of those
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events, president bush to this point in time had seven and president clinton had five. is that a sign of the times or is that somebody who is a little bit more zealous about raising campaign cash? you be the judge. >> all right. meanwhile, let's talk about something else that's affecting america's airports. the f.a.a. effectively is not operating -- >> shut down. >> the problem -- >> they shut down two weeks ago and it includes 200 airport construction projects that currently has grounded something like 70,000 construction workers. now, here's the thing. if you saw on capitol hill yesterday, you saw all these democrats coming out and saying, those darn republicans kept this from actually going forward with the bill. here's the problem with all these senators saying that. the house with a bipartisan bill passed a while back a bill to continue the temporary funding of the f.a.a. so the house has passed this. but the senate didn't like the fact that there were these -- they were going to continue -- the house was trying to get rid of these little subsidies -- big
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subsidies for little airports that included up to $3700 every time somebody flies out of eli, nevada, it's costing the federal government $3700 to subsidize that person to fly on that airplane. people didn't like that in congress. >> they also didn't like that they say it will make it more difficult for the union to organize in terms of these big airlines but again, the house has said we passed our bill, just spoke with connie mac, florida congressman in the hallway said look, we did our job, we passed our bill and left for recess. the senate left 4,000 f.a.a. employees out of work and then went back. here's the democrats' answer to that. >> they're mad. >> need to act on this issue now, 75,000 americans demand it. our country demands it. and it's irresponsible to hold hostage these people and our country and the safety of our airways pending some petty political game that might be
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reached. >> under the cover of the debt ceiling crisis that they manufactured, they have set in motion a second crisis and once again, are holding the livelihoods of americans hostage until they get everything they want. and this is becoming a very disturbing pattern. we will not submit to a government by extortion. >> all right so the speaker of the house john boehner put out this statement explaining the f.a.a. holdup. all it will take to end this crisis is for the senate to pass the house approved f.a.a. extension. the only reason so many jobs are at stake is senate democratic leaders chose to play politics rather than pass the house bill. two sides of the story. what does it matter to you? here's what it matters. there is this tax that you pay on every airline ticket that you buy that goes to the federal government. i think it's like $30 million. $30 million a day. now what's happening is that's government waste, folks, so here we go again. if you want to be upset about
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something, maybe it's those 75,000 construction workers that don't have jobs right now but it's $30 million in waste a day because members of congress can't get their acts together. >> not to the airlines. that's called profits. the airlines are keeping it. they're not taking it out. it could add up to over a billion dollars if the congress -- if the senate does not act on this throughout this recess into september. we're talking about over a million bucks in lost tax revenue. >> so you're saying it's all politics. i find that hard to believe. in nevada, you'd think who would be the senator from eli, nevada? oh, harry reid. oh, yeah. starting to make sense. >> coming up on the show, he introduced his plan to fix the deficit here on "fox & friends." congressman connie mack is back on the curvy couch with an update on that plan and his wife also a member of congress might not be happy about it. could that be true? >> and busted again. chris hansen, the man known for catching a predator in trouble himself for a second time.
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>> welcome back, everyone. 16 minutes after the top of the hour. he unveiled his plan to cut the debt right here on "fox & friends" and guess what? one penny at a time. we can take on trillions? i guess so. he's back. florida congressman connie mack joins me now on the curvy couch. good to see you. >> good to see you, too. thanks for having me. >> it's amazing when we talk about trillions of dollars which up to this point, nobody could calculate in their head and you're saying if we go back to the simple use of the penny, we can solve this problem. how? >> that's right. it's real simple. so in washington, every year there's an automatic increase of
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spending of 7%, 7.5%, 8%. so every year -- everybody thinks we're at a flat, like we're not spending anymore. we're not raising the rate of spending but every year, we're spending 7 1/2% more a year. my plan says we freeze that. we don't continue to raise, you know, continue to spend more and then we cut 1% a year for six years so that's one penny out of every federal dollar. after six years, we cap spending to 18% of gdp in the seventh year and in the eighth year, we balance the budget and after 10 years, we cut $7.5 trillion. everybody watching this show have had to cut more than one penny out of every dollar, their home budget or business budget. >> think about people walking on the street, sometimes they don't even pick up a penny. if we put it in perspective like that, it makes total sense. >> do you think you'll be nominated to the super committee with that kind of plan? >> doubt it. >> do you think they'll take up their plan as part of the super committee to try to cut $1.5 trillion? >> we'll try to continue to
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push. i'll tell you what happened since i was here last, we now have 57 co-sponsors in the house. we have seven co-sponsors in the senate. so we're getting a lot -- we're picking up a lot of steam here. democrats seem to also like it. lanny davis wrote an op ed in support of the concept of the bill. we're moving and we're going to continue to push it. what's really great. there are so many people now going to other members of congress and senators saying i like that penny plan. i want you to support it. >> so if constituents who are listening right now like it, what can they do to voice their support? >> couple of things. they can go to my web site at and sign a petition and these types of things but more importantly, i think it's reaching out to their members of congress. reaching out to the senators and saying, this is a commonsense plan. it's simple. it's something that i've had to do at home and we want you to do the same thing. >> now, you are in an interesting situation because you're married to another member of congress, mary bono from
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california. she voted yes on the debt plan. you voted no. and i'm wondering what the discussion at dinner was that night. >> well, the dinner that night was great because we had already -- we knew what we were going to do by that time. >> you already made up. >> we had already made up. she had a great line she said to somebody. she said we respect one another's opinion and then he sleeps on the couch. and -- >> another thing people can relate to out there. >> that's right. >> and i said yes, dear. >> got it right. >> always great to see you, congressman connie mack. we'll see if it continues to gain steam. >> thank you very much. >> this judge threatened to throw a county clerk behind bars, remember this story, because she defended the pledge of allegiance. we have an update from the clerk herself. she's here live facing charges. and when his cell phone was robbed, he took matters into his own hands. you will not believe how he tracked the crooks down. it's an awesome story for a thursday. [ jon ] we don't just come up here for the view up in alaska.
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>> welcome back to "fox & friends." quick headlines now, former egyptian president hosni mubarak back in the hospital this morning. the 83-year-old allegedly so sick, he had to watch his own trial from a gurney inside a metal cage. mubarak is charged with ordering the killing of hundreds of his own people. and here we go again, another tour bus packed with passengers flipped over, lands in a ditch. this time it happened in upstate new york. four people were seriously hurt. police say the bus was going too fast in the rainy weather. steve? >> all right, dave. thank you very much. this judge right here threatened
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to throw her behind bars because she defended the pledge of allegiance but now, we've got an update. bowie county clerk natalie nichols joins us. how are you, ma'am? >> hi. thanks for having me back. >> you were out of town as the clerk for bowie county, when you came back, you looked at the county commission meeting minutes and you noticed, hey, where's the pledge and the prayer? it's not at the top and you were told they were not included because why? >> basically, they didn't want it to be the county's official stance. they were afraid the aclu would come in and they said these items are gone. >> and in particular, that judge we just featured, judge sterling lacy, he was worried about the county getting sued by the aclu, right? >> yes. we wanted to say the prayer and pledge there but didn't want anybody to know about it, apparently. >> that's kind of crazy. so you brought this up and then
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it was alleged that you were causing a commotion in this meeting by bringing it up. a disruption, right? >> there was a separate meeting, yes, and the judge back tracked a little bit and tried to put the prayer and the pledge back in and in doing so, deflected the reason for taking it off on me as if i had done it. and i couldn't sit there and listen to him saying that and i said you're lying. and that apparently was what they said was disrupting a meeting. >> well, he was lying, though, wasn't he? >> it wasn't disrupting. he was lying. >> yeah, ok. so then while he may be telling this lie, you're threatened with a fine and jail time, right? >> yes up to a $2,000 fine and up to six months in jail. >> simply for stating the fact hey, if you're going to say the pledge and have a prayer, in an official meeting, it should be reflected in the minutes. that's your stand as the official agent of that county, right? >> that's correct. i believe that those are a part of the public policy and therefore, when it's done in a
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qua quorom, it's part of the meeting. >> you were facing jail time and a fine and an update. what's happened with your case? >> i got another call from a reporter because this is how i found it all out and they said that the judge had gone down to the d.a.'s office and filed an affidavit of nonprosecution. and the d.a. has said also in the newspaper, that he is looking forward to putting this to bed so i assume that that means they're going to drop the charges. >> after you were on this program, you got a lot of response, right? >> i did. just in my local community, everybody has stood up and surrounded me and said we support you and we stand with you, and nationwide, actually, it's been a crazy and beautiful thing. i felt very patriotic throughout the whole thing knowing that we have this brotherhood in our country. >> you stood up for the pledge and you stuck up for the prayer.
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so much of america is behind you. well, that is good news. >> it's just second nature to do that, you know. >> absolutely. particularly in your job where you got to get the facts right. we're glad that this is all going to end well for you. although you're going to leave the studio there in dallas and it's going to be another hot day down there, isn't it? >> it might be 300 degrees outside. it feels like it anyway. >> yeah, but you know what? it's dry heat. all right. natalie nichols, the bowie, texas, county clerk. we thank you very much for joining us today from a hot dallas. thank you, ma'am. >> thank you. >> all right. that's good. meanwhile, the class was taught for 20 years but now the air force banning it because it used some verses from the bible. and president obama giving millionaires a public lashing telling them to pay their fair share. but in private, there's a much different story going on. stuart varney is coming in from outside with details. but first, happy birthday to jeff gordon, the race car driver
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turns 40 today. happy birthday, jeff. ♪ [ female announcer ] erybody loves that cushiony feeling. uh oh. i gotta go. [ female announcer ] and with charmin ultra soft, you can get that same cushiony feeling you love while still using less. charmin ultra ft has extra cushions that are soft and more absorbent. so you can use four times less versus the leading value brand. ah. [ femalennouncer ] using less never felt so good. we all go... why not enjoy the go with charmin ultra soft. not a mammal in this household isilling to lay claim to its origin. but now is not the time for blame. now is the time for action. ♪call 1-800-steemer.
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>> some drama in washington yesterday. did you hear what happened? yeah, yesterday, a man jumped the white house fence. did you hear that? yeah, but after a brief chase, secret service was able to talk president obama into coming back. >> very funny. although the guy actually wanted into the white house. maybe he had a good debt ceiling plan. i mean, we should have maybe liened to him. we need the ideas. you just heard a good one from connie mack. who knows? maybe he had a good one. in the meantime, president obama has been lashing out at millionaires and billionaires about paying their fair share. >> everyone is going to have chip in. that's only fair. that's the principle i'll be fighting for durin theext phase of this process. >> but in private? team obama is diving into the pockets of the super rich. >> speaking of super rich, stuart varney joins us live right now on the curvy couch. you know a lot of super rich
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people. >> i do indeed. know they're all getting together, bundling checks from individuals and passing the money along to president obama. >> i don't get that! he's conducting what is clearly class warfare, the rich vs. the not rich people. and they are going to be willing accomplices. >> let me tell you who some of the rich, famous and powerful are. jon corzine, former goldman-sachs chief, former governor of new jersey, ruined the state of new jersey but he's giving money, collecting money for the president. and jeffrey katzenberg of dreamworks and so on and on. they collected $375 million in three months towards the billion dollar campaign war chest that the president hopes to get together. >> when your mantra is needs to pay more, is that hypocritical just presidential poeclicy? >> i can't spell it but it's definitely hypocrisy. we lined up to go to the
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birthday bash in chicago, basically a fundraiser. $36,000 for dinner. another $10,000 to have your picture taken with the president and overflow crowd in hollywood watching v satellite lining up to give money to the president who is bashing billionaires and millionaires. >> they must not mind too much. they're continuing their efforts. >> i'll tell you why it is, we're going to tax income, not wealth. the people doing this, they have accumulated wealth. we don't tax accumulated wealth. no, we tax income for people who are striving. income people. that's what we tax. those are the millionaires, in fact the $250,000 per year earners. that's who the president is going after so the wealthy who have accumulated it who are sitting on it, sure, they'll bundle money. >> that's a really important point. >> yes. >> now -- >> it's called hypocrisy. >> would you be in favor of tax reform in that regard, with regard to wealth vs. income.
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>> certainly not. what? no. >> you're making such a nice point there. i thought i'd go with it. >> i'm in favor of broadening the tax base because that's a problem in america. only half the people pay any tax. you got to broaden it out, lower tax rates so you bring in more money for the treasury and fix the deficit that way and you got to grow the economy and you don't do that by taxing people even more. >> however, you -- >> there you go! >> your blood pressure meds are right over to the side there. >> thank you very much. >> with that plan, you get rid of all the deductions, then, and then a political campaign contribution would no longer be deductible, though. >> ahhh, therein lies the rub. >> all right. stuart, thank you very much. we'll be watching for your program at 9:20 eastern time on the fox business network. >> i will join you then, sir. see you then. >> all star line-up. >> in a bit, he brought us coffee, let's hope he brings you tea. meanwhile, now on to the headlines making some news right now, tropical storm emily
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hammering haiti. right now, the storm is bringing heavy winds and rain. 50-mile-per-hour sustained winds to the southern coast of haiti. hundreds of thousands of people are still struggling to recover from the earthquake last january. they will try to ride the storm out in makeshift camps. you see a lot of tarps there and tents there. the biggest threat from the storm, mudslides. more than 600,000 people on that island still without full-time houses. meanwhi meanwhile, let's take a look at where it's raining right now when we have thunderstorms moving through portions of the central plains, portions of the central missouri valley at this hour. widely scattered showers through portions of the northeast. otherwise, much of the country is dry and high will be the temperatures throughout much of texas later today. right now in dallas, 89 already. about the same for memphis. here in the northeast, we have temperatures in the 60's. mid atlantic, 80's and those 80's extend down through orida. later on today in tampa, it will probably top out about 92. 95 in atlanta and then look, all
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the way from memphis through oklahoma, portions of texas as well, we'll be in the 100's. >> dallas should be nice today, steve. >> it will be 110 and feel like 130. >> well, we just heard from the bowie county clerk that it feels like it's 300 degrees there right now. >> been a lot of days in a row. couple of other headlines for you now. is this casey anthony? check out this picture. about to come up. there it is. we told you yesterday the 25-year-old was reportedly photographed while shopping in ohio. today, those pictures plastered on the cover of the "new york post." the woman certainly looks like casey anthony though her hair is shorter than it was when she was released from jail. anthony was supposed to return to orlando today to serve probation on check fraud charges but that order has now been delayed. a hearing on the matter will take place tomorrow. >> yes, buckeye fans, that's an ohio state hat. meanwhile, you know him from the show "to catch a predator" but chris hansen is in trouble himself again. hansen has reportedly been
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caught cheating on his wife for a second time. he's apparently involved with a las vegas stripper who has been -- he's been seeing for about six months now. the 51-year-old hansen has also been linked with tv news reporter kristen cadell. >> ok. meanwhile, stolen iphone? there's an app for that. guy in boulder, colorado, used two different apps toatch the crook that swiped his cell phone and wallet out of the locker. he activated a speal gps tracking app that showed his iphone was at the public library. after he got to the library, he used a second app to figure out who exactedly was the culprit. >> i set the alarm off on the phone and it was in the guy's pocket. and that's what my friend heard and that's when they surrounded him. >> geez! i need to use that. >> police arrested a homeless guy and got the fella's phone back and wallet as well.
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>> brian needed that app. >> brian needed that. i needed that. we both needed that a few months ago, huh? >> now you know how to do it in case it happens again. what do you think about this story this morning? the air force is apparently removing bible verses now in classes taught by chaplains. it's my understanding that these classes are given to missile launch operators. very stressful. tough jobs. important job. hopefully they don't have to use what they learned. but that's what they're taught is that certain bible verses are within the class taught by the chaplain. what's the main point of using bible verses? according to the chaplain, to show the missile laufrnl operators it can be moral to go to war. >> right. and that's key. this particular class has been taught at vanedenberg air force base out west for a very long time. it's called christian just war theory. there it is right there on the map. they've been doing this for a very lg time until this week when the military religious freedoms foundation said hey, wait a minute, they've got bible
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verses in there. that is in violation of the constitution separation between church and state. and it wasn't just this foundation that went to bat and said you got to get rid of those. apparently, a number of the students joined with this particular outfit to say, is that appropriate? extraordinarily, we got some statements from the air force, the air force said no, it wasn't appropriate. >> yeah, bible has been kicked out of the class and here's what the air force spokesman says. in an effort to serve all faiths, we try to introduce none in our briefings and our lectures. once we heard there were concerns, we looked at the course and said we could do better. >> apparently, there was 31 students and instructors alike who apparently were ptestant and roman catholics. they thought the teachings were too fundamentalist. that was their word. >> they didn't even have to look at what the -- what was in the books, just think, ok, we've got chaplains teaching a class.
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could it get religious? well, yeah. >> meanwhile, we're ignoring folks like the fort hood shooter and the guy that wanted to pull off another shooting down there at fort hood. we're ignoring these things on the flip side and kicking the bible out. seems like a bit odd for our military to make those two choices but -- >> two letters, my friend. coming up on the show, a shocking report. a drug to treat the most severe cases of ptsd, post traumatic stress disorder, do they work, though? psychiatrist keith ablow here to explain next. >> and judge andrew napolitano on deck with his freedom file. he will run down the three freedoms you lost this week. >> because he lost out. >> he's the judge. >> come on. >> yeah, that worked well. >> got a little worried. >> we'll fix that for the west coast. [ male announcer imagine all of your missed opportunities
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you may be at increased risk of heart attack and stroke. don't kid yourself. talk to your doctor about your risk a about lipitor. >> quick thursday morning headlines for you. one of the nation's biggest meat producers cargil is recalling 36,000 pounds of ground turkey that's linked to a salmonella outbreak that's killed one person and sickened people in 26 statsz. 80 people affected in all. new study finds eating dark chocolate may help build endurance. that is kind of the good news we need this morning. the main nutritional ingredient in it increases the benefit of exercise by 50%. the catch -- well, the cocoa has to be unprocessed, the cocoa does so your average candy bar probably won't do the trick. >> the key, unprocessed cocoa. mr. briggs? >> ok.
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note to self. thank you, sir. every day, harsh laws, increasing regulations and out of control government regulations infringe upon your rights as american citizens. fox news senior judicial analyst judge andrew napolitano is exposing them each week in his freedom files. and folks, you won't believe these next three stories. the first one just blows your mind. a cell phone now in the state of pennsylvania is a civil right. you can get them for free. how is that? >> if you receive welfare in the state of pennsylvania, either welfare from the federal government, administered through the state or welfare directly from the state, along with your food stamps, you get a cell phone. because the bureaucrats in pennsylvania, these are not elected officials. these are sort of faceless clerks that administer law, have decided that a cell phone is a right. and so they've increased the cost to the taxpayers of pennsylvania by giving a cell
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phone with 250 free minutes per month to every welfare recipient. >> every welfare recipient. >> yes. we don't know how much they cost. >> on the taxpayer dime. we don't know what this costs because they just started the program and they haven't added up the bills yet. >> can't wait to hear that total. >> used to be that rights were things like speech and religion. in pennsylvania, it's a cell phone. >> meanwhile, watch what you search for on google because the government wants to collect that data and they want the right to do so. they want to be able to come in and take all of your search history without a warrant. >> congress is about to vote on legislation which would require all the internet providers to preserve for a year every search, every click, every hit, every e-mail. at their expense. not at the government's expense. >> what's the justification for this? >> because the government might be interested in that information. and the government wants to -- >> sure they would. >> if it wants it. why would the government want to know who and what you google? >> no brainer.
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>> if they want it, go get a search warrant. >> generally they have no trouble getting it but they have to show there's a reason for the warrant, that there's some evidence of criminality. the kicker here is it costs these internet providers a lot of money to keep this information. that increases our bills so that the government can get its way. >> let's talk woodpeckers. >> woodpeckers. >> update to a story we told you about yesterday. an 11-year-old girl tries to save a woodpecker but she has to take it out of her home and transport it to do so. the government wants to fine this 11-year-old girl and her mother $535. >> for violating the migratory bird act which prohibits people from transporting wild animals even if it's to save their life. >> to save their life. >> the crazy news is that the government would go after an 11-year-old girl who saved the woodpecker from the jaws of the family cat. the good news is as a result of this being exposed, i don't take credit because a lot of us did this on the air, the government
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has backed down. the woodpecker is free and the girl and the mother are not going to be charged but for two days, they thought they'd be criminals. >> if it weren't for the media, they'd be paying up $535. sometimes. thank goodness for the media, right? catch the judge every night "freedom watch" and also next week, he's going to be filling in on "the five" and he says you got to bring it every day on that. >> yes, you do. >> you want to watch that show. >> good to see you. >> thank you. >> a new study finds a drug use to treat the most severe cases of post traumatic stress disorder does not work. psychiatrist keith ablow here with the details. then she may look dainty but don't mess with kate middleton. wait until you hear why.
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so, what are we going to do with this? i don't know. the usual? [ blower whirring ] sometimes it pays to switch things up. my - what, my hair? no. car insurance. i switched to progressive and they gave me discounts r the time i spent with my old compan saved a nch. that's a reason to switch. big savings -- it's a good look for you. [ blower whirring ] [blower stops] the safety was off. out there with a better way. now, that's progressive.
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>> welcome back, every one. 52 minutes after the top of the hour. it's a drug prescribed to vets that suffer from post traumatic stress disorder after coming home from combat. >> now, there's a disturbing new story that says the drug doesn't work. psychiatrist dr. keith ablow joins us today from boston. good morning to you, doctor. >> good morning. >> so the bad news is this drug called whisperdol that has been used off label, you know, it hasn't been approved by the f.d.a. for ptsd doesn't work. >> exactly. listen, psychiatrists use a lot of medicines for nonlabelled, off labelled purposes. part of the reason that they use this for veterans is they were so frustrated, there are so few agents that work. but what they did is they looked back and they said look, let's look at 300 or a few less than 300 veterans with severe ptsd. this leaves open the question of
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more modest ptsd but those with severe ptsd, they didn't benefit any more than if they had received a placebo from the risperidone which is an anti-psychotic medication with potentially severe side effects, mood disorders and others. not to be toyed with. but 87,000 veterans were treated with this and it doesn't help. >> would this make people who suffer from this look for more psycho analysis as treatment than just immediately going to a drug which seems to be the way in which we've moved in this society? >> absolutely. it's time for -- this is a wake-up call for psychiatry. we've heard this about anti-depressants lately, too, that they -- that our hopes weren't justified in many cases. part of the lesson here is that there's real artistry to how you combine these medicines and the studies would have to take excellent clinicians combining
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them in expert ways in individual patients to say whether your cousin or my brother ought to be on these things. but we've got to get back to basics. empathy, understanding. what was it like for you to see those things you saw in war because psychiatry of all professions has left listening behind. >> sure. >> and just reach for the prescription pack. >> absolutely. just draw out a prescription. what about zoloft and paxil for the many people coming back from war? does that work? because the f.d.a. has approved it for that use. >> look, we may need another study to tell us whether it's really working but ssri's, these things that increase serotonin levels or prevent their breakdown, serotonin's breakdown, they do seem helpful. there are other things on the horizon like transcranial magnetic stimulation, using powerful magnets to alter the brain's chemical transmission so
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things are very hopeful. getting back to basics is very important. there's a financial issue here, too. 87,000 people the v.a. paid to treat with risperidone is not cheap and it didn't work. >> more than 27% of people who try to commit suicide on a daily basis are veterans. this is a huge problem that we must address and hopefully we'll make some head way with it. great to speak with you about this topic. perfect guest for this obviously, dr. keith ablow, have a great weekend. >> take care, gretchen, steve. bye-bye. >> straight ahead, hey, all you rich people out there. time for you to pay your fair share! >> everyone is going to have to chip in. that's only fair. that's the principle i'll be fighting for during the next phase of this process. >> does he really mean everybody or just rich people? will this strategy help the president get re-elected? we're about to spread the wealth with a fair and balanced debate. >> and china already owns $1 trillion of our debt so why in the world are we giving them
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millions of dollars willingly? to study acupuncture? are they still a third world nation or are they anything at our heels? [ female announcer ] so you think your kids are getting enough vegetables? maybe not. v8 v-fusion juice gives them a full serving of vegetables plus a full serving of fruit. but it just tastes like fruit. [ male announcer ] get five dollars in money-saving coupons at ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ introducing purina one beyond a new food for your cat or dog. a vacation on a budget with expedia. make it work.
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>> good morning, everyone. it is thursday, and it's august 4th. i'm gretchen carlson. thank you so much for sharing your time with us today. debt deal just days old and the president is pointing the finger at the g.o.p. now. the commander in chief calling out congress for the struggling economy but who do you think is to blame? that's what makes us free. it's up to you. both sides are going to weigh in. >> and the struggling economy ain't stopping the birthday boy from throwing a big old bash campaigning for 2012 and using that familiar phrase>> when the american people join together, we cannot be stopped. we say to ourselves yes, we can. >> should the president be
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focused on raising campaign cash or fixing the economy? we report, you decide. >> i know which one i'd vote for. meanwhile, they're firing back at the federal government and taking them to court. gun groups suing the obama administration for restricting their right to sell firearms. but are they the ones who are the right side of the law? we'll explain the story and so much more. hour two of "fox & friends" for a thursday starts right w. >> welcome to studio e. dave just asked a rhetorical question a moment ago. i said ask the magic eight ball the question and you'll get the answer and i said there's got to be an app for that. >> there is an app for that, of course. i did not know that but magic eight ball says -- >> what was the question? >> will the president be 55 when he's done in the white house or will he be 51?
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>> ask the magic eight ball. >> ok. i just got yes. you have to ask a s or no question. >> i see. depends on how you phrase the question. similarly, polling people had they call you on the phone. we want to bring you up to date on the investigation into the death of an 11-year-old celina cass. now it's focusing on a pickup truck, the truck owned by her stepfather. it was hauled away from her home in new hampshire. police are not naming him a suspect just yet. he apparently has schizophrenia and was arrested for threatening an ex-girlfriend in 2003. he was also rushed to a hospital the day that celina's body was found. here's a bizarre story for you. a bomb strapped to this girl's neck, it all turned out to be a hoax. it took police 10 hours to remove it from 18-year-old madeleine pulver. a man forced his way into her home in australia, strapped a fake bomb to her neck. she's recovering at a hospital.
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the suspect who wore the disguise is still on the run. police are investigating whether extortion against the girl's parents may have been the motive. a man known as the brooklyn butcher is due in court today. he is accused of kidnapping the 8-year-old and dismembering his body after the boy asked for directions when he walked home from camp alone for the first time. aaron confessed to the crime but still pleaded not guilty, we're expecting to hear testimony about aaron's mental state today and whether he's actually competent to stand trial. at the stroke of midnight, oregon congressman david wu can wear his tiger costume again. we don't know if he wore it since he took these photos but now he's free to because the embattled democrat forced to resign after allegedly forcing himself on the teenage daughter of a campaign donor. he made headlines earlier this year posing for photos in the tiger costume. a special primary election to replace him is scheduled for november 8th followed by a general election on january 31st.
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relatively difficult to read that storyithout smiling when you've got somebody cracking up next to you. >> unleash his inner tiger now! >> all right. from princess bride to survival guide. kate middleton reportedly undergoing grueling training to prepare for a possible kidnapping or terror attack now that she's a major public figure, kate is reportedly learning things like how to drive a car under stress and how to send coded messages to rescuers. and those are your headlines. >> that's frightening. sounds like they're sending her to james bond school. >> yes. >> uh-huh. let's talk a little bit about the economy. it's not so good. and in fact, if you look at the stock market, yesterday it finished up close to 30 points but over the last, what, eight, nine days, it has gone down 6.5%. if you've got a 401k you lost 6.5% of your worth given if you were to sell it right now. given the fact that the economy is so bad right now and the president is facing a
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re-election, what's he going to do? all these programs didn't work but give me four more years because in the next four, i'm going to figure out how to actually drive the car? no, he's going to blame republicans for the economy and that's what he has been doing and did yesterday. >> the debt ceiling crisis over the last month, i think, has had an unnecessary negative impact on the economy here as well so i'm meeting with my cabinet here to make sure that even as they have been throughout these last several weeks, they are redoubling their efforts to focus on what matters most to the american people and that is how are we going to put people back to work? >> right at the top, he talked a little bit about the debt ceiling argument and that's one of the reasons we're in the peril we are. >> and he has suggested that the republicans on the right caused this problem and hurt the economy a little bit which makes you ask this question. if those republicans on the right, the tea party folks wouldn't have done this, what would have happened to the economy then? it might have been worse case
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scenario because our credit would have been downgraded. if what moody's and the s&p says is true, if we just raise the debt ceiling with a clean bill, with no cuts, then wouldn't they have downgraded our triple a credit rating and then what would have happened to the economy disaster? >> when you're looking at 9.2% unemployment rate, you usually have to try to look for somebody to blame because it's not good news at all. congressman eric cantor, though, on the other side of the fence as a republican says that he has another way to explain the economy right now. and he puts the blame back on the president. >> when you ask what kind of negotiator he is, to me, it is -- it is not someone who has a grounding in what business is about in this country, i don't think he's ever run a business. i don't think he's ever really created a job and i think frankly, he's in over his head as to what to do about this economy. >> ultimately, that's what people are going to be deciding in the next election. do you want to -- you want four
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more years of this president at the ship of state or do we need to change? remember going in, this is what mr. cantor was talking about. people said he doesn't have any experience running anything. do you think he could run the country? >> it's all about messaging. you've seen that with so many issues. he was a brilliant campaigner and brilliant fundraiser and he's at it again now because he wants to be the first president to ever raise a billion dollars so last night for his 50th birthday, he went back to chicago. and they held a big fundraising event where people could pay $50 to get into the room and see the president and hear him and then 100 people paid $35,800 per person to actually sit down to a dinner and mingle, i guess, with the president. some people are saying that maybe this was not the exact right message to send when we still have a high unemployment rate and right after the debt discussion. guess who introduced him? his former chief of staff rahm
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emanuel who is now the mayor of chicago. >> we are 1.2 million jobs better off today because of the president of the united states and his grit to say no to conventional wisdom. whether it comes to doing what's right for this country, this president never takes the short course. he never takes the easy road. it is great to have somebody back that he decided when he wants to have a birthday party, to come be with friends and family. >> he's not taking the short course. he's taking a long time for the president to get this economy going again and that's what he said last night, that i didn't promise change in days or months, but here we are, two years and people are still waiting for that change. and tomorrow, the unemployment rate might not change if it stays at 9.2%, that's what economists predict. so how long will this take? how long do people have faith that these policies -- >> you have to wonder what the new campaign slogan is going to be. >> that's a good question. >> hope and change four years
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later. i don't know. that's an interesting way to throw a caveat on the change that it wouldn't be immediate. >> the slogan for last night could have been here to raise some dough and celebrate my 5-0. dana perino, though, said the fundraiser itself maybe not the smartest idea. >> if i had been advising the white house, i don't think i would have done this type of fundraiser. remember, this one is special. it is his birthday. i'm all for it. for people who have been out of work for two years who are making the connection that the stimulus bill failed and has made our economy worst, i think this strikes a very discordent note but he has every right to do it. >> we should point out last night's fundraiser was in anticipation of the president's birthday. today is his actual birthday. if you're actual watching, happy birthday, mr. president. >> happy 50. >> we've been telling you a lot about this controversial gun program that was set up through the atf here in the united states called fast and furious.
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now the investigation, there was a whistle blower, basically these guns were supposed to go to the mexican cartel. then it was supposed to somehow decrease the violence that we have spreading across our border. it's very complicated and it's very convoluted but now there's an update into the department of justice of whether or not they will try to enforce the number of guns you can buy from gun owners, you can't buy them in a bundle anymore and now that gun group may sue over the new president obama regulations. >> the nra is helping to file a lawsuit and basically saying the atf is overreaching saying that these gun stores down on the southern border states, they have to report you, your name if you buy more than one semiautomatic rifle in a two day period, i think the theory goes from the nra and from their groups that they want a data base of american gun owners. they want your name on a list. they want to stop this overreach by the atf. >> yeah, so the department of
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justice announced last month for these gun dealers along the southern border and i think in all, it does entail about 3500 retailers for them to report multiple sales of certain semiautomatic rifles which is the particular kind that these drug cartels are interested in so the nra and the national shooting sports foundation says wait a minute, that's going to make things actually a little tougher. this given the background and the fact that there are a number of republicans in congress who say, ok, they're doing that at the same time, we still don't know what exactly went down with this fast and furious. who knew what, when and who approved it? because it was a dumb idea. >> so far, the administration has not been forthcoming. >> let us know what you think about it. you can e-mail us or tweet me as well. you heard the president say it many times coming up. >> everyone is going to have to chip in. that's only fair. that's the principle i'll be fighting for during the next phase of this process. >> but the numbers show they do
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pay their fair share so is class warfare a good re-election strategy? does it work? do those buzz words work? the debate is next. >> then a high school under fire for taking learning to a relatively absurd new level. teachers accused of letting students look up the answers for the test. [ male announcer ] want to achieve more with your money? pnc virtual wallet gathers your spending and saving in one place. credit and debit purchases, checks, bills, and other financial information. it lets you see the details as well as the big financial picture. so you can do more with your money. see what a complete view of your money can do for you at ♪ pnc bank. for the achiever in you.
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>> the debt deal is signed and default averted. whoo! now, president obama switching his focus to his re-election campaign and making a familiar call for higher taxes. >> we'll need a balanced approach where everything is on the table. reforming our tax code so that the wealthiest americans and biggest corporations pay their fair share. >> pay their fair share. don't those sound a lot like words we've heard before?
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>> instead of having all of us pay our fair share. >> by asking the wealthiest americans to pay their fair share. >> sense of shared sacrifice. asking for shared sacrifice from all americans. that's how we do things in america. ask the biggest corporations to pay their fair share of taxes. >> so does this really sound like a good re-election strategy or does it sound like class warfare? here with both sides, fox news contributors juan williams and andrea tantaros. andrea, also the co-host of "the five" here on the fox newschannel. good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> let me start with you, he's talking about fair share. what is fair? >> that's a great question. i would love to know how much the president wants to take from the highest earners and from businesses that he thinks is fair, they already pay the lion's share of taxes but, you know, you forgot from the montage, steve, get some skin in the game. that was another one the president has used over and over and look, i think it's a really old message, if there's not even the political will and the
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appetite in congress to get higher taxes from congress as part of a debt deal, he's going to have a hard time selling eat your peas on a bumper sticker. >> juan, what is fair? >> he's been very clear about this. he thinks you should raise taxes on those who make more than half a million or a million plus especially. >> i think it's over $200,000, isn't it? >> and the american people have agreed with him. the polls are overwhelming. the other day, i saw a poll that's really interesting that say even the tea party people thought when it came to raising the debt ceiling that tax hikes should be part of it. what he's talking about it for the most part is getting corporations that pay no taxes, you'd be amazed at how many corporations pay zero, nothing, nada to get them to pay something. >> we heard about g.e. famously in the last couple of months. they didn't pay anything on those billions and billions. i want to pin you down to a number and andrea, you as well because if you're at the top of tax bracket, here in new york, new jersey, california, you pay
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over half of your income in taxes. so what's the number? right now, it's at 50 plus. would you like to see it at 60 plus, juan? would that be fair? would 70 plus be fair? what's the fair number? >> well, that's -- to me, i can't believe -- i can't believe that, you know, you pay 50 plus. it's just so absurd. >> and the president wants more. >> to me, that's -- >> i'll show you my tax bill. >> but a lot of this is not driven about where you live. if you point out those states, if you live in some leafy rich suburb and they have high tax rates in the county and for the state, it drives it up. in terms of what you're paying is what we're talking about with president obama, it's still down there below what it was with bill clinton and we've expanded the bush tax cuts. >> how is that going to create jobs? people in this country want jobs. i don't understand how class warfare is going to do that. i'll tell you what, the hypocrisy is also what's sick, in a couple of weeks,s the president is going to head out to martha's vineyard and spend about $35,000 a week, he'll live
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lavishly like he did at his birthday party. yes, he has a right to do it. it sends the wrong message. that double speak sickens the american electorate. >> juan, quick question. this is class warfare, isn't it? >> i think that you -- it definitely is a reminder when you say we're going to cut entitlements for people on social security, medicare, medicaid, it's saying if you got to take a cut, why shouldn't the rich people and people who are making millions. if you want to call it class warfare, if you want to it. the american people think there should be some shared sacrifice. >> politics, divide and conquer. >> there you go. thank you very much. great debate this morning. >> have a great day, guys. >> e-mail us. what is the right number? what is the fair number? right now, top marginal rates over 50% when you include state and local taxes, stuff like that. should it be 70? should it be 80? should it be 30? e-mail us.
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china already owns $1 trillion worth of our debt. why are we giving them millions more to study acupuncture? the growing movement to make flash mobs a crime if the government doesn't like what you're doing. [ female announcer ] so you think your kids are getting enough vegetables? maybe not. v8 v-fusion juice gives them a full serving of vegetables plus a full serving of fruit. but it just tastes like fruit. [ male announcer ] get five dollars in money-saving coupons at
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>> time to do a little math and news by the numbers. first, the number two. that's how many moons may have orbited the earth millions of years ago. a new study claims the smaller moon actually crashed into the bigger one forming the moon that we see now. next, number one. williams college in massachusetts is ranked the top college in the nation by "forbes" magazine for the second year in a row. stanford, my alma mater came in fifth. and finally 221.
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happy 221st birthday to the united states coast guard. thank you for all your years of service. somebody is going to have a big cake today. >> you kept saying we were going to do math. there was no math there. >> one, two, 221. >> you got it. 224. >> you must have gotten an a. >> you want to know why we're more than $14 trillion in debt? maybe this is why. the new report shows the u.s. national institutes of health recently gave more than $90 million in taxpayer funds to china for really bizarre projects. >> they include $2 million just to study the effects of chinese parasites and more than 150 grand to study acupuncture. andrea laferty is the president of the traditional values coalition and actually did the study and found -- you did the math, andrea. we were talking about math. you were the one that had to break out the calculator and had to find one that had millions, right? >> right, good morning. we had one reporter say that the traditional values coalition did the work of government investigators and we did, we've
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had -- we've done a recent study the last six months of what the national institutes of health was spending nationally here in the united states that was half a billion that we found as well as spending -- giving money to red china, you know, and in the end, they've given $90 million to the chinese cbc. they've given $30 million to chinese researchers in chinese institutes. >> here's the statement from the nih. diseases don't respect borders. globalization has increased the movement of people and products around the world. so diseases can spread more quickly. americans benefit enormously from research that has taken place around the world. there is no question that's absolutely true. but china? who holds most of our debt and whose fiscal health is far better than ours. is that the country where we should be providing $90 million? >> well, traditional values coalition is not opposed to hard science but we also -- and we as
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an american people are compassionate. and want to help people with malaria and starving children in africa. but that is not what this is about. and yet again, the nih is being deceitful and trying to cover their tracks. what is global about paying for a chinese researcher to come here to be trained better in acupuncture and mri? i think that's actually humorous. >> can't these diseases come here very easily? >> well, that's not what we're talking about. we're talking about spending money, studying prostitutes in china. gretchen, some of these girls had their sexual debut at 11 years old. as mothers, we know that's not anything but rape. we are spending tax dollars to treat these women and children who have been sex trafficked. treat them like animals and not help them. >> you point out that the national institutes of health is national, not international and the final thing i would say is do you look at china as a third world country or a country
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that's nipping at our heels and needs our cash? >> they hold $1.2 trillion of our debt. i don't think they're a third world country but they're nipping at our heels. why are we sending our money to train their scientists and researchers? we're not opposed to studying things like the bird flu. again, the nih is a bunch of nameless, faceless bureaucrats spending a lot of other people's money, opm, and we're saying no more. >> all right, andrea laferty, the president of traditional values coalition who did the study. thanks so much for explaining it for us. >> are you bored by the debate? let john stossel take you on a ride. >> traffic is terrible and i can't even get freedom from government inside my own car. why is government in my car? >> stossel here next to explain how uncle sam is completely ruining your ride. >> and the class was taught for 20 years. now the air force banning it all because of a group of people complained of bible verses being
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>> in omaha, nebraska, police shut down a 4-year-old's lemonade stand because she didn't have the necessary licenses and permits. she's 4. in response, she moved her entire operation to india. yeah. the regulations here were killing here! she couldn't make any money. now she's over there. >> she moved it to china. which is it? >> either one. scary thing is a lot of kids want to give their money they make fm the lemonade stand to charity, folks. i mean, it's so ridiculous. anyway, something else that some people thought was ridiculous was this air force new rule that they suspended a class that they've been teaching for 20 years. they teach it to missile launch specialists. the chaplains teach it. they were reading a couple of bible verses that was tucked into the text, i guess, of what they were learning. some people had a problem with that. >> yeah, they're trying to teach the war, there is some morality to it. give some justification to these missile launches for one of the most stressful jobs on the planet. you weren't so happy about the fact that this group said it
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violates the separation of church and state. here's what ray in new jersey said. these people backed by the aclu will not be satisfied until a constitutional amendment is passed to make this an atheistic country. >> james tweeted us and he said i'm a retired navy officer. and i pray that this nonsense of removing religion from our armed forces stops. we should point out that the air force through a spokesman said you're right. it was a bad idea. we shouldn't have been doing it so they stopped. >> here's another tweet. this is from fred, air force is 100% right to remove bibles and should not be promoting any religion over another first amendment. maybe people wouldn't have problem with that as much as they actually talked about other religions in the same point of conversation. for example, what happened at fort hood. i mean, there was so much effort to not say that he was a muslim, right? so it almost seems like, you know, when we talk about christianity, that seems to get an easier knock than some of the other religions.
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>> i talked to a sergeant down there at fort hood, the most recent incident, the one that police did unfold befoe it happened. and he said this guy, it was clear all along through his training was anti-american but they were afraid to d anything because they were afraid to anger those folks. >> if they're stopping this class because they read from some bible passages, are they soon going to have rules on congress where lawmakers cannot use bible passages because if you ever watch those house one minutes, i would say that somebody quotes the bible every day. so are they going to draw the line and say no longer if you're on public property can you use bible passages? slippery slope, folks. >> maybe the chaplains go bye-bye from military bases as well. who ows? ok. now to other stories making headlines. a judge ordering an american couple to give back their 6-year-old adopted daughter. the judge sided with human rights groups who claim the girl was kidnapped by a child trafficking ring in guatemala five years ago. her adoptive parents, timothy and jennifer monihan of liberty,
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missouri, say they did not know she'd been kidnapped. they have two months to return her to her birth mother. but they are expected to fight for custody. >> we told you yesterday, casey anthony was reportedly photographed while shopping at a mall in ohio today. those pictures plastered on the cover of the "new york post." anthony was supposed to return to orlando today to serve probation on check fraud charges but that order has been delayed. a hearing on the matter will take place tomorrow. yep, it sure looks like her. >> who knew? meanwhile, chilling surveillance video, a young mother and her child frozen in fear on the floor of a store. they're being terrorized by armed suspects. those suspects pistol whipped another woman when she tried to step in, the mother and child not hurt, police in utah arrested one of the suspects but they're still looking for this guy, ricardo guitterez, contact local authorities, needless to say, if you've seen him. >> how's this for an easy a? a new york city high school
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under investigation for allegedly letting students look upheir test answers on line while they're taking the test. the problem reportedly lies in the school's computer learning program. it allegedly allows failing students to make up required credits on the internet with full access to google and no supervision. why are we not shocked? >> it is a computer class if they can figure out how to find the answer, maybe they figured out how to run the computer. meanwhile, when you get behind the wheel of your car, do you think about who is reallyn control? is it you, the driver or the federal government? >> it's intuitive to think that central planning would provide ususith some good stuff. but when we rely on government to guide innovation, this is what we get. this is what a government plan car really looks like. but many in government want even more control. >> we're going to have to accept the fact that's the way we've done things. >> john stossel, the host of "stossel" on the fox business
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network is here. where did you -- >> trevant. where did you find this vehicle? how is the government in my car? >> i went -- no, this guy in indianaoticed that i liked to use it as an example of what government planning gives us. he says, hey, i'm a collector. i have six of them out here. >> he has a fewyugos here. how is the government in my car? >> in so many ways, it tells you what kind of gas you can buy. it tells you how much your car costs because it tells you how much mileage your car has to get and now they're extending it. they raised the price because it had to get 35 miles a gallon. now that's going to 54 miles a gallon. car companies are saying yes, sir, as far as our competitors have to, too, we're going along with it. 2,000 extra deaths a year because the cars are lighter. the government admits this in its own research but says, oh, we're saving on oil and the tiny amount they save. they're banning cell phone use.
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they are doing a bunch -- they're going to require cars to make noise now because -- >> why? >> because they're so quiet and pedestrians don't hear the car coming. for bicyclists like me. >> did you see the story yesterday that i think in the last month they sold, what, 126 chevy volts. that's all they have sold across the country. >> they could be bribing people to take them with tax money. >> what you say is government get out of this. it should be determined by the free trade and by -- >> by consumer choice and if people want cars with lots of mileage to save money, we're not that stupid. well, some car company will offer that. harry reid says no, get used to it. we're everywhere. >> are you also against the other things they've put into cars like -- >> yes. no, i don't know. what are they? >> well, i have a sneaking suspicion you're going to say yes to this. like air bags. >> it just -- government shouldn't require it. if we care about safety, we will want -- we'll ask for air bags and some car companies --
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>> but they saved 25,000 lives over the last years. >> people aren't stupid. we'll want that. instead of having one kind. take seat belts. they clearly save even more lives. if we didn't have one government standard, they'd be six types. they'd be more comfortable to use. more of us would use them. more lives would be saved. by having government do it, you get one size fits all. >> all right. >> cell phone ban is a good one and down south, they're saying you can't smoke in the car with the kid under the age of 14. some of the things that protect other innocent people, right? >> that's the idea. but where do you draw the line? being short on sleep kills lots of people. are they going to have a device to measure that? how about eating in the car? we have -- >> more dangerous than cell phones. >> showing what people do in the car. >> far more dangerous. put on make-up. they're fighting with people. >> i thought you ride a bike. >> so much goes on in the mind of this man, john stossel when he's walking down the street. i wonder what that would be. i wonder what that would be. these are all very good questions and you will address them tonight 10:00 p.m. eastern on "stossel."
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>> i will. >> we'll be tube side. thank you. we told you about this disturbing story yesterday. a man steals a purse, right? watch this video. she's in a wheelchair, folks. guy comes right by and takes her purse. we have an update about that heartless crook coming up. >> then should gatherings like these, flash mobs be illegal? there's a movement to make them a crime if the government doesn't like what you're doing, john stossel has weighed in. peter johnson jr. comes up next. almost tastes like one of jack's als. fiber one. h, forgot jack cereal. [ jack ] what's for breakfast? um... try the number one! [ jack ] yeah, ts is pretty good. [ male announcer ]alf a day's worth of fiber. fiber one. [ jack ] yeah, ts is pretty good.
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you may be at increased risk of heart attack and stroke. don't kid yourself. talk to your doctor about your risk a about lipitor. we get double miles on every purchase, so me and my lads earned arip to san francisco twice as fast we get double miles every time we use our card... i'll take these two... matter what we're buying. ...and all of those. and since double miles add up fast, we can bring the whole gang! it's hard to beat double miles! whoa dude. [ male announcer ]et the venture card from capital one and earn double miles on every purchase, every day. go to what's in your wallet? >> time for quick headlines for you. remember when we showed you this video of an elderly woman being robbed in her wheelchair where her guy took her purse and ran off. police have arrested 18-year-old cody santiago. his own mom turned him in after
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he fled. they saw him on tv as a family. cody greeted by the cops when he came home. uh-oh. and talk about a hot mama. you're looking at model miranda kerr showing off her bikini body just seven months after giving birth to a baby boy, kerr says she was nervous about flashing her post baby body for the first time. but it looks like that mom has nothing to worry about. all right, now off to a dad named david. >> yes. >> ♪ can't touch this >> no, that was not me in the hammer pants. they start off as an innocent fun ritual like the one you're watching here but recently, flash mobs then become increasingly dangerous. in california, a popular d.j. single tweet 92,000 followers to meet up for a flash mob event resulted in a near riot. some cities are looking to make the mobs illegal.
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joining us is fox news legal analyst peter johnson jr. who loves himself. a good flash mob. >> absolutely. i do. they're fun. >> they are fun. the first amendment grants citizens the right to peaceful assembly. how are they going to make flash mobs illegal? >> the city council in cleveland says that there's a law now that is called the improper use of social media. so you can be charged with a misdemeanor if you improperly use social media. so the question becomes what is improper use of social media? is it going to macy's and making believe you're part of a cult in gathering around a rug and telling the rug salesman that 200 people need to make a group decision or is that a massive pillow fight on a moment's notice. we've seen those before thousands of people in dozens of cities. >> snowball fights as well. >> snowball fights and things like that. flash mobs were set up to be a spontaneous event, a fun event. almost performance art where you
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make fun of conformity and you make fun of being the first to enjoy something in society. but there is a problem. if you start passing laws about improper use of social media, twitter, facebook, e-mail, telegraph, telephone, word of mouth. that means that the government is regulating speech. that means that the government is regulating the content of speech and that can, unfortunately, be used in the political context so that's what worries me. >> look, anthony wiener, that's improper use of social media. >> absolutely. >> but as far as the flash mob goes, who would -- >> he didn't attract a flash mob, thank god. >> who would determine this is improper? would it be after the fact? >> the police would and what they're saying is there are rules and laws against unlawful assembly. about assembling without a permit, about breaking the peace. about creating a clear and
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present danger. about yelling fire in a crowded theater. that's all wrong. but the thin line is what we need to be careful about. out in california last week, there was a d.j., d.j. cascade put out twitter with 92,000 -- put out a tweet and hundreds upon thousands of people showed up and there was a near riot and there were arrests. so if you know that you're doing something that might cause harm to people, then, of course, you should be charged appropriately. but should you be charged with exercising your first amendment rights? we have to look at that carefully as we evolve in this age of social media. there are wonderful, fun flash mobs that brings energy, vitality, surprise to people's lives where they see a bunch of people gathering, peaceably but when people act in a way that's disturbing the peace that's, perhaps, violent, then, of course, they should be charged. but let's look at it carefully
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and let's do it in a way that doesn't aggregate our first amendment rights in this country that we fought so hard to get. on this one, the aclu may in fact be right. let's protect everybody's right to have a flash mob that's fun. >> all right. peter johnson jr., that is interesting stuff. speaking of social media, let us know what you think about this on facebook. find me on twitter at fox dave briggs. coming up, talk about talent -- wow. coming up next, classic music meets rock 'n' roll. these guys about to perform some guns n roses right here on "fox & friends." but first on this date, august 4, 1693, dom perignon invented champagne and i think this is national champagne day, i believe, folks. in 1968, the billboard hot 100 was founded and the number one song in 1980 "magic".
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[ male announcer ] heard this one? listen to this. three out of four americans don't get enough vegetables. so here's five bucks to help you buy v8 juice. five bucks. that's a lot of green. go to for coupons. you can count on us. the best approach to food is tkeep it whole for better nutrition. that's what they do with great grains cereal. they steam and bake the actual whole grain while the otr guy's flake is more processed. mmm. great grains. the whole whole grain cereal.
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>> their version of michael jackson's "smooth crippminal" turned our next guest into you tube sensations. and the fame paid off. they landed a record deal and just released their debut album entitled "2 cellos" talk about making the cello cool, right? >> it's such a universal instrument and you can do so
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many things with it. >> when people think of the cello, they don't think of a michael jackson tune or guns n roses tune, right? how long have you been paying rock music on the cello? >> just a few months. >> you were both trained clafshgally and you met at camp as kids, right? >> yeah. >> and were you friends or rivals? >> people considered us to be rivals but in fact, we were always best friends. >> and you're both from croatia. >> yes. >> all right. so later in life now, you're 23 and 25, you put out this video. just one song. elton john saw it. >> yes, he called soon after he saw the video. >> and before you know it, you had a record deal. you had to come up with more music, right? >> yes, very quickly. >> what are you going to play for us today? >> "welcome to the jungle." >> this is by guns n roses. >> that's right. >> can't wait to hear it. >> take it away. >> thank you.
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>> fantastic! now, nobody has ever heard the cello like that i guarantee you, at least classical people. tell me about cello, it's
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totally different. >> we use many pedal boards and effects and we try to make cello sound modern and cool. >> definitely cool. that's very hot. it helps that you're both young and attractive as well. stefan and luca, congratulations, both of you. congratulations and that's a workout. that is a workout. thank you so much for being here. >> thank you. >> yeah. awesome performance. of course, "fox & friends" where there's always room for cello. straight ahead, the white house has a new strategy to fight extremism in this country. there's a problem. after two years of meetings, it's light on new ideas. is there really even a plan at all? and who has the best beard? the stars of "whisker wars" are here live with some serious facial hair. who's your favorite?
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>> gretchen: top of the morning to you. hope you're having a great thursday today. it's already august 4. i'm gretchen carlson. thanks for sharing your time. president obama turns the big 50 today, but the tough economy isn't stopping the president from throwing a big birthday bash. guess what? he raised tons of campaign cash. we'll have the latest in a live report from dc. >> steve: the debt deal complete and now the president needs you to raise more revenue. >> everyone is going to have to chip in. that's only fair. that's the principle i'll be fighting for during the next phase of the process. >> steve: will everyone, or just the most successful? what's fair? what's fair for him and what's fair for you and what's fair for michelle malkin? she'll join us live shortly.
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>> dave: the white house has a new strategy to fight extremism in this country, but there is a problem. after two years of meetings, it's a little light on terrorists. "fox & friends," hour number three, begins now. >> steve: welcome to studio e. the guy from whisker wars will be joining us. >> gretchen: oh, my goodness. >> dave: outstanding. >> gretchen: how does he do that on the right there? how does he curl that up? does it grow into that formation? >> dave: see the product i put in my hair? i'm guessing it's similar. >> steve: do you have magic 8 ball? shake it up. i've got a question. would you look goofy, dave, if you did your whiskers like that in the future?
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>> dave: would i look goofy in a giant beard? okay. i think i would. >> gretchen: that has to have a name. >> dave: reply is hazy, try again. >> gretchen: i thought we all had beards, that we were going to put on. >> steve: they're coming. >> gretchen: they're on their way, folks. we'll meet those whisker war guys coming up. >> steve: they are professionals. we're amateurs with fake ones. you'll see it shortly. >> gretchen: we have headlines for thursday. the investigation into the death of 11-year-old celina cass focusing on a pick up truck. the truck, owned by her stepfather. it was hauled away from her home in new hampshire. not naming him as a suspect yet. he apparently has schizophrenia and arrested for threatening his ex-girlfriend in 2003. he was also rushed to the hospital the day her body was found. a bomb was strapped to a girl's neck and it was a hoax. a man forced his way into her
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home where he strapped an elaborate device to her neck. >> the manner in which it was located, the proximity, it took us ten hours to secure her release. >> gretchen: the girl was taken to a hospital. she's okay. her parents are extremely wealthy. police think it may have been an extortion plot. but the suspect is still on the run today. david wu can wear his tiger costume all the time, any time he wants to to take pictures. the democrat resigned at midnight. he was forced out after allegedly forcing himself on a teenage daughter of a campaign donor. he made headlines earlier this year posing for photo in that tiger costume. a special election is scheduled for november 8, followed by a general election on january 31.
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thisexas judge threatened to throw her behind bars because she defended the pledge of allegiance. now the charges against the buy bowie county clerk is being dropped and she credits fox. >> everybody has stood up and surrounded me and said we support you and we stand with you and nationwide actually, it's been a crazy and beautiful thing. >> gretchen: the whole thing started when she complained because the judge deleted the pled of allegiance from the county meeting's official meeting, to avoid conflict with groups like the aclu. >> steve: it ended well for her. president obama celebring his 50th birthday today. molly henneberg live at the whiteouse where i understand there are two parties planned and as a reporter, would you buy the president a gift? or is that appropriate? >> probably crosses the line, but, you know, if you get an invitation to his birhday
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party, maybe you show up to cover it, something like that. >> steve: got you. >> he was born august 4, 1961 and today, the nation's third baby boomer president behind president's clinton and grge w. bush, will turn 50. he was serenaded last night with happy birthday by 2400 supporters for his reelection campaign in chicago. here is some of that. ♪ happy birthday to you [ cheers and applause ] >> there you see jennifer hudson, she was one of those singing to him last night. perhaps sung a bit more wholesomely than marilyn monroe did when she sang to jfk did in the '60s. the staff will toast him in the blue room of the white house and tonight a party with family and friends, some of whom flew in
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from chicago, they'll celebrate outdoors in the rose garden. 50 can be one of those milestone birthdays as the president spoke about last night. >> by the time i wake up, i'll have an e-mail from aarp asking me to call president obama and tell him to protect medicare. >> tickets to that concert started at $50 for his 50th birthday. there was also a smallerinner for big ticket donors last night. 100 of them paid upwd of $35,800 to attend that dinner, fund-raiser for the president. at that dinner, the president spoke of one of the presents he was looking forward to receive today. he said his older daughter, malia, is expected to come home from camp today to help celebrate her dad's birthday. back to you in new york. >> dave: thank you. >> gretchen: thanks very much. let's bring in michelle malkin live in colorado springs this morning. do you have any comments on the president's party taking place
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last night? sounded like he needed a few bucks if you wanted to go to the dinner. >> yeah, well, he's had no trouble raising money when he hasn't been tied down with the nuisances of taking care of business in washington. i always think it's so fitting for him to return to the windy city, chicago, to do most of his high powered money grabbing, but a lot of folks have been having fun about this on twitter and i posted a list of the top obama birthday party games. >> steve: we've got a list of them. >> yeah. you got to laugh about this if you're not crying because, of course, there are so my people, look at the unemployment rate, look at the manufacturing sector, look at all of the economic signs that point to some sense of doom and gloom. but it certainly hasn't bothered the white house and its campaign
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fundraising machine at all. >> gretchen: these aren't drinking games, are they? i just wanted to be sure. >> no. >> gretchen: kick off the list. >> sure. well, i don't know which ones you picked out. >> steve: we'll start for you. number five on your list, red rover, red rover, send your paycheck right over. then duck, duck responsibility. n the dead on your children, scavenger hunt for a job, and don't follow the leader. >> yes. there were a lot of good runners up. we had musical czars. laying on the theme of all his unappointed beaurocrats. truth twister, which is one of my favorites as well. >> dave: let's try to get the truth of this situation going on, again on capitol hill, congress is out. they're on recess. the faa is essentially shut down. we've got 4,000 faa employees out of work and $30 million in tax revenue. who is to blame?
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the house says we passed a bill and the senate left without voting on it. who is to blame? >> yeah. well, there are a couple of subtexts going on here. one is a fight between radical progressives over forced unionization issues. there is a big issue with delta and a decision that was made by the national mediation board that a lot of democrats have a gripe over. delta is refusing to give in to big labor. that's one issue. the second issue is a big submit fit that senator j. rock femmer of west virginia is having over a fight with fiscal reforming republicans, who have called attention to a very wasteful subsidy. i have dubbed it the rockefeller heir subsidy. it's really an outdated program that has subsidized rural air travel and i've heard from pilots who have been involvement in this program, who have talked about how it's a huge boondoggle to subsidize some obscure lines
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that hardly anybody uses that go to rural communities. and j. rockefeller is a big proponent of this pork. they don't want it cut. >> steve: exactly right. for instance, in eli, nevada, it cost $3,720 per passenger, a federal subsidy, every time somebody flies out of there. .7 passengers per flight, which means a lot of airplanes are going out empty. >> yes. it's absolutely ridiculous. and there are people on both sides who agree it needs to be reformed if not completely cut and rockefeller doesn't want to budge. >> gretchen: 30 million bucks that could be going into the federal government coffers is not. i find it ironic we're having this debate after we got done talking about the debt creeling and how much money we need to make this country run. but hopefully they'll come back and solve the whole thing after their break. let me ask you about the white house extremism report. i want to know what your thoughts are about how the
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president intends to tackle the growing problem of vie extremism in this country. what does the report say? >> not much. it's barely qualifies as a report. it's eight pages of recycled programs that are mostly already in existence. we know what happened. it was a huge debauchle the last time this white house tried to tackle quote, unquote, extremism. who did they target? it's in keeping with the obama administration's long, stubborn refusal to spell out exactly what our real problems are with jihadi extremism. it's quite a travis see that they can't spell it out. there are more jihadi victims speaking up. including the little rock jihadi himself whose father has now demanded that the government address the real specific
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problems of islamic jihad in this country. >> steve: these are some of the things she talks about in her column. check it out she joins us every thursday via satellite from colorado. thank you very much. have a great week. >> you, too. >> gretchen: next, buying the home you're leasing or selling to your tenant. how does that really work? bob massi has what you need to know. >> dave: frank luntz sat down with real american voters to see how they feel, how you feel about the latest presidential ads. what's ringing true and what's rubbing them the wrong way? that's coming up. ♪ [ female announcer ] so you think your kids are getting enough vegetables?
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maybe not. v8 v-fusion juice gives them a full serving of vegetables plus a full serving of fruit. but it just tastes like fruit. [ male announcer ] get five dollars in money-saving coupons at
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just don't feel like they used to. are you one of them? remember when you had more energy for 18 holes with your buddies. more passion for the one ya love. more fun with your family and friends. it could be a treatable condition called low testosterone or low t. come on, stop living in the shadows. you've got a life to live. [ male announcer ] so don't blame it on aging. talk to your doctor and go to to find out more.
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>> dave: the american dream, the dream of one day owning your own home. last week we told you about
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purchasing a home through a lease to buy option where you can rent and eventually build up enough credit to buy a home outright. but what about the flip side? what are the advantages if you're the homeowner doing the selling? real estate expert and fox news legal analyst bob massi joins us. what is the advantage? >> here is the difference. last week i approached this from the tenant's perspective. this week, let's say you own a home and you want to sell it, but the person doesn't have the money to do it. so what you do is, as a seller of the home, i say to you, okay, dave. if you want to buy my home, here is the purchase price we're going to put on it today. but i want some option money that literally takes it off the market. let's say you put $10,000 down to secure the price for 24 months. in that 24 months, you have to exercise that option. if you don't, then the $10,000 you gave me, the homeowner, is nonrefundable money. you lose the money. so the advantage to me, the
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homeowner, is i have a prospective buyer, i've got money up front, i'm willing to take it off the market, but you, the person, the tenant that's doing it, better make sure that you feel you can qualify in the future 'cause otherwise, you lose the $10,000 as a refundable deposit. >> dave: in order to differ from rent, doesn't that monthly payment have to be applied toward the purchase price eventually? >> it does not have to be applied. the way that it works is generally speaking on a lease option, me, the homeowner, will charge you a little more rent, but i will say to you, listen, i will take part of that increase of rent and i will use part of that as towards the purchase price of that. so let's say you're paying $2,000 a month. i may say to you, dave, i'll take $500 of that every month and if you exercise that option in 24 months, then the bottom line is the fact you'll have is a credit of that amount of money towards the purchase price. it's quite often done that way. >> dave: real quick what, if the
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tenant doesn't have that option money to put down? what then? >> real quick, then if you, the tenant, doesn't have the money, go to the homeowner and say, listen, could i have the rye of first refusal to buy this home? in other words, if 12 months after the lease expires or during that period of time, let's say an offer comes in and that's written up in a contract, you, the tenant, will be given the right of first refusal to exercise that to purchase it first and if you can't purchase it, then you lose that right. you remain a tenant, and then the homeowner sells it to a third party and ultimately you have to vacate the premises. >> dave: maybe we can help clear some of the massive inventory off the market. you folks can e-mail bob with more of your questions. bob massi, always a pleasure, sir. >> thanks, dave. >> dave: coming up, this story unbelievable. a mother forced to let her kids live with another woman who killed her own kids. it's all legal. hear from the mother live coming up.
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and they take facial hair to a whole new level. the artistry behind the beards of the whisker wars guys. doocy bringing it next. with with
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lean cuisine.
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>> gretchen: welcome back. a couple quick headlines. another tour bus packed with passengers flips over and lands in a ditch. this time it happened in upstate new york. police say the bus was going too fast in rainy weather. one of the nation's largest
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meat producers cargill, recalling 36 million pounds of ground turkey. the contaminated meat linked to a salmonella outbreak that killed at least one person and sickened almost 80 others in 26 states. i can hardly wait for this segment. steve outside with the beard on, i think. >> steve: you could tell it wasn't real, gretch? >> gretchen: oh, my gosh, there you are. >> steve: i know, i'm right here. we look like we're auditioning for zz top. think of it as another beauty contest. overall, beauty, style still count in the world of competitive bearding and beard growing. >> it's to dethrone germany and establish the united states as the world's super power in this sport. >> steve: we are joined by four members of the beard team usa, jack passion right there, mike o'conner, melitus and they're the stars of the show "whisker wars." i had no idea there were whisker
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wars. tell me what a beard competition is. >> a beard competition is kind of like a dog show. we're kind of brought out and carted around, everyone oh,s and ahs and kind of like a petting zoo. eventually one is made best in show. >> steve: you have won what category? >> i actually won for the alaska n whaler. the donegal. that's a beard grown predominantly around the neck, no mustache. >> steve: alex, you have the unique beard. how do you get it to do that? >> i use a lot of hair spray, elmer's flew, and beer cans. >> steve: that is the size of a schlitz can, isn't it? >> i went up to the 24-ounce can, so it's long enough now. >> steve: can i touch it?
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>> absolutely. >> steve: it's a little like steel wool. >> it's hard to sleep in. >> steve: i understand. mike, i understand you met your girlfriend, who is now your beard coach, at a beard competition. >> and my fiance. >> steve: congratulations. >> yeah. we met in 2009 at the championship in alaska and ended up moving out to new york and we've been together ever since inasmuch fantastic. who picked whom up? >> i think she did. i think she picked me up. >> steve: what did she say? do you remember her pick up line? or engaged line? >> it was very broken english. it was probably like, you know, i love your beard. it is so beautiful. she's going to kill me when she sees this. >> steve: you're a dead man. jack passion, they refer to you as big red. how many people at these competitions say, that can't be real! i'm going to pull on it? >> you know, not that many.
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deer in the headlights. >> steve: how long have you been growing that beard? >> i've had a beard for eight years. a beard like this can take you about five years. >> steve: now, as i wear the fake beard and i'm considering having a doughnut later, i would think, well, i might wind up with something in my beard. has anybody, through the course of the day or week realized you had something funny in your beard the entire time? >> cream cheese. i love bagels and cream cheese, but since i have a full mustache, it's constantly getting in there. so i started using little clips to keep it out. >> steve: these are some things you learn on "whisker wars" that premieres tomorrow on the film channel. congratulations. >> thank you. >> steve: job well done. all right, gretch, back to you and dave. >> dave: should gretchen wear the beard? we're asking the 8 ball, steve. >> gretchen: no. no.
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>> dave: it says outlook good. >> gretchen: oh, gosh! >> steve: there you go! round of applause. >> gretchen: wait, i got to put it below my nose. right? wait, it doesn't work. >> dave: i felt the cream cheese and the beard was the worst vision i would have this morning, i was wrong. >> steve: put in a beer can and we'll clear this up. >> dave: miss america, ladies and gentlemen. >> gretchen: where do you talk out of this beard? go ahead, dave. >> steve: we've been youtubed. >> dave: the latest jobless claims are coming out. we'll break down what the new numbers mean for the economic recovery next. >> gretchen: we're going to make eric bolling wear one of these, too. how do you feel about the latest round of presidential ads? we got the stuff for this. frank luntz found out what's working and what's getting folks steamed. >> dave: the cutest video you'll see all day. a beluga whale getting a private
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mariachi concert. it looks like dancing right along. looking good! you lost some weight. you noticed! these clothes are too big, so i'm donating them. how'd you do it? eating right, whole grain. [ female announcer ] people who choose more whole grain tend to weigh less than those who don't. multigrain cheerios... five whole grains, 110 calories. check out the bass pro shops fall hunting classic with huge savings on great gear. like and under $60. don't miss our biggest hunting sale and show of thank you very much. you're on e-trade. huntin' down stocks, bonds, etfs. oh i love etfs. look at you. why don't you show me your portfolio? i'd love to... i already logged out. oh no, it's easy, actually, to get back...
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see where it says history? there's a history? yeah, it'll take you right back to the site you were just on. well the last site... [ british vo ] and now, cycle complete. the male wildebeest returns to propagate the herd. [ animal grunts ] can you forward me this link? [ male announcer ] e-trade. investing unleashed.
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in one place. ♪ the front-row tickets you never bought. the lucrative investment you never made.
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the exotic vacation you never took. but there's one opportunity that's too good to miss. the lexus golden opportunity sales event, with exceptional values on the lexus rx. but only until september 6th. see your lexus dealer. >> gretchen: fox news alert. it has to do with business. you're looking there, 400,000, that is the magic 8 ball number
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right now. unfortunately, about jobless numbers. first-time unemployment claims were filed last week, 400,000. they were estimating 405,000 claims, so it's a bit better than they expected. eric bolling is here to analyze as he always does on thursday morning. last week was 398. they were expecting 405. how do you decipher all this? >> not good. prior to that 398 last week, there were 15 weeks in a row of above 400,000 initial jobless claims. people going to the unemployment office for the first time saying i need help. you want to see that number low, near 350. 15 weeks in a row, it dipped to 398 last week and we're like, if this is a trend, that's a good thing. unfortunately, we went back up. so what is that now? 16 of the las17 weeks have been 400,000 or above. that is severely elevated. >> dave: how good an indicator is this in we found out planned layoffs are 66,000. that's up 60% from june. that a pretty good indicator of
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what we'll see tomorrow? >> it's a good indicator of this is a jobless recovery, if it's a recovery at all. i'm in the camp that says we're in another recession. we don't have to wait for the -- >> we never got out of the last one. >> gretchen: isn't there a formula? because when they said we were out of the recession, a lot of people said it didn't feel like it. >> the formula is two consecutive quarters of positive growth. if you look what we had, we had 0.4 quarter growthnd one quarter of 1.3. this is anemic. if you couple that with high unemployment, high food price, high gas prices, we're not out of a recession. we're still in it. >> steve: you'll be right here live on the couch tomorrow. what number comes out? >> the monthly unemployment number for july. in june it ticked up from 9.1% in the por month to 9.2%. the estimates again, staying at 9.2%. remember, this is supposed to be the economy that was going to be
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sub-8% after we got that stimulus. to get to 8%, we need to create 250,000 jobs a month for a long time. >> gretchen: you got to lighten it up with the bad news. >> dave: in the meantime, go ahead. that matches your hair. >> gretchen: that's the part that's hard to -- you got it. >> dave: that's a great look. >> gretchen: it's got to be a man thing. >> dave: let's do some headlines thank you, doing a great job on the five and follow up with the beard. the man known as the brooklyn butcher is due in court. he's accused of kidnapping an eight-year-old boy and dismembering his body after the boy asked him for directions. he confessed to the crime, but pleaded not guilty. we're expecting to hear testimony about aaron's mental state today and whether he's competent to stand trial. >> steve: we told you yesterday, casey anthony reportedly photographed while shopping at a mall in ohio. today those pictures on the
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cover of the new york post. she was supposed to return to orlando to serve protion on check fraud charges. but that hearing will take place tomorrow. >> gretchen: you heard of beluga caviar being served at a wedding, but how about one being serenade at a wedding? ♪ >> gretchen: that is juneau the whale. a band was playing at a wedding and they stopped by his tank to jam out for a minute and as you can tell from looking at your screen, he loved it. popping his head -- bopping his head to the music and mimicking the band's every move. it's so cute! >> dave: they should pipe that in all the time. thank you. the constant back and forth bickering in washington continues to rub voters the wrong way. >> steve: now a new round of presidential campaigns ads are
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also sparking new voter discontent. >> gretchen: joining us with his latest focus group reaction is pollster and author of the book "win," frank luntz. good to see you. >> everybody is angry and it's not just because it's hot in the summer time. higher percentage of americans want to vote out their incumbents and at any time it's ever been registered, barak obama's favorite numbers are at an administration low. but republicans in congress are at an administration low. so we tested a couple of ads. they're already negative and there is still 15 months to go. the red line represents republicans. the green line represents democrats. let's see how partisan our political advertising has become. >> i do not believe in sharia law in american courts. >> i support constitutional amendment to define marriages between a man and woman. >> i think governor palin is a remarkable leader. i think she's qualified to be president of the unitedtates.
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>> if i'm elected president, i will repeal obamacare. >> we would today probably have a permanent station on the moon, three or four permanent stations in space. >> steve: that w clever because the red line, the rips saw a bunch of republicans and it went up until they realized, what are they saying? >> exactly. when mitt romney says will repeal obamacare, t republican line goes up, the democratic line goes down. that ad, nobody understood. >> gretchen: i don't get it. >> it's from the democrats. >> gretchen: you don't get that 'til the end. is that smart? so much from tv is immediate. >> if you don't connect in the first seven second, they're off to watch another ad. we've got the alternative, which is the replicans going after barak obama. this one is also equally divisive. let's take a look. >> good morning. january 20, 2017.
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last day of barak obama's eight years as president. eight tough years for many as unemployment continues climbing. >> record levels. some analysts believe chinese have overtaken the united states. >> eight years ago, we were promised hope. today many believe their american dream has been lost. >> the republican national committee is responsible for the content of this advertising. >> the sharpest drop in that ad was when it said this is barak obama's last day as president. sharpest -- you can't be too cute or too creative. i'm not saying you hit people with a sledge hammer. use the language of the candidates themselves as they have spoken it. but be clear and obvious and both of those ads are very challenging. the republican ad in the end did better because at least republicans got what the message was. the democrats, as they continued to air that against the
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republicans were helping the gop. >> gretchen: can you imagine how many ads we'll be analyzing in the next few months? what's magic 8 ball saying. >> steve: you're saying, as long as the republicans keep the democrats' feet to the fire with their record, they'll do okay? >> they're record and their rhetoric. it has to come from barak obama himself. all these cutesy ads, they try to be creative, don't work. >> steve: a mother forced to let her kids live with another woman who shot and killed her own two daughters in their sleep. it's all legal. the mother joins us next. >> gretchen: and hollywood helping our heros. actor tim daley joins us live with how he's lending his star power to the members of our military.
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in an exceptionally engineered mercedes-benz w for an exceptional price during the summer event. but hurry, this offer ends august 31st. >> gretchen: for all you parents watching out there, this is going to be an unbelievable story for you. imagine a mom having to come to terms with the unreasonable. she doesn't want her own two teenage sons in the same home as a woman who shot and killed her two daughters in their sleep 20 years ago. but that's exactly what is happening thanks to a complicated custody battle. joining me now is trish and her attorney, todd. good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> gretchen: trish, it's a really complicated story. your former husband used to be married. they had two girls. his former wife shot those two girls while they were sleeping in bed. she was proven to be insane. went to a mental institution and is now out. in the meantime, you married that man and had two children of
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your own and now he's back with the first wife and she's with your children? >> that's correct. >> gretchen: so you have gone to court to try and change the custody of this and what happened? >> we filed a case -- we got an emergency restraining order mid june and we had a cause -- adequate cause hearing on july 25. and on july 25, the court found that there was no reason for us to continue the case and seek a change in the parenting plan. >> gretchen: i know on the face for any parent, you look at this and say, how can any woman, i don't care if she was sean or not, how -- sane or not, how could she be in the home with
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your client's two children? >> absolutely and we believe that the court arred in this case. there was an abuse of discretion by the commissioner. we're hopeful we'll have that decision overturned by a judge on august 25. >> gretchen: what was the reason they gave you as to why this would be reasonable? >> well, the findings were that because the children have been exposed to this woman for the past three years, there has been no harm to the children for the past three years, the court didn't see any risk to the kids. obviously as you're aware, the children were told to lie to their mother about her presence in the home. the children were told to call her by a different name. and as soon as my client learned this woman was back in the home, she immediately took action. >> gretchen: this would be like saying that somebody who has been convicted of child abuse or murder, that suddenly they're just cured and because something hasn't happened in the last three years, that something
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won't? >> exactly. you know, one of the things that's very disturbing is that if it had been sexual abuse of children, then the person would never be allowed around children again. >> gretchen: right. >> but killing children doesn't seem to rank at the same level as sexual abuse, which is unbelievable. >> gretchen: it is unbelievable. i want to read the quote from the commissioner's statement. these are the particular people who made that custody decision. i have to look at this dispassionately. would i ever want my children around her did she speaking of the other woman? i would say no. but that is an emotional reaction coming from ae f we dot have emotional reactions as parents about the safety of our own kids what, do we have to turn to? >> that's a great question. you know, clearly there is adequate cause for the court to take a look at this case, whether it's appointing a
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parenting evaluator, whether to impose adequate safeguards in the home, unsupervised contact with this woman. there are things the court can do. in this case, the court completely dismissed the case. >> gretchen: we want to say we reached out to the attorney for the other side of this debate. they're not commenting right now. before i go, how do you get through your day wondering if your kids are safe or not? >> a lot of prayer, trust in god. every night we call the boys and we're doing bible readings with them every night to connect with them, make sure they're safe. just give them some comfort each night. so i guess it's a thing where at this point i'm going to have to trust and have faith until the legal system helps.
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>> gretchen: okay. amazing story. unbelievable really. keep us up to date on what happens. all the best to you. >> thank you. >> gretchen: coming up next on "fox & friends," first of all, let us know what you think about that. my goodness. and this guy is known for his roles on "private practice" and "wings." tim daley joins us with his latest role helping our military and their family. first, let's check in with hemmer for what's on at the top of the hour. hi, bill? >> how are you doing? >> gretchen: very well. >> ray lahood will join us in 30 minutes to talk about the dustup in congress about the faa. so more news on that. breaking news on the jobs front. the white house doesn't believe a second recession will happen. is that right? now polling numbers tell us what you think about the debt deal. it's not positive. what happened when an 18-year-old girl thought she had a bomb strapped to her body? a trip to the beach that will not be forgotten for all the wrong reasons this summer. alisyn and i will see new ten minutes. the "mystery spot".
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not a mammal in this household isilling to lay claim to its origin. but now is not the time for blame. now is the time for action. ♪call 1-800-steemer. listen to this. three out of four americans don't get enough vegetables. so here's five bucks to help you buy v8 juice. five bucks. that's a lot of green. go to for coupons. you can count on us.
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>> steve: he has graced television screens since the 1990s when he starred on the tv comedy "wings." his role right now, a hot shot doctor on the hit medical drama "private practice." >> dave: latest mission offscreen, he's been stepping up to help military families and their military members and their families. >> gretchen: actor tim daley joins us live from los angeles. good to see you, tim. >> good to see you, good morning. >> gretchen: we know you're part of this creative coalition. we saw you during the convention times in 2008. and now you're teaming up with blue star families to help military families. tell us about the project. >> blue star families is a wonderful organization, a nonprofit organization by and for military families to empower
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and support them. they came to us and asked us to help make the public aware of this crisis in the military, which is military suicide. i'm not sure if the public is aware, but death by suicide among our service members is now outstripped the number of battlefield deaths. so clearly we are not supporting our military in the way we should. and so they came to us because of some other public service announcements that i had directed and asked to us put something together and we had a great response from our members and the psas a getting a lot of play and will soon be in movie theaters and 14,000 screens around the country. >> steve: fantastic. you're absolutely right to address this issue because military suicide is such a terrible problem. we just are showing a little clip while you were talking. it looks like you went through your entire rolodex and got
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every famous face in hollywood to help you. i'm sure when you called they said, i would love to help. >> yeah. so many people responded. it was really gratifying to see so many people want to support our military families. you know, it's an issue that is very odd because we're in these military conflicts and very often these conflicts aren't even in the newspaper. they don't make the news. so we've got to keep these people who are making a tremendous sacrifice in our thoughts and do whatever we can to help support them and their families. >> dave: it's not helping that they come home and are unemployed. i think the unemployment rate of iraq and afghanistan vets is 10 or 12%. we want to ask you about your career. everyone loved you on wings "and they love you on" private practice ." but the last we saw of you, you were having a heart attack and it wasn't clear if there was going to be someone around to help you out. are you going to be back on "private practice"?
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>> well, all i can tell you is that i go to work every day and film stuff. >> steve: stop being so cagey, tim! >> unless they find a way to cut me out, i think i'll be back, at least for a few episodes. >> gretchen: i think we got our answer! >> yeah. there are a lot of doctors around. they perform miracles every episode in "private practice." i have a hunch i'll be okay. >> dave: i have a hunch. >> gretchen: congratulations on the success of that new show and all of the work that you do with creative coalition. i know you'll get a lot of attention now for teaming up with blue star families. >> dave: is there a web site that people can go to to help? >> bluestar they're a great organization. they would welcome anyone who wants to be a part of it and also any military people out there, if you need help, please go there because there is a lot of help to be given. >> steve: that is very nice of you. tim daly joining us live from the city of angels. thank you.
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have a great day. >> thank you very much. >> steve: it is just a couple of minutes before the top of the hour. we will be back with more "fox & friends" in two minutes. ♪ [ female announcer ] sweet honey taste. 80 calories per serving. 40% daily value of fiber. i'm here in the downtown area where the crowd is growing. [ female announcer ] watching calories at breakfast never tasted this sweet... i'll go get my bowl. [ female announcer ] ...or this huge.
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don't kid yourself. talk to your doctor about your risk and about lipitor. >> steve: tomorrow is friday and that means we continue with our all american summer concert series. you heard that song a million times. i hear it every day at my house. matt nathanson, who is in the midst of his all night noise tour across the country will be stopping by. hope you do, too. if you're at 48th and 6th avenue, not only a free musical show, but breakfast. >> gretchen: if you like barbecue. last week i had the barbecue for


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