tv Hannity FOX News August 4, 2011 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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spin stops here because we are looking out for you. spin stops here because we are closed captioning by closed captioning services, inc. >> sean: do you remember hope and change? >> the president: i didn't say change we can believe in tomorrow. not change we can believe in next week. >> sean: joe trippi and monica crowley debate the timeline for so call hope. >> media mash. our look at bias in the mainstream press. >> they strapped explosives to the capital and they think they are immune from it. >> sean: tonight will shock you. here we go. >> i'm tired of a federal government that is out of control. are you ready to get rid of barack obama?
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>> sean: one week before we head to iowa, pawlenty tells us why next week's debate and straw poll could be make or break time for candidates. >> al gore has an idea about what america needs now. >> the arab spring the nonviolent part isn't finished yet. but we need to have an american spring. a kind of an american taher square. >> sean: hannity starts right here, right now. over the course of the last three years we have listened as the tone of the words scrolling on anointed one's teleprompter changed. gone are the days of empty promises because he now seems to be ready to admit how meaning less the rhetoric he used during the campaign was. >> the president: when i said change we can believe in i didn't say change we can believe in tomorrow. not change we can believe in next week. we knew this was going to take
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time. because we got this big messy, tough democracy. >> sean: maybe that's why when the going gets tough the president resorts to scare tactics to push his radical agenda. whether it was stimulus or the debt battle, talking points are always the same. >> the president: we come together today at a difficult moment for our country. in recent weeks there's been a lot of talk in washington about how to address our economic crisis. use this crisis as a chance to transform our economy and economic crisis of this magnitude so to truly address this crisis. crisis like this can never happen again. our collective failure to meet this challenge, year after year, decade after decade, has led us to the breaking point. everyone in this room, knows what will happen if we do nothing. our deficit will grow. more families will go bankrupt. more businesses will close. more americans will lose their
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coverage when they are sick and need it the most. and more will die as a result if that happens and we default, we would not have enough money to pay all of our bills. bills that include monthly social security checks. veterans benefits. interest rates would an skyrocket on credit cards, mortgages and car lens. which amounts to a huge tax -- car loans. which amounts to a huge tax hike on the american people risk a deep economic crisis. >> sean: joining us joe trippi and monica crowley. who you can catch on the five at 5:00 eastern time on the fox news channel. it is always fear, crisis, calamity, catastrophe, the worst, worst, worst! this is it! it is like this guy, every single debate the rhetoric is the same, joe? >> i think the real thing is the rhetoric doesn't matter what is happening is, either
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unemployment and the economy changes it doesn't matter what words the president uses that's one of the things that is happening as you play those clips over and over again. whether we are in a crisis that is going to last short, summer recovery, whatever the rhetoric is, it doesn't work. >> sean: hang on. he said unemployment wouldn't exceed 8%. he said they would create millions of new jobs. he said he would cut the deficit in half. last summer we were supposed to have 500,000 new jobs a machine. shovel-ready jobs with the stimulus. all of this health care costs would go down. by the way, he would heal the ocean tides would be reversed and surging economy and the planet would heal. >> i'm still waiting for the oceans one with unemployment and rest of it. this administration has spent us into a keynesian coma i said that repeatedly. they believed in massive government intervention. massive spending because their full faith is in the u.s. government to create jobs and
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prosperity. it doesn't work that way in america. the private sector creates jobs. the private sector creates well. they have no faith in the private sector. they've done everything possible in order to kill the private sector. >> but the private sector is not spending. >> sean: if it was george bush or a conservative president they would be airing his words, mission accomplished. this president is saying again and again, how bad things are and how he's gonna fix it. nobody holds him accountable. nobody says, now, when i said change you can believe in i didn't mean in the next 45 years. >> he didn't mean in the next week or the next month. it has been three years that's why i don't think any rhetoric is going to work now. >> sean: this is important. i think you are on to something. >> this is put up or shut up time in terms of either there is really job creation, programs that start to work. i'm not talking about spending
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or tax, whatever it has to work. >> sean: his own chief economic guy has said don't expect real improvement in the economy and a 1 in 3 chance we are going to hit that double dip. >> we see every major economic indicator from zero gdp growth, bad unemployment numbers, another bad jobs report tomorrow. here's the major point. set aside all of that, all of the concrete things that we know he has failed at. his whole brand in 2008 was built on hope and change. yes, they were wispy concepts that didn't mean anything. but his whole bran was base on hope and change -- whole brand was based on hope and change. he can no longer run on those things because he has such abysmal record. >> sean: you have run a lot of successful campaigns most recently jerry brown in california. the number, i would be most
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afraid of is independents in this country. people who maybe heard hannity said maybe hannity is being too hard in examining his backgrounds and associations and we going to give him a chance. they've left him now 2-1 in droves. >> you are starting to see erosion. >> sean: erosion? it is falling off a cliff. >> it is big, i'm not going to deny that what i would caution and i know everybody rolls their eyes, but it is the truth. congress and neither party is doing well. they don't believe in anybody's ability to change anything. and no one's policies has done anything to create jobs. >> sean: i agree this is why the tea party is so popular, because they stood on their principles. every met rick, consumer spending, price index, unemployment, there's not one that gives hope -- gives hope we are going to recover, housing across the bore. the one metric the -- across the board. the one metric the president
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did point to was the stock market. >> the president: we are poised for progress two years after the worst recession most of us have ever known the stock market has come roaring back. corporate profits are up. the economy is growing again. >> sean: economy is growing again. stock market roaring back. it is tanked, people are leaving because they don't have confidence in him any more. >> they don't have confidence in anybody right now. in the end there has to be a republican who is making a case, who is the -- it is not clear -- [ talking over each other ] >> where has romney been? >> sean: romney supported cut, cap and balance. >> we've got a wide republican field. all will have opinions and come out with their opinions on the debt and everything else. obama of course is going to be held accountability. what you saw in the markets
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today was first of all this debt deal was supposed to placate the markets. can you imagine what would have happened if we didn't get a debt deal? this was a huge stink bomb. this president and the democratic congress when they were in total control had a massive expansion of government, record breaking deficits and debt. unprecedented spending. not to this extent the president will be held accountable. >> sean: all these mushy, moderate, wimpy, pathetic commentators and bureaucrats in washington that always want compromise. compromise got us here that's why the tea party is saying cut spend something right in this argument. >> i've always said this for the whole year, it is crazy to whack the tea party. they do speak to the feeling among the american people. >> sean: they are also right. >> you can disagree with them on some issues and things but that bottom-up urge to say
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wait a minute -- >> sean: their -- [ talking over each other ] >> democrats should consider that part of the and understand it is real. >> it is fundamentally american. constitutionally limited government, free markets, not radical. >> sean: ronald reagan was a tea party member. we gotta run. >> next, a special debt deal edition of media mash. next with brent bozell. watch tomorrow night we have the first sit-down interview with former south carolina governor mark sanford. he's opening up about the extramarital affair that tried his marriage and his political career. i ask him point blank the question we've all been dying to ask since the scandal broke in 2009. what the hell were you thinking when you are flying off to meet your girlfriend after you promised your wife you are not going to go? what are you thinking at that moment?
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edition is president of the media research center brent bozell. how are you? >> i'm 500 points poor today. >> sean: aren't we all: all the gains wiped out. watch the media's of this. >> these people are crazy. there's 8 to 15 to perhaps 20 members of the tea party influence wing of the republican party in the house who are crazy. they are crazy. >> these are people that don't believe in evolution or global warming why would they believe default will hurt anything? you are not dealing with rational people. >> they strapped explosives to the capital and think they are immune. >> these tea party guys strapped with dynamite standing in the middle of times square rush hour saying you do it my way or we blow ourselves up and the whole country with us. >> sean: they are not the
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mushy go along types, another compromised deal that led us to the problem. they've always stood for balanced budgets, first principles, limited government, but they are crazy, terrorists. >> they are terrorists. i don't think these guys got obama's memo about civility. remember that lecture he gave us? when rush limbaugh or you say something we don't like we get a lecture. liberals can call conservatives, terrorists, that is people who kill others and get away with it. here's something interesting. during the clinton years there was great discipline in the democratic ranks where they could all speak on message. there continues to be the same great discipline in liberal ranks but they torqued it up 10°. now everybody speaks on the message. and everyone is accusing republicans of being terrorists. i think this is going to backfire, big time. >> sean: i tend to agree with.
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house republicans mugged obama conservatives hate obama. they want to destroy him politically. watch this tape. >> a thug attacking a victim. i was a mugging. now the good news the victim did get through it. the bad news is the mugger got what he wanted. he got the wallet so the mugging continues again and again. the people who perpetrated thisejop ult on the president will come back to do it again. the goal of the republican party of the right of corporate america the tea party of the whole she bang has been eliminate -- has been eliminate this guy's presidency it is about hatred, personal, we hate you, we want to kill you politically. >> sean: we hate you, we want to kill you politically. >> chris matthews is a most knowledgeable person when it comes to personal attacks and hatred. you just saw him do it. as a conservative, i hope he
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continues doing this i hope he keeps speaking this way. when he's doing that, what chris matthews doesn't understand, the more the tea party is being attacked the stronger it is getting. the average joe who believes in a limited government and smaller taxes and freedom is being told he's a terrorist. and he's not liking it. the ranks of the tea party are going to get stronger. >> sean: the conservatives, the tea party are like children that don't understand the fundamentals of socialism and keynesian economic models. msnbc went so far as to bring a psychologist on to diagnose the tea party's psychosis. >> do you think members of the tea party cautious, know how to govern or are they -- do they understand that standing up for a cause is not the same as governing? >> one of our facebook followers sent in an interesting analogy. said, why are republicans
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allowing freshmen congressmen to control this debate? this person said, it is like letting the teenager in the family run the family budget. there's some truth in that. >> they are pursuing goals that can't be achieved. it is like a child who has some kind of fantasy. which reminds us of a couple of things. delusion, psychosis, addiction. >> sean: if you want a balanced budget and don't want to rob from your children this is a psychosis, a psychological disorder. like the soviet union psycho politics. >> this is scary stuff. an attempt by the left to air brush conservative thought out of polite company. it is either that you are such a moron to be thinking these things that you shouldn't be allowed at the dinner table with adults. or you are an evil person and you need some kind of medical attention for what believe in. the same as they did on global warming. they spent years saying there
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was only one polite position. then the same thing about gay rights. now there's only one polite position when it comes to tax increases go along with it or you are an evil person. >> sean: brent bozell, it is very, very revealing. these are all press secretaries for obama as we head into the next election. always good to see you. >> we are headed to iowa next week for the gop primary debate. when we come back tim pawlenty is here. plus, welcome totter of obama care. they order insurance companies to make birth control available for no cost. i don't remember this being part of the liberal sales pitch, do you? my doctor told mem is besabsorbed in small continuous amounts. only one calcium supplement does that in one daily dose. new citracal slow release... continuously releases calcium plus d for the efficient absorption my body needs.
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>> sean: one week from tonight the hannity team will be headed off to aims, iowa the big debate is followed by the iowa state fair fried twinkies next friday then the straw poll saturday where voters will cast ballots for their prefered republican candidate. could next week's showdown prove to be make or break for some of the nominees?
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joining me a man who has a lot on the line, former minnesota governor pawlenty. welcome back, sir. >> thank you, great to be with you. >> sean: some of your fellow candidates are promising me porkchops on sticks, fried twinkies godfather's pizza from herman cain, going to be a lot of food at that fair. >> we are going to have at our booth, dairy queen blizzard. what is your favorite? >> sean: the 15 pounds i lost in the last six months i'm going to gain back in is important. official, you are nearby in minnesota this is only a straw poll. big indicator, historically, how important are you viewing the straw poll results? >> i think it is kickoff to the formal campaign season. a lot of warm-ups this is the start of the formal season. i think we are going to do
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we'll. the -- to do well. i'm confident. it is more an exercise than a random poll. when my record continues to get out, reducing spending, health care the right way with no mandates, no take overs appointing conservative justices and more we'll continue to get good momentum. you will see the first step next week. >> sean: there's been back and forth between you and your fellow minnesotan, that being congresswoman bachmann. what is going on? >> we've had a couple of back and forgets. i don't know people are interested as much as they are the country is in big trouble. the reason why i'm running is i believe i go the results, record, skills and values to lead it to a better place. i know with the economy drop and stock market drop and president bush's policies something that president obama continues to blame him on, my goodness it is his economy he has been president three years and he's inept. we have if get in economy
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moving. proposals for jobs and investment are the most specific of any candidate in the race, including the president. >> sean: we see major drop in the stock market. all the gains for the year have been wiped out. the president said that's the one thing that he could point to as the great indicator of his economic success that was two years ago in the state of the union. then he also talked about recovery summer last summer. every economic metric we have is down. what has gone wrong and how bad is it? >> we don't have a president who understands that we need to have a private economy not just a government economy growing. as i say, you can't be pro jobs and anti-business what this president has done, president obama, is take things from the private sector and bring it into government. what we need to do is take things from government and bring night the private sector. we need to grow the private sector by shrinking government.
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the entrepreneurs, people who want to grow businesses and provide jobs say the same thing everyday, which is get the government off my back. some talk about taxes, regulation, energy costs, some talk about obamacare. the message is all the same. the federal government and president obama have made it too difficult, too discouraging, too slow, too expensive, we need a candidate who will ignite the entrepreneur al spirit and get in country moving. cut for business tax rates, individual tax rates, reducing regulations an and more. >> sean: while the country has been engaged in the debt ceiling debate nobody noticed that the president signed on 608 new federal regulations that are going to cost businesses 10 billion dollars. enormous amount. it will take away incentives for businesses to hire. eye been spending a lot of time talking about real
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solutions to balance the budget. i like cut, cap and balance. i think that was a good plan. i thought the ryan plan was a good start. i like the mack-penny plan a lot. are you aware of the plan and is it something you would sign on to? >> i have my own plan i gave it at the university of chicago barack obama's former employer. available at it goes into great detail what i would do. cut the corporate rate from 35% to 15%. take the individual rates from 6 to 2. eliminate all taxation on dividends, interest capital gains and estate tax pro-american drill here, drill everywhere bring more energy to market to bring down cost energy plan repeal obama care, fix sarbanes-oxley, fix dodd-frank have a regulatory approach that is pro-jobs. let's have a sunset on all regulations.
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let's make sure before regulations go into effect there's a fine up and down vote by congress so real people who have to bear the burdens of these regulations have one more crack that their elected representative before those regulations go into effect. i know you support this. we have to have a constitutional amendment to balance the budget. i don't believe we can send politicians to washington and trust they are going to be fiscally disciplined. some will, most won't. we have to have what 49 of the 50 states have, a requirement, constitutionally, that budget be balanced. >> sean: impressive, not one thing you said that i disagree with. thank you for being with us. >> obama care in full swing. you won't believe what insurance companies are now required to cover. you will be shocked. we are looking out for your wallet, next. krystal. . . krystal . . .
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what lead to your decision to go with the fusion? i just keep on going back to looks; it's a great looking car. how do your co-workers feel about your decision? they were the ones who were against ford. they were like they're a truck company. for the most part i am pretty sure i have changed most everyone's mind. krystal, you seem pretty comfortable up there, are you sure you haven't done this before? umm. . . i did 8th grade telecommunications class. it's the cleanest, clearest water. we find the best, sweetest crab for red lobster we can find. yeah! [ male announcer ] hurry in to crabfest at red lobster. the only time you can savor three sweet alaskan crab entrees all under $20, like our hearty crab and roasted garlic seafood bake or sn crab and crab butter shrimp. [ jon i wouldn'tut it my table at home, i wouldn't bring it in. my name's jon forsythe, and i sea fd differently.
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>> sean: remember when nancy pelosi told us we would have to pass obamacare to find out what was in the bill? she couldn't have been more right. thanks to obamacare health insurance plans must cover birth control for women without co-pays the requirement goes into effect january 2013. is this what people had in mind when the democrats were pushing universal health care? according to a new rasmussen poll, 46% do not think the government should require health insurance companies to cover all contraceptives for women. 39% believe they should. joining me with reaction former women's media center president, jamu green. and legal analyst and host, kimberly guilfoyle. check her on the five beating up bob beckel. >> likes it. >> sean: i love the show. >> thank you. >> sean: explain to me why government should require
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health insurance company -- by the way, some have religious orientation. and a value system that is against birth control, catholic services, et cetera. why should they require it by law? if people want to engage in activity, at what point do we say people have to be responsible for their own behavior? >> a panel of scientists -- >> sean: i don't care about the scientists. >> smarter than us, they made this recommendation because this is a win-win for everyone involved. if you are against abortion you should be celebrating this decision. >> sean: look into the camera and tell the american people we are going to be 25 trillion in debt. if you want to make the choice to takeoff one article of clothing the next one, the next one, and have sex -- [ talking over each other ] >> sean: go get your own birth control. i shouldn't have to pay.
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>> unintended pregnancies in america cost us up to 11 billion dollars a year. that's an opportunity for savings there. again this is about women's health if you care about women's health -- >> sean: it is not about women's health, it is about birth control. i'm not having the sex -- [ talking over each other ] >> if you are against welfare, you should be celebrating this. there are so many reasons why this is -- [ talking over each other ] >> sean: i'm happily married for a teen years. >> and you can get pregnant with your clothes on. sue seem to think you have to take your clothes off. you don't have to have everything off that's another class. we don't have time for that tonight. >> sean: certain articles of clothing does have to come off kimberly. >> i'm not going to go there. this is going increase the cost of premiums.
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the bucket is going to get passed on this is for services like birth control, morning after pills, vasectomies, tubal ligation. doctors are supposed to ask about domestic violence, are you being abused? what is going on in your life? why can't it be a personal choice responsible about birth control not something forced upon taxpayers? it doesn't decrease the amount of sexually transmitted diseases. >> 100% of evangelicals use birth control. >> one in three struggles to pay for birth control. when you have to decide between filling up your gas tank and how are you are going to deal with filling up your own tank. >> sean: filling up your own tank. >> in this economy tough to make decisions about what you are going to pay for. >> there's plenty of services like planned parenthood that
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provide birth control. the cost is so low, you make a contribution, donation. why should the taxpayers, why should everybody else have to pay for an individual's sexual choices and decisions? by the way, abstinence, prevents pregnancy. >> of course, abstinence prevents pregnancies. you have to look at the facts kimberly. 50% of pregnancies in this country are unintended. one in three women make a decision between what they are going to pay for monthly, if they are going to be able to pay for birth control. the cdc has decided family planning as one of the -- [ talking over each other ] >> sean: you are off track. why should other people pay for this? they are not engaged in activity. they are not having the sex part. why can't people be individual, responsibility, why can't that -- why can't they take
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responsibility for their own life? >> -- [ talking over each other ] >> if someone is not eating well and they get free screening for diabetes that is covered in preventive services. there are so many preventive services -- [ talking over each other ] >> historic for women. we have come from a time when viagra was covered by insurance and birth control wasn't. >> that's a big problem. alcohol, drug use, that contributes to unwanted pregnancies this is saying that poor people can't make good decisions about how to protect themselves sexually. that we have to pay for it any way. they are not going to be able to manage their own life and have personal responsibility. people that have money can? it is ridiculous. >> sean: i'll use your words, if you are going to fill up your tank be prepared for the consequences and stop expecting others to be responsible for every minute
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aspect of your life in this nanny state that you want to create. >> why should we pay for a man's viagra? >> sean: that's a medical -- >> before at fordable care act -- >> sean: that is a medical problem versus a choice to have sex. you can choose not to have it. if you can't afford gas in your car it might not be the right time to think about activity that is going to be risky. >> you have to look at how many people like you sean, have tried to -- [ talking over each other ] >> sean: when i had no money i didn't think about getting married. [ talking over each other ] >> welfare reform, whatever your focus is, and sean i've heard you talk about decreasing abortions so many times. [ talking over each other ] >> how about investing in
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children and their future and education. the children that we have. what about providing more in terms of the educating system. i don't understand why we have to say we are going to give you birth control thinking it is going to solve problems. you might be encouraging that person to not use condoms and have safe sex. >> sean: thank you kimberly, jehmu, not fair you will be paying for the birth control. our great american panel is next. on every purchase, so me and my lads earned arip to san francisco twice as fast we get double miles every time we use our card... i'll take these two... matter what we're buying. ...and all of those. and since double miles add up fast, we can bring the whole gang! it's hard to beat double miles! whoa dude. [ male announcer ]et the venture card from capital one and earn double miles on every purchase, every day. go to what's in your wallet?
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you look at portugal, ireland, the world economy, 25 trillion in debt, we'll have in 10 years. minimum. it is getting a little scary out there. >> i think it shows the huge unrest with the massive amount of debt that european countries have and can't reasonably repay in any amount of time and the u.s. too. it is really troubling when we think about the next generation and how we are going to start to pay for this. >> sean: doug, i've been laying out here -- i'm watching independents in this country, you follow independents, >> i do. >> sean: and you follow the tea party closely. >> i do. >> sean: i love the tea party they were principled in this debate. i think they are recognizing the root cause of the problem. i want a solution that is going to solve the problem. but for cut, cap and balance none of them hit it. why isn't there the willingness to see the severity in this? >> both sides have failed to
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systematically to deal with the problem and have lost popular confidence. there's a problem with the political class in this country. the reason the tea party has the energy it does is because they have popular support. people react like you do and say we are fed up. we've had it! >> sean: and i have had it. it is generational theft. and opportunity theft. >> add to that what is going on this week. i put out my economics hat. bad manufacturing numbers. 400,000 new filings in unemployment. all of this going on. then the world looks at a country told by the ratings agencies cut four trillion and we cut 900 billion if we are lucky and form a committee. [ talking over each other ] >> they have to get there first. >> sean: it is all back-loaded. >> the confidence index companies look at this, they look at what is going on in this country. if we don't take the right
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action i've said it on this network for weeks. that we were missing the mark if we didn't have a 2-1 cut to raise if we were going to do the raise. i was again the raise. then we would see this happen. -- i was against the race. then we would see this happen, unfortunately that is what has happened. >> sean: mushy, moderate, wimpy, bureaucrats in washington or pundits don't want to deal with the root cause. they think compromise is a virtue. compromise could be a virtue to a point. but sometimes you have to say no, we need a real solution it is a radical problem that feeds real cuts to deal with it. >> unfortunately, this has been building for decades. we really aren't going to have any kind of short term solution. it is going to take a long time to address the systematic failings. also the culture of entitlements. we haven't addressed, social security, medicaid, medicare.
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the health care bill how are we supposed to pay for any of this? >> we had simpson bowles which did 3-1 cuts to taxes. the president walked away, came back, walked away from it. i'm for compromise. but you are right, if we are only compromising about untenable, unpalatable solutions that don't solve underlying problems, it dent work. >> sean: if we tell the american people we cut two trillion in the same period of time we are accumulating minimum of eight trillion an interest rates don't go up and rosey growth scenarios don't happen it could be 12 trillion in the 10 years. i don't -- these numbers are so staggering i don't know how you get out at that point. >> look at how companies react on a global and local level. they look at the fact they don't take that self-imposed austerity, i've been calling for, make the cuts. we don't change the behavior
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to your point, washington has not changed its behavior. legislation that hampers growth, taxation on uncertainty, dodd-frank add these things together and an administration that frankly is not going to do but borrow -- >> obama should let tim geithner go. bring erskine bowles in as treasury secretary and say we got to get together urgely. >> sean: bernanke has to go too. >> he didn't listen to the debt commission to his peril. >> we are on ourselves teenth debt commission since we've been raising the debt ceiling. >> sean: we have to take a break. what do they think about paying for birth control? we'll ask when we come back. just one phillips' colon health probiotic cap a day helps defends against occasional constipation, diarrhea, gas and bloating. with the strains of good bacteria to help balance your colon. you had me at "probiotic." [ female announcer ] phillips' colon health.
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>> sean: we continue with our great american panel we were debating the issue of health care companies being forced to provide birth control for people. there was a case in pennsylvania recently they gave free cell phones to people that are poor. is there anything that we are not going to give people in this nanny state we are creating? >> i think it is insanity. if you already have insurance then you have the means to have insurance why would you necessarily need a free
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handout? i think health departments around the country have subsidized health care -- >> sean: you can get free con comes -- condoms in high school, unfortunately. >> we have so much money now there's not a debt to worry about. >> sean: wal-mart it is three bucks. how do you know? >> because i'm in talk radio and i do research. >> sean: what's three bucks? >> it is behavior. here's the behavior issue. it doesn't matter. if frankly, me the taxpayer doesn't want to support it, because i have a belief or not participating constitutionally, why am i being forced to pay for it? because the greater good iser is ofed by having broad availability of birth control. >> sean: it is available. >> the cheaper hopefully fewer pregnancies will happen. >> go to any free clinic you can get it.
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>> there's things that i support even giving out more readily than even birth control. i feel like birth control -- >> sean: what do you want to give out? >> nations that are necessary. -- -- vaccinations that are necessary. >> i'm for cali counts that's information that's -- i'm for calorie counts. that's information that's not intrusive. if somebody wants a big juicy burger. >> sean: i don't want to read the calorie count. >> tell us how you can go to mcdonald's and wendy and lose? >> sean: weight watchers worked for me. i like mcdonald's and wendy's and all these places, i like nathan's hot dogs. i know i'm not going there for my health. deirdre imus is going to kill me. al gore says we need an
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american arab spring. >> we need to have an american spring. the arab spring the nonviolent part of it isn't finished yet. but we feed to have an american spring. a kind after american taher square nonviolent change where people from the grassroots get involved again. not in the tea party-style. >> sean: the tea party was the grassroots. who does he think they are? >> my favorite quote al gore gets one thing right, even partial limb. i know it is difficult to imagine that people care about values in this country was based on will rise up and get more involved in the democratic process. hey al, that's the tea party. >> my reaction is, you can dislike members of congress, i understand that the people who first time involved in politics, want to cut spending, balance the budget, reduce taxes, constitutional
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principles, how can you be against those forces? i'm all for activism, i didn't hear what gore is advocating. >> sean: people on the left class warfare, half the country doesn't pay income taxes. when is the anger the backlash going to go towards the people that have zero accountability? the ones that play the class warfare game? the ones that scare seniors? when is the anger at washington going to build in a crescendo? >> i think it has built to that point now. look at al gore, these days t that speech is so hypocritical, the way he flies around in a private jet lecturing about environmentalism. he's an elite. decrying the coch brothers. >> there is citizen activism on the right against spending. that's what this deal is about. >> sean: you are a democrat. >> but i try to tell
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