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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  September 14, 2011 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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payout on a $2 bet was almost $20. you just can't make this stuff up, everybody. >> that's amazing. because i bet and those, i bet 7, 5, 8. >> what did your bookie say. said it was a lousy bet, should have bet 911. >> that's why it was a $20 payout. everybody bet 911. and the idea. >> was that fixed? >> what? >> was it fixed? >> and i don't know if the republicans were doing it, maybe-- >> good night, everybody. and see you tomorrow night. ♪ welcome to "red eye." i'm greg gutfeld. originally they were sweatpants, but i think i made them better. let's go to andy levy. andy, what's coming up on tonight's show? >> thanks, greg.
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and have you had your shots, america. somehow vaccinations suddenly have become a huge issue for the presidential candidate. we will have no team coverage next. and will some columbia university students be putting the dinner ahmadinejad? and finally a man sues white castle because he is too fat to fit in the fast-food chain seats. we will go live to absolutely nowhere straight ahead. greg? >> thank you, andy. >> happy defy superstition and national cream filled donut day, greg. >> well, andy, i would definitely walk under a ladder for a cream-filled donut. >> that's the spirit. and fingers crossed that nothing bad happens on superstition day. >> join me later. i brought cream filled donuts for the staff. >> want to drop it for tonight? >> yeah, my heart is not into it. >> it is okay. we all have bad days. >> look, i don't want to let you down. >> it is too late for that, andy. it is too late for that.
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>> in that's how you feel. i thought you were the one whose heart wasn't in it. what else could it possibly be about? >> i said before i didn't know that was the conditioner. next time put your damn name on it. >> i thought sven left it. >> scen was bold. >> i never saw it without his leather hood. >> it is $120 a tube. >> seriously? >> yes, it is a blend of chamomile and grape seed as well as a touch of amber oil, greg. >> now i feel bad. i didn't even realize it was conditioner at the time. >> what did you think it was? >> it is not important. >> i hate you. >> well, you should, you small man. let's welcome our guests. holy god it is hid -- hideous. she is so hot that the sun accused her of identity theft. i am here with the fox news correspondent, courtney
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friele. his lips were solely responsible for the chapstick shortage of 1989. it is paul mccurio. his latest cd is called image l you? >> that is kind of sad, actually. >> he is living proof that humans can molt. it is bill schulz. >> and he is so sharp that children use his face 20* carve pumpkins. he is chief of the daily caller. and his snobish diction mixes fact with fiction. it is our "new york times" correspondent. >> today the law professor writes of a supreme court case that could erode privacy in public spaces. i for one hope it does get eroded and boxcar pete will get what is coming to him as far as what he did to meet in a public space. or on me at any rate. i am the "new york times," by gum and not a hobo diaper. that will be my epitaf. >> what an elegant way to put
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it. >> i always put it in an elegant way. >> that's for sure. >> it is for sure. >> it was like survivor, but with smart people. i speak of yet another republican presidential debate, this time on cnn hosted by the dude with the beard. who is that guy? >> anyway, it was perry the human pinata night at the tea party debate on monday as the texas governor and front-runner found himself on the receiving end of barbs. for many of the other gop presidential wanna bes whether it was john huntsman making a joke nobody got. >> let me say, you can't secure the border and it is a treason ous comment. >> or mitt romney going after him on social security. >> the question is, do you still believe social security should be ended as a federal program as you did six months ago when your book came out.
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or do you want a treat for that? >> i think you should have a conversation. >> we are having that right now. >> or michelle michele bachmann trying to gain you are relevance going after an executive order, mandating an hpv vaccine called gardasil. it does not sound like an hpv vaccine. it sounds like something you put on your line. it is for all pre teen texas girls jie. to have innocent 12-year-old girls be forced to have a government injection through an executive order is flat out wrong. that should never be done. >> and what gop debate would be complete without ron paul impersonating ron paul? here he is explaining why 9/11 happened or something like that. >> this whole idea that the whole muslim world is responsible for this and they are attacking us because we are free and prosperous, that is just not true. osama bin laden and al-qaeda
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have been explicit. they have been explicit, and they wrote and said that we attacked america because you had bases on our holy land in saudi arabia. you do not give palestinians a fair treatment, and you have been bombing -- i didn't say that. i am trying to get you to understand what the motive was behind the bombing. >> you have to remove the hangar from the jacket. >> anyway, here he is when wolf blitzer asked about the case of a 30-year-old who chooses not to buy healthcare and then goes into a coma. >> who is going to pay if he goes into a coma? who pays for that? >> in a society that you accept welfarism and socialism, he expects the government to take care of him. that's what freedom is about, taking your own risk. this whole idea that you have to prepare and take care of everybody. >> are you saying society will just let him die?
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>> he is giving up on this whole concept that we might take care of ourselves and assume responsibility for ourselves, our neighbors and friends and churches. >> you know what was amazing, that was anderson cooper yelling yea. he was mad because he was in the back shouting. >> he is a monster. he is a monster. >> probably wasn't him. who knows what it was? >> how do you think rick perry did? >> he is fine. he sounds to me like an imitation of will farrell doing a george w. bush imitation. that is off putting, but who cares about his accent. but once you get past the flash backs, they did fine. he didn't fall apart. he has had 11 years of not being challenged very often. i thought he did fine. not an electric performance, i would say .'s but the bottom line republicans want to beats
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broom really bad. obama deserves to be beaten, and you think maybe they deserve a really impressive candidate. i didn't see one. >> are you part of the wfcers. the waiting for kristis. aren't you waiting for kristi? >> i think christie is too liberal for my to be honest with you, but he impressive. and in the central question of the moment which is what to do about the debt, he has a track record of dealing with it. by the end of the week he will get it or not. >> paul, you are one of the foremost experts on republican debate. he has been studying it. >> why do you feel like you don't mean that? >> already with the attacks. >> what is this a debate? >> i was complementing you. are you finding it hard to choose between perry and bachmann? >> it is like trying to choose between type one and type two diabetes. you can't send me the e-mails and i really don't care. i feel bad for perry. he was beat up on this whole
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vaccine thing. usually in life you have regrets over not getting a std vaccine. it is the complete opposite here. and then chastising him for taking contributions when she is taking a ton of contributions. that's like david bowie complaining that rod stewart is hoging the male groupie [bleep] at the party. >> i did hear him complain about that at a party in 1982. he has done that before. >> i am just telling you what i heard. >> courtney, who are were last night's winners and losers? >> i hate to break it to you, but i was busy watching ms. universe last night, and those contestants were way hotter. and this angola one -- >> for some reason i was not surprised. >> it was too early for me to jump into the 2012 campaign. >> rudy guiliani was just on "the view" a couple days ago saying he might still jump in. you were mentioning chris
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chris stey, what about sarah palin. i look at it like i view the sports 6789 i wait until the championship where i can be a poser and root for who is going to win so i feel like a rin ch win -- like a winner. >> it is like the nba where you don't watch until the playoffs. i don't even know what the nba is. >> it is exciting. >> or the wnba where you don't watch at all and you read about it the next day and say what is that? >> bill, your buddy had quite a night. he was planting the audience full of boosters. i didn't rlgz -- realize it was a debate, but rick perry can't turn his neck. did you see the reaction? when they were saying stuff to him and he was reacting he was going, it is true. >> and his collars were so high it is like a neck brace. >> the thing is, i am not sure
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if he can move his neck or they are instructed not to. they are like the halve -- the hall of presidents. if you and i are talking and you just said your record is dismal on social security and i talk to you like this, it looks weird. >> it is awful. >> the whole vibe of that audience, the whole booing and it happened a half dozen times. >> you hate tea party people. >> no, i don't, but i was switching between that and monday night football. and the crowd at the raider game was more respectful and orderly than the debate. >> let's try the corn hats. >> they had pirate hats. >> they were going to invade them. >> a couple of things that struck me at the end of the day which drives me crazy. i think wolf blitzer, it is time to shave the beard. >> i think it makes them look
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distinguished. >> you would say that because very little doesn't impress you. i hate talking about this gardasil stuff. i think the republican candidate biz being honest are making it easier for the democrats to beat these guys, but basically doing their dirty work for them. i don't care about this gardasil stuff. i think the hpv vaccine is important. it saves lives. but why go back to it? it is not a central issue. the central issue is the economy. there are big things here and they are focusing so much time on this like, thing. by the way, i don't know if people want to hear about it. >> i don't either. you know i think that shows a candidate who is not fully aware of the issues. huntsman did focus on a lot of that stuff. >> but it shows to me that if that's the worst thing they can pick on perry about, he doesn't have a lot of problems. that's not a really big issue.
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>> i do think you can make -- i am not against gardasil. it prevents cervical cancer. however, he was making it compulsory. >> gio it it was an opt out. >> there is always an opt out. there is an opt out by the original mandate. i think he can recommend it. that's good enough. >> maybe he made a mistake. should you mandate brushing your teeth? >> everybody is talking about it. it is weird to talk about genital warts. i mean, gosh i hear about it when i go to the doctor. >> there is always the issue of abortion too. >> i don't know. i am not so sure. >> then screaming for a guy in a coma. it was really unsettling and disconcerting. these are the same people that are against abortion. so basically you want to protect the right of the fetus so it can grow up and not be covered under healthcare and
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then call for it to die. they believe in late, late, late, late abortion. >> i think it was a few people who shouted that, and they were shouting about the principal of individuality and the ability to take care of yourself as a healthy person who decides not to take care of himself. ron paul is at the extreme of individual liberty. leave me the hell alone. >> there was a time when people thought it was fashionable to be for ron paul. i am kind of for ron paul. if you only knew what ron paul thought. nine people in the country would be for ron paul. i would be one of them. >> and remember he is a doctor. he delivered thousands of babies. he is a serious guy. but he can't keep thimz from saying what is on his mind. the stuff i can't stand is the root of terror. that's not what you talk about, but he was trying to explain -- >> don't you admire him for puting it out there at least to have the daw debate open to that level.
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>> i don't know if i would admire him. >> i am not voting for him, but i would admire him for it. >> i have rethought my stance of gardasil. >> that is the issue right there. >> should they share food with mahmoud or better off dead than well fed. a group of university students may be having dinner with a dictator when only din gnaw god is there for -- when only din gnaw god is there for the u.n assembly. according to the school's newspaper, 15 member easy of the klum columbian international relations council were invited to the event where they will be dining with the holocaust dying member. organization's' vice president says they are, quote, really enthusiastic and thrilled to have this opportunity. meanwhile iran is releasing two american hikers arrested over two years ago and convicted of spying.
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releasing them for $500,000 each. let's go to our senior correspondent, milk muss stash cat. double mc? >> i want to have dinner with that. >> can you imagine? if i had my way i would have a whole -- i would be doing the show and he would be sitting there eating the entire time. >> come on, it is all creamy and thick around his mouth, disgusting. i want to have it for dinner. >> you are an unamerican person. >> i don't like kittens. >> i know you don't like kittens. >> my exat's name is tucker by the way -- that is my cat's name, tucker. >> that is a dog's name. >> would you have din better only din gnaw god? >> well i am not -- i did not
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lose anyone in 9/11. but i would love to be a fly on the wall having din better a mad man. >> the man does not bathe. if sclum -- if columbia is planning something every student should be gay and they should be hitting on him constantly through dinner. >> exactly. half shirt. >> they are all gay hikers. >> really trub on his face. >> they #r* paying $50,000 to eat with this guy. if you want to have dinner with a guy who doesn't believe in the holocaust, just take mel gibson to tgi friday's. why spend time with this guy? it is ridiculous. >> why do you have to slam mel gibson just because you have bigger lips.
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>> i do. i am surprised he is doing it because he was so insulted in 2007. i guess columbia is the only school who will take him. >> what do you think, tucker? if you had a chance to dine? >> oh yeah. >> you would be basically with a meal. >> yes. no, i think of course i could go. i would awltion go because i think it is interesting. but i do think they ought to get a transcript at what was said at the meeting. >> they will be talking about john paul and torture him to death with bore dom. >> i am discouraged that they might not try to provoke him. if it was me i would punch him in the face. i would be the most famous person in the world punching him in the face. >> the poor college kids aren't going to tip big. in iranian culture they don't tip. >> i don't order lattes
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because the wine is too expensive. >> only din gnaw god dash -- dash ahmadinejad slept on your couch. >> turns out it was a homeless guy with a pension for khaki suits. i thought it was only din gnaw god -- ahmadinejad. >> i apologize. >> call me, fred de. >> why were those guys hiking on the border of iran and iraq? they go to yellowstone park and say nature is great, but i would like my throat cut. >> the grand tee tons are a great place. what about gore's friends in north korea. there are so many places to hike. >> they should not have been there, i'm sorry. >> i wouldn't go as fa far as to leave them there. >> give them a choice. >> we have to take a break. i was going to open the present you got me, but i only have a minute left.
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can a lower lip be used to catch someone jumping from a building? paul mccure yo says yes, jump already, ladies, this is starting to hurt. >> it is a story about guns and self-defense or is my captain calling me. are we doing this story? probably not.
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pharmacist? more like harm assist. and i already trademarked that title so don't think about it, warner brothers. they have been awarded the walking papers. he was fired for thwarting a robbery attempt via his trusty firearm. he is now suing walgreens for wrongful termination over an
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incident where he fired the weapon three times forcing two armed intruders, ie armed, still at large to flea the pharmacy. let's watch as his lawyer lab berates. >> the reason this lawsuit is being brought is does an employee have a right of self-defense when faced with the situation where an armed gunman is aiming a weapon at you, pulling the trigger. do you as an employee have a right to attempt toefend yourself? or do you have to make a decision to will basically dash tosh to basically submit to the situation risking your life. >> could i sit and listen to him for hours. quote, store employees receive training on how to react and respond to a potential robbery situation. law enforcement strongly advises against this.
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that's what the criminals want! >> you don't have a gun, do you? >> i will use it against you and it will bounce on your lips. let's go to the wolf pup for analysis. got to get him off there or he won't get a job. this pharmacist is a bad ass and i know you run a pharmacy. wouldn't you hire him asap? >> it sadens me -- in a real country he would be at the white house getting the presidential medal of freedom. instead he is attacked by the cops for defending himself.
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of course the cops want a monopoly with defending themselves. the truth is you have a moral and constitutional right to defend yourself with force. you should have him on your show. >> i am going to try, but i am lazy. i might call, but something will come up and i will see another wolf video. >> have him come to your house and hang out in bathroom like the other guy. >> remember a few shows we were talking about that? >> like we could remember one show. >> assuming a pharmacy employee is armed make you think twice about stealing lip balm? >> no, i need. it don't encourage him. >> you would be less likely to go into a place you know is armed. >> he has a constitutional right to carry a firearm. it conflicts when the pharmacist yells and screws up my position.
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this is ridiculous. this is like getting mad at cup teen sully for -- captain sully forgetting the plane wet jie. you can only rely on yourself. the store had been robbed a few years previous, and they should have hired some sort of security guard. and he didn't shoot to kill these guys. and he had a license. i think the story is ridiculous. >> here is the real story about that. aren't pharmacies in this day and age the new liquor stores? a guy knocks off a liquor store. there are tragic stories going around and people getting killed in pharmacies. there is one in long island where it was horribly tragic. pill addiction is at an all-time high. pharmacy rtz new liquor stores. these are the banks. >> this is why you should have been brought up in illinois. i swear to god our pharmacies are our liquor stores. you get them in the same
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place. sometimes on sunday. here is one thing, you know jeremy's listed reason for having the firearm? >> what? >> daddy didn't give affection and mommy didn't care. >> no, i'm a pearl jam fan! keep up, man. >> bottom line, if you rob places -- you will not rob places if you suspect you will get shot. do i have time to open this? >> this is a birthday gift to you of from paul mccurio. >> i'm scared. >> is it vibrate ?g. >> look at that. >> somebody had it made. >> paul mccurio. >> oh wow. >> happy birthday. >> might want to ask if he sanitized that. >> it was somewhere earlier. >> his pocket, kids, his
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pocket. >> he thought it was cake. >> do you have a comment on the show? it is red eye at fox news .com. to leave a voicemail call 212-462-5050. still to come, the half time report from tv's andy levy. >> do you -- >> tonight is sponsored by emu's, the birds that can grow to six and a half feet tall. thanks, emus. blp s
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let's go to tv's andy levy. >> thanks, greg. >> your lack of sincerity is troublesome. >> i had a rough period. our floor director walked in on me when i was in the bathroom. >> really? wow. >> he didn't lock the door. >> i thought i locked the door, erin. >> sure you did. >> i thought i locked the door. >> erin, you are not the only one he has done this to. >> there are two locks on the bathroom. sometimes i forget which one doesn't work. >> the top is the one that works. >> both actually work. >> not only does he leave the door open when i find him, but there is a trail of breadcrumbs leading me there. unbelievable. >> we all -- at some point we are getting together and go to
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hr. enough is enough. tea party debate. tucker, perry seems like george farrell doing an impersonation. i think it is josh brolin. >> he does. good. >> thank you for agreeing. tucker, you said the central question of the moment is what to do about the debt. that is incorrect. the central question is about gardasil. >> obviously. vaw their y'all warts are a topic of conversation. >> courtney, i like your theory comparing this to sports. it feels like the pre-season still. >> exactly. that's what i'm saying. it is not worth watching for me. >> to put it in my world, it is like watching the first two episodes of project runway. >> sure, exactly. >> or a prequel to "sex and the city." >> maybe that is not interesting. >> maybe that's where you leave the door open to the bathroom jie. you made some comments about the vibe of the
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audience. there was only a few people who screamed that. >> there is a sense in the room that that was acceptable. >> i think that was in your head, paul. >> i think you are wrong. >> also, paul, you said basically the people in the audience want to let people die if they they can't pay for healthcare which means they want to protect the life of the fetus up to the point where it gross up and requires medical care and then it can die if it can't pay for. it the hypothetical involved a 30-year-old man who as wolf blitzer said made a good salary and chose not to purchase healthcare. >> right, okay. >> so this wasn't someone who couldn't fend for himself. he chose not to purchase healthcare in wolf blitzer's example. >> we should live in a sympathetic society. >> besides that -- >> how do we though what the
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reason is he chose not to get health insurance. >> he was selfish and wanted to save his money. >> seriously, i make a good salary. i make a good salary scpri to provide for my son to go to college at some point. i'm serious about this for a minute. >> don't lie. >> i don't have a son. you got me again tv's andy levy. >> then who is that kid you brought? it gets weirder and weirder. i. >> your position is a reasonable one to say we should still help the person. but it is also reasonable to say if you could have done this yourself and you chose not to, why should other people pay for your decision? >> i will give you that, but a good salary does president necessarily mean he had the option that he wanted to have. >> wolf blite swrer made it clear in that example. >> who is wolf blit swre r.
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>> he was the moderator of the debate. >> i know, i know. >> greg, you don't care about the gardasil stuff, which i agree. except michele bachmann claiming it is a dangerous vaccine and may cause mental retardation and things like that. it is untrue. gardasil is one of the most -- has one of the most favorable risk benefit ratios more than any pharmaceutical. >> and it is like the gin knee mccarthy -- the jenni mccarthy bs. you have a vaccine that could reduce the number of cervical cancers that can be fatal in young women. it is an important vaccine. whether you have other problems with it, you can't deny it is effective. for her to imply it is dangerous, and it can warm the population by creating a false thing and i think she went too far. >> you said gardasil is the worst thing they can say about perry and he will be okay.
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this is where michele bachmann and other cans hit him. the problem for conservatives is the way he went about the bhol -- the way he went about the whole thing. >> that's fair. i don't think they are going at it in an effective way that is really going to hurt him. i think in the larger scheme of things, if this is the target on his back, i think he is going to be fine and i think he will end upbeating romney. i think he looks better than romney because he is talking in the crisp sound bytes and that resonates with people. >> ms. i china had -- ms. china had to answer a question about nude beaches. >> was she pro or con? >> actual lie she didn't really answer the question and that's why she was fourth rirn up. -- runner up. i am for nude beaches. >> i am for you being for nude beaches. >> i wonder if pinch is for
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nude beaches. >> paul, go away. >> he did that, i didn't do that. >> that was pinch? i thought it was paul. >> columbia students may have dinner with ahmadinejad. what is the deal with columbia establishing a relationship with this guy? >> it is part of the brand. brown is a school of famous people and columbia a school of dictators. >> you know what they should serve is a delightful potato dish called dictator tots. >> come on. i thought you were going to playoff the first part. >> i could, but this is a g rated show. >> the hikers that crossed into iran were hiking into a water fall in the semiautonomous region of northern iraq in july of 2009.
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if you have ever seen them you would understand why they are there. >> are you hitting on me? this is uncomfortable. the problem is be atonomists or don't. >> they did not have to be there. there is plenty of places. if you want to hike and get killed go to can -- go to camden. >> pharmacists fired. i am sick of hearing the lawen enforcement we should be advised against confronting is criminals. >> and that's usually the case except for cops who want to preserve their monopoly on it. >> he violated a policy and didn't tell them he was carrying a concealed weapon.
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>> i don't support the guy's lawsuit. >> here is wall -- walgreens big problem, they shot he was a little f word, but they unleached a lion. >> i am done, greg. >> angelina jolie is dead -- tired of asking her if she is still on paul mcca ry o's. if oppressive means creating, sure.
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well, they were suggestively thrusting instead of criminal busting. i speak of several new york city police officers america's finest who were videotaped grinding against women at the annual west indian day parade. roll it.
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>> it is so walk ward. >> that wasn't a cop. it was a member of the village people. was this harmless fun or a festive day or did the cops cross a line by playing along? new york pd is reviewing the incident. they said it is not corruption, but it looks bad. it is young cops doing something stupid. we must discuss this in the -- >> lightning roooooouuuunnnnddd. lightning round. >> that was actually anderson cooper doing that. >> maybe they shouldn't have done it, but they shouldn't lose their jobs, right? >> no, of course they shouldn't. i am actually pretty quick to jump -- i am libertarian. i am quick to take offense at
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abuses of authority. it is kind of uh amusing. >> paul, this event as you know gets pretty damn rowdy. can you blame the cops for blending in? in a weird way they may have been doing their job. >> come on. >> they always say they want the cops to be more in the community. >> this is nothing. if they are at the macy's day parade and they start dry humping it is balloon we have a problem. >> then i have a problem rchlt i didn't know that was illegal. >> courtney, were they wrong to join in? >> no, it shows they are human. if you saw the whole video, they were attacked by this one woman who would not stop -- she came up like six times to him. >> it seems cool. >> bill, you dance suggestively often against
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cops all the time. do they ever dance back? >> that was my problem with the video. the only issue of the video is i was there the whole time and not even one guy tried to battle against it. they are probably young cops and keeping -- doing their part to keep the peace. it was not they were doing something other people didn't want them to do. and there has been a lot of violence associated with the parades and they have to be there and maybe they lowered the tone of the parade by taking part in it. >> let's just hope the right gun went off. >> i don't know what you are saying. >> why does he say shove things. >> have i have given up asking. cm's i i just take another
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>> let's just take another break.
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back. a new york man is suing white
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castle saying the booth in one of the burger joints are too small. the lawsuit claims the restaurant, seen here from a news chopper -- thanks news chopper. it accommodates a man of his size and putting in for a violation for the americans with disabilities act. he tried to cram his 6 foot 290-pound frame into a seat. he slammed a metal post into the table and hurt his knee. and yes there is a picture of him in the booth at white castle. but if we wanted to use it on the show, they were going to charge us $350 for it. i am not kidding. so we traced it instead. >> pretty good. i don't think you will get anything better than that. it is just a big fat guy on a table.
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tucker, probably going eat this case. but if he is eating at white castle, isn't it his fault? >> you are not going to fool me, greg. the pencil drawing, this is totally mild -- made up. this was created for a cable news audience. it didn't happen. >> this is actually the perfect story. except that the woman who threw him out has to be hot. >> no doubt. i think we can have a tray scene that shows how hot he is. >> shouldn't he be paid in burgers. >> and a vasectomy so he doesn't produce more people. >> first of all, you are not supposed to eat white castle in public. it should be at home in a box of shame. apparently what we have to do with our joint obese society
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is we have to reree build all of our places to accommodate these people. it is a good thing for our economy. >> i am stealing this for tomorrow. it is for "the five." they have gone through this with buses. >> isn't it awesome how we deserve to get larger. does he deserve to win? >> he is so law tee -- litigous. >> if he didn't eat so many white castle burgers maybe he would fit into the seat. >> bill you eat out of the white castle dumpster. is it spacious? >> funny you mention that .'s i used to live next to a 24 hr hour.
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i don't care how drunk i was i was in and out in seconds flat. the one guy who sits in the corner in white castle is probably selling crack. that's where i got my crack as well. and i am tired of hearing obesity is a disease. it is not. it is like saying i can't take all of the porn off my computer. it is a disease, hahny into. >> have you tried that. >> it doesn't work. >> i purchased white castle from the supermarket c. you can buy them in the freezer. >> i got 9 microwave kind. >> you don't get the arm hair of the cook on it. >> that's disgusting arm hair, by the way. >> thank you had any, you little bald freak. >> what is wrong with that man. >> we willed disit that in. we will wrap things up. to see clips of recent shows
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time to go back to tv's andy levy for the post game wrap up. >> tucker, why are you so wonderful? >> that's a great question, and i'm glad you asked that. i'm going to cut it short there and say read "the daily caller" and find out. >> is there a specific column in "the daily caller." >> it feels good to be vulgar and self-promotional. >> he has a very long torso. i mean that is as a compliment. it is true. you do. look how short gm next to him. >> courtney, did you have fun at the new york's funniest reporter competition? >> i came in third place. bill was in the audience and he was proud of me. i was proud of myself because i have never done stand up before. there was 200 people in the audience. it is a fear i conquered. >> she did very, very good. >> i forgot you were there, andy.


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