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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  September 13, 2011 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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>> kimberly: rainbow icing. this is beautiful cake and give a thanks to carlos bakery in hoboken. making greg's unicorn dreams come true. >> bob: remember this. leave the gun, bring the cake. >> kimberly: my goodness. happy birthday, greg. >> greg: thank you. >> kimberly: love having you here. >> greg: that is for you. >> kimberly: for all of you watching, see you tomorrow. send greg a happy birthday e-mail. >> bob: i get the aarp card. welcome to "red eye." i'm greg gutfeld. yes, that greg gutfeld. what is that? your surprise that i am this happened so many in person? are you too kind. the make up people toned down my good looks to make the
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guests look better. let's go to andy levy for a pre game report. andy, what's coming up on tonight's show? >> don't worry, america. i will take it from here. should people who do dumb things on air -- air planes on 9/11 bow shot in a fair debate. and a college introduces mandatory drug tests for all students. the story so shocking just talking about it may be unconstitutional. and finally bill schulz visits the first moonshine distill rather since the days of prohibition. did they make it back? spoiler you alert. >> big day today. >> you mean because it is -- >> back on this day in the 1940s, the paintings were found in france. the paintings were 15,000 to 17,000 years old and considered the finest art. what a day in history indeed. >> but i was just going to tell you -- >> reporter: also on september 12th, 1953, nakita was
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elected the first communist party. and this was the exact same day that john kennedy was married. what an uh -- amazing day, greg. 1k3* in 1977, the leader of the black consciousness movement died. and in happier news, he won back his belt from randy turpine. >> today is my birthday. >> cool. >> on september 12th, 2004 -- >> shut up. you ruin everything. it is like this every year. let's welcome our guests. she is so cute that puppies use her face as a screen saver and they don't even own computers. it is grotesque how they manage. i am here with margaret hoover, the author of the great book, american individualism. and if brilliant political comentary was a turn style i would jump him in the subway.
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it is john philips, host of the john fill leaderships show -- john philips show in lange lake. and he was king and queen at his senior prom. it is bill schulz. >> and he is so handsome he will often double date with two women accompanied by his reflection. next to me is actor sean cain, and it was a great intro. he has a new book out on tuesday. it is called the modern gentleman. i read it three times naked. and he is an angry lib who likes to fib. good to see you, pinch owe. >> apparently donald rumsfeld did not like the 9/11 blog jib. he called the piece, quote, repugnant and canceled his subscription. did you hear that ad sales department? we are no longer permitted to deliver our award-winning journalism to the following address. 205 cherry street. saint my will kas, maryland, 21663.
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you are welcome. >> that was completely unfair. >> you are completely unfair. >> i will take that. was it a risk or a trist? were they carrying a bomb or just geting it on. on sunday the fighter jets were scrambled. not sure how you can scramble fighter jets. bomb squads were called and fbi was on alert after two passengers on a ken -- denver to detroit flight were allegedly behaving suspiciously. but the threat was not legit. they were swapping spit. officials later acknowledged the suspicious behavior was two people making out in the bathroom midflight. that's romantic. kissing in a small space that stinks of stale urine and industrial air freshener. that wasn't the only incident. fighter jets were activated after a flight from l.a. to new york noticed passengers frequent trips to and from the john. begin that -- again that was a false alarm.
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and several drunk men refused to follow instructions and air marshals stepped in. you know who is taking the terror threat in stride? >> anytime you doubt the existence of god look for a lemur or a marmicet. i don't know which is which, but that is proof there is a god. this was issued on 9/11. 1* everybody jumpy? did they react to this? >> i don't know if they reacted or not. but one of the single biggest tragedies resulting in the age of terrorism is the death of the mile high club. i have had more inappropriate
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sexual contact. nobody scrambled goose and maverick for me. but everybody chill and switch to de calf. >> that is a good point. you get more action now from security. here is the thing, uh sigh -- aside from margaret, and you are one of the only people i know to have the option of the mile high club. >> you have to have a partner. >> every time i am in there i am joining the mile high club. >> here is the thing, mrs. hoover, bottom line, if say a bad thing happens on a plane, and there is a tragedy people will ask you why didn't you doingmething? even when -- this sounds silly like they scramble jets because there is a couple making out or drunk people. if they hadn't done something and something bad were to happen, they would have been in deep trouble. so don't you have to follow through with everything? >> maybe. i think you are right. i think people were jumpy.
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i also think it is a good sign of our national healing that people chose to spend their time in 9/11 rather than being cognizant. >> that's a silver lining. >> and by the way, i heard a commentary saying they scrambled the jets and the people on the plane felt more comfortable. do you know what happens when they scramble jets? people on the plane don't end up okay, worst case scenario. >> and when you see them, i imagine it freaks you out. john, do you think it was too much? in this day and age, i just feel you can't be too careful, even if it is divert your flight. >> i don't think you can overreact to something like this. symbolism is important to terrorists. for some reason they are fixated on air planes. the question i can't answer is what is the connection between airplane sex and bathrooms? if you remember larry craig he was in a men's room stall. there is somey rot staw --
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some eroticism between toilets and airplanes. >> i have a feeling you tried. >> i have, yoga. >> we will have to make a list during the break of the places you have had sex. , and i imagine there is nothing left out. bill, the couple's makeout session triggered fighter jets. do you think they will look back at that as a romantic moment in their lives or embarassment? >> embarassment. this reminds me of a story. awhile back i pitched a story to a magazine, but i don't want to say the name -- "men's fns." i did 10 things men need to do before they die. doing a marathon and one of them was the mile high club. i talked to people who did it. to a tee people said it was under rated and oftentimes painful. -- i mean overrated. and then a certain head of the
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company got rid of the story because that broheim has done all of that stuff and he insisted how awesome it was. so, yes, there are a lot of people out there like that guy who have been in the mile eye club. it just makes you more of a d-bag. >> there are three messages here. if you are flying, don't act weird. that's just easy. you have to understand people are on high alert. don't act weird. when you are on a plane and you know somebody is not dangerous, but they #r* acting weird it is like you want to go up going, look, act like this at home, but i want to make sure i get to my destination, so stop talking to yourself or picking your tows or do -- toes and doing weird things. the other thing is, i worry about myself. do you worry you will do something after you fall asleep? >> flight attendants now provoke it. they take such liberty that i am just this close to snapping on them and hitting them in
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the head with the peanuts or something. >> i have to stick up with the flight attendants. >> he realized his flight was canceled. >> and here is another thing. , i don't want to name the name of the drug, but it is important for all viewers that the drug that rhymes with shmambian is first class. >> inevitably this is all going to end up with booze free flights. there will be certain airlines that are because of the bad guys drinking. and then progress will dictate that there is an airline that is a booze cruise. >> one passenger in the bathroom at a time. not rocket science. >> have you ever gone to the bathroom by yourself as a woman because you always go in pairs. >> not on the airplane. on the airplane?
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>> wouldn't it be great if they had bathrooms on the plane like in offices where there are stals. that would be a mess. from a bunch of fools to drugs in schools. some colleges have a foreign language requirement while others have a science requirement. my house boy college has a house requirement. 245* balance beam is not just for show, people. lynnwood college, an actual state, has become the first college to require mandatory drug testing for all its students. students will be tested when they get to school unless they take a semester off. if they fail they need to take a drug prevention course and get tested again after 45 days. school officials say they do this for the safety of the students. many are learning dangerous drives. civil libertarians say it will file suit against the school
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if necessary. for more let's go to duck eating pizza. dep? >> it is going straight to his wings. is the school violating the constitution? >> it is a public school, and the problem is that federal courts do drug testing by government entities as search. and so you need probable cause and a search and warrant. it is unfortunate because it is a government institution that is viewed as a violation of the fourth amendment. >> why is it unfortunate? >> so here is the thing. you have to have reasonable cause to drug test somebody. unless there are tasks i was a junior staffer and i was doing nothing in public safety. the carve out can be quite
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big, but in this case, i understand. the aclu is going to nail them. they are going to get a lawsuit. the missouri civil liberties association is going to compete to have -- >> just call them hippies. you don't have to name them. you think there -- there shouldn't be test ?g. >> no, there shouldn't be. it doesn't meet the criteria for probable cause. the fourth is security of press, house, papers, and should you is somebody matriculating to a school return back have probable cause if they were using drugs. sure, they were probably using them, but there is no rightful idea that will would make you think that. >> he is the first to use matriculating. >> let me ask john this. i get it. but the point being that this
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school, they are teaching people airplane maintenance which they have to be. if they are fixing them, i don't want the medicine cabinet looks like graceland. >> it is not just those technical students. it is the humanity students and literature. >> you don't have to be a student there. when i got my slns you tell them you can give blood, breath or urine. >> at private school you can get away with it. they can do what they want. it is a private institution. >> but you are paying that money as the taxpayer. so the taxpayer bill say, i want them tested. if it is their money why can't they say that? >> because of the constitution. >> stop throwing the constitution at me. >> put the constitution over
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there and let's pre pre send end this doesn't exist. >> i won't say i don't want pill bill fixing my garage. >> i will roll it up and smoke it. what better place for a young employee to learn how to fake a drug test. they might as well learn young. where to get the black market urine and where to get the appendages. >> that's true. it is kind of scary. it is not just airplane maintenance students, but it is humanity students. there is nothing worse than a high humanity student. >> it can be horrible. >> although there is nothing worse than listening to somebody describe the humanities. all right, from college
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noise to scary toys. a father's group in a buffulo area pizzeria -- lovely how those two float together have teamed up to buy back guns. in exchange for the fake firearms they provided slices, notebooks and dress shirts. kids love those. that spells phaters. quote, it makes them too comfortable. then there is no fear holding the real gun when they get holder. we want to put it back into our children, teaching them how guns can do and how they affect our community. >> they plan on burying the weaponry, and now he is calling for rin oz to be de lorned after watching this.
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>> don't worry. he was fine. >> bores are vicious creatures. >> i think we should be worried. >> are they basically getting rid of childhood? of boyhood? >> they are. and there is no correlation between playing with a toy as a child and doing something bad as an adult. i played with match box cars when i was a kid. my check engine light has been on since 2002. >> i don't even know what a check engine light s. i had a toy car, i had a -- i don't own a chopper now. >> evidence that there is no correlation. >> i had carpal tunnel syndrome. or i was doing something with two -- oh jeez. margaret you don't endorse the silliness, do you? >> cory booker was telling a friend of mine the other day
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that the mayor had hundreds and hundreds of murders since he was mayor. not a single one of the murders is committed with a legal gun. they were committed with illegal gunses. none with a super soaker. what we want our father to do is encourage responsible and illegal use of weapons insped of suggests the weapons are bad. >> here is the thing with boys. we were all boys away. if you take a gun a way from a kid -- we used everything as a gun. >> and it was with a sound. douch, douch, douch. >> why douch? >> this is a group of guys that want to take guns that aren't really streets and instead replace it with pizza gorging children. >> obesity will keep them.
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toy guns won't. if they do a barbie bar back? >> my dad was going to give a barbie for guns thing, and i thought howie physical tiff -- how effective would that be. you could take any one in my arsonal and rob the bank. i am no longer to travel with them. they basically told us guns without the bullets. >> you would have a kid that had a gun just as heavy. they put the red dot on the front. >> if you can saw off a shotgun you can saw off the plastic. >> we have to take a break. can be too handsome stop you from being a top level scientist. we will have his book.
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>> is red eye about to do a story on tennis, but we wouldn't happen again i promise. fwlap
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did the ump deserve her ire? and did the former queen of the court be suspended from the sport? on monday serena williams was fined for verbally abusing an umpire during the u.s. open final. it happened after williams was finalized yelling "come on" at the ball before it reached her opponent, some othery lady. the three-time champ approached the ump asking, "are you the one who screwed me over last time? turns over she wasn't." during the next timeout this happened.
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>> don't look my way and i tell the interns the same too. they are often bigger than m why. the u.s. tennis association fined williams $2,000. a pidly amount since she earned $1.4 million for finishing runner up in the
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tournament. isn't that right rocking chair panda? >> get back to work already. the weekend is over rocking bear panda face whatever your name is, sean. she is get august lot of heat for this, but i have to say, and it has been mentioned before, if it was john mackin row, everyone would think it is cool. >> this goes back to the glory days of mackin row and nastassi. i think she is gettina rough time because traditionally we haven't seen women get into it with the umpire. maybe that's why. i think in the greater scheme of things, this is minor league compared to connors and what those guys used to do. >> they were disgusting. i wouldn't let my kids watch that tennis. >> it is minor league. i think this is the effectiveness of anger
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management and vive vic class -- civic classes. >> she was drinking water and you are not pretty on the inside? >> by the way, here is what i have learned from there. -- learned from this. when mackin row would go after -- she would not go, you are a big jerk! you are unattractive inside. >> i am a big john mackin row fan. if there is anything they need more of is drunken belligerence. they wear skirts and eat strawberries and cream. >> without this what would we have? >> that's the entire part of the open i watched. >> i didn't even -- i thought we were in america, but i didn't understand what she was talking about. only in communist countries you have tennis players that
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pick up on people. >> she is drinking water and unbeautiful on the inside. this is america. she was all over the map. >> the important thing at least she was -- >> no one really knows why the argument -- oh because she got yelled at for mowning while the other players were -- the mowning is not a problem for anybody. >> she did make a noise while the woman was hitting the round thing over the mesh, long fabric. >> do you have a comment on the show? e-mail us at red eye at fox news .com. 20 leave a voice myel it is qi simple, 212-462-5050.
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still to come, the half time report. >> fossils, the remains left by a rock or other geelogic deposit. thanks, fossils.
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let's find out if we have anything wrong. hi, andy. >> hi, greg. i had the horrible nightmare,
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greg. >> what happened? same thing? >> i woke up sweating. i had this dream that "entourage" wasn't really over. >> don't worry. i have friends who are actually in the business and they fwrawk an "entourage" movie. >> i know, can't wait for that. people are acting stupid on planes on 9/11. you said one of the things that are in the age of terrorism are the mile high club? >> yes. >> you sir, thank you. and you had more inappropriate sexual a activity going through a scan and nobody called goose and maverick. >> yes jie. first of all goose is dead. second they were naval aviators and over the continue nene sal u.s. you will be scrambling jets. >> thanks for ruining it for me. i have never seen "top gun."
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i only have seen the volleyball scene. it is on a loop. >> spoiler alert, they are in the navy. >> you said it is a sign of our national healing -- am talking here. who was that? i want to know who that was. >> it was the birthday boy. >> who was that? >> greg. >> i want an apology or i am not continuing. >> i did it. >> it is a sign of our national healing that people are not cognizant that it is 9/11. is there any chance you meant stupidity? >> i was being generous. it was cute you pretended not to understand the allure of bathroom sex. >> i apologize. >> those who know you, know better. greg you said it would be amazing if planes had bathroom more than one at a time.
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>> that's my point. it would be hilarious. a one man fire hose. >> you can get that feeling on ground if you are near me. >> that's why they call me bill, turbulent, schulz. >> that's the danger zone. >> highway to it. >> john, you mentioned to get your california driver's license you are basically giving the state the right to take blood, sweat and urine. >> blood, breath or urine. >> oh, blood, breath or urine. okay, same for working for greg. second of all, not without probable cause. >> anytime they pull you over they candy mand it. >> can they demand your blood or urine without probable cause? >> i think they can't just pull you over for general -- well, she came over to get
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your urine. if you are speding and you have a busted light, they say, can you give a us a sample. >> but that's not what they are doing for the children. >> i rest my case. >> it says department of sampling. i will pull over and people will buy it. >> you have quite the collection. >> it takes some time to put together. but it is worth it. i have to throw away a lot of them. >> really? >> yes. >> by the way, the 11 drugs are coke, anphetamines pot, opiates, pcp, methadone
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propoxaphyn. those drugs are legal. you have xanax oxycodone. >> that's why you are not supposed 20* lift heavy machinery while on them. someone doesn't read the warnings. >> first of all, who reads warnings? >> the question is, why are they screening for drugs that are illegal? >> i suppose if they find it in your blood they have to show a prescription, right? >> it is not breaking law until they find out you don't have a prescription. >> i am waiting to hear from the college about this, but since i didn't contact them, i may never. >> i told you your esp doesn't work anymore. >> you start to rely on it and 24e7b you do it the old passioned way mplght. >> and the school was charging $50 for each drug test. >> look at china, you have to
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pay for the bullet if they executes you. >> it must be an urban legend. >> that's what happened to my uncle. >> you say that about everything. >> i once woke up in a bathtub with ice and a bill for $500. >> and one kidney too few. >> not cool. >> i was so shocked we got to the story i have nothing on. it for viewers at home, we had a story like every day. >> pull back the curtain. >> i think they enjoy that every once in awhile. >> you can save that for your post web show. it rolls off the tongue. >> serena williams, she earned $1.4 million for finishing at
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-- finishing as runner up. >> still 10%. >> no doubt about that. >> the key stat was correct. >> it does not affect your math sir. >> sean, you mentioned what serena did was minor league. it always comes back, and by fending stwo,000 they were not who you were looking for. >> i don't know what that meant. >> i don't either. >> you said this was minor league even for her. she was fined $85,000. she could have president bush finded $75 thus --,000 and on the last year of her two-year probation. she was put on two years probation when this happened at the u.s. open.
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>> it was civil -- civilized. >> the fact that she did this on the last day makes her a hero. >> and if you see me in the hallway, don't even look at me. can't get mad at her. can't indicate, greg. that's the difference between me and you. >> not just that. >> i'm done. that's the other difference. go away. coming up, adrian grenia is dead -- set on tack lick new and surprising rolls on" entourage." is what happens? monday.
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is the big apple the new
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appalachia? the illegal still fermented spirit that is moonshine has long had a home in uncle jesse's backyard. but why get blotty in hazard county when king county is an l-train away. what is an l-train? >> i don't know. >> for the first time since prohibition there is the first moonshine distill re. we go to brooklyn to learn more. >> i am here with the head of king's county distillery. this is new york city's oldest distill re. how far back do you go? >> we go back a year and three months. >> so this was started by your great, great, great, great, great, great, grand pappy. >> it was not. >> what exactly is moonshine? >> most people mean something made on illegal still.
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in our case we have a license to make. it some people say it is not really moonshine. my argument was it was moonshine before we got our license and then we got our license and not doing anything wrong now. >> so what is this? >> this is how we mash the corn. >> i loved show "mash." how crazy was radar? >> a little before my team. >> after "mash" was more your time, and man did they suck. they never comes up. what happens after "moonshine." >> you take a spoonful in there and you have yourself a girlfriend. >> i am thinking a great way to mark market this wliiveg key is to hold it out in suspenders and the name of the
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his till re, nothing else, and do a jig as grassroots advertising. >> each of these numbers refers to four of these tubs and one distill lags run at the end. what is the difference of a batch of tristen or maybe a nice matthew merlot. >> that's a person. it is one of our guys. >> this right here looks like the end game. the drugs look familiar. it smells great. actually. i think that will get me lucky. >> let me caution you. it is 70% alcohol right now.
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>> this is my first moonshine, america. i believe this is even made in new york i am getting a sidekick of the vai bors -- vapors. i may need to return with an over sized tan and sweet tea loaded with this. >> i am looking to work. >> i got my bourbon. i got my moonshine, and now i am going to smuggle these bad boys into manhattan and nobody is going to stop me. i am out of here.
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>> there is some of the moonshine there. he didn't like you, did he? >> he was learning to like me. >> there was no point. he was not trying to get to know you. >> very well said. i think a lot of things i said went over his head. after he sought about them, he said he enjoyed me. >> i think he felt you bothersome. >> i think he enjoyed the publicity. by the way, a, what are you doing later and b help yourself. this is good, good stuff. >> we tried it at the break. >> i like the way it tastes which i know is a brain buster for all of you. it is a good whisk ski. you can feel -- it is almost like a grade of alcohol where you can feel the heat literally go down you as you digest. it is eerie. but i recommend to one and all. >> we have to move on, but his
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explanation over why it is legal is because he has a license. >> are you a rebel if you drink this stuff on. i commend him. it looks delightful. i don't recommend drinking uh lo. >> we have to take a break. when we return, what will my mom say about all things mom related? we'll find out unless we we don't.
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back by popular demand it is the senior mrs. gutfeld. hi, mom. >> happy birthday. >> thank you very much. do you know how old i am, mom? >> 47. >> pretty good. >> getting better. i was so worried about you guys on the weekend. it is the longest weekend i ever spent thinking about bad things. but anyway, you got so many nice companions there.
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>> i do. >> i mean, i was worried about all of you so i decided i will go to church so i put my little phone in my pant pocket so i would have it in case anything interesting. i'm sitting there quietly in church and i felt this funny thing and that funny noise. this lady next to me says to me, "turn off your vibrator" and she said it really loud. the ladies in front of me looked at me and i was embarassed. i didn't say too many prayers. i left and ran home. >> really? that wasn't very nice. >> no, it wasn't kind of a bad experience. >> oh mom. >> i don't think i will go to that church. i will have to find another twun. -- another 1. >> did you know these women? >> no. i think i was in a bad church. >> well, wait, no. isn't this the church -- >> no, i don't go too often,
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honey. it is hard for me. those pews #r terrible. >> pews are terrible. they are not comfortable. >> and i am too ole to be nielg. -- i am too old to be kneeling. i do pray form you guys. >> we dwef natalie need. it especially bill. >> don't be bad. they were so nice on "the five" and the beautiful unicorns and katherine -- is her name katherine? the dark haired girl. >> kimberly. >> kimberly, yes. she brought that beautiful cake with the icon on it. >> yes, the unicorn. what did you call the show? >> "five alive." oh god i get so -- it is hard to be old. >> i know, mom. it is called "the five."
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>> i am thinking of the drink "five alive." >> i haven't thought of "five alive" in ages, the citrus drink with strawberry and orange. >> i am just over the hill. >> you are doing fine. >> they were darling and dana, a cute little icon she had. >> the dolphin? >> oh yeah. >> that was darling. anyway they were really sweet. but you are so lucky to have them -- you know, to have such nice people. i am so proud of you. >> thank you, mom. all right. gotta go. love ya. take care. >> stay sober now. >> that's a good one. see you mom. we will close things out with a post game wrap up dpr andy levy. go to
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>> oh god. >> man. this is from carlos' bakery in nern new jersey. thanks, carlos. andy? >> yeah, greg. >> do you want to do post game wrap up? >> if you want. >> i am going eat the leg. >> how does the iewn ren could taste? -- unicorn taste? a question i ask you a lot oddly enough. >> this one is tender. >> it may be a young one. >> i eat the head and then i throw everything away, you know. >> no, i don't know that. how long have we been working together 1234*. >> native americans use the whole body. >> that's true. they never wasted any part of the unicorn.


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