tv Greta Van Susteren FOX News August 12, 2011 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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local time. we'll be back at our usual time moay. results will be fascinating. have a good time tonight everybody? [ yeah ] for having us in your home tonight. "the o'reilly factor" is next. >> juan: "the o'reilly factor" is on. tonight. >> you said the era of small government was over. that sounds a lot more like barack obama if you ask me. >> she has got a record of misstating and making false statements. >> juan: fireworks at the republican debate. >> i'm not going to eat barack obama's dog food. what he served up is not what i would have done if i were president of the united states. >> winners and losers. >> washington doesn't have the capacity to come together and get things done. that's why people are frustrated. maybe you hear it in my voice. that's why i'm frustrated. >> president obama says he is frustrated with the way washington works. doesn't the buck stop in the oval office? we will debate it.
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>> thank you, i will take applause any time please interrupt. >> i'm sort of enjoying the weather as well, having coming from texas just recently. >> i feel right at home. >> and we'll take you to the iowa state fair, the center of the g.o.p. universe this weekend. but you might be surprised to learn who showed up and who didn't. caution. you where to bo enter the no spin zone, the factor begins right now. captions by closed captioning services >> juan: hi, i'm juan williams in tonight for bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us. let's get right to our top story. fallout from last night's fiery republican presidential debate. so much for minnesota nice. former governor tim pawlenty and congresswoman michele bachmann set their sights on each other. >> it's an undisputable fact that in congress her record of accomplishment and results is
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nonexistent. >> when you were governor in minnesota, you implemented cap and trade in our state, and you praised the unconstitutional individual mandateds. you said the ear wrath small government was over. that sounds a lot more like barack obama, if you ask me. >> she led the effort against obama care. we got obama care. she led the effort against tamp, we got tarp. she says she has a titanium spine. it's not her spinal we are worried about. it's her records of results. if that's your view of effective leadership with results, please stop because you are killing us. >> juan: bachmann was also asked about some comments she made a few years back. >> in 2006, when you were running for congress, you described a moment in your life when your husband said you should study for a degree in tax law. you said you hated the idea. and then you explained, quote, but the lord said be submissive. wives, you are to be submissive to your husbands. as president, would you be submissive to your husband?
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[boos] >> what submission means to us if that's what your question is, it means respect. i respect my husband. he is a wonderful, godly man and a great father. he respects me as his wife. that's how we operate our marriage. we respect each other. we love each other. >> juan: there was also this exchange between former house speaker newt gingrich and my pal chris wallace. >> in june, almost your entire national campaign staff resigned along with your staff here in iowa. how do you respond to people owho say that your campaign has been a mess so far? >> i took seriously bret's injunction to put aside the talking points. i wish you would put aside the gotcha questions. i would love to see the rest of tonight's debate asking us what we would do to lead an american whose president has failed to leave instead of playing mickey
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mouse games. >> if you think questions about your records are mickey mouse, i'm sorry. that's questions a lot of people want to hear answers to. and you are responsible for your record, sir. >> there is too much attention paid by the press core about the campaign minute neuro shah my knew shah distinguish us from barack obama. >> mitt romney tried to distinguish himself from barack obama debt deal. >> if you were president, you would have vetoed that bill. >> i'm not going to eat barack obama's dog food. what he served up is not what i would have done if i would have been president of the united states. >> i know, but that deal was the deal on the table. >> women, i'm not president now though i would have liked to have been. if i were president, what i would have done is cut federal spending, capped federal spending as a percentage of the total economy and then worked for a balanced budget amendment. >> one of the zingers of the night went to tim pawlenty. >> where is barack obama's plan on social security reform? medicare reform?
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medicaid reform? in fact, i will offer a prize tonight to anybody in this auditorium or anyone watching on television if you can find barack obama's specific plan on any of those items, i will come to your house and cook you dinner. or if you prefer, i will come to your house and mow your lawn. [bell] >> in case mitt wins, i'm limited to one acre. >> juan: herman cain had a chance to explain one of his more controversial ideas to help control the border. >> when barack obama joked about protecting the borders with alligators and moat. not only did you embrace the idea you upped the andy that 20-foot bausched wire electric find fence. were you serious. >> america has got to learn how to take a joke. [ laughter ] >> juan: joining us now from stanford, connecticut with analysis, the purveyor of dick, mr. morris. dick, tell me something. who won this debate? >> well, i think the three
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candidates that helped themselves the most were romney, bachmann, and santorum. romney and bachmann, the concept is tinsel strength. they made a good superficial impression. the issue is how did they handle themselves? can they take shots? can they return fire? can they accept christmas -- criticisms and come back after it? how do they deal with obama? how do they deal with the race? both bachmann and romney showed that they can take enemy slack and rebut it and come back. and they were both very impressive to me in this debate. >> juan: i have got to say now it's interesting to me, i think that michele bachmann, in fact, did take fire, did fire back at tim pawlenty. the question is, dick, look, you are a skilled political hand. is there any way that tim pawlenty could have come across, effectively, as anything about a lookout in attacking michele
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bachmann. >> he could have done it better. he shouldn't have done it. but, the important thing was that michelle answered pawlenty's charges on the cigarette tax and other stuff. pawlenty did not answer any of michelle's charges. he just fired back. but the point is that it is really hard for a woman candidate to throw negatives and to answer negatives without seeming on the one hand shrill and on the other hand defensive. very hard to do it. she managed to do it. >> juan: dick, you said she didn't get hurt by. this you thought tim pawlenty got hurt by it not michele bachmann. >> yes, correct. >> juan: why didn't tim pawlenty go after romney? i thought romney was the big target, he is the front runner. >> well, at the moment he is focused on iowa where the person who is eating his lunch is bachmann because they're both from neighboring minnesota. let me make the point i was making, juan. the point is that bachmann showed a capacity to do the
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things very, very well. that a lot of other women candidates have not been doing well. hillary can't attack without sounding shrill. sarah palin sounds defensive when she is rebutting charges, even when they're inaccurate. she managed to do both of those really well. and, romney to me showed an ability to laugh at himself. when he was challenged on investments that had gone badly or layoffs that had happened on his watch, he gave a sophisticated answer that really explained it carried the charge. i also want to mention santorum. until now now he hasn't been a factor in this case. his statements on iran. his aggressiveness on this issue i thought really put him on the map in this race in a way he has not been before. >> juan: we are talking about here are people who are on the stage in terms of winners. tell me who was there on the stage who was a loser. >> well, i think there were
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three big losers in the debate. first, pawlenty. he bent his beak on bachmann. he smashed against the rocks of bachmann. i think that pawlenty really knocked himself out of the race tonight. -- last night. >> juan: what about huntsman. >> huntsman was a big loser. he qualifies as a democrat. he belongs in the democratic primary. i think it was very clear to everybody that he is just not a republican. >> juan: what about herman cain. >> i thought ron paul was the third big loser because he clearly came across as a flake. when the guy gets up before the american people and says we should let iran get the bomb they're not going to use it he comes across as a serious flake. i don't think he is worthy of any serious attention. i thought fox gave him too much attention. two other guys cainon jawb yes, get to herman cain. >> cain i thought he did okay.
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he sounded ill-informed on a couple of the issues. i don't think he really hit it out of the park like he needed to. bachmann is winning that fight with cain tea party. and gingrich, i thought, acted like a cranky old professor. on the one point quarrelsome, petulant and all of that on pawlenty's line about i will cook you dinner. you know where that comes from, juan. on "saturday night live" in 1980, they did a spoof on the candidates in iowa. saying you know, i will mow your lawn and cook your dinner. they said ted kennedy would offer to drive the sitter home. >> juan: let me go back to gingrich for just a second. this is kind of awkward for me because is he going after people that are my friends chris wallace and bret baier. is this smart? is this a part of newt gingrich saying the mainstream media, including fox news is a problem? >> well, i thought it would have been far more credible if the person if he went after chris
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matthews or george stephanopoulos, going after wallace and bret, i thought, that people liked them. but i did feel that he came across as elitist and cranky when he did that. >> juan: one last thing for you, dick. the white house says hey, wait a second, how come all these guys and lady on the stage say ten two one we wouldn't take that deal on taxes that they are out of touch with the american people? did the debate leave republicans look like they are not willing to do anything but talk to the base. >> no. there is a vast difference between how you would vote if you sat in congress and the clock was ticking and you were one minute to midnight. what they were saying was that they wanted a better deal and they would have held out for a better deal. and i think that the american people strongly support. >> all right. dick morris, thank you. >> thank you. >> the texas governor plans to jump into the presidential race for the white house. what will the impact be on the
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poll. and a new fox news poll of g.o.p. primary voters shows how the candidates stack up going into that critical contest. of those who are officially announced, mitt romney has 26%. michele bachmann 13%. and ron paul 10%. but when you throw in rick perry, the texas governor, who is expected to announce tomorrow and sarah palin, who dropped in at the iowa state fair today, as she contemplates a run, the numbers changed to this. romney 21%. perry 13%. palin 8%. bachmann 7%. joining us is pollster scott rasmussen. if you were to right now predict a winner tomorrow in iowa, who would it be? >> in terms of the straw poll, i would say the winner will be michelle backman. where you go from there, who knows?
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but, right now we don't know who is in the race. we did a poll that includes rick perry but not sarah sarah palin. in that case perry and romney become virtual co-frontrunners. bachmann is a little bit behind. things are just getting sorted out in the republican side of the debate right now. >> juan: do we know who is supporting, for example, da we know how evangelicals are voting, social conservatives are voting, fiscal conservatives? libertarians? do we know anything like that about how it breaks down? >> well, we do know a cup perform things. really about more about how they are leaning, because 28% of voters in the state of iowa say they have made up their mind. they know how they are going to volt and who they are going to support in the caucus. that means 72% haven't we do know there is a split between the more traditional candidates. the establishment-backed candidates like mitt romney and tim pawlenty and john huntsman. they tend to get just under 40% of the vote. outsider candidates and rick
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perry is a little bit of an outsider the way is he running. tend to get a little more than 40%. michele bachmann is the far and away the the candidate who is the best liked in iowa. but when you move nationally, she doesn't have that kind of appeal. >> juan: you know what's interesting to me is that michele bachmann has been there for the last month. she has a great ground game right now. it looks to me like no matter what happened yesterday, you just heard dick morris say he thought she did very well in that debate that she really has the most writing on the outcome here, scott. that if she doesn't come in first, it will be a big hit to her campaign. >> she has a lot riding on this. i do think she has learned a lot from the ground breaking campaigns of sarah palin and hillary clinton. you know, it's very difficult for a woman to run for president. michele bachmann handling it well so far. but, yes, if she has a poor showing tomorrow, it will be a huge setback for her campaign. tim pawlenty also has a lot riding on the results. he needs to do incredibly well
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to stay alive as a serious candidate. and the other big factor here, you know, rick perry, what's he going to do? we don't know how he will perform as a candidate for president. a lot of things will begin to shake out. i look at the state fair tomorrow. sort of the beginning of spring training why have been talking a lot during the off season, now you have some real competition even if it's pretty minor and then you go from there. >> juan: it's such an interesting institution, this iowa straw poll. you have got to pay to vote. they bring you in. they have only had five times because you only do it when there is not a republican incumbent. it's kind of peculiar. if you are in iowa tomorrow and you have someone paying you or you decide to vote and you choose someone and you think, you know what? i would like to write in rick perry. is it possible that rick perry or sarah palin could come out of this with unexpected numbers? >> well, sarah palin has the
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potential always to come out of it with unexpected numbers. she is very popular among the republican base. however a lot of people that like her don't want her as the nominee. but she has passionate supporters. rick perry is in fourth place on polling with him not being on the ballot. it's hard to know how well he will do. but, when you say surprising. the reason we actually have these votes, even if they are strange phenomenon is because we don't know. >> juan: let me quickly ask you a question, scott is it the case that most republicans want to see someone else jump in the race? >> most republicans don't know who they want to sees a their nominee. they are waiting for the process to sort out. four years ago, hike huckabee became an alternative in the state fair. there may be somebody gaining traction because of this state fair again this year. >> juan: scott, thanks so much for coming. in directly ahead, the president tries to deflect blame for america's economic whoas. america doesn't seem to be
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on expwrawn in the unresolved problem segment tonight, president obama trying to shift the blame for the economic chaos in last week's s&p credit downgrade. >> this downgrade you have been reading about? could have been entirely avoided. if there had been a willingness to compromise in congress. it was a self-inflicted wound. [ applause ] that's why people are frustrated. maybe you hear it in my voice i'm frustrated. because you deserve better. you guys deserve better. >> juan: with me to analyze
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liberal columnist sally colmes and joining us from baltimore georgetown professor chris melter. let me begin with you. do you really think that he is personally frustrated and says i feel it in my voice, it's emotional. did you buy this? is it genuine or is the president just playing on general anger at washington and now positioning himself as an outer who is blameless? >> well, he is the ultimate insider in this particular case so jo buy a bit of that i feel your pain. perhaps what he would have done is asked bill clinton on lessons hun how to feel pain it was flat, it was weak. the fact of the matter is the problem is his lack of leadership. he has provided. he has presided over outsourcing jobs and he now has outsourced leadership in washington. so it is his fault. he is the commander and chief. he didn't take leadership in this particular case. and that's why we found ourselves where we are.
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don't blame standard and poor's. they didn't bring up the debt. they didn't do any of those kind of things. shift the blame where it belongs on the president of the united states. llweleyn sally get in here. >> sure. >> >> juan: you are hearing people say why is he shifting the blame? why is he talking about everything what's going on in europe to tsunamiing in japan and earthquakes? why doesn't he take some responsibility? >> you know, i'm surprised to hear both you and mr. meltser say that because he has actually taken on a lot of the responsibility. what actually happened in the abandoned everything that he and his party stand for look in interest of this country i'm going to reach across the aisle and agree to cuts that i think are bad for this economy, bad for job creation in order to try to bring the republicans along to get a deal. the s&p downgrade had nothing to do with the deficit talks because there was a deficit agreement that was passed and they still did the downgrade. clearly they know what we all know is these cuts lead to cuts in jobs. that, unfortunately, is what republicans have wanted all
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along. they want to see the economy tank to hurt his chance at re-election. >> juan: sally, you are not addressing the larger topic here. not just what about what happened in terms of the deal. you wanted stimulus spending did it lower the unemployment rate? people saying you have been in office now for two and a half years and we don't see this economy getting better. to the contrary, americans are worried that the economy is getting worse. >> look, i'm not defending a lot of what president obama did. i think you know that about me. i think he should have done a bigger stimulus bill. i think part of the problem with the president out of the gate is he had this idea that, you know, look, we shouldn't talk just about numbers. these are real americans who are really hurting right now. this should have been a moment where we all come as a nation to do what's needed. there is a playbook how to recover from these disasters. called the new deal. called major spending that recoops where the private sector is spending. he tried to woo republicans and they want to see him crash and burn. that's their sole desire. >> juan: left is upset with president obama and frustrated
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and blaming republicans. the left is also upset with obama. >> yeah, entirely. >> juan: chris, i hear you mumbling and jump bling over there in baltimore. what do you think of what sally is saying? >> i absolutely believe that liberals live in a parallel ultimate universe here. there are a couple of problems here. number one, the president, if he, in fact, was such a leader on, this why did he not come out and say you know what? congress, this is what i want. i will veto anything else. what he has consistently done throughout his entire administration is really outsourced leadership. and i think what he has done is he has given republicans probably one of the best campaign slogans that we can put forth. you deserve better. absolutely. we deserve better than a failed leader, mr. president. thank you for giving us that. we deserve better than you provided. >> juan: go ahead, sally. >> so on some level agree with what christopher is saying. >> juan: wait a minute, you
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agree? >> the president should have tan a stronger line. he should have said i many at president. i was elected by the people to do these things. i'm not going to worry about pleasing the tamera and pleasing the new tea party caucus in congress. i'm going to do what is necessary. i'm not going to worry about pleasing wall street. he didn't do that some of these wounds are self-inflicted. let's also be clear. the american people feel that the entire political system has failed them. as much as they don't like him right now they dislike republicans and republicans in congress more right now. so bill. >> juan: no question. >> we're not shifting the blame. >> juan: congress is at historic lows especially the congress. discussion tonight on the factor that sally and chris are talking past each other because chris is upset from the right. sally, you are upset from the left. >> a lot of us are. >> juan: everybody is angry at president obama. i mean, left and right. >> and this is the thing. i think we talked about does he feel pain in the difference and the thing that could be admired from the left from the
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republicans they are willing to exact political pain. they are willing to sink the economy to hurt it. he wants to be everybody's friend. >> that's nonsense. republicans are not willing to sink the economy: that has nothing to do with it. had he led, we wouldn't be in this particular situation. don't you dare try to put the blame on the republicans. >> juan: thank you both. we have got to go. plenty more ahead as the factor continues this evening. controversial comments mitt romney made about business. we will play them for you. another harrowing week for the economy. who is to blame? we hope you stay tuned to those we hope you stay tuned to those fascinating you could save a bundle with geico's multi-policy discount. geico, saving people money on more than just car insurance. ♪
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this while being heckled about not wanting to raise taxes during a campaign stop in iowa yesterday. corporations are people, my friend. >> no it's not. >> of course they are. everything corporations earn ultimately goes to people. [ laughter ] >> where do you think it goes. >> it goes in their pockets. >> whose pockets? whose pockets? people's pockets. okay. human beings, my friend. >> juan: doesn't mr. romney have a point? joining us from los angeles, ucla professor mark sawyer and jonathan hoenig a fox news contributor who also runs a private investment group. jonathan, quickly, what do you make of mitt romney's comments and the fact that the left is all over him for saying that corporations have rights like individuals, like people? >> well, you know, juan, the left loves to paint corporations running rough shot. what is a corporation?
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not a vegetable, not a mineral or animal. governor romney is right it's people. >> voluntary association of people. those individuals have rights. doesn't matter if they are part of a corporation, a labor union, a charity. they don't give up those rights. they don't get new rights, either by joining a corporation. freedom of association. doesn't matter if a small business, a charity or a big evil corporation as too often the left would have you believe i want to hear what the left has to say about governor romney's statements. >> this is his statement is the no corporations left behind policy or no big business or billionaire left behind policy of the republican party. look, no one doubts that corporations have some rights. but the question was is that do you tax corporations. what he is trying to say is that corporations are regular people. if they were regular people, we wouldn't see corporate profits rupp higher than they are and
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unemployment rising. formation corporations with are doing great. fat cats at corporations doing great. those people in the audience we are talking about are hurting. romney doesn't care about it. >> juan: hang on. that's not fair. >> corporations are people et too. that's what he said. >> juan: that's not to say he doesn't care about people. i want to go to jonathan on just this point. isn't it the case then when he talks about corporations he is just talking about the investor class, the executive class, does that exclude people who are vulnerable, poor in need of american society. the fact of a matter is a corporation is a voluntary association of individuals. there is fat cats, i suppose, you know what? it's also the employees, the management, the investors, it's all these individuals who get together around a common cause. in this case, and in terms of a profitable successful corporation, it's a productive cause. these people aren't on the government dole, not taking
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handouts. producing valuing making money for themselves but yes bettering society at the same time. when the left wants to talk about taxing corporations, they are taxing people. again, i know you want to paint it as the evil, you know, corporate jet flying folks, but it's individuals. it's pension plans. it's employees. that he was who gets hurt by this type of rhetoric. >> juan: mark, you anticipate the democrats are going to play this especially if romney is the nominee. would you agree. >> oh yeah, i agree. it draws a stark contrast. right? the idea that employees are having their wages cut. they are working more hours. they are having their jobs shipped overseas and these guys are pocketing more money than ever. and they are arguing that we should have lower taxes when really it's a demand problem that we have in the economy. workers are saddled by debt. they are making less money. they are working higher hours. >> juan: we get the point. >> corporations are people, too. >> juan: gentlemen, this week has been roller coaster ride for anybody who has invested in the
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market. and it just raises fear anxiety, people don't know what to do. you go up. you go down. today we are up a little bit. as i said, we have been losing over the last three weeks. jonathan, what are you to make of this for people who are watching tonight who say what should i do with my money? should i pull it out? i'm worried, i'm scared. what do you say. >> juan, dial with a lot of the folks. some are witch, some are not so rich. they are scared out of their minds. literally buying gold bars and putting them in a safety deposit box burying them in the basement. when the dow is down 500 points as it was the last couple times in the past few weeks the fact that our own administration is so vehemently antibusiness, anti-profit. so costic against capitalism doesn't inspire one to get in there and start buying with i full -- >> what do you say. >> jonathan defies reality. corporate profits are up. boehner got 98% of what he wanted and the stock market tanked. the average investor who doesn't
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have billions in cash can't ride this out. they are in trouble and worried about what to do. the big money vfers out there, the money guys who want to bet in this casino, they are doing just fine. that's who we are running the economy for. that's what the fight is going to be about with romney or whoever is on the republican side. >> go right ahead. >> i actually totally disagree because the president's policies are creating inflation. >> juan: there is no inflation. where do you see inflation? come on, jonathan. >> foreclosure prevention the green jobs, his intervention is policies fails miserably. >> juan: i don't see any inflation. when we come right back, the most controversial segment of the evening. o'reilly confronting a big-time chicago rap his or her calls president obama a terrorist. then we will take you to the iowa state fair where sarah palin has livened things up with a surprise appearance. a surprise appearance. come on back, we'll be back in a
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>> juan: thanks for staying with us tonight. i'm juan williams in for bill o'reilly. in the factor flashback segment tonight, a few weeks ago chicago rapper was promoting an album called president obama a terrorist. bill o'reilly, who is used to hearing such irresponsible statements from rappers thought that was really over the top. so he invited mr. fiasco on the factor to-to-discuss it. >> bill: what do you mean president obama is a terrorist? >> my fight against terrorism to me the biggest terrorist is obama in the united states of america to. put it into context i was asked about a song had a couple words that i never said which addresses terrorism. >> i think the war on terror is a bunch of bull [bleep] a reason for you to use a bunch of bullets. >> biggest terrorist, obama and the united states of america and
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its foreign policy. that was what the whole, you know, context of everything was. and it was really just an expression of me, i guess, to understand critically the society. >> bill: you know, president obama is not a terrorist. he is trying to do what he believes is the right thing to do. the united states is not a bad nation. it's a noble nation. we are trying to defend ourselves against people who killed us on 9/11. then you go out there and you talk to a lot of younger people. this is what gets me. your constituency are not exactly political science, okay? they are impressionable kids. >> i don't think that that matters. you don't need to have a political ph.d. to understand politics. to understand politics. i don't think you necessarily need that and i don't think that politics are as complex as people like to make them seem or out to be. richard nixon said that you know, if you -- they reduced fear by reducing the causes of fear. and then in that same interview, which i spoke about, you know, calling obama a terrorist and every president before and after
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him a terrorist, right is if you are going to fight terrorism, true terrorism, weapon niced fear in defense of ourselves who are actively fighting something else. but if you are going to fight terrorism, to me, you fight the route causes of terrorism. >> bill: route causes of terrorism are many. it varies. depends region to region and all of that united states cannot cure ills in the world. what the president of the united states' responsibility is is to protect you and me. that's his responsibility. and he is doing it through aggressive action. so, navy seals killed bin laden. are you okay with that? >> with him hunting down a criminal, a person who is responsible for the deaths, right, of innocent people? >> bill: yeah. >> i have nothing wrong with that. nothing. >> bill: when bin laden got killed you didn't have any problem with that that was okay. legitimate action? >> you know what i had a problem with, the war in afghanistan. >> bill: you have a war with the war in afghanistan.
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>> the war of afghanistan was to supposedly go in and find bin laden; is that right? >> bill: that's not right. mr. fiasco, what you just said is fallacious, that means it's wrong. >> it's not that lacious is not wrong. the point and purpose -- why are we in afghanistan? hunt down al qaeda and the terrorist network? >> bill: i will answer you. >> it wasn't for any other reason. no that's wrong. i will answer it. the reason we went to afghanistan was to deprive al qaeda of a sanctuary. we removed the taliban government when they wouldn't crack down on al qaeda. now, to get bin laden, that was another part of the operation. being? >> but it's a part of the operation, sir. but it doesn't -- that doesn't negate it. it doesn't take it away from the purpose of it when it is another part. >> bill: to the war. the war is, no. the legitimate part of it is to go find a criminal, right? not to aggressively --
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no the legitimate part is to remove a government, which we did, which enabled a terrorist group to declare war on the united states. that's what happened. >> now, that, that, that thinking right there is what i have a problem with. if that's the case, then that is us. >> bill: you are oversimplifying and bringing a message to people, younger people as i pointed out who admire you. that is a message that is not true. >> so to say that the president of the united states of america, all of them, not just obama because i am not trying to undermine him and not being a terrorist. is he many things, protecter and father and midst of everything. that one particular attribute is not trying to undermine or constituency or spread lives or rumors for the sake of anybody. i don't really care about the or the democratic party. my point is the people. our president -- i'm not misleading the people, sir. the president of the united
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states of america is the commander and chief of our armed forces. so it is not a lye as you say. >> bill: the entire u.s. government and military attached to it is a fiasco. >> if you do want to change the name of the show to the fiasco factor. name out to you and i will do it for free. >> bill: do i have to wear the glasses because it's daytime. >> actually, they are prescription. >> bill: okay. great. all right, mr. fiasco thanks for coming on in here. >> i appreciate you o'reilly have. a good day. >> juan: in a moment, campaign carl joins from us the iowa state fair where the g.o.p. is out in force. back in a moment. premiering the revolution by lg.
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of the big straw poll. there is some notable exceptions, however, and one surprise visit. joining us now from the state fair in des moines campaign carl cameron. karl, thanks for voing us. -- joining us. >> hi, how are you. >> juan: what's the big surprise. >> other than the guy giantor. one or another coming through the iowa state fair in advance of the straw poll. a very big day tomorrow. many of the candidates here campaigning very hard at the state fair. just a short while ago, we heard michele bachmann over at the soapbox talking to voters. newt gingrich, rick santorum. herman cain. mitt romney was heard yesterday. tomorrow is the straw poll. you can't underestimate how ininfluential this is three candidates all sort of knocking at the door for first place.
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you don't have to win but exceed expectations in order to get a boost out of iowa. shich shell bachmann -- >> juan: that's what i was going to ask you how does she exceed expectations because she is the favorite. >> she can win going away. blow out the competition by a large margin. she has lots and lots of buzz. she has been campaigning very, very hard. today not only did she come to the state fair, she also held two political events, two town halls. she is really pushing in the final days of this. all of the candidates have spent a lot of money on it in serious contention. balkman is considered the likely winner. if she doesn't, that would be a setback. this is a do or die moment for tim pawlenty. he has essentially acknowledged it saying if he doesn't come in first or second he will have to, quote, reassess his campaign and perhaps down size it. there are some who say if he doesn't make the first two, or maybe the top three, his campaign is effectively over. and then there is always the possibility of a shocker sort of
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surprise, juan. you can never rule out ron paul in the straw poll. >> juan: that's what i was going to ask you. last time he did very well. this is a guy who consistently turns out people. 30, $35 to vote. he does it he gets the troop to the battle. he gets them out. is there a chance that ron paul could win tomorrow, carl? >> absolutely. and frankly, there are some juans who are a little bit worried about that. they cherish the caucus here and cherish the straw poll. there is some sort of establishment republicans that afraid if rope paul pull off victory eclipseing pawlenty and bachmann that might finish issue in the quality influence of the straw poll. don't underestimate him. his loyalists come out in droves. a good indication of who is likely to wish tomorrow morning. they won't finish counting the ballots until tomorrow afternoon. the way you can really tell about the straw poll is the bus poll. they bus people in from all over
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iowa. whoever has the most buses in the parking lot that's a good indicator. >> juan: let me ask you now about rick perry. rick perry he could be a write-in. is he actually going to show up? are we going to see numbers from rick perry? >> it's hard to say. he has had a group of folks here in iowa for for man a month quietly urging a write-in candidacy. there has been a carefully choreographed series of hints, teases and of course yesterday when we broke the story that is he going to announce formally tomorrow in charlestown, south carolina. all of that serves to build the hype, build the sort of an tuition pation from straw poll attendees. if there is a possibility he will do well even though hes is knot in contention to win. charlestown, south carolina, then he will go to new hampshire, the first in the nation primary most completing the first in the nation circuit
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and he will have an event in the afternoon in waterloo iowa. the significance of that is really kind of remarkable. not too many weeks ago, michele bachmann announced her candidacy in waterloo, iowa. that's the town where she was born. perry's event tomorrow will be in the very same building where she announced her candidacy. when michele bachmann found out that rick perry was going to be there, she said i'm going too. carl -- bachmann will be at the same event with perry. >> juan: stay in touch. you will have the inside track. carl, thanks so much for joining me. >> you bet, juan, thanks. >> juan: up next, bill o'reilly goes hollywood or does he? right back with it. f!
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>> juan: no pinheads and patriots tonight. instead, remember when bill was off a few weeks ago? it turns out he wasn't really off. what was he up to? entertainment tonight caught up with him. >> can bill o'reilly save america from our crippling debt crisis? a little moonlighting in hollywood. as i found out bill keeps an eye on washington. >> they are all pinheads, all of them. because they are playing politics with the welfare of the american economy. >> watch out capitol hill, bill may be on his way. >> bill: i'll solve this bring me to washington. you guys can, let me do it.
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>> first, rizzoli and isles meet the no-spin zone. >> you are playing yourself? >> i am, nobody is as obnoxious as me. >> bill, in the middle of a murder case, is he a pinhead? >> excuse me i have murders to solve. >> how has it been acting with bill o'reilly. >> fantastic. he's very good playing himself. >> juan: bill's appearance is scheduled to air in move. check out we have a big summer sale. if you sign up or reup for a premium membership you get this great american patriot shirt, free. and one week from tomorrow, the debut of miller-o'reilly bolder fresher tour at the westbury theater on long island. all details available on bill o' don't forget to pick
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