tv FOX News Watch FOX News September 10, 2011 11:30am-12:00pm PDT
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history filled with ordinary americans doing extraordinary things, men and women of undaunted courage, uncommon resolve and a stubborn, stubborn perservance in the face of unfathomable challenges. you know, we teach our children that these are qualities that are ingrained into our national character as americans and i believe they are. they and mate our national identity and i believe they will he' continue to define america because of the example of the men and women who we pay tribute to today, the passengers and the crew on flight 93. none of them, none of them asked for what happened. they didn't go on that plane, they didn't board that plane to fight a war, but when they heard the news, when they found out what happened in new york, they
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knew that they were going through with something more than a hijacking. they knew it was the opening shot in a new war, so they acted. they acted as citizen patriots have acted since the beginning of our country. they stood up, and they stood their ground. they fought like captain parker if they mean to have a war, let it begin here. as many times as i recall, and all of you who are not family members like me, recall this incident time and again over the last ten years, i never have failed to be astonished, literally astonished by the courage they demonstrated. and so, we stand where it began.
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you think of them, we think of our nation, we think of our history, we think of the future. and we thing of it because of them with the confidence knowing that ordinary citizens who will continue to stare down fear, overwhelm evil and bring forth hope from which seems to be none. and although, it will continue to amaze us and inspire us when it happens, it should not surprise us for that heroism is who we are and that courage lies deepest and beats loudest in the heart of this nation. we know that these 40 men and women were more than ordinary americans to all of you sitting in front of me. they're more than passengers and crew, they were already heroes,
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they were already heroes to you. they are the father, that tucked you in bed at night. they were the wife who knew your fears before you even expressed them. they were the brother who lifted you up. they're the daughter who made you laugh. they're the son who made you proud. they're irreplaceable, i know that, we know that. and we know and i know that no memorial, no words, no act can fill the void that they left in your hearts. my prayer for you is that ten years later, their memory is
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able to bring a smile to your lips before it brings a tear to your eye. and i hope you take comfort in knowing that a grateful nation understands that your loved ones gave their lives in pursuit of the noblest of earthly goals, defending their country, defending their families, sacrificing their lives so we could live ours. so for those in washington that day without knowing at the time, know now we owe them an overwhelming personal, personal debt of gratitude. the collective spirit of your mother, your father, your brother, your husband, your wife, your sister, your best friend, that spirit lives on not
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only in you, and your country. lives on in the cross of steel made from the world trade center beams placed in the pentagon shaped platform that rests proudly outside the shanksville volunteer fire department. [applaus [applause] >> that cross of steel is an enduring symbol of the steel in the spine of this region, and the spine of this country, and it definitely lives on in a new generation of warriors, the 9/11 generation. inspired by what happened here, 2.8 million young americans since 9/11, that 9/11 generation, have joined the united states armed forces. thousands giving their lives and tens of thousands being wounded
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to finish the war that began he here. maya angelou wrote, and i quote, history, despite its wrenching pain, cannot be unlived. however, if faced with courage need not be lived again. ladies and gentlemen, we're not here to unlive history. we're here to honor those whose courage made history and is going to inspire generations of americans to come. so, i say to you, even as we struggle with this tragedy, even as we grapple with the profound loss and devastating grief we can look up at the heavens and think of those heroes and know, and know with certitude that
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there's not a single, solitary tragedy that america cannot overcome. there is not a single moment of hardship that cannot be transformed into one of national strength. the seeds of doubt planted by those who wish to harm us, who instead grow into flowering meadows like this one where we stand today, for they cannot, they cannot defeat the american spir spirit. we know this with certainty. we know it with certainty because it's a history of this journey of this country at every stage of our history. [applaus [applause] >> as president clinton used to know, my mother used to say, courage flies in every heart. and she'd go on to say, and the expectation is, that joey, one
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day, it will be summoned. courage lies in every heart and one day, it will be summoned. on september 11th, 2001 at 9:57 a.m., it was summoned and 40 incredible men and women answered the call. they gave their lives and in doing so, gave this country a new life. we owe them. we owe you. a debt we can never repay. thank you all. thank you family members, and may god bless you and may god protect our troops. [applause] ♪
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them for their sacrifice. grant consolation and confidence in the future to their families and all who mourn them, their loss today. let's all of us, lord, who are gathered here give us safe travel, may peace our home, our place of destination, as we transform this land with new growth deepen the commitment of those who wish to finish this work begun. bless their efforts and bring it to completion. bless our nation, lord, and all the nations of the earth that your people may flourish in ordinary living of family and
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business and life and government, and that we might enjoy your presence now and forever, amen. >> as we bring this ceremony to close i want to thank each and every one of you for being here today. for the families and friends who live with the losses of september 11th every day, this memorial is a small expression of your nation's gratitude. those who you love are our heroes. they are with us always immortalized in this quiet field and you have my solemn vow as the director of the national park service and representing the men and women of that organization that we will be here every day, every year, every future generation to honor those heroes, your husbands and wives, your mothers and fathers,
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your sons and daughters, to tell their stories, to make sure that america and the world never forgets. we'd ask that everyone remain in their space, while our dignataries step down the front steps here, and the families, the memorial wall is yours for the next half hour and yours alone. thank you all. thanks for coming. [applause] [applause] >> so we've been watching a very moving memorial from
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shanksville, pennsylvania. thousands gathering at this hour for the dedication of a national memorial for the flight 93, honoring the 40 brave passengers and crew members of the the united flight 93. vice-president joe biden speaking today with a very movement statement about his mother, once telling him that courage lies in every heart and one day it will be summoned and then he stated on september 11th 11th at 9:51 a.m., it was summoned of these 40 men and women who gave their lives and gave this country a meaning for service and new life. we also heard touching statements from former president george w. bush who was the president during 9/11, we all remember that, and then we also heard beautiful words from president bill clinton, stated very eloquently how they stood up and stood their ground and he he added, i never fail to be astonished by the courage they've demonstrated that being
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stated by joe biden. laura ingle has been live there and joins us now with more tributes and more of a wrap-up of the atmosphere there. what was it like, we understood initially started late because of the weather conditions, but the weather conditions could not dampen those who attended this event. >> you've got that right, definitely, kelly. this morning, really was quite a mess out here and it's been a very frustrating situation for those putting together this memorial and dedication ceremony today. it has been raining for days, we've had almost ten inches out here. these fields have turned to mud and a lot of cars and satellite trucks got stuck and slowed the process of getting people in, but as you can see here behind me, thousands have gathered here today, the quiet remote piece of land has brought out these family members, friends, colleagues, and americans to honor the passengers and crew members of flight 93 today. it has been a historic day for
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family members who have waited ten years to see this solemn and respectful memorial take form, the first phase dedicated today. officially dedicated, with the help of vice-president joe biden, as you mentioned, and former presidents bush you bush and bill clinton who all spoke at today's ceremony. president bush told those gathered here, america shares your grief. >> americans are alive today because the passengers and crew of flight 93 chose to act. and our nation will be forever grateful. the 40 souls who perished on the plane left a great deal behind, they left spouses and children and grandchildren, who miss them dearly. they left successful businesses and promising careers and a lifetime of dreams they will never have the chance to fulfill. they left something else, a legacy of bravery and selflessness that will always
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inspire america. >> the wall of names unveiled with the help of vice-president joe biden, the wall which contains 40 eight-foot tall pieces of marble that follows the flight path of the plane, each slab engraved with names of passengers and crew members, leads visitors to a memorial plaza that overlooks the field of honor, that is of course the site of the crash and a bolder serves as a stone for the loss. the and the sun which hasn't been out for days, came out and shining on the stone, turning it to a kaleidoscope, the field of honor, which is the black wall you see many people streaming past today, the first time people have been allowed to get this close to the field of honor to pay their respects, which so many have today, and will
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continue to throughout the weekend. kelly, back to you. >> kelly: laura, thank you, there's news out of this as well. former president bill clinton stating that he will work with house speaker john boehner and they both have agreed to do a bipartisan event to help raise additional 10 million dollars needed to pay for the rest of the flight 93 national memorial. thank you for your reporting from that occasion that's taken place there that reminds us all of the bravery and courage of all of the 40 passengers aboard flight 93. >> and by the way, that website, when they're still looking for donation, they need another 10 million dollars to finish this tribute to these 40 american civilian heroes. in the meantime, washington and new york city on high alert, let's look now at the scene in new york. police clearly more visibility just about everywhere you look on the streets at popular tourist spots and on the subways and the rail systems.
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this, as the government is hunting for three potential suspects who may have been sent by al-qaeda to set off a car bomb in d.c. or new york. so, what are we to make of all of this? let's bring in fox news middle east and terrorism analyst, the author of "the coming revolution, struggle for freedom in the middle east" thank you for joining us. >> sure. >> so we're hearing that this is described as a very specific threat, and yet, they're emphasizing that it has not been confirmed. how seriously should we be taking this? >> well, patti ann, there's a context to this, this is not out of the blue. since the killing of bin laden, a lot of threats from sarah hery and others jihady leaders saying we need to strike in new york, washington and elsewhere. and the government has leaked some information to the public based on this information alone, that there are at least three,
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two of them possibly u.s. citizens, matches what we have had before, attempts against national security by u.s. citizens recruited by al-qaeda and that is why it's very important, especially during this weekend, to keep an eye on this issue. >> certainly troubling, especially the citizenship aspect. obviously, security tightened. how difficult to stop a car bomb? >> well, if we know who the network is, and if we know on time that they're going to use a car bomb, then everything is going to lock on what can be the component of a bomb placed in a car and there are technologies for that and then you bring in intelligence information with regard, how many of those are already on our list, could do, could perform such action, both in washington and also in new york, but on the other hand, if they have prepared that, if they have prepared that before, then that would be very difficult. >> i'm sorry to cut you short, thank you for joining us, we have to wrap it up, kelly.
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>> kelly: that will do it for us, i'm kelly wright. >> i'm patti ann browne, a special 9/11 time line of terror is next here on fox. when youd to recovery. proper nutrition can help you get back on your feet. three out of four doctors recommend the ensure brand for extra nutrition. ensure clinical strength has revigor and thirteen grams of protein to protect, preserve, and promote muscle health. and immune balance to help support your immune system. ensure clinical strength... helping you to bounce back. ensure! nutrition in charge! ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] the most headroom per dollar of any car in america. the all-new nissan versa sedan
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