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tv   FOX News Watch  FOX News  August 13, 2011 8:30pm-9:00pm PDT

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spreading good news and good cheer. thank you very much . that's it for this editi of the journal. thank you for all of my panel. i am paul gog-- gigot. hope to see you next week upon right here. >> this is a fox news alert. at least four people are reported dead and dozens hurt after a stage collapses in the indiana state fair. the storm swept through the fair ground and caused the stage rigging to give way. thousands of people were evacuated when the tage fell on an area where people were seated. some people could still be trapped. here is an eyewitness who watched all of the tragedy unfold. take a listen. >> it was horrible. i was rying to get my kids . even if it was higher than pem
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on the ground. i didn't know what to expect. it was coming right at tus . the stage fell over. people underneath and trying to get away from it. it was crazy. watching them run. it was horrific and not anything i want want to see again. >> what did you do after that. >> preparations are underway to inflate large air bags to lift that stage. sugarland said we are all right and praying for the people of indianapolis. we hope you join us . they need strength. >> and four people were dead and others injured. we'll have the latest as new details returns. back to news watch. >> places the downgrading on republicans. >> there were republicans and democrats who said freshman
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conservatives were digging in and some use the word hostage and holding it hostage because they would not raise any taxes at all. >> let's face it. the tea party successfully used it to bring us to the brink of capacity and politicians are showing a willingness to the nation's economy. >> downgrade blame game in full force after the s&p changed the u.s. credit rating and triggering an ugly display of finger pointing in the media. it is front and center all weekan drea. wild gierations and record drops in the stock market and followed by upswings. who is getting the blame for all of this. >> the left tried to pin it on the tea party. if you are reading the editorial pages, the way the president handled it. he took heat from the new york times, questioned if he had a
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vision and wall street journal questioned if he was mart and everyone from elnorand back in the washington post said that this guy comes out and the president comes out and doesn't have a plan and he handled the downgrade limply and they accused him, dana milbank of not attempting to try to do anything to fix it. >> drew weston wrote a piece to: what happened to obama. he questioned . he said we are a nation held hostage not just by extremist republican party but also by a president who either does not know what he believes or willing to take whatever position he thinks will lead to his reelection. judy? >> i was struck by this and wrote about that. but they said silly argument and unfair argument. but you know, i think it is an
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argument that resonated among the supporters of obama. the economist magazine which has though dog in the fight pointed out his handling of the debt ceiling crisis really did hurt him. even though obama has the in box from hell when he came in to office and opposition from hell, he still didn't handle it well. >> ellen how about the fellow liberals. bill mauer was asking if hillary would be doing a better job? has the president lost the liberal media. >> oh, i wish it should be hillary. who knows if hillary would do better or different job. standard & poor's they lay it squarely at the feet of the republicans and not caring about revenue enhancement. >> they did not do that.
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>> to lay it in the feet of obama as it is his fault. >> they came out. >> excuse me, i lost my head. >> the public blames republicans? >> they blamed everybody. on friday they blamed the tea party and blamed the political climate in washington and the ability to service the debt. that's what obama promised to fix. >> the republicans did cause uncertainty in the market. >> liz, we'll bring you in the conversation. liz, you are with the conservative media watch dog group. blaming the tea party for the downgrade is like betting the betty ford clinic for alcoholism . >> i read that. it is perfectly logical and no one should be surprised they are blaming the tea party. that is a good thing. there are many of us who
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follow the tea party. great. we are finallyy showing that the at the time party can move legislation in this town. >> i think alen is one of those people. not to the better. no one is happy with it . when the dust settles, the tea party are losing steam. people are and less interested. >> why do they keep driving the debate. >> you can name call all they want. >> i know you think i am the left but i am not name calling. >> speaking of name calling. senator kerry said it is the tea party downgrade and the media took that and ran with it. >> i think the media did you about the media questioned the downgrader and the credentials of the downgrade. remember who standard & poor's is. they did nothing about enron and the mortgage backed securities. come on now. >> enron was a triple a until it went bankrupt and then at
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that point, whoops. there is a lot of blame. it is easy to cast blame . there were very few media people saying how do we get out and put the pieces together. >> it was david axel rod that said that and not john kerry. he lifted it from axelrod. he is the great gray iminance hovering over this process . >> speak being the blame game. it doesn't look like it is sticking on the president. should he be saying i could have done a better job at -- >> it is a mea cullpa. if we do that. apologize for what? he's done a good job in terms of negotiating with people who don't want to objective. mitch mcconnell's major objective. >> can he do anything wrong. >> i will not like what he did
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with afghanistan or libya. i wish he would have envoke the 14th amendment. he strikes me. i gave you specifics. >> what about the way the press treated him? >> i think the media finally realized they can no longer carry his water. this was the first instance that even the left came out and said, we can't make excuses for him. cannot as bill dally say defend the indefensible . that is a collective concensus from the left. >> we have spoken throughan drea. >> we are getting carried away with this. >> and it is silly to think of the leftest to turn on obama. they will stick with him throughh thic and thin.
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>> what? >> you are going to have to take it up in the break with liz. >> we are going to go at it. >> keep up on media stories on our website and check out the watch list section. up next, did you see that controversial cover on "newsweek" in tina brown drives "newsweek" to a new low . the queen of rage labell. just more of the same snarky mean spirited coverage we have come to except and gop hopefuls square off in iowa. did the media make their choice? find out next on news watch. over 70% of firefighters are local volunteers... these are our neighbors putting their lives on the line. and when they rely on a battery, there are firefighters everywhere who trust duracell.
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this cover to us captures that. you know something michelle bachmann should not trust the mean girls on the left. she would be better off building a time machine and going back in the '60s and falling in love and touring with ike tourner than trusting those women. >> tina brown and comedian and
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radio host dennis miller. the cover has received all kinds of media and calling her the queen of rage. what is the overall media reaction? hats off to tina brown who is a genius to get people to talk about her covers. i think the best comment i came from rowan on the cnn opinion. the problem is the cover photodidn't support the headline, she didn't look angry and furious but look crazy. if they said queen of crease it would be all right. they had 10,000 photos they could have selected and i talked to the campaign that was taken in a lightting test and they were asked.
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they take pictures and anyone would look like they are looking in a direction. to take a lighting picture with that headline. but it is not surprising in 2008, they did it to sarah palin . took a picture and sarah palin is one of the folks, and that's the problem. i think tina brown is struggling to be relevant and i think she is sick and jealous. >> i saw a bunch of pictures that they didn't put on the cover and she looked nutty in all of them. she is a but her eyes are crazy . that is tina brownn is a sleeze. >> no, no, no. >> let me have my opinion. you have all stated yours. she will do anything for circulation. this was inspired choice
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because the idea behind the choice, she may be nuts. i think she is nuts and you know something that is a question that is not answered yet. i give her cudos for raising the question. >> who raised the question. no one raised a question. because she has migraine headaches. she is accused of being nuts. >> you haven't talked to enough conservatives. they think she is off balance. >> chris matts said she looked dazed when she did the rebuttal. but jon stewart saying it is a cheap shot there is validity to tina brown's list. >> and conservatives are saying she is off. >> anybody i talk to. conservatives and i mention that as a extreme example. you can't sit there without smiling and think she came
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from main stream and has main stream views. >> it is not the first time "newsweek" was accused of mean spirited. >> do we pictures of hillary clinton and they made her. >> we are speaking about "newsweek". >> you don't like when i bringg up the other side. >> no, talking about the covers on "newsweek" much that they did. let me finish. barack obama who looks celestial . that is before they were going bankrupt and sold for a dollar. and how about the cover of george w. bush can he fight the wink factor. >> people get adjectives attach to them. >> it is why it is a pamp let and not a magazine. >> i think the public will decide that. and tina brown did amazing
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thing. >> what ever happened. i am sorry liz, what happened to barack obama and the liberal new york times? >> we are going to have to take a break. if you see something that shows evidence of media bias. e-mail us. up next. the media take on a feisty debate in iowa. publican presidential candidates go head-to-head in iowa and taking on the issues and taking on the press . a film about the killing of bin laden builds controversy when questions arise. what is this about? answers are next on news watch. nking with olay. ♪ there's more than a jar of olay moisturizers in every bottle of olay bodywash to leave your skin feeling soft and smooth. with olay.
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>> you said the era of small
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government is over. that sounds like obama. >> she said she had a titanium spine. >> i would like to see the rest of the debate asking us instead of mickey mouse. >> i am sure you the war. it is trillions of dollars we are spending on the war. >> america has to learn how to tike a joke. laugh laugh >> republican presidential hopefuls on thursday night and taking shots at obama and his record. but what got more media attention than them taking shot in a feisty debate. liz your reaction over all. >> it was gingrich debate. he probably doesn't have a chance but when it comes to knowing the american history and explain complex matters in a simple way he beat all of
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them. >> he fired back at bret and chris both. some say the questioning was too tough. >> it was remnant of sarah palin. you have to respond to the questions and same thing with herman cain . said crazy stuff and that is a joke. his positions are a joke . he shouldn't have acted all upset being asked tough straight questions. >> it was feisty stuff. there was a lot of debates that are snoozers and this set a new mark. >> whatever happened to mine mine nice. it was lifely and it was gripping and i hats off to patriots to bret and chris for keeping going . pressing those questions. we needed those answers and bret baier thought that gingrich won the debate. but here's a pin head. by ron of anding -- michelle
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bachmann who said i define is submissiveness with respect. she was classy. >> i tell you why. she didn't. >> tell me why. >> biblical view of submissive to the husband and would you act that way as president of united states. >> she chutely did. allenn. >> i respect my husband and he respects me. >> her interpretation of submissism. >> he told her to go to law school. she did it because she was submissive to her husband. is that how she would govern. >> i have to tell you, i think it is wonderful that fox hosted the debate, but this was an inside wall debate. they didn't ask the questions that american people wanted to know the answers to. it is about the beltway reporters. >> i agree with that.
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a lott of the feed back that i got this country is falling apart especially after the week we h. it was not on the debt and economy and there was infighting. no real clearr winner and cudios to gingrich but he fought with the moderator. you saw the little fight between pawlenty and bachmann and paul and sanatorium. hats off. they had wonderful thing to say about bret . other networks say the questions were tough and well researched. >> we have to take a break. when we come back, controversy over white house acess and sensitive documents . >> controversy surrounding the new film of the killing of bin laden with questions of the release date and concerns about white house access. details next on news watch.
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>> i first saw thes and when people are working onarticles and books and documentaries that involve the president ask to speak to administration officials we do the best to accommodate them to make sure facts are correct. we don't discuss classified information and i would hope as we face a continued threat
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on terrorism the house would have more important topics to discuss than a movie. >> responding to accusation that obama white house gave acess to the producers for the hunting of osama bin laden . that caused chairman king to voice concerns over acess to such sensitive information . the controversy came about after an arcticle by new york times columnist mauren dawd. that it is timed to give a home stretch boost to a campaign that has grown tougher. makers are getting top-level acess from a administration who tried to put more people in jail for leaking classified information than the bush administration. >> homeland security thinks it is an answer. >> this is a waste of time and
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taxpayer dollars. because of antipathy . jay carny said don't they have better thing to do than look at movie make ares and that suspect and cynical about the white house. >> they got the information somewhere. >> what is the source of her story and she doesn't say. it would not be the first time that the democratic party wasn't the hand maiden or hollywood was not the hand maiden of the democratic party. >> the remains of the troops who died in afghanistan were brought back to dover air force base. the white house preventing the press from attending and managed to rethe photo. is there a controversy. >> there was a little one and it seems like, between that picture and the new yorker story and capturing bin laden and the white house is giving


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