tv Red Eye FOX News September 17, 2011 12:00am-1:00am PDT
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cups. for all of your body paint, saw possible tore and body needs, diligence, we have nothing to do with your family's disappearance. mike, what is coming up on tonight's show? >> and revenues are through the roof this quarter. >> excellent. >> the scpiet -- the excitement is at an all-time high. there is a palpable feeling of excitement as we tease this evening's big stories. folks in the newsroom are light headed and almost giddy with the nervous excitement that comes with anticipation of a really good time. and it is almost like a tangible throbbing orb of crystals powering the corner of tonight's show. so tonight we are pretty excited down here. coming up, could the lack of jobs lead to rioting in the streets of america? could rioting in the streets of america lead to new jobs to clean up the subsequent mess? is it f so, is rioting the new
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job stimulus plan? we'll investigate and you watch. 20* night we announce the surprising results of america's most popular politician contest. the results may surprise you. and finally which city has the most educated strippers? and does a good education lead to strip ?g could striping be the new job stimulus plan? we report and you pay attention. greg? >> thank you, mike. >> happy andy is doing something else so i am filling in, greg. >> that is like when andy says happy end of the day show. >> it is, but i thought i would put my own twist, my own spin and make it my own -- a different feel. >> it was rare similar to me -- it was rather similar to me, mike. >> was it? i was going with something with more spunk. >> it seems familiar. >> okay. >> all right then. >> whatever. >> all right. well you already suck and the
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show has -- hasn't even started. go uh away. she is so hot she can pop a bag of popcorn. she can do it sitting on. it i have seen it. and if jokes were shellfish he would give us all crabs. and he is suing "the biggest loser" for copyright infringement, bill schulz. and he is as big as he is brilliant and as charm is as i am self-harming. next to me, the great penn jaw let. he is the taller and louder half of penn and teller. his latest book is tearing up the charts. >> it is? >> i guess it is, "new york times." well, he is a waste of ink who somehow can't blink. it is our "new york times" correspondent, good to see you pinch. >> i am miffed and purterbed right now. last night following another sub are par show, he ran into
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the green room and was panicking and asking for reading material for a, quote, extended amount of sitting time. and without missing a bit our guest, judith miller you handed in yours truly. there was an hour long journey into the deepest bowels of hell. emphasis on bowels, by gum. >> well speaking of, it is good the viewers don't have smell-o-vision. >> there is a funk. >> there is a funk. >> what is going on is apparently the restaurant next door had a bit of an accident. so this entire set smells like raw sewage. >> i am guessing the air freshener wasn't in the budget. >> down the hall and into the green room smells like a big bathroom. it is unbelievable. >> without even a three psalm going on -- threesome going
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on. >> there is no mile high here. unless you like to be covered in your own fit. let's do a story. could lack of jobs lead to violent mobs? michael bloomburg thinks so warning of rioting in the streets unless the jobless get back on their feet. on friday new york's mayor and my squash partner said on his weekly radio show that upheavals like those seen in the middle east could end up here. >> we have a lot of kids can't find jobs. you don't want those riots here. >> nothing like the alarmist approach to bring people together. he gave obama some ideas. >> at least he has jobs on the table. >> that's support. for more let's go live to the red eye senior political correspondent. cat in bag, cib.
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>> hard-hitting as always cib, or whatever your name s. penn, are you an optimist. >> you are one of the stupidly optimists. >> it is sad how happy you are. >> it is. >> and are you worried at all about the way things are going? do you think riots could happen here? >> i don't think we are going to -- i don't think we are going to see riots. can you imagine if a hip-hop artist had made the exact comment about there being riots in the street? they would be ripping him apart. how can a politician say something like that? it is astonishing. >> he does this though. bloomberg does this a lot. he has such low expectations for humanity. with the time square attempted bombing he said, oh, it is probably somebody unhappy with healthcare. no, it was a terrorist you a-hole.
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>> he did not have healthcare, greg. >> are you right. >> he might have been on cobra, but as you know, not great. >> i apologize for a-hole. >> thank you. >> what about you, ryan? do you see america as a rioting culture? >> i think it is strange as it compares to egypt. there saw lot of things going on that we don't have down here. they have to pray five times a day. the economy is based on dead farrows. >> it will set you off. i tour colleges. these kids aren't rioting for anything. >> good point. >> have you been to cairo? >> no, i i haven't. >> i have been to cairo. it is a terrible, terrible place. they force the women to dress like batman. that is very unpleasant. being in the city is like smoking two packs a day which for you is heaven. you can't breathe. it is a very, very unpleasant place, and i was on the edge of rioting, and i am not a rioting kind of guy.
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no matter how -- even as bad as it smells in this room, cairo is worse. don't go there. >> how are you holding up? >> i think it smells in here. that's number one. number two, it is freezing. >> what do you think? do you think riots are possibly here in america, or is bloomberg just beam bloomberg? >> i like that. it is very nice. >> first of all you can't compare us to egypt. people were dyeing on the streets, and it was more than just jobs. they wanted to get rid of this hour -- horrible dictator. >> women dressed as batman. exactly, it was bad. >> but they were wonder woman. >> totally different case. >> just happy contestants. >> hold on. let's see what is under the batman garb before we go all wonder woman. >> i am going wonder woman anyway. >> so that differentiates
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ourselves from egypt. it is such a bad situation with jobs. it is not going to create jobs in the long run. what you have, half is basically stimulus, and i'm skeptical about that. i have every right to be. the other half is a temporary extension of tax cuts already in place. possibly, maybe there can be riots in the future. >> you know what i am thinking about, while she was making sense i was thinking about mighty ices? >> poor man's wonder woman. >> you don't remember her? >> no. >> ices was uh macing. -- amazing. google the mighty ises. the actress' name is joanne gnaw and she is probably 80 now. in mike's intro he made a good point. it is almost like paul k ru gman's logic where you destroy something scpru to hire somebody to fix it. isn't that a stimulus program? couldn't this be the answer to
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our problems, rioting and looting? we must destroy a structure so we can have infrastructure. >> to create you must destroy. >> i think bloomberg is in the sense that they noah lot less -- they know a lot less than democracy than kids who didn't have jobs and were poor and angry. we have that here too, but violent crime is down 12%. i looked it up. >> i don't believe you. >> i think we are just too lazy. we have couches that aren't riddled with mites. >> i agree. it is insulting that there are people who lost their lives over there. if you compare what is going here, they have problems, but they have hipocracy -- uh poke craw see, is that the right word? from riots to rub downs. the nfl is ramping up security this season to nearly tsa levels by requiring full body pat downs of all fans.
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the ankle up crotch watch will impact the 16.6 million ticket holders who will be waiting in longer lines thanks to the league's busy, busy hands. explains a spokesman in a statement, the fans slash future victims, quote, the enhance etd -- enhanced security features will further increase the safety of fans, but will acquire some cicial -- additional time. we encourage fans to come early and enjoy their tailgating tradition, ie get drunk and be patient as we enter the stadium. shut up you big perv. and while the lead claims they recommend them at the start of the season, last week's arrest of a stun gun carrying fan at a jets-cowboy games prompted the new rules. i believe we have tape.
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>> how did he get in there with that thing? how did that happen? >> that was just bad taste. that added nothing to that segment. >> i blame tailgating. they did not focus. they were drunk. >> is that from an iphone? all of that empty space. at least put unicorns there. >> or an android. >> it could have been an android. i apologize to android users everywhere. in this day and age is the pat-down necessary? >> there is no way on earth you can justify not having pat-downs at every big event if you are going to have tsa. the idea they haven't been doing it is insane. i am one of these live free or die guys. #*eu believe life has risks and we should take them. i believe if we really want to stop terrorists, everybody that is going on an airplane or to a football game should
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do what i call bacon and a kiss. they should be served a piece of bay -- bacon, and they should do a gentle and not sexual grandmotherly kiss of the same sex's genitals. once they get in there, bacon and a kiss, you will not get into heaven with any terrorist religion. you have ruined that thing. there is no upside. i say bacon in a kiss football and airlines. i am not talking you have to perform oral sex. touch your lip, god hates you, you are going to hell. so bacon in a kiss. if you believe in this stuff, you won't be able to do that. and who that goes to football doesn't like bacon? i don't go to football and i like bacon. >> i love bacon. but not anymore. >> i will get volunteers. it won't even cost. i bet hormel will give me the bacon. and i get people will go, it
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is gentle there, fine. you go there, but you are going to hell if you blow [bleep] up. >> have you had any particular evasive pat-down experience? >> i haven't, and i wouldn't like it because i don't like anyone to touch me ever. >> is that too much information? >> not so obviously. not so obviously. except for him, you can add, but it is not obvious to us. >> i think what you see here, greg. -- greg, the nfl is over reacting with the shoe bomber and the tsa. i think being on an airplane is a lot different. >> if you put a hole in it and it sucks the guy out. >> i think it is scarier. >> they are magic to me. >> you are flying in the air. i take that back. >> now we all have to suffer.
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>> it is a very fine target. if we are going to be paranoid, we have to be paranoid everywhere. i say let's try freedom. i am totally against this. but if you are going to worry about aver -- air planes, you have to worry about 80,000 people. >> this is about some crazy guy went in with a taser and some dallas cowboy idiot fan, the one in there, went in there and attacked people, and now they are reacting to it. >> they are tieing it in, certainly. >> they are looking at people who take, what, batteries and throw batteries on the field? i don't know. here is the thing, we have this -- >> i have the solution. >> i have a solution. >> none had an argument against him. >> here is the problem, you already got a lawsuit from the charming deli called bacon and a kiss. right now you are giving them a great aments of publicity.
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>> we have a massive unemployment problem. why don't we hire -- we have $60 million people that need to be frisked. hire $5 million to frisk them. >> and cook bacon, and be kissed. solved. >> you will need somebody to frisk somebody who shows up with the body paint. >> i would show up for that. bill, this will encourage you to go to more games. >> this is for terrorists. it is not going to work. terrorists are stupid, but not that stupid. you can launch something in the stadium. you can park a big truck -- >> bill, don't give any ideas. >> so who are they going after? >> they are going after the taser guys. >> don't do that. that was way better than any half time show. >> that is entertaining. >> here is the thing i don't get. report crowds at sporting events getting worse? i used to see guys in suits and hats and they looked so peaceful.
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isn't that me thinking that way? they could be drunk jerks there. >> they just went home and beat their wives. >> how dare you, sir, insult people wearing hats? >> i think they have procedures in place. this is just a react together crazy taser guy. >> i can't believe you are still talking when i solved it. >> i want to talk about the next story. >> please. >> oh, i'm out of time? coming up, does a guy like you have a chance with mass saw -- with masa? first, we are not even going to do this story because we will do the other story we didn't do, but we will show you these pictures of women in bikinis anyway for your own enjoyment, and you won't be satisfied because we are doing a story about politics. >> guests on red eye will
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according to a bloomberg poll, he is in every story. the secretary of state hillary clinton is the most popular national political figure today. with nearly two-thirds holding -- two-thirds hold a favorable view of her and one-third saying the u.s. would be better off now if she had been elected president in 2008. says the head of the polling company, some of her appeal is that she is not barack obama. boy that must make her feel
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really happy. with the president polling poorly, the question is who wants to go to dinner with him? his campaign asked for a $5 donation for a shot at dining with the man himself. i know some people think this is kind of strange or a trick or something, he writes. it is not. the fact is that some day soon four people reading this note right now will be on a plane to have dinner with president obama. think about that for a second. i'm thinking about it. i'm done thinking about it. so what does "red eye's" focus group think about this? >> clearly they have spoken. masa, you are a woman. >> yes. >> should hillary clinton challenge obama in the primary given this information? >> i don't think there is any chance it will happen.
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she told cnn there is a below zero chance that would happen. with that being said i don't think she would have a chance. i think obama is going to, regardless of the polls, i think her popularity has to do with her position. she has nothing to do with the economy which is radioactive right now. and that's why the obama's job approval numbers are the lowest since his presidency, and she is not in washington doing the bickering. >> she saw buff it all. -- she is above it all, penn. >> yes. i i was thinking how many dogs is that? >> i think that is is a world record. >> it is. >> it is a guinness book of world records. i follow the dog acts. when you see an act like that, the first thing i think is that is not an act that can be taught with kindness. >> that is a good point. >> you can't do that with kindness. and that ties in with the hillary clinton. ihink the most important part of that whole thing is that anyone up against -- owe
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bo gnaw is having a tough time -- obama is having a tough time. it is remarkable people would be okay with hillary clinton. >> 1100 is a big number. normally we follow the rerun of the -- of "the five." >> you know, i am not a pet guy at all. i am not a big fan of pets. i don't like things that answer their names. i like things that are engineered to suck up to us and have them look like their children. that makes me uncomfortable. that having been said, animal acts, specially trained cat acts blow my mind. you are dealing with trying to teach something that has the processing power of a 1997 casio watch. trying to teach them to do something. you don't do these acts with kindness. the dog that hit the jump rope with the bottom of its paw, those were spaces where the dog is going somewhere else,
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and it is not on vacation. >> now i am sad. back to the topic. >> are you more sad by a dog not being taught an act with kindness than more people liking hillary clinton for president? >> i brought it back. ryan, let's talk about the dinner. >> i actually think those dogs were trained with bacon and a kiss. >> some consider that torture. >> the dinner with obama. >> bacon and a kiss. that's what you are going to get. >> a real nice touch. >> let me ask you, would country have been better off with hillary? >> i don't know. i just think she has been so out of the scene they forgot how much they hated her. >> we will say something else not popular on the fox network. i don't think a lot of this happening is obama's fault. >> i think that's true.
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>> i think the job -- what we are going through right now which is what bloomberg was eluding to is we are in an age of a large generation of people that aren't properly, i guess, ready for this modern age of employment. we have people that don't have the skill set, don't you think? >> it is also what you said earlier about making jobs from disaster. the fact of the matter is since the green revolution created all of this food, we have machinesthat can do a lot of stuff. we have enough houses. we have enough food. we have even close to enough medicine. the problem is how do we get jobs to do that? it is very hard to find a way to create busy work that will give people the food that's there. i am very close to making an arangement for socialism, but i am not going to go there. i already said it was obama's fault. >> i think if you fix the
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taxes and if you fix the regulations and if you give uncertainty they will want to make new hires. >> i am in the middle. >> de regulate -- de regulation is important, and getting basically the government out of your way. >> i agree with all of that. >> and he is not doing that. >> what is funny, now he is trying to do this. i said this before. libertarian free market ideas are like vitamins. democrats start taking them when they need them. you should be taking them all year-round, right? >> that was a hell of a symaly. >> vitamins overall are a joke. all it really does is color your pee. >> which is true. >> which is my favorite song by chicago. it was on the bb -- b side,
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"color my pee." >> it is like vaiing it in a slightly different way and i would have sex with your huand. >> on that note i have learned so many things here i wish i had never learned. >> do you have a comment on the show? e-mail us, red eye at fox news .com. you are a classy guy. >> i am. >> to leave a voicemail call 212-462-5050. still to come the half time report from, not andy levy, who is it? >> mike baker. and we give him a lot to work with. >> tonight's half time report is sponsored by flex ability. it is repeat without injury or damage. thanks, flexibility.
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welcome back. let's find out if we had anything wrong so far. for that we go to mike baker. mike, how are you? >> i'm fine, thank you very much. >> that's not important. but i'm great. >> it is pornts. -- it is important. >> i spent time in the corporate world. i thought it would be important to start the evening
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with a power point presentation. people in business use these things all the time. and they are very efficient. >> so far it happened. >> it sets the tone in any power point presentation. the viewers in the conference room know there is more to come. i had to explain that andy is not here. he is out of town. i thought it would be helpful for the viewers to understand exactly how this show is structured. normally what you do is you start with a host. the host then is a cast of characters, oftentimes in this show that includes the
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sidekick and then the guests of course, and sometimes they even feature on "red eye" a legs chair, and then there is a spot for mike on most occasions which i find highly entertaining. this is pointing out average, the mean and the median. i suppose penn is the only person that understands the technicalities involved here. as it shows the various blocks we have gone through, some we haven't gone through. but i have chosen essentially to make those numbers up. in any power point presentation, you want to explain what it is you are about to present. and then you present it. naturally in this situation i am going to do the charts and then i am going to review the stories. i will then ask questions, and then i will have a big finish.
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then we ask questions at the same time. i can combine numbers two and three and then what we would have is we would do the charts and then i would both ask questions and review stories and then we will have a finish. so let's do that. let's go into the charts. >> we are out of time. in today's contest with who is correct and who is not and who is raising questions. it appears as if penn was in the lead so far with the most correct statements. >> can you show us and pull us back up? >> yes. >> it says it is copyrighted. >> yes. >> don't forget the hash marks. it is a prison system. >> psychologically he feels in
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prison in that bubble. >> let's go straight into our story. >> sure. >> bloomburg, you know this is the interesting thing -- actually in 2009, brzenzinski and i will ask penn, who did he serve under? >> there by proving my point it was incorrect. but he made the same case during a morning show where he said the massive unemployment could lead to riots. and he suggest -- he suggested we form a solidarity fund where all rich people put their money in to help out the government. >> that's exactly what i thought. >> penn, you compared cairo, and you called it a terrible place which having been there i don't necessarily agree with
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you. >> what did you like about cairo? >> it is a dynamic vibrant alive -- >> when were you there? >> yesterday. >> really? i was there about 2000. >> you said the women are forced to dress like batman. do you recall in 2007 that the group of 99, a group of muslim super heroes were teamed up with batman in a special comic book put out by marvel? >> i missed that. >> you said you can't compare it to egypt. and then you immediately after a second and a half of that started ransacking the obama jobs plan. >> i had my talking points and i wanted to get them out there. >> were you completely lost, ryan when greg was talking about the mighty ises. >> i had no idea what was going on. >> lukely i have a knowledge of the women super heroes. who played the mighty ises on
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tv. >> joanne gnaw carson -- >> joanne gnaw cameron. a one-year wonder of a show, 75 to 76 and who can forget the double episode called "now you see it, now you don't." >> going to the nfl pat-downs. >> okay. >> we all started blaming it, and it evolved into a conversation for the taser. do you know what a taser stands for? >> totally awesome stuff eerily republican. >> bill just got a second correct statement in there. he is exactly right. it is actually for time a swiss electric rifle. the inventor was a huge fan. the adventure novels from 1910 to 1940, and there was one
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book called the electric rifle and that's what he did. there you go. you said you don't president like anyone touching you. i am just saying that. it is fun to say. and greg you threw out a comment about throwing batteries on the field. were you having a flash back to the uk? >> no. did the phillies eagles fans used to do that? >> yes, they still do. >> i thought they did that -- i thought they were throwing batteries. >> why did they throw batterys? >> they would throw them at the refs of. >> they are easy to bring in and go far and they hurt. >> half of the americans in a recent poll say they are against the enhanced pat downs at airports and public facilities. but the same respondents, two-thirds said they were in favor of enhanced screening machines. so it is the physical act of touching that most americans find revolting.
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>> you can't find bacon in a kiss, can you? >> and you know what, i wasn't even going to mention bacon in a cis kiss -- bacon in a kiss because i was told not to. >> finally the final story of the day. >> vitamins color your pee. >> that's it. in looking at all of the stories, i was about to talk about the ones we haven't covered. i think i'm done. >> i think you did a fairly adequate job. >> mike 1234*. >> an adequate job. >> that's better than what you normally do. in a way you exceled and exsaided my expectations. >> to me i am going to put a note on my chart, you are correct. >> so you surged into the lead. see new a sec. >> in a few minutes. coming up, carrot top is dead -- tired of being called
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i will wander and then wonder if i am on tv. apparently strippers in the wonderful city of toronto are super educated. according to industry officials, the city has some of the brainest -- brainiest bearers of breasts in canada. most are college students helping pay for their education. why? well a ban on foreign dancers in 2006, odd you think, forced club owners to recruit elsewhere like college campuses. said some dude, quote, they are professional, know what they want and good workers. some are intellectual and want to know every aspect of the law. good for them, i might say. if i didn't think this was evil. let's discuss this in our -- >> lightning rooooouuuunnnnd.
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light nick round. -- lightning round. >> penn, i consider you an expert in this area. >> zhan -- xanadu. >> what is that? >> there was club when we were touring after broadway. it must have been in the early 90s fnlt -- in the early 90s. we took a cab a long way. it was me and four crew guys. we go to a place called xanadu. i love my strip clubs. we finished the club and it was a biker man. i believe nate was there and i believed swreek had joined the crew. i was in one of the back rooms with one of the stripper there's in toronto with the club xanadu. she was so attractive. i liked her so much. and then a toronto police officer came over to me and said, you know, hi, penn.
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we know who you are. let's just say we are not watching. >> really? >> yes, a toronto police officer said that. i had forgotten her name and the police officer's name and i wasn't drinking or drunk, but i had a wonderful time. who ever you are and whatever automobile you were named after, i want you to know i still love you. >> there are two points you can make here. one, the moral of the story is become a famous magician because then if you go to toronto to the strip clubs, the police will treat you nicer jie. they treated me very, very well. they also said which i thought was wonderful, they said,-- after i had -- when i came out i was talking with the police officers. i said to him, will you come in here? he said, we come in here because it is cold outside, and because we want to see naked women. when we are in here everybody gets scared. we want to tell them, we really don't care.
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we have better things to do. have fun. that's the attitude of the toronto police. the woman -- she was a college student. she did say she was well educated. we didn't go beyond that. i didn't test her. >> going to a strip club is not really illegal. >> it is way i did it -- the way i did it was illegal. i believe in every province in canada and every county in the united states of america, my interactions at the strip club were illegal. >> that's because you went there smeared in peanut butter. >> i was not smeared in peanut butter. it was clean and it was after the show i had taken shower. i don't believe this was the worst experience of this woman's life. >> this is an interesting point. here is the difference between -- >> i handcuffed her. >> here is the difference between smart and stupid. the last time the staff was
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surrounded by strippers you know what we did with them? we played softball with them. >> i chipped my tooth. >> exactly. >> i do not like sports. i do not like drinking. i do not like recreational drugs. i do not like that sam i am, but i sure like strippers, lots .'s. >> greg, do you have a tissue? >> let's talk about the ban. >> i said everything i want to say. >> i think you have. here is my question for you. is striping demeaning to women or empowering? >> it is neither. it doesn't have to be one or the other jie. it is my question. let me answer it. i am the woman. i would never strip, but -- you know you always hear in these hip-hop songs she is stripping her way through college and apparently it is true. if that's how you want to raise your money -- >> maybe canada, but not new york.
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it is hard to tell the russian immigrants you are working your way through college. >> what i like about this story -- >> with the lithuanian accent. >> pig latin has been lost on this generation. do i have time? >> i like the fact that it is okay for women to strip if they are going through college. it is like, oh, she is going through college. if she wasn't, the college strippers look down outs other ones. they are just raising their kid. >> if you were not married, would you date a stripper? >> i don't think so. >> you don't date strippers. >> his wife is watching. >> you got me again. >> no one dates strippers. >> they do. people do. >> the drug dealer dates the stripper.
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>> it is not true. >> i dated strippers. >> are you a carnie show man. >> i think the term is carnie trash. that's what i am. where i am which is juggler, a striper is a big step up. maybe for big tv star or maybe lawyer who went to law school to get on tv, maybe that's a step down. but for me it is a step up. >> we have to take a break. stay right here. we will talk about trump.
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on wednesday, the governor dined with rick perry at a pricey restaurant. pricey. if trump does get behind who may be the candidate what will happen? -- why can't i read? what will happen is that individual will basically lock up the republican nomination. does he have that kind of power? >> no. nobody has that kind of power, do they? does donald trump? i don't know much about it. i defer. >> he has a lot of fans. donald trump has a lot of fans and people are calling him trying to get behind them. but you know, why did he take sarah palin to pea pizza and
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next week he is supposed to go out with mitt romney who he said he is a much better businessman than mitt romney. >> they went to a pricey restaurant. they probably had hor'dourves and a waiter. >> it was two cents extra for the blue cheese. >> i hate that. >> i love that. >> well you don't even put it on your food. >> he is like the republican pope. you have to kiss his leaves? >> i don't know, does he have money? i have no idea what he s. rich, bankrupt, draws attention, doesn't draw attention. he is president and not going to be president. >> he is going to sue you for the bankrupt comment. >> let's not talk about that. bill, didn't trump rose to power based on barack obama's birth certificate. what happened to that story?
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>> now they are trying to get the blessing. >> the trump thing is good. if you get that is jeff probst. that will be what will end it. >> you have to get the props to probst. and what you do is you meet with probst. then the pips. >> and then you have to take a poops. >> why does he have to introduce that? >> it is a biological fact. >> it is the smell in the studio? >> post game wrap up, mike baker, clips of recent shows, fox news red slash red eye .com.
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not a lot of time, fry friend. >> we don't -- my friend. >> masa, are you tweeting anything interesting? >> i will be tweeting the maywether-ortiz fight. for once he will not have this old washed de la hoya or mosley guy. it is fighting somebody hungry. >> and you will be at a festival? >> yes, the controversy comedy and music festival. it is october 9th. >> that's all the time i have time for. >> where are you going to be? >> i got a book, and i'm around pimping it. >> god know. it is on the "new york times" best seller list. >> i am in boston on sunday and indianapolis monday.
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