tv FOX and Friends FOX News September 20, 2011 3:00am-6:00am PDT
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>> what about endurance on your point? you do our show early in the morning and you go back and do "the five" and you decided to do "the five" at 2:00 in the morning. i watched the repeat. it seemed so live! >> you have to do put on the same outfit. bob beckle has a hard time with it. you're here right now. >> i'm going to fill in just today for grefen. i'll be on "the five" today and tuesdays is when stu and i usually do hannity together. he'll be on with our show. >> he seems nice. i've never met him. >> she will be the most seen person on the fox newschannel today and she is kicking off the headlines. >> i'm going to kick them off here. we want to get to them because they're the most important part of our morning broadcast. while you were sleeping, take a look at what happened in oklahoma. the nice guy lit up by a giant wall of flames. nearly 100 high, an oil rig exploded in a town about 80 miles northwest of oklahoma city. a dozen homes were evacuated but
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luckily, no one was hurt. no word yet on what caused that explosion. much the body discovered in california is in fact the body of missing nursing student michelle lei. late last night, a coroner confirmed the tragic news. cause of death is not yet determined. a high school friend is under arrest who told reporters she hated le because she was froendz with her ex-boyfriend. after le disappeared from a hospital parking garage, cell phone records tracked esteban's phone to where the body was found. the pentagon now accepting applications from openly gay candidates. they're also accepting applications from service members who were discharged because of their sexual orientation. they can now re-enlist. and brian said, the new season of "dancing with the stars" kicked off last night in los angeles. it was a great performance by all to kick it off. chaz bono cha-chaed his way to a
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score of 17 points and singer chyna phillips and soap star j.r. martinez tied for the top of the leader board with 22 points. who landed in last place? ron artest. he got only 14 points. what's the highest number of points you can get? >> i don't know enough about the scoring. >> nine. it's three nines. >> you can get three nines. >> but were you watching football or "dancing with the stars" last night? >> i was watching the giants-rams game. that dance to me was better. >> who won? >> the giants ended up prevailing. [cheering] >> you were kind of curious and couldn't wait to get up in the morning. go, new jersey! >> that wasn't nice. come on. >> where is the stadium? >> the history says new york giants. >> most of them live in new jersey and they work in new jersey. they're the new jersey giants. >> this is a rivalry that most people across america cannot understand. >> that's dana's way of saying move on. >> we dropped compromise for
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confrontation and we did exactly what the president of the united states did yesterday in the rose garden. you know, he said he wanted to reach across the aisle and come up with a plan to reduce our deficit and instead, it's war! on the republicans. here's the president. >> either we ask the wealthiest americans to pay their fair share in taxes or we'll ask seniors to pay more for medicare. we can't afford to do both. this is not class warfare. it's math. >> it's also one of the things that you tell everybody that's going to be giving a big speech or news, don't repeat the negatives, the class warfare piece sticks to their messages. he felt a need to say it's not class warfare which makes it sound defensive and it is class warfare. >> we heard about the grand compromise that wasn't done between john boehner and president obama. they blame each other for backing out at the last minute and hear them about coming together in september when they backed up to criticize anything
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about his plan of the jobs going forward. problem was he didn't release any details. couple of days ago, we find out that they've never been consulted directly or got a return call and said can you talk to me before the speech? we can talk about common ground after the speech. it never happened. yesterday, when he comes out, he comes out and basically says not only do you not agree with me, am i upset by that. if you go ahead and ignore this request i have to up the taxes on the rich, i will veto anything to do with entitlements. and entitlements also starkly different for what he mentioned before. acknowledges there's a problem but the cuts he propose don't look as though his action reflects his words. >> they don't begin to scratch the surface and in a lot of ways, it's completely an unserious move. they knew that what they would put forward is something that people would reject. not just because republicans reject it but because in the lame duck session of the congress last year, remember everybody thought this is going to show how he's going to get
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re-elect. this plan, the very one he's talking about in terms of the tax right hikes, was put before a democratically led majority in the senate and rejected so why -- if you're president obama, if you know that you're going to present something that's going to be rejected so that you can run on a do nothing congress, why not propose something a lot more bold that would take on some entitlements? >> obviously, the president unserious to talk about the problem and the committee has to come up with the cuts. they, perhaps, have a better chance. they'll have a meeting today and then a public hearing coming up on thursday. but, you know, for months, he had pushed entitlement reform. and yet does not touch social security. he had talked about raising the medica medicaid -- care age from 65 to 67. punted on that as well. you have to figure he's just obviously campaigning. >> that's from his left. >> absolutely. and you look at gallup, a couple of days ago, he tied his all time lowest approval rating with liberals.
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so his liberal left is saying, wait a minute, what about us over here? so what you saw yesterday, an homage to them. >> one of his main allies on the super committee, senator john kerry just last week was quoted as saying we on the super committee will have to deal with entitlements in some way. the president just set himself up to be against whatever the super committee comes up with. it's making their jobs a lot harder. >> instead of the $650 billion cuts in entitlement programs, he says $320 without any specifics. >> half. >> building on those stats of almost 80% of the country are for, upping the taxes on the rich. the president is looking at that pie chart and saying how can i go wrong? fdr in 1935 says even we're in a depression, i want to tax the rich more. he got that through. maybe he's looking back in history during tough times. the big story to emerge over the past couple of days is the warren buffet rule. the president is rallying around the 80 something old is a big time investor who is upset he's
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not paying enough money in taxes. maybe some people should be upset that he's still a billion dollars short of what he should be paying which is a fact. he's not paid that and he's going to get around to that when he has a chance but the other story is about warren buffet is that he actually is paying more than even he knows because he is not paying 15% of -- 15% of his income to -- to the government, he's paying more than that. because he is in the higher tax bracket. at one point, when he made money, he paid 35% or 39%, whatever it was in the country and then when he decides to take that money and invest it, that's when he made the 15% afterwards so it's wrong to say he's not paid as much as that. >> he does the same thing, everybody who invests in the stock market does. when you invest in the stock market, you're taking the money that you have made and if you're taxed at the higher rate, you've already paid 35% on it. warren buffet has already paid 35% on all the money he put in the stock market.
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and then -- and this is one of those things that the government decided, ok, to get people to invest in the stock market, let's make sure that when they sell, rather than sell at 35% tax rate, it would be 15%. so anyway, while they talk -- so it's a double tax. if you want to pay 35% and 35% again if you're an investor, you would say that's double taxation. that's not fair. rush limbaugh yesterday said that warren buffet should be shocked and ashamed that the president is using his name on this gigantic tax increase. listen. here's el rushbo. >> mr. buffet, i just have an observation, maybe a question. you've done very well. you are one of the wealthiest men in the world. and now look at the high honor that's been bestowed upon you. your name attached to a tax
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increase. i would be embarrassed. i would not alhow it -- i would disassociate myself -- nobody wants to name a tax increase after me, ain't no way. >> the crazy thing about this from a p.r. standpoint is i think he actually -- that buffet encouraged it. >> absolutely. >> and he wanted it. he's proud of it. this is the legacy that he wants to leave which i agree with rush limbaugh, i would never want my name associated with it. >> if warren buffet feels guilty, he could declare that as income and be hardened by the fact that he will pay 45% of his income to the government. george bush had zero death tax and that's why warren buffet hopes to give it all away. >> you're going to see another g.o.p. debate. this one from down in florida as well and there are analysts who
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say we're probably getting to the stage in the game, don't expect a lot of other new faces to show up. chris christie, probably not. governor palin probably not. paul ryan, probably not. >> it's getting pretty late although they have time, the filing deadline is not until late november. it does get more difficult to set up an organization and to have answered some of the questions and also, you got to start raising that money which is what governor perry was doing here last night and he was in new york. >> yeah, governor perry was here in new york in harlem and just real quick before we move on, i think somehow out of that list, i wouldn't doubt to see leading candidates for v.p. i think mitch daniels is strong with his background. i think rudy giuliani is looking for something substantive to do. as the number two man, he and perry seem very tight. >> we'll get a chance to talk to governor daniels the next hour. he has a new book out that's coming. i'm looking forward to talking to him about it, it's excellent. >> lucky you. rick perry had a fundraiser in
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new york yesterday and it was at papacito's mexican grill here in manhattan and it turns out there was a party crasher. that party crasher was charlie rangel, you know him, the guy who forgot to pay taxes for years. he showed up before mr. perry. they had a little conversation. here's a little reaction. >> i have never met governor perry. >> what do you think so far? >> i think that the republicans have a major problem with their candidates. >> including governor perry. >> you bet your life! >> one of the things that rangel said to perry at the mexican grill which was a fundraiser, mr. perry made $50,000, rangel said i would not want to embarrass him here. he's tall and he's from texas. >> i think, unfortunately, congressman rangel is losing a little bit of his flare for the soundbites. you know, he used to have some good soundbites. tall from texas is kind of -- >> you know, a short time ago
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when the president of the united states thought he should step aside. maybe he's still speaking from that. >> funny that perry came to new york city and all the restaurants he could choose, he chose a tex-mex. >> all eyes on the united nations. palestine wants a seat from the table. should the u.s. grant the request? more on the potential fallout in the middle east if they tonight. >> plus charlie sheen trying to make nice with his tv replacement. what advice he gave to ashton kutcher. ♪ it's a new day i never saw myself here. i didn't. but with weight watchers, i can't see myself anywhere else. ♪ i'm feeling good you can be here too. go on join for free. weight watchers pointsplus. because it works.
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your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whetr you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have beetreated for heart failure, or if, while on enbrel, you experience persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. get back to the things that matter most. good job girls. ask your rheumatologist if enbrel is right for you. >> the state is set for a dramatic showdown across town as the palestinian president abuse prepares to ask the u.n. general
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assembly to recognize palestine as a state but a recent op ed by the former saudi arabian ambassador to the united states says failing to recognize palestine as a state, if the u.s. decides not to support it, will cost the united states. can we win in this? joining us right now, fox news middle east analyst and author of "the coming revolution, the struggle for freedom in the middle east" dr. whalid fharis. why should the american people worry about what's happening at the u.n. this week? >> it's a very important moment whereby the general assembly may extend the idea that there is a palestinian state and that the security council because of the american veto may obstruct that so we are moving to a new situation in whereby hamas and the future could take over that palestinian state. that's where the drama could be. >> we went to egypt and hamas made an alliance. nobody talks about that. we know that president bush and
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president obama and benjamin netanyahu have talked about a two state solution. wouldn't that be a step in that direction? >> look, brian, the american position has been very clear over many presidencies, the idea of a palestinian state has an american supporter, no doubt about it, when we take two states including israel and the palestinian state but what's happening right now is that a map has been brought to the united nations instead of being discussed and negotiated between the two sides with regard to jerusalem and the, you know, the other territories, it's been brought here for a vote. that is not going to solve the problem. that's going to extend it. >> now, the u.s. will not vote for this. some people have talked about a vatican-like recognition as a state but look at what's at stake. our ally and we call saudi arabia our ally says this. the former u.s. ambassador has got multiple titles says this. the u.s. must support the palestinian bid for statehood at the u.n. this month or lose the credibility that it has in the
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world. if not, israeli security will be undermined and iran will be empowered increases the chances of another war in the region. do you agree? >> well, in my sense, the united states has recognized the existence of a palestinian state, it asked for that state or the authority to negotiate with the israelis. there is no obstruction against the palestinian state. what happens right now is those who are afraid of iran including the saudis because the administration has not produced any advancing in the peace negotiation over the last two years are saying if you don't recognize that state right now, iran is going to come at us so it's more of a saudi fear of the iranians than the saudi frustration with the united states. >> regardless, what the reason is behind it is clearly a threat. so we'll see. thanks so much, "the coming revolution" is a great book. thank you. >> thank you, sir. >> straight ahead, government owned general motors handing out bonus checks to make a deal with the unions. is the administration trying to buy back big labor?
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against him, the 31-year-old faces a possible death sentence if convicted. and a thief jacked john travolta's $100,000 mercedes-benz faster than grease lightning. according to tmz, travolta was inside a jaguar dealership in santa monica for 10 minutes when the car was swiped from its parking spot. uh-oh. >> dana, over to you and stu. all right. general motors and the united auto workers struck a deal on a new four year contract. it includes more profit sharing, pay raises and a $5,000 signing bonus for hourly workers. the president keeps talking about paying your fair share so is this fair to you? remember, the government still owns 26% of g.m. and stuart varney of the fox business network is here and now, that without -- usually i have to share you with hannity and today, i'm going to get you all to myself.
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so explain to us. is this an unusual type of arrangement for a union to get when they re-sign a contract? >> yes. look, the economy is on the brink of recession. car sales are very weak. but the union gets a four year, looks to me like a sweetheart deal. why is that? in part, because we, the taxpayer, the government, still owns 500 million shares of general motors. that's a 26% stake. the government is in a position to exert influence over these contract negotiations. and i think they did to give the union a sweetheart deal. it's president obama shoring up his base, the union base, a sweetheart deal at a difficult time for the economy at taxpayers' expense. this is not a good deal for us and it's not a great deal for general motors either. >> president obama's team would say that they actually helped save the american auto industry, that this is part of that and that it's going to take a while for us to you been wind our investments. are you buying that? >> no, i'm not buying that. we have a 26% stake.
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500 million shares. those shares have to go to $53 each before we the taxpayer get our money back. right now, they're at $22 each. so we're still way underwater with general motors and giving a sweetheart deal to the unions for the next four years. it's not good for us. i don't think it's good for general motors and it's really bad for ford and chrysler. >> why? >> because they have not yet got an agreement with the union. do they now have to match the sweetheart deal that the union got from general motors? remember, ford didn't get any bailout money. and now they've got to compete in the marketplace against the taxpayer funded union. that's not a good position for ford to be in at this moment. >> if the company, g.m., says that they're working towards it or they may have said they paid the taxpayer back. you say that's fuzzy math and it's not quite right. >> no, we still have the 26% stake and we're still underwater. >> at some point, do you think we should sell it back? >> i don't know.
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>> he doesn't know something. i'm going to let you think about that for nine hours. 12 hours and then i'm going to ask you tonight when we're on hannity. >> g me, dana. thank you very much. all right, varney, you have the show starts at 9:20. >> varney & company, starting at 9:20 this morning. let's see what happens with the market today. >> as soon as i leave here, i'll rush back to my hotel so i can watch it. >> really? i'm flattered. >> coming up, the incredible image that police are using to catch the crooks. we told there's dancing. now we have the proof. cameras roll as steve doocy gets a line dancing lesson at "fox & friends" 15th anniversary celebration. and is the newly crowned miss universe a cheater? she's here to defend the title against allegations of fraud. [ male announcer ] when these come together,
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and these come together, one thing you can depend on is that these will come together. delicious and wholesome. some combinations were just meant to be. tomato soup from campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do. helps defends against occasional constipation, diarrhea, gas and bloating. with the strains of good bacteria to help balance your colon. you had me at "probiotic." [ female announcer ] phillips' colon health.
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i've got to tell susie ! the vending machine on elm is almost empty. i'm on it, boss. new pony sorry ! we are open for business. let's reroute greg to fresn growing businees use machine-to-machine technology from verizon wireless. susie ! the vending machine... already filled. cool be. because the business with the best technology rules. >> all right. it's time for your shot of the morning. this is going to be an exciting one. check this one out from yesterday. >> exclusive. this is exclusive video, right? >> yeah, that's me line dancing. take a good look. you're not going to see this for a while. >> did you know what you were
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doing or were you getting lessons? >> absolutely not. here's the back story. i just walked in after flying from texas. i was down at smu for my daughter's parents weekend in dallas, beautiful time. and i walked in to the lobby bar at the hotel at the villages and there was brian over there sucking down beers one right after the other. >> two at a time. >> and then somebody saw me and grabbed me and asked me to dance and there i am doing the cuban shuffle. >> you can't say no. >> you can't say no. >> and the villages -- >> everybody is happy. >> sometimes you go to karaoke and it's hard getting people up. i'm saying who is the singer? one after the other. >> everybody. >> there was a line of 25 people. but every day is vacation day. >> it's like disney. the other thing that happened that's kind of interesting, kind of fun, charlie sheen targeting ashton kutcher. >> was he in the lobby bar at the villages as well? >> he will be in like 25 years. >> yeah, he would be and he'd be
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lucky. it's a happy place. >> want to read you what charlie sheen said in a tweet that he put out. he's a prolific tweeter. he said giving the new kid a little advice. seriously, great talking to you. we'll all be watching making us proud. >> here's what happened is they saw each other backstage at -- >> ashton kutcher? >> ashton kutcher who took the job of charlie sheen after charlie had that meltdown, you know. he came face to face with charlie and there's a picture floating around there where ashton kutcher is a little caught off guard and charlie is going like this -- >> i think that's fair, too, i would be caught off guard. >> there's indication that charlie sheen is straightening out. if you watch him and if you've seen him, he seemed very contrite of late and seems to be making sense, kind of mocking himself on the talk show tour and the fact that he was just making stuff up when he said tiger blood and all that stuff. but i was amazed to see how much he's making in his settlement, in his exit, he gets minimum $25
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million in syndication. minimum $100 million. >> so he's laughing all the way to the bank. i'll tell you this -- >> maybe someone who should pay more of his fair share. >> he will be, whether he wants to or not. >> yeah, and i watched a little of "two and a half men" last night and ashton kutcher pretty good. >> they basically had charlie sheen dead cremated and in an urn so the comedy just builds from there. i have no idea. i didn't watch it before. i'm not going to watch it after. probably done this season. >> in the meantime, let's talk about the headlines on this tuesday. helicopter crash in camp pendleton, california, leaving two marines dead. they were on a training mission when their ah-1w cobra went down. it sparked a major brushfire. we don't know what caused the crash. this is the third aviation incident involving marines from camp pendleton since the month of july. >> frightening pictures from a drive-by shooting caught on camera. the suspects were driving down
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the street in two separate cars when they slowed down and started shooting at each other. it happened on lee street in north st. louis. these images were captured by surveillance cameras and a 17-year-old boy was hit. he's in critical condition but should recover. police hope these images will help them catch the shooters. >> i'll take it from here. seven more deaths could be connected to contaminated cantaloupe. health departments in colorado, new mexico, missouri, oklahoma, say the deaths may be linked to listeria from cantaloupe born at colorado's jensen farms. 35 people in 10 states sick. officials are trying to figure out if the contamination came from the farm's soil, washing or shipping processes. >> this stunt may be a crowd pleaser but high school officials are not amused. 14-year-old brian thompson suspended for 10 days after running down the sidelines at a football game in a banana suit in stafford, virginia. >> that's a banana suit? >> they felt like he was causing mayhem.
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>> tomorrow, i plan on going to the school with a sign saying "free banana man" and i'm going to hold another sign that says "banana man needs his education, too." the school says they don't comment on students' actions or discipline from those actions. >> you know what the banana man did after he ran the field? >> do i want to know? >> he split. >> i didn't know they made banana costumes with their legs free. i thought with the banana, they have to zip you in and you have to sit there. fantastic, yeah. real quickly, let's find out what kind of costume you have to wear today, whether or not it involves something plastic or scotch guarded because it's raining and as you can see, we have a slow moving front all the way from new england down through portions of the ohio valley moving out of that, portions of virginia and west virginia, down through dixie land and the gulf coast. we have thunderstorms moving through the state of alabama. meanwhile, the current temperatures as you head out the door, look at that.
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it's 62 in new york city and about the same for cleveland but caribou, maine, and missoula, montana, both this morning 39 degrees. holy cow! throw another shrimp on the barbie. 60's and 70's across much of dixieland and down along the gulf coast. later on today, missoula will hit 72. we'll have temperatures in the 60's throughout the northeast. mid to upper 70's across the mid atlantic through the mid missouri and mississippi valley. 83 today in kansas city. it will be 90 in dallas. they'll be happy they're not hitting 100 and 90 in tampa as well. 105, however, in phoenix. and that's a quick look at your fox travelcast. another number that you need to know, brian kilmeade, is 602. >> i'm starting to think those yankee closer is reaching up to his potential. mariano rivera had the second all saves of all time heading into yesterday's game against the twins. now he stands alone. at 41 years old, he strikes out
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cliff parmalee looking. he is now baseball's all time saves leader with 602 passing fox's good friend, trevor hoffman. >> you said i'm the greatest. i don't know about that. i don't consider myself the greatest. i consider myself blessed. >> he's only got one pitch. he has to expand his repertoire or he's going to go nowhere. one more notch on the future hall of famer's belt. without him, they win only world series. do you agree? chris is off camera. new york giants taking on the st. louis rams last night. quiet, i'm reading. st. louis rams at home. sam bradford throws to cadillac williams and you saw that hit and then you watch this. incredible catch right in the -- late in the second quarter, that is great concentration by dominique kixon who bobbles and makes the razzle-dazzle. number one play you'll see possibly this year.
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they rough up the rams thanks to some great defense. here's another funny story vovrl willing one of football's ryan brothers. this time it's rob ryan, defensive coordinator for the dallas cowboys. this picture shows ryan looking at his play chart. now, look closer. there appears to be a scantily clad woman gracing the right side of the chart. she is not naked. but it's hard to tell who it is but according to that, it's actress and model baird, his brother is jets coach rex ryan. i guess he has a crush on her. we're trying to finaled out about the relationship or the inspiration. a lot of people put great quotes as inspiration. other people put hot models. >> it could have been a coincidence. >> of what? >> i grab my play sheet and there's a model on the back? >> you're saying that's not a publication someone could put something in. he would have to physically cut out a picture and stick it on that thing? >> you are exactly right, sir. >> trying to help him out. >> coming up on kilmeade &
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friends, talk about the latest from iran. jennifer griffin will be joining us live. arthur herman amongst our special guests as well as governor mitch daniels. >> sounds like a big show. continuing on our big show, coming up, a defense attorney being hooked up to a taser and zapped. if the judge decides the guy gets out of line. true story. is that legal? we'll ask the judge, napolitano is his name. >> then, she's been appointed to represent our galaxy. but the new miss universe is being called a cheater. she's here to defend the crown. >> yes. [ male announcer ] to the 5:00 a.m. scholar.
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the two trains and a bus rider. the "i'll sleep when it's done" academic. for 80 years, we've been inspired by you. and we've been honored to walk with you to help you get where you want to be ♪ because your moment is now. let nothing stand in your way. learn more at >> quick headlines for you. president george w. bush making a rare public appearance in new york city later today. he's delivering the keynote
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speech at a global counterterrorism summit just blocks from ground zero. and connecticut republican linda mcmahon getting back into the political ring. the former world wrestling ceo announcing another run for the u.s. senate this morning. she wants to take over senator joe lieberman's seat when he retires next year. stay tuned. >> last week, 25-year-old angolan beauty business student leila lopes made history. >> miss universe 2011 is -- angola leila lopes! >> she's the first miss universe from angola and more importantly she's on our couch. congratulations on the big win! >> thank you. >> you're holding hands with soon-to-be runner-up, are you saying i hope i win? i hope she loses, what are you saying to her? >> people do want to know that. >> like we were just looking at
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each other and holding hands like nobody was saying anything. but myself, i think, i hope i win! >> good. that's what it's about. >> congratulations. now, you are miss universe and the guy who owns the miss universe pageant is donald trump. >> yes. my boss. >> it's your boss. as a business student, it must be thrilling to work for the donald. >> definitely. definitely. i've been studying business management in u.k. and now i'm going to work in new york. who knows, like at the end of my reign, i can stay here and finish my studies in here and work for donald trump? >> hold on a second, guys on the crew, should we let miss universe stay here in the united states? >> yes. >> yes. >> yea! >> i wanted to ask you, there was a little bit of controversy that you, i think, have cleared up. there was a question of whether
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or not you had falsified some documents and whether or not you were really in the u.k. and not in angola. what do you say about those charges? >> that's a lie because i have provided all the documents that the organization asked for. they are very satisfied with my documents. and it's a lie because i am miss universe 2011. many people are not satisfied with that. they have to deal with it. >> somebody made it up? why? >> jealousy. >> they were not satisfied when i won miss angola in the u.k. because i live in u.k., i'm a student. i have visa to prove. and they were not satisfied because i was just a student. i was living there for three years and i think they want like other girls to win the competition. >> right. and importantly, the miss universe pageant itself actually defended you and we have a statement from them that says that the miss universe organization has looked into this matter and leila lopes meets our requirements as miss universe angola. they are thrilled to have her as miss universe 2011.
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that must feel good, right, you have that behind you and now you can focus on your year as miss universe. >> definitely. >> you are in charge of the universe. will you promise to focus on this planet? because 've had other miss universe focus on other planets and it's bothered us a lot. will you focus on earth? >> yes, i will! >> you will? >> right. but on a serious note, you did have to make a choice. they said what do you want to focus on now that you're famous and you have impact? you're going to focus on poor children especially in your country. >> yes, miss angola has been working with poor children a lot. i've helped to build schools for poor children like -- i try to provide education and help. i think this is like the most important thing for this poor children. and i told them what i was doing in angola, they got very excited with my work in angola and they want me to continue to do those
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things around the world especially in africa. and angola as well. >> that's right. because donald trump does own both the miss universe pageant and miss u.s.a. you and miss u.s.a. are roommates so good luck with that. >> right. can we see the crown? i wonder if you could hold it up. i would never propose to put it on my head. >> well, no. >> no. i'm only 5 feet tall anyway. >> that's really cute. >> miss petite. >> miss petite. we should have a miss petite, really. could you work on that after you help all the poor children in the world? could you make a miss petite pageant after you finish helping everybody? >> she's busy. come on, dana. please! stop it. you carry that around in a case, right? or does a person carry it around in a case? >> it has a case. >> like the president's football. miss universe, congratulations and welcome to new york city and have a great year. >> enjoy yourself. we're glad to have you here. >> thank you so much. >> straight ahead on this tuesday's show, up next, a
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lawyer forced to wear an electronic bracelet in the courtroom. it's a taser. if he doesn't listen to the judge, he'll get shocked. is it legal and humane? judge andrew napolitano joins us next. >> also on deck, governor mitch daniels -- this is the thing i've never known about. >> talk about the board. >> we have a guest list that you would not believe. we have governor mitch daniels, mark rowe from "dirty jobs" debby ryan, bobby jindal. rico rodriguez and "modern family" and a very special treat, boys ii men. >> true story. >> line dance again. [ male announcer ] in blind taste tests, even ragu uss chose prego. prego?! but i've been buying ragu for years.
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[ thinking ] i wonder what other questionable choices i've made? [ '80s dance music plays ] [ sighs ] [ male announcer ] choose taste. choose prego. that weight tracker continued to go down and down and down. weight watchers online has some great tools. i just love the chinese buffet cheat sheet -- if you like the chicken and vegetables you can put a little serving here and you actually make your plate. it just blows my mind to even think i've lost 100 pounds and i have weight watchers online to thank. the fun, funkier me has come out to play. [ laughs ] [ female announcer ] join for free today. hurry, offer ends october 15th. weight watchers online. finally, losing weight clicks.
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>> welcome back, a former federal prosecutor, that guy right there, a high profile defense attorney in new jersey is defending himself against a long list of charges including murder for hire and running a prostitution operation. but a judge has ordered him to wear a taser that marshals can activate if he gets too close to the jurors or out of line as he acts as his own attorney. is that fair? let's talk to fox news senior judicial analyst and host of "freedom watch" on fox business, judge andrew napolitano. >> steve. >> here he is in the courtroom, in front of the jury, acting as his own defense counsel, but if he gets too close to the jury, someone is going to hit a button and a taser will go off in his pants. >> yes, yes and he's going to be knocked to the floor right there in front of the jury and if he says something that the marshals
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think is unappropriate, the same thing is going to happen. >> what? if he says something? >> this is a defendant who is also a lawyer representing himself. the charge is conspiracy to commit murder. the evidence of guilt is truly overwhelming. the other two -- >> they got him on tape. >> they have him on tape and the other two conspirators have already pleaded guilty and are going to testify against him and the jury will know about this taser setup so how is he going to get a fair trial? you cannot have a lawyer who's worried that if he walks somewhere in a courtroom that a cop in the back row doesn't like or says something that the same cop in the back row thinks is appropriate is going to be knocked to the ground. that's not an american system of justice. you expect something like this in iran. i have never heard this before. >> i've heard of it with unruly defendants. not representing themselves. sitting in a courtroom and insisting on being there and disrupting the trial. i've heard of the zapping system. i have never, ever heard of this happening to a lawyer. if the appeals court in philadelphia permits this to
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happen, it will begin a very, very dangerous trend of the government controlling what defense counsel can do and signalling to a jury that the defendant is probably guilty, otherwise, why would the judge be allowing this taser system? >> well, you would think that if he's convicted, he'd have a really good appeal. >> i would think so. now, i know him. he has tried cases before me. he's one of the best -- this is the most important case in his life, obviously. he's facing life in prison. he's one of the best trial lawyers i've seen. i also know the judge who is a low key guy and not somebody prone to this type of shenanigan in the courtroom. >> it's so extraordinary. it's one thing that this lawyer is accused -- >> by the way, that's the judge whose picture was just there. there. that's the lawyer that we're talking about, the lawyer and the defendant. >> if he was not acting as his own attorney where he was standing up and sitting behind the defense table, he probably wouldn't have that thing hooked to him. >> he probably would not.
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>> you know what's troubling, if you walk over to the jury and someone goes like that with a dog in an invisible fence or something like that, to say something they don't like. >> it's also wrong that this is being done to him by the same government that's prosecuting him. this is not a neutral entity that's pressing the zap button. so can the prosecutor walk over to the jury? can the prosecutor say what he wants? answer yes. result, unfair. >> all right. we'll be watching. thank you very much. >> all right, steve. >> all right. straight ahead, a developing story. a bomb tears through a capital city. new details coming in at the top of the hour. straight ahead, an update and tony bennett hitting the sour note. he says the terror attacks on september 11th are america's own fault! and there's worse to come, folks. stand by for news on tony. there's only one bottle left ! i've got to tell susie !
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the vending machine on elm is almost empty. i'm on it, boss. new pony sorry ! we are open for business. let's reroute greg to fresn growing businees use machine-to-machine technology from verizon wireless. susie ! the vending machine... already filled. cool be. because the business with the best technology rules. when someone changes lanes without warning?
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>> good morning. today is tuesday, september 20th. i'm dana perino in for gretchen carlson. president obama throwing compromise out the window. he'll try confrontation instead. >> this is not class warfare. it's math. >> but the math doesn't exactly add up. >> and tony bennett singing a new tune this morning and this one very controversial. he says 9/11, america's fault. >> great! >> left his brain in san francisco. no kidding, meanwhile, unless aur even astronaut, you can't get closer than this. one man found a way to give you a personal view. planet. how can you see that? details straight ahead. "fox & friends" hour two for a tuesday starts right now. >> hey, this is snooki from "jersey shore" and you're watching "fox & friends." >> hey, snooki. thanks so much. >> we've had the whole cast, i
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think, from "jersey shore" and we've had the situation on. >> we have? >> you know them? >> not personally but one was more charming than the next. >> oh, well. >> i thought they were very impressive. >> appearance -- >> you would say that because even though they are on "the jersey shore" they're actually from new york. >> right. you took the giants and gave me the jersey shore. fantastic. let's go to the big board. governor mitch daniels in the green room, free coffee, mr. governor. he's got a brand new book out and telling us how to balance our books. >> mike rowe from the incredibly popular program "dirty jobs" if it's a dirty job, he's done it and debby ryan will be joining us and governor bobby jindal in the house. >> and we have actor rico rodriguez from "modern family" and boys ii men, when i saw i was going to guest host this morning, i could not believe my luck. it made me feel a little older on their 20th anniversary. >> where were you when boys ii men was founded?
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>> i was in the transition. >> let's give you some of your headlines and fox news alert. new video from turkey where a suspected car bomb has exploded in the capital city ankara. it went off across the street from a school. 15 people are hurt. so far, no one is claiming responsibility but the attack comes at a time when kurdish separatists have been stepping up attacks against turkish targets. a body discovered in california is in fact the body of missing nursing student michelle le. late last night, a coroner confirmed the tragic news. however, the cause of death is not yet determined. giselle estoban is now under arrest. she's a high school student, a friend -- high school friend who said she hated le because she was friends with her ex-boyfriend. cell phone records tracked estoban's phone to the area where le's body was found. and this is what happened in oklahoma while you were sleeping. the night skies lit up by a giant wall of flames. those flames nearly 100 feet
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high. an oil rig exploded in a town just about 80 miles northwest of oklahoma city. a dozen homes were evacuated. luckily, no one was hurt. no word yet on what caused the explosion. ever wonder what would it be like to fly over the earth? well, take a look for yourself. science teacher james drake compiled this incredible minute long time lapse video using over 600 images from the international space station. you can see the light from big cities and even lightning and thunderstorms. >> that's so cool. >> it's already gotten more than two million hits on you tube. that's a lot. those are your headlines. >> very nice. cool. >> that's pretty cool and interesting when you fly over places like north korea and south korea and see the stark difference in terps of the lights. >> you've flown over it? >> i've seen satellite images. >> where there's a complete blackout. >> and they're not like top secret. >> no, i've seen it, too. >> you're not revealing anything that's going to get you in trouble. >> i wanted to make that clear. >> if you're going to get in
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trouble, it might be at 5:00. >> if you're in trouble, it might be president obama who announced a deficit plan, last week was the jobs plan. this week the deficit plan. i think basically he's throwing compromise out the window and deciding he's going to try to win the election based on very divisive language. let's take a listen. >> either we ask the wealthiest americans to pay their fair share in taxes or ask the seniors to pay their fair share in medicare. we can't ask them to do both. this is not class warfare and this is the math. >> here's the math. we're spending way more than we're taking in and the other part of the math is we have a debt of $14 trillion right now. you have to do something about it. while the president has been talking about compromise and he said in the joint session of congress, i'm going to come forward with the plan, he's essentially saying, this is my idea and it's a bunch of warmed over stuff we've heard a million times and the republicans have already said, look, if you're going to raise taxes we got to
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say no. that's what he said yesterday. >> what he said, too, here's what he said. he said i'm going to save over 10 years, $580 billion medicare and medicaid. doesn't say how. also put together this and i can't believe he's going to say this. but oh, yeah, $1 trillion i will save by ending the wars from the surge levels in afghanistan and iraq. that was already on the books. that's a made-up number. >> you can't count that. >> been counted on by the way and already figured into the total. also, he's talked about getting rid of the bush tax cuts to save us $1.5 trillion. that's supposed to go up in 2014, 2015. >> and the reason that they're doing this, though, from the white house, i don't doubt that they believe that principally they think that millionaires and billionaires should pay more taxes even though seven months ago when they extended the bush tax cuts, they said the worst thing they could do in a bad economy is to raise taxes on job creators. that's exactly who these people are but it works because it sounds good, right?
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who doesn't think that millionaires and billionaires should pay more. there's polls that back that up. brit hume last night on bill o'reilly explains why he thinks this is wrong. >> may be able to ask people in a poll if they think the rich should pay more but ask them if taxes should be raised in a weak economy and they will say no so it depends on how you frame the argument. i think the republicans framed the argument effectively in 2010 and my sense about it is this argument that the president is making may rally his base behind him but i don't think it's going to win over the independents who, as you pointed out, are the key to the whole thing. >> president obama made the case last december very well. he's the one who said that you shouldn't raise taxes on investors. >> here's the thing. we're caught holding the bag right now. something serious needs to be done about the debt in this country. and is he -- he's just kicking the can to next year. >> to super committee. >> yeah. because he knows he doesn't have to do anything. the super committee has to do it. >> just worth saying -- 10% of our highest earners pay 70% of
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all income tax. so stop vilifying them. top 1% that everybody says is so evil pays 31% of all the income tax rate so i don't understand where the anger and angst comes from from the white house. >> well, the white house has got something very catchy and that is they've got the warren buffet taxes what they're now calling it because warren buffet has been quoted widely and he wrote in an op ed that he pays less tax than his secretary but, as it turns out, when you look at -- you fact check it and you realize that's not true. you know, apparently, and this is -- this is what's disingenuous about it. he says he pays 17.4% but in reality, he pays 35% plus 15% and let me explain that. the money that you put in the stock market that you then pay 15% on is money you make and then you pay taxes on and if you're in the higher tax bracket, you pay 35%. then if you invest it in the stock market and you take it out
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at some point and you have made money on it, then you pay 15% capital gains so you put 35% plus 15% and i know it adds up to 50 but you're capped at 45%. for him to say i'm paying 17% and my secretary is paying 35%, that is not true. he's actually being double taxed. >> right. and a lot of people said so raise the capital gains tax. that makes us a noncompetitive internationally. >> why invest? >> right. >> and both democrats and republicans have said that in the past so they say the capital gains is so low, raise it. well, then the investment leaves so both sides agree you can't do that. >> and also, i think senator mitch mcconnell of kentucky had a good point on the sunday shows where he said if warren buffet really wants to pay a lot more in taxes, he could write us all a check and it probably would, you know, not make any sense. >> he's going to give away all his money eventually. >> he gets a charitable deduction from that. that's why i think the president could have just -- if he knew he was going to try to pass something that was never going to get through congress, why not
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be a little more bold? instead, they do this thing and they call it a buffet tax and rush limbaugh has a good point about why in the world would you let your name be associateed with something like this? >> mr. buffet, i just have the observation, maybe a question. you've done very well. you are one of the wealthiest men in the world. and now look at the high honor that's been bestowed upon you. your name attached to a tax increase. that's -- i would be embarrassed. i would not allow it. i would disassociate -- somebody wants to name a tax increase after me, ain't no way. >> good point. also, there's an item today where the associated press did a fact check on how much do people actually pay and according to the latest irs data and it's a couple of years old but people who make a million dollars or more generally pay -- keep in mind, they have deductions and stuff like that, exemptions.
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if you make a million dollars or more, you pay on average 24.4%. if you make between $100,000 and $125,000, you pay 9.9%. and if you're making between 50,000 and 60,000 which is probably what his secretary was making, although she's warren buffet's secretary, could make more. >> she only makes 60 grand. >> she pays 6.3%. while that's about 1/4 of what people pay. >> we're going to get a chance to talk to governor mitch daniels of indiana who writes about this broader problem in his book. we'll have a chance to hear from him. >> let's talk about tony bennett, remarkable singer and has a new c.d. out called "duets." anything else? >> he was on the howard stern sirius radio show and they were talking about all sorts of stuff and tony dodged questions about his sex life. he is 85. >> why would howard stern bring something up like his sex life? >> because he's howard stern! >> he wouldn't talk about alleged drug use either and he
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asked about how america should deal with terrorists. and then tony said "but who are the terrorists? are we the terrorists or are they the terrorists? two wrongs don't make a right." then he disagreed with stern's premise that the terrorists involvement on 9/11 led to afghanistan. >> they flew the plane in. we caused it because we were bombing them and they told us to stop. i don't know what he's talking about. did you say he's 85 now? in some ways, you can maybe give him a pass. unfortunately, he also gets a megaphone so he can make these ridiculous comments. >> is he talking about the no-fly zone in iraq? >> i don't know. i know he was drafted in 1944 and he served in europe. but he did say, i'm anti-war. war is the lowest form of human behavior. >> all right. good job, tony. look forward to other nuggets of wisdom on stage. >> uh-huh. >> straight ahead, no green card, no problem.
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now there's a special hotline t help illegal immigrants fight deportation. >> really? rick perry taking a lot of heat for calling it a ponzi scheme. governor daniels joins us next. exclusive to the military. and commitment is not limited to one's military oath. the same set of values that drive our nation's military are the ones we used to build usaa bank. from free checking to credit cards to loans, our commitment to e military, veteransand their families is without equal. ♪ visit us online to learn what makes our bank so different. usaa. we know what it means to serve.
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>> all right. president obama wants a $1.5 trillion in tax hikes and new taxes to reduce our nation's deficit, dane dana. >> will his plan really work? author of the new book mitch daniels joins us. i was honored to have a chance to read this this weekend. i have one chapter to go and i think it is one of the best a arguments for republican ideals
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and the way for our country to move forward. >> you spent your weekend reading that book? >> i did. i'm a wild and crazy person. >> there's one with get a life. >> no, it's a great book if you care about the country. first thing is first. if we care about the country, should we be enthused about the president's way forward on this jobs plan, his deficit reduction plan? >> no, and i like the way you ask the question. as a practical matter, it's a loser and i call it somewhere hair of the dog economics meaning, you know, that people who have had -- someone who has had way too much of something that we shouldn't. somebody has had one of one thing and let's try another. borrowing money that you don't have. spending most of it on governments. hoping some will trickle down to the bottom and create some demand is a proven failure and i'm sorry that the president is a stuck record on this. >> what he said yesterday in announcing the increase in taxes that he wants as a principle, he said it is not class warfare.
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you make a very good argument in the book about not being against profits and against capitalism, that this is what made our country great but do you think that we are headed into an election season that is going to be all about class warfare? >> apparently. i thought the saddest thing apart from the impracticality of what the president suggests, the saddest thing is it was so purposely divisive at the very moment that you wish people in both parties, by the way, were speaking more the languagef unity. this problem of the debt that's coming, the arithmetic of that is truly a problem for everyone. it will hurt the most vulnerable americans worst but it's an enormous problem and we ought to be gathering together as opposed to dividing as the president seems to want to do. >> as outlined, there is a solution to this and it's all about entitlements. everything else is window dressing. i got to talk to you on your take of what governor perry is getting a lot of heat on. calling social security a ponzi scheme. not backing off that. do you agree with him?
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>> yeah, as far as it goes. i mentioned the analogy in the book. after this flap, people did quick googling and it turns out the only problem with governor perry says is not that it's not true but that it's trite. i should have found a more original way of saying it. the most important thing is not stop at describing as what it is, it's a pay as you go system. you're not talking about people are being misled. what i think is essential having diagnosed the problem is move on and say two things. one, we're going to protect those -- we must protect those who are in the program now or who are soon to be in it. the solutions we need don't have to start until years from now. and secondly, you know, there's, i think, a responsibility to be specific about those solutions, what we need to do is to create
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social security 2.0 so that the next generations can have some protection just as the past ones have. >> you made a decision a few months ago that you would not run for president of the united states. you still have people calling you asking you would you possibly change your mind? but now that that field is sort of solidifying, as they look around to think who would be one of their best running mates. your name is on the short list. and is that something that you welcome? would you run as vvm p.? -- v.p.? >> you know, you can't say you wouldn't answer it. but if someone called, but, you know, i just -- it seems so improbable to me and certainly nothing i anticipate or really something i hope doesn't happen. my incorporation has alwaexpect to go back to private life and do what i can and then go back to plow. that's what i expect. >> that's what you expect when you're done with this term.
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>> yeah. >> governor, the book is great but it paints a dark picture to start about this generation but how we can actually solve things. so that's why you got to go get the book so you have something to say over the weekend around the water cooler or keg when people start bringing up what's happening. >> probably the latter. but finish the book, brian, you'll find why i keep call it optimistic. both sides of the national debate need to give them more credit. >> all right. he does some of the dirtiest jobs in the country and he's tackling one of the -- cleaning up capitol hill actually. it's mark rowe, he is here. >> yeah, he's here and he's speaking for the working class and then the children's book that says it's ok to die and go to heaven but how young is too young when it comes to teaching your child about death? the author here to defend her book next.
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>> quick headlines for you. first, minus 1. that's the new credit rating for italy after standard & poor's downgraded it. it goes from single a to a with a negative outlook. next $100 million. that's how much charlie sheen is going to collect from his settlement with warner brothers after being fired from "two and a half men." nice! and finally, $1 million. that's how much the seller of this civil war era photo wants because he says it shows nicolas cage is a vampire. good luck with that. over to you. >> dealing with the death of a loved one is never easy and it's even harder to explain to young children who don't understand what happened or how to turn to faith for support so our next
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guest created a book about heaven that parents can read to their children. and the daughter of billy graham and the award winning author of the new book "heaven, god's promise for me." it's an honor to be here on the curvy couch of "fox & friends." congratulations on the book. >> thank you. >> tell me a little bit about why you felt inspired to write it. >> i have three little inspirations and they're called granddaughters. and so just looking at this very important truth through their eyes and trying to make it simple enough that they would understand because i think, you know, we watch tv and even though you try to protect your children, the news and the things that come on tv, there's some horrific things that are happening and i think children can be afraid and -- or if they lose -- my one granddaughter who is now 9, there were four people close to her that died within a year's time. a neighbor, a child classmate's mother and some others so she was confronted with this and we were talking about it and one of the things that helped us is when we talked about heaven, what happens after death and how
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you can know you're going to heaven. >> when kids read it, do the little light bulbs go off or do you see a calming of their anxieties? >> well, they love it. the illustrations are beautiful. we put an angel on every page. it's fun for them but it's also true. so it's based on what the bible says. so i based it -- i took principles in scripture such as heaven has walls that are 200 feet thick. i told her in heaven, there will be no bee stings. things like that where you take a principle and make it applicable for a child. they love it and tells them importantly how they can know they're going to heaven. >> it's great for the child but also really good for the adult and the reader because it helps them have a way, a tool to be able to explain it. >> yeah, and you know, dana, when i was growing up, people -- everyday people asked me, how did your parents pass their faith on to you and you to your children? and it was not an accident. it was intentional.
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and i think sometimes parents, we don't pass our faith to our children because we don't know how. and this is a tool for parents, sunday schoolteacher, aunt or uncle or friends to pass on real faith in jesus to their children. >> you started angel ministries, was that one of the reasons that you put angels in the book? >> actually, it is. but also, they seem to be very appropriate for heaven and something, a mother had written a children's book and she had a cat on every page and i had read a children's story to one of my grandchildren's classes and there was a bumblebee on every page and i thought, you know accideknow, they just have fun looking for something like that. >> you're an angel and we're honored to have you had here. >> thank you, dana. thank you, god bless. >> if you're here illegally, it's no problem, right? you just pick up the phone. details on a new 24 hour hotline to help fight deportation. and you will no longer need to tear open 20 ketchup packets to eat your fries. a ketchup packet is getting a
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make-over. thank goodness! there's only one bottle left ! i've got to tell susie ! the vending machine on elm is almost empty. i'm on it, boss. new pony sorry ! we are open for business. let's reroute greg to fresn growing businees use machine-to-machine technology from verizon wireless. susie ! the vending machine... already filled. cool be. because the business with the best technology rules. every day is a new day on weight watchers. i don't see why anyone would want to do anything else. ♪ it's a new life for me pointsplus has got my back no matter what. it's a part of who i am now. ♪ yes it is
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i never saw myself here, i didn't, but with weight watchers, i can't see myself anywhere else. ♪ i'm feeling good you can be here too. go on join for free. weight watchers pointsplus. because it works. ♪ hush, little baby ♪ don't you cry ♪ soon the sun ♪ is going to shine ♪ [ male announcer ] toyota presents the prius family. ♪ walk if i want, talk if i want ♪
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it's just a barack obama impersonator. where did you meet him? >> i stay at a couple of blocks in a hotel. i live in d.c. i want to remind the producers, i live in d.c. i was here in new york and i walk into the hotel lobby in order to meet up with a friend and he -- this reginald brown is his name. he's an impersonator. he stood up and it was -- i thought oh, wait, president obama is coming to the news, but this would be too weird. he has an ability to mimic. we have something about him. >> here he is on huckabee. >> this afternoon for obama in 2012. let me be clear. i am doing a great job. everything is congress' fault. and in fact -- >> all right. so that was reginald brown and i took a picture with him. but most people found so funny was not that he looks like president obama but that i am so short. that i am -- >> stand up. >> it's really bad. >> but i have my heels on.
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i had my flat shoes on. >> there you go. >> what a powerful voice with a great presence. >> absolutely. >> that was fun. >> so that's good. the real president obama, you are welcome here any time. and you're welcome to stay at the muse. now, to your headlines. busy day at the united nations. palestinian president abbas is moving forward with his campaign to get palestine full u.n. membership. he has meetings today with french president nicolas sarkozy and the president of lebanon. now, president obama also in town, he will be meeting with the head of libya's transitional council as well as leaders from afghanistan, turkey and brazil but not abbas. >> a 10th person has died following that air race crash in reno. at least six of the injured are still in the hospital including one who is in critical condition. the investigation continues into what caused the plane to slam into the ground. the ntsb is looking at the tail of the plane. it appears from pictures and videos a piece of it was missing. >> yeah, one of the trim tabs.
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no green card, no problem. the nation's first 24-hour hotline for illegal immigrants seeking information and legal advice about deportation officially launched now in chicago. it's already getting dozens of calls per hour from all around the country. volunteers offer help in english and spanish, korean and portuguese. the hotline paid for by independent donations. >> and you will no longer have to tear open 20 ketchup packets to eat your fries. heinz is launching a new container shaped like a traditional heinz bottle with a peeled back lid. it holds three times more ketchup. it gives condiment lovers the option to dunk their fries. >> i've been reading about this. >> why are we focused on the computer? we should be focusing on ketchup dispens. >> we don't have to shout it anymore. >> i read a story about what
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heinz did. they bought a used minivan and took it to wendy's and parked it outside and watched people eat the fries with the ketchup to figure out how to produce a sense -- >> tomorrow, what french's mustard is working on. >> meanwhile, let's take a look and find out where it's raining and it is raining in portions of the northeast, as you can see down through the mid atlantic and we've got some thunderstorms moving through the great state of alabama on into georgia and south carolina at this hour and also some widely scattered showers in porptions of florida. current temperatures across much of florida in the mid to upper 70's already. a lot of 60's across portionses of texas up through the central and northern plains. it is currently 40 in caribou, maine, and it is 39 frigid degrees in missoula, montana. later on today, missoula up to room temperature. phoenix out to 105. that's a hot room for a temperature like that.
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68 will be the daytime high in new york city and down across portions of florida, they will be going for highs in the 80's. and speaking of highs, brian, there was a big one yesterday for yankee fans. >> and he's one of the nicest guys in sports. i'm talking about mariano rivera. he has the second most saves all time in the history of baseball. against the twins, he became the all time save leader. there he is striking out cliff parmalee looking. baseball's all time saves leader with 602 passing trevor hoffman. >> i mean, you say i'm the greatest. i don't know about that. i don't consider myself the greatest. i consider myself blessed. >> he says he wants to pitch a bunch of more years as well. hall of famer no doubt about it. monday night football was a great day for the new york giants fans and frustrating for the st. louis rams. here they are taking on the rams. this is a big play. this pass was considered a backward pass which is a
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lateral. giants pick it up and scamper in. the giants look hike they'like going to go behind and this catch, he was going to impress michael rowe who is an outstanding guest we'll have on sooner than later. look at that razzle-dazzle play. this type of coordination you can't teach. not even a dirty job because they're playing on artificial surface. coming up on radio today -- that's very true, between 9:00 and noon, we'll have governor mitch daniels, arthur herman and jennifer griffin on 126 on radio. first thing is first. >> that's right. he travels the country introducing america to the people who do the dirty jobs that keep our country running. >> is there such thing as too small? >> no. >> kill them all. big and small. how many crawfish can you do in a day? >> that little girl over there does 55 pounds in one day. >> she's pretty quick. >> yeah, she's quick. >> we're watching you. >> think i made her blush. >> think so, too. >> i don't make anyone blush
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anymore. >> now, i'm blushing. >> the host, creator and executive producer of "dirty jobs" mike rowe joins us live. >> it's so early. >> it is. we know that. it's a morning show! >> this is a dirty job. >> you know, it's part of the value added. >> dirty job and somebody has to do it. >> what has been the dirtiest job you've ever done? i remember seeing you, was it -- you climbed into one of those septic tank trucks. >> sure. good times. season one probably. >> probably. >> we just got to 300 jobs, all 50 states. i don't know what to do next, you know, somewhere between pride and sympathy, there's the reality of this program and the dirtiest one, yeah, septic tanks are tough to beat. that was a good one. >> what's that? >> that's something called bone black. there's a little piece in michigan called ebonex and they take the bones from cattle and they grind them and pulverize them into a fine talc, looks
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almost like graphite and they use that stuff in everything from lubricants to make-up. >> don't do this. that's window washing in hawaii. good times. that's camel wrangling down in pomona. >> you owe this all and we can go through this, this is why this show is successful. you owe this all to your grandfather. he came home dirty from work. >> my granddad woke up clean and came home dirty and back in those days, a lot of guys and women did the same thing. he was unique, though, because with an eighth grade education, he basically went on to become a master electrician. really mastered every trade. he could build a house. he could do whatever he needed to do. and he was kind of heroic in his time. today, we look through those people. you know, we just don't really value their skills in the same way we do. >> those are people we call when something goes wrong. >> exactly. we have to look at that part of our work force and imagine our country without them and then we start to realize how badly we'd fly off rails. >> during college, us a plumber two years and i was a roofer and hats off to those guys.
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>> you know, i keep my hat on because it's early. >> you took your message to congress which is probably people who actually need to hear. >> the thing -- you know what? i kind of did. it wasn't like, you know, mr. smith goes to washington. it was more like the headlines caught up with the themes of the show. and the stuff we've been talking about for eight years now is now, you know, front and center. not just big unemployment but a skills gap at the same time. how is that you get 9.1% unemployment and 740,000 jobs in transportation and manufacturing if you don't have the skills to deal with it. >> the jobs are out there and the focus on the education that is necessary for those jobs, that's simply not been a part of the conversation for a long time. >> don't you have a foundation to help people with that? >> microworks is a foundation. we set it up on labor day three years ago. there's a whole site, as a matter of fact, geared towards forcesing that conversation forward.
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i don't want to be preach and i'm so sick of everybody telling us what the solution is. it seemed like, when parents sit down to talk about what is a realistic goal for my kid? you u n't look at a college education as this thing and everything else is an alternative. and expect to get a well rounded work force. come out of something so lopsided. >> good point. i remember when we used to have vo tech schools and stuff like that and i learned how to weld in high school. >> right. every high school used to have vo tech and now it's very, very hard to find. >> what are you doing in the off season? >> there is no off season. what are you talking about? >> are you taking action in the off season? are you -- >> i see what you mean. that's my own stimulus program. >> what is it? >> look, it's not a surprise when i'm not shooting dirty jobs, i like to make the rent and i'm in business with a lot of big companies and we do a lot of jobs related stuff. i've been bitten by everything, all right, leeches, head lice, had a tapeworm once but fleas,
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sentinel pet came up with this with this product. not just the men. that's my best friend from high school, ok? he's a very talented actor and he's like are you going to hook me up? put on a dog suit and you'll be my best friend and you'll become infested with fleas and in the course of this thing that destroys our relationship, the viewer will learn just how miraculous the product is. so, you know, on the -- sure. >> it's a flea killer. >> it's a sitcom that i basically somehow managed to get on line and it's working really well. fleas, thankfully are dying by the thousands. and my friend is gainfully employed, albeit somehow in a humiliating fashion. >> if people would like to see the webisodes and we'll connect you over there to mike. >> you love you guys. >> making good on a promise to find work. >> we took a stimulus conversation, juxtaposed through the lens of a successful program
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in 180 countrys and brought it back to fleas. >> perfect. >> can't get that anywhere else. >> we'll shake you off and move on and talk politics. >> if i had a nickel for every time i heard that. >> ladies and gentlemen, check him out on television. he's on just about every channel. >> can't swing a dead cat without hitting me! for crying outloud. >> ridiculous. congratulations. good luck to you. >> thank you. >> can i stay? >> yeah. >> lot going on. >> the president is citing george washington in yesterday's plea for more than a trillion dollars in new taxes. but is this really what the founding fathers wanted, intended when they wrote about taxes? peter johnson jr. is here next. >> yes and he'll be interviewed by mike rowe. >> small town military brat heads to the big city. disney's new it girl, debby ryan joins us live in the studio. first the trivia question of the day. ♪
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♪ three, six, nine ♪ the goosank wine ♪ the monkey chew tobacco on the streetcar line ♪ ♪ ♪ clap, pat, clap your hand ♪ pat it on your partner's hand ♪ ♪ right hand ♪ clap, pat, clap yo hand ♪ cross it with your left arm ♪ pat your partner left palm ♪ clap, pa clap your hd, pat your partner's right palm ♪ [ male announcer ] the all-new beetle. it's back. ♪ clap, slap, clap your hands
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her morng begins with arthritis pain. that's a coffee and two pills. the afternoon to begins with more pain and more pills. thevening guests arrive. back to sore knees. back to more pills. the day is done but hang on... her doctor recommended aleve. just 2 pills can keep arthritis pain away all day with fewer pills than tylenol. this is lara who chose 2 aleve and fewer pills for a day free of pain. and get the all day pain relief of aleve in liquid gels. ♪ [ sighs ] [ bird chirps ] [ bird squawks ] ♪ [ bird screeching ]
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♪ [ elevator bell dings ] [ sighs ] how mad is she? she kicked me out. but took the best stuff. i'll get the wrench. ♪ [ male announcer ] kohler's tresham collection. life. with a twist. ♪ >> fox news alert now. brand new audio message this morning from muammar qaddafi, the former libyan leader claiming nato's air strikes are simply a masquerade and his regime will remain strong. the message was delivered on syrian television. qaddafi has been in hiding since rebel forces took the capital in tripoli. they're offering a $2 million reward for his capture. no need to capture steve. i know exactly where he is. >> right over here. thanks, brian. president obama yesterday proposed $1.5 trillion in new taxes and tax hikes in his plan to reduce america's deficit. but our founding fathers worry that giving lawmakers the power
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to tax could give them the power to destroy democracy. fox news legal analyst peter johnson jr. joins us live. what does that mean? >> good morning. chief judge john marshall of the united states supreme court said in a case that the power to tax is the power to destroy. in that case, they were talking about the power of states to tax federal government assets. we're seeing the same thing right now and the founding fathers were clear about it that taxes, that state action shouldn't be used to redistribute wealth, to confiscate wealth, to take wealth from those who have made it and give it to others who haven't. it was a clear, clear principle from jefferson on. what we're seeing now is a clear strategy by the president, two things, divide and conquer. >> looks like it. >> and anger the middle. >> yeah. >> say to the middle of america, listen, you don't have a job.
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more than 9% of you don't have a job. more than 18% or 20% of you in some communities don't have a job. you only have a part-time job but ah-ha, at the same time, these millionaires are not paying their fair share. and so it's the grand distraction. you don't have a job. but you're angrier. and when you're angrier, you say, the president is making sense. they're not paying enough, i don't have a job. the question is, is there a relationship between these two issues? i submit that there isn't so it's a cynical, destructive strategy in my mind for our country when you pit people against each other. the republicans are calling it a class warfare. i guess that's a great name for it but that's what it does. one group against the other. >> peter, real quickly, the president yesterday said it's not class warfare. it's math. >> it's about ensuring electoral victory in 2012. >> that's the math.
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>> those are the numbers. the electoral college numbers are the only math that counts in that plan. >> you might have a very good point right there. >> i think i do. >> peter johnson jr., thank you. >> all right, straight ahead. she's the new disney "it" girl debby ryan live in our studio. there she is already. we'll talk to her on the curvy couch when we come back. meanwhile on this date in 1976, the number one song was "play that funky music" by wild cherry. [ male announcer ] heard this one? listen to this. three out of four americans don't get enough vegetables. so here's five bucks to help you buy v8 juice. five bucks. that's a lot of green. go to for coupons. you can count on us. ♪ why settle for a one-note cereal? get more with honey bunches of oats.
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four nutritis grains come together for more taste, more texture, more healthy satisfaction. have a bowl of happy. [ thunder rumbles ] what is the sign of a good decision? in the world of personal finance, it's massmutual. find strength and stability in a company that's owned by its policyholders. ask your advisor, or visit
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disney channel series that debuts this month. she plays jesse, a girl from texas who lands a job as a nanny in new york city, for example. >> all this and all i have to too is take care of one cute little girl. >> give me back my phone! no way. i need it for my solar system. >> i'll show you a moon. >> ok. ok. >> stop it! >> please tell me those kids are in the wrong apartment. >> we are joined by actress debby ryan and they weren't in the wrong department. your life got a lot more complicated. hence, we have a tv series. welcome. >> thank you so much. >> you play a nanny in new york. are you available? brian has some kids. >> i'm tired of being with them. >> let me know. i'm really good at it. >> what would be a fair wage in new york city per hour? >> i have absolutely no idea. i was like -- i don't want to know. apparently it's enough for jesse to get by because she literally has nothing. she's kicked out of a cab and
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her wallet is stolen. she has nothing and in 30 seconds she becomes a nanny for a high profile couple. >> will nanny for money. >> yeah, will nanny for money, i guess. >> tell me about how you developed the show because you're only 18. great 18 years so far, long time ahead of you but you helped develop this show. how did you do that at 18 years old? >> i did. i told disney i wanted to keep working with them and after my old show ended and i told them as long as i get to play my age, 18 kind of unleashed upon the world and see what happens to kind of -- characters on disney once they're out of high school and released upon the world and ended up -- the producer pamela eels who is insanely talented, we've done this together and pulled together the crew and helped design the wardrobe and you name it, we did it. i wanted it to have a personal feel. i wanted to feel by my demographic for my demographic. >> you grew up, you're so mature for your age. but isn't it true that you grew up around the military? it seems like the kids of
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military seem to grow up quicker. i don't know if you're doing a lot of travel or the autonomy you're given. >> i don't know what it is and i don't know if it's being in the industry and having a career at such a young age but i feel like there's a part of you, this is independence that you need to harness at a young age as well as this is youth that you need to never let go of. being in the military definitely helped. my family kind of adjust and put our things into little bags and ship them to germany and unpack there and start a life. >> they must be really proud of you. glad you're here today. >> thank you. >> sounds like a great show. i'm going to watch it. >> she's writing a song and video chatting with her brother. you have so much down time. why not write a hit song? >> i can video chat on my phone here. cool, we need to bring up the bass drum. love you, going to "fox & friends." bye. >> multitasking. >> you just made america feel so unproductive. >> no kidding. at 18 she's done so much. check out your show on the
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disney channel. thank you so much. all right. straight ahead, look at that, the president demanding millionaires pay more taxes. laura ingraham says this is just a re-election strategy. she explains why coming up next. >>plus, someone had a little too much whiskey. >> come on! >> look at this. almost tastes like one of jack's als. fiber one. h, forgot jack cereal. [ jack ] what's for breakfast? um...
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try the number one! [ jack ] yeah, ts is pretty good. [ male announcer ]alf a day's worth of fiber. fiber one. i've got to tell susie ! the vending machine on elm is almost empty. i'm on it, boss. new pony sorry ! we are open for business. let's reroute greg to fresn growing businees use machine-to-machine technology from verizon wireless. susie ! the vending machine... already filled. cool be. because the business with the best technology rules.
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i got it, i'm sorry. these people, huh? you know i've found that anger is the enemy of instruction. you don't know the egos that i have to deal with. you're probably right. thank you! whoever you are. i'm pretty sure that was phil jackson. quite famous... million championships... triangle offense innovator... [ male announcer ] the audi a8. named best large luxury sedan. nice wheels zen master. thank you...todd. ♪ the world needs more energy. where's it going to come from? ♪ that's why right here, in australia, chevron is building one of the biggest natural gas projectsn the world. enough power for a city the size of singapore for 50 years. what's it going to do to thplanet?
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natural gas is the cleanest conventional fuel there is. we've got to be smart about this. it's a smart way to go. ♪ >> dana: good morning. today is tuesday, september 20. i'm dana perino in for gretchen. the president says the need to tax is a simple one. >> this is not class warfare. it's math. >> dana: but the math doesn't
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add up. laura ingraham is here to weigh in. >> steve: meanwhile, you shoot take his tax advice, but charlie rangel thinks republicans should listen to his campaign advice. >> i think that the republicans have a major problem with their candidates. >> including governor perry? >> you bet your life. >> steve: speaking of governor perry, mr. rangel crashed mr. perry's party here in new york city. details straight ahead. >> brian: he was in harlem. it's my favorite time of year. not christmas. it's "dancing with the stars," it's back. >> steve: bigger than christmas? >> brian: in my mind. all eyes on the most controversial couple last night. how did chaz bono do? we'll report. you decide. "fox & friends" starts right now. >> this is mike roe from "dirty jobs." you're watching "fox & friends." cleanest people i've seen in ages.
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>> steve: he's a funny guy and a good show. >> dana: great guest as well. >> steve: i know. speakingful guest, coming up shortly as we look at the big board and the final hour of "fox & friends," governor bobby jindal will be joining us and one of the actors from the "modern family" show that got a whole bunch of emmys, rico rodriguez. >> brian: it was almost an animated show because they didn't want to deal with kids. boyz 2 men will be joining us live, talking about where they're going. is there something else to change into? >> steve: is it the end of the road, as they are singing right there? >> dana: there is always the villages. >> steve: we were at the villages yesterday. >> dana: it was great yesterday. that's when i hosted and joined you and it was an honor to be there and who knew i would be here today. >> steve: it was a beautiful day there. i think we'll share more what will turn out to be embarrassing pictures coming up in this next half hour. >> dana: first, we'll do your headlines.
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we begin with new developments in the case of the american hikers detained in iran. their release delayed again because the judge didn't show up in court. the lawyer for the two men needs the judge's signature to get them released on bail. but the judge has been on vacation and hasn't returned. iran has been considering a deal to release them on $500,000 bail. the men are accused of spying, but deny the charges. >>a body discovered in california is the body of missing nursing student michelle lee. last night a coroner confirmed the tragic news. however, the cause of death not yet determined. giselle esteban is a high school friend who hated her because she was friends with her ex-boyfriend. cell phone records tracked her body to where lee was found. new video into "fox & friends" of an oil reconcile that exploded overnight in oklahoma. the night sky lit up bay giant wall of flames. those flames nearly 100 feet
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high. it happened in the town 80 miles northwest of oklahoma city. a dozen homes evacuated, but no one hurt. no word yet on what caused that explosion. >> steve: brian? >> dana: the new season of "dancing with the stars" kicked off last night. this is your favorite thing, brian. right? forget football. singer china phillips and soap star j.r. martinez tied for top of the leader board. 22 points. ron artest finished in last with just 14 points. as for chaz bono, he had a score of 17. and those are your headlines. >> brian: you would think that there was some -- with cher and sonny, you would think chaz bono would be disallowed because he's total lepted. >> steve: let's -- too talented.
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>> steve: let's kick it off with laura ingraham. how are you? >> good. >> steve: when what did you think of the president of the united states? ten days ago he promised he was going to reveal his grand plan to fix the debt and yesterday as it turns out, his big idea is just class warfare. >> september 8 we heard the president talk about the need for things like entitlement reform, social security, medicare, all of this is going to be tackled. then i think he heard a lot from his base. they're angry. you need to get angry. you need to show passion. you need to draw your line in the sand. the republicans did it leading up to their own grand announcements about how to fix this economy and boehner is saying he's not going to go for any tax increases. so you need to respond in kind. and i'll tell you, all you need to know is that last night on a competing cable network, michael moore was so happy, he actually washed his baseball cap. [ laughter ]
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i'm telling you, kilmeade, he was did glowing. >> brian: i don't see enough of michael moore. but when you see him, it's refreshing. i got to ask you, why is it that mitch mcconnell cannot figure out that warren buffet has it all wrong, that he's paying taxes on capital gains and he got taxed like everybody else. it seems republicans outside congressman ryan don't get where the math is. >> you have to know the facts. obama said oh, these are just the facts. this isn't class warfare. you know our good friend, bill o'reilly last night actually -- he and i get into a lot of tussles about stuff. but he laid this out so brilliantly in his talking points memo. what capital gains taxes are, why it is that the tax code as it is now takes plenty of our money and he laid it out brilliantly. the republicans have to be able to do that. they have to be able to say, look, i'm already taxed on this money when i invest in a company
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and then i sell the stock a year later or longer than a year later, and it's taxed at a lower rate. mcconnell and company need to say, look, we're already taxed on that money once. why should you tax it again at the rate of 35%? it's obscene and it doesn't make any sense. by the way, warren buffet, the burkeshire -- he said, i'm not paying as much as my secretary. why doesn't he pay himself a salary? >> brian: then he would be taxed at that rate and he could sleep better. >> yeah! that's fine. >> steve: and berkshire hath away is still in litigation with the irs because they owe back taxes from 2002. they haven't even paid the taxes that they owe. >> look, he knows how to game the system. he's a very smart man. he's incredibly successful in business. he knows how to lay down his own markers. he made a decision to give all his money to the gates foundation and not pay himself a salary. most of us don't have that luxury. most of us can't do that.
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that's his decision. again, mcconnell was right about one thing, no one is stopping any of these guys from writing their own checks. why don't they lead by example and start opening up their own wallets and maybe we'll take a second look? >> dana: do you think what you saw yesterday was the opening of the stump speech that you'll hear for the next 11 months? >> yeah. dana, i think the campaign never ended for president obama. i think we've seen enormous razzle dazzle over the past 2 1/2 years. a lot of sound and fury on i care, the economy. i'm not going to rest until every man and woman has a job who wants a job, and every time we turn around, the obamas are going on vacation or the president was golfing or martha's vineyard or the priorities were going to be -- they were going to be delivered two weeks later. that was going on for months. yes, you're right. he needs to kick off various constituencies. check the box. the pro-abortion group, michelle's chief of staff doing a big event with them this week, the elderly. that's why he didn't tackle
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medicare because he needs those seniors to turn out in florida. he's checking every box that he has to, the hispanic vote. they're doing a big push for the hispanic vote. this is just one more step on the road to 2012. it was unserious and i don't think it was persuasive. i even think the teleprompters were in revolt yesterday. i don't think they were happy about the speech. something weird about those prompters in the rose garden. to me, it seems odd. >> steve: it was weirder in the third grade class. >> they should paint them green and have like rose applications on the side. >> brian: there is a big debate this week. in it we're seeing the same field again, the same group of people on stage again. i think for the second straight time or third. i'm wondering, do you think that this field will expand at all? that sarah palin and rudy guiliani, do you see governor christie changing his mind because the word is this is it? >> i think -- people are speculating and speculation never ends. i think speculation itself becomes a game and gets tedious.
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this is going to be a fight to the finish and the idea that you can just magically set up a political team to hit the ground running now, i think it's very hard to do. is it possible? i guess. but at some point you got to bite the bullet and i know sarah palin said she's having an ongoing family conversation about this, andthat's fine. but the country is on the brink. so either make a decision that you can offer more on the side lines or make a decision that you're going to be able to get into the back and forth here and really stick your neck out. it's hard. but i think i'm beginning to think this is kind of it. that's my sense. >> steve: you could be right. >> who knows? >> steve: yeah. according to the latest gallup polls, rick perry still at the top. it looks like mitt romney picked up some support from michelle bachman. she's now i think below ron paul. >> brian: seven points separate them. >> steve: you got rick perry coming to new york city. he's going to be at a
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pappacito's mexican grill in manhattan and who crashes his party before he gets there? charlie rangel. what do you make of that? >> maybe he thought he was just another pretty girl. [ laughter ] the secret weapon, he was the secret weapon. no, he shows up -- i mean, rangel is pretty funny. you have to admit that. he's kind of the ant at the picnic and said i wanted to make him feel welcome. i think it's hilarious. the problem is republicans pulled stunts like that, they would be called overly aggressive and you're trying to spark some confrontation. i don't think there is a big deal about it. perry is smart to do this hispanic push, though. he did pretty well among the hispanic people polled a couple weeks ago. and i think you'll see mitt romney step up real outreach to those latino communities as well. it's smart. >> brian: let's see if charlie rangel, i think governor perry, let's see if he won him over
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yesterday. let's listen. >> i have never met governor perry. >> what do you think so far? >> i think that the republicans have a major problem with their candidates. >> including governor perry? >> you bet your life. >> steve: he went on to say of mr. perry, he's tall and he's from texas. >> he's into commenting on people's looks, which i think is kind of funny. look, for charlie rangel to say we have a problem with our candidates is kind of -- speaks for itself. next thing he was going to say is he could have ethical problems. did he say that? >> dana: that will come. >> okay. >> steve: have a great radio show. kicks off in 45 minutes from right now. it's always a pleasure. >> great to see you. >> dana: when we come back, still more than a year until the election, but louisiana governor bobby jindal is already throwing his support behind texas governor rick perry. why would he do a better job than the president? he will explain next. >> brian: blame it on the
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jetlag. he busted a move on camera. he was asked to dance, and boy, did he. the good news, his teacher isn't walking away yet. >> steve: i'll give you $5 to turn this off right now. and even fewer that make moms happy too. with wholesome noodles and bite sized chicken, nothing brings you together like chicken noodle soup from campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do. i never saw myself here. i didn't. but with weight watchers, i can't see myself anywhere else. ♪ i'm feeling good you can be here too. go on join for free. weight watchers pointsplus. because it works.
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they're all a little different, just like us. >> steve: president obama wants america's millionaires to pay more taxes to reduce america's deficit. >> we can't just cut our way out of this hole. it's going to take a balanced approach. if we're going to make spending cuts, many of which we wouldn't make if we weren't facing such large budget deficits, then it's only right that we ask everyone to pay their fair share. >> steve: so isn't it just class warfare? bobby jindal, the governor of the great state of louisiana, joins us from baton rouge right now. good morning to you, sir.
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>> good morning, steve. thank you for having me on the air again. >> steve: when he talks about millionaire asks billionaires, we're also talking about thousandaires, because if you're 200,000, you'll get kicked. what do you think of his plan to save america? >> i finally understand why he didn't cancel his summer vacation plans. this is the same old stuff they've been presenting for the last 2 1/2 years. there is nothing new here. outside of washington, d.c., trying to do the same thing and expecting different results is called insanity. inside washington, d.c. it's called the president's economic plan. for 2 1/2 years, he's been trying to tell us just give us more tax dollars, allow the government to spend more money and all his promise also create jobs. during the oil spill, we figured this out. when president obama says something is going to happen tomorrow, it doesn't mean it's going to happen tomorrow. it means it's not going to happen today. when he says he's going to create jobs, it hasn't happened. stimulus part 1 was supposed to keep unemployment under 8%. it didn't happen.
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now he wants to borrow more. the president said yesterday, this is just math. it's not class warfare. steve, i don't know what kind of math they're teaching at columbia and harvard. if i was those universities, i would demand the president stop saying he graduated from those schools. he's giving them a bad reputation. this isn't math. my children take elementary school math. they know that you can't spend more than you take in. this is just common sense. so i was very, very disappointed. i think what we heard was a campaign speech. it's not a serious economic plan. all he's trying to do -- these lines poll very well. i'm sure it polls well to say tax the rich people. but it's not a serious economic plan. here in louisiana, there is an old saying, don't tax you, don't tax me. tax the guy behind the tree. what it means is it's almost popular to tax somebody else. the reality is, all he's doing is class warfare. all he's doing -- here is the most basic thing to understand from what the president said and you heard it on the quote you just played. he doesn't get it. we need to cut spending, period. we need to stop.
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we need to stop digging this hole for our children and grandchildren. >> steve: i saw you on tv last week, you were in the audience supporting governor rick perry of the great state of texas. the republicans say we've got a great slate of candidates. of all of the men and women, why did you pick rick perry? >> well, first of all, he's the exact opposite of president obama. president obama under his watch, america lost over 2 million jobs. as governor, rick perry of texas created over a million jobs. he's exact opposite. president obama thinks $14 trillion of debt is no big deal. rick perry understands debt is going to swallow our country, our economy, our children's future. president obama thinks raising taxes is the answer. rick perry understands it's the worst thing to do. obama wants to spend more. rick understands that government spending doesn't create jobs. we don't need more government spending. every time the government creates a job, it hurts taxpayers.
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president obama wants to increase excessive burdensome regulations. rick perry is going against the epa. president obama doesn't understand that domestic energy production creates jobs. rick perry understands, especially being the governor of texas, we need to produce more of our energy here at home. he's the exact opposite of president obama, which makes him to me, the strongest candidate. but the reality is, any of those candidates would be better than the president today. >> steve: if he gets the nomination, would you want to be his vice president? >> no. no. i've got the best job in the world. i want governor rick perry to be president so he can create jobs for millions of americans. not for me. >> steve: bobby jindal joining us from baton rouge. thank you for joining us live. >> thank you, steve. >> steve: you bet you. straight ahead, you know him as many from the show, "modern family." a little gentleman trapped in a boy's body. rico ramirez joins us next. and tony bennett singing a new tune this morning, but most people don't like the words. he says 9-11 is america's fault.
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>> dana: welcome back. quick headlines. the death toll from that bomb not guilty turkey is now up to three. 15 others were hurt when the bomb went off near a high school in the capital city. so far no claims of responsibility, but kurdish separatists are possible suspects. a connecticut doctor whose wife and two daughters were murdered in a brutal home invasion testifies against one of the accused killers. he faces a possible death sentence if convicted.
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>> thanks very much. he's always stealing scenes as manny on "modern family." watch. >> my name is hank. here at the lost creek ranch. you god to ride, you're going to rope and you're going to shoot. you're going to see a sky so full of stars it will put your city lights to shame. when it's all done, you might just encounter a piece of yourselves you never knew was there. are there any questions? >> do we do it through you? >> i like you, kid. i'm going to call you hollywood. >> brian: we actually should call him rico. rico rodriguez is here. what's up, emmy award winner? >> how are you guys? >> good. i'm playing with some toys. >> steve: yeah. we got a whole bunch here. first let's talk about the emmys 'cause your show won a bunch of them. i want you to listen to this, here is a sound bite from the
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guy who helped create the show talking about working with children on a television show. listen. >> "modern family" was this close to being animated. that's how much we didn't want to work with kids. but these guys bring it every single week and they are at the caliber of anybody else on that stage and we are very, very grateful to have you all. >> dana: that's quite an honor to be given those kind of phrases in front of the whole world watching the emmys. >> yeah. it was amazing. we do work -- we do our best to give a good show and i'm glad they recognize that. >> brian: you're going to school and memorizing these lines and interacting with professionals. >> yeah, it's true. i have to do school on set. at least three hours. that's between scenes. so when we do rehearsal, i go to hair and make-up, change and and
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then go to school. film, and go to school. >> steve: when brian went to school, he went to a lot of hair and make-up. >> brian: right. >> dana: that was entirely different. >> steve: as the fun ambassador for k-mart, let's talk about some of these cool things. let's talk about elmo. >> elmo will rock your socks off >> brian: thank you. >> steve: you like that? >> oh, yeah. >> brian: you love it. i watched you in the break. >> the little ones will love this one, too. >> brian: what else do we have here? >> imt microphone. it will alter your voice. >> steve: allall right. >> then you can put beats on it. >> steve: cool.
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i don't need no back up band. >> brian: just 30 bucks, right? >> yeah. >> dana: you can drive parents everywhere crazy. what about for the girls? >> girls? we have barbie hair fastic doll. >> brian: what do you know about barbies? >> i know about this one. the barbie hair fastic doll, you can design hair extensions on the computer and print it out and put it on the barbie or your own hair. >> brian: are you kidding me? >> no. >> brian: it's a dream come true. >> steve: how do you get the hair then? >> you design it and print it out with an ink jet printer. >> steve: cookie, my playful pup. >> it's like a real pup, but animatronic. >> brian: he makes cookies? >> no. it's real as can be. when you put a bone in her mouth, she makes chewing noises. when you pet her, she'll bark at you. >> brian: i don't know if i
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believe you. >> dana: i can't open her mouth. there we go. >> steve: this is reminiscent of brian with the alligator yesterday. >> brian: yes. >> dana: i don't think i did it right. i'm sure the other kids could figure this out. >> steve: a lot of cool stuff. >> oh, yeah. >> brian: when you grow up a little, do you promise to mature a little? you've got 35 years old in a 13-year-old's body. how did this happen? >> i just love toys and i love playing with them. so what's better than doing this? >> steve: you're the perfect fun ambassador. from "modern family," rico rodriguez. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> brian: good luck. >> dana: congratulations. >> brian: hopefully things will break your way soon. >> steve: straight ahead, rush limbaugh has harsh words for warren buffet, as the kid leaves with the microphone. >> your name attached to a tax increase. i would be embarrassed. >> steve: a buffet of embarrassment straight ahead. >> brian: plus, they brought us
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hits like motown philly and still making great music together. boyz 2 men celebrating the 20th anniversary of their getting together. look at them. >> dana: they've taken over. >> brian: i know. ♪ [ male announcer ] when it comes to saving energy, we're off to a good start. but now it's time to go to the next level. ♪ so let's do a little detective work. pick up what we need. roll out...caulk...and install. and pretty soon, we're seeing the fruits of our labor right there at our bottom line. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. right now, owens corning ecotouch attic insulation is only $12.50 a roll.
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>> steve: time for the shot of the morning. i don't know who took these pictures, but there i am night before last at the village down in florida where we did our show. here is the thing, i walked into the lobby at this place that we were staying at, a beautiful hotel down there right there on the water, and people were doing line dancing and that lady right there, who you see in the black and white top, a retired teacher. she did her best to teach me how to do it. >> brian: you did a great job. >> dana: you didn't even look embarrassed. >> brian: did you even put your bags down? you put your bag down. you didn't even go to your room yet and started dancing. >> dana: i'm kind of nervous that the boyz 2 men guys will see this and think you can't dance. >> steve: i think they already have because i'm not going to be in that segment. we had a fantastic time at the villages. we have behind the scenes pictures we'd like to share with you. there you can see we've got started at 6:00 a.m. eastern. it was dark there.
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but beautiful day. and brian is holding up the newspaper. we were -- "fox & friends" was on the cover of the local paper for four or five days running. and dana, there you are. >> dana: i was there. but i didn't stay for the whole three hours. i rushed back here and did the 5:00 o'clock last night and found out i need to fill in this morning. i'm honored. "fox & friends" is my first love. >> brian: thank you. and we were amazed at the amount of people who came up with signs. everyone had their own message and we think we talked to a lot of them and it was great to see all the military behind us throughout the event. >> steve: just two pictures ago, we signed a lot of autographs, we saw a picture of brian with the guy. brian at one point had a scorpion on him, a cobra, tarantula. >> brian: we lost the scorpion and it had gone in my suit and on my back. in two minutes, i would have been dead. >> dana: you didn't even scream like a girl. >> steve: there brian is. it's not reallies areling a
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gator. you kind of sat on it and the alligator was docile because as soon as we were done with the thing, the guy goes, okay, hold on 'cause i'm gog do something and the gator moved and -- >> brian: he kicked him in the tail and we were heading for the wall. that's a baby alligator, i believe. >> steve: there you can see we had a lot of military folks there. it was -- >> brian: there was a live on air engagement. >> dana: what gracious hosts at the villages. they loved having "fox & friends" there. that was fun. >> steve: that young man right there proposed to his fiance. we had her live on the program and she accepted. now they're going to get hitched. >> dana: that's great. >> steve: wonderful time. and to the thousands of people who showed up yesterday, thank you very much. >> brian: couldn't have picked a better venue. that's a great american success story. >> dana: absolutely. headlines, expect a major power lay play to get underway at the united nations today.
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palestinian president abbas pushing forward with a vote that could grant palestine its first official seat at the table. he'll meet with french president sarkozy and the president of lebanon. united states would likely veto that decision in support of nearby israel. abbas knows that. president obama is also in town where he will be meeting with the head of libya's transitional council, as well as the leaders of afghanistan, turkey and brazil. >> brian: will not meet with abbas though. doctors revealing kara kennedy's heart attack may have been link ed to treatment she had ten years ago. she was the daughter of ted kennedy who died friday after working out at a washington gym. funeral arrangements are being made for tomorrow. >> steve: meanwhile, connecticut republican linda mcmahon getting back into the political ring. the former world wrestling ceo
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announcing another run for the u.s. senate. she wants to take over joe lieberman's seat that he occupies when he retires next year. she said 50 million -- she spent $50 million of her own money when she ran last time. that didn't work out. but she's got some dough and she's going to try it again. >> dana: he may have left his heart in san francisco, but a lot of people think tony bennett leaving his foot in his mouth. ♪ i left my heart in san francisco. >> dana: the 85-year-old singing legend making news with a controversial comment about the september 11 attacks on the howard stern show. >> are we the terrorists or are they the terrorists? two wrongs don't make a right. they flew the plane, but we caused it. >> why? >> we were bombing them and they told us to stop.
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>> steve: get him a newspaper. >> dana: that turned him against war. he calls it the lowest form of human behavior. >> brian: but he should get straight who hit who. let's talk about politics because the most controversial thing that's happened, what the president brought up yet possibly is this new buffet tax, the buffet rule. it says essentially that the rich aren't paying their fair share and one of the richest of the rich, warren buffet, agrees. so therefore, the rule is named after him despite all success and everything he's achieved, he's going to be named after a tax. that was something rush limbaugh couldn't process. listen. >> mr. buffet, i just have an observation, maybe a question. you've done very well. you are one of the wealthiest men in the world. and now look at the high honor that's been bestowed upon you.
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your name attached to a tax increase. i would be embarrassed. i would not allow it. somebody wants to name a tax increase after me, ain't no way. >> steve: okay. so now the oracle of omaha of tax punch line. it's interesting, brit hume -- there goes another fire truck -- brit hume was on last night with o'reilley and talked about, you know, if this buffet rule thing does go through, why are people going to work so hard, kill themselves if all that money is going to go to uncle sam? big chunk of it. listen. >> our tax rates could be much lower at no cost to the federal government if all these exclusions and loopholes were eliminated and we reform the tax code and then we could have lower rates across the board for everybody, which i think would contribute to people willing to work longer and harder hours because the dollar, the next dollar they earn would be worth more than is today. >> steve: got a good point? >> dana: i agree with that. i don't know why they didn't try
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something more bold if they knew it wasn't going to pass. why not pass something that would have made a big difference? >> steve: he's running for president. >> dana: he could say, well, they didn't do it. >> steve: he wants to be able to say look, the congress didn't do anything. it's a do nothing congress. come on, give me four more years. >> brian: i think the strategy is there are more people that are middle and lower class than there are upper class. so therefore, statistically it probably looks like a political positive or an economic negative. >> steve: there is a brand-new associated press poll out that says about only two in ten americans think they will be millionaires. so when they hear the president say, millionaires and billionaires should have to pay more taxes, people go, well, i'll never be a millionaire, so it's okay with me. there you can see the breakdown of people who think they would be a millionaire. but really, we're not talking about millionaires and billionaires. we're talking about thousandaires, and people with small businesses as well. they would be impacted if this thing goes through.
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>> dana: and there is something to be said about taxing the job creators. you need people who are making money in order to create jobs that will then create more jobs. >> steve: the president himself said about a year and a half ago it would be a bad idea to raise taxes on anybody in down economic times. >> brian: we can go on and on. and we have. are you one of the millions of people out of work right now? we want to help. up next, the top five companies hiring, so get a pen. >> dana: plus, look who is in our green room. that's boyz 2 men. they're celebrating 20 years of making music right here on "fox & friends". >> brian: excellent. they love our couches. ♪ [ male announcer ] heard this one? listen to this. three out of four americans don't get enough vegetables. so here's five bucks to help you buy v8 juice. five bucks. that's a lot of green. go to for coupons. you can count on us.
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whether it can be done safely and responsibly. at exxonmobil we know the answer is yes. when we design any well, the groundwater's protected by multiple layers of steel and cement. most wells are over a mile and a half deep so there's a tremendous amount of protective rock between the fracking operation and the groundwater. natural gas is critical to our future. at exxonmobil we recognize the challenges and how important it is to do this right.
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at exxonmobil we recognize the challenges and how important yesterday doesn't win. big doesn't win. titles corner offices don't win. what wins? original wins. fresh wins. smart wins. the world's most dynamic companies know what wins in business today. maybe that's why so many choose to work with us. we're grant thornton. audit. tax. advisory.
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cheryl cassini joins me now. your take for companies. how did that impact them? n my concern is with small business. the small business administration said half of the small businesses in the country file under the individual code, under the tax code. that is where you're going to have is a problem because they're going to get hit with this millionaire's and billionaire's tax. they'll be hit with that. that's not going to inspire them to hire. the president also talked yesterday a lot about let's give breaks to small businesses. they've done that, but they're temporary breaks. you can't tell a small business owner, i'm going to give you a break to hire a person for this year, but not give them a long-term break. so we need long-term tax code reform for small businesses. they're not changing the way they're filing for other reasons that are too long to get into. but it's the small business the problem here. they're not going to hire. >> dana: did you hear that from ceos yesterday? >> many ceos and small business owners come on and say, here is why i'm not hiring. i don't know what the -- am i
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going to be able to sell pencils to the american public? you can't tell me to hire somebody, give me $7,000 for a tax break to hire somebody when that's a long-term commitment, plus health care. gout to bring that in. >> dana: this is one of our favorite segments because you come on and tell the people hiring. let's go through them. vae systems. >> fighter jets. they've got a huge new government contract along with lockheed martin. this is a $100 million aircraft. the u.s. and u.k. ordered a lot. they've got a $3,000 order: they need engineers. they need -- it's all about technology. >> dana: what about motorola? >> they're a company, they make -- this spun off this division. it's police radios. it's scanners at the grocery stores. it's focusing on businesses and they need not just engineers, but also people that can go in and work with companies about products they need, but it's all
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business focused. >> dana: striker is one. what are they looking for? >> striker makes medical devices. triathalon total knee is one of their most favorite products. steve doocy's wife has one. they need people to help with sales and also people that can do engineering. they've got to come up with new products to make our shoulders and knees work better because a lot of us do sports and injure ourselves. >> dana: last two, p and c, hiring over 1,000 positions. looking for branch manager, financial advisors and mortgage loan officers. >> this is the sixth largest bank in the country. this is bank jobs. this is managers and tellers. mortgages. i think it's a good sign on the retail banking side that they're looking to hire. they're not one of the bigger banks we've heard of, but they've gotten all hit by the wall street losses. not by the individual person that's coming in, how can i refinance my mortgage? how can i get a better savings rate? it's personal finance. >> dana: the last one is senior helpers. hiring over 400 positions in the u.s. for nursing assistants, care givers, and community
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relations coordinator. >> one of the great thing about senior helpers is we're aging the baby boomers are going to be hitting the market. they go into the home. this is personalized home care for people. and also, they have a lot of franchise opportunities. if you're unemployed, you ever thought about wanting to start a business, you'll probably get financing and you can start a franchise business under senior helpers if you want to be your own boss. it's an idea. >> dana: i'm going to check out your show at noon on the "fox business" network. he appreciate you coming in. >> thank you. >> dana: bringing fans 20 years of great music. boyz 2 men here after the break. first, we have to talk to martha coming up right now for what's on at the top of the hour. >> hello. good to see you this morning. good morning, everybody. it seems like everybody talks about real tax reform. so why isn't the president or any of the gop candidates actually pushing a plan for that? steve forbes says he knows why and he's our guest today. also the chicago tribune writer
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who said their hometown president should quit his job, coming up. bill and i join you at the top of the hour. @?ñytytytything i needed to lose weight right in my hands. sophomore year, started weight watchers online, the weight started coming off. ahh! oh my gosh! [ laughs ] we're college kids, we go out all the time. having my food tracker on my phone, i can figure out what i'm having at the restaurant. i lost 73 pounds with weight watchers online. i don't think i've ever smiled this much
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♪ >> brian: they are the best selling r and b group ever. now 20 years after releasing their first debut album, boyz 2 men are back in the studio and singing those sweet tunes right here. this year the group is celebrating its 20th year by release ago brand-new album out next month called "20". >> dana: joining us now, the three members of boyz 2 men.
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thank you for being here. >> thank you for having us. we appreciate it. >> brian: your title tells the story, doesn't it? when did you get together, what age? >> we got together as a group, group in '88. but it came through in '85. once we decided we want to do do this, it was 1991. >> dana: unlike others, you guys also get along. >> yeah. >> dana: some don't get along that well. >> we're brothers, you know what i mean? brother, they live in the same house and sleep on the bunk beds and fight every now and then. but they still brothers, you know. but it's the love. >> dana: you're on the roa-- you do 110 shows a year. >> give or take a few. >> dana: i don't think i realize it. >> a lot of shows. >> we've been fortunate enough to learn very early in our careers that the world is a big place and we've been able to cultivate the market when we first came out and we were taught how to do it.
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so we are on the down slopes of our career which every person in the music industry has. we're actually able -- >> brian: i watch vh 1, i know. >> but that's just life. that's just a career in music. but we were fortunate enough to have the type of career where we can go to japan, we can go to australia and still make a living and still be relevant and still keep ourselves out there. >> brian: so there were some down times. is that the time when you turn on each other and start, like, blaming each other for things that are going wrong or did you get tighter? >> it's a little bit of both. because when things are going great, nobody has any questions. when things are going bad, it's easy to blame the closest person to you because you've been with them all your life. then eventually you sit back and look at the whole aspect of everything and realize it's just a period. that you can't blame it on anybody. you have to take the roller coaster ride with it. >> that's it. >> brian: tell me about "20". >> "20" is an amalgamation of songs that we put together that
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spans from 20 years of our career. we did 20 songs, double cd. we have eight songs that are rerecords of the older songs that people know and love and there are 12 brand-new boyz 2 men songs. >> brian: since you've been together so long, i'm thinking, did you have a peter brady moment where one of your voice was changing and you still had to go out there and play the show? >> actually around that time when we were together, we already passed that stage 'cause we were in high school. so we went through that -- >> brian: you changed your voice. >> yeah, that's what we got. so we went past that and what you heard then is what you hear now. >> dana: it's so inspirational and an interesting thing when you said about traveling around the world, this week in new york and the -- >> we got chosen to be ambassadors for japan.
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it's crazy. we don't live there, but we spend so much time there and we're kind of like locals to a degree that they actually chose us to be one of the ambassadors for their country if they were to win the olympics. >> brian: as an american, you weren't going to be allowed. boyz 2 men, go bet "20", available on our web site. good luck. >> thank you very much. appreciate it. >> brian: "fox & friends," more in two. ♪ s that? oh, we call it the bundler. let's say you need home and auto insurance. you give us your information once, online... [ whirring and beeping ] [ ding! ] and we give you a discount on both. great! did i mention no hands in the bundler? bundling and saving made easy. now, that's progressive. call or click today. ♪ hush, little baby
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