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tv   Hannity  FOX News  August 8, 2011 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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word of the day, no caperlash. remember the spin stops right here, because we are definitely looking out for definitely looking out for you. closed captioning by closed captioning services, inc. brought tall day on wall street and in the white house. the dow plummeted closing down 643 points today. i'm marc stein in tonight for sean hannity. today was the first full trading day. downgraded america from its gold plated aaa credit rating. suffice it to say investors are rushing to sell off their stock as midst fears of a massive economic slow down. the president was as tone-deaf as ever to this down grade and
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to the disaster unfolding on wall street. the dow was tanking before and after he spoke today. >> the president: we didn't need a rating agency to tell us that the gridlock in washington over the last several months has not been constructive to say the least. markets will rise and fall. but this is the united states ofthi america. no matter what some agency may say, we've always been and always will be a aaa country. >> hmm, i don't think partisan gridlock led s&p to take action. the president took a page out of his old crisis playbook and proposed tax increases to respond to the unprecedented downgrade. he is nothing if not predictable. joining me with reaction are the co-host of the five eric bowling and from the fox business network, gerri willis. no truth by the way that sean was seen at jfk with a suitcase full of cash and a
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one-way ticket to the case pan islands. things are not that desperate yet. become to the president's assessment this has always been a aaa nation and always will. >> it all has been, women it always be? absolutely not. s&p is looking at the fact that our gdp, 14 trillion our total debt four -- 14 trillion, not sustain able. we have to get in. fighting s&p is a recipe for disaster. >> right not responding seriously to what they are telling us about the economy eric? >> i would like to differ with my colleague gerri. i think we are aaa. if there is any way to be a quadruple a, we will be. >> how can you be quadruple a when you've got 15 trillion dollars worth of debt?
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>> credit rating agencies are supposed to rate your ability to pay the interest on the debt you have. we have around 29 billion dollar interest payment, per month. we take in as a country 175 to 200 billion dollars, per month. which means we will always be able to pay the debt down. >> we've just announced we are going to increase the debt by for self trend trillion and interest rates -- seven trillion >> i'm saying our ability to pay our debt is sound and in intact. we have to get our debt down p no doubt. head of the s&p who i spoke to today said off camera, granted but he did say if we had some sort of balanced budget amendment to the contusion where were weren't adding to the debt we wouldn't have been downgraded this isn't a partisan statement. this is the s&p trying to flex a little muscle. >> s&p has all kinds of
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problems not just the mortgage meltdown where they whiffed on the issue of mortgage investments. didn't know what was going on. do you remember world come? do you remember enron? these were stocks that s&p loved. i have to tell you, they are on target here. we have major problems that we need to fix and get serious about. unfortunately, i don't see very many people coming to the table with serious proposals. only a handful. >> here's the problem. you talk about -- you began by talking about debt to gdp ratios. you can come up with bad numbers for greece, portugal and iceland and the rest of it. they don't involve trillions. the scale of potential disaster with the united states is of a different order than iceland. >> markets today were also trading on what is going on in europe. that's a big fear too. i know you saw the big
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sell-off we had somebody on my show tonight saying the dow is going to 8500. it is not just worry about our debt. it is worry about the global economy, about the european banks, bailing out spain, bailing out italy. a lot of debt has to be repaid. >> it is the global economy. we are supposed to be the engine of the global economy. even in a sense the global picture is a reflection on us, eric. >> we are still that, i don't know why we are saying we are not or not going to be the most sought after debt in the world. where is china and japan going? they have ten billions per month. these are profits that are sitting. they are going to canada, brazil? of course not. they are going to continue to come here. do we have to get our fiscal house in order? absolutely guy saying the tea party was right, not wrong should be thanked not blamed.
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there is no reason we should have been downgraded. >> where do you want to go is an interesting question. i got a book that came out with about impending american collapse. and these guys the rating agency did me a huge favor. you know in business, the graveyard is full of indispensible people. we can't afford that kind of complacency, can we? >> we can't. i'm tired of hearing people say it is never going to happen. that this unemployment problem that we have has to be 9%, has to be 10%. that's the way the world is -- it doesn't. we can change what we are doing. >> you are confusing issues. i'm talking a credit downgrade not an that needs to recover. like it or not, i am against it, we can tax. like it or not the government can take a company like they took gm. which means we shouldn't be
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downgraded. it doesn't mean we should do that. i'm in the camp that says lower taxes. i'm in the camp that says make government smaller. >> we can principle money. >> you are confusing the issues. we should not have been downgraded. and yes, we should fix our fiscal house. >> there's 18 nations and territories ahead of the united states right now. which is 10% of the countries in the world. >> in terms of what? >> that have a aaa rating. don't you think in the end -- >> oh come on have you seen the people on that list? [ talking over each other ] >> lichtenstein, come on, get serious. >> there's canada and australia on there, they are real countries. >> canada was downgraded nine years ago it took them a long time to come back from that. these countries we are being compare to, give me a break. >> bottom line is, this agenda downgraded american debt because me missed those names -- one important one, lehman
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brothers set off the firestorm of economic failures. by s&p aaa credit rated the same week they went bankrupt. >> what does that tell you? >> they missed the ball. we shouldn't be overspending, granted. there's no reason -- this was a shot at america. s&p trying to use american debt as their way to get back on the map. >> look at how they were rating greece. two americans not planning to move. great to have you. >> staying right here. >> those small islands are going to get crowded. >> liberals are blaming the tea party for friday's down trade. south carolina senator jim demint, a favorite of the tea party movement is pointing the blame elsewhere. he will join me next. >> later, how will in shape the race for the white house in 2012? 9 one and only frank luntz will join -- the one and only frank luntz will join me with
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analysis. don't go away, coming up on hannity.
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>> mark: for years we've heard president obama and democrats alike blaming george w. bush for all the worries of the world. following friday's credit rating downgrade it seems the left has found a new scapegoat. the tea party. let's take a look. >> fact of the matter is, this is essentially a tea party downgrade. the tea party brought us to the brink of a default.
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it something that should never have happened. that clearly is on the backs of those who were willing to see the country default. those very stride dent voices in the tea party. >> -- i agree with david i think this is a tea party problem. they are totally unreasonable. not founded in reality. i think they've been smoking some of that tea, not just drinking it. >> mark: smoking tea, i think it is a vermont thing. top official with s&p says the white house and congress are both to blame for the downgrade. >> this is not about either political party. it is about the difficulty on all side in finding a consensus around fiscal policy choices. now and in the future. >> mark: rather than point fingers at the tea party perhaps governor dean and others should focus on the president's own economic advisers who were asleep at the wheel as this crisis
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developed. remember this? >> is there a risk that the united states could lose its aaa credit rating, yes or no? >> no risk of that. >> so standard & poor's is wrong, the united states will keep its aaa credit rating? >> absolutely. >> mark: got to love geithner's crystal ball. joining me with reaction to this south carolina senator jim demint. senator, there is something unbecoming about this? the first downgrade of the united states in 94 years. instead it is all about -- very unpersuasive political spin blaming it on a bunch of tea party guys. >> it seems mark, that everyone who disagrees with the president is a member of the tea party now. you know and you've been predicting these kinds of things for years. over 70% of americans think we need to balance our budget. that's no small tea party group. that is a lot of common sense americans who understand that
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we can keep spending more than we are bringing in. this is a bipartisan problem. but the solution that they came up with has made the problem even worse. it locks us in to another 7 to 10 trillion dollars in debt. there's not enough credit in the world for us to borrow that much money. we are looking sometime over the next few months, or maybe few years, if we're lucky, we are going to come to the point where there is a real debt limit. where we can borrow any more money that is going to be a serious time. we are talking serious things now. the president is trying to point finger everywhere he can look and say that's a tea party guy behind that bush. i think is pitiful. >> mark: you made the point we are beyond spin at this stage. the president of the united states is supposed to be addressing the world. and the world has reached a judgment on this idea that the united states should borrow another 7 to 10 trillion
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dollars before it starts tightening its bell. >> they know we can. the probe -- the problem we have in america and you pointed this out, we are that center pole of the world's economy. when people start losing confidence in our dollar, our ability to pay our bills, it sends shockwaves throughout the world. that's what we are starting to see today. the only way to solve this is to get control of the spending. we had several plans in congress to do this. one was cut, cap and balance. we passed a budget or at least the republicans vote voted on it in the senate that would have balanced our budget over 10 years. that's what the market needs to see. not we get control in year or next year, but we are committed to bring our budget into balance. the president called me extreme for believing that. i think when i'm in the company of over 70% of americans, i feel like i'm in good company. >> mark: what is the message we are sending to the world? whatever you say about the
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greeks and the portuguese and the spaniards and the rest of them, they are not sitting there negotiating plans to lower the rate of increase in spending by 2020. these guys are focused on this year and next year. we're coming up with these fairy tale -- >> these countries can print money, we can. the federal reserve has bought 90% of our debt this year. that is out -- that is frightening to think that we are printing that much money. buying our own debt. the rest of the world knows what we are doing and they are losing confidence in us. these other countries can print money. they have to make the tough decisions. states can principle money. 49 of them have to balance their budgets. we need to balance our budget that's the only solution to this. if we are required by law, by the contusion to balance our budget, that's the only thing -- by the constitution to balance our budget that's the on thing that will save
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america. mark mash the president told the world that -- >> mark: the president told the world it is time for wealthier americans to pay their fair share. the same message from him. what do you say to that? >> the people he's talking about, those who make $200,000 or more, there's 3% of americans. they already pay over half of the taxes. the federal income taxes right now. they give a third to of all the charity contributions in our country. they provide 60% of the investment capital. they create a lot of the new jobs because these are small businesses. the president wants to take money from people creating jobs and give it to the people who created 14 trillion in debt. that doesn't make sense to me. the president is going to continue to hurt our economy with his obamacare, stimulus, dodd-frank bill. if were you a small businessman and that's what i bass before i came to congress, you know -- that's what i was before i came to congress.
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taxes going up, health care going up. why create jobs? i can imagine a more anti-business president than the one we've got now. >> mark: he's given us a flat line economy and said he had no intention of changing it today. >> you are right. you pointed out that we have copied europe. i think we are to the left of europe if we look at these policies. america is that last bastion of freedom. we can turn things around there are plans that would do it. like the cut, cap and balance plan. we can do it without cutting benefits for seen kwrofrpls there's a way out of this, mark. there's not the president's way what we get from this super congress they've created. that's another thing that should frighten americans. i know it is going to be tax increases. i just don't know how bad. >> mark: senator, thanks very much. the super congress, words to chill the heart. >> next, frank luntz is here
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to explain how the s&p downgrading of the united states credit rating could weigh with voters come 2012. >> later congresswoman michelle bachmann gets the news week treatment. conservatives are up in arms over this cover. can you guess why? we'll explain, coming up on hannity. of these abandoned racetracks in america today. automotive performance is gone. and all we have left are fallen leaves and broken dreams and --
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. >> mark: welcome back to hannity. with the 2012 election fast approaching friday's downgrade by s&p is sure to have a major up pack on voters. while politicians are pointing fingers they should be asking who the american people think is responsible for the economic mess? one thing for certain this topic will come up later this week in iowa when the gop presidential hopefuls debate here on fox. joining me with reaction is the president of luntz global, frank luntz. on friday frank when this happened, gop pal said to me, whatever happens now this is who he is. he is the aa president, the downgrade president it more complicated? >> i only wish i got aa's when which was in school. that might be good if you are a student not when you are president. >> mark: i think --
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>> aaa plus, minus, no wonder people don't understand. this president has committed a cardinal error. if he loses in november of 2012. we will trace it back to the last 96 hours that is he renewses to take responsibility. i can -- he refuses to take responsible. jerry brown challenging meg whitman. he said you blame the police, ins, media, lawyer. leadership is about taking responsibility. admitting that you made a mistake and learning from it. that's what the republicans should be saying to barack obama right now. the american people are angry. the average individual, if you have a $100,000 401(k), let's say in one week you have lost $10,000. barack obama continues to talk about tax increases when the people he wants to tax just lost 10, 20, 50 $100,000 of
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their savings. >> mark: what is the problem there frank? you've come up with a great science for testing which words resonate with voters to what degree. doesn't he have people who tell him stuff like that as well? >> i don't know if he feels it. maybe because he goes from place to place in a private plane. he has people come and cook him dinners. he doesn't mix. he doesn't mingle. he doesn't understand how the american people feel. these are serious things. the two words that the american people are looking from washington now, "no excuses." yet, that's all they get. make no mistake, republicans in the house, they too have serious challenges. the numbers of -- against the incumbent are higher than they've ever been. at approval rating for congress is lower than it has ever been. both these people seem to be tied together. as obama falls, so does the
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republicans. >> mark: if you are a republican strategist trying to figure out that anti-incumbent anger, what incumbents are they anti? the ones who want a deal that only increases spending by seven instead of 10 trillion. or the ones who are saying no, we have to start clobbering this stuff now? which branch of the republicans suffer most from this? >> there are two branches not necessarily republican. independents say why can't the two parties get along and stop fighting? when obama says there is gridlock, he doesn't accept the fact he is half of that gridlock. there's the other side which comes from the tea party. who says, we elected these people to be hemmed accountable. to stop wasteful washington spending and make tough cuts. they feel like the republicans didn't go far enough. the difference between obama republicans is that the republicans get it. they understand what is happening in their districts. they are all holding town hall
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meetings, engaging with voters and they going to come back with more cuts. they are going to top these tax increases that barack obama keeps pushing. but the president, unless he starts listening more effectively for the first time i've ever said on this network, for the first time, i think his reelection is in jeopardy. because he doesn't get just how mad -- it is not anxious, it is not fear, it anger that the public is with what is happening in wash -- in washington and how it is hurting them. >> mark: clinton felt your pain. >> he's causing your pain and he doesn't feel it while he's causing it. >> mark: he can't be bothered pretending. >> this teleprompter stuff, these are important issues. americans want to you look straight in the eye not look away and read papers, look straight in the eye and tell the truth. they feel like it is not happening. >> mark: you are right.
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throw away the prompter. that's good advice frank. gop name that has got -- that is going to been fit? who is it going to be romney? >> romney because he has business experience. pawlenty, because he has gubernatorial experience. i look at two guys who aren't running but i wonder whether they are going to reexamine it? paul ryan who knows more about the budget and cutting spending than any living human being. or chris christie more tougher and mortgage engaged. mark park back to your -- teleprompter point the candidate has to be authentic to look in the eye. do you think romney can do that? >> he's a different candidate now. he's so much better now at that. we are going to see that in the debate. he isn't as passionate assay michelle bachmann. but he -- as say,
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michelle bachmann. one thing is clear, if they don't have a plan thursday night, what are they going to cut, how much, when? if they can explain how we get to a balance. then the republicans watching are going to say, i want somebody he will. >> mark: you are right there frank. i want candidates who can say we are going to cut this department, this agency, this program. specifics, specifics, specifics. great to have you with us frank luntz. >> coming up, conservatives are crying foul over this week's "newsweek" cover of congresswoman bachmann. do you see anything wrong with it? we'll explain, up next on hannity. n you ♪ ♪ let me make you smile ♪ let me do a few tricks ♪ some old and then some new tricks ♪ ♪ i'm very versatile ♪ so let me entertain you ♪ and we'll have a real good time ♪
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>> mark: welcome back to hannity. the conservative blogsphere is in an uproar other the latest "newsweek" cover. they claim the magazine picked a wide-eyed photo to make
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michelle bachmann look crazy. and titled it "the queen of rage." now the national organization for women agrees. told the daily caller the cover is sexist. this the first time "newsweek" had a questionable cover. in 2009 they put out this cover of sarah palin with the title: how do you solve a problem like sarah? are these just unflattering photos or is "newsweek" sending readers a message? joining me fox news contributor one of the co-hosts of five, monica crowley. she is the author of outnumbered jedediah bila. great to have you with us. good to see you. i don't think i've seen you since we took our vacation to gitmo. >> we'll always have gitmo mark. >> mark: you can't beat it.
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monica, is this part of a pattern of attitudes by so-called progressive liberals to female conservatives? >> absolutely. they hate all conservatives. but they have a special floating for women -- special loathing for women conservatives like sarah palin and michelle bachmann. in the 2008 campaign the mainstream media savaged sarah palin in every way. she is very strong. they are doing the same to michelle bachmann. this "newsweek" cover is going to be the first of many things we are going to see this . the reason is, these strong conservative women represent an existential threat to liberalism. they are pro-life, pro-gun, fizz s who lead their lives according to those values. they don't just talk a good line, they live what they
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believe. therefore, they must have be destroyed. if somebody like sarah palin or michelle bachmann were to gain real traction with a broader american electorate that gender gap that the democrats have relied on for decades, disappears like that. >> mark: you say that monica, but he do damage not just with liberals and ini inches they eke into a soft conservative i can't tell you how many people who claim to be republican voters who say it is he did brassing having sarah palin and michelle bachmann. they do, do damage. -- >> unfortunately that narrative gets perpetuated in the media and some buy into it. i think this is going to backfire. when you have the national organization for women saying enough is enough, that represents a major step forward for everyone. even people on the left are beginning to say this is not okay. this was an obvious effort to do something horrific against michelle bachmann. how could you pick a worse
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picture than what you just saw? it is predict will you. she's an attractive woman. it seems the more trackive and competent they are the big -- more attractive and competent they are -- >> i find michelle bachmann attractive. minnesota liberals said it was proof she had flown the coop. [ talking over each other ] >> what is behind -- is it the idea -- national organization of women last time around with sarah palin somebody there said, she is really more of a republican man than a woman. in other words, if you wander off the liberal reservation you are no longer female, you no longer black, conde rice is neither black nor -- condi rice is neither black nor a woman she is just an angry republican male. why don't women never mind blacks, hispanics or anybody
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else, resent the strait-jacket that the democratic party and liberals try to impose? >> i think a lot of women do. the elite groups like national organization for women which is a misleading title. it should be national organization for democratic women if you are pro-life, you better night dare to apply, because we will reject you out of hand. most of these women's groups on the far left are devoted only to one issue. it is abortion. somebody like michelle bachmann who have five biological children and raised foster children is definitely pro-life as is sarah palin. [ unintelligible ] without that gender gap they cannot win. back in 2010 the last national election we had, women voted republican by i think it was 52, 53%. this represents a real threat.
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that's why women like bjorkman and palin need to be destroyed. >> mark: fascinating point. the slogan used to say you can have it all. sarah palin has children, grandchildren. she not yes 50. successful career woman. why is this not a model even for liberal women? >> it should be. women on the left see her as betraying her gender. she a woman she is supposed to be a leftist feminist. she is not following the path they've set out. she is not fitting in that square peg in a round hole kind of thing. they retaliate. this thing with "newsweek" what drove people crazy peter boyer had a great article about sarah palin recently which was honest. it portrayed her as she was. pictures of her in her running gear, cargo pants. larry o'donnell was having a conniption about it.
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i think they needed to come back with something like this to say left wing base, we are still on your side, don't worry about it. >> mark: i'd like to know if she could make a moose stew as good as sarah palin? >> me too. >> mark: this is the real women's issue. time to check in with greta van susteren and see what is coming up. >> greta: no secret there is disturbing news rocking the world about wall street, our kphefp the question is, is president obama -- the question is, president obama doing anything? is congress doing anything? we look at if anyone is doing anything id. is here. senator johnson is here he will go on the record. >> mark: i can't wait to hear what donald trump has to say about this. >> greta: donald doesn't beat around the bush, for sure. >> mark: that's what we like about him. i can't wait to see him fun to watch.
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>> mark: tonight on our great great american panel. he's former deputy assistant secretary of state and co-host of five, bob beckel is here. might be easier just to announce the guests who aren't co-hosts of the five. sophia nelson isn't. political commentator. national columnist and author of a new book, black woman redefineed. great to have you. white house political director under president job matt schlapp joins us. the tea party downgrade. that's what john kerry calls it. that's what howard dean calls it. they've got that phrase nailed down. is it going to stick matt? >> not at all. it is absurd.
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we raised the debt limit dozens and dozens of times. force the first time we are going to have more spending cuts for the amount we raised the debt limit. i think republicans and democrats are running a little scared going into next year. i think america has woken up to this huge debt crisis we have looming over our heads. the tea party guys are activists in the country. sometimes people might not like everything they say. they are responsible for the clarion call. >> it is absurd. the fact of the matter this is the standard & poor's political downgrade in my opinion. i don't think the white house is happy. i don't think republicans are happy. i don't think anybody is happy with this downgrade. i think standard & poor's overreached on this given there's question about the numbers being shady. white house says there was two trillion they didn't look at many to call it a tea party downgrade i'm not sure it works.
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>> mark: even when you start arguing about this two trillion and that two trillion these are crazy numbers to be arguing. in the end, bob isn't it easier to make president downgrade stick than tea party downgrade? >> good segue, i like that. we don't have a downgrade. i was a downgrade by a fraudulent organize called standard & poor's that gave a aaa rating to mortgage backed securities which took us too the great recession. why we pay attention to these fools, i don't know who is responsible this is not just something unobama's watch. the tea party may have brought it to forefriend to the edge of the cliff -- to the forefront to the edge of the cliff because of these people. there was a plan worked out between obama and boehner. they took it back to the tea party and boehner couldn't get any tax increases. i'd say -- i wouldn't call it
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their default, good talking point. i think the tea party is about to burn itself out. >> mark: bob won't let this go. i'm going to do the sean thing where you two get in an argument about how much taxes which of you pay. the country is not crying out for more tax increase is it? >> we don't have enough revenue going into washington. >> mark: you have a spending problem. >> if we were to raise taxes we would more. >> i think that is right. the bottom line is what the president said today we have a problem and we have to face it. if we took our credit card up to the limit, the company is going to revoke our card and cut off our ability to spend, am i right? why can't we do that in washington? >> people are not paying too much in taxes. george bush decided to cut everybody's attacks then he
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went into two wars that were unpaid for. and obama spent money -- [ talking over each other ] >> i'm not blaming bush. i'm not blaming bush -- [ talking over each other ] >> mark: you can object to the wars on moral grounds and other grounds, but you -- the wars are irrelevant compared to a trillion of stimulus tossed into the potomac. >> what do you think these wars have cost? a trillion and a half bucks. >> mark: i just said that's less than this year's budget deficit alone. you get 10 years of war whether you like it or not you can't object on cost grounds. >> i can object on many grounds. i don't object to the afghani war. >> mark: we'll come back to that. more with our great american panel, right after the break. i got to toss the ball. woman: day care can be expensive.
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>> mark: we continue with our great american panel. the worst day for americans losses in the nearly 10 year afghan campaign. matt, 30 american personnel, over 20 the elite of the elite from navy seal team 6, the guys who got bin laden.
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what going on? did one taliban guy get lucky? >> that's what it seems like. we'll learn more as days go on. i hope we don't learn too much more. i think one thing about the way the seals operate is clandestine. i think the american people understand why. because they have to operate with confidentiality. there are certain things it is better for the safety of our troops that we don't know. the one thing i think we know is this was another wakeup call about the war. we talked about the budget. some had in their budget we have a one trillion safes because we would be pulling out of some of these theaters. it reminds us, it is terrible, tragedy. i think it something our nation has to continue to focus on. >> mark: when you have the financial problem that the united states has, you go in the same direction as other great powers have done before. you retreat from the world. spend less on your armed forces. you come home in a very real
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sense. you don't have a military of global reach any more. what is this telling us? this appalling tragedy 24 hours after the whole downgrade business. part of the same story. are they telling us something profound about the state of america sophia? >> i don't know if it is a state of america as much as where the rest of the world is we are engaged in as americans. i think obviously, i agree it is a tragedy. it hurts all of our hearts whenever our military personnel are killed in such a manner. but it also tells us we are involved in a region there's instability. you don't know who you can trust. you don't know who is sharing what with whom. we don't know what happened. we don't know there was intel they knew who was in there. we don't know if they got lucky. hopefully we will find out, i agree not too much. >> mark: you said you support the afghan war basketball,
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what is the end game? >> most of the -- afghan war bob is the end game? >> they've done a remarkable job the last year eliminating the tap tier structure of the -- taliban. there's war fatigue setting in before this happened. it is happening on the left and on the right wing of the republican party. you began to see even boehner begin to talk about what is the ingame in afghanistan? i think the question is what the end game for terrorism on that border? this is a west pakistan, eastern afghanistan fight. the question whether we rebuild afghanistan is getting a difficult question to answer and fund. >> we are never going to be done in that region, pakistan, afghanistan. if we retreat we are going to have nothing but more -- >> the question is whether you continue to do the
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nation-building in the rest of afghanistan? that is a real question. >> mark: what is the point of nation-billing afghanistan isn't a nation what are you building. >> we keep having the same discussion over and over. the bottom line is, people are in that region have a core set of values they live by. i don't think we are going to change people by going in and being with the good americans with the flag. i think we need to come home. i think i'm where most americans are. >> this is not a nation this is a series of tribes. british learned its lesson. russians learned as they retreated back. and regretably, i think in nation-building terms we'll have to learn that lesson too. let's fight the war on terror not build what is not buildable. >> mark: can we keep an eye on pakistan in some other
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fashion? >> we've been so focused in on the case and afghanistan we assume there is more structure to its neighbor in pakistan. the more we know about the government structure of pakistan, that too is a about it untethered. >> pakistani injones community supports the taliban. pakistan is not our ally. they are a convenient relationship we have. but they have nuclear weapons. >> mark: here's the problem, they don't fear us enough as they did september 12 -- september 12th2001, when the general told you do this or it is over for you. >> standard & poor's doesn't fear president obama, come on. >> mark: when standard & poor's team up with pakistani intelligence we are in trouble. that's all the time we have. thank you for being with us.


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