tv FOX and Friends Sunday FOX News August 7, 2011 3:00am-7:00am PDT
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>> good morning, everybody, it's sunday august 11th, 2007. i'm juliet huddy in for alisyn camerota. the s&p downgraded the u.s. credit waiting to aa plus. it might not stop there. >> governor rick perry rallies thousands at national prayer event. >> we pray for our nation, the leaders, father, we pray for our president. >> but his prayers for the president do doo not stop there. >> plus, london is burning this morning. started with a gunshot and ended in a riot, look at the streets this morning. >> double-decker bus?
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>> what started the fires? we'll bring it to you. "fox & friends" hour one starts right now. captions by closed captioning services >> so we decide decided we woulg in an expert. governing, everybody. >> juliet huddy in for alisyn camerota. >> will stocks editor is here. you are helping us break all this down. there are some questions after everybody got all that information yesterday about the downgrade. >> scary, right? >> here is the big one. we have a lot of people emailing and people in the building talking about this s&p downgrades. this moody's, fitch, do not. it's not out of realm of possibility that they won't. how much worse could it get if moody's and fitch do? >> this is a story that broke yesterday. basically we have been dropped to aa plus. but s&p's john chambers telling neil cavuto yesterday that we could go to just aa in six months' time or 24 months' time
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so by february if the u.s. does not come out at least $4 trillion in deficit reductions, it also cited a tax increase is possibly in the mix there. this puts the onus on the new joint bipartisan committee. >> super committee. >> super marvel comic justice lead to come up with more cuts by november. you know what? can they do it? you know who came out swinging was senator allen simpson who was the bowls simpson report the president launched. they fell three votes short -- they had to get 14 out of 18, remember of the congressman. to even present a report to congress. so they can they do it starting in november? that's the big quirk. >> question mark. >> you say the u.s. government effectively has until at least february to find cuts. they don't have much time. they have to find all these cuts
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into february s&p said we need 4 trillion-dollar in cuts, right? >> that's right. over the nerks decade. essentially what this deal that the president signed into law, just last week, 917 billion immediately, right? now this super committee, which we don't know who is going to be on it has to come up with at least 1.5 trillion more. moody's saying on top of that you have to get to 4 trillion. before we go to aa. >> we have some graphics to give people a sense of where we stand in terms of who has the aa, who has the aa plus. who has the aa minus. my question to you is all the viewers at home saying what does this mean for me? is it going to cost me more in my car payment? in my home payment? is it going to cash the market on monday. >> canada is better than us at this point. >> that's a good point. what the s&p and credit rating agencies are basically providing a report card for investors to say, to tell investors do you want to invest? is it risky to invest in u.s. government or any any
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government's debt. when we drop below aaa that means we are riskier. that's why the u.s. needs to offer more in the way of interest rates on the bond. >> effect people's wallets at home watching right now. >> personally i don't think so immediate qulavment moody's as juliet points out and fitch are keeping us at aaa. this stock market and bond market is telling us interesting story lines that is the crisis and the chaos in the eurozone, investors are fleeing from there. holly holy cow. the u.s. treasury dropped below 2.3% on friday. >> people buying treasuries this week. people rushing to what s&p jumped the gun on this by a long shot and gold standards here in the united states, the treasuries are backed by the full faith and government of the united states. >> and printing press: i am sorry to interrupt. i apologize. viewers also write to fox business. and they are struggling with this. why do we care?
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because their mortgage rates, their car rates, their credit card rates can be pegged to the tenure. 401(k) could get rocked. >> will not going up? >> with the action in the bond market it doesn't look like the yield is going up for now. >> we keep hearing that on monday -- the markets have been bracing for this. you have other people charlie gasparino coming up later, this sun precedented, we don't real little know, can't say definitively that everything is going to be okay, that the markets are braced for this. what do you think about that. >> rumors were flying around in the market on friday. we have been seeing a real downdraft. we lost 1.8 trillion in market stock value, you know, since this plunge started. so, you know, will it rock the markets more? we have got the watch the asian markets and how they open tonight which will be covered live on 9 to 11 on fox business.
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>> what s&p is, john chambers is the man we have heard the most from. he spoke to neil cavuto. is he speaking out for the most part. who is this man? we have a look at his background. >> he looks like a serious guy, don't. >> you not an economic professor by any means. he is a graduate. we're not tearing apart anyone's college but college in iowa. b.a. in literature and philosophy. i find that interesting. not a business guy. had a masters from very great school columbia in english literature. why is this man, why is s&p qualified to pass judgment on our system. >> they are qualified because they have got. >> led the financial disaster because they rated -- >> -- that's a legitimate point because they rubber stamped the subprime securities backed by rotten mortgages. sort of like all of them did, fitch, moody's, s&p, they acted like the bartender at the frat party handing out the fake ids
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to wall street. chambers will say it wasn't just him. it's a committee. and involves people from europe, from canada, to the united states, their economists and they have a solid track records, 100 years in the markets. you know, they also, you know, grade, you know, over 120, i think, countries worldwide. >> it's pretty tough to hear chambers say compared to other governments around the world the u.s. doesn't have really what it takes, the actual quoted u.s. government doesn't have the proactivability to put public finances on firm footing. ouch. >> that's an important point. that's why they put us on a fast track for downgrade. acrimonious infighting in washington made them lose. the fighting going on. they couldn't get to 2 trillion. they got to 917 billion. right? s&p is now giving you cover. that bowls simpson gave you political cover. they could just point to them
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and say we have got to do these cuts. but, still, they are fighting. and s&p doesn't like that. >> elizabeth mcdonald from the fox business network. thank you so much for coming in early. 9 to 11:00 special tonight on the fox business network explaining this whole thing and watching the asian markets. >> gets up so early. >> do you it all the time so -- woo. >> other stories we have. we also start with a fox news alert. complete chaos breaking out in the streets of london overnight. incredible new video showing protesters setting fire to police cars, double-decker buses and buildings. so far nine people have been hadn'tized, eight of them are police officers. the riots are in response to the police shooting of a 29-year-old father of four earlier in the week. that incident is being investigated. it's been called the deadliest attack in 10-year war in afghanistan. 30 americans killed after taliban insurgents struck down their military helicopter with a grenade. this is the scene today in the
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wardak province. navy seals. most of them part of the same unit that killed usama bin laden. however, none of them participated in the may raid. their families reacting to the news. >> very proud of him. he was such a good boy. and he loved his country. >> he was intense, funny, dry humor, he loved his family, sister. he just became an uncle. >> seven afghan troops and one translater also died in that crash. >> a man waking up behind bars accused of stalking the daughter of bloomberg's mayor. youngest daughter of michael bloomberg. the pizzaria worker wrote creepy emails professing his love for georgina. he was finally busted after helping new york city to contact
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the bloombergs to discuss wedding plans. plan on adding verizon phone line or internet service this week, you may be waiting a while. 45,000 unionized verizon workers massachusetts to virginia, they are going on strike. the union failed to reach an agreement on a labor contract because strike involved the telephone field technician and cable installers. customers are being warned there could be repair and installation delays. >> there already are. it already takes them three weeks to show up to your house anyway. >> isn't just verizon. indict all other ones. >> negotiated you can hear me now? you can hear me now? i wonder if that's how they go across the table. >> i was wondering how long until that joke came out. >> not that long. here is your temp situation 88 in dallas. unfortunately can't catch a break. 36 days of now consecutive days over 100 degrees a lot of rain to be had in the eastern part of
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the country. video coming out of raleigh, north carolina. second north carolina city in two days to get dumped on with very heavy rain. in this case five inches of rain falling in just a few hours causing all kinds of flash flooding there. this was yesterday morning while we were on the air here. they are drying out a little bit. more rain headed into that direction and a lot of rain in towards the northeast. we have got a marathon -- excuse me the triathlon in new york city going on this morning. here is how you are going to come waking up to it. heavy rain moving across the kentucky area this morning. some of that potentially is going to be severe later on. in fact, a lot of these areas across the plains could be dealing with wind and hail later on. out across the west things looking fine. heat is going to continue across the south. another dale of triple digits texas area and oklahoma city. and last evening tropical depression emily came back. this is right here bringing a little bit of rain showers across eastern florida. the track of this is going to
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pull it out to sea. not going to cause any significant problems for anyone which is good news. send it back to you. >> thanks, rick. remember a few months ago we heard governor rick perry in texas talking about the heat down there. he came out and prayed for rain, try to end all of this triple digit temperatures. all those fires yesterday governor rick perry organize and in large part one of the endorsers of this national prayer event down there reliant stadium according to the "the washington post" upwards of 20,000 people showing up to this event. and he took to the stage. take a listen. ♪ come on. >> we see discord in home. we see fear in the marketplace. we see anger in the halls of government. as a nation, we have forgotten who made us, who protects us, who blesses us.
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and, for that, we cry out for your forgiveness. we pray for our nation's leaders, lord, for parents, for pastors, for the generals, for governors, that you would inspire them in these difficult times father, we pray for our president. >> this has become an extremely controversial event because there are folks out there who say this is essentially the governor basically violating the constitution ban on the government establishing religion. now, whether you agree on whether or not that was the case, email us and let us know at this is very different from anyone we have ever seen before that we thought could be a presidential frontrunner. this is not a man who is hiding his religion at all. is he coming out front. is he owning it. he is speaking loudly about it. and, again, that praying for the president thing is not something that he dropped by accident.
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he reiterated that with the christian broadcasting network. >> frankly, i pray for the president every day. i pray for his business document i pray that god will open his eyes. i wish this president would, you know, turn back the health care law that's been passed. the e.p.a. back down all these regulations that are causing businesses to hesitate to spend money. >> still no declaration though from governor perry whether or not he will run in 2012. two schools of thought on the day of prayer, it either helps him with solidifying the social conservatives. some say it could hurt him though. the independents will be a little turned off and some say the catholics might not be happy with this because they felt like they were excluded from the event. that he was 27% of the electorate. >> you talk about some of the discord. there was some discord that showed up outside of reliant stadium yesterday protesting the
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governor's prayer there looking at some of the protests that showed up. one group saying they were -- that he was against gay rights. one group there for that reason. over groups for other reasons. so, yes, this is -- we don't see this a lot from politicians this way. wearing his religion on his sleeve. he did this when he was agricultural secretary. not new at all. >> with texas and the job situation there which is just booming and talk about that little bit later on in the show. folks are saying he should not be focusing on this. he should be focusing on that, especially at this time of the economic crisis. >> is he not a candidate answered planned this well before he had any presidential ambition. >> that's true. does this suggest he won't be a candidate. >> i don't think so at all. still looks like is he running. we will hear from james dobson, the man who was at this event. he will talk about what this means, what it was like. perhaps we will look forward, what this means for rick perry's future. >> coming up on the show, the air force banning a class all
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because one group whined the material included a a bible passage. up next, a retired air force general who says can we police stop this political correctness? >> this was not supposed to happen. a tight rope walker nearly plunges to his death. >> oh my goran. >> we will show you what happens. >> that's never a good idea. >> i'm not a big fan. >> what's supposed to happen -- what is the correct thing that's supposed to happen? >> i guess having a net ♪ i'm so excited ♪ i'm in too deep ♪, baby, baby ♪ there's anotheway to minimize litter box odor: purina tidy cats.
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our premium litters now work harder to help neutralize odors in multiple cat homes. purina tidy cats. keep your home smelling like home. in one place. the winning horse you could have picked. ♪ that "old flame" you should have called. ♪ that leap of faith you never took. but there's one opportunity that's too good to miss. the lexus golden opportunity sales event, with exceptional values on the lexus is. but only until september 6th. see your lexus dealer. excuse me? my grandfather was born in this village. [ automated voice speaks foreign language ] [ male announcer ] in here, everyone speaks the same language. ♪ in here, forklifts drive themselves. no, he doesn't have it. yeah, we'll look on that.
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[ male announcer ] in here, friends leave you messages written in the air. that's it right there. [ male announcer ] it's the at&t network. and what's possible in here is almost impossible to say. here's what you can the expect from regions. a bank that provides you with real business expertise. check. a professional optimization of your cash flow with a regions cashcor analysis. check. cash management solutions and the smart lending options you need to grow your business. check. plus, it all comes with award-winning service to help you achieve more balance. interested? let's talk. looking good. (bike bell)
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workers ground zero have pocketed over $400 million in earnings and legal fees. one firm representing a majority of sick 9/11 workers is expected to make $210 million alone. and roll out the red carpet three years overdue billions of dollars over budget the boeing 787 dream liner my kind of plane finally making long awaited debut. first commercial super durable plastic. deliver to japan's airways next month in tokyo. see you. >> deadliest incident since the war in afghanistan began nearly 10 years ago. 30 u.s. service members killed, including 22 navy seals when taliban insurgents shoot down a navy chopper. how should the united states respond? >> joining us is former assistant vice chief of staff of the u.s. air force and fox
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military analyst general tom mac macinerny. what should the united states' response be in afghanistan? >> well, first of all, the mission they are on was a very, very dangerous mission. we probably do six an evening like that, going after high value targets. now, what our response should be should be stepping up this activity. i would use more he is metric methods of attacking them like using drones with missiles on them, with f 15's, 16's. f-18s with laser guided bombs. we still have to do this kind of mission it was very unfortunate. they have to review their tactics and procedures. they had a regular army crew flying the helicopter, and those are very dangerous missions. but the fact is is we have got to continue those kind of
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missions, take the handcuffs off our troops. start more of a counter terrorism, which this is, and get rid of this idiotic counter insurgency of winning hearts and minds. you don't win hearts and minds in some of those villages in afghanistan, dave. >> when it came to light, general, that seal team six was -- that so many of our navy seals, best of the best were abored this chopper. a lot of the viewers are asking me. why would we have so many on the same helicopter? is that a fair question to ask at this point? >> that's a very fair question. personally i have a problem with it. when you put that many people at risk, 30 people on board that helicopter because there were afghans plus an interpreter. so i have a problem with that i'm not running the show, so i have just got to give you my opinions, but i think that's a very valid question. >> so for all of the calls, perhaps, to withdrawal more quickly as a result of this
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crash, you are saying step it up, maybe in fact roll back some of these special forces operations instead of stopping to try to win the hearts and finds. get out there and actually get more boots on the ground? >> well, it's more focused boots on the ground. in other words, we have very good intelligence. we are doing very well over there, but we are not aggressive enough. let's take the handcuffs off. let's let the rules of engagement be determined by the commander on the scene, not a four star general in kabul. and if he wants to take out a building because there are snipers there. take out the building. if someone comes walking out of a building and he doesn't have a weapon but we saw him up there before, take him out. the facts are we have got handcuffs on our troops and we have been having them in increased measures for probably the last six or eight years out of the 10 years we have been there. let's step up and fight it like a war. >> general, we want to ask you about a story specifically
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related to the air force and a course that was being taught there for the last 20 years. it regard basically teaching that there was a moral theory to war, kind of helping those missile launchers. it's now been suspended because there were bible verses being used in the teaching of this course. the group military religious freedom foundation really raised the red flag. they were very unhappy about this. a couple of men actually in the class were unhappy with it, too. what is your reaction to the suspension of this class because of the bible verses being used? >> i think this is ridiculous. and the reasonable i think it's ridiculous is this is a theoretical discussion where you are training people and they have to make a decision within seconds, two crew members and a missile silo to turn the key simultaneously to launch our nuclear deterrent. to have philosophical discussions which includes the just war theory is very helpful. the spokesman for the education
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and training command said we are pluralistic society. we are not. 83% of americans have a religious domination. 76% are christians. so, let's get rid of this idea that we are a pluralistic society. we're christian judeo society and we should not run from it with political correctness. i have no problem with the air force looking at it. i have a huge problem with them reacting and pulling the course and this mrff is kind of a fringe group headed up by a former air force academy graduate who is not very well respected. >> general, i want you to respond a comment that they made, in fact, what you are just talking about. here is a statement from them. they say the united states air force was promoting a particular brand of right wing fundamentalist christianity. what do you say to that? >> i disagree with them. i mean, discussing philosophically people who have to make quick decisions is not
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promoting a brand of christianity. there is a certain the just war theory is a philosophical discussion. i want it to be transparent but i also want people to be able to discuss it. it works for some people. it doesn't work for others. look, i sat nuclear alert. i had to certify people going on nuclear alert. i always had to ask them the final question was will you execute this mission if you are directed to? that's to drop a nuclear weapon? so, every case that i had in 35 years in the air force they all said they would that requires a certain philosophical background. to discuss these things i think is very important. but to immediately eliminate them i think misses the point completely and it's weak air force leadership that's doing it stand up and quit reacting to political correctness. >> we appreciate you being with us so early, sir. thank you. >> thank you. >> coming up here on the show,
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president obama hitting the road on a bus tour. who is footing the bill? you, the taxpayer. really an expense you should be paying. >> and what would you rather give up? your cell phone or what goes on inside the bedroom? we're not talking about sleep, people. we have the 411 on a surprising new study. perhaps appalling. [ gnome ] ahh... [ male announcer ] this is what it's like getting an amazing discount on a hotel with travelocity's top secret hotels. the easy way to get unpublished discounts of up to 55% off top hotels. harpist not included. ♪ the nascar nationwide series, i know pleasing fans is a top priority,
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>> time for your shot of the morning. [ laughter ] >> almost unrecognizable -- legendary actor music producer turning convicted murderer. phil specter. wearing crazy afro wig he wore during 2009 trial. it wasn't a wig it was his real hair. >> look at his mouth. he has even got the mouth right. >> that looks fantastic. >> he just warps into any character it's amazing. >> that's how my hair looks in the morning before a shower. >> hair product is amazing. some criticize president obama as being the campaigner in chief rather than what he ought to be doing. well, you ain't seen nothing yet because the president might be coming to a town near you. not aboard air force one, folks, but aboard a bus. is he hitting the road august 15th through the 17th down the midwest. >> 72 hours.
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we still don't know the white house being mum on where they are going because basically they don't want -- first of all security issues number one. number two, they don't want any republican candidates or the rnc putting up billboards along the path pointing out any sort of negative information while the president son the road. which is a -- >> happen up there all over the place. >> driving down the road there is negative obama ads on the road. >> close the window, mr. president as we move forward. is he getting slack by the way for this bus tour because some say look, this is not presidential. he should not be in campaign mode. he should be the head of the country. >> the money issue is the big issue. >> you guys are going to be paying for it we pay for. >> it out there giving speeches running up to podiums and talking about why you should reelect him in 2012. the white house says this is actually him on the road for being the president of the united states, therefore, it's taxpayer funded. >> right. it's not uncommon to see candidates on buses. it's just not all that common to see our actual president doing a
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bus tour. now, you have seen sarah palin's bus tour, of course, that one was just a month ago. thats what the one nation bus tour. have you got john mccain's straight talk express and, of course, herman cain's common sense solutions. >> what should we call the obama. since you are paying for it? >> taxpayer funded you should get to name it. >> you pay for it you name it. >> one nation. >> how about abomination obama nation. you vote. let us know what you think >> you have been playing with cell phones more than we ought to. new study is alarming. people don't want to give up their cell phones nor anything even what happens in the bedroom with their spouse. >> telnab broke down. we are so addicted to our cell phones these days.
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what would you give up first before your cell phone top of the list? alcohol. 70% of individuals would give up alcohol first before their smart phones. >> 55% say they would give up caffeine. that surprises me. >> i would not. i'm 0 for 2 here. >> i would give up coffee. i goal on record i would give up coffee. >> caffeine in general. >> i would -- yeah, i would. chocolate? there is no way i would give up chocolate. >> i would give up chocolate heart beat rest of your life phone or chocolate. >> no problem i still have skittles. >> 63% of people said they would give up chocolate before their cell phone. 54 percent said they would give up exercise before their cell phone. i would say no way to that one. >> i would happily throw this thing across the room. i don't care what kind of phone it is, i want it dead. >> 1/3 of all individuals say they would give up the fun in the bedroom with their killing can't others.
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>> how many? >> 33%. >> obviously not in good relationships. >> i don't know. >> this is horrifying. what would you give up and what do you feel about the rest of that list? what would you give up before your cell phone? 20% of people would not see their wife or husband for a week. [ laughter ] >> shoes. 21% juliet could you handle that? look at these shoes? >> give up my little jimmy shoes. this thing doesn't work well. that's the other reason. it's nice when you don't have to -- you you know, sitting there on vacation, work. it's like i can handle this. >> email us >> send it on your phone. >> headlines. if israel goes to war on the phone, it may not involve ground troops. it could just be in cyberspace. israel has reportedly set up a military cyber command wage nonstop war. the goal would be to attack and
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cripple iran's nuclear program. a virus that severely hurt their nuclear program in 2009 is believed to have come from israel. a deadly shootout just across the mexican border hits a little too close to whom for texas high school students. >> we heard all kinds of gunshots. we thought it was fireworks, boom boom boom boom. >> students at the high school in el paso were in the middle of a weekend volley scrimmage. they heard gunshots coming from the bridge. gun battle between suspect and mexican authorities. more than 400 shots were fired. one mexican police officer was killed in that. no,f.a.a. shut down is over. the irs originally told fliers to expect 15% back refund on tickets they purchased during a shutdown. now they say that's not happening. heart pounding video out of china. what started out as a pretty
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scene oh, look at that. a tight rope walker crossing a wire between two hot air balloons soon takes a terrify terrifying -- [gasps] [speaking foreign language] >> who is laughing? >> one of the announcers started laughing. >> well, i mean, you know, this guy is crazy enough. the tight rope walker loses his footing 300 feet off the ground no safety harness, no invisible net, for minutes he hangs there. he manages to get up. he pulls himself back up and finishes. >> those guys are unamazing. unbelievable. >> good stuff. talk a little sports this morning. big day in canton, ohio on saturday. dion sanders was the human highlight real reel on the field and he also made it look
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saturday. saturday inducted into the hall of fame. and in at this typical fashion s the show. trademark bandanna right on the bust that will be in canton, ohio, the do rag. very nice. >> that's why you can't give up on your dream, your promise because 14 years later this dream, this promise came. >> man, all these guys spoke for almost 25 minutes. running back marshall faulk. tight end shannon shark inducted as well as richard denton nfl films ed sable among others. 50 games to go in the season. yankees were up one archrival boston white sox baseball to be had two run score cc sabathia 16-2 against everybody else other than the red sox he is
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o-4. the lead off man for the red sox having mvp type year. he had 6 rbi on the day. rubber match is today. favorite part of this game not pictured. a beer vendor spilled an entire case of beer on the field. actually delayed the game. to my knowledge first ever baseball game delayed for beer. >> that's a travis city. >> a little trip, a little spill, little security guard picking them up. >> i was upset i didn't see the ninth in the row highlights. >> complete game. >> check in with rick reichmuth outside with the forecast. still raining throughout? >> not really. sprinkling a little bit. not looking that bad. take a look at the temperature map across the country. still warm across so much of the south temps into the 80's again. 83 in dallas. another hot day in store. i want to take a look at video. great story coming to up outside of alabama.
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university of alabama students graduating yesterday. should have graduated back in may. and it was cancelled because of the tornado that cut through, killing six of the students. university students and this happening just a couple of days before graduation. so they had to call it off. they called off classes and those students now finally getting their chance to graduate. so, such a great day for them. certainly a rough one though for some of those students that were lost. go back to the weather maps and take a look and move forward at the satellite radar pictures. eastern part of the country going to continue to deal with a lot of storms. rain across parts of florida from what is now tropical depression emily not going to cause any problems for anybody. across the northeast rain showers moving through philadelphia and new york, now we where across much of connecticut. move out over the next couple of hours. rain showers develop throughout the afternoon. send it back to you inside. >> congratulations to ashley remainy, a viewer down in
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tuscaloosa. a lot of our viewers graduated from alabama yesterday. some the parents that had to accept a diploma. it was a tough day. they are turning the page in tuscaloosa. they are rebuilding. football season starts in a month so they will be thrilled. >> coming up on the show, the nation's bank handing out rye funds to customers. find out if you are one of them. >> and you are about to take a hit in your wallet and your 401(k) because of our stellar credit rating. who is to blame? these three people will come in and break it all down for you. they are going to fight. could get ugly. i will encourage that coming up next. woman: day care can be expensive. so to save some money, i found one that uses robots instead of real people. 'cuz robots work for free. robot 1:good morning... robot 1:...female child. sfx: modem dial-up noise
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cash. that includes he. charged additional overdraft fees because the bank processed overdraft transaction based on size instead of the date the purchases occurred. things might just have gotten a little more desperate on wisteria lane. abc announcing it's pulling the plug on desperate housewives. it's about time. because of low ratings. the show will end after its upcoming eighth season. i am devastated juliet. >> i know you are. you said you and your wife watch it every saturday night. >> sunday. >> or whatever day it is. rest in peace s&p downgrade, the u.s. aa plus status. may -- we don't know what's going to happen when the markets open tomorrow. who is to blame in the congress? the president? everybody? our political panel is here. deneen burelli. mcginnis servesz on the committee for responsible federal budget and on the end
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brian benjamin great democratic strategist. good morning here. >> good morning. >> let's start with the white house statement. this came out yesterday. bipartisan compromise was an important step in the right direction yet the path to getting there took too long and was at times too decisive. capitulating to the tough words that came out of the s&p statement. press release the other day. what's your reaction to all of this? who are you going to blame? where is your finger pointing. >> the s&p just confirmed the fact that compromise on the debt is not working. it did not work. the s&p is not republican and it's not democrat. it's financials. they want to at least $4 trillion in cuts. they said cut cap and balance it would have been better for us and not gotten the downgrade talking about the first downgrade ever, a lot of eyes
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and fingers served in both office. >>. obvious message and that's what s&p conveyed. but the debt deal that came lifting the debt ceiling is not big enough. not going to safe enough money. we need to save stabilize the debt so it's not growing faster than the economy. that's going to help with this not very strong economic recovery and add stability into the economy. i think we all know we are going to have to save more. looking to do this without doing anything hard. we are going to have to tackle entitle wanted, reform the tax code any longer. 2012 is coming up here. this is big stuff for everybody. we have got to make some important decision. s&p has essentially no faith in our leaders. >> right, that's part of the problem, you look at it, president, 4 trillion-dollar debt deal done but the
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republicans refused to budge on raising revenues. no point. raising revenues. hard situation how are we going to cut entitlements when the republicans refuse to sort of come in and make some at all. >> he didn't have -- a plan. all he did was had these press conferences every other day. didn't say anything. you know you scant raise taxes in this economy. cut regulations. start with the environmental protection agency. president obama behind the scenes trying to work out a lot of the big ticket items. how are we going to do entitlements what the gang of six worked on. run away from those issues we won't get anything done. the entitle line is reforming
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the tax code. >> who is going to pay the price ultimately, brian? >> speaker boehner. >> i don't like finger pointing. >> it's about -- american people are going to lose i agree with that. >> i do like finger pointing clearly. thanks for joining us. appreciate it. good conversation. report all righty. president obama referring to president reagan an awful lot these days. >> ronald reagan, ronald reagan was a strong conservative. >> we agree with ronald reagan. and many others, that we cannot default. >> but is the president drawing the wrong lesson from reagan's success? we will hear from the former presidential speech write his or her says you betcha. and you see a driver swerving all over the radio. what do you do? do you get out of the way in the teenagers you where it meet, jumped out of their own car and right into this one. great story. show you unbelievable video coming up.
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>> landscapers to life savers. stopped unconscious driver from heading to disaster. matt sullivan jumped into a moving vehicle to stop the car from hitting a telephone pole while his friend ran for help. and they are joining us this morning from massachusetts. nice to see you guys. welcome to the show. >> good morning. >> thank you. >> i guess it's safe to call you guys heros. doing lawn work landscaping work. you saw something odd. you were driving. grabbed your phone camera. why? >> well, when she first pulled out on to the road she actually went all four tires over the curb. we followed her for, i don't know, maybe about a quarter of a mile before i pulled out my
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camera. it was very erratic driver. she was all over the road. either way. whether we did something or not, you know, thought it would be a good thing to have on camera. >> unbelievable there. we saw in the video that mack truck, about to smash on into her that we just passed? >> yeah, it was pretty bad. i was trying to honk my horn. i didn't realize she was unconscious at the time what was going on. trying to follow her and stay as far as back as possible. >> did you a good job. you sped up to try to catch up with her and what happened next? >> we sped up to about probably about 30 feet behind her when i realized she was slowing down enough that we could pbably catch up with her. pulled the truck off the road and sprinted after her. >> so you pulled over, cam. you pull the car over and then decide to take off on foot to run after her car? >> >> yes. >> she was actually -- she went off to the right of the road as you can see in the video, and matt pulled the truck over really quickly and we both
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didn't reallysay anything to one another. kind of looked at each other and started running after the car. >> what what is remarkable. did you reach into the car and manage to steer it somehow? i managed to steer it. it was going slow enough i could keep pace with the vehicle itself and steered it off the road. and the window was open, thank god. and i just opened the door and got the foot on the break so w could pullt to the side. >> when you ride to the car cam, was she slumped over t wheel f to the side? >> she had her head back against the head rest. she was totally unconscious unresponsive to me trying to talk to her and trying to get her to steer the wheel herself to take it off the road. >> unbievable. well, it's safe to call you guys heros this morning. we see that mack truck coming on head into her. who else knows what could have happened if you didn't arrive on scenes. investigators still don't know what have caused. this they have only come on record to say it was a medical condition. cam and matt, thank you so much. good luck to you. thanks so much.
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>> thank you very much. appreciate it? >> thanks for having us, guys. >> what do you think about this? email us at also reach us on twitter ff weekend. coming up on the show, president obama borrowing from president reagan again and again. coming up, a former speech write his or her says his strategy is like cryptonite. compelling america. glee is now bigger than ever before. >> need something to do now that desperate housewives is off the air. "fox & friends" will be right back. ♪ don't stop believing ♪ hold on to that feeling
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haha. if you have high chosterol, you may be at increased risk of heart attack and stroke. don't kid yourself. talk to your doctor about your risk a about lipitor. >> good morning, august 7th. 2011. juliet huddy in for alisyn camerota. if you thought our credit being downgraded to aa plus. watch out, it could be worse. how the united states could be downgraded even more. >> you are on television now. >> tv, go. >> you are on, go. >> the post downgrade blame game in full effect while liberals are calling out the s&p, michele bachmann thinks the president is at fault. >> plus, governor perry wants all americans to say a little prayer for the president? is he mixing prayer with politics. it is it a good idea? we report, you decide. "fox & friends" hour 2 starts right now.
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go. captions by closed captioning services >> when you don't usually work here you know object weekends and with you guys, you start to notice little video sin i idios, you have a lot of pregnant pauses. >> right now. >> william shatner? >> a little william shatner. >> get started right now. it's the coffee is kicking n those very moments. keep those emails coming in because we asked you a little while earlier to what you want to name president obama's bus tour. taxpayer funded. you should get to name it keep those emails coming in. >> pay for it, you name it. will you pay for this downgrade in our credit status though? that's a big question to all of you there. as you know late friday night our credit downgraded from aaa to aa plus. it sounds like a lot of financial lingo talking to a lot of expts from wall street and
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beyond. they say it probably will not raise your credit card payment. will not raise your moment payment or car payment immediately it could in the long run and s&p now says we could actually fall further down between six and 24 months. >> basically at issue is s&p saying you know will the government be able to make the cuts that it promised to make in this debt deal. and they don't seem to have much faith in our government. >> the faith of this super committee that needs to get these cuts on board according to s&p, at least by february, according to liz mcdonald from the fox business network by february these cuts need to be in place, otherwise, we might not be able to reach other countries with that aaa rating anymore. give you a sense of what country vas aaa rating? think about, this these countries are now above us in the ranking? look at that map. australia, austria. canada. france, germany, lick ten stein.
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that's gutter or cutter as some say. this has no plus. bermuda. spain. we are lumped in this group. and as australia can attest it takes a long time to get back up to that aaa rating. it's not going to happen overnight. take a look at the countries who just have a double a rating. china, japan, israel, saudi arabia, taiwan. >> aa negative rating. surprising because china owns most of our debt. they came out yesterday and started flapping their gums about what our situation was. they said we can't handle our debt. that we're irresponsible what what china came out and said to us yesterday. >> to your point it can take a long time. five countries have regained aaa status it took 9 to 18 years.
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the fastest took nine years. we could be looking at this rating for a long time. >> canada went through their own downgrading and they bumped it up. yeah, it did take them some time. now everybody is looking at this john chambers guy. sort of the. guy came out and talking so everyone wants to know who the "new york post" taking a look at this guy. and where he is 55 years old from kansas city. "new york post" looked at literature and philosophy. no economics. >> nowhere in there. got a masters? >> in english. >> english literature. that must help put some proper specific on the worldwide economy. look, i don't care what major you are, if you are sitting on this couch or if you are playing football or if you are even teaching my kids. but, if you are deciding the fate of the world's economy, shouldn't you be in an
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economist? >> i was a history major. >> ask me about economics. i don't know. doesn't add up. he says e certainly spent years working in the finance industry. worked at the low levels and worked his way up to the high levels. but, a lot of blame to go around this morning. and you can imagine yesterday a lot of the g.o.p. presidential candidates came out wherever they were. many of them in iowa, of course, michele bachmann getting on the phone, weighing in on who is to blame on all of this. she points it squarely at one person. >> this is the first president in the history of the country who under his watch we have seen a downgrade of united states' credit. >> interesting because, listen, on the flip side, you have many on the left, including the chair saying this is the tea tea parts fault that we got downgrade. i don't think that holds a owhole lot of water. if you look at the beginning of this debate the president wanted a clean increase in the debt ceiling with no cuts to spending.
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clearly that would have led down a downgrade in our credit. they say they want 4 trillion. i don't think blaming. >> blame something not holding up for the american people. a lot of people are writing in saying we are sick of hearing this person and that person. get your job done as s&p said. you need to get on the same page and everybody needs to work to get the economy going. >> let us know what you think one of the big stories following yesterday and learning more details about this morning. single deadliest incident where 20 navy seals we now know were on that chinook helicopter was fired upon. we are hearing from the taliban that rocket propelled grenade as they were going to this mission to try to get other -- rescue other individuals who were pinned down in a previous raid. >> yeah. it is such a difficult story. again, more than 20 seals and you are talking about most of them from navy seal team 6. of course, that was the same unit that went after and got usama bin laden.
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well, we talked to lt. general tom mcinerney about how this might change our approach to this war going forward. here's his take. >> we have very good intelligence. we are doing very well over there. but we are not aggressive enough. let's take the handcuffs off. let's let the rules of engagement be determined by the commander on the scene not a four star general in kabul. and if he wants to take out a building because there are snipers there, take out the building. if someone comes walking out of a building and he doesn't have a weapon but we saw him up there before, take him out. the facts are we have got handcuffs on our troops and we have been having them in increased measures for probably the last six or eight years out of the ten years we have been there. let's step it up and fight it like a war. >> many of you in the immediate aftermath were emailing us. i got several saying why were so many of our elite best of best on board one helicopter.
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the general says that is a fair question to ask at this point. why more than 20 seals were on one helicopter in such a hostile zone. >> you know, a lot of questions also about the fact that chinook and we are saying basically like a bus. very large aircraft. >> there is one there. >> you can see them maneuver there. >> during the afternoon. reportedly. >> reportedly around 1:00 in the afternoon. broad daylight. we will get more on this and conor powell live for us in a little while from afghanistan we will bring you more on that story. >> let's get to some headlines. we start with a fox news alert. live look at the aftermath from the riots in london. this is the neighborhood offed toy ham london. 300 protesters confronted police setting fire to buildings, police cars, bus, so far nine people hospitalized. eight of them police officers. the riots in response to the shooting of a father of four earlier in the week. that incident is being investigated. does president obama need help from a higher power? texas governor rick perry thinks so.
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>> frankly, i pray for the president every day. i pray for his wisdom. i pray that god will open his eyes. i wish this president would, you know, turn back the health care law that's been passed. >> that was governor perry speaking to a reporter after his prayer rally in houston, yesterday. more than 25,000 people showed up for the event called the response. perry who has been hinting, excuse me, at a possible presidential run says the rally was meant to bring unity and comfort to those going through a difficult time. >> here is something to be gleeful about. ♪ don't stop believing ♪ hold on to that feeling ♪ streetlights. >> don't stop believing. hold on to that feeling. you are looking at a sneak preview of the glee the 3-d concert movie. the performance filled flick made premier in los angeles,
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california last night and, of course, all stars were there last night. and rachel berry. >> i think that's the greatest thing about our show is that the music is really what lures the people. in someone could be like i like that song. watch our movie. it's always been the music that's brought in the people. >> glee 3 d d hits a theater near you august 129. i'm sure you will be running out immediately to see it. >> i dig glee. great show. >> do we need to see glee in 3-d. >> how does it even happen? >> why? i love the show. >> bombs and stuff exploding. >> there will be some sort of yogi bear effect that will come out. >> no thanks. >> here you go. here is your tips across the south. 106 in dallas. likely going to be 37th in a row of temps over 100 degrees. it will be your 107th in a row.
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across a lot of the eastern part of the country, rain today. not all day. not everybody dealing with an all day washout. rain showers at times clearing across the northeast right now. showers back behind it they will re-form later in the afternoon. heavier rain across parts of kentucky this morning. severe weather across parts of missouri. north of kansas city across the missouri river valley across nebraska. out across the west you are looking pretty good. southern areas of new mexico seeing showers today. temps wise, it's all about the heat again today. it will be the case all week long. we will break all kinds of records again across the south unfortunately not getting nil kind of a break at all. tropics acting up again. this was what was tropical storm emily. now tropical depression depression emily again, it is all going to move off toward the east. no big concerns. take a look at the models, they all pull to the east. send it back to you. >> thanks, rick. >> want a break on your car insurance? all you have to do is let your insurance company spy on you. that sounds like a small thing. we will explain. >> president obama borrowing
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bits and pieces from president reagan. up next, a former presidential speech writer says his strategy is like crip tonight. it's propelling america. [ female announcer ] so you think your kids are getting enough vegetables? maybe not. v8 v-fusion juice gives them a full serving of vegetables plus a full serving of fruit. but it just tastes like fruit. [ male announcer ] get five dollars in money-saving coupons at there's another way litter box dust:e purina tidy cats. our premium litters now work harder to help neutralize odors in multiple cat homes. purina tidy cats. keep your home smelling like home.
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what's vanishing deducti all about ? guys, it's demonstration time. let's blow carl's mind. okay, let's say i'm your insurance deductible. every year you don't have an accident, $100 vanishes. the next year, another $100. where am i going, carl ? thnext year... th was weird. but awesome ! ♪ nationwide is on your side ♪
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status may spell financial disaster when the markets reopen tomorrow. >> hope not. republicans and democrats already pointing fingers but who is really to blame here? joining us is mark, a former speech writer for president george w. bush. good morning to you, sir. >> good morning. how are you? >> we are doing all right. i guess you have got michele bachmann who wants to blame the president. you have got those on the left including steve israel blaming the tea party. some are blaming the s&p. who do you feel is to blame here? >> well, the idea that the tea party is responsible is pretty much laughable. somebody shows up and point out the problem and forces to you deal with it, they are not the ones responsible for your house value going down. the termites are. okay? the reason that we have been downgradeside because our debt is unsustainable and eating away at the foundation of our economy. and the tea party are the only ones who put forward any plan to deal with it president obama, remember, his original plan was a clean debt limit increase. not doing anything.
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so the s&p is complaining this deal didn't go far enough. obama didn't want to do anything about it he introduced a budget that tripled the national debt five months ago. >> well, also, the s&p is saying look, this double a plus status may get even less, that could be just plain aa. could be going down a couple notches because they just don't feel that they have the faith in our government. i mean, you know, the indictment of the government both sides in that press release was pretty unbelievable. what were your feelings about that? do you think they are on target? >> they said that the there was gridlock and it was an ugly process and they are absolutely right. but, realize that what the -- if we wanted it to go smoothly what would have happened is nothing. president obama wanted a clean debt limit increase. that was his starting position. when he came into office, he started spending government money, the people's money like a drunken saylor from -- sailor fm the stimulus he wanted to triple the debt five months ago it was the teamp who came in and said
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woe, we are not going to spend the people's money that way. it was ugly but we made a first step in the right direction. >> for many of those on the left it's obvious to cite president reagan guy who turned the economy around reelected and got things moving. what do you think about the references by president obama and some on the left to president reagan? is there any commonality there? i always love it when the left praises ronald reagan because they opposed everything he did when he was president. when the left praises ronald reagan it's always a back handed compliment. he was the great communicator which basically means he was able to pull the eyes of the american people with that twinkle in his eye and a few irish jokes. the reason he was a great communicator because he communicated great ideas. when he came in our economy was in the dumps. and he proposed a clear philosophy of getting government out of the way, lowering taxes, and unleashing the
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entrepreneurial spirit of america. it worked. people agreed with him and they agreed with the results. barack obama has a clear philosophy, too. more government more spending, americans do not agree with his philosophy and it's working. >> the "wall street journal" says the president has been obsessing on ronald reagan the past few months. repelling americans? barack obama's problem is when ronald reagan ran for re-election. he ran on a theme of morning in america. because the economic policies he unleashed turned the economy around. barack obama's economic policies have dug us deeper into the ditch that he keeps talking about, more spending, more government is not solving our economic problems so he can't campaign the way ronald reagan did. >> former speech writer for george w. bush. >> rick perry intolerant of
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other many are religions? that's what some are saying after day of prayer. next guest spoke at the rally yesterday. is he here to defend it. >> then this kid is definitely getting grounded. why he drove his dad's minivan into a lake on purpose. [ p.a. announcer ] announcing america's favorite cereal is now honey nut cheerios! yup, america's favorite. so we're celebrating the honey sweetness, crunchy oats and... hey! don't forget me!! honey nut cheerios. make it your favorite too!
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at exxon and mobil, we engineer smart gasoline that works at the molecular level to help your engine run more smoothly by helping remove deposits and cleaning up intake valves. so when you fill up at an exxon or mobil station, you can rest assured we help your engine run more smoothly while leaving behind cleaner emissions. it's how we make gasoline work harder for you. exxon and mobil.
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shows your pet you care by unleashing a complete killing force against fleasnd ticks. and not just adult fleas. what makes frontline plus complete is that it breaks the flea life cycle killing adults, eggs and larvae. and it keeps killing fleas and ticks all month long. that's why it's the #1 choice of vets for their pets, and yours. unleash a complete killing force inevery dose of frtline plus.
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citigroup is $526 billion, wow, the u.s. treasury has about 70 billion on hand. next 20 years how old the web turns today. back in 1991, tim burners lee presented a project for organizing information in what later became the worldwide web. i thought clayton invented it. and finally $308,000. >> you are right. al gore. how much this see through pontiac deluxe six sold for at car auction in southern california. created for the world's fair and first transparent car built in america. beautiful. guys? >> thanks, dave. well, thousands attended a texas governor rick perry's the response, which was a call to prayer. >> father, our heart breaks for america we see dischord at home. we see fear in the marketplace
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cece angers in the halls of government. and as a nation we have forgotten who made us. >> but the event not without controversy. critics say mixed politics and religion. joining us now is one of the honorary co-chairs of the response and founder of focus on the family. dr. james dobson. good to have you here, sir. thanks for joining us on a sunday. >> thank you, juliet. it's good to be with you. >> some folks say this violates the constitution's ban on the government establishing religion. what's your response to that? >> i think the medias has worked so hard to find something controversial here. this was an absolutely wonderful event. the texas rangers counted the people that came there and there were 44,000 people who came to pray. that's all they did. there were no speakers. there was no entertainment.
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they were there to pray and they prayed for seven hours. and there was nothing controversial about this. >> there was some controversy as you know outside of the event. a number of groups came to protest -- there were some groups outside protesting the event, of course. and they say the group anti abortion and gay rights activists outside the event. some christian groups who maybe felt alienated. some concern whether this was narrowly focused. governor perry says it was open to all faiths. what do you say about that? >> well, of course it was open there wasn't any screening. no one was kept out. 44,000 inside. about 50 people protesting outside. that's what the media focuses on. for the last three or four weeks, they have been looking for something to complain about. but this was a group of people. a huge, large number of people
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came together to ask the lord's blessing on this country. and that's got to be a good thing. >> well, we are looking at video right now of stadium there. i mean, yeah, it's just packed. i read originally that it looked like there were only going to be about 8,000 people there obviously the numbers swelled. why do you think that was? >> well, 8,000 people was, again, a media talking point. nobody ever estimated that. nobody knew how many people were going to be there. but, even if it were only 8,000 people who came to talk to god about their country, it would have been a good thing as it turned out, there were four times that. you know. >> doctor, beyond the numbers, because i don't know anyone wants to get bogged down in the numbers other than the media it was a success. why do you think this resonated.
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>> clayton, there is a reason for it you heard it in the governor's prayer there. great concern about the country at this time. about our families. about marriages, about the economy about the military. about so many aspects of what's going on. and it's obvious that our elected officials don't have an answer for it. they fumbled around about what to do about the economy. people are concerned, and they came together to express that concern and to call on the lord to bless us, when i spoke i talked about did you know kirk when this world war ii. the french and british armies were crammed in little area on france on the english channel and there was no reason for hitler to have stopped his
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armies in london they had a national day of prayer. actually across the u.k. and 70% of the people of london came together to pray. three days later. hitler stopped these armies and and then, of course, the little boats came over and rescued 350,000 of those men. so, prayer is effective. and that's what people were there to exercise in that day yesterday. dr. james dobson thank you for waking up with us. we appreciate it have a good sunday. >> thank you. >> incredible story. this truck not just a toy. just just saved six soldiers' lives. toy store owner behind this life saving invention. >> named you last hour to name the president's bus tour. is he going to be going on a three day tour. tweets are pouring in. we will read them next. the soup is on but it's ice cold. before you judge the soup by its
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like many chefs today, i feel the best approach to food is to keep it whole for better nutrition. and that's what they do with great grains cereal. see the seam on the wheat grain? same as on the flake. because great grains steams and bakes the actual whole grain. now check out the other guy's flake. hello, no seam. because it's more processed. now, which do you suppose has better nutrition for you? mmm. great grains. the whole whole grain cereal.
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>> president obama will embark on a bus tour through the midwest that will focus on jobs. mainly him trying to keep his. that will be the main focus when focusing on jobs. >> that bus tour august 15th through the 17th. 72 hours will be the bus tour. the white house though being quiet about where, what states it will hit up because they don't want, first of all, security detail and they don't want billboards popping up there probably with negative ads with other candidates. >> he doesn't want to be driving that bus down -- he won't be driving. sitting there looking out the bus and see certain things. >> wouldn't you like to see him
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drinchts i would pay to see that. >> all we know going through the midwest and folks you get to foot the bill because this is not, they say, a re-election event. this is administration event. so you are footing the bill. we are giving you the opportunity to name the president's bus tour which starts in eight days. got some good emails here is one from bird davis that should be called the economic distress express. great revenue raising road rally. >> that would be good. >> stimulus for you writes us on twitter says obama bus tour america under the bus 2012. >> i don't think that would be a very good name for it i don't know. >> motor radar one says blame the bus tour. chris says air force one got repod so i have to take the bus tour. >> well, keep them coming.
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i liked the road rally one. that was a good one. keep them coming at i think reichmuth has a couple over there we will get him to email us. what else? >> rest of your headlines, disturbing new details in the case of nora. you may remember the 20-year-old's father convicted of running her over with a car as honor killing because she caused shame to their traditional iraqi family. newly relaced fearful nora's family was trying to kill her after the crash while she was recovering in an arizona hospital. the "new york post" ground zero workers and new york city workers have pocketed over $400 million in earnings and late fees. one firm representing a majority of sick 9/11 workers is expected to make $210 million alone. lawyers rates were almost 600
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bucks an hour. would you let them spy on to you get a little discount? starting next month state farm rolling out a new plan that offers cheaper rates to customers who use in car device that a lous a company speed and braking. state farm says cuts could go up to 50% based on how safely a person drives or they could just go up. >> i would like to see your driving record. that would be interesting. >> no, you wouldn't. >> this is something have you got to see. a 30-year-old man plunges his father's minivan into a lake in central park all because they had an argument. 30-year-old anthony roho reportedly complained to park goers that his dad loved the car more than he loved him. now he faces reckless driving, reckless enendangerment charges, so, i guess -- >> -- how key possibly -- >> nobody was hurt except for maybe the dad's feelings. >> maybe a stuck. >> how key possibly love a minivan more than a family. >> kind of like that ferris buehrle story where cammeron's
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dad loved ferrari. i can understand the ferrari. >> central park always something nutty going on up there. sometimes you catch rick reichmuth up there. >> how do you get the car in a park where there is a pond. >> accelerator. hop over that fence and right in the water. >> i have no idea. that kid is a good driver. that's all i have got to say. take a look at the weather maps, guys. hot today across texas. once again, 105 in dallas. 106 in oklahoma city. 104 in shreveport. bit of a broken record here. take a look at the next five days in dallas. here you go unfortunately. another day today pushing 110. we have had 36 consecutive days over 100 degrees. we get to 42 and that breaks a record. that will be next friday. it is looking very likely that is going to happen and there is no end in sight to thi unfortunately. move forward and take a look at the forecast for the day across the rest of the country. eastern part of the country. that's where the storms are. scattered showers, scattered thunderstorms. temps not that bad really. at least across the northeast.
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a bit of a cooler day, 77 in providence, wichita though, 107 degrees. that's where the heat is across the west, plenty of sunshine. thunderstorm across the higher elevations across the four corner states. past that, things looking pretty good. beautiful day in pacific northwest. temps into the upper 70s. enjoy that take a look at your temperatures for the day tomorrow. we're going to continue to do with all the heat of the southern plains. nice one and bit of a cooling trend for a few days. all around the great lakes just into the lower 80's from chicago to minneapolis, cleveland as well. send it back to you inside. >> look at that weather map, there rick, when temperatures soar you don't want to be sweating over a hot stove making soup like my wife did yesterday. recipe for soup that's as cold as ice. owner of equis. scott, welcome to the show again. i think you wiped pepper over me. >> here we are doing gazpacho
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originated south of spain. originate anywhere. it should originate anywhere with these hot temperatures. all the ingredients putting into this recipe great for the body. cools down the body. >> we always think a cold drink. good four. you just telling me in the break good. >>. you want ice cream which is fat. cold drink makes the bodywork harder to break it down. bodies are 98 degrees. you want to bring things into the body closer to that. not that hot. >> let's dive into it because it is sunday. people going to have some extra time in the kitchen today to make some gazpacho. >> rinsing the ingredients. >> always clean your ingredients and always clean your greens. you get all these ingredients at these wonderful stores. and they look so beautiful. and then you just assume they are all clean. and not that they are not. but take the extra step and make sure that you do it yourself.
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>> first step rough cutting these tomatoes. >> rough cut tomatoes, put it into a blender. puree that. bottled water just to make sure that everything is organic. we will put that on and puree it. >> once that is all pureed we will add salt, our pepper. salt, white pepper i like. olive oil. here we have our ingredients in this recipe. cucumber, high end water. watermelon high in water. peaches water. onions people think it's hot it effects the heat receptor of the tongue which makes the bodywork to start the cooling system. >> once you have all of that you will put it on the plate. >> want to make a nice presentation. i put it in a ring. i have this microcilantro. we take this which is seasoned
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and we tasted that and we spoon that around. and something that's really need i would put cream in this. yogurt has good back bacteria tt breaks down any bacteria that comes into the body that causes foodborne illnesses during this hot time where it's hard to keep fruits and vegetables cold or at their proper temperature. >> you are making me hungry. >> do you want to try that. >> i'm not usually one for cold soup but this might have to win me over here. >> real simple elegance. clean flavors. and more important taste great. >> it does taste fresh. i can even eat this at 7:00 a.m. guys? >> you know you want me over when you can eat this at 7:00 a.m. have this up on our web site in case you want the rest of this recipe. >> or go to great scott and you can have it there as well. >> i will get clayton some gum. truck not a toy. it just saved six soldiers'
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lives. meet the toy store owner behind the incredible story. >> and washington can't figure out how to create a job, but the folks in texas sure can coming up, what the people in texas know that washington can't seem to figure out. ♪ a lot of times, things are right underneath our feet, and all we need to do is change the way we're thinking about them. a couple decades ago, we didn't even realize just how much natural gas was trapped irocks thounds of feet below us. technology has made it possible to safely unlock this cleanly burning natural gas. this deposits can provide us with fuel for a hundred years, providing energy security and economic growth all across this country. it just takes somebody having thidea, and that's where the discovery comes from.
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what's vanishing deducti all about ? guys, it's demonstration time. let's blow carl's mind. okay, let's say i'm your insurance deductible. every year you don't have an accident, $100 vanishes. the next year, another $100. where am i going, carl ? thnext year... th was weird. but awesome ! ♪ nationwide is on your side ♪
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45 have already died. lung, colon, pancreatic and leukemia are the most common types of cancer. if you have a bank of america debit card between january of 2011 and may of this year. you may be getting some extra cash much the company is refunding customers who were charged additional overdraft fees because the bank processed overdraft transactions based on size instead of the date the purchases occurred. check those statements, double-check it and contact bank of america. juliet? >> all right. much of the country has been hit hard by the economic crisis. one state is bucking the national employment trend. in the last two years. texas added 2,672,000 jobs you
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can see to the payroll. half of the total jobs created in the u.s. what drives their economic success and how can the rest of america learn from it michael cox is the director for global marketing and freedom at cox school of business at southern methodist university smu. joining us here on a sunday morning. thanks very much for being here. we appreciate it? >> thank you, juliet. >> what gives? i love who he -- hoboko new jersey. >> move to texas and get a free bmw at your tax rate the amount of income tax that you pay every year. move to texas and get a free bmw. the amount of taxes you pay every year is roughly equal to the car payment on a bmw. what's making people move to texas. we did a study on this. entitled looking for the new world. and we identified five policy variables that government has control over that are making
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people leave some states like california, new york, new jersey, massachusetts, connecticut and california and move to other states like texas. what we found is that, sorry? >> no. go ahead. go ahead. >> what we found is that the number one most important variable causing migration across america is the tax rate, the income tax rate. people are leaving the high tax states and moving to the low tax states. second, is the size of government. they are leaving that big tax and big government environment and trying to find a place where there is low taxes, economic freedom, self-determination and through hard work they can make a better life for themselves and their family. >> good schools there as well. >> our schools aren't the best but this is a variable that's driving people across the country that want good public schools. they want something for those dollars that they spend on schooling. another variable causing migration across america is the size of the unionized labor force. people are leaving the high
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union states and, again, looking for a place where there is a right-to-work. they are also leaving states where the property values have driven up by things artificially by things like land use restrictions. many places in the country where the state government has been used by the local population to put limitations on the available remaining land. that drives drives up prices then all of a sudden people leave to capitalize that gain. it pushes other people out of the state who can't pay those high prices. >> when we think of texas, we think of big oil. that's what is driving jobs there. not the case? very easy to think that but you are wrong in thinking that. medical sector. oil used to be 19 to 21% of gross state product now it's less than 6%. what we do with oil is use the technology to help people find it across the globe. it's not the big deal here. what the big deal here is economic freedom.
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self-determination, right-to-work started here in dallas. that movement started here in dallas. americans are looking for the new new world. they have been moving from state to state and i wish washington would take a lesson. because we can tell by looking at the things driving migration across america, we can tell what americans want. they want low taxes, they want smaller government. they want a right to work and they really do not want to have to leave the country to get these things just had a full screen talking about where the different jobs are being gained there i want to show that again. for folks watching this right now you have got energy jobs 45,000. business jobs 74,000. education and health care lots of education and health care opportunities there. hospitality jobs as well. folks out watching there perhaps considering a move, texas looks like the place for them -- many of those areas. >> it's a very business-friendly
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state. i'm not from texas so you are not talking to somebody who is just hyping the state here. i'm from a neighboring arkansas but i have lived all over the country. including new york, where i was a professor in rochester, but i will tell you this state, there is a feeling is very different. it's business friendly. we have reformed our court system so where we have loser pays now so stop some of these frivolous lawsuits. we also don't have hand out a lot of welfare. you might think that when a state hands out welfare that attracts a lot of people. runs off more people that don't want to pay the taxes than that that attracts recipients. >> michael cox, thanks for joining us. we appreciate it? >> thank you. >> all righty. it was the deadliest single incident in the deadly afghan war. 20 navy seals killed when chopper shot down. live report coming up from kabul on the latest. another amazing story. the manual you are about to beet
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living proof beating cancer takes more than medicine. it took talking to god. eating right, whole grain. [ female announcer ] people who choose more whole grain tend to weigh less than those who don't. multigrain cheerios... five whole grains, 110 calories. listen to this. three out of four americans don't get enough vegetables. so here's five bucks to help you buy v8 juice. five bucks. that's a lot of green. go to for coupons. you can count on us. host: could switching to geico reon car insurance? or more host: do people use smartphones to do dumb things? man 1: send, that is the weekend. app grapgic: yeah dawg! man 2: allow me to crack...the bubbly! man 1: don't mind if i doozy. man 3: is a gentleman with a brostache invited over to this party? man 1: only if he's ready to rock! ♪ sfx: guitar and trumpet jam vo: geico. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance.
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>> welcome back, new details this morning about that deadly helicopter attack in afghanistan. >> conor powell streaming live from kabul afghanistan with the very latest details out of there. what can you tell us this morning? devastating blow to the tight nit special operations forces in afghanistan. still investigating. the taliban were very quick to claim credit claiming they shot it down with a rocket propelled grenade. the helicopter crashed u.s. is southwest of kabul in wardak province. this is a place where the taliban have a lot of power and a lot of control. heavy insurgent activity area. now, the u.s. military as i said are still investigating what
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brought it down. it appears a -- the helicopter was about to launch a raid on a taliban compound in wardak province. they were able to shoot it down as it was beginning to unload. 22 navy seals on that helicopter in addition to seven afghan commandos and air force special op.s troops as well one of the big questions about this accident why were there so many special operations troops on ha helicopter. normally they don't pack this that full to. lose them is very devastating. one of the question being asked right now why were there so many special operations troops on this hospital, guys. >> another big question about this transition whether or not there would be renewed calls to maybe speed up the process of withdrawing from afghanistan. what are you hearing about that?
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does it change the dynamic at all? i don't think it changes the dynamics or structures. the military has been is very st on the plan of order here. one thing that it will impact is the u.s. military relies heavily on special op.s guys right now. even further going into the future, they are going to plan on using special op.s guys even more as conventional troops from like the 101st begin to withdraw out of here. heavy reliance on u.s. special forces here. to lose this many in one day is a devastating blow to that community. but ultimately transition is going to continue to progress. they are going to hand over responsibility. ultimately to the afghans in hopes of not having more incidents like this where american troops are put in harm's way. >> conor powell live in kabul, afghanistan. thank you, sir. you wonder, clayton to your point how it effects the decision but tactics. maybe more drone strikes moving
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forward keeping our special on forces out of harm's way in cases like. this more focused boots on the ground which may fly in the face of some of the transition stuff. last hour you heard from two teenagers who jumped out of their own car into this swerving one to save the woman who passed out behind the wheel. woo do the same thing? email us at >> and, our stellar credit rating will be all the talk on the sunday shows. fox news anchor chris wallace sitting down with congressman paul ryan. he stops by with the preview. what is that? oh, we call it the bundler. let's say you need home and auto insurance. you give us your information once, online... [ whirring and beeping ] [ ding! ] one.[ whirring and beeping ] w d you guys k of that? it just came to .
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>> good morning, sunday, august 7th. i'm juliet huddy in for alisyn camerota. many stocks plunges after the u.s. loses aaa standing. new warning it could lo even lower. our ratings could go lower? the details straight ahead. >> texas governor rick perry offering a prayer for president obama. >> frankly, i pray for the president every day. i pray that god will open his eyes. >> but the governor is facing criticism of his own after holding a prayer rally. we will have the details for you. >> and this truck is no child's play. it just saved six soldiers of lives in afghanistan. the toy store owner who life saving invention is here live with us coming up.
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"fox & friends" hour 3 start right now. captions by closed captioning services >> a good sunday morning, everyone. thanks so much for waking up and trying to make sense of this whole downgrade and what it is going to mean for the markets when they open tomorrow. >> that's why we have some brains on the set with us this morning. >> hey, wait a second. >> no offense. >> present company. >> stuart varney from the fox business network. >> we have brains but woe don't have -- we don't have a whole lot of perspective on the aa plus. what does this mean for the people at home. >> time of extreme anxiety. everybody is talking about it everybody is very upset about what has happened and what may happen come monday morning. remember, this is happening at a time of global debt crisis. here is the prediction. come monday morning, or later on
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tonight, when the markets in the far east open, tonight you are going to see investors running to what they think is safe, what they think is safe is what they will put their money into. it probably won't be stocks. and it probably won't be oil. >> so will it be treasuries? we saw this at the end of last week. so u.s. treasuries somehow are safe zone right now. >> you stole his question. that's right. last week against all the odds. against all the predictions. that's exactly where the money went. the money went into america's debt. as prices went up, yields, interest rates absolutely tumbled. they fell through the floor last week. maybe, i'm not predicting this. maybe we'll get something similar come monday. >> does that suggest that these investors worldwide don't care of what is the s&p thinks. >> oh no they care. >> why would they be buying u.s. treasures at a time when our downgraded.
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>> i will tell you why. europe is in an absolute mess. >> comparatively. they are in such a mess. they are in high crisis right now thrferl the hot money looking for safety says it's not europe. so all that hot european money comes straight over here. even though we have been downgraded american treasuries because we can print dollars. >> so the s&p said look, hold on a second. this may get even worse for you guys. still moodies and fitch seem to be staying where they are. staying put. not talking about any sort of downgrade. >> we are on negative watch from moody's. nersdz, they are saying look out down the road, you are not so secure. >> that's what standard and poor's did. >> the focus is on standard and poor's because they're the ones who downgraded us as you reported earlier today on "fox & friends." neil cavuto spoke with the guy from standard and poor's look, if you want to get your aaa rating back like others have in the past, it took them 9 to 18
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years to get it back. australia one of them. they had to restructure. members of the g-20 getting on the phone. emergency meeting being held today to figure out what to do today. world leaders on the phone who do we handle this. >> monitoring what's going on. need to buy dollars in the event of a run on the dollar, they will buy dollars to keep the value up. they will try to stabilize the situation requires trillions of euros worth of bailouts and american downgraded. are the central banks of the world capable of taking care of a real run on the dollar if it were to happen. >> tomorrow morning when the market opens and we will see -- a little taste of something tonight with the asian market. >> yes, we. >> how much of that is an indicator of what's going to happen tomorrow with our market.
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>> pretty good indicator. 6:00 eastern time tonight, something called the dow jones future contracts they will open up for business. immediate indication how wall street might open tomorrow morning. between 6:00 and 9:00 then the east asian markets open. they will be passing judgment like everybody else. >> passing judgment. domestically there is the blame game. michele bachmann blames the president. others blame the tea party. >> i will express the opinion i think you have to lay a lot of this at president obama's door. remember, where was he when simpson bowls recommended big-time cuts in the entitlement programs and a fix. he impaneled that group. he ignored them. where was he when he presented his budget to the senate? it was defeated 97-0. where was the plan? where is the president now? well, he spent us into this -- look,. >> going to take a bus tour.
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>> out campaigning. still talking about fat cats riding around in corporate jets. bashing the bankers and oil companies. that's not where we have got to go. we have got to get handle on entitlements. president obama dots not want to do that it's on his watch that this downgrade occurred. >> stewart varnly from the fox business network. host of varney this and company and really smart guy. >> these are the brains we were talking about. >> we will be on the air tomorrow morning at 9:20 right before the market opens. that's the telling time 9:30 what's going to happen. >> check him out on varney and co. >> say hello to your daughters for me. >> now other headlines start with fox news alert. complete chaos breaking out in the streets of london overnight. double-decker bus there, flames. incredible new video shows police setting fire -- protesters setting fire to police cars. riots in response to a police shooting 29-year-old father of four earlier in the week.
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that incident is being investigated. if you plan on adding a verizon phone line or internet service this week, you may be waiting a little while. 45,000 unionized workers from massachusetts to virginia have gone on strike. they filed reach an agreement on a new labor contract. customers are being warned could be a bit of a repair and installation delay. new york man waking up behind bars accused of stalking the daughter of new york city's mayor. george gina bloomberg. the suspect is 48-year-old pizzeria worker. wrote dozens of creepy facebook facebook messages for her. he was finally busted after asking a new york city police officer to help him contact the bloombergs to discuss wedding plans. talk about a killer performance, people. you are looking at a very unrecognizable al pacino the legendary actor nailing new musd
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convicted murderer phil specter wearing the same outfit and crazy hairdo that he wore during his 2009 trial. the film set to air on hbo sometime next year. baited breath. >> that is a good look. i'm sure is he going to rock that roll, too. >> a buddy of mine is in new york and al pacino is in the hotel room right next to him. he keeps on hearing all the screaming going on of him practicing his lines. >> cool. >> it's great to see that picture. >> great new york story. >> share on the air what his hotel and hotel number. >> that's coming up in the next segment. don't go away. take a look at this picture sent in to me larry in paradise, texas. pick up truck, line it, good to go. be creative across so much of texas right now temperatures like these going on for so long. 46 days in a row wichita falls texas temps over 100 degrees.
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last time below 100 june 21st. it's long time ago, only 98 degrees. here is high temperatures today, extremely hot again, all across the central parts of the country. shares across south florida tropical depression emily again. pretty quickly by the afternoon. won't see anything quick of left. northeast clearing out a little bit. more behind it that will come spotty showers for some people across the eastern half of the country. complete washout from time to time few spotty showers. looking really nice. back to you. >> thank you, rick. the most buzzed about presidential candidate for the republicans has not yet declared his intentions. one thing is clear. governor rick perry intends to solidify and leave no doubt that his faith comes first. he had a day of prayer in houston on saturday at reliant stadium. 30,000 people, some say even mover than that showed up. and this is a controversial
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message, some say because some say it was excluding other religions. but, hey folks out there. this was a very huge event. >> also some say look, this is a guy, governor, who potentially could be running for president common themes throughout the event talking about what's going on with the country, what's going on with the economy. so, you know, some might suggest it did blur the lines between government and politics and religion. >> you decide. here he is governor perry at the national prayer event. take a listen. >> we see discord at home. we see fear in the marketplace. cece anger in the halls of government. and as a nation, we have forgotten who made us. who protects us, who blesses us.
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and, for that, we cry out for your forgiveness. >> we asked dr. james dobson who was on the show earlier he also spoke about this response that he felt it might have been so successful, and he had this to say. >> ops obvious that our elected officials don't have an answer for it they fumbled around with trying to figure out what to do about the economy people are concerned. they came together to express that concern and to call on the lord to bless us. prayer is effective. >> colleagues say this could have been a risky move for rick perry if is he planning on running for president because it's alienated people. >> maybe the prayers will be effective for president obama. one of the headlines that came out of event the amount of praying that rick perry is doing for president obama. he was asked in an interview after this event. take a listen.
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>> frankly, i pray for the president every day. i pray for his wisdom i pray that god will open his eyes. i wish this president would, you know, turn back the turn back the health care law that's been passed. that his epa back down all these regulations that are causing businesses to hesitate to spend money. >> is that a presidential platform? we don't know. we thought we would know by this point it sounds like next week or two he will declare his intentions. >> let us know what you think about that prayer event down there. >> all righty. our stellar credit rating will be the talk about the sunday shows of course. our own chris wallace sitting down with congressman paul ryan. this is the guy who knows all about the biz. preview coming up next. >> and an incredible story, the guy you are about to meet, really proof that beating cancer took more than medicine. it took divine intervention. ♪ i want the whole world to know
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here's what you can the expect from regions. a bank that provides you with real business expertise. check. a professional optimization of your cash flow with a regions cashcor analysis. check. cash management solutions and the smart lending options you need to grow your business. check. plus, it all comes with award-winning service to help you achieve more balance. interested? let's talk. looking good. (bike bell)
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chris wallace. good morning, sir. >> hey, guys. >> what is is the biggest politl implication of the down grading of our credit? >> the well, the biggest political implication is if it raises interest rates which would be a tremendous drag on the economy. if that happens, the practical effect is that it will continue or reverses slow recovery or turn it into a recession. it could, if we get higher interest rates would not only be for the u.s. government borrowing debt but for consumers trying to get mortgages and car loans and student loans obviously the president seeking re-election. >> very interest guest on your show paul ryan. we talk about the blame game, a number of people, including himself has said treasury secretary geithner has to go. chris, he doesn't look like he is going anywhere. >> no. in fact, he had talked. i think he really wants to leave. we talked to him a couple of
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weeks ago. it's clear -- i you know, when you think about it on a human level he was the head of the new york fed reserve during the 2008 meltdown. he has been here going on three years. he wants to go back to new york and resume his life and perhaps make some money. he was under intense pressure from the white house not to leave despite the claims of some republicans. the democrats when the white house think is he a stable force influence on the markets. they don't want him to go also, quite frankly. they don't want to have to appoint a successor and go through a bloody confirmation battle as we head into a presidential election year. >> the president is going to be heading out on a bus tour. just before we talk about iowa. i wanted your reaction to that. there is criticism this is more like a campaign tour. not something that is presidential. >> well, look, campaigns and being president are often very much the same thing particularly as you get into an election year juliet. is it effective either his policy or his campaigning the
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idea that the president is going to go out and have a listening tour and, quote, from bill clinton, feel people's pain. i don't think people really care much about that they know that the economy is bad. they know that barack obama knows the economy is bad. they want him to fix it. not to sympathize with them. i think that's the real problem with this tour. does it really address the issue that is on voters minds. >> we don't know if he will stop in iowa. interesting state always this week we had the big debate. george will today in the "the washington post" has a column it lays out how it's not necessarily a good barometer of who is going to get the nomination. look at '07 you had huckabee won the caucus, romney won the straw poll, mccain won the nomination. why does iowa still matter? >> well, it matters because it's the first in the nation. quite frankly because all of us in the media are going to focus on it we will have the fox debate thursday night. everybody is going to be there
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for the ames straw poll. the ames straw poll when you think about it is a very odd event. people have to buy -- candidates have to buy space around the university they hold rallies they bus people in. 4 or 5,000 votes can be the difference between winning or losing. the fact is it does give somebody a boost. just think of 2008, you are right mike huckabee who won the caucus didn't win the nomination but, on the other hand, it vaulted him from an also ran into the top tier. he will ended up being the second to last candidate to quit. i mean, he stayed in until the very end of the race. >> somebody on your show this morning who has a lot at stake in iowa is former minnesota governor tim pawlenty. he will be on your show in addition to congressman paul ryan. very interesting "fox news sunday." much-watch television. >> make or break for pawlenty? >> will be watching that. >> awfully important. thank you, chris.
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>> thank you, chris. incredible story. this truck, you are about to see, is not just a toy. it saved six soldiers lives. isn't a toy. meet the behind the life-saving invention. >> this was not supposed to happen. tight rope walker fearly plunges to his death. we will show you what happens next. >> did he make it back? hey, check it out. she's using the mr. clean magic eraser bath scrubber i've heard of it, but i haven't seen one up close.
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what's the word around the sink? that it removes 3 times more soap scum per swipe, and it came from outer space. it is not from outer space! no, man, it's from outer space. they're aliens on an intergalactic cleanliness mission. they're here to clean up the universe. oh, the kitchen scrubbers are aliens, too? yeah, look at that greasy tchen mess. everybody's in on the cleanspiracy, man. i can't even trust myself. [ male announcer ] mr. clean magic eraser kitchen and bath scrubbers. the clean is t of this world. i don't know. the usual? [ blower whirring ] sometimes it pays to switch things up. my - what, my hair? no. car insurance. i switched to progressive and they gave me discounts for the time i spent with my old company. saved a bunch. that's a reason to switch. big savings -- it's a good look for you. [ blower whirring ] [blower stops] the safety was off. out there with a better way. now, that's progressive.
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liner to very luxurious. students at the university of alabama finally having graduation ceremony. following the deadly tornadoes that ravaged tuscaloosa. ceremony pushed back just days before the graduation. six alabama students were killed in the tornadoes. clayton? >> thanks, juliet. well, devastating blow to the u.s. military after the taliban takes down chinook helicopter in afghanistan. members of navy seal team six, that same unit that killed usama bin laden were on board that chopper. ole tolled, 30 american troops died in that attack. how should president obama respond. former white house advisor and middle east expert he joins us live this morning from dallas. nice to see you this morning, jeremiah. >> good morning. >> some on the far left are calling for faster move out of afghanistan following this attack. do you agree with the way responded to this. >> i did. i still do.
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unfortunately, this is the nature of war this war isn't going to go away any time in the near future have. to continue to maintain a presence. hopefully a lot more covert action. as one of your guests said earlier this evening, pursue the taliban much more aggressively if need be. >> to be clear, president obama said we will drive on and continue, though do you think that this speeds up the timetable for withdrawal in any way? no, i don't see that the realityson 00 ground is that we have to continue moving forward. that's recognized by our military personnel. >> earlier on the show you were referring, to i believe, lt. general tom mcinerney, who said we need a more focused approach. more boots on the ground. it surprised me a little bit. it's hard when you look at certain polls in the united states right now, americans' taste for this decade long war has soured. more boots on the ground.
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>> absolutely not. that's where i would differ with the general. afghanistan has been in a midst of warfare for hundreds of years, okay? there is not going to be a black and white finish to this war. and, indeed, in the region as a whole, we have to intensify our covert action we have got to move through spring. democratic movement. radical islam, if you look at the history, its roots go back to the 1940s and 50. resentment has been building for a long time. i disagree wholehearted buy with boots on the ground. we almost need to create a new grand strategy. almost a cold war strategy as we had with the soviet union where we push buttons behind the scenes to move things awhere our strategic interests are addressed over the long term. >> we have heard in reports recently that those drone strikes have been working to great effect. so perhaps an increase for those what you are both calling for this morning. jeremiah o'keefe, thanks for waking up on a sunday with us and having you on the show today. >> thank you.
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>> up next on the show, he may own a kids toy store but what this guy did with a plastic truck is no child's play. how he helped save the lives of six soldiers in afghanistan with that truck sitting right in front of him. then, two teenagers jumped out of their own car, jumped right into this swerving car. they saved a woman's life and perhaps others as well. would you do the same thing? email us ♪ let's go ♪ if i was an old school ♪ 95% of all americans aren't getting enough whole grain. but actually, it's never been easier to get the whole grain you want from your favorite big g cereals. from cheerios to lucky charms, there's whole grain in every box. make sure to look for the white check.
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>> welcome back, so this is a video taken by just two guys, two good samaritans, driving behind this car and they noticed the car was really swerving, and started to swerve in a way that they were convinced something was wrong with the driver. >> they were landscaping, right? get back in their car, this woman pulls out in front of him. he pulls out his iphone, he
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thinks oh this is good to have on tape in case something happens here. then they realize she is in real trouble think put pull the car over. actually she passed out at the wheel, take care of the control and steer it away from danger. listen to these heros. >> she went off to the right of the road as you can see in the video matt pulled the truck over really quickly. we didn't say anything to one another. we looked at each other and both started running after the car. >> unbelievable. >> so amazing, isn't it? most people don't help in any situation. they want to be as far away from trouble as possible. >> then you see like the semi come over here. >> so, she is driving at this point she is passed out. watch this. there is mac truck coming right towards her. looks like a giant logging truck. those are heavy. a parentally they dropped their camera so they could help this woman. we asked you what would you do
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if you saw a car in a similar situation? dr. something -- i don't know what. this person writes if i see a car swerving i call 911, try to p.i.t. the vehicle if it is in the area where it could cause others harm. >> another tweet this morning i would jump into the car and stop it, then call 911. >> it's scary though, because it means how fast the car is going. you would think you would want to be able to do that? >> you are putting yourself in harm's way for sure doing that not many people i would think do that. >> you are a manly guy you would do that? >> i would give it a go unless the kids were in the car spider man and climb on the roof of that car. >> what you would do, >> been telling you about that credited rating crisis at home. now effects worldwide. tel aviv stock exchange. trading after major losses. >> joining us now from
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jerusalem. leland vittert. what is going on there? >> good morning, guys. normally we look to the asian market as the very first incident carat of how things are going to go in terms of world financial news. this is a unique situation because this is sunday, the asian markets aren't open. the tel aviv market is open. right now trading down 6%. other thing to keep in mind about the tel aviv stock market listed not only on the tel aviv but nasdaq. bad news for u.s. investors. those stocks are down anywhere from 4% to 12% here trading on the tel aviv stock stock market. we still have another hour of trading to go here. trading was suspended earlier. try to put in curbs to see what was stop what was turning into an absolute free fall here in israel and the world's eyes, of course, were everywhere with ing these stocks and other stocks that a lot of people were watching was one called keva
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pharmaceutical manufacturer world's giant in mid-atlantic making generic drugs. that's currently down 6%. guys, back to you. >> unbelievable. this is exactly what stuart varney was talking about. leland vittert live for us in israel. how will the world markets respond the g-20 members getting on the phone. world leaders having emergency meeting this morning to figure out how the rest of the day will unfold and what they should do. >> other headlines today. let's get to them. lawyers for both sick ground zero workers and new york city have pocketed over $400 million in earnings and legal fees. the "new york post" one firm representing a bunch of sick 9/11 workers is expected to make $210 million in attorneys fees. we're almost -- they are charging about 600 bucks an hour. we're now learning more about the twisted life of levy aron, the brook lanman accuse of kidnapping and dismembers close
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ski. describing the 35-year-old to the new york daily news socially awkward misfit who had trouble making conversation. he said aron was obsessed with character okay can i local bowling alley dive bar. he only talked about the songs he was going to sing. >> the irs is telling passengers no refund now that the f.a.a. shutdown is over. the irs originally told fliers to expect 15% on tickets. a lot of people went out and flew because of that now the irs says that's not happening. heart-pounding video. this is out of china. what started out as a tempting scene. i wouldn't say pretty. tight rope walker crossing wire soon takes a terrifying turn. >> [screams] [ laughter ] >> so you hear somebody in the background with a sick sense of humor laughing. this guy, there was nothing
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below him. he loses footing. 300 feet off the ground. didn't have a safety harness. he does this move and swirls his way back on and he eventually manages so be safe and sound. i don't know if there is a moral in that. >> don't walk the tight rope. >> have a net. don't walk a tight rope between two hot air balloons. rick outside with a check of the weather. >> juliet's play-by-play was the best. jew -- jew -- sits sue type of move. >> not the type of story you want to continue. today's highs across the south. triple digits. today's highs in dallas not looking pretty at all. remain hot. tuesday the most likely hottest day of the week 109. all time high in dallas is 113. we have been flirting with those temperatures over the last week.
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36 consecutive days and probably break that record by next friday at 42. move forward and take a look at the forecast rest of the country. all that blue, scattered showers and thunderstorms. not a washout for everybody. spotty showers. keep your umbrellas out. if you have a picnic planned outside, you might want to have some way to get out of the showers and thunderstorms if you need. hot across much of the south again and out across the west. a really nice day. we are seeing plenty of sunshine across california. all the way up the west coast. oregon looking nice, seattle looking great as well. tomorrow's high temperatures shaping up like this. going to continue to see all the heat across so much of the south. i had the wrong map there. this is tropical depression emily. little bit of rain showers across florida. that will move off of the shore throughout the afternoon. send it to you inside. >> thank you, sir. great story now. six soldiers checking for roadside bombs in afghanistan avoided a deadly explosion last week but not because of advanced military equipment. it was thanks to a toy truck.
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yes, a remote controlled truck equipped with wireless video camera. hit a trip wire with explosives. the soldiers were in their humvee unharmed. everything hobby created that modified toy truck. he joins us live from minneapolis this morning. good morning to you, kevin. >> good morning, dave. >> tell us, back in 2000 how you got involved with eventually making something that would save the lives of six of our servicemen. >> sure. i own a little hobby store in minnesota. i had a customer walk in one day, his name was ernie. ernie told me he had a brother over in iraq and he worked like a roadside checkpoints and things like that. and was very concerned about his safety when he bent over and looked for ordnance and things like that underneath the trucks and things. we took a very simple, remote controlled car, mounted up a
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camera, very similar to this one right here. and he would look for things under neath those in different instances. only when he would find things that were, you know, suspicious and things like that. so he would get out his remote controlled car, he would look at those things and look at that from a safe distance. >> you have a similar car right there with you on the desk. if you could tell us how it works. i have got to tell you my first read on this story is shouldn't the u.s. military already be providing these types of devices we have seen them before or something like it in the movie hurt locker which is based on a true story. were you at all concerned and show us how they work. >> sure. i can show you how they work. they have a radio controlled system. this particular one we have actually mounted up a camera system to it. so, it will put that image back to a monitor and things like that. so, these, in the military and
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things this is just to enhance their training that they have already gotten and things like that. the military, i think, is very well trained this was a soldier thinking outside the box. thinking of maybe a little bit more of his protection. and, using his skills in a different way. no doubt they are very well trained. i want to make sure they are well equipped. are you going to continue to make these devices for others in the military or is this a one-time thing for you. >> no. since this story broke. boy, there has been all kinds of demand and things like that. lots of folks calling and would like some of these things for their sons and daughters. so, we would like to help if facilitate that and the company that this is coming from is actually talking about making a special edition type vehicle. we'll modify those to help go to our soldiers. >> it's amazing. how a toy store owner helped
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save the lives of six of our brave servicemen and women. thank you so much kevin guy for doing what you did. he is the owner of everything hobby. we appreciate you being with us this morning. >> thanks a lot, dave. >> you got it clayton and juliet quite a story. >> i always told my mom toys could help. >> right? >> there you go mom. hope you are watching. coming up on the show, they thought he wouldn't be home in time for their birthday. they thought wrong. ♪ happy birthday to you >> coming up, the dad who would not let his deployment get in the way. is he here live with his entire family. >> that's such a great story. here is another amazing story. this guy says he is living proof that beating stage 4 cancer takes more than medicine. it tooks, which he will tell you, when we come back. every day, all around the world,
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what's vanishing deducti all about ? guys, it's demonstration time. let's blow carl's mind. okay, let's say i'm your insurance deductible. every year you don't have an accident, $100 vanishes. the next year, another $100. where am i going, carl ? thnext year... th was weird. but awesome ! ♪ nationwide is on your side ♪ may of this year you may get some extra cash back. the company is refunding customers though ho were charged additional overdraft fees because the bank overdraft transactions incertified the date purchases took place. ladies, hold your breath, justin bieber may be on the open market
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again soon. he and selena gomedz have reportedly hit a sour note after having a pretty big fight. apparently upset that biebers hang out with singers little wane and chris brown. wayne did prison time you will remember while brown pete up ex-girlfriend rihanna. maybe not some good friends to be keeping. juliet? >> clayton, thank you very much. he is a walking miracle. a man diagnosed with stage four cancer back in 2002. he was told he had five years to live. barely. nine years later, jacob is cancer-free. he says it is all because of a heavenly voice that told him to quit his cancer treatment. he is now a preacher and entrepreneur. easy for you to say. jacob is here to share his amazing story. >> good to have you here. >> hi, thanks for having me. >> 2002. life is going great. and all of a sudden you get some horrible news. you are 26 years old. >> 26. and i was having some symptoms. some headaches and my left eye had started to swell and
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constantly tear, which were obvious signs something is wrong. >> what kind of cancer was it. >> naval farn jeanal. it was in fourth stage. >> throat going into the skull. >> primarily in the skull from my understanding. >> and they said you have 10% chance of living. making it five years at least. >> wow, yeah. >> what did you do? i mean, you are sitting there going i have a terminal disease. >> i didn't really focus on what they were telling me because i knew i had to fight the fight of faith. i had gotten in a church two years prior growing in the things of god. i just knew that my life didn't get dramatically turned around for me to just end up and die two years later. i had a purpose for life. i'm living that out now. >> you did start doing chemo? >> yes, ma'am. >> how long did you go with that? >> it was about three months. i made it halfway through the treatments. >> halfway through the treatments. >> yes, ma'am. >> what was it that made you stop. >> the whole time i was fully confident that i was going to be healed. >> why? why were you so confident. >> because god is a good god.
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he is still a harley. is he still moving in people's lives that will let him and want him to. i wanted him to. and so, you know, and i had a relationship with him. i spent time reading my bible and in prayer. i was fully confident. >> i want to take a look. we have the brain scan. >> yeah. >> you can describe these brain scans for us. >> sure. >> we pretty much describe them for you. on the left you see before. >> yes, ma'am. >> the one on the left you could see that tumor and that was a very aggressive tumor. it was eroding bone material in my skull and just devastating. and the one on the right, as the doctor says on the original interview i did, it vanished. >> it just vanished. >> that's my miracle. >> you think that's a miracle god stepped in. >> absolutely. >> what you have done to take this miracle that you feel god created for you. >> sure. >> and what you have done with it. >> i'm very thank will. when you face death and you make it through, you become very thankful for life.
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not only that i care about other people. i want other people to be able to experience the same greatness that i have been able to experience. because god is not partial. i'm not special. on august different fronts from depression to addictions to, you know, oppression to sickness and disease to family issues, you name it. >> speaking of family. you have right behind you we have your family. giant picture on the wall there of your family. >> yeah. >> tell us about them. >> they are my dream come true. i grew up in a big family. i loved my family. i always wanted a family. my wife is, she is my best friend. >> she is very prettiy. >> thank you. >> you have two little ones. >> and one on the way. march 9th. >> marchth. so you are a busy guy. >> busy guy. >> life is pretty darn good. >> life is good. >> you owe it all you say? >> to this miracle. i get to go every week as a chaplain to a detention center and tell people that god is good. tell young people that this doesn't have to be their future. this could be their past and just help people.
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>> inspirational story. jacob thank you very much for joining us. >> thank you. >> good luck to the rest of your family. >> okay. >> that's a good story. he fights for freedom overseas, fights for his family right here at home. ♪ happy birthday to you ♪ >> i love these stories. up next, meet the dad who would not let his deployment get in the way of his kids' birthday. is he here with the whole family. what would you rather give up? your cell phone or what goes on inside the bedroom? i'm sorry, jacob to talk about this -- we're not talking about sleep, folks, obviously. we have the 411 and very revealing new study. i'm not sure i believe this but we will get to them. ♪
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>> there was a surprise that took months to plan, three children who thought their dad didn't make it home in time from kuwait for their birthday party. got a video message instead. but they weren't expecting the best present ever. ♪ happy birthday to you. >> happy birthday to you. [ applause ] >> man, those get me every time. joining us from atlanta this morning. sergeant first class jonathan herring, don't show me on camera right now. his wife christina and their three children, alley, noah and ryan. good morning to all of you guys. >> good morning to you. >> these moments never get hold for our viewers or us.
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we can only imagine what it's like to go so long without seeing your wife and kids or visa versa for you, christinena, tell me how this plan came together. >> well, i was coming home. and from the day that he deployed i knew that i wanted to surprise my kids. i wasn't exactly sure how i was going to do it. but i knew that that was just what i wanted to do. so i just -- i figured birthday party would be the best route. i'm sorry, i'm going to have to put him down. but, so, yeah, just trying to get the plans together and figure out exactly what to do was, i knew it was going to be trying and hard to get together, but it was something that was going to live a lifetime in my children's lives. i was bound and determined regardless to make it happen. >> you actually had to see them a little bit because you wanted them to think he wasn't coming home for five more days. >> sergeant. >> yeah. >> i felt really bad for that. >> i'm sure you did. but, sergeant, tell me, when you saw the kids see you and just
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come running at you, you hadn't seen them in six months, what were you feeling? >> it was a feeling you just can't explain. you don't get to see your kids for a very long time and when you see them for the first time and how big they have gotten, even over a six month time period the feeling is indescribable. a spheelg of love. of joy, of actually getting to hug them and then having my daughter leap into my arms from about five feet away, it was just an amazing feeling. >> alley, you -- ali, you were so excited to see your daddy on that day. can i only imagine you went running for him. how happy were you to see your dad? how surprised were you? >> like when he came up there, i was like running and jumped on him. because it was my first time to see him. i missed him.
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>> ali, how hard is that to have your dad be away so long? >> well, can i understand why she is overcome because so many aand i have a 5-year-old daughter. so, christina, if you could tell me, you know, we are all in debt to all of these troops that sacrificed everything for this country, how difficult is it for you, ofor the families that don't get to see their husbands, their spouses their daddies for six months at a time? >> it's really difficult because, you know, not only do i have to be mommy when he is gone but i also have to play the role of daddy. i have to be good guy and bad guy. they form a love-hate relationship with me. but in the end, you know, i have to relay everything, oh, well, you know, the day after he deployed ryan started crawling, not long after he started walking. so, you know, he missed out on so many things with him that you
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know, i felt guilty that i was home all the time seeing it but he had to be so far away and wouldn't get to be a part of those. he would never get those memories back. but, i mean, as a military wife, i sacrifice just as much because it is extremely difficult for an army wife knowing i worry day in and day out about the safety of my husband but not only for them but my sanity with the kids because i know it's very trying. it's hard for the kids to be able to focus on just one parent because they miss their dad, you know, extremely way more than i ever thought somebody could miss anybody. >> can i only imagine. i haven't seen my kids in four days and i'm broken up here. ali, we are so happy your daddy is home. remember, is he a hero what he is doing makes us all proud. sergeant, thank you for your service. thank you all for joining us this morning. we will never tire of stories like that.
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>> thank you. >> thank you. >> coming up next, a developing story, early this morning the g-20 holding an emergency conference call over our debt crisis. are we in for a rough day tomorrow on wall street? also, the air force banning a class all because one group claimed the material included a bible passage. up next, a retired air force general who is begging stop this political correctness. we're back in a moment. ♪ i put on that old song ♪ we danced to [ male announcer ] heard this one? listen to this. three out of four americans don't get enough vegetables. so here's five bucks to help you buy v8 juice. five bucks. that's a lot of green. go to for coupons. you can count on us. [ male announcer ] this is what it's like getting an amazing discount on a hotel
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>> global fall out from the united states credit being downgraded, emergency conference kale placed this morning to deal with the crisis details straight ahead. >> the u.s. navy seal team six takes a big hit after a deadly chopper attack in afghanistan we'll go live there in just moments for the latest on the recovery efforts. >> the air force banning because of within group whining about the material in clueded that included a bible passage is this fair. we report, you decide. "fox & friends" hour four starts right now.
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♪ >> music is infectious. juliet in for alisyn. a big morning already this morning. >> it sure is. trying to digest all of this news concerning our economy. an emergency morning g-20 conference call ahead what does all of this mean. we were downgraded from triple-a to double-a plus we'll get help with all of this from charles from the fox business network. >> you're looking at the wrong guy. >> we're looking at the right guy. >> looking for perspective what this means what is going to happen tonight in to tomorrow. >> the g20 thing, if they aren't meeting i'd be worried this is standard operating procedure. as i'm losing my voice because i've been talking about this. nobody knows what is going to happen. the markets, how will the markets react is huge story it
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could -- it sells off on headline, who knows if it comes back. real issue is do people buy treasury bonds is that the safe haven still. i think, yes, because i don't think there's that much difference between -- that's it. where is the safe haven. are you going to put your money -- >> what would you do? >> i'm an american. i think i look at it like this. going to put your money in the swiss bond. going to put your money in chinese bond? safe havens are based on the country the reputation ability to repay. the u.s. is still number one. that said, this is going to be a huge political story. that is where i think people are going to talk about the markets. think about this in terms of politics we have the first time ever in my lifetime, i studied economics in the 1980s, the u.s. triple-a rating was sacrosanct. everybody model that i studied was based off the triple-a rating. the fact that it's gone down is a major political story that's
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going to be front and center in the 2012 elections. >> we hadn't talked about the political angle of this too much. john chambers from the s&p 500 there are criticism even the post -- >> literature. >> was there politics at play in this decision from the s&p 500 where are they not doing anything. >> i've been reporting how the s&p 500 and moody's missed every financial crisis for years. they are corporate bureaucrats. the notion that we put our trust in these guys is little revolting. that said, render an opinion they look at two things. look at the amount of debt we have issued they look at just how our ability to repay that debt will be for the next five years. if you look at our economy, we're going to have less money to repay that debt. there is no doubt about this. this economy is failing right now. why is it failing?
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listen, you can blame it on the debt deal i think you go back even further look at the 2009 stimulus package if that actually worked we would not be sit here. people would be working, tax revenues from people working would be flowing in to the government. and you know what, the deficit would be smaller. president obama and the treasure secretary they have to tell us and take some responsibility. >> warren buffet came out the s&p 500 was so off on this one, we should have a quadruple-a credit rating. >> warren buff take? he is a brilliant -- >> easy for him to say. >> not right all the time. remember that, i covered wall street the smartest guys in the world are not right all the time. this is common sense. $14 trillion of debt going up. we have administration that wants to expand the amount of spending that we do.
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you have a congress that wants to cut spending or at least cap it, we have fiscal policy gridlock where they don't know how to grow the economy. both sides have different agendas. i hate to be defending them because they missed every crisis in the world. you got to sit back think, you know, this isn't a good situation. >> they may have triggered the financial crisis. while you were studying economics this guy from the s&p 500 was studying english lit. >> is that true? >> that's true. these guys at home everyone watching this morning wants to know not what the dow is going to do but what this means. will my car loan, will it cost more for me to borrow money. >> given the fact that everybody is in the market i bet you people -- >> is it going to cost more to borrow money? carlos, home loans. >> i don't know. this is the scary thing. you don't know what is going to happen monday.
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i'll give you a theory. theory is s&p 500 lowers ratings, treasury bond prices go down, interest rates go up. that should trigger all other rates going up. i will say this, the u.s. is still the u.s. people still might be buying u.s. treasuries and this move sips it was so telegraphed, merit, they issued it on friday, two days to prepare. they were talking about this for two weeks. >> bottom line today, asian markets we donny is going to happen to that a well weather we still don't know? >> it could be. generally is a bellwether. but, this is something that i can't -- if anybody comes on this show says they know what they're doing, they know what is going to happen tomorrow throw them off the show. >> uncharted territories. >> we'll get security in here. they're selling you snake oil. >> we appreciate your hon he is glee i don't sell anything. >> from the fox business network. >> now i got to stop talking. thank you for being here.
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>> now let's take look at some of the other headlines. fox news alert. london cleaning this up morning after some of the worst riots in the city's history. look at that, that is a street of london double-decker bus, just completely in flames about 300 protesters overnight incredible video. showing fire to double-decker buses, buildings, nine people were hospitalized eight of them police officers. the riots in response to the shooting of -- police shooting of 29-year-old father of four earlier in the week. the incident is being investigated. does president obama need help from a higher power. texas gov rick perry thinks so. >> frankly i pray for the president every day. i pray for his wisdom. i pray that god will open his eyes. i wish this president would turn back the health care law that's
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been passed. >> that was governor perry speaking to a reporter after his big prayer rally in houston yesterday at reliant stadium. more than 25,000 people showed up for the event called -- perry who has been hinting at possible presidential run. it was to bring unity and comfort to americans a 30-year-old man plunges his father's mini van in to a lake in center park all because they had a fight. the 30-year-old, anthony rojo reportedly complained that the never heard this one before, his dad loved the car more than he loved him. some other park go goers helped pull him out of the van. >> ever saw "ferris buehrler's day off" "that. >> that was a ferrari. >> because it was a mini fan. >> somehow i bet he doesn't love his son much more after that.
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>> i don't know he didn't help his cause. >> not much at all. >> check this picture out here across eastern part of the country so much rain. not any gigantic store but series of little disturbances will bring rain showers. kentucky and tennessee headed toward north carolina. this is out of raleigh, yesterday morning they had around five inches of rainfall in just a couple of hours that caused some widespread flash flooding in the area and points just to the northeast of town. they're dealing with that clean up today. morning before they had the flooding in charlotte so two big towns in north carolina the last couple of days getting pummelled with the heavy rain. rain across parts of new england, more showers will continue to come on in to the area. scattered throughout much of the central plains looking nice. we'll continue toe see dry conditions all across much of the west. monsoon flow calmed down a little bit as well we'll see the heat build across much of the west. 96 in denver.
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105 in dallas. heat is on tomorrow is going to remain hot across the south. 70s and 80s across the northern plains going to be a nice week with cooler temperatures 70s across much of the great lakes. >> thanks, rick. lot of people weighing in we first brought you. the air force has decided to suspend a course called the christian just war theory. it was a course taught for 20 years there, basically what it did was it prepared individuals who would have to press the button at those nuclear missile silos have to hit the button, it taught them about the moral implications of doing that very thing. used bible versus to do it. >> a couple of the cadets were unhappy with the fact that they were bible versus included in the course. then the military religious freedom foundation really made a stink about all of this. they got it because air force went 'look with the plan. here is what that group says, quote, the united states air force was promoting a particular
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brand of right wing fundamentalists christianity. >> a quote from air force spokesman, what they are embarking on is difficult you have to have a certain amount of ethics to do that job. so, you know, kind of understand that. >> give them a moral argument for making the difficult decision that those launchers had to make. >> not very pop pew polar among the old guard like general tom mcnerny this is just political correctness gone awry. >> i had to certify people going on nuclear alert and i had to always ask them the final question was, will you execute this mission if you are directed to. that's to drop a nuclear weapon. so, every case that i had in 35 years in the air force they all said they would. but that requires a certain
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philosophical background. so to discuss these things i think is very important. but to immediately eliminate them i think misses the point completely and i think it's weak air force leadership that's doing it. they taught stand up and quit reacting to political correctness. >> what are folks saying on twitter? >> they're fired up. they don't think it should have been removed and others disagree. there should be a separation. let us know what you think is it appropriate to teach bible versus or political correctness. >> coming up the deadliest attack in the ten year war in afghanistan. up next we're live in kabul with the new information about what happened to our navy seals. >> and e-mails, tweets, all pouring in we ask you to name president obama's bus tour. your tax dollars or paying for it. what should it be called. let us know. ♪
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>> new details are starting to emerge but a lot of unanswered questions regarding this helicopter crash. it took place yesterday just about southwest of cab you'll, wardak prove since a heavy taliban insurgence area, where there is a lot of fighting going on day in and day out. it appears that the helicopter was art of some type of raid on taliban compound, the taliban claimed they shot down this helicopter with 0 americans and also eight other afghans and civilian interpreter when it was beginning to approach this compound much the u.s. military has not confirmed that it was shot down. but in all likelihood this was a rock earl propelled grenade that took down this chinook helicopter. it is the deadliest day for u.s. troops in afghanistan since start of the war nearly ten years ago. one of the big questions that is being asked about this helicopter crash is what were so many navy seals and special
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operations troops on one helicopter generally according to military officials they try to keep small groups of navy seals or green berets or other special operations troops on a helicopter to try to divide them among other helicopters so that if one goes down you don't have this gigantic loss of life. one of the big questions that is being asked abut this accident. >> there is lot of questions being asked how this might change the war effort going forward. might the presence and role of special forces actually be increased regardless of what happened? >> i think one thing we've seen here day in and day out the last few years is that the special operations forces play a huge role here in afghanistan. i don't see them taking a step back because of this accident. if anything going forward with the way transition is meant to be lid out here with handing over from u.s. conventional troops over to conventional afghan troops it would seem likely that special forces and special operations troops will
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play a larger role going forward to help afghans transition in to the security lead here. >> when something like this happens, it's a devastating blow, but you talked about long term how about day-to-day over the next few days how are operations at this point? >> what i've been told is operationally this probably going -- isn't going to change a whole lot. one thing you see here is they just go and do what they have to do. they are very good putting the past behind them, the next day is the next day you just keep going forward. but emotionally this is taking -- likely take a huge toll on the special ops guys. they train, they live, they work together day in and day out and this is a very tight knit community, it's a very small community but operationally, the operations here will continue. >> live for us in cab you'll. thanks.
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>> rick perry, intolerance of other religions that's what some are saying of a her his day of prayer in houston, texas. father jonathan morris to weigh in he's not exactly on the governor's side here. >> and one marine coming to the rescue of another. congressman michael grim making house call to the home of world war ii veteran, wait until you hear why, coming up.
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>> welcome back to "fox & friends." quick headlines. new video from philadelphia where verizon union workers have already started striking. this after failing to reach an agreement on a new labor contract. customers from massachusetts to virginia are being warned there could be repair and installation
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delays on phone and internet service. can you hear me now? they're at it again the hacking group, anonymous claims its broken in to at least 70 u.s. law enforcement websites spreading e-mail addresses an confidential credit card date. that the group says in retaliation for last month's arrest of members in the u.s. and europe. texas governor political gain for 2012. >> like all of you i love this country deeply. indeed the only thing that you love more is the living christ. he is a wise, not affiliated with any political party. >> why is holding a prayer rally so controversial. joining us now to weigh in on this is fox news religion
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contributor and father jonathan morris. answer that question for us why is it so -- >> the more prayer the better. the more prayer the better whether you're a governor, president, whether you are someone sitting on this curvy couch the more prayer the better. it's very much not only constitutionally appropriate but also very much historical -- show me something in the constitution say somebody in political power or authority should not pray or encourage other people to pray, you -- also not only constitutionally totally appropriate but very much in the historical context of our great leaders in washington of lincoln what said, we need the help of god. we should be asking for that. the good thing is that perry here, governor perry did not say, god is on the side of the republicans or, god is supporting my ticket. he prayed. he encouraged us to pray for the country.
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>> representative josh burps a top iowa republican, saying this, question perry's logic saying politicos i'm a strong catholic yet i don't use my religion as a side show. this is a side so? >> making sure that we're in the heighting our faith quite honestly. i respected this legislator i'm sure his faith is very solid as well. but nothing wrong with public expression of our faith as long as we're not using this saying, god wants me to be president. or saying, god is on this political partisan policy issue, he is -- i'm right because he's with me. governor perry is not doing. that he's calling us to pray. >> there is a feeling that he is alienating a certain voting group. >> if there is a non-christian president some day in our country i don't want him to pretend that he's a christian in order not to alienate me.
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i want him to be who he is. that is how we should be unafraid of christian president or christian governor being who he is. yes, being aware that other people not forcing anybody to pray with them. there's nothing wrong with it whatsoever. >> dr. james dobson, we asked him why was this so successful, many tens of thousand of people to show up. take a listen to what he had to say. >> it's obvious that our elected officials don't have an answer for hit. hi fumbled around with trying to figure out what to do about the economy. so people are concerned. they came together to express that concern and to call on the lord to bless us. prayer is effective. >> religiose rally but politics on the agenda. >> politics is not a bad thing. religion is not a bad thing. there's nothing wrong with politics and religion mixing. we don't want the state telling
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the church what to do or the church telling the state what they have to do on a specific policy. but, yes, we need religion to be just what it is. a very real part of most people's lives. we don't have to hide it thank god we live in the united states of america and you can disagree with me. >> lot of countries -- >> thanks so much. happy sunday. >> coming up on the show from one marine to another congressman michael grim coming to the rescue of world war ii veteran. they are here with this awesome story and they're coming to our studio right now. >> then we asked you, you responded we will read the name for the president bus tour that you are paying for that you are suggesting. plus -- >> coffee, beer or time between the sheets? which one would you sacrifice for your cell phone revealing answers coming up. would you give up your shoes? [ male announcer ] 95% of all americans
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aren't getting enough whole grain. but actually, it's never been easier to get the whole grain you want from your favorite big g cereals. from cheerios to lucky charms, there's whole grain in every box. make sure to look for the white check. listen to this. three out of four americans don't get enough vegetables. so here's five bucks to help you buy v8 juice. five bucks. that's a lot of green. go to for coupons. you can count on us.
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>> welcome back. >> the bus tour about to kick off president obama's bus tour, august 15th through the 17th. 72 hours he may be coming to a city near you. and it turns out because it's a non-campaign bus tour, the white house says, there for it's paid for by taxpayers so, we thought, well, taxpayers are paying for it you should have a right to name it. >> we are getting so many e-mails and tweets. let's read what some of them are. obama's bus tour should be named the "road to disaster" after the old hope and crosby movies only this isn't a comedy.
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>> the tweets. quote, looking for a clue tour. >> the wheels have come off the bus tour. >> that's zoomoid. >> secret service did have to purchase two bulletproof buses for this tour. all we know going through the midwest no exact stops. >> for obvious reasons they don't want as we've been talking about the president looking out the window seeing billboards that are -- >> earlier on the show we talked about this study, i love this story that came out this week about what people would rather give up instead of their cell phones. like get in bed they flip through it, lay it next to -- >> check in all the time, takes it to bed every night. >> some are okay. some are appalling. i'm okay with the 70% of people that said they would rather give up alcohol than their cell phone. you could argue that would help you. caffeine, 55% of people say they
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rather give up caffeine than cell phone. i would say no to that one. >> chocolate. >> there's no way that juliet could do this. 63%. >> absolutely not. >> exercise, dave could never do this he spends two hours exercising every day. 54%. fun in the bedroom. % would give that up instead of their cell phone. can you imagine. >> who are these people? >> no, it is not just why the see but 20% of people say they would rather spend a week without their spouse than give up their phone. >> you wonder why the divorce rate is so high. >> i think this is on twitter. take a look, i would definitely give up my coffee and drinking habits before giving up my iphone. how else would i tweet you all. >> i'd be happy to give up my phone. i'm ready to throw this against the wall. >> give up alcohol or coffee? that's crazy talk. a dead cell phone is a good cell
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phone. >> we'll test dave he's going on vacation, if i see a tweet from you -- >> i think i understand. one more tweet, i'd rather give up the cell phone, of course i grew up without one it's like in the being annoyed. >> lol. >> one of our brave troops it look like. >> didn't we have fun without cell phones? >> we had peace and quiet. >> friends at fox news how you can weigh in to us and ff weekend on twitter much use your cell phone to do that. >> the stories making news there. is disturbing new details in the case of nora the 20-year-old's father was convicted of running her over in a car, police say it was honor killing because her father believe she brought shame to the traditional iraqi family. now new legal released phone conversations show police were fearful that nora's family was trying to kill her even after the crash while she clung to live in an arizona hospital.
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one conversation an investigator refused to hell her mother which shot me was in. lawyers for both ground zero workers at new york city have pocketed over $400 million in earns and legal fees. the "new york post" reports one firm representing a majority of sick 9/11 workers is expected to make $210 million that's attorneys fees. lawyers rates were almost $600 an hour. what your auto insurance company spy on you just to get a discount. starting next month, state farm rolling out new machine that offers cheaper rates to ale you good drivers out there who use -- have to put like this in-car device that let's the company monitor your speed and acceleration and braking and so forth. you can't do that in new york city i'm sorry. state farm says, cuts could go up 50% based on how a person drives. but how much will they go up? >> i don't know if they measure the braking is that bad?
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my wife she'll drive like -- >> nervous nelly. >> i'll get in trouble for. that always hits the brake it jumps a lieutenant if you get maybe our rates go down the more you hit the brake. >> you learn not to insult your wife's driving on national tv. >> i hope she's not watching. >> hope the cable is out. >> take look at weather map, skies -- take a look at this picture showed this earlier such a good picture, people coming up with very creative ways to handle the heat in texas make a swimming put out of the back of your pick-up truck. need a fruity umbrella drink for dave he'll be all set. take look at the next five days in texas. here you go this is why you need that swimming pool it is hot, going to continue, we are going to break the record i think this week of the number of consec could youtive days above 100 degrees. it's going to continue it doesn't look like any real break. not good news. take look at the forecast of the rest of the country, eastern
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part of the country scattered showers, scattered thunderstorms at times it's hot, it's humid, no that that across far northeast but rest of the areas are very muggy and heat of course continuing real estate cross the south. plenty of sunshine, a beautiful day all the way up towards portland and seattle. >> thanks. >> the weekly g.o.p. address congress than michael grim said over spending, over taxing, over regulating is creating uncertainty holding our job creators back. he calls it a good first step but far from perfect, sounds like what s&p 500 said. >> joining us is new york congressman michael grimm, good morning to you, sir. >> good to see you. >> who is to blame in this whole mess if we hadn't created jobs would it even matter? >> if you want to look at overall debt there's enough blame to go around for a long time. we've been addicted to spending for a long time. there's no question that president obama did not decree
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evacuate the debt crisis but certainly pressed on the accelerate or, no questions, three years of trillion dollar deficits, refusal to cut spending, hunkering down on raising taxes but not cutting the spending. i think that had we passed throughout the senate or even cut balance we may have been able to avoid this triple-a downgrade on friday we got some decent news about jobs that came out. it got buried on page three on saturday morning because of what happened with standard and poors on friday night. can you give the white house any glimmer of hope or can you say any good news about the white house given that new jobs number? >> i think it was 117,000 new jobs. >> which was more than forecast. >> so dismal. put in retrospect. >> also people are leaving the job market. >> this is the problem. things have gotten so bad when something even slightly or
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remotely good we get excited about that. we have to create jobs three times that amount. we have to get back to fundamental that means over regulating and over spending has to stop. it's about getting back to traditional values. woking hard to supposed to pay off that's not happening right now. >> is it fair that those on the left including the chairman is blaming tea party for driving this thing right up to the edge of a cliff before signing this debt deal. is that fair to blame the tea party? >> it's not even close to reality. john boehner the speaker of the house held a meeting in the first week he was sworn in january. said we're going to start now working on the debt problem so that we don't go all the way to the wire. that's why we put paul ryan's budget out. my question to the, where was the machine all these months. we put out -- >> they wanted a clean bill. which would have guaranteed that our triple-a rating would be
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lowered and that america would have no hope to get out of this crisis. that was unacceptable. >> you will be sticking around, correct, because when we come back you have to hear this story, very handsome gentleman sitting over about 20 feet away from us, you have to hear what the congressman did to help this world war ii veteran who fought in okinawa, it's an amazing store glee also on the show, anne coulter on deck talking on vice president al gore, you don't want to miss this. >> we'll be right back.
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>> startling statistics, union officials say 263 police officers who worked near grounds on 9/11 now have cancer. 45 have already also their lives, lung, colon, pancreatic, leukemia most common. if you have bank of america debt card between january and may of this year this is good nice, you may get cash. the company is refunding customers who were charged additional over draft fees. >> thanks. world war ii veteran his flag was vandalism has been given a
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new stars and stripes. this one is very special flag that phleb over u.s. capitol. congressman grimm stopped by the war veteran's home. >> we're joined with congressman grimm and recipient of that flag, harold burnstein, good morning to both of you. tell us, your flag at your home was vandalized, what did it mean when the congressman here replaced it with one that flew above the u.s. capitol? >> words can't express my feelings. it was very grateful, very grateful. unexpectedly very grateful that the congressman himself basically came down to do it. i'm overwhelmed. i'm reel leave overwhelmed. >> it is unexpected, too, also unexpected what happened. how did you learn this your flag had been vandalized? >> that evening, that day i went to the yankees game.
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i came home approximately around midnight. my flag was flying. i went to bed, i got a call in the morning from my next door neighbor. she says you know they vandalized and burned your flag. i said, what, i couldn't believe it. i immediately came downstairs, saw the condition of the flag, called the precinct, the 123 precinct, two officers came down. they immediately came down. they asked me if anybody, you know, have anything against me. i says, i don't understand. i've been living here 16 years i'm friendly. they're wonderful people. why anybody would do that, i just couldn't understand that. >> being marine, what moved you to take some action? >> well, several things. first of all, harold is a fellow marine we're both members of the marine corps league as you can see on his hat. but this is an american hero.
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i've served in combat, i understand, i know how harold feels. the red, white and blue is a symbol. it's for everything that's great about america. and for someone to go and do that and really it's a slap in the face to the service that this man has given our country and sacrifice that he made and courage. that's why i didn't want to wait, i called him that day. we sent replacement flag over the same day. then i came two days later when i returned from washington with a flag that flew over the capitol. >> what would you do if you had chance to find who burned your flag? >> you think about all this. i can't take it upon myself to do anything really. but whoever did it should be punished. should definitely be punished. i'll leave it up to the authorities. >> very nicer way of saying what you're thinking. >> again, what does the flag
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mean to you and congressman put it in good perspective what does it mean to you? >> i was in okinawa, i was in action in okinawa, i got post traumatic stress disorder because of that. i only know the afterwards not the before wards. afterwards, i found right now in the position that i am, i realize actually what i was fighting for that is my family, my 16 grandchildren, my 1 great grandchildren. because this is my life now. and i was blessed, my wife passed away five years ago i would have been married 77 years to her. unfortunately she's not here now but all i can tell you is the after thoughts, not the before thoughts. while i was fighting, we were fighting the war. we were fighting japs and germans. this was part of united states. this is it. >> we might not be country today if it wasn't for staving off
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imperial japan and nazi germany it's our thanks to you and your service as well as congressman and thanks for sharing your stories with us. thank you for serving our country. >> thank you both. >> coming up on the program, we've been asking you to name the president's bus tour, the one you're paying for. coming up next, anne coulter knows what to call it she's got a few thoughts on that. also be calling out al gore. that's next. i'm phil mickelson, pro golfer. if you have painful, swollen joints, i've been in your shoes. one day i'm on p of the world... the next i'm saying... i have this thing called psoriatic arthritis. i had some intense pain. it progressively got worse. my rheumatologist told me about enbrel.
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>> aim morning we've been asking to you tell us what to call president obama's bus tour. the economic distress express. now ms. coulter will join in, hello, ann. >> hello, good morning. >> i guess you got any great ideas for the bus tour name? >> i have no great ideas at this hour of the morning. how about food stamp express live. >> i think newt gingrich would be on board. the taxpayer dollars, outrage about taxpayer money going to fund this. as dave mentioned two bulletproof buses being used in all of this. >> they have to be carried out there on air force one. i have lost my capacity for outrage about two months in to this administration. >> let's switch now to what's happening with our nation's credit downgraded late friday night, from triple-a to double-a plus.
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the blame game going around. michelle bachmann saying that she thinks it is the president's fault those on the left blaming the tea party. where do you stand? >> well, according to the head of s&p the downgrade came because congress did not raise the debt ceiling with efficiency. on his account if only congress had given obama a clean debt ceiling hike, everything would be fine, we wouldn't be downgraded but having a debt ceiling hike combined with spending cuts leads to downgrade. that's highly suspicious to me. again, as i think i've said on your program, whether these credit rating agencies are just trying to avoid having the obama justice department investigate them for what they did during the whole housing mortgage crisis. >> the problem is, of course, charles said on our show earlier this morning that they have missed every major financial problem and issue we've had over the last many decades. but they are the rating
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agencies, even we're stuck with them so -- >> right. as long as republicans are going to be blamed for everything that happens at washington when they have one half of one branch of government. well, okay, do you have ha one half of one branch of government if i.t. not there it needs to have an investigation. what the head of s&p 500 said is crazy. you wouldn't have had a bond downgrade but if you have debt ceiling hike plus cutting spending that makes us nervous. >> i was surprised on saturday night to hear them say also that a balanced budget amendment would actually harm the country more because it would limit their options, it does sound very, very political. >> yeah, i didn't even know that one. there's got to be an investigation here. >> are you concerned about what's going to happen tomorrow morning? when the markets open?
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>> again, i have lost my capacity to be concerned two months in to that man's administration. but i'm very much looking forward to change coming overnight on november 6th, 2012. that's what we can all look forward to. >> your comments on what senator kerry and others have gone after the tea party about this week. senator john kerry basically said, that tea party conservatives this idea that they should be given equal time in the media to try to be fair to give all ideas out there, equal time on television said that those who have extreme views basically shouldn't have given equal time. let's take a listen. >> the media's got to begin to not give equal time or equal balance to an absolutely absurd notion just because somebody asserts it or simply because somebody says something which everybody knows is not factual. >> is he talking about the tea party there, anne?
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>> i have almost no volume. but -- i saw the screen i'm very happy to see that democrats have moved in to the era of civility. >> that's a nice way of putting it. >> i guess we'll wrap it up for now. we'll talk to -- we're sorry about your volume maybe we can fix that for you. >> thank you. >> can you hear me, ann? >> check out the book. >> so distantly like you're calling in from china. >> bye. >> see you later. ♪ [ slurp! ] [ female announcer ] hey, ladies, here's a little something [ chomp! ] you'll find irresistible, cinnamon toast crunch,
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give to save lives and reach for the cure. call now or log on to >> the obama bus tour. the taxpayers footing the bill, what would you name it. we have thousands of e-mails and tweets. he says, obama's bus tour, how about "can't get er done." >> scott's idea, barack and joe's excellent adventure tour 2011. >> i like that. that might be my favorite. >> tomorrow on "fox & friends." they're going on early with the world markets reaction to the s&p 500 downgrade plus fox news will watch this all night and in to tomorrow morning.
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