tv Red Eye FOX News September 27, 2011 12:00am-1:00am PDT
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i will be in it. now to andy levy for a pre game report. what's coming up on tonight's show? >> sit back, relax and enjoy tonight's show. did herman cane make his mark by winning the florida straw poll? see whatever hack puns we may have come up with. and king abdullah says women being given the right to vote. what a business mistake this is, straight ahead. and the king of dorritos cashes in his chips at the age of 97. why he never got a presidential medal of freedom coming up. greg? >> thank you, andy. >> happy national pancake date. >> in france it is national crepe day. >> why are you doing this? >> what? >> you really want to get into this? >> get into what? >> you are the one who didn't want to talk about this. >> talk about what? >> you know that it is february 2nd. >> that's right, i do. nice of you to remember. >> that's right. that day will always be seared
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into my brain. >> the way the crepe pan will always be in john paul's face. >> you have to stop blaming yourself. >> i just keep thinking if i got out of the hot tub -- >> were you entertaining guests and you were telling a great story. it would have killed the punch line if you effort left. >> it is just that john paul was a sweetheart. >> and he will be fine. >> i just miss him. >> by february 2nd we will be back in the hot tub and john paul will be back at his crepe station. >> unless he is disfigured. >> obviously not if he is disfigured. great should i, greg. >> thanks, andy. let's welcome our guest. she makes a living getting men off. it is criminal defense attorney remi spencer. she smiles after i say that. he is so bright old, sick people find themselves walking toward him. his latest book, "go the q to sleep" and on amazon's best is
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eler list. and my repulsive sidekick, bill schulz. and he is so smart i want to hit him in the face. next to me, michael moynihan looking serious and sad. and because you asked for a stupid annoying, talking paper our "new york times" correspondent. good to see you, pinch. >> san francisco reporter writes and organizing a nude in to protest the uncovered scbren -- genitals in urban eat res. despite the fact my bear bum has been on display since day one of this stupid, stupid show, and on a glass table no less, i cannot support this disgusting movement. as for you, san francisco chronicle, i haven't forgotten about the clap you gave me in 1963, by gum. >> who did you catch it from, "the bay garred yuan." >> the san francisco
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chronicle. if you would listen to my one time on this show would you have heard that. >> i wasn't listening. >> i say nothing for the rest of the show. it is my one moment to shine and you are looking at your finger nails. >> i was looking at the cleaning lady in studio d. >> you prefer cleaning advisor. they replace bathing with baiting. i speak of the occupy wall street protesters who entered their 10th day protesting whatever it is they are protesting. and on sunday 80 were arrested one for assaulting a cop as the scam ps attempted to march to the un. in case you forgot who they rwe sent bill schulz to talk to the louse. >> no, this must be on the record. my name is bill schulz. are you single? >> don't film me. >> this is a taping thing. we are using lots of gestures. >> it is like a hippie bob
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saggit. >> now they are saying it is police brutality like in this next one that they say shows a cop macing a young woman. >> i pity the cop as well trying to do his job. one of the groups behind the protest found the officer in the video and started circulating his and his family's personal information. in one popular anonymous twitter account asked, question, what kind of pizza do you think the cop would like? a reference to one of their tactics which is sending a
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crap load of pizzas to the perceived enemy. how did i spend my weekend? i believe we have tape. that was my neighbor there. he helps me with the bike and stuff. we had a great time. michael, obviously everybody has a right to protest. i say that as a lie, but i say it anyway. isn't it all about capturing cops on video? when you watch it, there is always somebody there yelling stuff. it always seems so planned. >> it is like 400 people there with video cameras. why would you -- m why actually -- i really, really hate to say that i am on the side of the dirty hippies. she doesn't seem to be doing anything and then she starts that shriek. what were they behind? >> technical phrase is orange
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thing. >> i am kind of on their side. it looks a bit excessive. >> i will disagree with you, but i can see where that would look bad. i i will talk about that later. adam, do you think the cops went too far or not far enough? >> it certainly seems so, but the protesters don't seem to be going far enough. if your best tactic is sending pizzas to your enemy's houses? that's kind of lame. that's not an effect cive strategy. -- effective straits gee. >> do you think they are 14 years old? that's what i would do. >> that's what i would do too. it leads me to another point, the key to any successful protest is grandmothers. if you don't have grandmothers in your march you will not win. >> that's a great idea. you can't mace a granny. you just can't. >> grandmothers -- well they didn't win the vietnam war, but you know what i mean. >> what would you do to a granny to make her go home? i don't know what you would do. you would insult them. >> tell her "the price is
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right" is on. that's the only way to get them to amscay. >> and releasing the anonymous info about the cop, you are a lawyer, is that legal? can he then sue them? >> well, every state has different laws regarding the privacy issues. for the most part, personal information -- if it is out in the public like your address or your phone number, unless you take steps to make that private it is in fact public information. are they doing this for a purpose to cause people to come to his house or to hurt him, well, yes, then there are real issues about harassment laws. >> this is now -- i didn't think of this. is it legal to order -- it has to be illegal to order a bunch of pizzas, right? >> yes. but if you don't intend to pay for them and pretending to be somebody else, no, that's not legal. this whole issue with the officer macing the woman is
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very upsetting. you would like to think that an officer would not mace this woman unless she had done something that according to their standard operating procedures they would typically mace somebody. this video doesn't show us clearly the full story. >> i don't know, my feeling -- okay. you have these -- what is the name of the organization? >> the national lawyers guild. >> ?o, i meant cowboys. so they tell these guys what to do. they tell them how to get the cops in certain situations so this stuff can happen. and then they say, we have a cop mad at us, and that help to perpetuate it. part of the plan is to get these guys in awkward situations so -- those cops don't want to be there. they don't want to -- >> of course not. they were annoyed like, i don't want to be here. >> but it is a reverse form of
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entrapment. think of the police entraping somebody into a crime. >> i have been there. >> i'm sure. if you are trying to insight outrageous behavior from the officers, that in and of itself is not appropriate. >> when you are entraping a cop you are dressed as a cop. >> a female cop. >> how is this for a theory? i was talking to officers, and i was asked, does this stuff make the city less safe? you are getting all of these cops down into one area, and there is less cops on the subway. if this was a meaningful protest, of course it would be meaningful. isn't it just basically harming the city 1234* -- the city? >> and right away, obama impeached. they said at one . there was a cop per person: they said the protest was not that big or they were being a little over cautious.
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i have to side a little with the cop. the girls reminded me of soccer players over doing the injure ree. i have been maced before. i have maced myself before. it is bad, but it is not shrieking on the ground, this is a scene in "poltergeist" bad. >> we should prove that. if you say that then we have to make them. >> if you have seen my contract then you will know. >> by the way, they also underline their case. it is this unbelievable press release. where people are being shot, they said, we will send pizzas to your house. this is a verbatim quote, if you continue to commit atrocities to our people. come oyou are just undermining the case. i was on their side. >> i am not on their side. >> this brings up a good point. possibly a question for herman
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cane in the next debates. >> an order is being made to one dude, and it is 500 pieces, nobody likes anchovies and maybe they would like to do a follow-up. would you really like the deep dish pizzas? >> you know when they have the pizza symposium at the hyatt regency where they come and they have the symposiums and 9:00 to 10:00 is pizza crank call. they sit there and they just talk for hours. >> ever since delivery pizza has been invented this prank has gone on. >> if even once you don't deliver the 500 pizzas and it was legitimate, that's reason enough to get fired. >> we have covered a lot of ground here. >> from sticky polls to straw polls. on saturday, herman kicked his behind at the florida republican straw poll winning
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37% of 2600 votes. i'm already bored by this story. other candidates didn't farewell either. mitt romney came in third with 14%. don't know why making hand gestures. and michele bachmann finished 8 with 2%. what does this all mean? was it really a blow to perry? or do the results show that gop voters are far from decided on a 2012 candidate. it is something to think about, or not. i really don't care. it is late and i'm tired. the former godfather pizza pusher fired back who criticized the tea party and called their actions racist. here is cane tearing into the actor. >> first of all, i doubt if morgan free man with all due respect, if he has ever been to a tea party. most of the people that were criticizing the tea party about having a racist element, they have never been to a tea party. >> that's amazing how morgan
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sat there quietly. >> he just sat there and took his medicine. >> besides rick perry, you know who else had a bad weekend? >> that was quite fun. >> that is michele bachmann. >> was this a no confidence vote, michael, for the entire republican field? >> i don't know. th is pointless. what do we have four straw polls now? is there a different person -- like gary johnson is totally going to win next time. it is nonsense. >> it is like valentine's day at school. everybody gets a valentine's day card. it is meaning less. in the old days, one girl got all of them, and that was awesome because all of the other ones were crying. that was great. should morgan reconsider what he said, or is this no big
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deal? >> morgan free man has to be right. the tea party is a racist organization. >> i disagree. how can you say that? i know you feel that way. that's your instinct. i can say that about unions. >> unlike a lot of people i attended a tea party as an observer and heard racist things being shouted. >> what did you hear? >> i am not going to say. >> for two hours? >> there was some other things being said, -- >> are you sure this was a tea party rally? >> yes. >> which one? >> in california matter of fact. in terms of the straw poll, can we talk about what a straw poll is. i don't think people understand. when they say romney didn't participate, that means he didn't spend money to pay for people to vote. you of you have to pay to vote in straw polls. it is a weird thing. people act like they are important. >> you know the black guy won
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the straw poll, you know? >> i saw that. >> and he is a tea party candidate. >> i guess they must not be racist. >> there you go. bill, i suppose you agree with freeman completely? >> i tell you when somebody who has been a muslim sidekick to kevin kostner, somebody who makes all sorts of annoying gear requests for batman and then shares a bucket list with the joker, somebody who has spent serious time with tim robins says something is racist, we better take no. not only has he been the voice of god, but he suffered a meteor attack. >> remi, are these straw polls pointless? >> i think so. what we are learning from the result of the poll is the republican party is completely confused about who their candidate r.z there is no real cohesion. if you have to pay to get
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voters to vote for you in these straw polls, it is a waste. how can you possibly be running for president and ask to be taken seriously and then say i am not going to participate in a poll. that makes no sense to me. is it so mitt romney doesn't have to change his talking points the next time he is giving a press statement 1234* he doesn't have to defend himself for not winning the poll 1234* it seems dishonest. >> you know what doesn't make sense, remi? when morgan free man opened a box and saw beautiful gwenyth paltrow's severed head. she left us so short in her life. what's in the box, greg? what's in the box indeed. >> and how ironic that's what herman cane delivers. >> exactly. they should change the pizza thing. >> you couldn't deliver it to somebody's house. >> in a perfect world, talk about goopy. >> it was a very good day for herman cane. he got th endorsement of
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dennis miller. >> charles rocket is dead. >> rest in peace. >> i am told sinbad is going for huntsman. >> how about carrottop? >> he is endorsing "red eye." by the way, he is a -- what's the word? he is a genius. >> carrottop? >> that's not the word i was looking for. >> i enjoy carrottop's stylings. it takes a lot to make those things. >> do ugly people deserve a fair trial? we will discuss remi spencer's new book "let them die" after this break. and what's this? videos of women flirting? i smell an emmy for this next segment.
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finally joining the 19th century. it is the equal opportunity mandate as they went from scratchy wool to light pollester, king abdullah granted women the right to vote and to run in future elections, but not until 2015 when the next election cycle comes around. he said, quote, there is the element of the arab spring, the strength of saudi social media, and there is the element of saudi women themselves who are not silent. you know who else isn't silent 1234* laser leopard.
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>> that's not a leopard. >> there are no lasers, woman. >> remi, your family is from iran. technically you are from over in that area. so you are basically a pseudo expert. >> that's exactly how it works. >> what do you make of this? this is obviously a positive step, or could this lead to absolute chaos? >> yes, give women the right to vote. it is certainly a good step in the right direction. but unfortunately, and i don't mean to sound negative, but it is a big step. as long as women can't make decisions on their own in the middle east, they can't go to most social situations. if i want to go to the middle east i need to be accompanied by a man. i can't drive a car.
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you don't count, bill. i don't think we can expect women are going to run for office in a genuine sense of the word if they can't live independently without dependence on a man. when we see those sort of social changes, then i think it will be more promising. >> you made me feel better about this. i was worried. i have to say i was worried. >> they are still not going to be able to drive. >> running a campaign without the ability to drive is difficult. it is not easy. john mccain was able to do it, but it is a hard thing to do. in our country the right to vote for women came around the time we took away the right to drink alcohol. >> that is very scary. >> do you think this is the stricter sex that will allow
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this to happen? >> it does president matter. you say can they campaign and they can't drive to the polling place. does anyone realize there are fake elections going on? it is like voting in canada or something. i was just thinking of canada for some reason. it is like completely pointless. it doesn't matter. it does president kick in until 2015. and they are municipal elections. >> i don't even know what municipal means. it is a long word for city. >> it is a muslim principal. >> they head the schools. but there is not much you can do with them. >> i am glad i asked you. you still can't vote here, bill. >> there is no gender. there is no box for me, greg. >> look, they said the elections to the men were not
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nearly as big of a deal as the driving thing. look, i get it. the cor ron -- koron talks about being against them. but they don't call mohamed a prophet for nothing. on that note, do you have a comment on the show 1234* e-mail us at red eye at fox news .com. or call 212-462-5050. please don't tell stupid jokes. say something original or topical. still to come, the half time report from tv's andy levy. he's a jerk. >> tonight's half time report is sponsored by you gnaw cycle, the vehicles with one wheel that resemble bicycles, but #r* less complex. thanks, uni cycle.
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welcome back. let's find out if we got anything. let's go to tv's andy levy. >> thanks, greg. how was your weekend? >> pretty cool. i saw this really weird movie though. >> what was it about? >> it is for a guy who goes on a walk in a park on a saturday night and meets two guys who invite him on a boat. weird stuff happens and the guy wakes up naked and covered in syrup and he is sore all over. then he is hypnotized to realize that what really happen he thought was movie and whether asked how was his
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weekend he talks about the movie. >> how was your weekend. >> it was good. it was weird though. a guy goes with guys and weird things happen and the guy wakes up naked covered in syrup and really sore all over and then hypnotized to think whatever was actually a movie he saw over the weekend and says so when ever anyone asks how his weekend was. >> that's weird. >> so how -- never mind. adam, you said sending pizzas to someone's house, not the best protest strategy. you make your enemies fat and bloated. >> not disagrees with you. >> here is the thing. it is new york. they could order five pizzas from 50 different pizza places.
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>> i will say that takes a lot of phone calls and a lot of time. these people seem very busy. >> we are going to have a lot of pizzas. >> i am worried i may still be -- i should shut up. >> greg, you asked what you could do to get a protesting grandmother to go home? tell her her grandchild is dating a syxa. you said we aren't shown the full story. isn't that the thing? maybe she didn't deserve to get maced, but maybe she did? >> sure, but i think it is unlikely in a crowd full of people that the cops will start macing someone for no reason. >> cops would never do something like that. >> i would like to see the full video. >> i completely agree with you. >> as you should. >> unlike michael moynihan over there.
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>> don't tell steve. >> what's up with that? gee herman cane wins the straw poll. >> you said herman cane being a tea party, but i guess they are not racist. but here is the thing, if morgan free man can say being anti-obama means you are racist, then isn't being pro cane mean you are automatically not racist? >> i feel like i have to take off my shoes to add this one up. >> we have time. >> they have lovely shoes. >> i want to know more about the tea party rally you were at. >> you want to know more? >> it was a low part of my life. and even the memory is disturbing. >> i would rather not talk about it. >> look, it was me --
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>> they were empty. it is called imaginary. >> we are speaking about romney who didn't cam plane in the straw poll. you asked, how can you run for president and not participate in the straw poll? >> the way things are set up, straw polls are completely meaning less. >> why are we talking about it? >> that's the point is to give us something to talk about. >> they call us straw polls so they can make a meaning out of it. >> i would move forward. >> as much as i think they are pointless, herman cane's campaign people tweeted awhile ago that this has been the best fundraising week of his campaign.
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i guess it is helpful for that. >> i have a lot of boring stuff tonight. >> the saudi king gives women the right to vote. you said this is a step in the right direction. >> seriously? >> how can you look at what happened in america in 1920 and even say that? >> i think are you asking for it tonight, andy. are you lucky you are in another studio right now. >> what, he is asking for his floors to be cleaned? yes, he is asking for that. he is asking for that. i don't think he is asking for too much when he feeds you and clothes you. >> see what is happening 1234* i'm on your side. >> i'm pretty sure he ?ot doing that dash i'm -- i'm pretty sure he is not doing that with any woman. >> wow.
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>> wow. >> there are no winner here's tonight. >> we have all been tarnished. >> whenwoman king of saudi uh waib yes, ma'am -- when i am king of saudi arabia women won't even be able to talk. >> it is called the kingdom isn't it? >> it is called the kingdom. >> have i seen upon tee -- i have seen monty python. >> greg, i had more stuff, but like i said it was really, really boring. >> not like the stuff you offered us here. >> no, that was the good stuff. >> just think about the stuff i didn't say. >> probably couldn't. >> the good news is we only offended half of our viewers. >> just think if we had gone further. >> how was my weekend? coming up, debra messing
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well, the dean of the dorito has been frito-layed to rest. the man credited with creating dorritos as the first national tortilla chip brand -- i didn't know it was a tortilla chip -- died at the age of 97. arch west was his name. he was a tree toe-lay -- frito-lay exec came up with the idea vacationing in san diego. it is like an episode of "mad men." his family says during the funeral they plan on tossing dorritos in before they put dirt over the urn. suddenly i am hungry.
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let's discuss this in the -- >> lightning rooooooouuuunnd. lightning round. >> this guy -- so he lived to be 97. every time we do a story on fast-foods or jk food pioneers, none of them die under the age of ninety. why? >> junk food is the healthiest thing for you. there is a large conspiracy to cover this up. sugar, salt and saturated fat are the corner stone to everything. >> that's true. i am not a doctor, but have i heard this -- well just now i heard this, but i find it very compelling as a diabetic. the greatest thing about this story is i actually saw this today in one of the newsletters.
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the men created dorritos and came and did a little story. he created dorritos by going to california and stealing something from a mexican guy. it was like, -- >> it is an aspiring story. >> and his name is like arch pudington. >> do you think when they scatter his dust he will get a weird film on their finger? >> i love this man. i say this in jest. he has made our lives richer thanks to his snacky goodness. >> i think they should sprinkle the dorritos over the casket or wherever they will do. it it is a moving tribute. i'm sure these cheesy tortilla chips changed their lives. they have contributed everything to the dream. >> you are going along and waiting for this sentence.
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>> neither of you thought they were tortilla chip? >> i thought they were dorritos. >> greg is right. they are not tortilla chips, they are dorritos. what is a tortilla chip? you dip it in something. dorritos are self-contained. you ruined -- you don't ruin cool ranch with a dip. why would you do that? >> it is like saying a dorito is like a for tee yo chip is like saying the bride of wildenstein is like eve. >> it is just sponge cake. >> there is a creamy center that will last until the next ice age. >> this guy is a hero. >> they will open the bag, right? >> there is so much more air in there.
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>> do you remember the chips for awhile that were shaped like tacos? >> the chips were shaped like tacos? >> they were shaped like tacos. they were awesome. they disappeared because the dorito people ran out of business. >> we have this videotape. >> we have guest editors there. >> next topic on monday, president obama visited the headquarters of linked in, the professional networking site. there it is. obama says his title is president at united states of america. awkward, but it fits the format. the profile hasn't been updated since 2009. it lacked any boast about his achievements since taking office. he should have like killed osama. that's all he has to do.
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here is the thing, michael? >> yes jie. what is linked in. here is the thing. i get those e-mails and all i know is it is something that bothers me. >> people add you at linked in. i don't know. i thought it was friends. i thought it was an early facebook thing. apparently i did a little research, and apparently it is a job thing where you network with people. should the president be networking as my next job? >> the preposition thing was worrying. >> is that the format you have to use at? >> it is facebook for the working class. >> why don't you feel this way about dorritos? >> it is for the professionals.
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>> it is a social networking site for the professional world. i'm on linked in. there are no silly jokes and silly videos. >> are you not boring. >> maybe i did say that. >> adam, the thing that i realized how linked in gets you is when you google an exand you find out where she -- an e and find out -- an ex and find out where she is and then get to her through linked in. >> maybe this is how we saw the job crisis. you are googling an exand the next thing you know you have a job and are a cpa. >> and obama's profile is really dated. >> fingers crossed for the state senator. >> bill, are you on linked in 1234*.
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>> i'm like you. all i know is the e-mails. i feel like they hack into those people. i don't know if they say, we need you to update your linked in. but it was bad when i was freelancing. all i would do is to remind. it is code for being unemployed. all it did was remind us our friends had jobs. >> you know people at linked in, you know who they laugh at? people on plaxo. >> did you ever get an e-mail from plaxo? >> plaxo was a weird social network. >> it is still out there. >> it got rid of my ugly rash and replaced it within uglier scab. >> according to researchers, sex is becoming more affordable for men. sthangs to the recession, women are jumping into bed
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faster and with fewer exspeaning sh -- expectations than long-term commitments than ever. so the price of sex is at an all-time low. >> i am married now. this comes at the totally wrong time. but it is really cheap to have sex and i am married and have a baby. this is a depressing story for me. how do i phrase this delicately? it has been getting easier since like 1968. it is getting a lot easier. i don't think the recession has a lot to do with it. >> interesting point. >> does this disgust you as much as it disgusts me? >> is that sarcasm going? y does it disgust me? i don't think women are having sex with lesser expectations now than they have been. i agree with what you are saying. it may be easier to find women who will sleep with you thanks to plaxo.
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>> i know plaxo is what you take after you sleep with her. >> only you, bill. >> it is not working. >> what do you think? what's your take on this? >> i can't figure it out. i am on the same -- i am on the same boat as you. it is hard for me to know what anybody in the real world -- >> is this a massive cry for help? >> this is a terrible story. >> there are three married people here. >> bill, what is your theory? >> i don't buy it. it will warm your heart to find out it is just as crappy as it was before the recession. it wouldn't be opposite would be true. guys withobs and even better than that, good jobs be more of a commodity, and wouldn't you have to work harder to get any type of girl? i think any type will not get laid, period.
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>> here is my theory, this was a terrible story. it was a story pitched. -- do have i to go? she is going like this. no, it is one of the stories where somebody pitched their news editor and it was like, they couldn't think of anything because it is slow news. >> it does -- doesn't contain any fact. >> either that or we left it out because we didn't have time. there is more show to come, not a lot. there is more so don't leave now.
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well, it has been way too long since my last back roup, but also -- back rub, but also since we said, guess the story. as always, you can play along at home by writing your answer on the floor in mint chocolate chip ice cream. i can't stress this enough, use any other flavor and it won't count. we have been through this before. here we go.
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back to tv's andy levy for the post game wrap up. >> michael, how do dictators stay in power? i'm asking for a friend though. >> well, tell him he can look -- i wrote about this in yesterday's wall street journal. i am pitching something from yesterday. >> excellent. >> remi, you will be on "nancy grace" later today? >> no, not later today, but a
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week from today, next tuesday. i will be bringing the defense perspective to that -- >> better go out and kill someone. >> a very pros couldial-type show. >> excellent. >> thanks, andy. >> how is the book doing? >> the book is continuing to do well. we also have a children's version of the book called, seriously, just go to sleep. it is coming out in april. it is appropriate to read to your young one. >> that sounds boring. >> i low pressure on "hannity" tomorrow night. >> tonight you mean? >> yes, later tonight jie. we are pretending this is on at 3:30 in the morning. >> have i no time it is. >> i think by now they know we are lying.
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