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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  September 6, 2011 3:00am-6:00am PDT

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largest union celebrate labor day? a sit down with the president. but then this happened. >> keep your eye on the prize. let's take these son of [beep] out and give america back to america where we belong. thank you very much. thank you! thank you! thank you. >> oh, brother. did that guy just declare war on the tea party? we'll talk about jimmy hoffa. >> they found him? >> that one, the kid. >> oh, that one. from rags to riches. the latest lotto jackpot winner taking home a cool $3 million. that's great. that's the american dream! only one problem, he's not an american. he's here by mistake. found himself in the wrong country and he's sticking around to claim his prize despite almost being duped. confused? you won't be soon because "fox & friends" starts right now. >> hey, this is joe theismann and you're watching "fox & friends" and they're all friends of mine. >> thank you, joe.
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>> football season about to kick off at the same time the president is giving his jobs speech. >> who isn't speaking? good thing we came to work. >> no kidding. how many people said stuff yesterday that they wish they had not said today? >> are you talking about me? >> no, i'm talking about the vice president of the united states and the guy who heads up the teamsters. we have details straight ahead. in the meantime on this tuesday that feels like a wednesday, headlines. >> fox news alert. out of afghanistan, intelligence sources claiming that american civilian engineer has been found dead in kabul after going missing. it appears the engineer who worked for the department of defense may have been murdered. we'll keep you updated as more information becomes available. another fox news alert, strong winds and dry conditions are creating an inferno in texas. as wildfires continue to spread across that state, thousands of acres have already been burned. hundreds of homes destroyed. including 476 in the county
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alone. thousands of residents evacuated. many are spending the nights in shelters as firefighters continue to have a tough time getting those fires under control. meantime, governor rick perry of texas returned home from the presidential campaign trail to survey the damage and meet with residents. coming up in our 8:00 a.m. east coast time, we'll speak with governor perry live plus reports from the ground in texas coming up later this hour. the remnants of tropical storm lee spawning several twisters in the south. take a look at the damage in georgia. violent winds tossing boats and entire rows of rv's on top of each other. this 80 foot high pine tree smashed right into one family's home. amazingly, no one injured inside. even nascar postponed its sprint cup race in atlanta until today because of severe weather. in tennessee, this car got stuck in more than 9 inches of rain. at least three weather-related deaths being linked to tropical storm lee. all eyes on wall street today as traders come off a long holiday
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weekend with time to digest the very disappointing u.s. jobs numbers. overseas markets are a mixed bag today. in asia, most of the markets down including the nikkei down more than 2% now. over in europe, trading still going on but many european markets are actually up including london which is up close to 1 1/2%. stuart varney explains what this all means for our markets today just 10 minutes away. repairs are under way at the national cathedral in washington. one of the spires came crashing down in earthquake that hit two weeks ago. it will take years to replace it. the cathedral will be open for the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. president obama is scheduled to give a speech there next sunday evening. those are your headlines for a tuesday. >> let's talk a little bit about this yesterday. probably had the day off. it was labor day. it is historically a time when the president of the united states goes out and makes a big
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speech before 43% approve of his job performance thus far. >> a lot lot of people were predicting right after labor day that the gloves would officially come off in this race for the
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white house for 2012 and that the nasty attacks would officially start. well, guess what? that was proven to be true yesterday on labor day because not only do president obama continue to blame congress for a lot of the problems that the people are looking to the president to have fixed in the last three years, now teamster president jimmy hoffa jr. attacks the tea party. all right, that's not new. that happened before labor day but listen to the tone, what do you think about this? >> we got to keep an eye on the battle that we face, a war on workers and you see it everywhere. it is the tea party. and you know, there's already one way to beat and win that war. the one thing about working people is we like a good fight. and you know what? they got a war. they got a war with us. and there's only going to be one winner, president obama, this is your army. we are ready to march. everybody here has got to vote. if we go back and we keep the eye on the prize, let's fay
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these son of a bitches out and give america back to america where we belong. thank you very much. thank you! thank you! >> can you imagine how angry that would sound if we weren't told to cool down the rhetoric? >> right. jimmy hoffa certainly -- i saw those two things on the side there, they might have been rolling but he wasn't looking. i'm not sure if sons of bitches made it into the prompter. >> it might have been but when you look at -- what was it? two weeks ago, you got maxine waters saying the tea party can go straight to hell. then you've got the head of the teamsters union telling his people to go take out the tea party. when the head of the union tells you to take somebody out, where do you take them? to the dairy queen? >> i think the most significant thing is the white house is refusing to respond to this. keep in mind that the president said just in january, this quote -- only a more civil and honest public discourse can help us face up to the challenges of our nation" and now the white house is not going to respond to that
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because obviously, the union is the biggest backing behind president obama as we move forward into 2012. >> his army. >> and if you think that was going to be the end of the war of words, get ready for a bumpy ride. >> let's see. he's going to get some backlash but, you know, only 11% of the work force is unionized and the time in which the union workers wear the hard hats and construction workers, the bulk are public workers that work for the local government, the federal government so this has really changed -- the texture has certainly changed. two days ago, didn't he just call apple unamerican? call companies that go outside our country unamerican? i think he's taken on a lot of people that maybe the president didn't want to. >> let's hear now from herman cain, a republican, a conservative, a businessman. he takes a shot at jimmy hoffa. >> he's offering the same old stuff so all hoffa and others can resort to is name calling. that's all they have to try to intimidate folks. here's one other thing.
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when he mentioned about working people, tea party people work, too. >> absolutely. and so as herman cain talks about, you know, all they got is name calling, here now steps up to the podium the vice president of the united states. let's see who he calls a name. >> this is a fight for the heart and soul of the labor movement. it's a fight literally for our right to exist. don't misunderstand what this is. don't misunderstand -- not a joke! not a joke! not an applause line. you are the only folks keeping the barbarians from the gates. >> ok, so the tea party people are barbarians now. >> i guess so. keep in mind, the two locations that you found the president and the vice president yesterday. the president in detroit where the unemployment level is almost double what the national average is but maybe he was listening to maxine waters who a couple of weeks ago, a member of his own
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party said why aren't you going to the african-american communities where people are really struggling? so was that the reason he ended up in detroit and then you have biden, of course in, the ultimate state of ohio. very important for 2012. >> all right. so you're an illegal immigrant and i'm putting you in this scenario and you walk in and say -- >> is this a hypothetical or speaking directly to somebody? >> it's reality based much like housewives of new jersey which is fantastic also based on real wives. walks into a store and buys a lottery ticket and it turns out that illegal immigrant won $3 million. >> how cool is that? it's one of those scratch off things and so a couple of the employees there at the quick pick in spring valley, new york. >> that one. >> they say -- they realize that the guy is having trouble speaking english and apparently, they put two and two together and realize he's an illegal alien in this country who is apparently working as a painter and they go, you know, if you try to cash this in, they're probably going to deport you. we have a plan.
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why don't you make us co-owners of that ticket and then we'll get the money because we're in the country legally and then we'll split it with you. >> guess what? this story has a happy ending for the illegal alien because apparently, he's going to be able to collect the $3 million. even though -- here's the big question, will he pay taxes? >> yeah. >> are you sure? >> he'll pay taxes on the -- good to know. >> and then be deported, i hope. i mean, illegal immigrant, there's a reason you lead with illegal. >> well, the guy from -- apparently, there are three guys in cahoots at the convenience store. >> does that sound like the three? >> that's them. they're in trouble! because they tried to swindle this guy out of his money. >> it's a double story. i don't like those three guys and i don't think the illegal immigrant should win the $3 million. >> apparently, one of the provisions of collecting is not that you have to be an american citizen. maybe the state lotteries had it in their bylaws but said you can win and you have to be in this country legally.
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>> you can't sneak in on your belly in the middle of the night, ok? is that possible? >> i guess if that provision would be in there not necessarily for illegals but for tourist who's come to the united states and buy tickets. i'm not sure. let us know what you think about it. in the meantime, coming up on our show, the september 11th video that you've never seen before. this tape wasn't lost. so why was it locked up for almost 10 years? >> and while the president puts the finishing touches on his speech, world markets are continuing to slide. what kind of trouble will he be in if he continues to push for more spending? stuart varney, i hope he's walking in this shot. there he is. i love when he walks. the "mystery spot".
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>> we've been talking about it for weeks now and the president finally gearing up to deliver yet another big speech on the economy. its going to happen thursday night. >> there is work to be done and there are workers ready to do it. labor is on board. business is on board. we just need congress to get on board. let's put america back to work. >> labor is on board. business is on board? that's news. but with the news of a global stock selloff this morning in an economy with the -- which added zero jobs in august, is anyone confident that what he has to say will make a difference? stuart varney is here. something significant about that speech yesterday. >> i think the president jumped into the union pool right in, right in the middle of it. he is now committed to the
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unions as he's never been before. yesterday, he did it in two ways. big campaign style speech to a union audience and secondly, he offered a hint as to what he's going to say on thursday night and the hint was -- we're gonna have a big, new infrastructure program. that favors the unions entirely. that's all about using union labor, union scale with public money. now, the markets are very anxious about this. here we are just we're either in or going into recession. and the president doubles down on a policy which really was not successful first time around. what are investors supposed to think? they don't like this. they don't think it's going to work and they're ditching stocks this morning. >> see, i don't think what he said yesterday was anything new because he gave the hint about infrastructure spending three weeks ago. my concern is that the speech thursday will be nothing new and then what will happen to the market? >> fair point. fair point. i mean, it wasn't -- the idea of an infrastructure bank or infrastructure spending or
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another stimulus plan, that is not new. you're quite right. he said that before but now he's jumping whole heartedly into this to the execution clusion o virtually anything else. what's new on thursday night? >> because, since the spending of $850 billion plus two years ago and it looks as though he was let down because there's no such thing as a shovel ready job, i thought he was going towards i can't possibly with a straight face ask the government to print more money and go into the red even further from here on in and ask people to respond positively in the fall. >> maxine waters wants a trillion dollars worth of new spending. in "the new york times," they're calling for a massive new spending program. it's stimulus plan number 2. that's what the left is pushing for. that's what the unions want and the president is hinting that's exactly what he's going to do. >> the reason brian and i -- >> why are you laughing? >> because on his radio show, we have a bet going that he thought that president obama had changed in his heart to not ask for stimulus money and that was
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my reaction. >> right. >> but he's too street smart to understand, even though he can't get this through, why would he present it? >> oh. >> he'll present it. knowing that he can't get it through and then he can say, you wicked republicans, i had a plan. i was going to save the economy but they wouldn't let me. >> i bet you're going to talk about this on your show today. we look forward to it. >> at length. >> we'll be watching. >> you probably have seen him on the internet. conspiracy theorists complaining that september 11th was an inside job. have you seen any of their evidence? our next guest has been pouring through it for nearly nine years and brian gets his golf pointers from president george w. bush. >> golf is really a lot about discipline and focus, right? now, between practice, you got to practice to get better. >> he also reveals what other presidents he'd like to join on the links.
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>> put up the brightness on your tv. it's not our fault. let's go up top, tammy baldwin. let's go down bottom. this is tammy baldwin. for the first time, they will enter the race and be the first openly gay member of the senate, the republican side will have former congressman mark newman entering the race and he entered last week. and we'll go to another story. and let's take a quick look. a shakeup on team bachmann, minnesota congresswoman's campaign manager is stepping down for health reasons.
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he's getting a little bit older. rollins suffered a stroke a year and a half ago, remember. bachma bachmann's campaign strategist will now take over on an interim basis and he went on to say, you know what? the two guys in front, perry and romney didn't mention michelle bachmann. i don't know, things look bad. let's go back upstairs where things are much more settled. >> 10 years after the september 11th attacks, wild conspiracy theories and myths still persist. countless books and web sites are devoted to claiming that the u.s. government actually was involved in the terrible events of that day but now one book is proving all those conspiracy theories are wrong. jim mags is the editor in chief of "popular mechanics" and the author of the new book "debunking 9/11 myths." you were here in 2005 where "popular mechanics" examined a bunch of the myths supposedly
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based on hard evidence. where did these things come from initially? >> you know, so many people had a hard time believing the mainstream view that al-qaida terrorists did this action. and a lot of people had their own favorite villian so they wanted to look at the evidence and come up with some other explanation for what really happened. >> let's go through some of them and i want you to expand on some of them. first up, we heard this air defenses were ordered to stand down. you said that's not the case. this is interesting. there are a number of experts who say that a missile or military jet hit the pentagon. we know it was a jet. where did this missile come from? >> one of the first conspiracy theories, best selling book in france on this, saying it's a cruise missile or something. they found the wreckage of the plane in the pentagon and identified the d.n.a. of the passengers. if you go on web sites you'll see this one repeated. >> no kidding. also, flight 93 was hit by air to air missile. and wasn't some expert who
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supposedly was with the, what, north dakota air national guard said he's the guy who pulled the trigger? >> well, there was somebody who claimed that he could identify the guy. it was an outrageous smear on an actual officer and not the case at all. >> how many times do we hear that building 7 was professionally demolished? >> and that was a tough one because the -- because that building was not hit by a plane. in the end, it was proven that it was the result of prolonged fires that weakened the internal structure of the building. >> and of course, rosie o'donnell famously said with that, it's the first time in history that fire melted steel. >> a lot of people had a hard time understanding how buildings could fall down as a result of fire. it doesn't take temperatures high enough to melt steel. it has to heat up the steel so it expands and softens and weakens the structure until it collapses. >> one of the new things in this particular update that you got is there are guys who claimed to have collected some air samples and in that air sample is some what?
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>> some dust. they call it nano thermite. if you apply it in a certain way, it can melt metal under certain conditions. they claim there's bombs in the building and now they say there's some kind of nano thermite and you talk to demolition experts and the whole idea is ridiculous. what it shows is how the conspiracy theories keep evolving. they don't change their conclusions but come up with new evidence. their best evidence is grains of dust found in the street near ground zero. >> supposedly, who was behind that? the federal government? >> everybody has their own theory. everybody as their own favorite villian. >> particularly this week, it's hard to believe it was 10 years ago that all of that happened. check out the new book called "debunking 9/11 myths." jim meigs, thanks so much for joining us today from "popular mechanics." >> great to be here. >> great. holy wars have been fought for centuries but u.s. soldiers might not hear about them during training because some don't want teachers to be able to mention
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the bible. will that argument really fly? judge napolitano with what our constitution really says coming up. then it's the september 11th video that, perhaps, you haven't seen before. it just came out. that is united flight 93 after it crashed in pennsylvania from about 10 miles away. but why was this tape locked up for nearly 10 years? details straight ahead.
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>> since his speech is on right before football, one thing about obama, he knows how to promote. look how they're promoting the speech right before the game. >> ♪ are you ready for some are you ready i'm going to talk about jobs and stuff like this yeah republicans, too with the president's speech to rock the hell out of you ♪ >> that's fantastic. if only it's going to be that exciting, then people would watch and enjoy it. >> no doubt. did they actually set the time for the president's speech sfl>> i think 7:00. >> so it will not conflict with the opening kickoff of football. 8:30 p.m. eastern time. >> oh, yeah.
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it absolutely will not. the president probably wants to see the game. the other thing on wednesday, james carville's statements that you went over, when he came out and said to be honest with you, i'm a democrat and i'd rather see the debate than watch the president's speech. >> yeah, it was a bone headed move to schedule them opposite each other, he said. he was right. >> yes. the senate, guess what, they returned from the august recess today and the first order of business, a radical plan to save the u.s. postal service from shutting down. >> amazing. kelly wright, you're in washington with the latest. >> how am i supposed to follow that one? >> i don't have -- i'll just keep going with it. it's brian kilmeade in the morning. good morning to you all. there's an inscription, if you will, on the general post office in new york right there at 8 and 33rd that reads, neither snow, nor rain, nor sleet and gloom of night stave these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds. change that, a lack of money may
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cripple the post office. u.s. postal service is $8 billion in debt. in an age of e-mails and tweets, traditional mail is down 22%. because of that, the u.s. senate homeland security and governmental affairs committee is holding a hearing on the postal service. the postmaster general tells "the new york times" that unless congress steps in, the postal service will default on its debt. to reduce its debt, the postal service is considering cutting $220,000 workers by 2015 but will need approval from congress to renegotiate current collective bargaining agreements with the postal unions. delaware senator tom carpenter said there's a better way. >> rather than just lay them off or throw them under the bus, what i would suggest is we -- instead advise them to go out and take retirements. >> the postal unions are worried about all of this. leaders of the postal service say they will be unable to make this month's $5.5 billion payment to cover future employees health care costs
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because the agency has reached its credit limit. so possible impacts of the post office financial crisis will include eliminating saturday delivery. close 3700 postal locations and lay off 120,000 workers, shut down operations by next summer. postmaster general patrick donohoe will be among the witnesses today at the senate hearing. the title of the hearing, by the way, says it all, u.s. postal service in crisis, proposals to prevent a postal shutdown. gretchen, steve and brian, back to you. have a good day. >> thanks very much. i love my own postman who comes to the house and all that. we just went to the post office over the weekend and i got to tell you, it's all about the attitude in at least the workers that i encountered, you know, they walk at a snail's pace when the line is 30 people -- >> when they go to the back, they think they're going to die. >> everyone in line is like they're probably back there drinking coffee and eating donuts and it's just like the tone of the whole thing. maybe if they just picked it up a little bit, we'd have more --
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>> i'd love to go there for the wanted pictures and wonder if i've seen any of those guys. nope, didn't get him and see if the fingerprints look familiar. >> i liked waiting in line 30 minutes to find the passport application was in the front of the post office. anyway, more stories making headlines this morning, top al-qaida operative arrested, one of them in pakistan. busted by the c.i.a. and pakistani spies along with two other senior al-qaida members. he is believed to have received direct orders from usama bin laden to target american economic interests around the world. he was allegedly planning to bomb oil tankers using speed bullets as missiles in addition to planning attacks on gas and oil pipelines. bad guy. >> meanwhile, 10 years after the september 11th attacks, new video just released shows the immediate aftermath of the crash of united airlines flight 93 in pennsylvania. >> the explosion shook the house clear over here. and we are, what, 15 miles from
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lambbertsville and it shook the heck out of the house. >> the guy who shot that footage right there and you could hear his voice, he passed away in the last year. his family just recently found the video and released it. flight 93 was the fourth plane to go down on september 11th. passengers fought back against the hijackers, remember todd beemer, let's roll, preventing them from crashing it into the u.s. capitol building or the white house, perhaps. 40 passengers and crew members were killed. right there. >> all right, mitt romney unveiling his own economic agenda this afternoon in las vegas ahead of the president -- the president's jobs speech on thursday. the republican presidential hopeful will detail 59 specific proposals aimed at fixing the 9.1% unemployment rate. romney's plan focused on lowering taxes, reducing regulation and repealing the new health care law and goes on from there. coming up at 7:15 this morning, the dnc chairwoman debbie
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wasserman-schultz will be live on "fox & friends" breaking down romney's and the president's competing job speeches and may be referring to what we heard from the union representative this week. >> ask her that question. talk about an unusual suspect. a phoenix woman now under arrest after breaking into the money room of a race track through the building's ceiling. the security guard who found her in total shock when she came crashing down carrying something very surprising. >> tracy was pregnant and she was afraid she was miscarrying so they took her to the hospital. >> i thought oh, gee whiz, you know, this was just -- just unbelievable. >> excuse me, brian. walking right into the shot. police nabbed the pregnant woman's two accomplices who were on the lookout inside all three now charged with burglary. all right. time to do some weather, i guess. >> all right. let's take a hook at the weather maps from find out what is going on and as we look at the map, you can see across the eastern
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third of the united states, that's what's left of lee. all the way from, as you can see, florida up through the northeast. now, in addition to this being a big wind maker and a rainmaker as well, off the eastern seaboard, you have the impact of katia which is a category 4 hurricane right now. because it's taken a hard right turn and it is about 500 miles east of bermuda, it will not impact the u.s. coastline with anything other than a really big surf. and you got to be careful today and tomorrow regarding that. meanwhile, the temperatures as you head out the door, it's already a tropical 79 in raleigh. a lot of 50's and 60's on this tuesday. 63 right now in dallas. and eventually later on today, look at that, dallas under 90 degrees. they'll take it. we're going to have 60's and 70's throughout the northeast. 60's, 70's and 80's throughout the southeast and as you can see out in phoenix, arizona, today,
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that will be the top spot at 105. meanwhile, it was hot at the u.s. open and brian kilmeade has details right here. >> all right. let's talk tennis. things are marching forward in the u.s. open although attendance is somewhat down. serena williams with spike lee in attendance went on to the quarterfinal with a straight set win over anna avonovich. williams hasn't dropped a set in the tournament. the number one seeds all were winners on the men's side. rafael nadal is scheduled to take the court for the first time since cramping up in a post session news conference. you want to ask him a question, pretending you have a cramp is so unbelievable. you think that's real? ok. i'm kidding. nadal reportedly screamed at his mom who saw him cramping up and ran to the room. he thought his mom would make it worse so in spanish, he said get out of here so fall down, i
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don't know what to do. you need a quote, do you wait it out or get him some water and rub him down? let's talk college football. i'm going to get one if i can get enough money. look at maryland, they're the team in the white with the horrible uniforms. they played miami ridden with scandal. the canes taking on maryland. they went up 21-20 on that touchdown pass from the backup quarterback and maryland would later kick a field goal and seal their win with a 54-yard interception return. terps win. former ohio state coach jim trestle trying to show he's not getting any special treatment in the nfl. trestle said he won't start his new job until week 7. he was supposed to be suspended the first five games of the year. terrell pryor was suspended the first five games of his career. they're all going to pay a price. coming up on radio amongst our
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guests, gretchen carlson will be there live. donald rumsfeld will be on live. karl rove and jennifer griffin all between 9:00 and noon, xm sirius 126 and hopefully your local station. >> a really big shoe. >> straight ahead on this tuesday of "fox & friends", when tropical storm lee rolled through south texas, it didn't get any rain but got plenty of wind and now the drought ridden state is burning. wildfires everywhere. 500 homes wiped out so far. live report from the ground when we come back. >> and then brian gets some golfing pointers from the president. latest round, cameras follow their every swing. a lot of e-mailers and tweeters want to know what your score was. >> mystery. and nations have been fighting holy wars for centuries. but soon, u.s. soldiers may not be trained for them because some of thoseme want teachers to bri up the bible. judge napolitano is here in camouflage next. exclusive to the military.
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>> this is a fox news alert. wildfires in the state of texas showing no signs of stopping this morning. hundreds of homes have been destroyed and thousands of residents evacuated. carrie belicose of our affiliate is live at a ranch near austin, texas with the very latest. >> hi, good morning to you from austin. we're actually northwest of town. it's called sina ranch and it's really a suburban area northwest austin. and scary enough, this is really one of the smaller fires that are being battled here in central texas. about 125 acres have burned and in this residential area, 1,000 residents here and families, all ages, pets, elderly people were evacuated on sunday when those winds started picking up. at 30 homes destroyed, burned to the ground, another 30 damaged. and now the governor, governor
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rick perry is expected here in just a few minutes to really tour the devastation in this neighborhood. now, this is not to mention that there are fires burning east of here in a community called bastrop where 475 homes at last check have been burned to the ground. so very devastating over there. and it's really depleting our resources. and the other fires that are burning here in a suburban area of austin and in other areas of austin as well. right now, it's just a waiting game, i should say. whether or not these residents can return home to see what's left of their homes. guys? >> all right. carrie reporting live near austin. thank you very much. coming up in our 8:00 eastern time hour, texas governor rick perry joins us live with the very latest on the wildfires down in texas. >> all right. gretch, over to you and the judge. >> thank you, steve. the united states air force has a problem, apparently, with some bible verses. california's vanedenberg air
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force base suspended a course on war theory because it included references to the bible but now some are crying fall saying the suspension is a misrepresentation of the first amendment. joining me now, fox news senior judicial analyst and host of "freedom watch" judge andrew napolitano. good morning, judge. welcome back to the new year. >> welcome back to your vacation, too. we discussed this about a month ago on the show. what they were teaching is something called the just war theory where they used some bible scripture to give the moral basis for when you should shoot and when you should not. what's wrong with it? >> there's nothing wrong with that and the government -- the united states government has been teaching the just war theory to troops since 1776. the just war theory is nearly -- is accepted with near universal embrace by the judeo christian world basically setting forth the conditions under which a government may lawfully shoot at somebody in defense of the government and defense of the people that the government represents. the first amendment prohibits
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using the scriptures for preaching but not using the scriptures for teaching. so as long as those talking about the just war theory are referring to language in the old testament and the new testament to show the development of the idea, how we came to embrace these values, there's absolutely no prohibition on that the aall. -- at all. if the teacher of the just war theory says, well, this only works if you're catholic or this only works if you're episcopalian, that would be prohibited by the first amendment. >> they filed a complaint on behalf of 31 missile launch officers, many of whom were christian who had a problem with this. i want you to listen to the air force spokesperson and get a response. >> in an effort to serve all faiths, we tried to introduce none in our briefings and our lectures and the use of bible
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passages and other elements was just inappropriate when we became aware of it, we reviewed the course and decided that we could do better. >> became aware of it? it's been going on forever and ever. >> it has. it has. i'm surprised the military has reacted this way. >> p.c., judge. >> it is an extreme version of political correctness. it is nowhere required by the constitution. look, we start sessions of congress with a prayer. every federal court in the united states begins with "god save the united states and this honorable court." we have under god in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. there's absolutely no prohibition on making references to the bible for teaching purposes and the air force should know that. >> all right. judge andrew napolitano, we'll catch your show on the fox business network. thanks so much. >> pleasure, thank you. >> did kilmeade really play golf with president bush? >> brian's pointers from
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president bush. plus -- you think that's funny? but what other president he'd like to join on the links. who is that next? [ female announcer ] so you think your kids are getting enough vegetables? maybe not. v8 v-fusion juice gives them a full serving of vegetables plus a full serving of fruit. but it just tastes like fruit. [ male announcer ] get five dollars in money-saving coupons at with new extra-strength bayer advanc aspirin.
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>> welcome back, everybody. last week, i was fortunate enough to travel out to dallas for a very special occasion. it's the fifth annual patriot golf day where i had the opportunity for the second year in a row to hit the links with the former president of the united states, george w. bush. >> whoo! >> mr. president, any final words? you've seen my swing. you've seen my practice swing. you've seen me a year ago. what advice might you have for me? >> don't look up! don't swing hard. >> yeah! >> great shot.
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>> that's the best shot you've ever hit in your life. >> call it a day. good night, everybody. >> you give off part of the game that the people talk about and that is the business part. people say i like to play golf so i get a lot of business done. >> i'm actually trying to include my game and hang out with my buddies. and i -- >> yeah. i do like to play quickly. i think it is not good for the game to have people out four, 4 1/2 hours and so my friends and i will play 18 holes in, you know, less than 3:30. >> and you do that by, you know, you shoot -- >> hit it and you can save -- the problem is you're playing too fast. like that shot there was too quick. >> your shot. i didn't take my time. >> in other words, the practice swing. you want to play a few practice swings? >> yeah, a couple of practice swings. i know you're buddies and bill
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clinton plays. >> i'd like to play with him sometime. >> do you have a sense of who might be better? >> i have no idea. one way to find out, we'd be on the course. i guess we are kind of competitive people. >> you are very competitive people, i think so. do you ever see maybe with president obama doing that in a couple of years? >> playing golf? >> yeah. >> you know, i'd love to play golf with current and/or former presidents. >> have a lot in common? that's a very unique club. >> well, we're in a club and we like golf so there's something in common. golf's great. golf gives you a chance to get outside. golf gives you a chance to be with your friends. golf is really a lot about discipline and focus. >> between practice -- you got to practice to get better and it's a hard game. >> you did not golf for four years. >> seven. >> did your game suffer? >> yeah. >> really? >> if you don't golf for a month, your game suffers but yeah, it suffered.
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>> yeah. >> this is you here. >> so the object here is to get it close to the pin. >> do you think the ball knows you're the president and has -- and should get in? >> no, it doesn't matter. it doesn't know that. but -- and in terms of should get in, we'll see. so what i'm going to try to do is be real still and ease it. and break it left to right. which it didn't do. so that was not a very good shot. >> good shot, brian. >> i already hit your one. >> that's great. >> wow. brian. very nice job. >> couple of things, number one, it's unbelievable to golf and spend that quality time, the major that had his -- decorated for his actions over in iraq as well as major dan who started this whole thing and the pga president. but the other thing is, i wasn't
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kidding. last year, i almost hit the president four separate times. he stays too close and tries to coach me and this time i only hit him twice. >> when he was swinging, you ran right up to him. i thought he was going to whack you right there. >> i also jog to the holes and it bothers him. >> that's why they have carts. >> one guy in long island helped me a lot. >> you did it and i don't think i could have done it. hats off to you. >> what are we going to talk about? >> all sorts of stuff. wait until you hear what joe biden said yesterday. e apps to trade wherever. whenever. life isn't fully experienced sitting idly by. neither is investing. [ birds chirping ] [ announcer ] who could resist the call... of america's number-one puppy food brand? with dha and essential nutrients alsoound in mother milk. purina puppy chow.
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>> top of the morning to you. hope you had a great labor day weekend. now it's tuesday, september 6th. i'm gretchen carlson. thanks for sharing your time. we start with the fox news alert. texas is burning leaving thousands out of their homes right now. fires in the lone star state showing no signs of letting up. we are live on the ground with the latest with governor rick perry coming up in the 8:00 hour. >> america's largest union spending labor day with the president. promising all those new jobs are
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waiting in the wings. >> labor is on board. business is on board. we just need congress to get on board. let's put america back to work. >> but will big labor buy more of the blame game? we'll debate that. >> meanwhile, things got weird when the leader of big labor said this. >> keep your eye on the prize. let's take these sons of [beep] out and give america back to america where we belong. thank you very much. thank you! >> let's take those sob's out. did jimmy hoffa just declare war on the tea party? "fox & friends" hour 2 for a tuesday starts right now. >> hello. this is carol channing, you're watching "fox & friends"! isn't that exciting? >> yes, it was. and to have her here, right. >> was that real? >> that was real. >> and so this show is real. >> this is based on a true story. >> i think i know that part. she was a hugger.
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didn't she hug you? >> she was a big hugger. i think she hugged all of us. >> pretty sure. >> listen, we have two hours coming up as gretchen mentioned a moment ago, we have rick perry. he stepped out of the big doings in south carolina yesterday to tend to the wildfires in texas. he's going to talk to us about that and we'll try to squeeze in a question or two about politics as well. >> in the meantime, we have to start with your headlines. fox news alert out of afghanistan. intelligence sources claiming an american civilian engineer has been found dead in kabul after going missing. it appears the man identified by the u.s. army corps of engineers as james will koker worked in kabul as a construction contractor. we'll continue to monitor this developing story and keep you updated as more information becomes available. another fox news alert, huge wildfires continue to burn out of control across the state of texas. strong winds and dry conditions fueling those flames. the biggest fire is in bastrop county where 2500 acres have been burned and 500 homes
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destroyed already. thousands more have been evacuated across the state. meanwhile, governor rick perry came home from the campaign trail to survey the damage and meet with residents there. as we mentioned, governor perry will join us live next hour. the remnants of tropical storm lee spawning several twisters in the south. take a look at the damage. this is canton, georgia. violent winds tossing boats and entire rows of r.v.'s on top of each other. and this 80 foot high pine tree smashes right into one family's home amazingly, no one inside was injured. even nascar postponed its sprint cup race in atlanta to today because of all that severe weather. let's go over to tennessee. this car got stuck in more than 9 inches of rain. at least three weather related deaths now being linked to that storm. repairs are under way at the national cathedral in washington. one of the spires came off, came crashing down in the earthquake that hit two weeks ago. it's going to take a year to actually replace it but the cathedral will be open for the 10th anniversary of the september 11th attacks.
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president obama is scheduled to give a speech there sunday night. and those are your headlines this morning. >> how crazy is it that 9/11, mayor bloomberg wouldn't allow anyone to make speeches? they have to read poetry. you have the president, former president, former mayor. you can't make a speech at the 9/11, 10 year rememberance? >> uh-huh. no and spiritual people of any kind will be allowed to speak. it's kind of crazy. that's why we've been talking about it for a little while. meanwhile, it's a tuesday that feels like a monday. yesterday a lot of people had the day off. it was labor day. in detroit michigan, people were yelling four more years to president obama. in michigan, they have unemployment at about 11%. you can't figure they want four more years -- >> 1 in every 4 does not have a job. >> absolutely. nevertheless, the president's big speech of how he's going to create some jobs coming up on thursday. he didn't tip his hand yesterday except to say now is the time to do something, america. >> the time for washington games
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is over. the time for action is now. no more manufactured crises, no more games. now is not the time for the people you sent to washington to worry about their jobs. now is the time for them to worry about your jobs. >> here's the subtle difference in which i think republicans working with what the president is saying. the republicans looking at and saying you're unpatriotic, get behind him. there's a theory out there that maybe they don't work. they go with what we're saying. about the president says if you don't go with what i'm saying, you're an obstructionist. i don't think he feels as though he has co-equal branches of government sometimes. >> i'll tell you one thing, he better have something new to say on thursday night or his approval ratings will continue to get worse. all time low now for the president's job approval sinking to 62% disapprove of the job he's doing with the economy. disapproval overall on his
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presidency, 53%. listen, he's called for a special joint session of congress. this is for a big time event, folks. it better be something new but he gave hints yesterday that it's going to be more about infrastructure spending. we've been hearing that for weeks and he said let's continue to extend the payroll tax. that's done nothing to create jobs. if he doesn't have something else up his sleeve, those approval ratings, i believe, will continue to go down. >> he's going to have the fed hold down interest rates long term, perhaps, and he wants to renew the transportation bill. >> right. >> that will be a lot of money as well. >> and in rebuilding the nation's bridges and tunnels and roads and stuff, that's great if you're in a union and you're on a construction crew and yesterday, the president of the united states was there in front of this great big labor crowd. before the president actually spoke that we heard a couple of minutes ago, jimmy hoffa, the son of the missing jimmy hoffa took a shot directly at the tea party and some people are saying today that the white house has got to apologize for what he
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said. what did he say? listen for yourself. >> we got to keep an eye on the battle that we face, the war on workers and you see it everywhere. it is the tea party and you know, there's only one way to beat and win that war. the one thing about working people is we like a good fight. and you know what? they got a war, they got a war with us. and there's only going to be one winner, president obama, this is your army. we are ready to march. everybody here has got to vote. if we go back and keep the eye on the prize, let's take these son of a [beep] out and give america back to america where we belong. thank you very much! thank you! thank you. >> wait a minute, take them out. that has a certain connotation that is not good news for members of the tea party. >> if you're in new york city or the wwe, it makes perfect sense. >> yes, it does. knock them out. >> or take out for dinner, that would be great. >> and a bit of a surprise and this is something that clearly goes against what the president
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said to bring an era of decorum to the debate and not make it so personal. he said it a year ago. >> neither did maxine waters. >> the white house definitely knew he said that in january and now they're not responding to this claim. i think they're going to be backed into a corner here. coming up in just about eight minutes, debbie wasserman schultz from the dnc, we'll ask if she wants to send out an official message from the dnc about those comments. >> the tea party expressed, the head said hoffa's remarks are inexcusable and amount for a call for violence on peaceful tea party members which include many teamster members. remember, there are a lot of members of the teamsters union that are also tea party members. >> right. the tea partiers aren't made up of donald trump and warren buffet. they're not multimillionaires. he was introduced by bill cunningham and he came out and said that many thought he was trying to insinuate he was muslim.
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john mccain says that's inappropriate. what is wrong with the president saying that? >> he should. he should come out and chastise jimmy hoffa. >> didn't he come out after him already? i think jimmy hoffa was warming up the crowd for the president. >> the president had a chance. he could have had a sister souljah moment and say that was inappropriate and he did not do it. h hearman cane was on fox newschannel yesterday and he heard what he said and didn't like it. >> he's offering the same old stuff. all hoffa and others can resort to is name calling. that's all they have to try to intimidate folks. here's one other thing, when he mentioned about working people, tea party people work, too. >> right. and tea party members, you know, they -- they obviously didn't like that and if they didn't like that, they'll hate what the vice president said, referring to tea matter members as barbarians at the gate. >> do you have an example of him actually saying that? >> yes, let me hit roll! >> really? >> this is a fight for the heart and soul of the labor
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movement. it's a fight literally for our right to exist. don't misunderstand what this is. don't misunderstand -- not a joke. not a joke. not an applause line. you are the only folks keeping the barbarians from the gates. >> so is this a strategy? is this the new thing? a lot of people said once we hit labor day, the gloves are really going to come off and this is going to turn into a nasty fight so is this just the beginning of what we're going to see moving forward to the election? probably. >> you think it would energize people of the tea party. wait a minute, you can't talk about me like that. >> what's the strategy of getting the unions? unions don't make the majority of the work force. why are you going after this narrow portion of the country? >> because they give the most money to the democratic party. >> i guess they do. if they're upset, they're upset but you cannot have a better friend in the union than the president of the united states. if they're not in his back pocket already, who is in his
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pocket? >> sure, you look at the jobs speech coming up on thursday, just listen to how many jobs will be union jobs. stand by for that. in the meantime, we'll step aside briefly here on "fox & friends." >> from rags to riches. the latest lotto jackpot winner taking home a cool $3 million but here's the glitch. he's in this country illegally. should he be sticking around to claim his prize? keep your e-mails and tweets coming in on that one. >> that's right. mitt romney pre-empts the president in releasing his own jobs plan today. coming up, we'll ask the dnc chairwoman who makes the president's ideas so much better. >> and take a look at your screen. a minivan speeds straight into a gas pump. oh, my goodness. you know what? there's a baby inside. wait until you see this. tell you all the details straight ahead. ♪
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>> all right. time for the news by the numbers. then ed gillespie. first one million. that's how many cars honda is recalling worldwide. it plans to repair problems with power windows and the affected models include the honda fit and the crz hybrid. next 97, the percentage of ford union members who have voted to authorize a strike if a new contract is made by next wednesday. on the table, employee raises and better benefits. and finally, 2 feet, that's how long this colorado dog's ears stretch earning her a new guiness book of world records title for longest ears on a living dog. we'll keep monitoring this top
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10 list. >> thanks, brian. there were zero jobs created last month. not one and the economy continues to head in the wrong direction but this week, the president will deliver yet another jobs speech to a waiting nation. so does he have a real recovery plan? joining us right now from our nation's capital is ed gillespie, former advisor to president george w. bush. ed, good morning to you. >> good morning, steve. >> there is no plan at the white house, is there? >> i think there's a political plan. i think that he's going to launch his campaign on thursday night in the house of representatives in response to the g.o.p. debate on wednesday night. i don't know that he's going to have any specific policy proposals that are warm or different. probably some warmed over rehash of what he's already been talking about. he's going to go on the attack and accuse republicans who don't agree with his policies and think he's what led to the unemployment rate of being unpatriotic and putting their
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party ahead of their country. >> well, absolutely. i agree with you completely on that assessment of what he's probably going to say. but for the average person watching right now, they're thinking, you know, we've been hurting all summer. and the president said like a month ago, yeah, i've got a big speech. but you got to wait until after my martha's vineyard vacation, and then after labor day. it's exactly the same thing he said last year, you know, does america not have a very long memory? >> i think america does have a long memory. i think that's why his approval numbers are so low on his job approval. "the washington post" has the front page story today, they reached an all time low and an all time high in terms of disapproval, the american people see this president is disengaged. there's laa lack of leadership d there's a growing sentiment that he's a weaker leader than they thought he was going to be when they voted for him. there's a disconnect. honestly, when you look at the fact that this summer, because of the bad economy, fewer americans took a summer vacation
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than last year. 10 percentage points fewer and didn't take a one week vacation. yet, president obama goes to martha's vineyard for two weeks in the midst of some of the worst economic news that we've had. >> before you go, i have to have you weigh in on jimmy hoffa yesterday saying essentially we need to take these tea party sob's out. what was that about? >> that's about the fact that there's not much enthusiasm even on the liberal left and in the union movement for president obama these days. and that's why you see, you know, leaders like jimmy hoffa, the vice president of the united states and others using words like sob's and barbarians and terrorists and saying that their opponents don't care about their country, only their party. they're unpatriotic and they have to use this kind of vitriolic language to get this kind of passion going. there's no passion among obama supporters right now because even they are disappointed. >> let's see if they appreciate what the president suggests on thursday. we'll be watching. ed gillespie, thank you very
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much for joining us live from the bureau. >> thanks for having me. >> you betcha. straight ahead when we come back, the defense of the president's jobs plan. we'll ask the dnc chairwoman debbie wasserman schultz how the president's ideas will get americans back to work. she's coming up next.
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>> i'm going to propose ways to put america back to work that both parties can agree to. because i still believe both parties can work together to solve our problems. >> i think it's going to take someone outside of politics and i am to a great degree and i'm going to use that experience to get america working again. two competing jobs plans today, mitt romney, the republican reveals his and the president is set to announce his plan
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thursday in front of a joint session of congress. whose plan will get americans back to work? joining me now is the dnc chairwoman, florida congresswoman debbie wasserman schultz. good to see you. >> you, too. thanks. >> we saw yesterday a sneak peek of what the president is going to speak about. he talked a lot about infrastructure and extending the payroll tax. what is going to be new in this speech to get people back to work thursday night? >> well, you know, i'm sure you wouldn't expect me to pre-empt the president's speech on thursday but what i do know and i'm confident about is that he's going to issue a call to action to the congress to come together. bring both sides of the aisle together. as he said yesterday and over the last few days, put country before party and make sure that we've got everyone focused on creating policy that will create jobs, continue to get this economy turned around and to work together as he's been calling on the congress to do for the last several months.
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unfortunately, we've only seen republicans focused on one job, his. i'm certainly hopeful that after the president lays out his vision for how to continue the recovery, that we're going to be able to have those partisan differences set aside and democrats are ready to do that. >> that's not entirely true. mitt romney, the republican presidential candidate, one of them has put out his plan. here's one of his claims, that the private sector has shed 1.8 million jobs since president obama took office and that the federal work force at the same times that grown by 7%. it's an intrinsic difference in the way we look at this world in creating jobs, is it not? the government helps people or the government gets out of the way. >> actually, gretchen, mitt romney just put out an editorial in the union today. we're still waiting for his plan that we'll see later on today. at the end of the day, the bar is pretty high for mitt romney for him to match his plan with
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his track record. his track record is not -- his track record is not very good. as governor of massachusetts, his state was 47th in job creation. his state never recovered the jobs that they lost in the 2001 recession. in the private sector, he's had private sector experience. yet, he was involved in actually helping companies shed jobs when he turned -- tried to turn them around so if he proposes today the same failed policies of the past, cut cap and balance which is going to cut social security, cut medicare, cut education and really reverse our recovery, then he will not have met the test of what is expected in a candidate for president. >> it seems one of the parts of the plan for the president to go all out in full force of the unions. yesterday, he did that in detroit. his introductory speech was by jimmy hoffa, jr. that attacked the tea party with what one people or a lot of people were
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saying was not a very civil discussion. listen to this. >> keep your eye on the prize, let's take these son of a [beep] out and give america back to america where we belong. thank you very much. thank you! >> some people are saying that's violent language, congresswoman. the white house refusing to respond to that as head of the dnc, what's your official response to that today? >> my official response is that we need to make sure that we focus on the middle class and working families. and that we bring everyone in this country together from both sides of the aisle to focus like continuing to get this economy turned around. that should be our priority. that's the priority of president obama -- >> let's take these sons of bitches out and give america back to where america we belong. and that's your response to it? my response is we should be working together and focused on creating jobs. you know when i'm home, i was just home in south florida before we're coming back into session this week, and what
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people talk to me about in the town hall meetings that i held were debbie, we need you to focus on job creation. we need to make sure that you guys are working together. we need to make sure -- no, no, i'm talking about -- >> what about the response to jimmy hoffa said yesterday? >> i know you would like -- >> you're the head of the dnc. i'm looking for an official response. >> language, that's not what the american people are focused on. the american people are focused on jobs creation. are you kidding me? really? >> no, i'm not. >> to the tea party rallies -- >> only civil and honest discourse, let's face up to the challenges of our nation. >> i've called for civility as well. >> now the white house is saying nothing and as head of the dnc, i think a lot of people would love to hear a response to taking the son of a bitches out. >> gretchen, how many times have you called out coarse language at tea party rallies on this network. almost never. >> plenty.
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>> i've never heard you or anything else -- >> fair and balanced. what's your response? >> ok, my response is that i know the american people like president obama understands want us to focus on working together. want to focus on -- when i went home, my constituents asked me to come back to washington and help continue to get this economy turned around. that's my official response. >> all right. debbie wasserman schultz, head of the dnc, thanks very much for your thoughts this morning. >> thank you. >> a minivan speeds straight into a gas pump and there's a baby inside. wait until you see this coming up this hour and the latest lotto jackpot winner taking home a cool $3 million. but the only problem, the only glitch, guys, i know you'd like it hear in the control room and everywhere else, he's illegally here in america. should he be sticking around to claim that prize? e-mail and tweets about the congresswoman's interview that we just had.
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>> all right. your shot of the morning has been chosen and it's this. what a crock, people are saying in the southern philippines f. t that's a 21 foot saltwater crocodile that's been captured alive and it's very happy with the filipino people, reportedly.
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it killed a water buffalo reportedly and attacked a fisherman in july. it broke four traps before they finally caught it and now the 2300 pound reptile is going on display in a new ecotourism park. >> i think that guy displayed out on top i read in the paper this morning is the local mayor in the philippines. >> it could be hug your crocodile today day and people -- >> isn't it traditionally the day after labor day? >> in the philippines. >> good to know. >> there are a lot of days that we honor that you never quite know. >> that's the way, you know. you never know, you could be right on that one. >> thank you. >> all right. meanwhile, we're just -- let's see, 27 minutes before the top of the hour and we have headlines for you. top al-qaida operative arrested in pakistan. eunice al morenti busted by the c.i.a. and pakistani spies along with two other senior al-qaida members. he's believed to have received direct orders from usama bin laden to target economic interests involving the united states around the world.
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he was allegedly planning to bomb oil tankers using speed boats as missiles in addition to planning attacks on oil and gas pipelines. and infrastructure. >> bombshell details about u.s. efforts to spy on israel. "the new york times" is reporting that the f.b.i. had wiretaps on the israeli embassy in washington. the news comes to late after a dual u.s.-israeli citizen working as an f.b.i. translator leaked information about the wiretaps to the media. pleaded guilty to leaking classified information and was sentenced to 20 months behind bars. >> minivan slams into a gas pump at a chevron station in orlando. their dramatic scene caught on camera. one of the witnesses was able to rush inside and save the woman's toddler from the flames. this man saw it happen. >> saw a vehicle coming in out of control. hit the pump. i saw the pump fly into the other pump. and then we just saw a ball of flames. >> the toddler and his mom
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suffered minor injuries. the mom was taken into custody. witnesses say they smelled alcohol on her breath. >> oh, boy. >> meanwhile, a fear factor stuntman lucky to be alive after safety harness reportedly failed during a jump from six stories up. he hit the ground feet first breaking both of his ankles. tmz, the web site, has the 911 call. >> how far did he fall? >> couple of stories. >> a couple of stories. >> he was in a harness. >> ok, so it was a long fall? >> yes. >> indeed. it is the second accident on the set in the past week. a contestant was taken to the hospital after the tree she was standing on slammed into a stunt car but she's ok. >> i didn't know it was still on. >> no kidding. those are your headlines today. let's talk more about a story we brought to you on your first hour on "fox & friends" today. it's about the lottery and how many of us would love to just scratch off the ticket and win
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the $3 million. well, luckily for an illegal immigrant that's exactly what happened. but then three hoodlums got involved in the whole story and they said to him, look, if you go to claim this prize, you're going to be deported so you should give the money to us and then we'll give you a little piece of the action. >> those are the three people that worked at n&k quick pick in spring valley. >> there they are! >> they're the ones that said you know what? go ahead and make us co-owner of the ticket and we'll all split it and you won't go away. >> that's almost a side story to the main story which is should an illegal immigrant that snuck into the country or overstayed their visa, should they be allowed to win this money? >> i'm looking at the new york state lottery regulations and they say you got to be 18 and if you owe past child support, you have to pay that up. but it doesn't talk about citizenship so, you know, according to the new york state lottery and others that guy can collect. >> here's what you thought about that story and e-mail from katherine in virginia should not be able to collect the lottery
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if an illegal alien period, right to point. >> william in north carolina says the person bought the ticket. he's just as entitled to the money as anyone else would be. pay him. >> what is wrong with everybody? he should be able to keep it unless the rules state open to legal u.s. residents only. i think it's implied. i mean -- >> no, it's not. let's say there's a tourist, ok, let's say a tourist comes from italy that you and i both were, not together and they buy a ticket and win the $3 million. >> no issue. they should be allowed. but this person is here illegally. ok? working off the books, perhaps, but certainly not documented. how dare they cash in. >> what's that? >> got no problem selling him the ticket. >> good point, john, from the floor crew. >> different to have john yell out during the conversation but i'll accept it. he's been drinking! >> here's a final tweet. what's the difference in our government giving millions of them in money of freebies or one of them winning millions?
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ok. so that's the point of view. >> keep the e-mail coming in. we'd love to hear more except you, john, pipe down over there. >> what the heck is going on? >> during the bush administration, terrorists were captured and questioned but on president obama's watch, they're more likely to be killed on the spot. which is better for our country? we'll tell you that story as we report and you decide. >> then remember these hands? >> have a little sense -- >> i can get it. >> no. you're missing a tire. make a wish. >> the woman made famous by those man hands. first, born on this day in is>> 1958, this geoia tech grad was fixing computers at ibm when a comedy contest led to a career change. who is he? be the first at fox and
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>> welcome back, everyone. from the old school interview with a vampire to the "twilight" phenomenon, vampires have taken a bite now out of our pop culture. >> and i've been over this and the one that america loves most "true blood." >> our objective is to kill the witch and finish this one way or another. >> are we going to finish this or not? are we clear? >> utterly. >> oh, man much joining us right now is the actors with the unforgettable one liners, "true blood's" kristen bower. good morning to you. >> hi, hi. >> you're tough on that show. >> yeah, she's intense. she's a little raw this year. >> how do you explain our infatuation with vampires?
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it continues to amaze me and that and we love pandas and we also love -- >> sneezing pandas. >> yeah. they're adorable. >> and now penguins but now vampires. how do you explain it? >> you know, you kind of explain it in hindsight. >> ok. >> so i don't know but i have a theory. >> ok. >> so one of my theories is, the only theory so let's hope it's good is that, you know, vampires don't have to worry about anything that we have to worry about as a human. so no aging, no fear of illness, no death and they always have money. >> it sounds great, then. >> you make it sound great. >> it is. i mean, that's -- >> you're a vampire. >> you say that like it's a bad thing. here's the bad part, you have to put in the fame and i loved reading how difficult you find it to actually speak with this and you can get raw on your lips with them. >> that's the secret. i'm not great at it still. i asked steven moyer and i said how do you do it?
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he said you have to take the pain and i was like that's it. >> he still did it for the character. >> that's right. >> you and i grew up in theater. we understand this. >> right. >> she's more vaudeville. >> i could go so many places with that. >> you >> now, you're nothing like your character really, you grew up in a small town in wisconsin, right? >> i did. i did. as the season goes on, i see less and less difference between pam and myself. i don't know if that's good or bad. >> your memory has been wiped out by witches. >> actually my maker's memory was wiped up. >> yeah. >> how does this affect your character? >> well, pam is very loyal to eric, you know, he is her whole world so the fact that he can't remember her is a challenge. and then the witches, right, you know, you come home to your husband and he goes, who are you? and then also the witches sort of wave their wand in my direction and made me rot. so pieces of me are falling off.
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>> you went from an attractive woman to a not so attractive woman. >> lava lampish. >> i love the story of how you met your husband. >> yeah, it's really great. i was just backstage playing one of his songs for the make-up artists. yeah. i heard his music and tracked him down and asked him out. >> tell us who he is. >> his name is aubrey van stratton, a south african classical guitar and singer/songwriter. because of me and my e-mail situation lives in l.a. >> you listen to his i tunes -- his itunes album over and over and out of nowhere you contacted him on my space. >> well, you know, it took a few weeks -- i wrote that e-mail over and over for four weeks. and had all my girlfriends read it and, you know, everyone thought i was losing my mind and i was, i had been single for too long and this song, he had a video on line. the song "rain" and he's so cute and i don't know, i just like -- you know, after being single for
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years, you have to do something. >> you have to take a chance. >> you have to take a chance. and you did. you were up to the challenge. >> here's something else people really remember you from is that you were the girlfriend on "seinfeld" who had the man hands. >> which i love that you guys bring this up. i was like right, i'm in new york. >> right. >> we're looking at the video. those are man hands on that woman. >> yeah. >> those are not your hands. >> no. >> those are man hands. >> they had a couple of shirts so they had a guy putting on the shirt and switching in and out with me and mauling jerry's face because i think that is the funniest -- >> and it's the best concept, you know, just -- >> look at that. >> he goes make a wish. it didn't come true. >> and what's also fun for me is it's like every five years, i run into jerry and i think should i say hi? so then i go up and say i'm man hands. so like that's another fun thing of my life, you know, every few years i get to say that to jerry
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seinfeld. >> and he'll recognize you after that. >> then he goes hi. he's so sweet. >> that's great. >> now you're a star on "true blood" and it's on hbo 9:00 p.m. eastern time. it's the big finale this week. i can't believe it. >> we'll be tube side because "entourage" is after you guys. >> yeah, yeah. uh-huh. >> continued success. >> thank you so much. >> good luck. >> in the vampire world. >> yes. >> what's better? killing a terrorist on the spot or bringing them in for interrogation? during president obama's administration, most don't get a chance to tell us what they know. is that a good or bad idea? we'll report, you can decide next. >> from the mother who enhanced her daughter's dress to look like dolly parton to the mom who made a little girl look like a prostitute. are these child pageants getting out of control? my panel of parenting experts weighs in next hour. this is a reality show about this. >> what's that? >> yeah. no kidding. but first, on this date in history, september 6th -- >> becoming a talk show host. >> 1986, the number one song was
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>> 51 minutes after the top of the hour. couple of quick headlines for you now. new video this morning of amanda knox returning to an italian courtroom. this as cross-examinations continue now on the d.n.a. experts accused of ruining evidence in her case. the 24-year-old american appealing her conviction for her part in the 2007 murder of her roommate, meredith kir scher. a verdict expected by the end of
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the month. a new flu shot promising less pain this year. it's 1/10th of an inch long and the new shot works by injecting vaccine under the skin instead of deep into the muscle. lots of kiddies will be in favor of that. over to you. >> thanks, gretch. president obama received huge praise and justifiably so after his takedown of usama bin laden but our next guest says the operation reflects the administration's preference of killing terrorists rather than capturing them and that could be hurting national security. former justice department attorney, best selling author john hugh is the co-editor of "confronting terror" and a professor at the university of california bshgly. welcome back. >> thanks for having me back. >> before we discuss the big capture which is the first capture i can remember, what's so bad about killing these guys? why is it better to capture these guys? >> because the most important thing on the war on terrorism is intelligence so when we use droenz or special forces teams and kill al-qaida leaders, it's very satisfying but we lose all the intelligence those guys had. and that's our biggest source of
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intelligence on taking down al-qaida. >> now, we have a situation where we have an army manual to question them with. the c.i.a. doesn't really want any part of the interrogations. so -- and we don't even know where they go when they get them. so what are the answers to those questions and how we reacted because they seem to be question marks? >> unfortunately, i'm sorry, the obama administration's approach is to put its head in the sand. we haven't captured a single high level al-qaida leader since president obama took office because he doesn't want to deal with all the hard questions of where do we take them? they don't want to add anyone into guantanamo bay. how do we interrogate them? they don't want to use enhanced interrogation methods. instead, we're killing them and losing this big trove of intelligence. >> i thought we'd be talking in theory, what's going to be the next capture? your book comes out on friday. guess what happens last night. we get great news. this guy was arrested in pakistan along with the
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pakistanis. this is a high level guy with al-qaida. this guy has al-qaida scurrying for every corner of the earth because they know if this guy talks, they're all dead. so where does he go? >> that's the unfortunate thing. because this administration won't take people to guantanamo bay, it won't hold them. it won't try them using military commissions, it won't interrogate them, we're left people with pakistanis who it looks like we can't trust that much. we don't know how they're going to interrogate people and we don't know whether they're going to be telling the truth. i'm afraid we're going to lose a lot of the intelligence we could have gotten from this guy because we'll have to leave them in the hands of other intelligence services. >> right. and now, we remember being brought through the streets after his capture and went right to us. khali shaikh mohammed, right to us. why is this guy not coming to us? >> again, it's because this administration is putting its head in the sand about the hard questions about detainees. they would rather escape the hard legal questions which they
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criticized the last administration for, the bush administration for rather than take advantage and get all that great intelligence that gave us all the information we know about al-qaida in the years after the 9/11 attacks. >> i'm wondering and i'm hopeful with general petraeus as head of the c.i.a., maybe he will assert himself and get his agency back involved because a lot of them ended up in court because of things they were doing which you basically, the justice department ok'd. >> that's the thing i worry about, not only is this administration not pressing forward on intelligence, some of the people in the administration want to prosecute the brave men and women on the front lines on 9/11 and the days after. that's destroying the morale of the c.i.a. and they're asking men and women to put their lives and careers on the line by protecting the country and you're threatening them with prosecution years later. >> as you put together the "confronting terror" 10 years since the 9/11 attacks, how are we doing? >> i think we've done really well. most important thing to happen was nothing, right, you just had
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on the last sketch, you had a "seinfeld" actress on the show. remember "seinfeld" his show was about nothing and the most important thing that happened the last 10 years was nothing. we kept the homeland safe. al-qaida did not succeed in carrying out another attack on the country. that's the most important thing that happened in the last 10 years. >> always great to have you on. the book is "confronting terror" go get it. 5 minutes before the top of the hour. coming up next hour, when is grief against the rules? a mom ordered to remove photos of her daughter who passed away from her work cubicle. see what a judge says about that when she sued. then president obama won virginia in 2008, the first democrat in decades. will history repeat itself? top democrats there say no. not right now. representative jerry connolly here next hour. but first, the answer to the trivia question of the day -- jeff foxworthy. the winner seth jones. "fox & friends" is back soon.
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>> gretchen: top of the morning to you. hope you had a great holiday weekend. now it's tuesday, september 6. i'm gretchen carlson. thanks for sharing your time. they desperately need the rain. not the wind. a fox news alert coming to us now from texas. the remains of tropical storm lee fueling major wild fires there. 500 homes already wiped out. texas governor and presidential candidate rick perry will be here live moments away. >> steve: how did america's largest union celebrate labor day? they sat down with the president. but then big labor's leader of the teamsters said this. >> keep our eye on the prize, let's take these son of a (bleep) and give america back to america where we belong! thank you very much! thank you! >> steve: you bet. did jimmy hoffa just declare war on the tea party? we'll talk about that, plus the
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dnc chair woman responds, kinda. >> brian: since when is grief against the rules? a mother ordered to tear down photos of her daughter who passed away from her office cubicle and she's taking the case to court. find out what the judge says. "fox & friends" starts right now. >> gretchen: good morning, hope you're back in gear to start off the school year. i know some schools have started in the south. my kids start tomorrow. so it's back full sports ahead. >> brian: yeah. we went to staples. we walked in and said, not today i don't need a pencil case that bad. >> steve: your kids don't have a pencil sharpener from last year? put it in a box. >> gretchen: somehow it disappears. what's not going to disappear are the headlines. we have a fox news alert out of
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afghanistan. intelligence sources there now claiming that an american civilian engineer has been found dead in kabul after he had gone missing. it appears the man, idaho by the u.s. corp. of engineers as joke cokeler worked as a construction contractor. the remnants of tropical storm lee spawning several twisters in the south. look at the damage in canton, georgia. violent winds. this 80-foot high pine tree right here smashed right into one family's home. amazingly north texas one inside was injured. even nascar postponed its sprint cup race in atlanta to today because of all the severe weather. if we move to tennessee, this car got stuck in more than nine inches of rain. wall street futures pointing sharply lower again today. a lot of financial people very nervous as investors are very nervous over those disappointing
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jobs report and the struggling economy that came out friday. in asia, most of the markets are down, including the nikkei, down 2%. in europe, trading is still going on, but many european markets starting to give back earlier gains. the spanish and italian markets are now in negative territory after being up for most of the day. ten years after the september 11 attacks, new video just released shows the immediate aftermath of the crash of united airlines flight 93 in pennsylvania. >> the explosion shook the house right over here and we are, what, 15 miles from there and it shook the heck out of the house. >> gretchen: the man who shot that footage passed away last year. his family just recently found the video and released it. flight 93 was the fourth plane to go down on september 11. passengers fought back against the hijackers, preventing them from crashing into the u.s. capitol building on the white house. 40 passengers and crew were
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killed that day. those are your headlines. we will all be down on september 11 to honor the 10th anniversary live from ground zero for a four-hour edition of "fox & friends" this sunday. >> brian: i couldn't believe how much has been built. i totally lost my bearings. i can't even tell what was what. we're going to go into the memorial. >> steve: that's coming up this weekend. let's talk a little about what the president of the united states did yesterday on labor day. he talked to labor. and he really -- while labor was there in the form of many different union members, he really had a message for those darn republicans in congress. >> the time for washington games is over. the time for action is now. no more manufactured crises. no more games. now is not the time for the people you sent to washington to worry about their job. now is the time for them to worry about your job.
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>> brian: the speech is really a shot across the bow of republicans in the house and essentially saying that if you don't go along with me and my plan that i'm going to announce this week, they're going to be called obstructionists who doesn't care about the country. i don't know if people will buy that message. that's what he said on that great bus tour. >> gretchen: i don't know. there must be some internal polling that shows that that kind of a speech is working because he's given it many times. at the same time, look at his approval rating now. they have sunk to a new low, 62% of the country disapprove on the country. no doubt they are tinkering with that speech for thursday night. there will have to be something new it. there will have to be some new brilliant ideas to get people back to work because if it's just the same old, same old, which we kind of got a sneak peek of yesterday, many people are going to wonder if that will do the trick. >> brian: one thing he has to do is cut corporate taxes.
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two to one margin, the think thinks his policies are making matters worse. and similarly, at this point with bill clinton and ronald reagan, they were both, despite early struggles and unpopularity, they were over 50% on reelection. >> steve: so the president is in a hole. before the president took to the stage, jimmy hoffa who runs the teamster union -- okay, we heard the president taking a shot at members of the republican party in the congress. now here is jimmy hoffa taking a shot at tea party americans. >> we got to keep an eye on the battle that we've based a war on workers and you see it everywhere and it is the tea party and you know there is only one way to beat and win that war. the one thing about working people is we like a good fight and you know what? they got a war. they got a war with us and there is only going to be one winner. president obama is your army. we are ready to march.
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everybody here has got to vote. if we go back and we keep the eye on the prize, let's take these son of a (bleep) out and give america back to america where we belong. thank you very much. thank you. >> gretchen: some people thought that was violent language, to take these son of a (bleep) out, meaning the tea party. >> brian: if you're playing the redskins later on that afternoon, it makes sense. >> gretchen: the vikings, i always want to take them out. but the president did not acknowledge that comment. the white house says they're not going to respond. so surely the democratic national committee, the chair of that, surely she would have a response ready this morning for that kind of language, specifically since she came out so much against the language after gabby giffords was shot in january, her friend, in tucson. but she didn't really have an answer this morning. you be the judge. >> we need you to focus on job creation. we need to make sure -- >> gretchen: i'm talking about what jimmy hoffa said yesterday.
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>> i'm talking about -- >> gretchen: a specific response to what jimmy hoffa said yesterday. you're the head of the dnc. >> i know you would like to focus on language. >> gretchen: it was very serious language. >> the american people want to focus on job creation. are you kidding me? >> gretchen: no, i'm not. here is what the president said back in january. the president said only a more civil and honest public discourse can help us face up to the challenges of our nation. the president called for an honest discourse. now the white house is saying nothing and as head of the dnc, i think a lot of people would love to hear a response. >> really, gretchen? how many times have you called out coarse language at tea party language on this network? >> gretchen: plenty. >> almost never. >> gretchen: that was the response. >> steve: we immediately were inundated with comments from you. here is a tweet, said she does
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not represent the florida. great job holding her feet to the fire. she's an embarrassment. >> brian: she's just eliminated herself from ever commenting on the discourse among the political debate. she is disqualified. >> steve: the white house hasn't weighed in on it. >> brian: an e-mail from chuck says miss schultz and others from washington are like an addict to the washington life tile and are fighting tooth and nail to keep the spending in place. >> gretchen: and a tweet, dws, i didn't know if we were calling her, dws's nervous laugh and attempt to avoid the question proves the dnc machine hasn't prepared their response yet. well done. i would think that 24 hours or almost 24 hours, after that event that she would have had a prepared remark about it. >> steve: ron from alabama e-mailed us, debbie wasserman schultz's interview focused on the party line instead of facing
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reality. god help us. you got to wonder why did hoffa bring it up in the first place? we were talking earlier to ed gillespie says they've got to fire up the base because if they want them to vote for obama, are they going to go out and vote based on his record? how many people are crazy about what he's done so far? this is one way to do it. >> gretchen: let's switch gears to a story that's unbelievable on its face. this is happening in new jersey. a mom loses her daughter at age 15 to leukemia. this happened back in 2005. >> brian: cecilia ingram. >> gretchen: so at her work cubicle, she put up a picture of her deceased daughter and also her daughter's ballet slippers. you can imagine, that seems pretty normal to want to honor your child who you had 15 years with and you have a picture of her at your desk. some people had a problem with that. >> steve: the supervisor about a year and a half later came over and said, can you take that stuff down because it's bugging some of the other employees. and after she went home, she
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developed heart palpitations, eventually she wound up having surgery for her heart. and she quit her job. she then turned around and sued orthoneo, a big pharmaceutical company in new jersey, saying that she was under so much emotional stress given what she was told, she deserved some money. now a judge has come out and said no. they did not meet the standard of extreme distress. >> brian: here is the quote from the judge, if courts had to preside over every instance of rude and thoughtless boss behavior, they would never have time to consider other kind of cases. not saying the judge is right. but saying i can't give her money because the precedent would be overwhelming. >> gretchen: we have so many terrible boss in this country. that's a ludicrous statement. >> brian: there was a movie about that. >> gretchen: what do you think about this? she just wanted to have a couple of photos up of her daughter.
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seems a little silly. >> steve: straight ahead on our tuesday telecast from the mother who enhanced her daughter's dress to look like dolly parton right there, to the mom who dressed her little girl like a hooker, are these child pageants getting a little out of control? our panel of parenting experts will weigh in. is that patty? >> that is a jennifer lopez butt. >> gretchen: first president obama was the first democrat in decades to win the state of virginia. but democrats there now fear if the election happened today, he might be in big trouble. virginia democratic representative jerry connally here live when we come back. [ male announcer ] in blind taste tests, even ragu uss chose prego. prego?! but i've been buying ragu for years. [ thinking ] i wonder what other questionable choices i've made?
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[ '80s dance music plays ] [ sighs ] [ male announcer ] choose taste. choose prego. i never saw myself here. i didn't. but with weight watchers, i can't see myself anywhere else. ♪ i'm feeling good you can be here too. go on join for free. weight watchers pointsplus. because it works. have i got weight watcha surprise for you! yeah, it's new [ barks beneful healthy fiesta. gotta love the protein for muscles-- whoo-hoo! and omega-rich nutrition for that shiny coat.
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ever think healthy could taste so good? [ woman announcing ] new beneful healthy fiesta. ( singing along ) ( singing high note ) that should do it.
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enjoy your new shower. ( door opens, closes ) [ female announcer ] erybody loves that cushiony feeling. uh oh. i gotta go. [ female announcer ] and with charmin ultra soft, you can get that same cushiony feeling you love while still using less. charmin ultra ft has extra cushions that are soft and more absorbent. so you can use four times less versus the leading value brand. ah. [ femalennouncer ] using less never felt so good. we all go... why not enjoy the go with charmin ultra soft. >> gretchen: fox news alert. dry conditions, strong winds
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fanning the flames across texas as devastating wild fires destroy homes and force thousandses to evacuate. one of the largest fires is in bastrop county where 500 homes have been destroyed. that's where we find reporter, ann wyatt little of our affiliate, ktbc. what can you tell us this morning? >> good morning. this fire continues to burn out of control. you can see some of the smoke. this is what firefighters are up against today as this fire burned 25,000 acres, nearly 500 homes have been destroyed. 5,000 people forced from their homes. they are in shelters that the american red cross has set up in bastrop county. firefighters say it's too dangerous for them to fight this fire on the ground in some areas because it is just so hot. governor perry taking a break from the campaign trail. he's back in texas. he's calling this fire, quote, mean. one of our congressmen, mike
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mccall, says he's been to war zones, but hasn't seen anything like this fire. people who have been forced out, they don't know when they will be able to get back in the hills behind me to see what, if anything, is left of everything that they have worked so hard for. 19 subdivisions evacuated. we will continue to follow this fire and firefighters hope to make progress, but it's 0% contained. back to you. >> gretchen: coming up later this hour, we'll speak to governor rick perry live about the latest on these devastating fires. guys? >> brian: virginia residents rarely vote democratic in the presidential election. in 2008, they did just that, helping put president obama into the oval office. by the way, senator george allen out of office. >> steve: now according to a democratic congressman, virginia maying up for grabs again come 2012. that is unless president obama changes his game plan. joining us right now is that democratic congressman, he
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represents the 11th district, geri connally. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> steve: president obama won virginia, by about six points in 2008. but he can't do it now given the way things are going right now, according to you. why? >> well, i was asked specifically if the election were held today, would president obama carry virginia? my answer was an honest no, i don't think he would carry it today. i went on to say, however, the election isn't today. i believe virginia is in play because of the changing demographics of our state, and i am very confident president obama can and will turn it around. >> brian: is it perceived by you that the people of virginia are viewing this president as antibusiness? their unemployment rate is below the national average, but maybe some of his policies are not resonating well. would you buy that? >> no. i really think what's going on in virginia is not unlike what's
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going on across the country and you cited the polls earlier this morning. basically it's about the economic performance. virginia has done relatively better than most other parts of the country, especially in the northern part of virginia. none the less, we still feel the economic malaise and are concerned and anxious about the economic future. >> steve: do you think the president will have some hard proposals or come thursday night, or do you worry that it's going to be a little vague and we got to pass something, in which case americans would be watching and saying, wait a minute, there is nothing new there. >> i don't think it can be vague. i think it has to be very specific. i think it has to be tied to projections of job generation with each proposal. he has to reach out obviously across the aisle, but he also has to challenge all of us on both sides of the aisle. >> brian: it will be interesting to see in virginia how the two competitors match up for the senate race.
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thanks so much. >> my pleasure. thank you. >> steve: and for everybody watching, the election is not going to be held today. so you don't have to go to the election. >> brian: good. 'cause we would have to stay later. we should have gotten up earlier. >> steve: next up, first it was the mother who enhanced her daughter's dress to make her look like dolly parton. then the mom who dressed her daughter up to make her look like a hooker from "pretty woman." are pageant moms taking it too far? our panel of parenting experts weighs in.
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>> gretchen: the tv show "toddlers and tiaras" sparking a fire storm big showing a little girl dressed up as dolly parton complete with the fake boobs and
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the fake butt. now a three-year-old's family getting blasted for parading her on stage wearing an outfit tailored after julia roberts' prostitute character from the film "pretty woman". >> pretty woman. >> gretchen: hon our panel, research psychologist and the author of "teen 2.3", mommy blogger, and psychologist, good morning to all three of you. let's get a show of hands, who is against these types of shows and dressing up three-year-olds as prostitutes? all right. so we're all in agreement. i feel compelled to say this, as a form miss america, i was an adult when i made those decisions. i'm fully against these little kind of girl pageants. let me start with you,
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dr. epstein. what does this say about parents who put their kids in these situations? >> i'm a parent of six, so it says that apparently i'm out of touch because i would never, ever put my kids in that situation. so there are some parents who have very broad boundaries, i would say. >> gretchen: dr. lynn, does it say that the parent is trying to live through this child or that they themselves want this kind of attention? what does it say? >> i think that probably what's even more troubling than "toddlers and tiaras," which is extreme, is the whole authorization and sexualization for all little girls in this country and what that says is that we're really objectiveing children. >> gretchen: elizabeth, you blog about mommy issues in general. do you see people talking about this show?
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>> yes, i do. and i think what troubles a lot of us, and especially mothers like myself, is that mothers are supposed to be protecting their daughters and instead, what they're doing is they are intentionally placing them out there, parading them out there in these highly sexualized outfits. it's harmful and detrimental to children and like you said, maybe i'm out of touch, i'm a mother of five. i don't mind if i'm out of touch on this issue because it's wrong. what we're doing to children is harmful. >> gretchen: out of touch can also be the same as old-fashioned, which i'd like to prescribe to myself. let's take a listen to the mom defending her decision to allow her daughter to have fake boobs and fake butt ala dolly parton. >> you know, if i had known or dreamt that this was going to be scrutinized the way that it is, i wouldn't have done so. she's done pageants for 4 1/2 years, since she was a baby. and she's probably done
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hundreds, i don't know how many. but hundreds of them. she's worn that outfit three times and the only time she wore it was to represent -- when we needed a outfit that represented the state of tennessee. >> gretchen: all right. maybe for a three-year-old, you could have not put in the boobs and the butt. not sure. dr. epstein, what else should kids be doing with their time at three and four years old instead of parading themselves around as prostitutes? >> obviously they should be having fun and they should be playing and they should be doing kind of social things with family and friends. i do think, though, that kids in this situation are not necessarily harmed. i think we don't want to go that far because you could think of this as halloween and if it's halloween and it's just for fun, and the kids are having fun, i don't think it's that big a deal. >> gretchen: that's interesting. dr. linn, do you agree with that, does it harm the kids? >> i think that the dressing
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little girls in a highly sexualized outfits and teaching them sort of the trappings of this kind of sexuality is harmful for them. it does make them more self-conscious about their bodies and also it gives them the trappings of this kind of fake sexuality without even really understanding what the potential consequences are. >> gretchen: exactly. i got to wrap it up there. instead of who they are on the inside. thanks very much to the panel. very interesting discussion today. coming up next on the rundown, live to texas where fast moving wild fires are breaking out all across the state. 100,000 acres destroyed in the last few days alone. governor and republican presidential candidate rick perry will be here live next. then, tragedy versus tradition. should the nfl have scheduled football opening day for 9-11? former nfl star kurt warner and his wife, brenda, join us live later this hour. she has a brand-new book. it's fabulous. i read most of it.
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>> brian: fox news alert. more than 50 wildfires burning throughout the state of texas, destroying homes and forcing thousands to evacuate. >> steve: joining us from the state capitol of texas, austin, is the governor of that state, he's also running for president, governor rick perry. good morning to you, governor.
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>> good morning to you. >> steve: i know you have seen a lot of big fires out there. but i understand in reading one of the press accounts, as you flew over it yesterday, you said there is something different about this one. >> yeah, it's a very mean looking fire. its location right up into the city limits of bastrop, in some of the residential areas, 28 miles to the east of austin. we've had fires right in stiner ranch where i'm standing now, 25 homes lost in that residential area. over 1,000 homes have been destroyed in texas since this last round of fires. 3.6 million acres burned across this state since fire season started in december. so it is serious. it's widespread and we got a lot of resources from across the country coming in and we really appreciate those firefighters from as far away as oregon and california coming in to assist our citizens.
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>> gretchen: the scary fact of the matter is, right now it's 0% contained. is that what you're hearing? >> right. that's the same as we're hearing. the good news is, if there is any good news, is the weather has given us a bit of a break. the wind has died down from yesterday. the temperature is down in the 60s, which is quite a change for us over the course of the last couple of weeks. so those firefighters are not seeing triple digit figures that they're having to face, as well as these fires. so hopefully today we can get a handle on it, get some containment. we got a lot of equipment coming in from across the country, including a major tanker, a dc 10 coming in out of california. so hopefully before the end of the day, we'll have these fires contained in some partial containment. >> brian: governor, i know that you were supposed to speak at the jim demint concert yesterday. you said i got to go handle these fires. it made me think, how much as
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running for president, how much of your responsibilities have you delegated to others so you can compete against mitt romney and michelle bachman for the gop nomination? >> one of the great things about texas is over the last decade, i've had really wonderful people to work with, lieutenant governor knows his business really well. emergency management team that is as good as there is in the country. so no matter where i am, we're in constant contact and managing these events. we have competing hurricanes from time to time when we had katrina, followed by ike. we've have tornadoes, wildfires, floods. texas has a lot of natural disasters that we have to deal with. multi tasking is nothing new to us. >> steve: speaking of competing, governor mitt romney, who once upon a time was the governor of the great state of massachusetts, he's coming out
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with his jobs plan later on today that features 59 specific proposals and ten concrete actions he would take on the first day. people currently, you're the front runner in a lot of polls on the republican side. where is your jobs plan? >> well, the 50 things that i'm focused on right now are the number of fires in the state of texas. so there is plenty of time to lay out ideas about job creation, which we do on a regular basis here in the state of texas. but that's secondary obviously to getting these fires taken care of. >> gretchen: so i can assume that a plan will be coming shortly thereafter your crisis there in texas. the president, of course, will be outlining his plan on thursday night. in the meantime, your main opponent on the republican side, mitt romney, has called you a career politician. it seems that this is the way it's going to go down to the wire here, governor, is that you're both governors, but you have been in politics longer, so you'll take the hit for that.
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what's your comeback? >> i'm working my day job right now and i'll be real honest with you, i'm not paying any attention to what the critics may say. i'm more interested in what these people out here whose lives are in jeopardy and whose homes are being impacted, possessions and homes are important. but they're not as important as people's lives. so one of the things we're want to go do is tell people, listen, stay out of the outdoors if you're having any activities that can cause a fire. and when the evacuation order comes, listen. it would be your life -- could be your life. >> brian: especially texas, we're very fortunate to have a lot of people who watch this show in particular in texas. we know how important you are to them. but just looking at the big picture for a second, it's hard for us to take our eyes off this, even though it was labor day and a day off for most of america, not for jimmy hoffa. he had a chance to tell everybody what his strategy was going forward for his teamsters. listen. >> he keep our eye on the prize,
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let's take these son of a (bleep) and give america back to america where we belong. thank you very much. thank you! thank you! >> brian: governor, i know you're focused on the wildfires, but when somebody says something like that, do you say that's appropriate, inappropriate, par for the course? what's your reaction? >> well, you wouldn't be bleeping if it was appropriate. the bottom line is the people i'm more interested in are out here on these fire lines. they're hard working men and women. there is probably union firefighters out there and god bless them for helping save texas lives and texas homes. >> gretchen: i bet when you get down with that crisis, you'll have a message for jimmy hoffa and we'll have you back on the show to see what you have to say about that, governor, 'cause i know you'll have something to say about it when you're done there in texas. thanks so much for your time this morning and we'll all be thinking about the hard work that's going on there. >> thank you. keep our folks in your prayers and thoughts. >> steve: absolutely. >> gretchen: thank you. >> brian: 22 minutes before the top of the hour. let's go to the rest of the
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headlines. this is good news. top al-qaeda operative arrested in pakistan. he's busted by the c.i.a. in pakinstani spies, along with two other senior al-qaeda members. he's believed to have received direct orders from bin laden himself to target american economic interests around the world and allegedly planning to bomb oil tankers using missiles. the question is, did we get him or do pakinstanis get to question him? >> gretchen: head trauma raising new questions about the bizarre death of the woman found naked and hanged at her boy's mansion in july. autopsy. ♪ detailed four separate injuries under the 32-year-old's scalp. investigators also found a painted quote on a bedroom door in the house that read, she saved him. can you save her? authorities officially ruled her death a suicide, but her family is now asking for a
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reevaluation. >> steve: the u.s. senate returns from its august recess later on today and the first order of business, a radical plan to save the awe post office from shutting down. patrick wants to lay off 120,000 employees. throwing out their union clause and he wants to pull 563,000 postal workers from the health and retirement plan to cover federal employees, replacing those plans with cheaper ones. the post office has been losing $9 billion a year and is on the verge, they estimate, of defaulting. >> brian: i had to is the day after labor day and that means it's time for most people to say good-bye to vacation, good-bye to the beach, hello to work and hello to school. if they're not thrilled about it, you are not alone. researchers say there is actually a condition known as post-vacation syndrome. i'm running a fever. i believe i have it.
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where people report being irritable -- >> steve: what do you mean? >> brian: anxious. i hope the show ends soon. and has difficulty concentrating after time off. in addition, psychologists, career coaches and marriage counselors say they see a surge of business after labor day. so you might be more productive, but you'll do it reluctantly. i think that's so -- this is so common, it's an undiagnosed syndrome. i think it's time for america to come to grips that we like summer better than fall. >> gretchen: all right. right when we come back, what happens when tragedy conflicts with tradition? should the nfl have scheduled football's opening day for the tenth anniversary of 9-11? former nfl star kurt warner and his wife, brenda, will be here live. >> steve: then many tend to forget the dogs that spent their days and nights after september 11 sifting through the rubble down there. their trainers are here today to honor the other heros, the four-legged ones who helped save lives.
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gotta get that bacon! bacon?! bacon! smokey bacon, meaty bacon, tasty bacon! bacon? ohh, la, la... oh, i say, is that bacon?! oh, good heaven
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con! bacon! baon! bacon! whoants a beggin' strip meee! i'd get it myself but i don't have thumbs! yum, yum, yum, yum, yum... it's bacon!!! mmmmm...i love you. i love bacon. i love you. i love bacon. i love you. [ male announcer ] beggin' strips! made with real bacon. there's no time like beggin' time. [ dogs] bacon...bacon... con...bacon... >> gretchen: the first sunday of the nfl season falls on the tenth anniversary of the 9-11 attacks. >> brian: should football be played on 9-11 at all? joining us is kurt warner and his wife, brenda, author of this new memoir called "one call away." your life is fascinating even more than your husband's, which has been chronicled as one of the most incredible comeback stories ever in football. as 9-11 comes up, you played in the super bowl that year in new orleans when everyone thought we could get attacked here again. do you think it's appropriate for nfl to play on sunday? >> i do. i think i remember that tuesday
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and i remember having the meeting at our facility about whether we should play that next sunday or how long we should take off. i definitely thought at the particular time that we needed to avoid football and we needed to focus on what was at hand in the lives that were affected by the tragedy. but i also believe that football and getting back in those stadiums was a big part of the healing process, is bringing people back together, getting them back in those big stadiums where there was a lot of fear and things going on. so i think there was a lot of healing that went along through that football season. it was an honor to be able to play in that super bowl and see how things had transpired over those three months. i do believe that football should be played, but i also believe that those that were affected should be honored and we should have that moment or those moments during the game that will respect them. >> gretchen: brenda, you have written an amazing memoir, i couldn't put it down. >> thank you. >> gretchen: the industry and tribulations you've gone through from your son zachary and his injuries to losing both of your
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parents in a tornado. this book, i can see being such a good source for people who are also struggling. >> i hope so. i first wrote it because i have seven children and i want them to know what i've been through. i want to be able to share with them all those stories that made me the person that i am and made me strong. i hope they don't have to go through tough times, but i want people to be able to read this and see that tough times will happen, so what are you going to do about it? what do you do? how do you pick yourself up? i picked myself up through my faith and knowing that i had a purpose on this world, so let's figure out what it is. but yeah. real life times. times that people can relate to and they shook my world. they really did. >> steve: we're all one call away, or one call away from hearing about your parents, or your son. you were in the marines. how much did that help you? >> i think it formed a lot of my strength because in the marine corps, you learn to live with honor, courage, and integrity.
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and then when i was in line for food stamps, divorced with two kids, i realized that i still had honor, courage and integrity. it just didn't look the same. so it formed who i was in that sense, that a marine will do what they have to do in order to survive and i did that being a divorced mother of two on food stamps. >> brian: with everything you had going against you, don't fall in love with a guy that works in a supermarket. what were you thinking? he's never going to amount to anything! run for your life! >> she was holding on to the fact that i was telling her one day, even though i was working here, one day i'm going to make it. >> steve: and she bought it! >> she did. nobody else was believing it. >> gretchen: what lesson do the two of you take away from the luxuries that you have been afforded in life after the pain? >> i think the biggest thing for us is to never forget, that sometimes it's easy to be in our position and forget about everything else and think life is great. but i think the one thing we try to instill in our kids, because they're being raised in a household that's completely different than what we had, the
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book, to remember those struggles that we've had and that there is so many people out there that find themselves in those same situations. our goal has always been through our foundation to make sure we connect with those people, people who have been through situations like ours and help them in any way we can. >> gretchen: the book is called "one call away." brenda warner's new memoir. congratulations on the book. good luck to you. >> brian: we'll talk about the movie rights. >> who will play me? >> steve: you will play you. >> gretchen: when we come back, the other heros of 9-11, men and women who trained dogs, like these right here. they sifted through the rubble and they saved lives. >> brian: first let's check in with martha mccallum and find out what's on her show. we want to find out what's coming up. >> that was great. i so enjoyed that interview. thanks so much. good morning. we've got a big week squeezed into four days and we've got karl rove and art laffer on the president and mitt romney's new
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jobs plan for america. what do they really mean? a big controversy over an air force class on the theory of just war. the bible and the senator and the battle. bill and i join you right here, top of the hour. ♪ it's a new, new, new, new day ♪ every day is a new day on weight watchers. i don't see why anyone would want to do anything else. pointsplus has got my back no matter what. it's a part of who i am now. ♪ yes it is i never saw myself here, i didn't,
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>> brian: dogs provided an unbelievable service in the aftermath of the 9-11 attacks. in fact, rescue dog tracker pulled the final survivor out from the rubble itself. today many of those 9-11 dogs sadly have passed away, but their contributions live on. nona kilgore is here. she's here with two search and rescue teams and nancy brooks is
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with us with chief. chief is right here and very well behaved. bob is here. why did you write this book? >> the message, the mission of this book is to recognize all the search and rescue dogs and their handlers that worked so courageously during the rescue effort after 9-11 because the fact is without the dogs, there would have been hundreds of families, many hundreds of families that would not have had their loved ones or their friends to find closure to bury them. >> brian: right. we know in particular, you in particular, you have dogs that were down there and able to recover a fresh kill. right? in an effort to get rid of the rubble as quick as possible, unfortunately, a lot of remains were pulled over to that land. so it was time to send the dogs in and your dog was? >> jazz. there were human remains in the debris that we brought in.
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it was brought in on a big truck and it was bulldozed and then the police or the other folks that were working there would take a rake and just rake out the debris and then we would send the dogs in and then they would find the small minute parts. >> brian: bob, you look at dogs like this, people at home might be saying, couldn't humans do that? what do do dogs do that homes can't? >> they can pick up on the percent operation of people buried under rubble. they can alert on somebody who is not visible, then we come in, verify with a second dog and bring a camera in. >> brian: on top of that, we understand dogs are playing a role when men and women come back from war. as comfort dog, as dogs for ptsd. it's incredible. >> the military working dogs have dual purpose. but the research and rescue dogs of 9-11 did the same thing. the original purpose was to find survivors, but ultimately they also served as therapy dogs for the firefighters and the rescue
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workers. they hugged them and cried on them and they were so passionate. >> brian: if i could get this dog to relax a little bit, i can go on with this segment. he's got to calm down, please. i usually put my crew to sleep, but rarely german shepherds. what's this dog's name? >> chief. >> brian: chief is gentle. sorry to wake you. so chief does what? >> chief is a search dog that does air scenting in wilderness. he's been trained to do tracking also. so usually air scenting is your skin cells fall off and leave residue. >> brian: how long does it take to train your dog, for example, to be a cadaver dog? >> -- usually a year and a half, two years. >> brian: he's patient. is that correct? >> yeah. that's training two or three times a week and maintenance every day on the dog. >> brian: more "fox & friends" in two minutes. the name of the book is "dog heros of september 11". thank you for doing this and thanks to both of you to
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continuing to train and put them out there. back in two minutes. f!
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