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tv   Americas News Headquarters  FOX News  September 10, 2011 1:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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♪ new york ♪ ♪ ♪ ... ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ honoring the heroes of 9/11 in rural pennsylvania. they are etched in marble forever to be remembered by the grateful people of this country. i'm gregg jarrett. >> and i'm health er childers. welcome to america's news headquarters a ceremony dedicated for a memorial for flight 93 that crashed ten years ago tomorrow. the bells are tolling ringing for the victims of that tragic day. [ bell ringing ] >> and unborn child. [ bell ringing ]
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>> heather: thousands paying tribute to the 40 passengers and crew members who fought back against terrorists believed to be on their way to crashing into a landmark building in washington. laura ingle is live in shanksville with more on this very emotional event. laura? >> reporter: it certainly was and a long awaited event after a lot of rain and mud in the fields. sun came out and it was beautiful day and ceremony for the family members, friends and certainly the public that was allowed to be here today. i want to show you what is happening right now. the wall of names that we have heard so much about today was unveiled to help joe biden. the wall contains 48 pieces of marble, each slab engraved with the names of passengers and crew members. that wall leads visitors to a new memorial plaza that over looked the field of honor which is the crash site.
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there is a 17 ton boulder serves as a single headstone who were lost. that memorial plaza at the area that surrounds the field of honor and today family members have been making the slow walk to pay their respects on the first phase is dedicated. earlier today we showed you live footage of the former presidents that were here to help mark the occasion. >> the 40 souls that perished on the plane left a great deal behind. they left spouses and children and grandchildren who miss them dealer. they left successful businesses and promising and a lifetime of dreams that they will never have the chance to fulfill. they left something else, a legacy of bravery that will always inspire america.
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>> for our country, an incalculable gift. >> reporter: and of course that is former president bill clinton and we heard from george w. bush both here today. during that speech today in front of thousands of visitors a very important announcement was made from president clinton. as we've been reporting on fox, this memorial is only in the first phase of being completed. there is still $10 million that needs to be raised. as former president clinton he announced he was going to start a bipartisan effort with john boehner to help raise the money. that is brand-new news. and i'm jordan with the president of the flight family 93 organization. thank you so much for joining us. that was news, too? >> it was a shock but we are thrilled that president clinton, we'll be joining with the
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speaker to help us get to the end of our $10 million current campaign. >> reporter: your thoughts on today's ceremonies? >> it was wonderful. finally the families and american people have a national memorial to 40 extraordinary individuals that acted with great heroism on september 11th. >> reporter: there has been troubles getting this memorial built? >> there has been a number of hurdles we had to overcome but in in ten short years we have been able to dedicate a memorial and that is fairly unprecedented in the history of our country. >> reporter: best to you on and your family members. we'll bring you more coverage throughout the afternoon. >> heather: thank you. so, thanks. >> gregg: a fox news alert. new details unfolding on the potential terror plot target america. two of the suspected individuals involved may be u.s. citizens.
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several cities are stepping up security. in new york city the nypd out in full force with officers standing guard and setting up checkpoints in every corner. cook county, in chicago, bringing out bomb-sniffing dogs to help patrol areas of large crowds like union station. los angeles, the l.a. pd now focusing their efforts on city rails and airports. mood of remembrance resonating all around the nation. molly henneberg is live in washington. what new info do you have. >> molly: we are just getting new information and from jennifer griffin, our pentagon correspondent who has spoken to a senior official who is involved in intelligence briefings today. this official is telling jennifer griffin this plot is seemingly, quote, less and less credible. it appears to be possibly, quote
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a goose chase. here is part of the reason why they are saying that. the timing may not work out. the routings how the people were to get to the u.s. may not make sense. the u.s. search has plane's manifests, they have been searching plane manifested going back to last december through this august to anybody who might be setting off warning bells, quote, nothing is turning up. that doesn't mean they will not continue to look. you have seen the security measures that have been taken around the country, especially new york and d.c. to prevent any kind of attack or protect against it. in the meantime, the f.b.i. is turning over every rock, looking over every rock to try to find anything that would make sense with this threat. you remember the information came from what we were told was a credible c.i.a. informant overseas who has been reliable in the past who provided this information about three would-be
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attackers, maybe coming through dubai or europe to carry out an attack near the anniversary of 9/11. that has set off all these security measures. somebody in the intelligence community said. reason you heard about the threat is because it was linked to 9/11. we wanted to get information out there. we wanted america to be on alert and keep their eyes out for anything suspicious. that is the only reason that this became so public. but again the headline right now gregg, according to a senior u.s. official who is intelligence briefings today, this plot is looking less and less credible and looking more and more like a goose chase but still they are working this 24/7. >> gregg: thanks. >> heather: that would be good news. we are seen serious police activity at ground zero as new york city prepares to open the national september 11th memorial to the public.
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our julie banderas is live at ground zero with the latest. >> julie: and right here at ground zero, security at an all time high, not just here but all throughout new york city. due to the credible but not confirmed terror throat that was molly was just reporting on. security increased even more so and vigilance increased more than ever before. officials are saying today is actually the safest day of america. this weekend is the safest that united states has ever been. i want to on show you the effort the incredible effort by the new york city police department in keeping our city safe. the terror threat for new york and d.c. has increased vigilance but the plot which is reportedly to be involved with three individuals may be falling apart. nonetheless, one official is saying the threat is to entail a vehicle bomb. they cannot rule out other means. regardless, in new york city the michael bloomberg has deployed
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additional police around the city saying there is no reason for any of the rest of us to change our daily routines. police are armed with automatic weapons and performing random bag searches, stopping trucks and vehicles, random cars entering densely populated areas. the governor of new york has urged residents to be cautious but said there was no reason to panic. cuomo has ordered additional police around ground zero. we spoke earlier with grong man peter king the chairman of the homeland security committee. specific details were made known and many agencies are looking at this from every possible angle. >> usually when we get fox it's bits and pieces, somebody in beirut or cairo and was passed on to somebody to hamburg germany. now we are laid out, first time i've ever seen a specific plot laid out which is very good intelligence or it's totally
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wrong. there is no room for any middle ground here. >> julie: commemorative ceremonies are taking place around the region and across the river and hudson river in jersey city, liberty state park they unveiled a memorial honoring the over 700 victims who pr issued on 9/11 from jersey. the two footprints where the world twin towers once stood. here any moment they will be unveiling a massive american flag hanging overhead. it's been quite interesting to watch the preparations underway. we've actually heard choir singing i don't know if you can hear that. but that is a choir singing on a loud speaker and they've been testing the intercom system all day long. i'm going stop talking to see if you can hear it. you can watch as the american flag is slowly being draped by men standing up above us.
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let's just look and listen. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ >> gregg: truly a wonderful
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moment watching the flags unfurl. what are you hearing and seeing there? >> we are listening to the choir. it's so dim sim bole i can, it will stand 7 --1776 feet tall. it stands for so much of the liberty and freedom of new yorkers but some 746 lives lost from new jersey, nearly 300 firefighters who ran into those buildings on that horrible day. seeing this american flag, watching the ceremonies in shanksville after ten years since america suffered the worst terror attack in u.s. history. it's symbolic to know this is just the beginning. tomorrow will mark a really meaningful day for family for loved ones. everyone in new york knows someone who was lost on that day whether it was a loved one or friend or acquaintance or
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co-worker. so when we watch this flag being unfurled the day before, you can only imagine. it gives you a sense of the emotion that will go into tomorrow as the ceremony begins. in fact here, gregg, the ceremony is expected to start at 8:30 in the morning. it says so much about new york as well. we heard about the terror threat it's not surprising that 9/11 that al-qaeda would try to strike us again on such an important day but new yorkers, homeland security, new york pd and all the officials will not bow down to terrorists. this is the safest the united states has ever been. tomorrow will be about america. it will be about remembering and the terrorists will not interrupt it. it will begin at 8:30 tomorrow morning. events will go on as planned and they will the not be thwarted by some credible or non-credible terrorist threat. >> heather: what struck me, the
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images from ten years ago of the american flag being resurrected at the site by the firefighters and how again today, we see the american flag. it means so much to people not just in new york but across the country. if you look on line where american flags are popping up everywhere. >> gregg: what a beautiful moment. we will pause and take a break. we'll be right back. [ male announcer ] it's a fact: your nutritional needs can go up when you're on the road to recovery. proper nutrition can help you get back on your feet. three out of four doctors recommend the ensure brand for extra nutrition. ensure clinical strength has revigor and thirteen grams of protein to protect, preserve, and promote muscle health. and immune balance to help support your immune system. ensure clinical strength... helping you to bounce back. ensure! nutrition in charge! ♪
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>> heather: fox news alert out of libya, one of the last remain strongholds of moammar khadafy reportedly under assault right now. battle for control for libya is heating up as rebel forces attack the city. dived piper is streaming live from tripoli the capital of libya. this, of course, after six months of rebel fighting the stronghold was overtaken but the search for moammar khadafy himself continues. we really don't know where he is at this time. there were initial reports that he fled the country. there were reports that he was still there being protected by people who still support him. so the question still remains, where is khadafy.
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we will have david piper for you streaming live for us there shortly. we're having problems connected with him right now. but we'll back to him when we can. >> gregg: president obama is set to reveal the details of his plan to jumpstart the economy and job creation in the u.s. in his speech to the joint session of congress, the president laid out the broad outlines of a nearly $450 billion jobs' plan, a bill that he says should be passed immediately. >> should be nothing controversial about this legislation. everything in here is the kind of proposal that has been supported by both democrats and republicans including many who sit here tonight. everything in this bill will be paid for, everything. [ applause ] >> gregg: well the question remains how will this be paid
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for? here is jessica brady the staff writer for roll call. >> as you heard on thursday he will be unveiling a series of proposals in the coming days where he is going to be outlining some of the more specifics. his plans to boost the jobs' numbers in the country. of course, a big responsibility is going to fall to the so-called super committee, 12 members of the congress that are tasked with finding deficit reduction solutions was created as part of the debt limit deal that we saw over the summer. now that committee is going to have additional responsibility to help find to pay for the president's jobs plan. >> gregg: the co-chair of the committee said it was hard enough to begin with, now it's impossible. so, i mean, really when you get right down to it, how can it be done? >> we'll have to see what the president puts out.
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we'll have to see what kind of deals they can forge leading into the super committee. they have their first meeting on thursday which is just opening statements. but members on both sides were very bipartisan and very optimistic about the future of the committee, what they were able to accomplish. later that evening the president delivered his speech and dropped the additional bomb on them. it's going tock difficult but we have two to three months to figure out. >> gregg: how much can actually be passed? there are certain parts of this which republicans say are acceptable? >> that is right. the payroll tax is something you've heard more republicans being open to, of course. that is something that president obama has pushed for, one of his biggest priorities with the extension of the bush-era tax cuts. the fear among the democrats on capitol hill is that liberals are republicans are going on to
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two that. cherry pick some of the things for small business, push comprehensive plan but some spending for road construction and teachers and other projects. these liberal democrats fear that inevitably those things will be cut on the chopping block. >> gregg: so is that the deal? >> i don't know. i think it's too soon to say. it's interesting the numbers came back from the summer recess strongly on bipartisan. so far, you've seen the leaders of the republicans in the house sent a letter to the president. they are being very conciliatory. no reason to announce anything is doa but the task for the congress is pretty hot. >> gregg: thanks very much. >> heather: new threats of troops in afghanistan on the eve of 9/11. what it new orleans the troops
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there. >> gregg: and remembering the heroes of flight 93. americans are alive today because the passengers and crew of flight pe89 93 chose to act and our nation will be forever grateful. [ male announcer ] this is coach parker... whose non-stop day starts with back pain... and a choice. take advil no and maybe up to four in a day. or choose aleve and two pills for a day free of pain. way to go, coach.
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>> heather: new threats on troops in afghanistan on the eve of 9/11. taliban says they have no role in the terror attacks but vowed to fight until all troops leave afghanistan. nearly ten years after the war begin there, the effort to create a more stable peaceful country is work in progress. conor powell is streaming live. >> there are hundred thousand american troops in afghanistan, a near record number with the
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single aim of trying to turn around this war that has taken nearly ten years. >> they have the palace still sits in ruins, a reminder of 30 years of war. they are running alongside the crumbling buildings a new paved road. this road project is an infrastructure project many thought would transform afghanistan september 11th but despite millions of dollars in aid and the fall of taliban peace and stability have yet to materialize here. >> the taliban were back and wreaking havoc. while the u.s. military was focused on iraq, the strategy was to kill as many insurgents as possible. that produced little in the way of tangible results. >> you can kill bad guys all day long and they will just regenerate. you have to change the conditions on the ground that preclude that insurgency from resurging again. >> in 2009, president obama sent
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30,000 additional troops in afghanistan to implement a new strategy with the aim of improving security. u.s. commanders insist the new strategy is showing positive results and conditions on the ground are changing for the better. >> we made a commitment about two years ago to put the right kind of strategy in place with the necessary resources and the right kind of people to really make this, turn it around and ensures that it actually works. >> reporter: a key part of new strategy is train the afghan security forces. there are now 300,000 police and soldiers on the afghan side and u.s. commanders say they will take over security responsibility by the end of 2014 to believe. >> it's hard to believe it was ten years ago. >> gregg: let's turn to john bolton who is a former u.s. ambassador to the u.n., fox news contributor.
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what is the government going to look like there, do you think? >> i think we're making a mistake by trying to judge the afghan government trying on use that as a metric for success. the of social engineering in satisfying not likely to succeed that anybody else has succeeded in a thousand years. i think we have to keep our focus on the real enemy and that is taliban and al-qaeda and making sure that they simply don't have the military capability to resume control of that country or to destabilize pakistan. >> gregg: how do we do that? >> i think it's going to be a very long war. it involves a protracted struggle. that is why i think the decision we have made recently to begin drawing down american forces there sends the wrong signal. the afghans have had a saying at least since the 7 soviets there, you have the watches, we have
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the time. we demonstrate in patience or short attention span, it gives rise to statements they made yesterday that they are going to outlast us. >> gregg: do we need more troops? >> i don't think it's a question of more troops but it's a question being prepared for a long sustained presence there same kind of work on the pakistan side of border i think is much more difficult. we're deal with a religious fanaticism, with all due respect to the general you had on tape there, religious fanaticism does not depend on the economic conditions of people. osama bin laden was son of a rich man and a threat nonetheless. >> gregg: how big is taliban right now? >> it remains a threat to the government of afghanistan. if tha means if they could take over, they could make that country a base for international
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terrorism. i think the new threat that we've only appreciated in the past few years is the threat that pakistan taliban and allies pose to the that stability of that weak government. the reason that is problem obviously is pakistan's arsenal of nuclear weapons. if we remember how horrible 9/11 was, imagine 9/11 with nuclear weapons. >> gregg: let me turn to libya. how worried are you about that country and its future? >> i think that while khadafy has no chance of coming back into power. how he has finally finished could make a big difference, if it takes a long time, if it's very bloody that could affect stability there for years to come. across a wide spectrum in europe and united states, people are worried that the transitional government that the rebel authorities have not yet been able to demonstrate a real capacity to govern.
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we don't know pro western or pro democracy leaders will emerge or whether that country, too, could fall under radical control. it's very much up in the air at this point. >> gregg: could it turn into an islamic state? >> it's entirely possible. it could end up in a state of chaos, as well. that is one reason across the world as we look at 9/11 bee to have remember this is going to be a long struggle against an ideology that we really don't understand that well. >> gregg: all right. john bolton, ambassador to the u.n., good to see you. >> heather: looking back ten years after the 9/11 attacks a brand-new poll shows the impact on the american people and how that day compares to other historic events, like the vietnam war the kennedy assassination. surprising results coming up next.
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>> heather: the attacks on 9/11 have left a mark on america's landscape and hearts and minds of people. take a look at a poll. a majority of americans 9/11 has had the biggest effect on america in the past 50 years, that is more than kennedy assassination and watergate scandal and vietnam war and collapse of communism combined. joining us is our panel. columnist fox news, judy miller is investigative reporter and fox news contributor. thank you all for joining us on this special weekend. >> let's begin with each of you. let's start with you.
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your experience in how 9/11 affected you? >> i was retired from government. i had been in the ford and reagan administration. i was at stay-at-home mom. five children, i dropped my children off to school i went to lower manhattan and i saw the tower catch on fire. i saw the second plane hit and i spent the whole day trying to find my children. it was i didn't want to feel helpless. so i got my daughters to make cookies and took ten of her friends to get home. the teacher's had you been died. he was in the twin towers see so we made cookies and took them to police and fire department. burr if they are killing kids and bombing cities i'm getting back into the game. >> heather: what about you? >> my thoughts and prayers to all the family members that wer affected by this horrible
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tragedy. i was on the streets of manhattan. i worked a grand central station right across the street. there was an office window where i could see the tower on the right. i didn't just see it on television. i watched outside that window. you know, never forget it. but a hole in the building as time went on the flames i actually saw it. i hope we never experience again i'll never forget it. i did call my family and let them know that i was okay and the phones went out. there wasn't much contact but had had to hunker down and just wa. >>eather: judy? >> it's obviously a seminal moment for america. it was very important moment for me. i was downtown near the world trade center, trying to vote when i looked up and saw we had
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been hit. i had only eight months earlier written articles about al-qaeda and the threat it posed to us and far away place osama bin laden. why hadn't i tried harder, it was terrible day. >> heather: that takes to us next poll. they think that the u.s. is safer than it was before 9/11. that is good news. that number is higher than last year slightly but lower than it was back in 2004. so judy, i'll begin with you, why do you think the discrepancy is there? >> i think people understand that the threat itself it has spread like a virus. you can't be hundred percent safe. what we have to concentrate, we have to prevent the next attack but when and if it occurs to remain resilient and to snap
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back as we have. once the realization sits in people have to readjust themselves and readjust our thinking about a threat like that can. >> it's amazing today around, no city to see the level that has been increased in terms of security. we have armed police officers on every corner, subways being patrolled. the random stopping all the trucks and searching them. it really is disconcerting at the same time. >> i think we have been trained but there are 8 million eyes looking for three terrorists. so to me, it's the idea we all on one side. we all can do something. >> but they are even more behind the scenes. >> heather: not poll, majority
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of americans saying in terms of the security that increased security measures specifically at airports september 11th are appropriate. just 22% think the government is overreacting with 11% say authorities have not gone far enough. what is your thoughts on that? >> i think it's a bit of an overreaction, there is no need to search grandmothers and frisk little kids, but i think it should be privatized. airlines should be handling the security measures, not the tsa. it should be privatized. >> we've been safe and nothing happened. this is responsibility, these terrorists have evolved and gone from shoe bombs to body bombs, wlidz, they think of something else. >> where they have gotten weapons, whenever it comes out in the news we don't know when this happens but i have heard of situations where they have
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gotten weapons on board. >> think also, with respect to the last, there was an archaeological dig through every place, the shoes. >> you can't get a show ball through. >> snowball? >> but i do think we are probably devoting too much teens political correctness. we need to reallocate our resources but reallocate them so you don't focus them on granny or kids or people that have behavioral characteristic is as terrorists. >> ten years ago the american people were united in a common cause again terror. why today is the public and u.s. government so divided. we'll take a look at that coming up.
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>> heather: ten years ago tomorrow the u.s. came under horrific circumstances and proclaimed to stand united. we pledged support for wars at afghanistan and iraq. global recession and recent debt
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debacle they have certain taken the tolls on the public but is the economy really the only thing to blame for why americans not find themselves so bitterly divided. here is casey and judy miller and. it is a drastic difference in the terms of unity amongst americans, it is obvious. >> i don't think there is nothing wrong with it. the majority of the americans are alive and awake and politicized. at the end of the day that is what a democracy does. i think ten years ago, 12 years ago you had a small percentage of the population that voted and you are seeing that change. in fact while the results are not terrific because there is so much division, the point is so many americans are paying attention. >> and it's how the process
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works. >> we're in a battle. we're in a battle of ideas. we're in a battle of big government versus limited government. people were not paying attention what was going on in washington. this has been going on for many years. the cost of all these big government policies and other policies have caught up to us. >> the american people are watching and challenging their elected representatives and they want answers. >> you mentioned the cost and inefficiencies. what would happen if an incident like 9/11 happened and the economy that we are in would it be resounding we're going pull together no questions asked. >> i do. in fact that is the reason i think we can afford to have these big debates about economic issues about the direction about social and fiscal policy. we have taken the big security issue off of the table.
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do people do feel safer. you saw the poll. if that were to fail. americans wouldn't have the luxury of having this debated that casey k.t. talked about. >> 54% compared to a year ago 53%, down slightly from 2004. >> if there were another major event i'm sure the country would have come together. they come together when it really counts. >> but we to have to figure out a way to pay for it. and we have president obama. there is a big difference on capitol hill when it comes to getting our economy back on track. this week we heard a strong speech from the president on his jobs plan. is it enough to unite or will it just divide? that leads us into this situation and jobs act? >> i think its speech.
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he gave a good speech. he seemed to be animated by the technique of the speech. i think the republicans didn't completely dismiss it. there are things they are going to find. my guess there will be common ground but i think this is absolutely a fundamental difference of opinion. >> was the president looking for common ground or did he make it clear from the beginning that he was not willing do so and he continued to repeat. >> how many times did he say it? >> how many times, but there wasn't a plan. he was on summer vacation and showed up at school with no homework. no plan. we have to week or two. >> it's not paid for. >> so the obama speech .... >> at least he showed he is
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alive. where is our president. he seemed so laid-back. we had passion and fire because he is entering campaign season and this is what he does best. i think he did move towards republicans in terms of tax cuts. i think he has given them a lot of what they want. but the question is, are the republicans going to give back? are they going pocket what they given them and say that's it. >> you know, i think what he can do now and immediately is reform regulations. that he can do. epa is killing jobs with the regulations that are coming out of the epa that is something he can do right now and he can do it without congress. >> when i worked for reagan, he wanted to fix the cut the government regulations and lower taxes and even reagan with both houses of congress, i think obama may be going into mode if
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he is re-elected that he is contained within the white house. >> heather: so he is on the road trying to sell it right now. >> gregg, i think you have something else. >> new york city getting ready to mark one of the darkest days in our nation's history. finishing touches underway for tomorrow's ceremonies, observing ten years since the 9/11 attacks. and warnings of a possible terror threat sparked a major security clamp down, live report from ground zero on the latest measures being taken there. [ male announcer ] it's a fact:
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we retrace the military moves to capture the mastermind. geraldo is joined by officials live from ground zero tonight. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> heather: remembering 9/11 almost ten years later. i'm heather childers. hello. >> i'm gregg jarrett. glad you're with us. welcome to brand new hour inside america's news headquarters. many people are still haunted by the images of that horrific september morning. ten years ago tomorrow. the u.s. under attack by terrorists who nearly killed 3,000 americans. now new fears over a threatened attack involving a car bomb in washington or new york. u.s. intelligence agencies now scrambling to confirm how
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solid that threat may be. both of the cities now on high alert. we have team fox coverage. laura angle in shanksville, pennsylvania, where flight 93 memorial was just dedicated. julie banderas is live in lower manhattan looking at the increased security ahead of 9/11. julie? >> reporter: yeah, and increase security is an understatement. security here in new york city and the surrounding area at an all-time high. as the credible and not confirmed terror threat we heard about on wednesday game in. the new york city mayor michael bloomberg telling new yorkers not to be afraid, to continue on with their daily lives but to bejidge leapt. be . that's the message. if you see something, say something. new yorkers know to look around them. we don't walk through the daily lives taking our freedom and our safety for granted. we have video to show you of how extensive the situation is regarding security and how much has gone in to keeping
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new yorkers safe. michael bloomberg added additional police throughout the city saying there is no reason for the rest of to us change the daily routine. police are armed with the automatic weapons. performing random bag searches, stopping truck, vehicles, random cars entering densely populated areas. the governor qualm qualm ordered additional guard and state police in and around ground zero and urging new yorkers to be cautious but says there is no reason to panic. despite the threat, commemorative ceremonies are taking place today around the region, across the hudson river, in fact, at jersey city liberty state park. families gathered for the unveiling of the memorial in view of the new york city skyline. are two, 200-foot long walls to resemithe twin towers. they are lying on their side to create space for reflection. it's dedicated to the 746 new jerseyens lost in the terrorist attacks on septembe
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september 11. in new york city, ceremony held on st. patrick's cathedral to honor the 343 firemen who perished. flags representing each lost hero will march in the ceremony in a procession in attendance, mayor bloomberg and archbishop timothy dolan. back here at ground zero, today's memorial really has begun. blag draped in front of what was formally known as the freedom tower that stands 1,776 feet tall. the large flag was unveiled an hour ago. under the music of choir singers, singing to the freedom of this country, to the freedom and liberty that new yorkers enjoy every day. and honoring the heros who tied on that day. tomorrow will be an emotional day for many here in new york. that ceremony that will begin in ground zero marks for 8:30 in the morning regardless of a credible or non-creditable
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threat. officials are saying that the ceremony will proceed as scheduled. regardless of any kind of terrorist, terror threat that has overcome a lot of people here in new york city with fear. they say do not live in fear. continue on with the daily lives. gregg? >> gregg: julie banderas, thank you for that. >> heather: a former president george w. bush and bill clin top and vice president joe biden among a group of dignitaries on hand today to dedicate the flight 93 national memorial in shanksville, pennsylvania. the ceremony honoring the passengers, crew who fought back against the terrorist on board their plane. laura ingle is live in shanksville. tell us about the dedication ceremony today. >> reporter: good afternoon. it was the emotional day that many did expect. we were expecting quite a bit of rain because it had been raining here, creating a virtual mud field here, behind us. but the sun came out. and gave everybody a very
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pleasant surprise today for today's ceremony. that really touched so many people. this is a long-awaited moment for family members of the united flight 93. for years, the people who have come here to pay their respects have been kept at a distance. hundreds of yards away on an overlook. the two questions that people ask when they come here to pay their respects is where did the plane go in the ground a how close can i get to pay my respects? today, they are going to get a lot closer. that will continue. i want to give you a live look at what is happening now. the public now getting a chance to look at the wall of names. that was unveiled and dedicated today, each passenger and flight crew members' names etched in marble in the row of 48-foot tall slabs that follow the flight path just before impact in the field. the wall again unveiled this afternoon with the help of vice president joe biden and former president bill clinton and george w. bush, all three spoke at the dedication. vice president telling the crowd a family members they
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are inspiration to millions of americans because of their loved ones' courage. >> they didn't know the horror that awaited them. but they confronted unimaginable fear and terror with the courage that has been summoned only by the truest and the rarest of american heroes. their names are going to be as president bush said etched forever in to american histor history. >> that wall of names leads directly to the field of honor, as i mentioned the site of the attack where there is a 17-ton bolder that serves as a single headstone. the memorial plaza which is the long row of black concrete. very low plaza where people can walk where they come in the first entrance. they walk along that path where they can take that up close, personal look and pay their respects. healther? >> heather: and i understand, laura, president clinton made a major
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announcement about raising funds to complete the memorial? >> reporter: as this was a huge deal for everyone here today. you know, while this is a relief that the first phase was unveiled in time for tomorrow's commemoration of september 11, there is a lot more money to be raised to get to the next phase, visitor center and education center and tower of voices are other key features of the memorial. $10 million is a lot of money. $52 million has been raised but they need the extra $10 million. today president clinton said he would work in bipartisan effort with house speaker john boehner to help raise the funds. that was welcome news to the family members of the national park service here who have been trying to find ways to get the moneyed so the next phase can get going. the visitor center, education is very important to everyone. tomorrow, a lot more to go. another ceremony taking place
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here, the annual memorial. we will see president obama here with the first lady tomorrow. healther? >> heather: moving to hear every one of those names repeated. thank you so much, laura. we appreciate your coverage. live from shanksville, pennsylvania for us. >> gregg: today, the nation's leaders are wor looking back at theer thor attacks on september 11. one service planned tomorrow at the site where most of the victims lost their lives. earlier, we heard from president obama, former new york city mayor rudy giuliani. former president george w. bush also visited shanksville, pennsylvania, and the pentagon. peter doocy reports from washington. >> reporter: president george w. bush laid a wreath this morning at the spot where americaner alines flight 77 hit the pentagon almost ten years ago. his wife laura by his side. president bush paused and reflected back before departing. also at the ceremony next to the pentagon 9/11 stone,
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former secretary of defense donald rumsfeld and the current secretary of defense leon panetta, we did hear from president obama who says we will always keep faith with the families of the fallen. and that we will always remember the first responders who risked their lives and those who gave their lives. the last decade has been difficult, but in the last two-and-a-half years wave taken out more al-qaeda leaders than at any point since 9/11. so now is the time to end our wars. >> they want to draw us in to endless war, zapping the strength as a confidence as a nation. as we put relentless pressure on al-qaeda, we are ending the war in iraq and beginning to bring the troops home from afghanistan. after a hard decade of war, it's time for nation-building here at home. >> reporter: new york former mayor rudy giuliani spoke out on behalf of republicans today and said he takes a slightly different approach if we want to stay safe. >> american security requires a long-term military commitment on part of the world where people,
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organizations are plotting to kill us. the timetable should not be based on a political expedient calendar, but when we eliminate the threat of the domestic attacks being generate in that particular time of the world. >> heather: something else he touched on. >> reporter: the well-being of the first responders who took care of us and time to take care of them. >> gregg: peter doocy reporting from washington. thanks. >> heather: we are remembering 9/11 all weekend long. join fox news tonight at 10:00 p.m. for a special geraldo rivera report. 9/11: the counterattack. tomorrow, stay with fox news throughout the day for special coverage marking ten years since the terrorist attacks of september 11. >> gregg: authorities now trying to determine just how credible the threat on washington or new york is. intelligence source telling fox news investigators are going back to the original source. however, security remains very
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tight in both cities. joining us now k.t. mcfarland, fox news security analyst, host of fox news live. how serious is this? >> you have to act as if it's very serious. but there are three parts to it. it's a specific threat. in other words, we know three guys, car bomb, new york, washington. it's from a reliable and credible source. somebody who has been square with us in the past. but it's unconfirmed. but you have to track it down as if it's serious. i look back and say well, you know, al-qaeda has to do something right now. because for ten years, we really haven't heard from them. they haven't had a big splash attack since madrid. this is really their last opportunity to show they're relevant. al-qaeda has changed. >> gregg: that was my question. is al-qaeda irrelevant? >> think of it as al-qaeda is 1.0 al-qaeda is bin laden. he is dead, right? a lot of his deputies are dead. when i was in afghanistan,
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general petraeus told me they had the drone strikes that have taken out a lot of their mid-level management. al-qaeda 1.0 lacks like it's on his death trost but then there is al-qaeda 2.0. that is the franchise in somalia, yemen, other parts of the world and they are trying to jockey for the legacy to be the heirs of bin laden. then al-qaeda 3.0 which is what we worry about now. >> gregg: americans are feeling pretty good. it's been ten years, no attacks. are you that confident? >> we have gotten pretty darn good at a couple of things. we have traced down the money. we stopped money flows. without the money, they can't have the organization and the timeline to do a big september 11 attack. we have gotten the nypd state-of-the-art. we also i think amazingly got all of america is ready to see something and say something. to me, though, the real worry is will they go in to the next phase and do something like a dirty bomb.
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>> gregg: like what? >> or radiological, or you could take for example, right now in libya, we don't know where gaddafi is, but even more importantly to my mind is we don't know where gaddafi's weapons of mass destruction are. we have a short window to get our hands on this chemical weapons. we know he had a lot of mustard gas. we know he had some shoulder launch missile, called the man-pads or rpgs. 20,000 of those. he has raw materials. some of the raw materials of nuclear weapons. he doesn't have a bomb. he gave it up. but is there stuff there to be sold on the international black market, could find its way to a dirty bomb and bomb in times square? >> gregg: what do we do? >> i hope we have people on the ground in libya rounding that up to keep it off the black market. there is evidence that some of it has started to show up in one or two market in that port of the world. i assume we do, i don't want to know about it because the less said the better. i sure hope we have. >> gregg: k.t. mcfarland, thank you very much. >> heather: in afghanistan
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today, reminder of the aftereffects of 9/11, are hardly over. we have reports they arrested former inmate at guantanamo bay, captured in the same raid that killed another former gitmo detainee. connor powell is streaming live from cable with the latest. >> reporter: it's not exactly clear if he is member of al-qaeda but he was arrested last week in afghanistan. the suspicion of organizing attacks of coalition forces in eastern afghanistan. while al-qaeda ability to attack afghanistan in the united states has been diminished in recent years, the american troops in afghanistan are worried about another attack on the homelan homeland. >> ten years of war, thousands of americans served in afghanistan. more than 1700 paid the ultimate sacrifice. for many, the attacks of
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september 112001 are still a vivid memory. >> things are very surreal. people continue to care. i remember that. a lot of questions asked. >> for some, attacks were a call to arms. >> 9/11 happened and i knew we was going to war and that's when i started to think about joining up. thinking of serving my country. >> ten years later, 9/11 haunts many in uniform. >> still open wound i guess. painful memory, but our generation pearl harbor. >> today there are 100,000 troops in afghanistan, record number. the all-volunteer military largely supports the mission here. >> we are here because we need to be here. you see the afghans moving forward, progressive and that motivates you.
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>> it's not just to fight the afghan people but to fight the taliban. the tall been are here. we are taking it to them every day. >> especially at many americans back home question the mission in afghanistan, for those who serve, the reasons for continuing the war are clear. >> if yes, all pull back now and go back to the states who is not to say that they are not going to come to the state, fly back and try another attack. we are keeping the war out of here. >> after ten years and two wars, in in the military are hardened veterans but what scares them more than anything is another attack on american soil. >> they have served two or three times overseas in afghanistan and iraq but they keep coming back to because they love the job. optimism is impressive. in afghanistan where the war has not progressed rapidly as many would like to see it. >> heather: streaming live from kabul, afghanistan. thank you very much, conor.
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>> gregg: firefighters in texas now making a bit of progress against the massive wildfire burning east of austin. for a week now, consuming 1400 homes. one of the most destructive wildfires in state history. the fire is 40% contained. firefighters say they are very worried about winds, that could pick up and spread flames. >> heather: after days of record flooding in pennsylvania and new york. the river and the tributaries started to recede. partial good news there. the flooding is forcing tens of thousands of people from their homes. the water treatment plan caused sewage to go to rivers. it's filling others up to the rooftop. the president obama declared a
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state of disaster in new york opening way to federal aid. >> gregg: nas is heading back to the moon -- nasa is heading back to the moon. good news. what the american space agency hopes to learn about the earth's nearest neighbor. >> heather: interesting stuff. the fight over the president jobs bill. the message the president is sending when he chooses the hometown of the house majority leader to be the first stop on his jobs bill sales pitch. you know, happened to work out that way. is it working? fair and balanced debate coming up. >> everything in the american jobs bill, everything in there is the kind of proposal that has been supported in the past by both democrats and republicans. nothing radical in this bill. ♪ [ male announcer ] the most headroom per dollar of any car in america. from $10,990. the all-new nissan versa sedan. innovation upsized. innovation for all.
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introducing nfl mobile for 2011. built to bring you the game. only from verizon. built so you can rule the air.
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>> gregg: time for a quick check of the headlines. new york city, washington, you should high alert right now. america is marking the ten years since 9/11. authorities now trying to determine if a car bomb threat is credible. hundreds of firefighters battling a raging wildfire in washington. three-day-old fire coveraging a dozen homes. and scores of buildings. nasa launching a twin set of spacecraft to moon.
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the mission, the entire grav -- map the entire gravitational field of the moon and find out what the lunar surface is made up of. i thought it was cheese. isn't it? >> heather: we'll find out. the president wasting no time taking his new jobs plan on the road. mr. obama telling an audience in richmond, virginia, yesterday, that his nearly $450 billion plan that contains measures that appeal to both republicans as well as democrats. but perhaps most telling is where the president spoke. it just happens to be rich monday is the hometown of house majority leader eric cantor, one of mr. obama biggest political adversaries on the hill. here now, greg mallot former chair for mccain presidential campaign and former campaign manager for first president bush and congressman martin frost, democrat. thank you for joining us, both of you. >> good to be with you. you >> heather: congressman frost, i begin with you first. why begin the tour in
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virginia, home district of eric cantor? just a signal this is more political gamesmanship, one upmanship? what is this really? >> not at all. people have criticized president for being timid and not enough enough for the past couple of years. expression that fred knows. politics is not bean bag. this is a contact sport. nothing wrong going after and the home of an opponent. he will go other places, this is not the only place he will go. take the message to republicans and the public and hope congress does something. let the issues be joined. >> heather: but fred, isn't this really a message to eric cantor specifically? >> it's really disappointing to me after two-and-a-half years waiting for a jobs plan he comes out with a marketing campaign and goes in can't can'on apolitical vendetta agaie congressman. disappointing. he picked the wrong state. he picked a state bob mcdonald was elected
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governor by 18 points 12 mont months after obama carried the state by six. how did he do that? focusing like a laser on job creation. since he has been elected he has created jobs. 63% approval rating in the state. obama around 39% now? >> there is an expression that harry truman said. if you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen there is nothing wrong to go in the opponents and make the sale and go to other districts. the president has a real plan. you're saying where is the plan? he has one now. it's up to him to sell it to the country. i don't believe it will pass congress unless the country agrees this is the right thing to do. he needs to tell the story. i hope republicans agree there is good things in this. some of this is the proposal that the republicans made. >> heather: to be fair, cantor was invited to attend president obama's event. but he had one of his own
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11 miles away. on friday he said he does see policies that both sides can work on; specifically, unemployment business, reform, and tax relief, streamline the legislation. but are people going to listen, or understand the differences when you do this? when you take the message straight to them, as it appears that the republicans and the democrats are going to do on this front? fred? >> look, i don't think it's a plan. more of a marketing campaign. i didn't see any detail kind of plan. no real numbers associated with it. contrast to the detailed plan that romney presented. contrast with a proof of record of rick perry creating more jobs as the governor of texas, your home state, martin than the rest of country create combined. those people came up with plans. the governors knew how to execute and they got something done. this is an election campaign. >> fred, you know the president will introduce specific of the plan this
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week. then we can make a judgment whether it make sense. he'll have a specific plan. as to my governor of texas, fred, i don't think you want my governor to be the republican nominee. he is too far to the right. he can't win a general election. people don't want to eliminate social security. as people suggested. let him be the republican nominee. that's the best thing to happen to democrats. >> heather: that is a whole nother debate. get in details some of which we know about the plan or not plan jobs act. the bill is $253 billion in tax cuts around there, it could draw support from republicans. additional $194 billion in new spending, likely that will prove a little harder sell. the president asked for money to fund the highway, mod earnize schools and stabilize neighborhood and help hire teachers and first responders. we can agree that is a good thing. congressman frost, in terms of the construction job which we have heard before. we heard about these jobs. what happens when the
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construction is complete? where are the jobs then? >> hopefully you have more. i grew up in texas and fort worth. i remember seeing the signs all over the parks in our areas and the schools. if these were built by the federal government by programs in the depression and everybody in my home township recognized that was a good thing. that you actually did things that the country needed. you put people back to work. i hope that the congress will agree to this. the president said that these are going to be paid, he is not going to add to deficit. we'll need to see specifics how he will pay for it. hopefully republicans will agree. putting people to work is not a bad idea. i can't remember republican ospose that. >> heather: up to the super committee to figure out how to pay for it. fred, give you the final word. >> we tried this before. he came up with $80 billion stimulus plan and said it would keep employment down to 8%. it failed miserably. it wasn't shovel ready. employment is above 9%.
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it will stay there. i do not think putting more money in the public sector, putting more money in the construction project is the way to go. >> if we hadn't done that we would have been in a deep recession. if we hadn't done in 2009, the country would have been in a deep recession. >> i don't think -- there are some things we can support. i think the tax cults, i think the payroll tax reduction. depressure ration. things -- deprishiation. more spending on the projects won't do it. it was tried and it didn't work. it did not create jobs. >> fred, i'm sorry you don't want to put teachers back in the class room. my wife is retired elementary school principal and teacher. we need good people in the classrooms and we need more of them. >> heather: we all agree with that. republicans and democrats alike agree on that point. thank you for joining us. we appreciate your insight. spirited debate today. thank you very much, fred and congressman frost. >> thank you. >> gregg: they fought for our freedom but hundreds of our bravest struggling at
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>> heather: bottom of the hour. time for top of the news. tens of thousands finally returning home as swollen rivers recede in northeast pennsylvania. remnants of tropical storm lee dumped as much as a foot of rain on the area. >> gregg: firefighters finally making progress fighting the massive wildfire near austin. hot spot, though, keeping thousands from returning home. the fire only 40% contained. >> heather: passengers and crew of united flight 93 honors as heroes today in thanksville, pennsylvania, vice president joe biden joined former president bush and clinton at the dedication
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ceremony. for flight 93 memorial. >> gregg: as we remember the victims of 9/11, the feds are trying to determine if a threatened attack involving a car bomb in washington or new york is the real deal. molly henneberg is live with more on that. one senior u.s. official telling fox news this threat is looking less and less credible. what do you hear about that? >> they don't have any names associated with the would-be attackers and they don't even know if they exist. they've been scouring the phones and data bases and nothing is turning up according to what they believe the profile is for the two or three men. some in the intelligence community are beginning to wonder if this is a big "goose chase." still, f.b.i. says bureau is treating this as a credible threat, working 24/7 on it to stop any kind of attack.
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>> like we generally do in any other investigation start with small clues and try to connect them to other bigger clues. sometimes we run in a dead end and sometime we don't. >> this began with people overseas that were reliable in the past say men with travel documents may carry out terror attack near the 9/11 anniversary. >> gregg: molly, the president met with his national security team this morning and were they talking about this? >> this threat and maybe others that have not gotten publicity recently. according to the white house, the president directed his team to pursue vigorously the threat and we commemorate the anniversary of the 9/11 attack and the president said they cannot relax the counterterrorism evidents in the weeks and months ahead. >> gregg: can you tell us about anything, i don't mean
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to blind side you this, but two u-hauls stolen last night near washington? >> this is just breaking right now, and i'm just getting information on it. these are two vans that were stolen from separate u-haul lots in maryland. they were just reported stolen this morning. in the big calculus of what we are looking at for the terror threat, it may involve truck bomb attack that is why it's getting attention. they have video surveillance of the vans where they were stolen and homeland security has paid a visit to at least one of the two u-haul lots. they have arizona tags. that's all we know that we are on the look out from the stolen vans from the u-haul lot in maryland. >> gregg: molly henneberg. >> heather: the housing crisis hurt americans but none
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more so than real estate. foreclosures surged near military towns. casey stegall has more. >> the numbers don't look good when you consider that the southwest housing market was hit especially hard over the last several years. california, nevada and arizona continue to report some of the highest foreclosure rates in america. also the golden state had incidentally the highest population of active duty military. one of the highest in this country. the marines, navy and army. data suggests that there may be a direct link between the two. according to the realty foreclosure rates are higher in zip codes near military towns in the last three years the rates in the areas have gone up 32%. compared to 23% nationwide. last year, eight california
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cities rank among the top 20 towns near the military bases with the highest foreclosure. >> the average military family moves every two to three years. one-third of the military is deployed. or get new active orders. with the change, it's difficult for military homeowner to pick up. >> what is done to fix this problem? >> authorities are closing in on banks and predatory lenders that have been known to target troops specifically. military support groups have been established to help guide families through what can be considered through a maze of homeownership. >> there is definitely in place to help the soldiers, the service member with the financial education in terms of what is a good purchase to make. what mortgage rates should they look for.
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there is a small program that is available to eligible service members to help them if their home lost the value. and they have orders to move. >> 40% of the calls in a veteran call center operate here in the city of los angeles involve some type of a question about financial help. on a housing issue. be it problem with their mortgage or their rent. something along those lines. it shows a great need here for some people to pay the ultimate price and serve our country. >> look after the military members? thank you so much, we appreciate it. casey stegall. >> gregg: how about this, father furious. >> heather: you're a dad. >> gregg: i am a dad. a father is furious with facebook. he is suing the social networking giant. coming up, you are not going to believe what he is saying facebook let his little girl do online. i didn't even know about this but i'm already upset.
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>> i want to hear what you have to say about it. this, our extensive coverage continues this weekend as america observes ten years if you can believe it since september 11. [ male announcer ] it's a fact: your nutritional needs can go up when you're on the road to recovery. proper nutrition can help you get back on your feet. three out of four doctors recommend the ensure brand for extra nutrition. ensure clinical strength has revigor and thirteen grams of protein to protect, preserve, and promote muscle health. and immune balance to help support your immune system. ensure clinical strength... helping you to bounce back. ensure! nutrition in charge!
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>> gregg: an outraged father is suing facebook because his 12-year-old daughter was with able to post sexually explicit photos of herself. they have a policy of no one under 19 allowed but they don't use checks to see if the kids are lying about their age and an angry dad believes that facebook is guilty of negligence and creating a risk of sexual and physical harm to a child. does he have a case? we put it to joey jackson, prosecutor and rachel self, the attorney. this is filed belfast, northern ireland. ladies first.
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>> always. >> gregg: joey is always wrong. >> not today! >> gregg: rachel, what do you think? >> i don't think this guy has a case against facebook at all. if i was open the door to my house to a predator a then got hurt, i wouldn't sue the company that manufacturered the door. i'd be wondering where was my watcher? where was my babysitter, right? this child is already in the care of social services, to me is an indicator that this guy already had lacking parenting skills. where was the father? where was the father of this child to monitoring this? this is a case of passing the buck. this is a sad thing that is true. there should be more controls and facebook has more work to do, but this is not the example case here, because this one, i just don't see this going anywhere. >> gregg: you know what, joey, at the risk of being wrong again? do you want to take the other side. >> i would, absolutely. rachel, c'mon, where is your heart in all of this? it takes a village to raise a child. the point is let's bring the
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issue for one minute. the father is asking facebook to do is exercise the standard of care that the policies says it needs to exercise. what would it take for facebook to enforce it? if you are 13 you can aboveed and if you're not 13, you shouldn't involved. we know, rachel, that parents cannot all the time watch everything a child does. minminors sometimes act in ways that are not keeping with their best interest, that's why we have statute on the book protect minors, you can't drink till a certain age and can't purchase cigarettes, parental control for tv and computers. predtary laws. >> gregg: you are not winning. >> c'mon, gregg! therefore, the result of that facebook needs to be more vigilant. >> gregg: rache? >> that is what the user agreement is for. this girl made herself up, she bought a camera and put
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herself in provocative poses and created an account. she clicked the. >> she is 12, rachel. she is 12. >> let me tell you something, she is not acting like a typical 12-year-old. if i acted like that when i was 12 my father would have stepped in and grounded me. >> that's why you need facebook she is not acting as a typical 12-year-old, she is acting like minors act. sometimes children -- gregg, you were a child once upon a time and sometimes children do things they shouldn't do. >> did you do this, gregg, when you were a child? >> gregg: no. i was a perfect child. you know, joey is winning this thing. rachel, c'mon. give me one last argument before we close. >> i will tell you, i wouldn't go after the makeup company that gave her the make township make herself up or the camera company that she bought the camera from, i wouldn't go after facebook. >> facebook has vast resources. the least they can do is say if you are going to be 13 show me i.d. or allow a parent to set you up for you.
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this is significant. not only did she send photos but information where she lived in addition to her school. this could cause problems. facebook is responsible. >> gregg: joey won one! >> see that! >> gregg: first time. >> first time for everything. >> gregg: joey wins this one. you lost. >> that's okay. have a good one. >> thank you. >> pleasure. >> bye-bye. >> heather: americans weighing in on the presidential contenders, pollster scott rasmussen on the candidates to seen as the most main stream and what it could mean for race for the white house. >> how to create jobs. geico's multi-policy discount. geico, saving people money on more than just car insurance. ♪
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>> gregg: look at that. ten years after 9/11, revealing new insight in to what americans think about the war on terror. >> heather: in the new rasmussen poll, 1,000 people nationwide were polled. 50% of americans believe that al-qaeda is weaker today than it was before september 11. only about a third believe that it is as powerful as it was then. 9% see the terror network that usama bin laden founded as having gotten stronger since 9/11. here now is scott rasmussen of rasmussen report. thank you for joining us, scott.
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>> happy to be here, heather. the numbers are a big change from a year ago. year ago at this time, 25% thought the terror network was weaker. it's reasonable to think that finding and killing bin laden convinced people that al-qaeda network suffering at this point. one of the of four think another attack is coming. >> gregg: are the president's views mainstream or not? >> the american people are evenly divided on that question. 44% yes, 44% no. 92% of tea partiers say his views are extreme. it might surprise you to know among middle income americans, they are likely to say the president's view are extreme. upper echelon see them as main stream. >> heather: the tea partiers, what about the top polling g.o.p. presidential
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candidates? >> romney is seen as mainstream than not. more mainstream than president obama. rig perry is evenly divided. no as well known. when you get to michele bachmann and ron paul, most say their views are extreme. two out of three republican voters say rick perry and mitt romney's views are mainstream. half say the same about michele bachmann. 22% say ron paul's view. >> gregg: you polled people on the next job. i fall in the 21 p.c. that says i will be retiring. i would love that. but talk to us about this. >> we ask people on a regular basis about their employment status.
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38% say the next job will be better than current one. the number is near the top of range for past couple of years. but almost everything in the economy not where it was five or six years ago. >> heather: when it comes to whether someone leaves their job or not, people say it will be their choice? >> they say it won't be the boss coming to say it's time to leave. they will make the decision. that, too, down from the 80% range a few years back. five or six years back. but doing fairly well right now. it's important to put all of this in perspective. most people, gregg being exception, don't anticipate staying at the same job for a long time. fewer than half of all workers in america expect to be with the same employer five years from today. >> gregg: my children asked me what was george washington like. they thought i knew him. that's how old i really am. scott rasmussen, thank you very much. >> i'm staying right here. right here at fox. that is my plan.
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>> gregg: what was abe lincoln like, dad? like i knew. >> heather: that does it for us. >> gregg: watch the extensive coverage tomorrow. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] unlike some car companies, nissan is running at 100%, which means the most innovative cars are also the most available cars.
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