tv Greta Van Susteren FOX News September 1, 2011 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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to be impossible in those early days when the smoke was still rising over the pentagon and world trade center. >> sean: mr. vice president, thank you. appreciate it. >> thank you sean. [ applause ] >> sean: thank you for being with us. i hope you have a great night. i hope you have a great night. [ applause ] closed captioned by closed captioning services, inc. the press has accepted. of course, that was cast a day of political drama and the leaders have decided president obama will deliver the big jobs speech next thursday, the day after the republican debate.
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a slight problem. the president going up against the nfl season opening game but the white house says the president will clear the field long before the kickoff. joining us is senior editor for abc world news. easy for a bears fan to say not to worry. >> don't worley. >> worry. >> not the bears that are playing, it is the packers. how does this happen? is it a big deal or not. >> i think it is symbolic of larger things. it will be what the president says and obviously whether something passes congress later on. symbolic of the utter dysfunction in washington. forget the fact of trying to solve the world's fiscal problems we are trying to schedule a speech right now. goes back for hours before you lineback it in. a failure to communicate on both ends. they need to get a formal invitation for the house to address a joint session. for them not to work it out in
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advance to a degree they could be reasonably confident that their request wasn't going to be rejected was pretty incredible. >> greta: wouldn't you think the white house would do advance work and figure out that the gop debate is that night or at least one of them and i can't imagine anything worse than if the gop debate got bigger ratings than the president's job speech. and the president's job speech is going to be on broadcast so chances are it would get more numbers than having the gop debate on just one network. still the risk of that problem. >> they knew exactly when the republican debate was. >> greta: was going to take that chance? >> they were going to get higher ratings regardless. all the networks were going to take the president and the debate on cable. i think they expected also that the debate would get pushed back. maybe a tactical move by the white house but curious to me he because i think the president has an opportunity maybe had an opportunity here to kind of rise above the politic.
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he can still do that, he is the president. matching it up that explicitly with the debate you are saying this is political and jumps down to the political mess that the republicans will be in. he is eager for matchup. the white house is eager for the contrasts but so are the republicans. >> greta: the president sent out an e-mail and talks about how we are getting a hint of what the president is going to stay next thursday. seemed like he was scolding congress. i don't know what he will say next thursday night. is he going there to scold congress, lay out his plan or to campaign? >> a little of all of those things. there is not much that congress is going to do that is controversial that he wants them to do. this is a weapon that the white house can deploy rarely. can't just go to the joint session over and over again and they decided to do this on the front end and kind of make it a big deal in the rollout. they are guaranteeing intention
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attention to what the president is saying right now rather than trying to back this up a month from now or two months from now. he is trying to position against it and obviously it is for the contrast in 2012 but he knows the way he will be judged in 2012 is based on what he does in jobs over the next year. >> greta: a couple of options from the speech. one is that it as roaring success, i don't mean we are inspired but jobs are actually created. the second thing is that it falls absolutely flat and there are no jobs at all and nothing can be turned around in which case it looks like another sort of inspirational speech by the president he will get hammered with later. and the third is people will say why did you use this forum, this venue now for jobs, it is not the state of the union/it is not a declaration of war, it is an important issue but he may be criticized for that. >> it is the obama economy and they have to find ways to grow
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jobs if the president is going to grow another term. you have the republican debate in the midst of this primary season for the republicans. these guys that want to replace president obama. you are guaranteeing that it is looked at through that prism. >> greta: or i guess on the flip side for the president if he can give the speech and make it look like he had a grand idea and the republicans just won't do t is set up for 2012. >> he is trying to rally the public to his side for the short-term and longer term. they want to lay this out and want the republicans to lay it out. they like the idea of matching up the president versus the republicans and as i said, the republicans like that, too. >> greta: now, gone to republican governor, see what the wisconsin papers say on friday he better hope for a pack erwin or he will probably get blamed. >> the pregame show will be short at least. >> greta: he doesn't need a packer loss because he will get blamed. everybody gets blamed for that. joining us is dick morris. good evening, dick. >> hey, greta.
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you know, i was -- >> greta: what do you think about this, dick? >> i was listening to it, and i don't want to spend too much time on the scheduling thing. speak and tuesday night. labor day is monday, tuesday is nothing on. probably some bright apple got some idea hey, let's compete with the republican debate and force them to postpone it for cancel it. boehner came back and said you can't do it on wednesday you have to do it thursday going up against the football game. obama said i will do it at 7:00 eastern before the game. >> that means in central it is at 6:00 and on the west coast it is at 4:00 which means his own audience is undermined. i think obama just outsmarted himself on this. i think it was an attempt to sense out the republican debate and blue u blew up in his face.
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>> greta: i do brag about having a little more expertise in the area than you or rick. the packer fans and the wisconsin state being a swing state, he better hope for a pack erwin or he will get blamed. going to the recent polls. since governor prosecutorry got into the race it seems that -- since governor perry has gotten into the race it seems that michele bachmann has dropped down considerably. has he stolen her tea party support is there any way that she is reclaim it? >> i think that would be overreacting. since perry got into the race romney has fallen from 22 to 23 to 18 in the poll. and everybody else has dropped down proportionately. i think bachmann certainly can come back. there is a huge risk for perry, though, in the debate. because what you want to do when you are a new candidate in the field is a slow build
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because you want every step up to be bolstered by a strong public feeling that you are doing well. if you are staked to a frontrunner position through no action of your own, just basically a weak field and everybody talked about you and you are the flavor of the month then you go into a debate and even a perfectly adequate debate performance you slip and people say you lost momentum and there is another debate and you slip again and suddenly you are trying to explain away why you are slipping rather than what you are doing which is a slow build as people get to know you. >> greta: does this change the strategy of governor romney now, that he is for the moment in second place? >> yes, it does. romney has to go out there and tell people look, you have a choice here. a guy who prosided over the creation of jobs or a guy that creates jobs. somebody who is governor of a state that didn't have a income
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tax for its total history and conservative governor bush and governor clemens who held the state at a low tax environment or romney who created tens of thousands of jobs by his direct personal effort. i'm a jobs creating expert, that is what he has got to say. and suddenly he is on a little bit of a defensive over his major issue which is jobs. >> greta: in terms of the voting, republican vote this time around, do you think or the polling numbers or any statistical number to support that people are going vote -- whether they were going to vote for someone they really like or vote for the person who they think can beat president obama? >> it is overwhelmingly the second when they ask people in the polls. it is almost 2 to 1 a tactical vote which is very unusual for the republican party. one tough republican strategist charlie black once told me the republican party behaves like a third-party. they vote for idealogiccal purity and that is it.
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now, that is different. they are voting on who they think can beat obama and i think that is pretty good. >> greta: who else could jump into the race? a lot of tea leaf reading. >> we talked about palin and i think her backing away from the september 3 thing leads knee believe she may not be getting into the race. the longer she postpones the hard territories is to build up the organization to get on the ballot in 50 states and after october 21 she starts missing filing deadlines. cristie on the other hand could. i think you will have the field that you have here. in terms of obama's speech i think that raising this high level of attention, joint session of congress, whole gigantic buildup is going to backfire on him because i don't think he will bring forth a gigantic program. he will bring forth a couple of public works projects and maybe small business loans but he is not going to do much. i just wanted to mention that lately i have been talking a
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little bit about that ground zero mosque that is two blocks from ground zero, they are applying, believe it or not, for federal funding from the lower manhattan development corporation. they want us to pay for the mosque. and on my website dickmorris .com i have a petition, we are closing in on 100,000 signatures and if you agree they shouldn't get federal funding please sign on it. >> greta: always glad to see you. thank you, sir. >> good to see you. >> greta: did you hear what former utah governor huntsman is saying? he says he is going to win in new hampshire the first primary state. why is he so confident. in let's ask him. republican presidential contender former governor of utah john huntsman joins us. before we get to the question of new hampshire i want to ask you about something. "wall street journal" onlight tonight in the morning paper tomorrow endorses your economic plan and doesn't just endorse your economic plan it says this
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"mr. huntsman's proposal is as impressive as any to date in the gop presidential field and certainly better than what we have seen from the front runners. perhaps mr. huntsman should be asked to give the republican response to the president's job speech next week ." i'm guessing you love this editorial tonight. >> it speaks to job creation in a country that definitely needs it. i'm very proud of it. more than everything else it draws heavily from what we did in the state of utah. as a candidate for the president of the united states of america all i want to be able to do is say i have been there and we have done that. reformed our tax code. flattened the rate and made it a whole lot more competitive for our state. it is time that we look at the tax code on the individual income side and on the corporate side and say we have
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to clear out the cobwebs and deductions and loopholes and corporate welfare and buy down the rate so that everybody benefits from that and it is more competitive for the 21st century and that is where we are h headed. >> greta: that is a biggy, the endorsement of the plan is a big one. the polls are down around like really low. they are really bad. you are at the bottom. you have to figure out a way how to get your plan notice sod that you get notice. that is the first question. the second question is that the "wall street journal" is a very sort of elite big corporate type newspaper, lots of money. what about the little guy. take the guy unemployed in detroit in the city of 25% unemployment. what are you going to do for him in your plan? >> this plan, greta, is all about jobs. that is what it speaks to. makes our economy that much more are competitive. speaks to job creation. you have 14 million people out of work. millions more who are so
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disspiritted by the situation they are not even looking any more. so our tax reform basically looks at the bottom line being jobs in this country. we want to give people the dignity of a job. that is the most important thing we can do. >> greta: can you inspire them -- >> we are trying to create more jobs in this country. >> greta: i don't think necessarily inspiration is the answer to everything but can you talk to somebody in a community where there has been an incredible amount of unemployment, can you walk those streets and inspire those people and get jobs to them? >> you know, we had a town hall meeting here in new hampshire. this is the state that i think we will do exceptionally well in. we talked about the human tragedy that is 14 million people out of work. this affects moms and dads, it affects families, there is a real human dimension here beyond the numbers. we have got to look at t as such. we as americans can do a whole lot better. we are an optimistic blue sky
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people. we need a tax code that is going to get us back in the game. we have to make sure to message and articulate it as the human tragedy that it is. we must be very hard headed about what it is going to take to be in the game competitively in the 21 sen it tourry. maine sures. half mckinley he we have to clear out the cobwebs the deductions on the individual and corporate side and we have got to buy down the rate. that is exactly what we are doing. i like where it takes us. you combine that and regulatory reform getting the regulatory monkey off our back and we can turn this thing around. we can position ourselves for 21st century competitiveness and job growth. i have been there and done that and i think we can do it for the nation. >> greta: i want to talk to you if we have enough time on that. a lot of attention to the bowles simpson commission at least in terms of the tax code.
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let me ask you about new hampshire which you say is so important. the state party chair jack kimball just resigned. he is a member of the tea party and looks like that the republicans didn't like him, they pushed him out. is there no place for the tea party in new hampshire? that is the first part of my question. he has been called extreme and is the tea party extreme in your mind? >> the tea party, of course, has a place in new hampshire. the tea party has very effectively framed the debate on debt and spending. the tea party is a natural manifestation of our democracy. i lived in china the last couple of years. they don't do that. they are not allowed to organize at the grass roots level. we do that here in the united states. it is a manifestation of the issues affecting the people of america right now. the enormous debt, this cancer called debt that we have in our country. the tea party has helped frame that. they will be a factor here in new hampshire and, of course, they are a factor nationwide.
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>> greta: are they extreme and i think that is a term you might have used against some of your republican colleagues in the race that are more conservative than you and correct me if i'm wrong you called them extremists. i'm curious, do you consider the tea party extreme? >> i think what we are talking about on the debt and spending side is exactly what this country is concerned about. i don't consider that to be extreme at all. i consider that to be right on. politically so often we find ourselves at the political extremes in terms of the debate. the whole debt ceiling debate, i thought we were yelling past one another, assigning blame one party to another without actually moving the base of the nation forward. i stood up and said we can't allow this nation to default for the first time in its history. it would have been absolutely catastrophic for the marketplace, for people's retirements and 401(k)s. at some point you have to pull yourself from the extremes and get the business of the nation done. that is what i had to do as
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governor and that is what they expect the united states to do and that requires a little leadership. >> greta: i asked you you about someone unemployed for a number of years, a lot of the urban areas and the "wall street journal" and the corporate elite, the people who won't money. let me ask you about your plan. under your plan which is about bowles simpson you get rid of the mortgage deduction which is a lot of economic planning for most americans. that is how they figure out how to live day to day, year to year. if you take away the mortgage deduction, what do they get in return so they are not terrified with your plan? >> a lot of people would give away deductions in exchange for a lower rate. the bottom line is the fact that we are preparing this nation for a new era of competitiveness and job growth. i want to see the hollowed out carcasses of old manufacturing plants here in new hampshire filled again with manufacturing and the only way we are going to be able to recreate the manufacturing muscle in this
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country is by fundamentally looking at our pillars of competitiveness. that is our tax code, regulation, that is looking at greater energy independence for example. that is strengthening the core of our nation which today is weak and that is our economy. we have got to get back on our feet and it is not going to happen through half measures. >> greta: now, i will put a fast one on your, governor, because we are live on the air. the "wall street journal" says perhaps you should be giving the republican response to the president's job response next week. will you come back next thursday on the record and talk about the president's speech? >> i will join you, greta, any time, anywhere unless i'm asked by some larger authority to speak elsewhere. >> greta: unless o'reilly calls. he gets better numbers. anyway, governor, thank you. >> thank you, greta. >> greta: straight ahead, shocking news for parents. teachers in one state accused of using and thus teaching bad grammar. get this, they are not even
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getting a slap on the wrist for it. is the department of education looking the other way? we will tell you what is happening next. also, the stakes are high. twin boys trick everyone, winning $50,000. now, there is a problem, a $50,000 problem. we will tell you how this is going down. that's coming up. (birds chirping) there he is. (reel dropping) (laughing) dude, you caught a boot. oh, well looky there. get big savings during the labor day sale at bass pro shops. plus free family activities this weekend.
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>> greta: what is your child really learning in school? some teachers in arizona coming under fire for having bad grammar and passing it on. teaching english as a second language some say the teachers have not mastered the english language themselves. i guess there are two issues. one is accent, that some people object to. the other is grammar. tell me the problem. >> arizona law several years ago voted to approve teacher immersion requires teachers to be through went then the no child left behind act requires teachers teaching english to be flew went. the state department of education -- to be flew went. the state department of education terped some teachers are not fluent based on what
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the u.s. department of justice said were suggestive measures. they said a teacher was saying leaves here versus lives here. and the department of justice and department of education looked into it and said, you can be accused of discriminating based on ethnic background, national origin. and the state department of education an greeted -- an good to back off when you are facing doj and department of education it gets your attention. >> greta: one is diction, i admit a lot of viewers will tell me my diction is horrible. you could still be fluent in english and have poor diction. you can have an accent just means you speak differently than virtually everybody around you. if you are in new york you don't have an accent if you go to florida you have an accent. the third category is grammar. which is you have not mastered
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the english language even "the new york times" has not figured out that each takes the singular. it is diction, accent or grammar? >> it seems to be a combination. everyone agrees if you are teaching english grammar is critical that you understand as you point out is singular, are for plural. where it gets into the grey area, if you are teaching someone to speak english a spanish native speaker, is it necessary to use what has been called broadcast standard? or can you have a bostonian, brooklyn or florida accent or for that matter an accent if you are from nicaragua? that where tricky if you -- are you trying to teach everyone the king's english? >> those things are ive i understand the accent and diction. it does make sense if you are going to teach english you
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ought to know how to speak or write english. in terms of grammar that is not a subjective test. when i was in grade school we used to get punished the nuns would have to stay afterschool and diagram sentences. that you can -- that's not subjective. frankly, grammar is a big issue in this country. we have people who are falling away, pick up the newspapers, listen to people on tv. people are falling away from that. why not give the test on the grammar perhaps the other two we'll live with, because that doesn't have an issue on fluency? >> problem for the state was, combining everything. in fact, i don't think anybody objected over teachers being retrained over grammar. the problem came up, as you point out, over the issues of diction, accent. that's where the department of justice got involved. there's a lot of debate over
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what students need to learn if you teach somebody to say joey leaves here is that the way this child is going to speak forever? they are learning from tv from watching their favorite rock stars from listening to the radio. i don't think the problem with the state had to do with grammar. where the department of justice came in you are using a subjective measure of determining fluency and using the question they are mispronouncing certain words. that became a question of discrimination. >> greta: one last thing. you bring in the issue of rock stars another area that probably -- the crude terms we get into rude and other things. any way, howie, arizona is never dull. nice to hear from you. >> that's why i love covering politics here. >> greta: indeed. >> here's what is coming up on the o'reilly factor. >> bill: k furious with dick cheney. we'll have -- condoleeza rice furious with dick cheney.
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another illegal alien controversy, megyn kelly has the story. >> greta: embarrassing the home for the white house. a member of president obama's misspeaks, it is not grammar, diction or accent. it is something else. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] the most headroom per dollar of any car in america. the all-new nissan versa sedan from $10,990. innovatiosized. innovation for all. from $10,990.
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two of the most important are energy security and economic growth. north america actually has one of the largest oil reserves in the world. a large part of that is oil sands. this resource has the ability to create hundreds of thousands ojobs. at our kearl project in canada, we'll be able to produce these oil sands with the same emissions as many other oils and that's a huge breakthrough. that's good for oucountry's energy security and our economy.
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pentagon doing to take action? a spokesman for the department of defense. >> the important point is if there is any duplication or any way we are spending money unwisely it is too much and we want to attack that. >> what was your reaction to the gao and six months later what are you guys doing about it. >> that particular report is almost a compendium of reports. we tend to work with agencies like the gao and others to find those improvements. we don't always agree with everything that they say but the feedback that they provide to us is valuable. we take on those things and try to make improvements as we go. so, for example, some of the things that were identified in the reports the department had already been working to
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correct. some we continue to work on. the other point, too, is that reports like that people shouldn't have the idea that it is a static process that there is a report and then there is a reaction and things go on. again, are it is continue with us. even before that report was issued we were already working on a number of items to increase efficiencies. for example, our health records. the department of defense and the veterans administration have been working collaboratively to integrate and create electronic health records. within the department we had a senior integration group to oversee our counter i.d. efforts which are very important and so a number of those initiatives are underway. they began before the gao report was issued and continue now. >> total contracts on defense from fiscal years 2002 projected to the end of this fiscal year 2011 amounts to
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$206 billion. we estimate that 31 to $60 billion of that total has been or is being lost to waste and fraud. we estimate that waste amounts to 10% to 20% of total contract and grant spending and that fraud runs between 5% and 9% of the total. >> yesterday the commission on wartime contracting initiatives report. your reaction, sir? >> we are closely stud dig the report since it was just released yesterday. the commission did provide interim reports that we were well acquainted with. but overall reports like that and groups like the commission are very helpful to our efforts to try to identify places where we need to improve. >> we hear that anywhere from 30 to $60 billion, even at the pentagon that is significant money. what is your plan to take action? i know you are just seeing the
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report. >> right. >> what is a likely response you guy mayes have here. >> it is a significant amount of money and whether it is a million dollars or $100 million, if it is monitoringly being spent unwisely or something that we can do better and cut down on those types of things that is what we are all about. >> you you could look at the dynamic of what was going on particularly in iraq at the time and it wasn't out of the question to be saying even then that there were billions of dollars of waste, fraud and abuse taking place without a proper structure. >> senator webb was present at the press conference yesterday and he said that looking back on it he, i guess paraphrasing him, saw opportunities for things like this happening overseas that we weren't really setting up the correct infrastructure for such a large operation of contractors. could you respond to that?
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>> well, we -- one thing i will say is that in ten years of war we have learned a lot. we are a continuously learning organization. we are a very large organization but we look at ourselves critically all the time and reports like the commission on wartime contracting, the general -- or i'm sorry, the government accountability office and then a lot of reports that we generate internally in the department look at those things and we learn lessons and try to correct as we go along. i think that i would say that in those ten years we have learned a lot and we have made adjustments as we have learned those things. >> greta: this is a fox news alert. you are taking 12 big united states banks to court. the new york times is reporting the federal housing finance agency is suing the banks over mortgage fraud. the agency subpoenaed the banks but now the agency is up against a deadline to file claims. the agency says that banks owe
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american taxpayers for the quality of mortgage securities, banks assembled and sold at the height of the housing bubble. they are seeking billions of dollars in damage. some being sued, bank of america, chase, goldman, sachs and deutsche bank. stay with fox news for more details on this breaking story. the age old question once again, is anything made in america any more? we will tell you what happened, that's next. >> and remember yvonne the cow that wandered away from her pasture back in may. tonight there has been a sighting. we will tell you about it,manna straight ahead. ? challenge that thinking with olay. ♪ there's more than a jar of olay moisturizers in every bottle of olay bodywash to leave your skin feeling soft and smooth. with olay. like the leap of faith you never took.
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of rain. the governor of louisiana has already declared a state of emergency and a round of thunderstorms caused more flooding in vermont just days after hurricane irene. flash floods thursday trapped two men working to repair a washed out bridge. they have been brought to safety. a defiant momar qaddafi vowing not to surrender. says supporters are well armed and prepared for a fight. rebels advancing on qaddafi's hometown where they believe he could be hiding. they have given his troops until saturday to surrender. i'm marianne rafferty. now, back to "on the record.">a log on to fox news .com for red your latest news. ght. she was touting her new government issued chevy saying she proud to show support for american workers by driving what she thought was an american-made car.
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contrary to popular belief, i don't know if that car is made in america even worse it is on the list of government approved cars. joining us ed o'keefe. is her car american made? >> no. it is made in canada. majority of the parts are american made, 65%. it is assembled by canadian workers. she was at a breakfast she showed up in a different type of government vehicle. they said tell us about it. she said one of the reasons i picked this vehicle it is energy friendly and it is a signal of my support for american workers. one of the reporters discovered it is made by canadian workers with a bunch of canadian parts. the official says she using a vehicle to show support for american workers when she supporting canadian workers. one of those politics 101 things.
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if you are responsible for a certain subject you hope that you have done your homework. in this case the aides would admit she wasn't completely up to speed. >> greta: i'm going to let her off the hook on this. i wouldn't know. it is on the government list. would it be safe to assume the government would have -- obviously not the government would have the list that would have the cars that were made -- even cars made in america aren't all-american cars. >> the government's list doesn't require they be made in america. i'm not going to let her off the list. if you in charge of american labor and you say it is something you are using is a reflect shun -- your support for american workers it is not made by american workers to me that seems like it should be something you are many familiar with. clearly it -- she went off on this tangent energy efficient vehicle.
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it is made in ontario, i think. it -- it would be like the defense secretary saying something contrary to military strategy. or the transportation secretary saying something wrong about the roads. if you are using something that is pent to reflect your support for american workers and it is not made by american workers? >> greta: is anything made in america any more >> no. that's the important point. this car again it is general motors, chevrolet, american brand, owned by an american company. they have plants in canada, overseas, they are using parts from all over the world. >> greta: assembled in the united states has foreign parts in it. maybe the mercedes is 100% german. >> no a lot are assembled in the united states. the auto industry is a a great
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example of -- >> greta: i don't think she will do it again. >> for sure. >> greta: ed, thank you. remember joran van der sloot? he just got slapped with a taste of reality. now officially charged with first degree murder and robbery in connection with the death of 21-year-old stephanie flores. accused of killing flores last year in peru. her body was found beaten and strangled in his hotel room. she was murdered five years to the day natalee holloway disappeared in aruba. prosecutors are asking for a 30 year jail sentence and restitution of more than $70,000. no date set for trial. >> straight ahead, the best of the rest. one man strikes it big while attending to his garden. what he does next might surprise you. >> check out this bizarre scene. panties everywhere.
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he thought the bags were filled with litter. when opened them up the bags were filled with 20 dollar bills totalling nearly $150,000. they didn't keep the cash. they called the cops. wayne says he and his father were worry the owners might come back looking for their money. big bummer for an 11-year-old in minnesota out 50 grand so is his brother. remember nick smith he won the raffle at a hockey game. taking a shot on the ice. if he made it, he would win $50,000. he wasn't in the room when his name was called his twin nate took his place. their father fessed up. now the event organizers have decided the switch breached the contract. organizers are donating $20,000 of the money to youth hockey in minnesota in honor of nick and nate. >> police have a business czar
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mystery in ohio. panties puzzle. looks like a victoria secret truck spilled its load hundreds of pairs of mostly women's panties found in trees and on the ground along side a busy road. officers say panties were found earlier this week in several other spots along side another road. most appear to be new. some may have been worn. nearm)é÷ly 1,700 pairs in all. >> she has been on the lam for three months. tonight yvonne the cow is safe at an animal sanctuary in germany. the cow escaped from a dairy farm in may, she was involved with a near collision with a police car. the sanctuary decided to buy yvonne from her former owners and take the lead in trying to find her and succeeded. earlier today the happy news, a farmer call the sanctuary saying yvonne the cow just wandered on to her farm. >> finally, meet irene hope.
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this little lamb is the newest addition to the wildlife conservation society central park zoo in new york. as zookeepers prepared for hurricane irene's arrival they found her smuggling next to her mother. they say the lamb brought hope on a day of uncertainty that's what they those to name her irene hope. she will be nursed for approximately three to four months. visitors can visit at the zoo starting today. there you have the best of the rest. coming up, white house shoots down a wireless phone company's big business plan. according to jimmy fallon it might have been difficult for them to get the message. that's nex now, when you want powerful wifi, you've got it. with aerizon mobile hotspot, you can connect up to 5 wifi devices to the internet with lightning-fast verizon 4g lte speed. a gaming device. mp3 pler.
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