tv The Five FOX News August 5, 2011 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT
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their plan to bring us back from the brink. money guy that the president listens to a lot, mark xandy. t. boone pickens and many more tomorrow. be there. hello, it's 5:00 on east coast and this is "the five." women are taking over today. the first time we outnumber the guys. i'm dana perino with kimberly guilfoyle, bob beckel, andrea tantaros and greg gutfeld. we have a lot to cover tonight. first we start with the faa fabrication. we have exaggerated numbers used by the government to make the situation seem worse than it was. plus, arnold schwarzenegger's former $40 million lawsuit against media outlets. what sean penn said that caused this reaction from major league baseball manager. >> he's a loser. >> dana: "the five" starts right now. >> so are you. ♪ ♪ >> dana: so, as with the
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first friday of every month we have new job numbers to talk about. today, 117,000 jobs created in july. that was the report today. that's a decent number. certainly better than previous months for sure. but the underlying number spells trouble for the economy such as the number of people to gave up looking for work altogether. andrea, no dancing in the end zone at the white house. they have 9.1% unemployment rate. what were the bright spot in the economic report if there were any? >> the fact that there was some job growth that was good in past months you've seen the jobs decrease. it's a small bright spot, dana, one of the only ones we've seen in a long time. this week, the "wall street journal" used the word "fear" in the headline twice. what i believe is happening is now we have a permanent class of americans who are out of work and thinking that they're never going to get back. wall street says 1 in 3 have been unemployed for a year or more. 6 million people are unemployed and have been unemployed for 27 weeks or more. >> dana: one of our colleagues, nina eastmon
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talked about one in five men in america isn't working. unemployment for men is 9%. women, 7.9%. teens, 25%. but yet, what do you make of it? >> bob: first, a lot of our viewers will hope i will stop looking for work. i am not in that category yet. it's a turn the corner number. maybe 75,000, 50%. most conservatives estimate it's 30,000. 117,000 is a good number. it's really a shock to me that the "wall street journal" would use the word "fear." >> dana: hold on, the "new york times," greg, used a phrase i don't think the white house liked because it was on the "new york times" saying that it might be time to say there could be double dip recession. >> greg: first, bob and i feel like trolls at beauty pageant. i like how people like bob saying this is good news. the news everything is still sucks. that's how depressing it is.
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i want to say one thing, that president obama may be the most pro family president we've ever had, because he is bringing families together as adult children move back in with their parents because they don't have jobs. that is the silver lining. we should embrace that. >> dana: kimberly, to get to 8%, what most presidents needs to get re-elected, they need to create, according to my colleagues in d.c. i used to work with, they need to create 220,000 jobs per month between now and the election. not going to happen. >> kimberly: it's insur mountable. this is the key. we have want to be positive and get people back to work and want job numbers to improve but realistically, when you look at the election going forward and what he has to overcome given past history to be successful in is not good news for him. it's reflective if polling number we've seen for obama, congress, et cetera, across
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the board. dissatisfaction and simply do we come out of that recession? if we are going to another one? >> bob: a lot of people were not thrilled about the numbers, republican operatives who want to see more people out of work -- >> dana: look -- >> bob: wait. the 8% number, talk about you never re-elected with less than over 7.2%. as a guy deals with statistics all the time, talking about a small number of people. 8% there is nothing about 8% or 7.2%. what will make a difference here is the economy going to be better than this year or next year? i think it will. secondly, who is he going to be up against? which munchkin is he up against? >> andrea: you are in the minority. paul krugman boxed in the president saying he needed to create 300,000 jobs every month. this is what is ironic, democrats are jumping up and down and trying to open champagne to spin. this president bush was
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creating jobs month after month and nancy pelosi and the democrats lambasted this as pathetic. now they're jumping up and down. >> dana: i was deputy press secretary at the time, how they had 52 consecutive month of job growth and how do you get people to cover it. it was impossible. democrats were disciplined. what is interesting is the republicans have only been in charge of the house for the last seven months. listen to what president obama said today, about everybody sharing the blame. >> both parties share power. both parties share responsibility for the progress. moving the party and the country forward is not a democratic or republican responsibility. not a public or private responsibility. responsibility of all americans. >> dana: to greg and bob's point in less than a week we have the iowa straw poll. i still don't see -- i won't call them what you call them. the munchkins.
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i guess i will call them that. there is nobody coming forward with any sort of plan with jobs it seems. i know i'll get tons of e-mail saying yes, we have. i don't think anything taking hold. >> greg: i don't know if there has to be there. i like when obama success it's "i" and if there is failure it's "we." this guy looked to europe as a beacon, a shining example, which has high unemployment, high unemployment that creates population dependent on centralized government that keep entitlement going. that's what is happening now, we're a population that crave entitlement and we have a huge unemployment problem. basically, we might be happy with that. >> bob: you have to figure out one thing that was important. republicans don't have to come up with an answer because they are letting obama take the hit here. they don't have an answer because they don't have an answer. pawlenty comes out and attacks and they came out in attack
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today. they same -- bronc you can't talk about bril cream. >> bob: i don't use it. mitt uses that. maybe the most expensive thing. you shouldn't talk. she has her makeup on the table. >> on the jobs front. this is an interesting thing. 13.3% of the veterans are unemmed mr.. 25% of ages between 20 and 24. today, president obama announced what they call the returning heroes tax credit to give businesses $2,400 in tax credit to hire the returning veterans. some companies participating. microsoft, semen's and lockheed martin. what do you think of that? you might see people take advantage of something. >> kimberly: i like the story a lot. this is a move in the right direction, bob.
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i like the tax credit and honor those who served the country. a lot of times they have a difficult time, especially injured or disabled, getting back in the workforce and supporting their family. this is a good move. >> dana: a great program is wall street war fighters, general pacesy was the first marine, joint chief of staff, they hire veterans to help clients with the financial matters and they found in the recession, the clients trust veterans more than anybody else with their money. and they should. kimberly is right. we should take care of the veterans and take care of the seniors and the disabled. >> andrea: even when you look at the economic picture, what barack obama is doing now is he doesn't have a plan, he has a bus tour. don't fret, he will get on a bus and visit your state. the plans that he has in place for example, talk about it later but the epa will come out with new regulations to cost 7.3 million jobs. this week, hhs, helicopter and human services cut 11% of
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medicare cut, pushing disabled out in the street. that will cost 100,000 jobs. nursing home cuts. we have warned about this. we're hemorrhaging jobs. >> bob: can i make a point here. first, the republicans, you used to be the press secretary for the republican majority. >> i was. >> bob: they could use you now. you're right. we agree on this. a great plan. democrats get behind it because it creates jobs and republicans want behind it because it's tax cut for businesses. >> dana: they couldn't possibly support veterans. >> bob: they will but they love the tax break for business. before we get out, you want to say something else? i one other point. >> greg: i think what is interesting is -- >> bob: 30 seconds. hurry up. >> greg: i'm trying, if you'll stop interrupting. people love hiring vets. there is a reason why. they have a type of discipline
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you don't find anywhere else. it says a lot about the culture, they don't exist in the whiny, self-absorbed pop culture obsessed lifestyle. when you get a veteran in the workplace, you're like where did he come from? he shows up from work. works his butt off. on time. we need more of them. >> bob: that's me. [ laughter ] one thing knocked off by the producers and i'm putting it back in. 1,500 millionaires made $1 million in 2009 and didn't pay one penny in taxes. i don't care if i'm well behaved the people should be, making $1 million -- >> greg: be in jail. >> bob: not a bad start. >> greg: maybe they lost a lot of money. they could have lost millions. that's why they didn't pay their taxes. >> dana: all right, we're going to continue that. >> bob: another walk for millionaires. daps we'll continue after the break. coming up, koch hit congress hia
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♪ ♪ >> bob: welcome back to "the five." i'm rodney dangerfield. a debt deal may have been reached by congress. but still feeling the effects of it. new cbs news/"new york times" poll finds 82% of americans disapprove of congress is doing, the highest disapproval that congress ever had since polling begans in the '70s. let me be bankrupt about this. everybody didn't look good in this deal. we know that. republicans look marly bad i thought. what can congress possibly do now? nobody believes anything they're doing. no fishtives. >> from doing campaign and working for members of
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congress, people largely blame congress as an institution but they don't blame individual congress person. so they return to the district and campaign and say everybody else is problem. it wasn't me. you've done campaigns, too. it's fecktive to blame everybody else. >> bob: i'm not sure it's holding this time. i think they get themselveses in more trouble than they think; particularly, republicans. >> there are more of them to defend. >> bob: there are. >> there are 18 republic freshmen, that is a lot. >> bob: but republicans have more people exposed in the house. my party has a problem in the senate because we have twice as many senates than republicans do. i'll be surprised if we hang on to the senate. >> no way to spin this. people are division appointed and with good reason. this number is accurate and fair and i hope they get a wake-up call. the nonsense that went on with the debt deal was deplorable.
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on both sides. >> greg: i don't see why is surprising. only thing less popular is back rub from bob. >> bob: not true. a lot of people like that. >> only thing less popular the media. >> greg: then bob's back rub. >> bob: kim mentioned a debt deal. there is a poll out about who is taking the blame for the debt ceiling. this is one available to me so we probably don't have it. oh, we do. who takes the hit? republicans, 72%. democrats, 66%. president obama 47%. that is the point, that is point, the republicans rightfully so take their hit. that is fair. they kept it going to the end. i grant you. >> i'll start talking about the deficit but greg is going to fall off the end of the table. you thought we were done with it. want to talk about this now?
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>> yeah. tell us a story about this. >> so these, these are called disappointments. they are minutes with obama on the cover there. apparently a university of texas boom store was selling these until a state legislature named joe armstrong declared mints offenseive and asked they be taken down because they were not educationm material. the interesting thing, the people who make the mints are liberals. they weren't mad because think think he is a big government leftist, they are mad he wasn't big government enough. that's why they did these. of course now in the bookstores they still carry the anti-bush stuff. >> bob: i hate to correct you on anything. it's tennessee, not texas. begins with the same "t." >> greg: i apologize. >> bob: the tennessee school is a state school, support by state and federal dollars.
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the idea you will do a political attack on the president of the united states. >> please. >> bob: they didn't do it to bush in public state schools? >> greg: of course they did. >> bob: i don't remember buying something about a guy whopping wood for a year. >> greg: when was the last time you were in a coed bookstore. college bookstore? >> bob: all the time. >> kimberly: these are tasty. i'm addicted to them. a sugar high. $2.99. great deal. hard economic times. >> greg: the serious point is the hypocrisy of tolerance. academia is where freedom of expression reigns supreme unless you disagree with people who work there. if you don't spout leftist dogma you're not tolerated. this is another example. it happens all the time on campus. not a bastion of free speech. >> kimberly: you said the liberal company is the coowner of the unemployed philosophy're deal, he started making these after obama extended the bush tax cut.
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that's what put him over the edge. >> dana: you have to admire the ingenuity. >> bob: it's ingenious. >> greg: the mints are great. >> bob: my segments are always the shortest one here. the faa said there were 77,000 jobs were cut, because the congress does not act on faa bill. >> dana: it was less than that. they made it sound worse than it was. >> bob: republicans say the faa is lying about it. they say 77,000 jobs impacted or lost because of the construction workers aren't working. so they're not buying food at the greek lunch diner like your father owns. ripple effect.
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>> andrea: but the number was exaggeration. it's 24,000 jobs instead of 70,000. you can get anybody to inflate the numbers. >> they did it because the democrats are trying a bookdoor way to help union and the republicans said foul. this should not come as a surprise. >> andrea: if you look at the faa, everything he promised he'd do with the union organizing and the card check, it's all right here in his former agenda. he is doing it all. we shouldn't be shocked. a man of his word! he is not a disappoint-mint all the time. >> bob: labor has been on obama since the beginning to bring it up. it's not backed on faa bill. not a card check.
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unos have a right to have a card check and i'm amazed they haven't brought it up. they all take vacations and the other thing, ununions brought them over the year. >> bob: but the reason we can't is the republicans won't do it. >> they said they were sneaky. it's close. 24-17. >> kimberly: that is bob math. >> greg: in political math. >> bob: who is wrong with that? i to run. >> kimberly: your segment is over. >> bob: no kidding. >> tonight, on "the five." provocative photos of a 10-year-old model. of course, i'd read this. and causing the controversy. has the magazine crossed the line? we show you the pictures next. let you decide. stay with "the five." [ male announcer ] to the 5:00 a.m. scholar.
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♪ ♪ >> kimberly: welcome back to "the five." this next story infuriates me. you won't believe this. look at the pictures in french "vogue" of course. this mod is only 10 years old. so the question is a magazine pushing the envelope with this spread, having a young girl like this, 10 years of age? they've got this photo here on the cover. we also have photos of this model in other ads where she is topless, another one where she has beads covering what would be her chest. another one where she is laying down with another male
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model topless. this is completely inappropriate. you like it, andrea, personally? >> andrea: i don't like it. she wasn't topless. you have can't see anything. >> kimberly: not in this photo. >> andrea: to me this is a little girl playing dress up, in high fashion, this is french "vogue." which is what it does? can it get creepy like toddlers and tia areeas? absolutely. they're known for doing it is. it best role mod? probably not. but not a lot of 10-year-olds look at french "vogue." >> kimberly: but look at this photo here where she wears a red dress on a tiger skin rug. this is not a good idea. do you wonder why there are pedophiles and psychopath going around. >> bob: that wouldn't be appropriate for you. let alone, the stuff that drives me crazy. i know everybody thinks you're a liberal and you think it's a
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good idea. i don't. i a 16-year-old daughter and i fight constantly to not dress up. she gets ridiculous magazine. all the, you know, you go past a high school in america today and at a lunch break and you think you are in a house of ill repute. >> andrea: look at the photos. >> bob: it's terrible. >> greg: do you see anybody over 30? >> bob: not often. but that is not -- where are you going with this? i'm trying to make a point. it's the french. daps i want to ask as a prosecutor, curious, a picture like that, if you had a guy who was busted with child porn rafy -- pornography, would this photo fall in the category? >> kimberly: if i write the subpoena and get download from the computer and if i saw a number of photos like this, yes, it would be used against them in child pornography case. why would they have to have the images? number one, i modeled as well.
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besides the fact i want to purchase the shoes she's wearing. >> i thought you owned those. >> i might. >> andrea: we have tv shows and you see girls in swimsuit competition wearing less clothes than the model are wearing. i don't agree with it. her mother thinks it's okay. she is probably going to make millions on the catwalk. she is not showing any skin. how is it worse than bikini. >> greg: dressing up is a lot of fun. i did it when i was a child. some of the same outfits. but if you want to test how deeply the parent feels about this, you should be able to go up to the parent after the shoot and go hey, you kid is really hot. when adult sexualizes the child it should get the point across. they should stop doing it. that is what they are doing. sexualizing a child. >> andrea: i lived in paris for a year and i tell you the french have a completely -- it doesn't make it right but they
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have a completely different and sometimes warped view of societies. sex to them is open. i'm saying this is france. >> bob: breaking news on this is you don't own the pair of shoes. unbelievable. the situation of the united states, remember calvin klein when he did the -- >> greg: brooke shields. >> bob: it was disgraceful and disgusting then. you can excuse the french for anything. they're unexcusable. you lived there for a year? how could you do that? >> andrea: i want to live there and study there and see howdimented the society is. >> kimberly: now look. gone the other way. remember when miley syrus did the ad in the magazine spread, controversy because people felt the pictures were sexual and inappropriate. >> at a point you have to say
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you can't dismission it because it's french. >> greg: but long-term consequences she is ten. what about when she is 20? >> dating bob. >> greg: nicely done. >> andrea: disgusting. >> kimberly: write your own. i can't take this anymore. coming up, missouri teachers are fighting back against a new law that bans them from friending students on facebook. good. they don't need to friend their students. keep it clean. keep it right here on "the five."
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i'm chris wallace in washington filling in for bret baier. the big story here today is the economy with a new unemployment report on a wild ride of the stock market. tonight on "special report" we have the numbers from both. team coverage on the july jobs report that saw a larger than expected number of jobs created. slight dip in unemployment rate. a close to what was a wild week on wall street we'll tell you how the market did after thursday's selloff of 500 points. another potential blockbuster story in the wake of the probe to operation fast and furious.
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william la jeunesse will be live from los angeles. remember that rent is too damn high guy from new york governor's race? now jimmy mcmillan is saying something else about the rent and it may surprise you. that's tonight on grapevine. "special report" starts at 6:00 p.m. eastern. now back to "the five" in new york city. ♪ ♪ >> andrea: thanks to the producers for putting together all the songs that are all about ladies! i know bob is thrilled and so is greg, but it's ladies night at "the five." welcome back. oh, the never-ending arnold schwarzenegger sex scandal. now his former personal flight attendant tammy tousant has filed a $40 million libel suit against gawker and national
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inquireer for suggesting she had a love child with the former governor. the woman tammy that bob put your tongue back in your mouth. she worked on schwarzenegger's private jet from 19 # 7 to 1999. she filed a $40 million lawsuit. defamation by libel, invasion of privacy. kimberly, the attorney here, does she have acation? is this a malicious falsehood? it's a gawker, joke left wing gossip site. gossip thing. >> kimberly: it is a gossip site, but nevertheless they do get stories and sources but in this case she has a lawsuit if she can prove in fact they did not check the sources. if they don't have reliable information to back these claims up then they are in big trouble. she has to settle -- >> andrea: $40 million worth? >> kimberly: no, my prediction is half of that, the case will settle.
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won't get $40 million. >> bob: she is not a public figure to say stay away because you're public figure. you can be sued. >> kimberly: she didn't put herself out as public figure. >> bob: whoever hired her had good taste. >> kimberly: want her on the private plane? >> bob: if i could afford private plane but i'm a democrat. >> kimberly: obama would tax it. >> bob: you made a joke about gawker being liberal. we wouldn't touch this thing. the sites invade people's privacy in a way i find outrageous. did they not publish your home address? >> kimberly: yes, thank you. >> bob: sorry. but she moved since then. who do the people think they are? they want to be tough and be mean. if you publish my home address and show up for all i care. >> andrea: that's what they do. they bully. not called on the carpet. >> bob: if they are bullied, i bet the people who write this stuff are greg's size. >> andrea: what does that mean? >> bob: every time i --
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>> greg: pocket size. >> bob: i'm not being mean. what is mean is taking people's personal lives even if you are public figure and making this -- you caught someone up in an outright lie that is going to defame her. >> andrea: they had her son up on the website and said is this arnold's son? the little boy, people look at him and think she a love child. >> dana: couldn't lift the couch over his head so it wasn't his. >> bob: whoever advertises on gawker, is that how they make money? if you advertise on it, don't. stop. >> greg: silver liner to gawker. >> bob: you're covering yourself now. i'll get the hit and you don't want it. >> greg: let me finish my point. every person i know that works there is miserable. that was my point. >> bob: who does work there? >> bob: they're called -- >> greg: they're called bloggers. >> bob: do you know many of them? >> greg: fair amount. >> kimberly: john cook. and the person -- >> greg: they work there for a little bit and they're miserable because of what they
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do and they leave. it's not a fun place to be. >> bob: to expose to people personal lives i don't he how you live with yourself. >> andrea: speaking of personal lives missouri teachers are told they are not allowed to facebook their students, very smartly. teachers have been told they have to herd the facebook friends list to make sure there are no students. this is saving the teachers, bob, don't you? >> bob: i thought that was one of the best segues i heard. i was trying to figure out how you'd get out of the gawker thing to teachers. you did it brilliantly. >> kimberly: good job. >> bob: we don't do things as we're supposed to do. >> andrea: no filter. >> bob: any teacher in this day and age you'd have to be crazy to friend your -- i understand some think it's important to communicate on homework but you know as well as i do -- >> kimberly: trouble. >> bob: get caught up in sexual scandal. the best sense is to stay away with them. >> andrea: greg, were you friends with your teachers?
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>> greg: no. they all hated me. it was for different reasons. this is crazy. for their own good. three weeks -- three months of the summer. >> andrea: a lot of teachers are protesting this. daps they are offended. they want to be -- what i think should happen is someone, sol brilliant entrepreneur out there should come up with a teacher-student type of social media thing. if that is the way things are going, why don't we be innovative and figure out a way to do out without being friending the students. >> greg: if i was a parent i wouldn't want -- >> andrea: what if your teacher unfriended you? >> kimberly: you are probably getting a "c." you were friends with your french teacher? more than friends. >> bob: but i had to get out of school. i needed a "c" grade. it was her student aid i was friends with. i don't know anything about facebook. my son set me up a page. i went to it once, thousands
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of people want to be my friends or enemies. it didn't know any of them. the comments were it started out with you "fat, comemy, son of a --" and it. we on from there. i did e-mail back one and said thank you for the kind words. was it your mother who married the brother or father that married the sisters. he said, "you lying comemy, my father married his cousin." >> kimberly: he's out of control. teachers need this protection for liability reasons. i don't think they should question. they're more worried about the law being intrusive they should get in trouble. communicate in school and have essential classroom blog or whatever. >> greg: do they need to express themselves anyway? >> kimberly: we need to continually express ourselves after this break. coming up, peta is not monkeying around about feelings they have for the release of "rise of the planet of the apes." stay with us. "the five" continues. [ male announcer ] succeeding in today's market
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> greg: just hanging up there like that. >> bob: you're supposed to go on. >> greg: weble to "the five." peta is going ape over apes. yes, the stupid animal rights group gave its seal of approval, i hope wasn't made from real seals to the flick "rise of the planet of the apes." why? well no real beasts were used. all the simions or simulated but apes were the heroes and humans the villains. that point leads sean o'neill to wonder whoa? you realize in the super intelient pissed off apes would rip your face off, right? does their moral victory outweigh the reality of your tais being eaten? " amen. peto operates on the
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assumption they might be spared by the savages because of the misguided enlightenment, the same mentality for people appeasing terrorists. maybe they like it more if we pat their heads. until your hand comes back as a stump. the philosophy of peta isn't that pets are good but they aren't. if they had their way sharks would teach underprivileged kids. isn't peta a bunch of publicity hounds? >> kimberly: the ads they do with lettuce cup that panel anderson wears? >> bob: that's good. >> kimberly: i knew it. peta supporter. >> bob: i am. >> greg: you get in animal rights just to pick up women? >> bob: no. i think they do a lot of good things. a friend of mine had a monkey, and you know, i tell you this, you are right about the apes thing. this monkey was the worst animal you could have. threw stuff around and ripped stuff up and got in his dope.
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i'm not kidding. the monkey went nuts. >> what is wrong with you? >> bob: got in his friend's dope. making a point about ripping the face off. i was going to make a serious point. >> kimberly: no wonder. >> greg: what is he talk about? >> that explains a lot? >> greg: is there a good thing that there aren't real animals in movies anymore, it's computer generated? >> dana: i don't mind. what bottles me of the movie is the title. rise of the planet of the apes. why can't they come up with a better name than that? >> andrea: they are giving apes a bad name. the movie is violent. getting good reviews. but scared that hollywood got in bob's dope. >> bob: on a serious note, hollywood has a long and tragic history of mistreating animals in films. a lot of animals died as a result of it. they put them in terrible
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working conditions. not just the peta people but a lot of human rights -- humane society people have gone to complain about this there is a good reason for that. i'm glad they have computer generated apes. >> kimberly: there are no real apes in here. >> bob: that is a good thing. >> greg: animal rights activists put animal before people, it justifies them breaking in medical labs and letting mice go free and destroying years of research. >> andrea: they do. they think somehow animals are superior to human beings. it's crazy. but bob, to your point about hollywood mistreating animals they have been mistreating conservatives for years, too. >> bob: six, half dozen of another. they don't mistreat conservatives. what are you talking about? peta is not a big fan of mine. i was giving a speech one night and had cowboys boots from endangered species and they poured red paint on my boots. >> andrea: it's less about
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peta, but the hypocrisy of the hollywood crowd that wears fur and does ads, same one that ride on jets and talk about saving the environment. the same thing. they've been -- >> kimberly: hypocritical hollywood? >> bob: they're not hypocritical. >> what about the movie cowboys and aliens. did they use animals in that movie? >> you didn't get in your friend's dope and not the monkey? are you okay? >> bob: 11 years, eight months and 13 days. >> greg: we have to move on. >> bob: thank you. >> greg: coming up, maybe juror league baseball manager harsh message to sean penn. say he's not thrilled with the romance with hugo chavez. we'll play the tape next on "the five." ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> dana: welcome back to "the five." chicago white sox, ozzie guillen has choice words for the oscar winning actor. >> can i say something about sean penn? he is a loser, because when you live in the united states of america, talk about the united states of america, i can't go to spain and say i don't like this or that. when you say our country is in good shape, when it's not, you go to venezuela and private planes with the president and take you to best place in the country, that's not politics, i'm talking about living ther
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there. how venezuela people feel about venezuela. that's none of your business. if this man was, if he thought venezuela was great, why he went to california? >> dana: i said his last name wrong. guillen. excuse me. what is up with sean penn and supporting the dictatorship in venezuela? >> andrea: to his credit, sean penn is probably one of the most talented actors in the world and probably also the craziest actor in the world. remember hurricane katrina, on the end of the boat with a shotgun. why would he need a shotgun? i'm not sure, but all you can do is look at him and pity him. i just want to know what happened to spicoli? with ke get the picture of spicoli? "fast times at ridgemont high." >> bob: before my time. >> andrea: what happened, sean penn? >> bob: he is a political activist actor and he does good things. one thing about ozzie guillen.
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>> greg: i love ozzie. >> bob: but when you call him a loser, how about you, buddy? seven games under p.m under .50. learn to win games. shooting his mouth off. >> bob: he has every right to. let me tell you why. you have celebrity apologists sugarcoating tyrannys. it goes back to the "new york times" and somebody who is from the country that has to say shut the hell up. sean doesn't know the first thing about venezuela. ozzie does. >> greg: i don't know how long since he's been in venezuela. not long. >> dana: sean penn did do a lot of good work. >> bob: he has done good work. >> dana: in the last segment we want to get to a couple things. we want you to see this. paddle boarder off southern california, check out this what he ends up seeing? can you imagine this if you
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had been in the water? >> andrea: no, it looks like bathtub when it gets out of control. a big blue whale that comes up out of the water. it just so happens that a camera man on a sport fishing boat was recording. >> andrea: scary, right? >> dana: that's why i don't go on whale watching tour, i'm so afraid a whale will come up under the boat. >> andrea: they say it would never happened and it happened. >> bob: i was half expecting to see captain ahab strapped to the side of the whale? it was a white whale. you talk about how truth kicks in. do you remember that? i saw the movie. didn't you see the movie? >> greg: tell me about the monkey that got in the drugs. >> bob: no. >> dana: the monkey could have been behind this tattoo and alter like, from hamburg, germany. take a loose. this is gigantic statue they plopped down in the middle of the lake that will be until
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august 12. this is art. >> bob: hart? is that supposed to be a mermaid? >> dana: yeah. >> bob: what a nightmare. no wonder they can't do anything. >> are german taxpayers paying for that? >> probably we are with stimulus dollars. >> bob: look at the legs. you should do the modeling for that thing. seriously. >> it is a good point. they could have made her legs nicer. >> kimberly: thank you, bob. >> andrea: they have pictures to show you. >> kimberly: take a look. >> bob: of what? >> andrea: oh, my gosh! >> kimberly: i'm going to have a nightmare! >> dana: that's how we want to end. somebody photo shops your body. what are you doing? do you have bathing suits on? >> greg: stop. i remember that night, bob. >> bob: you drugged me! >> greg: you drugged me that
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