tv Cavuto on Business FOX News September 3, 2011 7:30am-8:00am PDT
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>> brenda: no on this one? all right. todd, your prediction? >> it's all about the jobs, brenda. right now the best career networking site on the planet is linkedin. stock will rise 50% by april fool's day. >> brenda: matt, are you linkedin? >> of all the social networking sites, i believe this is the worse. you have a ford pe ratio at 211. people say it's overpriced. no way. >> brenda: let's link in to neil cavuto. take it away. you know, maybe the president should skip the speech here and skip out over here to the national labor relations board. hi, everybody. glad to have you. i'm neil cavuto. forget the lawsuit against the nonunion jobs in south carolina. this week the nlrb, delivering a triple whammy to businesses everywhere in america with three rulings, effectively making it
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easier for unions to organize in the workplace and harder for private employers to challenge those moves. so will that mean it's going to be a very tough jobs market for an already very tough jobs market? charles payne, adam, charlie, and kristen. charlie, what say you? >> it's pretty disheartening because the unemployment news, as you know, is not getting any better. private sector jobs are nonexistent, i think is the right -- growth is the right way to put it. and you know, businesses take cues from washington. they prepare for the future. remember, the market is forward looking. so are businesses. they say what it's going to be like a year from now. they prepare. what they say by not hiring is it's going to get worse. >> whether you're for or against it, just adds another uncertainty to these guys, doesn't it? >> i mean, the certainty is, and it's pretty clear, that there are two things that matter most to the president.
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and that's the green environmentalists and unions. no matter what happens, whether you call it economic policy, redistribution of wealth into union pockets, whether it's forcing businesses -- 93% of private sector employees don't belong to unions. you're taking away their rights. you're actually forcing them, 93% of americans to do something they don't want to do! >> you think down the road that will imperil the jobs situation? >> absolutely. listen, we've gone from a point where we needed union, they've done a great job to now we're the only role from the unions is to get more from the bottom line of corporate america. >> kristen? >> well, it's a travesty. this boeing, south carolina deal is just absolutely horrific. this is the kind of stimulus we need. you have an amazing american company that wants to add jobs now. that's what we need. and we're having to organization smite them and try to block them from doing that? that's almost criminal, in my
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opinion. >> adam, i'm sure you would readily agree with all the above. but are you worried on this level alone, whether you're for some of these very union friendly decisions or not, that at this time you're a ceo, you're a company boss, you're looking to hire, it's one more reason to keep your wallet shut? >> i don't think it's a big enough reason to keep your wallet shut. charles materially misstated the case, which is a good example of how poisoned the debate is when you said you're forcing 93% of american workers to do something that they don't want to do. no one is forcing anybody to join a union with some of these rulings and employers are not looking at a situation where their employers are going to be forced to join a union. >> they might not be forced, but it's very hard now in this scenario to challenge it. that's all i'm saying. >> yeah, but it's almost like a side show debate because there isn't a whole lot of demand for
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the union membership. that part charles got absolutely right. most people aren't in unions and most people in the private sector are not in unions. that's really not going to change. >> you missed a bigger point that charles made, which is that president's political sweet spot are two drags on the economy. environmentalists and their rules, epa rules, which cripple businesses, and these unions. what the president stands for and he sees that he's in bed with these two lobby groups -- >> i have a recommendation for the president. what he should do before his speech next week is to get together with john boehner and name people to fill the open spots on the mlrb that are agreeable to the republicans and announce that and say, we're either going to try to score political points or try to get this one off -- >> that would be a 180-degree turn from what he did before with the recess appointments. but the point here, i think, is that the president's attention is diverted from real job
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creation. whether you think this is a small issue or not, it's not. this is a central focus. everything revolves around this. when we say, hey, how are we going to help the economy? first of all, we've got to take care of these two groups of constituents and then the rest of america comes next. >> if you think what he did in terms of getting the economy, how absurd it was, when we had 10% unemployment, he pivoted to health care. another drag on the economy. he pivots to the green energy. another -- >> oh, yeah. >> that's not fair. >> no, because -- >> pushing health care, which is a drag on the economy. >> guys, we can go back in time. and i agree, there is ample road for fodder on both sides. chris, the union thing right now, what it will do in this environment, just to the average consumer, if businesses might hold back a little bit in the job market that seems to be
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hiccupping more than a little bit, what does it mean going forward? >> well, it's just another nail in the coffin for the consumer and consumer sense i want out there. you can't get a job and then there is a company that wants to hire you and the government is once again getting in the way. so fear and uncertainty, like charlie was saying earlier, is affecting not only small businesses, which account for 70% of gdp, it's affecting consumers' mentality as well. so businesses are afraid, consumers are afraid. and that's not good for the economy. >> charles payne, are you finally in the camp that says at the very least a double dip? >> i'm not sure i'm in the camp that thinks we ever got out of the recession. i think it's almost a moot point to talk about it. >> i agree. >> we'll explore that as we continue on here. one of the things we're going back and forth on is this notion as to whether or not the economy is already in a did he funk or we're going to go into a greater funk. stick around because this might have gone from double dip to just let her rip.
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>> good morning. this is a fox news alert. i'm jamie colby. tropical storm lee is closing in on the gulf coast that's happening right now. southern louisiana already getting drenched with heavy rain. and tropical storm warnings are in effect for mississippi to texas. flash flood warnings extending along the alabama coast to the florida panhandle and forecasters say the storm's slow, forward movement could bring as much as 20 inches of rain to some areas. we'll keep you up to speed on that. the state department issue add world wide travel alert for all americans. this is in advance of the ten-year mark of the 9-11 attacks. the alert doesn't mention any specific threats, but it says u.s. citizens should be aware that al-qaeda affiliates have demonstrated an sent to carry out attacks against the united states and urges americans at home and abroad to be extra vigilant. i'm jamie colby. keep it here on the fox news channel. we'll send you back to cavuto.
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>> neil: forget whether a double dip recession is coming. maybe the last recession never left. not one new job created in august. manufacturing with a two-year low. business confidence, the lowest we've seen since february of 2009. consumer confidence plunging to its lowest level since april of 2009. so kristen, you have long argued that we never came out of the last funk and now i guess we're in a deeper funk? >> yeah. double dip recession will require us to actually be out of the recession. i don't think that's happened for most of americans. if you look out there, you can see that. 40% of the households make up 60% of the spending in this country. and you can see there also evidenced in stock performance as well. so the high highs are doing great and the low lows are having a really rough time. >> neil: you weren't scaring the
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bejesus out of every financial shareholder on the planet this past week. >> the past two months. >> neil: exactly. i'm just wondering whether there is a bigger paul over all of this and it's the economy. >> yeah, listen. corporate profits are still pretty good. that's only part of gdp. g about dp is also consumer confidence and people don't spend money unless they go to work. that's what you have. that's the problem you have. i think the real problem is if we do go into a double dip, and we might just stay like this, which is not so good with 9% unemployment for the next three years until we have a change of fiscal policy, but if we do go into a double dip, what does that do for banks? that's why the bank stocks are so crazy. i'm not saying we're hitting 2008 financial armageddon levels. but if consumers aren't working, they're defaulting more on their loans, that hits bank balance sheets in a big way. that's why no matter what warren buffet says, bank of america is still in trouble.
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>> neil: the reason why a lot of folks look at the financial sector, as you know, charles, and you report on this yourself, that they can be a harbinger of things to come. and if you think about it, bank of america's case, you know the numbers better than i, that it has -- the 13 billion or so raised in cash is probably lost in market value. >> maybe more than that. >> neil: so i guess the question then is slowing economy, financial stocks imploding, what does it paint for you? >> you know, the problem with the banks is that they're still too opaque in my opinion. charlie is an expert more than i am. but i know that -- >> neil: he's an expert on having -- >> that's for sure. april in 2009 we went back to form of mark to make believe accounting. the stock market roared back, but that stuff simmering in their vaults never got any better. i will tell you with respect to this whole thing with the double dip recession, i've had a beef with the national bureau of economic research, the guys who
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time stamped this because you go back to 1949 and take every recession until the last three, the recession ended -- unemployment peaked within a month and a half of the recession ending. the last three, unemployment peaked 12 months later. i don't know if they changed this to help both political parties or what the new parameters are, but it's given people a false sense of security and that hurts us in so many different ways. i got to agree with kristen in the sense that too many americans never got out of this and the banks, in my mind, are still it trouble and people should be worried. >> neil: adam, are you worried? >> of course. we know why there has been on the one hand, economic growth, which there has been and on the other hand, that this unemployment problem persists and that's because the housing situation hasn't been worked through yet. and i know we're going to talk about it more and the president undoubtedly will have -- the housing situation is a small part of it.
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>> i understand that. the housing situation hits people in all sorts of ways. the people under water are not spending money. nobody is buying new homes. there is no -- no one is building -- >> why are companies sporting cash? >> in the aggregate -- because the economy is not in great cash. >> no, because they're worried about fiscal policy coming from washington. >> neil: why are you treating him like the bank of america ceo? >> i'm sorry. >> neil: you're saying essentially -- >> my point is this was going to take years to work out. it is taking years to work out. that's unfortunately what the situation is. >> neil: i don't know. we were talk being numbers that go back to 2009. then it was hope and change. now it's looking more like hopeless and spare change. kristen i'm wondering as we go into the holiday shopping season, whether it's just going to cascade and then what? >> oh, it will. it definitely will. there are rumblings last week
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that consumer spending was up last month and isn't that great? we really have to go behind all these numbers and take a look and really personal disposable income dropped. so what's happening is exactly what we were just talking about, where people aren't spending money. people that are comfortable are hoarding cash just like to charlie's point, like u.s. businesses are hoarding cash. >> i can end this or get close to ending it on a happy note. first of all, auto sales are up. that's a good thing. nobody can argue with that. one of the reasons consumers -- >> neil: they're giving away cars. >> but they're not. >> there is plenty of incentives to buy car. >> you can buy a car with the worst credit rating in the world right now. and by the way, kristen, as far as the consumer spending, the one thing to your point, savings dropped a lot. so people are dipping into savings to buy stuff, that might be a false sense of security that might not last. the bottom line is somehow the white house has to engender
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america, from businesses to individuals to banks that we're great again. take away the shackles. stop this war against success. let businesses bring back cash employee and let's reinvigorate the country. >> you know i'm excited about the infrastructure bank. the confidence, one reason confidence is so low is that americans are sick of the politicians fighting with each other and calling each other nasty names. maybe both parties can make some progress on that this coming weekend. >> neil: but you could be right. i know there are a few stones -- but we are going to give you the under and over on how you can find an affordable lead suit right after this. in the meantime, with zero growth, is the president starting to zero in on the right idea? he just scrapped a key part of his new regulation plan. the ford gang says that's great. scrap it all. but first... .
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>> neil: maxine waters pressing the nation's banks. what if i told you some say she's not gone far enough? [ waves crashing ] ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] and just like that, it's here. a new chance for all of us: people, companies, communities to face the challenges yesterday left behind and the ones tomorrow will bring. prudential. bring your challenges.
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♪ ooh baby, (what) can i do for you today? ♪ [ feme announcer ] need help keeping your digestive balance? align can help. only align has bifantis, a patented probiotic that naturally helps maintain your digestive balance. try align to help retain a balanced digestive syst. try the #1 gastroenterologist recommended probiotic. align. >> neil: , coming up, we're on top of what banks could do right now to get congress off their backs and state housing. plus, charles payne names the single
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let them know that if they don't come up with loan modifications and keep people in their homes, that they worked so hard for, we're going to tax them out of business. >> neil: you think the congresswoman is going too far? what if i told you some say she's not going far enough? not about the taxing part, but modifying the loans part? you might be surprised. that person is adam. explain. >> yes. for the record, i'm not in favor of taxing anybody out of business, neil. although it worked pretty well against the cigarette companies. anyway, i digress. the question is, are road modifications a good idea? yes, they are. the bank has not been effective at doing it so far. minuscule number have gotten modified. we can not force banks, and we should not force banks to do it. but there are a variety of ways that we can help the banks get creative about how to do a better job. the more loans we modify, the faster we do it, the more money that gets into the economy, the
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sooner we get out of the housing crisis. it needs to be done in a fair way. any deal that's available to one homeowner needs to be available to another homeowner, too. >> neil: okay. charles, i don't know. >> listen, nobody wants to see anybody lose their house. i do find it interesting the notion of calling the banks gangsters for saying we should resort to extortion. but anyway -- >> what was that line? >> neil: by the way, that was -- >> i agree with you, adam, in the sense, i don't know why banks haven't modified more mortgages. i know they don't want to have lose homes. but the administration has thrown billions of dollars at it. it has not worked. and really, there is a lot more nuance to what maxine waters was suggesting. she is suggesting that everyone somehow is a victim of the banks and capitalism in a sense. that bothers me a lot. a lot of people she's talking
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about bought a house with no money down, they have no skin in the game. so the notion that they worked so hard and they saved up for 30 years, like people used to do and put down 20%, is false also. so there is a lot of different nuances to all of this. i don't know why the banks don't modify more homes. it seems to me the smart thing to do. but the idea that you could go in will and take it from them is crazy. >> maybe they don't modify them because even if you modify them, people couldn't afford it. >> that's one of the dirty secrets. >> neil: they don't work out. >> there are investigations going on right now, possible settlements coming on how these loans were made. they were made fraudulent. people without jobs that had listed incomes. you can modify it almost to zero and pay no interest. they still want afford it. >> the liar loans, i've got to adjust it in six months or a year. the majority of the people failed on the lower! they are in foreclosure before they adjusted it. >> here is why maxine waters has somewhat of a point.
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full disclosure, she's a viewer of the "fox business" network. so already she scores points in my book. >> neil: i'm sure we had some convicts watching, too. >> bernie madoff. >> neil: you're right. >> but that's another story. think about it, we did bail out the banks. we bailed out the banks. why shouldn't the consumer who acted just as wrecklessly as the banks, get a piece of the action as well? >> neil: kristen, what do you make of this? >> this is the woman that confused hank paulson with ben bernanke. this is the woman that wanted to nationalize the oil business. >> give her credit. she represents her district well. >> neil: each day you come in with a different -- >> do you want me to read from the script or something?
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>> neil: are you for a capitalism or are you against it? are you for coddling or are you not? that's all. >> i'm just a nasty s.o.b. >> neil: allallall right. now you know the way to his heart is simply watch "fox business" network. which is not a bad goal. my thanks to charles and kristen for joining us. september is off to a rocky start after a very, very rocky august. but these two guys are here with stocks they say will make some of that money back for you fast:
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