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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  September 16, 2011 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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america? a los angeles porn studio is building a studio that will ride out the apocalypse in 2012. the story i volunteered to cover. and president obama continues to be highly popular in europe, even as impeachment proceedings get ready to start in america. 1k3* bill schulz checks out fashion week with results that predictable if you predicted the results would be what they were. greg? >> thank you, andy. >> happy national play-doh day. >> it is a delicious treat. >> oh, greg. although it is nontoxic, it wasn't meant to be eaten. >> i refer to the philosopher. i find his writings delicious. >> i am stoping this now. >> why? >> you knew it was play-doh day and not plato day, and you made your stupid joke anyway. >> it was just a little joke. >> it was not funny at all. >> this is not about play-doh. normally you wouldn't get upset about a joke. >> you really don't know why i am upset? >> i really don't. >> did you enjoy the swedish
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meat balls? >> i did. they were scrumptious. >> and what did you do after you ate them? >> i soaked in the tub for a bit and then went to bed. >> exact lee. you soaked in the tub for a bit and then wept to bed. who was stuck with the dishes? >> i assume paco would do them. >> i guess you forgot that they are back in peru this week. >> i thought that was next week. i'm sorry, andy, i really am. >> i can't stay mad at you. happy play-doh day. >> happy play-doh day. let's welcome our guest. he is so bright that the sun wears a visor. she is a former speech writer with condoleezza rice. and he is so british he wears a monoco. he is looking angry. kevin will be walking across the jungle for his lie beer yuan orphan charity.
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details later. and south africaned toes -- africaned toes lick him. and he is the sharpest one around, but tucker carlson couldn't make it. so here is nick gillespie. as well as the author of the fantastic book "the declaration of independence." my favorite book of the summer, i might say, if i was telling a lie. anyway, there are no sages on any of his pages. it is our thork times cory -- it is our "new york times" correspondent. >> today's times opinion natter says most believers come to religion because of personal experience and not philosophical arguments. they introduce a new shape of eighth yism that takes the facts seriously and debates their end. and so ends today's edition of things rick perry will never read. tomorrow's episode, death row pardons.
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>> it was this story or cylindra. >> thank you. >> will the apocalypse have hot chicks? will the end of the world be full of wayward girls? the answer is yes and yes. if a super prepared porn studio has a say. yes, when the world goes down pink visual is moving smut underground constructing a massive bunker in anticipation of armageddon on december 21st, 2012. the company has released a detailed layout of the lusty layer relaying multiple bars, a rotating performance stage, a casting couch, gun racks and a production studio sounds like john gibson's apartment, if you ask me. the 150-guest list for the end of days party will include merit based and random selections with performers and twitter followers getting priority over the general public. you know who is also not taking any chances?
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>> i told him the paperback wasn't going to cut. it but he won't listen. kevin, good to see you. i know it is late where you are, the armageddon and how to prepare for. it is this a crazy idea? is it a bunker filled with porn stars and the like? >> it is an exceptional idea. i preempted this, and i bought 100 tickets which i did when they first talk betd idea a year ago. what i love about 2012, and it is not the olympics in london, it is an excuse to create your own cult. you can do this by touting armageddon around. they cults can be underground and you can coax people in. and then you can do a whole manor of horrific things.
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billan have one for squirrels and normal people would have girls and guns and beer. >> why do you have to bring squirrels into this? why the squirrels? leave them out of this. >> how about you, nick? are we really at end times, or does it feel that way when the economy is in the tank? >> i was going to say, after reading this porn story for the first time i sympathize with al-qaeda. i want to bomb ourselves. i don't understand the emphasis on twitter followers. who will they tweet to? none of this makes any sense. and i also have to admit i didn't watch mel gibson's "apocalypto" so i missed the bunker scene at the bought m to of the aztec pyramid. >> that was a fantastic movie. it would have won best picture if not for mel gibson's off camera antics. but i digress. this obviously is a pr stunt. but we know the apocalypse is
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real. how are you preparing? >> for the apocalypse? i don't think i'm really buying into it so much. i am not doing stock piles and i find the porn bunker disgusting. are they going to have a stockpile of gardasil since that the topic -- you know, since they have this huge orgy planned. >> the thing is, bill, they are giving preferences to active site members. is that fair? don't the rest of us deserve a chance to live that life? >> we have not helped them one iota. you give to the people who have given to you. >> this is the ron paul argument? >> you can see the bodies piling up and you have it paid to the porn site. you will buy the insurance. >> speaking of sites, you offended ron paul. they will actively destroy you. >> here is the thing about the
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apocalypse. it will be about guns and gold. nothing else. cash or gold. >> what about sex? >> that is only if you are a zombie. people have this backwards. when it comes to the apocalypse, everybody assumes they will run and hide. i prefer to be the person you run and hide from. if you assume off the bat you will be a zombie or ma roder, the whole decision making process is done for you. you no longer have to hide. maybe you get radioactive, but have you accepted that. >> you made valid points, some of which formed into actual words. the problem with this is normally when a guy should be sitting there 16 holes in his hazmat suit and converting his urine to water and providing for his family, sexual predators will be wasting all of their precious survivor time watching movies like "jurassic pork" one of the
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best dino on dino porns ever made. >> first, i am not a sexual predator, and that means you are definitely going get your ass kicked when i am in manhattan. >> nothing will happen because you are a predator. i don't know if kicked is the word. >> from porn gigs to -- >> what is that supposed to mean? >> i am moving on. is it possible to choke on a lack of smoke? the obama administration seems to think so and proposed a ban on electronic cigarettes for all domestic flights. while we know smoking is say 10 dak -- satan, while it does deliver nicotine, but it doesn't put out smoke. speaking of getting the vapors, responds the ceo of the tobacco vapor cigarette association, quote, this is not smoking, this is vap ny g.
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the transportation department is asking for something that makes zero sense because this product emits nothing. i don't think they are educated enough to know this is smoking. you know what else the masses need to be educatesed on? chip moping eating dis-- chipmunk eating disorders. he only does that to tears for fears. anything else and he -- >> and the earlier stuff. >> if these devices aren't emitting anything, why are they banning it? >> i am baffled by it. is it a lull to protect people from being idiots and attacking someone for having a vaporless cigarette? i don't get how that is different from having an i-pod ear bud. if it is not bothering anybody else, it really baffles me. >> nick, you are a libertarian, so obviously you
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are for banning this. >> i would rather not even talk about it. i think we have officially run out of things to worry about if we are worried about vaping on planes. >> i understand kids are into vaping. and madonna is coming out with a big dance craze called vaping. >> what if they said the devices can be used to smoke marijuana? if they argue that, will the ban be sensible? >> no, i mean this isn't smoking. what are we talking about? who is it? the department of transportation, the samed yets who were juggling our testicals when we wanted to board a domestic flight. >> i went to that circus. >> kevin, i don't know if this will happen where you live. i don't know if you had e cigarettes over there. but they are essentially banning mist. that's what they are banning. does this make sense?
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>> no, w do have them. i have participated in a few little vapor things in my time. what i don't understand is that if you consider there are 8,000 cubic feet ejected from human beings on planes. if you go to the toilet there are fluids on the floor like bill's apartment, and you come out with hepatitis and cholera on a domestic flight and e-coli, why are we bothered by somebody doing a misty cigarette? it is huh poke craw see. >> here is the creel -- the real crux. why are people upset? it is the seem semblance of smoking. somebody across from you -- they said they are trying to clear up the confusion whether it was banned or not. it is about the semblance. it is about the fact that somebody like you will sit and eng joy something -- enjoy something they are not doing and they don't like it.
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it is the idea that they are having fun. >> meanwhile, who ever is complaining is doing the same action. but usually it is with a giant cup cake getting bigger and bigger, and they are going to die before me, greg. >> but the problem with this is it goes back to obama. i am criticizing our president right here. he is turning into the person i hate most. your dad -- >> stopwatching, father. learn to honk. obama quit smoking and now he will tell you about all of the evils of smoking and how much better off he is because he doesn't smoke. he will make your life miserable until you join him and his crazy pseudo religion. from blunt to bullies. can the small be small minded? in the former colony of america teachers are branding little kids racist or
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homophobic for what they said on the playground. last year 20,000 brats were put on file for so-called hate crimes like using the word gaylord which is a bad word in england, which we don't use in the u.s. or broccoli head -- broccoli head. or complain together teacher that this work is gay. some of the people punished or on in list were in nursery school. the schools are required to report the bigots to education authorities who keep a register of incidents. and those records can follow the students for life and potentially referenced when applying for college or a job. >> says one critic of the policy, there is a difference between primary school facts. >> how are british students taking it?
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>> not taking it well, uh -- apparently. kevin, this is your silly country. are all children racist or homo sfoa bike or just some of them? >> that was a very good interpretation of an accent. it is as bad as it always has been. i think all toddlers are racist. that's what toddlers are meant to do. they insight -- incite hatred wherever they go. i go to an orphanage in africa, and because they have never seen a white guy they will call me milky white man and these sort of terms. as will my children when they see people of different races on television. i think we have to put this into perspective. providing parents the proper way to integrate, there shouldn't be a problem this
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report is absurd because children of that age are far too small. >> how could people find out about your orphanage, kevin? >> they can go to my website or go to just giving .com forward slash kevin-godlington. >> and i am walking across sierra leone next month. >> by the way, we just teased his website for kids on a story about racist. >> i thought i was helping out. but inead i didn't. >> that was duly noted. i thought that would be a good opportunity to raise some cash. >> are you a good man. >> shouldn't teachers and parents teach the kids not to use these words and not the government? >> i think it is the responsibility of the parents. and the toddlers going around saying these mean things. they should have their slate wiped clean by age seven.
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it amazes me that the school can keep those records to the point of college or a job. certainly i feel like our schools over here often don't have the capacity for record keeping. >> good point. bullying as we know is bad. but isn't this overreach to put it lightly? >> yes, and i believe the other problem is school children in england call potato chips crisps. and they call windshields wind screens is it? if mitch gaylord and gaylord perry were named something else they may have done something else with their lives. eye gio by the way, i -- >> by the way i i was questioning our editing techniques. when he said gaylord it went to me. >> as a kid you were called terrible names. actually you are still called terrible names today.
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>> did you see my twitter feed? brutal. i don't even like to go on it anymore. it hurts, people. i know it is not supposed to affect me, but it does. i had an amazingly smart thing to say. i'm sorry, little bigots has to be a saturday morning cartoon show asap. that would bring families together. >> and the person who makes it would say this is for educational purposes. >> they say no, i love it. >> they are all bigoted against their other friend. >> it would be amazing. >> i think two points to be made. kids are mean, horrible creatures. i don't have a solution for that. if you had this process going, we would all be categorized as bullies. in affect we all are bullies.
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we bully -- when you are a qid you -- whether you a kid you are bullied. you don't remember the parts whether you a bully you only remember the parts when you a bullied. >> i remember trying to be a bully. and i remember getting my head continuously slammed on the asphalt. >> the bully parts were -- >> i apologize for that. >> i still have the scars and a fake ear. >> coming up, what is the world's greatest cereal? we discuss cheerio, my good man. terrible joke. does europe want to give our commander-in-chief a kiss on the cheek? we report and you slip in and out of consciousness.
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across the ocean. according to a new poll, president obama is still highly popular in that magical land of fairies and elves known as europe. the transatlantic trend survey done by the nonpartisan marshall fund said 75 people polled approved of obama's handling of international policies. and 73% backed his effort to fight terrorism. it is a huge change from george w. bush's rating that was at 20% in 2008 which was something like a 240% lower number than obama. of course the president isn't doing so well at home. it leads to the liberal crypt keeper to give this piece of advice to the white house. they think obama needs to fire a bunch of people. he also wants the administration to issue
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indictments. what he says are certain people in the american finance who won't be held responsible for the economic country. i am tired of the word fabric. i think he is referring to these people. >> that was the best birthday ever. >> is it still popular there where you live in europe? >> yes, well you know why you are saying that, don't you? i am not european.
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i am english and there is a difference. you said that on purpose because you knew i would give that you response. you said, watch what i will do to kevin. >> you are right. you are exactly right. >> now we have addressed that lovely dichotomy, i am not european. who cares what half of europe thinks. if the swedes are given an opinion i will just eat my own shoe. one of the things that will always happen with obama that because of his particular flavor of foreign policy and the way in which he has orchestrated it, he is always going to find a favorable place to go and hide when you guys kick him out. europeans understand a softer, appealing foreign policy package. what happens domestically in the united states has no bearing because all of our
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countries are being squeezed. all the while he plays and he will be loved by all of the euro trash. >> as much as i enjoy listening to kevin talk i have to disagree on one thing. 73% backed obama fighting terror. he is fighting terror very well. but it is just like what bush did basically. are you going after the terrorists and they didn't like that. they like it when he is doing it. he has gitmo open and he killed osama bin laden. >> look how soon obama got his nobel peace prize. i think he got it in october. he has been in office for eight, nine months. that wasn't about what obama had done. it was about what they thought he represented. he wasn't president bush. that was a basic anti-american sentiment in the form of a prestigous prize -- a diminished prestigous prize. and i think tt's the general take on what they think about
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obama. >> won't the european vote help obama in 2012? >> first i want to go back. is the guy on the satellite, when will we translate that from french to english already? i don't know. david hasselhoff and hooligans are popular in europe, so who needs it? it is not going to be helping obama much. >> will, i have to say that only 97% of europeans absolutely loathe you which seems like a drop from 99% two years ago. that's a positive -- they are jealous. they are jealous of my hair. it is very european. they are jealous of my facial hair and jealous of the language. did you know eep, op, ork is another language? >> we must move on. interesting. do you have a comment on the show? e-mail us. it is red eye at fox news
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.com. and to leave a voicemail, call 212-462-5050. still to come, the half time report from tv's andy levy. he is well liked in europe. >> tonight is sponsored by tr i-athletes in a race combining swimming, biking and running. thanks, try athletes.
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let's find out if we got anything wrong so far. let's go to tv's andy levy. >> hi, andy. >> hi, greg. >> what was that about? >> have i no idea. >> weird. >> adult film company is building a porn bunker. i thought that is where you kept your porn. >> that's a good point. >> maybe that's just me. >> probably is. greg, you mentioned a spokesman says the 1500-person guest list for the bunker will include -- will include merit-based and twitter followers in the general public. >> john gibson? >> no, my friend joey. he is really into uh poke lip particular legends and porn. it works out per perfectly. >> by the way, the same
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spokesman says their goal is to survive the apocalypse whether it takes the form of, quote, fireballs, earth worms, extends editor wren shall rainfall and biblical rapture. radioactive flesh eating swrom bes -- zombies or a combination of the above. >> i don't want to sound cynical, but it sounds like there won't be an apocalypse and this is a pr stunt. >> it is sad because we fell for it. >> and i think a lot of people have, greg. >> i welcomed the trap. >> that's a good . >> it was a class act. >> i read three lines and felt depressed. >> me too. kevin, you said bill could have a bunker for squirrels. why squirrels? only on this show could squirrels be the weird part.
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>> it just came to my mind. i wasn't thinking much about it really. >> nick, you said you don't understand the emphasis on twitter followers. i'm sure it is to get twitter followers. >> i am taking at -- i am taking it at face value. >> are you at the bar? >> i know i am coming across as cynical. i feel bad about that. >> you know you are part of the problem with that. >> maybe you should hold off on the cynicism until after 2012. >> don't know if i will start a big problem, but i think andy is a total [bleep] today. >> you said -- you said you find the porn bunker disgusting. you know what i find disgoinging? people who find porn bunkers
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disgusting. i think we have the constitutional right and free speech and all that. i just think porn is not good for society in general. >> i agree. >> it doesn't do great things for men either. >> porn was specifically mentioned in four amendments. you think about that before you go bashing our founding fathers' greatest joy. >> it is a lie. you are a liar. >> thank you for adding common sense. even though it was a humorous story, there is tragedy behind this. >> speaking of common sense, thomas payne, insatiable. the first edition had pictures. >> listen to yourself trying to pretend you are outraged. >> she is right and we all know she is right. >> you disgust me more than anything right now. banning the cigarettes from air planes. it protects people from being
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idiots and attacking people. i think that is partially right. and it could be the fact that it is confusing for flight attendants. >> possibly, but wouldn't the flight attendant be prepared to know the electronic cigarette. >> they may know once they get -- if they are off doing whatever they are doing, getting someone a coke and they see what looks like smoke coming up and they have to check and see if that is ab ec ig or g sig. >> maybe people will go into the bathroom and smoke in there. >> really? that's what you want people to do in this day and age? shame on you for earn couraging people. >> that is a federal crime, ma'am. >> i think an apocalypse happened during that time.
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>> that was fun. >> nick, you mentioned the tsa. this is the department of transportation. tsa is part of homeland security. >> it gives me something to say. i appreciate it. by the way, doesn't it seem like the government is pulling a michelle bachmann? >> there you go. i don't want to cross andy. >> greg, you said last year more than 20,000 british brats underage 11 were put on file for so-called hate crimes. i believe it is technically correct, but do they prefer to be called welsh. did you. and did you say you -- >> not sierra leone, and is
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she okay with that. >> that's not so funny and i am no longer impressed with you. >> i took it too far. >> give you an inch and you take a foot, a yard, a mile. >> obama is loved. you went, hmm like there is something fishy. > i have no idea of whether it is fishy or not. >> the veer man marshall funded the united states as a non-partisan public policy and grant making institution dedicated to providing better communication between canad and america on global issues. >> do you think it is good europe likes our president or not good. >> there is nothing wrong with being liked, but sometimes it is good to have an element of fear. i think obama's leading from
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de hind is not feared. but it is never a day of bad friends, but it was not president obama who landed today. >> i hate to correct you. i think that was sonny lespecio. >> correction taken. >> i am done. how about that? >> how about that indeed, my friend. >> go away. i am. >> coming up, ashton super is dead set on making "two and a half men" better than ever. first, coming up what is the best way to tweak all that is fashion week? how about bill schulz. don't you leave after that tease.
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the most sensational seven days in all of new york, land, always excites mr. fashion. ie, that's what i call me. as a result i had "red eye"'s cor vee spawn dent hit the zena show. let's watch him fail yet again. >> all right, we are at lincoln center fashion week. i have been told we can't go back stage. we are back, back stage. not a lot of people can see this. over here we have a tube and for 10 hours straight every day this bad boy pom -- pumps in botox, collagen and methamphetamine. very dangerous if not mixed right. if done well the models look amazing and they are constantly fed up. not a lot of people get to see this. you are welcome.
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>> what are you wear ?g who are you wear ?g a sleeping shirt? oh, i was told that's their new line of sleeping shirts. if you are not careful, you will be wearing that paw strong me on rye. wear a napkin. ideally silk. you look amazing. this week is amazing. we are all amazing. >> hello ladies. >> what's your name? my dress is by hamilton paris. >> my dress is by salvation army. i know that's what you are wearing now, but would you be more interested in wearing me? >> no. >> simple question, simple answer. i am going to cry. >> do you find if i ask you a questions. >> i will call. >> what's your name and who are you wearing? >> who are you wearing? >> goodbye. >> donna karen. >> they you were just at the show. they won't let us in.
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>> it was good. >> it never disappoints. >> classy, beauty. >> who are you wearing today 1234*. >> zin-toy, that's an expensive ticket. that's in singapore. >> very, very. >> i love your blazer. very fantastic. i love the color. >> request permission to love you, captain. where can we score the drugs? >> the drugs? that's another question. that's a whole different story i am not involved in. >> you can turn the camera off. where do we score the drugs? >> turn the camera off. >> you are serious about this? >> i need to maintain. >> how do you think a person such as myself can get back stage? >> be es -- es skarted by one of us. >> by an escort. -- >> i guess you could buy one too.
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>> can i get your name and which media area you work for that allowed you to go back stage. >> i don't know if i can say that. i don't know if i should say that on camera. >> i can tell you how we got back stage. >> can i have your press pass? >> no, i'm sorry. >> we will do that again, five, four, three, two, one. >> can i have your press pass sf. >> yes, sure. >> what have we learned? >> nothing except fas week was too good for "red eye." the only catwalk i need are the mean streets of new york. girl, you better work it. >> bill, there are a come of moments where it could have really, really gone bad. >> very bad for me. >> the last five seconds where you waived your mic and the woman was walking up. >> who would have to deal with the lawsuit, me or news corp.
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>> any star citings? >> my cameraman tommy said to me, look, there is emma sames to which i replied who is emma sames? and she was in earshot. that was unfortunate. addly enough, where i was, in fashion week, not a lot of stars. i was in the back, back stage area. they are more akin to back stage. >> you have to understand it is the after party of the after party. it is the alley near the after parrot. -- party. >> kevin, i know you watch that what are you wearing right now? >> usual trashy clothing. i am not over it like nick and schulz who look better shaved by the way, their heads, i mean.
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>> then go fishing by the way like this. >> do you ever wear anything but leather? i have four leather jackets. there is one for every mood. >> any fashion socks? >> not really. i want to talk to the leather jacket icon. sorry. he is a little more famous for his jacket. >> we are moving on. >> kef virngs thanks a lot. everybody visit his website. search his name and you will find out about his walk across the jungle of sierra leone. coming up, you may be wondering what is up with this video. i ask the questions around here.
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it is not what you saw, it is that thing. >> that was the fourth time that day he was arrested for fighting. >> women can be scary. >> yes. >> did you see that? >> women hit quickly.
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>> then why do we love them? >> i wonder what the trigger was with spongebob that day? >> maybe she was shocked seeing him outside. >> the reality of spongebob. >> i saw you do -- doing the same thing to a snoopy at time square. >> i am a dog lover. >> i wish i could tell snoop pea that. he is black, white and purple. >> we will close things out with andy levy. to see clips of recent shows go to
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good news, everyone. you will see me again here 5:00 p.m. eastern time on "the five" and you can lal's -- also catch me on" the owe
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riley factor" at 8:00 p.m. coming up tomorrow on the next "red eye." penn jaw let is back. -- penn gillette is back. i always like having him on. >> and then there is -- >> hot. >> masa. and who cares about him? >> he is hot. >> whatever. back to you, andy for the post game wrap up. >> thank you. you did it right. man. nick you have any events coming up to pimp your book? >> the book is "declaration of independence yts and then we are doing events for the liberty group. we are headlining a bunch of important conferences. one is at your old alma-mater. >> what kind of conference is it. >> a student for liberty
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conference. it is for liberty is students. -- for liberty and students. >> let me free you from your clothing. >> it is not october, it is rock toabl. -- rocktober. >> where can people read your column? >> on monday on the review website. check it out. >> are you on twitter? >> i am. >> it is elise underscore jordan. >> bill what can people expect in part 2 of your fashion expose. >> there is a part two. >> i always think the part two one rtz ones that matter least. thanks for teasing that. i also want something to plug, me. i am going to a boring baseball game. if you see me on the street, don't hit me in the face. that may be your first instinct. buy me drinks.
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repeat, don't hit in the facial, buy me drinks. >> will you be dressed as sprong bob -- spongebob. >> spongebob was your nickname, but that was before the show. >> sponge is what i suesed when i was with bob. >> i think it was sponge bill. >> and his pants were square for horrendous reasons. >> it is sprong -- spongeville stained pants. >> if you see bill, punch him in the face. back to you, greg. >> please don't. >> no, it happens so much.


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