tv FOX and Friends FOX News September 13, 2011 3:00am-6:00am PDT
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until you got stopped in poker. >> who came out on top of last night's tea party debate? e-mail us, twitter us, let us know what you think. >> come and get your copy. president obama's jobs bill hot off the press and at kinkos. hundreds of billions of tax hikes and new spending bound together with that chinsy clip. look at that thing. what's that about? >> never had the word chinsy in the cold open. >> we're in a recession. >> the miss universe crowned. finally someone in command of the galaxy. >> good! >> the best of the best from last night's ceremony. straight ahead. "fox & friends" starts right now. >> come on into the tv studio, folks and good morning, live from new york, it's "fox & friends" for a tuesday. >> we have a huge guest list today so let's get right over to
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the big board over there and show you who is on today. jillian michaels, you remember here from the big loser. she's the hot and the heated trainer that gets people in shape. now she's on the new show "the doctors" she's joining dr. travis and they'll be here. >> senator rick santorum will be here. he had a great debate last night, he's very strong and he'll be joining us live telling us where he goes from here and also talking about former giants defensive back, running defensive back, jordin sparks. >> winner of "american idol." she's on a new ambassador program. glenn beck started a brand new program yesterday. she'll be joining us to talk about that and one of the most prolific and, you know, successful songwriters and singers and piano players of all time, mr. barry manilow will be with us live. >> will be very emotional for me a little bit later, the guy that i broke into the nba with, shaquille o'neill will be here and we'll go over old times with the magic along with venus
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williams. >> you were in the nba, you told me yesterday you were in the nhl. >> i think you misunderstood. >> starting at 6:02 a.m., he comes out of fantasy world into reality so we have 30 seconds left. >> i have nothing. let's go talk about what happened last night at the big debate because that was unscripted tv at its best. i'll tell you what, i'm getting attached to this program. people get attached to housewives, the housewives series. i'm attached to these seven on stage. >> you know what >> i'm attached, too, as a woman and a housewife as well. i thought it was very interesting last night because they started very patriotically. they had a beautiful rendition, as you can hear right here, of the star spangled banner and then after about 15 minutes into it, after they introduced each of themselves individually, they actually got down to the debate. rick perry took a lot of the hits last night. >> it was another perry pinata show hosted by wolf blitzer and, of course, sponsored by the tea party express. here's a little interplay where wolf blitzer asks mitt romney,
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l hey, you know, governor perry has had a good record of jobs down in texas. doesn't he deserve some credit for that? here's the answer. >> oh. >> yeah, well -- >> does governor perry deserve any credit for those jobs created? >> there's some sound. >> i think governor perry would agree with me if you're dealt four aces, that doesn't make you necessarily a great poker player and perry got back with him. here's the facts about the jobs, though. perry says that he created more jobs than mitt romney. perry created -- his job gain was 8.9% when we were in a down economy compared to romney's job gain of 1.4% when perry argues that the s&p was actually posting strong gains. we got the sound bite now. here's the interplay from last night. >> governor perry deserve any credit for all those jobs that were created? >> sure. look --
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>> you know, i think governor perry would agree with me, if you're dealt four aces, that doesn't make you necessarily a great poker player. >> i was going to say you were doing pretty good until you got to talking poker but the fact is the state of texas has led the nation while the current resident of the white house has overseen the loss of 2.5 million jobs. texas has during my period as governor created over a million jobs. and we did that during some pretty tough economic periods. >> just to back up a little, leading town that question, basically, mitt romney said, yeah, governor perry, texas is doing well because they had plenty of oil. they have zero -- they have no taxes. >> loser pays. >> state taxes. loser pays. he said essentially and wolf blitzer followed up by saying what credit does he deserve? i thought that would be the opportunity for him to do what mitt romney has done during the series of debates. governor perry has done a good job but it's important to know
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what texas brings to the table along with the natural resource of oil. that's when they went at it. mitt came out so prepared and so ready and knowing this guy is here, only reason to get here is to knock him out. >> and because he was prepared so -- so well and was so ready, "the l.a. times" this morning says the winner of the debate last night on points was former governor mitt romney. they say the biggest survivor was rick perry. he was the target of everybody and the mini comeback was staged by michelle bachmann who did most of the shooting at the governor of texas. >> she had to. >> absolutely. >> probably "the l.a. times" probably not enough to knock perry off his pedestal. >> if you look at the polls, michelle bachmann has taken the greatest hit as the result of rick perry getting into the race. are they actually similar candidates? people argue they're look for that tea party vote. to me, they're very different candidates and one thing they disagreed about quite heavily last night was governor perry's
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executive order as governor of texas to make all girls at 11 and 12 years old get this hpv vaccine. michelle bachmann took him to task for that. >> governor perry, as you well know, you signed an executive order requiring little girls 11 and 12-year-old girls to get a vaccine to deal with a sexually transmitted disease that could lead to cervical cancer. was that a mistake? >> it was. indeed. if i had to do over again, i would have done it differently. i would have gone to the legislature, worked with them. >> i'm a mom, and i'm a mom of three children. and to have innocent little 12-year-old girls be forced to have a govnment injection through an executive order is just flat out wrong. >> and she goes on to say this -- knowing that governor perry decided to take the wind out of everybody's sails and say listen, i should have done it differently, gone to the legislature, michelle bachmann didn't stop there.
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she talked about why the motivation the governor could have had to do it in the first place and it might have been from a donor that supported his campaign. let's listen. >> what i'm saying is that it's wrong for a drug company because the governor's former chief of staff was the chief lobbyist for this drug company, the drug company gave thousands of dollars in political donations to the governor and this is just flat out wrong. the question is, is it about life or was it about millions of dollars and potentially billions for a drug company? >> the company was merck. and it was a $5,000 contribution that i had received from them. i raise about $30 million and if you're saying that i can be bought for $5,000, i'm offended. >> i'm offended for all the little girls and the parents that didn't have a choice. that's what i'm offended for. >> all right. so she no doubt her advisors
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told her that's what you have to do and that's what she did last night. >> it's interesting, a couple of the analysts on the debate last night afterwards said he came into it as the frontrunner, mr. perry, and he leaves the frontrunner. >> still is the front runner. >> i mean, he looks like he's happy to be on that stage. >> yeah, he did a very effective job. mitt romney very good. newt gingrich, i'll tell you what, he's really smart and had some of the best one liners of the night. we have some of them coming up and also rick santorum who did himself a lot of favors was very effective as well. he's going to be joining us an hour and five minutes from right now. >> i thought herman cain was good, too. >> he was fantastic. >> let's say ron paul was good, too, then. >> ron paul was on the ropes for a while. >> let's say they were all good. let's do some headlines for you this morning because you have a fox news alert. taliban rebels have launched a major attack on the u.s. embassy and nato head quarters in kabul. fox is confirming there has been an explosion and heavy gunfire
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in the city and there are reports of at least six rockets being fired. we'll bring you the latest details as they continue to come into fox. and another fox news alert, the two american hikers jailed in iran on charges of espionage could soon be free? published reports now saying that iran's president mahmoud ahmadinejad will release shane bower and josh fatal after payment of $500,000 bail. the two men along with sarah shourd were arrested more than two years ago hiking along the border. shourd was released last september for health reasons. last month, they were sentenced to eight months in prison for illegally entering the country. never know what's going to happen. it's a special election day in new york. this could be a big one, folks. voters in queens and brooklyn deciding who will take over congressman anthony weiner's congressional seat. the latest polls show the democrat trailing six points behind republican bob turner. both candidates turning to the big guns for last minute robo calls. >> hello, this is president bill clinton. i'm calling to ask you to
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support david weprin. >> this is donald trump and i'm not calling to fire you as we say on "the apprentice." i'm calling to fire you up. >> good line. >> weiner's congressional seat is expected to be eliminated, however, by redistricting so whoever wins may only have the job for a little more than a year. donald trump, you just heard him, he didn't make any robocalls in the next competition but his miss universe pageant crowned a new winner last night. >> 25-year-old lela lopez of angola is the first winner from her country. she said her smile was her best weapon. some might agree after seeing that yellow bikini. >> i'm looking at her smile. >> congratulations. >> staring at it. >> and i'm sure the countdown begins, can we put up a big clock until she comes here? always finds her way to the couch. >> all right. straight ahead from the universe to this country, is america's
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job creation machine shifting into reverse? one of the biggest job creators, the banks, now announcing tens of thousands of new layoffs. stu varney is joining us live next. >> we told you yesterday about "new york times" calling paul krugman calling president bush a fake hero and this morning, donald rumsfeld responds. ♪ it's a new day
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♪ defiant. ♪ the 42 mile per gallon ct hybrid from lexus. the most fuel-efficient luxury car available. ♪ and just what you need to forge your own path. ♪ >> the white house dealt another economic blow at the same time the president sends his $447 billion or half a trillion dollar jobs plan to congress. bank of america's ceo brian
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monihan announcing plans to lay off as many as 30,000 workers, largest job cut of a u.s. company this year. stuart varney joins us right now. stuart, that's terrible news! >> it is terrible news because, you know, for the past generation, i mean, you can go back 25 years, you can say that financial services, the banks in particular have been the huge engines of job creation. they have literally added millions to the work force in that industry. bank of america is now reversing that whole trend. 30,000 job cuts. hundreds of branches going to be closed. it's shrinking. it is america's biggest bank. it is shrinking along with the rest of the financial services industry. >> well, in particular, bank of america, they're doing it according to their top guy because they need to save something like, what, $5 billion over the next year. >> yes, they have to cut $5 billion each and every year going forward. that's their costs, ok, really, they're under enormous pressure from all sources. they've got the housing crash to deal with.
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remember, they bought countrywide. that was a subprime factory and they get their money back on that? >> one of the worst acquisitions ever, ok? they're on the hook for billions of dollars that they got to settle with the government because of the foreclosure paperwork mess and then they're being regulated to death. dodd frank huge bureaucracy sitting on top of the banks restricting what they can do, upping that cost. bank of america is pressured from all sides. it is shrinking just as america needs to create jobs, it's destroying them. >> no kidding. who was it -- was it john dilinger who said, when asked why do you rob banks? he said that's where the money is. to think they're having such gigantic layoffs where the money is, that's a gloomy forecaster of things to come. >> but investors are going after bank of america because they think it doesn't have enough money to meet its commitments in the future. bank of america says wait a minute, wait a minute, we have $400 billion cash and $2 trillion in assets, we got
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enough. we're ok but we have to shrink. >> speaking of investors, didn't warren buffet in the last couple of weeks put $5 billion of his money into that bank? >> on a monday afternoon, warren buffet held a conversation with president obama about the economy. on tuesday morning, warren gets an idea in his bathtub, i think it would be a good idea to put $5 billion into bank of america and prop up the financial system. are they connected? i don't know. but warren put $5 billion in a sweetheart deal. >> i wonder how much more that is worth today? >> quite more, actually. >> the oracle of omaha. thk you very much. we'll be watching you exactly three hours from right now on the fox business network. >> got it. >> meanwhile, fox news alert. new reports of an attack on the u.s. embassy in afghanistan. fox's dominique is there and will join us live after the break. can the president's multibillion
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>> 21 minutes after the top of the hour. fox news alert for you now. breaking news, taliban militants launch a major attack on the u.s. embassy and u.s. headquarters in kabul, afghanistan. joining me on the phone from kabul is dominique. >> gretchen, the headquarters in the center of kabul, there's a big gun battle going on across the city. they apparently are still taking
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instructions from their commanders on what to do next as they clear through one area after another. and international forces, nato forces have engaged with the afghan military police fight detonate bombers themselves. we don't know the force they've unleashed today. they've come under direct attack. they believe gunmen are unleashed in the neighborhood as well. there's a large number i'm told of civilian and military casualties. too early to say what the numbers are. attack started an hour ago. we understand where this is first launched but there are different positions around the city where we're getting further information coming in from. at the moment in the past few minutes, we hear that a new hotel that opened in the city has also come under attack. hotels have been targeted in the past. very audacious attack, it's
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still going on this very minute. >> so dominique, you're saying this is outside or near the u.s. embassy and civilians have been casualties here. what about u.s. citizens? >> we haven't heard yet because of the incoming of the u.s. embassy, it's a large compound but the main building does very much count and i haven't got any details on where exactly the rockets landed but the main building, the building is fortified and the windows are built around. we're still waiting for details to come in on that. people have decided -- i have a contact caught in the middle of the convoy of the site, actually trapped and we were informed there was civilian and military casualties but they headquarter many americans there as well. so if rockets land on those, it tends to be a greater impact.
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>> dominique, thank you so much for keeping us abreast of the breaking news situation happening in kabul, afghanistan for us. we'll continue to follow that this morning. back over to the couch and brian. >> the president wants congress to act now on the jobs plan. how are we going to pay for it? >> it's not going to add a dime to the deficit. next week, i'm laying out my plan. not only to pay for this jobs bill but also to bring down the deficit further. it's a plan that lives by the same rules that families do. we got to cut out things that we can't afford to do in order to afford the things that we really need. it's a plan that says everybody, including the wealthiest americans and biggest corporations have to pay their fair share. so -- >> so what exactly as it gradually goes out, what exactly is a fair share? is raising taxes the best way to create jobs and eliminating tax breaks for charities a good way to create jobs? eric trump is the founder of the
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eric trump foundation and the son of donald trump and is busier than his dad on a daily basis. >> great to see you. >> when you hear about big business and the so-called fortunate in this country, you and your dad and other corporate types like you are being tarpthed. how does that feel? >> sure, of course we are and, you know, i think we have some responsibility. i certainly think we have some responsibility. i also think it's many of those people that do the employing in the country so i think taxing them really gets back to the jobs problem. does that mean that those businesses create less jobs which is obviously been his largest blunder of his presidency. and i don't think anybody can debate that. >> you know, one of the things we said is how are you going to pay for it? one of the things he wants to do is cut off the deductions that corporations get and people like you get for giving money to charity. what kind of effect would that have? >> i spend more of my life raising money for charity than, quite frankly, anybody. and i work tirelessly, hours and hours and hours per day. you're our event tonight
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and i can't thank you enough r that. it kills us. it kills our efforts and the wrong place to cut. there are so many other places in government to cut. don't touch charities. >> right. now, you -- with the eric trump foundation, you decided instead of giving in to different foundations you'd start your own. you walked into st. jude's by danny thomas and march low thomas, what did you say? >> when i walked to st. jude's, i saw something that i've never seen in a children's hospital. it's amazing, it's friendly, it's clean. the people actually believe. they are so good at what they do and so good at the research of finding cures for these amazing, you know, terminal cancers. just a different place. different than any other pediatric hospital i've ever been in. >> major event today, you're golfing at 1:00 and i'll be tonight. big controversy for a while, jerry seinfeld was supposed to be the headliner. your dad is running for president. he doesn't like your dad so what does he do? >> he called me up and he said i no longer want to support the
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charity of st. jude's. called up bret michaels and he came on board right away and we sold out the event right away. we have a million dollars in the bank and it's really, we're going to blow it out of the water. >> it's incredible what you've done. your dad isn't running for president, i can ask you this question. who are you leaning towards as you watched the seven on stage last night? >> i haven't completely decided but everybody is, obviously attacking perry which is probably a sign that they're in fear of what he's proposing. you know, at the end of the day, perry really has created real jobs. it's something that the president has completely failed to do so i think he would have my vote. >> and he has called your dad multiple times, introduced himself first and to get his feedback and it's interesting. >> if i could have anybody run, it would be my father. the man is an amazing business leader and what this country needs and incredible backbone and i would love to see him do it. >> you know him best. do you think he's ruled it out? >> you know what? i think it's always in the back of his mind. i'm not sure if he's completely ruled it out. he is the right person. i can say that. i think there's a quality of
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life that's associated with what he does now that, you know, maybe that changes if he becomes president but there's no question he could turn around this country. he's done it in business several times. many times. he's always been a major success. he's amazing individual and that's what this country needs. >> great news for you because he needs to pick a running mate and he would probably pick your other brother but not after that endorsement. >> eric, see you tonight. >> we look forward to it. thank you, brian. let me tell you what's straight ahead. we told you yesterday about "the new york times" columnist paul krugman calling president bush a fake hero on september 11th. up next, donald rumsfeld responds and the big thinker gets some big laughs. >> not particularly worried about governor perry and governor romney frightening the american people when president obama scares them every single day. >> up next, the best one liners of the night courtesy of newt gingrich. ♪
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there's another way to minimize litter box odor: purina tidy cats. ti cats premium line of litters now works harder to help neutralize odors in multiple-cat homes. and our improved formula also helps eliminate dust. so it's easier than ever to keep your house smelling just the way you want it. purina tidy cats. keep your home smelling like home.
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andlinically proven to help support healthy cholesterol. ♪ put a little love in your heart ♪ i've got to tell susie ! the vending machine on elm is almost empty. i'm on it, boss. new pony ? sorry ! we are open for business. let's reroute greg to fresno. growing businesses use machine-to-mhine technology from verizon wireless. susie ! the vending machine... already filled. cool bike. because the business with the best technology rules. >> a former officer at the philadelphia mint in
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philadelphia has pled guilty to stealing $2.4 million in coins. huh? or as he calls it change he can belief in. -- believe in. >> i get it! you know who had the zingers last night during the debate, he's been doing them all along, newt gingrich, though, seemed to be on fire last night and he got a lot of applause as a result. will it do anything for him in the polls? not sure but take a listen. >> i'm not particularly worried about governor perry and governor romney frightening the american people when president obama scares them every single day. i thought for a second, you were going to refer to general electric which has paid no taxes. i was astonished the other night to have the president in the joint session with the head of g.e. up there, the president talking about taking care of loopholes and i thought to myself, doesn't he realize that every green tax credit is a loophole? >> which general electric has a ton of that. >> absolutely plus the fact they didn't pay taxes on what
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$13 gazillion dollars. >> two divisions of their company just moved to china. >> they did talk a lot last night about the president of the united states. president was busy yesterday. he had a rose garden ceremony where he unveiled his jobs plan. good idea this time, though, he wasn't surrounded. remember when he unveiled the health care thing and had the guys in white lab coats, didn't do it that time. >> let me tell you something, it was packed. seven deep behind him. >> well, that's to show all the support for the jobs plan. undoubtedly. not everyone loves the plan. why? some say hey, we don't know how we're going to pay for it. now, tell me if you think this is a strategic move or not. the president announces his plan last week and does a second announcement with the actual paper copy of it and the paper clip yesterday but guess when he's going to tell you how he's going to pay for it. a little more in depth. not right then and there. that's going to come a little later on.
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it comes down to one word which is taxes. >> what he is doing is look at families that are giving to charity who make over $250,000. cut down on that deduction. that's great. start giving disincentive to give charities at a time in which society needs the most help from those supposedly very fortunate and take a $40 billion and $40 billion by closing loopholes on oil companies. you know those villians as well as $3 billion he will save by changing the tax treatment to corporate jet owners because they're horrible people. >> and corporate jet thing will raise $3 billion. that's it. that's 1/100th of the kind of money they need. even though the president of the united states last thursday said, you know, there's not going to be any class warfare. once again, it is class warfare. it's one of those things where if you make $200,000 or more like brian said, your itemized deductions when it comes to charitable things, going to be impacted. your home mortgage, impacted. stuff like that. there are some details that
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republicans do like that we have heard that the republicans do like the idea of extending the payroll tax cut. also, tax credits for companies, i'm reading from over on the big board, there you go. hiring unemployment veterans and extends unemployment insurance another year. >> that's why it's on a clip. it's a master clip because you can take some pages out and throw them away. >> the most interesting point about it is we've heard it all before. the most interesting point to me is this is exactly what the president proposed during the whole deficit, you know, debt august 2nd deadline. this was the exact pretty much same plan then. it didn't fly then with the house republicans specifically so now will house republicans and republicans in general feel a little pressure to acquiesce because they're looking at the poll numbers and seeing that members of the united states of america citizens only like them by 13%. will that make them now toe the
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line differently than they did in the summer. and the president is proposing the exact same ideas. >> these are exactly the same proposals he had, you know, getting rid of the -- reducing the effectiveness of the home mortgage deduction, and also the itemization for charitable. that was brought up before congress. and it was voted down when the democrats controlled both houses of congress so when the president said, you know, there are ideas in here from republicans and democrats, that's absolutely true but at the same time, this particular part of that program voted down by republicans. >> 24 minutes before the top of the hour. some other news breaking. >> the parents of casey anthony have broken their silence for the first time since she was acquitted of killing their daughter. in the interview, dr. phil, the tv guy asked george and cindy anthony if they believe casey put her daughter's body in the trunk of her car. >> what do you now believe the
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smell was from? >> truthfully, to this day, i don't know to be honest. >> do i want to believe that caylee was back there? i don't want to believe it. i'm going by what investigators have told me. all i know is that caylee isn't with us anymore. i know that. >> dr. phil says the couple is divided over whether casey could have killed caylee. george is much more critical of his daughter. the anthonys have not seen or talked to their daughter since the trial. >> new details on that stun gun confrontation at the jets-cowboys game. police say cowboys fan leroy mcelvey got into a fight with a marine after he removed to stfud and remove his hat for the national anthem. he fired a stun gun and fell six rows. apparently he's a jehovah's
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witness and didn't believe in standing for the anthem. he's being held on a string of felony charges now. >> update to a story we told you about yesterday. "new york times" columnist paul krugman called george w. bush a fake hero, among other things, for his behavior after september 11th. "the times" lost another subscriber. it's true. former defense secretary donald rumsfeld among the readers insulted by krugman. rumsfeld tweeted after reading krugman's repugnant piece on 9/11, i canceled my subscription to "the new york times" this a.m. a lot of people are doing that. >> now he doesn't have to go and get the paper. gretch? >> feeling the need for speed? check out this school bus in nebraska complete with just three seats. i got to look at this thing and 42,000 horsepower engine. >> those kids have to get to kindergarten real quick. >> it sets you back in the seat with a couple of g's and you just launch and before you know it, you're up to 300 miles an hour. it's really a neat feeling. >> the bus is the brain child of an adrenalin junkie. he thought it would be cool to build the bus to get kids
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interested in what he does, the bus, by the way, goes -- what was behind that ing? goes 320 miles per hour. wait a minute, get kids interested in what? going to school or this kind of technology? or riding in that kind of a bus? because i don't know any parent on this planet that would let that kid go on the bus. >> you know what? rather than the parachute, brian, they could just put those -- the stop signs out to slow it down. >> that would be great. that would be fantastic. >> maybe a batman bus. meanwhile, i got to tell you what happened last night on monday night football. it was a great game if you were a new england patriots fan. the ball was flying in south florida. patriots took on the dolphins, the game was tied for a while. tied at 14 when the patriots offense went on a tear. tom brady who is so good in the regular season had a career high 517 yards including a 99 yard strike for wes welker who always seems to be open no matter who you play. patriots win 38-24. there you go. raiders kicker ties the regular
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season record for the longest field goal in nfl history with the 63-yard kick. the raiders beat the broncos 23-20. former baseball star manny ramirez headed to court this morning after being arrested for domestic violence. his wife claims ramirez slapped her in the face during a fight. ramirez retired this year following a second positive test for performance enhancing drugs and finally, u.s. men's open, rafael nadal against novak djovoic, beats nadal in four sets to take the first u.s.en. having one of the best seasons in history is djokovic. losing just two matches the entire year, been a good u.s. open despite the rain. >> that match was fantastic! >> coming up on kilmeade & friends on radio between nine and noon, gretchen carlson seems nice, can't wait to touch her in person. >> what? >> i mean, meet her in person. >> my entire left side is
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bruised as a result of you touching me on a daily basis. >> they are just good job, way to go. there you go. >> love pats. >> all right, straight ahead, a trespasser shot and killed but should the man who pulled the trigger face murder charges for protecting his own property? the stunning ruling from a judge and what it means for you from our judge next. >> then your questions answered. the experts from the hit show "the doctors" are here to answer questions about everything from weight loss to energy loss. she used to be on "the biggest loser" and now she's on "the doctors". they'll be on the curvy couch. >> they're standing very close. [ female announcer ] so you think your kids are getting enough vegetables?
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fans of "happy feet" holding out hope the penguin is still alive. just five days after being released back into the ocean, we're still tracking this thing? he ate some sticks and he was not feeling good and now he's in the water. experts say the transmitter most likely fell off. malfunctioned. great. but there's also the possibility that happy feet became a happy meal. oh, my goodness! >> can't be happy about that. >> we have to move on. isn't there a panda giving birth? >> there's just too much publicity. they all look exactly alike. >> here, you got to understand, we have a penguin on about two weeks ago, brian had a new pair of shoes. >> the penguin did something to the shoes. >> exactly right. >> so now he takes it out on all the penguins. >> that's his likely excuse. we have to change gears a little bit to tell you about this story. florida's controversial self-defense law known as stand your ground making headlines again now. >> yep, a judge dismissing charges against a 65 guy, that guy right there accused of
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killing two unarmed men on his boat during an altercation last april. the judge said that the man's actions were justified out of fear for his life. but was justice served? we know that judge andrew napolitano's on the couch with us right now. and he joins us live. good morning to you. >> good morning, guys. >> so this is a little different because it takes place -- the law is called stand your ground. this wasn't on the ground. this was on a boat. >> this is the first time this has happened on the boat. here's the old rule before this law, if someone was threatening your life, you had duty to retreat. that is to run away from them. this statute in florida allows you to use deadly force to repel, to kill the person threatening your life as long as you are lawfully in your vehicle, in your office, in your home. no mention in the statute about a boat. this guy buys a boat from somebody and the seller says you didn't pay me everything. you owe me. i'm coming on that boat. and i'm going to throw you off the boat. >> this takes place in the water. not a boat showroom. they don't have any guns, the
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two people that come on the boat but the owner of the boat, the guy who bought it thinks they do. he shoots them. government indicts him for first degree murder. the judge throws the case out saying you had a reasonable fear of your life. they told you they were going to throw you off the boat. you would have drowned. you have the right under this statute to shoot them and kill them. turns out these two guys were drugged out seriously at the time this happened and they had no weapons on them but there's no way that that could have been known at the time. >> if you were a judge on this case, would you have done the same thing? >> i would have done the same thing but it's very controversial in florida now because people are worried this statute is going to legalize dueling that people will intentionally do these things. but the purpose of the statute was to enable you to use your natural second amendment right to defend yourself rather than having to run away. what's controversial here is that it was a boat, not that it was a car or office building or a home. >> coming up at 8 e:00 tonight on "freedom watch".
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>> charlie rangel and i will go toe to toe on the president's jobs bill. >> read the intro like that. >> i dare you! >> see you soon. would you rsvp to a dinner with a dictator? american students getting invites from ahmadinejad. >> great! >> columbia. >> then the doctors are in. send us your questions, they're answering them after the break. >> they're getting so close! >> they are. >> right back. losing weight clicked for us when we realiz we could do weight watchers online together. it was easy, it was flexible and it worked. ok -- i've got ground turkey, i've got bell peppers so he'd plug it into the recipe builder and it just pulls up tons of recipe options.
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program becoming the only nonphysician host on the show. she and show veteran dr. travis stork join me this morning. good morning to the two of you. >> all right. dr. stork, we know that you've been on this show and it's been very successful. what's it like to have the outspoken spice it up jillian come to join you? >> it's a blast! it's been so much fun having jillian on board. it really has been because every morning, get to go into work and jillian is like all right, let's have a push-up contest. no, but -- >> i do those around here, too. >> yeah, he's being snide because one got sprung on us and he barely eked out a win. i was tired. i had heels on. whatever. >> you have to kick those heels off. >> you're right. that's the only reason. >> jillian brings great energy to the show and i think people will see that this year. >> everybody wondered where she was going to go from "the biggest loser." she came on and couldn't tell anyone. now we know who you are. you were brought in as a
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nonphysician to spice it up and i want to show you the clip when ann coulter came on the show and you got into it. >> oh, my god, i'm not in kansas anymore. >> what i think is dangerous in america, something we haven't seen before is this enthusiasm and encouragement for young girls, teenage girls, teen mom shows and the woman is doing it on her own. it's women who consciously by choice decide i'm going to have a baby and i don't need a man. >> i have a man and i want to have a child so what would you tell me? >> i'd say you're being very narcissitic. >> i'm adopting a child that has no loving parents of any kind. >> there are plenty of married parents that are -- there are lots of married parents that are waiting -- >> really? there's millions of children -- >> that don't have loving homes. >> and you say? >> i was not happy that day. you know, listen, ann coulter fires people up.
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this is not a secret. and it took -- travis had to restrain me at one point. i thought we were going to come to blows. but you're going to have to tune in because it gets heated as you can see. >> all right. we will. let's get some e-mails from our viewers if you don't mind. they have lots of questions. first one goes to jillian from paula. i'm so frustrated with my inability to lose weight. i eat healthy, drink water only, i meditate, walk three times a week. was able to lose 20 pounds in three months and then i hit a plateau. what test can i take to determine why i am not losing? >> ok. this is really simple. people always say things like i eat healthy. and i'll say really? are you counting calories? no. 100 to 1 she's not counting calories and with that said, you walk three times a week? so maybe you're burning 300 calories a week. that's nothing. you need to burn 3500 calories a week to lose a pound. you're going to see tremendous weight loss in the beginning because of dramatic change to diet and it shocks the system. she needs to start counting calories and she needs to work out harder, more often and
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she'll see accelerated weight loss. >> i remember when i started a journal for food and it was amazing to see how much you're eating when you think you're not. >> travis, this is for you. how many times can an individual receive cpr before having permanent damages to the nervous system or organs such as the heart, liver or kidneys? you are an e.r. physician. you would know. >> first of all, let me say hopefully people don't get cpr more than once in their life. but the whole point of cpr is to keep blood going to vital organs, brain and all those other organs you mentioned so there's really no limit to how many times you can get cpr. the question is if you have prolonged cpr, then likely you're going to get diminished blood flow to your brain and that's when people will have brain damage from their heart stopping. >> all right. quick one from danielle for jillian out of texas. how do i reach out to my extremely overweight diabetic brother to make him realize how important it is to lose weight while being supportive at the same time? >> wow. so many people have issues with loved ones that they're trying
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to help change their lives. you cannot -- you can lead the horse to water, can't make them drink. normally i would say they have to want it for themselves. there's a slight way to manipulate them into thinking the way you'd like them to. ask leading questions. what is it that you want for yourself? where do you see your life going? what do you want for your future? and if you can bring them to the conclusion that they want to be healthy, you can then ask, how can i support you with that? what would be helpful? >> that's very helpful advice. we'll all check out "the doctors" the fourth season with the new addition of jillian. thanks so much. >> thank you. >> thanks for having us. >> rick santorum, presidential candidate on the republican side joins us 20 minutes from now. t . i'm on it, boss. new pony ? sorry ! we are open for business. let's reroute greg to fresno. growing businesses use machine-to-mhine technology from verizon wireless. susie !
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you don't just engineer breakthroughs in simulation technology, you engineer amazing. >> good morning, everyone. it's tuesday, september 13th. thank you for sharing your time today. we have breaking news to tell you at this hour. right now, taliban militants are launching a major attack against the u.s. embassy in afghanistan. the very latest from the ground
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moments away. >> ring perry's republican rivals ganging up on the governor for his attacks on social security but he's fighting back. >> i would suggest that people are tired of spending money we don't have on programs we don't want. >> more from last night's tea party debate clearly happy with that answer. >> and would you rsvp to dinner with an evil dictator? american students accepting invites from that guy right there. mr. ahmadinejad. where? we where are they going to sit down and eat? hour two for this "fox & friends" starts right now. >> for your tuesday, we begin now with a fox news alert because taliban militants have launched a major attack in kabul, afghanistan today. fox confirms now that militants have been firing rockets at the
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u.s. embassy there. nato headquarters and other government targets. at least 10 explosions have been heard around the city in addition, police say gunmen have been firing from an office building just 300 yards from the embassy. and there are reports of homicide bombers lurking on the streets. what does this all mean just two days after the 10th anniversary of september 11th? joining us now on the phone from kabul is dominique denatali, a reporter there stationed right there. what's happening in the last 30 minutes since we last spoke? >> we understand there's been some shooting from the u.s. embassy compound been under rocket attack in the past 90 minutes. most details are too slight of who is doing the shooting, i imagine because of security at the embassy, usually u.s. marines protect u.s. embassies around the world. we do know there are gunmen still in the area. rockets going into nato headquarters very close to the u.s. embassy. we understand that there are a bunch of -- there are people across the city that are taking
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orders, progress from one stage of the attack to the other. we are hearing the gun fight near the main hospitals. these men are around with rocket-propelled grenades, small arms still numbered to be determined. five suicide bombers have detonated, could be up to another five. plus it would be more suicide bombers loose in the city waiting to get in position. ahead of the counterterrorism unit and the criminal investigation department, the kabul authorities have come under siege. there is what they describe as sharp shooting inside that building and even the kabul police chief has been pinned down. one witness who was on convoy in a military convoy was described a short while ago at being crazy out there. describing how buildinging have been evacuated and there were afghan citizens and children running in the streets for cover. he said the afghan police are running around with guns and
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have no clue what to do. i hear from one contact that the international forces are over here, basically nato have been engaging and they're attacking and tend to be foreign related. i think just two days ago, deliberate. probably doing some because of the events going on in the united states, it would have been hard to stage the events there so i think this is a reminder from the taliban that they are very much alive and most certainly capable, very complex well coordinated attacks and gunfire going above us, currently in a safe position, in a safe house and the attack continues and the forces here are actually finding it quite a challenge to pin these guys down and get the situation under control. >> last question to you, how would you characterize the mix
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of u.s. forces/nato forces and afghan forces? e they totally integrated right now in trying to repel this attack? >> i would -- from what i understand, i would not say integrated. it appears that the afghan forces seem to be doing their thing. i have -- i have heard from a nato contact that they are trying to coordinate a response but due to the span of the attack and the fact that it's very fast moving and a fluid situation, it's very difficult to actually coordinate a response themselves. so it appears that doing those individual sites that are under attack are just defending themselves for the time being and until they have to get a better idea of precisely what they're up against. >> dominique there in kabul afghanistan with the very latest on the u.s. embassy. thank you very much. >> so different from what we've heard before in the past. maybe one homicide bomber would come and do some sort of a staged attack. it seems like this is very well
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planned and laid out and many different targets. keep it here on fox and continue to let you know how that's developing. >> meanwhile, last night was debate. i've been saying seven. there was eight on the stage last night. my mistake. so it was -- i thought it was an interesting debate. i thought each one of them could walk away and say i did well in this area. one thing was clear. everyone has been seeing the polls no matter who is doing them, the guy in front is governor rick perry and therefore, he was the target last night and they knew exactly where he was vulnerable. they thought social security. >> that's right. >> wolf blitzer technically the host. however, at one point, mitt romney took over and interviewed the governor of texas. listen to this. >> but the question is -- do you still believe that social security should be ended as a federal program as you did six months ago when your book came out and returned to the states? >> i think we ought to have a conversation -- >> we're having that right now,
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governor. >> if you'll let me, i'll finish this conversation. but the issue is -- are there ways to move the states into social security for state employees or for retirees? we did in the state of texas back in the 1980's. i think those types of thoughtful conversations with america rather than trying to scare seniors like you're doing. >> look, there are a lot of very bright people who agree with you and that's your view and i happened to have a different one. i think social security is an essential program and we should change the way we're funding it -- >> you said if people did it in the private sector, it would be called criminal. that's in your book. >> oh, my goodness. they've obviously both read each other's books or had the highlights, the cliffnotes given to them but it was a very interesting debate and no doubt, this is a main uissue, i think, an entitlement issue that may make or break it with governor perry. one thing that michelle bachmann fired back against perry,
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though, look, she needs to get the tea party back supporting her because a lot of her supporters seem to have gone over to governor perry. and she had a big problem with this executive order that governor perry signed in the state of texas for 11 and 12-year-old girls to be required to get a government injection for an std called hpv. last night, she revealed that she felt like there was a money trail involved in this. listen to this. >> what i'm saying is that it's wrong for a drug company because the governor's former chief of staff was a chief lobbyist for this drug company. the drug company gave thousands of dollars in political donations to the governor and this is just flat out wrong. the question is, is it about life or was it about millions of dollars and potentially billions for a drug company? >> the company was merck. and it was a $5,000 contribution that i had received from them. i raise about $30 million and if you're saying that i can be
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bought for $5,000, i'm offended. >> i'm offended for all the little girls and the parents that didn't have a choice. that's what i'm offended for. >> well, in this morning's papers, a number of them did a review and figured out who won and who lost, the l.a. times said the overall winner was mitt romney. rick perry was a survivor. michelle bachmann made a mini comeback and then in the pages of "the washington post" this morning, the winner, mitt romney and also newt gingrich. they feel inshgton post" rick perry it a pretty good cleaning up what he said at the last debate regarding social security but regard him as a loser. who do you think the winners and losers were? give us an e-mail. friends at and we'll try to share some a little later on. >> only thing i would add to, mitt romney should watch out, review and perspective is al gore won a lot of debates, too, but at the end of it, was he likable? did he have the right answer or did you feel he was
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presidential? rick perry was taking hits from everywhere and i never saw him unnerved. not everyone liked his answers when it came to illegal immigrants. >> he got boos. >> in-state tuition and not everyone loved his answer when it came to the defense but it never looked like he was unglued. >> did not back down. >> most important thing is not necessarily what the pundits think but what you think. let us know. >> now the rest of the headlines. >> all the viewers out there and santorum will be up as well. we want to hear from him six minutes away. fox news alert, the two american hikers jailed in iran on charges of espionage could soon be free. published reports saying that president ahmadinejad will release them after payment of $500,000 each. the two men along with sarah shourd arrested two years ago. they were hiking along the iran-iraq border. they were sentenced to eight years in prison recently for illegally entering the country. al-qaida marking the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks with an hour long video message. the dawn of eminent victory
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released on jihadist web sites featured an audio speech by new heir and unreleased footage of usama bin laden. voters in queens and brooklyn deciding who is going to take over for democrat anthony weiner's congressional seat. latest polls show that democrat david weprin is trailing six points behind bob turner. both kandz dates turning to the big guns for last minute robocalls. >> hello, this is president bill clinton. i'm calling to ask you to support david weprin. >> this is donald trump and i'm not calling to fire you as we say on "the apprentice." i'm calling to fire you up. >> weiner's congressional seat expected to be eliminated actually by redistricting. whoever wins may only have the job for a little more than a year. it will be very telling who wins that race. look who is coming to dinner. iranian president mahmoud ahmadinejad getting the celebrity treatment again in new york. going to get it again next week dining with a group of students from columbia university.
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school officials say none of the invited students have any problem breaking bread with ahmadinejad who marked the 10th anniversary of the september 11th attacks saying the united states planned those attacks just so it could go to war. and those are the headlines. >> wonder if they'll go through the cafeteria line together. >> yeah. wasn't treated too well last time. meanwhile, coming up straight ahead, incredible guest list continues. glenn beck is back. i understand he doesn't shave and doesn't wear suits. he's making his debut now on glenn beck tv. but first, he's making a stop right here on the curvy couch. >> yep. >> then jordin sparks about to light up our studios. she's getting ready right now. she'll join us -- >> hi, jordin. >> in five minutes. the stronger the rapids, the more we loved it.
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>> former pennsylvania senator rick santorum taking on his republican presidential frontrunner rick perry currently in last night's tea party debate. >> unlike governor perry, i believe we need to build more fence. i believe that we need to secure the border using technology and more personnel. and until we build that border, we should either have stormtroopers come in and throw people out of the country nor should we provide amnesty. >> the idea that you're going to build a wall from brownsville to el paso and go left for another 800 miles to tijuana is not reality. >> but you feel differently, joining us right now is rick santorum. senator, you two differ. he's the governor of a border state. shouldn't he know better? >> no, he doesn't know better because he plays politics with the immigration issue and one of the other issues i talked about is that -- and he's provided benefits for illegal immigrants in the state of texas and in his
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proposed -- he didn't support it. he didn't support having states, you know, participate in helping law enforcement when people are breaking the law to find out that they have they also may be breang the law with respect to being in the country so he has a very weak record and as you know, he was booed on that issue in this debate by the crowd. >> and also when it comes to illegal immigration, him allowing in-state tuition for the children of illegals, that is something that also wasn't popular with you or the crowd. >> that's right. i said he provides state benefits for illegals and that's the one benefit that he
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supported. people have said this is a beat up on rick perry last night. no, this is the first time in a month he's had to answer for some of the policy positions. he's gotten a free ride for a month of the media trying to crown this man the new frontrunner and he's done a great job. he's soared in the polls. i wish i had 1/10th of the media coverage that governor perry has gotten in the last month. now people have to look at his at his record. the more concerned i am about him being a "conservative" governor of texas. >> hpv virus. controversial decision that he had in texas. he said if i could do it again, i would have done it differently but yet, you went after him in the first debate and michelle bachmann went after him in the second debate. let's listen to the question. >> i think we need to hear what governor perry is saying. he's saying that his policy was right. he believes that what he did is right. i think he went about it the wrong way. i believe your policy is wrong.
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he did say i should have done it differently. >> no, he said he shouldn't have done it through an executive order but he still believed that the state should mandate that every 11-year-old girl in the state of texas should receive this vaccine. remember, we have vaccines in schools to prevent communicable diseases spreading in schools. it's a public health issue. this disease is spread through sexual contact. it's a sexually transmitted disease unless 11 and 12-year-olds in the state of texas are somehow encouraged to participate in that activity, this is not something that the state or federal government should be doing. if you want to promote it for parents and want to educate them, fine. don't force them to get this vaccine. >> i want you to give you a chance to answer the big question of the night. it came from tyler hensley, listen. >> my question is out of every dollar that i earn, how much do
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you think i deserve to keep? >> your answer to that, rick santorum? >> well, i think what we have to -- i'm someone who believes in a progressive tax rate that, you know, depending on your income, you should -- if you're a lower income person, you should pay a lower percentage tax. if you're a higher income person, higher. my top rate was -- the reagan top rate at 28%, i think that's where we need to go. and the bottom rate was 10%. so that's -- that's me. and by the way, i believe most americans should pay something in income taxes. not a lot. but the idea that almost half of america pays absolutely nothing in federal income tax i think is a mistake. i'm not talking about, you know, hitting people with big tax increases. i'm talking about having some contribution to the federal income tax system is not a bad thing and even if it's a, you know, a nominal amount, it still says i have some skin in the game and i'm feeling some burden of supporting the government. >> senator, you got to be happy with the debates.
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we'll see if the polls reflect your feeling on the stage. because you certainly understand the issues. senator rick santorum, thanks so much for joining us and the casual look is quite impressive. >> thank you very much. take care, brian. >> meanwhile, coming up straight ahead, more from the debate coming up. we have the big thinker getting in some big jabs. >> i'm not particularly worried about governor perry and governor romney frightening the american people when president obama scares them every single day. >> up next, the best one liners of the night courtesy of newt gingrich and jordin sparks out of hair and make-up and heading to the curvy couch and she could also head to your kids' school? america's idol. [ female announcer ] so you think your kids are getting enough vegetables?
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from "american idol" winner, the youngest ever to broadway star, jordin sparks is adding something to her resume, ambassador of the program that allows students to travel all around the world. she traveled to austria where she met a holocaust survivor and even got to sing for him. >> ♪ amazing grace ♪ how sweet the sound >> platinum selling recording artist and grammy nominee jordin sparks joins me right now. good to see you. >> thank you. you, too. >> we showed this video of you singing "amazing grace" before the holocaust survivor and you went like this. why? >> i haven't seen the clip yet so it was definitely emotional. i was just feeling everything that i felt sitting there. i mean, for me, in school, i always loved, you know, learning about world war ii and the holocaust and i always did book reports on it. to be able to sit there and meet the professor and listen to his story, it was incredible and
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then, you know, i got up to sing and that was the only song that could pop into my head and the choir joined in and it was just like this moment that i don't think anything could have been scripted. it was incredible. >> that was the highlight of the trip that you took this past july with your brother p.j. because you are serving as an ambassador now. tell me about the program. >> so people to people is an organization that gives scholarships to kids to go over and basically see things that they see in their history books. you know, they go over. we went to the louvre. we went to the eiffel tower. we went through austria and got to go to a concentration camp and meet the holocaust survivor and it's amazing to be able to see these things actually touch them and be like i remember learning about that. it was incredible. i got to bring my brother with me and it was great for him, too, because he's never been over there so it was an experience for both of us but i got to go with the choir and there were 14 kids and so we were all over there and every day, full day, from 5:30 until like 11:30 at night, they were going, going, going. traveling, learning things.
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we also got to go to austria, the classical music capital of the world. and, you know, got to see a choir and where mozart was born. it was amazing. >> so if people would like to win this contest where you will come to their school. >> yes. >> they can go to as well. but to try to get the most votes for that. >> yeah, make sure you go. >> i have to ask you about something else. you have sung the national anthem in big venues before. >> a couple of times. >> and i understand the pressure that comes with that and we've seen in recent times some other big stars make a couple of mistakes with -- >> sure. >> with the words. do you have empathy for that or do you think they should know the words? >> oh, my gosh, yes, actually for me, it is one of the scariest things i do ever because everybody -- i mean, it's our nation's song and everybody, you know, if that happened to me, nobody would ever be able to let me live it down and every time before i go out there, i'm like please don't
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let me forget the words and if i do, please let me keep going. >> unfortunately, they're going to notice now. >> i know. i know. with you tube and everything, it's everywhere. but it's definitely scary and the pressure is just -- it's immense. all eyes are on you and you're singing it and everybody is following you. and it's definitely very, very crazy. >> i, of course, remember, as you do bettered than i, simon always said if you screw up the words, you're out! >> right. i know. and i was like ok, i can do this. i can do this. >> continued success. >> thank you so much. thank you for having me. >> you're such a great role model empowering young women and young men. continued success. >> thank you. >> if the polls measured applause, newt gingrich, he would have come out on top. >> i'm not particularly worried about governor perry and governor romney frightening the american people when president obama scares them every single day. >> best oneliners from last night's debate when we come back. and he missed the curvy couch. glenn beck live here on "fox & friends."
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>> has trouble with connecting to young voters. tea party members seem to be middle aged or older. they're probably going to have to expand their appeal to include some younger people, too, and i think i know how they can do that. >> get ready for the sexiest dance party in town. it's the tea party dance party. lady jar-jar. booty bot, the fly gals. lisa li, delicious and many more. boogie on down to the tea party dance party. >> all right. >> ok. i saw some young faces in the tea party audience yesterday so i don't know if you need to have a dance party to get it. >> i think the funniest thing is people think tea party is a bunch of rich people that are corporate jet owners and they flew there individually. meanwhile, yesterday, very
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friendly audience greeted newt gingrich and the tea party. everybody got a lot of applause. newt gingrich was very quick on his feet. watch. >> speaker gingrich, would you raise the retirement age for social security recipients? >> no. not necessarily. but let me start with -- i'm not particularly worried about governor perry and governor romney frightening the american people when president obama scares them every single day. >> one of the biggest companies in the united states is the oil companies. they get, i guess some would call government handouts in the form of tax breaks, tax exemptions, loopholes. they're making billions and billions of dollars. is that fair? >> you know, i thought for a second you were going to refer to general electric which has paid no taxes. i was astonished the other night to have the president there in the joint session with the head of g.e. sitting up there, the president talking about taking care of loopholes. and i thought to myself, doesn't he realize that every green tax credit is a loophole?
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>> that's right. according to "the washington post" this morning, one of the winners last night was newt gingrich for his one-liners. he certainly had all of the crowd on his side at times and that guy, very smart. he's a one man soundbite. >> all he has to do was have enough left to get to the debates and he was running on fumes going into the debates. how do you watch him on stage and say he's irrelevant? how do you look at that background and say he doesn't matter? it's incredible. >> he's obviously listening to the advice, possibly, i don't think karl rove is advising him but he's said in the past that republicans shouldn't attack each other while on the stage. i'm thinking newt gingrich is one of the few that he hasn't yet. he's very inclusive in the way he talks about republicans in general and still attacking president obama. >> he just attacks chris wallace. >> listen, if i said looks like we made it, what does that mean to you? >> that means i'm extremely excited. >> happy to have this job. could it mean that there's a song like that? i can't remember the artist that
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sang it and made it famous. >> would that be barry manilow? >> yes, he's fantastic. barry manilow for the first time in the history of this program will be on the curvy couch in the next -- >> better not be teasing me! >> stop it. what are you going to say to him? i can't smile without you? >> don't you write the songs that make the whole world sing. >> you deserve a break today. >> i wonder if he'll lead to say those things to you. >> casey anthony's parents speaking out for the first time since their daughter was acquitted of murder. in the interview, you got dr. phil asking george and cindy anthony what they thought of the theory that george had a role in covering up caylee's death. >> did it ever occur to you that he's hidden substantial things from me before, could he have done it again? >> no, not when it came to his family as far as casey and caylee. george would never have put us through those six months of not knowing where caylee was if he
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knew where caylee was because i watched his heartbreak every single day. >> dr. phil says the couple is divided over whether casey could have killed caylee. george is much more critical of his daughter and the anthonieshave not seen or talked to casey since the trial. >> have you heard about this at the jets-cowboys game. they say the cowboys fan got into a fight with a marine after he refused to stand and remove his hat for the national anthem. he whipped out a stun gun. nobody expected that at a football game and he fired it sending the marine sending six rows and hurting two other people. none of the injuries are life threatening. apparently, he's a jehovah's witness and doesn't believe in standing for the anthem. we've got some e-mails that that's not part of the religion. >> stun guns are all over the doctrine. >> no, i'm talking about the
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anthem. >> barney frank renewing his push to overhaul the federal reserve. he wants the fed's regional presidents thrown out and replaced with appointees. frank going alone so far. he can't find a co-sponsor for the bill. one fed reserve official calls frank's plan "a tragic mistake." >> a birthday surprise this sister will never forget. >> the 14-year-old completely shocked to find her brother back from afghanistan and right at her school in new york. >> come home for my birthday and i was waiting for a call from him this morning and i didn't get one so i was kind of upset. he's here now. >> words can't really explain how it makes someone feel. i love them just as much as they love me. >> senior airman damien beeman
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planned the birthday surprise over a month ago with his mom. the mom was on that stuff. >> updating our special election coverage in new york. you had voters in brooklyn and queens deciding who replaces congressman anthony weiner today. tyra hernandez live in queens with the latest. a lot of excitement in queens? >> a lot of excitement in terms of the candidates who they're really working overtime. this is a squeaker. very close and, in fact, one of the candidates, the democratic candidate just up the block shaking hands at a subway stop this morning trying to leave nothing to chance because this race is very close. the latest poll we have from public policy shows that weprin has 41% and the republican candidate bob turner 47%. that is surprising to a lot of people. this is a democratic strong hold, district 9 of new york city. 3-1 democrats in this district but that really has not helped david weprin and he's raised $800,000 more than republican
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candidate bob turner but still, just behind in the polls there. polls opened at 6:00 a.m. this morning, they're going to close at 9:00. and the candidates really in overdrive. bob turner yesterday showed up with his biggest endorsement, former mayor rudy giuliani. the focus of their campaign has been national. a lot of people feel that this is really a referendum on president obama which is why turner is doing so well at this point. but again, very close and we'll have to see who takes this seat left by former congressman anthony weiner. back to you. >> thank you very much. he's right over there, i see him, we're just talking to him. glenn beck here live with something brand new to announce. good morning to you, glenn. >> you look so slim! >> and scruffy. >> not really. >> you look great! he's going to be on the couch in a minute. singer barry manilow going public with something he's never shared before. he's in our control room. i don't know if i can contain
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♪ [ sighs ] [ bird chirps ] [ bird squawks ] ♪ [ bird screeching ] ♪ [ elevator bell dings ] [ sighs ] how mad is she? she kicked me out. but took the best stuff. i'll get the wrench. ♪ [ male announcer ] kohler's tresham collection. life. with a twist. ♪ >> glenn beck officially launching his own tv network gbtv. look. >> hello, america! and welcome to the very first episode and the first day of the future. this is gbtv and the truth lives here. >> well, gbtv, the founder and also a radio talk show host, he seems quite nice. glenn beck. >> well, i could turn on you.
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>> i know, you have. >> we've seen it. >> you would have done that already. >> why are you laughing when he says you're the found snefounde? >> it's weird. i read in the "wall street journal" yesterday that we have more subscribers than oprah winfrey has viewers. >> on her whole network which is bizarre. >> 230,000 subscribers. >> more than that now. had a good day yesterday. >> that's great. so you're on the web. explain how this is all going to work and how do we find you? >> you just go to, there's a free trial for two weeks and you just go on the web, you can throw it up on television. we've partnered for the technology with the people that provide all the technology for major league baseball so either watch it on your ipad, you can watch it on your phone, watch it on your tv, watch it wherever you are. >> wow. >> and this is the beginning of a nonlinear network. not round the clock. it's almost like netflix. >> just watch you whenever we want to. >> and you'll get documentaries and other programming and we'll be doing entertainment programming as well. it all kind of fits into the
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same mold as what we were doing here. >> high-tech chalk board is still on there. let's talk about the economy because a lot of people saying that some of the things that you said before are coming true now. >> yeah, isn't that strange? yeah, we have -- somebody did a -- they went back and looked at our record and it's a 92% accuracy rate on what we said was coming, 92% of it is happening and it's quite remarkable. now the question is will anybody listen to what's coming next? because the thing -- some of the things that are still left out on the table, europe coming apart, next week, you know, everybody is worried about 9/11 this week. everybody really should be paying attention to what is coming in the coming days starting on the 17th, i just went by j.p. morgan chase where they have three levels of security now around j.p. morgan chase here in new york city. they have bomb sniffing dogs and everything else. that's not just for 9/11. you'll see that next week as well because the marxists are
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coming out and they are boycotting wall street and it's a movement that is starting from here, in spain, in israel, in europe, all over the world. >> and he's public, very critical of the administration and very critical of dodd frank and he feel as though this is prolonged by policies of the administration. >> barney frank just said he wants to replace the board of the fed which i say abolish the fed. he wants to replace them with appointees from the president. that's insanity! this stimulus package i saw yesterday on fox that debbie wasserman schultz said the stimulus package, the first one worked. in what way, debbie? in what way? explain that. >> getting rid of all the money that we have. >> it created jobs, they all cost a lot per piece. >> federal jobs that do nothing but spend more money. don't make money. >> let's talk about the debate last night. >> yeah. >> let's play a little bit of the sound. this is the romney-perry exchange over social security. >> governor, the term ponzi scheme is what scared seniors,
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number one. and number two, suggesting that social security should no longer be a federal program and return to the states as unconstitutional is likewise frightening. look, there are a lot of very bright people who agree with you and that's your view. i happened to have a different one. i think that social security is an essential program that we should change the way we are funding it to make -- >> you said if people did it in the private sector, it would be called criminal. that's in your book. >> what i said was -- >> he said, i said it was criminal what happened with social security because people took the money and spent it on other stuff. >> look, he is absolutely right that social security is not a ponzi scheme. social security is worse because you can't buy out of it. ponzi, you have to say oh, here's my money. you have to be scammed and in the end, somebody goes to jail. everybody has to pay into this system and nobody will go to jail for this. >> all right.
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go to gbtv to check him out. >> >> free two week subscription. thank you very much. >> good luck. >> hope to see you back on the couch soon. >> by the way, you treat barry manilow right. i am a huge fan. the guy is a mega star, a legend. you treat him right! >> so don't yell at me but you just opened for him which is your dream. >> why wouldn't we treat him right? he's coming up next! there he is. which is java. come on in here, barry. we can hardly wait for you to join "fox & friends." get in here on the couch. [ male announcer ] heard this one? listen to this. three out of four americans don't get enough vegetables. so here's five bucks to help you buy v8 juice. five bucks. that's a lot of green. go to for coupons. you can count on us.
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forward to reveal something very personal about his own health. >> from the copa cabana to the curvy couch. >> look at that. he's doing a little dance on the couch right now. the man behind the music, barry manilow, the legend and live here. >> how are you? >> good. >> thank you for inviting me. >> and barry, while you were up there dancing we were looking at your c.d. "15 minutes" and came out late august. meaning? >> it came from the andy warhol quote, everybody is famous for 15 minutes. i thought i'd write about fame. what fame does to people, it's a real rough thing especially if you're young. we see it on all the new reality shows, young people becoming household names overnight and they usually wind up on tmz a couple of weeks later doing something silly. >> are you saying they don't pay their due? >> they don't pay their dues. i did "american idol" three times and they've all got something. they've all got talent.
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but they haven't been, you know, where most of us started. they just get this great lucky break and they -- and they're thrown into the spotlight and most people wouldn't know how to behave and so i thought that would be an interesting thing to write about. >> the amazing thing is you have survived in your career for so long. what is the secret, barry? >> well, i had a lot of help. i've had a lot of help with the public. they've always liked what i do. i'm so grateful. i don't know why i'm connecting with them like that but i'll keep doing that until they stop but this -- but i'm not here to talk about this music thing. and i'm really happy about my music but a lot of people say that my music brings comfort and that's so great to hear that. but this time it's a different thing. have you ever heard of -- you said you did hear of atrial fibrillation. i don't like to talk about my personal life. but when i found out through this company that there's 2 1/2 million people who have this. and some of them don't take care
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of it. and if you don't take care of this thing, you're playing with fire. >> what is it? >> it starts very innocently, your heart begins to skip a beat, you know, when it happened to me, i thought i'm excited. i'm going to play carnegie hall. and it keeps going, bam, bam, bam, bam. and you're like -- like that. and -- >> when it first happened to you, what did you think? >> i thought i was going nuts. it was like a fish flopping around my chest. so, you know, i called the doctor. but a lot of people don't. they just kind of ride it out or they pay no attention to it. and that is really dangerous. i'm going on the air to say if you have symptoms like that, you have to take it seriously because it's -- it's very dangerous. it goes to heart disease. it goes to heart attack. it goes to stroke. and i can't believe people are just ignoring this. >> here's the amazing thing about you, barry, in that being such a public figure, you have fought this for 15 years and nobody ever found out about it. you tell a story about how you were in the hospital getting your heart back in order right before a huge july 4th concert.
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>> i know, that was wild. because, you know, this thing, this afib hits when you're just watching television so i got up that morning and i could feel this thing starting and i went oh, man, because if the medicine they give you don't stop it, then they have to cardio, they call it cardio verting you, they take you to the hospital and they put you out and they do the paddles. clear, you know, they've got to stop your heart from doing that and they did and i went and kind of staggered out for sound check and i did the show that night in front of the boston pops and ironically i opened and it was a miracle. and it was. >> i know you did a song once "i can't teach my old heart new tricks." >> you're right. >> big fan. but you can't. if anybody out there has these rhythm problems and coming from a guy who knows something about rhythm, you should talk to your doctor. >> there's a web site called get back in that you should check out. they tell you a lot about this atrial fibrillation thing. >> and you can mention barry manilow and get a discount on
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the treatment, is that correct? >> absolutely. absolutely. >> check out his new dvd "15 minutes" it's got new music on there. thanks so much for being here today. >> should have brought my piano, we would have had you sing the next hour. >> we'd love it. >> thank you, sir. all right, meanwhile, straight ahead, yesterday, we told you about "new york times" columnist paul krugman calling president bush a fake hero on september 11th. this morning, donald rumsfeld responds. >> and forget basketball, forget tennis, shaq and venus williams going racing? >> together. >> and brian is going to take them both on live next hour. are you going to try to dunk against shaq? >> i'm not sure. i think he's taller. >> or ace venus? >> i think i could. sweetie i think you need a little extra fiber in your diet. carol. fiber makes me sad. oh common. and how can you talk to me about fiber while you are eating a candy bar? you enjoy that. i am.
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[ male announcer ] fiber beyond recognition. fiber one. [ male announcer ] fiber beyond recognition. have i got a surprise for you! yeah, it's new [ barks beneful healthy fiesta. gotta love the protein for muscles-- whoo-hoo! and omega-rich nutrition for that shiny coat. ever think healthy could taste so good? [ woman announcing ] new beneful healthy fiesta.
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>> meanwhile, if polls measured applause, we'd have a whole new list of frontrunners in the g.o.p. presidential race this morning. >> i would bring a sense of humor to the white house because america is too uptight. >> oh, isn't he right about that? the best and the worst from last night's tea party express debate. >> and forget basketball. forget tennis. shaq and venus williams going racing? but first, they got to get past me. "fox & friends" starts right now. all i got. >> we start this morning with a fox news alert and steve will take it away. >> that's right, gretch. the u.s. embassy says no employees have been hurt in today's attacks on the embassy in kabul, afghanistan. militants fired rocket-propelled grenades, rpg's and other
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weapons towards the embassy and other government buildings. >> joining us now from kabul is dominic who has been with us all morning. this has been going on for two hours. we see a live picture of you. what's the latest? >> i can tell you there are attacks across the entire city, gretchen, and i mean, the entire city. from the u.s. embassy compound to nato headquarters close by to the parliament building to the airport roads, the police authorities, the criminal investigation, and the counterterrorism department, the local mosque just down the road from me here, property next to there was an office that just got hit by rocket propelled grenades. someone is dead there. we're not too sure how many casualties we have. i'm looking to my east at the moment because we've got two apache helicopters circling the area right now. i can see further up into the distance what appeared to be blackhawks, i do believe they did open fire a short while ago.
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at the moment, they are just poised directly above the u.s. embassy. they're clearly focusing in on something. they are tightening the circle. they were doing a wider patrol just literally minutes ago before i came on air. they clearly have something in their sights on every roof in the neighborhood around me, there are security men, armed and awaiting another attack at any minute because gunmen are still loose in the city. we understand that they are still receiving instructions from their taliban commanders. two of those fighters have been apprehended. three of them we hear have been killed. they are unsure quite how many are still at large in the city. estimates are anywhere from 3 to 10 but saying it's probably to the lower side really of those estimates at the moment. latest civilian casualties just come in, there are actually four so far, they've been taken to hospital but we are expecting further wounded and, perhaps,
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more people killed. one witness was saying to me that the center of town was chaos with men, women and children fleeing for their lives. the afghan people seemingly in a state of chaos, not entirely sure how to respond but we do know that they are responding and that forces are most certainly in control at least in the air from where i can see here a few blocks away and also on the ground now. back to you, gretchen. >> thanks so much. it appears that these kind of attacks going on right now are so different from what we've seen in the past orchestrated like on a massive scale as opposed to just one homicide bomber so we will keep you posted on what happened. >> when you train unencumbered for five years in pakistan, you get coordinated. let's talk about last night's debate in florida, a vital state. there was eight people on stage. all talented candidates and many of which had -- maybe their caidacy on the line. michelle bachmann, you can think herman cain, rick santorum all had to make headway yesterday on
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rick perry and mitt romney, didn't they? >> that's an interesting question and they started out, as you can see right there with a flag and the national anthem. it's interesting, "the washington post" today says the beginning of it, it often felt like a pay-per-view event or wrestling match because it was very dramatic, the camera moving all over the place and then they go the businessman! the libertarian. >> they all had intros. >> they all did. of course, all eyes were on rick perry and would he back down from what he said last week regarding social security, the answer is no. and then at one point, mr. romney, mitt romney hit perry about jobs. watch this. >> governor perry deserve any credit for all those jobs that were created? >> sure. >> look, you know, i think governor perry agrees with me, that if you are dealt four aces, that doesn't make you a great poker player.
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>> you were doing pretty good until you got to talking poker but the fact is the state of texas has led the nation while the current resident of the white house is overseeing the loss of 2.5 million jobs. texas has during my period as the governor created over a million jobs and we did that during some pretty tough economic periods. >> speaking of jobs and tough economic periods, let's take a look at the numbers. so this is perry vs. romney on job creation. with relationship to the stock market and where that was at that time. so when the stock market was in a good position with a gain of 56%, romney in massachusetts had a 1.4% job gain in that state. that, as we told you earlier was 47th out of 50 states. perry, at the same time had 8.9% jobs gain which made texas eighth. i also believe during down time, perry also had job gain of -- during the last couple of years
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while he's still been governor while we've been in a recession. >> i got to say even though the numbers look better for texas and for perry, romney had a 4.5% unemployment. that's the heyday so if you're not creating a lot of jobs, you can say you know what? people already had a lot of jobs. >> sure. >> in meantime, president obama heads to columbus, ohio today to promote his $450 billion jobs plan. he's going to be making his tough sale on the home turf of his g.o.p. rival, house speaker john boehner. wendell goler live for us at the white house. are you going on the trip, wendell or staying at the white house? >> i'm staying here, gretchen. it's columbus today and raleigh-durham, north carolina tomorrow. the president is selling both the jobs plan and the higher taxes he wants to pay for it. the bulk of which would come from rolling back the itemized deduction rate for upper income americans. yesterday, at the sendoff, he asked people to lean on their lawmakers. >> i want you to send an e-mail, use one of those
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airplane sky writers. dust off the fax machine. or you can just like write a letter. so long as you get the message to congress. >> the president was backed by teachers, construction workers, veterans from the wars in iraq and afghanistan and others, he says, will be helped by his plan. yesterday's sendoff like the speech friday in richmond, virginia and likely the one today in columbus had a campaign like feel but press secretary jay carney says it's not his re-election mr. obama is campaigning for. >> i've been asked this question. is this a campaign? you're absolutely right. it is a campaign. the president is campaigning. for growth and jobs. he's out there, he is out there campaigning for growth and jobs. >> republicans are skeptical house majority leader eric cantor says there may be some parts of the plan that republicans can support but he
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also told reporters "over half the total dollar amount is so-called stimulus spending. we have been there, done that." and spokesman for house speaker john boehner said of the paid fors, it would be fair to say this tax increase on job creators is the kind of proposal that both parties have opposed in the past. democrats tried and failed to pass some of the tax increases when they had 61 votes in the senate. guys, back to you. >> wendell goler live for us at the white house, thanks very much. let's go to a couple of headlines now because we have a fox news alert about the two american hikers who are jailed in iran on charges of espionage. guess what? now they could be released if they pay bail. earlier this morning, president mahmoud ahmadinejad delivered this message. >> we are also trying to make arrangements for their freedom, for the freedom of the other two. i think these two will be freed in a couple of days.
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>> well, he says it would be a humanitarian gesture. the two men along with sarah shourd arrested more than two years ago hiking along the iraq-iran border. maybe he wants to release them before he comes to america. incredible new video out of logan, utah, watch as these good samaritans work together to lift the burning car and rescue 21-year-old brandon wright. wright got trapped underneath. amazing video here when his motorcycle collided with the car. right now, he's said to be in stable condition. the driver of the car is not seriously injured. wow, wow. amazing pictures there. the miss universe pageant crowned a new winner last night. >> angola. >> 25-year-old lala lopez of angola is the first winner from her country. she said her smile was her best weapon but some people thought it was the teeny weenie itsy bitsy yellow bikini.
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>> congratulations. >> congratulations everyone. the designer of the bikini as well as the woman. >> sure. >> meanwhile, not even attacks from his own party will get rick perry down. do you remember he got so many attacks from so many different people as well as a lot of columnists who said rick perry is leading, let's take him down a few notches. in fact, he's defending himself against attack, not only talking about immigration, defending himself against attack, want only talking that texas was a great state with or without him as governor. on other things, for example, the number one issue he has to defend himself on, social security. >> i would suggest to you that people are tired of spending money we don't have on programs we don'tment. -- want. >> will that slam dunk make him a slam dunk for the nomination? peter johnson jr. grades last night's tea party debate when we come back. >> then shaq and venus williams exploring a new sport. racing. huh? that's right. but first, shaq has to get past
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brian kilmeade. >> that challenge of the network stars coming up. >> i'm going to take him on in basketball. he's not good anymore since he's retired. ♪ it's a new, new, new, new day ♪ every day is a new day on weight watchers. i don't see why anyone would want to do anything else. pointsplus has got my back no matter what. it's a part of who i am now. ♪ yes it is i never saw myself here, i didn't, but with weight watchers, i can't see myself anywhere else. ♪ i'm feeling good you can be here too. go on join for free. [ female announcer ] and, if you join by september 17th you can get a month free. weight watchers pointsplus. because it works.
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♪call 1-800-steemer. >> welcome back. frontrunners rick perry and mitt romney slugged it out last night down in tampa at the tea party express debate. >> governor, the term ponzi scheme is what scared seniors, number one. and number two, suggesting that social security should no longer be a federal program and return to the states as unconstitutional is likewise frightening. look, there are a lot of very bright people who agree with you and that's your view and i happened to have a different one. i think that social security is an essential program that we should change the way we are funding it -- >> you said if people did it in
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the private sector, it would be called criminal. that's in your book. >> governor perry, you got to quote me correctly. you said it's criminal. what i said is congress taking money out of the social security trust fund is like criminal and that is and it's wrong. >> here to weigh in on post-game reaction, we have fox news legal analyst peter johnson jr. >> good morning. both very, very strong. a lot of people including mitt romney looking t take down governor perry last night. >> he was like a pinata. >> he was like a pinata and mentioned it in the first debate. he wasn't being taken down. he was strong. he was decisive and we were talking before, and you mentioned, i agree, it was almost reaganesque quality to governor perry in terms of his moves on stage. but they were both very strong. michelle bachmann taking big hits on governor perry. he continues to stand. the thing that i found interesting is the way they were both introduced on that network.
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i guess they were trying to assimilate a pro wrestling and pay-per-view as you pointed out earlier. let's see a little bit. it's kind insidious, though. >> rick perry, the newcomer. mitt romney, the early frontrunner. ron paul, the libertarian. rick santorum, the fighter. herman cain, the businessman. newt gingrich, the big thinker. >> wow. he's probably one of the smartest people in the united states. >> he's a big thinker. >> but are they serious about that? >> yes. >> are they going to put labels on the president and the vice president when they attend the debate? >> work to decide that this guy is the thinker and i won't say it's mocking because the tea party was involved with the preparation of this debate. was someone seen as putting it on?
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somebody when they do that, that was when rick santorum and made a mistake on the hpv. and it was a strong push back and forth between governor perry and governor romney on social security. a lot of people have concerns about social security and the truth is when you look at some of the comments that governor romney made and he differentiated what it was in terms of what the criminal act was, congress taking the money away. in some sense, their positions have been in writing rather close. maybe governor perry hasn't been as articulate as he wanted to be in articulating them but somewhat close. so it goes forward. fox is preparing a big, big debate that's going to be going forward. so it's really, really interesting. >> peter johnson jr., the analyst!
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the politician! >> fire brand! >> thank you very much. >> nice to see you. >> great observation. >> meanwhile, straight ahead, we're not waiting for congress to act on the president's jobs plan. we have the top five companies that could hire you today. and then brian has got a job to do. he's taking on shaq and venus williams. and we're betting -- we're taking bets on who is going to win. he's warming up right there. e-mail us who is going to win. brian or the pros? friends at the stronger the rapids, the more we loved it.
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took some wild risks when i was young. but i was still taking a risk with my cholesterol. anyone with high cholesterol may be at increased risk of heart attack. diet and exercise weren't enough for me. i stopped kidding myself. i've been eating healthier, exercising more, and now i'm also taking lipitor. if you've been kidding yourself about high cholesterol, stop. along with diet, lipitor has been shown to lower bad cholesterol to 60 percent. lipitor is fda approved to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke in patits who have heart diase or risk factors for heart disease. [ female annncer ] lipitor is not for evyone, including people with liver problems and women who are nursing, pregnant or may become pregnant. you need simple blood tests to check for liver problems. tell your doctor if y are taking other medications or if you have any muscle pain or weakness. this may be a sign of a rare but serious side effect. lets go... haha.
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if you have high cholesterol, you may be at increased risk of heart attack and stroke. don't kid yourself. talk to your doctor about your risk a about lipitor. listen to this. three out of four americans don't get enough vegetables. so here's five bucks to help you buy v8 juice. five bucks. that's a lot of green. go to for coupons. you can count on us.
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over the next three years. it's the largest jobs cut announcement by a u.s. company this year. next, 100 bucks. that's how much money three north texas high school students are paying students if they pass advancement -- the advanced placement test in math, science or language arts. maybe that will help. and finally, 200. that's how many war movies hollywood has produced since the attack on pearl harbor in 1941. the number of big screen dramas about the war in afghanistan since 2001, zero. we're still waiting. gretch? >> thank you, steve. we know getting a job is a tough process right now. so here on "fox & friends", we want to help you get hired by narrowing down top companies hiring each week and cheryl casone helps us out from the fox business network and breaks it down for us. good morning to you. >> good morning! >> let's kick it off with seton corporation.
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>> they're a staffing company that is looking for their own staff. they have some big name clients and looking for those who can bring in new business and work with the clients to staff those companies so they want to actually hire people within their chicago offices. this is part of mayor rahm emanuel, the new mayor of chicago, he has been really trying to push for growth in the chicago area and chicago businesses. this is kind of his baby, he was standing out there with the ceo and they need programmers, recruiters and managers. it's a peoples scout division, so they need people that can go out and find people that can fill jobs that they're being hired for. >> all right. 400 jobs there. next, u haul, one of the largest providers of rental trucks. we know who they are. >> u haul is doing pretty well. you can rent the trailers. you can rent the trucks. you also have storage facilities. they're nationwide. most of the jobs we found are arizona, texas, and california which is a good thing because in particular, in arizona and california, unemployment is higher than in the rest of the country. the range is $20,000 to $60,000 but they need sales agents. they need managers and the
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people that work at u haul say they like u haul because you feel like you're left alone and nobody is watching over your shoulder. you have a little bit of independence at your job so employees report that back that they enjoy that piece of working at u haul so if you like a little anonymity in your job, u haul might be an idea. >> how about bridgestone? this is headquartered in tokyo. >> it is a japanese company. they brought fistone, big american name of firestone and they have been expanding and the tires, the reputation of the tires themselves have actually propelled the company and they've got -- they're manufacturing, look, in 25 countries. they're actually global but they have jobs, ohio, california and texas. range is $28,000 to $40,000 so it may not be something that's a high paying job but still, it can be behind -- it can be in the -- with the mechanic, you can be at the sales counter. you can be a manager. so there's a plethora of jobs for that company. >> what about ups? >> ups, remember "legally
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blond" did you ever see that movie? the hot ups guy. they're in pop culture at this point and they're hiring as well. they deliver 15.5 million packages every single day. 15 1/2 million tracking numbers out there every single day. they are worldwide. they are global. and there's a range of things that you can do at ups but i think one of the great things about them is that a recent unscientific poll said that 50% of americans think their ups guy is hot. if you're a single guy sitting at home right now and you want to meet somebody, wear the shorts. wear the shirt. it can help you personally and also collect a paycheck. >> she'll get you a job and a date. >> rounding out the top five. >> wagemanns is also -- they're mostly in the northeast. they're hiring in king of prussia, p.a. they're number three on fortune's best places to work and that is a very high ranking for a company that most americans have not heard of. they're here in the northeast. they need managers, customer service and people to cook.
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but they're opening this big new store. i couldn't get a full number salary range for you. some of it that was full time, some of it is part time. 190 full-time positions. they've got 600 jobs. one of the things that we're finding more and more as we look for companies that are hiring, you may have to be willing to move and i know a lot of people don't want to leave home. if you need work, you need a paycheck, you may have to look. today, there's a lot of jobs opening in chicago, even in technology and that sector in chicago. so you have to be a little open at this point of where you might go. >> check out your show on the fox business network. thanks so much. >> thanks, gretchen. >> we told you yesterday a "new york times" columnist thinks president bush and rudy giuliani are fake heroes using 9/11 to cash in. well, this morning, donald rumsfeld responds. then before he says good-bye to the nba, he's got to get past brian. shaq almost took off his head! ace him, venus! both warming up for a game on
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>> oh, my gosh. just took off his head! venus, ace him, venus! >> wow, did you see how hard he hit that ball? he could have knocked out a windshield over there. >> or brian's head. >> yeah, brian and shaq just in a couple of minutes live. there they are live right there in front of our building. >> now, i don't see a tennis racket with venus. that may be good new for venus. >> are you ok? >> he's ok. >> brian is doing a little preinterviewing and he'll be with both of them in a minute. put down that remote. he'll be with you. we start with the headlines in the latest on the breaking stories. u.s. embassies in kabul, afghanistan says no employees have been hurt after brazen attacks in that city. militants fired guns and grenades in the direction of the embassy. and nato headquarters as well and some other government buildings in kabul. at least one afghan police officer and two militants have been killed as the gun battle continues to rage in parts of
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that capital city. >> well, the parents of casey anthony finally breaking their silence for the first time since casey was acquitted of murdering her daughter. in the interview, dr. phil asked george a cindy anthony if they believe casey actually put her daughter's body in the trunk of her car. >> what do you now believe the smell was from? >> truthfully, to this day, i don't know. to be honest. >> do i want to believe that caylee was back there? i don't want to believe it. i'm going by what investigators have told me. all i know is caylee is not with us anymore. i know that. >> dr. phil says the couple is divided over whether casey could have actually killed caylee. george much more critical of her. the anthonys though, both of them have not seen or talked to casey since the trial. >> meanwhile, it's a special election day here in new york. voters in the burroughs of queens and brooklyn deciding on who will take over the seat previously held by democrat
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anthony weiner. remember, there was a scandal. well, now there's an opening. the latest polls show democrat david weprin trailing six points behind the republican bob turner, former tv executive. both candidates turning to the big guns for last minute robo calls. >> this is bill clinton. i'm calling to ask you to support david weprin. >> this is donald trump and i'm not calling to fire you as we say on "the apprentice." i'm calling to fire you up. >> oh, man. weiner's congressional seat, by the way, is expected to be eliminated by the state government through redistricting because of population. so whoever wins the job may only have the title for maybe a year. >> we want to update a story now we told you about yesterday. "new york times" columnist paul krugman, remember what he did yesterday, he called president george w. bush and rudy giuliani fake heroes for their behavior after september 11th. well, "the times" just lost another subscriber. former secretary of defense donald rumsfeld among hundreds
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of readers insulted by the krugman comments, rumsfeld tweeted this. after reading krugman's repugnant piece on 9/11, i canceled my subscription to "the new york times" this a.m. how many of you others felt the same way? or didn't? let us know. >> now he doesn't have to go out the driveway to pick up that paper in the blue bag. meanwhile, let's take a look at the weather ahead as you go outside to pick up your newspaper, well, you know what? if you're in porpgss tions of aa and new mexico, it's kind of damp in your driveway. balance of the country is for the most part nice and dry and temperatures not too bad. we have a lot of 50's and 60's in the northern half. 60's and 70's down south. it will be another hot one in dallas. look at that, holy cow, 107 in the big d. 102 in san antonio. they have really melted this
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summer. meanwhile, mid to upper 80's in the mid atlantic and 70's in portions of new england. all right. let's go outside to find out what happens to brian in this soon-to-be legendary interview. >> former nba star shaquille o'neill who is very scared of the camera and tennis superstar, two time gold medalist venus williams multiwinner on the tennis tour teaming up for a big race but first, i want to see how much you two know about each other. is that possible? round of applause for these guys. oh, my goodness. all right. first question, some music, please. this question is for shaq. venus and serena, shaq has played 23 times. how many times has venus beaten serena? >> 11? >> ok. that's very good. i'll change the answer. it's 11. you've beaten her 11 times.
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now, venus, which team did shaquille o'neill not play for? suns, imagine i camagic, lakers. >> which team did he not play for? >> lakers. magic. suns. celtics. cavs. warriors. >> cleveland. the cavs. >> she didn't get that right, did she? >> he never played for the warriors. >> really? >> come on! >> all right. last question. shaq, this is for all the marbles. who was the first number one that venus williams beat? billy jean king? steffi graf, martina hingis. >> hingis. >> right? >> right. >> fantastic, shaquille o'neill is the winner.
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i'm not giving you another question. the u.s. open phenomenal. i know you're dealing with the disease that was just sprung on you. you were playing well for a while. in the final, we watched serena have a little bit of a -- i guess a problem with the umpire. $2,000 fine. you were there. what was it like? >> i was so proud of serena's run at the open. we all were hoping she would win the title. but, you know, when you get in the finals that's close and everything she's gone through with her health issues have been, you know, amazing that she came back from the brink of not being on this earth. so i think as a family, we're proud. >> but is it that meltdown, have you seen that side of her as two sisters when you play and you practice? >> i mean, i've lived with her for all my life and she's my roommate. >> i guess so. >> you talk about that on the court, we don't hear you talking to the ref, correct? >> i talked to the refs a couple of times and got fined way more than $2,000.
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her sister is a competitor. she's a winner. she wants to win and, you know, we still love her and i wish them both the best of luck. >> does it bother you when i touch you? >> kind of. yeah. >> a little bit. let's talk about a race. let's make our way over here, why you two are teamed up together is very important. shaq, you're retired. venus, you're in the prime of your life and together, you agree on one thing. nature has come together and our scientists have been working hard. the oreo is now double stuffed. >> wow! >> guys have teamed up to get the word out about this remarkable discovery. >> triple-double as you can see. double-decker oreo. we've been doing this all our lives anyway. that's the product. double-decker oreo, 100 calories per cook yich per cookie. it's a great cookie. >> i understand you're doing a mini race, doing something where double-decker basketball hoop, one game of tennis, captain of both teams. it's going to be close. eli is on the team. it's going to be a close thing so the public can't get in.
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>> we're a proud member of the dslr and shaq was a newbie last summer came on, you know. he's not a rookie anymore and he's leading us into the triple-double and it's just a lot of fun. it brings people together. and kind of makes the tradition of licking and dunking kind of worldwide. >> if we can lick and dunk together as a country, we could get past our differences. if we can all just lick together. >> we have a common point. >> thank you very much. >> now, venus, he played basketball in his day. he's retired now for three or four months. i'm going to take him on. i'd like to use you as my point guard and shaq, should i give you four points because i know you're past your prime now. and, you know, you're retired. the game is -- when is the last time you even picked up a ball? >> today. >> when is the last time you picked up a ball? >> today. >> today. >> ok. all right. shaq, you take it out. venus, we're going to check to venus each time. brian kilmeade against shaquille
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o'neill, your dream has come true. >> ball first? >> i guess so. you won't give it to me. >> here we go. >> oh, my god. this can't be good. >> look at that. >> oh. uh-oh! >> new ball. >> shaq, new ball. >> no. >> ok. ok. >> what? >> he's quick, though, huh? >> moving. oh! was that out? >> yeah, that was out. my ball.
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how did i do, be honest? >> you know, i mean, you got some work to do. but -- >> did you see any holes in my game, shaq? >> oh, my god. >> brian, even if you've tied one of shaq's hands behind his back, he'd still kill you! >> really? shaq, good luck in my industry. all right. good luck with the oreos, i'm taking my cookies and i'm going home. good luc could somebody please get an oxygen tank outside for brian kilmeade? he's breathing heavy. >> did you see shaq defend him? it was like a little -- >> you like the way he went like this -- like a bug. >> yeah. >> gulliver. >> come back in here where we're never going to treat you like that ever. >> well, at least want today. >> no. >> all right. meanwhile, straight ahead, you want to go fishing? don't buy your bait just yet. environmentalists want to test the waters first and stick you
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>> all right. welcome back. meanwhile, listen to this. california's private fishermen say something fishy is going on in the golden state. that state is proposing new regulations requiring testing of all private fishing areas to see if fish they stock are harming wildlife. but there's a catch. the testing could cost somebody $100,000 that is to say per pond
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per year. douglas elliott has owned and operated the corona fishing lake and santa ana fishing lake for 30 years. he joins us from l.a. good morning. >> good morning. >> how are you? >> i think i'm doing better than you. the state of california wants to do what to you? >> well, what they're proposing is that every lake, pond, stream, even a farm pond, even a gulf course, any place that wants to stock fish must have an environmental impact study done to determine if the stocking of fish will have an impact on any native species. that includes blades of grass, insects, you name it and this study could cost $100,000 and maybe even more. if that goes into effect, fresh water fishing is done. >> yeah, and your family has had these lakes for decades, i understand, and in particular, i know a lawsuit came about a number of years ago by the center for biological diversity and it had to do with the yellow
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frog. worried about whether or not when you put trout into your pond or your lake that you own, whether or not you're damaging the yellow frog, right? >> well, there are no yellow frogs in my particular ponds and that's the ridiculous nature of this whole thing. it started with the stocking of trout in the high sierra mountains that they claim might have had an effect on the yellow legged frog. but, you know, they've been stocking those lakes for 120 years and i think it's reasonable to assume that that would have caused the frogs to be gone a long time ago. >> sure. >> now they want us to -- >> i was going to ask when are you going to find out whether or not they're going to pass this legislation and effectively knock you out of business? >> well, we've formed california association for recreational fishing. we're appealing before the california department of fish and game commission in october and we're going to try to convince the commissioners that these regulations are
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burdensome. they're expensive. and virtually will close recreational fishing. if that doesn't work, we filed a lawsuit and we're absolutely thrilled that the pacific legal foundation is going to support us in that lawsuit to try to stop these regulations. >> all right. by the way, we reached out to the california department of fishing and gaming for a statement but got no response. apparently, they have gone fishing. doug elliott who runs the corona fishing lake and the santa ana river lake, thank you very much for joining us today. good luck to you. >> thank you very much, steve. appreciate it. >> you bet. >> all right. when we come back, who would play you in a movie? our next guest is being played on the silver screen by hollywood superstar gerard butler. he's the machine gun preacher and he's here live in the studio with his incredible real life story. right now, let's go up to studio j for a preview of what happens on this channel in 10 minutes. >> is brian ok?
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>> he'll never be ok. >> does he need cpr or anything? >> his ego is shattered. >> i think he may have snapped a wrist there. steve, good morning to you. we have some breaking news on the u.s. embassy targeted overseas. we have winners and losers from last night's debate. who do you think the tea party scored the best in that debate? is the president's jobs idea dead on arrival? we'll talk to a leading republican in the house on that and a stunning survival story where you will see volunteers lift a car off the body of a victim. who survives. we'll talk to the rescuers on that. martha and i will join you in 10 minutes. oh, there's a prize, all right. [ male announcer ] inside every box of cheerios are those great-tting little o's made from carefully selected oats that can help lower cholester. is it a superhero? kinda. ♪ but also a caring touch. you learn to get a feel for the trouble spots. to know its wants... its needs...its dreams.
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in east africa. he's known as the machine gun preacher and now hollywood superstar gerard butler bringing his story to the big screen. >> come on! get up! let's go. come on, get up. let's go. get up! get up. let's go. get a move on. get up. co come on, get up. they ain't sleeping in here. they're coming inside. come on, you get up, let's go! >> son. there are too many. we can't help them all. >> but i can take these here. come on inside. >> joining us right now, the real life machine gun preacher, sam childers. >> good to be here. thank you. >> in person, is that the way the scene played out? >> yeah, i got to say they've done a wonderful job on the movie. they took many years and ended
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up putting it together in a two hour film. >> how did you wind up in africa? >> i went on a five week mission trip and i got over there and seen the body of a small child that stepped on a land mine and ended up changing my life, you know. >> i see tears in your eyes right now. >> yeah, i mean, when i see the children and stuff because it's still going on and in darfur alone, there's one area of darfur, over 6,000 children are dying per month and there's definitely something we all can do. i take every opportunity i have to speak out on what's going on, south sudan and also in darfur and it's caused by the president of northern sudan and this man is a murderer and he's had war crime charges put up on him. but he's still in office. president brasheer is his name. >> if anybody wants to think for a moment they can do something and help somebody, they should know about your life because you completely turned your life around to become this missionary. >> well, i always tell people once you see the movie, don't
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make the movie about sam childers. it's about you. what are you going to do now? i mean, because i don't want people to look at me. i want them to look at themselves. there's something that each and every one of us can do. when we got thousands upon thousands of children dying, there's something we can do. >> uh-huh. when you found out they were going to make a movie about your life, is that the guy you thought would play you? >> no, no. i never thought, but i believe god gave me one of the top 10 in everything. directors, screenwriter. i mean, everything that god has done for me has been in the top 10. >> fantastic because brian is -- they're talking about making a movie of his life and he's not going to release the rights unless brad pitt signs off to play it. >> gary coleman had the rights for a while until he passed away. >> gary coleman? >> you have to understand our humor around here. will you stick around? we have more questions for you and your amazing life. more "fox & friends" two minutes away. there'only one bottle left !
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