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tv   The O Reilly Factor  FOX News  August 5, 2011 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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unafraid. tonight. >> bill: "the o'reilly factor" is on. tonight: >> when i said change we can believe in, i didn't say change we can believe in tomorrow. >> bill: is president obama's power in steep decline? it looks that way. how will that effect you? marc lamont hill and an coulter will analyze. >> i think he has no shame at all. it's like blood money. >> bill: members of the far left viciously attacking mike huckabee for educational video the governor is distributing. we will get to the bottom of this very intense controversy ♪ hallelujah, hallelujah. >> you're god. >> only for the big picture. >> bill: how is god doing? a new poll asks americans to rate his job lord.
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>> of course it's a good idea. >> also the stock market big hit today. why did that happen? caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. captions by closed captioning services >> bill: hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. president obama losing power as the stock market falls big time. that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. as we predicted weeks ago, the debt debacle has weakened mr. obama. all the polls show that americans are furious the government could not settle an obvious problem without a chaotic exposition. people are getting hurt as the stock market plummets. the dow down more than 500 points today. 1300 points in the last two weeks. everyone is nervous as retirement and education funds get pounded. the president came off as weak in the debt debate and the bad economy speaks for itself. how can any american be optimistic when the national
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debt is growing by more than $4 billion every single day. the only thing the debt compromise did was keep america's bonds from being downgraded and allow the feds to continue paying their bills. the deal did nothing, nothing to improve the very shaky economy as the stock market is now telling us. analysis by today says that president obama is in serious trouble for re-election. but, again, talking points has told you that for months. mr. obama knows he is in trouble. he also knows that republicans will not cooperate with him any longer because they want to see him defeated in 2012. so for the next 16 months, little will get done in washington as the house will pretty much block everything the president wants to do. so, instead of fighting a losing battle on the hill, the president has already turned his attention to the upcoming campaign. >> when i said change we can believe, in i didn't say change we can believe in tomorrow. [ laughter ] not change we can believe in next week. we knew this was going to take time.
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because we have got this big, messy, tough democracy. >> bill: now, there is a chance that with congress and the president at odds the economy will actually improve. if you get enough pinheads out of the way, then maybe the private sector will see opportunity. but that's a big maybe. mr. obama knows he can't win re-election without independent voters. so he is tarlg his -- tailoring his campaign message this way. >> all the progressives out there, i want you to understand that we just can't ignore this debt and deficit. we have got to do something about it, but economic growth, making ourself more competitive isn't just about cutting programs. it's also be b. making investments in our people. >> bill: problem with making investments in the folks is that there isn't any money. america is broke. simply put, the president's economic policies in the liberal tenets of big government have failed. will the voters realize that? we will not find out until november 6th 2012.
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and that's the memo. now for our top story tonight, a disaster today for the stock market, bibut, why? with us now fox business anchor stuart varney see him on fbn weekdays. i'm not a prognosticator. once it calmed down and got a structure where they could improve the government going forward, the stock market will react positively. that's been exactly the opposite. >> yes. all that happened with the debt deal was that we avoided default. we did not avoid a downgrade at all. the catalyst today was what happened over there, italy. today it became a new greece. >> bill: is that what it was all about. >> that was the catalyst today. >> bill: let me explain that to the folks. italy is in trouble like greece and spain and ireland. quaws sigh socialistic society and they give people stuff and they can't afford to pay the bills anymore. >> that's right. >> bill: italy's shakiness reverb rated around the world and resulted in a 500 point market drop? >> there is another problem going on here.
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and that's what's happening here in america. we are facing recession. all the indicators point toward another recession. and the president does not have a plan to deal with it. in fact, he has virtually no policy options. you are looking at a slow down in america, an administration which really can't do much about it in the near term and doesn't know what to do about it in the near term and an exploding crisis in europe. down goes the market. >> bill: okay. so, what i said a few weeks ago, and i might have even said this to you, was that there isn't any confidence in president obama's economic leadership, none. >> that is correct. and president obama is leading us to look more like europe. europe is broke and in crisis. >> bill: why doesn't he see that? even today, in that second sound bite that i used. all right, he says progressives have you got to knock this off. we can't be -- then he comes back to the government has to invest. what is he going to invest with? what? >> what is he going to do? if he was to change course and get rid of obama care, get rid
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of financial regulation, get rid of crippling regulations and instill confidence in private enterprise he would be repudiating entire presidency. >> bill: couldn't he say to the american people we tried, we were sincere, it was bad. it didn't work and now i'm going to try plan b. don't you think he could do that? >> maybe. that's not the kind of president he is. i believe he is an ideologically driven president. >> bill: then is he going down, stewart. even he has to know that. >> but supposing he turned it around. >> bill: he can't turn it around. nobody is going to buy that at this point. >> he may well say you republicans, you won't let me invest in education. >> bill: of course they won't. there is no money. >> that's an accurate statement, isn't it? he is blaming them. >> bill: who is going to buy that? nobody is going to buy. only how about the 50% of american people who pay no federal income tax whatsoever? how about the people who receive all this largess? >> bill: he is going to have to do what you are saying, the president in order to get
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reelected is going to have to convince the american people that it's not his fault. it's bush's fault, that he prevented worse than we have now, and he is going to have to sigh and if you vote these guys in you are not going to get any medicare and get anything, they will take everything away from you. you see the 20% of americans who are ardently liberal. they will vote for him or stay home. you see the racial blocks, all right? which would 90%, 85% of african-americans probably vote for barack obama no matter what. okay? but hispanics aren't going to vote for him again the way they did. they are not going to do it because they are getting hammered just like everybody else is getting hammered. >> i basically agree with you. >> you take that away he is not going to do this. >> bill: ardently liberal 20%. african-american plurality big time. he doesn't have anywhere else to go. independents are breaking against him 3 to 2 in almost every single state. >> i would agree with you. he cannot win doing what he is doing. >> bill: right. >> nor can he reverse.
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he really cannot reverse. >> bill: i think the economy could get better. i think the wall street. >> marginal. >> bill: wait a minute. and i could be wrong because i was wrong about. this i thought the stock market would go up after the debt deal. i think the street may start to factor in that he is going to lose. that president obama is going to lose. you know the street looks out, it looks out. all right, so they are going to maybe scarf up some bargains. i bought caterpillar today. i shouldn't say that i bought caterpillar. >> full disclosure. >> bill: i bought it. it went down a little bit but i bought it because i believed that that is a good american company that once things change in the country and i believe that will happen, that's going to go up. >> here is what i am saying, he cannot change, he should change, but he won't change. and he will not win the next election. he will be boxed into a corner, that's why the stock market has gone down. that's why you will not see a robust expansion for the american economy any time soon.
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he is taking the down a road that americans don't want to go on. we are americans. we're not europeans. there is a profound hostility to us looking like them. >> bill: well, that's right. >> you have got to remember that. >> bill: now nothing is going to get done for 16 months. you agree with that. >> i agree. >> bill: republicans will not agree at all. >> you might get a tax rate cut tore corporations so they bring some of the trillions. >> bill: maybe. he could say i'm going supply-side a little bit. but i don't know if he will. all right, stewart, thanks very much. we appreciate it. >> thanks, bill. >> bill: next on the run down, are liberals worried about the economy? we'll find out. and, later, an culture on the president's leadership and the culture warriors on how god is doing in a public opinion poll. coming right back. nationde insurance. what's up ? what's vanishing deducti all about ? guys, it's demonstration time.
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let's blow carl's mind. okay, let's say i'm your insurance deductible. every year you don't have an accident, $100 vanishes. the next year, another $100. where am i going, carl ? thnext year... th was weird. but awesome ! ♪ nationwide is on your side ♪
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>> bill: continuing now with lead story. president obama and the leadership factor in the context of the shaky economy. joining us now from philadelphia dr. marc lamont hill who teaches at columbia university. doctor, as a liberal man, liberal thinker, are you concerned about the economy, the falling stock market? does it bother you? >> yeah, it bothers me as an american and left-wing pepper. everyone who sees sharp collapse today and what's been going on the last six months has to be concerned. >> bill: do you agree with stuart varney me that the lack of leadership, the obama administration is showing on the
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economy has pretty much shaken people? they don't have a lot of confidence in him anymore? >> well, i think when you look at the approval ratings in congress, when you look at the approval ratings of the white house, i think people have a lack of confidence in the american political system. it's not just obama. >> bill: but he is the point man. you know that. you are not wrong by the way, the polls show lack of confidence in congress is historic lows, that's correct. >> right. >> bill: but he is the guy. he is the face to the world. remember, this is a global economy now. people overseas buy american stocks and bonds. and i submit to you that they have no confidence, the mass majority, the mass majority of investors are not confident in the obama administration's economic leadership. would you agree? >> no. i wouldn't agree with that. i think what we see today in terms of today's crash has much more to do with european markets and their own issues than it does with obama's leadership. but i will agree that people who do have some concerns about barack obama's economic leadership, not toes extend that you are suggesting.
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after yesterday's debt deal people should have full confidence that he is willing to cave to corporate america and wall street. barack obama has fully shifted himself to campaign mode which means is he playing from the center and maybe the right. if you are a republican you should be very happy with his economic policy. >> bill: the far left, and you are among them don't like the quote, unquote cave. >> oh god no. >> bill: let's get back to the perception. president obama and you know this, wants to model the american economy and the american social justice system. >> i love how you say that with disdain social justice. >> bill: i don't think it's healthy for most americans to use the economic machine to redistribute wealth. i just don't think it's healthy. i know it's not working and obviously the facts speak for themselves. he wants to model on what western europe has done. yet, now we see country after country after country collapsing economically and you would think that barack obama would notice that and say, you know, maybe it's not the good thing to do. >> i don't accept the premise that is he trying to model the
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american economic system after, say, eastern europe or something like that. he is not trying to create. >> bill: western europe. >> i don't think he is trying to create any type of european model. trying to create a uniquely american model. one of the things that american has always done is protect the vulnerable. that's why it's so disturbing in the last week been willing to put social security and medicare and medicaid on the table for negotiation. the far left was willing to protect it. >> bill: i don't think it was ever in any danger. they want to modify those things to make them, you know, to salvage them. >> yes. modify, that's secret agent talk for changing. >> bill: did you see my talking points memo last night. >> i did. >> bill: it was brilliant. even you would have given me an a in your class at columbia university. i took a model out of obama care, giving american women free birth control, breast feeding, counseling, all this stuff free which is going to cost billions of dollars to the private insurance companies who are going to pass that along to private insurers like me and
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businesses who, in turn, will hire fewer people because of the expense of that pass along. therefore, unemployment goes down. you don't see the linkage between the social justice programs and the poor economy. and i think i have made it vividly clear. >> bill, no one disagrees on the left or the write that there is a point beyond which people will stop creating and expanding jobs. we all agree with that. >> bill: we have reached that point. it's here. >> no, no. where we disagree with this is the threshold. whenever people threaten to raise taxes 1% protect the one vulnerable person. rich people cry wolf and say my god the entire economy is going to collapse. it hasn't collapsed because of social entitlements collapsed because of corporate irsonsability during the bush administration which has continued during the obama administration. >> bill: that began the chain of events. >> yet. >> bill: you are right, the corporate three card monty game of these terrible mortgages began, but then the president got into office and made it worse because he was fiscally
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irresponsible, spent far too much money and had no clue how to help the private sector rebuild and hire more people. those are facts. >> i disagree. >> bill: those are facts. >> they are not facts. just because you facts really emphatically doesn't make them facts. what the fact is obama come out with a very clear plan for helping the economy. >> bill: but it's not working. that's the problem. >> he has never had the opportunity to execute his plan because is he always caving to the right. i'm not saying that's not a critique of him. poor leadership -- >> bill: we have a congress in this country. it's not just a dictatorship. >> no. he has not negotiated effectively with congress. >> bill: look, he spent more than any other president in the office. run up a tune of $4 billion plus a day and it isn't working. that's the fact jack. i'm not calling you jack, doctor. we appreciate you coming in here. >> appreciate it. >> bill: president obama president obama power position. the far left attacking mike huckabee because of an educational cartoon he has put together about 9/11. coming right back. let me tell you about a very important phone call i made.
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>> bill: continuing now with our analysis of the faltering economy and president obama's leadership in that area. here now the author of the big new best seller demonic, ann coulter. now, this is about power. in my opinion, my humble opinion and, you know, i could be wrong. [ laughter ] >> bill: president obama's power, all right, is declining drastically. >> yeah. >> okay. do you agree with that? >> yeah. because he has made a hash of things. the unemployment rate is through the roof. there is no hope in sight. well, there is hope in sight. he is saying i didn't promise change overnight. i will promise you change overnight. it's going to come overnight november 6th, 2012. that's the hope. overnight. >> bill: that's your hope. 16 months of a power vacuum because -- look, you have got to think of it this way.
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the president is not going to get anything done. would you agree with that? >> i think your analysis is incorrect. when you say the republicans want to prevent him from being reelected and they are going to block anything. no they are going to block what he wants to do because they disagree with you. obamaened at democrats are for big government. this makes a difference. it's a very important difference. and the reason he is losing his power, the theme of the segment because he has made a hash of the economy. why has he made a ash harasser the economy because he has crazy ideas about increasing the size of the government whereas republicans want to increase the size of the private sector. afternoon they are going to keep coming to loggerheads and, frankly, they just helped this presidency by not letting him do what he wanted to do which is raise the debt limit through the roof, raise taxes through the roof. and i think lots of taxes could be raised, all these special benefits for his wall street friends. >> bill: whether it's republicans voting on principle or voting on practicality, they want him out, the fact remains
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that nothing is going to get done for 16 months. >> have to get done. >> bill: the f.a.a. thing right now is a good example of that. >> but as long as you have these two fundamentally different ideas of what you do to run a country, to run an economy, they are going to disagree and one a disaster because democrats have total control the first two years we see what happened. and they had partial control since 2007. >> bill: you are agreeing with me. nothing is going to get done -- >> -- remember democrats were in control of the senate and the house starting in january of 2007. >> bill: you are agreeing with me nothing is going to get done in 16 months. that means we have a vacuum. >> that's not such a bad thing. >> bill: that's what i'm saying to you. why isn't that a bad thing? >> because it's better than letting democrats do what they want to do. if our only solution is gridlock versus socialism i will take gridlock. >> bill: nothing is better than what the democrats are doing in your opinion. >> yeah. we won't get any more obama care, bill. >> bill: you see how the stock market is reacting to that? >> yep.
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well, it's reacting to a lot of things but the economy is a disaster. bill women this could actually happen. if the country goes into another recession. >> it's going, to yeah. >> bill: i hope it doesn't. but if it does that's going to hurt a lot of people. a tremendous amount of people. >> yeah. >> bill: yes, it will reensure that the president doesn't get reelected and probably that the republican party will take both houses as well. but, you know,. >> not necessarily depends republicans run. that's his only hope. >> bill: referendum on barack obama. >> he has a glass job. incumbent. entire mainstream media on his side. not with this economy but the republicans have to run somebody who can put two sense sentences together. >> bill: the -- >> we need to run. >> bill: i think mccain would beat obama at this point. >> one thing, i'm sorry, i just can't stand. this marc lamont hill saying oh republicans and corporate america they wrecked the economy. it wasn't corporate america.
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it was wall street and the democrats. and wall street gave more to president obama and give more to the democrats historically year after year. >> bill: he doesn't make the determination between corporate and wall street. now, it is president obama's 50th birthday today, right? >> yes. >> >> bill: you sent him a nice card, i hope. >> i wanted to be there but who could afford it in this economy? >> bill: my staff asked me if you would sing a couple of bars to happy birthday to the president. >> i suggest you sing those bars. you do it with more heart-felt -- >> bill: you know i'm looking out for you, you know that? i'm looking out for you. >> i'm looking out for you. i think you should put the dress on, too. >> bill: if you sing happy birthday to the president, every web site in the world will pick it um. >> you know what would make it even bigger? >> bill: yeah. >> if you sang it, bill o'reilly. >> bill: nobody wants to hear me sing. but you, with that kind of marilyn monroe thing going on. >> cameraman, which would go all over the riser.
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>> bill: coulter, you are not going to do it just a few bars? >> no. i'm still working on what to get him. celebrating his birthday for a week. we have got time. bush did that, too no it wasn't bush it was kim jong il celebrated his birthday for a week. >> bill: i always get those two mixed up, don't you? >> i'm waiting to hear it from you, bill o'reilly. >> bill: i will say happy birthday. my singing voice. >> i think that would go around the internet a little bit faster. >> bill: you are like adel. see how hip i am? adel? how about that? ann coulter, everybody. vicious attack on mike huckabee for putting together an educational cartoon of 9/11. the governor will be here. how is god doing? new poll asks americans to rate his job performance moments away.
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videos, the newest one on 9/11. >> who could do something like this al qaeda led by object. >> the time for jihad is upon us. death to americans. >> bill: obviously the dvd is directed toward children. the far left doesn't like them at all.
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they are featuring people who are slamming governor huckabee. >> i think he has no shame at all. it's like blood money. i saw this video. i mean, going out there and trying to make money off the bodies of dead people. i mean, i saw the video. the video is -- it should be done by educators and child psychiatrists. not done by politicians. >> bill: now, that man jim riches is a retired new york city deputy fire chiefs who son also a fighter was killed on 9/11. joining us from little rock, arkansas is governor huckabee. so, were you surprised about the reaction and negative reaction on the left about these dvd's? >> bill, nothing surprises me anymore when we are talking about networks like bsmbc and others who go after conservatives. i'm disappointed in this fireman's son was exploited because my own father was a firefighter, who are heaven's sake. but, you know, the fact is these are videos that are written by a panel of experts, chen checked out by historians and teachers.
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i don't write these things. but, this is not the only one. there is up to 75 that are planned. there are several that will come out each month. it's to take kids through american history in a positive way. interesting enough though, bill, 91% of liberals who have actually watched them say they liked them and would get them for their kids. you know, it's, again, very frustrating that this network, who has fewer viewers than you have people going to the bathroom doing a break, go after us like this. >> bill: why behind it? i saw the video, it was nothing offensive about the video. >> i can tell you, bill. >> bill: let me just articulate one more thing. >> okay. >> bill: i saw the video. i watched the video. i'm going what is bothering the far left about it? riches, the guy, we checked him out, he is not a loon. he is not associated with any group. >> no. he is a good man. >> bill: he looks like he is annoyed that you may be making money from this exposition.
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it looked like that's his beef. >> well, -- let's take the far left first, go ahead. >> i'm just going to say that the far left loves to attack somebody for their character and their intent because they really can't argue on the point of content. i mean, the reason the tea party is -- tea party people are called terrorists and thugs and racists because most people agree with the idea that we ought to be spending less money. the reason that all the people who support traditional marriage are called homophobes is because it's easier to call people names than it is to discuss whether or not it's really that outrageous to believe that marriage still means a man and a woman. and so, instead of attacking or even discussing the content of the videos and why they exist, because kids don't know anything about history, only 25% of high school seniors surveyed knew hot first president was for heaven's sake. instead of discussing that. the irony is michael moore made
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$222 million off of fahrenheit 911. i don't remember anybody on that network screaming about blood money or talking about the profiteering. this is like saying that steven spielberg was cashing in on world war ii or the holocaust because he made private ryan and schindler's list. that's absurd. >> bill: do you think though? see, it took me by surprise because you now are out of the presidential sweepstakes. >> yeah. >> bill: you are a fox news host. >> there you go. >> bill: yeah, but, you know, come on, why -- why would they spend so much time on this, yeah, if they wants to take a cheap shot at you fine, almost like jihad against you. why are they bothering with huckabee? >> i don't care that they are attacking me. i do care that they are attacking the animated series for kids because i think it's valid. >> bill: probably don't like the basic message that america is a good country.
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that's probably what it comes down to. >> i think that's a lot of it real issue for us is that they never made contact and tried to get another part of the story. >> bill: they will never do that. are you kidding me? it's always propaganda. come on. now, what about the issue that riches is concerned about that there is money being made off of 9/11 where so many people suffer? >> again, bill, the very host that originally attacked and that had riches on his show had done a series on 9/11. and i'm sure he got paid for it i'm sure they ran ads in it. as will happen. 9/11, this particular animated video is just one of dozens that are being produced and uniquely a portion of the profits from this one will go to 9/11 charities. i'm doubtful that what that host did on the other network that i'm not going to mention anymore, i'm doubtful that the prophets from anything that he did about -- profits from anything did on 9/11 went, i don't know. he certainly hasn't said it i know they didn't make any
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contact. >> bill: this is actually helping you because it brings the dvd's to the attention of millions of people who might not know about them. so, it does work in your favor as well. governor, thanks very much as always. niles to see you. >> nice to see you u bill. >> bill: how much do you know about terrorism. the great american news quiz has some interesting questions for you. how is the deity doing? a new poll asking americans to rate god's job performance. we h [ gnome ] ahh... [ male announcer ] this is what it's like getting an amazing discount on a hotel with travelocity's top secret hotels. the easy way to get unpublished discounts of up to 55% off top hotels. harpist not included. ♪
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>> bill: thanks for staying with us, i'm bill o'reilly. in the culture warrior segment tonight. new poll from public policy democratic firm asked this question. if god exists do you approve or disprove of its performance. of course the poll should have used his because the masculine pronoun takes precedent but, again, this is a liberal polling agency. anyway, 52% of americans do approve how god is handling things. i'm sure he will be glad to hear that 9% disprove, they are going to hell. 40% are not sure, they are pulling their punches. the extra 1 hers in that survey is a number rounded upward. here now the culture warriors margaret hoover. author of the new book "american individualism." what do you make of this poll. >> stupid poll with a stupid question.
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to call god had t. and first of all if god exists do you approve or disprove of its performance, on what? on the economy? on your pocketbook? on your family? that's a stupid question, and, by the way, even if you did take the question as legitimate one, it's about personal responsibility and people -- half the people in the united states are blaming god for their problems? >> bill: well, look, there san age-old -- for every religious person, how a just god can allow bad things to happen. >> it's always been that way. >> bill: always been that way. we live in a world that's in absolute turmoil where bad things are happening all the time, so i think that was the spirit of the poll. >> but it's not phrased in the right way. >> bill: of course it's not. >> it gives people the out. i think the question it's irrelevant. >> bill: what do you think, hoover? >> well, for as bad as things are and as much turmoil as there in the world. god has a a 2% approval rating. that's higher than barack obama, speaker boehner, congress, or
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any other elected official right now. so, let's keep in mind, god is doing pretty good. what i at the present time know about is who this 40% are that aren't sure. >> bill: knows best. they are north going to say anything. here is my take on the poll if they had called me up. you know what? i'm not smart enough to pass judgment on what god's doing. i'm going to let god be god. all right? whatever he is doing, i'm not going to question it because, number one, it's insane to do that if you are a believer. if you are a believer, you know, there is a reason for everything in the universe. and if you are not a believer, then i think atheists could probably do better on this poll. you both think the poll is kind of bogus and provocative deal? is that what i'm getting. >> yeah. >> god has been pushed out of so many critical debates about really tough issues that maybe that's why more and more people don't think -- >> bill: i'm a christian and i don't want to be an evangelist
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here, everybody practiced judeo-christian tradition, of loving your neighbor as yourself, we would have a better world, right? >> correct. >> bill: wouldn't that be it? >> thank you for agreeing with me, uh-oh. >> bill: did i do that? >> i think so. >> bill: i was confused. we discussed on this program government intrusion into the family in a number of ways. and in portland, oregon, a boy 11 years old, hoover, was removed from his home and put into foster care because he was 400 pounds at age 11. is that a good or bad thing for the government to remove that boy from the home? >> well, in that specific case? it looks as though the family volunteered to have him be taken by social services rather than to go -- >> bill: backs up against the wall. they had to. >> and the situation with that particular family, look, generally i think this is a terrible -- this should not be a precedent. i am not in favor of the government coming in and
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actually using obesity as a synonym for neglect and abuse. i think that's going down totally the wrong path. >> bill: 400 pounds at age 11. >> he also had significant health problems. parents split. caretaker feeding him fast food three times a day. social services been working with the family. they were worried about the kid's health literally he wasn't -- >> bill: you support that decision. >> it wasn't because he was obese. it's t. was because of all the other health issues that the dad wasn't around couldn't take care of. >> bill: that weight at that age. >> thought he might die by the time he is 20 years old. where does this stop you? sudden lynn decide if a kid is 300 pounds take him away. 200 pounds. >> bill: have the same situation on the other end of the spectrum. if there is malnutrition. >> we talked about that before. >> bill: if if there is mall to you that trition in the home the state has the right to go in and remove the child because the child isn't being fed properly.
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>> right. >> bill: if you have gross obesity where health problems are developing. i don't see the difference. >> i don't see it really either. let's face it obesity is a huge problem in our society. it's not going to be solved by taxing junk food or anything like that, what about incentives in obama care? that's what would have worked. when companies have incentives for people to lose weight and their health insurance costs go down. they lose it it has to do with educating our culture to not be so fat. >> bill: i think we are doing that here. all right. i'm giving you the last word, hoover. you have a situation where i believe there comes a point that the state has to move. and it has to do two things. number one, the problem has to be brought by the school. educational authorities have to bring the complaint. number two, a physician has to say to the state, this kid is in danger. if both of those two criteria are met, i'm okay with this. last word, go. >> that's exactly what happened in this situation. and i think that some folks got
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worried that this was going to set a precedent that everyone is going to say as soon as you hit 2 u hundred, 300 pounds have you got to yank the kid from the parents. it was exactly the criteria. i am with you on this one. >> bill: i'm right again: great american news quiz the terrorism edition. how much do you know about very bad guys? and, later, baseball manager tears up sean penn. coming right back.
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>> bill: back of the book segment tonight, the great american news quiz, the terrorism edition. here now the quiz kids dagen mcdowell in for martha maccallum tonight. playing for matt lynch from romp chester, indiana. and "fox & friends" guy steve doocy representing heidi ellsworth from davidson,
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michigan. if you would like to sign up for some nifty prizes go to bill o' mccallum off on another lavish vacation. >> i'm sure she is. >> why doesn't. >> peel grapes right about now. >> bill: this is terrorism edition. these questions are pretty hard, doocy. don't panic because i went offer these. if you know these questions, you are really on it ladies and gentlemen. >> okay. >> bill: question number one, 1980 bombing flight over lockerbie scotland killed 170 people. members of what legendary motown group narrowly missed being on that flight? cards up, please. ♪ hone bunch ♪ you know that i love you ♪ i can't help myself ♪ i love you and nobody else.
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>> bill: the great four tops, dagen mcdowell knows that. doocy no clue. >> it would have been better if it would have been the miracles >> bill: smoky robinson and the miracles they haven't been together for three decades. >> that would have opened as the headline. >> bill: that's why i threw it in there eliminate that one. >> you are less -- >> bill: question number two, the movie munich event of israeli athletes during the 1972 olympics. [ ♪ >> we found three more names for you. >> your pappa, don't forget my voice. >> you think you can run from your fears, your doubts? >> bill: that massacre was carried out by a palestinian terrorist group calling themselves, what? many the answer is black
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september. >> who? >> that group that you selected does not exist, never has existed. >> you haven't heard about them yet. >> bill: mcdowell is now 2 doocy nothing. looking to be a rout. here is question number 3. >> it was in september, doocy. >> bill: the movie do i die hard bruce willis taking out sky scraper. >> please don't let me die. [explosion] >> bill: all right. now, shortly after die hard was released, which retired politician moved in to an office space in the building where that movie was filmed? the answer is ronald reagan. >> oh, dude. >> bill: doocy scores.
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tightens it up two to one, two more to go. question number four, the movie air force one. terrorists hijacked the president's plane. unfortunately for them, the president is a vietnam vet and a medal of honor recipient. ♪ ♪ >> get off my plane. >> bill: and he did get off, ladies and gentlemen. in reality, who is the only american president to receive the medal of honor for military service? who is the only president to do that? which president got the medal of honor? cards up, please. this is an interesting question. come on, dagen. come on, come on. teddy roosevelt is correct. >> he was a rough rider. >> bill: how did you know that?
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>> i thought about it. >> bill: thought and pondered which is why you didn't raise your card. >> yeah. >> bill: paid off. >> it wasn't eisenhower. >> bill: put the program behind by two and a half minutes. >> i'm sorry. >> bill: mcdowell wins and doocy fifth question the movie american carroll had a funny part dealing with terrorists. >> mohammed. >> yes, of course, i must remember to use last names. >> bill: that movie is from david zucker, he directed it. one of the guys behind the classic comedy what did he do? that's correct. airplane is the right answer. mcdowell you have beaten him three times in a row; is that correct? >> yes, it is.
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>> bill: i have to get somebody smarter than him maybe kilmeade. >> bill: kilmeade is not smarter than you is that possible? max lynch, rochester, indiana wins -- heidi we will send you stuff. too. pinheads and patriots on deck. the manager of the chicago white sox hammers sean penn because is he a friend of hugo chavez. p and p up
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>> bill: pinheads and patriots in a moment. tonight starring sean penn. but first, we would like you to consider premium membership.
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tonight we are opening up the no spin news feature to everybody extents over the weekend. so you can see one of the things pm's get daily. if you sign up we'll send you the navy seals 1, bin laden 0 shirt free. it is a good deal. >> now the mail: >> bill: which is what we are seeing now in europe. hopefully we caught this in time here. >> bill: i'm filing your letter under always have to have something to complain about rick. i often describe myself as a simple man.
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>> bill: we will find out when the supreme court rules. talking points last night very controversial. we posted it on, in case you missed it. >> bill: as a citizen you are entitled to that opinion bill. dobbs and i must go where the facts lead us. you might be right. you can't prove it. >> bill: surely, you heard politicians say they would rather have the nation default than vote for the deal, surely you heard that?
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>> bill: i appreciate that captain. >> bill: i've never seen miller on his best behavior, linda. i have no idea what that might be. i will have security standing by. details about the tour on hope to see you guys. >> finally pinheads and patriots. manager of the chicago white sox is venezuelan. an emotional guy, he doesn't like the fact that actor sean penn likes chavez. >> can i say what i feel about him? he's a loser. if he thought venezuelans are great why he went to california? he should stay in venezuela for two years, leave when i
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agree up to see, because he will be shocked. >> bill: we believe he's a patriot. he understands that chavez is a brutal tyrant. mr. penn does not understand that which makes him a pinhead. check out the fox news factor website different if spout off from anywhere in the world. name and town if you wish to opine. word of the day, do not be meretricious. there you go! do not be meretricious when writing to the factor. check out the no spin news tonight h this is additional commentary. it is on usually only premium members get it tonight through the weekend, everybody gets it, because we want to show you what you are missing. thanks for watching. i'm bill o'reilly remember the
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spin stops here because we are looking out f >> tgif, everyone. we made it to friday and it's august 5th. are we feeling good today, though? the stock market situation could be a problem. another stock market meltdown. asian markets plummeted today just a day after the dow took a nose dive. so what are we in for now? guess what? there's a jobs report coming out 8:30 a.m. eastern time. keep it right here to find out the breaking news. >> meanwhile, speaking of jobs, what is the president's plan to rescue the economy from the brink of another recession, perhaps? his congressional colleagues are brain storming and they've got a plan and wait until you hear it. it's a doozy. >> and maybe he wanted to clear his conscience. a man caught on camera stealing right out of a woman's purse shows up at her front door with more than an apology. "fox & friends" begins right now.
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