tv FOX News Watch FOX News September 10, 2011 8:30pm-9:00pm PDT
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value add tax. his reasoning that we are the only free country that doesn't have one and to which i reply just because everyone is doing something. like ruining sunday afternoon watching football is not necessarily a good idea. >> remember if you have your own send them to fox visit us on the web fox thanks to my panel and all of you. i am paul gigot. hope to see you next week right here. >> on fox news watch. it knocked the whole thing out. >> two airplanes have crashed into the world trade center, terrorist attack on our country. 9/11 10 years later and we'll look at the media coverage then and the media coverage now. >> you should pass it.
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>> president obama takes the stage to push his plan to create jobs and spark the economy. is the press buying into that plan and did the white house manipulate the media coverage of the event. >> we have to keep the eye on the battle we face. it is the tea party. >> union leader makes a bold statement and targeting some on the right. but where was the big coverage? >> i for one and all of my friends up here repudiate the effort to get republicans to fight each other and protect president obama. >> and debate the issues and get hammered with liberal media questions. >> fox news contractor judy miller . cal thomas . jim pinkerton edidentity are of the american conservative magazine and crirsten powers. news watch is on right now.
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i am john fox. ♪ go, go, go. (siren) >> images from 10 years ago. pictures of destruction and terror and chaos in the streets and forever engrained in millions that watched the world trade center on the pentagon and crash of united flight 93 in shanksville, pennsylvania. these images were beamed straight in the homes of viewers all over the world and a lot of images that we wish in hindsight hadn't sent in. >> there is a huge debate on how new's coverage is changed and where it ised and there are two means to be used.
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that have emerged out of this. main stream to the right of center line and said america is resilient and we recovered. it was a terrible period and we are back, we fought terror and a leftist center mean, this was a moment that unhinged america from the policies and core and led us in one disastrous war in iraq and another . we are weaker as a result. those are two competing narratives. >> we'll find out what jim things. >> one big word . i got to think of another. i mean, you know, the media research center did a terrific study comparing the coverage of the war on terror under president bush and president obama . made a deal that guantanamo is a big deal under bush and not a big deal under obama and a
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lot of the coverage that judy is talking reflects the opinions of two presidents. main stream media, one good and one bad. >> i wonder about the over all affect on newspapers. i mean, newspapers, had photos the next day andine by then, it seemed out of date. your -- you're a columnist on a website. is it reflective of what is going on? >> now the writing is like television is nonstop new's cycle and the minute something happens it is up. it is no more we will wait today or tomorrow. the minute it happening, how fast you are getting it on the westbound site. you are not competing against television. >> how quickly did the blame game start? >> several types of blame
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games about people lined up on the left and right after the initial unity. cabdrivers in the new york were not honking and civiluty . total strangers talked to each other in the street. it was an amazing thing to behold. you thought you were in another place. one of the interesting controversy that came out of that is the american flag on the lapel . abc took a lot of heat from conservatives. they were continuing a long standing policy of having lapel pins . a lot of groups dumped on abc because if you were not wearing a lapel pin that showed american flag you were somehow unamerican >> alen who is a thoughtful sociologist and made a point that the spirit of the unity three and
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half minutes. the media that judy described or the thousand variations of the media that we have now. those overcame in terms of the outward force, the notion of pulling together and rallying around the flag didn't take long. probably lasted 9/11 and the beginning of the iraq war which was march 03. >> so many voices are able to compete for the national discourse. >> and now you can see it in a flood of commemoratation . look at what is going on in the media this week. is there a station or newspaper that doesn't have a 9/11 reflection. there you can see the amount of information and i wonder if it is not just overwhelming for people. >> there was over 40 television specials. this is not coverage in news program. 40 network television specials
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in the u.s. alone and more over seas and tends to crowd out other thingings. new york magazine has a big 9/11 piece with a essay. 9/11 is important as it was and much as it influenced media coverage. crowded out other stories that were worthy of more coverage . looting of america by wall street and some of the government fanny and freddie. >> we have to take a break. first if you keep up on the media stories in the week and check out the watch list section. coming up. president obama tries to sell his new job's plan. arelet media buying. >> mr. obama gave his big job speech to congress . did the media pay attention? >> take the son of the bitches out and give america back to the america we belong.
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>> big labor leader spews venom targeting the tea party. where is the civility and where is the media outrage. details next on news watch. ♪ how 'bout we start with the guaranteed low price on the carpet... the pad, and installation. let's get peace of mind for a lifetime. itll adds up to better carpet at a better price and a great-looking room, transformed. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. get 12 months special financing on carpet purchases when you use your home depot credit card. i'm a film star. well, i'm a film, left behind by a floor cleaner i thought was going to take me places. wait! now life is dull... darling! ♪ i believe in miracles [ male announcer ] swiffer attracts dirt.
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>> tonight we meet in an urgent time for our country. we face an economic crisis that has left millions of our neighbors jobless and a political crisis that made things worse. the past wike - week reporters are asking what does the peach mean for the president and congress. how will it affect their polls in the next election. but the millions of americaning that are watching right now, they don't care about pol tucks. - politics. >> president obama pitching
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his job plan to congress. he started by blaming the media for not focusing on the real issues of the day. how did that play? [laughing] >> you know, ihink that the media when it comes to president obama, they are willing to overlook insults in the nature of affection. it is a deep challenge when the president of the united states says something to reporters and journalist who don't like him to overcome the nature of what he said. wall street journal not a fan of president obama, and headline obama a bid to spur growth. i think what they would like to have written. don't be fooled again or snake oil. but they can't do that . they are assuming he a point when he announces the plan. >> they are just reporting the facts and factual reporting and generally speaking to the
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issue that bought the republican line on this issue and they bought the whole austerity . stimulate the economy when it is a long-term problem and trying to stimulate and get jobs is a short-term problem. they have bought hook, line ander in the republican on this issue . they have completely ignored what so many economist are saying. deficit long term . you can't explain economics in a sound bite. i was struck by how kind everybody was about the speech. i thought it was less impressive and david brooks and paul of the new york times said great speech and pretty good plan. what is the plan i am not sure. snu>> it was a great speech and details of the plan are available for anybody to look
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at. >> and yeah, i mean the president laid out. it goes back to the argument that that is the republican argument. it is not obamas. >> let me tell you who came out with a two-two hoim run. first of all john bone bone and the republicans forced the president to move from the night of the republican debate in simi california to another night and that was the nfl opening season . second thing he did. it was -- oh, no, they refused to respond. nancy pelosi went bezerk, you know why, then the democrats couldn't focus and the media focused on what the president said. brilliant move. >> what night the speech was going to take place and it was shuffled aa bit . apparently from the white house word that the speech
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would run longer than it did . that's part of the reason perhaps that republicans felt that their response would get lost and then the speech is much shorter than it turned out to be. was that manipulation? >> there is a lot of inside baseball . talking points did a time line of the issue of whether or not the speech was crowding the ow republicans and minute by minute for those who care and i was sitting there reading . we talk about concept, the tempalates. the media are viewing obama through tempalates. one that he is jimmy carter and we know how that ends up . harry trumon. and if you see something that you think shows evidence of media bias e-mail us at fox >> and up next. james hoffa tries to make news. >> president obama, this is
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your army. we are ready to march. >> a union leader and obama supporter tries to make news. >>ip am not interested. >> and gop square off on stage and hoping to gain traction and break from the past. but did the nbc moderators have a different plan? that's next on news watch. and commitment is not limited to one's military oath. the same set of values that drive our nation's military are the ones we used to build usaa bank. from free checking to credit cards to loans, our commitment to e military, veteransand their families is without equal. ♪ visit us online to learn what makes our bank so different. usaa. we know what it means to serve. we made a miracle. and we got onesies!
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barack obama. >> newt gingrich reacting . produced by msnbc . the point he was getting to, he feels that the main stream media are trying to amplifhy republican unfighting. >> right after that. if you attack the media, of course, it is popular. we are not popular. but i am not sure it is helping him. he needs to something to lead people to say he's got answers and he's not just a tax don. newt gingrich is in a lower rank of want to bes. >> we'll get to that in a minute. >> what gingrich is doing, telling the audience, what the
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media are playing this. politicians realize how important the media are to their story . gingrich is also attacking and saying don't let the media fool you. pay attention to what they are saying it is an interesting acknowledgment to shape politics. and let me ask you the question. he asked governor perry in texas about executing and do you sleep at night. >> if you turn that question on its head. if a conservative columnist ask a pro abortion politician if he could sleep at night and authorize and support abortion. >> that would never be asked. most questions came from the left and like gingrich did and rom no does, you can turn those kinds of questions around to your advantage. the weirdest moment in the debate was hauling out the
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telemundo guy. are we going to get the black ghy for the civil liberty . religious guy for the. >> over all theme seeps to be that it is a two horse race governor peryegovernor romny. is that the theme. did you see the media doing it that way? >> that the theme . the polls bear that out . there is a question of how many people you should be focusing on . the candidates complain on that and why do we have to feel and listen to newt gingrich when he is not polling y. is he there and we want to hear from the people who may potentially be president. >> we'll move from the debate to questionable quotes. >> president obama, this is your army. why are ready to march and president obama, we want one
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thing. jobs. jobs. jobs. jobs. jobs. jobs. jobs. jobs. that's what why are going to tell him. he sees what we are doing here, he will be inspired but he needs help and everybody here has a vote. if we go back and keep the eye on the prize. let's take the son of the bitches out and give america back to the america we belong. >> how did that get cover where the is civility in politics. >> i didn't hear oir see a lot of coverage of that quote. people worried about bleeping things out in a broadcast and political jargon is a hot topic and tempers are high. it just didn't happen. >> this president said he's going to end that kind of thing and to a certain extent
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george bush wanted to change the policy in washington . rush limbaugh had vitriolic language. dim dems are talking about the horrible right wing republicans leading to the slooting of gabby giffords. but their people uses it and the white house refuse to condem it >> he's talking about the ballot box. he didn't mean to be violent. but go to the ballot box and talk it out. >> there is a larger pattern. hoffa . biden said the tea party said they are terrorist and perhaps both parties are demonizing the other side. >> when we come back, behind the scenes of 9/11. are you ready for your check-up? i'm so ready. [ female announcer ] prepare to ace your check-up.
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>> this weekend the nation and world remember the terrorist attacks that changed our forever. 10 years ago the media covered the event and i was part of the team at fox news bringing you the stories as they developed. >> as a nation we were unprepared for the horrors we witnessed on 9/11. as a journalist so was i that someone being be so deprave hijacked airplanes loaded with civilians and flow them in office towers was beyond my
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comprehensention. maybe it was a light plane that hit the north tower or a cargo flight . then a second jet liner appears so briefly and a second fire ball erupts. >> key suspects come to mind. osama bin laden. >> it was the darkest day of my lifetime and a day that showed americans at their finest. think of the heroric actions of those in flight 93. that prevented the plane from hitting the capitol building. think of the firefighters and police and citizens that marched in to rescue others. by days end. hundreds of them die but thousands are alive
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