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tv   Hannity  FOX News  September 19, 2011 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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the bleeding. dick morris has reaction. >> the president announces a plan for turning around the fallering economy. >> the president: the wealthiest americans and biggest corporations have to pay their fair share. >> sean: we'll debate the question, can you afford four more years of this? >> more details about the white house's involvement in the taxpayer funded stimulus funded solyndra loan, investigations into this crony capitalism begins to ramp up. >> the big apple plays host to the world's most depraved dictators. the u.n. general assembly kicks off in new york city. we are on the road to 2012. hannity starts right here, right now. tonight the anointed one calls for 1.5 trillion in new taxes which he argues are necessary to reduce the rapidly growing national deficit threatening wealthy americans that it is time for them to step up and pay their fair share or else. >> the president: for us to
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solve this problem, everybody, including the wealthiest americans and biggest corporations have to pay their fair share. it is only right we ask everyone to pay their fair share. a plan that asks the most fortunate money us to pay their fair share. those who have done well, including me, should pay our fair share. either we ask the wealthiest americans to a their -- to pay their fair share or ask seniors to pay more for medicare. i will veto any bill that does not raise serious revenues and does not ask for the wealthiest to pay their fair share. >> the president: the last thin you want to do is raise taxes in the middle of a recession because that would suck up, take more demand out of the economy. >> sean: several republicans have come out and an losed the president of waging class
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warfare. a charge which he flatly tee nights. >> the president: we are hearing the issue defenders saying this is class warfare this is not class warfare. it is math. >> sean: speaking of math the numbers are not adding up for the anointed one. the liberal "new york times" can't fight the facts. according to the new poll at cbs only 39% of americans now have a favorable opinion of the president. his approval rating 43%, lowest number that it has been since that paper started tracking it. here with reaction author of new york time best seller "revolt" dick morris. numbers are not good. article after article, democrats are abandoning him, especially after last week new york 9. democrats want distance themselves from his own plan. dead on arrival, everywhere. he's still out trying to sell it. >> the interesting thing about those "new york times" numbers
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historically, obama's personal favorability has been 10 points above his job approval. now it is four points below. which means that he's not only taking flak based on policy and performance, but on things like weakness, vacillation, reversing, flip-flopping, vacationing, stuff like that. >> sean: we have 1.25 -- 1.5 trillion that the super committee is supposed to handle. now another 1.5 trillion. he extended the bush tax cuts. now he's doing the opposite. he will be the only president since mondale, running on a campaign slogan, that he's going to raise taxes. how well did that work for mondale? >> presidential candidate. he was never president. i think that one key point which is how i look at this, worse than a tax increase, worse than a major spending cut, worse than a rise in
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interest rates. is a president declaring war on the business community. is a president saying to the people who create jobs, i hate you. i'm going to tax you to death. and i'm going to demagogue against you. because that creates such an unfavorable business climate that by itself, by itself, it triggers a recession. >> sean: something has shifted. the president said we are not going to be the speech police. the same guy that lectured us after the tucson shooting. all these democrats go out eviscerating the tea party they can go to hell, they want black people hanging from trees all these things said by congressional and democratic leaders. now it has moved to rigid class warfare. to a pretty unprecedented level. do you think the president and his advisers have decided they lost the independents in this country? so have to gin up their
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hard-core left wing base? >> that's true. they are wrong. they could go afterhe independents, but that's precisely true. look at the evidence, gallup has his approval among latinos 44. fox news has his approval among under 30 down to 44. results of the brooklyn election obvious jews are running. all he's got is african-americans. we were just talking about this, i've been doing another kind of math. i think the republican par has a shot, not a certainty, not probability, but a possibility of getting 60 seats in the senate. >> sean: explain. >> there are 47 we have now. 12 races in which we have pretty good candidates. allen in virginia, florida, pierce in new mexico, rayburg in montana, nebraska, north dakota, steelman missouri, mandel in ohio,
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hofstra in michigan, burn in pennsylvania. chaise in connecticut and thompson or somebody else in wisconsin that's 12. that brings you to 59. then, if we can find strong candidates in any of the following five states, we could do it: maryland against cardin, minnesota, west virginia against manchin. new jersey against menendez and washington state against cantwell. there's a reason to believe in each of those states we could do well. we almost won washington last time. christie won in new jersey. we came within a breath of winning west virginia last time. minnesota, you know how close that was in the franken race. i think that obama is so dragging down the democratic party to defeat, 15 to 20 points if the election were held now. that we really have a shot at 60. >> sean: even california --
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first the new york 9, it was a dramatic result in a very important part of the state of nevada. california three out of four californians are not happy with the job he's doing, especially on economics. something has shifted. i noticed in the president's speech today he seemed a little unhinged, angrier than usual, more divisive than usual. i don't know if he's like to the point where he feels like the country doesn't appreciate his greatness, his vision. there's something going on. >> there's something paranoid going on. the -- i believe that there is increasingly a feeling by americans that taxing the rich isn't the answer, because they know that it is the rich who spend money and the rich who give jobs. somebody once said have you ever gotten a job from a poor -- >> sean: i said that to you. >> you said that. it is really true. i think this guy has just declared war on the -creating class of america.
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i'm going to tax you like crazy, your money, make loans and invest in business. but am i going to sock you in taxes. you feel like a pig being lead to slaughter. >> sean: well put. he's painted himself now into a corner. is there any one, two or three things that can happen -- look it is a long time away, 18, 17 months away. do you see any way for him get out of this? >> yeah, a president can always get out of it. if he moves back from the extreme left. >> sean: not going to do it. >> starts moving in the center. >> sean: he's going in the opposite direction. >> yeah, there's still time for him to pull a clinton. i don't think he's got it in him. >> sean: i said that too. i know you had to fight through ahmadinejad -- >> and barack obama is this town. >> sean: we'll be talking about what is happening this week. >> by the way, i have a
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petition on to cut off u.s. aid to the palestinians if they go into the u.n.. it is going directly to the house republicans. >> sean: appreciate it. >> we delve deeper into president obama's deficit reduction plan. we'll explain how the swaoeu trying to ride on the coattails of one famous investors to push through this proposal. new damaging evidence trickling out about the loan to solyndra. how a new cast of characters might be involved. we'll explain on hannity tonight.
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>> sean: president obama's disastrous deficit reduction plan includes one proposal that is not sitting well with republicans. it is called the buffet rule named after billionaire investor warren buffet who claim he pays a lower tax rate than his secretary. the provision sets a new rate for americans who make a million dollars a year or more. today tax cheat treasury secretary geithner promised the plan to revamp the tax code would be ready by the end of the year. joining me with reaction karen hanretty. and former vice chair of the dnc financial committee, michael brown. mike i can give you a list of senate democrats who are not supporting this bill. they don't believe in bill. it is dead on arrival. the president keeps lashing out at the republicans when it is his party that stent like
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it, why is that? >> i think you are having legitimate philosophical discussions about tax increases. you have to coordinate with it fairness. a lot of folks think the budget shouldn't be balanced on the backs of the least fortunates in our country. fairness is what this is about. >> sean: 50% of americans pay no federal income tax. top 7% pay 70% of the bill. the average person i know that pays income taxes, including myself, new york state tax, county tax, sales tax, property tax, federal income tax. i pay 55% of my income. and here come the president saying we are not paying our fair share. half the country doesn't pay, how is it not fair? >> you are looking at the fairness argument differently. from your point i under stand how you articulate it. the larger issue, most business people, more care about less regulations.
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that's where maybe some of us do disagree with the president a little bit on making regulations less part of doing business. we should make it easier for folks to do business not more difficult. i don't think folks are that concerned about a small increase in their taxes relative to not having as many regulations so they can do business easier. >> sean: i just spoke to a guy in studio tonight. he's 48, retired, he was in the oil business, self-made, successful millionaire. he said he put his hands to his neck and said choking regulation. and this is a jobs' killer he call it, this bill. >> this is an anti-gross bill. i'm sorry michael, to claim that you know, regulation is stifling growth in america. what do you think tax and capital gains would do? it would stifle growth in america. don't forget in 2008, charlie gibson, moderated a debate between barack obama and hillary clinton. when gibson asked -- he wasn't
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president yet when he asked barack obama, knowing if you lower the capital gains rate as bill clinton did, as ronald reagan did, that you get more revenue, would you be willing to lower it or do you want to increase the capital gains? barack obama said i want to increase it. he wants to increase it, to around 28%. knowing full well it would not bring in additional revenue. this is not about increasing the economy. this is about redistributing wealth, which is what he has been about all along. it is about resenting wealth creators. it goes far beyond socialism. it is frightening. >> that's not true. i wouldn't use ronald reagan's economic strategy as a success model. the whole trickle down economics clear delay not work. why would you think it worked? it didn't work. >> he created jobs and dulled
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revenues. >> okay. [ talking over each other ] >> bill clinton had a surplus and president bush spent it all. >> sean: whoa, whoa, for a second. >> stop what those are the facts. >> sean: four trillion he created in new debt. obama has that distinction in 2 1/2 years. no president has more. no president has created fewer jobs. >> i don't know about that. i think president bush spent way more than obama. came with a surplus and left with a deficient 's not true. >> this comes down to one question -- does increasing the capital gains rate grow the economy or shrink the economy? it is that simple. it will not grow the economy that's all that matters right now. unless you simply resent wealth creators. >> that tea party message does not work. >> these are economics.
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>> you ask business people what would they prefer, slight increase in taxes or less regulation? they pick less regulation every time. >> you can do bottle. it is not an either or situation. >> your party is the party of no. your party has not come up with any solutions. [ talking over each other ] >> sean: nothing has worked for the president. james carville said it is time to hit the panic button. larry summers says there is no adult in charge. park penn advising don't use class warfare. the president has doubled down on rhetoric, dubbed down on raising taxes, doubled down on keynesian economics his polls at 39% in "the new york times." -- >> why you mentioninging the house and -- [ talking over each other ] >> why you talking about the 12% approval rating of congress run by republicans. >> sean: explain the new york 9, nevada, 2012 election.
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the president keeps doubling down on what has failed. how does it get him out of the mess politically. >> it doesn't. he's doubling down on losing in 2012. his numbers continue to sly. he's losing support among inches. the man is even losing support among liberals. which is almost incomprehensible. then you've got democrats calling for the president to fire people. which would be an absolute admission that everything he's done up to this point hasn't worked. which of course it hasn't worked. this economy is not going to improve teen now and 2012. the president is doubling down on a failed ideology. >> sure would be nice to have a willing compromise party on the other side to help. >> sean: how about the president compromise? >> the president keeps coming up with plan every week and the republicans say no. >> sean: the republicans passed cut, cap and balance. the republicans passed ryan plan. passed plans to dill successful in canada and they are dead on arrival by your
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party and your president. >> you had compromise on both sides of the aisle with everything you mentioned. every time the president comes up with a plan the republicans say no. >> why is it when the president comes up with a plan democrats in his own party won't support him. you not going get this jobs bill on the senate floor until next month. good luck on getting senator harry reid to -- [ talking over each other ] >> the democrats -- [ talking over each other ] >> the democrats are saying no to obama they are saying hell no, we won't go. >> sean: michael, karen, good to see you. appreciate your time. solyndra investors and their ties to the white house. you are not going to believe how deep this scandal goes. >> plus, the united nations is rolling out the red carpet for some of the world's top dictators, including
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ahmadinejad and details on his big trip to the big apple that [ female announcer ] so you think your kids are getting enough vegetables? maybe not. v8 v-fusion juice gives them a full serving of vegetables plus a full serving of fruit. but it just tastes like fruit. [ male announcer ] get five dollars in money-saving coupons at ♪ hush, little baby ♪ don't you cry ♪ soon the sun ♪ is going to shine ♪ [ male announcer ] toyota presents the prius family. ♪ walk if i want, talk if i want ♪ [ male announcer ] there's the original one... the bigger one... the smaller one... and the one that plugs in. they're all a little different, just like us. we are now printing on the back sides of used paper. and we switched to fedex 'cause a lot of their packaging contains recycled materials. tell them what else fedex does. well we're now using more electric trucks
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>> sean: we have new potentially damning details about the white house's botched taxpayer funded loan to solyndra. george kaiser was one of the
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biggest investors. his charitable foundation made a $10,000 donation to the urban health initiative in 2009. that was the same year that a controversial half a billion dollar loan to solyndra was secured. for those of you who may not remember, first lady michelle obama helped create the program before she moved into 1600 pennsylvania avenue. are the two connected or just another so-called coincidence? joining me with reaction, former deputy assistant general victoria tornado sing. tamara holder. any coincidence, tamara, let's go through this. we have this coincidence. we have the coincidence that solyndra execs, they bundled a lot of money for barack obama's campaign. that money seemed to buy them access. they four meetings at the white house. the week prior to getting 535 million taxpayer stimulus dollars. then they get the money. they were warned they needed to do due diligence, they
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didn't do it. does this in way raise any red flags in your liberal mind? >> well, my liberal mind went through that timeline. it started under the administration. >> sean: we know that, bush said no, they rejected it. >> they didn't. they said they wanted more due diligence and it was done. there was an additional marketing report, a law firm report. all of these things were done and it was put through and approved. the bigger issue is not the $10,000 that some bundler gave to michelle obama's clinic in chicago. we tried to compete in a market we shouldn't be competing in. solar energy. we are trying to compete with china. it is ludicrous that we would give 500 million dollars to a company that can compete with china. >> sean: we should allow the free market to do its thing. victor the bush administration did reject it in the final days of the administration.
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the white house, their budget analyst warned in an e-mail, this deal is not ready for primetime. office of management and budget said there isn't time to negotiate. we would prefer time to do our due diligence. i was still expedited. one has to look at the connection to the white house and whether this was political pay back, your thoughts? >> there's a lot of connection to the white house. we sought to survey the legal landscape it is overwhelming. the fbi searched the company that means a federal judge had to fine there was probable cause to believe a crime had been committed. we don't know what crime, we know a federal judge thought there was one. a civil law was violated by this administration. that's a 2005 energy act that says if there is an energy loan guess who is supposed to be paid off first? the taxpayer. somebody in the obama administration restructured that loan, this year and saw to it that the wealthy investors were taken care of first not the taxpayer.
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let me say one more point, that is, brian harrison the ceo of solyndra told members of congress in the last few weeks, that the company was on a sound financial footing. can you believe that? >> sean: wow! >> i do agree tamara, we, the government, our government, should not be involved in doing this kind of work. >> sean: victoria, are you saying based on all these things, there might be criminal liability here by the administration or members of the administration? >> yes, sean that is exactly what i'm saying. >> no. >> can i finish? >> we are wasting our time. >> sean: tamara, let her finish. >> a half a billion dollars of taxpayers' money lost and the taxpayers were put behind, contrary to the law. this ought to be called green gate not for the connection to the environment but for all the taxpayer money lost.
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>> sean: tamara, if you bundle money for the president. the average american that is watching this program does not get to go to the white house four times in a week prior to this loan being an proved especially with omb, white house budget analysts saying don't do the deal that was obama's own administration warning him not to do it. they get the access. they get the deal. they get special considerations on the loan. the taxpayers' on the hook. they wasted 535 million dollars, which by the way, they said would go bankrupt in september of 2011. it went bankrupt in september of 2011. you sit and say we shouldn't have been in that business. you don't see any problems or ethics or impropriety or the appears of impropriety, nothing? >> no. you are saying just because political people are in bed with projects, with the administration there's some kind of crime that has occurred. the fbi is wasting their time by taking all of these documents --
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>> sean: how about cronyism? scratch my back, i scratch your back. you buy access by giving me donations. >> it happens in every single administration. and you know that. the point is -- >> sean: wait, give me an example. >> we invested -- >> sean: give me one example. >> i'm not here to give you examples. i want to tell you something. we are here to invest in, as a government, we are to invest in, innovation and technology. that's what the government is supposed to do. -- [ talking over each other ] >> sean: get. >> the government is not a venture capitalist. because they don't know squat about investing. henry waxman -- hey, can i finish? [ talking over each other ] >> can i please finish? >> henry waxman democratic
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congressman said he was assured that everything was peachy by the ceo. let me tell you, the letter to the ceo that i just talked about didn't say anything about profit and loss. people in the government do not know how to assess like private financers. people do. the president came out in may of 2010 and gave a speech, praising solyndra. why do you think that happened? because it happened after an audit report that said it was going belly up. why did the president do that? because they were going to start an ipo in june. and he was helping them. the investors in our country knew not to support that. and they had to take the ipo down. >> sean: thank youing both. -- thank you both. our framers and founders warned about limited government. >> when we come back, mahmoud adolph ahmadinejad back in town for the u.n.. set to dine in style surrounded by columbia ivy
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league university students. >> plus, the palestinians prepare their bid for statehood. where will the administration come down? that and more coming capital one's new cash rewards card gives you a 50% annual bonus! so you earn 50% more cash. according to research, everybody likes more cash. well, almost everybody... ♪ would you like 50% more cash? no! but it's more money. [ male announcer ] the new capital one cash rewards card. the card for people who want 50% more cash. what's in your wallet? woah! [ giggles ] the two trains and a bus rider. the "i'll sleep when it's done" academic. for 80 years, we've been inspired by you. and we've been honored to walk with you to help you get where you want to be ♪ because your moment is now.
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what's vanishing deductible all about ? guys, it's demonstration time. let's blow carl's mind. okay, let's say i'm your insurance deductle. every year you don't have an accident, $100 vanishes. the next year, another $100. where am i going, carl ? the next year...
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that was weird. but awesome ! ♪ nationwide is on your side >> sean: the 66th session of the u.n. general assembly now underway that means the world's most depraved dictators are parading through the streets of new york city. according to the "new york post" iran's mahmoud ahmadinejad may use the opportunity to dine with columbia students. i guess for that institution one run in was not enough now they are back for more. palestinian leader mahmoud abbas will use his time in new york to lobby the u.n. for a palestinian state. given the amount of energy they've put into terrorism, suicide bombing over the past several years, i think we can all admit they deserve to be given this? i don't think so. the u.s. plans to veto any bid for a statehood despite
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carter's pleas to the contrary. joining me with reaction michael is back. -- michael gause. here you have abbas, aligned with hamas. hamas' charter calls for the destruction of israel. hamas involved in all this terror. they deny the right of israel to exist. you tell me, based -- what we are describing as a terror organization. why should they be allowed by the united nations, why should there be a palestinian statehood, unless and until, they denounce terror and society themselves from terror groups, why? >> well, it is a legitimate thing to israel and palestinians have been talking with each other as israelis and palestinians. >> sean: michael simple question. if they support terror groups
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that deny israel the right to exist, why should they be recognized with a palestinian state? >> why shouldn't they? >> sean: because they support terror. >> sean we have to find peace if you keep hanging on to those words that hamas is a terror organization, when are you going to achieve peace? >> sean: you think you can have peace with terrorists that want to wipe israel off the map like ahmadinejad? what are you going to say please be nice? >> israel is a strong country and they got our full support they don't need to worry there. is nothing wrong in extending the hand of friendship. if they feel we have the power to deal with it. department staying their hands, we have an opportunity to bring peace. >> sean: -- >> coming to the u.n. and declaring statehood does not make a state. you have negotiations you have to sit down with two equal
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parties that are coming there wanting it and then agreement. >> sean: why do you think there's a willingness for so many people to overlook state sponsor terrorism iran, hamas, hezbollah, muslim brotherhood, islamic jihad, why are people so unwilling to recognize these groups as terror organization that want to destroy the west? >> bus the drive is to bring peace. >> sean: i asked lisa. >> we are trying to be politically correct. israel has a nuclear bomb, iran needs one too. [ unintelligible ] what we are not understanding, coming to the u.n. and declaring statehood is not going to be beneficial to anybody. negative even for the palestinian people. what is going to happen is there is going to be more frustration because we are not coming to it out of an agreement. for 2 1/2 years we haven't had any progression in the peace process. we had president obama asking for freezing in settlements.
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asking israel to go back to '67 borders. now mahmoud abbas feels compelled, why shouldn't i come and ask for statehood? what is going to happen, the palestinians, almost christma eve for them thinking they are going to get a state. >> sean: look at the new york 9th election second biggest voting constituent ash cash constituency for the president is jewish americans. is it a show considering how badly he treated netanyahu the prime minister? >> it is a show because he's doing it because he wants to be reelected. i agree he has to scale back now that he has called for the '67 borders, huge mistake as everybody knows no. ones is going to support i. >> sean: you are right. >> in the general assembly we are going to pick up a few enemies. >> sean: michael, last word. explain to me again, what you would say to abbas to fatah,
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to hamas in their charter they call for the destruction of israel? why should the israelis sit down with them unless and until they recognize israel's right to exist? the simple basic fundamental principle if you want if get along? >> first of all, abbas, they recognize israel's right to exist. >> sean: no they do not. their calls for their destruction. >> abbas -- [ talking over each other ] >> abbas is sue ared by the united states and israel. -- is supported by the united states and israel. >> sean: a mistake. >> we need to listen to him. he's trying to bring a change in hamas. >> sean: you're dreaming. >> i'm not dreaming. >> sean: you have lost your mind. >> we cannot push people, if we push they take a stand. we need give them an opportunity to bring peace. >> sean: thank you michael, lisa.
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>> good thing for israel, good thing for america. >> sean: time to check in with greta. one football throw over. >> greta: that's right, i'll catch it. quite a show. we pick up with ambassador bolton. governor mitch daniels is here. sean, tucker carlson and you are having a problem. >> sean: fireworks on the record tonight. >> greta: depends on what he has to say. it may be nice and calm or i may have to hit him, i don't know. >> sean: i want to see fireworks. >> greta: we'll see. >> sean: when we come back our great, great american panel. beckel let's see if we can get one past the defense. hut! go! here it comes! right on the numbers! boom! get it! spin! oh, nice hands! chest bump. ugh! od job, man. nice! oky, halftime. now, this is my favorite play. oh! i'm wide open.
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>> sean: beckel is starting already. former deputy assistant secretary of state, fox news contributor, by the way i'm phone of the show the five every afternoon here on fox.
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he's a radio host and columnist for and blogs at the cowboy libertarian patrick dorinson and deneen borelli is back. tack the rich, tack the rich, tax the rich -- tax the rich, tax the rich, tax the rich, from today. >> the president: these would be the biggest spending cuts but they have to be part of a plan that asks the most fortunate among us to pay their fair share like everybodies. i will veto any bill that changes benefits for those who rely on medicare but does not raise serious revenues by asking the wealthiest americans or biggest corporations to pay their fair share. >> sean: deneen. >> sean. >> sean: 10% pays 70% of the bill, half don't pay anything. fair share, four trillion in new debt. he's going to kill the economy if that became -- >> he is killing the economy. this is class warfare.
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his policies have failed that is obvious as well. what he's doing is pitting one class of americans against another that is not solving the problem. >> sean: how does this help with the middle ground that he's losing in the country in the polls? >> i don't think it is going to help one bit. it reminds me what russell long used to say, don't tax you, tax me, tax that fellow behind the tree. we are always looking for somebody else. i think the american people are going to see this for what it is. the hardworking people that i talk to on my radio show they know they are going to be paying these bills. >> you can run that clip a few more times. interesting, i'm fascinating. let me make a couple things clear. class warfare by your definition 2% of the american people versus 98%, that's not class warfare. when you say 46% of the american people don't pay taxes -- >> sean: 50. >> let's make it 60 they pay
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day roll taxes. >> sean: they don't pay federal income tax they get that money back. >> payroll tax is a cut more out of their income then certainly -- your situation is different than most in my case for example, i pay a higher --yq i pay a lower percentage -- what are you smiling about? >> sean: you are so full of crap. >> i've been listening to this crap all day. [ unintelligible ] >> look, at some point they have to stop having a free ride. >> sean: how much is enough? how much is -- how much can any american know in a free society they can keep? i think it ought to be 25% go to the government we ought to be able to keep 75. >> we need more skin in the game. 45% of americans are not paying federal income taxes. a flat tax would cover all
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bases. >> sean: i got a from a poor person? >> i've never had a job so i don't know. i worked in the peace corps. that was a poor job. >> sean: you never got a from a poor person? >> i mowed lawns, like your house would take a long time to mo work it. you keep talking about class warfare. nobody has done better in this country in the last 30 years than rich people. it is about time they start to pay their fair share. >> you have people not paying federal income taxes. [ talking over each other ] >> the class warfare is the political class. permanent political class that is sitting in washington, d.c. that's the warfare. they've been waging war on the american people by messing things up, overspending for at least 50 years. >> sean: you are right. the anger has shifted. all the promises of obama and all their reckless spending. people are not getting mad at the oil companies, they are
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getting mad at obama, at the democrats for misappropriating funds. >> where do i get a hat like that? >> i can get you one. >> sean: more with the panel coming ok. the mr. clean magic eraser kitchen scrubber. i heard it came from space. they have greasy messes in space? [ laughs ] well, not anymore, obviously. look how it cleans. just stop. [ male announcer ] mr. clean magic eraser kitchen scrubber. its clean is out of this world.
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>> sean: we continue now. the poll came out today he has the lowest number of liberal support now only 689%. 39% approval rate with the american people. emanuel cleaver said if bill clinton had been in the white house and failed to address this problem we would be marching on the white house there's a less volatile reaction because nobody wants to do anything that would empower the people who hate the president. james carville. mark penn. senate democrats saying no to the so-called jobs bills. it seems like defections are en masse. >> instead of them arguing what is not working now they are going to play the race card that's a racist comment if that was a white house conservative in the white house -- >> sean: or democrat for saying bill clinton. >> absolutely. they would be screaming racism because they are doing policies tar harming black americans. >> sean: why didn't the president when the congressman andre carson, when he said tea
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party members want black people hanging from trees in america. why didn't the president say stop it. instead his answer was we are not going to be the speech police. >> why didn't he. you didn't hear anything from jesse jackson, al sharpton, not that you would. you didn't hear from the black caucus members ear, only representative west. for obama not to make a comment, he should have said something. >> it is a missed opportunity. that speech he gave today that campaign speech from the rose garden that's going to soothe a lot of ruffled feathers in the liberal wing of the democratic party. >> sean: i think you are right. this was a speech to get back the base. it doesn't help with independents. >> amazing analysis that's exactly right. what the speech was -- you think that he thinks for a minute he's going to get anything through this congress? no. if you are going to get something out there as a message you have to get it to the base. he needs to get 'em back
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before he can work on independents. >> sean: let me ask you this -- serious question. the only reason he won is because he had independents. he's lost them in droves. that speech is not going get back the independents. >> no, it is not. eventually you have to run against somebody. and if that somebody is rick perry, or as i call him the lone ranger of the west, and people start to see how far -- excuse me, with all due respect to your hat -- >> sean: the guy that created half the jobs in the last couple of years. >> it was 4.2% unemployment now it is 8.4. he's so right wing it is going to drive independents back. i'll wage you $5,000. >> sean: we already have a $5,000 bet. >> let's have another. >> there's a lot of concern in the white house. obama's policies are killing
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our economy. >> what policy. >> what about the black community? his energy policy is regressive harming those he claims he wants to help. he has a war on fossil fuel. but the epa is pushing his agenda for higher electricity prices. >> right, left, whatever. everybody talks about the economic crisis. we've got a confidence crisis. in 2008 obama ran on hope and change. nice slogan. >> sean: didn't he seemed depressed today? >> he seeped awful mad. hope and change -- he seemed awful mad. hope and change is one thing but faith and trust go with that. people don't have faith and trust in the institutions that are supposed to make -- >> particularly the congress and the republicans. elect republican president and senate, they are the most boring unimaginive, right wing
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people i've ever seen what plans has obama done to hurt -- >> he is going to cut four trillion. 400 billion dollars over a 10 year peer that is chicken feed when you are -- year period that is chicken feed when you are adding to the deficit every year. >> that's the problem with you boys in cowboy hats you always have to use the animal analogy. >> you are adding to that debt every year and he's -- >> next as, men are men and sheep are afraid. good thing you are not from texas. >> sean: on that happy note. you make it to the last 10 seconds and you blow it and i'm not going to defend you. >> what is wrong with that? >> sean: that's all the time we have left. >> greta: higher taxes or veto or said another way, president obama or speaker boehner? president obama unveiling his plan that cuts over three trillion. the plan instantly infuriated


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