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tv   Americas News Headquarters  FOX News  September 24, 2011 1:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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>> heather: i'm heather childers and welcome to america's news headquarters. >> gregg: topping the news, after two years inside an iranian prison, american hikers are set to return to to american soil tomorrow. >> heather: amanda knox back for an appeal and why prosecutors want to extend her murder sentence to life. >> gregg: dozen of chunks of an old satellite falling for hundreds of miles to earth and latest on the impact site. >> heather: thousands of republicans voters are gathering in orlando voting in the florida straw poll getting underway minutes from now. the poll is traditionally a key indicator hospitalize will go on to win the florida primary on the gop nomination. chief correspondent carl cameron is live in orlando.
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we're waiting on the straw poll results with carl. carl, set the scene for us. >> reporter: the actual balloting has begun now and they are here and they are making their final decisions. many candidates did speak at the straw poll event but the two front runners left florida earlier, romney and per ri are in michigan on mackinaw island but before rick perry departed the sunshine state he spoke to a prayer breakfast of republican activists and made it clear thesis there has to be a kind of candidate not necessarily skilled in debating but firm in his conviction, casting himself as such one. listen to this. >> americans are looking for in a candidate, they are looking for an authentic principled leader. [ applause ]
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>> think about it. you have seen what happens when our country chooses leaders who emphasize words over deeds. >> . >> reporer: as i said earlier, a number of candidates had an opportunity to speak today. each of them making their pitch why they belong in the oval office but also making a pitch for whether they want their name bhecked off in this ballot. here is a little bit of the speech earlier today. >> when you cast your ballot at this straw poll, send washington on mechblg. they are ready for a problem solver, not another politician. they are ready for solutions. they ready for solutions. that is what the united states of america, the premium of ready for. send washinnd won a message! >> you want somebody that will be faithful in doing what they
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say they are going to do then please give me the opportunity today with your votes. >> what i should have said, you know, i don't want to choose between the people who are up here on the stage because marco rubio isn't up here. >> . >> reporer: that is a rchieerene to the debate question where each of the candidate was asked to choose among their rivals and newt made the point he should not have picked anybody up there and roifd his selection to consider marco rubio an up-and-comer who is considered to top the list for any of the potential nominees. a little premature for that. but you get the joke in his bourtship of floridians. here at ballot. bachmann and several others as they were passing the ballots
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out a good hpa or and good history here in florida. organizers were distributed among the group and paused you folks in palm beach. it's pretty simple. to the recount when ballots like this ctrised a little bit of a hassle that started in palm beach countun, particularly wes pa f beach. it got a good laugh. >> heather: let's hope so. thank you so much. stay on top of it and let us know. >> gregg: hanging chads for that partiseclar ballot. this week, google debated shedding new light on the potential field. what the candidate performanoffs in the florida's straw poll. joining us thanks for being with us shane. some of the candidates really largely ignored the straw poll. rick perry on the other hand went out of his way to lobby
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some of the delegates and a lot of folks he is likely to win bectrise of that. i'm wondering is this straw poll irrelevant or is it meaningful? >> i think it got more interesting after thursday's d meate, gregg. i think governor perry's performance was not up to par on thursday. there were concerns after the fact among his supporters not only we've seen reports out of lolorida some of the delegates reacting to his debate performance on tful?rsday didn't thi: l it was so hot. also on the level of the republican party elite there have been a lot ofnce raised sinoff tful?rsday. i think the straw poll is a little more interesting perhaps a week ago. rick perry if for some reason he doesn't win. that is an earth shaominering moment in this primaperr. >> gregg: in the next hour and a half we're going to have the
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results in. barl will bring it to us live from florida. us a point out, there were some prettun scathing reviews of rick perry's debate performance. i'm going to put on the screen loour of them that caught my ey. james wall street jouwl, awful, babbling, one said incoherent. >> g >> eg: do you thi: l this is a turning process, it could be the beginning of the end to rick perperr's sudden surge? >> it very well could be. that is what makes the straw poll so important and what happens in the next week or so. all the more important for rick perperr. how can he recover from this. can he recover? does some wildcard like the governor of nl, jersey, chris
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christrida. decide that maybe he sees an opening he didn't see a few months ago and jpa ps in large part bectrise of what wone seeing with the top of the primary field right now. this is a very it isortant day r rick perry for sure. >> steven hayes reported this of the weekly standard that bonservative group freedom wors that promised to oppose mitt romney, they are rethinking that notion in the wake of perry's performance at the debate and so are the voters. we'll put it occupant screen. when perry announced his candidacy mid-august, rasmussen pol leading romney but look. daow perperr has only a 4-point lead. 28% and that was before the i t meate 28% to bu4%.
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is romney looking better and better perry shows up at debate? >> that is what wong ve seen. i also thi: l that ultimately. if there is one things that republicans want partiseclaa badm can defeat barack obama in the next year. off the past year and with the i t meate performanoffs there hs been a waning of that confidence that initialm had in governor perperr or they thought that was going to be there. they didn't see it on tful?rsda. >e saieactregg let's talk aboute of the other people in the lorida.ld. michele bacbalann, initialm a strong start. seems to be falling behind in the polls. she is having trouble raising money reportedly. how do you handicap her chances? >> it's interestin on bacbalann, despite the reports issues with her fund-raising and the more perperr has trouble wih
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the conse daative part of the republican party, whether it's on immigration or whether the hpvt iaccine that bacbalann has hit hard on, as long as conservatives are doubting rick penexy, there is chances for bacbalann. she has to win the iowa caucus or she is not going nowhere. >> eactregg people thoere ht pingrich and herman cain did pretty well. are they too far behind? >> yes, they are far be hind but they had good moments in the debate. hadn't translated with republican primaperrt ioters. if they were going to rise to the top. it would have happened already. >> g >> eg: shane, tha: ls very much. >> heather: solyndra, pleading
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the fifth at a congressional hearing. that happened yesterday. investigators are looking into a $535 million taxpayer loan on the company's connections to the white house. molly henneberg has the latest lorom washinnd won. lawmakers say they are not giving up, right? >> molly: right they say they wanted to find out why for example why they told members of congress in july that their busineeo was on the rise. only to declare backdrop six weeks later and they want to loind out where the stien.lus money went. >> at the end of the day we have to find out what happened to the ting haperr. a billion dollars. we have letters in the pipeline. requesting more information from the administration. we have more interviews to conduct and we are not going to concd mde this until we get all the answers. >> molly: initially the executives said they would
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answernce hearing but with f.b.i. investigating lawyers said to plead the fifth which they did over and over. >> heather: democrats and the green eneookiy industperr, whats happening there. >> they want to know how the solar panel went belly-up after tossing up their busineeo model on the hill. they say it's unfair to change other green eneookiy companies bectrise of solyndra. to call every company like that is wrong and to use this as an excuse to tperr to get progrs that support clean energy is our estimation a mistake. >> m to w% w: darrell ieoa has been britical of the green energy agenda saying it's costing too
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much money and not creating eneookiy or jobs. democrats say issa has supported and pressed for government money loor elea hric car company in hs contradict. he responds he supports job ld preen energe >> heather: and there are nine waiting for the green light right now. tha: ls very, molly. we find the defendant gui%.y of murder as charged. >> gregg: with that the high profile m i der trial of bob wad bame to a close. found him guilty of killing his wife back in his home back in 2009. he aookiued he was tperring to wrestle the gun away from his suicidal wife, but that is not what he said in a 911 call. he is facing the possibility of life in prison. steve harrigan with more on
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that. >e saia lot of emotions in the courtroom, two daughters were sointing even before thet ierdih ereas read out. second degree guilty murder conviction for the real estate i teveloper but a prosemore tor remind about the victim. diane ward side a single shot that they said was in his hand two years ago. >> it was out of frustration and shot his wife in the face. >> reporte a prosemore tion throughout this case relied heavily on a 911 call. it was d i ing thatperryund can bob ward said on five different occasions i just shot my wife. his dthe tense team showing that she was suicidal but in the end bob ward's own words on the 911 call were diffimore %. to to overcome.
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>e saiitout the interpretationf that. we're not going to change the ereorstin on that u too the words are what they are. >> reporter: immediately after thet ierdia h, bnin ward was loingerprinted and handmore ffed taken into custody. he will be facing sentencing. bectrise of the nat i e of this crime with a gun, he'll be facing at least 25 years in jail loor the 63-year-old warn t >> g >> eg: steve harrigan live in florida, steve, thanks. d> heahe nasa six-ton satellite plunged to earth overnight but most of the bu0-yearpthld satellite b id up several pieces weighing hundreds of pounds may have s i t it landed. casey is live in los angeles ereith more on this. pd mmmeting spaed. junk. >> reporter: it's a little scary
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but this type of stuff comes to earth all the time. this particular satellite that we're talking about just so happens to be a former climate research satellite and was launched 20 years ago before nasa had an ownicr sl program in plaed. to keep uncontrolled crashes like this from happening. this is the largest prida.ed. of spaed. junk nasa says, that has hit earth since 1979, if you can believe that. oust y a fl, pia h i es are stag to trickle in. take a look of this space junk possibly entering the earthout atmoatehere looking like small stars in the skies over southern california. swith a-ton satellite coming ovr somewhere around the pacific ocean before 1:00 a.m. eastern time. last track incd mded canada, starting north of seattle and then arcing north and south. but ait ording to the u.s. ahe h looing be joint space operation
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center, they are not sure if it alentefell in the or if parts of it did make its way to land. some were certainly hoping to loind bits of it l lae this person. she says back in 1997 part of a returning delta 2 rocket went in loront of her in an oklahoma park. >> i was just at the right place at the wrong time. i don'typnow whether it was the right or wrong time but i was there. >> reption or t a this 35 foot satellite was expected to break up into about 26 pieces. the majority of it supposed to bupac up as it re-entered the earth's atmosphere. person easy odds of being struck is one in in bu2 trillion. we have better chaned. of winnig the lottery. >> heather: but if you do find
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some, it's illegal to ketat it. don't keep it if it happens to hit you, casey. >> rviction or t a absolutely. >> heathe a they presy the sky is falling, listen to this. mike gibson, he wam e up to a loud nsomse, it happened one kight in august and found a hue hole in his roof. po ghis ereas the night of the percid meteor shower and after a short seaing bh thehe h home had takea i the hect hit. >e saii heard a boom like you wouldn't believe hitting our house. in the middle of the night. huge impact zone before 4 and a half to six feet, it was had my rooiv eree took it ovedebto the c% tlege to professor and he tested it. it's a meet meteor right.
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d> heahe but he is glad that no one got h i t. >e saigregg: made a swith a-foo? >> heather: how far it came from. i tid he ketat that. it's just junk you can'typee too a flood of reviews apeering online from books to resta i ana but loam out. those reviews might be fake written by promoters, how you can identify the real ones by the phone anys. new urgency, asking the united nations to take up the ieoue ereithin the next two weeks over the palestinians and the tinder box known as the middle east. there's only one bottle left ! i've got to tell susie ! the vending machine on elm is almost empty.
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i'm on it, boss. new pony sorry ! we are open for business. let's reroute greg to fresn growing businees use machine-to-machine technology from verizon wireless. susie ! the vending machine... already filled. cool be. because the business with the best technology rules. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa auto repair. gary... he hung up. ...why do we have so many a's in our name? so we're listed first in the phone book. ya know, gives us an edge. you know fedex can, give us an edge. how? well, fedex ships auto parts from factories around the world, ... firs faster. ... great idea. you know you got a bright future here at aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... [ male announcer ] supply chain solutions. fedex. solutions that matter. ♪ [ country ] [ man ] ♪ gone, like my last paycheck ♪ gone, gone away
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>> gregg: welcome back. ever read an only review and say that is too good to be true and then when you show up you were right about it. it turns out that some of those writeups aren't coming from real customers and as online reviews
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become more and more for shoppers, many wonder how to navigate through it. julie banderas is in the new york city newsroom. she has incredible tapes. >> i know a fake one when i see one. but it gets trickle question, researchers are calling the false advertising deceptive opinion spam. freelance writer making money by selling negative reviews by, city search and yelp where businesses depend on reviews for a sales tool. >> a lot of travelers are trusting the online reviews too much because we don't know who posted those reviews. it might have been about the hotel hiring people to write great reviews about the hotel. it could have been a hotel hiring people to write lousy reviews about their competing
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hotels. right? >> julie: and demand for positive reviews have made it an arm's race as more five-star reviews are handed out, more are needed. yelp is taking no chances. they have created a review sorter to sort them out and trust from consumers in the key to success. >> we only show the most trustworthy content that we have faith in. we are bless that had we have 21 million reviews. beyond that we have a strong community of users and they can slide content they think is suspicious. >> and there was study to make a computer algorithm i am to sort them out. to use, i and me but if you are not an expert, it's probably a safe idea when reading 200 reviews, ignore the extremes and
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the truth is somewhere in between. zbleig don't know how an algorithm could identify a fake. >> julie: it was 90% accurate. >> gregg: that is amazing. i rely on that stuff? >> homes and read reviews people that claim that have been there. never occurred to me that was fake. good report. julie banderas, thanks very much. >> heather: battles ranging in libya, one of khadafy's last remaining strongholds under attack and. live report back in the combat zone. back in just three minutes. capital one's new cash rewards card
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gives you a 50 percent annual bonus. so you earn 50 percent more cash. if you're not satisfied with 50% more cash, send it back! i'll be right here, waiting for it. who wouldn't want more cash? [ insects chirping ] i'll take it. i'll make it rain up in here. [ male announcer ] the new capital one cash rewards card. the card for people who want 50% more cash. what's in your wallet? sorry i'll clean this up. shouldn't have made it rain. yeah, i toog nyguil bud i'm stild stubbed up. [ male announcer ] truth is, nyquil doesn't un-stuff your nose. really? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus liquid gels fights your worst cold symptoms, plus it relieves your stuffy nose. [ deep breath ] thank you! that's the cold truth!
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but think about your heart. 2% has over half the saturated fat of whole milk. want to cut back on fat and not compromisen taste? try smart balance fat free milk. it's what you'd expect from the folks at smart balance. >> gregg: welcome back. time for top of the news, two american hikers released from prison in iran expected back tomorrow. they had both been held for more than two years.
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>> heather: and nasa satellite crashing back to earth but nasa is not sure where the six ton sat lie. re-entered the atmosphere somewhere over the pacific ocean. >> and russian prime minister vladimir putin, he is saying he will compete in the elections next march. a victory could possibly extend his rule until 2024. >> heather: new reports from the front lines in libya. hundreds of revolutionary fighters pushing in the hometown of moammar khadafy. from forces to the loyal to leader and in tripoli a fire at a warehouse. this was the scene, sending up huge plumes of black smoke. no word on the cause for the fire but putting nerves on edge. david piper is streaming live from tripoli with the very latest.
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>> reporter: yes, there was initial concerns about those explosions and fire which brought the large cloud of black smoke right across tripoli but it became apparent it was a fire at military storage warehouse on the harbor. there was heavy fighting today in the hometown of khouy khadafy that is 350 miles up the mediterranean coast from tripoli. the provisional government fighters are there to say, they have made inroudz roads into the town in three directions, one rebel commander says they made this offensive today because the families of many of the fighters from misrah and they wanted to get into the town because many of them are trapped beneath trying to escape. now, the advance has been held by nato overnight.
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the atlantic defense organization did say they have had a command control center and also an anti-aircraft battery in that town. this is another khadafy stronghold, about 90 miles southeast of where i am right now. it's been heavy going really for the last week for the fighters. they have encircled the town and they may well a start a fight from the south because in the northern part of the khadafy loyalists hold the higher ground. this is a tough fight for those fighters. back to you, heather. >> heather: thanks very much. >> gregg: the palestinian authority in the united nations to two weeks to decide for their bid on statehood. how might this affect the middle east?
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richard grenel is spokesperson for the last four ambassadors. good to see you. was the unilateral move by mahmoud abbas a defeat for president obama's foreign policy strategy? >> i think absolutely. it was a rough week for the obama administration. i don't think they have a strategy. we've seen very inconsistent policies coming out of the white house. this week only height it. his speech at the u.n. was actually a speech, a political speech that he needed to give to a lot of voters in the united states. a lot of jewish voters have been angry that he has pushed the israelis into negotiations between the united states and the israelis. on settlements, on pre-1967 border. he hasn't put the same pressure on the palestinians and i think
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a lot of voters have felt like he hasn't been playing fair. >> gregg: you remember last september, the president appeared before the u.n. and pre-dikd that the palestinian state who had would take place now. and palestinian government would take the seat among member nations and that didn't happen. given the obstacles of settlements and borders and right of return and a capital for the palestinians of east jerusalem, was it naive that those things could be accomplished within a year? >> it's never naive to shoot for peace. i think we all have to absolutely demand that the israelis and palestinians have direct negotiations. there is no question, it was a terrible situation on both sides. we've got to make progress. but what was naive is for the president to think that he had can pressure one side and not the other. it's not only naive but really
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created more problems on the ground. the palestinians were celebrating the fact that the president just submitted an application, a request for statehood to the u.n. and it's not going to go anywhere. the u.s. has said they are going to veto it. it's going to be more symbolism more than anything. >> gregg: the palestinian government includes hamas which a political organization and importantly, its terrorist group and dedicated to the destruction of israel and therefore the u.s. says it's justified in exercising the veto of statehood. look, there has been some talk of withholding half a billion dollars in aid to the palestinians because of this. what about withholding u.s. funding for the united nations and any country that supports palestinian statehood in defiance of the united states position? >> you hit it right on the head.
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i don't think enough reporters are talking about the fact that the palestinian unity government includes hamas, a terrorist organization. how can we vote or how they can vote for an organization that includes hamas? we should stand strong from this. palestinians receive $600 million a year in u.s. taxpayers. the only person i see talking about this is mitt romney. he came out with a very strong statement and says anyone who votes for palestinian statehood at the u.n. should absolutely feel the pressure from the american taxpayer by pulling the money back. why should we support countries that are working against us and working for a terrorist organizations like hamas manned the palestinian unity government. i think its controversial position but the time has come and i think more presidential candidates are going to have take this stand and follow romney's lead. >> gregg: all right.
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rick grenell. thanks very much. >> heather: maybe they just agreed to disagree. members of congress bickering over disaster relief raising new concerns over their our ability to tackle problems like fixing the economy. and facebook latest update, a lot of people are upset about this and the change. we'll talk about that. >> i think people get annoyed with all the changes. >> i don't think there is a social network that is even good for me anymore. it's all going downhill. the postal service is critical to our economy--
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delivering mail, medicine and packages. yet they're closing thousands of offices, slashing service, and want to lay off over 100,000 workers. the postal service is recording financial losses, but not for reasons you might think. the problem ? a burden no other agency or company bears. a 2006 law that drains 5 billion a year from post-office revenue while the postal service is forced to overpay billions more into federal accounts. congress created this problem, and congress can fix it. woohoo! whoa. haircolor is a chore no more! you gotta come see what's new. c'mon! tadaaa! welcome to haircolor heaven. aa-ah-ahhh! courtesy of new nice 'n easy colorblend foam. permanent, dimensional color, now in a delightful foam! just three shakes, foam it, love it! simply saturate hair root to tip, front to back.
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with tones and highlights. it's foamtastic! home haircolor, make room for foam haircolor! new nice 'n easy colorblend foam. your right color.
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>> heather: partisanship the day in congress. shocker, democrats and republicans are bickering over funding for disaster victims.
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if they can't agree on disaster relief how can they agree on fixing the economy. our panel joins us now. thank you so much for joining us ladies and nice to have you here. andrea the first time on the panel. is this really a shocker. that they can't agree to anything? >> no, not surprising, us an election cycle and i think the stakes are a lot higher. on the republican side, last round of midterms the tea party had a lot of influence and they elected a lot of new members that were not willing to compromise because that is how they got into congress and they will be voted out if they don't do good on their promises. i think this partisan bickering is the worst i've ever seen it. it's atypical even for election
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years. unfortunately when government grinds to halt and has gridlock everybody seems to lose. >> i think enough is enough. everyone is looking at this as a situation that basically washington is absolutely broken. through every crisis there is an opportunity so hopefully the opportunity that comes out of the crisis of government shutting counsel is that more women are going to put their hand hat in the ring and decide to run for office. because we see through research that women actually run to get things done and men run for more of a perspective about, you know their ego and the powers it brings to them as individuals. we need more people in d.c. who about getting things done. 17% of congress is made up of women and hopefully if anything is good, women are actually willing to do the work and get the work of government done will put their hand in the ring.
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>> heather: and congressional approval numbers across the board are historic low. >> the are men and women we elected to help us get things done. >> heather: here it is on the screen. 81% disapproving of the job that these people that we are voting to go in and do the job for us. they are n getting it done. >> they are not getting it done. and how about the international community. we look so weak. how are we going to get get things done? >> it's like oil for food. >> we need to do a better job internally and how we look internationally, as well. >> we need to get things done. >> heather: moving on to the next topic, will the bankrupt solyndra help the president push
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for other green companies. i think there are nine other projects up. they have 15 other loans that this administration is looking at that are similar to solyndra. >> i think what you are talking about nine already in place. so a lot of our money is tied up in these companies. they need to take a really hard look at these 15 loans they are looking at approving and the companies financials and say what are we doing. i think they should make them tolerance parent and release them to the taxpayers. it's our money. this solyndra scandal, they are doing exactly what they are going to do. they are going to pick winners and losers and prop up companies like green energy that don't work but environmentalists, crazy nuts believe in. >> and congressman darrell issa is doing exactly what he said. investigate, investigate and it coast back how do you shut progress down.
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not being able to get things done. it's throughs the investigations. there isn't a scandal here. this is one failed business out of 40 loans. if you look at billions of dollars in r and development f oil companies, billions of dollars in research and development for defense. this -- it has everything to do with trying to cut obama at his legs around not about actually embracing technology, embracing the next frontier. >> where are the green jobs? >> we shouldn't be losing to china when it comes to solar energy. in the past three years, they are intensifying ten times more than we are in solar energy they have taken the market share. >> bottom line, with solyndra, president obama's shining star with regard to the energy industry and it failed. let's take a better look and
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investigation is going to be a peripheral thing but more center stage look at the industry as a whole and how we could benefit. >> harris: you mentioned the loan, a guarantee is promise to pre-pay a third party for financing a project. should the borrower fail to meet their obligations billion dollars in private investment. >> it clearly shows that people thought it was a good investment >> they said it was $553 million in hole. why? >> clean energy is note something we should aspire to? not at all. >> heather: we're going to take a quick break right now and come up, seems like everybody is doing it posting the latest pictures of your kids. where you went to dinner last night.
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why is facebook making so many changes to a system that seems to work pretty well? we'll talks about that. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] you've reached the age where you don't back down from a challenge. this is the age of knowing how to make things happen. so, why would you let something like erectile dysfunction get in your way? isn't it time you talked to your dtor about viagra? 20 million men already have. with every age comes responsibility. ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects may include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a suen decrease or loss in vision or hearing.
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>> heather: state of texas will stop serving, whatever food they
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want before they get executed. prompted the policy changes it was prompted by a convicted killer, lawrence brewer. two chicken fried steaks a pizza. an omelet a >> heather: the kicker, none of which he apparently ate. back with the power panel. so what do we think? is this a good idea or bad idea to have the last meals to begin with? i'll start with you. >> i think how a nation treats its prisoners is an important reflection on the country. i do look at the representative down in my home state is overstepping there much bigger issue we should be focused on.
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on texas alone, 41 people have been exonerated. we have a system right now that has people in the death penalty process and we may have innocent people here. and theyave executed 240 people under governor perry in a system that is biased and isn't necessarily treated across the board fairly. that is the bigger issue. >> heather: so you think they should get the last meal? >> i think focusing on the last meal and want go bluebell ice cream. that is not the biggest issue. >> brewer was convicted of this. my take on it that victim didn't get his last meal. >> there a big difference between starving a prisoner and giving this excessive -- we're
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going to see a lot of these stories. there is so much waste. i don't think a family of four could have eaten that. >> if they want a last meal, i agree there should be a cap. ordering hundreds of dollars of chinese food doesn't make sense. >> this is really gratuitous. >> heather: so if you are having second thoughts about who your friends on facebook, you may want to unfriend them. now, the person i unfriend will know when you do it. this is just one of the handful of changes that the popular site is implementing. some users not so happy about it lisa, we recently friended each other. this is a free service. >> what are we complaining about it. >> if you don't like it.
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get off facebook. you are unfriend go people, family members, facebook can do whatever it wants. that is technology does. if you don't like it go to another social network. >> reality of these applications i've had about five offer six months. they are incorporating all the technologies that have been built by outside companies. clearly it's free. stop complaining because you are not paying anything but there is incredible business from an application standpoint. as these are developed they are able to incorprate into it. we're going crazy here criticizing something they don't pay for it. >> i think facebook is what brings so many people. third largest nation on ear, facebook nation. >> choose your friends more
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carefully. >> heather: degrees? >> gregg: very big test. can the winner of florida straw poll turn a victory into national momentum? we're awaiting the results. be right back. [ female announcer ] firm skin would be easy without gravity. with olay challenge that. regenerist day and night duo. the uv lotion helps protect skin and firms during the day. the eam hydrat to firat night. gravity doesn't stand a chance. regenerist, from olay.
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>> heather: hello. i'm heather childers and welcome to a brand-new hour inside
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america's headquarters. >> gregg: i'm gregg jarrett. topping the news this hour, gridlock on capitol hill. fast tracking the nation toward a brand-new government shutdown as the economy teeters toward a possible double dip recession. any hope on the error verizon? you might be surprised. >> heather: a guilty verdict for the millionaire on trial. we're live in orlando. judge jeanine joins us for all the fallout. >> gregg: brand-new videotape. look at this. mother nature's raw power creating this massive water spout on the great lakes. you know what that means. we've got much more coming up. >> heather: a big day for the republican presidential hopefuls. straw poll now underway in the key battle ground state of florida. offering us a snapshot of who is the favorite right now, anyway,
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republican candidates have been in florida over the past few days trying to woo potential voters and top gop leaders. carl cameron is live for us in orlando. carl, who won the applause contest? >> hi, heather. we've had a lot of good speeches from the candidates and a lot of applause. perhaps the loudest went to the georgia businessman, herman cain. we'll show you a little of that in a minute. but we've got a george bush impersonator on the stage playing guitar. he'll probably win the applause and laugh line. very funny. herman cain was quite serious today, as were all of the republican candidates, making an appeal for straw poll votes because the presidency's contest, this is unofficial ballot, really gives us a good snapshot how this group of activists, having spent the week here, engaged in the debate, receptions and speeches all week. they're speaking loudly. here is how herman cain courted them earlier. >> when you cast your ballot at this straw poll, send washington
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a message. they're ready for a problem solver. not another politician. they're ready for solutions. not more speeches. that's what the united states of america, the people are ready for! send washington a message! >> herman cain obviously bringing the crowd to its feet, echoing tea party rhetoric and sentiments about looking for somebody outside washington who hate been part of the entrenched establishment who can bring a new conservative and original founding constitutional principles back into the white house and into american politics. today we heard from some but not all of the candidates. in fact, mitt romney and rick perry were here for several days. they've already moved on to michigan where there is a big gop gathering taking place on mackinaw island. earlier today, we heard from rick santorum and newt gingrich and john hunts beman. michelle bachman passed on an opportunity to speak to the
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group today. we'll be getting the results from the straw poll in an hour. >> heather: i was going to ask you that, about the front runners. perry, romney, what type of feeling are you getting from the crowd in regards to them? >> rick: mr. perry put in serious investment. he spent money, he held receptions. he's been using robo calls to call the delegates and encourage them to cast their straw poll ballots for him. mitt romney by contrast said he was not going to do that, but it's very true that his florida supporters have been doing a lot of grassroots organizing trying to build up the numbers. perry had questions about his debate performance earlier in the week, particularly his position on illegal immigration and before he left florida this morning at a breakfast, he talked at length about it and here is what he had to say. >> what americans are looking for in the candidate, they're looking for an authentic principled leader. [ applause ] think about it. you have seen what happens when
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our country chooses leaders who emphasize words over deeds. >> when translated, that means don't blame me for a weak debate performance. when mr. perry got to michigan, he made of point of saying he does support border security. he's been criticized for opposing a complete border fence between the u.s. and mexico, saying that's really reality and not something that's practical, but he has today reemphasized his support for securing the border first as part of the overall discussion of illegal immigration that says first you secure the border and then you do comprehensive immigration reform, which would deal with a path to citizenship, dealing with guest workers, and 12 million illegal aliens living in the u.s. perry making the reference to border security first, clearly trying to address the criticism he had for his immigration positions. heather. >> heather: carl, you stay on top of it. as soon as you gets the straw poll results, let us know.
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thank you. >> gregg: some pretty serious questions remain today about the bankrupt solar panel maker, solyndra. lawmakers hammering top executives yesterday trying to get answers about the loan guarantee that the company received from the feds, that's you, the taxpayers. that those executives repeatedly invoking the fifth, their right not to incriminate themselves with their own words. molly henneberg is live in washington with more on that. hi, molly. >> hi. it's not over, say law make, who asked a lot of questions, but didn't get any answers from solyndra executives. both sides of the political spectrum say solyndra needs to explain how it claims such a rosy economic picture midsummer, only to declare bankruptcy 49 days later. >> why did they come to capitol hill in july and tell us that things were improving and that they were on the right track, production was going to double? and then six weeks later, they're filing for bankruptcy.
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there are so many questions on this. they continue to grow. >> let's see where this leads. but let me say this again, if the facts lead to wrongdoing, that person should be held accountable. >> still every american has the right to avoid sell incrimination, take the fifth. with the f.b.i. probing solyndra, the execs went back on an earlier promise to answer questions before a house hearing this week. instead, both solyndra ceo and chief financial officer said this over and over. >> i hope to have an opportunity to assist this committee's inquiry in the future, on the advice of my attorney, i must respectfully decline to answer any questions. >> democrats say the federal government should not stop supporting green energy ventures in companies just because of one bad actor. while republicans are digging into see if the obama administration rushed this half a billion dollars loan through for political reasons.
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>> gregg: invoking the fifth now shifts the burden to prosecutors in the case or the government officials, capitol hill, to grant immunity. so we'll see what happens. molly henneberg live. thanks very much. >> heather: budget fight on capitol hill yet again threatening a possible government shutdown. republicans, democrats are at odds over bills that would, among other things, extend funding for victims of natural disasters. they now have just one week to reach a compromise. peter doocy has the latest from washington. >> if the senate would pass the house version of the spending bill to fund the government, it would have kept the government running until november 18. but they didn't do that. it failed 59-36 with and because it failed, september 30 is the day they will run out of money. but fema might run out before that. >> we've agreed with their number on fema. i mean, do they want the government to shut down? do they want fema to close? and fema will close. they have money to go through
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monday or tuesday if we're fortunate. >> republicans say they want to give money to people who need it when a tornado or flood or hurricane hit, but they want all the new fema money to be paid for with cuts to other place, like an automobile industry loan program, that's something democrats will not support. the whole breakdown is something that's puzzling john boehner who says that when the bill was being written, democrats and republicans all had their say. >> it is a bipartisan bill that we sent over there. it is a reasonable, responsible approach to keep our government funded and to provide fema with a disaster relief money that is so badly needed by thousands of families. >> in the midst of all this legislative gridlock, republican senator roy blunt from missouri said if congress can't get this deal done, he's wondering what they'll be able to get done in that deficit reducing super committee because their task will be more complicated than this. >> heather: peter doocy, thanks very much. >> gregg: guilty, a florida jury
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convicting a millionaire of murdering his wife. bob ward, stoic as the verdict came in. take a listen. >> james robert ward, we the jury find the defendant guilty of 2 murder as charged. >> gregg: but his daughters weeps openly in court. steve harrigan was there and he's live in orlando. steve? >> gregg, bob ward might have been stoic throughout the verdict, but a lot of emotion from his family members, from his two college-age daughters and from his sister-in-law. perhaps this trial, the family stood by him and ten minutes been the verdict was read, they were weeping, knowing what was going to happen. we also heard from the prosecutor who said she was satisfied with the verdicts. >> fundamentally, either way for a gentleman who is already well into his 60, it's fundamentally a life sentence, isn't it? >> pretty much. you get a 25 year minimum
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mandatory. that can't be waived. >> that's justice? >> that's justice. i believe diane ward got justice today. >> prosecution relied heavily on the 911 call from bob ward. of course, on that call, bob ward said on five different occasions, i just shot my wife. the defense team said they intend to appeal, but they recognize that overcoming that 911 call will be difficult. >> it did come right from his mouth. it's the interpretation of it. we're not going to change the words on that tape. the words on that tape are what they are. >> immediately after the verdict, bob ward was fingerprinted and handcuffed. he's 63 years old now and at minimum, he stands to face at least 25 years in florida prison. gregg, back to you. >> gregg: steve harrigan live in florida. thanks very much. coming up, judge jeanine pirro will join us with her reaction to the bob ward verdict and tonight on "justice" with judge jeanine, ward's former
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girlfriend speaking out about the couple's allegedly violent relationship tonight on the fox news channel, 9:00 p.m. eastern time. heather? >> heather: now to another high profile murder case, the appeals trial of american student amanda knox in italy. prosecutors are now asking the court to uphold her murder conviction and increase her sentence to life in prison. currently she's serving 26 years for the murder of her roommate that happened back in 2007. knox's lawyers are trying to debunk dna evidence and get her conviction overturned. next week, a lawyer for the victim's family and the defense team will deliver their closing arguments. a verdict is expected early next month. >> gregg: heavy rain has been pounding the northeast, causing new flooding in areas still recovering from tropical storm lee just about two weeks ago, not to mention hurricane irene. is better weather on the way?
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meteorologist maria molina knows. she's live in the fox weather center. hey, maria. >> unfortunately, no. we're still looking at a chance for showers and thunderstorms across parts of the northeast. the west, the entire eastern half of the western half of the country is looking at very warm weather, summerlike temperatures out there, upper 80s across parts of western montana, 89 was today's high temperature in my sue la. parts of the four corners, 104 the high in phoenix. we're looking at warm temperatures out there, as well as texas, unfortunately, still looking at those highs in the 90s. if you look at the eastern half of the country, it's a complete opposite. very cool, highs o. j. simpson in the 60s across the great lakes. 75 in new york city for the northeast, near normal. on the cool side across portions of the great lakes. that's because we have a trough that's set up across this region. that's been the reason we've been looking at the showers and thunderstorms across much of the eastern half of the country. you can see some spin here with an area of low pressure right around the city of chicago. that's going to keep things
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unsettled across parts of the great lakes and the eastern half of the country and very heavy rain coming down right now across eastern portions of north carolina where we are expecting several inches of rain throughout tonight and tomorrow. so over the next two days, the eastern half of the country is where we are looking at unsettled weather and some of the areas shaded in yellow and york, we're expecting from two to three inches of rain and locally more possible. watch out for localized flooding. otherwise across the tropics, firing up, meanwhile, cool across parts of the u.s. hurricane season runs until november 30. we have to continue to watch these storms. right now we have tropical storm ophelia. just a tropical storm. relatively weak with sustained winds of 45 miles per hour. generally to the east of the leeward islands and not forecast to become a threat to the u.s. it is going to take that turn further to the north and if anyone really needs to watch this, it's bermuda coming up in the next material days. >> gregg: ophelia. very shakespearean.
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>> heather: you showed us this teaser earlier. the storms in the midwest are sparking these water spouts. this is happening over lake michigan. incredible pictures coming into the fox news room. water spouts, there they are. i promised video. ey're known as tornadoes over the water apparently, gregg. the mix of the cool air, warm water creating dozens of these funnel clouds. the first one appeared off the shores of milwaukee. no reports of any injuries or damage. water spouts are typically -- they happen this time of year. they usually don't last long, but they do have the capable to make landfall. >> gregg: how about if you're in a boat and all of a sudden you see this thing coming down next to you? they pop up and down like a yoyo, but they can be oh, so dangerous and they hit land sometimes. >> heather: i prefer to see the video of it versus being in a boat. >> gregg: pretty picture as long as you're not there. two americans held in iran for two years now free. we're going to tell you when josh fattal and shane bauer will
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be back on american soil. >> heather: plus, we're keeping an eye on the straw poll voting going on in florida. we'll bring you the results as soon as they're announced. >> gregg: and that massive nasa satellite seen in the sky over california before crashing somewhere. the latest on the effort to determine just where the debris landed and the odds the space junk could hit somebody on earth. there's only one bottle left ! i've got to tell susie ! the vending machine on elm is almost empty. i'm on it, boss. new pony sorry ! we are open for business. let's reroute greg to fresn
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growing businees use machine-to-machine technology from verizon wireless. susie ! the vending machine... already filled. cool be. because the business with the best technology rules. today i own 165 wendy's restaurants. and i get my financing from ge capital. but i also get stuff that goes way beyond banking. we not only lend people money, we help them save it. [ junior ] ge engineers found ways to cut my energy use. [ cheryl ] more efficient lighting helps junior stay open later... [ junior ] and serve more customers. so you're not just getting financial capital... [ cheryl ] you're also getting human capital. not just money. knowledge. [ junior ] ge capital. they're not just bankers... we're builders. [ junior ] ...and they've helped build my business. we are now printing on the back sides of used paper. and we switched to fedex 'cause a lot of their packaging contains recycled materials. tell them what else fedex does. well we're now using more electric trucks and lower emission planes. we even offer a reusable envelope. now, can't we at least print on the back sides of used paper?
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>> heather: time for a quick check of the headlines. president putin's part 2? russian prime minister putin signaling that he will run for the russian presidency next year. current president would take his place as prime minister. palestinian president abbas suggesting that he will reject the peace making blueprint put forward by international mediators. abbas saying he will not consider any proposals that
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disregard palestinian conditions for the reassumption of peace talks with israel. two american hikers released from an iranian prison will return to u.s. soil tomorrow. josh fattal and shane bauer can be seen here reuniting with their families in oman. >> gregg: well, a nasa satellite falling to earth late last night, most of the six-ton satellite believed to have burned up on reentry. but this videotape captured over california. several large chunks may have survived. now nasa is trying to determine where they are. casey stegall is live in los angeles. casey, any idea? >> gregg, they have no idea. they call this stuff space junk and they say that it is not very likely to harm individuals here on earth. we have some unofficial reports that some space junk was discovered near alberta, canada, though nasa officials are working to try and get that confirmed because at this point,
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they say they don't really know where it landed and they also say that the possibility is there that they may likely never know. the u.s. air force is saying that it made contact with the earth's atmosphere just before 1:00 o'clock eastern time, somewhere over the pacific ocean. officials had predicted that it would break up into more than 20 pieces. the biggest surviving chunk, a little more than 300 pounds. now, scientists have not confirmed whether this video is of the actual satellite entering the earth's atmosphere, but a news camera capturing pictures of what looks like shooting stars over southern california last night, and if the whole idea of a nasa equipment piece plummeting to earth scares you, experts say, well, it's not that uncommon. listen. >> well, we've had over the last 40 some years or 50 years, whatever t of putting things into space. we have had a lot of debris come
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down, sometimes 100 objects or more a year. we've had only one person brushed on the shoulder by a light debris in all that time. >> 100 or more objects a year. can you believe that? this particular satellite launched about 20 years ago. it was up in orbit gathering climate data and also analyzing the ozone. it ran out of fuel in 2005 before it was decommissioned and that's why we're dealing with it now. gregg? >> gregg: casey stegall live in los angeles. thanks very much. >> heather: thousands of pieces of space junk are now orbiting the planet. is it just a matter of time before some of it hits something or someone and causes some significant damage? that's a pretty cool shot right there. that's all the debris circulating up there right now. so let's bring in former nasa astronaut, tom jones, and author. thank you for joining us. >> good to be with you.
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i'm glad you're safe and sound today. >> heather: yes. that's actually my very first question. let's jump right to it. what are the chances i'm going to be walking down the street and be hit in the head by space junk? >> almost zero. the atmosphere is a good protective blanket for us. it screens out not only space junk, but most of the asteroid parts and space dust that comes into the atmosphere. hundreds of tons per year from natural sources and just last year, 400 pieces of space debris came in. the atmosphere makes most of it burn up. don't worry about it. >> heather: that has to surprise people when you hear something like that. this is really constantly happening. >> we are moving through a shooting gallery all the time. earth is sweeping up, just like bugs on a wind screen, sweeping up this debris and usually it's burned up on reentry. the bigger hazard is to other satellites. if you have a spent rocket stage or a dead satellite like this one, it can run into something else and that can create huge problems by damaging valuable equipment worth billions of dollars. >> heather: what did you say? like bugs on a windshield?
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>> that's right. >> heather: if you run into anything like this, not the meteorite, but any of the space junk that's come off of the satellite or whatnot, it belongs to nasa. correct? >> right. the country that launched the equipment, the satellite is usually the one who still owns it. and they can get permission to give that debris back to a museum or other space agency. but it is national property. in '78 when the russian nuclear satellite was lost over canada and spewed radioactive debris around, the russians had to pay $3 million to canada to clean that stuff up. it was still theirs. >> heather: what are the chances that any of this did make it down in terms of a large piece, any of it survived? we heard casey stegall talking there a moment ago and apparently there are some reports, unconfirmed, that there was some large pieces that landed in alberta, canada? >> i hope they get confirmation of that. certainly large pieces of it didn't make it to -- did make it to the ground.
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chunks of the instrument mount and heavy batteries would have made it to the ground. but likely they fell over the ocean or luckily for us, canada is sparsely populated and it didn't hurt anybody. maybe we'll find some of that debris as people scour that countryside or randomly find it. but my guess is most fell in the ocean. >> heather: in terms of this particular satellite, it was launched in 1991. a little of the background there. there has been some changes that have happened since then to protect us even further from something like this happening? >> new satellites are designed with enough rocket fuel to deorbit themselves and take themselves into the atmosphere in a controlled reentry over the open ocean. urs was designed in the '80s. it did not have the fuel margin to bring itself back in a controlled reentry. but nasa lowered it to get it into the upper reaches so it would come down faster, getting out of the way of other useful satellites. >> heather: i don't have a whole lot of time left, but i have to ask you about this: this
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subatomic particle apparently that's been discovered that can travel faster than the speed of light. >> i heard the news from the nuclear research center on the france-swiss border. they've got reports that a neutrino may have gone faster than light. we detect these and that's where this experiment was set up to reveal whether particles can go faster than light. it's very early. there has been no confirmation. extraordinary claims of faster than light travel violating all the laws of physics that we know require extraordinary proof. so we'll have to wait for others to repeat the experiment before we can believe it. >> heather: that would be significant because it would allow us to travel back in time. correct? >> i think it's a long jump from that physics discovery to any practical application. we'd love to have faster rockets for getting to mars and so on, but i think it's centuries before this could be practically applied. >> heather: no time travel?
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>> sadly for us, we'll have to live in real time, i'm afraid. >> heather: all right. thank you so much. we appreciate your insight. thank you. >> glad to be with you. >> gregg: you think it would debunk einstein's theory on relativeity. a florida jury delivering a verdict in a high profile murder trial. bob ward's daughters sobbing after it's read. coming up. we'll have reaction to the jury's decision from judge jeanine pirro. joins us live. >> heather: major developments out of libya. explosions rocking the nation as nato tries to protect civilians from forces loyal to moammar gadhafi. we will take you live to tripoli. ently than many other allergy medications. omnaris. omnaris, to the nose! did you know nasal symptoms like congestion
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can be caused by allergic inflammation? omnaris relieves your symptoms by fighting inflammation. side effects may include headache, noseble, and sore throat. i tossed tse allergy symptoms out of my party. [ man ] omnaris. ask your doctor. battling nasal allergy symptoms? omnaris combats the cause. get omnaris for only $11 at battling nasal allergy symptoms? omnaris combats the cause. wait a second... with olay challenge that. new regenerist wrinkle revolution... relaxes the look of wrinkles instantly, and the look of deep wrinkles in 14 days. ready, set, smooth... regenerist. from olay.
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>> gregg: welcome back. bottom of the hour.
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time for top of the news. hurricane hillary moving away from mexico right now. forecasters saying that powerful storm is not expected to make landfall, but it is still stirring up dangerous surf along the country's west coast. passenger busted at new york's jfk airport. tsa officers arresting him after finding stun guns and pepper spray inside his luggage. chrysler and the united auto workers union are back in the negotiating table. talks between the two broke down this week over financial issues. >> heather: fox news alert, we are waiting results from a critical straw poll vote now underway right now in the key swing state of florida. on the ballot, eight republican candidates vying for the white house in 2012. rick perry considered the front runner, hoping to rebound after what some say was a disappointing showing at the debate. as soon as we get the results, we will bring them to you.
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>> gregg: back to the bob ward verdict, several hours ago, the millionaire developer who lived in the very same posh florida neighborhood as tiger woods. a jury finding him guilty today of second degree murder in his wife's 2009 death. ward facing up to life in prison when he's sentenced in november. here now, judge jeanine pirro, host of "justice." good to see you. as always. he didn't say it just once on the 911 call. he said it repeatedly five times. in your experience, as both a former prosecutor and a judge, the excited utterances, the statements made initially by a suspect are the most accurate? >> they are the most accurate because they are almost -- he said, i shot my wife. i shot my wife. but it's even more than that, gregg. he says, i shot her. she's dead. she's done. it's not oh, my god, it was an
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accident! we struggled over the gun. my wife is dead! come quick! it's i shot her. she's dead. and they say where is the gun? he said i put it in the night stand. this is a circumstantial case and i am very surprised that the jury came back as quickly as they did because it was forensic evidence in question. there was also a lot of questions about whether or not she was depressed, suicidal based upon her taking anti-gressants and alcohol. >> gregg: here is the thing, the defense said, well, she turned the gun on herself, really and he was trying to take it away from her. but the tests prove that the nozzle of the gun, the bullet was fired 18 inches from her face. if you're trying to kill yourself, that's a pretty neat trick. >> well, it's not only a neat trick, you've got to have 18-inches and then be able to hold the gun. but in addition to that, you usually have the gun, if you're going to kill yourself, right up against your face, your mouth, your cheeks, whatever it is. >> gregg: unless he's pulling it
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away from her. >> right. but let's put the pieces together, gregg. there's a fight on the patio. there has broken wine glass. there is wine on the back of his shirt and unless his head spins 360 degrees, he didn't spill it while he was drinking it. it was thrown at him. >> gregg: couple other things caught on videotape. one, he's in the interrogation room and calling various people and explaining that his wife just died. he's doing it very matter of factually like, i went out and got the newspaper. my with wife died. that sort of thing. and then he's talking with his daughters across the bullet proof glass days later and he gets up. he starts dancing around. they're cracking jokes, they're yucking it up having a good old time. >> what is clear from those videos is that there doesn't seem to be a family in mourning. there doesn't seem to be anyone who is weeping for diane ward, a woman who is not depressed, a woman who is not suicidal -- by
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the way, that's his dead wife's sister, she's having a hoot of a time as well. >> gregg: everybody is yucking it up. >> no tears for the victim here, but i think the jury finally brought justice. >> gregg: you never, as a prosecutor, have to give the jurors a motive. but boy, you know it's always helpful to do so. is the motive here that she's literally days away from giving a deposition in a critical case that could have incriminated him in various financial ways? >> no question. she had been subpoenaed and was about to be deposed within three days regarding a u.s. bankruptcy trustee's investigation into his misusing funds that were supposed to be for a development in tennessee and instead, he bought a mercedes, bought a house, he paid off mortgages and loans. i mean, she would have been a very damaging witness. but they didn't even need that. they didn't need motive, but they had it. >> gregg: you know, the defense was she was drinking, she was
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depressed and suicidal. do depressed and suicidal people go on facebook hours before they kill them self and start making plans with their friends to do things days and weeks in advance? >> gregg, you are so on top of this case. that's exactly what happened. and she was on the phone with a friend and she talked about the fact that she was reuniting with friends. she was going to be going home. this is a great thing. she's looking forward to the future and facebook is the way she's going to reconnect with people from her past. clearly not someone who says, gee, i think i'll kill myself. >> gregg: didn't make sense. the defense attorney says look, it was not in bob ward's interest to kill his wife because her death exposed his assets to his creditors, unless he gets away with it. >> unless he gets away with it and what we saw in the courtroom, and i'm going to be talk being this on my show tonight, is a guy with a temper who pounds his fist in front of the jury, whoeacts in front of the judge. >> gregg: you'll be talking to who? >> the last girlfriend before he
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married this victim and she talks about being beaten with a bed post and having a gun pointed at her. >> gregg: propensity toward violence. >> you think? toward women. >> gregg: that wasn't admissible at trial. >> no, but we'll talk about it tonight. >> gregg: good to see you. all right. and also tonight on "justice," a bizarre twist in the case of the missing utah mom. the latest developments in the solyndra case, that is tonight on the fox news channel, 9:00 p.m. eastern, check it out. >> heather: i will check it out and tune in. thanks. how does this sound for a job. work 11 months, take home $35 million. but it gets better. meet the ceo who just got fired and he could still rake in that much dough. we'll explain how this is even possible. ♪
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>> heather: the results are in. herman cain has won the straw poll in florida. our carl cameron is standing by. he's been following this for us and he has much more on the results, the winners and the percentage points by which they won. hi, carl. >> it's been a long day, really a long week here in florida starting with the fox news google debate. then the conservative political action conference, today's straw poll. there is 3,000 florida activists here participating and they have made their feelings quite clear with the straw poll results. we can report now that herman cain, the georgia businessman, has won the presidency straw
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poll with 37% of the vote. coming in second place with less than half of what mr. cain had managed, rick perry, the texas governor at 15%. one point behind him on his heels, former massachusetts governor, mitt romney, at 14%. in fourth place, rick santorum, former pennsylvania senator, has 11. ron paul had 10%. newt gingrich and single digits gets 8%. john huntsman, former utah governor, 2. and with 1%, michelle bachman. with 1% at the tail bringing up the rear, the results of this are a clear signal to rick perry that his debate performance and particularly based upon the conversations we've had with so many florida activists, his position on illegal immigration has hurt mr. perry dramatically and herman cain is the beneficiary clearly, a raucous speaker and an ardent conservative, an outsider without political experience.
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herman cain's ability to more than double what rick perry has gotten suggests a great deal of the support that rick perry thought he had before the debate, in fact, went to herman cain. the closeness of the perry, romney numbers putting them at the 15 and 14% suggests those two are going to be in a very, very tough battle. rick santorum coming in fourth is an illustration of just how well he has done and for michelle bachman coming in last, this has to be very, very upsetting news. governor rick scott, florida's chief executive is not going to formally announce the results to the audience here, but fox news viewers now know it. presidency 5 has a new winner, herman cain with an upset victory, toppling rick perry who had invested a tremendous amount of time and effort here, and frankly, many thought and had predicted that he would win and yet, clearly attributed to what was a rocky performance in the debate and his position on illegal immigration. perry comes in second only
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besting mitt romney by a point. >> heather: thank you very much. we appreciate it. >> heather, let me add if i can before you go. for herman cain, this is a tremendous triumph and for a candidate who has not been able to catch national attention, although he is beloved by the tea party and grassroots conservative republicans, this now means his fundraising, his name recognition, the ability for him to command attention will skyrocket. whether he can translate it into long-term traction on the polls and on the campaign trail is yet to be seen. but it's a very big day for the georgia businessman. >> heather: huge. exciting to hear him talk, too. thank you so much. we appreciate it. thank you. >> gregg: how would you like to make a cool $35 million for just 11 months work? and he did a bad job at the same time. well, it happened. hewlett-packard, we'll talk about that. is it fair? is it right? is it hurting the marketplace in
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>> gregg: talk about raking in the dough. a ceo stays on the job for a scant 11 months and he could walk away with $35 million. all right. now that you picked yourself up off the floor, many analysts say
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this guy made a mess of things running hewlett packard. the board fired him on thursday, naming meg whiteman as the new ceo. under the terms of his contract, the guy is sitting pretty on easy street. here now is fox news contributor. gary, during his ten years the sales tanked at hp. by some accounts, he botched and takes home a cool 34 million bucks. how can that be justified to the shareholders of hp? >> don't blame him. anybody wanting the job has agents and the agent's job is to get them the best contract. this is hewlett packard's fault. the pay packages are an absolute joke and to be able to leave as basically being called a failure with a stock price which i watched most which is down 56% in the last seven, eight months, it makes america look worse. >> gregg: you say hp is the
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blame for this and it's not the first time. the last ceo for hp was mark herd. remember him? he was booted after falsified expense reports to conceal a relationship with a female contractor who accused him of sexual harassment and herd walked away with roughly $40 million. i mean, is this the kind of usual big business racket where imcompetence and mal feesance is richly rewarded? >> mr. herd also now is running a lot of oracle at this point. so it seems like you don't do so well, you move on, you get another job. this is not all of corporate america. it's some. unfortunately, grabbed the headlines and makes things look bad. i remember the guy who took over home depot, killed the culture of the company and now over another compy. there is a lot of that going on. >> gregg: i think it's the rule and not the exception.
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that's golden parachutes are indemic. look at a couple of charts to prove it on household incomes. the top line reflecting the top 1% of income earners, so-called super rich, which includes ceos like herd. you'll notice that line has gone up, while the others, the rest of us in the world, that's flat. is that growing disparity harmful to the marketplace or not? does it make no difference? >> look, it's harmful to the economy. always you want the bottom to be lift up. i love the fact that people are making more money, becoming more successful. if people eastern the money, they should make as much as they can possibly earn. but the bottom has to be picked up and this definitely does not look good. but i'm going to have to disagree a little lit. i watch corporate america carefully and i do believe there is a lot of this going on but there is a lot that corporate america ceo's are not taking too much and not burying it and the bottom line is shareholders have
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a choice. obviously the shareholders have the hp voted and put a thumbs down. >> gregg: i would think that there would be a shareholder revolt, but what do i know? gary, thanks very much for being with us. appreciate it. >> my pleasure. >> heather: could be a make or break moment for the gop presidential hopefuls. results in just moments ago. first here on fox, today's straw poll in florida and herman cain, the big winner, followed by rick perry, mitt romney, and then rick santorum. so let's talk about it with ron, who served as communications director to former speaker of the house, dennis hastert and martin frost, a democrat. thank you for joining us. >> good to be with you. >> heather: big day for herman cain. 37%. ron, i'll start with you. your take on what happened. >> yeah. this is a huge day for herman cain. he did a great job in the last debate. he's an excellent businessman with great experience there. not necessarily political experience, but he's very direct and does not come across like a
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politician. i think this is a rebuke of governor perry's answer on immigration, the people who voted in this poll said no, we don't like that answer. but they still didn't vote him out. they're still giving him a chance, clearly, because he came in second. this is not great news for mitt romney because even with the answer on immigration, people went to herman cain. they didn't necessarily go to mitt romney of the he still has to stay in the fight. >> heather: by a large proportion. congressman frost, i'll toss it to you. we don't have is a whole lot of time, but one of the pollsters was quoted as saying that florida is going to be the big kahuna when it comes to the election in 2012. what do you think? >> what this results shows today is that the republican activists are not satisfied with their current choice. there has been a lot of conversation that you need a third candidate. i don't think herman cain necessarily is going to be the third candidate. he did well today. in terms of florida in the general election, the republicans have a problem because they have a chance to get hispanic votes, but they
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keep giving hispanics the stiff arm. hispanics are culturally conservative, they're patriotic. a lot of them would like to be republicans. yet the republican party says no, we don't want you. so if they continue to do that, they'll have trouble winning florida and florida could wind up being a democratic state. >> heather: we'll see what happens. thank you both so much for joining us. herman cain 37% wins the straw poll in florida. thank you. >> gregg: big day for herman cain. >> heather: yes. >> gregg: congratulations. that does it for us. rick folbaum and arthel neville take over at the top of the hour. >> heather: and we'll be here tomorrow at 4:00 p.m. eastern. we hope you are, too. bye. >> gregg: have a great weekend.
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