tv Huckabee FOX News September 25, 2011 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT
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i did promise last year i would come to the un and agree on a palestinian state. hey, don't worry. i got your back. i support a palestinian state. hold on just one second. i've got another call. >> mr. president. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. >> thanks for that badge of honor. you know i'm pro israel. hold on just one second. >> mahmoud, don't let the election concern you. i'm not going to change my mind just to get the jewish vote. i love the palesnian people. i gotta go. talk to you soon. ben, the bob turner election in queens really opened my eyes.
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i will veto any vote for a palestinian state. mahmoud? no, no, no, no, no. wait. ben? ben? oy vay. i need a vacation. >> tonight on huckabee, he was just trying to run his company. >> i was fined because i hired too many people. >> now peter schiff says the government is making it impossible to do business.
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ladies and gentlemen, governor mike huckabee. >> hello, everybody. what a great audience. thanks so much for being here. welcome to huckabee from the fox news studios in new york city. well, there was high drama in a low place this week, the united nations. maybe it would be better to change a couple of letters around and call it the untied nations because it seems to be unraveling from its mission of being a forum for peace and understanding. among the many of its trans depressions, giving a microphone, a podium, and a platform to a murdering racist tyrant like iranian president ahmadinejad so he can go around spewing his violent and insulting hate, blaming america for 9/11, denying the holocaust, and finally calling for the death of jews and the destruction of israel. his nation continues to support
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hamas and inscrimmag. the hand of iran in the glove of hamas and the syrian president is bad enough. the un would give the president a forum like he's a legitimate leader makes me rethink it's time to rethink the u.s. participation in this worthless, toothless elephant like the un. in addition to giving voice to men like ahma nut job, our good neighbor and friend canada boldly refused to support such nonsense. i say good for canada. i think it's time to consider getting jack hammers and sawing off the un from the east end of manhattan and floating it off into the east river and allowing any nation who wants to host it
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to just come in and drag it away. i mean, we pay for 22% of all of the un activities, far more than any other nation, and for that we get insulted by loons, we have to stand virtually alone to defend our only mid east ally and tolerate unpaid parking tickets by so called diplomats. i'm no isolationist, but i'm tired of america being played for a chump. if we put most of the quarts in the -- quarters in the juke box, we should pick more of the song. it's time to get off the hook for the whack job terrorist tie rants and tell them they're tree tfree toark like the dogs they are, but we're not going to pet them or feed them. if we want to help real friends, let's give them the money directly and not for the impotent and corrupt organization that the un has become.
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well, that's my view. i welcome yours. you can contact me at click on the fox news feed back section or you can join my facebook page or follow me on trirt atwitter at mike huckabee. the conflict once again took center stage at the united nations security council on friday. here's the palestinian president abbas. >> mr. president, i would like to inform you that before delivering this statement, i submitted to the secretary general of the united nations an application for the admission of palestine on the basis of the borders of june 4th, 1967 as a full member of the united nations. israel's prime minister benjamin
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n said before they get their own state, they need to get along with their neighbors. >> the truth is is to is so fay refuse to negotiate and israel wants peace with the palestinian state, but the palestinians want a state without peace, and the truth is you shouldn't let that happen. >> joining us now from tel aviv, the deputy speaker. danny, it's great to have you here. thanks for joining me from israel. >> thank you, governor, for allowing me to be on your show again. >> i want to bring up a rather sensitive subject. i spoke to one of your colleagues two days ago. this is one of your fellow members who tells me, and this to me is a pretty major revelation, that israel was pressured to not say anything
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about the funding of the palestinian authority if they pushed for this because if they did, the united states might, in fact, fail to veto any effort in the united nations. i want to ask you. knesset member confirmed this was the case. can you confirm that you have heard the same thing and that there was that pressure applied to your government? >> there was a lot of pressure. that's only the beginning. by going to the un, the palestinians -- they went to the white house in 1993. when they come to the un, instead of the u.s. telling the palestinians we will stop funding you, we will stop giving you $500 million u.s. dollars, they're tellin us do not pressure them. hi encourage the congress and te senate to take steps against them and not to pressure israel.
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you should not sponsor those activities. >> i realize that the prime minister is under extraordinary pressure from all sides. obviously he's not publicly saying that he was pressured by the obama administration, but it is your belief along with that of knesset members that sources inside the israeli government have confirmed to you that this pressure was, in fact, applied so that it allowed the palestinians to go ahead and do what really is an act of provocation that probably will not result in a more peaceful process. >> this pressure was applied and it was more pressure on the israeli prime minister. the government has been so many times to the jewish communities.
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they're not an obstacle to peace. the people in the white house think because we will make concessions to the palestinians and there will be peace. we know it will be the other way. you have in the u.s. important saying not in my back yard. we don't want to see in our back yard a state of hatred, a state of al-qaeda the same as you don't want to see in your house a state of hatred, so we tell the merp presiden american presl due respect, this is a mistake. you cannot repair them. it's not the economy. it's not job creation. we will pay with the lives of jewish people, and we are not wulg twilling to do that. >> danny, what is the reaction in israel as a result of the actions that took place with abbas going to the un and asking for a dlaishes o declaration of.
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what is the mood there? >> first of all, we're very proud of our prime minister benjamin netanyahu. he delivered an excellent speech. he can't change the minds of the countries who hate us, but he delivered an excellent speech. even the palestinians are taking action and we should do the same. if they breach the limit, we will play the game and i'm initiating a bill in the knesset. if they're provisioning themselves in a better place for negotiations, we should do the same. we should tell our brothers and sisters we will never abandon you to the hamas, to al-qaeda, and i think we should consider the annexation of the jewish communities. >> danny is the deputy speaker
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of the israeli knesset. thank you very much for joining us from tel aviv today. this is a very dangerous situation. it's having the opposite effect of helping to achieve peace. if anything, it's stirring things up to a whole new level. well, he says government regulations are crippling the economy, and can cite chapter and verse as to how. coming up, businessman and radio coming up, businessman and radio talk show host peter sch iflhiff ♪ one, two, three, four ♪ ♪ you say ♪ flip it over and replay ♪ we'll make everything okay ♪ walk together the right way ♪ do, do, do, do with olay challenge that. regenerist day and night duo. the uv lotion helps protect skin and firms during the day. the eam hydrat to firat night.
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>> mike: my next guest caused quite a stir in congress last week when he testified to a congressional subcommittee hearing on government regulations and creating jobs. >> it's one of the riskiest things you can do in america is to hire somebody. because of that reason, because of all the lie ability from government, from lawsuits that
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you have put on employers, most small businesses, their main concern is how not to hire people. how can i grow my business and hire as few people as possible? that is not something that happens in the market. that's something that happens as a consequence of government. >> mike: joining me now is ceo of euro pacific capitol is peter schiff. peter, good to have you with me. >> thanks for having me on. >> mike: why is it risky to hire people in america? >> it's very risky. unfortunately for politics, there are a lot more people who are employees than employers, so politicans want to get votes. they promise all sorts of special privileges for employees, but when they do that, they put obligations and risks on employers t is so easy now to sue your boss if he doesn't create the job in the exact manner the government specifies. because of all these costs, not just the taxes but the potential litigation, a lot of businesses
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do what they can not to hire. you know, my precious metals company, we don't have a receptionist. we have a voice mail system. we find a way to get around hiring somebody by using a machine, but the main reason for that is the government makes it too expensive and too risky to hire a human being. >being. >> mike: that's amazing to me. you got fined $15,000 because you hired somebody. explain how in the world in a time when the employment rate is the highest it's been in decades you get in trouble because you hired somebody. >> actually, the troubletart back in 2008. the funny part was a lot of these big brokerage firms were firing people, yet they were getting bailout money from the government. i was hiring people and then getting fined for doing it. government technically didn't fine me, it was a regulatory body called finra which is a self regulatory body that regulates the brokerage firms. the u.s. government requires me to be a member of that organization. >organization.
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>> mike: is it a private organization? >> it's private, but the government requires you to be a member. >> mike: it's being forced by the government to participate in something in the private sector in order to operate. >> correct. a lot of the rules and operations they enforce come from washington, from the sec, but what happened was my business was kind of growing rapidly in 2008. i was hiring a lot of people. i didn't realize i didn't have regulatory permission to grow my business that fast. >> mike: wait. hold it. why do you need someone to give you permission to grow your business? >> we shouldn't need it, but that's what the regulations do. what happened is they sent the letter to my chief compliance officer telling us to stop hiring until we got the appropriate permission. he didn't show me that letter. i kept hiring anyway, so that's what really got me into trouble, not because i hired too many people, because i didn't stop hiring when i was told to. i ended up spending maybe a half a million dollars in legal bills. >> mike: wait a minute. they fined you $15,000 and then
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to fight it you spent half a million? >> well, the fine didn't come until the end. the problem was they sent me a letter telling me to stop doing something, and i didn't listen to them. that was the big investigation. hey, why did you keep hiring people when we told you not to? i had to show it was just a mistake, that i wasn't just flagrantly violating the rules. the whole point is the real reason these regulations exist is not really to protect the investors, in my opinion. what protects the investors is me, is my desire to have a good brand, to have a good reputation, to keep my customers. it's competition that protects the customers. what these regulations really do is they protect the large brokerage firms from the smaller firms like mine that are trying to grow, and the regulators put all these road blocks in our paths. you know, so many small firms are failing. i started my business back in 1996. there's no way if the regulations that are in effect today were in effect back then, it would be impossible. i wouldn't have had the resources to overcome the
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barkers. i guess one of the things i'm trying to understand, maybe you can help me. if i were the people who had fined you, what is the rationale for saying that they have to give permission in order to hire people? >> they tell you how many reps you're allowed to have and how many you're allowed to add. there's a safe harbor rule that says you can add a little bit more than that. i went through the safe harbor rule. i was a small firm and i was getting a lot of new business because i had a book that came out, crash proof. a lost the forecastses were coming true. a lot of people were seeking my services. the supposed rationale is the regulators want to make sure if your business is growing that rapidly that you have enough of a compliance oversight to make sure that all the rules and regulations are being enforced. the process of getting permission to hire more people, it's not just a simple form. it's a complicated document that needs to be filled out right and
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submitted. it's not an easy task, but i just got permission last week to grow the business. i'm glad that i got it. i would have liked to to have bn growing the business a couple years ago. i finally got permission to do so. >> mike: peter, jaws are dropping all over america. that's the sound i'm hearing, even in new york. people are amazed in a tough economy when people need jobs, the government puts road blocks between you hiring people and people coming to work for you. >> all regulations are road blocks. regulations increase the cost of hiring people. whenever you make something more expensive, you know, there's less demand. hiring people is very expensive. running a business, for a lot of businesses, the difference between profit and loss are the regulations. i spend more on compliance. i've got a whole compliance department. i spend more on compliance than on rent. i have six offices. i have two offices in southern california, one here in manhattan. my rent is tiny compare to what i have to spend every year to stay in business.
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my legal bills, all my legal bills have to do with compliance. i pay more in legal bills than i do in rent. >> you are hiring people. unfortunately, they're all lawyers. >> mike: coming up, you've got to stay around, pete. there's more to talk to you about. i'm going to ask peter why he has moved some of his companies' jobs overseas as if you can't jobs overseas as if you can't figure that one [ male announcer ] these are volunteers... our neighbors putting their lives on the line. and when they rely on a battery, there are firefighters everywhere who trust duracell. so, look for these special pks to see how you can help your local volunteers. duracell. trusted everywhere.
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>> mike: middle class families shouldn't pay higher taxes than millionaires and billionaires. that's pretty straight forward. hard to argue against that. warren buffett's secretary shouldn't pay a higher tax rate than warren. >> mike: all right, peter schiff. you say the president is wrong on this. tell me why.
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>> well, first of all, warren buffett's secretary doesn't pay a higher tax than warren. he's the large jest shareholder of his company. that's the majority of his wealth. berk shyer hatberkshire hathawa. this is ridiculous to pretend warren buffett isn't paying a lot of taxes. of course, what he's paying is in capital gains. that's because he chooses to work for no salary. if he paid himself a salary through his company, he would pay a very high tax rate just like i'm paying. i mean, i'm paying well over 40% of my income in federal and state income taxes right now. how much more do they want to take? >> mike: a lot more. have you not been hearing the president? he wants to take all of it. >> medieval serfs only had to pay 35%. i wish i could be elevated to the level of a serf.
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>> mike: i said god asked us to pay a dime out of each dollar to take care of him. you wouldn't think the government would asked more than god was. >> we'd have a lot more to tithe if the government didn't take so much. >> mike: speaking of warren buffett, his firm is fighting the irs wanting to get tax obligations eliminated. i want to say if you're so interested in paying more taxes, just stop the protest that you currently have with the irs for tax seasments that the irs has leveledgainst you and pay them off and do it proudly. >> he's a hyprite as well. the problem is the money that the wealthy don't send to washington, that's the money they use to grow the economy. when you take money away from the employers, business owners, you're not really diminishing your consumption. you're diminishing their investments, their ability to fund new plant and equipment, to hire people or to make loans to other businesses, to other startups. we don't want money that would have been invested in the
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private sector productively to be sent to washington to be scwawscwawnderred. >> why is it easier to move a job overseas than to hire someone at home? >> first of all, i had to open up a bank offshore for my international clients. i used to take clients from the uk, from australia, from hong kong, from south america, but the government regulations that came in after the patriot act and the anti-money laundry ring- laundering act have made it so expensive for me to set up business from foreigners, they have to do business with my offshore company instead. i would prefer and it would be much easier for me to do business with them here, but the regulations make it too expensive. not only that, i've had to impose account minimums. for a long time i prided myself on the fact that no investor was too small.
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i didn't have a minimum. i finally had to impose minimums because the regulations are so complicated, it is now so expensive for me to open up small accounts, i can't afford it. ihere the government is trying o protect the small investor. now the government has made it so expensive to even deal with small investor that no one takes their accounts. now they have to do it all on their observ own at a discount . the government has protected them from getting good advice. >> peter, as we talk today, i guess i'm just stunned with the harsh reality. we hear it as a great part of political talking points and political speeches, but you've put the specifics right down for us to understand, the very hard facts of how government, not just that government does it, but how government gets in the way of business and makes it hard to function, hard to hire, hard to make a profit. peter schiff, i want to say thank you for being here. it's been a pleasure to have you here. peter schiff. remarkable story.
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>> live from america's news headquarters i am adam housley. president obama krit sighicriti disaster relief bill. some blocking the legislation are the people who have been hit the hardest in natural disasters. he wants budget cuts opposed by democrats could come up with the needed disaster money. it is meant to divert the possible shut down of the federal government and provide the needed funds for relief efforts. president mahmoud ab babas comi
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home to a hero's welcome. he made a push for statehood at the united nations last week. he told supportsers pal stin kwlian spring is here but they have a long road ahead. they want them to have statehood through peace talks and not at the united nations. adam housley. for all of the latest headlines go to you are watching the most powerful name in news the fox news channel. now back to huckabee. >> mike: his role as an action star, leading man in romantic comdecembecomedies have made hi. in his latest film he plays a violent drug user and dealer who turns his life around and becomes a preacher who fights to help orphans in the war-torn regions of africa. >> it's over.
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get off your butt and build it again. you hear me? >> we do not need more guns. >> why don't you fight the evil in your way and i'll fight it in mine. >> mike: please welcome the star of "machine gun preacher" gerard butler. the role is intense. the opening scenes in the movie are stunning. people are rocked back in the chair from the opening scenes. you play a guy, a bad guy, who turns his life around. what attracted you to the role of sam childers. what made you say i want to do that movie? >> i think that's a big part of it right there, coming across the story of a guy who didn't know how to live in his own body, how to live in the world, kind of spiritually bankrupt and
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an addict and violent who then finds way to turn around his life with god, and i just think those stories are inexpiring. it's a true story as well. he finds purpose in his life, and the idea that when you find that purpose and that belief that it is incredible where that can take you, how far you can go with that. it's the power of belief in itself. i just felt like it was an interesting chear character thai could get my teeth into. it's such an adventure. he's a colorful guy, a dangerous guy, a humanitarian guy. he has it all going on, and the story has all of that. i just couldn't resist it. >> mike: it's a powerful personal depiction of sam childers and also very revealing about what's happened in sudan. prior to the movie, what did you know about sudan and how have
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you been changed by what you have learned? >> you know, i was aware of the situation like anybody else. you come across an article about the large resistance army, about the civil war, but you know, not that i knew in any greater detail than that, and it was just -- the thing is, this is why i love the movie. the statistics. 5 million deaths in a siferl war or half a million deaths at the hands of the resistance arm, 50,000 abductions. ithis movie was an education for me, and i knew that it would work the same for the rest of the world. it puts a spotlight on the area and allows people to see just what hor rors, what savagery actually happens over there. it makes it intimate and permanent because suddenly the death of one child if you're there witnessing it and seeing
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how that plays out and the fact it has on anybody around them, it suddenly becomes a whole different deal. then those statistics mean something very different. >> mike: the first time you met sam, i want you to tell me how that affected you in preparing for the role, how it affected you personally because this is a person now you're having to get inside his head and inside his skin to be able to do this role. >> well, it's a mixture of a few things. you would love sam. you'd meet him and you'd have a ball with him. you'd find him fascinating. whether you agree with everything he does or not, he's a one in a million. he's a wise guy and he' -- you know, he has a lot to say in life. he has incredible stories, and he's the kind of guy you want to hang out with and listen to. on top of that, i had some studying to do. i was watching how he moved, how he expresses himself, what made
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him tick. one of the things i really picked up on was knowing that he has been through all this, how he feels when he talks about it. there was an awful lot of humor in his eyes generally when it came to his talks. he likes to test you, the way he looks at you, and yet at the same time, when he talks about his past and his drug days and those that got sick or died as a result of being involved with him, he just -- tears pour down his face. he has so much sadness in him as well and pain. that was a really fascinating thing. that's something i wanted to get in the movie. >> mike: gerard, this would be a great film even if it were fiction. i think this film will have a great impact on all who see it. thanks for being here to share your personal perspective of being a part of this remarkable movie "machine gun preacher".
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thanks for being here. >> thank you. my pleasure. >> mike: coming up, we'll meet the real machine gun preacher, sam childers. stay [ male announcer ] new vicks nature fusion cold & flu syrup. flavored with real honey. powerful cold medicine that leaves out artificial flavors and dyes and instead uses something more natural, honey. new vicks nature fusion cold & flu. ♪ [ humming ] and my job is easy. hide big things. you're good... [ crash ] [ laughing ] [ screaming ] [ tires screech ] and if you named your own price on car insurance, you could be paying for this yourself. so get allstate, you could save money and be better protected from mayhem like me. [ dennis ] shop less, get more, make one call to an allstate agent. [ dennis ] shop less, get more,
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unlike ordinary toothpaste, you feel a deeper clean. you're also protected. with new crest complete, you know you're covered. >> mike: gerard butler may be the star of "machine gun preacher", but joining me now, the man whose incredible story is based on, the real life sam childers. great to have you here today. >> thank you. >> you said in a recent
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interview that you didn't save the children in sudan, they saved you. what do you mean by that, sam? >> absolutely. i'll tell you what. i was a messed up person a long time ago, and even after i walked away from the drugs and the alcohol just giving the opportunity in order to save some children ended up actually doing something good in my life because i wake up with a purpose. i go to sleep with a purpose, and it's not just about children in sudan any more. it's approximat about children e world now. >> mike: you had a pretty rough life. the opening scenes of the movie i found just remarkable and stunning. what was the turning point? i mean, from drug dealer, prisoner, inmate. >> right. >> mike: it wasn't the prettiest life you were living there. what was the turning point that got you turned the right way? >> i was in a bad bar fight in orlando, florida. it turned out to be a shootout. i almost got killed.
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i went home that night. on the way home i said to myself i'm done with this life. i'm done living like this. i'm finished. i tell people all the time if you have addiction or a serious problem in your life, it begins in your head. you're the one that has to make up your mind and say i'm finished and walking away from this. >> mike: how hard was it for you to see scenes in this film knowing they were about you and a lot of them about the you before helping kids in sudan? >> i've seen the movie now eight times, and i've cried every time in different scenes. actually, the last time i seen it, i didn't have watch it the whole way through. i mean, it brings back a lot of old memories, some good memories, but it also brings back a lot of bad memories. >> mike: i want to ask about the impact it has upon your own family, especially as your children find out all there is to know about sam childer's
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past. are they stushed? do they ask you questions about dad, what was going on? >> no, not really. not at all. my daughter actually runs our non-profit. she has always knew about my past. i still hang with a lot of the friends that i used to run with many years ago. i'm there for them any time they have to have someone to speak to. i ride a motorcycle yet. i still ride with a lot of the groups i used to ride with them. i'm there for them any time they need a preacher or pastor or anything. >> mike: i want to ask you how you got involved with the children in sudan. i mean, it's a long way from bar fights in orlando to rescuing children by the thousands in sudan. what's the journey? >> i went on a five-week mission trip and i seen the body of a small child that stepped on a land mine. i stood over that child, and i said god, i'll do anything i can to help these people. it's actually going on 15 years now, but i try to take every
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platform i get to speak on to let the world know that this is still going on in darfur. there's still fighting in south sudan, fiewting in the mountains -- fighting in the mountains. there's genocide caused by the president of northern sudan. this is a serious problem. this man is the only president in all of history to have war crime charges put on him and he's still in office, so i use every opportunity to speak out what the true problem is. it's still going on, not just in sudan but also inside the surrounding countries. >> mike: sam, the name for the movie, "machine gun preacher" depicts a pretty interesting story. your methods, shall we say, are not necessarily conventional preacher stuff. not many preachers walk in with a machine gun. is that hollywood, or is that pretty much reality? did this part of it happen? >> that is my nickname. that is my nickname, and i
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believe that god gave me the name. i believe that he gave it to me in order to get people's attention. >> mike: it would get my attention if a preacher had a bible in one hand and a machine gun in the other, i would say what must i do to be saved right now? >> absolutely. if somebody introduced me or something, any time they'd say okay, here is the reverend sam childers. the average person isn't going to pay attention. when they use my nickname, everyone is asking what is it about this guy? it gives me an opportunity to tell the true story. >> mike: it's a great story, sam, and i hope people will see "machine gun preacher". thank you for being here today and sharing your remarkable journey with us. may god bless you as you continue to reach out and try to save children's lives. >> thank you very much. >> mike: president obama is trying to stop subsidies to
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>> mike: a comment on the news of the day three times every weekday on the huckabee report it heard on radio and available on a podcast. go to and click on the huckabee report link. when sarah palin resigned as alaska's governor in 2009, my next guest succeeded her and won the election for the office in november of 2010. he's a big critic of the federal government's regulations on domestic oil drilling. joining me now is alaska governor sean parnell. it's great having you here. >> thanks, governor. >> mike: few people in the country have a better insight
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into american energy situations like you do because your state is one of the most prolific energy-producing states. i want to talk about the president wants to kill oil subsi decembesubsidies to the c. we've got a piece we want to show. i want you to react to it. >> we want to help with the technology and support to help. when you're ready to start selling, we want to be one of your best customers. >> mike: he's talking to the people of brazil. he wants to be their best customer. why doesn't he want to be alaska's customer? >> you know, we're still trying to figure that out. i would love it if our federal government was qins convinced tt american energy can create american jobs. instead, what you just heard was the president responding a little bit ago to u.s. taxpayer dollars funding offshore work in brazil. we've got offshore and onshore work to be done. we've got billions of barrels of
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oil that can help our country and create jobs here. we'd like to do it. >> mike: what about the idea of the subsidies. there's a lot of criticism. does that ultimately hurt the american public when the oil companies are subsidized? >> i look at it this way. lower taxes create jobs. these companies make profits. there's no question about it. the real question, though, is where are they going to spend those profits? are they going to spend them here in america or are they going to spend the profits overseas and create jobs overseas? i'd like to see more production here. i've set a goal in our state of a million barrels a day of new oil -- of oil production rather than 550,000 barrels a day. i'd like every other state that oduces oil and gas to do the same, to raise the bar and create jobs here. >> mike: what happened in alaska when you cut taxes on energy companies? >> in what's called cook inlet which is a basin near anchorage, alaska, our largest population center, we lowered taxes in the last two years. this year we've seen multiple
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new companies bring a jack up rig in and begin work, so not only are we creating lower cost heating for ourselves, we're creating jobs through lower taxes. >> mike: people actually went to work on these rigs that would not have gone to work had it not been for the economic climate you created? >> absolutely. it takes a fatigu federal govert and state government creating a climate where investments can be made and jobs created. we don't want to send the dollars overseas. we want them making money for americans here. >> mike: a lot of americans hear about anwar. they know alaska is a really big state and environmentalists don't want drilling done in anwar. you're the governor of the state. i've been there. i don't it like you do. is anwar good for america? if so, why are they wrong? >> exploring the coastal plain is entirely the right thing for america and alaska. not only are the reserves there, but we can explore well and
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responsibly. we live in alaska. we do not want to spoil the nest we live in. it's a majestic land but a vast land as well. we have premier technology for oil spill prevention and response, but we also have great record of producing there. if you were to go -- if your studio audience was to go up to the north slope today and drive the roads around the complex of drilling houses, what they would see are cleaner roads and cleaner parking lots than in their local supermarkets. that's because they put absorbent material under every pick up truck. they stop for every caribou that might wander through. >> mike: you're not killing iewfl the bears anoffall the bep there? >> produc prudhoe bay has been producing for over 30 years. 67,000 animals today.
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our view is that we can do it well and we can produce the jobs and energy america needs. >> mike: you're doing a great job in your leadership of alaska. great to have you here in new york. thanks very much for coming. i wish you the best as you continue to bring energy information and sanity to the rest of the country. governor sean parnell, great to have you here. i also want to thank our obama impersonator, reggie brown, for opening our show tonight. check out his website, pick up his latest product. we always love having reggie around. thanks for joining us tonight. i hope you have great, great rest of the weekend. until next time, from new york, this is mike huckabee. this is mike huckabee. goodnight and god bless. ♪ ♪ ♪ when your chain of supply ♪ goes fr here to shanghai, that's logistics. ♪ ♪ chips from here, boards from there ♪ ♪ track it all through the air, that's logistics. ♪
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