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tv   Hannity  FOX News  September 14, 2011 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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whole sheen deal is a laughing matter. you can decide hot pinheads are in that forum. i don't think there are any patriots. that is it for us tonight. check out the factor news website. spout off from anywhere in the world. name and tornado if you wish to opine. -- name and town if you wish to opine. do not be churish when writing to the factor. remember the spin stops right here, because we are definitely looking out for definitely looking out for you. closed captioning by closed captioning services,inc >> sean: the gop sweeps two major special elections. >> this message will resound for a full year.
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>> sean: are these victories a sign of things to come in 2012? karl rove is here with analysis. >> democrats are in a panic as president obama's approval rating hits another all-time low. juan williams is here to react. >> the anointed one hits the trail again, pushing his controversial jobs plan. >> the president: i came to talk about how we can get to a place where we are creating good, middle class jobs again. >> sean: is this about the american people getting jobs or the president keeping his? plus, a green energy scam, is it leading to the white house? we're on the road to 2012. hannity starts right now. >> big night for the republican party last night. gop scored two huge wins in special elections in new york and nevada. the results have sent shockwaves through president obama's reelection campaign. we begin with the historic upset here in new york city where republican businessman
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bob turner defeated democrat david weprin this was the race to fill the house seat vacated by anthony weiner. to put this in perspective, this district has been in democratic hands for nearly 90 years. in nevada's 2nd congressional district, republican mark amodei cruised to the victory. dna chairwoman debbie wasserman schultz claims the defeats have nothing do with president obama or 1012. schumer who held the seat, told reporters that the district is among the most conservative in all of new york city. you keep telling yourself that chuck. joining me for some intelligent analysis of yesterday's special elections author of "courage and consequence" the architect, karl rove.
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sir, big night last night. >> big, really big. >> sean: huge, but it is a conservative district. >> this is a district that barack obama carried by 11 points and bob turner won it last night by eight. he was propelled by working-class ethnics who said we are concerned about our government spending money we don't have. and by orthodox jews concerned about the president's policies on israel. which made ed koch a lifelong democrat to support turner. today there was a brill agent -- brilliant piece, obama losing the jewish vote. it gives a strong argue. a strong case as to why the policies of the obama administration have resonated so badly inside the jewish community that we saw what we saw last night. the end of a democrat dominance of a seat they held since 1923. >> sean: two key endorsements.
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one was former mayor ed koch. the second assemblyman democrat. it is amazing thing. how do you, with a straight face, stay this is a very difficult district for democrats. as you pointed out, the first republican since warren harding in the 20s. 3-1 democrat to republican registration. he's a 70-year-old businessman elected. they threw everything and the kitchen sink at him, social security, mediscare, it hurt. >> as important as new york's victory is the nevada one in some ways is more disturbing. they are already saying a democratic assemblyman weprin in new york was a lousy candidate and this issue of israel is not going to be present everywhere in every race. they are already starting to discount this happening.
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you can't get ed koch in every district. in nevada, think about this, carried by john mccain in the 2008 election by 88 votes. that was his margin. in this election the democrats had a candidate they thought was picture perfect, had gobs of money, great at executing the playbook ran an ad saying her republican opponent wanted to end medicare to pay for tax breaks for millionaires. and they ran that hard and heavy. and he won by 28,000 votes. think about that swing. he had a 20 -- 22 point victory in a district that was 49-49 in 2008 in the presidential race. if the democrat playbook they got the best candidate. they don't have issues like the president's policy on israel dominating in a district with a lot of orthodox jews, all the excuses
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they gave for new york were not present in nevada, yet they got creamed. i have to say i'm affiliated with a group called american cross roads that spent $265,000 to help bury marshall under a barrage of early ballots by republicans. >> sean: fair enough. the field poll comes out in california. i don't know how obama's team -- i've i'm favored plouffe, axelrod, i'm saying i want out. now californians have soured on obama. if they find themselves in a situation where they have to defend california and new york, it is over. how are they going to compete in michigan, wisconsin? how are they going to compete in north carolina, indiana, florida, ohio? they are not going to be able to do it. >> the road to victory for the republicans win the states mccain won pick up indiana, virginia, north carolina,
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traditionally republican states that obama snuck away last time. win ohio and florida and then win any other state in the state of the union, new hampshire, pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin, iowa, colorado, new mexico, nevada, any one puts the republican in the white house. >> sean: oregon democrat said in my district the enthusiasm for obama has mostly evaporated. tremendous discontent with his direction. i have one heck of a lot of democrats saying i voted for him before, but i don't know if i can do it again. will he be able in 14 months to get back those people that have been turning on him in poll after poll? >> look, he will get back the democrats. but he's not going to get the in-- to get the independents. i think the problem is he is going to think his problem with the peter yo's of the world and the max waters of the world. remembered she said at wayne
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community college in detroit that the we are getting tired we don't know what the strategy is. he's going to feel like he's got to go left and become more liberal and say more aggressive things like he said in the things last week when he called the republican opposition unamerican and -- it is not going to work. >> sean: let's look at the republican field. you were critical of the ponzi scheme comment by rick perry. >> i'm not critical of the ponzi scheme. john harris misinterpreted. i wouldn't use those words. but i understand where he's coming from. it is a pay as you go plan so today's generations are supporting today's retirees. they are paying for the bills for the people who are retired today. my concern is more with what he wrote in his book about it being potentially unconstitutional by all measures of failure and
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suggesting that what we ought to do is turn it over to the stays and let them decide. he's -- to the states and let them decide many he has to have a plan. you can't toss things out there like that and not unsettle people. 60 million people get a social security check in some form. i want our nominee, to be strong and i think governor perry needs to layout a plan. >> sean: did he meet you halfway during this recent debate? >> i thought it was very smart. first, he responded to the u.s.a. today editorial. they called him on short notice and said give us 300 words if you want to with us. he said my goal is to save and strengthen social security. again he said that during the debate. he has to take a step further. if you say i want to turn it over to the states, you have to describe what that means. what happens to people on social security? what if you are getting ready to retire? what happens to the money put
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in? what if you live in a state that elects not to replace social security and move to a state that does decide to replace social security? you have to have a plan. >> sean: what did you think of romney's response? was romney right to go after him on it? >> sure. this is about making our candidates bter. at the end of this process no matter who comes out of it, they will have become a better candidate. just as it was fair for governor perry to go after romney on his record of job creation in massachusetts. it is fair for romney to raise questions about what are you proposing on social security. >> sean: i thought it was a good debate too. i agree with you. it is like "american idol" somebody is going to rise to the occasion and it is going to be fascinating to watch. karl rove, thanks. >> juan william on the president's plummeting poll numbers. >> a scandal rocks the west
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wing. we'll explain why the white house gave over half a billion dollars to an energ company and the access the company had to the white house only to file for bankruptcy and get stuck with the bill. that straight ahead. does that in one daily dose. citracal slow release... continuously releases calcium plus d for the efficient absorption my body needs. citracal.
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>> sean: it is hard to deny the special election results from last night were anything but a referendum on the anointed one and his failed policies. according to a new bloomberg
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poll 49% disapprove of the president's job performance. only 45% say they approve. it seems independent voters have a big reason to do with this decline. they've already started jumping ship. joining me with reaction fox news political analyst, juan williams is back. sir how are you? >> great. >> sean: you just heard from cove karl rove. is there anything you disagree with? this is a disaster, i don't care what chuck schumer says. what debbie wasserman schultz said is dumb this is a really hard district to win, that's silly. >> it is 3-1 democrat to republican. it should be a democrat's dream to win easily in the district. but the thing is a lot of this is local. you have a lot of orthodox jews in the area upset about the same-sex marriage bill in
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new york becoming law. this is something we saw that david weprin the democrat supported. then questions about president obama's policies with regard to israel and some of the orthodox jewish community, again a lightning rod. anthony weiner's scandal, sex scandal, it was awful, i don't think it inspired confidence. as you pointed out, a lot of the independents right now are buying off of president obama. that's not the democrats. >> sean: i think your analysis is off represented by this race in nevada. mccain won by 88 votes. 26,000 vote jump in just a short period of time. look, this is a 20 point swing in new york compared to obama's margin in 2008 to now. yeah, there is a very strong jewish community in this district. they are very angry at how the president snubbed benjamin netanyahu in israel. you read comments in the paper
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it is about the economy people are upset they feel like he's failed in the economy. every poll shows that. >> i think what the independents right now, they are just not seeing the results they want. you know what, this was not the case -- this is where i disagree with you. i don't think it was a pure reverand department on president obama. i think obama plays into it the whole democratic sense, all of washington being dysfunctional, out of control. the docratic base not excited now. other people had a reason to vote for the republican here and i think that's what you saw. >> sean: look, i don't feel the need to argue. the republicans not needing to give a speech. look at these numbers that we got this week. 46.2 million americans in poverty. by the way, poverty defined as a family of four that makes
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$22,000. you are not considered poverty at that point. my point is, look at african-american teenaged unemployment 50%. the unemployment 9%, longest stretch of high unemployment since the grey depression. he promised he would -- the great depression. he promised he would fix these things and he's added four trillion in debt on top of it. isn't it a direct result to his policies? >> you want to put everything on this president as if he didn't inherit a history of an economy that was on the rocks and headed farther ashore when he took office that's a fact. you can't put everything on him. where you are legitimate in saying he has not delivered in terms of changing things radically, what he promised, okay. >> sean: his props were specific. they said unemployment wouldn't go above 8%. they said they would cut the debt in half. they quadrupled the debt every
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year. last summer was summer recovery. we've been through another year and things have gotten worse. he's blaming the tsunami, bush, earthquake and arab spring. >> and you're blaming him. do you hear any solutions coming from sean hannity or any of the republicans on the stage at these debates? no. you point out his numbers are plummeting. they bumped up a little. he's at about 44%. it is higher than he was before he gave his jobs speech. >> sean: independents at 30 -- [ talking over each other ] >> he's about 44. you know what if you are a democrat, run against the republicans. congressional job approval ratings right now 20%. terrible. remember not one republican -- [ talking over each other ] >> sean: wait a minute, if it was so horrible how did a republican win a district that
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they haven't won since 1922? and go up by 27,000 votes in nevada? >> this is the danger for you sean hannity, if you overreach -- if you think you have a mandate because one congressional district special election went republican this is after the special district up in new york heavily republican went to a democrat, [ talking over each other ] i think it leads you down a path to lose that presidential election. >> sean: you ever hear about the canary in the coal mine? >> sure. >> sean: why did they send the canary in the coal mine? >> to see if there is oxygen. >> sean: what happens if there is no oxygen? >> he dies. >> sean: -- all right juan, i love you. you know, watch. here's my prediction watch the
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democrats jump ship. they don't want anything to do with him any more. >> they don't have a choice sean. by the way, i'm not the co-author of that book, i'm the author. >> sean: did i seiko author? >> you did. >> sean: the book is fantastic. we are going to have you on just to talk about that, i promise. >> all right. >> sean: juan williams good luck in 14 months. coming up michelle malkin on the green jobs controversy that threatens to shame the obama administration. >> does the president have a prayer of getting his jobs bill passed if he can't convince his own party? that and more coming up. o0 c1 0 what's going on here? hey, whats up guys?
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. >> sean: treasury secretary tax cheat tim geithner admitted today that the u.s. economy is in the early stages of crisis. >> if congress or washington is incapable of acting, then policy will be damaging the growth. because what you will have is a deeper, steeper contraction in fiscal support than is prudent for an economy at this late stage of the crisis. >> sean: the president making rounds, stumping in swing
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straights across the country. delivering campaign speeches narrowly disguised as jobs speeches throwing in scare tactics for good measure. listen to the death and destruction that awaits all of us if his bill is not passed. >> the president: in north carolina alone there are 153 structurally deficient bridges that need to be repaired. why would we want to act until another bridge falls. >> sean: how does the president expects his jobs bill to pass when he can't get his party onboard? jim webb of virginia called the president's plans for how to pay for it terrible. joining me with reaction, fox news contributor, deals with beckel everyday monica crowley. and sandra smith. good to see you. you know what i've been going through. >> i feel your pain. >> sean: i love bob.
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we played the tape, he said calamity, catastrophe, if we don't pass the stimulus. same rhetoric, different bill, more spending, higher taxes, same old, same old. >> remember when he was trying to get obama care through he used the same language. we are all going to die. the country is going bankrupt unless we pass this bill. this is why it is so jarring for people who are disappointed in this president in his presidency. when he ran in 2008 this guy built his image and campaign on the idea of hope and change. he has governed as a fear monger. he has tried to sell every policy he has rammed through based on fear. >> sean: everybody knows there is no way this bill, in its entirety is going to pass. the it is not going to pass with the republican house. >> we are starting to get results now of the policies just all out failing. we've had a couple years now.
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he's still blaming everybody else. it was a pretty bad news day for the president. you have the solyndra scandal. republican win in new york last night. also from the census bureau, if anybody saw this, the poverty rate in this country at a 50 year high. 50 million people now american people without health insurance. you didn't hear him mention that in any of his speeches. >> sean: 46.2 billion in poverty. 22% of american children, almost 1 in four kids in this country in poverty. more frightening, we define poverty as a couple -- if you make above $14,218 a year they don't count you. if you make $22,314, i lived as a single person making $9 teen,000 a year eating -- making $9 teen,000 a year
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eating macaroni and cheese everyday. how do you survive? >> assuming you are going to keep your job in this environment. under these policies that we have now proof they are failing, and the restrictions that are on businesses as far as regulation we have 14 million out of work today. if this goes another four years we have no idea what economic picture will look like. think of it family of four, go to pay for some place to live, insurance. even if you use cloth diapers, which is nuts. i believe in the disposable. even if you churn your own fruit, i'm sorry, you can't survive. >> churn your own fruit. >> sean: am i wrong? >> no, you are right. the bigger question is, what were these policies designed to do? the argument can be made this administration and this president in particular, wants
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a stubbornly high unemployment rate. >> sean: he did this on purpose? >> what other explanation can you have? any other american president -- >> sean: here's the answer -- >> wait. this guy doesn't break a sweat, why? >> sean: he believes he's right. i think he's double down on stupid. >> listen, i do not think this man is stupid. he knows exactly what he's doing. >> sean: keynesian economics has been proven. that model has failed again. he believes it so much he's doubling down on it. >> what is the ultimate objective of policies we perceive as failing? to him these policies are succeeding. because the more people dependent on government, unemployment, welfare, food stamps, under kinds of social programs more people dependent on the government you have a permanent democratic majority.
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>> we are still talking short term fixes. you heard his threat about the bridges. he's talking about putting people to work on the highways and the bridges -- >> sean: what was the stimulus for? >> it failed the first time. even his democratic colleagues are laughing. calling it the son of the stimulus. >> sean: it is the great, great, great great grandson of the stimulus. good to see you both. >> a green jobs scam that may lead to the white house. solar power company gets a huge chunk of stimulus change after meeting with white house officials then go bankrupt, 535 million dollars of your tax dollars wasted. michelle malkin is on the case, next. you could save a bundle with geico's multi-policy discount. geico, saving people money on more than just car insurance. ♪
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>> sean: the president has made no scret of his support for so-called green jobs. how far would the administration go to push its agenda? one company secured more than half a billion dollars from the administration now the subject of a major converse and
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fbi investigation that threatens to implicate the white house. >> the president: the true engine of economic growth will always be companies like solyndra. >> sean: after receiving overhalf a billion dollars of federal stimulus money that engine of economic growth declared bankruptcy last month. how the failing company secured that cash is now raising questions of inside dealings and corruption that lead all the way to the obama white house. days after declaring bankruptcy, solyndra executives became the subject of an fbi investigation. suspected of misleading the government into forking overthat stimulus money. was it just a one-way street or was president obama and his team complicit in the scheme? >> the president: solyndra will hire 1,000 workers to manufacture solar panels and sell them across america and around the world. >> sean: white house logs reveal four visits by solyndra
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officials and investor the week before the company received its cut of your stimulus cash. those meetings took place while the white house budget analyst warned in an e-mail, this deal is not ready for primetime. the white house seems to have had a special stake in this deal. e-mails obtained by the "washington post" show officials at office of management and budget felt the white house put them under the gun to approve the solyndra deal. one noted, there isn't time to negotiate. another told the vice president's office, we would prefer to have sufficient time to do our due diligence reviews. in 2001, democrats and liberals were incensed when vice president whpb think and members of his staff met with oil company executives while crafting a national energy strategy. there was no evidence they received anything from the white house. this time it seems the green energy executives who dropped by the white house came away with cold hard cash. straight from the wallet of
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you, the american taxpayer. the white house energy and commerce committee began an investigation and an investigative hearing today into the circumstances surrounding the solyndra loan. joining me with reaction is the author of the "new york times" culture of corruption, michelle malkin is back. we are talking serious money. i mean at a time when, you know, 535 million dollars is a lot of money, right for anybody. here's what i don't understand, the bush administration said no. they met with the white house on four separate occasions leading up to this money being handed over. everybody said don't do this. everybody asked for time to do due diligence. why didn't they listen? >> well, they didn't listen because they were in a rush to promote the green jobs racket. they were at the white house
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setting up all sorts of propaganda visits, public visits, to put the president in front of the camera and make him the green cheerleaderer in chief. it does bear noting that one of the hugest investors in this massively failed enterprise, just happens to be one of obama's largest funners, a man named george kaiser this is a textbook case of the worst examples of the green jobs racket. crony capitalism. this rush to judgment. the house hearing today i thought was incredibly valuable. cliff sterns the gop chairman of the house energy subcommittee that put this on and all of the gop investigators that have been bushing on this are shedding light on this rotten solar deal. i think it has all of the people in the white house scurrying. as you mentioned, this goes all the way to the top. these e-mails that we are
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seeing now between omb officials and the white house are incredibly damning. >> sean: it shows it goes to joe biden's office. even the white house. here's the issue we have to highlight. some of the people involved in this deal that benefitted from the -- the government -- i would love to start a business and have 535 million dollars guaranteed by the federal government and i have no incentive to succeed. they predicted, that this company would fail in 2011. the question is, to what extent did the people that bundled money for the president for his election in 2008, how did they get the access? how did they get the money? when everybody said this company was going to fail? >> right. it is easy to see how he got that access. if you just put out your moneybags and collect hundreds of thousands of dollars, you get that clear pass that green path to the white house.
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that's how they got access. the bottom line question is what did they know and when? they all knew it was going to be a failure and they knew well in advance, weeks and months in advance of announcing this half billion dollar loan guarantee. that it was set to fail. it is ironic of course when president obama stood in front of the cameras at the press event for solyndra and touted it he used the words, i think exact words, you're looking at the future. that is a dire warning to taxpayers this is really just the tip of the green iceberg. as i laid out in my columní chuck full of background information this kind of green subsidy, these big green boondoggles have no end many look at the latest text of obama's jobs bill. 25 billion dollars for green cleaning and green construction. how many more of these are being rushed through without that kind of due diligence?
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then the depth of energy which despite the failure of three solar companies over the last year, is persisting and doling out 850 million dollars in loan guarantees to one of these new energy companies in california. another 200 million to solar manufacturers on the west coast. when does this end? >> sean: i'm wondering what is worse, this which i think is outrageous or 26 armed agents -- we are spending all this money. we can't control our borders, but we are invading gibson guitar to see if they are using the wrightwood to bill their guitars. nuts. michelle good to see you, appreciate it. let not your heart be troubled our great, great, great american panel is next. took some wild risks when i was young. but i was still taking a risk with my cholesterol. anyone with high cholesterol may be at increased risk of heart attack.
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are teaching seniors across the country... stop, spot, and report fraud. you can help. guard your medicare card. don't give out your card number over the phone. call to report any suspected fraud. we're cracking down on medicare fraud. let's make medicare stronger for all of us. >> sean: tonight on our panel she is a fox news contributor
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host of radio talk show the leslie marshall show. the president of penn financial group business expert matt mccall is back. this is unbelievable, best selling author, new novel called goddess of vengeance. jackie collins is back. you have sold over 400 million copies of your books. >> worldwide, yes. >> sean: worldwide nothing, that is insane. >> i know it is a lot of books. i have the most fabulous fans and readers that stick with me. >> sean: and they are x-rated these books. >> of course they are, that's why you read them. >> sean: i read them and i blush. >> do i make you blush? >> sean: yes. >> probably the only person in the world who does. >> sean: give me your liberal spin, i'm interested. >> i said in the lobby that i was going to give you
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something new. you have to admit that this is not -- first of all this is not a district that going to be there in a year. >> sean: only because of what happened. >> the bottom line is, in america it is not uncommon for christians to vote for a candidate based on one issue such as abortion. that candidate is usually a republican this is an issue -- >> sean: this seat was health, 75% democratic registered. it has been in democratic hands since the 1920s if you don't see this 20 point swing as a repudiation of obama's failed policies, you are not being honest. >> i am. i don't think it is a strike at obama i think it is a strike at anyone, regardless of their political -- >> sean: how do you explain nevada? >> that is a different story. >> sean: is that a repeated kwraeugs of obama? >> i don't think it is a
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repudiation of obama necessarily. >> sean: what do you think? >> highly democratic district. this tells me that the vote has now gone from just pro-democrat, pro-union to anti-union, anti-blue collar. that is what won mat election. this is reminiscent of going back to the mush days. why do you think obama won? an anti-bush vote. now we are seeing the anti-obama vote. if this continues to grow, there is no chance obama will will be reelected, no chance at all. >> it does depend on -- >> sean: look at the polls. polls show he is at the lowest number. president bush in his first term didn't go below 46%. in the economy, 30s. you sold 400 million books. i know you care about your readers.
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>> of course. >> sean: now people are struggling to go on a family vacation to buy books. >> which i think is shocking, because we have a resident whose wife has spent more money on vacation taking her friends here there and everywhere while people are on the bread line to me that is shocking. i think that vote reflects what the people want. >> sean: i agree. if you are going to martha's vineyard and hang out with the rich and famous you think the husband and wife can cord mate their flight times in and out. -- coordinate their flight times in and out? >> no, absolutely not. i want to hear what leslie has to say about that. >> come on guys you are splitting hairs. did george w. bush and laura always fly together in the same plane? was there sometimes separate planes. >> sean: are you tone-deaf? there's 22% of kids in poverty. 46.2 million americans now below the poverty line which is not high.
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and you've got the unr employed. people that are unemployed. we don't count half the people any more that unemployed. you don't think that's tone-deaf? >> no. because i think every world leader deals with that, with their country. >> sean: he's not a king this is our money, not his. >> he is president, he's a world leader. this happens with every president. >> he has spe much more money than bush ever did, tons more. >> sean: bush went to his ranch, hung out, cleaned brush and went bike riding. the -- >> the wealthy, -- >> sean: secondest biggest voting bloc besides african-americans were the jewish-americans. 88 in nevada now losing by 27,000, whatever the number was, massive repudiation of
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how bad he has been as president of the united states. that's just facts leslie. he's in over his head. >> you said, as karl rove said earlier, 88 votes which shows that state wasn't so in love with the president. >> sean: we are not talking about a small margin. >> we are not talking about a hugely democratic district. a district he barely won, 88 votes. >> votes are dropping. >> he said he's going to fix everything with a ma -- magic bullet so how come he keeps throwing blanks. >> sean: more with the great american panel, next. and we switched to fedex 'cause a lot of their packaging contains recycled materials. tell them what else fedex does. well we're now using more electric trucks and lower emission planes. we even offer a reusable envelope. now, can't we at least print on the back sides of used paper? what's the executive compensation list...?
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>> sean: we continue with our great american panel. why can't i ask leslie what her age is? where did that rule come from? >> help me out. >> sean: people ask me my age all the time with >> it is different you are a man. >> sean: double standard? >> there's a double standard in politics the american people would vote for george clooney if they could. >> sean: frightening. >> it is. >> sean: because they think he's good looking? >> because they go for looks and a macho kind of man.
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>> sean: in other words, studs you write about in your books? >> yeah. >> sean: how many times has the word quiver ended up in your books? >> never. i can tell you a few words i do use. >> sean: i said to leslie we are having this discussion off air. i asked her age. i know you are 13 because you have the mind of a 13-year-old kid. >> i do. >> sean: and you are proud of that? >> why not. >> sean: that's why you have been so successful. michael moore on the view with has bell beck today. >> if we start to say we are afraid to hold trials because terrorists might hurt us, -- we look like a bunch of wusses, if you kill us we will hunt you down, take you into court and put you on trial and you will receive the maximum punishment what is wrong with
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that we are americans. >> even citizens who do not abide by law are granted those rights. bin laden never deserved those rights, never did, ever. >> sean: she is right, these are enemy combatants trying to kill americans. they are not american citizens. we don't read them miranda rights on the battlefield and say here's a nice cell and we'll give you good food and you might be found innocent. >> i think it was ridiculous they were thinking of having the trial in new york city, crazy. >> sean: liberals are mad because obama has backed down a lot. >> i don't agree moore 100% on this i sleep sounder knowing that bin laden is dead. >> sean: george bush's policies led to the intelligence that gave us osama. >> you have to go here. >> sean: to the credit of the president he did the right
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thing and he killed the miss serbl sob. -- the only thing i could think of that he did good. >> sean. when you look back when the massad went and got ike man they wanted the world to hear what hedon. >> sean: i wanted to see his dead body on national tv and a bullet in his head so we could see how great our seal team 6 -- >> what moore later said we are not at war. if this isn't war what is war is what i would like to ask him. then he said we'll hunt you down. isn't that part of war hunting down our enemies and protecting our country? >> sean: the president wanted to mirandize enemy combatants in the battlefield. >> you are putting troops in harm's way.


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