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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  September 6, 2011 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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glad she got that. >> kimberly: bet on her to win. >> bob: who are you wearing? >> kimberly: sheer lip plumping, lip shine. >> bob: now i understand. >> kimberly: buy another one. "fox and friends" has a jingle. we don't have a jingle. >> andrea: for "the five." >> kimberly: we wish her well. she is staff sergeant angie johnson. in it to win it! >> bob: good luck. >> kimberly: that's all we have time for. welcome to "red eye."om "re i'm greg gutfeld, and withit these looks, you know i could be with anyone tonight, but i chose you. let's go to tv's andy levy forep a pre game report.what's what's coming up on tonight's? show? >> our top story tonight will tell you about colleges thats #r* banning cigarettes from tir their campuses.a shockin a shocking undercover investigation that is neitherei
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shocking nor undercover nor aner investigation.tigati. plus did a movie portrayal of atrocities of american troopsd in iraq lead to an act of terrorism? a fair and balanced indictment of hollywood is straight ahead. and want to see bill schulz get his body painted? of course you don't, but are you going to. >> thank you, andy jie. happy national bed check month,ed c greg. >> for the who month, what i should i be do ?g. >> checking your mattress fortr wear and tear.wear and t >> that could prove difficult. my house boys wear and tearouse went back to brazil a month ago. >> they were the twinere twin gymnasts? >> that's what they said, but wear was too flabby for theby fe floor live and learn. now i buy from the source.ce >> john gibson? >> can't beat his prices. i >> i don't know how he doesect i it. >> his secret i >> of course. >> it is the source of all things great, andy. >> i believe you, but i don't think that stuff you keep wanting me to drink is well water. >> i call it well water
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because if you drink it you feel well. >> i don't think it is water. a >> that's a side affect.ll >> after what you told me tot get rid of my sore throat i don't trust you. >> why should you. let's get the ball rolling. let's welcome our guest.> i her name is now 50% off. i am here with attorney and former contestant on theassah apprentice. she is so hot that hot coles re2350us -- hot coals refuse to walk over her. b and he is a first time guest,e and hihapiro. and his stench has its own zip code. it is my repulsive sidekick, sid bill schulz.sittin n and you can kill him with a of burrito. the fine makers of diligence leg warmers, diligencee paperweights and saw possible tores. when you are in the market for leg warmers, paperweights orthin saw possible tores, think ofnow him. diligence, we don't know what
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it is.ti and he is still here though death is near. good to see you pinch. >> be sure to have a stunning take on the current college scandal. i used to play a little pigskin back in the day. well not so much play as cover the locker room floor during muddy games. >> they were in fine form, butb the independence wouldn't besi o denied. it is from the dating d triangles and proved pathetic as the last-minute execution, w and the wind and much hoop la from the supporters. greg? >> okay. >> just reminiscing. >> that you were, my friend. >> infant days of the nfl. >> glad your eyes cleared up.ust >> thank you. are annoying young mammalsr going after your cam malls -- ys camels so the colleges are kenck wiped clean?ords m
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500 and yes. more than 500 campuses have enacted 100% smoke-free polic but the wild cats have taken h it one step further. u of k recruited students tonts be puffer police who shall wander the campus asking classmates, employees and visitors to dispose of their cri gs and providing info cig about smoking cessation resources available on campus. says the alcohol, tobacco and other drugs coalition chairwoman, yes, that's an aware student we have onaw he campus these days. dou experts no doubt single claimccf most successful smoke-frees c colleges have been grassroots efforts drirch by students. -- driven by students, dorky,n u virgin students.what d what do you think of that baron vaughn bumper cat? >> that's his way of saying,d i
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"ithink it is disgusting" and i agree with you bbc. mike baker, welcome to thege not show. >> thank you. >> when you went to c not only did kids smoke in long stem clay pipes. this has to bother you. >> it does bother me.igaret i don't smoke cigarettes.he i enjoy the occasional cigar, but i don't know at what pointot this happened. it hasy voafld to the point where it is on campuses where have you this annoyingha behavior where people want to tell y get in youour kitchen and tellle you how to live your life. threlate it to the hurricane that passed through here notlonn long ago. we and by the way, we still don't a have power and water in my town. so if the localti authorities ad could look into it, and that'spo my point. one who thinks it is okay fors government to do everythingnt to for you and who actually sit around and expect everybody to do everything for you and the whhers who want them to get the hell out of the kitchen et on with your life. >> what is with you and the kitchen?
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>> i don't know. you see what i mean. >> i do not get the link to the hurricane. it is terrible you don't have tn link between that and smoking wt on campus, but i won't ask youwt why because i want to get to adam. adam, kids always -- i say kids. d but students generally do thesie opposite of what they are's that's the point of rebellion. t if you go over there and tellem them not to smoke, aren't naturally that going to invitemg them to smoke? >> naturally, and i bet they are smoking more thanha cam cigarettes at colleges acrossand the a but what high school shop class dropout reject doesn't know that smoking isn't good for you? and they are wasting time going around saying give ust? the cigarette.ou if are you a smoker and i am a f reform smoker so i am nasty about it, b when you smoke, you are polite e and you don't smoke in ske someone's room. you don't smoke in the house the unless they let you, and if you are outside, my taxes pay for if i had lived in kentucky for the university.
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you just don't blow smoke in other people's face. but you don't need people nee policing it. >> it is based on ridiculous idea of secondhand smoking. the science is shote at best.n' don't know what shote means, but i guess it means bad. are you a violent person? up toa if somebody came up to you and told you to stop smoking,n the wouldn't you punch them in the k face? >> i think i would put the cigarette out on their forehead instead.te i think that'sad what this calll for. it is surprising. when i was in school not long ago, 2003, everyone just wanted to have a good time.ted it is surprising that now theyun have students becoming part of the police task force. i think smoking is a decision if you want to do it, that's your choice. my problem is now college is making that choice for you. complete ban on campus. you don't leave campus when you are an under dole you are not allowed to leave campus. allowed. you don't have a car.u a you are not allowed to have cars.n't lea >> things have changed. i used to leave campus all the time. >> i didn't leave campus thehe entire first year.
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>> masa, when they told you itod was a campus, it was actuallylla a woman's prison.ano t they didn't want to tell you. were you wearing a pajama-likea- uniform. >> i had just gotten inusot trouble. >> a women's prison in 2003, that's what i took away from all of this. >> its it a university you couldn't get out at all? >> i lived in a women's residence which is funny. there is a women's residence where no men are allowed w inside. 34th street. >> i am there.ethe i you are so young. young she doesn't even remember marl burrow miles. wow. you are a. ygoat. >> here is what i think it really interesting. what if you did the same thing about high risk sex?thin what if students were asked to at go and break up tricks thatp t were seen as unsafe? no condoms, whatever you deem
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unsafe. we won't get into the c practices here. if you go tono my website, greg's unsafe sex .org thereeres is a whole list of them and pictures. what would happen 1234* whawhatt would be the outcry? feminists going nuts. >> they always kind of had>> ta that.ind o everybody had a roommate thatyb would have too much sex oftenh o in front of youft and pretendinu you are a piece of furniture and you would be that guywoul ta after you stopped watching.he s not only did the sex bother me, but they listened to sara mclaughlin. >> would they say, now are you. a sofa and have sex on you?eno >> i would sit there like this d all the time hoping they wouldnp mistake me for the lazy boyat ir all the time. >> you know what is worse thancd secondhand smoke?cl secondhand sara mac >> tory aim moss can cause lung cancer. >> i miss going into a bar and a having cigarette smoke.te s i do. >> what about the joy of after
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a night, your clothes smell so a bad you have to wash them because of the cigarettes. you just leave them outside and hope it goes away at some point. >> i grew up -- my parentsrent smoked so i liked that smell,me, that stale smell meant adults mt were in the room. the room. >> the best smell in the worldts if you grew up in a certain area. the first match on the first cigarette of the morning, that sulfur smell is like victorik ree. >> it just meant that bill used the bathroom. a i worked at a place ina. pennsylvania where they had closets for smokers and and nonsmokers and a plaque abovee . them so you couldn't actually pu put your jacket in with the other jackets. isn' isn't that ct razyth? >> it makes sense though. >> well screw you. >> it is less intrusive than somebody walking up to you andri say give me that cigarette jie. we are breeding a nation of woo si es. t smoking is now going t'to beat. seen as cooler because thesebe little brats are walking
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around making you put youriget cigarette out and you will want to smoke more, i am act telling you. it is probably a conspiracy byao the tobacco companies.ies. they are behind >> my theory is the kids thatole volunteer, they volunteer too be smoke-free. goodi they are so goodie goodie they were rejected from being an r ra.nd >> ra, what does that mean? >> resident advisor. >> from banning butts to a guyor who is nuts, i speak of congressman andre carson who thinks the party of tea wantsths to hang black people from trees.e f carson who serves as the rs congressional black caucus' chief vote counter was c speaking at a cbc event iniami 1 miami 10 days a ago when he had this to say. >> we have change in congress and the tea party are talking th about change.this there -- this is the effort we
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are seeing of jim crowe. it is a second class citizen. >> you know i think that's the first time i have seen this onir fox. anyway, so on wednesday carsoncn said although he didn't mean all tea partiers, just certain elements.nds b he stands by, quote, the truth of what i spoke. and now the onlyan republican member of the congressional black caucus isn't happy. b he has sent a let torte cbc chai ar -- a letter to a cbc cbc chair. how do you send a letter to a piece of furniture?chair. i don't know. unless they condemn the remarks along with the similar comments from maxine waters you will have to seriouslycoent reconsider his membership.seous he says in the letter, quote,aio all of us, especially congressman carson ands congressman waters who engaged in rhetoric should follow in the example of dr. martin luther king, junior
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reverend jeremiah wright. you know who else isight. condemning carson's comments? >> that is a living hell for that cat. is a >> i don't know what the hell that was, but it frightened>> ii me. adam, he hasn't apologized.zed. he says he was just speakingg te the truth.ould h should he apologize? >> carson? >> yes. he >> yes he should apologize. it is very simple.ery s you treat people the way youpley want to be treated.wa accusation, you should be able to offer the proof. the a if he believes there areho members of the tea party whop, want to string him up, he should out those people whoim u want to string him up and give e specific examples. when you make inflammatoryatts l disrements like that you are
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disrespectful to the people who came before you who didid face those kinds of experiences decades ago and who paved a way so you can be elected. >> well put. i don't think you are able to beat that.t, buto >> no, clearly not. w >> we were talking about this f on "the five" and he wasotio emotional about it and he waso saying it is no surprise the tea cbc goes after the tea party.tha they are attacking the things the only thing the tea partyrty government programs.s so in a way he is saying -- carson said you are a racist if you don't embrace bloated entitlement programs thatd enti don't help a lot of people. >> the reason he is saying that is he is on the losing e of end of the politicaln, conversation. he is frustterated with the teee party. the hanging tree comment crosses the line, and he is not backing away from it. he is sticking by it and his by aide is trying to justify itus by saying, well, actually, thecl tea party is preventingobamro
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president obama from enacting policys that are designed to hp help minorities. so they are saying, it is okayka we are saying it is horrible, but with that i being said, i have no respect for allen west after the waserman schulzy mails. i think he was childish. >> how can you compare that? >> i am not comparing it. they are totally not on the same level. cpa but i am just saying they are coming out and making a little is statements and part isto just to get publicity. he literally said, if you have have something to say, say it to my m face or shut up. >> we actually covered that and said it was silly. sil. >> it is not the same. >> that's an old-fashioned response to a woman -- the wayhe he responded was anschool old-fashioned way that at a gentleman gets angry and says something. you can't compare the two. i know you weren't, but i can see you trying to say something. suggl >> i am struggling because the these are two such eloquent statements.
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>> i think, a, i think that it reminds me of the hurricane that came through over thethro weekend. and i think carson was beingve o expansive on a talking point of the democratic party demonstration for this coming election. we don't know what else to donoh with this tea party. brand them as racist and getgt on with it.whetit is i think we are seeing that with whether the dnc and the loyalists. >> i had a conliversation with a guy that works for me at diligence. the makers of leg warmers and saw possible tores.-- he is the team leader on the he made this comment and he isen a very well educatedhe individual. but he made this comment a justd in passing about the tea party about how racist they are. you drill down into the conversation and you did feel like he was kind of feeding back to you lines he had seen
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over the recent past. pas >> cane just say fire that [bleep]. >> i get it. well played jie. thank you very much. he works in saw possible tores. >> >> we will bleep it, but you will know what we bleeped.ed >> go ahead and make fun of all tea parties.tea >> you can't say it like that. let's look at the big picture two people out of an entire caucus said something stupid. rs his response to that is to fire this off and threaten tohrn walk out in a huff. and that is the country overall.i i am a so sick of these hyper sensitive, outrage addicts c googling anything they can do to scream about and point fingers at. calm down. speaking of the tea party. i hate this crap. if our founding fathers were w to look at the way we behaveo lk
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today, if they were to look atan this decorated veteran, theyh at would laugh at us.uly and then they would say why in g are all of these people inere se government 1234* they were slave owners.unch and wining on both sides. once you play the race card it changes everything. i am not going to sit there and go, oh he just called me ae bigot. would somebody write something on the web and calls you a racist -- >> the race card is not good. go you can absolutely play the bigot look who is at the top of the tea party right now, michele bachmann. i can give you off the top oftte my head 10 statements thatxu were vial to the hoe mole>> i w sexual community. -- to the homosexual tm community. w >> i will give you -- she said s they were social deviants. she said if you -- gay giv marriage will lead to themre teaching kids in school that they should be gay. we know what her husband does. she is the head of the tea party.
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she is a bigot. >> i think people during times have accused conservativesand republicans of being racist in general. o the you have sheila jackson saying f debt is because of the tking a republican race.bos and some talk about obamacare being a civil rights act.a of a lot of people do seeve conservatives as racist.>> he is >> here is something.e ng it is one thing, that race isg o an under current in our. country.n't don't want to go >> not in my apartment. >> you to say that it is -- to say it is stringing people up,tn and i was talking about being disrespectful. when you are likening something 20* emmitt till what happened to that young man or the struggle that people like rosa parks went through.ttil i lived north of kentucky and ku indiana and i am thinking of the famous photo of the guyynch lynched and all of the people
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pointing.he c for carson to have made a commenty equating millions to that is wrong.>>l >> well said. what is it like to -- never j it just doesn't work. is doesn't work after thatcome eloquent statement. stick around and come back.f. we have more stuff.
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it is a high five for five guys. sounds like "a weekend at bill'" greg's chicken and chaps is not america's fast-food chain.a, though i stand by my idea. eing who doesn't love the idea ofng eating chicken while wearingec
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chaps? a recent poll asked americans to rate their favorite among5 the 55 highest grossing fast-food franchises.od after adjusting for the number of stores, five guys burger chain ranked number one followed by inn out and then chick-fil-a. at the bottom, macdonalds, subway 1k3* sandwich sewer. so is five guys that much fiv better, or did mickey d's suffer because there is one onic every corner 1234* we went toece actor billy zane for insight. >> good to see you again. >> i guess dash dosh i had to prepare for that for quite some time.ew >> do you buy this survey? >> i like five guys burgers. i would have voted for them. >> isn't five guys a mass ask you raid? fiv like people say five guyser than rather than mcdonalds because it sounds cooler? >> no, i like the burgers a the five guys.
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mcdonalds has an after aft taste. >> that's my favorite part ispat the after taste. the gre >> the grease burn? >> i can walk around all day going i had mcdonalds and later it is another orphus. >> masa, on the list, were you surprised?e mcdonalds has been around ? since like the 1200' five guys has been around sin isnce lean 1986. is this the new guy that is a popular? >> i don't know.iv i haven't ate at the top threedl restaurants, but i love taco bell and i like wendy's and they only got .4% of the it is surprising to me because i am pretty sure taco bell is bl the finest mexican food. it is incredible. is >> you know what is great about taco bell is they layoutt 16 different options and then they say let's make something new. the crusty flat baked pool.
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>> they take the table and i lift it up and say whatever it is on the floor. >> it is one product served a thousand ways.aker >> baker, you eat knock but i die colonel and -- you eat nothing but the colonel and then you get dinner. >> you know, they had the hot ht wing sandwich, and then i had to start -- i am a big in-ne t -out fan. >> what do you think of the franchise? hones >> honestly i hardly eat fast-food until the kids camehe along. and then of course i promised and th i would say hi to them and nowod have i to say hi to sammy and jack even though jack isug little. >> your kids are up at 3 i:00 ae a.m.? >> of course mplght. >> he is a terrible father. >> they are giving each other tattoo rment -- tattoo.
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wh-n-out is one of my favorite. like? >> you eat from the dumpsters. >> i get arguments by dumpster . divers, but i guarantee you 50% of the people who answer this survey have never been toys five guys. tt the fact that mcdonalds andal subway and burger king are at the bottom, i will go off onur our country all of you boo people are trying to be trendy. you know mcdonalds is theot c it irs not cool burger in awesomeville, but you all make me sick. >> before i go to a break ire don't know how much time i time have, but i love the atkins atkn diet, and i don't consider it a diet. it is a lifestyle.. how come there is no fast-foodod restaurant that is pure protein?is exp >> it is, meat, e protein expensive. -- bread and sauces and sugar, cheap. >> baker and the colonel have a pure protein diet.
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>> get the perfectfe restaurant -- shut up, sickshut people. perfect sandwich, what you doo is you take a bunch of strips of bacon and you cook themm together in a press so they are stuck together and that's your bread. and then you make a peta out anm of bacon.n and then you drop a slim patty into that and you have yourtein protein burger and everybody in america will lose weight.thaa bacon and burgers.>> >> but ralph nader will go n crazy on you. >> that's the side benefit.yo >> between your smoking andd off that recipe, that killed off half the country. just at >> i was at the county fair,fa t and i had this thing that was a hot dog with bacon wrappednd around it and deep fried and itt it was on a stick and it was. delicious.wasn >> that wasn't a fair. >> that was a dark theater in soho. it was supposed to be about
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food.e ab do you have a commento outn the do y show?the e-mail us at fox news .com and to leave a voicemail call 212-462-5050. still to come, the half time2- report from tv's andy levy.repom he's a dish of nothing. >> tonight's half time reportimr is sponsored by satisfys. otters. it is native to the pacificat coast, but it has a thick a has brown coat and feeds mainly ondn shellfish.. thanks, sea otters.
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welcome back.utf let's see if we got anything wrong so far. wan let's go to andy levy.onat andy, i want to congratulateuiz you for winning the culture quiz on the o'reilly factor.>> >> it was the news quiz. >> oh, the news quiz.>> well that doesn't change theongt congratulations. >> i appreciate that. i didn't think it would, but i wanted to make sure you had all of the facts at yourng i availability. >> the interesting thing is t while were you talking behinde you on one of the monitors youg were on one of the monitors doing the news quiz. >> how is that possible?ssie we tape live at 3:00 a.m.? >> i don't know. weird time traveling vacuum. >> college campuses banningtocc. mibacco. mike, you don't smoke cigarettes, but you enjoy the occasional cigar? >> true. >> you don't have to tell me,hat man.oing to adam, you said, of course>>ou d students are going to smoke>>
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and probably more thanhan cigarettes. as disbreg said -- as greg said, the most accessible h smoke-free policies are grassroots efforts driven by students. howdy pressing is that? >> v >> very. they have supposed to do crazyry things in college.ollege. >> are you supposed to smoketo s the grass and not do grass votes anti-smoking things. not cool, man. >> you said if someone came upd yo you on campus and told you to put out your cigarette you pu would put it out on theirarettey face. got some anger issues?some >> i like knives too. >> are you working through that? >> no.t? >> that's up to you. >> she giggles afterwards. >> as she is screaming in pain. >> a little insane giggle. insan >> and as a first year student you are not allowed to leave >> campus.nt y is that something your boyfriend told you?yfrien you have to stay in your room ro for your first year.ea
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do all of your classes on-line. >> i did. >> i got straight a's. iri >> i tried to go to greg's sex site .org, about you the site is down.. >> i decided to take it down during the break. i felt some of the content there would probably be> unsuitable for a majority of b the "red eye" viewers. it might go up later after the show. or you can meet me and i will c hand out the hard copies.t >> i do believe now that you have said it on hair news corpc has to buy the domain. really? >> yea. >> yea. i also agree with you, greg,gr we are breeding a nation of woosies, but we are creating a nation of tattle tales. >> if they stay out of your st way, fine. >> it reminds me of living in the eastern block before the wall came down.ll mike will tell
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>> i still think about the time we had to get andy out of . there in the trunk of the car.tb >> the eastern block is a bar? >> when i say the trunk of my car -- >> andy had a little too much special k that night and theyf came to get him. >> he just kept screaming "tear down that wall." and nobody knew what i wasng talking about. andre carson and allen west. you said carson should. apologize. but here is the thing.g he knows what he is saying care. isn't true.eor he doesn't care. he is hoping the black vote doesn't turn out in 2012. ath he sill say anything he thinks he has to. it is the cynical exploitation of black people by black o people. >> i am speechless. i i want to keep my job. j >> toe kay. i think it is different for maxine waters. she is flat out crazy.
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>> masa, you said clearly carson is lying about the teain party wanting to hang peopleople by trees. i'm not even sure it didt d anymore.retty much c i think the line has been >> if anything will cross itchi. it is this, the lynching. >> i hope so.ilou s bill, you seem to think that allen west shouldn't have saidhe he will lead the caucus over this. he wants them to condemn the remarks and disassociate the disa caucus from them.s what's wrong with that? >> that is not bad, buteally? walking out in a huff is a bit much. p if the caucus does presidentcite -- doesn't disassociaten wes themselves, they should stay ac? part of the caucus? >> if i don't believe if youp of are the head of a large group s of people, you have to go press every time something is badgize. and apologize. look h look how much condemning we do as it is.
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>> he is basically their whiphe and vote counter. >> sorry, i will be quiet. >> technically all positionssi of authority because they are they in the government. >> within the caucus, dumbass. >> if he is a vote counter how much authority is that? i >> if he is fixing the votes?owa >> no, wait a second.ver. >> it's over. it's over. cut his mic! cut his mic!do y >> what do you mean by mic? bak >> baker will cut back.>> >> also bay bye the way, i ame m not a huge michele bachmannit ct fan, but i don't think shebu wants to hang black people. froe >> wait a second. i never said that. tt. i said she made bigoted comments. i erefore you can call her a one t i never compareded one to the nr other. and i never said she was the racist or anyone in her i said one of the head ones could be considering they are t
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racist -- sorry, a bigot. check the tape on that. >> why do you care what andy says?'t youti aren't you getting outraged about this? >> what andy says on camera? >> you know what i want a w harshly worded letter sent out to someone. >> by me or by you? yu? >> i don't know where i am anymore. >> adam, i agree with you>> a about five guys having great gus burgers, but that's.burgers, b it i hope you rot in hell for what you said in mcdonalds. masa, did you seriously say a a taco bell has the finestel mexican food.thn >> yes jie. do you mean that? fo >> i really do, but i have never had it sober.have >> yak -- jack in the box has better taco. bell >> jack in the box with thein te that and the juices soaking through the shell so that it stains the seat of your car.
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it is fantastic.t tim >> i will try it the next time. i am drunk. yk y >> never in new york. >> you have never had a crunchy beef burr burrito>> sober. >> not from fast-food. a >> that was a euphemism andke baker are you disgusting. >> greg, did you say you livedis the atkins diet, but you don't consider it a lifestyle. want >> i want three years ago greg to materialize and beat the c living crap out of you. what that's what i want more thanythi anything right now.beuse because he would. he would be outraged. >> and justifiably so. >> he would threaten to resign from the greg gutfeld caucus.s >> which only exists in the past.>>ee >> bye. coming up, could you choke amanda using your own tongue. is this still considered art?idt it is -- if the canvas is onwe
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the skin? we report and you get sick and throw up in the aquarium.
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s . last month some weird guy got fired from time squaree squr after getting busted for the public lewdness. following a body paint session with two naked models. while armed with the knowledge that it is perfectly legal that the artist muse isarst m wearing a g-string, the painted predator returned withci another nondude as a result, "red eye" sent our own nondude nude to learn more.ud >> you were recently arrestedour in this very area for public lewdness. eect how do you expect not to thatg e have same thing to happen today? it is it was full nudity which is completely legal, but then just because it is legal doesn't mean you are not going to get arrested for it.'t >> let's get to the brass tax.rt where are the naked girls?od
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>> have i one model on theway, way, but i have a few extra minutes so i would be' to do ao. painting on you. >> it is very cold and i can't lie.ilther luckily there is not a lot of people here. i know a certain host of at o certain show whose name will wsn go unmentioned whoe is wondering -- who is wondering, do you do unicorns and if so if how many? >> no, but i was talking to w somebody about body paintingg her cow. that's something i would enjoy >> i feel that cows are on ang much lower playing field than re unicorn.y pnt how can you use body paint toack keep things fresh in the sack so to speak? >> body paint is not forela play. it is the opposite of sex.op >> it is amazing you get the s models to buy if i were to have you paint me w fully nude are there parts you can paint to make them look bigger, perhaps more fertil?
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workable? not so female like? is that something you can do? >> i am just going to go to the next question. >> how come you have gottenarre arrested already and the nakedco couldy is still allowed to pilfer his fit every day inve front of millions. >> i like the naked cowboy. i think it is good what he does. >> he has brought me nothingng but have you ever done a paint prank where a jock wants youhe a to do a jets logo on his back, a but you paint a big old wiener b instead 1234*. >> no. p >> that would be amazing. you could do a whole paint u prank show, paint prankers.earl i am a tough act to follow. this is not a big tourist de destination so you can fly by an without anyone noticing.or and final advice for any wanna y be body paint models watching rw right now 1234*. >> do it.
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>> even though in the state of new york it is legal to be topless, they fine officersow don't know or they want herere o number.aint there is no freedom to paintknow boobies. i think obama should be >> if somin should be arrested it should be me for lookingnlu too the boys in blue do not realize this. hi, eric, i don't know if beckle is available, but ikle would love to do "the five" if v you have an extra spot jie. who is this? >> this is me being a sex tiger. >> well done, i have to say.s >> you think this is a bigadies? scam for this guy to look atucof naked ladies?he >> let me tell you what this expansive motif he did on her. one side was orange and the other was blue.o we could do this
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i don't know how much talentnt there are to paint people's bodies. >> if you learnis something lik. this it is to follow your dream. if your dream follows greeting women naked in public paces and cover them in paint, dream away, good sir. >> exactly.cly what we have learned is if you are a pervert, find a way to cle call it good art. >> isn't that how michelangelo got his start? >> thank you.>> he w >> he was a big perv. >> have you seen david?? wow. >> yeah, anyway.. >> david. >> time to take a break. when we return, another story. consider yourself teased.
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buckle in. it is another story. buckle in?bu >> strap in. >> strarngs whatever. abc announced the cast for the r new season of "dancing with w the stars." the group includes nancy grace, what's -- chaz bono, rob kardash eight n, ron aes artest, and by the way these wat
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are all people according to wikipedia. they are actually real. anyway, there are good peopleeoo there. masa, have you been on "theap apprentice" but would you ever do this reality show? >> i am looking forward to nancy grace being on, to beoi honest with you. i am done with reality shows. so >> are you really? are >> yes. >> not part of your reality,arto am i right? is there anything you are rooting for organs?r o >> i never watched the should i, ever. -- the show ever.ersy there was a controversy, chaznt bono. >> the pregnant man felt he. got we were talking about this before the program, the heanan still has a vagina. technically, he is not a man. he is a woman with a beard. a >> a transgender jie. no, he>> is not even a transgender. he still has the stuff. >> i think he was taking the
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glory away from chaz, and and that's just unfair.r. by the way, why does he think he is replacing chaz. that's bigoted to assume that -- there can only be one transgendered person. i find that disgusting. >> i'm pretty sure they will>> say they will go with the guy transgender guy or ron artest. >> baker, this is your favorite show. are you plan anything parties?ru >> me and the guys, we get>> wt together and do each other'sotr we watch the show. to be honest, i don't watchched the show. the one time i tuned in is when buzz aldrin was on the show and i was so pis se -->> am pissed he didn't win.conel >> i am told the colonel and you watch it every week. >> there are interesting guy things. the cool guy here is jr martinez.main he is on "all my children" and he was an iraq war vet.s a he is actually a good actory moy
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and i am putting my money onm him. >> i am putting my money on one thing and one thing only. m the minute ron artest gets a bad score he will go over to bt the judge's table and beat thef living crap out of them.ow >> i don't know who that >> he is the guy that ran into the stands and started hitting>t the fans. >> a cricket player. >> i don't watch cricket we will close things out withhit a post from andy levy. for more go to
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i will see you back hereou at 5:00 p.m. eastern time forim "the five."e. coming up tomorrow on the nextth "red eye" we have patti ann p browne and comedian don jamison from" that metal h show." of" t sh will be making his debut and criminal defense attorneycer remi spencer will be hereudsman
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because andy is hosting. >> back to andy levy for the post game wrap up jie. masa,>> where are you going to be later today? >> i will be on fox business at 5:00. >> excellent. but >> you will be watching "thehe five" so sorry. >> i will be taping "red eye" e" that i am hosting. hos >> that's true. >> and no one is watching.wahi >> adam, you didn't win the new york's funniest reporterunni competition. do you feel like you werediu fe robbed? >> yes, i think the people who won paid the judges. >> really? >> i don't have the proof, but i'm getting it. >> okay. i god speed, my friend. thke what is your plug in this week? >> i feel like diligence has already been well during this show, i would like to put in another bid for taps. it is a terrific organization that is out thereth providing grief counseling and a variety of support for the


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