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tv   Hannity  FOX News  August 16, 2011 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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>> no rush to recovery here. the president insists jobs are still his top priority. why do we have to wait until next month to hear his new economic plan? dana and stuart tonight, react. >> the president's heated confrontation with a tea party activist over civility, or lack thereof. >> following an impressive performance in iowa, rick santorum is here with a new big announcement. all of that, plus joe lieberman and what he really thinks about our expander in chief. we are on the road to 2012, hannity starts right here, right now. today marks day two of president obama's bad news bus tour. as his voyage continues, candidate obama back and making big promises. as he did in 2008 he's vowing
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to put you the american people back to work. he will layout his elaborate, cure-all for the economy when congress returns next month. >> the president: we know what to do. i will be putting forward, when they come back in september, a very specific plan to boost the economy, to create jobs and to control our deficit. >> sean: even the handful of supporters the president still has left will admit we've seen and heard this before. when the going gets tough the white house knee-jerk reaction is to refocus their efforts on jobs. remember this. >> question is, how are we gonna make sure that people are getting back to work. jobs must be our number one focus in 2010. as president that is my commitment to do everything i can to make sure our economy is , creating jobs and strengthening our middle class. >> the president: making sure jobs are available is the first thing i think about when
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i wake up in the morning and the last thing i think about each night. not a day goes by that i'm not focused on your jobs. i'll continue to fight for what the american people care most about. new jobs, higher wages and faster economic growth. >> sean: if that what he's been saying for 2 1/2 years what is he going to unveil in september when he gets back from martha's vineyard. joining us stuart varney and co-host of the five, great show, former white house press secretary dana perino -- so is yours stuart. this is amazing to me. when i come back, i'm gonna layout in detail my plan for jobs. >> but first the bus tour must be completed. then the 10-day vacation, martha's vineyard. i'm sorry -- then reconvene after labor day holiday.
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>> sean: 20 acre ocean front resort with all rich people that have private planes, amazing. >> then we get the details of the plan. let's not forget, we are on the verge right now of a recession. moody's says there's a one in three chance we are going into a recession. we have to wait until next month, the labor day holiday, then we'll get details. >> sean: we didn't get the details of the debt ceiling ever in writing. when he gets back from martha's vineyard -- >> i love how you imitate stuart when you say -- sunday this story was floated out there the trial balloon. president obama said today it wasn't true. i think somebody floated this out there. they would consolidate some departments and create a one called the department of jobs. it was like the onion could not have made it up better. somebody on my twitter sent in -- sent in one that says the
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department of throw it all against the wall. what i think happened yesterday -- >> sean: what else are they gonna throw? >> leave that to the imagination. i think what happened yesterday is president obama thought, i think i gotta come up with a plan. he said that i could imagine people at the white house said, we're coming up with a new plan? we have to come up with a plan. >> sean: obama said yesterday, i reverse the recession until bad luck hit. the bad luck was the arab spring. was what happened in japan. bad luck is europe. and they take zero responsibility for their bad programs, which he was able to pass with a democratic house and senate. >> being not change course. if he changes course he repudiates the first 2 1/2 years of his presidency. he's not going to change course. nor, can he really pull this economy out of its slump by continuing the policies which
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have already failed. what does he have to do? the only thing he can do is attack the opposition. demonize them, call them names. call them out. >> sean: one more thing. washington times said, he's been on the road, he has another answer, he's calling for tax hikes again. he cannot help himself. >> fat cats, corporate jet guys, martha's vineyard. >> there is something he could do. that would be to do the right thing. and the right thing would be to say, we're going to change course. >> sean: i was wrong. >> yeah, he could say that. >> sean: not in him. >> what was interesting when he said about the bad luck. it is true those things did happen. i kind of thought of the emperor has no clothes. i thought did they tell him that and he believes it? >> sean: dana stuart is on her program yesterday. one of the founders of the tea
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party, in iowa, this guy rhodes who confronts the president. you said it was inappropriate. >> i did not use the word inappropriate. i said i thought it crossed a line. that i understood his frustration. call me old school or whatever that other word is that you called me about a year ago -- >> sean: i did not call you that. i didn't mean it. >> i can understand the frustration. i wouldn't have -- >> sean: they are servants of people, public servants. >> come on dana. there is no room in this democracy for a heated exchange between a man of the people and the president of the united states? >> i did also say, that president obama brought this on himself by being hyper partisan from the beginning and calling his enemies all sorts of different things. then expecting compromise and cooperation. >> ryan rhodes did not stick his finger the president's
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face, he didn't shout, scream. >> i understand he was speaking loudly so they could hear over the crowds. i just wouldn't have done it. >> sean: i would. i love it. i love it. >> but we don't have accents. >> martha's vineyard. if we did it with fake accents it might be great. >> sean: we got southern accents, we got plenty of accents. >> there's room in this democracy for heated exchange and we should welcome it. >> sean: asking the president and he's going to join news a minute, very simple question, he calls for civility. his vice president according to many witnesses, did call the tea party terrorists. he sits by, lets all the surrogates make attacks again the tea party, racist, terrorists. he never corrects them. he had a sister souljah moment
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and he should have said joe biden shouldn't have said it. >> when you are president you can always defend everything your vice president may or may not have say. i think saying that joe biden said that tea partiers are terrorists is a stretch. >> sean: there's witnesses that heard it. >> he has denied it. >> president obama has consistently questioned the legitimacy of the republicans and opposition to his policies. in effect he's questioned their patriotism and loyalty to america. i think ryan rhodes is in the right place at the right moment, saying the right thing. >> sean: isn't that what he's saying when he says they would rather see their party do well and their country fail. >> i don't like it when either side questions the moat vases of anybody participating in public discourse. i just err on the side of extra civility. i'm old school.
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>> sean: all right, women i can say this, i think you did a great job playing bob beckel on the show tonight by disagreeing. >> i get so uncomfortable with confrontation. i want everyone to get along. >> sean: you handle yourself well, we are proud of you. you are wrong on this one. >> and gosh darn it, people like me. >> sean: santorum turned heads in iowa with an impressive debate performance. tonight he tells us what is next for his campaign. >> when we come back, president obama confronted by a tea part leader in iowa up next the man who went head-to-head, face-to-face with the anointed one will join me with his side of the story. because obama has refused all of my invitations. as a manager, my team counts on me to stay focused.
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>> sean: i don't think i'm the own one who wanted to call the anointed out on his blatant hypocrisy. one man had a chance to that yesterday at a town hall in iowa. here's ryan rhodes, picking his bone with the president. >>
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>> sean: ed henry caught up with rhodes right after that confrontation. >> some say i'm mr. reasonable. i will never accuse him of that. his words do not match up with his actions. actions always speak louder than words. we were taught that growing up. the actions of the people he employs, the actions of people in his party have demonstrated they don't want to work. >> sean: joining me with the inside scoop iowa tea party chairman ryan rhodes. how are you? >> great sean, thanks for
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having me. i guess i better get an accent so dana perino will like me. >> sean: i watched. i was thinking you were being respectful. first, were you heckling during the president's speech or town hall in any way? you probably have seen those reports by now. >> the first thing i said, he had all of his speech, he had all of his questions. it got to the point where it was the last question. these events a lot of times get staged, questions don't question came and i said, hey, i'm going to ask this, because i'm getting sick of the entire taxpayer funded listening town hall tour was simply a way for him to attack republicans and try to perfect his talking points. it was lake his own personal frank luntz poll group. >> sean: i'm glad you are a regular watcher. you would only know that if you are watchingiúv the program.
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we appreciate it. >> i love frank. and you. >> sean: the president lectures a lot on civility. we saw after the tucson shooting, et cetera. yet, there's multiple witnesses that said the vice president said that the president denied it what is your reaction to that? >> well, yeah. i said it actually on the news. how can you have a conversation with someone who is just going to look in your face and deny it? beyond joe biden, harry reid has been calling us hostage-takers for how long? i heard the rush montage, i've her the hannity montage. those are his voices unless you have serious distortion tools there. >> sean: he never criticizes his own party. there was a moment where he could have said to you, i think this would have helped, you're right, he shouldn't have said it. he didn't have the courage to do that. i thought it was a missed opportunity. look, the tea party has been
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attacked -- it is unrelenting everyday, racist, terrorist, on and on, as you pointed out. we've mentioned this a lot on the program. you're a tea party member. i like what you guys stand for. you want limited government. balance the basketball. preserve the blessings of freedom for our kids and grandkids. where do you think hostility is coming from? >> it is coming from stuff like barack obama says he wants civility, then he sends his supporters out and says you need to get in their face. >> sean: good point. >> if you want people to confront other people, then you better be ready to be controned. you are not a king. we still elected you. and if you are unwilling to answer these questions, come on shows like yours, sean, then it is going to take things like this. it is going to take people going out there and saying, mr. president i want to know what you think. he could have shut the entire
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exchange down by saying, i disagree. i challenged my entire party to top this rhetoric. >> sean: i think it would have been the equivalent of a sister souljah moment as we call it here. you had this confrontation, it has made a lot of news. i think what has been said about the tea party is so over-the-top. and so obviously contrary to what he's lecturing us about. you walk away with what? what do you think about the president and his answer? has your feelings, opinion of him changed? >> the beautiful thing about america is we can actually have these conversations as long as we do it without physically attack somebody and going after them, we can have these and walk away. the president walked away smiling. that might be because i read his book. we're out there and we need more people. i got a lot of great training
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for how to get out there and talk to these people and be able to confront president obama in a civilized manner from the leadership institute. it is things like these i hope more people can get out there. >> sean: i said in 2008 media5-. i think it is going to be citizen journalists like yourself that will ask the questions the media should have been asking. i applaud you for what you did here. i think you were right, it is a fair question. the president i thought gave a lame answer. thanks for being with us. >> thank you for having me. it was good seeing you at the state fair and good being on your program. >> sean: we met at the state fair? >> i handed you the paper written note. >> sean: i have it. now i know who you are, all right. good to see you again. did you have one of those fried twinkies on a stick? >> no, but i should have. that and the pork on a stick, did get that.
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>> sean: the best i've ever had. ryan, thanks appreciate you being here. >> coming up, he's looking to break into the top tier of gop candidates. his performance in the debate helped. rick santorum is back the latest on his bid to unseat the anointed one. plus, senator lieberman here in grade the obama administration. what does he think of the the president is doing? he'll tell us, coming up. gine al of your missed opportunities in one place. ♪ the front-row tickets you never bought. the lucrative investment you never made. the exotic vacation you never took. but there's one opportunity that's too good to miss. the lexus golden opportunity sales event, with exceptional values on the lexus rx. but only until september 6th. see your lexus dealer.
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anyone that suggests that iran is not a threat to this country has not seen the world clearly. he sees it the way barack obama sees it. that we have to apologize for the fact that we've an ed our influence to create freedom around the world. i don't apologize for that. >> sean: that was rick santorum directing fierce criticism at ron paul in last thursday's republican primary debate. the senator is battling to break into the top tier of gop candidates.éí5ftqrs debate perfs received a lot of praise. he's now competing against governor perry. what does senator santorum have to say about that? joining me rick santorum. senator, welcome back.
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>> thanks for having me on. >> sean: that was a pretty intense moment between you and congressman paul. interesting, i was talking to our friend mark levin. he said, people were pretty angry with utah support ron paul for taking him on. i -- i think ron paul is right on a lot of economic issues. right about the fed. but i have disagreed on national security issues. >> ron paul is an isolationist and believes that we can erect walls around america and we'll be safe. the bottom line is, we will create a vacuum in the world. and that vacuum will be filled by someone who is going to be hostile to the united states. there are plenty out there. whether it is the radical islamists, which we weremmb8 talking that night with iran. china, russia, who knows who else. they are not going to be friends and friendly to us. in particular this issue with iran, i think his cavalier
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attitude about the state of israel and the security of israel when you have iran who has said they want to wipe israel off the face of the earth and they are developing nuclear weapon and the rockets. he said they don't have an air force. al-qaeda didn't have an air force either. that doesn't moon they can deliver weapons. >> sean: why do you think -- why do you think governor perry gets in? he within to the top of the heap many romney stays strong, michelle bachmann out of eye what the winner. you did well. pawlenty bails out. how do you assess the race at this time? how do you cut through and break into that top tier? >> it is about ideas. people talked about how hard i worked in iowa and i did, 50 cities in 15 days, 68 counties. i've spent more time than everybody else. that doesn't mean anything unless people agree with the message and messenger. that's sighting thing. we were able to finish in
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fourth place. -- the three people above me spent each millions at least a million by each of them. over 10 times more than i did. got lots of national news coverage, at least two of them did. one was from the state other a neighboring state one second time running. here i am just out here talking to iowans about the ideas i have to create jobs. i spent a week and a half talking about creating manufacturing jobs and got great feedback and response for cutting the corporate rate on manufacturing to zero. saying we want you to come back and work in america. i was growing up in pennsylvania, 21% of workers in this country were in manufacturing jobs. now it is down to 9. barack obama says he wants to build the middle class then let's bring jobs back to america. >> sean: a lot as been made over his comments about ben bernanke, that it was almost
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treacherous or treasonous for bernanke to increase stimulus spending before the 2012 election. he's tan a lot of controversial positions early -- he's taken a lot of controversial positions early on. it seems to be resonating. you think fighting, being combative is good or does that come back to haunt a candidate? >> i've been combative. i'm competing on ideas. on national security issues, fighting for marriage and for the sanctity of human life. not backing down one inch on any of those. as far as taking shots saying the chairman of the fed should be charged with treason. i see that in line with what john conyers was doing and the folks on the far left in the democratic house when george bush was in office calling impeachment. over the line. ben bernanke and i disagree on policy. mostly because of the fed charter. and the charter that says part
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of their job is to deal with unemployment. it is not a treasonous act. rick perry needs to take a step back and understand that we need to have good civil discourse about ideas, not taking pot shots. >> sean: good to see you. >> he's a politician that marches to the beat of his own crumb in -- his own drum in washington. joe lieberman opens up about the obama administration and much more, straight ahead. v8 v-fusion juice gives them a full serving of vegetables plus a full serving of fruit. but it just tastes like fruit. [ male announcer ] get five dollars in money-saving coupons at for red lobster we can find. male announcer ] hurry into crabfest at red lobster and savor 3 crab entrees under $20 like our crab and seafood bake. or our snow crab and crab butter shrimp. my name's jon forsythe and i sea food differently. or our snow crab and crab butter shrimp.
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>> sean: senator joe pan is one of the few politicians in washington who ailes stands on his principles. he's not afraid to make waves on either side of the . today he proved that to be true during a morning interview he said he's not sure if he will support president obama's reelection bid in 2012. joining me to talk about in and more the man himself. his new book is out, "the gift of rest." i need rest.
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rediscovering the beauty of the sabbath. now bookstores today. senator lieberman good to see you. >> great to be back. >> sean: i always get you in trouble. >> i know, i'm ready i've got my kevlar on. >> sean: why is it every time you come on the program with me, either radio or tv, your fellow democrats -- well you are an independent now. >> i am. >> sean: they use it against you. they go nuts. why is that? >> it is not right. it says a lot about the state of our politics today. for a lot of people, you're a great guy. for a lot of people you are a bad guy. and you are the same guy. people can disagree with you. >> sean: you and i agree on foreign policy. you are great on foreign policy many one of the things you pointed out in a -- interview you fear the republican party is becoming more isolationist. you paid the statement, every time we do that, we do it to our own peril.
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we can't did that. >> over the course of the american history. at different times we've responded to the siren call to come back home and just focus on america. but, every time we do that, we pay for it. second world war, we did that in parts of the cold war. and ultimately, america is a great global power. our security depends on our strength in the world and our prosperity depends on our strength in the world. both parties, different groups, i don't have to convince you there's a group in the democratic party that wants us to pull back from the world. >> sean: i would say the majority of the democratic party. you fight your fellow democrats -- >> the old democratic party think that joined, which was the party of president kennedy, which was ask not -- bearing any burden, pay any price for the survival of liberty in the world.
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and that's still what america, i think, is all about. >> sean: you're not sure if you will vote for obama you said it today. >> i did. somebody asked what are you gonna do in next year's election? i said i'm an independent now and i'm going to approach from it the perspective of an independent. and i'm going to wait and see. i got a little less than a year before i have to decide how to vote. i want to see who the republicans nominate this is a really important election, i don't have to tell you. some of it about foreign policy who is going to keep us strong in the wore. some of course about who is going to show the -- leadership to get our government back in balance and the economy going again. >> sean: without trying get new trouble. tell me where president obama has been successful. you voted for john mccain. >> yes. >> sean: he's a friend of
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yours. >> yes. >> sean: i think you were excoriated. >> i don't know if it is possible for a political party to ex-communicate to continue on the religious theme, but that might have happened there. let me tell you some stuff think that was relieved that the president did on foreign policy. he didn't do what i think a lot of the liberal democrats thought the day after he got sworn in, pull us out of iraq. it has been a methodical withdrawal. he did surge our troops in afghanistan. i think the withdrawal strategy now is a little quicker than i would have wanted. he says he will listen to the generals if they tell him not to do that. the stimulus at the time i think was the conventional wisdom about what would help to get the economy going. i think it kept us out of a deeper recession. did it solve our problems? no. was it all wisely? no. it is a mixed record. >> sean: why not another term? >> i just ended up having a
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feeling after 24 years in the senate, 40 years in elective office, it is time to fry something different. i'm not the guy who will ever retire until i have to physically or mentally retire. i want to try something else. it will probably be involved in the same issues, particularly national security, foreign policy. i'm looking forward toy. >> sean: you wrote this book, "the gift of rest." by the way, this is for people who are jewish, nonjewish, people of all backgrounds and religions. i took from in the fact that you turn off your blackberry on the sabbath. i think that is a great idea. every sunday that blackberry is going off. >> it is one of the hardest things i do as we approach the sabbath. it is part of what it is all about as i write this book as a through a traditional jewish sabbath. at the end i give ideas to people who are not jewish how to approach their sabbath
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morefully even if they don't go to church or synagogue to pick up some of what happens. we are all working too hard, working 24/7. we need to turn it off. spend time every week with our says, with family and with god. and recharge not your physical batteries but your spiritual batteries. >> sean: this is a great lesson for everybody. we don't stop to hear the birds or look at the beauty of nature. i don't want to sound like a liberal now. >> conservatives loughney nature too. >> sean: nancy pelosi said we want to poison the air and water. >> i don't think so. as you believe in god as you and i do. and god in the creator the natural outdoors is god's creation. one of the things i like to do is experience the outdoors. >> sean: i do too. i'm very concerned, more than i've ever been in my lie about israel. when the partnership was in
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town recently, guy to interview him. with iran you got syria, hamas, hezbollah, you got i believe egypt now, unfortunately i was right the arab spring is going to be worse in egypt maybe jordan ultimately. >> i hope you are not right. right now the signs in egypt are not good. >> sean: i've been saying that from the beginning. i worry about the president. i didn't feel he treated the prime minister correctly, when he came to town the first time. i didn't like when he sprung on him going back to '67 borders. >> the president is not anti-israel. i think he's pro israel, but i think he's ed the -- he's handled the relationship with israel in a way that has encouraged israel's enemies and unsettled the israelis. the israelis have one really good friend in the world, us. and of course they are very little to us too. we the president of the
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united states acts in a way that makes the israelis wonder whether we are for them. what it does is to discourage them from taking the risk that they would ever have to take to have a peace agreement with the palestinians or anybody else. >> sean: did you ever tell the president this? >> i have. my own hope is some of the things that he did like calling for the so-called settlement freeze were learning experiences. i hope he understands. >> sean: you are good at this you are beyond gracious. >> thank you. >> sean: "the gift of rest." i will agree with you, as a christian who believes in the judeo-christian ethic, i learned a lot from the book. >> thank you sean god bless. >> sean: appreciate it, you too. let not your heart be troubled because our great, great, great american panel is next.
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>> sean: tonight on our great, great american panel. he's editor at the daily caller tucker carlson is here. she attorney, fox news legal analyst, tamara holder is back. he don imus' long time97xsç rado producer, bernard mcguirk is back. i want to say being i'm friends with you and don and deirdre, i'm heartbroken over the loss of fred imus, his brother. >> thank you. great guy, 101st airborne veteran. unique american character. and we're all still heartbroken. >> sean: everyone thinks don is hard and all this. he used to end every call with i love you. >> i love you, that's right. unabashedly. yep. >> sean: democrats and the president struggle to find a message on the economy. what do i mean? watch this. >> the president: we had
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reversed the recession, avoided a depression. >> american economy is still suffering. >> the president: over the last six months we've had a run of bad luck. >> i think we clearly are responsible for the -- i'm going to take ownership now. president president -- >> the president: i inherited the deficit we have and the economic crisis. >> he's brought us so far. we've begun to turn the economy around. >> growth is slower than we would like. >> we misread the economy. >> things are healing, it going to take more time. >> sean: what are they talking about? >> message is hope and change. they hope and pray that something changes for the better it has to be. this bus tour, the only explanation he's getting ready for when the voters tell him to hit the road in 2012. i'm not one of these guys that hates president obama or any of that stuff. >> sean: i'm not one of those guys either. i don't hurt him personally.
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predictably socialism fails. he says he's going to raise taxes. now he's blaming arab spring, japan and europe. and then he's saying that i got the economy to recover then these events got in the way. you voted for him. >> i'm speechless. all you guys want to do is beat him up over and over again. to the point, it is 15 months before the election and what are you doing? you are already working on the campaign. you don't want anything -- >> the bus tour we are paying for. >> it is not a bus tour. [ talking over each other ] >> i'm not sure i'm impressed by the republican candidates. it is about the state of economy in free fall, a disaster. i would say because of the economic policies of this administration. they have no clue what they are doing. his answer today wait for my jobs' plan which i will unveil
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in september. spare me. if they took their foot off the recovery, inside they are micromanaging american businesses one of the reasons this persists. >> republicans got control of congress nine months ago. what have the republicans done? i'm not going to blame bush, i'm not going to blame obama i'm not going to blame anybody but every person we've elected in this country is failing all of us. enough of the bashing. >> sean: to the president's credit, this may shock you, he's been very successful. he got his agenda passed. budgets, stimulus, all his bailouts that he wanted, obamacare. he got what he wanted. >> which he delegated too, even the obamacare. because he's not a good leader. he barely -- he's not qualified. remember the greek columns, to imply he was the second coming
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of pericles it was a more ominous omen, we are devolving into the greek economy. >> oh come on, really! the things that you come up with are just so shocking. they are shocking from the girl scouts to greece, i'm so confused. >> take a trip to europe and see what the dollar buys. see after almost three years of pat degree to which -- >> i was there last week. >> it is $10 for -- [ talking over each other ] >> $10 for a perrier in paris. it is disgusting. >> it is. >> sean: you say picking on obama he promised this would change. if his policies were implemented. here's the problem if you are part of the 16 million unemployed, 18 million under employed.
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and your house is underwater, like many people -- >> that's his fault, right? the whole mortgage crisis is his fault? >> sean: his economic plan, his fault. >> no, the mortgage crisis had nothing to do with him. >> sean: it is arab spring, japan. >> let's be serious. >> you can blame him for a lot. you cannot blame president obama for the mortgage crisis. >> he didn't help it. he's in over his head. he doesn't know what he's doing. nice guy. >> sean: cut, cap and balance, balanced budget amendment, ryan plan, which plan do you want? the mack-opinion me plan. >> who are you going to put in -- 2012? michelle bachmann? >> better than what we've got. >> sean: more with our great, great american panel. as luxury s.u.v.s,
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>> sean: we continue now with our panel. rick perry in the race. slamming ben bernanke. here's what he said. >> if this guy principles more money between now and the election -- if this guy prints more money between now and the election i don't know what you would do to him in iowa, but
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we would treat him pretty ugly in texas. in printing more money, to play politics, at this particular time in america's history, is almost treacherous -- treason in my opinion. >> sean: by the way, nobody noticed that the president in iowa on the stump has been saying that republicans care more about their party than about america. nobody pays attention to that. >> probably best not to say stuff like that the point he makes, i know the bush people are mad about this, they don't like perry. the point he makes true. we are devaluating the currency. it is happening because of the feds' policies. it is benefit in a short term way the white house that is one of its potential affects. he's right to call them out on it. >> he was suggesting violence. he was saying i don't know what he's going to do to this guy. treacherous, treasonous, which
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word do i use? he cars a stun gun who wants to probably kill -- he carries a stun gun who wants to probably kill aliens -- illegals along the border. >> sean: i have gun carry permits in new york, rhode island, california, and georgia a real gun with real bullets. and i've never shot anybody. >> maybe it is because you don't live on the border and you are not afraid of illegals coming across. >> sean: you really think governor perry carries a stun gun so he can attack illegals in the middle of the night? >> what is the purpose for carrying the gun? like bernanke? >> you have lost your mind. he does himself a disservice by popping off, we are gonna rough that boy up. he should let other people do it. he said other thins about the
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president. let other people do that. the president is so far in overhis head economically, let that be what sinks him. and to explain why he supported al gore in 1988. >> come up with a plan. >> sean: a topic we can all agree on. there's a kid, takes a hockey shot, almost impossible shot, i played a lot of ice hockey as a kid. it is for $50,000. he may not get the money because it was his brother who signed up. but he still may the shot. there it is. -- he still made the shot. there it is. center ice, almost impossible. in the goal that's called a goal. here it is again. boom! perfect wrist shot. let's go to the videotape, boom! >> sweet, u.s.a. all the way! they obviously should give him the money. they were honest. let the brother take another shot.
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>> sean: the chances of that happening again. >> true. they did the right thing hopefully the insurance company will do the right thing. a nice story. pay the kid. >> i agree. >> sean: -- >> you just said you taught he was committing -- you thought he was committing fraud. >> is off-the-record. i think the kid should win. it was one of those lively raffle tick -- tickets the parents bought. >> it was bush's fault. >> i don't think he is a criminal. >> he should get the $50,000. >> sean: that's all the time we have left. thanks for being here. let not your heart be troubled. greta is next. we'll see you tomorrow night. >> greta: texas governor perry comes out swinging, texas-style. days after announcing his run for the white house he's sparking outrage,


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