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tv   Greta Van Susteren  FOX News  August 8, 2011 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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matt schlapp. sean will be back tomorrow evening. we toss it to greta van susteren standing by live to go on the record. >> greta: this is a fox news alert. it is getting worse. it isn't just a market gyration. wall street is in panic mode. dow plunges more than 634 points, investors cashing out and running for cover. standard & poor's late friday night downgrading of the u.s. credit rating. in their eyes we are aa+. what does this mean for our economy and the rest of the world? joining us, dennis 1st down 634 points after the president spoke when we thought that would ease things, it dipped further. should we read anything into that? >> it dipped a lot further.
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i've been talking to people who are investors and trayers and advisers to investors. they feel like all along what government is saying has been making it harder to recover than better. it was shown with the obama speech today. he got on air when the market was already down and scary. when we look for presidential leadership and optimism. judith miller writes a column saying it was a silly speech. we needed a leader and we got a professor. a stoke broker says response of an 11-year-old everybody's fault but theirs. another said it is a leadership crisis the fact the market fell another 200 points after he spoke is no coincidence. we have a chart you can see when he started to speak and what happened to the dow in the moments after he began to speak. right an wearing it fell an extra 41. then it seemed -- we might have charts showing this with the stocks. being see it fell.
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then you had some other financial news. then you see the president -- hard for me to see this. look at how much farther it goes down when we are looking for the president to soothe us. they tell me some of these people, it is not just what he said in the speech, but what he didn't say. no new initiative. no new thing saying i'm going to name the six democrats to that joint committee. no kind of new taking command and leadership. no mea culpa. all morning the administration had been blaming s&p for making a wrong call. instead of saying you know what guys, the fact is, when we came in at the start of '09 our debt was only 40% of gdp now it is over 70, rising to 90 and we bear some of the blame. had he said something like that, wall street might think he's serious. instead more on this billionaires. he at the last minute deleted
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from his speech, wealth any americans and corporations but left the phrase more tax reform paid by those who can afford to pay their fair share. a lot of people feel like they already are paying their share share. the tea party he referred to groups that insist on drawing lines in the sand. then worst of all at a time when we feel like spending is the problem. the stuff he said was if we'll cut some of this debt it will be good because it gives freedom to do the things we need to get the economy to recover. then he talks about spending to extend the social security tax. 110 billions in new spending. a lot of investors say spending is the problem, not the solution. >> greta: dennis f you don't have a job. if you don't have money in the market. and you are sitting home -- why do i care if it may be worst tomorrow. can you explain how it affects
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people at home who don't even have money in the market and when will they begin to feel it likely? >> i'm going to try not to sound like a rapacious trickle down guy. if you have no money in the stock market first glance you don't have to worry about anything. chances are you have a credit card if interest rates go up your credit card interest rate goes up. more than that, the people who could employ you. the people who could start new companies or come up with a new division, service and create jobs those rich fat cats that we've been criminalizing in the down turn the ones we want to throw in jail kpwaus it is their felt person sitting home on the couch will get a job out of it. >> greta: tomorrow when the bell rings, what is going to happen? >> the thought that individual
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almost two on the sidelines. we missed out 90%, the thought they are going to stop that market from falling. i don't believe that yet. these markets will come back. mark twain used to say, is it going to stop raining? mark twain says it always does. stocks will not stay down. the problem is you can lose a lot on paper while you are waiting for that bottom. >> greta: thank you. donald trump says we have one hell of a problem. dow down more than 634, nasdaq down 175, s&p 500, now nervous should we be? didn't the whole world has jitters especially in the united states. dow going down 634 points just today, your thoughts?
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>> they should have jitters and jitters about in country and the way this country is run. i don't blame them. frankly, if you're a great citizen of this great country, and i say great now, but it has to be somewhat tenuous, because what is happening is going to make it not so great. you have to to be very, very nervous. >> greta: the thing that seems to be the catalyst for the horrible day with the dow and the stock market is the s&p downgrading the united states. the president blames that on the of political will as well as as insistence on drawing lines in the sand meaning the political divide. david axelrod over the weekend blame it on the tea party. says it is a tea party downgrade. the s&p, as bad as they are and horrible in terms of that credit swap, aaa they gave the credit swaps in the mid 2000, it has an impact. is the president right, is
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david axelrod right? >> david axelrod is not right. the tea party happens to be the group that got people to tart thinking about the problems. the tea party want -- start thinking about the problems. the tea party wanted a stronger solution that was approved. i know the s&p from lots of experience, including watching them miss so many calls over the last couple of years. these people are probably publicity hungry. they probably love doing what they are doing. i see their representatives all over the press, being heroes. going home to their wives and buy friends and everybody else. i think they are loving -- and boyfriends and everybody else. i think they are loving it. they are losers. they shouldn't have done what they did. but they did it. and they had a reason. they shouldn't have done it, but they had a reason if they wanted to do it. the reason is, we really do have a dysfunctional government right now. it is terrible. what is going on with the presidency, what is going on
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with other aspects of our government is absolutely insane. very sad, as a citizen, very, very sad. >> greta: the white house seized on the fact they made a two trillion dollar math mistake friday. i thought when i heard that that's the least of the problems what about the mistake when they gave those toxic credit swaps the aaa rating which started the ball rolling into this cataclysmic economic event we have today. it is extraordinary we focus on friday's mistake. yet we let them off the hook for their many mistakes. >> that is right. whether it is standard & poor's that you want to criticize that is easier. you look at their calls on lehman on housing and mortgages and the mortgage backed securities. they are disgrace full. now they are making another call. -- they could have gone either way easily.
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we have a great country. people want tomorrow invest in our secure -- securities though they are not paying much interest. today you had the big drop in stocks. people are saying there are really big problems out there you have a priest that is -- you have a president that is not leading. he's not setting the example. you have a president that doesn't have a clue. that's a big problem for this country. we have ourselves one hell of a problem. >> greta: not having a clue, i don't know if that is worse than having a different ideology. that's an incredible indictment of the president. >> i think it is a combination of both. but i think it is more of the not having a clue. i think he would like to see things happen. but he doesn't know how to get there. >> greta: should he have a different secretary to the treasury? michelle bachmann said that secretary of treasury geithner should submit his resignation. if he doesn't, he should fire
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him. >> certainly it hasn't worked out west we are not respected. we are scoffed at, laughed at truth the world. obviously it hasn't worked out well under geithner. you could make the case that somebody new should give it a shot. get somebody who is really good and get that person to give it a shot. it has certainly not worked out well for the country having geithner. >> greta: if you could have a private conversation with the president today what you would tell him? >> lots of things. he has to stop allowing other countries to just absolutely destroy our country. if you look at what is going on with china, the way they are just virtually stealing from us. they have our jobs. they are making our products. they are manipulating their currency so it is very hard to compete if you look at is going on with opec. with everything happening, with bad economies, you have 100 oil. now it starting to come down.
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i did your show when it was $148 a barrel. you can't have oil and the blood of the country you can't pay that kind of numbers. these 11 guys sit around the table and set a price of oil. the price has nothing to do with market or market conditions. you have ships all over the world loaded up with oil they don't know what to do with it and we are paying these prices. ultimately, the oil kills us. and our lack of leadership is killing us. >> greta: you say lack of leadership. you say the president doesn't have a clue. i'm curious what you think about the fact that congress is on recess. every year they have this recess. many working hard but they are not here in washington. they are not sending the message to the american people. should they be back here or are they doing the best they can under the circumstances? >> if there is anything positive about the standard & poor's report and downgrading it is the president should call people
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back, ever back and they should knock out a real deal. they shouldn't rely on a committee that is going to meet and come up with awe solution by thanksgiving. they should come back to washington and cut a deal -- deal where real trillions are cut not what they did which was a mirage. i don't hear that being talked about. that would be the only thing positive that could come out of the rating cut. >> greta: the president said what he thought was the reason behind it in part there is this great divide, no political will, a line drawn in the san . which is interesting to hear. i didn't hear from him what are we going to do about it now. i thought it was a nice speech to the american people, but i didn't see a clear path out of this. >> i think the problem with the president, he makes too many speeches to the american people. he's got to get jobs done. it is all talk no action. that's what this country is
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about right now. we are all talk, we are no action. he's got to get these people back. don't worry about the committee. the committee won't even be formed for a long time. they have to get something going quickly this is the time to do it. say what want about the tea party. the tea party was the group of people that made them -- they realized this before anybody else. it made them think. so i'm very proud of the tea party. i think they do an unbelievable job of getting people to realize what is going on. they are the first time, the first group that has been able to do that. >> greta: you know what strikes me unusual. everyone in the last couple of days in washington woke up and discovered the tea party. this is what they elected certain people on in november of last year. i'm surprised that so many politicians are surprised that the tea party expects that the word would be kept. >> tea party said something
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simple. they said this country is going broke. we have to cut our costs. cut our expenses. and do it fast. there's nothing wrong with that message. it is a sound, solid message and i happens to be true. i don't know how people can criticize -- i hear some of the senators saying this is a tea party default. the tea party brought people's mines to look at the problem. and could have gotten to the solution. but they didn't get ultimately what they wanted. -- >> greta: i read a quote about going into wrupt bankruptcy. someone asked how did you go into bankruptcy? gradually and suddenly, suddenly we the bank started lending. the tea party was out there but didn't become a problem until they laid down the law and said we expect this. >> the tea party wind the problem. the tea party pointed out the problem, if you think about it. the tea party said we can't afford to be 21 trillion in
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the hole. we are going to be up to 21 trillion. we are at 15 trillion now. numbers that nobody conceived of or heard of before. the tea party pointed it out. i think they should be given praise. some would say they are too staunch. they don't negotiate. compromise is wonderful in some cases. sometimes you can compromise. >> greta: isn't sometimes a failure to compromise is biting off your nose to spite your face. sometimes you need to compromise so you can get things moving forward rather than to abort everything. >> we are spending hundreds of billions of dollars on rebuilding other countries. if you look at what we are doing. look at afghanistan, why aren't we building our schools instead of their schools? so many countries, what is going on in iraq, just name it. look at the deals we make with other countries. every country makes a better
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deal than we do. look at colombia, not a very large country. they made four billion dollars, call it profit against the united states last year. now they want a new pact so they can make more. who do we have representing us? china this year will make 300 billions a projection from a year ago. i just read a week ago those numbers were very low they are going to make much more this year than that. because they are doing numbers on us that nobody would believe. our politicians aren't smart enough to figure it out. unless we do something with all of the countries throughout the world ripping off the united states and taking billions and ultimately trillions, the new word, of dollars, we can never be great again. >> greta: the thing that i find dissaysing all the solutions, when you act -- distressing all the shrugses, when you accept the republicans, democrats solutions they take so long.
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we need answers and actions now. a lot of people almost can't afford to way they canned an for the -- they can't afford to wait for the november committee to do cuts. they can't afford to wait for tax cuts or revenue or whatever. these solutions seem long term people need the economy going today. >> you are right. that's my problem with the committee. you form committees, i see it all the time. committee after committee and that committee will form a new committee. in the meantime china wants to build a new city and three days later they start construction. other countries the same thing. we are forming committees. we are in trouble. we have the wrong people leading. he's almost trying to lead by consensus. trying to lead by committee. and you can't do it. but, you just mentioned it. think of it, thanksgiving, you know how long thanksgiving. we are in august, how long is thanksgiving? this is we the committee is
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going to come out with -- they could knock this off in two days if they got together. they need the proper leader to get them in a room to have to knock heads and come up with a solution. they don't need this ridiculous committee. the biggest thing on the committee now? everybody is politicking to be on the committee. that's the hardest decision the committee has because everybody wants to to be on it. get together as a group forget about the committee nonsense and thanksgiving and come up with a solution right now. >> greta: maybe they should come back to town and start working. >> they should, no question. that's what you would assume would have happened with s&p. as pathetic as s&p is, you would have assumed that because of what they just did they would all get together and work out a solution. i haven't heard the you go -- the suggestion of them coming back and knocking out a deal, very sad. >> greta: didn't tpald, thank
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you. >> thank you greta. >> greta: dysfunctional government or dysfunctional credit agencies? or maybe both. s&p's downgrade is almost reducing wall street to rubble. there are lots of questions tonight we'll tell you what is going on, next. >> who to blame for that nasty credit downgrade? did you hear who is blaming the tea party? this is going to roughly -- to ruffle some feathers. >> what is rush limbaugh talking about? stay tuned. [ artis brown ] america is facing some tough challenges right now. two of the most important are energy security and economic growth. north america actually has one of the largest oil reserves in the world. a large part of that is oil sands. this resource has the ability to create hundreds of thousands ojobs. at our kearl project in canada, we'll be able to produce these oil sands with the same emissions as many other oils and that's a huge breakthrough.
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>> greta: this is rough. from aaa status to aa+. standard & poor's downgrades our credit rating for the first time in history citing the gridlock in washington over the debt ceiling as a main reason. s&p has made bad calls before. as wall street looks almost toxic the criticism is mounting. joining us "new york times" business reporter louise story. this is like a dark comedy. the ones who are such dopes on the bumbling of the mortgage credit swaps in 2007 that it
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sent us spiralling into this. now people are paying attention to what they say. they got it wrong before now s&p spwreul and accurately gauge our credit -- rating. >> during the financial crisis after lawmakers said they were going to overhaul the rating agencies change the system. there were some chains in the financial reform -- there were some changes in the financial reform bill, only a few. they are powerful, three main ones, standard & poor's, moody's and fitch. they have an -- the markets look to them for this information it does have a big effect. >> greta: this makes me crazy. you talk about how thins were done after 2007. i got from your story in the new york time yesterday that with the financial reform bill, i'm quotinging from you, written last summer, regulators supposed to write rules to reduce heavy reliance
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by banks those rules have not been written a year later. nothing, zero. >> what is so amazing about in, it is the government that puts the rating agencies into the position of being so persian gulf. since the 30s over decades regular regulators put in rules -- aaa was okay to have in a portfolio that gave these companies so much power in the marketplace. dodd- was supposed to undo some of that there's been progress made many but not a lot -- -- >> greta: anyone getting rich off these credit agencies? are there conflicts of interests built into the institution of credit ratings?
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>> the rating agencies do make money typically off of deals they rate. usually if they rate procter & gamble, procter & gamble would pay them for the rating. the u.s. government does not pay for the rating. you would think the -- [ unintelligible ] they say don't rate us. they are not making money specifically off of -- >> greta: except it is marketing. who doesn't want to be a big deal rating the united states government. it puts them in the game so others think they must know what never doing but for the fact if you did any research it is like looking at a casino guessing evens when it should have been odds. >> i started looking into who are these people behind the rating? what is their process? i called standard & poor's today and i said how many people were on the committee that made this decision?
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they said we can't tell you. i e-mailed and said who are the people? we can't tell you. was the vote unanimous? we won't tell you. there's three people on the committee whose names have come out. we are look at who they are. one is a former solomon trader, he worked at barners trust. another used to work for the canadian finance ministry. we don't get to know who the rest of the people are. this is a public thing they've done that affects the market but they operate in crease . >> greta: congress could -- could have done something. [ unintelligible ] >> that's right. this may give them new ammunition. >> greta: don't hold your breath. we thought that with the credit swaps. any way, louise, thank you,
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great article. >> thank you. >> greta: the tea party is taking fire from a powerful democratic senator and someone close to president obama. we have senator ron johnson, that's next. >> our nation's credit rating is sliding downward. wall street taking a beating. is congress jumping on the problem? not exactly. not exactly. this may surprise you [ male announcer ] this is the network. a network of possibilities.
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>> greta: who did it to us? who is claim for our nation's credit downgrade? -- who is to blame for our nation's credit downgrade? >> the fact of the matter is, this is essentially a tea party downgrade. the tea party brought us to the brink of a default. >> i believe this is without question, the tea party downgrade. this is the tea party downgrade, because a minority of people in the house of representatives countered even the will of many republicans in the united states senate. >> greta: did the tea party do it to us or are they a scapegoat? join us senator johnson. one thing is clear axelrod and kerry must be at leave reading from the same cheat sheet. they both used the term tea party downgrade within short order. at least i'm suspicious. is bringing us to this brink,
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does the tea party bear any responsibility? >> the tea party has responsibility bringing this problem to the forefront. for laying out the fact that we are bankrupting this nation. if you are going to put a name to this downgrade it would call it the debt denier downgrade. i don't agree with the downgrade. i think america is the safest place to invest. the greatest nation on the face of this planet. we are spending too much. we've incurred too much debt. it equals the size of our economy that's a dangerous place to be. >> greta: if you think it is such a safe bet i know your background is in accounting what is your theory why the s&p downgraded? probably they want to look like they are doing something after making a mess of the credit swaps? >> they are looking at the long term reality.
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if we don't get our spending under control, we are going to face way fear saturday when we are no longer that safe haven. the day when investors around the world take a look at america and say, i don't think i am going to put my money in america. or i'm only go to buy u.s. bond thes if they pay an extra 5% interest rate. that's the day of the -- reckoning i fear. it is a real fear. there's a lot of harm caused by the fact that we do not have leadership in this country. i have to fault the president if he was serious about fixing this problem he would have put this big deal the 4.7 trillion deal he would have put that in his budget he presented in february. or the democrats in the senate would have put that in a budget which they've never presented even though they should have put one in on april 15th. the democrats haven't put forward their plan for the american people to see the only people who put forward a plan is the house republicans.
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>> greta: i'm listening to the president's speech today, no plan, just air. realize you have only been in the senate since january. there were five instances where he said things about how -- talked about the committee and said i assure you we'll stay on it until the job gets done that if going to be november, because everybody is then extending benefits, something we can do we congress gets back, four, five weeks. repairing roads. he says there is no reason why we shouldn't act on that now, but we can is on vacation. now he's on two fundraisers tonight. he set we've all not just had capacity but the will to act. hard to have the will to act we the example given by congress, house -- [ unintelligible ]
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the speech is repleat with examples of where something could be done and the capitol over my left showed empty. >> i wrote a press release saying we should reconvene congress immediately. the president should call us back and we should fix this problem. the thing that would get our economy going again is if we would repeal the entire obamacare, dodd-frank all the regulations he's shackling our economy with. >> greta: you can repeal it if everybody is sitting back home. i know some are working. there isn't a thing being done in town. all everybody is complaining. and you sit out and talk to your constituents. if you want to get something done, come back to washington. >> that's what i wrote in my press release. we should reconvene congress immediately. because this is a real
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problem. when we have the dow jones drop as much as it did effort the last couple of days. now peoples 401(k)'s are decreasing. we people feel good about investments they might start spending. we they feel bad they are going to -- i totally agree. we should be back in congress monday. start tackling this problem. it starts with putting structural controls on our spending. it is a spending problem. we are going to spend another 46 trillion over the next 10 years. incur another 12 trillion worth of debt reduced by two trillion with this deal. we are not serious about it. what action we've taken so far is inadequate that's why we've had a downgrade. >> greta: senator from the great state of wisconsin, thank you. >> president claiming he and congress working as hard as he
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and our slip and slide. you have your idea of summer fun, and we have ours. now during the summer event get an exceptionally engineered mercedes-benz for an exceptional price. but hurry, this offer ends august 31st. >> from america's news headquarters, i'm ainsley earhardt. more now on monday's record stock market plunge greta's been reporting on the. the asian markets feeling the effects. the nikkei dropping nearly 4 1/2% in early trading. hong kong's benchmark plummeting in the second day of trading since the u.s. credit downgrade. wall street had its worst day since the familiar crisis of 2008. we are keeping a close eye on the u.k., where riots raging in london for three nights have spread to three other cities.
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police in liverpool birmingham and bristol all reporting violence t. started on saturday in tottingham, after a peaceful process. two days earlier, police shot a man to death in circumstances that are being disputed now. i'm ainsley earhardt. back to "on the record." i'm ainsley earhardt, back to greta. >> greta: what is congress doing to help our economy? first they are not here. they are not expected to return until after labor day. today president obama assured us that congress is working hard to fix this mess. >> i know you are upset about this. >> greta: it is like a ghost town. >> which might be good. it helps if members of congress go home and hear what voters have to say. it might motivate them. >> greta: don't they know. my e-mail, i don't have to
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leave my set and i know what people are saying. >> you get out of town now and then. don't assume when they are in washington week after book they know what people are thinking and feeling at home. >> greta: if they are that tone-deaf that is stunning to me. whatever. if they were hear -- if they were here. i made a list. i think appearances matter. if they were here and showed they worked it would inspire american people. super committee that is supposed to be form that hasn't been formed, maybe we could get it formed if everybody came back to town. that gao report issued in march this tall which shows a lot of waste and the government does an oversight of all the people in -- members of congress can walk down the street pan go to government agencies and see 17 people doing the same job. there's a lot of work here. >> congress can always do anything you put on a list of paper. the question is, what would
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they do if they were here now? i'm not sure if they were here today after a very divisive summer fighting over that debt plan they would get anything constructive done. i'm not sure it would inspire the american people they were here given they have an 18, 20% approval rating. they were here for months and it didn't inspire anything. as far as that select committee on deficit reduction that needs to form per the debt plan that passed last week there's a 14 day limit. a week from tomorrow the committee has to be selected and get to work. so we are going to foe that. it is my guess during recess members will talk start to put staff together and this place won't be exactly a ghost town. you just won't have congress in session. >> greta: in terms of that committee, will the american people get a list of who is lobbying that committee? >> i don't know that anybody knows who is lobbying the
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committee until they do. >> greta: any agreement in formation? any indication from the president, house, senate, that once this committee is formed the american people know who in hustling, trying to protect themselves from cuts or whatever? >> unless the committee voluntarily discloses every call they get, every doorknock we are not going to know. people will be reporting. people doing the lobbying are going to make it very well known. because they are going to want to get public support. this is not going to be some sort of secret lobbying combo innocent. >> greta: so much is being done -- >> no the way they want to sell this is people want this, you need to do this. [ talking over each other ] >> greta: you are so much less cynical than i am. >> because of what i see. a lot of people think there must be a lot of backroom dealing going on. the truth is most of this stuff is public, has to be
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reported or these people want it public. they want to show the people that paying them what they are getting for their money. so it is easy to foe what going on in washington if you pay attention -- >> greta: i hope you right and i hope i'm dead wrong. i think it is profound any important for so many americans. thanks for joining us. here's a reminder about greta fire check out our barcode on the bottom of your screen. all you need is your smartphone and a barcode reading app. scan the code with your camera. you will have an all access to everything gretawire. >> hear what schwarzenegger just did? >> rush limbaugh knows his politics. he's also a movie buff
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>> greta: here's the best of the rest. rush limbaugh is fired up over the downgrade of our nation's credit rating. lashing out at president obama while having fun with movie titles. >> how many of you saw the movie planet of the apes? remember how that movie ended? colonel george taylor on a beach, statue of liberty,
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halfway buried. new york city doesn't exist. charlton heston the colonel, you finally did it, damn you all to hell, you did it! that's how i feel today! that's how i've felt all weekend long. damn it to hell we did it. obamageddon. that's what we have witnessed since friday. obamageddon. barackalipse now. far as 2012 goes obama is a debt man walking. >> greta: maybe rush could have a second career in hollywood, perhaps. >> what is arnold schwarzenegger thinking or is he thinking? he was seen in california yesterday wearing a t-shirt
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that reads: "i survived maria." the couple announced their divorce in may following schwarzenegger's confession he a will have child with the family's former housekeeper. tmz reports that he received the shirt while married as a gag gift. >> would you do this? an american woman taking the plunge swimming from cuba to the united states. about a 60 hour swim. the 61-year-old woman is not using a shark cage to protect herself. five boats sailing along side will keep an eye out for danger. she is not to lean on boats or grab on to anyone for a break. she jumped in the water sunday night. we won't expect to see her in florida until wednesday morning. she said it is a symbolic moment to increase understanding between the united states and cuba. >> zoo keeper in the ukraine doing the unthinkable. putting his life at risk living in a lion's den.
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-- rooming with a male lyon and pregnant lionness. why? he says he wants to raise awareness about the living conditions of animals in captivity. trying to raise money for two new buildings at the zoo. don't tell me you have never had strange roommates. >> beauty pageants in china are going to the barnyard. more than 100 sheep competed in a special contest showing off their wooly figures. the competition has been held in china for many years. they even win an wars. the top sheep goes up in value that means big money to is owner. >> there you have the best of the rest. coll -- coming up your last call. a lot of times, things are right underneath our feet,
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>> greta: 11:00 is almost here, flash the studio lights, it's time for last call. the president taking a breath and jimmy fallon explains. >> man, it's been a tough time for the economy this, week, the president declared that quote, things will get better, then he opened his eyes and blew out the candles on his birthday cake. a nice moment. a really beautiful moment. >> greta: that is your last call. lights are blinking and we're closing down shop go. to greta there is an open thread and youpn can talk about tonight's show and issues going on. and there is a video i put up with bret baier. and bret is a moderator thursday night go. look at the video and you'll get the behind the scenes with bret ba


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