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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  August 9, 2011 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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>> dana: another said my other vehicle -- >> bob: let's go. >> eric: that is it for "the five." thank you for watching. see you tomorrow. welcome to "red eye." i'm greg gutfeld, star of the summer blockbuster "gutfeld five" in imax3d, it is select back rows at certain theaters. andy, what is coming up on tonight's show? >> and get on the good foot, america. our top story, america's credit rating is down graded and the stock market plunges 600 points. funny stuff, right? and st's a cover -- and it is a cover article on michele bachmann find out if it is flattering or unflattering. i know, it was easy. and ite is the least self-aware in a new "elle" magazine.
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>> thank you, andy. >> happy sneak some zucchini on your neighbor's porch. >> is that a euphemism? >> no, it supplies a bountiful harvest. and today is a day to share so do just that. >> so sneak some zucchini to your neighbor's porch is not a euphemism? >> that's what i am saying. the plant produces an endless supply about zucchini, so it is about sharing the supply with your neighbors. >> so sneak some zucchini on your neighbor's porch is not a euphemism, i bought a bunch of zucchini for all of the wrong reasons. >> i know i regret asking this. but why did you buy it? >> it is my third annual zucchini party, andy. i would have invited you, but i know you hate twister. >> i don't hate twister. i just hate the way you play it. >> i don't hate the player. i hate the game me smell of the twister mat. see you later. let's welcome our guest. she knows businesslike it is nobody's business. i am here with fox business
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network reporter. and she -- he is the doctor of love on the campus that is my heart. it is dr. lamont hill. our world with black enterprise and columbia university education professor. for more information visit the ramada inn, knock three times. and four out of five dentists recommend punching him in the face. it is our repulsive sidekick, bill shultz. and he knows suspensful books like i know offenseful looks. and it is his latest book "the final hour" came outlast month. "the final hour." and his name is pinch, and his death is a cinch. our "new york times" correspondent. good to see you, pinch. >> this week, "the times" looks at the naked performance art that recently occured on wall street, by gum. you call that political? i have been on evil fox news every weekday for three years now wearing nothing but news and a smile.
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now that's a protest. and they don't even blow my good and plenties. >> it is my good and my plenties. >> i would show you. not enough room. >> and now to the greg-alogue. it is a hang nail of honesty on a hinger of falsehood. >> so it is hard to judge this down grade. to me it is like getting a report card from a drunk teacher. these agency agencies were so smart why not do it sooner? where would these credit agencies during the housing bubble? my guess is they were hot tubing. can't blame them. hot tubing is therapeutic. that means the down grade was not a logical reaction burkts maybe just a scolding meant to make everyone feel bad. now they are blaming the team party. but how can you blame them when they got nothing they wanted? the debt ceiling debate culminated in the highest bump
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ever. and it was like a fat guy skipping the sprinkles on the chunky monkey and still calling it a diet. i can see why the tea party is getting hammered on this. no one represents them, for they are them. the tea party is a principal without a person. president obama is a person without a principal. no wonder he hates them. if you disagree with me are you a racist homophobe. >> so we lost an a, but are we still okay? last friday night standard and poors, two dudes, i think, down graded our government's credit rating from triple-a to double a plus which means something. you won't get that kind of in depth analysis from any other cable news show. and whatever that something is, it now applies to freddy mac and fannie mae which were down graded on monday. so mr. president, did we get down graded because s&p doubts our political system's ability to act. >> not so much because they
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doubt our ability to pay our debt if we make good decisions or because after witnessing a month of wrangling over raising the debt ceiling they doubted our political system's ability to act. >> that's what i thought you would say. and i bet you think we need a balanced long-term approach to deficit reduction. >> we need a balanced long-term approach to deficit reduction. that was true last week. that was true last year. that was true the day i took office. >> so this whole thing was bush's fault. so what do you hope the down grade does? i know it gives us a renewed sense of urgency. >> my hope is friday's news will give us a renewed sense of urgency. >> agree to agree, mr. president. the stock market reeaktd positively to the -- reacted positively to the president's remarks. down is positive, right? obviously someone is to blame for the down grade and i am
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guess thrg was a consensus. -- there was a consensus. >> the fact of the matter is there was a tea party down grade. >> i believe there was without question the tea party down grade jie. a lot has to do cth the failure of the gress ultimately owns the credit rating of the united states. they have the power of the person in the constitution. >> that settles that. not really. i'm really confused. you are the business -- >> person. >> -- person. thank you for finishing my sentence. >> star with the jargon already. >> why do you think it happened? whose fault was this? >> i think it happened because congress, and you can blame all of these different entities within congress, but they basically came down to the wire and within 10 hours of our nation potentially hitting the inability to pay our bills still wrangled up could not come to a decision and then came out with a sub
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optimal decision. we have, for example, if we have $600 in bills to pay. we worked out with our buddies and our friends and let's get $400 and pay this down. we still have $200 left on the table. then the credit rating is like, you didn't pay your bills. get your act together. you are not a credit worthy borrower. and we will rate you as such. >> bill probably would have taken the dwos00. >> in a new york minute. or in a plume of smoke. >> let me ask you this then, what is the difference between like a triple a and a double a plus. in my world double a plus sounds really good. >> yeah, but you get one more a and it is even better. this whole grading system is confusing. you get a double a plus that sounds better actually to me sounds better than a triple-a. plus is better than minus in my book. but basically what it means is you are one step down from having the most perfect report
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card there is, and we were the beacon, the country that had the perfect reported card and now we have a b on it and the whole world is freaking out. you saw it. the stock market freaked out. the president came on to talk about it. >> and he helped. that was an incredibly reassuring speech. >> there is nothing he can say that will make this any better jie. what is he going to do? >> but, professor, this probably makes you extremely happy. >> yes, exactly. me is and pinch were talking about it. >> this is a big mess that everybody is responsible. president obama offered no leadership over the last two months. he completely caved to the right. somehow in your greg-alogue, the tea party didn't say what they want. obama looks like an idiot. he shows no leadership. we got no tax increases. that's exactly what the tea party wanted. >> i think both of us are right. it is in the sense that they
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got the debate shifted over to -- instead of spending to cutting, but they still didn't cut. there are still increases. so they got the debate so maybe in 2012 that will become bigger -- a bigger story. but as opposed to the deal there was only 22 billion in the first year. >> we didn't do what we were supposed to do in the first place. so nobody won. the tea party got the agenda on the table, but nobody ended upcoming out with the real solution that created change. we could have created a solution that prevented the down grade and tackled the hard issues of social security. the fact that none of us are going to have it, we think -- i don't know. you need to save your money because you won't be able to collect on social security. >> and that is what the tea party wants. those middle class fellas allowed their buddies to keep those checks. who knows, guys? >> now you have bill throwing the tea party cliche. >> as opposed to?
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you. >> when you have a democratic president and senate it is the tea party's fault. >> absolutely. it drives me crazy and the president stands up there -- and there is blame to go around everywhere, but he uses the words "i" and" me" when he talks, and he takes no responsibility for the blame. he looks like the perfect mixture of inexperience and wrong ideology. his ideology has failed and he has bt -- hasn't got the experience. he looks like the wind up obama he used to confuse journalists. he is a deer in the headlights. he doesn't know what he is doing and won't take responsibility. >> i never met a politician who know what's they are doing or will take responsibility. >> i that is the only -- that is the only point i will concede. >> i don't think he has had a chance to execute the ideology. there is so much wrangling back and forth. >> he spent an awful lot of money. >> he had a lot of time and a lot of money on the situation
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and nothing has happened. >> how much money -- >> if spending money got you into this trouble, why is spending more money getting you out of the trouble? >> biden said that. he said, are we telling you we have to spend money to keep -- yes, that's what we are doing. >> the problem is at the end of the day who has really lost here is every single one of us and every single person watching this show. >> bill hasn't lost because he doesn't have anything to lose. >> that's actually not bad. >> that's a country song. >> the market is down something like 1500 points in five days, and we have no confidence of where it is going to go. we have no sense of where it is going to go. it is money that is gone and disappeared. >> where does it go? >> i have most of it. >> seriously, where does it go? >> it is true. i was watching tv and the only thing that seemed immune in the market of all of this mess
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was gold. you know what that means? he was right. i never thought i would say that. to a lesser extent the guy on "rudolph the red nosed reindeer." he was on top of it. >> get some money together and buy some gold. >> or faux gold. >> i speak of news week's latest and totally unbiased cover line regarding michele bachmann and the only thing less flattering is the photo they chose which comes complete with an odd grin and a gary busey-like stair. unflattering and unfair, perhaps. says national organization for women president terry o'neil, quote, it is sexist. she has a very simple test. if this were done to a man, would it ever be done to a man, has it ever be done to a man? surely it has never been done to a man. probably hasn't been done to a man. news week which is now the
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size of a brochure on psoriasis, its editors are promoting it on twitter. and they apparently sent covers to the gleeful media. despite the rag's best efforts they track 22% support in the iowa caucus with mitt romney in second place at 21%. for more let's go to live to red eye's political correspondent. what do you say? >> i think he is being unfairly characterized. he is probably a joy to be around. professor, even you have to admit this is cheap. you know that was the worst picture they found, right? >> i thought that was a good picture. i think that's as goods a she ever looked. >> no. >> absolutely.
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that's perfect for her. she is the queen of rage. >> in the article, they never bring up rage at all. >> i'm not saying she is rageful, i am saying her base is full of angry white people. her base is the angry white people. >> they say she is full of rage. >> no, there is a group of rageful people and she is the leader. >> it is for people full of rage. >> it goes back to the cover. >> what you are talking about is the tea party being smeared as an angry group of people when all they do is have one principal which is don't spend. >> they are not angry with the direction the country is going in? >> yes, but they don't -- there are people riding -- rioting in england. they would never break anything because they own it. these people are peaceful. >> you can't address george washington people. i have been to these rallies.
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the point is they have an outrage and that's what she represents. i think that's a great cover. it will do a great service. her leading the iowa caucus, ron paul came in with 16%. once he comes in, he will put you on the other wing that is out. he will be king of the wing nuts. >> glad there are no wing nuts on your side. >> absolutely not. >> a wing nut is like a cross between a chicken wing and a corn nut. it is a crunchy round thing. >> it is basted in corn nuts. can you imagine what that looks like the next morning? >> let me point this out i always get the dirty glass. >> does something like this -- okay. >> that's gross. >> that's disgusting. >> i drank out of your glass. >> let me try to bring this
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back to like a tv show. i worked in magazines for awhile. usually the whole goal is you get 100 pictures of one person and you pick the best one. 99 don't look that great. don't you think what they did was the opposite? they went out of their way to find something that made her look crazy. the whole idea is she is crazy. >> i would be the queen of rage if someone took that picture and put that on a magazine. i would go out of control. and don't these people also have people to do all of the sorting for them? this is probably not the only picture taken of her. >> she was on -- usually -- unless you are like britney spears, you are not allowed to pick your own cover. that's something the news week editors did and they did it on purpose. >> that's not true. that's a conspiracy theory. theed -- the editors
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deliberately put on a photo of michele bachmann. >> they said, oh could have had a hand and oh we like this picture. i'm sure there were 50,000 pictures that looked better than that picture. >> there was a cover of "time" that they made her look bizarre. they did the same thing. this is something they do to conservative women because conservative women are better looking than liberal women. >> wait a second. what about hollywood? >> i don't understand you, bill, why are you defending it when you have been in magazines and you know it is a deliberately bad picture,. >> of course it is a deliberately bad picture. remember they did a spread shot of president clinton? >> wait, you dreamt that. >> spread eagle. coming up, are white people actually devils sent here to destroy the universe?
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we look up white people are actually here to destroy the universe. and first, will the killing of bin laden as a movie help obama? i am thinking it will or it won't. that's what i call a tease, people.
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would a bin laden flick give obama some kick? the producers of "hart locker" are making a big screen version of the killing of sosa ma and the timing couldn't be timely yes, sir. it is set to come out a month before the election. the white house is counting on it, quote, to counter the growing reputation as ineffectual. they say the film will no doubt reflect the gut see
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decision against the shaky odds. just as obama land was hoping, they were scheduled to start on october 12th, 2012, perfect time to give a boost to a campaign. and the movie makers are getting to be level access to the most classified movie in history. you know what else had access to lettuce? tt, what do you have for us? >> i expected so much more from the tiny tortoise. is it wrong? it is his greatest achievement. >> this is actually a step up. she was a widower and having
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this harmless affair. he was draft dodger and they made independence day and he was an air force pilot. at least he had something to do with this, and i was looking forward to the scene where he was dressing up as a ninja. >> actually it is an interesting point. if this is a great date movie, will you be taking your students? >> i don't let them out of the house. >> it is one of the greatest achievements. >> i feel better already. >> we can talk about saving the economics. there are a lot of things he did better than this bin laden thing. >> it scares me to think it is a conspiracy theory. >> you say healthcare is a positive and he didn't kill osama bin laden? >> that's what i'm saying.
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and "independence day" was secretly a movie about bill clinton. >> i want to say, the thing is the movie has to be about the seals. if they make it about president obama it is not going bode well for obama. it has to be about the guys who went in there. >> it could be a good movie. we read excerpts about how amazing that whole expedition was. i would love if they made it captain america esque. throw in puppets and kim jong-il and that would be a movie that i want to see, a musical. a musical about killing osama bin laden. >> obama is pushing the button though. he would be the one making it happen. >> it has to be about the achievement of the seals and giving credit where credit was due. obama was there. >> he was there, he was the commander-in-chief.
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>> you said he was there like he was -- >> i mean he was in the room. >> he was not just in the room. he was the commander-in-chief. >> you are arguing both sides. >> it never happened. >> i am not arguing about that. if you said this thing happened, then you can't say obama was just there. he was the commander-in-chief. >> i thought i made it clear. it was his greatest achievement. >> but then it was just the seals. >> let me make it clear. the people that went in there, the seals, it has to be their move vee.-- movie. he will come off looking good because he was there. he gave the order. >> that's what i want to hear. he is the guy that gave the order. >> there was intel that he was originally against helped. >> i would like to write the ad for it. he killed bin laden and now coming back for the economy. >> that's funny. >> here is my problem with this whole thing. if they are going to do this, they should show the five or six separate times george bush said he didn't care about
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osama and he wasn't a priority, but knowing hollywood they won't do. it. >> i'm glad i let him speak. if you have a comment on the show, e-mail us. it is red eye at fox news .com. and to leave a voicemail, 212-462-5050. still to come, the half time report from tv's andy levy. i hate him. >> tonight's half time report is sponsored by roommates, the individuals who share a room or living quarters together often referred to informally as roomies. thanks, roomies.
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let's find out if we had anything wrong so far. let's go to tv's andy levy. you kind of scared me. >> i was just wondering if you would get my name right for once. >> i got it wrong because you popped up like a jack-n-ape. look it up. it is real. >> i i don't care. greg, you said you think standard and poors is two dudes? >> ya. >> it is not like franklin and bash. >> what isn't like franklin and bash. >> unfortunately, right? >> yeah. stan standard and poors was like franklin and bash we wouldn't be in this mess. we would be planting shirtless fooz ball. >> we would be putting the bro in broke. >> we would not be standard and rich.
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>> greg said, you are a business and then quickly said person. what were you afraid he was going to say? >> i don't know. >> i was going say a business genius. >> also, you pointed out we were the country with the perfect report card and the triple-a rating. i don't get this. how can you have over $14 trillion of debt and have a good credit rating? i just don't understand it. honestly. >> that's why we don't have that. we have a new grading system going apparently. >> how do we even have a double a plus. i don't understand how this works. >> these were the same people who said that the mortgage-backed securities, blah, blah, blah in 2008 were safe and we should all buy it, no big deal. they didn't know what they were doing back then. they don't really know either. >> why are we listening to them?
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>> it is self-reflection. >> professor, you said the tea party got exact exactly what they wanted which is not close to true which is why leaders call for speaker boehner to be primary and michele bachmann did not even vote for the house bill of the. - bill. >> they are poor winners. this is absolutely ridiculous. >> they don't believe they won. >> i disagree. >> you candice agree all you want. you can't disagree that they don't believe they won. >> i can say -- i am saying the public positions aren't what they privately believe. they are pushing boehner to the right by acting like they didn't win anything. they went in go knowing the debt ceiling deal would get done. the question is could they reduce spending and not get tax increases, and they got both. what else do you want? >> i'm just saying they don't think they want. >> and they are lying. >> you can never trust a tea party person when it comes to the debt ceiling deal.
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>> i feel like tea party person when it comes to debt ceiling talks are code for white people. >> it really is. >> you say the big news in all of this is everyone on the panel and everyone watching at home et cetera. but don't you agree because he says it is only after you lost anything that you are free to do anything. >> what would tyler durdin do? >> one upside of the down grade,. jeer yuans have announced they are no longer asking americans to recover their money. >> good for them. >> that's good. >> michele bachmann's cover. >> i don't disagree with your point that the queen of rage can mean not that back man is full of rage. i think that sort of makes sense. but you are out of your mind if, a, if you think the cover picture wasn't awful or don't
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think it was purposefully awful. >> i can't tell. it looks hot to me. >> that could have been me on the cover for all you knew. >> you actually looked at that and said, why is andy on the cover? >> and why is he queen? >> by the way, i disagree with him now. i don't think the cover is sexist. >> i don't think it is sexist either. they don't like conservatives. >> they would have done the same thing to a conservative man. >> tina brown hates conservatives. she said as much. >> bill, you are correct that esquire did a cover with bill clinton with his legs spread. i think you have a picture? >> that's a good picture. >> are you kidding me? that's a crotch shot. that's a crotch shot. >> that's where your eyes go, bill. >> there is an arrow pointed at his twig and berries.
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>> it was from december 2000. it was intended to evoke the lincoln memorial. but the lewinski scandal came out. >> there is nothing memorial about that. but i did see a lincoln log. >> been movie coming -- bin laden movie coming out. it is obvious that his character on "independence day" was supposed to be an i'd logical version. >> the good thing is nobody listens to hollywood. it is like it doesn't matter what they do. >> did you see the last election? >> we won, sir. >> is that the trick? >> there is a really, really old guy running. >> professor, the last election with morgan free man finally -- freeman finally paid off? >> you said they hope they make it captain america esque?
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>> what is captain america? >> team america, that's what i meant. >> by the way, according to the internet movie "database" the name of the movie is untitled national thriller. not catchy. >> it will be called geronimo, but then they will worry about that it should be called operation geronimo or something like that. >> here it will be called killing osama and in other countries it is called the second avenger. >> it may well be called president obama saves the world. i am done. >> are you really? >> yes. >> okay. i believe you this time. >> thanks. >> just sit there. don't go anywhere. coming up, clive owen is dead -- set against meeting me for drinks in the park. almost had you. his loss really.
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it is the story we didn't get to last week. gwenyth paltrow opens her mouth and stuff comes out. we report. you throw up.
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is wiki sickie? according to its founder wikipedia is slowly dying and nobody wants to edit the gazillion pages anymore. he told the seventh annual conference, quote, we are not replenishing our ranks. it is not a crisis, but i consider it to be important. the wiki in chief says the problem is there are a lot of cord core wikipedians getting older and figuring out they have better things to do with their time. meaning they finally got a life or something that looks like a life. meanwhile, the site is simplifying the editing procedures. translation, it is now twice as easy to mess with bill shultz's page. i strongly discourage. don't insert how bill plays with my little ponies.
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shall we discuss this in our -- >> lightning round. >> how will your life change if wikipedia goes away? >> probably not in the least. >> you don't use it at all? >> for what? >> no, you don't? >> there is nothing factual on there. you can't really believe what is going on on that site. for example, when sarah palin made some -- what was it she recently made some statement about paul revere and said he was on on the side of the british and all these wikiped eight -- wikipedias went there and changed history. and then they realized it wasn't. >> i use wikipedia for things that can't hurt people. i am obsessed with how it is made. i will want a fact about an orange. i type in orange and wiki and who are these people?
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>> it is the evil orange lobby. it is vicious. they have all these minute yuans. >> i mike wikis all the time. >> why? >> every bit of information on tito jackson, that's me. tito jackson and good humor, i am good fans of both. >> i haven't had sex in seven years. wikipedia is fun and it is good to update information. it makes you the producer of knowledge. i tell you this as a university professor is people can't tell the difference between what is a fact and what is not. students use wikipedia instead of a real encyclopedia, so that is a danger. >> it is better than an encyclopedia. i remember at home doing the 20 facts, and it was always the same stuff. wikipedia, there is so much stuff. >> that's because it is made up. >> i am just amazed that for
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every single piece of the world there is a page. yet i have never met people that do this. bill, have you been a victim of this site from the beginning and so you are happy to see it die. >> i bit the bullet and went on my page to prepare for this story which i hate doing. they cleaned it up a little bit. one problem they said it was from chicago. they called me a comedian, and even though they mentioned i went to lake forest academy, i said bill aires did as well. i thought it would be a fun group of people. >> is that a grade school? >> lake force academy. he and i are taxis, don't you know? >> yes. >> and ironically he is still more successful than you. >> i just, i don't know. i have used it as a crutch. for dumb knowledge. >> it creates a second step. you have to look it up first
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on wikipedia. >> when it is done by enthusiastsand "red eye" is a good example. >> another example, don't ask why, i typed in smurf names. that damn site had every smurf name and the history and when they first intered and the episodes. it blew my mind. >> may we ask why you did that? >> i don't know you want to know. >> i used slouchy. he was in episode three season two. >> when you say blew my mind was that b-l-u of e? and gwenyth paltrow is opening up about her life, god help us all. here are some of her vomit enducing responsz. i decided to launch her website and she said, quote, when you go to paris and they take to you a restaurant because they get a kickback it
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is like, no. where should i really be desm where is the great borrower of the organic wine? i get violent. where do i get a bikini wax in paris? people i know that i know that. and i am going public with the personal care she mused, what i love is inspiring people. people come up to me and say i want to have two kids and wear a bathing suit and not feel terrible about myself. i see how hard you work and it makes me feel like i can do that too. lastly she said qm i am the queen of all that is evil and i get my power by eating babies, puppies old people. at least she is honest. why does she make me feel violent? >> this is a true confession. i am crazily in love with gwenyth paltrow and i have been. and finding out she is stupid makes her hotter really. she is beautiful and stupid and you think, maybe i have a chance. if she had self-respect or intelligence you would think you were out.
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>> i am fairly even tempered. hearing her or reading what she said, it makes me want to do horrible things. is this the fact that she thinks she is -- >> is that it? >> and that we aren't as privileged because we need to -- you know, we have to ask people where we need to get our bikini waxes in paris and she just knows. >> it comes to her as a dream. >> i feel sorry for you. you don't know in -- you don't know? >> what an empty life you lead. professor i know you get all of your bikini waxing tips from paltrow. is there a more repulsive person? >> no, i actually like gwenyth paltrow. i like "shallow hal" and i think a lot of people talk like this. she got caught.
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>> she is pulling the curtain back and showing us what it is like. >> it is like when jesse jackson gets caught on tape say heeg wants to -- he wants to cut the president's -- off. >> do you think chris martin ever gets tired of listening to this crap? >> he is too busy going to beer festivals and shopping for flannels. that poor woman is working and he doesn't care or respect any of it. they moved in together on the first date. >> last topic -- i will let that one disappear. a new poll found 76% of adults think americans are becoming ruder and less civilized. that's up from 69% last year. personally i blame the tea party for the increase. they found 12% think people are becoming kinder and gentler. do you agree with this? >> there are rules we need to handle new situations. like cell phones are what a destroying our manners.
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there should be a law that people over 50 can't use cell phones in public. we don't really understand that you don'ts have to shout into them to get their voice to travel through space. >> i would go the opposite. >> people shouldn't be allowed to use them in movie theaters. >> i think no male should be able to use them. >> it is most annoying to be sitting across the table from someone blackberrying away. or on the phone and you talk to them and you hear somebody typing on the keyboard. it is a man that does that. women don't do that. >> i see women do that all the time. >> every date i am on and every woman is blackberrying. >> my pictures are not going to text itself. and you are welcome. >> i am never touching my phone again. >> have we lost our standard? we are just scared to tell people to knock it off. >> it is partly fear and it is
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because we are not connected to the community. we don't see each other or talk to each other or touch each other in the same way. no jokes there. as a result people are more disconstant and more rude. >> it is easier. we would much rather get a text than talk. i don't know why. but i try and avoid speaking to as many people as i can. >> totally. >> that is like the ultimate goal. under 10 people that i actually want to physically speak to. >> i think we are scared of holding people accountable. if i was a kid if i was rude a stranger would tell you to knock it off. you can't do that anymore because you think you will get killed. >> but certain things aren't considered rude anymore like texting at a table. >> yeah, how is that rude? >> it is normal. >> time for another break. check out the "red eye" pod cast. there is a new one every day. tonight, i don't know what we talked about because i was not there. >> grown men who wear sports jerseys.
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it is time for messages for greg. so quick back, relax and feast your eyes on a chimp bottle feeding from a tiger cup. we filled our eyes with the lotiony words. >> greg, it is bill. i got my vicodin fill so give
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me a call back if you are still, you know, looking. >> have i to hand it to you. the show is a lot funnier tonight. it is a lot more fun. the host is more police pleasant and friendlier. and levey is hosting today. >> greg, i never thought i would be able to leave a message. never mind, scratch that. >> who would have thunk it? that's contradictory isn't it? >> i called to say how dumb your show is. >> greg, when you are not there hosting the show it sucks. when andy hosts it, it six. >> can you let jesse joyce know that 1983 wants their shoulder pads back. >> hey, greg, this is kathy. you are told me you would call. you told me i was special. >> are you worried now that
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tv's andy levy is getting moderately better filling in as host in your absence? >> andy, please don't get sucked into greg's homo-erotic jokes. it is not news. very unbecoming. the guy is a funny little imp. i'm sorry. i take that back. that is unkind. he is a smallish man that likes to be cuddled by hairy truck drivers, et cetera. >> wow. all right. keep calling me on my direct line. that was amazing, by the way. 212-462-5050. i wanted to go play with a monkey and a tiger. we'll close things up with a post game wrap up with andy levy. and to see recent clips
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back to andy levy for the post game wrap up. >> what's the deal with the final hour? >> it is a new novel. it is the last in a series about a young patriotic young man battling easy law mist -- islamist fashists. >> i will be all for it. >> mission accomplished. >> what character would you play in the seal team six movie? >> i actually meant to ask you that question. i thought that was the point of the game. >> this is not a game. >> professor, how badly are the eagles going to under perform this season? >> are you an evil hate box. >> we have the biggest free agent coup. we have 14 days. even though we have two black quarterbacks, we


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